HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-28, Page 511 t7 31St t1.'i 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 IMMO yyq ...-.. �.. !M•>�•' M�. ,�, ,P'�" I,R t,•"rlr . .. ..tl�.'7eyyahe/:'?A'C•ira•!'71riS'.'••wrn..u•�E ♦ -� � � wstcst .W -C^.: +. •s a.u11Y2 t Wf i'�QP 47C Y)ACiYIr i t•.p. :.N'�K t ar y TIPIS SIGNAYr° t1l 1 1{IE?H-4#4'AItI.C#►�•1.-=-.r :e.l...,r. _ ,r+'°.t •'.,� 3°' a. W. ACHESON & SON All AvallclieHandLercte!s.0 200 dozen of Irish hemstitched and embroidered linen Handkerchiefs, just opened for the holiday They comprise magnificent effects with Honiton linen, insertions and laces, and hand embroidered designs, prices 25c, 40c1. 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. Men's and ladle.,'. silk lined Mocha Gloves, colors of greys and browns. 71' Scarfs, Boas, Ruffs, Umbrellas, Trefousse's Kid Gloves, Elder Down Quilts, Embroidered Table Cloths, Tea Cloths and Tray Cloths. The largest cholce of Christmas Gifts and Holl - day Specials we have ever shown. INSPECTION INVITED. W. ACHESON & SON COUNTY OURHENCY• Wlssha.: WW. Sslllyo bas fort our f1.Ror fr.m WI ares jelM, Irum . taloa Muni.: Miss C A. Hellid•y het b..0 re eapaed em te.oMr 1. Clegr's school, bth ler. for 1900 Morrie : Berlet., sue of li Hun., brd 1u.. had one e1 be lea. brok.s liy rho i.•m rove reed sway ou Seterd.y, 1).0 16. Morrie : Tuesday .Itersm.n of I..t w.ab w opsrs4a wee perforated on M:ll.rd Cardiff et the t.oaal bumpiest. Toronto. Brawls: James Bella.ttoe has diamond if hi. er.oery .ad bakery to his mother, who was formerly Wier .i.4 le the bust -Staff trievinir the Gest/eat for supplying 70 moods of 91 look berdw.od to Brussels subool at 51.60 pow wird. Welter t O Monday .f IMI week the sad letelllpeso. of Use death of Games a.a.y. a MiswMi, teas resolved by kis relatives bore B.yIeld . Mr. a.d Mrs 1' Molise keno token up tour reetd.00g on the form he roe .enol' purchased, known as the Tate 1)r Gerdi.w's forgo. Grey ; Um Morrill. hit .old bre term ♦a the Sed to Nelson Hardee for 14,000 George I.tead• bey JOS • farm is .os. ether locality. Clinton : In Pherlegeou, West V. , o. Nev. IS• o. M. P. M.gs•la, eon of U Me view, was married to Miss Alice Loksy. .f Ct.oi.o.tl, Obi.. B:aaI.Y : Mr. Tailord, wile and limit,. eras wars here lest week tries Meows Jaw, Ate., will sail this week from New York log Liverpool. hs,lead. Blu.,.M : N' ill Stewart, while oboe - woad to !Lisa's Neal, gave in foot • see.y oat whit the axe. It will lay bin off work for • mettle of week.. L''odssbere : J. Lee, while drives' • load of lumber from U.derfob r.oesdv. b.d tbe mieloro.s to .lip Mt, bre.kise several of bet ribs.. He was Dot able to oe broegbt boos toe several rays. Br.sesis : Mrs ' Wm. Blasblll removed the end sew, of the death et bit sister, Mrs. Joao Campbell, wb. reeid.d •ear Strbthroy. Mrs Bt•.btll was tumble to at- tend tie Isseral eats( t. Mame la bet own boas. ('luta.: The realm of Miss E. Me - Cooled were timeless ►rte for istsrws oe Friday, Dee. lb D.e•a.sd was a daughter of roto. Mol%.a..U, Warty of tote•, and died a Stretford, of arsempwoa. 8he am aged .boat 18 years. W. O. T. U. 001-UMN. &Aber thea plies • seedless stembll.g beak le ••y Cbd.Sl•.'