HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-28, Page 8TIRMIIMAV, DOM 118, 1811,
Christmas Novelties1t
come t than •
nice Cr Waist, •
Skirt or a Silk
Waist I We have a
large wtlection in
these lines for
Christmas; at special
stoker was hued el. Thentwas • prepost -
ties in pat la Wee Ushers at • ease el
them stockist se Tommie. At Bret they
looked very Am but "the WO Wet tavoeW
Rated sad the mere yes cheetahs about 11
the mem you amulet these • mai. fraud."
Dui corer need se much Warm salt saved.
and more coal Mr. Caatelom warmly 000-
tradloted be mayor's remarks la regard to
the Musson and the stoker. Es Maimed
inat the obissom meld be ballt for what
had hem hold book ea it. There was WO
some of matertal ea baud, wheals made
ore, $900 to oemplme the job, &lid three
quarters of the obimany wee built ; sod it
A regular $1 25
Glove, in all new-
tiet shade* new
blue, uerebee, tans
brown, going
Lovely lace -edge
special at 2 for 254.
Silk, with hem-
stitch and initial,
at 25c.
Chikiren's cord.
Men's silk Neck
W raps.
Blankets and
Table Linens,
Drape ry
Special Blankets
at $1.50 per pair.
Ilmulsome Pillow Shams at 5Ic., SI and $1.51 per pair.
leaser it would have oonigifed.
daisy was th• limit of them who hod &dre-
aded the stoker and where the muiyor said
the stmeauttee It'ad reported Myer of the
stailtor he was mime eoatett.ioe he Mew t•
be untrue. Tao first reoomu • dation was
in layor ot the obimety. Ise alveoli*, of
the stoker liad delayed the buddies of the
ohimokey by horn six weeks to two ineattse.
Tin wpm. bad not given fairly the figures
is regard to the eleotrio light. The improve
meats would coed 511,000, but *hat tatelediad
all the wiriso her the seer 1,000 light ass -
shim The mayor said it would supply
wily 800 lights, but • 1.000 light (Vaasa°
(souk] tea 1.260 to 1,400 liebta He would
put it at 1 000 lights ; this at 11.3 • year
mould 51 93.000. The Molitor fund would
be $370 ; towed, 11140 ; extra fed, eilotte..
good every year of $1.540.
lir. Asbestos quemosied Or. Condoles la
',mord to tbe otionsey matron. Yeas it
in/stases for you, se chairs.' of tbe Dom
wilco, to pay Mild, per mat. el the
money, sod eighty feet still te be built
Mr. teatimes asked. Mr. Castelen repeated
his statement that they had 5460 womb of
bricks snd 8469 75 of the oestrous pries left
to maitre the complietios of the work
Mr II oniber. abetting& of the public
oorks committee, said lot °Quid not go over
the whole grouod of What heal been dose by
the oommittes tie bed tried to de rightly
.11 that imam under Ms mewl sod bad ad,
vim] his 0i:titmouse to do lilemirio, sod be
mought the work of th• oominittes had
Men very well dom. Formerly the streets
lied been repaired by putting • load el
bens and there, but the eareamIttee
had made anangemeate to do the work
tboroaghly, and the streets would be re-
paired so that they would wear. Hie had
favored the seekers, whiob he was told
mood dm Totoato Street Railway Co
twenty per ant. in coal. The ohlesoey
slcogether would oust $2,600 He had
moved to pet the stokers in on trial; 11 they
did nos prove eaUsfaoterv. they would ge,
without say espeem to the tows. He bad
• stunned the work on the ohtinsey aad had
reported to the mayor sad committee teed
walutect the Mairame of the water
he *Awe tor payments to• the coo umotee;
they had not come tolore the oinumilois
they should have dose He had succeeded
,a mecum a small piton granolithio went
laid on Hamilton street sod also • Pero oo
Eon street, end he hoped to Red more dose
next year. fie bed sone to Guelph el ble
oho exp.. •ad be hoped hat good %could
result from the imams* there.
Mr. t_outslon mem with the remark that
ther• was:a good reliable bricklayer is the
ball who would fishin the ohimney for the
amount, available.
