HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-28, Page 3sa
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Details of the Last Stand of
the Fanatics.
Thu force au* halted at Nellie,
and a native ..tptaln war ensu., out
with Jehadla irreitillare to recvn-
nolLreh��tefned, havingWattthe
�tTIP and lm the Moraine
isumlhed eun-
her Cup. Mahon.Ds, std eke Jehsha4 �l*,un-
der Gosling% with four Maxima and
pec, guns, went forward to end t1i
derebhir&Ulrectl7 the dervishes, who were ly-
lag tow in the bush, saw ]lelbon's
form, they lumped up and uharged
with all tapir our fire. and with
*shaman% &huaten, of "Allah, Allah'!"
They rushed up to within Kitty yards
of the Rano. which dM great execu-
tion, nod on Col. Wingate appearug
with the Infantry to support Muh14u,
they bolted through the bush, fol-
lowed by cavalry and camel write
The whet* deal (camp) was *wept
by Colossi Wtngat.'a force. 400 of
the (Serviette were killed and the
ret -about 2.000 -got away with
Fele. A gbereet quantity of grain under the
taken., being found In anie
twongst the dead were found two
leen tied together by the arms, who
had charged towards the guns and
hOcl gut nearer than any others. On
_ easeiry of premiere ODI. Wingate was
Sold that these two were groat
frteu'1r, and on seeing the Egyptian
guns come up had tied tlemeelves by
th.• arms with a cord, .wearing W
reach the gum or die together.
The Egyptian force halted at Ne-
egan, the night of the 2. nd, and the
sett da Cul. Wingate pushed on
to El Oe� aa Ahmed Fedll and his
ween ha4 _fi�tIe� In that direction E
Xaet o the Risius. On arriving
(;tilt Col. Wingate ascertained from
a dkserter that the Khallfa was
*otos aIle off, at a place called
Ow Debelkw% and that It was be•
Nord that Abed Fedil and hie nen
hat pined him there. The Egyptian
f.,rrn had NOW. since 4 p. m.. on the
Let, mgrebsd otter fifty miles.
They were therefore halted at Fl
Gelid until night and started fur
Om Debrikat at about 10.80 d. m..,
the Kballfa's- force having been re-
.vmnultred by an Egyptian captain
with Joh/idle. who accurately lo-
cated their position. Out. Wingate's
here eget* bat ., seam - getianss.
from the Dervish Camp, and tested
for two hour,. having had a very
dlfflcnit march from El tiered
through thick bush, which had fre-
quently to be rut.
Bolero dawn the force had arriv-
ed o*.* e*snnole knoll overlooking the
oap.='sriWk was hidden by thick
trees. ghee Figyptlaa forty premier -
.4 w deed *Meese. The drums and
berm of len Dervishes were heard
In the early tnorniog. owl their
wale )bbese cont# bo (*noir seen
moving quickly about between the
At 5.15 c*e dervishes began to ad-
, nolo tote attack.; ('olooel Wingate
deployed, the guns opened fire. and the
n'•lto0 soon became general. The der-
%ish.a attempted to outflank the
F.gyp*Iaes ea Muir left, but the fie
woe too hod for them, and they failed.
lan of hoar later Colonel Wingate
:strand W whole line and swept
throngs the dervish position for up-
wards be two WIWI, until the (Dem)
,rap Was rsaeled. Tb.re In the vamp
were the women and children, none of
,. nose bad been hurt io fire fight.
The Hetes at oras sproed that thus
K hoes was killed, with most of Itis
:.tolls. Colonel Wingate then made
'.ogee leg.trl.s, and immediately went
to diel: spot where tit. Khania was
e.%yd to be lying, On the way a boy of
fifes," caught bold of Major Wat-
ma's hand and said: "The Khalifs Is
toad. 1 am his eon." He tem took
Major Watson to the place where his
father tay. There was the Khal1fa
lying In his farwah (sheepskin), his
JIbbeb riddled with bullets Lying over
him were his two chief emir,. All Wad
Hata and Ahmed Fedil. At each tilde
of him were ten or n Amen of his chief
emirs, and In front of this hes faith-
ful bodyguard, all dead. While Colonel
Wingate was looking at this terrible
but noble spectacle of brave men dears
n small man was seep to crawl oat
from ender the .Into.
This was Tunis Degheml, tM former
Emir of Doagola. Alter a short time
h. bsgsn to speak. and at length an -
ties qua slobs put to him by
col. Wingate. He said that when the
'tervtels failed to ontflesak tea Egyp-
tians and began to ran before the.
terrible fire. the Khalifs cause to his
mere and said : '• I am not going
away : 1 shall die hers I call on you
to m*y by mee, and let m nips together.,.
TT4b.eV�, a1w
rtll, sad the emirs and body.
guwTd'rlmnlned In front of their mas-
ter. atsillell Mei together. The lifn
toot his fa7wah (sheepskin), alt to
on 11, sed' calmly .waited the end.
which was not long In corning.
Directly It was known that the
Khania was dead all the survivors
cams In and surrendered. waging them
being eboeka thowaad bleats who
will make .ieellest soldiers. The whole
number taken was snarly ten shore
wand. rives thedbaBd were meim and
the ranta*der Women aid children.
Later b tete day, by the order of
MainWingate, the nett an the
elsln wiio were kilfe'1 weere
where they. fell by their own perp
with the proper eeresmoolal elite, lie
IB a hematitel spot. hear a large sheet
of water `ntrrounded by trees., and not
Po vert tar (e Mise forty mils) from
Abba island. the Cradle of Ileandlsm.
Be Cured
of Catarrh.
New Scientific Treatment by Welch
Diorama Parts of the Head, Throat
and- Lungs y( '
an ybee Reeekkeed..