• Mak, it were well a•lt►w M sae amen ass dirk wtss, beeew Christine We is • Was mere prosiest' time eves ObrMN•a Ilbwty.-Dena r•rr.r. ler Meow weak brothers Gayest Mid down Hm pre.M.i lila Ho laved tis. t and shall •e, be moldy ser spp.tile,p.nn. • mune eWa\ 1464 1 -ed be defeat tis work of ObrtM. mid rola ala settle redosmd by Gln bleed t-Aibwl Berate. D D. I w natty 1,fl le mwi.rete driskt st, that N gemeatss • Mesa mid • desire ler law ...d Imre I have made seem eb el • peydolegiesl, era' ~I•teroyag Meg w ay pies oesM lI teeled rsm•ls.l tae WI and bee M l.Uals•ted, thee. the .••swap be *v., se meow, In dein fee IN gentleness* .l sloshed M preassl. aid preset* In the streessas de r+�, e� 1e we . M s. • afin.ed •le spathabe L stRifFINN hue Id* Waite gold tie Miele of w deem hit bees Nllmmated. _Ike RMbu, s., V. 0. 8. slater stem.wwe tapes to Ili..es. Tinos swans to M swiM.bIs M.bt Is wfatWeds of " 11ere er as Rpm*''• is oitsw r we pklfrk vie fl.stM..1 the M'WONG M I.. Chap. IN, Bea 78, mays "Any Ra.•wd posse who allows te be �t�sI r em his '-its"„ h w R p.reb elfwwhw 407 44016,1106.l Ygsw wee f FOR TM OOIITINOLNT. either sett, epearesdy or M the k•owlodae of ss* Nesard pries soder the •go of twenty w peen of atm, a.•....p..Md by ►is or her paren% or',sedu....d sot bets • resider' w the premises of ■sob li..wd esro.e er • beam ode lode., or beerdor. witao•t coed or eallietssi gree... to lumen err hew is or .hoes ear be teem or elm roes es said hilted. Ia wheal Imuor l. dispensed, shall, for every saoh *Ammo, be liable w • p•.slty of v► lee thew 52 aid sir aiwssdut 510, band« oasts: and say ilea were .e 1les•ri e or loitering as aforesaid whines good •.d salient mew and whole .M . mode•k ea the prowess or • boas Ade lodger or boarder, or she a alt ooaaospa.lsd by bb ea bee parent or ga•rdh., shall ales be liable to a peels, et We ism ties essod .ea mare Mae 110. be sides mel. " M. ..der 81 years .f •se is par - by law M sot ia tie* eaps sty of be - condor. AU bare w to be .lewd at 11 p. nt ea sash week .iGMb, meso i55earday trees nethim b 7. -Awning a11. PR•t=bils4. bees to whams Weds er meow are I. be raised .dreitais5 people M w if they sneer as tit whither betas are b.r.l.s, 8a A rakish* say stop • pens from reeetries Neer by glot•A protw swiss M the IA - sew l.spsaMr sed eaves* MyM. Now Is wash • sass for she pores w prohibited M Ribes to . heavy 5w as well. O•piee of No Creeks Ate en ,ampl' i term may be elmeletd tram Na Lassen D•p•rl.aa. of IM Ostar(e Oemeem-d„ Tercet" •awes le any pew el Maar ref. aggare.M7 w te IM keswMdge• of the pima Itl.adoed war M area M MIs et w el tie poems seeelri ll Neck Mgew• ewe's by ewers wee roma Maw las ape cot tweed ata yenN� abed. Mowtsm•1. Des. 96 b -Hetes' 8 There- at *tea M M. egiose who •slneliy elves se .1, employed at Seta's Cook now y. 642 sgglMs 1M hew. be Held. be • penalty o t Laegomistere owlet, ie tier Wert riot •.• sod Ins %has 510 •ed air n=eedles Me0:1 M leo army wbe bars s.dore.d• D.d,t's 0114. o•NM. for ovary .am aaene. This eebar-asshell .at apply elms &sob 14.., ls NtppWd M • moose seder beauty sea Nene M ego epee lie written order .t bM paved* ~Mee er sa.stw, will be observed dire le le M rt•sswmy M am tl tyro se vista.. hie law red to PdIW Owing II* Spas laNtemvw8e IMMime IIMr. Shore le • Muse .