HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-01-11, Page 4r• E.B.&M.H. We have fitted up a studio to the roan over oar Music Store, and made art.oga.enta with the following popular Teachers to tweet their pupils aged gin .u.truc tion in connection with our Must. boatmen.: F. G. 141611140N, Organist and Choirmaster, North - at. Methodist Church, Piano, Five Organ and Harney. MADAME WALL, Voice Culture. • MISS LAURA ACNRION, Violin. VMS E. 0. FISHER, Guitar, Elocution and Physical Culture. For terms and further Informs tion apply at EMERSON'S Bicycle & Music House West 81rest. • t;tedrlob. Int f ignzI, nD EVERY THURSDAY MORlfI*O Ui M. OODOIOH. THURSDAY. 'Alf, 11. 1910. THE NEW TOWN'.COUNCIL• THE inaugural meeting of the new town council was held ,Monday morning, aee4the result im highly eatist., tory. Mayor Wtlaos in hie inaugural address dealt with a number of imoortant matters in • crop, clear, business like way, and de mometrnted that he has the ability to ntap out a good mesas in municipal politics. Taken all in all, we are of opinion that good work may be expected from the coon oil of 1900, and it will be the duty ot every ratepayer to bite& the members up in every effort put forward in the iutereet of the town. WHY E. F. CLARKE WAS THROWN. THE Mail and Empire is jell& now busily engaged trying to drive W. F. MAc Lame and The World newspaper ..td tie Tory party. Unfortunately for The Mail neither WILLIAM F. nor Tte World will obey ta mandate, and aa a result the last state is worse than the first. The trouble occurred in this way: I t the recent mayoral contest The Mail sn4 tllt� News espoused the cause of E. F. CLAasP : The (Abb. aid The Star took the side i.( J0MH HALLAM : and The World and The Telegram came Out bat -footed for E*%l)T ALBERT YAM DONALD, whose platform ram : Down with the oli archt,ta and bloated stockholders and give testa to the .trap - holders. Early in the game it was seen that HAL LAa'5 chances were below sero, and that the fight would really be between CLAaxg awl MACDONALD. The Mail at once tried to whip the oid•line °ennervatives Into line for Cumin, but made its calculation without noosalting the Hon. CLARK WAurca, end that's where the Mail made its first mi.• take. For years then tae been a rivalry, politi- cal and otherwise, between R. F. CLAIMS and Clrax WAtrrc.. E. F. Clang is the more brainy Deal, but WALLAcr te the better pipe -layer. Both men Lave been helped by lodge influence, the only differ- ence between them being that Glens has led the better element while WAurc■ tae _looked for b* u pport to the "ooh.* ail•ye" boys, who form the larger part of the lodge influence. CLAIMS had eat four years in the mayor'. chair, Toronto, and had been for year. a member of the Legielatare from the Queen City. WALLACit bee been in Parliament eines 1878 for West York, and when the Coetrolloeahip of Customs was created by the late Government he wad eloped in the position so that the colon of 1he Cabinet would be nicely blended. When the Mani• tole question beo•me the issue the Hon. gentleman wax forced to relinquish the rMioe,from motives of oonecienoe, he alleged, and we all know of the futile attempt of Bir Goan. Tureen to read him out of the party shortly after that. It was believed by many that E. F. Ornate nomination and election for West Toronto in 1896 wade ;provide • man who, with legislative influence, ability and lodge influence, would be aoeeptdble to Mir ('noal.rs in the event of the Conservative party being sustained, and en that ("Linn WaLLAt.'a could he dispensed with in the reconstruction of the Cabinet which might mune. The Conservative Government how- ever, was not su.tnined, and the scheme did not work out on the original plan. And right here is where the knifing of E. F. C1.