WOW erie .uiiiiiti ha -ate TYC{TZV-
day rho would gladly pay almost say
remeasble suo be Cured of, either
one of the abgve diereses, but who,
knowing of so many remedies and
Ire* luu..uts, a re at a dors to deoida
which nue to try. It does seem a dit-
fleult task, yet becomes s mower-
•tively rimy eta it the person *t-
hirsted will but use a l.ttle goal judg-
ment and oarmmon arose in the sel-
ection of their mole of treatment.
1a the first place every man and
woman knew; or should know that
the air passages were made for air
alone. and that nature has so con-
atrudel these passages that mois-
ture of any kini cannot enter the
bronchial tubes or lungs.
Th.. at once precludes the possibil-
ity of a cure of these deep seated dis-
eases being effected by 1reatman,t re-
quiring the use of sprays, douches,
atomisers, vapors or stomach medi-
This all regular physicians admit.
They also ackuowlelge that the da -
eased parts moat•ba reached 'through
the air we breathe or not at all. Not
only than, n germicide must be used
which wap leave the dry sir and yet
have the power to destroy the bacilli
of the disease in the minutest air
cella est (h. lungs.
Thea Cones the question, is 1bere
much n gerearedo 1 Thousands of per-
sons who have tested "Catarrhosone"
subJ, Yee.
Catarrhoaoiw i. net urea own
remedy gtvea through the may
v.4.. , (the air you -,'breathe) which
Stature parmtte to enter the bronchial
tubes aD1 lungs_
1t entree by Lt *M*ion. No danger,
no eerie geese refueled if it falls
to relieve.
Calarrhosose iator sale at 2'1 drxtg-
giate or direct by mail Seed N. C.
Yo'ae>re & Co. Mfg. Chemists. Box 514
Kingston. Ont" 10c in •tamps for
soap). merit and teat:menials.
rerest' kserailll._shin:a_: :,,x, _ • •
A Glasgow Institution
Few Know About.
Tl..�......n. .si �x:c IL �1aY xuLn1
:1 MySTICat°VS P*CIN'IC 11. A wirtrarAr AL0 .
s I Some of These Su Small They are
Hard to Locate u Second Thee.
Much atteotloO has sem gives of
late to what we way ce., the strange
case of Clipperton Wand. It is not
more Moth three tulles In circulator -
once. and It Icer in the western tacitly
something Ilke ti00 mike west of Mox-
l'a In *the wide expanse of thsePaclflo
'swan it looks lite It mare sleek. no
mall air to be of no value, eeessingly,
save as a refuge for a few of the'tra
%, -whoof beach comberwho have burst all
bounds of habit and have wandered
far away" in the oourse of their down-
ward progress. But ;he owners d othersknew hew u cureDr.ohiwore esu he tomtit.
Clipperton Island -has of lata u*a rld!se>.keuham it u rens, nod leis
�%+1( .
The municipal fumlly hoose of tiler -
Auer, 8,:otland, teens .:a u very plain
lu.ruaytou Wgrapcidevetl beyouu
kiss kuowlrttgb' uss . OW gruel ma/Jetty
ka (b$.1,4rwaliglifetiottio
wkrowsrs with 1 cry young children.
Thus partly orphaned children are
urea; lu a moot helpers exxwlelotl ku
.ewes whew no prt,%blal U maue.
Wills the lath.- us*, another 1a areal'
all day a1 work the children one
ueglected ; ila-y 1 uu awut the strode,
...owe Into Wucl with %uremia kine*
W uwuorallty, and It is uo wander
many 01 them swell to runic* ul the
mart vicious and crlmlual class amu
uecomc lx,uroes of the greatest. danger
to moi Sty. but hl (1lsegow the family
tams remedies such a swats of thluge.
Tire chlloren are kaiak charge of our -
lug the uay. Those of boltoul age are
mut to W11001. There aro uurreus to
ears for tie 1111*. ones. and they are
well fed and properly attended to. lu
nus creche or day nursary, and lu the
playground their wants ars Mule
teed W hi a wholesome manner. There
are 160 rooms, each capable of ac-
cummo.uttlug Rue adult and two cbll-
Iren. There Is a large dining -hall, a
recreation room rand kit. hen.. Those
inmate, who wish for privacy railer
emu .,lu the company 1a the large
dining hall may have K. as there are
small kitchens and dining -rooms on
outer floors to cult them. Applicante
late to f111 up a form. elating age.
occupation, date of hosband'e or wife's
.Beath, and must give references. The
chargee are modest: For mother and
one child. Sr 2.1. per week , mother
and two children.:. 10.1.; with three
children. 4a; for widowers. Is. more.
For Food: Smokier*. '2yld., tanner, 4d
tea. ed. Children). food. es, 10d. a week
for one child; 1e, 2d for two; 4. for
three. This home la meant to pro-
vide home comforts for those who
have none, and to enable them U.
spend their limited earnings to the
best advantage for themselves and
dependent upon them. Each
rooisolated, Thinly furnished,
hes with hot water, and Int with
electricity, the cleaning required Is
reduced 4, a minimum. This family
home was erected at a cost of 117,-
0(19, and was opened In 11095. It is
not tntenaed tin tis a-elrrit0at4a .4x• 1
.tltution. It has been growing In
favor with the tenants for whom It
war designed. The gr'os receipts re-
corded for the financial year ending
to 189l were £1,607 as against £980
In 1897. In eery large town there
la the same Deed. nee,- are dor
laborers who have lost Heir wives,
left with three or four young
dren -or poor widow'. In a similar
Plight. These people h ate to leave
their homes at five or six o'clock In
the morning for their work ; there 1a
o0 one to cook their food for them,
and there are also the children twee -
Ing somebody's care. Should three
children be locked In during their ab-
sence, or locked out, or be Telt to rib
as they like with an opfeo door 7 &true
wuman may be paid to lith after
them, but else may prove to be n
curer both to parent and children.
