HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1897-6-24, Page 8Just Received.
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We are in close touch withlthe warkets always, and
when a line is going at a bargain, we get s chance. This
time it is in the very fashionable:and hard to get
A nice line, regular 60c., will cost you only 38c. ; another,
with a beautiful knish, regtilar $5c. line, will cost you
only 50c.
We carry a full assortment of small wares -anything
in this way you will find with uy at the LowEs'r PRICER.
Veilings, Laces, Muslins, Parasols.
-in Which the Queen Took the
Principal Part
. Iit ir•aabt learn to 411 Lr ea •a Beaded
Ease se el. {.ease', CYyat Yee Ma -
Jima leciered Lrr childisa to liar Is
Tara a.d Aletueaately Woad The
Amid *eV Ilasvu•a.
London, June 2O. -Queen Victoria be-
--�-r-- oduiststicsii.of her J uhllu W -Cay
Ss was belittles her entire ctrear esefoae
the altar 01 her truth. while tw:wi•/lout
London, the Lusted ilituguum auu the
Empire, Au every cntucrlral, church or
chapel of the estabii.hed Cbutch ut
England, were • held services anomie to
those at St. George'* Uaayel, w unison,
Where Her blajcmy paid her devotions
and offered suicwu thanksgiving. The
announcement thut the services at tot.
George's Chapel would be private and
for rue uieuroers of tbe Royal e'au,oy
only ',revenue] the gati►ertug ut :i
large crowed. 1'be scene was most itu-
preraive and the services very simple.
tier ilujcsty sat in the chute of shute,
immediately in front of the erouieuunion
rail, uu(1, . just beside the brass plate
whose inscription designates the spot
,..which was the temporary punct of in-
terment of the Prince Cuusort.
The ladies and gentlemeu who are
_the grand omcers of the Queen's house-
• tory knights boo Wind n the full J
costume of coated hats and starlet
coats. The Duke of Devonshire and
Lord Rosebery occupied their seats ss
Knights of the Garter. The rent of the
choir was empty, the seats of the Royal
family being neer the. Queen's.
The Dean of Windsor, wearing the in=
signta of Chaplain of the Order of the
Garter, officiated.
Punctually at 11 o'clock, amid the soft
strains of an organ voIuftaty, ttie
Queen arrived from the cloistera at the
entrance. Aadated by her Indian at-
tendant, Her Majesty walked slowly to
the chair of state.• the congmgatin
standing. The Queen was dresaed in
black except for a white tuft in her bon-
:ar.s Zee.the 1nAmess_
intra which Thou haat try owed upon us
during the sixty years of the happy
reign of our gracious Queen, Victoria.
We thank Thee for progress made in
knowledge of Thy marvelous works,' for
iucrense of comfort given to human life,
for kindlier feeling between rich and
poor, fur wonderful 'preaching of the
Tuspel to many uations, and we prny
hee that these and all The other -gifts
-ma, Ln_.loaa vQ W1Ueg to -aa -and to our
weep, to the glory of Thy holy ggme,
theories Jesus Clime our Lord. Amen.'
The choir of Flt.. tieorge'a Chapel ten-
dered the musical portion of the mierice,
Sir Walter Parrett was at the organ.
The service leafed forty minutes, the
'Queen retaainiug seated throughout and
following closely the special prayers ant:
At the end there was a pause. The
Queefi, with• Mewed head, contieernt- hi
*Slept prayer. Theo followed u touching
scene, which will ever linger in the
memory of those who witnessed it. Mum -
mooing the Empress Frederick. wh;,
bowed low at her side_,_the Queen 1:unser
her on both cheeks. The ?Dake of, Con
naught and the other members o! th •
family followed, receiving a similar'
token of affection nn headed 'knee. In
',luny cases the recipient was kissed ser-•
eral times.
The Queen was profoundly moral,ad
the tears rolled down her cheeks. At
holt. and evidently with great relucta
Ileo4 Majesty beckoned her Indinn 't-
teudant, and, leaning on his arm, paneled
dowly out -of the chapel, tbe entire enn-
gregation standing, the soft light falling
through the multi- ,lore! wind( wp and
the exquisite strains of the organ rising
lord swelling beneath the gothic ban-
tirred root. it was a seen never to be
forgotten, and thrilled ail present with
strong emotions.
