HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-01-11, Page 7THAT BOER DEFEAT • LUJWSAfl1TII. • British Dopes Revived by Gen. White's Victory. CANADIANS AND QUEENSLANDERS Chase the Boers Across the Border of the Orange Free State. Papers Captured in Col. Plkher's Raid of Great Importance --Gen. Buller Believed to be Attempting a Flank Movement on the Enemy at Tugela River -Americans at Pretoria Complain of Their Treatment -Kreger Won't Recognize U. S. Consul- -The allergies' at Modder River -More Troops *ad More Guns for South Africa -Duns Ordered In Italy -A Patriotic Scotchman. London, Jan. 7. -Get.. Buller. com- manding the Ladysmith relief to:umu, cables to the War Office as follows: " Frere Camp Jan. 6. -The follow - lag telegram was received from lieu. White, the coaamander at Ladyrmlth, Jan. lith, 9 a.m.: "' The enemy attacked Caesar's camp at 2.45 um. lu considerable (ores. The enemy was everywhere repulsed. but til. Lighting still tete' tinUes.' " Fres* Camp Jan. 6.-Tbe follow- ing was received at 11.80 a.m..,day from Gen. White: "' Jan. 6, 11 a.m.-TMs attack con- tinues. The enemy baa been rein- forced from the south.'" " Frere Camp. Jan. 6, 12.45 p.m. - The following has been received (rote Geo. White. "'I have beaten the enemy off at peeent. but they are still round me in great ■umber,. especially to the . envie. aad 1 th M. a ~sewed a144. k- very probable.' ' " 1 see the fun has felled, so I 'cannot get further information from Lady- smith until to•morruw." A third demepatc•h from Ger. Buller says: Frere Camp, Jan. 7.-I received the following to -day from Gen. White: "'At 8.15 p.m.. Jan. 6th, the-atterk was renewed• and w.le very hard pressed ' " " I have absolutely no more news. There is no sun. "There Is a camp rumor that Gen. White defeated tbe enemy at 5 p.m.. ar,d took 400 prise/wee. " 1 sent all available troops to mate a cenionstrat'on against Copenro. " The trenches there are all occupied by the enemy." . . Earl of Ala Ne11t11rdM. London, Jan. B.�Pb�'$orniag Pot's eurreyloodent at Few Camp, is a ceepatch dated ,[aft, ,Oak, rayl A private kelf0�rlii from Lady- smith Mateo that the Boers attacked at two o'clock Mb morning In great force from all skim The garrison opened a tremendous fire, awl re peeped the enemy. "Three distinct attacks were made. "The fighting continue*, hut the cannonading has dwindled. "lite Earl of Ara, relent son and heir of the Marquis of Dufferlii and Ara. was aerloaaly wounded in the thigh during the assault on 1 u y- meth." Archibald James Leofric Temple Blackwood, the Earl of Ave, Is the eking eon of the Marquis of Da(terin and Ara, a former well belove7_Wde• ernor General of Canada. Be was born In 1868, and was formerly a lieutenant In the terenteenth Lancers. During his father'. occupancy of the vloe-regal office In Canada he was a mere lad, but made many friends In this caentry. Three or four years agu he veiled Canada again. Buller's wt er's Deonstratlos. W ever regarded as the critic of the present war. says: The attack m Ladysmith. nom Ing from the south, is in the direc- tion meet dangerous for the BOOM fume there. The Boer oommanderid on Fray felt sure that he had se cured a day or two more in which to attack without any bee fn terfereuce from Gen. Buller. The Boer lines south of the Tugela could not be carried or turned in lets than a day. The seeoa.t day would b4 needed by General Buller to crows the river. When there he would be more than a deyea march from bis objec- tive. The B03r commander, therefore, resolvent upon a pexuiateet attack to try chef end General White's resist a nee. "The f.ghtiag continued all day Saturday, and there 1. every probab- 11'ty that it was renewed Sundry. Asoa General White was hare pressed Sat- urday. •fteeno, be evidently thought there was a limit to hielipower. of re- sistance, woh ha¢ then wear, been lentha6 'To -day wear,y or to -morrow the cable mty bring wont that General Wh.te's dlviston bas ceased to exist as a military force. General Buller on eatuejay was toot ready to ad- vance. His resource was t•, order a demonstration. He m'ght as welt hive catered • display of firework..' The elitlo'adda: Only an attack to full force, push - et ng¢endl,sa of lues, could embarrana the Boer.. The danger now ea that General Bulkre .cooed battle will beer the mato iwlel:bty tasirtbed by the initial Inoompeteaoe of the Gov- ernment. Every measure of this war has been too late." • Prepare for the Worst. . Loddon, Jan. 8. -The Morning Feet. wheel' is