The little pay she gets will not se-
cure the moat suitable parson. nor the
best Influences. Then at the end of
a day's hard labor is it trek toable ierto
expect the Jaded M
and clean and make the house tidy.
and look atter the children's uk tier
and other requlremente atsolutelY ne-
cessary- 7 It la utterly Impossible.
The family home la needed in every
town. 11 may not pay In n money
sense In securing Immediate disidenda
on outlay ; but IL w111 pal In greater
comfort and Joy and blaming to the
community ; and especially In pro-
dnslog finer men and women for the
Oleellofmise9laltllteses Celebrated as
Dee. 26.
Those who do not lose sight of the
rellglour aspect of Christman may be
interested to have the fact recalled
that ter+ 25th of December has not
always been the day fixed .a that
upon which Christ was born. Before
the Fourth Century many people be -
tiered that April 20th was the wrest -
fel day. others May v24 that tL
Egypt the belief prevailed
wee Jnnuary 6th. The Greek church
for a lung time had no settled feast,
but merely commemorated the great
trent on Epiphany. At. John Chryeon-
tom. In a Christmas sermon, preached
on December 25th. 886, saki that that
day had not been clearly known to
his hearers longer than ten years.
"but 1t had been familiar from the
begianing to those who dwelt In the
West." From the' It appears evident
that December 25th was in the
Fourth Century adopted by
Church in the East In nonformltl
with the traditional custom In West-
ern Europe.
• Hew'* Tents?
We offer Ons Hundred Dollar. Re
ward for any oasis of Catarrh that
cannot be cared b7 Hall's Catarrh
F. J. Cheney a Co.. Prop.. Toterlo, 0
We, the undersigned. hare known F.
J. Cheney for she last 1.5 years and
helpers him perfectly bonorable In
all business transactions, and flnae
eerily able to carry out any obligation
made by their firm.
West & Truax, wholesale druggists.
Toledo. 0.
Welding. Kin ! Marvin. wholesale
draggeets lbledo. 0.
Hall's Catarrh Can Is teken
nally, ncting directly upon the
and memos onetime of the r ,tame
Prk*, 7110. per bottle. Sold by all drug-
gists. Testimonials •tree.
Hall's Family Pills are the beat.
It WILL Have eke Greatest Possible
Member of Leap Year*.
The Seventieth ocrlter7 will open on
�y�*Qq end close on Sunday. It will
have .54 leap years, the greatest
ae54ber nteeIbis. February w111 hare
five 8a�*days three times --1920, 1948
sad 1os7*. The eaHisst pueblo date
em whleh Easter can occur is Meech
18th, Tbe last time it occurred on
that jitate War 1818. The latest
that Leer can omit is April Mb.
It w816eesr bot ase time la the rom-
Ieg os%bigy on that date -1948. The
colitery metals 86,-
M.11111" -art, la4A1Mf the day of 8,218
tt *5• 1he ill tJanuary ldlday f
idle cgs -
y lit, 1951.
will he 880 eclipses Alieng
the Oomleg century. In 1985 there
will be &even *teepees. There he
ned In ileitis Int the
United t. -10I0, 1928, 1925.
1046, ig*4, 1979, 1984 and 1994.
There will be twelve transits of Mer-
o r until Ilene win he no tressle of
A Nova 8cotlan Vernier Tells of His
Inlruse iuelerlug From Rheamatlsm
and How He 1''uusd Itellet',
(Prone the Bridgewater. A• t4, looter
Hoch wafering nu rieumatls *ides
the vl Alin upas whuue It ice 'Itself
if almost unendurable. Only tease who
willow ureter Its pangs' eau Imagine
the py of este wow lire base treat.
Iron its terrors. Mr. J. W. *'utkert--
Item, of New elms. N. ft., le one of these
w,a, have Mee coloured trout nae
and wno believer It it her duty to let
trier-Mexloo, the United iota arable calling Is runject to touch
Prater and Chant Britain. and when
It le added that the Island le a fav-
orite haunt of sea birds and that many
tuns of valuable guano are waiting
W he picked lip the reason for this
unwonted .ollcltu(1e. even in an ern
01 land -grabbing, will be apparent.
C'Ifpp.rtem Island in of Intermit In
another direction. it hs one of those
numerous stretches of land set In the
midst of the sena. sunny and other-
wise. which, after their first dor
eovrry, for many years elude all
endeavors to locate them again. 1t
has now been. as It wore, nailed 'sown
In ane particular spot In the ocean -
that le to say, its exact position Inas
been finally determint�,l by warship..
sent out for the exp?asr purpose of
searching for It and sett g all doubts
war to Its existences -and the only thing
remaining now Is that the question of
ownership *Mould be settled. It hap-
pens that there Is another island atout
400 miles eonthwest of Clipperton.
and rich In the same dep ositr that
snake that plane worth Ipssssitug. for
which ndventunpu miners are at this
moment looking.
As late as July last a vessel
natne•l the Moonlight left Altata.
Mexico, on n voyage In search of
this latest rnyerteeimis td:on 1 and
spent 52 days of fruitless labor to-
ward this end. Her captain failed
to find the place. and fearing that
his prmidk,ns and water wou:d run
,Mort, returned lean to report that
either tlee rough charts of old Capt.
