HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-01-11, Page 5?0N *rA -B1(INAL....4Eftm O i O.N fO. W. ACHESON &SON. 'MARY CifitIMICIA Ladies' and Men's Furs: We place our entire stock of Ladies' Furs, Fur Jackets, Capes and Fur-Iintd Capes thus early at last of the season's clearing prices. Our stock and selection is very large, and • must be realized on this month. We invite inspection of the largest and finest choke in the county of Ladies' and Men's Fur Coats, Ladies' Fur Capes, Saskat- chewan Buffalo Robes. W. ACHESON & SON. SALTFORD- TvaDAY. Jan 2nd. R.b.n Nymesde .s.. ■p from Brantford far the hslidsys Tend Noble. el Brsapsea, rated at the resldeme st Mn. Oeidtbrope dans' the holiday& The etas N Joseph Bek Is pregrwise, shbongk the weather W bees rather die sereeable ter the workmen. We hope It will sem be oomplsted as it will add as - ease lie. brisk 51Ualase te est village. Tb. Ohrbasees tree astertalemost ander elle ssspMss .f Who 8esday ,eh..l pissed off very seime•l.Ily• The less.re deserve apeM posies ler tise armed preg;rsm, withb ss.simed1dialogues. sewwoe 'sttriamend n• ela Mt/sedum. Ms amiss free the vlu.uv of 8ml[t rd as well .. MAMA .welled the ssdlesee t. Apish aa extant that Manes rams was sat ehisbable fee W .ed any had te .end .Shand Ib. deer. Mi. Mitchell, the leader of IM Meal, can s mpee.b which was .ftsikeeleted by all pr...st The Oaths/am Mee wee leaded with preesats lee tho obtld whish were ably dieetbsiod by Stem DUNLOP. Tamer, Jan. 2•d Jame L Toots, of thesis/ .f The LAW 4n Pros Press. wee up lea New Yew's, amine his renting eat MI fiends is ear teem Miring w any. Netwitheemndl.M the &Mesh■ N ace w trsd•y nein oaks a nn.►or new bele talk. with *sir power, eel aSan. were sp at the salty ashen a.1•rtalemo 1 •t idebin , wild& deed with W •ppeWmees el EaMta Claes with a large push.* �L -111 lar, Ter the 5.514515. wine bete** 5.445551.41.. k.. Me rriplenlr The amen .seder of d. Is. be. bl,Dgis• asps wee held am Wde.i y ef del ire* sed wen • tab a teedeme el she ntepyere r the make. Robert Qeed was M•k- w sed R B. William ase es,y. The endMa1' -semen, tennis, with • detested list el enema s1 w sehersit read by A. A. WIlllesok who wee oisted trance Ise seethe term ea mem of D Cee.4... sesseded by s N. . Some easel gena- . The tee leads of Memnon �i wk gobbet. Mtn ewer..Sed dal year, war discussed. • and M wee derided Mas the easiest 0.1I • Cbbs .eM1ae of Me ratepayer* 1■ oho Mri m &side wblher tbe werk be done b! sale er by a bum The beet ba•ter- esu anelde- wee IM shins et the salary el Os treasurer of Me @sail... At the edea et Me essetas Kaden fer the •meal Me Mel weed end males ind Ohm p a rea Mlle yard elm riessived and tie job was IN by the tr.,tm,. MouDAT, Jin. gas. Alm Arae MOM Mr abhor, Mr. Mase., N Meesesid roamer. Jame Taw, jr nod his Me ,bless wap M the ball a1 Kaman ea Now Tears UAW. *154.1 M.Cd1, free OW HOee•ll, meal Hew Year's heap, the geeet of his seat. Mrs. Joseph Wen. Y1a Rookie and & nth e, et Weed. @Mob. spent New Tesee with the former's pseeM,. Mr. ea M. E Pulford. SOLNA um Rehm. M•d.e•ld...f De - Malt. cert New Yaw'. here with glee WAWA penis, Mr. and Mr. A U. Mae. d.bld. set ebe meted at Dr. Clark's, i. Ada11h. draft Mg* 0M1 te Oa ads. Patina R. Willis has reamed be Plate,ier a i' -u- ally of Nese yulabs. Deft hit Nay he saw sisay old theft The ales of Ms obit wee .erred ,ra•-.