a strong Goverrp �tesegea, says tldltorlally : Tbo people w.It now have 10 make op tliellem1WL whether tbnp WI take measures to carry the Wer ids nee - nearest roselesion8o . coen has al- ready doubled the fighting power of the Boot• army. That 111111Yw,II not he cruihe1 ey any such measures aa the present Government has (leveed or h likely W devise. Fvldenoe ncrumu- Int:t that not merely ham the general eo:Mutt of the War -for wh.cla rreprn- wtl,lllty Invariably rents on the (iov- e'rnme nt-been lenity W a degree, but that the tacj.cal and strategical tra''ning of the generals arta/ troops, which yf tide special Irisin,* of the cornmaietleer-in-chief, have riot teen d aequate. The t.me has come when the nation must rouse Hoeft and /hid (er governor. leaders who can lead. and pinso tlee reeeto ureas of the.* empire at their dlepoenl. Short of that, there w no way to Rn•eesi. The alternative to success Is the abandonment of the empire." . - The Dally News says: ' Tee s.tunt!o, to -day lis graver than any per:on in the campilgn mentions. Thera 1s ee chance that Gen. White will be able to heat off the enemy. e mint nerve marmites, with the ideeelem of n people who have weath• erwd many another storm, to he pre- pared even for the wont lame." The eltnndard plus Its hopes on ren. Buller forcing him way through In tlme, and says that, as the position of Gen. White Is In the highest elegem. critical, hie fate must soon be decided one way or the other. Timm 1s Optimistic. London, Jan. 8. -The Times, while evidently not very cheerful, maritime" what argument. aro possible to sup- port Its optimistic eleven, such es that the Boers have been forced eo sot became they feel that It be thele taut chance, or that there M dissension In their own ranks, rendering inaction dangerone: but the Timer' correspond- ent et Ladysmith wan the first news - Paper man to point out. week', ago, the danger of the garrinon there. The Timm relieve. (teeU by sareas- toally commenting on "one of those accidents t(ldoh have been so pate- ntly coalmen," feterring to the re- verse of the Suffolk Regiment near Cnlesberg, which, like the detail. of he fall d gunman, is overshadowed by the graver news from Natal. Polarise Is Abell. London, Jan. 8.-A despatch Dally Chronicle from Frere Frere Camp, Jan. 6, 0.45 p. m. -At :l o'clock dais afternoon the whole of Gen. Clery'e division starched to at- tack coienso. lieneral Hlldyard bad the lett of the Ilse, Gem, Batton the right, and the oevalry the extreme right. The attack slowly developed, At ball -part four the field guns ad- raucd In the (ventre, and commenced Melling the flat land between }Mag.. Weer hill and Fort Wylie. A heavy thunderstorm was then raging over the Boer positico. At half -past eve the British troops were still advano- Ing, and were very wear Colonise. The naval 4,7 -leek urns and the field guns were dropping shells into tar trenches end the river f.rta. The enemy did not reply. The day Inns been doll }throughout, and darkneen 1s now rap- idly approaching. British Used the Bayonet trete Camp. law 6. 7.20 p. m.- H.lk y*ms from Ladysmith state f that General White thin morning rte hated the Boers. who crept up so close to the British tints that the Bordon Hlghhuadsra end the Manche*- ter Regiment drove them 1 ga the point of the bayonet. Grave to the Retreats. London. Jan. 8. 4 n. m. --The news Isom Meath Attire. though 1t U not lengthy. b grave In the extrema. It 1s practically all esnMln►1 In Oea. Butler's brie( deepatkltee. which t *accent to his sending on General WJilte's helirgream and anaquncing hl* own operation against Coten.,. but reedtrtg between the Nos, JJt l*+per t.ctly plain that Ds,eral Bruits'. ease is desperate. Whatsrer Nes General White may bs. he 4. cmtispMmnNy brave, as his YIO4Oe- a Crow tared/lee. and the too. of the last four nleesage. t sent by him. eoeaitg front such n man. t simply lndlestes nkat til. poelt:on Is moat desperate. The word "But" In ben girt/ detsp►tolt announcing that a A to the Camp says: -Saturday's bombardment of Ledy- amlth wits the henvleet yet recorded. All the heavy gun* were working. and be Hoorn seemed to h. pouring In hell from every avail/04e lighter gun .