HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-21, Page 8e 8 Timoll/DAT, Deo. 21, 1891, THE SIGNAL : GODERICH ONTARIO. Christmas Novelties! CHRISTMAS PRESENTS WV'S. A regular $1.25 Glove, in ail new- est shades : new blue, oerei.e, tans and brown, going at $1.00. HANDKERCHIEFS and NOK WRAPS Lovely lnceedge / \ Handkerchiefs, special at 2 for 25r. Silk, with hem- stitch and initial, at 25c. Children's cold ani . Handkerchiefs. Men's silk Neck (°• Wraps. What mair •s• njoer or more wel- come present than • nil Plaid *alit, • h0144Mne Black Skit• or '.'Silk Waist? We have • large selection in these lines for Christmas at special prices DWAN KrTS Amor I Blankets and Comforters, Flannels, Flannelettes, Table Linens, Lovely Muslin Drapery. Special Blankets et $1.50 per pair. Handsome Pillow Shams at 51c., SI lad as per pair. LOVELY BATTENBUR6 CENTRE PIECES, REAL RAND MADE. VISIT OUR TWOSSTOBZB TOR OHRIBTMAB WANTS. CASH AND ONE PRICE ! Smith giro's & Co. Notice d eittttges mast Ire III11 ILININidul1 04di-- later than t nods. fie Copy for 1l mad be MO sok later than Moe - day noon. QnS1 Advellisemaab accepted e1 9e Lasa Offilleeday d each weak. Me kirk en the disputed waINSisene M. twee. Ws. Craig and the Mwesk4. sad Chet the reeve aid Jobe Mlddiete. be • •rami►tee to meet the raiser whets tak lug the level. f1 wrier deviled to dolor the woes N W s. Orsla %yeast the . tows ship. The reeve was one- Mr& te look after the taproots et the tewa.Mp. Mo'.1 by Job. Woods. e,emedd by Jetts Middle ton. tail the oolleeter's wets for oellwtta/ lora be .xbsu4ed Se snood Meade, to Jae• airy. The varies, obeoks laced will opera 1s the Ite...rr's report Unset adioarr 9f t.Me4DIKAPAitlli.-4ole -Butane, Deesaber lata. Gelber'* rubel net •e the tee lip •all. All the monition wen proses , minutes of last meed.: won read sad p..s.d. The following animate wee or duel i. be paid : Jeer McK.ight, re• pairing eeleerI. 11 50 ; 1y 11 1 Marrows, Mle. W 66 ; Horace Hones, reveres" grad- er, 76o ; Jobe Duetow, lumber sad revelries ouly.rt, 87 15 ; Richard ko,llerd, lancet - tog, eel : hilts Jamas Waite. gravel, i6 45; James.)o.... outverl, 115 t Jean Symtostos, mayor', 15 50; lobo Syslague, enrol and road to pit, $5 20; Ja000 Weer, tied work. fl4 ; Ilene* PMadaitee, re outwore, $b ; Jake Oke, road wo. , 13 ; Robert Fetjford, i .s'. oil, 20o.; Jame Hor• toe, teedikit Itk, iN 26 ; James Mltobell, dirk, fib ; George Feeler, sbarpealsg armlet knife, $1 50; James I& bell, bury• 1.04 sheep, eel ; James Jewell, plank sad spikes for culvert, 820.; Allen 'Mebane. gravel, ill 90; THE Slu'At., pristine. $6 50: William Streaghea, •elver', $14 50 • Jamas Sand', gravel. $1 56: A Seeds, review as engineer, $11 95 ; Michael Sweats, gravel, 2 75 : John 3ande, buddies oalvest, 19 07 ; Robert Glee, tile oslyert, $1 ; Robert Olen. term two days on ender. 16 ; Thomas McPhee, rep•Irioe Calvert, 11; Thomas Good. road work. 111 50 ; tYllllem McIntyre, gravel. $13 ; Emanuel souel Mltobell, f, 16 • W.Uua Svmiugtea, graining. 110 15 ; Job. Robeson, 'elven bad re- pairs to old culvert rod artisans*, 130 50; Thomas T•bb, 'advert, $3 ; W ULam Collso son, culvert, $3 ; Henry Hatt, grevelisi. 