HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-01-11, Page 87< a' 11ok aniaary0 1Needs.. Warm Underwear, heavy Clothing, Furs, Blankets, Comforters, etc., are some of your January needs. In all these lines you will fend a good assortment with us. Nearly three months of cold weather ahead of you yet. Look our lines over, our January prices will wake thew intoresting to you. Special Jacket • Bargains A special lot of Ladies Jackets in black i and colors, c'eariug at $2.00. Special lot of best regular $8 to $10 Jack- ets, $e 00: A 1-n-43601idren's short Jack s $ s and Ulster'. LADIES' UNDERWEAR. Ladies' Flan- isolette Nigh t. Gown, nicely trim- med, very hand- some Goods, well made, at 50c., 75c., $1.00, $1 25. Ladies' Heavy Fleeced Underwear Wiese b n e all wool Underwear Children.' Underwear all sizes. BOYS' FLEECED LINED UNDE R W E A B, perfectly made, and very warm ; in all sizes from the little fel- low to the big boys. MI special prices. Boys' Pea Jackets and Overcoats. Extra value in Pea J ackets, navy blue, heavy 'fined, double- irea.ted, for Boys 10 to 14 years, at $2.25. Boys' Suits, Vents, Mitts, etc. a Men's Suits in heavy double- breasted styles. Men's Overcoats and Pants. Best black and colored Factory Yarns at 40c. lb. Heavy all wool colored Blanket Cloths in reds, blues and greens for Capes awl Child's Jacket. at $1.00 a yard. Extra value ,n Beaver Mattie Cloths in all colors at $1.95. CASH AND ONE PRICE 1 smith Bro's & Co. DUNLOP. Tnusuav, Jan. 9th With deep regress we aodoe the death of Jamas Clark. wbloh °courted at his Moo, Clammiest Farm, Friday morning, after as illam of s►.rol moethe. Mr. Clark cam se °gibers• is 1834 with his father, the late D. perk. With the Hyedmm sed I.'san imp ham °olbors° he went to rho tioderloh Grammar school, taught by Mr. John Hal dame. Fur Rome years he lived U England with his nook. M. late Sir Jams Clark. Io 8.otleed ho married his wife, Henrietta Fordyce. who sarylyes him After Doming N Canada he reside for some time neer Dundee. Leavlog then, he sellld ou his lays u 1862 As • farmer no nae could rival him is our township in rotation of crops and the best Improvements in larot maehlaory for harvstisg the 'role. Ws think we ma say he was owl of the first in Cslhoras to out • shoal with the sickle and smog the first to a grain cot with a leader. H. always took • pride is his g ook ad the b.•.tllul flock of @beep :n hie yard was moth admired by them who cone be pity hist the lase tribute of reepsut. As • best ha was • t roe son of Soosissd, always hevtag• sold wdoome for hie guests, who all miss be.. from his now vacant Mir. Osimly aad reeigeodly be sit death, blddiag farewell to all as the end oasis. By his dgath those mar and deer to him will sties ono who was over ready to d. them • kind mess. His death Mays • dip brant In ear oommsalty. In Mart* of 1872 five r,f his Mildew died of diphtheria, only ,lebo and Willbm.scapi.g. Mince then Oiorge and Ella have hose bora sod rodded with him. William has • ged prattles la Odorich as a veterinary surgsos ; John is settled m the majoring farm. HM wren, Mrs. George Y060/, of Auburn, sad Mrs. J. 0 Stuart, wore with him darter his ill..., also Wm Clark as be neared hM sod. Kw Y. Clark, of S.afnth, was present at lbs femoral. Tbe pallbearers win hb throe sons and his time nephews, James, David and