•las JraLAggJ' Ogre
ease Leaden les I w fl,selstagi ttlNb
Crowded I1tttiene.
London, .Ione 19, -Never in the his -
'ugly shown itself the henrt of the
caned ns It dense to -night -the ere of the
enlenee. At nil times the busiest hive of
tbe human race, to -night London is
crowded to its Innermost by a etupen-
dogs gathering -oa Strangers, represent -
!hg nearly every racy under the 'tom
and nearly every country found npna
the map. The cersiion object - of this
erowd-participatiff Id the greatest
pageant yet witnessed in the history of
the Bel
r o try m lure of me. to Peery
thought anti action. There is nothing in
men's minds at this hour, from the
iregheat prinee In the paiaeea to the low -
utee ,k thief in the streets. but the
Jubi• Il •YAJBarr 11 WELL
r s
Med Talbot itfeat,aar►et be livery aresslt
se tks areas rrrpsrssiens.
The Empress Frederick of Germany,
attired In deep black, took the meat at
the right of the Quern, while the Duke
of Connaught, wearing his Windsor uni-
form, rented himmelf at her left. The
others grouped themselves elosely be -
bind and looked very- tike n slmpie fam-
ily of worshippers. Among them were
the Duchess of Connaught, Prince
Henry of Prusela and the Princess
Henry, Prince Christian anis Princess
Christlns with their children; Prineese
Henry of Batlenherg, the Grand Duke
Bergin■ and (.rand linchema.
Ordinary morning prayepm Megan with
a short exhortation from Timothy i.,
and the suffrages, after the, creed, con-
tained theme mentenees:
Pripet: 0, Lord. arae the Quern.
Asnwer: R'ho putteth her trust in
Priest: Rend her help from Thy holy
Answer: And ever more mightily de-
fend het.
Priest: Let her enemies hove no ad-
vantage niter her.
-- Answer: Let not the wicked` approach
to bort her.
Atter the first cv,llect a special nllet
was read, and inatend of the nattal
Drayer for the Queen and..Royal Family
two special prayer. were euhatltntea,
• doateining the following:
"Almkingdoms of the world and df poaethwl. Who rnleth over II hof
theft acrordtng to 1'hy gond plcasut•e,
we yield Thee unfeigned thanks for that
thou want pleased to place Thy serverit,
our aoveteign lady Qneen i'1e torts, upon
the throne of this realm. Let Thy wis-
dom be her snide and let Thine arm
strengthen her: iet justice, truth and
Isotherm, m, let melee and love fioarlah in
her dao Direet all her eouamein and
endeavors to Thy glory, and the welfare
of her people, and give as grnce to
pey her eheerfnlly for coast-lessee.t bee always pressen the hearts of
rr people, let her reign he long and
Mar•n•peroni and ernwn her with tumor -
lty in the Re to Mme.
A eperlrl prayer for unity was said,
and there were pelma and ger
cJa used ht.t•ad ot, ase for the day.
e soapt� Meng the sixteenth verse of
Mie wrnfy-aerond chapter of 8t. Mat-
thew, " Render. therefore, unto Caesar
the things which are Caesar's.
���There was no sermo but a *peels,
)ram Werritten alaham, by Right
Len! Bishop of Wilkie
Geld, with morale by Bir Arthur Sulli-
van, was aerie at Her Majesty's ,.-
quest. The third venom was ea follows:
"0, royal beam, with whys embrace,
or all her children yearning.
hap y maim, much paotber-grace,
tk sal love returning:
Weems'a nag files wide an-
1tyaot Wrong* lin-
Beton the bimm.dict on othe following
pO.rM . L(wva>titi'ata.r. we
The Queen la resting quietly to -night
nt Witidsor7 In excellent health and
spirits, contuth•ring the wor: of the past
moth, settling null debating a wuoie
dictionary of details eq} uaeeterl with the
arduous batteries! week to case. }'or
00 arrangement, however trifling, in the
program of the next seven days, but
what has received royal 'auction and
coflaldertitlon. Not merely the sorting
and disposition of innattierable guests
for royal fnnetins, hours of coming
end gn, er-
den aandgtkeeeslike,a but heof nenndlrs ea. de-
tails regarding reception of addressee
memorials and gifts. The address'' that
are to he presented by the Hoare Secre-
tary are from every conoeirable public
body in every imnirinable part of the
Empire and ori of it. and number thou•
minds. not counting tone of "oleo and
private memorials addressed to the
Throne and which have found n Iasi
resting pine in the capacious wrote
paper baskets at Windsor.