75o.; Willem Stringer. gravel sod re- pairing bridge, M 96: .l. T. G.Idthoro•, lumber, 412 96; Thomas Ilene. cravat 130 90 ; Rlokard Resides, reed work, $12 ; Jona Treble, road work. 7bo.; Robert Mo Millie. graveling. 13 75 ; Ab..r Morrie,, read work. $3 : W. C Retorters, burying .beep, 60o ; Dared Bone, road work. 11 WHIMS Bogie, Iw9SOU.g, $2 50: Jots Clark, onvelis4• $35 ; Ales Steads, road week. 129 20: JP. B. For.ter, gravel and ,.epseung, 17 90 ; H. Dodd. lumber, $16 75; Julia Barker, read work, $6 1b A letter was reed ltd. E Hearn, 0.m- elaialag that brick was pat against tbs it.ee nils Arrctt( uo.prrty, dae'.'M' demi- ses.' the feaos Oe mou.m of Robertson sad Taller lbs clerk was trent:nod to write Mr Beams that tae 00000il did not aathor- i1. the game. Java= Taylor rveti.aasoadmd by Alin. aeuiesld the ,anramsuy ecoordfae to the reed d tfkseierels. 0a the carols Warn - bin preleea .Ivt.g Mier eerie te the a. i ll .tfsallWe "feaster eit1.ded is rant tt a head .t fer.sMrp mad admitted them as elders of the search sed rosin of Lrebarn Prsaaytires chinch. TomD.Y, Doo 19. Joseph Healy was is Oedertab last sesk as • grad juryman at the wearier sees;on.. Wish he t.Iiow peptise 6e west to C11111.00 10 roper t6. meaty hoarse of refuge. rTlara he met several of the i.m•tee who were ear former readouts in chi. Notion. Twl bad m•ZY soqutries to make •bast cid edgbbore sod (needs. Ii.ODc1 Norge. -There sill bs • .1, el.' eoll.onoa nest Sabbath for the tut:.•:-th 000ta•y food. ...Oa Wednesday aft/ soon el this week the W. M. A 8 of the oburoh will bold their monthly meeting la' the school room Oe the 29 h last. the Saadiy school seho'•n will holt an aster. t.tmmaet at the church. Dore open at 7 ✓ N. Proo.dmas te crosser .t 8 rel. sharp. DUNGANNON. NOTICE.- The lest even I• D ass• ter Tea 8eneyreseyu. r� at the emir of J.Y. Rdnw Mss ler a asi rlptioaa v will nerve Pilo .iater. an. w ortb •i sad or- wera, and is autkrted t. eve melee far .m.enm.aI4 far the erne GA «IWTON, DINT19T, OF LUCK,- .. new. will vi.It DMeei. AU millorw meth. els se gn,aw°w es lit sad ala as e mrandd1.Wlsg. end sa0l1 ant. Seleti". Moe. ant ese ate Melee teller ey. Rogan 1 s Is. to I o.a W aDagaDar Doe. 20:h. Ws whit ell ear sitters • very merry W. Ryas, 31 Ashfield, has sold his Seem te Mr. W ally, of the same township, kilt • pad mem Jens HMae, e1 Kt•o•rdine, formerly of Degypeeli, was hen on badness In sea - media with Me lama, J. Jekam1,o •.d wife, of Miektga.. sews yams age reddens et Cn sferd, •r0 Adam rwtaMves here. David Boil bas reeved from Port Albert hide W now preeness which he recently per.baaai hem Jan Medd, V.9. Thera are three conditions W hen the blood is poor; When more flesh is needed; When there is weakness of the throat or lungs. There is one cure: that is Scott's Emulsion. It contimf tie"beet cod' ' t. liver on' 'U s a; 'or di- gested, and combined with the hypophosphites and glycerine. • It promises more prompt relief and more last- ing benefit in these cases than can be obtained from the idle of any other remedy. and I*..o, all Maybta *COTT • SU W rik, LJ.mbn• Sessile\ Robertson, and carried, that the sorke. Moo ba held at the tow..bie ball os Friday, 22nd December, at 1 o'clock r.w , end. it a poll be deo .odea• t!e election be held ea Morley. t1.. 