Martin ani his aasxelatma were in
error or else that some strange
.elemk• phenomenon hal caused the
kat Isle to dlaappeer year. sego.
perhaps, for all that mortal soul
knows. Spice is added W tide ro-
mance by the fact that another
•Friss+ captain located the place &-
fLnitely a year or two before and
found n small Colony there. which
Colony he still nn the island. ship-
ping guand in their owe *limners
manned by numbers+ of their own
MCt3 •J'[' the Mealier porta oo the
Pacific elope of Korth and Mnut'll'
Quite a number of expedltbns
have of late been male with the
oflect of wresting this rideable se-
cret from the hnmlfll of men In
whom p imesslon It W. and of par-
ticipating In the spots. and nue of
these 4.,,yye we will no doubt hear of
a aangalnary fight for the supteen-
a d b4eatr y the o7'marapresent
turn. Although
and a psrTy
fie_ storks told about the unknown
Wand vary considerably, they al'
agree that It exists somewhere
about 400 or ISOO miles southwest
01 1'Hppertxl. In n low coral atoll,
covered with the richest of phos-
phates. The place also has Its leg-
ends of plrates' treasure). which
may or may not have had any foao-
date,io.n in fact. One of the ex-
pedlttoge of recent date erbkh have
been fitted out to look for the ha-
1,ttil was the Vine expedition. That
vessel's owner claims to have se-
cure'i him knowledge of the place
from an old sea captain tamed Mar-
tin. above referred to, who died
some years ago. aoel left an old
chart amhrtg his be'onginge. which
told of a small Wand In the south-
ern Pacific not down on the regu-
lar charts. enormously rile In
guano. -New 7.naten'l Herald.
Prayed for a Racehorse.
Dean Hole. of Rochester. EDgland,
teal' of a very innocent and gentle
curate wbo weut to a Yorkshire
perish. whit/MLA _Raele 10 eh5 bred
horses and sMMtTmn redid them.
He was .sited 00 invite 14e'prayers
of the congregation for Luce Grey.
He dki so. They prayed
three Su
days for Lucy y•the
the clerk told the curate he need
sot cko 1t any more. " Wiry. • eelel
the carate. ' 1s she dead?" "
said the clerk. "she's won Um atee-
plecbas.." -
Ver>i Rugg sUVe.
"That wee a kro1lree suggestive kb"
)t it aalticer MOM N`
aa he spoke.
Wee that 1"
Wok a sign reeding
efktler away flab 111
r l eedae ad 'leered
hustle �ie *dpeeler.'
tk' -
prenll t
Lt to
Do Not Bnffn Pain
Rbeumat4m. Neuralgia Sciatica,
Lumbago can be eared by the
me of
aim e
U.S. moldier• sad Capitalists.
Rsoor& of the U. S. War Depart-
ment show that the whit* *meant
paid by the 0o1af!! _ihr Iu IP*
• for all /t1aeitear 'f'Ol.�eg
bounty, commmtattor asioeir-
atoms, sine 1.801 to Jos* Web, 1899,
is $2,608,000,000. TAswsy records
show that the whole get paid to
the al'edltors and bomlbo*ers slur.
1881 to June 80th. 1899, wee i5'
768,000,000, or More than twice as
This Time William Bowen, of
Brockville, Is Cured of Back-
ache by Dodd's Kidney
It your Weld is pale. peevish, and
does net thrive, a dose of Miller's
Worm Powders occasionally w111
exposure. 1t esus 14,1. exposure that
oroeglit ou Ida trouble awl calmest hint
so much 'uttering before he was r6.
of It. lie rays : " zu the spring of 1N.17
I contracted rlieulnatlm. Throughout
the whole summer 1 tettered from It.
and stout the llrmt of October it be
cause O. bad Hutt 1 could out gel out
d the hoax. The palm. were located
ht my hip and tacks: sed Whit 1 suf-
fered can hardly be expressatl. I he.
'ante leo helpless I uuuld not (treses
myself without alt. Eventually the
trouble spread to my hands and arms.
and at times these would lose all feel.
lag and !wont* uaeier/. In 4ovemher
1 began uslug Dr. Wiliami l ink P111..
and after taking four boxes began to
.mprove. After using six boxer the
pains l s ableo do a brdd alday's gone d
was work.I
intend using a few more boxes. as a
precautionary wearers, and I would
earnestly advise there nattering from
this petiole' troubis to give Dr. WI'
'lam. Pink Pella ii -far trial and he
made web.
Dr. Williams' Pink fills cure by
going to the root of the disease. They
renew and build up the blood, and
strengthen the nerves, thus driving
disease from the system. Avoid Imp
tatlo.ts by insisting that every lent
vou purchase le enclose 1 In a wrap-
per bearing the full trade mark. Dr.
Williams' Pink fills for Pale People.
boulder's Seems to be • Fortunate
Trade - Second Moulder Dodd'•
Kidney Pills Reported Recently to
Have Cured.
BroekvllM. Dec. :.O.-L.)rt se ofwthe
papers reported the Ca
ark ey. a Hamilton moulder,
wad fortunate enough to (Ind n
cure for Rheumatism. This. It turn-
ed out. was Dodd's Kidney Polis, the
moat (amou■ kidney medicine In the
world. There Ise a moulder In Brock-
ville, who aur has a word • to say
recanting Dodder Kidney Pills.
William Bowen suffered with
Backache It a severe way. Back
ache le not a mere nffeetion of the
muscles or an ache In the back-
bone. Many peopie thinking the,
wee the ease. hare spent money
and time rubbing liniments Into the
back. TMJs is quite owlets, as no
amount of rubbing can reach the
Wimps where the sehe is actually
lo*a4e6. Backache le kldeey-ache
be treated an mob.
Othererlie It may develop Into
Hr tip or fame other form
of Kidney Deems In Its fatal fdrm.