•ae. Mmes in. CLAttia WALLACE hes been living in the hope that if the Conserve - twee regain power he will regain dfoe. As 'otters mainly .rood E. F. CLAIMS was nearer to the position, and had he been conn eefd in again winning the mayor'. their b Termite) hi. Anne for farther orte'oW"n eigidd have, been oonsiderahly Improved. 1yareere in not bid to the bsndi1 that wpebl soon* to Mr opponent it web ciromestaugu. and when modelled d election day earns isnot ha did not heed. tarn to pot the shirk wenia into the ,. Moet Worthy Brother." The World and Blear MAriaAtt pm s p great fight a gainet Nip CLAIMS, bateke nal knifing wee done by the Hon (wall Warr -Are, who hal the knowledge and the " know how." EDITORIAL MELANGE. �7 5d Toronto mayor's inaugural edd raas wean't luded up with platitedn this year. eilf 1O111aaa won . enesedn1 hie would he a mod ampee ie name for even la(art.t5o to anthems *wet. wr'i't, Hamilton Speoeatdr M trying to ten Th. Woedmisek Menelnel•R.view jour- . golemie titbits, and boali te•obotaed pupil are having • hard time owing Nr ie Wwber .ot being up in the game. Jona: generals ars .tel staying uu flet home guard in Omeda while'the troopers .tee going to the trout. NFIL,lremld be • aleifL Wugj±_45. of tLe oouiiuy"i►ouu11'ii..ri tlt.'TAB' mathematicians who art figuring the thing out. M'Up io Elgin • muuioip*1 ()Moor wee eleoted deepen the foot that he was going through the world under the time of " M. T. Bannes," and in the county of Waterloo a co iididate was elected wbo signed hie appeal to the public " U. B. Dens." WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. Tale 15 A OTIAIUHT Tier. HamUua Times : Herbert, the Ville Marl* Basque Oboist now soder arrest 1e Montreal, was a patron et the bookie' shops. The keeper of eon of them places ,wean Herbert less $126,000 9n • year In " buck tog the hger" 1e his rowers. Bucket shop and horse otos g.taeilleg aged any • youth Le the penitentiary. No alma win ploys hakes shield be ret•lawd a day 1. • position of Man SOMETHING tit A HAMS. Hemline Spooner : We do not thlak WI it maks. very much diffracts to the avenge girl whether she la called • "oar - vast,' • •domestio" or • "help." Wb•e she geeerslly objscts to 11 the tyraaay of the mistress of the boom, sa4 she seeks the factory to get rid of that tyraaoy. Hat 1f the us of • o•r►iooler appellation a me. adored to roma.• the "mental" natant of domestic service why not hay all the girls gwbtled to be malted "Protebors of Doures- t o Soignee Y' Katona oaMICra To Tin SUtMg:a. Victoria Times : Pre.ldest Kruger ones said with great bitterns. : "It'. mot the English who worry ms ; it'. those ooatouod- md (verdomd.) Sootah. There would sever hey been an) Colander diicoltieo it tshad not been for the Sootobmes. A Smtobman would rather go without anything that he talon! rights." 1'rsa/deet A. Lt000lc, stracge to say, said pretty wuolt the same thing : "First th.ag an Kogpahmsa warms wham b. airtime Amereos Is • hotel ; u Irishman wants • uoiterm wad a Sootobwea • vete-sad this be takes the rot." LAl:atxa ASD TH0 IMPHIL. The Weet.rn Mai, el Clerdiff, ons of tbs meet Important prey tatted Conservative neat in England, says: -"Sir Wilfrid Laurier le the int Fronts -Camden Pnm• ter Canada has ever had. This Frboh is Quebec helped to swell his majority. This is • laot the Canediaa Oppos'i'tlo. cannot forgot, bat they will do so service to the aspire by anything nodisr to reflect upon • body ot colonists