HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-28, Page 7MIER ilAY ATTACK BEFORE ROBERTS LANDS, f. ▪ (in With Se of 110011 'rev the hen . aten. who the • in oublea "...ere irdes ek ha• Wean" e oers Say He Got a Knock Out Blow in His Last Battle. LADYSMITH STILL FULL OF FUT. British Destroy the Colenso Foot Bridge With Cannon. (Waders Weft Out Ames* the British and Boer Horse -Disaffection in Natal mid Cape Colony -00r Artillery Outclasses the British No Troops from India -HOW Cluirelt Escaped -Flour as Cunt rabana -Plucky New Zealanders --Warned by Wauchope--Commandant Mob's,. Escapes. New York. Dee. 1.16. -Ten days al Mr Loves art1Ilery was lust, It eller that Oen. Buller will reaew Ohs attempt, to relieve Ladysmith whets Lord Roberta kg on the am, aye the Landau oorrespundeut tee Tribune. lie la receiving reinforce. mete and flab batteries and ought to be in a pelition to reopen hostili- ties in a week or ten days. The Roveneatii of the battaliona arriving at Cape Tomei are now mum/tied be autbortilles. but °moral Butter • rsolontaylkatIong the fresh troupe sad making goad his len artillery: LETTERS PekeS FREELY. Oar resesuring align le the publica• me of mall letters from Leib smith, intelert Med *lbw pluom t.i Natal. -eine --teddeleetehe bare ntate, beau oblates:I to the militare Ce41.0r• ?be loaget of correspondence deals in whet with tee blunderb m▪ ade by the sten and tbe irritate% feettelle of the martinet's in re. elatedly ebangeog camp mad exhaust- ing the peengine of the metiers The interleaf/a oeptakt evidenoe that the Britoil lend hrtelerY •diltit%r thr Boer guns in range. lt atsimenoed in a cable despatch Irteu Cape 'lawn dated Wednesday, Dee. '..0111, that glanders him brokeu out among the Anserictin mules. 01 welch there are 1,1110 at tbe beck MOMS Terent_yolx 04 &be mein lune ben dewicoyed and 78 bay. beeli aniseed. TIM despatch aildiethat nolitiou Is sereading in Cape Colony. Three mem bees of the Cape l'arliament are al Oged *0 41. ImPlicated, &ad Qua of them Weak! to have presented a Free State fiat to & Beer opeueondo, at the same time ezpregillOg the bum that, he would earry tit to glory and victory. Another member of Parliament is said to be retweitlag for the Boers. Wealthy farmers are now nidIng the invader& own SA r•roste. SALK& Natural Tease dim sea es. ria, Va. 'ealare. ciato. Terooto. :0/ esseere. ted, rotle aortiste: • Mem is ens ten vtedra. 7ROD 117 wee Illse weenete 10 0*• 1 seermentr_ e A aright ea Friday Last. Lades. Dee. 21L -The Wa r Off ice • ressieed • timpateb from' Pieter - volueteere.1 1.,r t,• -r% Ion eoute Af- rice. llo wan lx.rn In 1868, and iss un - rue rried. --- hitcheuer et Gibraltar. G.t; ra I t • r, Dec. 46. -Gen. Lore Kitchener bass arrived here from Egret. Lord !Stanley (toles. London, Dee. 2& -Lord Stanley, member of Pureament for the W'aat Heighten DieLlon of Lancasbire, has been ordered to Joel Lord Roberai Matt forthwith. Lord eitaie.ey td - ward Comae Vieliere), is the eldest *on of the sixteeath EaA of Derby, And is. 34 years of age. Loneon. too. ene Tease tuts the following special to -day: Ileteernaritsburg, Dee. 16. -An ar- ticle us the Tenets of Natal. comment- lete 011,414., Averse le'laWee merecti the voluideere at LoeUsiiiIthe"e fliii produced the livelee satisfaction throegeout The warliee foel Usg im very strung. ("sorrel ter Red. vent Buller's; felines. while deeply re- eretted. le taken calmly, mut It le lelt that whoever ceteht to lo ble111114:14 le la not tienerzti Butter nor the *plea erart um& tware etrooes- oat nifesses 311/51 captured at tile Toge4a are we• Ie* to tbe enem,y. Horm fleetness has broken out. and if it boxitnes rife in the meteor+ lines it will roluoe nut- ter -tally the et ads antage which their mobility vest them for .electioe positions permitting the whole form to be entleieett in fight- ing without suppert- This superior mobility enabild then to extent their deliting 11110 beyond our capacite properly to contaln tricot within In .antry Atte"); without being srubJect ad to a Nem erten fire. A turtle. Advantage le that they can rapidly rehtforoe their weal polnts from otli ore la the lighting line. There is st.ii so news of movements at the front toes the lath. Experts erplain the %peacoat deadlock by comparing the pueitions of the Boers at Magersfon- -eta to Gibraltar and that at the Tr - gel to !lesiva een. Methuen's'. for- ward operation,' are