HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-01-18, Page 1t , . • • ..*` • -.eater -"1"1181111111eramer or, LOOK T YOUR LABEL I IT SHOULD BE MARKED PAID FOR FIFITTHIRD YEAR --2761 net MAIMILIET REPOR1. limeMbil Jae. 17 117111. 0 el se IC I le be 6 10 1 lo 10 1* •••••••••••••••• • ....Moo AA 01 1.11 10 err.* •• • • •••••••••• 0.... te 0 40 or."... MP" 1110.••••••..• • • 11 to 0 00 •• R11•••••••••••••••••• bAlo• a, to 0 •• • eeeee to 41 00 • /11. ••••••••••• 01111611 -.........1510161 0 10 tri •13 to •••••••• .... 6 60 to ? I DI le 6 •F • • ••••••• • ••••••••••• 0 00 so 1 I 7i to OO 6110 to 6 ••••••••••••• • 11 13 •• • • ••••••• ........... 0 li • ••• ........... • • • • • • te to 0 11 4qr*ur Is "to 0 00 0 MS 6 Cot 116 is 4 61 11010261 Eli11IK1011 Wear& $ALI Or MSS BRRD 1 *Tell 121e Wit alai PMI. IirotairmiU held a patio sale ell omeer t. Goths (I man tiodertek es the I/ ;AV, FHB. 14, 19M. • I 'elm* ref., at Web this Nit frau 7weesithr sabre sad seed 664 Bmiars. a Memo Dews,4 sod 5 maths a 11=a1011Dettektrie Vaal ibou'h& sad ef peed moat • lei co far estallecee te Isaac litslitsM. Gads -• 'n..:-tge aseadM credit will he glees ea fereleldec mamas lelat news. • 4. 1.1.1 Wiesebe gab. 111•LERLD BROIL THOS. GUIDRY. Preprisiesere Albetimoom. Wederiele, OM. or -r- • 81Mrltlere EKIIMEIL • jaiNit1 JORDAN. itifkupig=lireealisrPee8MaLlarat air aritillraez.1" Amok fee= et X MI:=114.4mmarrerth-et. Ilabedlet skairelt bee 11RIORRiCIE 0. SIMPSON, ON 1I1IA ANDRIT IL !TACKIER Zgee.larfreiriar *ra.= 1=.118. IMP W. 41.14x4sulta. &1181.11. r=waralliromiessw nraUtrow."="C7.7.«..rn"" 0M......04111:ifICEadadraetag. -421rgeederfirtritere=shrial 5.4 . riM0121= sad waiter sabre. 11S alteatiena lestimestele- WAIMINI-T1PM/ MIK maiiiiiirs t ar 1..ENT.117.E"'imag %war • BW'.X es 1170.66.6sop. Salaam Me WASTEtt -A SMART WILLING ortathee nada Amer le TIM 111.401/de • =c - wands*. OTICI 11 MIRY 017111 THAT mow shasmiss ea otherwise treepar la= nine Mtn Met . POW* NORIO& Egrigi f MJROI 00UNTY mearerbilhe7esioMy ef Mersa will ggethezlimiweettestrer. joineftesiment X. LAX& I.Y. Clark. Ihred "1111111116.. MN. 1161 C 111. lirWeexah tril=ritatworliel by re Aetteleeraltso sed oon matins aid by s Wombed. Turettore Wa71:41tR $1•IrdOW tat ihe Acerbate 11 WIR1111 01,1161 THAT harm made te the= sr Velleerelf. ler oeVhs lows la esenalies will the mild tait ren t* lietwire stud operate • Has el rein beaza rnaulft...frem Port 'IL' = awl sparebe albs ed 1166 Ihaob *66 W : Mta=menei Milit4 mese mid Beide' roach or 066? the *wee la • soatberly d cm neer re taliewln • itfGasit= • • -I'1 1. three Miss kat WI -13p 1.4341,41..1:›IZTO. 1•TIE3W8PAILIP31111. OP 1-1,714.01sT 00"CrINTT'Ir. GODERICK ONTARIO. CANADA : JANUARY 18, 1900. LOOK AT YOUR LABEL. RENEW YOUR SUBSCRIPTION TO "THE SIGNAL" FOR 100. A LOSS TO OODIERICH. des. Windows sea Irousity Leave fee Miatesepolle-Iarewell addresses. Ooderiek this week loses wet of its bea- k iii•n faitliee Mc sad lire. Jeci. me and their dasebtere leavies to sake their future home in Miausairells, where Mr. Wilkiliwoo's three seas sew reekle. Yr. 9V ilkisess ler • very Wog period bed b... actively musielsted ie alkali week la ommeaties with the North otroitt Method - 1.6 eoagr000ttoo, sed the memoirs ef the sonoregation deemed It betties limb tlery should, on the •ve of bls departure, make mime reargelticie of Ole brae aad faribtal serviette sod glee some ozpressies of the esteem is whcir Gay bold hiso mad hts fast- ily d000rdieetv, Moeda, Gnaw • tarewell acberies wee Mid as the shwa tn spite of the apleaseat weather wan well attended. After refreshowitte had lees partakes of, Jaw Lama took Me *bait sad Mr. Wit - hams tree ailed to tbe plateful. TM hyena "We'll All Gather Home 6. 16.. Mere hee Was lervensty wag, awl the ehairmas, Mier oliva • *abate le Mr. WIlklasee, whom he had Munn fee ever forty years, sod le Me members .1 6.6. ealled eiv a Rev. Mr..Wileon, who read the folkertag oakum : Fremtter aad moseteme as 61166.6*.ma. chunk Cadwick. 1Jat.. to their brother. James WUtilases. Dana Berretta -Leaman that yea are *beet to remove hap elmo$iwO 66, W• IOW that we ought to eft wow (repression ef ear apprecti•ties e1 ear teliewskip losether wiik you In Marsh rela- Manahip tee se mairy years. Tan are 564 .567 living hake remalaisi whlehoon. 