HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-28, Page 4* ".n • ILVIS teas 4 Teuwau•T, Deo. 28, 1889. E. B. di: M. H. A New Departure: W ave fitted up a studio is tie weer over oar Music •pthe SPIE Weds�,gp„fer T..oh.r. to hlWastWe Ieslwse•... Mos is waseutioo with our Music baisse ; ,��7. O. t8IMPNON, xatth , •Methodsad istt lisim lips Osten sad Hammy. l Vo o. OWALL, tame LURA ACHESON, MISS S. O. PURIM Osier, Elocution and Physical Cellars For terms mad further Inform. Moa *PP17 rt EMERSON'S Bicycle & Music House West $bees. • Dederice- int Aqui, a roam EVERY THURSDAY MORNING •1 D. MWMO•N'* t110D11RICH. THU1•DAT. Dao. _ •r d 16.4, - THE BIGXAL : GODERICH ONTARIO with the m•eywmeat of tie.Metlee. Tal Smith we a. "Rent .f the reepeadest .d. eslte of no q' 'lea.,, Se famish, Misess hto the rides .ad.Meam.d a entre! wbtob was reo.Iataed ..d submitted to. W• have lased abet Ie we am at least he made so Illegal payment. His expenses sad tae *spouses of those with blot must btve hese paid oat of some load. calms Oa mw voleste red ed add their ewe 51 plasms. Tito dtf6oslty of the rrepesdest's p.eltit, w Meted by him at 1114 4144, wan tele .pprootated. „Tbe z„poodeat did not feel justified 1e gse•tt.n1Wi the work of be must bear es barge of tiarWeela. duet. •It is a.•Uest that money wen im- properly used, sod, whether supplied from withal" or wittiest She radios, an 1ogl an it wan wad by .K.a'e of.the ewdidnte( there 1. only one ovule. h must be clearly sad.ntuod tb.t if • oadld.ta does esb wish outside tourfersso..1.h the r=enege. meat of the eleoties be mesh take deeded 'atmos to pr•.ent it The local organisa- tion, might ail be free from illegal proottoes, sad yet the uablds wsoagem.ol might be nest Weal .ad oarrnpl Tb. parity of "tattoos must be nosed. Every we .atoms for wordier the consegtasose of Improper 000duot must be met by snob. Goastroaltoo of tb.' statute as will enforce ie pruybione. s000rdinj to the spirit, dee regard bang had to the letter, of tbl. se- ataeo a. Mr W. D MaPber.on r.pmeeted Ma pelIMo.er WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. a� oohs 1•,tP,owts tM anus Wont fir meed to the a.nea; sad they ken 1.gly, 1 bear, sot's. German .Hamra The Boer name is 1. Ree Natal .ad the .id colony teak, and make we Ng Dela Rg• pubes, led they say add Paul Kremer as the tint Presiders . British 105145ats about the borders sank a. Newcastle, D..doe, eta, are very away taw' mhos" will tars out; bat, tallow. me, 11 i1 tomes to a war, in.lead will have Mr fight Is.pr Italy l hold bey ps smls. a Seetb At There are web s lot of U.ra.eS with ib. 1 be on tk.T will M Ne, with yg•' oat ltia soots `M -VI► shoat 76,000 r ly Rood all resod mea, their average began cowl to ow beat Tel unseen for sheoMae sad radio*. beeldos ba ing up to the pommy, rad I salmi my 1 (Adak 11 will take hew three bt see of sur srdlesry tea is beet thea Dar o lumas Weald be very stress is art.. .y. sad asap mora out at Meat fin er sir miles, se se not to he os.obt la dowse, kepis or drifts as the Beers always sheet artillery .mals is bad planes to anew s Meek. 1 think It will regelin eighty be sets bsadr d tbeaewd regulars to do the tales really pr.psrly." 