Mr. Bowen says ori his cure:
Dodd.' Medicine Co.:
Uaitismeo.-1 have been troubled
with pals to my back and In the re-
line of my kidneys, and I was ad-
vised by Mr. Anew. butcher, of
this town. to take Dodd's Kidney
Polis. I was very had, being hardly
able to stand the pain. I am now
completely cured. all can highly re-
eusatnend Dodi'. Kidney Pella to any.
one troubled with Beekaclre. The
men hi the sheep will all emelt Tor
my Cats
I remain, yowls, etc.,
- Wm. Bowen.
Wbeteeile lay t Tarte
n'hate'er is the Cause 01 Ibe endless
and wild
Dislike of the Tories to Tarte?
They talk as If Tarte showed be roast•
ed or boiled.
And rent to a cannibal maze
It la ver ean be the region ora realt hem really
of the eaart.
For he's kited m he's clever. seed rings
a good s'ng
With all the arcltesumuy'a ort.
Nor epn it be fusible loyalty lacks
True 'mire in luminous Tarte ;
Fur all that he utters undoubtedly
Of "Sir John" to a gill or n quart.
No i the only excuse h can ferret ',r
F'or fury so funny to Tnrte.
1s just that for Tories In body and
Like Laurier. he's rather to' ,an'art.
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efitel!`4•rk••4i445••44.4444 P
A weekly' paper la Illinois has the
following editorial: "We are rti11
trusting 10 Providence, and the re,
suite are nil that could he expected.
The wind blew duwu our back
gate Saturday night, but the (togs
come In and rooted up the garden
plot, saving as a dollar and J► half
for ploughing. A tramp fixed thee
eat.. for a chew of tobacco."
The following somewhat irreverent
rtes) is going the 14)101415 of the press
In relation to "Fighting Bob" Evans.
brewed 10 a plain suit of clothing he
went to church on a recent runday
and seated himself in a secant pew
about midway up the aisle. Soon nf-
t'rward It gentleman and bed)walk-
ed In and seated themselves in the
saute pew.
The gentleman stood 11 an long ns'
1;e could and thea parsed his card over
to Bob, which read as fellows :
"I pay $2,200 annually for this
Bob glanced at the card and then
passed It back with the foliowtng
written on the otter side.
"You pity few darned mucin "
The preacher then' aunouncxel ss
his text : "It le bleated to fd�w,.ell W-
epetier tmetkr imre 91- .-114^ set.
Thl+ Ir fro.n the Argonaut : An old
Irbil' laborer walked Into -the luxe•
riots etudlo of an artist an'l asked
for money to obtain n meal. lin ee-
plahued that he had just brew dna=
ohargeed tress the county hospital
mei was to weak to work. He was
elven a quarter and departed. One of
roar young ladles. art students. delle
were present. said : "Mr. Madder.
can't we hire that old man and sketch
Mot? Madder ran out and caught
him. and sold: "If yon can't work.
and want to make a dollar. come back
to my rooms. The young ladle/ want
to pellet you." The Irishman hesitat-
ed, no Madder remarked : "It won't.
take long. and it's au easy' way *0
make dolly. " " "01 know that."
was cuea reply. but 01 was a wonder -
In' how tit' dial ll Oi'd get the paint
off aftherward."
Ls the ancient cethedzal of Lubeck.
In Germany. there Is a slab with the
following toacrlptlon :
"Thus speaketh Christ our Lord to us:
Ye cad me. Master, and obey me not ;
le call me Light. and aro me not ;
le call me Way, and wale me not
Ye call me Life, nn'l dealre me 1144
Ye call me Wlw. and fol.ow me not t
Te call me Fair, and love me not
Ye call me Rice'. and ask ae not :
Ye call me Et itn1. and seek m. not;
Ye call me Undoes. and trust me
Ye call me Nob1'. and eerie me nut ;
Ye cull me Mighty, and honor Inc not.
Ye call me Jua. mind fear• the not
If 1 condemn you. blame me not."
Pie Mending of Herbs Makes Cook-
. leg a Delight.
Pince the French chef brought the
gentle art nt o'okery across the sea,
and since peoMe have had and by
leisure W cultltate and appreciate
art, we are drifting out from the
semi -barbarity of primitive food, and
demand a higher flavored and more
complex form of cookery•
The cook makes Ilia tiny bouquet of
hay leaves net herbs, which gave
feet .e.admiorlhable renascent flavor
that is one of the ch,irnte oC weeds -
cooking, albeit as tantalizing ogle ; for
If, woutan like. you try to nunlyle the
(lessor for your own put r experiruente,
unless you know the secret of the
•• bouquet" you are on the eltase of
now y tagtie (t, and now len don't,
that lees }'ou more puzzled titan be-
To ..etre the best results from the
varlotu herbs la the home onoking, a
genuine Cid-farltloned herb bed should
he found 1u the kltcheu garden. Here
man) varieties will be grown, for
which we would not think of tngdir-
leg 1n the weekly mnrketlig ; and
where such a garden flourishes it will
be netannery to preserve the fla-
vor. of the different herbs by having
y�jtIpw safely dried end stored before
11te7 are inhtre4"by the frost. The
stens should be cut and hung In the
shade for a few days to dry. When
sufficiently dry strip the (eaves from
the stem. and store them in wide
mouthed .glass bdttles or jars, which
should be securely covered and label-
ed and .towed In the pantry. Then
when occaelon nre.eel for their nee
In the wluter cooking It is much
enaier to make pleasing combinations
of sariuus flavors If there I. such a
sanity at hand for immediate use In-
stead of packed away In dried hunches
in sane distant store room.