Mr. Martin said be was working the suf-
frages of the electors for 1900. amd if tiny
saw fit to elect him h• would sery• therm to
the future as he had la the past. rault
had been foand with male of the peat Iowa
-1,- coamiittee which had investigated into
their working bad mote back with a favor
able report. Wittig the isommittie was sr
*minim them, Mere wogs we theme dressed
I he • workroom, sad as Wok as the ace of
spades, but a few value. ed. the atm
mitten bad left he saw thire -Sires mee, MI6
a Isiah colter oa, with diets wke wars try:
tog to sell than the stones, amd be made up
eidured the stoker simply • labor -saver.
He had swede Iowa/in is different dirm
t mat sod had bean isformed Omit the stok
ers.were • failure. TM menial was mot to
Wane if iner• had been paid on the oblensey
than was right; d this was the ow, tits
mayor was reepoasible sad he should mot
try to throw the blame on the °smell It
took Mg moncillors to speed the 54,000
haat they meld 000ttol-ttie baleen am
fixed expenditure and he did oot take amy
partieslar credit for hie there of the work.
li• would not make • personal mamas;
it wit• against his prtniriples. If
they thought he wee fit for tli•
Position sod voted for him he would theist
them; if they thotSght he win nee ds arid
did sot •ote for Men he would sail thank
Mr. Knox mid be had been much takes
up with the stoker eye. in Termite. The
eroodnions of sele proposed by the &gest el
the stoker were very feasible, but when the
scent thonain the matter wee coming to •
chinas he chewed the terms of the con-
tract is favor of ids oompaay, and be (the
speaker), mietng a "Muer tn the team."
wee sodas' the stoker after thod, de had
ant misseid me regular meeting. Dor, ha
thought, • oommittee meeting. The relief
amount this yaw was $940, whereas as
much as $1400 had been spent before in one
year -• rood seoarine tor the town of Clods-
•riob. Koos mid he would not be
offended if he were lett at home, but if he
were sleeted he would be obliged to the
MUNICIPAL NOMINATIONS. additional aspseeis amid he : Siskieg
fun'. $370 ; tutoring, 11440; extra fuel, WOO
man Neessas. tart of 5930 on the Square also had come
105 11•YOlt. oat cf amnion loads. The seturisted
penditure for public weeks was $1 600 and
jug"' the actual expenditure had Men. 1E4640
I his noluded • dram ou Myer slew -end
the purchase of • gravel lee. -The mayor
said be treaded that his moon' bad Mae
molt es to command him le the ratepayers.
He 1.41 done Ins boat without fear or favor
esd If elected would matinee to do the
same H• had his own istereets at stake
and when be worked for himself los worked
to the intonate of Oil electors. Some
months ego be had oommueoatred with the
mayor of Guelpb in regard to the rail axy
matter sad loid down some suggeetiora •
result was& large atestiog at Guelph, with
believed go.4 results would follow. Com•
InelblestAso with Om tioreronieut was to be
1mA-it ea early date im order to be or press-
ure Mbomou the C. P. R. le wolustoo
appealed to his hearers ow more for
their support sod expressed Ms Milted hat
he would head the poll with • beadeort•
Bitters the tamer reaumed bur met John
eiobeeon queetbaned him in rerard to the
chimney contract. The oontraot was for
$2,180 ant of Itins the contractor had already
received $1,710, and there wart still about
eighty feet of the °Mousey to be bollt. His
Worship said b• bleated the architect la
tbis matter. lir. Acheson& comment was,
"That dosee't loot muob like bummer."
Janne Wilton, who followed the ir.ayor.
said be was ont much of • platform speaker
and them was very little for him to ray.
coanoillore of the peat year Were there
to defend themeolvm, but be did not propose
tearing their work to Woes. Mayor
Thompson, he thoneht, bad done hie bait.
If they thought well to elmt him (the
meaken, be wooli give all the time re-
quired, mid do all he mold to further the
maroon of tbe town. la regard to the
chimney coot rain one portton of the ammoil
bloated the other. and they oould explain
the matter. He asked for the support of
the electors on the let of January.
Janie Withoe. proposed bp John R.