- 1essM severe weather, wb.b pre• vseye blpi self several gid triode. be who want se the lumber Mee, £Wfmkee ghees throe me/Mho sfe, Met WW1 y asslIessewane ramie' li1115 with • teas. !t5 rsbn• is • broken H. metet Mee. arrive( bare Nil, ear met alight el lass wink. sed is new see/ed is hie bed and seder • Moue' sere. Our silage .t te•rshe rs.epm.d fee Awl, en edeeedey el feel week. Mw O.nito, Its pseeeetr.u. r.. .1 p bar dente after • plama5 visit la Deenk i).rise beg Off .5. war present at se Worest.g c._ sweat. The yearly prise for the moot rego- la atteadast at the eo►el, given by Qv secretary gad treasurer, wee wan by J.wie. Becker, • to► d ouly assets year., who be. to anw • diet•ao• of two wide. mash day ,e tis• schen•. The present true•eee .re Jeri.. Barker, Jas. Chisholm end A. A. wd6am.. LEEQURN. TC.soar. Jam. god There was • Miamian party a1 Hugh Thorlow's, Friday ■.aht of let ween. Cocasorioe.-The W.- Y. M. A 4., of tits Pssebyt ren chafed', are Le meet •t Mrs. A. B. llmttoe'e fen their ant meeting el this year, instead et, be C B. Society, s reported mai week. Oa Wds*sd5y evening of last week our esteemed pastor, R.v. Mr. Haseiltoi, and Mesa Hamtlasa invited tis sottq members of the C. K. Society hen said the Senday w hen basher. shad Algiers to • motel rash e rlmg se their home, Neat street. Goderich. Quist • number want and bad • moat ppos•wo•��I and enjoyabie time, thele licca sad he.tese sixty 1511111 mm their datiee to thei ,swim, The Holiday school entertainment, whlob was rotary marred by the steady dowels! of mew, had • fair •adismor.. Amoog the .deselw of Bang was " Rock • by. Baby,' by wean little amide with 15.ir dollies seat - Iv dressed br the 0000loo. Mise Mate Wlleym, of Carlow, who is not • streamer le • leebern anthems*, gave • plea/slag reet- Sabioi. Addressee win g,ven by Rev. Mr. H•atlltee and H. A. nortoe, superinteed- anL At the aloof of the meting study and sob were plous•.tly distributed Ly some see b a Mg far mat with • Mg Moe Mg- swebably Soma Glace blmslf A vote at abash'. wus tendered to Mase Edith Emma gad Nies KIM Clark for prep•nag jlpo .ebolare for the proms rendered and elm for their wort la 4sooratlag the obnrob "kb protttly•werded mottoes for the 000slom;-- Moe DAT, Jut. 8. Mr. J. J. Wrlgbt is swage la O..Iph and Ters.m Herbert Taylor Mu riles back to the Homilies Bestow College. Horse Herten tea gone to Goderiob to eater the ampler of Reba. Cr ». A few weeks ago we meadanod that the ofsgree•aaem bore, with iblr pastor,tot.ed- d to held • series of p meetings for she dvanoemsl of their spiritual Imamate. Thee meting* oomwso.d on Monday evesi5. last •ed will be held every eyealog ler three weeks with the ezeoption of 8•iarday nod Sandy .vulegs. Another pisses, • former »eldest, died se December 31116 In Oo•lerioh b the person of Mrs. Thee. Tbempem, who, with her late \mimed, seStied on their term bene to 1868. winch le gear N. 5 school boa.. Hen they anderwsl sway of the trials of the early s.telor•' life. Of titsir femlly,two of their denghbenw, Yrs. Thee. Bates and Mrs. Jas. 81rana, remedied them in death. The dammed died ae the res dom , of her daughter, Mn, J. Bell, la (lode/Joe. The f.naral took mise en the 2nd of Jas. to Paaev.w a eatery, Uolboroe. Her two IOU, J.i. who fires le tows, sod Joseph, who Itww en Mei boot.ted here, ears at the funeral, the latter baying to walk late Sawa to 15 thnm5► the big mow storm of Tuesday of lass week. The road was so drifted la planes AM ho had to lave his horse .ed ratter st a esigbbor's ea the way Ia. THE WIFE BEHIND THE WAS* BOARD. Yue the homes of our lady readers (Is nob Meir wine !Woo!) we reerlet the loltowtag. 1. is • deserved Whale tea meek sad ea. eempletelag elms of the ummusity : Wo Mas heard in emu mad story 0 *TM -.-daa• i obea. t.