HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1900-01-11, Page 2■ �•:a +. -
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{- xskir. OUR fl�S�N6 ,Ia tt.M��r Regulations for the rieo41 liraW hs-- • r
P. Signal io the watt oratory• Tbn .arllart cleat. � fact that.
<•a tiwlLserl ,n l,ettluRe 10,4N►l/ IN ('.\rill PNIZlg11. � �s�- ab teal wank and u6t4 davra�tid 4y; i
t * predicted to June 8th, 2004 p9li IWia of
W hile Ii IN Cla{ma1 at loam 111110 Marko Reports WS W cd Wheat at ►rort Arthur apt -
w rvauoay I � Icetlus Cnwyetltlor- - ,l<brb William wm lora 80th were
r,npeLn come within vlrlDle range elf aro in alwomoe now, throughout the I „'" 46;:,012 bushels, am agalueL 2,553,2b11 i
[Y[ItT T8ULt8UaT YO�NiIN j Ottawa report says: by the klts4• ••••C. 1 � hwbeb out lose. 28rd. nod 1.413,L'Ikl
Like earth within a Century, there Is world. 5,100.000 IiUorratrw of tele- Net Gain This Year Over a name n( a grusrro(a frbncl. Cixumill The ftk bumbeh w Year ago-
•, sry D. rsl►t11tOB I :J reaomnble certainty of the recur phone due and 117,OW Of tele aknur Ibbertwm u able too utter ,110.•
It .--.-. -- -- - Mane of but (me extraor,t►wry comet graph line.. Million and a HA OW In hash prized fur the aeleetkxt of A'
t -� out forums In till the pro 111 mM ver *1
:- Tmul"k-(1 Jmmil11. 1900. in the next (•eatery. That one W OsadtSl The tlLku h1. rvcry P LEAII (1 \YIttR1►T )g/tB1K w�a �t i' Changeun Prkyes 1n 1�
_ - 11111 id+ R$mu*mttu-g :'Woo tMhnimm nshMi6 1►I . .°gild°,l the fitlt . ���•/�,, - Al 1jY•'61Wr If �e - 40
ttomiw V� Ol' J l alaotut n
tqr _... • �- All. 11�•E=tU"lit
^ �•
a1Rttl�iti+h vFerMt�'e If ilF111q�eiy oft vlVlllC"' Vi It wlua have not Iwowl lmpurtautt wheat Centres today : expected, rgafilat la,
000.QOJ eat ye:P
In 1883- it will toe dun again In Nov. 6th. fie was born In Kwslan
MkltiTlyl: UY' 1'AKLIANN:\T. lout. blrthduy Ie(tarvr the Irk ut JrtaY- C+ob. lluy Ata k -porta re now tsllru „
1840 or 18111 The exact time b put Noland W 1880. Tow he nn to I lritawa, Juu. 6.-IRa►Polal/. - Tile cry, lytlb, Mor
The, lhondrt{on. Pasilameut to called Chicago k .......,• ,., � $U 70 1-4 wily I.6AQ,glg bushels for the .-J,'I
known, owing W slight ruxtfffcutlubr Pray at the early age of Lhtwe, It was statement of revenue and expdadlture The mnW (xxpye4itkxt will cora ,New York ., ,..• 076 l.i ageirial"41,U111 lar( your, aa•{ P:,._
,'1 to tart lar tfte derixatdu of burl(kedr In IW orbit, doe to planetary ln(ha- Cot tilt 1997 that his were an to of ('Road&, preparoo by the Fixes mee Lkton for threw yw►rr unit the Priers Milwaukee .. .... e-, 047 to exporta
• Oct Thuroday, Feb.1st thus laav{itg will kmp awuralrl W tlYadu who Obtain ltOr[Y wpry bal,�tb, agaiprt t)Il,-
+esoe. Of coan•ss, it is nut Impossible be reougnlsed. to that rtmeAt, for the vex uiunths W 18t. 1.outa ... „. 070 071114•¢ "Etat year. The irwe Ie
v • sl clear mo ntln iu which W hold the Meer, alta ; Dc W the iari(ert niumbaer of marks on the J' 1 praotirally
,,- for some hitherto unobserved comet three ears', study with the i the clow o[ Dec. Hirt, allows an Im- Toledo ... ......... 0701-i 0787-8
••- , h3-electlutts Aral fill tow eight vasan' ►r la all ILr blaaipg glory nL y T7 great Lolbwhy' oleo: usObonpli lie is tar corn, of or I, i
ruvement to revenue o/ #=87tf,174. buluth. Jr 0731-i1 >t,g the eek. a Las bion e: rt,•t
W appei LANChetidy, he . made his ' debut At P l -sl spy &pro u[ pets on tote farm lluluth, o• 1 nwtll 0657-8 0 8N 8-tl pv
cies kn the licxrte of C'ummumr. Before any %!me. No astrouotper knows The r.xl,eodliura her afro lactr*aa- a► whloln the txampetltor Ilver mar I Duluth, No• 1 hard. 08T 1� - for the ws*k, against ab7Y,41Y I:,.t
Vienna, and afterward • pearl 8,t{ ed b ng R be selooted tar 1900. ow mark will ear' 1
that Ante the recxdad ('anaaAlaa foo (N famous lneteur(c showers them . i J nue for, e h a r ala MSnusxt b... 08578 0487-8 y
['art* (188Y). Loacbu (1 1 rod !D 1►PI HueipaRe lot wholesale olrol*s la u, -
IA revenue for, flu tu11t )'Mr td $l,- flu awarded for every pound 4a w h%
Uttgent will lar at tits wn.o W Lht will probably be three recurrences Of
('ni,e, roof attrxiq the flr,R duties , Amerka (1881). At clghteeik he bo- 525,580, ut grain of good gpullLJ ubWhutl '1'urwlu M'rwwore Market. urllyy quiet {mwsdiatel� after lh,•
the Lomidif, In 198 , 1864 and 1968, camp A teacher at tba Warsaw C:op. Thu revenue improvement is rlppar- the care hl 19W. hclidaya, but this week t ere has b:„n
la( btu• w4+.slrn will be dee *ad(aentbn epi !p cummounia, Is evctte W paiblk Jan. 8.-Reteipta nQ [arm pni➢une gque a little activity. Traveller* re-
ar la tJae present txntury, one befog serva"re, anti married at nluoieen. ( ) Before the gratin tr Ianrv'ewtoxl In rimer fair, Y,9Uu bwrinel" of gratia, 10 turamd to work on theLr router tit..,
of tIK• (:oiecoinwat•s wear iodk•J find flue Nov. 18th of this year. works and railways, uu I In 10i'"i- 1900 a quantity of lair a heuclr shalt lusda of hay, 6 of straw, with r few week atter hav'
Tu a few years tie was left a widower. li.nuUlU Items. Tire !'(w+t otflc:e rev he rebound to yield ar h heavy calf been off they
e, .