°ratite and George atelsmon.
.. (ipotesi aad Kb Armitage.
Jaime Cum, by Colin Ceaspbelt arid M.
11. Ooltoroa
J. P. lames, try &ILI:inlet yesill_seeitl
DAVID CAOTILOSt. by W. 5. Clark eel It,
J. Priellear.
Jame Hostsges, by J. H. Ceillborne end A.
Joss torn, by A. Saunders sod C. 0
Hoes Drorbor, by C. A. Nairn and J.
Jeers Imam, hy J. C. blartin sod J It.
M. Nsoefficoli, by Wm. Csmpbell sad F.
J. Pridhain.
Rom: jute. by Char. Knights and P.
101 PUBLIc eCtiooL room.
Davkl's Ward.
Crus. Ram, proposed by C. A. Humbert
gad R. Thammem.
Rogan McLaar, prepared by Jetta Yale
sad Ohm Ited.
at. Patrick's Want.
Wir. AMMO. proposed by J. H. Col -
berm Lad John Kora.
Oeorge's Ward.
ht. NIC11110Le010, proposed by Hugh Dunlop , Thompson waived his right of re -
Jonas BOCHAealit, proposed by • II. grump committee, wee (talked. Mr. Holmes
berm sad F. J. Prkihem. said be •ppeared main before tb• ratepayers
St. Andrew's Wird. as a oandidate and tor the first tins• se
• BALL, prop000d ny Ooo. Sheppard ohairmaa of the linen°. committee. He ex-
plained that In had Got been chairman el
sad Wen Wallam.
nub above were the itemisations received thie oommi 'tee for Moe whole year. It me
by UM Sown clerk ea Friday evening at the a position whioh he rather liked. If be had
bewn 1511. lbw* bang only me nominee any ability to terve them it was la that
fee rimed trustee la 81. Patriok'a and St. line, tie he liked fienree. The mayor bed
Aadreves wards, Wm. Aohowin and H. W. given • statement ot the Owen sad thin
Ball, respanively, were &mitered elected helped Ittin out.. The statement this yam
was More readily mderstandable then say
for them wards.
The ionnalitteo over, .1. Elgin Tom was hitherto promoted. If nigh • statement
Miseteil te preind• over the meeting sal, were get.ritt, every year &mem weld
Myhre *Mee tbe chair, he bespok• • good. how far the town bad roue shoed Or behind
Mariam for the Milepost candidates whit during the year. Theirs eras a balance el
sheald 'address the leathering current asseite_erier ;lab hum of $17.009
ma arranged tbat the coadIdates for this watiboe large a balmoo, but there was
the mayoralty should have (treaty minutes .6 mama for it. Thy had coos Into perma•
melt, med mayor Thommon five mien. ta oesb Improvements which would omit
reply, and the mod Idabel f or oriudeller 11110,000 or 511,000, of which $2.400 had
Memo wicautes mob. Man paid, intrIng shoot 1119.000 still tit be
Mayer 7 hompeon took tho floor sod mid paid. it ourht to be that way every year,
he me pleased to me so large and intellegeme so as to save interest. It hod indeed been
as andleme before him. He 414 not isle. • very satmessfal year. Relents, to the
te toke op their time at say great leaper. queetion of ohimare or stoker, Mr. Helms.
He wee nee a platform speaker, Mt he said he did net know orinab about 11, but he
had been ioformed that the °hammy would
an legally. TIM year two mee interested
le the wmks--14r. sod Me. ilactiter
- sod Woo forte Mr mat. demild be
given by as tows fee walks fee timmelves.
Mr. Humber was eel is the mimed whoa
be (Me epeaken made bin moties. He
doesitied very muolt d the masted maid Mee
bey aleesust whatever for walks es any bat
Unmet Miens itod It was • mesticu
East street was a Meta. etamt,
should be pet inanently Denied. Mr. Oemp-
bell was ornialsior On rimmed apes ether
Ines whoa the uhairmaa ittformed Men thei
his woe wari up.