•' The Dally Telegraph has the fnllow- ng from Damn Hnrl.igh at Freres vamp, dated fsaterlay, Jan. 6th. 10 85 a. m.: " A very heavy bombardment went en at l.wrlyeinith from daybreak en. 11 8 thin morning. it believed hat an action was In prograas, for msrketry fire was also beard. It Y pe.alhle the garrleon wee making .nrtie (or 48. Rome se Corium urrledly lett their trench.m and rode toward LadyRrtith. Our bis naval gun at Chleveley camp tired several rounds at the enemy NV thq were laving their ()Menem Ibt... (len. Railer are rid-' den on t0 C ice eley with ate *tett." Tltr Baby Watt hair the f t AktEd ` lint. - e i,. nm, Corm J'i ea At flags look is aetenrrttlrad��eveeryy tanteaf Leah,- fait hoar., and meet have w•stit either a sortie by the British 8I' n A&►erashtsd attack as t g* by the Roere. Oar Malta onnM be soon* faith. oe 11*. Meana hill, 'and the eMtay w-IiS ,,staying, rya. (rimy 8*4 reinforced, and tuts lea e.to oI h{s other k'agettehe., R 1p show that be M el.uxlondnsg hope Mkttrig net meek longer evens! termined to rennet to the kat. fewlemrals S.bert aMl Kitchener are eeliected t0 lead at 'ICapt�_ _ Tuesday. whoa And- the ettnatkm feting there to �i h. far erred even than s,Wheel tlh tarot, **erred tat Ina AeTptkPre Jai led then/ en Momnsaand. nesaM* newsy/ the torp. the! Oen. White ell held on mall (len. !teller'coena- /1Wishes wise% la seensingle himbe0lhle. ba Met the English wiper -toe and 'tire .,ewe papers eaten any ttaake th. b slanmle*t vet' of tbe slteabWtt., Aa;ILeeae•.a Views. NM cannon reports' there i �a I e•' InMMting PIMAilr.r pieces Irks Nae a 'd 18* v" action. The fighting big ' ,,.„ range than r has been the cane up to uow. "Our Iluval guar at Cleeveley*eut their usual fire into the Hoer trerlt•hee, tart there hie been nu fur- ther movement here." l'aerar'r camp le a fortified Rrlt Mb position about n mile i awl a aartsr. ��t�as1��q►�s�, nester's 1 - tirlbiler"1fiCe76e •vr uT hestar's !I II. 14 le directly between Ludyaulth and Cbl.rro, I.ovelon, Jan. 8, 8.45 p. nn.-(Ieneral White reports under date of Sunday, p. m..'ttust the Boers were repel. - ed with bodily loose. - Before I h • 1 1rt,1 (:d Loudon, Jan. 8. -In spite of re - puree of the ultimate sumer" of (fen. W'alte'r formes M 'epalelug the Bum' naswult on Limgewalth. which are ODLONEL . 0. KNOX. Of Eighteenth Hussars, in eeingulabed for Bravery at Ladysmith. apparently merely enlargements d the camp rumor. contain* In Oeu. Buller's Iateert despatch, the coun- try re/uses to emerge from the par - 05701a of apprehension Into which It waa thrown by the publication of the last words of the hellographed memago from Gen. White - ' Very hard praised"- until officially as- sured that the beleaguered garrison ham not oollepeed, sa It seemed on the point of dottg when the last sig- nal was flashed. (Jen. Buller's grim symbolism, "The ern has- failed," exactly describe. the. situaten. There ta nothing to re - Dave the gloom. T,.-,.r.�/eer--noresger flared. Ladysmith. Jan. 1. by runner to Frere lamp. Jan. 8. -Large con- voys with .toren can be sena trek- king toward Cbhate,. The Boer, are actively patrolling the country and have m.sae1 their forom to the south - earl to •MMaim General Buller's rue emcee Every hill and kopje botwceu here and- tbherro hos been ',Leonel,- fortified. General Jo obit b again in the field. 1t Ir difficult to estimate the natsber now about us. n • the Boer. keep welt under cover ant never .low thseisyelvto but it majuriev of their tornm ars between' General Buller and Ladyerulth. It 1a imftoseible to go outside the town limit without being shoot at. A heavy ,dale fire wee heard on Deo. 80th in the direction nt .Aar. clay's River. Ferehr int r unor. are in circula- tion of quarreler between the Tran s- vart and feral estate eommanceerm. The active bambarvling has little ef- fect. Hatay rain. washed oat the camp of tee 29th Huswr•., but the mea and their horam esraytnt without injury. A big ooacert was heel to -night. Everybody le apparently cheerful. HOLLER'S C4)1.1'. Fere,. the Tugela sad ]larches on Ladysmith. LonMon, Jen. 8.-6.'L'i p.m. -A ru- mor e1 current fa the city that Gen. Buller .bait crossed the Tugela River, captured 12 Bans tad in now march- ing on Ladysmith. -- Fuller I)ef*11s. London, Jan. 8, 8.411 p. m. -The War Office her just publialsed the following from Gen. DnlI.r : '•Frere Camp, Natal, Jan. 8.