William Hogie. The damned was • member of the mwmtthtp moan! is 1880. In polities he was • C...ervapvs. The (upend on Sun. day last saw a liege ..omens of neirnton e nd friends front (derloh and other plass, among whom were to M se. quits • mos ter of reaising pl000ere of the Horne trans, who like the forest of trees in Harm THE hl 1 h4 : GOLIESICH by lb. coheir a Km. Mivaob ea Belida, •teslan led. The paste., Bar. 8. J. Allis, and the membra of Victoria Motet Methodist chart* locoed bedding • aeries .f revival {twsio.a gooloopvielm ei4 The mottoes In Keo* et urolt aeht talk will be meditated by Key. Collo Sleaob•r, M. A., of Tommie Ftead. Mr. Auden• Bose to oouduot anai.ersary a«.lose in his .eattreration. TM sale. pray.r-n.shea this (Thursday) .vest./ will be held to Viet.rie sl ebureh aad the ooeoludtng meati.. of the week .f prayer will be bold ou Friday .voatng to Knot ohurob Thew ms.Nogs oommenoa at 8 o'clock. We understood flat 'totem to WM ditl,- oulty .f ►filching woo throe kwdr.d delegates who were "emoted hon for the omtgro wn Limp" 000veotIos, it has beim decided mot to bold the messlag her..- °liMes New Kra' who has time to • good position in '1 eremite, has monied a aituatio* as mhool t.a ler adjacent Hepworth,i Brooe Jabs SIrashn,lort Harem, he pond,of the holidays at the reald.aoe of his end.. David Jardian, Cherry Grove Farm, AA - /101d. It is about alibi years since his lost provisos vtdo,and he M enloyl.g himself Igo meesoly.....0• W dsedav of last week Chas. D.roln. if.. after baring upset Christmas and New t'ear's holidays as the old home- stead, returned S. Ttisisy Cullers, whore h• b etudyiag needWso. He is t►" third eon of Charles Durala.. George, fourth sen of C. Duraln, atter having spent Christ- mas and New leer's at home, retuned o Wedasday is Klan to resume his duties as theistical is the Collegiate at that pima It M his third year is that last/tattou.... B. J. Crawford was in the musty tows last Friday on busiom....T. 0. AI, pruot pal of Deagaanon pabbo s_ehMl, was is the •n :oly tows Mob eitftei. PORT ALBERT. Morpsv, Jos. S. W. Hayden loaves today to resume his studios at the distal oollegs, Toronto. The Foresters will bold their annual ball and supper ou Tuesday erasing la their hall her.. John Orem redwood to Brussels last week, having "poet New Year's with his parents here. Mr. sad Mrs. Ed. Carrell, of BeemlUsr, ware meets" aoquaiotonos In the village e Friday of lass week. J. B. Hawkins, after havl•g a lengthened viols with his family hers, left for Boobs t«, N. V., on Friday lost. Gee. Hawklike and Mr. and Mrs. H Hay. des attended the fusel of the late lames Clark, of Cod:ma , lot Sunday afternoon Jas. Crawford lass week r.odved the sad tutelages** N the dealt" of his sister, Mr. Law -n, wife of the Hoy. Thomas Lew- es', of Brand.", Mae. Mrs. Looms we. bon and brought up hare, sad many in this vioisls who remember her kiodly die- podsioa will learn of her death with deep rent. ASHFIELD. Wxupanar, Jan. 3. Th. horn, of i.e. MoC.e ell, 5th meow he In In Ole situ. Me fast dpp.arinu from sloe A.hfl.ld, was the some of a very view. pretty wedding on the evening of Dm. MI, the 000asi.n belag the marriage of his daughter, Babes, to Chas. Tate. Walde mar. The bride was owatlfully attired la cram orepoans with etlk Mmminos, sad the bridesmaid, Miss Tem MoJmoell, sister