*A.s.. Of '• Tho Man Behind ib. Sumer'iota '• The Man Bellied the Ptak.' bed we're erowieg very weary header of whet he hats dose, Which is why wit Wm .nos to to protest • bee sky klok, .Now, " The Ma. Behind " 1" worthy of • Hamlet seed of praise, For bis work Nadal :he shovel, and the gen and pick sad bee. Baa there's still another worthy of the poets' tanetai lays - 'Tis The Wits Bottled the Washboard," who deserves to have • chow. 85. is tallies law and early o'er the steam- ing, soapy oud. Rubbleg, wringing, twisting, tannest to Me /reeky atmosphere ; Makloe sloth • vast oulleotloo of Mdres- aled, dirty dads, While the future Its before her destitute of hope and obeer, Husband • thus engaged in saving from a drier sod awful late This beloved young Dominion as he blows away the foam In the grogshop on the cornet, till the hoar is growing late. White "'rhe Wife B.b pd the Washtub " earns the grab fbr those •1 home. She keeps bacon an the table sad • small supply of '• *pude," And her labors keep the obildren from appearing clothed to rags ; And her 100.1. t weary Willer 1a the bot and st.am.og suds .Never mems to plea.. her hu.b.od, who IS 10'1 of b uffe and brags 0t ►b leadership of petty, sad h,. Item.. lodge of the says Whmh.loo. oat heaysllmg oa .let t. of 111111• to 'aye ; 8o 'tis tiroti• to Idt tier voloes la • w111 out- burst of prate For •' Tae Wile Behind the Washbord," she's the bravest of the brava. SHOULDER TO SHOULDER. Manitoba Free Prete• Shoulder to shoulder and eters lips est last, Eyes to the trout end points to • ring Mother, thy daughters are reuod thee at 1st ! Look, s ben the nations are croaubies to eprtog ! Raurbty, defiant, she towers mind us, Britain, our mother, her fair) to the foe. We of the ram, shall we halt whoa they big es' ' Jflllyr . 55.dr tonal 4.be enattwwptrves Ne! Prem the WW, from the Beet w. rather I -' around her, Be it love, be it war, we latch clsla WAS share ; Hen 1. • elrole of Iron to mood her, Bread it, or toaob It, and come ---oboe ye due! JUtoAar tdprtte' stow■ JooxzAL.- Thirty tere authors, Mf illustrate» sad eight pbetosrspbie artists oo.lribete *soonest Jemmy loam of The ladles' Hoene J•eraal. Among the spools] featorse are "• The He.e•OomiDe of the 'Yahwism." b W'. A. baser " The Beer Oki of South Attlee," by Howard C. Rule.•• t " Wiser. the Now Ostusy WIlI Really Beals," by Joke Ribble. jr.; ' A Merry Woman's Letters te • Quiet Peso," edited by y T. PIskard ; " The Molitor .t the Stan,.' by Amelia H. Bushed : "A Naito.al Calms at the Tom .f Amertem Parente," by Rd - ward Bek 1 " The Waists, .tail the Organ," by Ian Moslems : " The Rehearsal of e I fs7) ; Mal Denehn.'. Masieale, by the smite" of " Mr. Dooley" ; " Rdith and i le Parte," •• Her Boston Nrperieems," " The A.5Mograpby of • Girl, eta. B The Cotte Poblbb.eg Us.p.•y, Philadel- phia. ()se dollar • year ; tan sena • spy. School Books a School Supplies R Porter's Bookstore, Goderich. A full laiden/ of otesellfsaa's New Vertical Copy Books, ,just authorised, ?Toe. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6, 7c. each. No. 7 Business I7orms, l0c. Gage's our practical P. S. Speller, 25c. • Also the new P, S. Agriculture, 30c. A full line of the new Catholic Readers, pt. 1, 10e.; pt. 2, 15e.; find Reader, 21c.; 3rd Reader, 30c.; 4th Reader, 40c. Covered Slates, So., 10o., 12c. and 15c. We Oa sal 100 pilus Scribblers for 1c. each. tin a 2c. 31 r 44 5c rr Every Girl's and Every Boy's Exercise Books, 3c. etch. The biggest and best 5c. lexerciie Book on the market. 292 Pen Pointe, 3c. per doz., or 4 for lc. filtsipenod Slate Pencils, 2c. per doz., or R for le. JRuler1 fMsd $1Otterg given with School Supplies the Sri' days of school opening. • PORJ.ER'S BOOKSTORE Why d. ye Seng, th• one for the other? Hen we wale armed of the steps of be throe", Les ! we are daughters, we stead hi ase mother, Brlble, Imperial, mit with her ewe t s.._ •_ ......