considerei a mat - 01 tbe remote future. The immedi- ate coeeern es to look after the does riataiZedttAri S''nd*r. ce cemmunhantion and the base of snip- e' aw""e"'"e"ge '• 40 Imsaar'he plten. aftelereienerai Warren's filth 43-- 1"st at latirmith ooD2c• and. *Wage !mended to sepporS Um. Meth - Major A C. M. Ca sine Wathen tore, ha, bm„plit ay. the battle, %%upstate/ lime the Mead indigos. uu Dee. OW. says: " relate at dawo, tbe day 100g expected at rived. The l'retorlee detactaueut Of artillery gave the alartu. eau. ',Due leers Luayseilth column was lu bat tee array, advancing on the Iker pentium ekes to the Tugela and Detonate The centre consetee of nu insusteme crowd uf lufantry. fitinkel etieh Mee by two bettoriess with Monet hodimi of Oevalry eupporting. The doer artelarY Prober% el *Wu- adleuese nee disclosing its pole tem. Two batteries came within rifle distant,* of our foremost pose Due, and the Wens thee openel tire with deadly effeet. Our artIllery alw oaesetiseteed end mtparentle ab- solutely confused the meaty, who name Aker* to ..4111,#)..1164 bib*, W$ re open -for thous to oro. Their right Beek tueentime attacked the tire we Rawer rite' so emaelou, Boone setitheremost Ctrhew but the that they were rteiee k like a bout wave, tea viag rietes and ridge; of deed and delug humanity behind. Alvan the Britieb advanced to the attack, late again fell back. swelling the heape of dead. Their cavalry charged to the river, wbere the Errutlu conuteunio tie- Ilveree sucb a murderous fire that' two batteries of cannon had to be aban- doned, which 1110 Boers are going to bring here. Te lee %be British came od to bring horse* to remove them. The first tinviethey ;succeeded in putting hitches; on to one cannon, and the wee - 'nit taint thin horees and men fell in a heap. ee hen the liritiela were in full re - tree' to their camp, whence they meet n heavy seminal fire on Buiwer ridge moose the Tugela to prevent the burghers from recovering the cannon. 'The French attache, iiteloie end the Germ -in attache. Braun, may the fight coi I I not hue been iniproved up- on by the armless of Europe. eencrals Botha aril Trichart were always at the meet dangerous points of the fighting. 'Eleven ambulances removed the Engle!dead and wounded. Such it tremor) me cannonade hns seleput beeh heart The veldt for miles was COW - ere 4 e Ith dead stud wounded. It was a met crumbing British defeat. Nine of the cannon have mince been brought across the river. "The Britieh aeked for awl were granted a 24 houne armietice." one °skate and et. glee an4 Lt - col. Fawcett ware wouseied, and that nem nosa-commeeloaed officers and nen were killed and the weended- ntie Mr gement hid sot been re. ported Meets this. . larger portioa going to Natal. 11 is ideat that ;sea Buller Intend's to try again before the new Commander -in - Chief loads. There 4. a suspickee lone* concerning the spread of disloee nit) In Cape Colony. MaJorelen eat - tierces order compelling all the males Jetibert at the irrone. above Innevoyeare of age to either go Pretoria. Dee. 18.-0eo. Joubert has lutes etagere or evacuate fnrins within swooned. tie returned to the front a radios of twelve stelae of the British today. There were special gerviesis mum tele; Da own story. Should the erelierday le the different Leasers am revolt become general throughout the letories of Col. coluny the news certainly will never tlutall=ng for the • enema berg and Molder River. be allowed to peas the moon. The -- Delneoe Ber cpumtion is likely to Captured a Cargo. prove awkward any dny. While the Durban. Dec. 19. -The Norwegian Dome ire uneoebtorily importing arm, heves. sertme from Jam, looters and ammunition by that route quite %ilk stretebere en(' rallwity !sleepers freely Englind I. helpless, me she coot- ies. been oraetured near Delayers May not blockade a Fortegueme pert. rind brought here by tbe mecond.chure - eraser Norte. Destroyed a Bridge. --- London, • Dee. 26. 4.80 a.m.-UP te Neer Ilkilialaders Under Fire. ' We hour noebing has arrival from ee.