of the brldo, was also /)rend in cream. Tb. groom was supported by Sydney Gth- see, of Dwntansss. After the oenmmy, GA. NEWTON, DENTIST, Of LUCK- whioh was performed by Rev. B.L Hutto.. t 'sow. will Molt Deyas.oe ou lot and Dusganhm, the company sat down to a ird wrist of mob tomtit, All modern meth- DUNGANNON. DUMMY. Jan 9th. Norton- The local aeea•y is Dus anew foe Tan Stara" Is at the cellos of J. G. Wase, J 1'., eroevrgqmaser. to.. who will receive er dust ter sebwerlpt1ona sdvertis s( and Mb- yte*, end Is authorised to give receipts for imamnes mid for the same What 1s Soott's Emul- sion ? It is the -bee cod-liver ail, "pe>Kq a ' bincd with the hypophos- phites and glycerine. What will it do i It will make the poor blood of the anzmic rich and rod. It will give nervotis energy to the overworked brain and nerves. It will add flesh to the thin form of a child, wasted from fat -starvation. It is everywhere acknowl- edged as The Standard of the World. mi. sad tom eg 4ustbts. SCOTT a 1110W11e. abeam.. lrwM Key. Jasp.e tylMoo, pastor of North-st. Methodist uhuruh, is giving • series of ser - mese specially fur young men and women. Lott Sooday evening be Kam the first of these sermons. stating a prise list it would hu tntroduotoey to the remaining ad• dresses of the serlss. The prsoher said that i. Use youog people was the hops of the church, as in the natural owes of even'. they would tette the plow of their alders in • few yeasr, but the ehurob, be sud, seamed ho be losing Its grip opoo the young pmol•, espeoially the young men. Spirituality awned to be ouesldered o:d fashioned. er ill mils fur old mu Deouurng the reams why youeg men were out of sympathy with the obarob, Mr. Wilson mid it might partly ba dos to the spited' maintained towards the ohurob oven In Christian homes, and partly to coldness sad formality within the oburub itself. He laid particular ■tram, however, open the di.adyaatages Impoad by the conditions of the pn.e•t age epos young mw, who sometimes Bad Ibemeshes tolling behind In the moo. lam their self- respmt, possibly fall tato low immolations, and are mere &axiom to moan a position La which they ma earn a r.epeotabls com- petesos thea to receive the truths of the Gasper It would be useless to ge to a starving man with the iatsmtio a aayers- iug him • be should be gives som.thiag to est ; and in like sumer Christi& pimple should show Chair sydipathy with the youeg men is their material affair. and rhos bring them Into the proper aNkede towards the ohureh. The young men Mould .N forgot that C:hrW-w a young mai whoa He died to save the world ; that He called young mea for His dioipls; that vibes He wasted • mighty apostle to proclaim HM word Hs celled epos Sol of Tams the pswagtor of His people; a young mm ; sad Paul in tarn had young men, Tiles, Timothy aad others, to Ovist film In his week of "vmgel- imalJsa, The hoarser of Christ was one around which yews' me.i especialy should rally. Mr. Wtlsoe's address was eyetooth'. tie and prwtioal. He will emtlnne his ser- mons rmoos to young people on Sudsy evening' for some time. and will probably have large and interested midtown. I extradino and filling. and 20111/ Off With. (Meow next door to Medd'. wls,.....