[tie Rel Nat deals with Wean is4Mrtsi Elder, Rte 1. tine atty. to sgeelly bel surely •11 Molt iodised poresee a1. moles wen ever le the stdo of oho .e.gwor .f Bright'. Memo •ad Diabase", tee tee• former ty. rats of the 0.... rase. Mr. Th•meen says : .. I ...d several re- medies end ws..hsd .ems .f Moetrenl'• best dsm,ws. w May anal nee Ore me •sy reUs/. I reed of Dsd4'. !Wilsey Pills, besot a bot .ad teed the Before this as w •heat hada that meek we.N dee well I ..ofd see sloop bav1■g to gel ■pee .(ten. 0. 10 .w ssto.mb\esMon te al10 rent Me ase sow 1 .m ell riglt 1. tier •ad sorry Maar respoet tt'r� wdesad purls wh, wishes% pro. pe ewe teeso w perm1M .e7 ,noes of ler IRA malls M it in -gee SipaL" Timely Book Talk ... Orel s A abort was .g. Amide L4►e - sua. "aye hie lett keel • toad .qs.w while inters set • let" ewe. a UN farm of Das see MoL.•o.1.a Waw t►.s he had to have the firer lent .f oso eager amputated Ei WtsEM HsKNows VAL t Or . INDIANWOMANSBALM miltAP' R'FlITKPICINE For sole is l)od•rtob by Jas. matt M $TIwI GOLD'S BUIL ' R *10 .te.avtow ...ling o....er+we 1.' oils le Oodisi k k7 Jas Widen. r A Good, Warm, Well -Made .. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Pates, TIM, Short Bread and Cream Rolls,Ilnce Pies and Lady Neva, Kisses, Macaroons, luaus, Brandy Snaps, Etc. Just what you want ChClStri18S resent AT PEDD E'S. aroes goatee t a best made i. au) r 4�.p•�i.''r.-grill - lra*s•;:.' Cantelas ra tar trade in WEDDING: .7 CAKES in •tedaheatreiiod d and ornament 1111 ud iow . * ' Give tout tD order and your sat i.d.ctwill be moored OVERCOAT D. CAINTELON.' WEST -6T. ie • desirable •ogoWttoa te • as's ward- robe s1 this time of year. H. DUNLOP, lb. Weet•st. atlor, has a largo steak of Masora make whisk look well bad wear wd1. The woe a oat a .ortow matter -vary low. GALL. /LED SZE THEM. H. DUNLOP. A Great Snap ie oar Utn.w Snap, et 5d a posed, of which motion •Darrel • week. This tea's our only wap. es w• stmt everything that mo be found to an SO- W date lm -date arooery store, sod our prime are risttt. The Wolters know that they ore always Ret from us • wap ter Own predate. Ws drew the Iter •t so inhumeu trade - everythtug goes (11..ware or potatoes, ,.rdee eta er thotoort able Chit. W. deal 55.11 of them. T. G. TIMING & 00., Bedford leek. 0,deriel J. BROPBEY & SON *$' wforoed belid.y Llweia t .. llwg bas dmpss.d of SII w""""`•••m-•• ~ae tcaorrA ,.eerie . 150 sorsa .f, lead beNsstsa to the parker .tate, bw.q aprtbseat I d lot 10, eel. 6, aid aorto of lot 11 a aha ea., M T. J. Marna, el Ballet township, for to ser .r Y.41 -1A10.‘11 t,Ve *. 26.000. Polus.e will be Riven seat 1.64. Wiag►•m. O. Set.rday, Dna We, Mn. ss.add, ar., roes with a serum sae. dent The walked was mead .hppwy. aid whin subside sir loll. breektsst els ef bar thigh bos... As ear Is ever s.,ealy yew of ewe, to •ouodes► in • vary swMw 0115. fl.