we to Kagiead hold 1■ honer. N itt all hie lore of Britain, Sir Jobd A. Maodoald Ie1, It to Ms French. ("neaten suoose.or, Sir IS Iltrld L.orier, to formulate the policy of jilting in the empire', battles." L•T runts m Tam Ali APVAitts. Windsor Record : The Termite Ernie/ News nye: "Something that ie badly needed la °anrio is the Inrp.otioa of bettor ete*pRt -And why not have a few thou.aod more "inepeotore" appointed when we are at it let an inspector be stationed In nob hotel kitchen, dining room and bedroom ; ow for say every ton privet* Mouse ; eon for every steamboat. railway teals, patine hall, m.reantile establishment, amain tot- tery. ate. When we rsoegsise la the Oov. .roment inspector the sovereign remedy sad protntles stales/ all the 111. that befall the human family we shall probtbly have (sand the epee eseisale to unalloyed bapplaer. A BOON TO , ATTLZ &ADMI : Stratford Bones : OB November 16, B+I- trum removed the embargo 0o Candies cattle. Darks Cosservatl,. rule tin cattle trade of Canada onftend on the " give a deg a bed gen" idea. The business like and oaoeenteffort* ot the Dominion Minister of Agriculture, 'wooded by carie on the Dart of Caaadlan stock len, resulted 1a the removal of the American embargo, w51oh beneattd the stook raker greatly. Europa oda pnjdloe ham yet to be *vroom, and the sallies of Belgium u the oomm.ecm..t. A superior grade of oaths le being raised le Canada, and, with an extended market, the industry will be • very Important nae. This le another result of the latell4eat admiala- wanes of the Depart...al of Agriculture ender its premed head. THE LAWto A .00ND Ong. Toronto World : The Su.oeslon Daly AsI ot the Oat rlo Government le one of the bat pines of logielatioa that w. *ver pined le the stet Mei. It should be rigidly aileron. if the presses law is not eat• 6otsetly etilogent W Prevost armies' of the set 15 should be amesdsd. Noes should be allowed to .Daps. Is is the people at largo who afford the opportualty for mil- lionaires to acquire their wealth. Vander - bis wee •bio b aooamalate his mllltose only by roeson of the franchises gives by the people for the railways with whiob he wee Identified. New York State will oolleot, in ell, about 8ve mi111oo dollars from the Van- derbilt estate The state is entitled to evey seat of it. 1he law. of New 1 ork are more mrl.geet I. regard to evasion of the sal Gas thee. et Ontario. I. the oasis of Mr. VanderbU(a however, le will god be meek eery to eater legal proceedings to collect M. tar. TRIM ANI) NOW. H•siltoe Timer : 1'h. Glebe reprints a vis. of • .seg Mist wee sung al Sir Charles Tapper's Massey Hall neetine Is 1896 : "If [warier Afield win the day, thou Wbl.ir would gri to reek, Th. wheel. of Industry ern! .top, and mon will get the 'sok." Hamilton workings.., who resesbr what their condition aped to be at this time of year, wh.. the Tories were la offior, .honied learn that verse by heart, or out it oat and paste It la their hats Tee 'estuaries used ..net dews le November or the early pert of Domaine, "to 5.►e stook," and that steektakine was liable to last aetll the Mayflowers were 1n bloom. Waikl., the erne:., 'reheat work or Aegs, the awe become very bard ep before 'prieg, and when they did get something to de, they were sled . tab almost any rat* of wags. Now all i. ekaagd. Laurier did els the day. F.mploymeat fa plestifel tad oma .tans. Wags ars good. So are profit.. A Hemline f000dry Ors reverts that 1899 was the yore best year It had had la the 8lty dr yeah of t5. exi.taao" Yet t ere are people who .reset the watchmen . vote for • rotors ta the 000dltlese whish