'tea the with Me wetly Nbreirediam et this Pea. The line Illethalles esniass i. tale menuesaity da'• Mak a early se 1833. As • are leader your causal rola Mos le the ohm ob dates bat as arty as February, 1848, end therm Isecliet oauddemeste Meek hal eva. bury year seembereesip has esalinned hen Is 1849 sad • few Wawa* years. as a exhorter ead legal preashee, you were 6. beerated la essay .1 66.. early revivals whit* leek plea In parte el Omierich aad Manley learehips,sail la all them ware yee Mire had meesiated yea year geed wife, skeet %flatiron, wheat we esteem as nese\ ma are es rename a part left\ a with rem The Is • lege We of eserealea with the oberob sae emanntaity ; adeed, the priviliste la weesleted se very tew people Mese whe began the Ombra. life witb vire hairs gene en late Me beyeed. Yee sad aster Wlikbasee are permiteed te re ale • Mitie lager la the aura asthma. We roma Mai yea said set Mos ma. tined la ehis ategregethea *001 yes bad intabied the sad of year Chriatime jeerney Mt Provide's, ha imaiwiraly ordered that wen abseil go S.616666 es Wit meet here this evenimr, see ameoly 51*6 erpeamista et seedwill, bet Mee te awns* yea thee es mem ben .1 11. shwa we weal nee target rar old peeptmer the scram easy have readered ie the amok Moab la resent yeam by roman et ag° they seat sod have emillesa 11, be se malt ewes& 66185158 ~hare at Is fareseir year W. wll! Wee beg jrieu and abase Winans t• asap. Mb small rift ae • mamas of year lag ewers with no here6. the Mande el year ettarwr. We se- am you this eer p167516 501 16.1 .66. will fellow yea 81 year ma aad dame plea ef remalkees. aad espeelally will we pray Mai your deslining years ary be year Wei nano 8166the Lad may give are great *sea agil Feriae yea the Mar mar - sees as you seem dews to the elegiac been ef 6.1. thae lbws '.416 he mberietered 6. year abnadar embeas late the srwriaar. kar hamlets ef ear bred sad &Timm JI C6161 '• In behalf of North -et. a..hare, Aped) J•sra WzLso., POKOI. A. V•aarow. J. P. Saws. Jose Aeneas. Jame Warmar S W. MoIsamma J.O.W. VAS•17111. Chided* Jar 164. 1900. R. W. MeEesale, la wrestles idr. Wilkinson with the ens 61880 ow behalf ef the aggregates, apnoea the berme Wadi wae feit by .56 .1 hi. depart.. Mr. 1. 1654, were a wait • idemiell eel to the teem TM iikeir *be sopeele14 lateresUid he Mr. Wifkbmee's boys, aro al wbem had hems hi We denies mid ture d the bese boa he had one Mel is his etre. Mr. MeHeare worker that 6.s seemittee had Morph* N brew ea pram* Mr. with the messy Mn is pre Mee same arable es Mirk be acid have be pay dell When be Aye be Mrsitemlie be amid eareasse semethiag sad keep It as • seesseate 11 blefiederieb Meade. D. Melillionddy sol Jabs Wyse aloe Mate, eareesia ',omelettes ef Mr. Wilkinesa's worth se a WWI sad mgrs. a* the remora et Maid me Mr. Wilkhare .11 6.. hardly Mem he. reply to the leaterieg 51144 616* has bees expramed by Me Mr.& Ng gm alreether egrorred 11.1 6.6. family am he Menet 'Meld be bet/ is the high rime 11.1 1.4 6.... espreemed, and shkerth usrpoised Ir felt very erstehd to Me parte et Nerthot Mena aid hi the el Cm awe ter Mese espremelese. 11)14:111 amosially pleased al sember the• had tree or se bid them go= It had .6*boo •• all a pleasant be erre est. be• he saw quite • number el old Meade, him& eat hed Mood by him 'Madera Wanted. QBAls111) TINDERS WILL 1 1lmo1 16.1:i Pr•rd17a deamd up6ga6. 3r . eb.,,trie *6401 a IN IA, =. 7 by =Zialtrrir;$.8earoate. lieei. "wages ihaMa*86 gaitNW11.101. Wow Patd the . armteet,Larry,Mir . Jemmy 111E10/1116 W1114. 11 1111CWIViD 1171 • ea.., ner. eesellsr estambetteo. either or saws, tlis ealkalreedge Temeay. Crew= al-anyA* Lir" ylit =.16.4. for mese ea itwe .e1.6. 5440554 2 g000loorierneemelesmaretrocwiermatemottow thalele-HP011. •o*l tO MOM W-01 Annieutistitp. • • • " triads thes lied berm .166. 6.1.. Meade that had Mid up Ole Meas, fele very graefel te than all for coming es bid him • prod bye. kis award them for the or- Ca=read sad tor Ma wombat. lie eseveyed la the eddies. .6.6.8 woad not forget daring the years te oora tin pestle with wheal he had esserdaisd foe at may yews la souolestes, he ado all mod -bye cad s.ks4 hat the Lied frigid Mess them a% eatweitilly the yeas Moak - Afar reallatleast by Mies red lithe Lutes linage* brief &adverse from Mesere. Ilarrew. Stews aad VsaraNwt, the embertos was brought to • elms by Me Cosine of • Irma ad this promenneha the haudottee by Rev. Mr. Waken. Darla the assay slay teak anagon to have • (reel• word of farewell -h Mr. Wilkiaaa sad his wile sad 11. 616.... %Chian. Tb. same 'reales Owe wee • gatherise et the members of the Mork el Kees Mara al Me renditime et Thes. hickessie, 'no- ises wawa, to bid geed.bye to Miss Ere %%thiamin. who ter a stabs( et years sad been a velar member el the Meek. gift Wilkasea was preseated with • muse sew tartar See U.S. $5 4054 Pl••••• bmwallsb- red by the helhergee address, erbileb was *16 6., Mr.ddelalwor Dere name,- We, the seemben of the Mak aad ettegregatias el Kra shark, hare harped with the deeper rear that yea are Mary to leave as. aad therefore Hie ✓ earm reoeirtea et the ear .57 10 mar se tearer. We cm sever forges year ready mad hiehly appereated ankrasees to *8. 