•fortb : Thee. Peltersnu, of S.afortb, 55r. of Clubs, baa jest returned from rests, arbors a 1r ons for tares wean. oke hospital, berme nod.rgone • saoo.esld operettas o* his eyes More it was per termed be wee preettoally kited, stew ho sae w cents nearly. • Wawanaeb : At Poon. Hair let., to bosom of Mr. sad Mn. R Mask, was e.Iabratod ole of lamer rare oeoarr nese, 4 golden waddled. ales their Whine, *gid obUdres and s.igkas mane to de Nem WWII 'Mike ley. and seems ware m -s1. feted be .sharesr aid sesti) reseal ...._. Were/tor : Wts:.tsy .Mage is now LLabted with .Isotr,. halt. --dicers .trees War sad besdr.da la oleo Mores and dwell b... The plat b.lenes to I.gre., •tdssk:t Seaford'. aid water power is sup. plied from T Hemphill & See's m1U, W rose suer. Jerrie village, two •ad owe -halt miles wt, is ane supplied by to name pleat 9.d power. (,'list,. s Weed wee remised hes dist Jams* L Doherty had diad of ooeeomptloe at Gallants, Tens D.os•.ed wee • nephew of W. Doherty. and et to • short time ego 0. rsNded lore. bet went *oath for thm hew .d1 of he health- "H5 was married to • are ons d those who emir Books.lso.ld be mold by t , daughter el the holm Joseph Oteldley, who, with es* ohIId, survives bio. TN resew wars tat erred a she 8eatk. VViAtMOX IX\r.,c<ort cine IPA; or by to POUND, tie ae kIN Nle) ' To real Book Buyers On our Bookshelves will be found Special Edi- tions of Kipling's, Gilbert Parker's, Crocket'a, and all the new fiction, handsomely bound, -special y suitable for Christmas gifts. Henty's Books for Boys { sety's Boole (oma eopyr;gbted), any b for 51 00. " Roving Cpm- - odadoa (sopriglod), ropier i• ll X-oee Pries $1 Y,s " "oo by the Sword" n o 60, ' 1 • Boyo' Owe Annual, 182 s Orb' Own Annual, 182a • 2 00, r --- 44 " 1.00, e .95 Det 182 1896 ildrairs'. 1ris.dMAW , 1899 1899 l5ytsine, 182 1399 as lows Napalms, 1899 Tb. above books w all IlaglMb publications, and are odd by oarsolvsu odyn • • • It N 1.75 " yh 1.60 " 50 " 50,. 50 u 50 " It .S5 " 1 75 " 60 " BeapfesM : rdw.rd Greer, sen of Robert Carter, of Stapleton. mat with •o wade•. en Mwd.y .t nes week whet win heedless him for lin. Ho was employed abet • 0ewdl.. .•.ti/s. reesostsg to stave. se they were eat bite shape, and Ms bard was .idle% by the saw wont en► at *brae .f to 5ige,5 of bin right bead, leeriest tum w1*0 (wily to tseeA•ger .std tolls S.lortb : W herking ore •e old litter aer le the other �y, Peet.n.•q� Dick berms cisme bor. • Metter trout the rwt Oiler In.p.olmr dated '• London, C.o.d. Wear, 30t4 April, 1867 " Th•r* nore so tvw writes re thee day.. Tins a ter wee ole fort•" Mr Dickson to amino, of awryan to malls beetroot t•o pees nldu• .sd tn' eatle. He •es•p•d bad h.s bed the este tract oesta•setmly over woes He he no. bred the rrossd bites.. the pees . acs bed . he mousse a geed easy Mmw daring then 32 peen. Pelosimes Select N 510 5 M die isiersatiessi Wises isr MI, reildsff Flok 14111 Irka 95r.. 5. at. Orden .nelson .u..M.a Y all all biers. Kelt ow ear. .tors .. Were anent. Sosies eo. ear bee erees. STOITES MOORS pERIORuNE' 0 8RAH6 A few Stoves on hand yet to be sold cheap for Cash, at THE PEARL STEEL OVEN 'RANGE cannot be beat A Guarantee w...1 every Pearl Stove. THE NEW FLORIDA Otei Wood Cooktbo best WE HAVE FOR SALE CHEAP I SIMILE RU. I5IMM 111511 TIRESIIM IMINE 11 0000 o.D5R 3 MISE POWERS Ip IMMIX/. Ton Ase Bosomy/ As large a line of Bibles, Prayer Books (Church of England and Roman Catholic),_Hymn Books, Special edi- - tons of all the