the iulnldon ur turfs to laky the ----- y twig dnwreJ hogs, tome lute r tofbut-
ruct of recti, W Africa. For with a delicate sou, and now, at the Is n pious shover a tilt-
rg off, which thump rods r now ate ansa bt 1801; to[ t*s da't'a, and 11ltrady orders
r+1R 4«1Ps I NOTES AND GOAiM8NT3. Rad apple*, d to a small market o[ bat- pees seeding is liberal fakeers bur
of thlrt aloe, he has rattled V au doubt dao W lite roelucibrnr lu &tut two marks vrUl tw awarded tut i p y, ri stuff,
iustately the flranua+ of tine I)oouNn• _ tie 7 ter, eggs and (atltz
again. the letter rater one year a o. Tito eves•y Imarul 1a weight of gnkht In p �
kat am lea t eh time Im(xorcen 'Wheat. earns; .180 bushels solei a
Rock al'e In memory of the watdlne of his kill, inurttts of the Pont Office rt• good quality ubtwltted trap the acre I iietailera Rad wltcleRale dsalen in
1 follow&: Yb0 buaksls whits ant heti til l.tw o[ merelland' ev
having brought grant quantities of daughter, Lady Margaret Primrose, The Khedlrs of Egypt• whose sal- mnent amoanted to $1,465,000. its W 1001. as n
n utnrt $1,620,885 one year a sold et 110 to 111 1.40, 800 bushels remit of stock-ta twat �p�oritranlrt
goxxW Into the cotlatry find thus null Lord Roebery ham placed a shyer. ary Is $00.000 a year, complains that S !the gsairt Ie lotrvertw,l In d goner at 71c, t k
The capital exi,enditure rho 1, a quantity O( large heads shall the Of year were for 35 rxOre of
plied $1mP Government with a0 abun• that sum U not sufficient W meethlr crease for the fit filo It a lou selected to held barley, 46 I-fg; 899 bushel& selling those of 189g. [casae Of ffi r sent,
gilt altar crow and pelt of va+ar In y enough heavy at 440 to 45 11'x. Ir
tinier of duty wxriey. With ordinary household expenses. and Re will Itari m1Hia► dollars. Plump zeetL tb now me &oro lit 180.'. ( = Ipereasd 1n the turatrMer for last year
Westminster Abbey. On - the orow trite total venue exceeded the and tldroe markt will be awar,fed for Oats, steady , 500 bustards at ' 90 to are sommun. and isalanose of lip per
4voluRtrl'. the work d cite .eeslct k) dtdhlw tome df Rkr /t[vai '
era tLae >msdallbast on (our o[ which, expenditure by nearly arae million every Pound ht wafertt of grain o1 � 1�O' : Cent increase Io the salsa made ■kis
ought W .he-eakcluded about time ::4tD loosy etea,d'y ; 40 loads sold at 611 to
In nilsS are the itgutes of or. Tice Chicago Chloni le declares that dollars. Bowl quality obtviitwl from the acre ; 61i50e too for timothy, sad wised , not ill*mmon.
-_ .-���•' I I'ster, 8t. Edward the piot.(aascr, The details Cumpurwl with therame to 190. � 1a the mopth of dugout our wutt.r
_ while "there are few sympathisers In at $9 to 110.50. p
period ler! year are: }tevewue car- (D) The compst:k)r who obtains' thou sopor • were alz times a great ss
THY. CANADIANS AKN: "1N IT.'• St, Margaret of Scotland and Lady America with the war fur aggrandise- toms, for 181111, $12,357,351 ; for 1880, largest nutnter of marks in the total Straw, stteally; 4 lasdf suld at #7.50 for ill* soma mouth a year ago
Margaret mother of Klug Henry went carnal on by the Britlali agnlpst $14.145.118; excise, IMUS. #4,910,- o' tip three years w -II r�ecelve the first i to #9 per ton. I Failures for the week have beep
The Tutmto Canprttw of Routh At VII. C� the flftb r an appropriate the Boers," It would be very unwise 537 ; 18-9• i5.08:1,OL0. : l out-ott,ce, Prase In the Province, the competitor i .35toDreaded boo; Cwt. unchanged at i � is ewe United f3iat� against 813
,rlcan Volunterm nrmprivin'k the 18.8, #1,6='9.935; 18.8• $I,t63,OWt who obtains the second large" num- o loco-bi per Cwt. �lyp year. and ffi in Canada, against
1psorlptbn In Latin our any United Cana a. Ills to pro- I Potatoes -A [eve lata sold at 40c to
ITnmbtcxi wen, have been ermgragei h � l'ubi.c• worts auJ railways. 18eR, �'.; her of- marks rite second prize, and W >M law' year.
Card w attack Canada. Tito Buffalo 368,981 ; 1809• $2.675.875. M seellau• on for ten r cr:v In ever province. 58o per bra .
u twttiw-nkt n tti+rY severe or im Oen. Maximo Gomes fres collected 1' y wo I Appr{eee [ tm at 61.b0 to 6J.60 I Bradstreet '& on Trade.
\ew.4 figures out that Canada M well evnst, IR18, !8.6.519, 189J. $1.187•- (E) The also prized for I Holiday quiet rules In the w
ixv,Laatt urs• -but au In which there a very large quantity of manuscript able to deal with the Fealnne, oven 44'2. Total, 18 8, #=.113378; total, wheat on ,Is n. per bbl.• ells lattd puler beio� pail holewu .
w,w f ttit k) be darts and which V.',73.- for p'ckeJ lots d r. Toe bulk Belt- trade citrins at Flimttv.al. The roaLaL'/c.
1Rt 'R treating of the warfare In Cuba rltuuld Uncle War, as In ltltl7, tail to 16 8, $'4.4Rttur'; int ; 4 11. 73.- (F) e p show the prizes in at about to?,b1 bbl, are In A gooi position financially to
called la a ricicy' for the British from Itl68 to the 174. Ex +r. 18,x, 16 . $0.521; .98T; for one ,n. ik a` f been
Intoe. Just wet Lhelr Present time enforce his-lntmrnatkosal oWigatWaa t>ti . l utter -Pricers firm et YYs to i'JioIpo,nt the co year, enA Rhe acts,
part In It which he regards a his greatest dlturr, 18,9, #lu,8SA61,'1; In Pr:r... pats. Wheat r lb., the latter ria» bet i'1 Po'nts to a coptla Gancx d the arta
It mcu evidently been reading the stento #847,584. 1 D s[ P+
was Is toot Dilute very clear by the I „ „. •• - - ... i1W #1W �e ' ity In business next swath. wh,•a
treasure. Of late he Dns Dom going Tory attacks on F'rnocltl'auadtnns Cap`.tal expeendlture, putllc worts, 2 .„ Y „, .„ „- •„ 75 75 or coda 111a'.rf to special aatrtomotre. get
t'kj"tch s. Th Lr f low ono A:ili a eve carefully through hie dlarles and ra'Iwlk• d canals, I8y8, $*-' W-0, 8 - « « .„ ... Egg�trbtly now Jsi-i soli ■t 80o tTitvellww l oxo tett stir rgr,lo.