1st day of January, 1900, et the areal peilua places, F. W. MCDoN•on, (Berk. nom & KYiBBt Uig taken ad Biers UrmlmM of Menethuseto Col- lets of E.b•laie5, WHITS RT Ay(D N1GHT. OM D♦ AND RATA ANL .4NplODe 1IOU8 A IalfT1O14. • s iu amca. eek. MILL WOOD FOR SALE. The • ove it out into stove wood Louth and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at maidens, 128 Cambria street, will receive preempt attentitw. Phone 98. PETER MCEWAN. Uoderiol. November 92 t, 1599. 53 3m 1113 POINTS 3 rat PAYD• 01 111 ,DE -CARBON STEF L! I The stockiegr* the week will get mon than special steatite la the wash, and ihs how many • pair will base • careful trupro Men to nos that the needle entrees no boles, sad afterwarc'. how miry • pair will be pot sway till Sandal' night and thea giver t. the .robins to pat up on the bed poets, for sely,Saota Clens re see them ie the dark- er. of Christmas ewe after 11 r. m. to 811 them with 1004• teases .f lova. DUNLOP. Tnmomr, Deo 12th Themwldt•1 wmtaaMoo will be bald Mr. and Mrs. H Horton 'mined • 1e the teweahlp hall of West Wawsaoh oo pleasant visit to D.ng.••oo the week Friday, the ffiod inst., •► 12 o'olook. Jim* Setters, of Blyth, formerly of Wait Newnan, reeaUy sold 61e farm in Womanise to Wm. Ryas for *beat $3.800. The ma.iolpal ooano11 of West Wawa. meg held their statutory mann, o. the Ike. whoa till the members were preesnt W Ms basemen of the year pretty well wised °p. D..gbaDos and vanity on bort of s ' goad salty people over eighty yearn of are as wallas Odertoh- 34,. Wrenn Smiley and Mrs. Mary Yowls. of Went W ewsaosh, ✓ e both is 111• neighborhood of 88, sod Alm Joh.eteD, also of West Wsweoosb, t. layer • of 90. Hugh Moreland, of Nile, 10 ever 80, Weeds miry other. The tea seeUag .° Moedsy evening was W as.00ses'al as was hoped, owlet to to .lame.{ weather. Re,. Mr. Fairbairn noted Mr. and Mn R Summera•11 entertained • large Dumber of young people at a snivel dewier Dirty Wedueed.y of last week. Mies Dors McNeil entertained • lora• n umber of her Carlow friends st to family residence, Loohia•ar, Thur.day e1 last week Mrs Threaten, of (ioderiob towoship, on her way homeward trona ratios relas•v.s at Loeknow, wee the gusset of her sari', Mn. Thcs. Tiohbourne, tot several days 1 tit week. Mee Aoole Woods, from the fourth eon nasion, Ooderioh township, with her cousins Sure sod Chas Willie, of the Hieflsht road, were the quests of T. A Hanghtoo, of Orchard Cottage, last weep. John Cog, .t warden of Huron, a: d Mrs Cis and ler. and Mrs. Hall Rutledge, of Porter'. Hill, enjoyed • pleasant •id. M oar is airman and Rev Mr Hatton gas • burg fast w •k, blas the guests of Mr. and , ,y omeapt•ble address. Tho Manohatar Air.. Tb.. Tiobbeune during their stay Prabyteree ohoir bad the enure. te 0000 TV.,DAT, I1s0. 