1dr. Humber, est:Minium the delay in
ouoistruotiog the grow -ditto*. walks, end
ibog parr limp maned whecllatities
Mr. Mmtiu stud he bad expected to pat
doers the walk ea Hamilton street at
teeetyliv• per mat. Irma the tom, bat he
had been appear/AM by people ea the
Squore arid Ise hod voted for the chasm te
fief y per to lb* let west ef lee people,
al Oar his ows walk wee anielted.
Mr Nicholson severely oritheised the
week ed the via. aad light mossmittea
The oddities to the power house ma not
o h mod ; Ilse dynamo which ergs $2.000
°mkt have bees bested ter POO awry-
' hies hod beam • imme-yee plum barium ;
ham seemed to be me bead el the aBalr.
1 he eessatery oommittee also mime in fee
Mr. Gastelon about the idea. light fel
'owed, aad after Mr Atheism had mode •
few nonerks Mr. Campbell mated te
mime bis *web, Mt the audition sailed ter
tho mayor. His Warship relerred Welly
• few prow that hod oome um dune/
the mums. and, shortly afterwards We
meet tag adjoureed.
Oraduete 01 Illaamohimetur Cul -
weirs iingt
OPEN DA Slain.
ad ed. saiort, satsassoa
Of the meanimee foe comoillor. Maims.
imnlop, James Clerk, Reba Clark, Rsbht•
sea, late. sad Mu Roo hat • retired. leav-
ohm, Wm Campbell and J. P. Brent.
Cam Reid has wiiadt•su his name hem
omnistatioa as pain o sobool trustee, sod
Itidiert Molina is .iidtml foe M. David's
',sot het weep Marrs lieolianan and Nu:Mel-
Two amain eak.t. will be phew! Were
the electors next bleadity. gas will pear the
gaieties : ''itJre yeti la favor of the tows'.
a...vertigo, it tabs • hos Publia library sod
realism room r The vs. will mark •
moss email. the word "Yes" et tin word
••Ny," wordiest est be is ia favor et or se
p...o.1 to Om idiocies The en. bellert
asks: "Are yes la favor of the pumas 01 •
bylaw by the normal to prohibit osti•
Koalas at lame within the tows
voter will " V re" or "No" by plains
mark &galas' the word wit. newsiest*
In umber miaow le a maim the teen
clerk regarding; Wm We leie Ileum and
Tbe a' ove is out into stove wood
lonAth and will be delivered to any
part of the town the sum day as
Orders received by telephone or
lett at rtsidesse, 1 28 Oaatbria street,
will receive prompt attestioe-
2bone 98.
111 3 POINTS 3111
r cal
■ Patina'. (...dinuisui
read NNW more seenglgigmatrm.
and oa'inethe tra tk. elthJ 1 A.
tor.l gds.. Lima th..rtli i• T.
t ehm Former's Ad..gat* (laded. Oaf.*
Winnipeg. 114.11..ly i $.
, 0f the Yanat.ba I.gtitl.l d).ba, .mad
mete may be mid om the asti.l0 en
.eh Aerioult.re and Its Femme, bh Yr.
_m_•tl.m•, oo• of the foremast agrieattaral
Oremot• of OreBritain ; Mr. blamed'•
%look over the Worlo's Sheep libelant) ;
. Cort*' Height Chapter tor Slockmea;
McCaw .a Woomera8b•p•ramati ;
Sydney ll i.h•r on the Condit.. sad
look for Ike Canadian Farmer ; Wasterto
(.e Ion Maritime Aar.00tt.r• ; Prof.
en •• The b8d
Det ,d.' ; the l.aasti.g
tet of Phoneme Lill% -Eastern and Weel-
Ca.ada r.ep.arely-by Rev. Dr. Ya•
y sad Mr. Ouse ; lire. ipmser's edge
amen t.
amen farmers' wises .ad dsa.bten
nevem life as the farm t. • Maimplasm
Jean w
Jel lestt'. pass•.% Christmas eve
hob, that oogbt to awaken say farmer
o may be neglectful .1 the e asitia•
t enr. 01 kI. Id. parses. Sewill .o
mit ua to um.rote the gamy ether
sally good things i. lkt. Middy -pope
per, *blob w• Weald strongly Mem all
readers. ware tar. fee themselves, .s lb
to .II mw enk.tibm. fur 1900-.
dint... Baas% to IlamUmr.'