Poets, Birthday Books, Children's 'boy Books, as would do credit to a town twenty times the alae of GodewiCh. Ask tq see our French and other fipe China, Art Caiendttrs, Leather Waikts, Purses, ,Cord Cams, Gold Fountain Pens. - ' I wouldust remind you we are headquarters for Games. We have them all prices from, tt up town. O: We also shew a line of good Toys, suchss Delhi' Swing's (the very lath), Dolls' Cradles, Done I Han locks, Carpet Sweepers, Carriages and Carl 'etc. a,. Kiw& that will opts& to pw,ple 04 TASTE. anti you ore politely In r .tory and kook %hr,os�*ghh..44 wtisld jest •444 that yen will nee be mad. - hilus staged in parrbam mines it's your wish. SHEPPAROTON• Monsar, Deo. 18th. Tine and Sass Verden .peas aeed•y .t their home %ere. W • are pleased te state shot We. Wm. Barrows, was bee bet. 111. M roomette, 1 he Masse Hattie w flames, and Jess era .y, .t lj•d•rtd. Neal a few dye Iw e0 the �te of Mrs. Nice. Danabsrly. R.,. Mr. K.11loiMs n seal sonny spend .arviees ea this •pµsisttis.t. He M beteg amiwad ivy Hear. M. 4. Wilms, of Bee - yield rase. BOOKSTO- T ALBERT, Mow.AI, Dae- 96. A Tray ssoaauld ealartstsm et sad Utrlatmee kit Tea NM 1• t e eanoi Ileum Ire es Thornier art reeve. the SIM. The room was wall filed •lth to paresis sad bleeds .f the scholar., end the pregram was . as by Nscholars was eajeyed by all. The Christmas tree was west leaded 'lib gotta for the albino At oho doss .f to mMessismsM We ramie. prleelp.l el the anted, Ma SUMO, wee premeted with • nedeame reg. ••d as address wkfak.slo avldasw .f the pad teenage w►Mb have mimed Weenie lir. Billets • l bis solfse. - d.ri.s tiem time be boa base • seesaw re 1. Por the balance of old ll> the wtAen. ch. dbollbootede TilE ART 1111IEPST .•�.�•., 1s the beset Coat Double -210•242.• THE HOWARD is the best Coal P'.rn&Oa. For sate by J. H. WORSELL The Cheap Stove . d�Turnaoe Mao, EPPS'S COCOA. BRATIYUL 00] TDG Dlating�ttttiisshhed everywhere fo Delio.ay of Flavour, Supe- rior Quality, and Highly Nutri- tive Properties. Specially grateful and comforting to the nervous and dye pep only in 1/4 lb. ttlinnss labelled J.1 rr8 IPPB & 00., Ltd., Homoeopathic Chemists. Lou- don, Er gland. BEEL FAST BUFFER A Lull stock of FANCY GOODS, HANDKERCHIEFS, DRAPES. LINEN GOODS, GLOVES, TIES and many other suitable linea. The time u short but . call will be sufficient so show you that year money will go further here than elsewhere. OUR NEXT BARGAIN DAYS WILL BE HELD ON Thursday and Friday, Dec. 28th and 2. EPPS'S COCOA. s NEN COOK STOVE Tit Henderson Bicycle Co. (W mltedl, C?ODRRIDH. COAL ap. WOOD CHARCOAL and KINDLING. E WILL HAVE OUR USUAL FIRST-CLASS BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS AND LADIES' JACKETS Hosiery and all small wares, i Heavy Factory Cotton 40. Sateen, Shirting, Muslims, Linens, Linings, Cottonsdes, Underwear, Tick Gloves, Flannels, doles And I 'nks Bargains in.CLOTHINiLand...11ENS-.FURNISfl1t4GS.. -. At any season of the year there is no greater comfort than a good reliable Gook Stove its the kitchen. It is with 000lc stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you will be pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN 3tovesandRanges We .re still .t the same