The herbs mid for medicinal par -
poses, and for fragrance, in memo,
Mon with these prepared for cook-
ery, w 111 make mete a list when dried
and stored. We *111 want the anise,
holm, t111 me, 'monster savory, sweet
Men, and the oorlander and caraway.
Then for cold., ere., we must More
the buerb ound, catnip end penny-
royal. Of the aromatic herb. we mast
store the rosemary, the lavender, and
the southernwanl (artemesla abora-
tum). And the camomile and berga•
mot of "ye oldtlme gardens" must not
he forgotten. The seed po& of the
latter 0111 be found Useful for pickled;
and with .uuc11 a Mt from which to
choose the practical cook will soon
become an expert in subtle flavors.
Non-tartft C'ompaule• and the Hoard
The ring of non -tariff fire Insurance
Companies baa been very much
atrengthrned by t11e advent In the
field of the Victoria.-Mont'rea1, a
strong company (eon] Montreal. char-
tered by special act of the Dominion
Parliament. While the compatible*, oat-
eide the Board of Underwriters were
few and had to curtail their lines to
email holdings, as their beeriness was
spread over 0 comparatively restrict-
ed urea, very little headway could be
made, but now that a powerful eom-
way, doing brslneer all over the Am-
erican continent, has cast Its Mt
with them, the strength of the Board
to dleetete rates and condttlons will be
fall)- Meted.
mare. _ _ _
Waltzing Mlles and Mlles.
An extent*, waltz takes a dancer
over about threegaarters of a mile,
a aquAre dance makes him cover half
et mlb. A girl with a well-filled pro-
gramme travels Ohne In care evening:
Twelve wattass, nine masa; four other
stances at hall a tale apiece. which Is
hardly a fairly big @etlllane.. two miles
more; the Intermission stroll, and the
trips to the dreaming -room. to renotate
her gown and rwnplexfop. half a mile ;
grand total, eleven and a half miles
Five Hundred Dollars in prizes for
mentions of Myster'i Mort' (in Cal-
ifornia monthly {paper.) Big thing
for canVamnrs. Read for terms to
The Register, len Jacinto, (1l.
Rio d* Janeiro. Deo. 111. --The Gov-
* Boase will offiela0y pro -
the awned of the are-
ae Perks oe pert of
frontierthe n ealbeware the OM/a{o and
Tektites .iHte1S. whit* territory, 1t le
awed. Weep 00 Braid. qd wee not
included in tide, prososett estelokolibas
the Orlbenal with& arbteratd the
Britisk-veeawelae gesNlma-
A doge d MUler'0 Were Powders
oacerrio9elty will Mer the Chides
I he -Signal-
u wsu.sae
Ns + w. -u rLt.Ie'l'UL i.
Terms .1 N►eeMps•en• ,
Qar•meptn, 1a ear's« is
TT s s maedi e. le
els soothe » 1 te
am roar,
Advertising 1*W'
Legal sed other eaesal sell vrty.meats% Iso.
par line for list nae rib'. as 1 3 cisme per Una
ler saab b•oasatlaesr4oa. Meurr•d by
a nee eels.
S.y pude et six tom sad wader. M pas
/pend. Stwyd
elAat ea„ekINt does Wanted set
Beal .se Chance+.Wsetead. o_t .sae.dlss $
.�aar � m S
se�wt aha . 1•serer H *(t
Aar •pMe worms IN et.4-1-4.4
=.11',.....,... o.e sur advertise.
sag el' ge ore ems M
ss1settless 1� tee
Seesper word. No 1fforr lemon tkaa fah
6.a v� deet b.4temoo�s. 1 rata and
regularrl▪ ybby maul wiilll seater • laver
awls Passib1 reg as of the do. at as early •ed1 Y
Wises •.hems set address r ie.haus.
Weald awl the sow address she
....fee Pe We►.sre 0.04...
J. O. Ire Teasel. of Oo,.r(re, tee base ap
pointed Local Tr.velllooag Anent for tb. Tows -
elms et Oodertoh, censors., Asbiell eel
Leal posunseun over i{kae dredrlet are aLe
empowered to revolve •ebariptlean y Tet/
slop a t -
AU ohmmaaloatloo. mast be add
D. Y0O11.Llr'UDD ae
T.lephou. Cain Ila TaQo 00sh.gO;5,
She Endorsed It.
She handed the cheque to the pay-
ing teller. She was calm and collect-
ed, as if It was an everyday matter.
"Madam," said the teller gently,
"you have forgotten to indorse it."
'Indorse it t with a little worried
Year; you most write your name
on the bank here to allow that you
w111 repay this bank in raee the Issuer
of hhu cheque &hotrod tall to answer
our Cali.
Oh l" eh* said, aoeepting the pen.
Whoa, the teller looked at the
cheque again this is what he retie:
"The -- bank has always paid up
what it owes, and you need have no
worry. Therefore, I indorse this
cbeque. Very truly yours, lira. J. B.
Blanks"-Syr.enss, N. Y., Herald.
reeding. the nanueks.
The magnitude of this work of teed -
Ing the Canadian eoatlUpat onboard
the Sardinian will be retiHad wises
It In known that at a midday dinner,
for lnataa00. *omatking over twelve
handled pounds sire• meat *ave to be
cooked and over three Misdeed bap
of potataeu boiled, to sal sothine of
the soup that had to bb made and
the vegetables that hem to he pre-
pared and served. All she bread used
boar& and
is gor0' S0 i 14 itas6 L had
keep ap
NsA Aad
store ` the shlplsaaaA�irr
thi1w4404 ras
Oeid oale etwaes
l, 1014y toes of�
• and
partesetee 1 belated lied hey
Word hese bees received Leos 11»•
of the overdue steam.
rtatIng that the vssae sea. bet that the crew
b e
le safe and effectual for the
cure of Diarrhoea. Dysentery
and all Sumner Complaints.