to have lessor the brunt of the at beau W nut prepared to believe the aH .216: y18 4 #4,1tt,tL'7. loom rlou 4 -,r« to .15: per do for the bulk; come few The demand for money to active and
papere arrntsirtg all date bearing legations tntule. It guys: „' „ 25 Y5 lots leapbee3 g7o .%A 40� r doe. Held ' rater are firm.
tack rap till a certain stage. where lands. 18.18. 678.157; 1899. *76.733. 5 ... „, ... „- „. ,,, - - 15 15 tis'
upon the subject, with the view of (K course, there is the loyalty of the a goo to Mep� r dos. Business at Hamilton 1+ less actin,
tl•e Toronto reit wive ordere.l ort -rat Bi esbdl'.te0, ]8 8, #:';_81,718: 4 •„ ,, „, .„ IO 10 - �Dc g I A0 b usual atter the Chr4tma4 holt
writing a history of the revolution French-`anadh►ni In the 1'rovin•e of 18 Q. #.:85,49T. M:iltla, I8'.J8, $171, 7 ... .„ „. „, ... ,„ „, a 5 tmltr7, lever -a light, with
the cloul.le" tuxl Lite next thiaoi-oils- a Ae had known it lnterY111 end (ftebee and oertaln classes In tete lent 84F: 18 9, $86.485. N. W. T. rph ll'o-l. 9 .» - .„ - „, ... ,,. ... 5 5 Pace firm. Turksys mW,t at l0e to days. Sties fou Darwmber has 1■.•„
nhcftwlt PMMIKkI�ll jmnrtAf I. ttie our rs�« _ vince top Ontario and other Provinces 18 8, $(198; 1693, $e6t. Total. 1898, 9 ... - „, .., « -„ „. „, 5 G 14o ppesrr M, [I at 7o to 90 p,e lou., , much huger than for a number „r
eztremailly, to be token int, account. but Is 1N:47 Ch:c= at Aoc to goo per pair, and ' years, ari f the copdition of bustne..,
rei1,1Pr (lt n party of Busts vnrllxistY .._- $5.214.!-19: 1899. $4.1108,(77. 10 ... » - - - ,„ „. 5 5 I has boo correapouttingiy Im ,tel.
there war a) disaffection of throne Ne• Thu• retttrws fort month of De- _ _ ducks 60s to #1 per pit. Pr'
tfantsd at :i i to 10. .0 fart of tow The great I1brair{se of Pekin Con- menta, and the Fenian raid did notla, - basin aM laeduce Travellers are oft the road now, an I
. 4 LAID vo:ume* of books numbered by pp cepitxtble are as ful.'uws : R)Ye'nn TOtab .. ... ... #285 !295 wholvenly trade is quiet, but t,
4urndlnu force nrnftt afro!. IItP tllatr a ripple tN1 the cnr(ace of els ftp
cust/,mv, 1898, it'1:1+T2,058 • 1"81)9, (0). Tttsre Will be sets d prise as 'hmrtormto. Jan. 6. -Flour. Optarlro 17r• I And hr;Sbt for the young bluhePe,
front of pre artillery nml took ixai- the hundreds of thousands. In -the 'content. It in very strange 4 the ., i.6T= i:xwlq--]99ti.-iap.u9S_�. above for nntar'a. "Pboa,.Now Brand- Santa, In � _$9 4Q to . P9H1:5"i Money is to dsusnd,
nawhYt c' tiYe la.ager. from which tile lloPir can awaken n sympathy t uA 1899• #911':,401. Poet- ffice, IP98, wick• Nova B^otla, Prince Edward t milers. 1!8.1:0 to $S•40; Hare l
archives of the government are still the come of Lyon Mackenzie, ani• q stawipgh ( The holiday trade At tib coast Citi"
ILr•rw Irnd fieri. The movement veru+ #33...000: 1891!. #81ri,W0. I'uMtc island. Maaitotre, the Northwest Ter- P>laa patent+. 68.83 ; MsaiLobs bake
to be found the ancient predictions later, the I•Vtolaru, rind a,t arouse. was very gaud. A feature of the lar.,
In P%PrV way N(4•nwful, tdw li(A" hP- works anti railways, INDS, #,14_,(107; rltorWa and-Orttlith Columhla, romper. ere'. $8.60. all m track st Toronto, now dorsa was a greater demand ft
{ of eclipses. made with great occur• The \ewe reamme correctly. Thero 16699• #,1128,650. Misoellaneosr, 1898, tlrely. Wheat-Ontarb red and white. 011e rase expensive artit-Im. The tlem,u•t
ba o taken (trn(11etPly' by Wrf'rlrP. for a
1 � ReJ• together with works of neuron• M a, Frenc•ha'anadfnD /tiskoyalty : #1L7,E88 ; 1tlD9, tb=31,4119. Ttrtal, nor" esti wait; Course. 89c north ase for hay for sh!pameat to the Yhltliapin, ,
F(.rturlately iaNM at the (iunadhans Ih98, #3,701,438 ; total, 1899, 64,• RUALITIRB Ole BULi>IERIN/i. west : No. 1 Manitoba herd, 78x. To'
nmy, which brow a fair knowledge oven the Mail ape f:mplm4•, tine World has creninl • s and holrb•r.
are killed or 287,178. Expenditure, 1898, #',. runto. sail No- I nor"orn at 7 hostage
+ePatsct a amc»tg of t Interesting sclepce anti the Toronto \ern, that conducted have advanced their prkeo akar i,
4lts,tfp9; ezl+epc9tare, ]898. i=.48fit, A--�t'oaaded lisa't . 1.etttF tIt-.iJjkt Oess-VRtlts onto[ ,200 tl.$1. ) .wwet waw +
r ,,,..,,.Y.. Si+-s)1•IMO SOO, tAt ,QgtlgWitwl tteP, ,...;„,.,.,..s4.... --- cRtppwt�r ast4@'+wtMr tampnhfet. to •sP*A)K growl 9e�ad At .
men of their Australian brethren tell. '� Landon AcademyIs authority Pro Mother Ragland. E'S1=to weft the Advatkoa
Cognise that tact. The }'colons will tis BarM•y-Quote,l at 88o fp rip, P
We &hall well cared for if they cottw m'Pr. U)Kli , I.O�oa Dailly Nests: To retuta to Business at I�rm(frxi was been {sr�••
pro4ably hear of the ('ane• for the statement that L'reald*nt Kan m own d west ; feral balky. 1150 k) gBC.