-Tbe following e. from lieneral White, dated/ :: p. m., yesterday : •.tn attack war cxomnmenced on my position. Mrs was chiefly against Caesar's camp and Wagon hill. The enemy was In great-atreogth, and pushed the et - Lack with the greats% courage rind energy. Home of our entrenchments on Wagon hill were three eaten taken by the enemy, and re -taken by us. A PERSISTENT ATTACK. "'The attack continued until 7.80 p. m. Gee point In our position was occu- pied by the enemy the whole day, but at dunk, In n very heavy rata storm, they were turned out of this position at the point of the bayonet In a met gallant manner by the Melrose', led by ('d. Park. (nt. lan Hamilton command- ed coo Wagon hill, and rendered valu- able services. The troops haves had a very trying time, and hare behaved excellently. They are elated at the service they have rendered thn Query- " ' The enemy were reputes" every- where with very heavy lasses, gneet- ly exeeeding•that on my side, which will he reported aaf'DBene is the list. are eomplated: " --- Shot a Traitor. London, Jen. 8.-A private of the Irisb Rifler who fought at Stormberg, in a lett/r to hsWs home. seise that when Gen. Getter* saw the position the _THE Dm Oil! MARLBOROUGH. 'Abe bre oro MA to Fight tie M• tb� i�,�op� 1dte, be *bot d W$48 1* aW1F *evolver. rlallet'" l.rs.tSetrst/I.. Leads Jen. 8.-50 far ea kaown, QM. Deller's demosdgatinn against Oitioalts lit little effect. La ap.te of the heavy ,trusty fire the Were did stet reply, 'OM the .any effect nt the ebrapttel ske11 re ed w.s that it teemed •haadred and their tfsso hoo Illegl ede [Fant the amp between Cnleseu sad Grob:kra Woof. Tbeer teemed Vessels. Iluniturg, Jew. 8. -Herr Adolph W'e'ruauh, one of the owner, sof the dieser vewsehe metal by the llritbih, was igtervlewe l toile! by a repreorte said: "Tate last tete taken le the leer- .r this Morning the fu4... sig. Bae has on Ward the Dutch, lanai dear-ile eornwls.u,IWst : Ieolg au and German ambulanw nips. elodder River, Jan-, (1. Nowa froth All there were travelhag Lure floe Belmont shower that the tlueeus- under the red mess. 11 M certahtly land and Cateadlan ugatlugeuts have t1e first then such a torpme has eerie been fro energetic lu tlutt 'neighbor - detained by a hostile looverteruent. hood that a large belt across the lor- e services were offerect to the der of the Orange Free ,`state haw been Br.timh, but were refused. We cannotdeserte,t by the Mara.Isrlp eeneldericrg the uctlpii of tiro �' Ties maker It all t1*. fume .urprt.- Br.thelt as chiefly Intent to pre- i lag that colorant rebel., should have vent the German Emit African line I dared to lattablilt a camp within n re. from continuing its service ou acc,uut Iativuly Mort distance of lieneral of the competitions we have made Methuen', army. magnet the British hoer. We come -ter ! C'oi. Thither', troupe cutunletely mete the seizure. entirety Illegal Mel ed the Boer Itutger. The, destroyed against everything that until now nothing, but remover! everything le has been comldereil the low id natinto.i wagons, Including Mag.renord, gttba Bo fur, In teeth the care of , routed) comm/oleo, whk•it is remote oaf. the Bunde.rath and that of the flclrut1y complete to betray the polite (lenerul, the only repre.;entatlutus cul rteeudlug u( every adult in a mile ulnae by Great Brltalu omelet fu the wide district. allegation that they are "rueIwceed of carrying contraband." The dl• •rectors of the line have not the least doubt that they have NO CONTRABAND ON BOARD. Nieeee li;a nt - from Cdyatll, dated Jae Y, says "Lou* B wi•aha and Beta V11,1oen, the eupreoe Bos, almmamtaata in Natal aa! Comawadaatr v Joubert aa6 • lumbar of game at 41s. Toni teasdry, and that Senator iiradaijianager of t8a kaa'ttry, hu promisor them with. tja atia st eipe.ia.tiva." 8obalkburger, have gone to Pretoria.' CaaadtMas rpt Huey. ., , Every precaution was taken, go - Ing eel fur am to even dl.charge at fort teed and Der -Fa -Salaam arti- cles of war shipped on our steamer previous to the outbreak of hoisted tier. "Regarding the pasengers, many of them are liaown to us um regular patrons of the line. 1t waa known that others Intended to go to the Transanal, and while there might be dome adventurers antloua to profit by the prospects there, there was not so far ae directors could amertaln, one Pa/anger travelling to the Transvaal to serve In its array." Herr Woermuan 1. not only a large ship owner but one of the largest German ln1ewtore In the East eariosn pos- sestelons. He Is a personal friend of Emperor William, and lie generally un- deretoosi to be carrying out imperial wishes In regard W African colonisa- tion and commerce. London, Jan. 9.