Tis Qu1ava larallx.
will the Aged esti •..e4 $ verelga be
Able to Go Ta the !'eek
The Jubilee program to which Hrr
Majesty has given her assent covers the
seven days beginning to -morrow, though
all savoys are guests of the Queou until
Monday, June 29. The program begins
appropriately to -morrow - Aceteas>u
ihly-the sixtieth aaaivar,a; of fret'
June morning when, as day ke, the
Archbishop of Canterbury and a Lord
Chamberlain announeefi to the bestilj-
*wakened Print -emu that during the silent
smashes of the night the meddle of
!`testy had fallen upon her. The ,ru-
gram is as follows:
Thomie Queen, with the mote inmn� ilee Acceasbon flair.
memhers of Gm rn,hl familf, nttc•ade
solemn thaekegtvine swlwite: s1 the
('harter Chapel, Wiu.Isot.
Omelet se f,l.e for the Lovdm `fwd Cin -
mon. at Rt. Mar ret'a, We•tuiiiptar.
Oeieta1 elebrat ao art St. Peel's Ca-
thedral ter HerMM$Jut '
ea judges, tbeLord Mayor and ( defy o{ i
don. S •elal mei-ermine da. orrice'
every Olhnreh of fencer Al !dine• theiffigle
out the world.
Rveafa The Prep std Primers, , oft
Walla' "Royal J'aimaajj� ' dil*ntir-at ist-I-
heroag► Hoar, Y.70" .'•la$li,
dlittslda Juan -111s
The Big
Dry Goods
will sell this week the contents of three eases:
Beet English fast -color Prints, 9 e. yd
American Challies, 41c. yd
30 ends, 9 yds each, 32 -inch Ameriean Zephir Oingbams, worth
from $1.12tj'4o $1.20, choice of 9 yd end tor 75 c.
Children's and Misses' Hosiery, 5e. and 7c.r
. 'Tic. and 10c. pr
Ladies Hosiery
Choice of 3 boxes Flowers, worth from 20c. to 40e. a
bunch, at Sc. and 1Oc. ea
R- B_
C. W. ANDREWS, Manager.
Most all Clothes
Rave their good points, but one wrong item
spoils the whole-
Shorey's clothing has been demonstrated to
be perfect in fit, up-to-date in design, with
everything, from the match -d the buttons to
the colour of the lining in perfect keeping.
As an evidence of the workmanship a signed
guarantee is given with every garment that it
will not shrink, and that your money will be
• refunded if the workmanship gives out. If
accept any inferior . make of el/Allies-eater
this you will have only yourself to blame. 1y
• •••,,slAwessassassse
Never buy the second best
When the best costs you no more.
Rice's Pure Salt.
Ilea it and yo, will have the beet.
imperial aka royal guests and special
envoys (levee drew).
Evening: Royal fulldrese banquet at
Bald 1ilace, followed by rncep-
tion of he diplomatic corps.
by the Queen of the suites of leer Ma-
jesty's roylil and repre•entattte goreta,
of Oolonial and Indian re resentrtiv
n -
and of the officers of the Indian Impede
troops. ,
Tuesday, Jane =.--Queen's Da
Morning: f'he procession to St. Pans
(Full dress, with trouser; ladies, morn
is dress.)
Evening: Her Majesty rests.
Second i royal banqnet at Buckfngha
Palace, the Prince of Wales presidia
(full dress), followed by a State co
cert. Illumination of London and th
Hamm. During the day celebrat
all over the world.
worm:met: tris Arenntaboi or (',aur': -
bury and a splendid array of men of
hiss rank in the &rosy; navy, church
literary,acivil seerirs,__w.it�A- aprinkl(eng
scientific and artistic notables.
It won 9 o'clock before the assembly was
complete. The Prince or Wales led the
proewaion into Mar dining pavillon, amid
the strains of the National Anthem.