1 MIR sane, 160 or Ates well tOetlo cult •T r& Chicago Nene : Eogl'e pian el oma pales in Swab Africa Mlre"hlesprert►r obvious to the daUwb observe. Gen. Ballet evidently Mende to impose m many preemie epos the Ben Soot the bray be lar frees wealthy burghers will be sates oat 01 hoses ..d home sod leve to surreedr a swap, starvation and aviation. tag oovsailr0rn to POT a.arONSIILL Ssal•rtb Expositor : 'the following from Woe Brsokydls Tomes 1. a sample of the fool •rgemeslm mads by some of the Cssarvs THE VAST HURON PROTEST. ' Vial a wWW 1.e Masa t haul- MarGlobe. Deo ft Oedema. eras sires y.terday by Mr. dsste.Odor and Mr. Jambe Rom 1. the •mss M tis. amities epilog' the eleotleo of ass. J. T. Upriser la Wast Huron. The �eMYsaer ter Mr. Joseph Beek, the do. r.•ted Osa.wvawv a•dtdat.. The .ler 'rima we hold a imeere,gr .-bbl...wwwrse, •e+ad Mw. Gramm we reSaraod by a a}arity of de. TM Meshes wee oanteetwd. est the Wesel. whisk was held la /ed.rloh La Jose. Imbed few days. 1' was edjesrned o sag ere • Weems whams, gad was tit .load ta.W shoe • month •ga. Ta poet us - sealed aa. Mr. Oarrsw, with mete to the LAlaesartS1•S5s h r.gas Merges 515 s that IYea 15 oaks geed. Mr. Wale's, Q. . O•, w}m apparel ter Nis reseadat, sated Iib•. a appeal would be whored mgalat Me Asidese. els mines 055.115 these papers : "T.mobsr* whe say 'salary so *Weis' val.* tbelr services at what they .n worth. Bat it does not my mooh tor eha lobo& ey.tem til wbtcb Premier Roes and his loilowers brag se much teat . noble profession shoot.' be degraded to the level of Chinese moles." What on earth has P.5aier Rum or the sdoatioc department to do wt.h the -.erees of t.'wbere, or how oe they pretest t..ebets from q.v of their service for mooh rer.neoration as they w At? If she dep.ri.m.ot wore to fax a mita• Rimwn salary below whish teachers world sot be .ilowc8 to' sive theft *weft% ata TIM., s.4 it. Lke would be the dot to rates • row. .I5 CN/5L55 morroOTs Tn■ 0OwrOSATIonli Ntmtrtntlf1mf111f11f1trrr IT'S TIME TO BE THINKING OF 1. gimp W judgment, Mr. J.s1os Oiler said tab Use trial bad Wee adjoined M.. ether Ma for t1• parries of Wishner NM *Maass .f ewe Jahn T. Lleklater, a whams, who W disobeyed hie enbpos . wad aka..w-ed. It was .and by the re spndest's weasel that L4skleter ked w,Mtea to the eosp.wdew1 to the Whet th.1 his wwidaes would be dieadvatagsoes t• tis* ,e.pewdest, Dad than M (IAwklatet) WW1 avoid plyhg widows Mr. Ostrow, M tight twaseawo theepFr.ppiwl. Aft.: seers w dje.aw eats U beer ee 'Mese that the whoa. wall w to twat most ♦ Oa d the e 8th skew a rieea Msvwbwe jadgsent wee rwor ed au1 to- day. ea • who el el.re§ of bribery were es 'leowi7 proved that wo wimp. wee made by soww.l ter W r0pasdsnb te seise NOM Mtawt. It h quite awmasearl o ______ b ea Its widow In detail. ;Cor- n well. ruder wore ee.aitted by the tel- w:- el - w Y Led, bribed b. Jobs T. Link ha, mad.wdbsr, by gayness oi $2; Jolla Befis•. bribed by John T. Liektaer end ww.tbr (1.10E1 •'O.p Swlava), by pay- ment of • Alfred Marriott, bribed by the /w oi .0.57 le vete for respondent h t ae0 sot NAlameda.tffiedAlameda.Mo- d sp, bribed by "Cap." ewlaven. by Tray- nor, rayawe .f 119; (ion. Whyte, bribed by ••Osp." Salim. sad Welter Vasdew.; L. Mercies, bribed by Walter Va.Ms.s. by paymeet fist Theephur 115.., bribed by .seises, lobs T. L4.41uar .s4 another. payload d s4. by payload oa areas, Jobs T. LlnkWnr-ad "Oar* Bwlltvu4.; wow Mead gw111y of belbm.7 awl aleiMptmd bribery el the war. sass named shave awl whet. Walter Vaaaa5 also Awed M birthsbirths TIMMY MS. tir•y. "ear." Swlliva and another a1e arrested to bribe /wow b Wylie LETTERS FROM