- Hours. m a.m. to6 p.m. At the annual skeol meals". held on Wedssday. T).mmber 27th, T. E Deride was re *looted trainee. Welding bolls bars bees the ardor of lb. day, and now Bettor hells led -probably • prelude to later" wedding bells. Freak Roswell was rsseatly appointed • .gusty omstable. H. will be • good moa be see that the pease M kind la this dieetios. Witham Cameron, agar the aw.shtp hall, is the proud lathe. of a bouodig bey, sed is going to .sad him through life with the same of .lehe A. atomised to him, is remembrance of (.sada. groats.t "tats. rata. as Wiliam gar It. Vessels Jury, an .1d resident of West Wewaaeah, sear T.aekaow, deed after a shaft llleem .t • throat afhotlea. Iii, r• uncles were Imesrrd m Dengawnoa oem.lty ami prosperity. Your oousismat Chrlmesis OM 8atmrd• leis Hs was te.eery years d W A sad loaves« • widow sad daoghtto Odom to duty as • mambo of the share► bountiful repeat. The beide was the nod- tees nt of many beautiful and ao,tly prevents. be young mph, left next day for their om Waldemar, Walder, followedby the best within in of the wi. whole ooe.lty. Oa the leveeing of Dee. %J, fleas any of oho young penal. of Crowe assembledMethodist th church at e home of James McCoa•rll. 5th concession, Aebfeld. After soesmobil • obil evening the ommpany Int sited Msmo Miss Barbara McConnell to ms for- ward, and then the following address was cc read, aompanied by a b.autifsl dieser set: To MW Mutton B. Metosellt Duo llrugpo,-We, the members sad adherent' oa of (rows obarob agnou gstltai Epworth Legg s, learnt** it M eaM your isms - Men In the noir future rime's from this msigheerhood, desire be meter be yea our tied regards and • token r of meabroaos. In doing so we wish you ovary hapebss. 7 osodnet, year upright eheraomr, your taitb swim hie 1000 - TIM/ esesrow °v (1001111.1111. -Oa Monday. aha tilt" lee►. In amortises* with elle Hoot - sit Ash, the monad of West Wawa - weak bold its ams wade" oe the yeat 1900. All the sealers ware prasest, eb. sew r'•am•, R.b. Maid, le the ehelrs seed all wars lily IasWtmd Is Also for 180. The clerk, t ase magesor of 1809 www n allre d, ass. J.aemem aad Jeha • wows? ware appetaNA aadtt.we mad 'r IA.Reham waswt•ke .f the towsaip ball. lama Amnia. Morten --TM wad teomgsimp of the D-nsm.o Agrtedte,el era reesembrasse eN appy atlas. Mond Oa Delete, Park Amduties, was held la the bshelf mf the friseis, baa IS Moseley the fib EMU. of I.et' ti L. Ureter. paste.. 11418116lan st iling ware road mil depted. • (yam, Aahs•rd, U.. 90N. 1520, Tin madame ceps was alma read cal Mem Mtgpyssq netted h e few saps, adspwd. The wore .hewed that but ' Am/ftacs, h them mid ._.iii tsg bar I* years Outages woo a b.a•eial o.eeesr. , Ma' grit at smae'i g he. Mamodea. with /be b mtpsidd teweed, liquidating of debt lasses• sad c airM. Ailsa a pm.e+..,e e Miele • emu sot • geed 'molts lett to this evaeleg the ee.e,e , ns4 da bsfr r!mei •em.mas. The allow, epp*latad for' home" IWO MS t Joke Beware, prsident : Joke. -- Ms .ea, vise protases t T. R. Duran, re- CHURCH NO Tf appNiwa ewwretery-ve„eyr ; die ..tee,, E t. rawfotrd a a seadmaga. Thecae The `t at PsepW flmaW ,f U. Ste (dart, Jr., left lost '1'hur.iay for (.