I (thins froso this Sias op. They are ,fiwnn J' range 1 hey wavers I tel 8y mored at 490 nor Lha the pari weed and enol * lin ha„•
ger V by his marriage actually coo a Cordage V now, we shall willingly T08 TO LRtl� Ufl0EflE0• for about d erre-some ens of an hoar, and � ave vooest, lacca obtained to *tapir linen nn•t
I "in It," owted with the great Cardinal Riche- mare a short length for each of the YYYI/��� when u doctor some aat.'put a tied each fancy goods. In rosaries, dry
R Bran-{xty mills sell be" at 61,1,. g
t -- lieu whose name was I)an Plaisla, Kra- ,6ervnnt- fro-robb►n crew! that pre- drmwtng on my ovounj, gave and some Srx,ia. wt'.. As are always Ingrain•.
R 8 air shorts at $13. In car lotk f.o.b
RUMRT itVU AHUI'T THk '.0T}1 brandy, put y woks" Radar my To mto for at this asaaon. Paymss%r ,tr
4 ger was a young man when he met pent• himself. ham u7l,- 'Ipr, ..,.red me w;th good nue the conditloos cif bushudr
- 4*;NTURY. and married a member of ttw - --- --- - Rachael Ferguson Wed by a Bnnkwbest-Firm 4er nnrt�_e[a a
a Bost 6wiret Whiab + had taken generally it sound.
A Michigan than ties been hooking Plastic family. the (!ascendant of A Loo Penzance. who died tk>rne ft= a dead man, aait"thea went to 50e �` bueinere at Toronto "week hon
into the fpture, and proiee.tr corn(• French sur weeks a o (Dec. 9th) In hie eighty- Footpad nprk-An 40c. o• track
to re. -let;
surgeon, n near rel&Elva of g• Ig y• P least Night. "luck atter .ane ower poor �st�ar. I American 40c, on track Iter,• It.eera n pestle sen► u tt tlMal after
luteralAing data about tlw century fourth year, was eueceselve!y Judge [ball Rover forget the horrors olf that by the the Cbrortmas oft*m. Travei ten nrr
tlis canilnnl, who went so the Cape Y Oatmeal--QAota�t at #8.40
.•eon to be ushered In. Anson hin stats- of tiro Courts of Probate and DI fight a* long ra 1 live, In addi,loe Myorae sttmP!es for else sprt, r
R b tine secenLeenth century In the to the agony whish my wuud*1 ave bads naK1 #n IO by the barn4 on track y report two for ti,,
mento are them: employment of the Dutch Lust India vorce, anil Dean of the Court of WAS HIT WITH A SLUGSHOT. me, I wad taro atou" running Toeeortta >n nrr Iotw bakers of the �� isR !�'ns-At 57o to 57 1•L'C north utel spring trade very Pu
The twentieth century will aom- Company. At her death 'Kruger chose (rubes umler the Public Worship Be- Toronto, Jan. i. -Mir Tolchar.l, into my back, I was cooked to ills wed, for tatm"ate ahipaaeot• omraguw. Chuntry remittances fir.
e Japu(try lot, 18(11. It will skin and bitterly cold, but had an aw- tmptovidt. The dertsad for moO.
• round wife from the warn family. [ulutMon Act. in English paper ,who lives at 751 GerrarJ street earl, Karts Produce Wholesale.
on uanday and close un o4unday. cul topp,v; the one
Ads of rain Rev- i active. and altin rather
rob ut.
[t was apropos of sills marriage that tkayr that Itis nbYo.lste Impartiality Itesrd a wosan� voice scream ng and er a a•l. On Cot► aide d ms was • TcvroRto, Jan. 8. -Ha tmaleJ, tar 'p-iowusr, tianney r rather earner t•
ill ave the greateiiL number of Gen. Joubert made a In Ids lm- wns never hnprtgnef. Sympathy withPP y'
ppsdblP-_4. Tine year 1904 �' groaning from tD,a iosi;lro of a. picket GordonGorJIl.ghhuttdar :n raving dells- iota. t>or �• #8.23 W 18.75 ; stew; diwla.
perfect English. The President, he Ritualitrm tie had. indeed, none. But feooe which surrounds the county jail ism, and m the otbar a Boer who had baled. car lots, per ton. $1 to $x,50; The Chr•letasss retail trate at Win J
__ will be the tlrstLine, _tlwurer)--IoarNd of theft Ritenliate en before him 1� a`g�• � nn to IT- Chas ft- bad his lag shattered by a shell, and ter, mr Into. per beg. 671^; -So Riper www ahnat the beat ever ev
•I� wv s pt "do(lbla ctnDt came,
t your After that W and Including tbP `Sonat" drug store on Broadview who gave rent to the most heart- 40r.; hotter, rho'ce tube, 16 to otic« pariewed by merchants In that city
dty." simply as alleeged law•lxeakers put
• � ' `-roust' :x100. Feefarttsry will three timer ,__ avenue, and faiI'ng to tial rim she teiwing crlus and groans. War Is a hotter, medians tubs. I4 tp 15C.: but- ar01 rudPorts of the bastpeee don,.
-house five RnndAuary ill t 1 e men 'a saintly clergymen and devoted asked d pedestrian wham she met to tunny game, motbe.r• surf no one can tPr. da!ry Ill rolls. 19 to 20c« bottom. thro tho" Manitoba are se Imi,
I1►78. In France advertising posters mart workers nra,rg0t tor, poor. It was &coompany her back to the Jail yank. te.,lsa what its grim horrors are like I cream*ry, Ib. ro!lo. 22 to 211P.: buttes, satisfactory. The past year ball
tear revenue stamps, varying In value I.onl Peusanue.'s fortune or ml4for H* the two foudJ a young woman till they eve it to all its barrbaniwu rrenmety. Locust 22 to YBP.: Futter• hew n gnat twee for the farmer,
Thou !(dbwlpg are, In orde , begin- according to the sled of the lying on the round and sufter'aQ reality• I lay out ua the rain the large rots, per lb., 18 to Joe.: Pggs, and f4,r the slsochantst as well AN
R poster. tuts• W curse into Personal c4olllabn from a terrtbta blow (n the head, whkh night, aW at daybreak I Rohl. 17 to 18c.. 6Rga, new WA. 1J to fur laborerw, anal owh to the o
3. . WAX with 1901, the date" 5 Banter A man who atflzel a 13-cwntime wasp t i the yb ' to ,Dcu
with pu le:ao n lwnrm,ulsP than Ylr Dad rendered war YAn00ldOaa, was put into a doata by a doctor. and 4 201.: haMy, per Ill., 9 to IOr.; tsrbeys, renter the Wrier have tint est
low thin first 25 years of the century. stamp on a paster, whirh ehoul.f have 1k•vnnder (`withurn, Loud C'hiel Jam Other hrlp waa sumLuoao and the some natives earz'ied am down to the
3, pour. Ibx. R to . ,: r aai per ill.. 4 to murk time. Mwaay is In coal rw
.{p1'11?ih, Match 30th, April 12th. 3n1, had only n 6-cwtttme sterno, has }wL tine of the Qntwu'r Bench from 18:09 woman was oerrirbl to Dr. Sneatb'a statloo. The ground was awinlly 61-=r.; drx•ks, per owls. 40 to 60r« pwrMl and firm. -
23rd, 150, MArrh :Slat, April Ott'. ton firte4l 125 francs, or $25, ter tlu MOre, where after some Cale she waa ro-ugh, And they dropped me twice ; I 4-Wrkenn, per pair, 2:. to 50r,
lith, Mar(•h 27th, April 18th, 7th, offence, _ to 18110. Chief Justice (Rdckburn. tdent:fieA as 1LAe Raebaarl Ferguson. foliated both time,(. I was rent Aown antak start.+* a KU/'liD6>4d1W -
\larch 23rd, April E20t, 4th, 23rd. 8th, who wke14W n singular authority In a bookkeeper slid cashier in a dawn- tm 1-nAyamitu In the hompitsl train ; --
town establ want, woo has b+an liv- from the station I was t4rrtve ed k) Ltverpa t, Jail. A, 12.34- And Aad rte atsrrt
i March 31st, April 20th, 4th, !larch his own (hurt, ons fond of �r&rat y ., ag )tis■ (`baked on
► The attempt to raise #3,0110.0(10 for ing with t familyo[ lots. Jolla thn cow I lod(lf•ers' 1 rl'wln[• � 1 1•..d-; No. 1 CAL• 8a [d b rto�bt Klq It.