SUBSCRIBERS.. At this mass of the year the editor 1. ewe by the romp* .t •pproot•uy letters frees wbeortbsre. To knew that Till 610001. receive. • weakly welcome is to be eaoourss•d to make le visite as bright se psesible. Below we publish tyre soca maks el •ppr•oletlos whirls we aye recently received "re SORB, PRrm5• Co , Nowrw DAKOTA. Dm. 8tb, 1896. "D. MoOu.uoonttr. "Oedseal,Oot• "Ds•a Sts, -1 ata M renew ay e►• eorlptiou to Thu Moms/ ter another year. S.eleeed you wail fled one dollar for the amu Pawed to Gad Tess Stoe•t..1411 keeping abreast of the timer in sdvoatlse the rights of bumontty. To■ SMisu. M always m wido=ws weakly visitor is our table. Having been a resident ler ower Sweaty gee years is Here 0000ty, sad herring many fried" u.d a number of relatives "till Uvtes then I like to have 0 perusal of the pares of your ezoaUeat pmi- odiel• to lean bow they asd others an Prospering is the old Hnr.. trect. My 'amity ted I are retttos oo laid; well We have bad • very lin. 1.1;. ally a few ferries of allow yet. Pb. weather bas been %try mild *lib the •zmptlos of one oeld .nap which lowered the thermometer a tow de- grees blow zero. Yours aiooerdy, "•Wo Misnomer. %L" Mr,. A. R M.cKs , of Bottlases North Dakota, writes : „Tits 810511, wrrlvins every Tuesday. to, you may be sure, right woloome, and we sited ops bat white col kepi thsllt vary 50 0y w otic isavaa• .og prosperity." Toronto Weekly Sun : Tim sigbt of S.r Charles Tupper ampoisoius for Hugh Jobo Moleaald to Maloba moat have been almost 'sough to drive the l.dewbdoes Liberals bark to Oroenwsy. 01 all men Iivinq, Sir Charles is molt responsible for the lmprovid'st agreement made by the Domini/a Gov.rnm'st with �eao Cledh Paotfio Railway Company. Hoose of Commons he supported evety relined dies ice meds by the Government of 81: John McDonald, and he ►an sup ported every gnat made by the pretest U5vwmost No now advocates the .swoon of a heavy ,ab.ldy to m lies 010. P. R. steamers from Montreal. 1. the low et all this his preeeet advoaoy .f .late •w.srehip of railroads will hardy c.v; mach weigh. go0rso5 ow •01NT5. The q...Mss of rise *s.woy rt abs parties ,..eased r M s.wddoved. 1s regard te W wsef<oss 1,5.111 1a from the ossdde, they ware sot 1,ssgbb to .t We request of Mr. Garrey, see W tisel wart think that be was 01 a11 desire of their Br ran.. Mw. (farrow w baba felt pressed by the dlWley la rajedl.I their .eistaaa. bow over 50. 1-..• they might he. There w.s14 Mae to have b.os we formai appoint with is 11s aw.latt op ewnventlen. Vist- aless was bead M be • aw.br a the woe Mlles while wild fa the do5Ma of the oursad 11 mai be held M was a mist s e, Oho Mai athsrtMs as wbab the i. Melia Miami rested. Asa'Ashlars there .m wire 4..b(. Aron tom 11. war prwdras nothing (;wen was li,oae0b low to 11.. A drew Apses. 5110.4 at the pmt of away wh- ammies who sight aawralty Wire Men er. posted to haw ketone all shwa hi.. Pb woo et "Cop." 1i.111w h vary an. whalasW 7• Bo W ho taboret. h We idles. Iden raideseme Mine is Salt Ba. Meda How he we haat ht. she Milli in wO karma. H5 was not brssrbt Into ...d Istel ..7 meat as the r..red•at, apart Mom the bribery d;ped1ltew is shah he ad Tomos* psfMapr.a. 8e was ..deli to work for Ito* veuradeat. Os this whale hie weary was sot drift pewee or that he we sorbing mew rtes se s wot...s 15loar. A iv. Hai Guthrie. sus an Were, 5i Oho rdhg, wee ane•Nd by Aka. esitb te mpak ea the