5051 ernimi of this March ad feel be mired that may scale Ian bese "uplifted .8ate wings of and richly bleared thragb this inetramentality. To the an emegation whit* you have mead Moreton your thwarters will leave a' vaunt plea wag will be hard tidied tie fill We ea Ma been latinately -.-'--d what you la ..1644rIertes, .066 466 regrobersa are to • van espeeial maser and we nabs. today. 'awe forcibly arbors shaa was la this peek he. valuable ain been year servals to all made loving people ban. La easeluides we ask you 10 50005* Mb parse as • visible mark and ameato of ler seoranatiee sad gift. wishes. Ban wand that oar Medea W16616 .are years sad Ma yam ereemrity eas ewer beam* se great that WO WW 666 metes blieresi tor year anew; deeper thee ear sympathy. 861.44 .6 Wall of esatzlhaters. J*. Tatoseon. Y. Imam. Oplerieli. Jaa. 164.1200. Mks W Chinese oedema appreabrie ;44, appreeistion Madly s 6 Mai bad hem stows Wards her by *1. members of the seek. The party thou e at dews be as eater , s.d daring 18. remaieder ef the eenge sad Is e tramemel mereelime roes Mrs by8 em- ber et these Mr. sad rii'-ot 6•4" 4. sums E a sad On Wildman left yererday aftes meat for their /OW haw Yam Maggie end Hata ail ;aye in • few days, the fee - am be mead • Mere Mr with her Mier, Mee. Braylopy, 6. 11.16., aad 6116Mattis a may at Oak nail wing, thes {Make Me Wally as laaapelis. AROUND TOWN. U. 0.1. Lerma tar Soctrry.-The Col- legiate Lemma Literary 8.01ety 16. Ma neerianieed fee the hewer term with the hillsoria *elan : Presidene. W. Ilakett; dret vise president, W. Realise • ..osud Mee 5055.45.4, Mles Quirk Reitortema smeary, lames Maass ; treamar, Mir Okies Beeleamen ,• eatiretery SI eseasaittee, awe Daisy 11•••Iy ; ••••••11.1., IL V Boyle, Mime Mad Wilms. Dig, CLIIVILLID. -Oa the 8th lea Celia 1144161, .is DebeW MerasU, died la the hospital et tilde, el par° paenaisais. The remise were bagel t, Gebel* ea Tuesday ..16. 01 bee week led ea Weiser'', afterglow' tke femoral irk plan km the &WIT reeidenee, earner ef Nina amine sod Welleeley-ok. Rev. Jr. A. Arlene§ eseedariast re s- .16 Tbe Massed was eel, twenty- tires mare of s. A Been-Howrieto 8c10. -1a Pridbare Mere wisdom this week wee sellidted • realty ail et 68. 6.6.4 .86.1 6. a be used by the members of the Northwest Mounted Fella he Beath atria. Is is of Me khaki ..4.r, .4 shirk we 16*66 mak sewadaye, sad the esarrial reirkla. The salt ha • very eetatasteal mad sertimable appear - me, le beldam be Adjutene Bohm, and we hope he wIll bo 54 t Mel wellwers bet asseathed. Hodes, Votat.-1he erealsettee meet. lae at the Gederkr "rise" wee held te the Mostry rem of the rialt Torday. tbe 9tle ft*. TM seal formalities wire tea ibreegb sad the (ottani Mime erre skated ; Seeretary, I/. Hyslop ; War Clark. The eser*SWV rim testreeted to write le Meta, Restart \ and ease Meese te snap jam maim, ad after eIr.. sheen ter the .Its the seatiait *55 adjourseill..-Coet. Brass' Ansionestay Sutra'. - The mashers el Ismail= Camp, Sees of Elar Md. are aellyely preemies ler the sapper le he area ea th• main' of the 26..b kist. 6. selobraliee of Mr Err sealvreary, demo e larim &5.01s Is The b• WO to the Belida In rpm ad.these wrest will he Aka. freeer. a to. the °read Cale' ef the Sem Gr Seetlead. nye( McKay, et Medal, *ill be Mere with Me bagpipes, and alemsettese Mere will be • grad Sloe. RovoL how -Yolimrlete ere the ef. Ikon of Ueda** 11••1 41e06.60. Ns 91111 fee the year 1900 t W. D. Tye, Rawer ; P. B. La Mete Merest I ft erre, ; ([.8. amber, merary Ph Hp 6611, Immo Wm. Campbell. svi/iserr J 4.1 Plea. aaphda ; Paw Me. 1eely *Oise 1, thowybell. Ault*: 1FL Week Wes. Pr66l8.s, hasher y mete* W. P. T. see Wm, Prouder, arttres. rearteh bee err a m re- hrehlret Mehty, sad *8.earl orimberelitp et the order le gees 65.6 100,000 Ile imam nom** 50teerse.-Y•st1(- 167 seseabia ea latereseleM rem mow- eetrre1.1. Emet irVad Moe M 68. 104.11 nlaves, Seen strew, The rem nosy was performed se de &Mr by Rev. Jr. A. Aaderaes, way lateledirs Menlo .4*6.. beide sad rem brag preatali The beide. who orend ea ere al bow Wiwi W. 0. Pram me dearer is meat 60.5- .616. w1.ins4 with sable sad embreid. red Mahe, sad awe • Milroy hall area velvet with Mateo sal 1444 with pleb Myr Tbe weddiem mete* .1. ho64s :* e jd byVttd.. trier 715 •4. 01110* lortowieser trip *blob wl I lode& Lerma eir ether Metals 16816. Tire Maw, :tite the S141101, smengieleee assaideal 4191:1=8;°'11); '1,.