`Mango. If be Bob the prospects good he may locate there permanently and remove his family then. Mr. and Ma. Jt*a Shea... sad Miss Ethel, of tiedeetob, "peat the Christmas holidays with W. H. Sheens., of Beath London. Mrs. Sous.. •remains ea the city f« • few weeks --Looks Advertiser. We be. a pummel gall the •them Soy from J. G. Ward, J. P., of Duagosass,wbi has bees speeding holidays in Wlagbaes, Wbitoobureh and other palate. He reps* having bid a toed time note ntheeiatme the stormy weather. HM friends hoes teal M pleaded to know tbu he is mjoymg heft bash► the. bad toga ►M pieties foe so.. yaw. EPP$'S COCOA. We Wish Our Many Customers parties AUCTION SALES. All QM 011100 wilt have • fres sottsale billso" tassm st is this list vv M the glamor talo. THcenusv. Jamsary 18th.- Amides oily vi household Iureltere, furnishings, writs, e.rtaies sad bltsd., the property of James Wilklaon, at his r.ddoaoe, Eisen stasis•, Oederloh- THun. 00/DST, awoils..ar. Saycsuar. Jan. 90N.-Asnloe sale of m ea load of extra toed gaseis oimatnoba at I r r. The mimes w tin property of Blob. Pears, Reoo►vile, Oilerd meaty. Tutor. GUenRY, ae akMeer. =THURSDAY. Feb. 1N. -Amities sale of ow semi Mem Isom maga, Bhnyrabedowu aad L•lostsr soap aid Berkshire Owe at Salo ad Bros.' farm, les 5, oeseonees 1, Oedoetob towat*ip, oormemeiar at 1 r. s. Tem. Gyptay, •metih.Mr. - Last `Sandal, m«nior is Vloteria wtrset °buro►, Rev. 8 J. Alba gays m Interesting thine* of the 10. and work .f the rte D. L. Moody. Mr. Moody, he said, was bora sixty -owe year. my on • small farm is the Slate of Ms..aohumtts. As the arm el seventeen be weal to the city .f Booboo sad fogad employment in a also* store kept by hie mothes'e brother. He was required by hue angle to attend the Solley school aad public nervi es of the (Moore/atoms/ chermee every Ssaday, 'Wheat fall. Darla( his two year.' rsides°, is Basten he was os.• versed sad applied fee °heroic mombeesblp, bat, Moguls: to my, he was kept waiting for more teas a year before being reee:red. L sviag Boots. I. his tws.tieth year, he forted e.ploymsat as • sal«oras in a shoe bersse is the city of Chicago. Here he e stersd the ohsrot and showed his zealous spirit by renting four pews and Oiling them every Sebiatb with young men from the street. He wanted also to take port in the weekly prayer meeting, but he was told it would be becoming In bio to keep quiet. In oar day, said Mr. ABM, the difficulty is to bud a Seng mon wbo is willing to attend the prayer mottos. About this time also he wished to b.00mo • teacher m the deada7 school and was told that he might if be would bring hie own ',Molars. Nothing dannt.d, the next Sunday he marched into the Saoday school room at the bed of eighteen ragged boys whom be had bees eollwtisg during the we.k. Shortly after- wards fter wards he started • minion of his own is an empty lavers. The work grow and ',spout!. d so ropily that • much larger building was required mid a school was soon Mad with sixty teachers and 450 scholars. Is 1860 Mr. Moody gave up his himines, that be might devote all hb time and moray to religious work. He resolved to live ou as little as possible that M might have the more for his work, and giving o his rested rooms be slept on • bench to the room, of the Yam Mm's °homtian Aisoolatlon. Ia • short time he became • oily missionary. and here began Mr Moody's unique and most wonderful osrwr u an evaprelist. Is this regard he was both • John the Baptist mod • John Wesley. The Interest awak,sad by Mr. Moody in bis work at New York, Bootee, St. Louis, Cleveland, Sas Frasolso. and other Amerlws and Canadian cities soon beoame worldwide ; and It is safe to my that million" of people hey, been awakened by his horning word. and stirring appeal,. What was ills scerot of Mr. Moody'• phenomenal career and ,aeon.