27th, April 16th, lot, _'0th. 12th. The Ing Prohibitions, Against the ecc;o I'll lospitwh to it V and
the Iuodon tkosPltwls by church col- Twigg at 211 First aveedw- `lits war lock cart, tine jnitlsS n: which matte 6" :- 1 3d ; rad winter, !Ss 10.i : cors.
earliewt lotowibie ditto on whlcla l:astnr xinatic•al tribunals. For time subject . still unc ndleemr, Rad ewe left side toe fwlnt Again. I was the last officer :f0 6oi; Peas, kir rK1, pork, prime wart• Kew York despatch: Two Wolper.
lectbns $ 0.0 approaching be eum0cesa. Of matter In Afmpute he lint] tub nine$ of her Dead, which was terribly awe- Laken In. 1 ami then t to be4l, and ern toes, 570 at ; lard, prime went ftznnd 6y as auakswwa man is Park
can occur N Match .int The last firs, the last #25(1,OW to be 1'Aloed 4tl 1,000 Ion, abowed the &(feet* of a hear my wound was dreswedjurt me c'ri• Win � American. refined, Ala Cd ; row y afternoon, war this dl -
It occurred on this dntP was In itl1N, tin" rm o4 garde -I . But as all Erna. JJ j Uettt rw0t Cards of him was given upon t►aOPltn1 Sunday re- blow, which, however, did not break Moura alter I was hit, The thea tallow, .(gstrnllnn, 206 1A1 ; :►merlenp, dgatb- lie was e.
Lino The the sk b It was evident that MiGs gave ma root beet t Y 9-1 to fine. ua : baron, Joust clear, hungry $fiat he well% Ink) rho rtesrws
hoc It will not Corot Again until al- centl !tm [.op(bn, n regarlel nn incumtront sten ,�
y Maur 1,8110 of which was tor, vwt&Grant and ate, no ravenous( that _
ter thn twentktli crntury-. The Inasvat churches takin u offerin freeholder, and, N a cynical man of Ferguson had been rtrnrk by a slang- first feat I had had for swsnty�evtsn light. t4M 811: Mavy, 810: abort rear,
g P �' the worl,l, be liked matt pa the ate (tours. Mary, flti Oil. ebrame, colors I. r,9s; he was elated nod suffocated. 7bo be 14
Easter thus
can eurnr t :►pall :58th, and g --- ng rd Pen- and that as she was arasg S white, 57a; wheat, dell; corq, quiet. wall Do one knows. Ho war dreaded
In eccle"lawt{cnl (hales. Lard Pen- and then ce. fid into the bad
The been
lilt all sell at flus that I
will thaw Corot but orxx In tba coming Than V more ewaapagne drank Live wMwt, doll; Irks a longshoreman. lie epteved w rare
saner, bei hurt h o[ the f her whore one pad bene had iron hit by a •heli, but that 1■ Im
century -in 1ti41F.?he husk time It or- is one year than the champagne dor ►1[ J one of rilr robbed � her pnnse, which was m -o- patdlbb, for the enemy only turd two scut winter. Be 101: nortllera o>TrinRR, tanrant at No. 215 Tarp row at /our
surreal was April _6th, 1886. WhOn- trict produces in seven, but it is In- Alexander's jatlls s, t'eforted in ing. Rend, and we had taken them broth 41 1 !-Sat; fu' •'J:^ steady ; Mare4, u'clork, sat down at one of the table&
ever Eamter wrurs on March 27th, or teresti to know whish countries another- The Chief crook the g ad As of veer face was out when I wan hit. So the doctor's now1tCR cordo, eel Calked for a waiter. Front Ryan
The right Beae 101-444 MAY. 5e ]01;
April 3rd, 10th, 17th or 24th, Uhrixt- take the most of the untrwlnl course of Address( the aM bleeding, allowing where it had any that It must have been a very 4nlwt; Raw- 8d 4A; oto. an 61 a1; fs- 0 1 about thepatron.lvoilided. Hie isomething
Dlsg un-
Serwiie article. Coes is contact with the gravel as her henry explosive bullet, and, an an PIG- turns, steady ; Jan., Yoh, and XArCh,
mom also occurs on Sunday. Last r the champagne district Ikatt of the Ambss In s vituperative body was 8r 5 1 -Bal; /40141'. 174 I&L "What (o you want'"' ltyan askeei.
J*R DR r pulled �er de the yard, but wAX 1 gran was ((vend y - to where 1 K' •Y:ITO too MOM" rower beef, &ad bring
Thtxilsh ono of Lhe ohjPt•Lx nlrneol at exported 19,680,000 Lidera, valued al ix+mpblet, which the Dean of the there was no other 6 I expect they •.kis right. 1L leer- hey►t cargtamm+ writ R
po sign of violence. ons hl LOneLvx-�' ►t quick." said the man.