. Is has. ...r,
beautifully mimed °ever sed half a Ma-
id superb enny
stim. Nothing eeteld he
Mar tem the stirring mildest mem by
beet Elliott, entitled, "Curds., the Load
Lova." It i.. einem sad b•aalfal bit
.eappropriate to Cmadia. .grl.al.
re, appropriate to the 0se.0e sad spore -
mei to the Ilea.. TM *penis' anion le
ipiead,d nam. .. Used. and the Paris
rpo.itto" the drat .empl•te review of
at wen bjeet we ham •.; and the hem al
1 (tor Lite regale, reader of Ti. Advocate)
that M gets this great namable without
y Hire charge.
loyes and Ng
WI Thal ere OLIO seereateed ass te wale
or warn.
girt They will km • Rheum
art Nast oest is so rem rem ter Werke
n eves, sod are nesamerei se save earethird
reel. bike brew sad radiate wore hest teen
&Ma. sae rest sad braltatui homing derfte-
larestimes it ter yourself before yen Mete&
Headmareers tor numbing. steassaa.
smeseous NMI Move Plebe&
many things that will be of use to you, and
appreciated by your friends.
wbo is °idling every cisy now to fill his isok with oar lovely BILIK, FEL
VET and FHLT SLIPPERS for the little balb--aely 28• mid 30s. per pair.
8111 OUR BANG1 07
for men. We have them in Alligator, Goat, aod Sae Vioi la all the IMM
styles--prioes from $1 to $2 per pair. Special yahoos set $1 aad $1.215.
Tbe Felt Slippers with leather soles, only 40o. pair.
Farming Implements
would Wy present the finamial stemmed
se alearly poesible, sad he those/In it mg
tee mose favorable esteensat promoted
Mere Mob laaaguration of the waterworks
intelma. They bed been gotag behind natil
the &Mira debt bad atiriOnliteld to 520.000
The deaths" debt had Iwo wiped out sod
they bad started this mar with • WM lade,
Woad mere wee sow a oath Miami, of
fl,M7 67. Thar. wave awn nnsolioosos
tease ssionsaing te $6,123 60, toms coo nen•
landleat loads $1,4361 90, sowed interest no
lowest on elevator mites 12.•
879.87 ; they had built grasolithio walks at
a met ot $1,097 64 and paid for them oat of
mass useellened of 5601.FIR mei wither Wee
eseeileeted etoositstsag to $2,123.85 It
was the bees showier lor fifteen yeses. Tem
bad eadertakee to seli,ree the eleetrle light
plash for resew well Mown The met el
the ealargesteet had been larger Mae me
=est 6,000 bad bre set aside foe the
mei* opoisme. bet ewpig be took et hods
they had Mee mashie se tar to de emell to,
mule ledinstim the weber mteplir
The ram spore la detail the ortseated met
had la hos the warbles et sleben
at Teat laid apnea %totality spas
:=4, bid ellyessieil ties stokers sad
Pe power pleat were to be
• sermilleiby this Meese they word
hem be op* thee. m ihkeisey
er ▪ osell roe Meet Se believed tee semi
err stilliteatiee atom ropeeditere he
he *PPM Peat eplempemat or et
orrop So teloatteolt as old -
wed giefinirir....lead 98 seer
be at WM aa geed, sad the work meld all
to dome in the tom. Is regard to the
*biome, a very sooty pond h.a mopped up
Ells was' sot • member of either the public
works or the electric light committee. Ile
bad always 000tendoill that oommIltese
should not be allowed to spend Imre some
of money, bet one tune when he was on.
111.3.000 for mai was owed The orders el
the water and light committee had met
• hetuirtas nevem or the flaws moo
solthe, sad he maid not be blamed If the
mimed pet late trona' He thought the
matmeter bed Men Patel oltnanher fee
web; only $470 was NO to Milk% the Aim-
asy eighty fret higher. He appealed to the
elegem* ree his reseed. He had bees • geed
"eittesdle," end lad Missed mly two regu-
lar mailers He had net benetlieed la
any way Marie hie Menlo. to the cement
be hid est mei bed as &loot. light planed
la heat et lie reeilleme, sec be bum
plaited ea • delegates. He thought sew
et in tehgatieus were toe hintt. hut the
east to Cleelpit wee all rhabt, mit be bowed
tic mediae there would hear halt
D. theasiee, eheirese et the were sad
Rem emetitaim_aest pave em mount ef hie
stowerthillp He toseroa Ms bearers that
Mee Morris Wet esemittee bee Pee med.