19th Mi.. Sarah MoK.y, of (derioh, 1e y .:t- ing old !reeds here. fbregaga Ise rale, and setertat.d the 0.110..s with mayoral o6etoe and appropri- ate ssbsY..i. They deserve great praise kg engin{ eat la web roach weather. The prsaamis •m.1.see t• .bout 136. SLUEVALit. TomsaY, Den. 12t11. Walter Ha g1. eNM'Mlaed a .umbar of W frb.le fat tealay striae. Min Tem Rosier, .t Brussels, visited Mrs. Gomm M.Des.ld last week vas. sad Harry M.Hardy. of Gderiob, are bctidayi.g at their hostel* the rinses W111 Stewed, while oet101 wed h iLl.g'a bush, gave Me feet • Salty Cat reefs Me • s 11 will 1•y him off work for a ample of weeks. The 8a.day *oboe' .f the lletbodW eb.ron of the tillers Intend bolding their sneer 06rleesr e.tertal0me.t es Friday evease. Dreen6er aged. Gomm Radom, w6e has bees fiese1.a cl Me lax eempeey for the past two yens. k0. prcesrcd . 1•erative podtira I. aa is - masts ogee s1 QIIro, Welt. The ta.M-salkd•el minter chew will take pass ea Tuesday .v+ug. December Nob. A fall erase 10 expiated ..d we feel c.re as set will be h sap: misted. Matey Patterson km moored • dM - .34..t Hs...'c, 1. Wiseessi. We bel sae that Hart will make • ....gas A what. weer he swat% sad that 6M employers will 4.d blot M be mho riled bey 111 t6e right Sere every ohne. mitati oos ee & Shephard have s large stock to choose from for useful Christmas Presents. awl' as -- Heating and Cooking Stoves, Lamps of all kinds, - Carving Sets, -� of Dodd's Kidney Pills are legion. The bog Is imitated, the outside coating and shape of the Rills are imitated and the name-Dodd's IGdney Pills is Imitated. Imitations Me cotes. The original le safe. Dodd'. 1:kl- y Pilo lave a reputation. Irnita. torn have now or they wouldn't Imitate. So they trade on the reputation of Doll'. Kidney Pilo. Do not be deceived. Thaw is only one DOIJ'S. Dodd's ie -fate original Dodd's is the alum to be owe ful about - Alive Klanohe Videao, of the U,roular Tows, ie visiting io our midst. Mies f3suoby, of Doeg•neoo, •Ia1trd her deter, 34,.. H Horton, this week. Me.day of ler wv.k our former town - meta, Martin Finland, sad Thos. O'Neil, of Ktaan, enieysd • plea.nt trw1101 vale hero. Clea Carrot, of (derlok, Belayed s 6se day's /kitting ea oar foe plots last Saturday. He was the guest of hes friend, Loftus Cemml..a Taos. Jews'. formerly of our burg, now of Dakota, a bene ee a vblt te bis mother, sad darts, kW nay will we lastly of his relatives and freak i• this township. MUNICIPAL 000NCILS• O-LHYS KIDNEY PILLS TINY TIM. New many of us have spelt dee ■ M " sloes hour with Dickens' W Icy Tim." He pleased gm became be was for ever helping, or ready to /bsIp some unfortunate. Dr. Hope's TINY TABLETS are doings exactly the same thing. They ere helping thousands of aeforturte Nervous, brokes•dowu people t6 got strong. One URN TINY TABLET after ..cb Nissl and before retiring will give you New Ute. If you hest thud -ITS NERVES. TAKE. I Nr Brot RED NOM utrrtn.D. Ambled .o.sdl (set es Di1smb. 1516 .n ohs .ambers' present. Mete. et pewter's asenyai rad sad appr.vd. A swabs, of elegem welts tossed, eblob will appear in tbn aseasial rtaMmeet la • far Com The pdselpal Md.aso of the day was to pay over the wheel moseys to the dtffweet althea treasurers la the townalllp. 1'he .0.sell roes was.ewdd fer street three bean 1a tits afteems: •iter all it was oeseidmod the nateteet Deenrebarmem Ise Aeries the lass fourteen yeah. At 6 .'abet the 6sdssm of the day tied fr the Oar ISM was M1.Mnded. -. W. BroTu... LEkf3URN. Tee nag, Dee. IYN, Mks Solna Sonic., .1 Rlsgikidtg. 1! O utMss se Mr. • ed 3410. 