DJ . the elnurrh authorlthw who fixed 91,327.1562 francs. En land bought An -how ostattatiously declared that Atter the rrl bad received medial has made a very big Jagged IK44 In Ing at ogtpurt0, 1 : wkeat off tM q
'ffi g g coast, up t Ra 00 Rooter on the /abM than
11 R more than welt the total. 8e1- treatment from Dr. Spwatb n police mJ' shoulder, which yuan cxtuld put your quiet Dat tstaady ; on pmrsda T Ca
pen the mPtln«1 of determinln the tui had taut read. The town was dl he at eked 14 Ilk* a map who had not
Bette of Faster was to prevent Its oc- certed, And rKo taken to h was s". At ed end she was mend Into. !t has bl Gom'n sad
unchanged. &sten for s week. Ito stopped _ oRq corae� rrf the gad. Ootn, of t
g:um followed a long way after with (tnrthnlnr harm waw taken to her wore. At a late hour ewe munrlss away, sb r nm afraid 1 shall twart and on ptassate, tsthit caster. PP Ions
rurrin on the Name date rut tine Jew- durse, ex *Dough to %ell Ryan that he hath jot
R 2,778,000 liters, Germany with I,gSi,000 O67P( to thou dignity of the wall reilorted to be still insensible, slwwyw he n mit rti!(. But I am eery SEBImB. r.
Ixls i'xrasover, nevettlkelc4w Lilo tw•o and the UaAed States and Canada Beneh: and her condition then was regarded rock real) (4or thr as If It hold found l` w two dollar DI11 on the sidewalk �
Y, 7, 7 y In Chkago to day timothy ons pat.
PvPnLx will euros together facer timer with 1,419,400 li4era Rca4a was sat_ - - -- - _ __ as T,my oer:aas. hit mw a Conpla of inches further to 0teadY at V.T= per 100 Ibis. for Feb- The man wrts only half through �1
There is soma little mistesy sur- the right car left it would have killed b pi y haa111arafn,e
In the twentieth century --A rll 111th, Poor 8aw Hughes! *ally elle #!b,lST rrasalnat for Marts. whom a Is Pae of the
w P !afire with 498,5(10 liters, rounding lbs alfa.:, but the rnbbary is pr- Extracting the fragments tanrwu8 Cbv*r set team at #R,50 no lodgnl In h thrnnt Hw maufo frantic
1. �+ 18(IR ; April let, 1928 ; April 17th; C►tttiwn. JAn. R.-("ytnolal}-A pal- tharght to he the wort of aY ordinary mP n Rrxxl dPnl of pain, the doily yml frX March.Toledo old prince efforts to swalbw it, enA
, 19.37• and April 19th, 1981. Naturalists are not at all reed vat' cable tut+ hPPrm recP(vet here footpad. The ice took char of the dreading of the wound ie very far pr*ewnti%
frock Cape Town utatinrt that Col, rata an hour after the robbery occur- from Pleasant, but the mr,llcal People aloTa snarl closet at $4,85. January be Jsmpwi up anti fell on tine (brats
Tor. twentieth century will contain u are already $3'70 ezM1 g
upon the point as to whether snakes flo ilea, 1t. P., In lyieW there with red. y beginning to nay that I 14sr04 l l•Jn h too t at writhing
88,5::5, days• which Jacket ww dny or are able to fascinate their prey. Cer- (xtt tiny atlUtary empkoynr•nt. This In At 2.15 o'eloek this morning Mir mar= be a wonderfully healthy rw.b. �' 1-2 swked, all par Ryan ran to his wsslstanPw, PAISAt
being exactly 5.218 weeks. The, tiny talnly they do not poew•am the power duke to t flee rPfmut that (;m. Ifutbon Ferguson died, without regaining jest, as It it healing so well. TOT40NTO LIVE, fiTOC'K. him On the back and rubbed his throat.
of the week that will nM occur nn to the extent that popular' be;Iwf mads to ter• Imprerkkl autltorltLes corueinua-------- Wile, c e, e+►e Dat' 10 no efleet, and finally (k pollee,
Poo IT HAM RKSII:YED. � 11, $A() to $4O; export man wa0 Called. He east M a burro
A- often an 6aN1 nt the othwr0 {a )torldny. would here It. 8torfew o[ the welts °;tctln�t RnRlawo. R'hntetPr may have . - _- tattle, Phoor% par cwt, $4,63 to #5; call to Hadsep
borno flikT en' mistallw, In Shi" cANe, -- export cath^, light per cwt. $4 13 elt� hospital for sn
Flftwo (Kat of the hundred yearn will and mystic influence of a serpent's Canadian" will nynmfrathize with him. TK894 (i11WT jT WAL. rheGreenvvoy Government (llve.Up ambulance. A big crowd batt gath"hi.
_., to $4.50; bnteberW cattle, rho: Per RAA when Rnrufm McWhorter arrive,)
e begin on 11'4slnaactwy, este etre sAnK eye tall flat to the face Of seNtyz tblfit he M ixirsly A victim M . the 14eab. OWL-; $4 to ;4,40; butchers' cat I +►+1Y In this pWr.
• Tolutiteer entlutrlrism o n behalf of A Judas's Wise 4wrirg About 1l lop- cattle, Ao fiAA to detour his
number on Friday. Fourtern will scientific accuracy. What can to amid I Wlnn Jan. 7.-Premlet G►esu- good. 68-23 to 18.75: bntrttons' pry He said this map was As,A- ,y
W@ dram, mixed. 4
't • frlsln to each of the other days of of snake% however, Is that their very tiro F HUTTAN'8 AIDE. Ing CettplP way an( t.s Ministers tendered tbclr I#.Ctrl Y•75 to #b ; He was about feet dive yeers ANf,
wllioemb arre. Pa., Jan. 6 - nes' t!om tar Liegtensnt-Oov'eraor butchers' cgsugnns. put cwt., $2.50 to had dark hair sad = blue TWO* and
•tire week. appearance paralyzes the victim. It IAent. R. A. Howard, 10th Battal Ste hetloon. who lends l ilwort* [cfa $'2,75 ; bills. export. hors
P p guilty to has calls tart clew ng, an 1 Hl+ llograr Por 7. per cwt„ ware nvw1'alk11 '
y 8'ceral announcements are ttaadw of cannot more for fright, liar Its devil- ka{t, wIR &ret raw nine to (lett. Hutton o,jr
tms11 (arilrr (x'ders tete charge tai forlsery, having ae- has ealb(f upon Ilon. Hugh John Mac- �•'� to $4.50; balls, export. I!ght P't �;
chnngex to he Inauguratrl with the Idea are temporarily sumpmde I. There armPanied Mrs. Alit, Jones. of Par. ,lonnlA to form n Cab!►wt. I% In under- cw*•e �• 5 $0 $4; mteers, ahoa#t kelp, AN Ol10 i 7'. -v'
Owning of the new century. Tile first Is no fascination about this. howbver. sons. when she mortgaged her has- stood that Vr.'Mncdonald w.11 act as 1.176 to 1.250 lbs., $4 fro 14.25; food- --
- of importance is that Ronda will It !s (right, and fright alons. The Hand of Self -Interest. handy property, and elopwlf with t'rem!er and Attorney-Gome,rai and er0, •1sei,vy, per cwt., $9,4d 10 $8 90 A planed .later Meq }s a mis""y
` Stepheasnn to England. where they will call upon Mesard. Roblin, oat 1 hon, fenders, V � ar cwt . ii6R 25 b $�-46,
_. _ _-_sdpvt the Gregorian calendar. This -� •• - - ribs total velure of imports oirtwe_ Mrs PreePt:LlMt,
--me--- Upidad aCsiFi Ter This t'iacaT r endwA +yam asserted• war railed before Johnston and McFruhdpn a collesatnPs. "to; • - 700 lls., elrt.•1.