Med work. el Mike We weir Votaries+
the Mon la the totem Ib to
the Holm qesetlea earl einsitied that
whim male*. hit ewe Mabee. be bad ben
opeolaloi ohtleaso Mimosas NA hell
otendttoe teal to yet do pleat le
beat lesseetel. *Mee Pe waiNallls• bad
I5 me hued Nat leoromod
We ham some really nioe goods in FANCY TOE sad FELT BLIP.
PERS. We can give you a fancy Felt is Orem sad Fres& Plaid, with
Leather Soles-oely 804. pair.
8 HO ES-- lovely
How would gaoor al our QUILTED SATIN, YUR-TRIIIIIHD
be tor baby's Xmas bort I Nothing Peer er more
useful. Felt Slippers only 1 tio. pair.
Shop early and avoid the rush.
North side of the Square, &desk& THE CASH SHOE DEALER
Geo.W.Thomson & Son
The Oldest Established and Kest liallaithe ;‘
' IDES* Wall* Sn Aaron Osman,. ,rootopooto,to,....,
E.04 o As*ARTI3t
Piano, Orins, Saki ladies,
Arm, letr.
I have the beet thAt to made trinetett-
WS, Palms, Clotting Sonia, etc.
1 hose the De Laval Chem Separa-
tor. It is the [most reli•ble on the narket,
It will pay you to me one.
Do you want • row °otter or MAW
I handiedialkeent maltes, sad ma ear mei
requiremeots and your pocket, too. -
Would not your wtfe appreciate • good
Violin and VItiller
Mr. Netted epode briefly. He thanked
the electors for the honor oosferred upon
hint in former years, but said bit would not
Mr. Campbell asked *het be be gives at
leset ball so hour address the mettles,
it would be almost outlast t• &dames
ch. if be will me balm that week Mine.
Through rai fault of Ms, Ise hut been the
•iotlin of • oonsoiracy to pat blot out of the
council. Riferring se Mr. Knes's figures In
regard to the retied amount, he said thin
Sir. Knox had nenierded stat• that •
house et refuge bed bees tweeted and meet
of the poor now go there. Tbe important
ileation Wail that 01 the stoker end the
ohissmey. He raid from a newspaper report
of the wood Preasselings be emitter vert the
statement of Mr. Caste. that he had
always been opposed to the stoker. He
▪ attheded man of the weal reetims
mil lie found ths1 Carnelogi and Mr.
Martin were In favor • of the Wks". leg
Martha challenated Mr. Campbell to point
to any statement ot hie la favor of the
stoker. Mr Ctuipbs11 mad the report if
the water and light onnomildre rroommend•
Martin remased that he wee Ale eye op
oared to the Wk., bus serseeliese • rem
Mr coopetS said Mae Hr. Monis bed
Ili a' ed that the esemil bed oily Pli,000 es
apend. Mt the Ilan woe that the aeallo
works orterimIll. lad spot 13.000 sod me
water sad Held semeartes were vesedless
$11.000. The pesters be had taken Net
leer bid reeetted In the eons, eat of
very good thelempat this year, bat there
was still ream ler imprimentest. They bad
heard • very remota view ef the hassoes of
the tows. but +hes la• cot through they
Meat sea leek so rem. He Quoted figures
to Nom WA the ems bed really mum be
bind $10,000, mid said Sim the first thleg
they km, they meeld to seise l• the hank
Mtrif ~Mint 510,000 le the bank and at
the eases time partite fewest on ono
Lam year be hag tem blamed fee delaying
the: esseereeklee art Ur eraeolltalei walks,
bed he theaeht the Inge vote fa
his favor Mewed Mat he wig
sesisoieutio. reed this year tool
hal bra dilly dellyre. He bad IMO
emordier te the Metals the mere mentell
esedit see street lese Miss heir flee art ter
Me erali bet the semen em4k st 1=1411:
bye per Mit. sad be arid am est a
r tre ewe. ts ham the maw Saving
est woo of year. lito
1)0 you want • good Magi% Cbgaa
Sewing Machine ?