• • • • , . • . • • • , •• - D. leGILLIC UDD Y EDITOR. Illinadees; 1.1.0 , Win. Babb ; V.0 , N.D. Resew earetary, W. W. Me/hear; lean - o165 awrwary. 501 Om& 1114•00eNahr ; see.. Or. trait& • war.. X.T.. Cat- tle.' R.11.111.0., Thom Naks •' L. 8. N. (1., Rat. Campbell ; L . Oturs, Shepherd ; R 8.8„ B. breckearldge L & 8., it. R. lidwarde ; R.8 V. , 0 Rhysea; L S. V.G , W. Chembell I G. G., A. Jamas. rosamma • Twits Asiotasittori -There wee • well seseada uteetiss of lemon of the tart as Mendel arnica for the Purina, 00 feesaisig en aseeoleters ‘a Ms lateens of WHO sport la Ooderiela It was decided to term • islet nook 05.pa07, 1.• be known se 816 (654.0111 Turf hesooretion, Limited. Ti. ospatal meek will be 25.00e. .6 .6.6.6* 82,000 is 40 6.. paid Op. Appliamion for • Mortar will he made at the °maws essaios of the Laphreara The peal:deal °Moen el the Amernatiee are : Progreso Dr. J. B. Wistiely ; pearliest, E. (. Attrill ; semetary, W. 1. �.r16i treasurer, W. Proasher. Ouraca.Loss' Sere t, D• noes. - P are Wag 1116. 11 66455145 the .540*60.01 William Camilla a • terra leaelllor, a Me woad .1 65.8 of „Lpirmerte qualiheatiem Mr. Complain on Saturday wee eared with mottle el mottos is the °see, tad WM motion .161 16 heard by Jag* Medea ea Monday mere A. D. Gammon the relater, ad al solace,6. L It, Decay. Mars. Preudloot & Hays Mee reaved beetruatam to take protadiage 5. veld D. l.nftideit's *Imam. Oait of the grenade ter action stesteined la Mr Con telea'e gam is the kirlag of rigs to cavity mare be the 55416. NioriPAIIIRII TO VIA Y . a -Poet- ewe ere throughout the Datedalea have bees welled that a limited quitatity of mws papers will be °erred during the winter sasses to Dawson sad Allis, is the Y ekes Territory Tb. lestrecuione 114504 18. probbitioe et the transmalon ot mire. papers *1.idursdrovawswilosl T. Disown clipc(undayseapettity.::k.z.,.... 16.616 4•300i.ipte.s.da500 ant weakly. Rulway esaimasiestles bar rag bees estabileha iretweira Rhaeway &ad Boastal, mail malaria all olawee addressed to Soasets or Lm Cake peetefloes will... be-wersialeted from soy point math. Cita RIND ihrt•nur ScrooL TUUMS11. - Os Monday wealag, at the tows hell. Charles Reid wee sentineled ty Leal. BUD, seconded by John H. Amara& a public .obool Watts. tor St. David's word, te itoroolirto the emu A. 8 Chip tok.realgued. As this was dm only imam RENEWALS FOR POO. _ A number of our subscrib- era have reuswed their sub- scription to THE SIGNAL for 1800. To these we extend our best thanks. There are, however, Some who have aG14-yst sent in their renewals, and of these W0 would ask au early remittance of the subscription for the year. Don't let time fly before re- newing for it is not a good policy to put off till tomorrow what you can do today. Now is the time to sub- scribe. The price is one dol- lar a year, in advance. atm rewired, bow. reit Mabel! &Mara Mr. Reid eieseed. The saint beard lies .56 .6. fall lumbar a oftab.c.., as bakes : Dames ward, Kohl. McLean, Chem. Hold 8t. Parish's weed, W.. itehenea, 8. H. Collages ; At. Oireese'e ward, M. Nisieeleen, Nam Blake 8t. Andrew', ..td, (bet Craft's. g. W. Ball. &man Gaper( -dr $6. wessitiag ol Oidlelloa last week, .5 .56.6* the install.- tios of t thaws by D. D. (I 11. Bro. J. M. Proudfoot took place, the Icillowfue resole Don, moved by Bro. Ches. Naive, sad e mouded by Bre. F. T. Lear's." was peered "Va. we Is with rata that ear Bee. J. M. Proudfeet, wko hail sated se beg sad felthtelly ta th• diecharge of the duties of seeretary aad who has devoted reeidemblit thee la Ws building of 050 55 hat Is swot to reams from unouree as, sad 60 65564 mom that s hearty veto of a the Leda be eandend to Bro. Preening for his par seinume, 6•41 kW§ that to 157 651 la kb new beer is the Serb as may fresh' ea he harm Whited la hie old." We sailleresod ChM • Par lirsd's repel will b• ear be Mr. Preeedfast 16. 8. .14 64411. On yo na W4a.-4meast the *Meer el the Casedlem esialle•••• for South Ahrlos le leateeter Baker, .4661 Ploralwas Negated Prim who he 1.0. 01650654 as adjurer .1 05.8 D readreas el the Woo to 6.4 heave as the (Nadia Manta R Adiateet flakw. who Is • law of florae Hottoo, of Mira, was la &Pad, e a • eat to hie mother, whorl he reerdved teethe el him appeletwient. With Mn. haw and Uri, dattabtar, who had boa la Reiland hier, he mitred le 0.4.0658 55 Meaday loft yeshivas, fee Oreere 1 4s the form Atintaat Behar 61 • Wady Manta .of ralkotl. .64 immeare fen, ird.Sed te a written Is me 116.1 51 the haw shish • reatad epea 6. Mob UN Raker Vaerl O etem ire. .6* 05114.6* kred har ndee. Mher bob's pio of "emir abroad h A. Y. -Taw f•II•wie• sewer el llaishise Lod" 116. id, 1. P. 8 A M., bags Um beaded toe *slaw 1100: 110. W._p. Ty& W. nti 5••. o. Potter. 