-mee leteet cam Smith Africa thnt won1,1 indicate tiny --eareth Africa Wow -.hang, in the raletery fitunthm there. at the front, iii. The War Office is iseniug lido of esheselled. With the ex- /nrther death, and wounded. as well edemeney artillery Dote "lis amounts of stalknese 'Ilie serious the Bowe don't nide. report of the laid class I; that borw routinize to mark time. dames,' hat broken out le both Brit - heave. Nicobar :oi Ledy- lah sad Boar stamps in Natal. Four eimdristi Elitists cavalry homes. it I salt leave already base shot, eerie, to the occurrence of glanders. A despatch f rom Chleveley. dated Tugela,. Dee. leth. ',aye! -The Brit- Ists naval guns bare destroyed the Colette, foot toile. thus preventing the poem belelee any nosition south of the Tuggers River. 'The enemy are taking up fresh position.' on theem• t tended by a liege crowd of eoloreel,,,Ao have been sunk in .it collision In ern Ake nearer the BOOM romp. The people. The row was etartei, it irl the River Clyde. British position at Frere in being gala, by. some of tile eolore I men mak- BAD MEN LYNCHED serengthenel. The Tugela River hi lag disparaging remarks ribout Limb Bolton. Mb.. Den. 24..e,rero negrope. riming, mod there le n. proepeet of Stewart, one of the wommt neoard. Jius Martin mid Frank Weet. were heal r rains. A t wo-honr hombersi- Wee had been Trasay's partner In the lynched an the Baker's Cook Brit** Went a 1,,adreeiltli 814 been heard eake welt, find he reirented the Vomitsnear here last Meet for the murder 'rem here. Amor leg In refill I ' Tl" t Iv ' TURNED THE TABI.F 8 of ami aged and highly revemeted cite Frankfort. Ky., 1)... 26.- Willie ten named Milton 14. Haire. and at - reports the Beare had 200 Allied in Mandaut Dernellem. Who wee sliest and klan1 8111111M itantlere, inn, ran. A mob or 150 unstuusked mon tertiPted asemnit 03 his nlo‘. M el Cur- t tight at Colenerce . Kehr, a yon,W. drug clerk. hurt night at Fiends Leapt° end a well known young men. Binders broke open the Jail. took the two men le 'Simonstown. whoethe was hal ettempted to shoot Rehr, lett the to the breeze, where newel were .'..fl....i en the Britieh reliever Pena, latter clinched, pullet the plittol out pinoed aroned their necks nnd thee escape of illeteier's .lien1 and *hot lam tweet, were told to Jump off the brtelite. Mar. killing tem almicert instently. fetniers tln et mon plumed into space. but leap. -that tee, 14. The tenith • eon qf hours on Dec. the day after the battle et Tu- nes liver, but little damage was done They killed °es man ae4 wound. ed two sea cif the garrison,. Adirellee Dien °ape Town say tee ettreleedeedera, with Gee. Freach. • eaanwaport, were In • tight sorter .n Des. lith. Therewere ne Rely aur- a kall ot bu ta fired at sheet range 'minded by pre, a'nd retired under bet winfathed May Right leas. Amapa tbe-Beere killed at Storm - Lees Mere many of that locality *o 45*4 J46 the Orange Free State forest aewiteper correspoo4ents ite sed to Gaps Town from River. apparently we- t belief Mt! an immediate advance el the British is rejected. Brine% Ilav• the Range. Madder Rivet. Cape Ccienty. Dec. 20. -The BrItieh naval gunamar=z1 the Whole Boer position tbe sleet male or every aeons and beat. They frequently plent shone watt heed advantage the midet ,t4Pagit Of Boers. are tamale] to be retitseengkene: for Chelatemue FRES STATER"; DISSATISFIED. Remelt arrivals from Jacobs/deal eempiewsehren-essotatalialeadlesee. itoer eneanows tbe Free Steele don ,.xpect ultimate 'letter. They tour elide of the overhearing condert of fetters' Cronies Men. who ave al- lele' to be better fed and posted In the Wert postahve. The lertsieras dart omega' their twehtiona of the passible defection of the rribe Oaten. aed threaten to loot limp at the WA sem of wav• Tille "tee Bete1 are detested to reseed satejectioe to the Trine/ale 100111 to be reared than entesetlem Great Britain. Deardieleht Taken. Toodoe, Del 211: -The War 011ie.* hag mewed the roue/wing, chraWeb from Cape Town, dated Nth: There 110 thane* In the aitteitton t Ammer tree Gen. Metheen etill Iliad the Bowe hove not Destroyed Hoer sliun. Loadon, DOC. Z6. -Reports reached 1.214„ teat the fire of the efertial eetineeent completely destroyed one of the Boers' 11-Laoh gams at Greeter's Kloof, and that a Bridal& oava!ry petrol hed captured a Ilotebkies automatic gun, whieb the Boers, used so effectively at Riangwane on De. 1518. "11 ie 1411PaestVe to evade the °pin- • their pluck and otroinees. "On the previose day, when Jack. sou wee shot, two of the New elouth Wale* Lancers demountee under a ilen'Y lire and carried Jae/ewe 400 yard.. He expired In their areas." Seymeur's Enteneer corpo la rapidly enrolees its 11104 oompauy. The Af- rican Liebe Horse, composed wholly of men bunt la the colony, are hale Ing to -day. 