-1t was with a mime of intense relief that the coun- try iearnel to deny that lieneral White's troops had evurywhere re - peered the vigorous Boer attacknon Ladysmith. after 17 hours' terrl(k rightly*. It has not yet been die barbed by the publication of the garrMm's casualties, which, It' 1■ feared. may make a terrible list. It was intimated to enquirers at the ,Waa-,Q1Poa-ossa- (rices ehsk-. .seine statement would be available In the mornbsg. Meanwhile absolutely nothing le known. beyond (Jen. W'hite's brief heliagram received In London through Gan. Buller. The critic of the Morning Poet re- marks': "There are two -looped "in- which the situation is worse than 1t was before the asscult, namely, the ex- penditure of a large amount of am' - ('ouullug 111. Chickens. Lorenzo Marques, Jan. 6.-Areorilgg to the *tandhtrd and Digger.' 1ewr, of Jolenntabitrg, I'residenteteeres New Year nwremge to the burghers cun- eludes : "Next year the Afrikuntler nation will enjoy pease and ,met, and that peace will be wtablluhee on the beats that ttie enemy, who ham oppr need and persecuted us during the whole of the Iasi century, shall no longer be, In a. purltlon to spill Innocent bkxxl. May God In lite lnftnite 'storey gaaat this." At Modder River. Muckier klver,Jan. 6 -The bcelluisl.t that morning discovered new Boer trenches, where two guar have been mounted, three mile11 from the Molder River. The Boom fired a shell from each, of these guns in the ditevctluo of the guards and pickets yesterday uttK- ouou, but they did no harm. The Betel' naval gets fireet *(few shots this morning and again this at- ternoott in the direction of the kople. Lieut. Itayp, of the marine guard, /taw the Hoene on Thursday pletying quoltn In front of the trenches nth the Mee of the keel°. A cell Judge from Klmberley, who Ir en -operating witle the military court, examined n number of mupected spice today. The engineers have completed n third fostoon bridige across tate 1l0d- der River Inside the limits of the canip The newts of (Jen. 1 reach's emcees. Ashoer mete* eed-wmsaecoetaed with - h ml' New Field Batteries. London. Jan. 9. -The Dally News ways It understands that the eighth army dhbin will begin sailing for South Africa on Jan. 11th. Seventy• two additional ssate, Including three howitzer butterlee. wilt be sent ns there are several American citizens in pries In Pretoria. 1'hcy are greatly dlontlsfied that DPFENDAMT8 IN THD FRHMOH TRDASON TRIAL WHO RAVE DEMI FOUN0 GUILTY AND a*NTRNO*D --+ PAUL DEBOVIXDi& ANDRE ilqurr'wr 'BLEB GUERIN. munition, which cannot be replaced until Ladysmith Is relieved, mei the lose of officers and men, which Is not oounterbnlanced by the greater Imam of the Boers, whose force, .o far na Ladjamlth Is concerned. 1s much mere numerovr. "On the other haat the confidence of the besieged In themselves and their leaden' will be renew. I. while the Boers, U they are not shaken. will have Use sense of failure In their hew rte. "Now, therefore," myon the retie. "while Use effort of the repulses Is fresh rind before the emeirlou.new of failure Inas disappeared, 1A the time for (len. Buller to male his attack." Gem. Boller'. demonetratlxt In the direction of Cohere, to aid ()erwerel White was malntnimei until nightfali. when General White. having signalled "Enemy rep uleed at all points' for the present." the troops returned quietly to camp. Mr. Wllkineree the Mornrail�bw t's nettle. menu' to have repented "4 Lite. fireworbe virile employed by him yesterday in reference to the demon- stration. fie arltdta to day the pro- bability that nothing more could have been dost% and n telelggram from Frere Indicates that the demixstra• tion at laud had the effect of bring- ing number* of Hoer* galloping to the Damao treorhis from the north, thereby. perbapa, reducing the strength ort the attack at Ladysmith. The entreeohmenty at Ladyernith, u dowelled to a mennere that left a day or two before the fight. and haw jbest code through, are fortified Mlle, well covered with rifle pita sad trenches. down whlnh the tn- tartcy moved M single rile to the va- rious posts In absolute safety.all rattans are .tswerved.ilswerved. hot no arida. bey or toha000. SULLgR's PiORCS BOATTE$$D. ' Rsapeeting General Buller's demos• atratioa, there le one divhton only at Chieveley, another et Freta, stet a third at Ea.texwut. M' Chieveley la *even m:les from Coeano, the sewed diviMon W9uld have bad to march 12 melee to grit into aerie•, sat the third diniakrn YY seise Gamma! 