1. P. DA. II W. Verb. W. j V. .I. T. 1. 6661. 50. D. el VA 1 ; Seat Teaset& W. ; W. Rm. 4 liaistaftwook. . 16 few. re os 66*6.68 IS.'.. M Venue, meg L. A, waft., Gram I De. AG«, 6, W. ; wol„ Tosiq. j. W. Ow. I 0111AL ; '-vokarktti•0 t4.s 1 St mnesiaO. ; titels,. n A at J $ ae D..fiessel• R. ei J.i. • lir W. II ia, 0 1 dm II. W. D, de 11 The an el lag when the rdeotlos allows for the re - matador of the sesesa took plea. Two sew members were atImitkad, which snakes • total membership t�l twestyels Tbe rooms ore • One plate in wiltob W aped the eyealere. There is • plum sod es sioaLlest Boor for dander la the Wirt room, wbere dawns/ lemma are gives awe • week Taws is also . "gym" flfled SD with horizettel bor, mattressee, dambbelia, albs, peachiest- bage, swag -beard, eligib- le( ropes wad a ample of ate et Males ( lova There 54. nicely furnished parlor with card tales sad plenty of flood lite. - tare, leoladisg two dimly papers. Here Hie deb reselyee visitors, holds Ds weekly de- bates. thaw, ereausce ead trustaase meet - Wire. The roome are open •vory evades inapt Readays. Gunmen RUILTIct/LTVIIAL 80C1111r. - Tbe ..anal arsine .6 16.. Ooderieh Hatt. ortItorel Beelety Wee Inia is the eiroreary's *Ea ea .11A05.ry 10811. There were preseet John Oak, W. *"meat, T. Natal, J. 8. 6150.1611, A. Moll Allen, P. New, J. W. lialkeld, C. Well., H W. C. Mattel sad W. imps. The &editors' mateareas wee pa mated, shown. Moresee of resipte over Lb* preyiose year of $21 The total lees for membership were 16439. Governmeat groat 1193rd army pant $20. lifters. 0.1* end Worse& moved this The Habil be peados!. Carried. Mr. Noted wits Qom dusted to the chair by Mr. Allan, the re. sires peskies*. Oiler offirore worn elected ea follows : Vies preeideat, Junes Stewart; morstory treasurer. W. Len. ; threaten, Wm. W mooch , J. S Marshell, Chas. Wells, Celts Campbell, A MoD. Allan, Joke Dalt, F 61 reliant, J W. Selkold red Geo. Andrus sediti.rr, R. O. Reynolds sod S. P. 11.114. Messrs. AIWA ssd Galt were appo.ntrd to owlet the ocenetary as mak 0( 581 the repots to the Government. Toe Fres nadersterd tbst berl of the bleehastoi 1 istitste eta Appear Mimeo rbittecit amass 4 ^ZA tits regular mamma tomorrow events(' to mate ropmentettoos in retard to the abseiling oi the Ileehanioe' lustitele to the owlets of a free !Orrery. TM rooent vow ea the gaie- ties losvie so doubt ea to the opinion of the rsispayete owsoersisr the proposed atop, wall we haw so Ides that the members of the oaussil wish to do .1151 .6. than terry out the wellies of the people, but it may not be maim to point out the moessity of taking mite* Immediately. 11 the °outwit shoall pet of We matter antil soother meeting* and thou for aay reams should foil to make 16.. proposed omage, it would be :pooh mere difficult let thib lostituto head 6. 1.6 remabor's 511 part of the yew would be moo, and it le difficult esornik le get membors wise M. fel/ year. privilege. Of mans, tickets or sot be me d at all sow, se We publto library kr or - meted to be in fall swtes with** • few •ans. Th. wanael should, seder three earourasteemes, siot 4.1.11sly et owe. SAIrm..n - The reddest). of Mr. ad hire..4ohn 3.11.14, Boyllirld road, wee tbe seem 01 • quiet bet very pretty wedding on Wednesday evening, the 10th an., when Uwe Finery 811.64 wee sailed in 0015164. to George 50,16.. Only mediate retakes witnessed We °areaway, oltiob took place at 8 e'eieek, Roy. Jasper Wilson, id A., ofiloistJag. Tbeale4o.,./e6.e wee Riese sway by her father, was attired la • eatume of blue Rturriel oord, trimmed • 1.h rim el roses clk end wirer 1r67 ter. Sias earned s buoon of white roses. 16*it bridesmaid, Mks Jeanie %ilea, Mem of (nem, wore • etak ellk waist aod orts- poe skirt, sad ft:ref Mak cerestites. Hsrry L Salkeld, brother of the bride as sisal Um Immo. The wedding werob was pleyed by 61115 010058151055. The bridal room was beasehtlly decorated with evergreens, earastioos sad byetintlie. The young ample are Maid is high racard by • barge .amber of Woods, se was ehows by the sissy mail and valuable wedding pros ea& Mr. sad Mrs. Mara let. 'bust mid - eight, an shaven of Mom old Woes and reed wham for thek fame hem', Maple Sada, Hamm reed. Dmim or Mum Ouvea.