� ' Q •L 11. caLUIML TAN mimes ere SCilFTOni• • *oe ma them that rise ■p early fa the merulag. that they m.y follow stress drfak; that *elitism* ant.' night, till wise MBA.. them. Woe nate them that are migbty to drlek wine, and awe of strength 3o mingle strong drink.-Ia., v., 21.22 But they leave also erred through the wise, and through strong drink are out el the way ; the unapt and prophet have erred through .user drink, they are swallowed sp of wise, they are out .f the way tbroogb stress drink ; they err 1a vietos ; they stumble Is judgment. -Ina. zzviil , 7. Wue is • mocker : strong drink le Me - INA; sad whoever is deosl,d thereby is ase who. -Prey, zz., 1. Hear thou, my sea, end b. wise, and guide thine heart a the way, Be not amass wine brbben ; among riotous eters of flesh. Fort the drunkard and elution shall Dome to poverty. --Prop, .zttl., 1921. Who bath woe? who bath *arrow 1 wbo bath oont•.ttona? who bath babbling! who teeth wounds without cause? who bath red- ness of syn ` .. They that ,tarry loon at the stns 1 that 10 to melt mixed wise. •y�- Look set Non opon the wine whss.-M•4 red, wbn it gtvdth his solos io the mph when it moveth itself aright. At the lest It biteth u.e • serpent, and sMnaetb like an adder. -Prov. RIO., 29 33. Now the weeks of the flesh are =millet whioh ars time : Adultery, forniceliee, no- olea0neo, Ioselyiensoees, envyier, warden, dreekeweese, reveille/is and •ooh like. Of the which I bell yea before, as I bay* aloe bold yin is time past, that they welsh d• sash ibises .5.11 net .brit the Initiators of God 0.1 v., 19 21. Wee unto 5lm who givelh his ,.ighbor Mak, that pettiest thy Doti le to hien and meant him drunken. -Hatt 11., 15. If meat mom my brother to offend I will eat tin Oseb while the world stoodeth, lest I make my brother to offend. -1. Cor , yid , 13. It is god neither to eat fleeh,oer to drink wine, nor anything whereby thy brother stambletb, or u off.mdd, or I. made weak Destroy not him with thy meat (or drlst for whom Christ did -Romans .Iv , 15 21 Wbo k wee, and he .h.11 understand these Wogs? Prudent, and he shall know them! Fer the ways of the Lord are night, sed the lest stall walk In them. Bat tis ►nt.gressor shall fall therein. -Hesse sir., 20. A tte0l.17Te 114011L1 ITT. All the melbas el the Toronto lire b 1• /de were *remised by a physician during October to ..ental. the physical oo.dition, and were ?mod to he in most Dues far b. - .w the standard. ?b. pbyeloh.a to his report laid down a sst.1 relic for sel*otine Bremen, det.lio, three prie.dpsh requirement. named Youth phrasal drill, and ABSOLUTE SORRIE Y BOTH ON AND 014 DUTY. Tete readers it may for is le fermelate a weep nod mead arsemeat. if the firs ren, who may at my time be Pilled epee be pretest the home from ere, must observe o bsolete sobriety at all time., how mesh .0's .beuld the tread -wham, and menet prete"see of the home be • eater man 1- Act aely b the head .f the household us ma wider and preteetor, bat he 1s also Ite moral snide red steeple. What 5m I. the bele will ate m beasts. Nary fey regards sb.Uet as his mold, Notate, Me ream* work fres outside will tura Si. from the& model. 1.1141705 t5 Alt I&axrr r0 TYa Maraca. Arebbb51p' O'Oeeegr, Toronto, bas *rehired every paries priest aide, his ene- WI to tends\ h1. with • Bee el pariah losers. dmefessina thee se rod, l.diff5r.s& ee led ea/belles, He states M. diodes to hew bow many are Osthellce..eem oily. Ether Branca made • seems of 8s. Beal'. g�y�, Tomtit, nod 1. his ..pest b..tates iW M regret' Au there would be many Medi narks w ths lata to be laid before Me Mahtib51p, He ►d bean was male" . Mss mug No inetah4...r. lis Res. Mother de*oribed the kwm et tis 1N Ounelt. Ems there was dasekes- sai tend misery. 