will M A(xnw by omitting 18 days, the The yalatlltft[t, a)$g 'e[ iii edam Judge, Lynch to -day tl $2.L5 to • roseola,
�- - - --- June sel'h, IM, waa iij y� f0t Reris*nre. B'r Charles Tupper and Mr. F, is -•90; stockers. 7170 to 900 JR4 5. -Aft. Arthur Quin
amount of the erre tha%,WDh have r_ml to teed by tlr tativsa of Ven- $'�' 'i'4t' (Y[ hat has become of the woman Dav!u. M. P., addreamed n dtleal tolls., Per cwt., $8 to $8,23• t adieu, fOrm"IY n rd at the Gntr:.l
T7. this amount $507,591,566, or consid- Pcd aedltm !aA ,y
aframulate4f after Lite class of. Feb- asuele in lace of a herd d to the case?" asked Judge I,�nch. mect!n at idmorlbn on Frh1a night. bolls. Per cwt„ $2 -IM to $2.75; light prison, caused a nmosatlps at the
�., p shop o4 crawly kern Gran ons -trite, we who repr•mbPred that she had riot g 7 g balls, for Buffalo, per cwt,• $1.75 to lbw this teemt b asking IPaca
• lfaary, ]It00 The IlYoewfan0 will then for guarding and herding their hra:glat from Gtvxnt BrAmis anti her $'= ; 1' ht stork bulls, n to tt11�� y
write Jan. Int, 1901, Inntwnd of Dec. flocks. It is sold that however .tar colort_es, Thea idnports direct from been called to trial. HKiti:'8 xtrKstPK181i. [ per cwt., $2 to Present A ttbnoeTty report as a
Great Britain amounted In value to • we will Place her em trial at the 2.25; sheep. export Pod, cote member of the Jory. at
loath, 1800. the yskamik may warder vytth the r6118,498,88T, next term." raid DlrLrtet Attorney A �pHlitie Man t\'agtn to RwfJllbtt :28b SO $8.63; sheep, buaki, $2,50 thnrgwoi tlkat lite r's[asnl of the !tour•
The other Important y 'lye total valuta pf export* from Martin. �l"7e "k$elI se it h. to 75 ; 01164 h, $2 6O (Ten to yet the Grand Jury sae the lad
fx,rtwnt wnnrnmnoPmwnt (looks it peva IfiIiR to find ice way p, bout.. Sam
each, H,Spm„s recent)
10 that It b not rat till unlikely that home at night, drtvin before It at) the URUsd Stales for the goal year
Well. than, we will Mt this case to :lambs, lac'* rout., (i<lt.lri arm 1.60; 1 stabbed tV a fH
[ [ 7 st rad .• Hptfsl0. Jan. 3.-R. B. Cam low
41 to astrouomlewl day. which anus• Ixe- rrsmpxRtoled J Lynch, Dwell. Of iamlxs, Ducked erre,�W�I�a1'� �p prisoner At tub C*slre was M
eftdad June got►, st was I,•127,- m`6P Tn "an- p riled to the di- 4,7 ss 11111425; back* ones eat the Cosdltkre of "no tai.
I the ereatptes latrtbte,d to Ike ears. $ ill we 0re what fte0o+rtwx of tier crass• WPpttnd, Ont., has w $ $: Itimbq, Path, tobpspl
OL8,803. O( th{s. vast amoKant #gi6,- rmetor of concedsl s of the Pan -Am
's [tae+ at ansa n/ She rltil (buy, will - 110,1,/)4 wart sent to Great Britnia ape we don't want to pnnWh the man oA h per eveC 42 to $2.7Q', calves, perttea4 which wap very aetrdtakla, The
M•gln with the eivll day tit midnl ht. Russia's Asiatic KIK] let the w•mman ears m Preen Expnnitken for the. privilege of $4 to $10; 68,11'1111 Willa
g, g possessions are hour cplopne, The exports direct to Pel- Ai<ce fish large. tko'to, pew not.. alaq M at%IA, wtere most rm
't Tlw Groat FT-l.tain amouintod In value to of arta Anti fivall of another. The wm reprxluctng at ills ezporlttun Duante's $4.87 1-2 ; hogs. 1fg�t fat c saglt&trJ, the air Imisg foul. Tire
t>rlalaltt mPthoi pf bating tip three timw0 1A* 0: kw of Great Britain' rr "L(arna" 64; hogs, heavy is p� �1�6 JRo11s refuml to t report.
Ij511,77R,7p5. It will bw observed Ilrat mon b ncrt n gIH. tie knew what i, per cls►.. $8.7 , accept !b rep' r
astronomical iii tp 12 heart but hold Only 2a000,floo N1DaMtaet,, Mr. Campbell writes that he wUl 6$ M.11n tit*
tv •` wtixr tits hi Great Britazn awl hxr colonies were *t"e was draylg• We think there barn fid, 6i; op1)> [ pe talent malt by law
. h ttinn tow civil fifty Ix a compared with England's 297,000,- the PILTcham.rs of mere than one-half (K;ht to tat a trial, e►11rf we will wt rnmstlnpicntw with all t1or pramf9mot S� . . e.som from the As A whole-
' t to lea_ POwF the Rte A Mcindr wt thou t�a�Airy aqd gP% their - + -'_ _ _ �- _
!taw Riker 000 subjseb. of our wlkolw vow( rnlamo of w:p0rtnl P sGssan swstelrow wall unto! Iden& of what hP11 trail b. Fm �F4'FwW , PPr1d\oil La -
A 1 -hand, to have tete t' --- the rka"twt reltitkma wlah n kir wo see what the J
a "Phar• twgin at oulitry jury will eon with those opintone he will re a Q�qq MA1tke4. oneha a �s Maw'
midnight will foe b Of this 140 cklea in the United which hnya more of no than nil the the w0maru'w clop.• ptttpa ttI i� Onar 6A s fair da Now Y(ark, Jan. S wr►w T.ynrh,
tk,sG ap>tas+vhr.t . mA In the crd/Rnrq way a W" b G �p do ath thin I
Inrnnvenlr•dt. teat of the world, And whish pnuva ere• lnrrrr b Itvinit with her ' hum- "' y t 1>!' to wgenl 22, +'[bd
1 Y` ft11ates having a poPalatlnp of 80.- lunrxl ngAin, east Lttwre wew a tomer Rer. HnKA Pedle>Y Aeeepta. roornlrS to w t tiro at .tet
t (x to 64.11 throe (M Inas' worth of orpIstinri, when fo that the ease Madison street UNN Lynch rP
Pcsc W Lhw o»wprtu �, 000 or ova, all save LI awn ■rad xPllr n0 trre7 i+ It nnrprhing that arabest. bet weauM be Wtnnlpcg, 1\fnn., inn. Y,--iTAv, Hugh HifNs$ AND WOOL.