'The troop includes many Dutch, Over $2,000,000. London, Dec. 25. -The Mnuelun Ileum fund laet night stood at 1417.- 040. Of tide £1,721 was received from Brinell reel -tents ln St. l'etereburg and ele5 from the British colon), al ,Narva, Russia. II, la etated that eitesiefehliBlieebee-4111111. Milenetnetie . India, mainly in Calcutta. is Contraband. Lundom Dee 126. -The seizure b) Bethel wangle* of the flour hide, teasels. Beat/ice. Maria aud Mash. una. whose cargoes shipped by the Penney it utile MIllitm Company. wee ewe:toed for Delagiet nay , had at tracted little notice; here The Gra pliic ountends tiutt In the especial cir- cumstances of the present wee ()rent Britain negessarliy mane flout and other ifrovtdesui as contraband of war. The United Statee uad Great Britain had proemial negotiation., on Shia quottlect 1794, which re - welted in an agreemeat to solve the difficulty by allowing the power d*. dreg to 'treat provislons as eontra- bawd to Indemnify the owner of ths cargoes to thee. value. with rest. sonable proat. The 0001.0B Will doubt- less' be pursued In the present case -- War Notes. A lieutenant of the Natal Carbineens, W110 W/1,6 wounded ou Dec. 1510. as - meta that a thototand of tete kneel- fected Cape Dutch piaci the Boers after Gen. Baler's defeat. An exlieuteeasiteeln the Royal En- gineers who has personal acquaint - ;thee with South Airiest and the Boers, writes : "We wa tit 20 000 ve unteerm who ran rile and shout, for gueri la , warfare, then the who'e comPlexims of the war will change." Sir 1.I. E. McCallum, the Governor of Newfoundland, will visit Conception Bay this week to recruit L000 feller- ! men for the naral reserve. TheY will be rent to England an i distributed amoug the home ;squadron to 141 env:melee caused by sending marine) ..r.-aeftgeeretne_tn &NALL Africa. Traiii- papers Yifiteraar 44*8.1 is proclamation signed by Pre - Went Kruger. calling nixie all cit- izens of the Reptib'ic reallent abroad to present themselves with- out delay before thetr field cornet. The penalty for non-compliance in a f in", of £100 to f.500, and one to 7TrrirmIw,LIP1F r W 4111** %,V:111MW•jrdNbet•"!14"tlellaieOISIOWq4w• .13(aZIALZMION4A113004011110011r BLOODY Urn - • ON TROLLEY CAR. One Man Fatally and Several Dangerouely Shot. WARD FAITHFUL MEN. kestiffiliers-liadway Dittutiatos Skim to Old liaodo. IOLIIIIII ?MAW GREAT COM It May RIAU Up to * Quarter of a Melton -Four Periatus Killed in • Collision In Montana -A Drug Clerk Kills illls Would-be Mayer With the Latter's own Pistol. New York, Dec. 26.-Festlinates are being made as to what the 'edolin- eux tree will cost the ;State. le is asserte I that It will he the utoirt expeneive honing -le case ever tried IR the country. Geneervatite fig- ures obtained at this dice, pews the wet at $150000, but well-informed oourt officials think It will come nearer S250000. It would seem from rouse of the etatemente made that the financial einem" of the city will proteet W.11110 of the hills teed that before the expense can get their nreney they will have to go to wort. KILI.ED IN A COLLISION. Missoula. Meet., Dec. - Four 10011 were and several Injured to -day in a wreck on the Northern Pacific Rellroacl. at niece east of Bear Mouth. The dead are Engemer K. B. Rhein. Fireman U. A. fleeknon, two tramps, stealing a rile. Brake man Wallace Mix was seriously amide(' and bruited. The operator at Bonito allowei the freight train foot the weet to pans when It edionki herte.been, Mid on theeeleteih. The operator. wilt) was a sub, has demppeared. TO REWARD MERIT. New York, Lee. 26. -To. Great Northern Railway, says a St. l'aul despatch. will ln Februnry reatrilerte a• tertian nutnier of shares -of its ANCHOR MIER IN DANGER. Wedding With Principal!! 