reepeUdwit'a behalf at Mira aaeebilsl, for width 1.was paid 116 by BMW Rids MI hese mil waif smessy ot nada' .. tliso he Ween lira .d I as fbns of the wnddates m_..j.. , a did M•bb. *sabot did w� shwas� yg..dw1► TI. p.y.es. w.s sift fit► it avid .r Ili ssandsk sad en Ids WAN, bus It sum see made I1rosp1 es od-1 .pe.b e/ Mie .ad(d•a ad era est tad.d.4 i. Ns swam .lyes•• .e• essits, eassesey se sibs eseMee el Mori video deo se ...h at.a.. Ts top .eedes se wnh terms dpslfiMim the easliss .nano* le stead ander the Navies elms.. the asj.My m aid w iris .ad the brft.,y era red ho r as trifles/ 'lila aissll.n erste Hemb.s be dei rad weld eat esu .oids. 115 Mbar. sod pot. rhe. 1siM/ stool& as the aa. Wer, ho rer*s+ea• straws tm•fos. • Ifes.il.y h way re. w 5.015* 11.11. : Mie. Julies Saw soma with the 1 nos saw. s HOaMlmmws Is nth r t era. meati. seers ItYb anther Mr. OM the lend wass se t51 . 105. 4 w ladblee Wen Urea or s�/Mallw-1 Abase es de ss. end oboe se free lees rotor to rise _helms ■r. sheseway. Relttlat 845511. The people of this district have • divot Interest in the tate of Mr. tireeew•y, of M.attaa. He wan for several years • reddens of Berva. eight miles from His. cardiae. As that Mme he was a clerk is the store of the ata Stephen Walsh. Mr Walsh we • local preacher se well is e merobat, and whew he could nob take so aopelsamas '• Tem " (rsssway would do II for him. From Brvle Greenway went to Eimer After some time be reat•od the Conservative nominetloa for ose of the Hems, bat sold out to the late M. C Cameros. Atter that sub of tr•so1ery 11s air of Hama wan toe sultry ler ►1n, sod be went womb. H1 subeequst career is m mater of history.-Kinordlne Review. The tortoise is l.o.rrmit ad *complete, sad the following eddittosal p•rtioul.rs may Its .taptsd se authentic, bestow they ars absolutely Gorr•ob. The "Staph. Walsh" referred to was for some years • rendes* at Clinton. his widow still living hen. Atter laving Beryls Giveaway went into beef. aur .1 Centralia, and Wag a .swat deist spate, soon beams promisees, sad wan sleeted • member of the aunty nasal. He we elm • very •osepable Ioal praA• er h aanatloa with the Blble''Ctitistias Miurek (dna united with the Methodist.) sad brogue well knows I.;tblm neighbor- hood. Hu political .ympathts were e,lslnally Liberal, and for o Woe be held to tam, bat the Coaseres vetiv, whop es 1al be def..e's ea erten by the late M.C. Uamres, looked about for a ma whom they thought Gould defeat him, ad offered a support Graowey If he would he their candidata Helve emb1M•o, he assented, ad tesla they rhe him, .nterly defeat each time. Alar the gsseral *teatime, 'Habib had re. tented Hoo. Ales. Mackenzie, Mr. Came - roe IoM his est ad west to Florida, when he .cawed • Gestalt span. W ken the by. - 'Dimities for Soule_ Rana on, the n o.(asbies was helm cisme .1 Valva. Before she her of semisweet arrived, a tacit tndr- . asdhe had been re.obed t1at II the Ub- .rals did not oppose Urosuw.y, he would give Me M.okseds Government as lads pendent support I1 wan simply stipulated that he aboard be an Isbpandeet, and, m this wan agreeable to the Liberals, when the O.aasrvmtine .o.lated Oreenwsy the Liberals pet oo one h opposition to 11., t ad in she .pmiob he made after the amnia* tees, Greenway op'sIy aed plainly sated ►M psstMee. He carried out his pledge, sad at es end of the seises moved to Nalobs, WOW wail gut thou cawing op, when be followed oat hie original Liberia leads.