Mr. Wilfrid Laurier eat on the right
hand of the Prince of Waive. and Mr.
Whitelaw Reid, the special envoy of :.he
rnitxd Rooter', to the Jubilee fe.tivitie.,
no the left of the Prince. The latter
showed his keeen interest by waiting to
the very end tot the speechmaking. which
eras close aeon midnight- Thi. was al-
most unprecedented. as the Prince of
\%'ales lets It become known that he
ions 1 ohieets to Tate hours at such affairs, and
1 either uses his influence to shorten pro-
-441e-4411bit--40-11- atsbeti
Wednesday, June 23. -Morning- Tb
Qneen receives addresses from the Bosses
of Parliament, Reception of Mayors an
provosts and chairmen of county sour
oils. Afternoon: Her Majesty will In
sweet tbe l'eotnea of tits Guard. Even
Ing: State visit to the opera. (Ful
dress, with trousers.)
e tut*,
The Prince- was In excellent humor,
d chatted tinily with Mr. Raid and Mr.
- jIsavrierokes of "tithe spgekern. laughed heartily at the
After dinner fhe Prince of Wales pro-,
i Posed "The Health of the Queen." In a
felicitous speech, he tete-red to the a
Watching Jubilee celebrations, addle*
that he lorl no doubt they would
tbe familiar Meet with more Reclama-
tion even than was uimally the case.
This was followed by prolonged cheer -
t ing, waving of handkercpiefa and erten
▪ of com-
^ bless her i " •M entire "to drink with me her"beaalth, c ngrn n-
lating her not only upon hey Diamond
Jnbitee, but upon her record reign."
This was followed by a fp/sewed out
lutist of cheers,, the baud repeating the
morale the National Anthem, Amid
ttte°'eathneinsm the Prince called for
to follomore w by another,ands then bnet y
a third.
Rir Hugh Nelson, Premier of Queens-
land, if proposing the health of the
Prince and Princess of Wako, erpr p,tnI
the hope that the Adrtrnlian colonise
might some day bare the privilege of re
ceivint a member of the royal fasstlty
and (be opportunity of displayingg an nn-
quedided loyalty and devotion.
The Prinee of Wales, replying, ex-
po -avert his great pleasure and gtatidea-
tie to at pre i ungmkt h so tanIntervenor k t d an oc-
tetest in the welfare of the colo Land
Thee s•si.
Thurseay, June 24.-Mornidg: In semi
state, the Qneen and oourt go to Wind
sor. Her Majesty alights at Slough
and. driving through Eton, is received
by the college boys. Evening: Banque
at Windsor Castle. The Queen review
a torchlight procession of Eton boys.
State evening party, Buckingham Pal
ace (full dress).
Friday, June Z. -Morning: Reserved
for private entertainments. Afternoon
The Queen, with the Prince of %Vales
as inspecting ,deer reviews the fire
brigades of E lane. Evening: State
banquet in At. 0-orge's Hall, at which
all Imperial end r,yntuests will be
nt. Private entertainments, name-
' fy: Dinner at Lansdowne Hoes•, bell
at Grosvenor House. -
-Raturday, June 211. -Morning: Naval
review at t'ort,unouth (Levee dress: lad-
ies morning dress.) Afternoon: the
Prima of Wales, on behalf of the Queen,
reviews the fleet at Spithead. Evening:
illumination of the Ilett.
Maeda', J.., fix.
Monday June- 28. -Morning: The
Qneen arrives froth Windsor Castle, Her
Majemty's garden -party, 6 fr, 7 o'clock
(morning demi). Her Majesty will he
present, and atter taking leave of the
royal and other guests will return to
W iudaor.
Till sglr 0/ a'oiro1
As the Isyerlat tasetusto Matase was
invest to Canada'. rT•Sliter.
London. Jane 18.-h• Prince of
Wales, as President of the imperial In-
stitate, presided over a banbeet iliren by
the institute this evening.
♦ large crowd watched the arrival of
the 'mate, who were received by Lord
Herschell, chairman of the Executive
Committee of the Institute. Everybody
wore a deooration of some sort. Stars,
rtbboos and various oriers, together with
the splendor of oriental co•Mmes worn
by the eaaerrn prrtelitet s, ands a brit.
ilant assns.
nnmbesed hundreds kid
every WOW& of ttttlsMal fail
'emMe preaMit were
fib Mi - ea.