8ulhsr'a 80,- 000 men and 70 guns were therefore .1 - meat laxative on lnturdey, sal when General Wki.le hsl.ggtapise , General Buller could reality stake no move hut an ineffective drtaeastrettae, Kreger Ordered It.' London, Jan 0 -The Morning Port's ex,1 reepntelen t at Fare, in . des- patch hated Jan *tb. ...ye that the forego military attaehea who am an - maps eying Gem. Huller mimeos en- toaieeemeet of the h!gh merits nt the troops, the ernel lem;e of the medieval transports, and the *uppty attentive menta. Everybody is look.ng forward to a greet .ffert to relieve Iady.mlfh. Conti,iMiee in Gen. Buller M ntterly aitwia ken. A h.liograro to Ha Marais( Peat their representations to the United Stater Consul have had no effect. They have written repeatedly W him letters which did not receive the slightest notice. As Eeriegermted Story. Lotion, Jan. S. -The Cu04om. offi- cials Isere say that the story publlrihed this morning about the detention of vamped carrying contraband of war for the Boers In exnggerbsted. They mate that no ship brie been detained. One gun wee seined. It was not packed in a piano case, ass the scary hail It, and it had not been entered incorrectly. (Jen. Frw,eh'a Losses. London, Jan. 8.-Telegramy trete It.'nsherg say seven officers and thirty men of the Suffolkie were killed, and about fifty were captured. General French's annoux:ement thnt the Essex Regiment ban been sont to replace the $nffolkn la very bitter to the hatter's. itlenda. Kroger Still Refuses. Washington, D. C., Jan. 8. -The Transvaal Government dell refuses to allow the Uoi.te4 States Consul at Pre- toria. to act for the British. Tbe effete]. here aro greatly in - (toyed, but are doubtful about the proper courts to pursue. (suns Front Italy. London, Jan. 4.-Tbe Roem corres- pondent of the Daily Hall says: It Is reported here on good author- ity nkat Great Britain has ordered a anon es poeilbte, not Inter than the end of Janueln'y; The paper eekie that the Govern - went 1t determined to raise several new hatterlea of field artillery. The Tirevt Instalment will econalat of ale batteries, and more will fallow. Thee batteries, will not necessarily be sent to Routh 1frea. • 211,000 Troupe and 72 drain.. Lomlon, Jan. A. -England M pre- paring fresh earmnme.nta, and 22 tratrporta will be on the way to Anath Atria (luring the present month. Aemonling to the programme, 25,000 .lditlonel troop. and 72 gam w111 anon be *1bont. The (krv- ernteent hao ordered the Mnxlms to mhnnfertnre .ul many 4.7 -inch and 6 -arch quick -Herrn ate can he tarred tett mnt11 otherwise notified. Want to Interfere. iterna, .inn. A. --The mnsmltten of the internntlonnl Pence Congos., line sent a message to l'realeent 1frKlnl.y with a view In eo ling the war In Pnnth 41 rico. In Pretoria /'rl.na. Darienn. Jen: 6. -Mr Lynch, theme. respondent who wan released Boer. after his cnptnrc near =,rids smith, Menflem. the *tatemeeh that No Feuds aur Boers. JElliiil:•"611e.-4/g111F4r dRin tet of War, has runt a c.rcutar to the m.J:tary emenaivlere in r.•terenoe to the, growleg custom in the .srmy of et,bacrib:ng to triads for the Herrn. ills says : j One - of my predecessor* d.reeted you w1 March >'), 18118, to remind the •dicers arW ott:l:re und.,r ourorders that polit.cal demotrtratiooa were forb..tden by the regulat:one They rttuull abstain from participation In publ c •eobtcrptlons that are suscep- tible of 'mune. ug tide cha meter. 1 renew three directions, a strict ob- servance of *etch at present :s t'f sweet' interest, owing to interns - MAJolt (I)CNT GLEICl1EN. Grandnephew of Qnese Victoria, eouuefed in the Battle of Moulder River. team! rslatioas aad the eoutesy whirl' they lnply." Cape Town Preraetlons. ('apse Town, .)ori. 7.-Coientieralrlc muppreseed exieteusw,t 11551 prevailed here dude; the duet week mailer to the pereis6'nt runare that a coup W some kind w•am meditated by the die loyal faction is the vicinity of the city. themselves amulet) at there report", but to -day a Weal paper Fate- girtcally why, if tale were the calm. the guards over the rallway. the iiovernment house and the magazine. are trebled every night, unsl why. patrole sncu, the reale converging Oil Cape Tuwti, awl the troops en• crumpet! - at Greer) Paint and =teens have slept under arm., and 'have rec'lvul orders tis reatezvoua on •Ivetirine gust.. fired Irma the butter- ies? To -day the -authorities issued Ro- the wet -nitre the public at the dan- ger of being fired upon 1f they ap- proach ports guarded by gantries at tdgitt. and do not stop nt the Mal. lenge. It ale, nnti(Ieel thou that all boat. approaching the cruiser Nlobe. which Is anchoref the ley. 