-We are eery te kites be reeerd 166 45616. M Mime Jambe Direr, mourned es Friday evestee ism% at her home on 11111M1 avenue. Mee Oliver was aka 161 about three weeks ago elth elowstion of tee earesseb, and to • pite of all that oeuld be dose by medical asteadaset acid °eras5 nursing, her sister, • skilled nurse, base with bet amnia:tat her tbe attack resulted. fatally. Althouch Male Oliver and her mother had lived 1l twdetioh too oomparotivoty few veers, haying prerioesly resided la Ciliates for &eine time, she had oedema herself to her &role e1 friends bore, and will b.,ad miesed. By alt who keel, her elle 666 Mara wed highly esteem& Aar mother, from whom a levies daughter hew gime, sad her other **lettere have our heartfelt sympathy la their grab loos. The retests' Imre !Lid at roe la Maitland Cemetery eit Moaday •1I.06000 the Newel being primits Rev. Ales. bteWart, of Clistoe, assisted by Rev. De Ws at am holm, am dotted tbe warvisee 16 the pall•bewers e au James W.16., W. end Itsouild Mertmeld. of Seatorth t H. R Hodeme, of Chutes ; J. N. Reraliase, el Benniller, sod Mayor Waists. Ha us Lernwo Hot Lloirr Baum -We have Wore se • oopy of the Chrietatee boa of the r d • fleasim, psbilehed et Hamilton, &grenade It tromslue • number of (Adana stales sad ethw metier appropriate te • holiday peallestlea, bet the anise .6 6*.. eateate erbielb Interested se .16 6. a story by Dr J. R. Le Teazel, eon of .1, IA Tomei, of taws whe ear readers k..w 1. Prattling Me ;retakes te 1 he ass - girt inlay, TM 6664. 1. " A Bees• freer Csaadise Rural " It le, Indeed. • theta Sather time • stay, sad M$.% me Italy ens who "16 hese “ efts de It, the ernseetneata of the nail notirlota el Canada dark( the water Naas sad par - Calmly the amok tea Ineeelat eve radon, may of whom have oresded rate ef thee, Jelly @eels! pribetiere, the *Ma as46.s seem NM • " twisateld talk" bat rill it le bfiew.•••, wad 11. al Ow- etwia bad EN lt falafel d et seolt so ailmt - 'As ima rovre•Ps air it, the thin te the Imp, Me rover. the " arsorana.'i a. dila brae 104 116 .14.,. More. Mr the wads lo• tele .16 01 116,1.150.4 e airy this* lbws la • bow wh• 4.640 6. Me halm Mee weribee--whielt pen haps le aim* lypiallef • ever sag dm. he ••••••• Noma weal ansehme. date so Ilta Awn Potleat.--ilasy el est realletzlzet:.bflr bat Ines ab• was • maws •1 will elm web josh eforxedgett Ws. Area NINA. *8* Devoe, Nwth D•b•ft. •• Deena's. Slab The some W Mon ma aegr pe -is, Mr. ROMA ereM ham Mae XI *wry skies law wren gist lee 6 hsi IOW se NM IS lard, onesse•••• to TS fit *Midi elm bad bra s midge tad matey yew. 11141. • rums a refits tog l• (6.1 A it le amps 00 illosh bre life, hem which we leers Met she woe bore la Glancow, theettand, leer arida imam Wag *41. 1.1611.. *hoot the age of Minas years she removed with her seether to Umeade, loceding at Galeria. la 1880 she went to Drityete, Dakota, when .1. 11.54 goal 1386, whim she was marled to the tato Samuel Pollock. of Goderloh, sad cisme back to Goderich. After Um death si bar halmed she again 616 6. Draftee, when she raided with ber brother. Robert Tweedlle. Besides beether. *06 .6.1.,. arrive 16-M, Adam., of Drape', mid Mre, L1adeay, of illaterew„ flostland. The funeral toot place es Tuesday, Jamsaity 261, service bolos held is the Presbyterian ohuroh. Mrs. Pollock WWI he temperance work. aad Wm R. 0. T. U. el Drayton held • aerobe la memory et trek cumarted Meier. Mirs. Polleek's ace as Itte-saglit years. Gorman:a Wm* now Ol.111'01-- Timm; 665 s Immo atteadaem at' the W..s street Wells. Mak esi kioaday evealag to mimeos the fires hookey gams played sea this ma - *a. The grata was between ellatea sad Ooderielt, la the Hama county league. Owlag as the soft weather the los was la won poor shape, which prorated the gams frost bolus very Met, although IS eras exalt - leg fees stare to flabh, both tease working hard to win. At twenty eight minutes after ruse* the puck was boa off, ad after eight minutes' herd ploy the robber was o hm through the Clinton goal by Priteherd. Ti. mooed goal .as eared by Malmo, in dee minutee.the third by MoCarthy la tone smote' tbe fourth by Slams.* In Mae Wastes, Isayleg the more tear to nothise in favor of Gederiob at hal/ tuns Alter ten oleates' reel pia, was remmed sod three stisstes elterwerds Clinton moored their ant geal, Vorreeter done the kWh. Clarange w end walla toe Cliaten after six miaow.' Mrd 510544, The last goal wee eared by Manua in sena minutes, making theism, 4.--14 8. 4... me 4116er411. The %thief** were We players : Gederieh-Gal, Caesp• hell ; Allem ; waver-polat, Thompson: forwards, Priteltard, Melerthy, Shaason, McIver (oaptalial Clinton -Goal, MeCrse; point. Seel! ; oover.point, Doherty ; for wards. Matheson, Oiorsege, firysn, Ferree If icap(ala). Hoteree, W. Rees, Clintoe. Goal empires, Fltzelionwo• and Blackford . . The postponed league dame at Seoforth whiob arm tir have beer played on Friday everting, has bees again peetposeid tadolin- & oily st the rmitiest Dodo derioh played an gene with the Berlin Reagent la Beirlia last mem, bet up to the Mese of goat to prose ao word bad beta received leers as to the resale 131851t or Mae. 6*D6611113 OartnOW.