1,700 Miles Apart. MIN ALDO'S W IFE DUD honest. teatime. Man. and refaslei to fto rob the beide One of these. Nei attow moms Ise -Memoblefee cel the Callssolo, was actual!: preseui in las plate, end. althibugh his obsraoter was well known. be war deeoratel by the Central Government. Tail relent not only melee away with the funds of the Lank. but l• accused. apperestly. of having contrite] the murder of be predecessor. Only under the present Ministry have the ringleader., of tier far -recut - Tying secret baud of robbers and me eassins bare arrested and brought to trial it would have been Impumlblo to try them in Wily, ao the wbole machinery of the wort. Including wit names stud couneel, west taken to le Ian to render the proceeding* free from terrorists gurtumbui tft mien DugThe reteletkete hate beets much ne ore, nomitieele theeceee ite -ealleathin Theiallght. Sicily and it ie now Mate. that Palermo le going to godeavor to cleanee Itself. Mown' are being made LYNCIM19 14188188IPPI. to be connected h be a led right and left amowng the* peoXielk,D0awn for very 1•1161116 the respectable In- habitants' of Palermo are getting tub acrestione throughout the island to help refund to the Notarbartolo (0W Ily the wet of the trial. Two Murderers and Ravishers II raged Front a firldge-aaughter of a Wealthy Man Takes Poison Lu aChlestgo Resort -Dewey Not to attire at Age Limit. New. etdrk. Dee. e"4. -Willie Clark, 42 years old, a valet,' actor, made a vain attempt to kill het wife tow little child and then committed Ma C140 front of the Flab Aveoue Hotel on Saturday, when, Broad- way wasp fillet with Jehrlatmall orowde. Ile fired four elms. one at ids lit- tle girl. two at hle wife and then placed the mussie of the revolver in he mouth rend Wel. AGIANALDOe WIFE ,READ. Mantis. Dec. 2e -COI. 'Wilder has telegraphed to Vegan from Bayern- buug ztuet Agninaido has eroseed the mountains near Bayomboug, going southward. His wife died In a village In that vicinity. She Lad been unwell Illilke.41 OW birth of their moo and the harciehips of their flight proved fatal. DEWEY DOE4 NOT RETIRE. Waeltingtori, Dee. 21.-Atimiral Oeo Dewey will b3 62 year.; of ago Christ mas day, and under the ordleare MAI of law would be Memel cm tem retired Mt on that nwount. The Intl184e uneer whloh 110 waa ad to the belie eerie -navy makee no p.rovlslon for the retirement, and therefore he will continue on the ac- tive list of the navy la probabll Ity until hit death. WEDDED BY TELEORAPII. Winchester, Ky., Deo. 23. -Mme La- bs Hut/mons. of Winebeeter. and It elet nitterefliellerelliTeateettliete Cavalry, etatleued at Fort Wirmate, N. Me were married on Saturday telegraph. The distance between the rointe is 1,700 miles and the tele- gruith conapaity. acoummodate the young couple, mnee medal efforte 111111 eetabliehed a theme/11 circuit. Rev. S: 1'. Voting. of Winoliester, of- ficiated for the bride at tlils end of the wire and Chapiten Femlier, of the fort. acted in a Like capacity for the groom. The ooly witnese was the brideet father. who geve her away. over the wire, of course. The cere- mony oort tee young couple for tele- graph tolls $26.50. The telegraph marriage was nee- easetated by the temper's Inabil- ity. to obtain rt parole end the bride's _ father'a unwillingness to let her make the Journey to New Resit° ;done Now tnat she le Wheeler's wife, how - Weer, lie ham otionentel to let her go. She demeted afterution. SECE TQOK POISON. - reports that a form Ottettpled Dordesseht, Reg Wit% 110 le&ew 2 the AWFUL MINE EXPLOSION. Seventy-five Men Entombed at Brownsville, Pa. 4t.L MAY HAVE PERISHED. ioa tkat if the British gunners were In tbe Boor positions, the loss 0( 441. and damage to property ia Lselystnigh would be tea tunes greater." Recruiting torn Active. Loneon, Deo. 21L -The holidaya have broeght no menet:on of recruLting atetirey. Lord Alwyn. Frederick Compton. Unionee meinieer of Parlia- ment for legg.eareade sion, of Bed- fordnKre, rule a carps of mount- ed men. Lord feeleibeiry's private see- retare, Mr. Sohomberg MoDonald, who a a volenteevr °Meer, kaa volunteered for eernee. --- Warned by Wauchopc. CNA, Town, Dec. 25. -The Midland News here puldleisen an artlele. In vrhinh it es contended that whee Major-General Wanchope, who was Wed at the battle of Magerefontein, was ordered to advance vritit hie High. land prIgade he protested, declaring that It tem absolutely unsafe se go forward without a rettoembeanoe or without at leturt amount ahead. Title good smeggestion, the article stayer General Methuen rejected, with the pointed remark that' he and not General Wenehope was In command. -- Warren at &ever. Town. London': Dee. 26. --Oen. Warren, it lit Mated, returned en Dec. eleth to Cape Town, but there IN no indica- tion ot where he returned from. Mew Churchill Keeseed. Pretoria, Dec. 17. -The Government le meet' concerned abont tbe esteem of Winston Churebill. toil the officials are doing their ntmerrt to discover how he got away. The officials have triertitated a bonste-to honee mane, for ineriolealing papers. The