orbited whoa the Tortes wen la Ain. They eight to have more seen. BOOKS AND PERIODICAL.,., . A JAMr ARTCACAD1AN YAar,i., A. Se. sawed► tarp .aasber et Illeetra k.s gree floe nem her of The Caedlee Y•eeelwo weak epee. use bee year. Thew heeled* by het tall page mlll$sy platurea. a= ().eh.1 .kw 1. sed IMI tow. mod ,.a,ad the ff..ley Rmpht. The &Melee whisk Woes CeM rebus eple- enemasy are hrigutly e those Ila. The . ing ontribette. b • its'' The r see Northwest, by W. A Pyr• te titgadiell !Opting. The Rea. J. W. l.,a,V a.. Median *Dates • Neva Mean story. Bar's etrietares s Dandies' as buyers are replied te by tho ell piles .hoe he sowed kr planing Dieting lotion Ther l bray. C. A Ilrainhla, la hie cress ea she Big Dow* of ('ands, writes of 1N wapiti red e.l.lepe, lewd Arthur Hem mnlrl- THE SIGNAL s GODERIWI ONTARIO " 5.5. • drawly .l a Madteus w.piel se elk. Kneed H. Cooper deal with " The Pttadpl. Underlying the Treat," end BlesedeU Genres tells why he believes Oat the Red Indies will toed be esteratla• 6M4 to Canada. MEANS A L088 OF $800. m.-u.tatau-a"irbeges. D/patso.Iat ie QeeN new 'Ivied careful oortwd.ratlen to eke dote eif $ rialaMea reosshy promalgsted by the Teleral D.pertmen► of Ywertm. TW re/stenos. wetuh nirvana 1e Tne (aaa- pq. Guano. forbid* the um of pound eats to the wooers of Ueesgtu Rao mat of a Iles drawls la o northwesterly dlreettm from Cape Hard, la the meaty of Bra**, to Bea well Feint, on the Messiah River, in the distriot of Algoma. 'PM Prevision' .ntb- *rltem have toned dxtw 1leesee. to Beanie oomp.alea, oatitilwg nem tei w pound sees le the area whin the Dominos b. now prmorlbed. Each of thea 11...... eon MO. leldlag • betel mynas to the Previa°. lel POO. 1f the Doel.5.o persist Is deNroiar the regaled= it wase that Wet oilman* et noose* will be Isis to Oaiarlo, The mat- ter 's new the stbjmt of negotiation bo twoes the two Oovrameste. CHEESF AND BUTTER ASSOC'N nevaes al a/rMtord great Week. ea Tuesday. WNseNar and rbenc er. The (hew wed Nutter Aseoolatioe eon• seniles will be held at Stratford on Jenny 1656, 17th .ad 18.►. The speakers, as usual, ars masts both of theory and 1. peaches. The list Includes the following times : Hoa Svdsei Felber, Hes. Joh. Heyde.. Mr. A. W. eftimpbell. Dr. Cosaell, Pref. Doan. Mr. D. Derby- shire, Prof. Farriegtee, Dr. Fleisher. C. C. Jam., Mr. A. Peetalle, M. PP.. Mr. A. F. McL•r.., M. P , Mies !ware Ram, Prof, Roberta... Mr. K. D. Tine, Mr. J. N. Peen, Yr. W. C. B►ener. Among the sabt.ote to he 41500 sed are : "Dales :tar sad Road Reform," •' The 1 Costants e1 Cheese in 'Wean to the Caries of Chess," " The EHoots of t.lme 8ulatin is Che.° -Making," " The Caring acid nailing of oar Clown ler Market," "Testing (4.s oa the Fars (.11astratnd)," " The Knew. ad Cokoow. sbaat Buit.r.Makins," '•The Isnot Ea. *mise of Fodder Flans," " The Farming Outlook," "The bleier ..d the P.tran," " Farther Impro.....t et Dairy's.," " Sub earth Deets," •• Soiling Dairy Cent i. Summer.' Mr. Farrington le the greatest eetbonty o. " Ratter and B.ttor•Yaklg " to the Udted Stet.. He gins two ad dos..., es. Illu.tr.ted by lime light views, besides Ieadise to 4lscowlene. Up to January 4:k a member of valuable sways, twenty ea noose mekler, a.d slaves on butter making, by practical man eatively employed in the business daring the peat year. had byes r.osl..d for oomp.