-I• the neigh of the lat• Mrs °arrow es I riday I..1 the toweehlp of MsKIllop lose, 6.5 .6 tee early settlers. Met flamer was born is the 11168 .5 Indeed of Scottish ancestry es February 2.4, 1818. sod wee *8.. 1. her 8314 year. Hw Rada name was Reberoa K.,. la early Wawa elk eat with her parents to Glargow, Soothind, when eke r• method till her marriage la April, 1842, to the hew Felwerd Ger.., 1 white of Sib, lief town, SostImd, who died la Animist, 1894. lams Ilstely lifter their marriage the tiewly.wed couple took elle for Amerles, intandue to settlo_ki 13 Jeremy eat chaos daleteWiied the aid Erie Cattail, thea the (thief m • o travel to the then small sty of Buffalo, and teen Ott re Sorest the river lute Gouda to the thee Important ellhia of Chippowe, where they remained eatil after the both rd their lint ohlld, the Hoe Janes T (Jarrow. of Ooderioh. Tbea • second remo- val Welt plane, this else *0 18* townehip of North Dumfries, new the yillsge of Ayr, where they reneined tb.y same, to Febraary: 1854. to the oil homelie01 fern', adjolaing the northwest bayed/try of the were of Seeforth, where they both died aud where Owl, two youngest Ohildren still re- side The taro epee whittle Hwy settled load which they lived to see develop late ene of the beet la the *misty, was thee ohletly Timis forest, as laded were meet al the now beautiful and welitreltwatad farms in the musty. The "in.e. et Harpurbey was thee • seetrepolle, with eight good 'ADD.,.1.. .6.11. Seeforth bed se its Maoism Mrs, Stalsa'a log bourne"). oae emcee, • flatter -pest our ether and • keen hotel partially boils epee the aird, and soothing more. There 651 60 railway, red no gravel roads, no telegraph nor telepheee, the dally stage floundering tbroueb the mod boles of the Huron road ben. tke osly sooredtted mode of oommunlostion with the outsid• world. And vet people were last as happy, perhaps hopper than today -a geed aeigh• her then wee of more ossmoneme then .ow. Ail Were 'ley mealy os • per -all essaltsd la the mow Ileroe straggle with nature - and BO Were more syseprithritlo sad helpful to *soh other, perhepe, than they .00 506. While hie of the Trey earliest settlers, Mr. and Mrs. Lerrow estfuriel the rommos priest:Ione of Lb* pioneers, bravely sad full of bole, until their olearine was enlarged mid headless ',e.t.d, and bath Ilse/ be we Mei. early •Stanals duly °rewind with whelautial vieeery. the the armpit,' 0( the Naomi of 16, 661. husband be August, ISM, Mrs. Gamow fell Mid broke her thigh bone, from whleit ehe aver renewed. The bees did giell re gait*, ead front the nem twelve of woman she beets* at rime • help lees stipple. oonstently watithed over ad sena by her faithful and loving deciliter Derillg her leas lead tryleg Besse she suralteated what was wieh her a ladling oh•raterblie all hos Me, • bravery ant fortitude rarely eall with at 080 define .11 them dreary yarn did as oeuiplain.and e he as the bad lived, breve end strong totbe 65.6 .6.15. leader Med 54441...*. to 16... near her. Taw puma away la She fullness of time tbe faithful wife, the fouler aad •Ifeotioeste lather, The Ira ated 'wettest fare& The ifsrelyfrig Fee are James, of Ooderteh ; John, of V6.. 654., B C. ; Siward, of Webbwood, Ont., sad 8-6'15 801 Jeast, of 1106*16609. LOCAL NEVIS IN BRIEF. TM weather ferwater. 4 researtrahlY e a some there ars who pea *pea We whiter es Wag the worat port iirreagb. 7. 556 sash *860 41 vista itad siply aortas eititi lisyltettsa to orteaded to elt11 si .1•Mit ham% sad tabs .1115.. opesounkv)u..„,",Vassu:s• kid ie lea *W TM- M Sem smell VW sae tomorrow Rpledel Arabi trate bays hese mei withteriargelly ktmen.p••• wok wfbh 56.44054.168,14.12. 656.1665 felt reliiihiensideees le rain Ler weak sow leg •••• 15 ASS Ooodtt 166 4.. sleigh. re the Melees A .s.. awl mod of Me h e gad place kr • gams et hey' •re tablas advaitillkye Jibs Pena6 s01i65 ef we dila. Mrs. l'arver's Nebr. '.8. 6..' bees .was rtor mono S. S. Tisk kr 6. 66 rem wieder lbe peat 6166 5. array at Avis. .16 sae 6.1616 seder. yew the eta '*.*86.4 11 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS -JAM IR. Pg. Godericitt Borman Coahrts-Jam, Robinson 4 A Raoara-W. A. Whims 6 Tenders Wkated--Jamem Ulleage Look rieW An650n0eI0eSS-J•1114111 Reale Happy 'rhombi Raegem-Lee k /hop hard 8 Clearing Sale -P. T„ Raw AGAGGG•GGGGs-a, Elag, Wiagbar 1 Tender. Waled -D. B. Murky, 14. 11•16 P. 0 . 