34. Pe e. lRimw void Tommi Mw. 34. ()_ Bagf. from Dor she Merl amaands., Wall As germ .t br torr . letter, We. J. Dele.., ae ber sew her 1.4658 .mmisi.e d 11.4.rl.k Mew sh i, Thenekg .1 het wast. oar kik mei are .ph a deep treed ever the lepresee .i e..t6m of skein .em ral s1- 105 kap. la w mawet Wes e131.11. rhe kr /D1.If 1st10 hs, 1. Y. wile-, edam Mr Ms hleswnrelei e. Tao weleMkrn A is 'sews 34.34.... end agog , A' Iq1 .1 i *Mulles e �M ter slue er Neem mmWM edia The Stine last, Ile, sonMabe r Y Dr.slmt• b g1aN.frrar ttrp ass 1$ -mac Gifts Table and Pocket Cutlery, Plated Knives, Ito rim So eons, Hockey or Spring Skates. &,31 many other things too numerous to mention. Lee & Shephard Steam B&ler ffepairiog� SIM anaha r1. Th.. ere Cully gur+eisd mot m warp er A They wW loot s Illettm.. An. deet ewe Is 10 mon Mr for Bohner kern sad Si. gusniateirl 10 .v. ono -third fool. 6.he better .ad rudlotc more tte•t vasa .ey o11er 1. the tearer Oen sed rot s511 14ea 1 ban .10 the .tele aa..0y for 11. gaiety Worm *Sr t e.erws.r. wbkb is fun? rmra.- teed te he tee mast .aol..', .00soslcal. dor Ik►t roof sed hesitant be.al.g dais*Mw It for yourself before you decide. for n.mmaa. msetNL. 1ts- a...t.ve Mee a. The Goderich stew boiler works having been removed lam Uoderlcb, 1 have made arrangements to carry on boiler repairing and also the manu- facturing of smokestack... etc. Repairing of boilers, engines and other machinery promptly attended D. K. STRACHAN, Machinist, Goderich. Works on V ictoria Street,. VI074 OPBBA HMO I ONETiQIOli TO1'LY. .0,11,01 'rewriter,. MONDAY, Dee Stb. Usenet mast today.Tse telle. 11iag se. eerie were maid : 'r gr• .1-W.. Ei• 11.11, ons. Wm. 0.3Maa6.1764H, Rob. M110 90. D. Jwhan► -. 1.1.18. Wm. ersey. p 96, Jas. Uss.1Ly, $3 95. 0. 1e•sene. $4.76. D. J. Sures. 17 50. Wm. b. $471 0r..6, Jas. MoDa.s d. $16 GO, T. Y°telse. 48, E. Comptes. 196.64 1 Thar. W aN6.rald, tarries* se 1.41001 as Wil. sen's ilea. lit I Hallett Ww.aklp, bel.... A enpad1w w ho•edery B.. 15 12 i J. bare, W., $ 60 : BN lined a mlt h, 410. Tile es0..t1 ad$..reed M .510 lits se the 1146 .r De.mska. Mame Walla, Clrt. eeeea101 veenity. Dos. IStI. M/99. O.1nMl stet today. Mksabe of lass laws►• be wens read '.:J 7asegstawesseeled byaWWth,tbie I6s itwee1Np segl.A' be requested M take 9 FRIDAY,un DECEMBER - The same of tette achievement, WHY SMITH LEFT HOME. SAVE THE WORRY I fILSINGER, (4755 Tsui QUMTIVN Oi Christmas Ppts,• Take s look through our store -we have many things that will be of use to you, and appreciated by your friends. J. P._BROWN,- Farmingjmpiements and MACHINERY. 1s14:,:Ali-ql;0;4, V 44, , s V rt 1 TALE ♦ POINTER FROM BANTA OLLUBM who i. -°ailing every daynow to 611 his .sok ;Pith oar lovelyBILK, VEL- VET and FELT SLIPERS for the hale folk -.veil 250. and 50o. per pair. Piaeo8, (hank Sem Ingo SSE OUR RANGE OF TAN and BLAOK SLIPPERS for men. We have them in Alligator, Gest, and flee Viol Hid, hi ell the Clew styles-priges from $1 to $2 per pair. Special valves at $1 aid 61.18. The Felt Slippers with leather soles, only 40o. pair. FOR THE LADIES We have some really nice goods in FANCY TOE sad FELT SLIP- PERS. We can give you a fancy Felt in Green and French Plaid, with Leather Soles-- only 500 pair. How would • pair of our QUILTED SATIN, FUR -TRIMMED SHO KS- lovely goods -be for baby's Xmas boat Nothing slaw or more woeful. Felt Slippers only 15c. pair. A FULL 510a UPI 111.11110 I bars the be.t that jf ff�i i jtfTlLQ- eas, Pelyess, Ontting Eesn, etc. 16ave the De Laval Chasm lepers - toy. It is she swot reliable on the market. It will peg lee to .is ane. De pre want s .sW d. t I handle different makes, mea cm wit your regshiseenta and your poak.t, leo. Would not your wife appreciate • good Wena' WW1 WstBger 2 Shop early and avoid the rush. P. T. 31311L.LI.,S, North 1idaand the Square, .Dederick. THE CASH SHOE DEALER i)0 you want a good nea0, organ 01 Sewing ]Lachine 1 stall be pleased to have you cal: asd inspect the stock at my warxooss oo Haw ilto.-st. before you purchase. I buy my goals on the cash basis wail can at a very ctcae manila of profit J. P. BROWN, F. BARtOW HOLIES' f�•Y ,:�: /l(mpl...nte• Keeps ocestendy on bead sad wW dsllvl promptly at the LOWEST PRICES FOR C1311 Hard and Soft Coal, Portland Cement, Hydraulic Lime, Lime, Sewer Pipe, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, etc. nae. - - Beath side el W.I-mt.oe. Dear the �B�y G00. H. BROADHURST, author d 'What Happened to Jones," ova Motet fres • Wtr= b rua et the atrial M Theatre, Lees, PRIOte; 20. 38 1 600. PLAN OPENS MONDAY AT PORTER'S BOOK PTORB. Dissolatioa of Partnership. Novice le nit baildlra year. Instate tows /1edM .•re. all Ity. wt�. wt e1.16 by gins tbetlbe eesaIas �t9 ►tar es•ytad a e. htsma Wflti M wins move okra.0Y b.. to Mem aerie mgaaltmmdift .iei e.g. BUCHANAN & SON. sedans► 5.,. RS tri win k.t55001 sar,l� Dass.n.vi Square TSL1i/!i h. 11 • F. BARLO NNOLIES. NOME WORK FOR FAMILIES We want the aerviese of • idciir d familia* to de knitting for as at whole err .sere 1 Vie, furnish seawblw aid seemly the yrs roe Bell fm 16. work as sent In. IMetas.. •o !Widmann. 47 to 410 Per y 10 da •eoord/time aerated Work a.ea. Rima Netereeer. beets slew aatterarl r.., . Tsreaee. M Geo.W.Thomson & Son lEcs HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND 7111 BRUT Sciautao Ilail Cod Ian (kid ,rued on the Vark.t Boelee, ware yoga gee >M 1ha for . to.. The Oldest Established and Most Reliable Bleats House In Huron Oount,. AsDARTIst Ai*e Yrs i, Lore With sweat meek f If yea are we ham whist you went in Wormwith Pian, Goderich Organs, Violins, Guitars, M..dofies, Accordion, Oar msnkss, eta: eta Jim wbat will wit yes for Christmas Prsant& SEWING IIACtUNES. Can .red me oar new Whites Sewing Xs41 ins. 6TRINGED NBTROMENTS rv . .n WM in dewing 34--Yme. Alas the " NEW WIL LIAIL3' and "OWN ' sawing nwhises. ---"We carry k Isup el Motile lotion, veis4 r? iostramifldik I i 1i fir various inetreeseeis, Dktation Books, eta We have tteweral Ibogaa•od papaw of SHEET MUSIC, ear glide we 041 d HALF PRICE. Any piece we Iaysa't in stock we order sod prooilre with promptness hem t6. pubte:rem We beer also s 10c. edition. It you do not live is town write uv ,rad we will attend promptly to year mala • WM. LEE. Orders left In LEI N BSUPEAIID'S Stare promptly weeded te. Just Received A LARGE ASSORTMENT 01 ENGLISH. 1 " FRENCH AND Pci IM AMERICAN� Cigars in small boxes, ANI1 A (;KHAT t'ARIKTY OF OTHER 000D8 SUITABLE FOR Holiday Presents. ag1'aIl sod nee them et the raid stead, before purchasing. THE MEDICAL HALL F. JORDAN. GEO. W THOMSON & SON. 