►1ti"n fes the $200 premium. offered by the directors The poen will be annrdld• and the tll�ajys� pabluhed and dammed daring the o..yes- ttoo. Transportation- single fare for relied trip; persons visiting Stratford daring the 0oeventioo should perinea* • railway single ticket. Dao wey only, at the sante time oro• wring from the ticket agent a standard ser- tlawts By doing Otis they will get a noon ticket free of aurae. A post card, for programs ad Inforsallea, to ►he seor.Mry, (Norge Rawly. Brantford, Oat, •111 w prompt attention. COUNTY CURRENCY. Grey : Slim McTav1.h, of Egene.dvllle, is the new teeabr In 8. 8. Ne. 6. Myth: Arab- Mctlw,.. sop of Hugh Motiparrie, b.s.ff*rd for service la Sloth Afros.A1r5.- Cli.tee Mise Twiteb.11, who has ben to ehiag at Lw -1.r. has been re esgsged for another year. Brussels : Dr. Limas W y.., of Detroit, wae home ger Christmas. db. Ise daughter of .lobo Wyse. Brussels: Hugh Willlm.• an old and well-keiwe t.ww',s$e, broke a hoes ie one of his •ego by • fa/I. Seaforth : Mies Nettie Witna gees to Peterb.o shortly.. whore the will op.. • *lees 1. demean s•le.00. 01i.te.: Job. Layton and Yrs. Hillis, • widower esti widow reepeotlyely• were married ie ton reostly. Wlngb.m a Waiter Beide., formerly of Wingha., and family, have removed from Wror.ter to Toronto Janus. Osborne : Yr. •.d Yrs. Richard Hervey, of Unarms, celebrated the r gold.. wed. dieg on Tuesday. December 26%. Wieenie : Dave Io.gMed has gen to London, when he will join the snood Can. dian oonti•gest for South Afrloa. Stanley : The pupil', of 8. 8. No. 4, 81aa. ley, oe the 22d alt., pre"atd their tame. se, Ulm Gillespie. with a beautiful geld pea •.d toilet lot. Croy . Ater. L, so. of Doonld Wiry. gars, h. takes • positlee with the arm of Sweet, Wallach & (Js., dealers la photo *applies, Chicago. MoKlllep : Yn. MOR..sin did at Mr home In Mohillop, New Year'', menl.g, having remised the good old age of eighty- three years and tee me.the. Wiaabam : L B. Doff, who has bees waobi., is 8 8. he. 9, East Wawan.b bae left to woad the Bad.*" College is Tor... tole master the system el.t..oirepey. Auburn : The members of Donnybrook Methodist chunk protested their pester, Rey. J. Kesedy, B. 1) , of A■bars, vein • neigh lead of ..es arid petate. as • New Yates gill. Prussia : Mr. Hewitt and family paw moved to Iowa from Trowbridge. He le as.oelatd with H. Y Moore, V.8 , in the perches of berme. They had ssv..seme heavy dr..oght. denven 1 hen last week. Exeter : Mr.. Fake, mother of A. E. Fake, did reostly •t an adenoid age. She had Wen ill for nese time. Dtom..d was • native of Ragland, had been a rsl- d.d of Exeter for some time, and was high- ly r.peatd by • large tarok of hinds, Ethel : Weil* H. F. MoAllistr was working with the gee g..srator 1e the oder of his store, u neaps of gas caught Ore from • lantern that was nee by, and he w. bad ly horned about the fame acid hands : other wise se demegs was dose. It wee • elks loll. Hay : 0• Friday, December, 2915, the pool's of Delon 8. 8. No. 1, Hy and 85u. ley, oresentd their teeebr, Rota, Anon, with a beautiful myeloid album. A bank lel address .o.mpanid the gift, whiob reeks le high taring of Mr. Aohssoe as • teener. McKillop : The Monde of Me and Mrs Joe*pb Richfield, formerly ot McKillop, bet sew of Na.amo, Ileum ('olambl, .111 re r0et to learn of the death of their t welve- year•dd ton, Hany, whish took plane m- oistly et Mat Mom as the result e1 an smell of croup. Winghem t Gee. MOMaen, neo of Jobs MGM nes. of Wagkem, has removed kola tiarff to liimentoe. lister* I.nniae, he woo preempted by the Manilla ledge with a handsets* pl.h lined one entente' two pipes, cigar •.d o&seretta holden, moulded I■ Norlleg river. Uebene : Dr. N. F. Harrl•o , of Dekdt• este et Dewe.. Cite.ffusee se Christmas eltl51s sister. Mn RebrtTaylor, .f the loveably of Umberek. H. Is Ie.kL. well. He report. haw great dyeeteres I. bb Maw', havl•g travelled Off.