1 1 oatilagent "-eossibli ea trituration Mall [Gros seat to South the *rookery will be labs ihe meet Harry Leohleark 16...I, .6 88. Heise% .1, 1. stadytae tee the Preebytariam Edwin try, le at perm proserbeg la the reialty et North day. Tea 8100•L haie olready received many meal abeariPekea, bad we *IPS" t• 6.1.0 1,... gassy more of ear friends withis the are tow days. Oa Monday Cam Johance end ltdward Hell Were taken trees the aunty peel to 16..0.s11.1 Pi...., a sand fiery el W51 year sad me aut., reeperlyely. Isear Selkold, jr., informal me •• lihowday that he ha seen * eneadiewlark thee *ern. lag. He bee takes It r as ladiaares et 0511*4, end we believe he b ear retro foe • grasshopper. Special evaagellistie servass will be ema Mead la Vioberis Wy54 ehersit es headay meat and eyerry frame sem week. The eseetieeps are being egad mead by the paseee. Rev. 8. J. Allis. Cromer & Wilms Mai Selarday shipped • carload of barley be Loudon Rag., the Gene am of barley shipped hos eederhe la By years. They shipped • ear el pease the same day to the name destaatlee. 16*1.57 youne men were appole1.4 beg Sunda es St. Prrawla 66aralarms Preis yaw. The mato. intreduced 644 75.554 to tali up a alleeeloa ordleary Snaky eVesilliel will be observed tide year. Yesterday Wonting • man maimed Charlie Ale:seder, who bad one* he *wit 68.54b8 before and was arrested by Chief Thomas, was before P. M. Seagee °barged WM WM. ✓ anoy. He olalmed *0 16 • miler amil wag remaaded ter • week wkile the maileasb• wakes septily Oosaerairte Ms. Mee Clive lisiver, who atteaded Me Gederich Model mhos' Last term, h liembins M. 8 No. 8. Colborne. Her Wary le 1260 • year. We eaderstasd that Rory Morrie/1, the late umber of *6.11 .58.54, kw Wade be dame himself 61 Me laminas bernele. -.„ A number of ••••••• ars Wag •5.8111 the Ostmio Crowe Lords Department, and by one of these 'lime W. Oilman Mos elf the WO registrar Otbece) will be relieved el • portion of hie present duties is the liana of Moos and will assist Mr. White, the deputy Conwelseleser of (\owe Lads. Mr. Ganes will saw haw tbe Cite el meerolary of crews rade sad arm HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. p 1.,gatiottage ot. 16, Xelrety, to ho rareary's Mlle. at 7.30 saoh Jas, lb -Floral ilearatiou of the heme. Geo. Etrawar, Feb. 1-Her41oulture from a farmer's Mande pant. Joan ICsaugialuar. Feb. 8-Stz bet muieties of Grows, pm" plans ad grapes. W. WwwOrla. Fob. 16 -Ho.. plats. General di... slea. Lib. 22 Street of salt sad sulphate of ken la fruit vulture. A. McD wee 1-A talk ea small faits. Ww. BICHAN Illarob 8 -Man's duty to theerner sad lat, Prove troes end platiewiteed. wfaerzstoceedcer for °militate. Maras 22-Varietise of peabsee and oulti. hiarovh.t1L-. Plat drafts. GAO. lkilWanT. O. Willa, Maros 29- Horticulture 6...8..I.. B. D. 0L&1, -y. TORONTO TO THE FRONT. Mplesidld Shown* made by Dad'. gassy PHU la Queen City. Tartrate, Jos. 16. -It Ss Interesting Le net thet this oity, Sae beadgeartere of Dodd. Kidney Pills is 0...d., and the place when they were first diseevered, keep. Well to 8. 100ot ae muds the mina - her of those 011014 6. the towns sad atlas et Osbarle. As Dodd's !Wetly Pill. have slam made friends all over the eivilised world, this hot le of wide aid ehreldemet intense. iihowing Watt Dodd'. Ridley Pills meals their hold on public, esteem ponly ea NNW tried inertia. Alameda Crowe, 119 Klisabeih easel. gays :-"I have brew babied with elieuse• slam for three years, she wleb pa/se in am hack. I have wad searal remedies, but mold sot get say relief. I have rad tem hone of Derld's /Wry Pais ain new • etaa." ANNOV NOE M E N TS. fie to Vieteria Reetati- reat, 5044 16 AV fresh oysters. They reoithe tkem heralielly and oan be depended epee. Prelta, MIN feetionery, etc. (3. Btroltroma. preerieeer. WANTID --Batter 90o. Ala raw hews, No. 1 prism ter, 6450. WInchau ripe more °Artie, Nolo Maier time any ether *06 .6, Camas of lee eke : Xmas to yeu good better makers Ia miswer to the ansereas letters from merelmals el the ser. rots:idiom towns requesting tre to beadle their butter, we hav• 10 reties ei 66. ha. to too promiscuously. 55011 51101 hong Pea for opera God bad alike. O. R. Krma, bium. % imeht the !food of mikasus gaol no "Kok blow *16. 1* I niemsert here' jot bleak ail drawing is leo Vet me for ladles', Irears' and drilletteleSbete. Mom Me made from [squirter 15. 500 to mitre the to reef 801186A. be el m eel& we W. As Made awl mid 4...b•••••• 1/s., emit* 16 5.8. 6.. lerelee. MARRIED. 11-ROW111.I.-0. Wedlawster o ad at the residome M the 8.146. • et, by MP. A. Allikelikd.1.: 1611,oht=i10. . "WY C. trI•Ta;;PLAIRD Al the Illiall1A1m1RaT t2ea1l.me,I. w"erh1r"seeloiledarzihe-id,tD7gtwioamrsra!1epaWa rti.srw„=. kigt•.Jd=•.e411•se11•J1a6•s1"•1•7ar.yw o"j ; v l aaprieh•i.sm "q " 0.1.- 7sw G•. 11 essallbs, •••••••••• • .0' o.i1. Lew lusd'nartrVkverirr