Yollteeele millerte that he veropeal cilleguleed as ahirrian. The last book Churchill ed from the library - was eaten on Liberty." The official report of the gold o/it for November Meter. the ^moue% to he 61,788 °emcee --- New Zealaaders' Cape Town, Den. le. -Tee Them pee despittch from Nasiewpoort, date/ Dec. 181h, saying: "There was a remenoiseance to. dal' by batteey of home artillery, supported by the New Zetakted troop. twee Oat Fresh eenrosadina. Ater 101111110iFin- Ian $1111- ,=2.7prooreeded hered, flee Yearn' Imprisonment, with loci or franchise awl eunfiscation of pro perty. QUEEN'S CHRISTMAS TREE, Soldiers' Wives and Children Invited to it. SHE WILL PLAY SANTA CLAUS. New York, Dec. 26. -The Chrietnme tree mtrty over which Queen Victoria well preside toolny, to which are in- vited the wives and children of the soldiers at the front, has been sr - ranged on a magnIfittent reale, says n, London despatch. The State apart- ments., In all their magnificence of nos to be thrown open to tbe oat rich carpets and regal appointmea humble gnome. The omens have beautifully decorated with miatleteve, holly and flowera from the royal gar- den,. A greed Chrlistman tree, 25 feet Melee/tends at the far end of tee gor- ge:me aparteseet, its branches weeclit- ed down with all manner of' hantitenuo toys tor the children rind 1800 fiches, brooches, paste buckles and other mementoes foe the mothers. Two tables, each 100 feet long, have been set, Ord, for the to0.11, arid Princeton Ben - tries gave direction's that the mitten - leg grind reception room end the naterloo eharuher be else thrown Of1011. Pnable the children to play iennue. The Queen will be wheeled in by her Indium nttendante for the, diettributIon tirPtilliele, tee and the ehieleee ene aoliveyala to and from the mottle In the ref/rel./meet/Leese AUSTRIAN CAIIINKT. Von Wittek to nueeted Clary as Head ofCeseeelle Vienna, Dee. 28.-Follosting. the ye- sAgnation of the Awn -Um Cabinet, Minded by Count Manfred Clary, In 1•011110q1101100 of the blockade ot Parlia- mentary teenier' remitting from por- terage% Czech obstruction, Emperor Freeets Joseph him appointed WIllidellemerars Oh:later ot eallways effietrie to- be . Tie -ie stock among the oldest eowdectors, engineer's and trainmen as a reward for faithful aervlee. The 611111 will amount to several hundred thousand dollars. It le sale. TM Great North- ern is the find rallroul to inteoduce the co-operative system. RIOT ON A CAR. New York. Dec. 26. -During a riot among 47 !begrime. men tend women. on a trolley car in enrly tc-day one men was retell, atiA, rind two daugerously weureled. The in- jured men are Dudey Smith, shot in lele groin ; Edward Lemeert. shot Ili beef and three kulle wontels on the thigh, and Geo. Torrent+. shot In the jaw. Cassel et Teensy, *he t11 *h. clouting, wan arrested. There wa a cake Welk last night In a hall at 107111 'street and Bath (late avenue, ate Brownsville, }a., Dec. 23. -An explo- Aon occurred at the Be.snell coal works, four miles Irvin Mese 'th-dliele dixty men are reported entembei. Ihe tipple Le wrecked. Measeogens have been sent here for doctors. IVOIttiF, YET. Pittsburg, lee, live. 28.-A Union- town, la., deapatet says 75 mea were entombed and probably killed by the explosion In the Bewail m100. 1 ho turtle of the explosion was so groat that the tipple at the bend of the ;mart was blown over. The Bazacil mane le located four miler from BrOWIllaTHIC, 011 the ltedateou Rail- road. liyalcians are now on their way to the &erne of the disaster. Nord front Basnell by creel mays only ono men haa been taken out of the mine. Men could be beard tattling at tbe bottom of the shaft. Thu mine boss went down, but has aot. re- turned, and It 11 supposed he and the men have been otereorue by fire- damp, rua all sound has teemed to come from the bottom. There es great ex- citement Miners are flecking from ourrounding miner to assist in the weave.- -Threetetse tarowoosi. lor„ Abel seockdale Coal C0111PallY, &Ad tt 111 nut In the combine. RECOVERING THE BODIES. Pittsburg, Pa.. Dee. 23. -The Mork. dale Company with offices in the city received a report from Bratnen that eix bullet had bow recovered from the mitre and that forty Men were etill entoantrid. -HEARTRENDING SCENES. Chicago, Dee. 25.-Attee toad- ies a 1.1. at axcItemenL fgt....weeks. 