*e themeed ills' daring the psm year. U.Kdlwp : 0• W.da.eday .veslag. D.. somber 27th, a pretty and qui.. wedding 1.5 plan •1 the reold..e. of Andrew RebWeee, H.Oillep, .bo. 5le da.gNr, Mies Mlneis, was molted 1. saMep t. TAe.gas N beately, • pre.prreee voting fr. veer, rstdist en the •dJ.laieg form. Otetos. 1.li Medd). assay tileede of tow') IwM.1.d Alm with t aleety.illisd lest met, Y a. •rpresdw sed sleanl Saa9sde him Is W Idligl ... M Meg aeod.id' to ►b bed "nirlee bele Whereto el Ile nrl,bree, Mr.11s41 Web grateful 1* We (nimbi feet She Seises' r MOW they kayo expressed their ktadaew teal. Drysdale : Oe Themday em.lrt. Deer. Mr e8, .beet forty anon ....Weed as the Lame .1.1'. Domed. Dr rads* he u►taliAak Ipprecl.tios IIT 'Mow MAI, : Arbor pass your has anted as .',.01st /df1te Drys dale ohurob and Sabbath mhefl, vd se • takes of thew ..tee.o ter the )Mag lady. pr.wated het with • sa•dwme psit wet ammmpaalsd with • well worded address. (i..sesaee : Many will rant . Mar at els demi% et the wife et Jobs A. $•Ml, of Yorktes, N. W. T. Mn. Seel) pawed away) after a week's dhows of tafl.mm•iha of the lump, •.d was barred es Demister VOW as Yorkto•. Mesa. Beell was formerly • Mile dolma's, a's, .a this plc.. She loaves • .rrewl.g ►eebead and sae sm, who will ever eherlsh the we sry oI • hied, .A.- tlss.. wile .ed rm.OMat. Grey : Mrs. Ames Hts•dfoob, may iter e1 Jan Mamas.., 9111 eseesesisal reiysd hereon Friday, Dee. fah, from O Ma.lbbs, where she has redder ter many rare With bis heehud she was • red• d..t of the 6th lime ot Morris beton mien Wet 11 te thirteen yon sloes Mrs. Bnadleet was bora Peter Bro dies, s see. sad his wife are et.. Madge 1. Oamide Hem Mauler/be. sod will resew old frl.ad- thlp. bore. Ciliates . A t(.les homily weddl.g leek plasm .. Now 1 ears Day, se the home et Mrs. Makin, able Mr rammed dseakter. Mime Addle Blames, was married . Arthur Look, at Ottawa. The bride tee resided at the Glottal City for Eve years. sod Mere - fore des ase gs Wok • stea.gsr. A largo orowd gathered et Ow mattes te dbow their good wishes, Mr. Lean le bead beak• keeper 1n the whol.de tea bomb et Conk. ran, Canals I CL. Brunk : The Peet had the plemate of • ea11 tram a jser.ailstio brother la the mama of Wm. Hale, editor of Tb• Onlht Packet. Mr. 11.1e was u old natant of Blame Is, hevise clerked for Yr. Moir, de need B Ueriy'o was h.dgaariors tor Yr. Hal. while 1. town for a few days. He w.. from here to Loaded, ween he wed hie wit. will remain fee a tone veitlg and romper atiog hi. 5. 1th. lye ..j,ycd the visit o Bre Hal, the more so as we had the planar* of speedtog Ogres happy roan so ear boyhood lu (halts, one of the prettied towns In its proviso. . Clines TLu tows lost a very highly setaomed r.idea► ea Teensy, .1 y gad. by the death of Wm. Taylor, of the tum et T.ylr & Seo, .hoe dealers, who bed he. • resident of .he Nye for the put tw..by• reign years. Bk was • member el Kansa- baryet Methodist Month sad a Liberal 1a politica A wile, .ve sow. sod • daughter srnvlve him Them are Mrs Yreach, et apsaga : hook Ta lag, of 8,lgtur Alyea, erceto; Wm. Taylor, d Chieag° ; bead Taylor, of the Williams Mee Campy, Brampton : Jamb Taylor, of Clinton, kb esooessor la beldame, tad staph.., Jeb. and Semite', of Mlseedu.