old stand. Nelson Street, where we hove been Nuppllying our pastorates for • number of yews. We know the fuel that suite you. Orden left with oar delivery rigs or at Worsoll's stone and tin shop and at our office will receive prompt attention. All cowl weighed on market scales, unless atltitunss ordered. Wo run .ever.) 1vayr in oromeotion. CARTAGE i FUEL CO., JOHN B. PLATT, M*trwgar Pko.. 6S. 461174 t71LL rT CATTLE EROS. Phiers, Stealers slid Tiusiths Wer Md. of Sown. sort Sturdy are. J. H. PEDDER e OLD 8T0tND, ....:-,.,,.tem,rayl-..tan.h...<o..D.ew,s•r•m MILLINERY. JILT TM R. B. Smith Dry Goods o�; MI88 DONAGH, Goderich. .811AD ItILLtllliBfl:. **188 H. HARRISON, Dung•aatn.• D[ISR. M.. ROBERTB..f'�.,.� LgD=E S' Ordered \Yo and Nary Ready to -Wear Hats. MCKIMS ms's oto STAND. BARGAINS 1 GOOERION TOWM$HIP. Mown•v, Deo. 951b. TM vegeta. meal er:s.lialioe was ted t. idle Hel.w+Ba see.& es T.reday, tie. 1910 lees.. mid was as.seut•d • gram Gas. son, lyase 1 e'eleeh till bel( -pie het the p.aeMsd m1•mle•tiee oak Mum *Mei wet lslbwod try a M.•• ia wide\ to .e1er1y te# yrsl, At Ana .'.I..\ tri peeves 111Ma reale, near ase of needless, ire Woo, woe. 55554 1-1. see. Th meet pssesadloe felon of Ms ove•t.g was minted rendering. k7- Me R*lmrsnlih .genera. ll n .eme.a•t 5trnet/we M .1111-1 aid hent tbs. M N/ I.45 seems, WM..4dd es la amber retell .4q.. !. UM perces of Norbert (,•m- phrey, wheel 1.ltrewsenal red*tlw well IeeAlp,.'- t"tid •.n sneered, Aposekw were ,M M...r. 1 elms. •,""tos T*.-• by FA dates. Rebels tar Winter Goods at decided bargains. It will pay - yolk to investigate. Bargains, in Dry Goods, ._.. nPunk_:: Bargains in Olothes Bargains in everything for the balance of this week and year. You can safely determine the oorrect styles in he.dweer if you visit our Millinery Departments, bemuse they truly reheat whatever the leading millinery centres have pronounced fsehion- 'able and stylish. Our collections in the three busy plans of business surpass all previous efforts. The goods are here for your pleasure, free for year tion, and to buy if you wish. Come and gee on BAXIIRD Y, oraat your earliest oonvenience. THE R. B. SMITH DRY GOODS CO. ire- 'will dear all OODKRIOH. DUNGANNON. BIAFORTH. W. A. M°KIM. BRING US YOUR FEET We do the rest. Our shoes fit like the wings on • dank, sod a ladder is not nee- �a wry to reach our prices. • . OUR RANGE . . of Boots and Shoes covers anything yon Deed -the neat and dainty foot covering for the house and the strong sed oomfolrt• able boot for severe weather. Gr•e4 gains in bong Boots sad ell loci All Boots and Shoes. ST. GEORGE PI1 ' *.PAIHIIOG NOATLY DOW& R. W. McKENZIE CHRISTMAS CREETINUS r A gift iL trebled in appreciation when you get one that is suitable and useful. It is an easy matter to have that appreciation if you select your present from our large and varied stock of useful goods. Our Stock of WWI, Knives, withind without Foam' 184T -Plated Ware, Spoons, Butter -Knives, Scissors and Razors Was never more complete. - What suits a boy or girl better than a pair of good z"Ms or, a Fancy Penknife! "4.114.--4.-- R. W. MCKENZIES;r SANT SIDS SQUARE. The Plow le Hey All Hardware Ohesp. • „'fio Sigtal" G tat of 1n,- 1101, tor E1.00 f