` First, and above all ; " His was a spirit. tilled life." Second, " His abeotuts mom - oration to the one work of tiring good.' Third, " Hs unwavering belief and roof!. dexo. in the Bible." Fourth. " His form of Uearaeter and strong commis mom" And It must not hs forgotten that mach of his sewer was due t" ,soh (motors as " salon •^rvlos,'- "..ton choirs " and the seryls. of moa ander the leadership of Mr. Banks, Prof. Termer or some other distinguished linger. Mr. Moody will long Lee In Me senior y of I hoevanrls, and In the wn k which be has left In other band,. and •e president of the League, are worthy of all proles, and mora sir appred.tise. We trust, when♦« year rsidmce may In she futon be, yew will here pre -elms mom - Irks, fragrant and delig$hfal, of your lemon tis .enema om with year oharob and hems is lb. mew days it Iiia May the Dori In whom yea teat ever ho your mold, sad ebspberd. By sad y may we all met is Owl lead sad lea whore the friseMbIps of earth am mowed and may mare be the joys sad towards swatting the faithful aad ergs, Pies.; gosipt this gift as a token .f COMING AND GOING. BORN.11c1.11•14 Loma Delia. a Ise, the wife of C.ps. lam esrm• erty of Oadertob. of swat Lie.- is Oederiob. o Dee. 15th, Yea. Marisa Lee. of a enc. MARRIED. WILSON-dALKELD-Os Wednesday. Jae, tetb,•tthe rm:d.ausof the Mede', amramts, dr,Hr. and Mrs. John Salkeld. Bayfield road. Wilmsto Jasper MI,s Faniat,oSilkeid.jemdaO enD'eese. TAW M► floe. by Roo{. A I. Hu ao* Ch«Cs Tate, of the towasiip of Ammonia, to Minn Roxboro McOmenell. of Atitk4d. DIED. MCINTOSH.-In Chicago, Il., on Wednesday. January 3rd, John McIntosh. woe of Mrs. Wm, mtolNesh. mod A! yams and e. maths. CLARK. -At Claremont farm. Colborne tows- ▪ ou Jemeary fob. Jamss work. o pal 73y 'mesal and II days. McPHAIL. Is (beaiad as Jan. thl, MA Colt.. wen of Deold IloPba'1. seed H yens, A mothe sad ilidays. Joe Tilt visited Galt daring the holiday rase. Mr. sad Mrs. E lotted Cliotsm on Saturday. Miss Jarvis Umiak, of Detroit, M yieltieg her home bore. Bert Relllsrak., of Tomato, was Is town os Taeday on businesa. , Mr. sad Mn, Jas. Clark he4a rsemesed from their visit to itriaal Fresh Melees was up from Stratford ter • low days theweweek. Miss Evelyn °anisic' is atteadier the Hamiltoa Ba.tsw Osllego. Chas. Maness endt a brief "kit to rota- ting at °Gat.. es Mislay. Mr. sad Mrs. Ales. Craw*, of R.ffalo, ars yeah,/ the former'seker here. Dr. f>MaaL Giheoe, of La.gdem_t Dakota, I. vW$iag his pros, Cape. end Yrs. (libelee. Giorgio Weath«ald, sem of Thomas Weas►«ald, Is hem* from Meeeomeo, N. W. T. W. J. Paisley. Boom bt+eeewr, Chow, was im tows as Friday es/ Saturday last weak - Mies Alberta f Tilifiiad from V saseover. B. C, mils. s Slay et errand resew there W. R BillssSS ess e$ aid. Elliott. has gems M (Asthar f &Meal Ws Bolero (bUyo Nora Jaw Cradgts, see of Jams Craig* Ifs last Isom ar take • aurae Is this Nesaws Bmdiees OaUgga m . wh► the ps .aid vise IONIC ehwr.h hew iesust of th.le w woof -- suss has,oterswd be.. from tea It Isis dmYN'MN thrid ..teb?,M„ ta».ky. t« the e damimw.t the yr.r stay m w. yon es 941► May mat, f« whit* a isteramla, The Kpyn,th