•, Ens being elated sea sa.sbs, of the Opposition h She Maelobe legislature. sad thee beeeesing Iia Premie.-CI1atoe New Br.. OUTSIDF NOMINATIONS. tt*2l11Q.D. Re.v-R. Simsbury, M. 1) , (.00aess ti.o). Tr.etess-Thos Cameros, John Whtidra, Jobn Ferguson (seoi.mOtte) Counmllore-Ooorye Woofs, Janes Dos- aldson, Thomas Elliott, James A. Thome eels Frank Edwards, Robert Brown, Thos. Herd. .LTT4. Rmve-J. Carter(A. glome' F) Metcalf, Cw rulers- W m, Baugh, W. Mo&lroy (uoolms!$l05 School Tree. tees -J. H.bklrk, j11. MdComenlae, D. D. Carder (•oolsaltos). cu NTow. �i'ynr-Tbes. Jsoknos, n1., W. C. Seeds. tau, . ler.-OUver Johnston. Themes A dames, Jan. Ford, Jas. Fair, 11 Wiltsis, Jacob Taylor, Thetas MaKeszte. Seheel traetes--Rot,ers Agnew, C. J. Say.ssoa. *loot ed. wens Reeve -W. G. Biome. sad John Taylor• Coaotlers--Jets Stew, T Armstrong, J. Muir, W. Seedier, Joba4W.ed, W. H. Lovett. B. fl.' Reward and Alez. Dew. Ch ristmas THE HAPPIEST TIME OF ..TNI$ pROSP.ERQU$ Y;AR. Tel will mad yew geed tscH Nils nils rad we car' slgply sere dohs iota. Beaatlfal ut-glass Perfumes Must popular of all gifts. Tra»Iilog fable --leder A most =slut gift. &vary atm should haw oat. Orealte guts Maae5ros. Purees, eta token' goods Nice left Pipes in .sus, from 111.00 up. gigsretts gases head cigar baa Raskin' Seta, ata, eta You are invited to uall be- fore deciding. BULK PERFUMES Roger sod G•let's (Prenob)-indlsputebly 1.1e beet 760. 0& os. I'e-beat American GauthierPerfumes . s60. a Floral Colosimo, 7 odors, Crab-apple, Lice, etc•, greatest vel -160. e5. tie in Ile market st only we NAT■ A 5051105 Or hermit MAIM•100. W. C. GOODE, Chemist and Druggist. tele" :a"a t'M`"a win { NA A y A.MuNNA Mp 19s► > + e5•pq gni Ism SS /OW .13'111 V J1 ANI( Mill MO •fae.ra• Wi- ts" tai Gilead suaeo-oe lesq 'trlow-w the tau •Isoin seas sup AMMO, asp S.lH'19r1 AN:1 1.44011. pa. w '� f fly, by mail, - - 56.00 a year dm et lbw+ * '>'sidl1R mete aa/, I7kyyy arttl GieSrf.j tly imit,e&SOl+�ar' sur a' et>4e•aaq .a pewwrsid ell ..��L Alit'ooliso .111111111113M ins* smogwas eM . 7*04tg mug tae so 1..ls n,ag Qodench CIuiztlllas Bllyllg fleadQurtors News and Opinions or National Importance TheSu AIrON� Contains Both. 000015. Police Treaties -James Armstrong, Was Dane. J. McLaughlin. _ tIAp0STS. Mayr -l. A Wilson, B B ase. ooaoollore-A Davidson, James Gaiter* A. P. Joynt, G. A. Sills, M. Y. Meana, Jame Wawa, Hebert Wares Noble CIA John Darwin, James Hiattle, James Me - Ginnie, J. H. geld ad Robert WIIIin. 5.15000M. Mayr -Wes. Oleos (•oolemetle.) Coen- eillors- W m. Nicholson. Wm Holster, 11 0. B.-11, Jan. H. 01.1.0'0, A. M Robinson, Jobs Geis, Alex. Poses, Jos. (Jolley, 11. Kerr, Roland Battie, Deo. MaKtrvie, G. W. Hanson, Gee. A. Nertoo, Thos. Gregory, A. J. Irwin. Snbal Transom - Ward 1, Tomas Abraham; Ward 2. Wm Mates, Wm. Nichols; Ward 3, H. Kar; Ward 4. C. N. Griffis. .SrIRLU. Reeve -M. Daiwa, proposed by Jan. L. Oram end Jia Long : Wm. Klollei, pre - posed by R Ireland sod Ab. Culbert Conootuore-J.11a Berkley, by Jan. Thomp- son and Ab. Colbert ; Wm. Heater, by K'smwth MaK'ssls and Jape. Thompson ; Joh. McIntyre, by Joe. Great ad Jobe Cowan ; Joe. Jamieson, by Jobs MoDowld mad P. Looe; Jews Theapes, b7 Thomas Culbert and Jobs Mowry ; /boa. %other, by Jame Malloush .red James Barking' ; Rederlek MoK'sele, by Alex. Meknes wed John McKay. Rodwriok MaXosste has re- seed. A REMARKABLE