11110 Mabel Pow. II, twenty-two year' ot No. 4,207 1.11-01al Boulevard, &slighter of • former leading lumber ineuotatie awl popular in meximy, eed in a ressort in Clark street on Friday morning from the effects of poison taken two hours before in the Aud:to.ium Armee, where she bad been drinking wine. Accompanied by bfra. C. Webs, a wesow, twenty-one piers old, whose home at the /thins Walout 14411. Ciacinnaie anl two &misty mos, leywell had gotse to the resort at two teoleck yowterdny morning. The wo- men were neherei into a private par- lor anti danced and drank with the men. JILes Powell tinnily excused herself and left the room. As abode] not re- turn Mee Wells and Maui Flynn, the houeekeeper, searched for her. and found her on the floor of the room, 121100110CiOnn. Dr. J. S. Cochran was, santmonel, but before he arrie- ed the, girl waa dead. Mlas Powell was a tall, elenster blonde, of attractive apes/totem end plea sew ma Deers. She was well known in the south side. ani attend- ed the emotions of some of the mi- ce:eve clube. Her father, a wealthy lumberman, died about three or four rears anal since th et the family have brok- en up their home, Mrs. Powell visit- ing several cities to give her daugh- ters all the advatitagee a travel. THE TAINUl SUNK. CireenocIL 13:0 21. -The Ahlhor Line etenmahip Tahiti!, from New York. Dee. leth, for Olawerow, la reported Am won an it was Retried Iihat an *epic:elm of welt form heti oecurred the relative; of the entombed mintier orowded around the mouth of Ines drift. The moaner ware heartrending to vileness. Wivem were or) Log in d*. spate and children weeping for their faehers. 4. resetting party Immediately art to work. Volunteers ware numer- ous ens' word wea meat for the bort mining engine•eve In the det.rlet. It le thought that a road will he made Into the mine in tt few houra. At prevent there Is no idea as to *bat, teamed the denteter. CEUBTON'S FUNERAL • Filipinos Getting Supplies From Abroad. RACE LINES IN THE SOUTH. Atlanta, Ga.. Dec. 22. -Governor Ca:idler hats *geed sus till prohibit- ing the sleep:as oar companies rape' orating In the State from furnishing berths to negro passengers except in combed' used especiady for the aceom- modation a negro messengers. The measure is now • law. New York, Dee. tie -The Herald prints a London despatoh which says that its correspondent has re- liable in.formation that th• have plumed a large order with a con- tinental firm for •rtillery. Tem in- formant says the Feipinoe hare p.eaty of money to keep the war go - etpe. has succeeded In making hia was highly connected. West had to be melted off. ladeamith Heard Front. NEW GOVERNOR OF THe SOUDAN. Lowden, Dee. 28 -Th. Timm thle Courts IMath Throulth Ink. - Cairo, Dee. 21e-lifter/LI Wingate has morteng maker the ifofnowIng r- New York. Dee. 25. -Mol. Uelly inteneeded General Kitchener as Gov- nottneements: We are *nfor that Merarrition. a good-leecing initiate° ernor-Cosneral of the Soudan. le not eireleable to make further de- city tIVO weeks ago. Recently she EOLLLIIONfli IN THE 1.'00. Go' - 18. eofernment base decide/ that% woman. of Kt. Louie mane to tel. mantle upon the European earrienn In met Harry Kirk. a negro now living lesdlen, Dee 24.-'11143 present tog In et 810 great Fortieth street. They F.nglanti ham caused a melee of dime - India °alms nnforeeeen dIffieulthe arise. wprg to bp married here. Reeeral (lees Mrs. Tho Caledonian extreme 1e11 over ono a "mother tete tem oppormeegoe an embankment at iiiinellon.4% 'Awn '•• An etretatiretetellographie eseseame from Ladysmith by way of Pletermar- teat m wee neeeetee. let mile) le. near tilitegow, entertlay. Fere Denton. -. Rebore represte the garrison asin day. and when she charged him with were kilted and many Injured. D o way drehitel by Gee. Bulletes re- beteg a geseried Man bp oaefearee it. A I ullman expream telegoor the intim and aa °Mildest allele( nble ihothe . hoomMeCarrirten. drove him out of C011tInpnte I express near lel ton, to held out ladefinitely. and three persona were kilted and. The tnalle are /net arriving 'from After he had if0110 Mrs. MoCarrte- twenty Injured. The Welsh and Wind - Ladysmith. All the oerrespontlente ton &Med to din Mei found a bottle *or elprege testing collided ',Meld* of consment bitterly epee the enperiority of indeillble ink Amore( her helmet. Windex., rind disorganised the fluid - of tbe range of the Doer artillery. The Inge, and drank It. She 1T11/ taboo ma. traffic. Tinter eerrespoledent sea: "It IA IM to Roosevelt litegittel and will pro. Oremeek. Deo. 24. -Tim report of Peolible ta Weal the etlinkte that If the *Inking of the steamer newel the Bettie% wooer. Wee in the' Drier bably die. - wow orroneons. lihe was not wet- Kheillve to KlIehener. away Meabled and pomeetied for positions the lene et Ills end Mintage to property le Ladystalth week! he Cele°. Dec. 25. -The Khedive ham °hollow. ten times greater.'" published an order In wallah he re- MAFIA TERRORISM. roadie Mil epprosislies et new Loyd Loma., Dee. st-p,,,_ ....._ „mit A RAITVLOW. r Er.P. ,.. - gt"1"Miliell InWitisa 11) tft 111104re4fte remarkable Inalklent on the amen - army sad no Simi tiessery, waists, tate Boer Atteosset of Ranee. Defeat - e.e. eat last wreak was the trial at Mean Khedlee ellYat Meet Wellultai la ww et earlain Feel lane, amused of the Claims tirest Vletory. complete Intimates of lUalidiest sod slunk,. of time teeter et the tient ef Shit, Pensed Dead In tied. at Palermo. From revelations ash+ 600 Bette* pile mere captured WI _ , _ tbe beetle a( 91 eetsbefl have mite- at the trial :t la ev4 lest .ekgssor Cre- ed here. They bave been !mks* W ratan. Dee. 111. -Mr. W. 3. PartA, pi Gni the Marquis DI audio', who Waterfall to, pen the ether prisete jeweller. for over City years Mile of are both Release wanived at the Met An *MOM4 aeons* of el::: the meet reepeetee bestow* yam a ttransy osarkised by th• sertreA 06. eamilliTtee ai Ms balite of th'e teem wee tend deed !a itod two Ley kneel is the Katie. litioot eats 90 Rein *were Idled or hese te veer „ewe le leech epee sere. 14 jaaraat, waa aaaad la um. etreng. flosert fellure IA 11014 tn. be ilignor Netarbertolo wee meted eeeeheegeheib genotee roes 0144 VS tell' Wil tlf. tilint illealaalkwe oh trott ,,,, setinti-r, - . . teetreoest. anila, Deo. 22. -Gen. Lawton's, re- mains were placed io the chapel to the Paco cemetery tide morning. Pre •ate services were held at the reee- donee, and the body was carried to the cemetery by members a the general. st•ff and escorted by troop I, of, the Fourth Cavalry. Public services *ill be held later. OBI CLAIMED ELEVEN. Awful Results of Fire at Christmas Show. AU. -THE VICTIMS FROM 9 T011. Quincy. LI., Dec. 23.-Eive of the Attie (electron hornet dnring the free hearse! of Christmas exerclos at Ste Prancis paroclitel whool Felterdity died luring the night, bringing the death ..0,1 up to eleven. °thee, are po badly unreel that Uwe/ ;may dle. Alf of the dead are betweet nine and eleven years ol.l. Helen Zoomeing mad seterni other teachers. Father Mete oleic anti Prof. Frank elumhold . were Painfully burned in trying Weaves the ohildren. TM 'school hall was flited with chit - leen, rand many more would have been killed in the stile WO it not been for the eron rot . re tier terrehere newt •Ietere who were in charge of the entertainment nod were preettnt. The chlhiren were let panic for a few mInuten told rushed for 441e doors, bat prompt efforts prevented acetdent. and no one wan hurt In the mei. of 1111 al 10 Collett Meer- sharged erttli the es ertesefire ire. eat=hoe were to ing kopesei They mom saveleot the Ore Mille eaver OT the ',fernery. itillittg Wee letiterferfeY• jimlewitlie the nose int Nee. lowly suet Taathosell, bet were tap klly silenced. "14.. reetel cer the reeenersientete Melee hewn an% the British r� thel annoy Clary Cebteet, and that of Coneellersee to Dr F. fititiree who thus confines's at hes fernier port. Dr. Von Ohiteutterefel te designated a Invitees? without portfolio. The other departewette nee left In the hands of the Outlaw tlepartment ehlefe. A new France Costeervatire sea. 5415 UU1 0505 • Pretoria. Deo. 17.e-Deayed. -Dom the renoemmet ot the Soudan. Se (tot Not setts rto o, at one • CHARTERING STIKA1111111111. alder Dempster end Allan Limes to Carry Our Troops. OttitWist,"t Deo. 23. -Cep:estate-Hon. lir. Botelen rtomed, the merreng ei este tenet for Montessuna. steamer of the Elder DettplItet LOW to parry to Ninth Alfreee. The sante niter :X he pale the women,' as1 flats when the lieperial Ocesersenent- Martine vowel for war purposive namely. so meth pet ton. It te stream' that the Alias Line will =prey the other Set. 11 ens large veinier le not ettoegb.' the the Aitael will give two 011•11 euem, *Wee would make three hi att. Ae Meg we the twine 1. 141* wee Ins Deportees* don't ere wheeler *here ere two or treat hie Paidtton became be was sa...catet. •