League N N.rsh Nand flawed will roweie bars till solos. Tt..he'Mooees Piles he.s eowasd w Tens- es Wider .l... le we. Y n. will ••sella baro until mot wase, •1><ertbweeft •her • M f t e, w prorrpsa will wa e oadely, M YpthNtss •bare► M • vrNplowedw sese ere plod a, is IntT ll• ssr ahtett •cairon u She Clow Rsnot Lomas. The Unh-s ash.., " dirk I What ease Mas ,leets linty Vele.." eta wee neap 0 here of Pltatrew<arisaWi nor Quality,and Highly Nutri- tive Plro»srties. BPsolally gratsthl tend oomfbrting to the nervous and dyspeptic. Bold. only in 1/4 lb. tins labelled JAY%pathic Ch Lon- Lon- don, England. SEMI sn1Anuet EPPS'S COCOA. BUTTON'S Boiler Cepdnnd Mgt' BNGIliBBB SUPPLIKS; Lubricating Oils and Greases, F.ue Oleaners, Oottln Waste, Pape Oovering, Asbestos Goods Rubber Packing, Brass G- ode. Bolting and Lace Leather. lane 4 ny the best uie1 anti at the rigid pt v. 1f you lwatt to save some"y awl get eup,•ri,.i.g•e,.,.', writ.' ate. The W®. Sutton Cosp000d Co , 186 tJtiovii .t. East. fill-outo. A llappy and-Pr sperous New Yr and thank you sincerely for the liberal patronage extended to us since we powwowed businem in Godirleh. We recognize the fact that the suooses that has been ours kid** to your generous aid. We shall endeavor to further merit year ooaLdenes during the opdag year by giving you the beet possible salsifor your most', se well en by honest dealings with you at all times. It you are pleased, tell your friend"; if not, tell as, lies oar line of Felt and Fleece -lined Shoes for the cold weather. Ladies' Button, Lace and Gaiter Shoes -oily $1.19 per pair. Our Calf and Angora Skating Shoes for Ladies are lovely, warm goods ---only $1.45 and $1.75 per pair. A full line of Ken's Felt Boots, Rubbers and lox, and Klondykea-at all prices. 1WAIRINi NU11.Y INNE. YOUR INNEi Ila IF YOU NW IT. i-.A.LIS 2 North side of the Square, Goderioh. THE CASH SHOE DEALER Ills" Jars largess.. • graduate of cot.• risk model seheel, has begs eseeaed as fwa•bor of WO palate .abed as 9.d.., agar Egos,, the peetWs masted by Mies Utmo aebarmes, of tows. Siam Ri'iilor Repaiing. The Goderioh steam boiler works having been removed from Uoderieb, I hive made arrangements to carry on boiler repairing end also the mama - factoring of smokestacks, etc. Repairing of boilers, esgiaeshff 7 1111131111111'W/11115, !Interlaken ami Winn Gia.luaw of Ma.rct:unetts Lled- loge of Embalming. WHITE HEARSE. OPEN DAY AND NIUUT. MODE- RATE PRICES. AGOODS N COURTEOUS TTEETIOA. IMID heal nut rt. /NSUNs1. MILL WOOD AOR SALE. la D. K: ATRACHAN, Rsehinish Oedaeiei. Werke os Vioteria 131T4 • 111 s_ POINTS 3111 lii raves or III DE -CARBON STEEL Iii S1oes dISM TIM alte MI6 Itweesernewel we‘ Ws weer Rau ¢s Ir'`a "'M't..=1f. esY .iemssreg eaa s iWeYs"Q.: 'filfefii- wMW a»+r.ef sued tot usd aw.. mina. H. C. FILSINCER, geamsr w/iel. sed swan Ge.W?fhomson&Son The Oldest )rstabllslksd sad Most Reliable Music HOMO In HMO' OesAntty. ~mein ova is cat into stove wood • Image sad will be delivered to any part of the town the same day es ordered. Orders received by telephone at lett at rtsidenoe, 128 Cambria street, SCRIBNER'S FOR 1900 INCLUDES .. my and Geiser (serial) -- - ROO8E- -VELTS. "Oliver Cromwell" (serial) --- RICHARD HR,OI NO DAVIS'S ' Action and spe- cial articles HENHENRY NO$MAN :S The Russia of to -day Articles by WALTER A. W Y C K; O F F, author