'I9. shtldreu were Ip nen gad Wide begs 41e.N.u1., 1...54,pse Ute bibs, .4 the fsptf►y was • Mater, aid. Were melting .0411, se.eq.ee iI was We lather. Thew payee dna ... ee to *b.,d, se stayer" wars stab h the hese, ewe was nee lam .4tr..51 The ' .. v "bery. ranker bel gee......•, 1Rt a$ t N welds' • or Mom Moomlertbly .IN•ted he lif. They ate, drank and made .1 * anti ware ba CANTELO in oboe:slag _he rules of the thumb. Bat la tae beam of the good Cations the heart of the rodeos pastor throbbed with joy Tho Rey. F.tk.r had only tree fault to Hud with the good Catholic', gad that wss bast they did set display iboirift es taste etlatsty For Betel Results Pat it is "The Signal" A Good. Warm, Well -Made . . OVERCOAT le • dodr.bb •ainimum w a tan's ward- robe al this time of year. H. DUN WP, tis• Wawa. tailor, has • lugs stook of his own make watch look well and wear wAll, The prise le nos a aeries wetter -very low. OALL AND SEE THEM. H. DUNLOP. A Great Snap. is oar Ginter Snap, •t 5a a pound, of wbiob we sella barrel a week This Isn't our only snap. as we Derry •verything that ma be found In ea up to date grocery More, and our prises are right. The fermiers know that they cue always get from us • seep ler their Produce. We draw the Imo 11 no 1.a,54..te trade - •verytblog goes Gl .mwar• or pow, ea, esrdre .1.4 or choicest tebl• ChM.. W. deal in all el them. •. T. G.TIPLINGd300., 8. , f., • 0.5. l' the ab J. BROPHEY & SON - TUB LIAD!"tl - Vanes . \ sree\ors area Til+Abak+la vat mrden lanrattg.streaded ee as ail Imam atg►1 sr ga. .tare ern West Wrest ne411101,0% lee. bee Wsee& VSE 11A -VE FOR SALE CHEAP • 1 SHINGLE SILL 1 15 HORSE POWER THRESHING ENGINE N'S Pastry, Oyster Potties, Tails, Short Brad Cream Rolls, Min Pies and Lady ?infers, Kissel, locations, Maranon, Brandy Snap, Etc. are as good as the hest made in any city iu Canada. Caotelon loads the trade iu WEDDING CAKES to fancy designing and ornament- ing and almond iuueg. Give him ate order and your mit- iefactio,, will be atssuteei. D. CANTELON, WEST -3T. sToTrEs 2" 4.0021 0M0112 3 1ORSE POWERS ALL urn es. Thaw. TAIT gas Baxontyx. 4444 The Henderson Bicycle Co. I (L2mitedi, GI.0 RI 018_ A few Stoves on hand yet to be sold cheap for Cash, at J. H. WORSELL'S The Cheap Stove Pommes Iger, Dederick d NEW COOK SPOYE • c . sago:*,3.o. I1, 400. " a Get your Suits and Overcoats NOW AN ""PEDDER'S� Big C1� th ing Sale -- In order to make room for New Stock and alterations in the store, we will make big re- ductions in all lines or SUITS, OVERCOATS, REEFERS, ODD P4 TS and VESTS. A Genuine Sale and a big cut in the price of every Garment sold for the next two weeks. CARPETS must go, too, as we need the room they now occupy. BARGAINS in many lines of DRY 000DS, seasonable lines. Don't Fail to Attend this Sale! r TERMS, CASH OR TRADE. J. H. PEDDER COLBORNE'S OLD BTAND, OODERIOE, At any season of the year there is no greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen. It is witn cools stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you wi'l bo pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges OALL eT CATTLE BROS. Plumbers, Ste, i Uers and Tinxmilhs West side of Square, 0eztoterdy MCKIMS REID'aOLD STAR RED LETTER SALE Commencing Friday, January 12th,and for eight days or while the goods Inst, we will run a grand RED LETTER SALE of all winter goods,of which we have a limited quantity, augmented by 11,147.85 worth of snaps which we secured in 'Toronto