I shall he Messed to have yoo call
inspect tbe stook at my mestere., do Ham.
ilton-st. Mime you perebees.
I boy my goodie on tas meth buds and
sell at a very close margin of prodt.
Agent for Massey -Harris Implements,
Are Yoe Is Lon
With meet mare If yes are we hove Mat
you west is
Wormwttlt Plow*
Goderich Organ,
mortirea, st.c.;01i. Just flat will NE pee kr
White Sewing Itaeldso.
Hens on Ball Beariess. moo ea • Serb,
sad hes cheekerheard Imp. The wry
later &wine Madame.
- early a brie stook al Mars Folios. vend reed leetrurrebil. lestrteeke Noir
'kr veneer ieseremeets, armies Beat ste.
We have sevesel:themied MOM IIIIKET MUSIC. some at Midi so oh ss
Any pros we haven't in stook we order sod protean with promplaess tree the
pal:Misers. We have oleo a 10o. edition.
If you do Dot Ire in town write es and we will amid preeeptly wrier mewls.
Sealeeth : B. B. thums'e 'delivery mare
died • tow days asr. Josses Arokibild
bad the saieferthia• to lees headeesse
Seaforth 0a Wedsesisy ef last week Mr.
eod Mrs Arthur fatiTili. Of Ili. sown, ogle
Mated the tweaty fifth maivereary of their
Hameddville : Jobe Sialth, sou of Ad.
drew eistith, formerly ed Egmaadville,
died la fit. Paul kW week. M r
Smith Mai resided in Ht. Paul fee ram
mare. He wan a Wive ef Kgemillyille,
sod lb brother in-law et Melee/kW
art, of fieidort h.
Lee & Shephard
We warisibiL,..,esele.mileu:ssori
whale sr idesst turd*
ft to In per
;e7ektbil=1. no. mowed
menet lime Heileresem
I Notioe of champs ism* be UP ae this
mast be len set War dr=
Dom The Oopy kr
e ac▪ h meek.
have a large stock ceche.
from for medul l'hristmaa
Presents, such as
I Any man whArepcs
=Shirt Piwomonfey_Rtimaserhileell
t will j ngie in his pocket,
Search the world over and_yilli
411Pwill find nothing better than mg
there is nothing ligttak
41811° Any progressive dealer sami tell
all about SW Proof, it ,ast. isdlists
this J. D. King Co., and they will tell you.
. Vs. oat afford .te bill,' _theta theta, because they ow ilia
Heating antOooking Roves,
Lamps otaillis,
Caning Sete,
X-mas Gift;e1
Table and Pocket Cutlery,
Plated KnivestForka,So ohs,
Hockey or Spring Raw
is the doodad mod=
painful maleuir to
inankind is sublet:IL Deaf*
Kidney Pills vial cure any
MUM of Bright's Damao.
They have sever ailed is
use sin0a case. They are
the only remedy that over
has cured It, aod they are
the only remedy that eam
Them are lailtatioes oir
box and name -b%1 1.-2tUalt-
Mons are dengeoeme. The
Dissolution of Partlership.
101111 ▪ re=
sits" es oket me
Setiottoh. Sec IL INC
and many othar thins.
too numerous to mention.
Lee & Shephard
Boiler biairillg.
The Ooderich stream boiler works
having been removed from Dorlerich,
teelstiag Ole.
1Repsiting of Wirt engines sad
other maohinery promptly attended
Work. on Victoria Street
Mae AMA tioalag reetersateelme la Ms
Hems. home la • hoe days kr • Mem
ieellteos It seem*
em OM*, Oartsese praelbal pelieue It It
Just Received
A LARGE Assounriarr OF
Cigars in small boxes,
111*Cbll and see titess at the old etert, Wore psweireing.
F. J