'mast oarr7a. llght or take ting rldt of 1'e her fired upon. Four steamer* are now dhici *air big nam/ quant.itle. of 'semicolons and n In in *Mahon adores. A Patriotic- $,-n$-hnous. A Lonseon despatch .tate; that Sr Charles Roma, hart., of Ha Cantle, Hors made no u4trr up the Se- retary e.f State for e'er to Perorally trite!' nt Ills own expellee 0 nsnchlne gun i.ntta•ry, with leer linens fin .ate gun, for mervlee in the'restaurant The refer hair Isrn retviserl ht Janrdon with groat e'nthu*in*m. - r, 1J.L.1NT OFFICERS (Jen. 1Chitn Riegle; out for .pedal commendat on (eine lan Ilamilto.s, wen cormmanrk'1 the position at Wagon 11111, where the fleeting wile the hot. Get, and ('.ol. Park, who led the le. tonohlren In the final charge. The ioevon.h!re Battalion list) wan for nsrly In Mnjror;(iete Yule's' command, end was nt Genco'. Col. Hamilton 1. n gallant S:ntchmnn, who hie been one of Gen. Wiete'n meat efficient and vigilant officers daring the stege of Ladysmith, rine is well known in Lon - ('on. Col. lark ion less familiar figure, but ha. evidently menet proinotlnn and des -aeration. CGMI'CSITIO\ OF THE FORCE. The Devonshire likheallon IP the only one mentionel by Gen. White, but there wet,, eleven other battnPone under fire, exclusive of the remnant or the unlucky Glousvntershires and the Royal Irish Fusilier'', eeven hat- terk*, the naval brigade. and a con- fedlerable force of Lnnm ern, Hu"mar" and Natal Herne. Thn Deronnhires, Mon• eheett'rn, Cordon Hfghlandern, Llver- tcrole. L!nweter,hiree, nn 1 Royal Isle' Rattnl'nna no doubt bore the brunt of the ffghting. -- Flanking the Floors. A Lemke' eerie: From it wuree which has Willy facilities for gain• Mg Motile new* from South Africa. It Is learned that ad. I'Ilcher's oc- cupation of henget* 1s regarded as merely the fleet step of Gen. Me- thene* carefully matured plans to outflank the Boer.. According to thlr authority, It 1s probah'e that Pilcher, with the Canadian(' and FIEi.D MAAeiihz. in111 jearliTs. Bald to he ordered to sash Africa W wnper,e.ln (ion. B•11sr. IIs made hemelf (nmoum ilii .Afghan war, of 1880. nod III endeared to the nritIeh .014Mt7 no -- Pn11"." prier In conetnetlnn with tele bingt.si's fore. from efo ri er j110feer, *1:1 ponied to the rear nt e e lwt.rmrhneerte. which 1151W pro vent nen Methuen from pr•.ee•atlnf ae K;mberle(y. ('ol- Peeler Ana only nlmut forty miles to tear,' before he achieves til. lead. tad 1( tier eiudkwrtaudlug ls.or• lvet, en attack by lien. Ream', tied cetermhral effec% to relieve 8lmtrer ley may be expected any day. A despatch rem eunnyrlde. l'at'e Colony, referring to t1e ndn1irnl.le "4-44 Mir sall.titmtttlaa ,.. 113rfiviin i. 1,'', msym "Capt. Hell, in charge of the Cane dean Maxim gun. nod Lirut. Belleau, who was directing alts working of the `sxeamlenderr' machine gun, did ea- dwllenit work. Lieut. Rymer handling o/ the mounted Infantry le highly praised.,. eie•n. $nbingtua'e ntuunt<+) force, which started to (to-invortG, with cid. I'ilolicr In tbe attack on the Boers at S lfsss oke and Douglas, Ir not report el to have returned. The latent ref- end•e t,.' the. force 1. In a despatch 'lilted Metter River, Jau. 'ud, which *titea that firing has been heard in tone dirtrtio:t of its mstrck. Capt. .1. C. Bell, whose handling of the ('urindinn Maxim gull in the fight at Sannymlee ou New Year's day is praisers, carpe c.,4 to Canada with Ma/v-(len. Hotton, as hen .t. D. C. He was appointed a lieutenant In the 215d ;tett.' on Brotr Guards on Oct. 24th, 1894. and was recently pro• /roted to et paptalncy. He went to South Africa with the first Canadian e•o:rtingent, In charge of the machine gut' re.taehm"nt, be nK eep elide. fitted for ails work, am he had 'been Itt com- inaud of et s!mllnr detachment pts autumn manoeuvre. at Aldershot. ('auadl.eua l'mnpllniented. Leonetti,' cable : The bearing of the Canadians under their first baptism of (Ire at eunuyside le warmly applauded by the prams generally. 