tory, there will one al:ot Ann of th.m, opernto the municipal water anp- wfwn war "tilmi hlturP Arr,aliRM ux,al droDP6PL POMPY, of the (ttuntral Congragalomal Hi&*. No 1 rRM two Mont (,Mhir4K, sail lad r,•
('herrh hare, nat.lftM kM•ebngrelsAtkan RnnR, D 1 40 to D 1 3c; temrq*A to sow if there t>6irt others in
sow number tai rains ieMnls to the wear- NJ• (hilt font have Mdnfciftwl gas cess In Hrksln (nrr m01vey ntnrkPt!r hides, No. 1 greets stoera 9 8.40 to 10:; cktneet when Mut www rapt off tl:e
alKukl toe shaken 7 We hnvw nn other KNIM Hlb M*X W1111 P4)M)N. t-4aY Of fila resignation, anti stated hIdoon.'No. by
hour ref lunar In about ties 1Atki d g .torts-i►nieth. Richtrand, R'haellriR ., , that Its wan going to (x cur v chi" ul- 2 Riven stern, 81j 40 to !b; fimm�a find pwrlabtxi. The explosion 11 to 8. nolo ruat(rnwr among tike notions Of total it p h1Atw. No, 2 k4n ft prltsion of
while 18 own atdd,oper- pxlrablie Important-, to ns. Putting TPPwn*ret iftllet'sTirvr�imsts/slhw • In Emmannel (YrmSregatlortsl hlo{itc, , soil keep C6tamstf the fin.
r e of N'fint Ix elm ver }erg aN g Ya' Lr No. 8 teen, 't 1'4n M 7 1.Zo ;
y. aE110--1 d_ia V e light ptahte, sxliP all other ties th:►t Lind tDs MS,Gbtnwtlls Suicide. R r^i• bids*. ow0a, pe to A I.9e; tnaifskl a
- t7njtrei lilatsw And Great llrltwM M - "---- , - loos k }Oc; ersNwktnr, ft. BC; tAtnA
_ ♦ Brakeman RUlsd.
In a calendar Jelat wtil-liappai Is _- _ ,
r c gPthor ex T'RIla/TPiphLt. Jan. 7.- A outran g 11r[etllMa►y 1•nwlahmwws. ' Brightest, Ont., Jan. 7.- i
]1113:., tie first time stare lR,^-A, ctz.: At th kiA� :haw then are be CD% mere sP11 lntrrnrt ,.oaf t agep.. eiklh0, fre6ala, 80r to 1 ,
pOWN to be flwntautln .1 r(noafia, 6 pelts. fresh. )Etlttban. of W. PAt*Prt
Po•ven welt gsat prxslblw wee W* find In that nlone ofrnm,l 7brMt0, Jan. 8.-Jatllsa Mar.��c�all 91110 to $1 ; tallow. res,fesw(i, 4c.%o Dekr60oxntn, A braksrman
pow, the Int twssn 500 awA v.000 mon Irl ,Now rraa4"rr far mos MR rata tlmn found who was trom0r" of thou Cuban •inn• thin Willing Silva w Lerrt w w M � cool at1 s*sUkmnd f
anm11wr that ran happen In w York who are R R to in Nun► Y0r was foud•t ,lead In g�tatr M 4r fig a def hetero r to W , wool, wnwnab- ^bw train. waw
Year. lest\ a s111ilva (fol. the ArftlaA e"Rplre Afgrenrs to hw k 4 Lot highway roltbrrw wlkn ora kisses 9c to IW; w«d, Iw,W,f, fdllt10 lutrw the"
pars or more. in tet th"frobenal with eal8Mlty T_I'hliwr theta T'ay,.tte untei to�ta fie Ing in Toronto xentwncin �&sl to H M rte( jy hl "wV t
TfiPrw are PfRtR t.ttil sultir 6rllftsea by ; Michell eager., fon M 17r , v+avl, psl1M, sl,• "`
committed awfel,ta IaRAn "od ([tees him lirtwt two ower vIMD1P in the 11G when Vww, in RPonrA. Tq talo slowly. No tote saw thw. attPt, bat
Iptv4 York had s population rt 110000 _ nowt. When the rhnrgtsrmgrl rat KMS donvletetl pf bcrzlrtr► wick cfo Oro, 11sc b 2pr :tallow, ra$1gq, l 1•f1s eww iUs btsMrf' kir
pourer to 1•.. J+snte AL KfogiAottt�sad 1b [1'4a tits >'mIY was cl/snnrwn l vwPy tt/lnrtly
1970, P , 11 I4. 1918, 192A, 1840, them wwtw only 19 mop ••Ma .rale Jacob C' Rogers, n promlliwnt bnpk twmptsefl to Peter Onwi,1'n'a roust tfila t:q, kW-wl•inkau fir kwbww Irp1 wy rc(1TPA.
1910, ltkri4, ltAl. Than wiN nlsnoer Ass"ate,l nt $100.0(1.0 or spurs aftwertrxon the (!rept www lxelte•t on { After 11 wad Or, RAA for many y'Pruta n rPpreuwn with vbleam to 10 Jrsals, the ttruhl best merest
thou InwMw, and entragwe was forewl. The w0rld's visible supply of whea{
Pur 12 triknMt. of')iePrary. .t transit the high6sv[f rkarwrrmsslt was odty tatice of J. l'. Morgnq A fsomlrun,r' kin,{ lyln (vR tier dectsalrsd 1,1410(10 ilusheb flus The Fr'- •t a _
of Veuor, hnwwvrr, which b of mach $200,OOt1 tcR Yc1w Y(a1't, d1f41 eenblPnly at bis The sna4•k1w was fou ills e6 jktt4 hear. i���t�rsd Ie p11tlt
v"'� i IMsrton S0,dAy of heart tall h'"`1• artly apdrngt"1. with a but. t W Iwtrap# nrtA�llsnr�aaw it iw "t"+' �a
t1a1 etloiri tt>1ar lie ekedts 40e- PT the yh Isexsv of
mor Importwtice. will rant alecnr with y r1r lir Ana"" waa 7.2 years of too sir "hw-lwnRm and a rev'oiver by vi_vtlMile waa. eirallt Britaltl awe tete wAs r d..rea.rt ailp� �s llaim of t1m,ft" h: - T '
T'hw 1`211114416Y witb which telephony a h .• r¢ ift�e�Kn# 1fi+►tstlitlAliad, � C>Arra Oseraft" roft11i10 which,W ovar, • %tone t(e
.v000 h$riA- eetbsY6vt► the aqa,