of "The Workers" SHORT STORIES by Thomas Nelson rage , , Henry James - Ilenry van Dyke - Ernest Seton -'Thompson . Edith Wharton Octave Thanet William Allen White SPECIAL ARTICLES The Paris Exposition • FREDERIC IRLAND'S articles on sport and explor- ation "HARVARD FIFTY YEARSv AGO," by Senator NOTABLE ART FEA- TUItI.S, THE CROM- WELL ILLUSTRATIONS by celebrated American and foreign artists - PUVIS DE tHAVAN- NES„by JOHN I:&FAEGE (illustrations in calor) Y Special i11>dgtrative Bohemia -tin- glint and in blas and whits by APPL N K B. C. PEI xorrO HENRY MtCARTKk, DWIGHT L. ELYIEN DORF sild others IV Illuetruted Tus &eat tree to any address Chalks 5CMbeer's Sons Publishers. Wm yam ill receive prompt attention. 'Phone 9N. PE Tilt McEWAN. Gotiericb. November 81st, 1800. 554. J. p BROWN, te. fig Farming Implements NM, and MACHINERY, p NM,Drum, Se ladies rn.• an. A Null. STOCK KEPT ON NAN. I hat, the et that ie male inlegind_ era, Psigets, Cutting Ems, etc. i have the De Laval Cream Sepsis - ter. It is the most reliable cm the market. It will pay yon to use one. 1)o you want a new Cam or poiesis? I handle different meshes, and ran snit your requirement) and your pocket, too. Would not your wife appreciate a good Rasher and 'fringes ? Do you want a got.! Piave, Crrhn or Ming Ittehlae I shall be Osseo] to have yuq call and inapoct the stock at my warerooma on Ham• Ilton-st. before you purchase. I buy my gond, on the °ash basis and can sell ata very close margin of profit. J. P. BROWN, Agent for Massey -Harris implements, Haallaou tit , tloderich. 0 AND t tRT' &MINI D STRUMENTS Are Yoe is Love With sweet mods Luis. ars we raw whet yes want in l WormivIth PIMA Aoderich Organs, Violins, Guitars, Mandolins, Aonordioes, Her asmicas, Preeic. Just what will wit you for Christina' SI3WINQ MACHINES. Call sed am ear mar White Sewing Masai s. Bags m Ball esIngi as •hie very sod has / , The very latest in Ilsalhiee, OiM the " Mt* WILLIAM" and " 40.101.141" sowisg ■aeiiewe Wiearry • large stock of Mu... Folios, vocal and iustramastel, legit satire Books fwvmew instrammnts, Dictation Haws, etc. We hare svere:thousand copies of SHEET MUSIC, sows of which we sell at HALF PRICK. Aay pioco we haven't in stook we order still procure with promptness looes the pntdi:tws. W. have also a 1Oc. edition. If you do not live in town writ. ns aid we will Wood promptly to your aseda G EO. W. THOMSON & SON. 'PO'10 WO. tit_ , A Woman's Shoe should be like herself -daily and delicate -yet strong to endure. This is the king Quality all oval. It's as pretty as a shoe can be made and as strong also, and yet it doesn't look as though it was made for a man. People who don't know it, guess the price somewhere around $f, and yet it is only $3, Ask ogee King Quality. Made by J. D. HMG OOMPANY, Limited, Toronto. Lee & Shephard Just Received have a largo stock to choose from for useful Chrittm•s Presents, uneh as - Ming and Cooking Stoves, limps of all kinds, Caning Sets, Zmmas GiftTul Table Ui Pocket Cutlery, Plated Knives, porks,S000ns, Hockey or 8prin,g Skates, and maty other thistles - too "seeeroea to mention. Leea Shephard A LAMBE AMORTI[ENT OW ENGLISH, FRENCH AND AMERICAN Cigarsins. ll y1(! s , ni a AHD A GREAT VARIETY HE OTHER GOODS 9UITABLIf I'f* Holiday Presents. erO.B and Ise thee it she eM EWA L...,. w.rew.he, THE MEDIOAL F • C.