'The Deily News says: "The colonic* did not go tato title war am If they were going to it picnic or to a parade. They went prepared, and lioplug to fighstuneedt, d, Ineedla, to die idle by side with the other soldiery of the Queen. They would eco whatever work was allotted them. The only complaint hitherto had been that they had not yet had to bear the brunt of battle. In thin affair the honor,' of the day were all with the colonial temp*. The Em- pire hum to thank them for their first piece or work, which was well carried (Alt." The ebbe say" that this brilliant feat of arms has special ■ig uificanetl of Its ow r'npnrt from the arra-aunt. tactical moral weir. Soldiers of the F:tuplre have again fought and Medi /together. •The chief shire of gbnry fulls to fellow Ribjecta who have hur- ried frome2pDoslte ends of the world too uphold The queen's Imperial nu- tluarlty. - Taae. tteettaas' I; asethe eaves that -cape colonials fought with ctsdneses. bravery and Judgment goon without savlag. Froin their method" regular moldier', from home may learn a meet! lesson. It 1a for military rennin's thnt Sunny - ride Is not to be forgotten." • London, Jan. 9. -it In annaune'sl In s---. weeftt despatch from mineral's na to -day that an nneredIted rumor le current there that a British enabler Iota fired upon the Dutch cruywr.b rb'.a mar ar Deletion Bay, an that n Beteh o(fleer wall killed. PRAISE ('A\.tlIANre. Their loris to be Triied for Treason Now. London, Jan. 9. -Further news of Oen.. White'. victory he anzlonely awaited, on it is generaIy realised to, • tiuttFlbere wag little, warressti-ler---• tho-exultation Irhlche'herhaps. natlw- oily followed the announcement o/ hes ,,peke of the Lkoer* when the route try hail brawl 'twill to beer the worst. The remarkahle revolution In Beer tart:cs Ire. hswri another complete em- prise to the 1lrltlult, who had not reek/meet on the weakeened garriwon e1 Ladysmith hying ,nbjr'ete,t to aura to. f-omr`ageosss nssnnit, net it 1, realize.) (lint (Jen. Wh is s trash* daunot lee expected tae prolong to any great et. tent si ('li nn nrdnous elefenee. in .sane gnnrtera 1t Is ron•Lerrt tinnc- rvx,ntnbe that (.en. Buller did not preen hie ntte'mpt to efferet a vantage of the Tugela River while the fioirs were engneed northward.,, and the etntnnents on him failure to do neo ane nowise complimentary. From the Beer headquarters it ie reported that Gen. Buller ea eon - /eructing a subsidiary railroad from the main lne to Coleman westwardly' in rhe direMlon aif I'otgleters Deft. BOBRS' STRENGTH. Advice Isom the Modder Waver ear the Berra catinue to extend their works, and it G staimated that 10,- 001 toren are required to defend them. Tbe prisoners captured by the Can- adeana end, Queenslandem at Sunny- •tde, are gong to Cape Town for trial it. rebels. The Canadians expressed intense In tlgtuaties on learning that the prisoners were British subjects. PRAIA& OUR MEN. The colonial troupe tongue, toeern warm prairie on all sites, the latest example of their effective work be- ing ,ordained in the despatch In Lon- don Timet, dated Jan. 6th, from the Molder River, and cabled to the Aar eeriated Press last teethe which maid that the neon free" Belmont showed/ filet the Canadians and Queeosfsodem had been too energetic: is that viclo- ity that the Boons hal been compelled to 'lawn a large belt of the Orange Fres iltate Territory maroon the bor- der. LiTTLE ('HANOI: TODAY. Lltte chnnpce wawapparent to -day In the portion at (+cob's g. General French reported t'. the War Offline m sunray m ornlrg . Jan. 7th, that he Net reconnoitered with a squadron of the Household cavalry en the Boors' east flank, two miles from Acuter• tang. and drawn a ooruteernbe force of the burghers, who. bring niton, a for their communications with Nor. vales Point. withdrew. SOME. LOSSES. The caa,uiltlea of the Suffolk*. neetr . (iolesburg. were: Killed--Cd`oneb Vat eisteenant Llerlatee-Wiikirss, Carey and WhIte and -0 tj'u. Mesatng - Captain" Brett. Tho area Prown nod tyutnnanta Allen. Wood -Martin and Butter argil 107 noels. Woutele,l-Twenty dm.' then. (;,neral France further reporter thnt th" each' mitten of the orLlx'r reerilnnmta to Jour 4th. wen. 1:: men k I l l,' I sadgly w•.tusMledl. T A STRA:r: AEL - The l ondlon '1Ir.N(dery 0oODnt at 1 orenso Mnranie cables that nith,mgh Giorgi M no goarentese that '1 1 gold M of etandaM value, the Portu- guese r:uvegainent romped. the local teak, t,0 aeerrpt It ;to leen! teethes e* the mase rate n,+ Bewail enveretgar. Ione glvIng a lar repnldlca every tapli- tty for ext.•nese trnmem flora here Amt rataltthest nxne,v to Europe... (',motlnneng, thee rorMner'n.lent pyo: "!t le q.Pat.km.al whether N,o 1'tr gnee* e'dPr 1. roe n breach rvf s►Peetseata- i. Iry." BLeref FONTF,1\ ALtRMEi3. Thn lets et news from Hkiemtoatein Miss tar offlrinls (Parc re*ssgnlse /bat they mea evnennte 11.' town at art earj,v date, *net are .ecnring hone". at ►'?Morin. It bd eb*n Mem/.gawp tine the hstpitnle at nlosm(nn44rt maned • peewhere are parked with wseeese,, turn MiThneis• S, amatenr golf rhaatpi. Pie all eel, has Awn sneers.e�d►s,t.•..1J>I •se Afrin* with the i ereb r"Illi