last week at prices below anything we ezpected- wholeaalers are glad to clear lines at this time of year to make room for $ammer Goods and will cut prices, yes, cut deep when they see the hard cash. We ar9 determined to make our RED LETTER SALE • suaes■. It will be your Red Letter Dsy for saving money. The regular prices are •21 on the Reo& and the RED LETTER SALE prise in red. Don't ask any further reduction, as those red figure. are the luwest po.sible. We add just a few prices u examples of our Red Letter prioea, Regular price. Men's all wool Frieze Ulster, tweed lined, storm collar, wind and storm proof 11000 Men's Beaver Overcoat, velvet collar, well made 10.00 12.50 3.50 Towels -10 doeen very fine all linen Towels, large sine, all white, and colored ends, hem etitohed 65c de 750 10 dozen all linen Towels, large size, very fine 35c 25c 30 deerti all jinn Towels,'frloged sed nem end. , 16c 00 10 " " , 1 11 N a 11 It••• Bo 14 TWA Table Cover, good linen 7ro 11 - .1 11 11 11 81.00 24 to N 11 1• .13 1.25 « 0 1.50 1 } yard Table Cover, ooloretl border 380 2 11 50o 63o .. .. .. 11 el 11 11 Boys Tweed Overcoat, isrge size 5 .1 11 11 11 1. .e 11 " 10 'si a .4 .. ...ems... 11 11 11 41 41 11 24 61'•4111 t1 Many other bargain. in linens, Red Letter price. $6.50 6.50 7.75 1 05 45o 25o 17io iOo 7Aeo 50o 75o 880 81.13 .0 30o 40o 140o This is only a sample of two department/. The same generous cutting of dependable goods in all other depsrtmenta. This is the Grit big sale we have offered the people of Goderich ADA Huron since our shoe sale nearly • year ago. It was a success' ; so will this bttcat's. it hbea all (he elements to make it so • -.-First-class goody, jest when you want them, and at lower priou than they can to bought alt@ide of MtKiM'S RED LETTER BALK, Remember the date, Friday, January 12th, and for eight days or until the goods are gold. Come early in the day. - 11UHIM'$ Red Letter S HOME WORN FOR FAMILIES We want the *erelos. .t a number 'K lam111m to do kiddie• for us at home whale or span t11me. We runtish esi .melons .ad sagpil the Imo ns d iM7 for the work ee tett In. Distasoe le hld,.no. 117 10 510 pert week made mend*, se tin. wvaed to the work. Write as neo. Name aetere.ees. it...sperms a t.Nslte • e.. • remote. TO ADVIlRTIIBARB. Notice of change@ moat be left at this Offioe not later than tlaterday noon. The Oopy for chappas mast De left not later than Mon- day noon. ()areal Advertisements socepted so to noon Wednesday of each week. ANOTHER Bankrupt Stock FOR CODER/CN` WAIT FOR IT. /T'8 A BEAUTY. ThursdayDay...is the f0 A. M. THE HOUR. Continued for 30 Days ANDREWS will conduct the sale. Everything in General Dry Goods will be sold at from 50 to 75c. in the S. Everything in Millinery and Mantle" at 50c. in the 1. it's yore oppertrsity. Caw We do the rest. Our shoes fit hire the wings on • duck, and • ladder is not noo- se Nary eo- nary to reach our ,rices. • . OUR RANGE of Boots and Shoes covers anything you need -the neat and dainty foot -covering for the house and the strong and oomfort• e able boot for severe weather. Great bar- gain' in Long Boot@ and 511 kinds of Fall Boots and Shoes. ST. OEOR6E PRICE. R. W. M'KI3NZII3 Seasonable Gifts..,` A gift h trebled in appreciation when you gat 0104tient is suitable and useful. It is an easy matter to have that 4.�pi'OCiaMMn if you select your present from our large and v;1fl[ed stock of useul 1309ds. Our Stock Carvers, Knivelt, • with and ani Spoons, Butter-Kniv COtnplete. What sui Tnnknifo ? rks, 1847 Plated Ware, and Razors Was never more r girl better than a pair of good { R. W. M°KENZIE'S, WI INDS SWAIM The Place to Bay All Hardware amp.