'P801'Q1113 NO. 92 - MONEY'S MONEY ' 1 Any man who wears SWJ. the D. King Co.'s Proof Rubbers i �,t •�, makes money -money that will jingle in his pocket, Search the world over and Ion g 'f do twill find nothing better than s1Irb Proor browses Rubbers, tap snap there is nothing better. progresdve dealer oast eel you all about Slwb Proof, it t. veldt. to the J. D. icing Co., and they will tell you. Tea suet afford to be without them, because they els the bald. See that Slab Proof la STA.[1M as the bottom et ...► dhow The J. D. LING CO., linked, J Tosses. Yeatlla*. WNlgi�st. i � t w .N A TFAI McClure'slb1± Magazine. A NOTABLE FEATURE FOR 1900, " The Life of the Master,' By the Rev. John Watson, D.D., silTUolt Of "Vita 84x0 0111111 Kasr11," " MUDS TIES 1errrt0 IMO 8V$0ee 460. A Life of Christ by Rev. Dr John Wesson (better known as las We- laren) is a work that speaks sufficiently for itself. The week embSGIS sU that 1. told in the sacred records, in a spirit eohillagly dllvtaM Brei 1N'r- ..tial. To add to the value of the work it will he illustrated. lamely as MMR from pictures made in Palestine by Corwin Heap Linea. ILINEOHNEHOMENEE OTHER FEATURES r A Novel by Anthony elope. Frequent Contributions by Rudyard KIpAint. Short Stories by Mark Twain. Other Short Stories by ash well-knewn trhlkae sa Sled Heal Cy Warman, Heath Tarkiapoe. Shan F. BaBMI4 :• Robert Barr, Olintes Rem, W. A. Pauper. Interesting Articles by Wet, R. P. Usk • . ., 8looem, Hamlin Garland, R, & Baker, Rev. 0. T. Brady, vitt., let-Oov. 0 8. Reetwol, and ethers. THE S. S. McCLURB w 900 awe ,il • .8, '1'1.5 518T 1.8 THE 0H1tAPE5T Alla THE SIGN:AI, 'sen Ban.. ONE DOLLAR A YHA', IN ADVANCE -moi YEA Meals. HENRI JORDAN. ^t.,r�. OiltassNM�� Ilt V PA 4.04 et,. Goa�w tat Mt L FyUIRLCK G. 8IMP80N, OR liferlb.. Methodist t willn •ad -le at mei Ian. . 0ode wag st MMENEYp YEA AsN�DRE W B, 11*00BF Iry T ATkesrr. a or dii Clark, V asO. kr w ��,a� Y.i.pNle fes M f.e1-Mt RPL SW. ALEXANDER, /11111 /11 1st door West e srpn�dets BM.tDr. H'wto,+ �id.ace. .lt.s 10 Ilton Wednesdays and ►Waal. tta�e, from ate or photo. I.wrumorto01 atr10 le mad i 7,. dr wlag,, wise. oast sad armee deity torr Woet t os drawly' IOW Mlt1 .sl water ostia. 544 Astray. *345 Oii THE 105341859 OF TRI .beat tee 1s K Oyer will InauPenee, age, _ MONEY TO LEND. - PRIVATI hada. as very Mesas4 rata et totem, 911,111j1111SCOLITil. 6.x.s.es err ,beset Asa CllsAE. SHAW, GENERAL. INSUR 11 .set• nal stele avid Ire Meet, M Ams geed bower boer vivid lel'. tee ash Item MM Yew to Yea es 1.1. proven M 114 per oast. Private revile se 105. tr W R. ROBERTSON. ehal MOIL OIL and Waft eaberesd. `y � et .est Oerrew 10 Prete Stet 1141 r Ps HILIP HOLT, Q. 0 , BARENTS- a.5dter, Notary Fable. me eine Ir ICspa glnew. Mewl Mae t N. 1 of I.taw.iillytt x a ROOMS BARED gret!clitlignallieurs. Notarise Perlis, et 1:648&11011. WUDrlT HOUITI BEAUER-BARRIBTE li Weer. weary sad 1.evq.seM. Rr !.•• sort.papmlu tee.1.,.. is wee m,a.• atmrL der seat. I.sss_L Ira,ri Warning. ATOMS M REREBY GIVEN THA li•N IMMO �.�rlggprmewrwyta�lt+lmkp�ss474 wanted. 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