•, Ya. Bleeval. : Iwai. Doff, who Mehl In .enol No. 9, Rem Wawaa.b for the pea fear years, • logger term than any ether teacher ever tilled u that whoa!, la Welding his pupils goodbye was presented by them with a traveling bill one •.d their geed .le►.. Slm in. beeinateg Ne. 9 bMe bad tweedy dg teachers, their terms mem ire. one wok to three years. I. mamas - tag the old school rrgi.tr, o.e read. eh. hams, of some who began . timbers la this school, but who sew .ompy mask mere preeminent peettlo... Matthew Hneehie.L wee taught then derl.g 1862 *d 1063, 5. today a promisee.; lawyer to Mmtrt A few yon ego he w. offered • judgeship, bat refused it. He is a brother e1 Dr. Jobe Hotohlson sad bretbr•ia•law .f Judge Archibald, both of Y..Me.i. John He... tea, umber ter the yew 1866 sad 1867, le sew prl.olpal of Mates Collegiate 11.14• tate. Herbert Bergs, teacher for 1877, is new matbeseatioal note, i. O... Bs..d Collegiate Isetiate. Theses Reid. trim taught darl.g 11478, 1879 sod 1880, is an priakpad .f the Ow. So..d Yodel .heel. M► b a brother of 0. A. Reid, the well -knee eatb5. The sew tweet la Ns. 9 is Mi. Grieve, of McKil.p, MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS. Below era the reales of the election 1. • few maafolo•Lties from whin we dM nee have report"' last week : *5115111.0. REITZ. DtvWon 1 1 1 4 6 6 7 Total M. DALTo. 17 CI 00 Y !N71 A� Wm. Ktckley N VS 71 17 14 Majority fee Dalt..-90. carwen.wies. Tonna 1 1 t 1 a- y '�((y1gtg.1 T. emrHeee 76 110 71 79 77 47-h1 J. BA•KLEY 70 el 47 71 a •• 16-I:m J. MAI'MTi alt 47 02 67 7 67 0e �gd Ws. H. 5111 91 1t1 tea ft 71) 111-11711 il 10 J. Jamieson 11 t 0 t9 tt-110 Jas. Thomisoa le :1e 60 10 1a 11 14-191 Fin. four elected. now we. R.ew-#. W. 7ag11.. Ooemaillora- Andrew D.Ip, Wa Finlay, Jena Bp...., H. b.bs.Ser. wog.Iarr•. Reeve -P. McKay. 0outeUl re -Woe Chapman, Wm. Elle, H. Renee, James Gemalll. Ther. w. • term majerlty l■ favor of a beaus to the Agrlmltural Seetmy, rAST w•uAnima, Reeve -M. L/ekbart (by aselsmati..). Oaaell.n--J ohm T. Curie, Allred R. Glide, Jabs R. RAIL, Jean McCallum lekIL .OP. ktlisys-.lames bookies/1. --Oremal1kre- Mos. ()enlister, Joan O. Grieve, And. McGregor, Jas. 0 L..gbBn, There was • large majority In favor .f • peas .1 *1.0 M the Taokor..dth Anrfealhu.18.01.1y. HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. Preerae el meetings of the Gederlob Herniation! Battery, te be held to the sser"rary'. "Mee at 7.30 oath evened : Jaguar" 11 -Rows" wbe oar seeks rep has ■ot r"aobd the 1eropme market 1e ooadittoo to maimed the bast prime. A. MoD Aure. Jan. 18-Flrel d"oretl0 of UM Immo Om. mme- Oao. Braweaa. Feb, 1-810ek keel. R. Yo.11114055.8. Feb. 8.1111 b.e varieties .1 spoke. posy houmati Is Uric Acid In the blood Unhealthy kidneys art the nose of the acid b• there. if the kidw.y.stirit as they should they Weald strain the Uric Arid oat of the system and rheeeneo tisrn wouldn't occur. Rime - madam is a Kidney Dia sass. Dodd's Kldmmy Pills ltay. made • groat peat of their rreeppnntatloe Rheumatlmt. Bo the assn of those shooting pairs ..d sidlt aching jriinte. Tbrr is bet on sure way- Dodd's Kidney Pills 9 • a plass and grapes. W, W Aaeala. Fe► if -Boum plate. Omen! dies .1s. Yah. IS-- K6eot of .alt and sulphate se hoe • is frau where. A Y,•D-,Orion. Mate la• talk at ...11 trails. Wis. Mark 6- .M.ati day to dimmer .ad is• pram time .ad plan's god for nod es We +gdikyi'-oriiTeat Marsh 16-t'taai dasar es Dau thew ant. M.reh 8g-V.r5NMs et potatoes and ealti• yessea C. WSW,. Memo 84- Hertleel►are la wheels. 11. D. Qlt4JT. HIS TIME HAD OOME. Se TIM�g�t n ■ mann mea t.iIl •Ia..r IYle timid rtes ed .rls5is knee! Quinn, Jan. 9.