It never fele,.
OH, 8H0 DAN('E8 S1'('H A WAY.
Women Waltz and (ialop Vitt een
Mlles In an Evening.
.A Chicago phyaecian with a .4.11s-
tiral turn of Meta has been estimnt-
irlg /ba proper distance covered by
n woman to dancing through the or-
dinary ballroom programme.
IAn average welts, thm doctor ere
limstea, taken one over three-quar-
ters of n mile. A square dance makes
you mover hell a mile; the same dis-
tance is covered in a polka, while ■
rapidslop will oblige you to tra-
verse just about n mile. -
Say there ars twelve waltses, which
i0 a fair average. This alone makes
gine miles. 'Three gallops added to
This makes the distance twelve miles,
while from three to floe other dans
at half mile each bring up the to-
tal to from thirteen to (loess miles.
Thin, (no, is without reckoning the
prrxnenaie and the extras.
"As n me.,n• of exercise," says the
phywic:nfl, "it will flop. he seen that
strewing etnnda at the head of the Ilet.
In golf, for instanee, the major pert
of the exercise consents in the walk-
ing around the links, following up
the ball, ani yet, even in golf, not
an much ground le covered as in an
evening's dancing.
The atmosphere of the ballroom is
eatar,tee-i wits earbcxt:o acid gas and
dust, laden with germs. While the
muscles of the legs end calves are
being increased in mise the general
health is being impelred by the qual-
ity of the n:r. The aptlety belle is not
content with *n occasional ball, but
attends one marl/ every Nikita. All
the benefits of the eternise disappear
ewe lbs belle ie left little better 401l
the etnetng."
Coat of 'Wars.
A peace society In London makes
the estimate that the wars of the
last twenty-five years among civilised
nations --and they bave been com-
paratively peaceful year. -have Dost
a total of *13.266,900,010. This sum,
aeoording to the same authority,
amounts to 1110 for ever man, wee
man find chit our the habitable globe.
Seven great power. In Swope In •
period of 1lz years spent nearly
000,000000 041 armies and- navies
and the debts of three nations In
1091 amounted to $15,000.000,000.
Haw ar'ver failed to mire Diar-
rhoea. Dysentery and Rum-
mer (tnmpinlnt In the Inst 25
TRIGREIDAY. DEC. 28, 1899.
CAladled l' HiV se.
altar, Nhillor' 't `qua `e
Cossm.rce Uhast levels
• tDt ry ea over
Hall. Square. Ood.rkoh.
e deur. ComrulsAore , k . 11[[aah
Wrests. Qm deb O Hamilton .. BL les
11.-. Le. Office: N .rte et., ...It dear brad
oMoe. Private Funds to lead at to wait are
of ut ries. ares
barsew, Q.(., W Proudtoot. Q•derteL ii
Secret. Drawers 1a Permits
" Wait people seem to think." said
a maker of fnrnttnre. "thee mere
drawees and hidden receptacles to
furniture only exllvt le sorsa and
plays. bet Star le by no neon. so.
I fife nwqmprof tette Order, far
each lessee aur I employ a clever
WOMB . da1111011*. who mho*. poaltlre
pains to pilikaire places of nat-
uralises* whisk so amount of tap-
e r 50gaartog 00,144 reveal. I
eeeg1� siren webs the bellow
resees1* soarer"! the woodwnr
BBOQ�NI HOLTt HOeeM . 1)_ tRltlb
Cameron. B.0 µ, P. Het. Lr
O. w A RD. CON V CY A N C E R, Av., AND
r.00n„ranooee tar ill..rtaking amd& 1. or arma-
dans. depositions or solea.. deelarelMoe la or
cono.rnh'g sty notion, suit or premalMMi lm
the Hleh Court et Jua4oe. the ('vert a Ansae
for Ontario, nr In any Cousty or Dlvtalen
Uourt A 11 1' aneactlone caretolly and
assented. Itmidesos.red P. O.
Manor. Ont •
Apropos of something or ether, It
loathers little what, it writer in the
London Lewder tell+ tit.' following
yarn, which he credits to n recon
teur named Knowles:
Snooty' resolved that It was high
Rime for the curtain to fall in his
ono.. He felt that the tact scene In
the last act was over, that h. had
dnl*hee'l the third ,volnpaa that him
peroration war eomplete4, and that
he would, Mere/ore. remote Ills seat
forever and drop out of sight eter-
nally. The National Anthem wag to
be played and the lights tarried off
while Stooks adpurned to another
Flo he got a p♦etol end a rope and
rcauo low -flash oil and some phooey -
Jew matches ant some deadly p01011.
He tied one end of the cops with et
slipknot round his neck and the other
Feld motel the branch of it tree on r►
cliff overhanging the wean. He rooked
bis clothes with the low -flash. 'twill
lowed the poison. applied n lighted
phoesy Jaw match to hla low -flash gar.
meets, Pawed off the cllff,'and fiyecl
the pistol at his head.
But the pistol Moot cut the rope.•
he fell into the sea, the water put rut
the flames. some salt water went
down hie throat and made hem sick.
getting rid 01 the po{mn. "and," 'add-
ed Mr. Knowles In a ver7 imprewlve
manner. "If he had not been a darned
swimmer he would have been
(trourned "
An English paper tells of the won
.lerfnl deal nt poker seen recently at
elmla. Indio The pack had the smell
oar& out up to the Ax, and when the
bands dealt four out of live. players
"Mood." The game procewrY4 In the
natal way, and wheat the four hands
were exposed. they were found to be
a royal flesh to the king, a royal flush
to the (pqenm. four noes and ' a king
I full.