Wall Paper
Before you begin Vonr Spring
House cleaning,' call and see our
stock of Wall Paper.
Laud Tinto
Latest shadow
Latest De/1'111.
Suitable for Librariett, }Saila,
Parlors, Dining-Ronmm, Kitchens,
etc., with Borders and Ceilings to
match, from be up.
AH slew. This gpaaatt'g goods
SAH good* marked fa plain
air, Mt
'"� *1p Os014t.ttroa,
Awn- Om the Verw%
cozzE3oRa-M maRos_
9cPRINTS$1.O0 for?0c tSa rSc8bc 70c65a 20e. " 8C 12c. for l0e
12e. yc
75c. " 55c SHIRT WAISTS. lot. " ....
69c, 49c he
65c, 47c 1,35 for
6Oc, 45c l.ib "
55c. " 36o 85c. "
50c. • " 49c 75e.
50c. 37 i 60c.
40c. 30e 65e. for 45c
39c. " 30c 50c. " 40c
35c. 27ic 30c. " ttjc
160e Sc. 10c. 12c. 15c. 1 ac -
60c 20e. 25c., worth 25
45c per cent, more.
All Wool Cashmere hose, 20e., fast Bugs, Jap Matting and Lace
black. Curtalnt.
Gloves in great variety and very White check muslin at wholesale
cheap. price.
CARPETS' --Beet stock in town of Prices to suit.the hard times.
all kinds -Oilcloths, Matting
Are not ping out of business yet but must reduce our stock. ---•-
The Great Carpet Warehouse of the County
Paint Up!
!I101311 Have things looking !right and shining around
�,, �` the farm. Paint improves everything--tbe
f' house, the bus, tbe wagon, the buggy, the
j/ implements, etc. it don t cost much either.
3 You'll get more than the cost bock in the vales
,: 4, added to what is painted.
Its important -very important, that you tee
` w! the right paints, there's a brand yo. can be
l , • sure of, its
':di i. THE SNF,BWIN.IFILLl//s P41AT3 '
They're ready to use. They're easy to apply.
tor ' ' `� They're good -better than you can mix yourself
or have mixed for you. Better because they
few mesa, wear longer, look better and are more ec000mitxi. There s
ttatMotreLe just as good. We've printed a booklet about them inked,
�I� tilMs. Send for it, its free. Its full of useful information
about paints
We make paint for all purposes, not one for every purpose, tut a
special paint for each. The best part dealers through the coodtry
handle THS Saaawtu-W,LLtars Paters. Fee booklet additive
19 St. Antoine Street, Montreal,
HEW mare
At GODItn1(H TAN' gHY. We pay the
Higbee Priam'. Spot cash.
W. F. tz A. BMITII.
• . Tinsmiths
HAMIL13N.s : _
-1 have • Tull Aesiratm•nt of the following
Goods, wblsk see lb* 1asedt stylea os the mar
leek made prtess-le keeping with
Lawn Mowers
Lawn_ Garden Rakes --
Garden and Field Hoes
Spades and Shovels
Screen Doors
Screen Windows
Screen Wire ()loth
Poultry Netting
Fishing Tackle
Glass -Largest assortment sad lat-
ent tints in town.
Wee r kat. a aura hese& 'Name aw
eine ea 11•
•re favorites wherever they
are sold.
Ask anyone who rides •
Cowstoat- -suss- er liataat
and 'their wiIl''recommend it.
Oar Sulky Wheels are also
favorites with horsemen and
others. t
AU kinds of repairing done
st tbe foundry.
Henderson Bicycle Co. (IM.)
Kelsie Generator.
7C St>m
Howard Heater
Buck's Leader
JeArijettligOAL, arlBs LNa•t
teat ya�1� t1nRlasi'Ot'n fMl l t.e wMiislMk 1 wr
Tse 1Plattle& nesse* kw. Q•&dak
Wla.daa•y dsereese *11 Levi
era ate& Parma . halls d Ws'
eh* -raft salted ire
wawb Soto Jus. Lao