PROPHECY. nos •eseeema5 own et a War WHb the nsen reewMd by • naleir5. The follower *rimier from the N.. York Weekly Paos Peet et D•mter 115 nes rad by Mr. to .a• of hi wow at the Oefieri•a Institute lest week : Nerw1. Mml.od. shoos mine is well hews 1. sesseela's with Smith Aldan asks, p•biteM • klieg reeved by him ere se tar yaws see from a Raclbbw Uric In Natal. wbiob .moms te prow that Oa Berm .edlbebed war wee at that die. tee period, tad sestaine wow ran.rk•ole gsod summa.. es itis MOM *ampaiae whir It wesil ism wta.ry to subdue than. The wetter safe t Mew Been we playleg • Mg spark Of mtersa we loom, Wig 1e We. stlawary, 1h., have .wad .yry new h.. 14 yam std w 60 with Martm1, .ad so steads, with .doss M seep es tar vat. nose.. The/ were s7 Mather sad myself the .... l.Ibras1.se II trims 1a war, It will reran .hew awe e.t..n..t weeps ef ter las then 10,000 M mob seises. es mal she Peri Bid., Bead, ad .Id .ray Ser. we 'star se pre thea for senate fest. end lea el yang. avlfsh •1u, whe Uy .very Alio a the 1555017, tad re . bas .f' read Oat the Imperial Owsterwe wtr1A sell htlS M M wish small MA..1 fe uses. mad -5;= �. �ww/ "..w«. egad 1pAe sops. aMMIM sod Wwissol` tYs iz reverses. Toy oust ro.eobse ear ares shoo jiNi i (beet emnalwolNt U.1wig we bed said water, 5541 dig MS Awaits s tela is est Maws at a ea" es sash wises AM& ite aftwas imousb la diad say lite 001,10OR. ■. Old ooancellers r•-eleotei by aeolematioa. RANT 5.05.05555. R^cve -Matthew Lockhart(teclamttiea). Cesr.l;lns-Jsba T. Curie. Wm Sather. lad, Alfred B. Can, Jehw McCallum, Jobe Elbe. •Nay �,y 1 The Sunday Sun _ is the greatest Sunday News• paper in the world. Price Sc. a eery. By mad, RI a Jslre *done Tmi 115. Nth itddr -- HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF NEXT BARGAIN DAYS' ec: 28 aid 29. Remember the Dates. It Pays g BUY JAS. ROBINSON F. 8kWQJ.ROLE& 0aA L KotaoaM/OI b WUdeliver arse_ LOWEST PRICES FOR 01S11 Hard and Soft Coal, Portland Cement, Hydraulic Lime, Lime, Sewer Pipe, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, etc. 000na1e5 5 T05.1 1.1x. Old eousoil reelsotad by soolaseatien. GRIT. Reeve-Jsntes Terubell. OnselIIeea-- Robs. Liyinptes, Iwo Lake, Adam Tom- ball, Jae. MoDosald (soot). 505.101. se Rv.-`tueael wa W. F.reo* d Wm. Wed& U..sohlore- J. J. Menteoary.SpewsWm. Fraley, Andrew Deig, J.1* Spews Henry Nebular, Joh* IIeaook. TQI Owuna1T5. Rwv.-Molany sad Terser. Tp5N15YT. Ree's5w ,.-W. H. Oroiok.hks (l•as. tine) Cen.ettb--Mro rs.egys. bluebell, Ogeleod, Ss.te, Janes and Lovell. t, Is the baby too thin? Does he increase too slow- ly in Weight( Are you in constant fear he will beillt Then give him more flesh. Give him more power to resist diners. H. certainly needs a fat -forming food. Scott's Emulsion is just that food. It will make the baby plump; Increase the weight; bring color to the cheeka, and prosperity to the whole body. Thin children take exit as naturally u they their mint. ALWAYS ON HAND Tan MIDST Scrantou bard CoI _ TEIE par, WSW a the Werke* N i wk as /M lbs. fur a toot 505les, WM. LEE. Orden len el L=! ak 11ZiPidarti Bowe t;•emptly atteeded 10, fliriatina13 Coniina and everybody who sees •Ip beautiful display.1 adaday attractions is glad et it. Popular presents aa pop - tiler prices. Our Iloliday stook a fall et quality, variety, beauty and good taste. It t• easy to sabot from, supplies exactly whet you want, and b weald be • mistake to bay