1.0A7er AND INrU141sCIt
Notary. Proctor 114661ms Court. 011....
Ilton street.
• eldest loeursoc• Agent; la lowest lowest rates.
Wee: Cor. North at and oars. (dodsrlo` 74
of Private Funds tor investments*, uses
est mom .'e rrs4claes mortgages. Apple be
uan►1mNa11. aane Real bests d•q Loaning
Anuli. Only gntelar oonI...111ea rrp'eees
Money to lead on at might loans. *t ins bowme
rale or latere4 going. In any way to epl.t the
borrower. Office: Second door from Bq�`1war.!
West street. Ooderlrh.
�( am.
M .lt�wd E:pr.aa p.m
Mail end Express pari Pm.
Mali sM express. SAO an.
Mired La pass.
D .NTIrr*T.
OolS Uing. rows sad Bre
W..a a•
15 Years' Exp
Le Knrgeon SIatlsst aat4 :1119
for all dental e�rwgeas peau
*.rural tea • .p..L)l'y Olen70... .sl
et. and payers lap stales). Eetrares ea 1105
Telephone, No. Ito.
Inserts on Plante.
A good and Pimple method of drly
ing Meeota fmm planes was acci-
dentally discovered by a French-
man. He foeni that the heaves of
the tomato plant would drive away
the insects. Ile go►Mel the shrub or
plant he wised to rid of Insecta
wltb loses, of the tomato plant and
etas the odor dress them away. Then
to make a staple process ha math a
demonise of the trash tomato
leaven sat a eprb6ob t as
dfeMlva and NOM
gbl Mle aid&• b Ji -anything.
Rather Uatate, I1. *bought.
Pat-•Ahnre, an' thls 1a a motility
queer wnrrl l Mlek-How'. that now,
ascend Irbild Mai ea be oat awayt'at f Pat -We it's Ponce tell. Yea
se nomplet ail tie t.deelatngs. Merit one*► how Dan llmaegna got C50 for
d the ardent sows from woman -and the black eyes les got 1n that ear n(!M-
Mefi pgo*y, 01 60srse-arid m 1 have drat, and here's e wed two Os.*
no doubt tMt 1 deers to bids wilt eyes aa' ms heed all wnnshed ap well
neail the Areata - had1'to t f� y1 0 t hige at e Polka
• ryeoTHTURMBD..9.a.
Dr. Dixon,oYoodI
Oel� _ IlpNf>T!
art laelal mooattal se a� w
ha.... 8 attendee Mesa
ration the roasts' testi
tea's sew block.
A t'('T1 orrwri141(0.
Insurenoo Agent. Ood•1Mhh., Om. Agent
London and Lancashire Fire Ina Ce.,the
Die Set Mutual Ina. (.a sales attw�ed to In
any part of the comity. Mer
Binder Twine Outlook.
The outlook for next season's imp
ply of binder twine le sornewhat un
certain Stocks of raw materiel at
the different factories' throughout
the ik.tniniot. except the (bntrel
Prison. are adenose exhtansted. The
(event bilk ..t the hump homes (rook
Melilla. Should the present b nekkade
In the Philippines. 4.. nttntlnurri daring
next summer. the .apply from other
emeries will prolvehly not he aufflclent
to meet the derma i. /ewe the Morrk
ail► o mmesave(1 the price has .leen
rapidly. if It be terenenewrl soon the
price will likely take a sodden Atop.
there twinge It Is saki. an Immense
amount of hemp In the Phtllppinee
ready kw shipment. The present sup
ply la imported from Great Britain.
nealli M tiOJ111111111111.
W. ' Ati�paAk.�ti� Li
The Prefere.ce a 8meeese.
It le early yet. as Lord Strathoena
and Mr. Ritchie acknowledged. to ate -
tempt to gauge the full effects of
this preferential treatment. But, -
s0 far, the results are distinctly en-
couraging. The downward movement
in the Bottled' imports, which . had
been apparent ren long, has been
checked. in Its place we have an ap
pr.elable and healthy growth. Tim.
1lgnran which the High Commi05054 pe'
had specially obtained from the Zeit-
Ish authorities shot" that Canada's--
parches/0 of British goods for the
twelve months ending July lest -the
first complete year during wblch the
fell reelection of 25 per cent. was In
force -£6,171(,1194, vas countered with '
*5,088,00() In the oorrespoShcng period
of 1tStR-97. This advance Cott mane -
thing like 2e per tient. shrew plainly
enough that a new era has Iresetn.
Tee prnctlral vales of the spectral
conversion which Canadian pmtrkrttam
and atatesmaaship Java granted 0*
the 0r101sh exporter e, proved to be of
real value and ut111ty. Whatever the
extent or the manner la width it
may be practicable tor the Dentin -
km Government to give kite fertile*
��eost show alevines
la turning to nese
Dolpht Stale opportanity be .treacly a s-
jay..-4A0don Canadian Gamete,
PaCI Retort.
An Irishman went to a Rooteh emit -
tractor several times and meal elm
for a 71,b. This 8aoteman. tired of the
man's perseverance. told hire to go to
the .1.2411, sad Iwo If he could est a
Jab there. " Ah f nurm, los ntl 'tont. Fre
leen to h1m." Nal thy' Irishmen, 'and
he's taking nobody on but flootsmett."
it le often by those who Mo not
speak for tit that the truth of Oat
le most Clearly spolem.-Dr. Fat/ -
fit. Petersen. advheoe a0OSw.s
the death on Dec. 11th of the Meru -
War Anton Kostil. the treses plea.
Ire, eked ea Mase.