-Nerolese Meaty, of 109 Bs. Asa Week this city, oes.tdere himself an extremely Iorteaat.sw. H. bee Demo thing* no ordeal el Brlebt'e Moen allow Bright's ab..e. le .. extremely 1.1.1 disease of in kidneys. Th. pterr Bmge.e ea, growler maker aid weaker. slowly •.d tabar•bly dykes. three it Imams heaWspion • vratim, time is Italy see hope be owe. hint -D•dd'. Kldoy PUP. Bet they game fall. Nominal M.qy says : "I hale ed.red Bright's Grime ter ever Om years. Deeewe bald m. I weeld sever tis well. 1 th..ghl my WWm had mate. A Mead geld me is try Dodd'. K16s, Pale. I hew jest. Ow lobed the Tonne be: "edam wed. Jones Elllo.t, alter sealing a tow day. 1a this e.Iak',erkood, lei ..l►•red•y e. his nine te Monk, Msultebs. He was aossmpwl.d by b1. s.., Lerma, whe *steads to try Ms tonne 1* the Prairie Prevlsca They wok • .Asad et "Seem with thee. TINY TIN. New z115s Mssemywkf o ebows tlrNo es Imemseisillir tar •«cif l eb& K geed 'km MOP seam aidert emele. Dr. Hope's TINY TAOLOTS1 amass �dis arms eho.meads ill i&sts= __Tres. -dews passes be gat Meng.IOps U TINY TABLBT slaw aids me& ma Were Seel Vire new NBRVBas. Fes rials fie/ COAL 1.12 WOOD CHARCOAL and KINDLING. We are still at the same old eeeed.IeWen btreet, when we have been segertmez oaato.er. for • number of years. the fuel that mita you. Orders left with our dsi °WMosw will receive movand IfSmoa41p _Y °Moe wit, receive�or,s An ocal othorwe ordered.~g t. We ran novenaDray, le ensiedina ow at mer CA fTAGE 1 FUEL JOHN S. PLATT, Ynlmllte Phone 62. 2667 -►f HELLO THE OLD RREUABLE. ALL KINGS Of ALWAYS ON HAND sue • Scraiitoullarfl�al iN MI MARXIST All Oval weighed es the Market Sealer. wise rsa get MOS Iia M a Sea. WM. LEE. Orders lett as LIB is 11131PgABB'$ /leas promptly .Model 5e. News and Opinions Off National Importance The Sun. ALONE Contains Both. Daily, by mail, - - - $6.00 a year Daily acid Sunday by mail,$8.00 a year The Sunday Sun is the greatest Rummy News- paper is the *og'Id. Moe Sc. e 4/, h , Il -a year. Adam. eel els. new ltlil. QUM 110 S aid the ad witl delhr LOUI! P11II018 YOR�018H Soft Oobf, Portland Gement, Hydraulic Lime, Sewer Pi Piro Brick Fire Olay, ote. 0111 t-geeth de. N West street. MIT be a0s.e *1111MWM•* Se. 71 F. BAM.OW HOLMES. God�,JthBargaJn Centre Bargains . m. :-. iRt =7 ...• Robes ALBERTA ROBES WOLF ROBES COW ROBES GOAT RQBES ALIO Men's Fur Coats. .dames Robinson JUST RECEIVED s Imega aspNy of the D. D. Oa'. Sirup SItIi1e Pipe �8 Tar 11 U 1..I. d the total v01 bkt maw for oo.gpb7 lapard wear pot m floes tt.aieg. TN d b•w to ts Y N dow't heap N i Int, p,oa TRY IT FOR THAT .COUGH OF YOURS W. 0. G1-0013311, ,ridockfbrd .r - 1 m tmmmtrIntnmmmtttmmmttte E E E That's Wliatl4 1 morum es . '-ba a .� what it Ise ow That's what makes them lull so well ; that's what makes them wear so well and please so well. a We are selling the best footwear made 4 at lower prices than some other stores ask for inferior goods. EYour shoes from our shop will fit well, a Ewear well. and pay you well to purchase. 3 E - Sok agent for the "Slater" Shoe. 3 E Wfl. S11AR1'[AN, Jr. I IIIIIlU11UU111WNIW�11U11111111111111C CROSS CUT SAWS! We have just opened up a lot of Vulcan Cross Cut Saws. no are the Beat goods on the Met* - Every Saw fall, goaiteed. A TQ1d. IMPLY 07 Files, Sawc lets;, su Axes, Axe Handles, Etc,, Eta Always - a itoO t. ASK FOR CASH REBATE CHECK. N. D. IZOU(3VIE CROCERIESINPROYISIONS... We are getting intend to make the succeeding with 1t. nicely started tm the now 1900 so big a year in our years will have to hustle year, and we badness that to keep up Everything in flee line of Orocerks, fresh and good. Orders promptly filled. Telephone No. 91. S' TRDY & CO., The Greens, eta Shiers and Montreal -eek ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR NA`LEOD'S : =Et: RENOVATOR. A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAI ' d IMP BL000, KIDNEY and LIVER TRO 18. Manufactured by J. M: Maci.E01