before you see it. Remember this fine awwiseaat owe - tains the right thing for every peraoo-old, middleaged 01 yang. All prices marked in plain figures. Although not situated on the Egaase. we do • ►geue business, sod for the Holiday .uasou will give every enstsntar a special Dash discount of 10 per sent. oif all holiday goods, so that all are treated the same. Everyone welcome. WILMER SMIIfeshat, sins TTTow Hyl Just received • oro stock of Bible. •ad Teetameota for di. Bible Depository, Olen: -5501b rd. et West •tees, .ear the Sambre TWiffelli Ie. ,s F. BARLOW HOLIES. Closillg Ont our Tot Siore 1 wmmnmmlimmrtmrm r t r E t That's I 10611 qWhat I 1 r E 1. t'I!i oakour $3.00 Slthat's rwhat it is. i That's what makes them sell so well ; E that's what makes them wear so wee and 3 E please so well. �' We are selling the best footwear made 4 E at lower prices than some other stores ask • for inferior goods. E Your shoes from our shop will fit well, A E wear well, and pay you well to purchase. E Sole agent forth;: "Slater" Shoo. BYBBYTHIER IUBT BB SOLD as we leave these premises after Christmas. PRESENTS AT LITTLE PRICES 1 -AT- SMITH BROS' OLD STAND Brimful of all the latest novelties in Toys and useftfl presents for Christmas. New Mechanical Toys, Games, Books, Ornaments, in fact an assort- ment quite equal to the city displays, and everything bought for this season. Come early and get your pick, as the novelties will be bought up long before Christmas Eve. BOOKS. A trier lar 25 center, cloth , by such .ntborz an HALL CAtlrs, CONAN Dov1.It, Fswlross Course, ins Dream, 100501 COSQ.L1, I Jews Roams, and others. Great variety to choose Going at 15c. R• g n l a r 25o. paper beck • ,k., illustrator', hest prine wad a voti selection of all the Siendar4 Werke, Going at 2 for 25c. (X)MF, Alin SKR Beaty's oelebrated Books ttt Hey -We here Ibo mtiv* r.,a.YMsn.. This is the beet eye' look on the mar• t et Regular 60 canter, . Going at 860.' Large range of Ohristlnaa Toy Books, From 5c. to 50e, each SANTA CLAUS Tho ad ileus he NW all 00.05 M5155. b ug the tosae1.ira astir approves of ow TOTS. c Allen a Wa=g Nw110a IS =ae,1L 105elrte Toilet Oases, Handkerchief Bonet, Gentlemen's Shaving oases. Lovely Checker Jars, Handsome Fruit Dishes. 3 WI'1. SI-IARI'IAN, Jr. We would like to call your attention to some lines we carry suitable for -.....001110 Atm t. 01 Ta15 005. • • Christmas Presents. • svog ..tai Stearns Bicycles, men's and women's models, only`40.00, Shot Guns and Rifles, from $3.00 upwards, Skates, Spring and Hockey, Hockey Sticks and Pucks, Pocket Knives to suit all tastes, Scissors in cases, extra fine values, Razors, two in a case, very fine, flanicureCarvers in Cases, Bed Carvers. CarNW. s, Marmalade Spoons in cases, Children's Sets, three pieces in case. We have also s large lies d awful promote, too nuatssons to 1Nlfiy tion. 0.11 and .:amiss anat. 11 is N *outdo to chow goods. Big Dolls, little Dolls. all kinds of Dolls. Conte and see the Doll show. Yee yrtil Hid its Prices at the lowest out N. D. ROUQYI13 pritmmittmmtmtmtmmttmr, The compliments of the season to all 3 E readers of "The Sigma" 3 E Sturdy & Co. lE ' The Eitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR WCLEOD'S : SYSTEM : RBROW & A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for W itnd IM$N111i BLOOD. KIDNEY and LIVER Tfi - Manufactured by J. Mt MacLEOD, +$•dVa'lelt. 0110' df OI s d zGisP fOlt