HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-21, Page 7SH OF, , , 'HAS al t 017 VOLUNTEERS. THE''MOREY TOW eu__ - • a othu-SAds Retsponse-0 • 01 to the Call to Arms. . 1. A _111 . _ _ _ _ _ ____ ag - - - INNEflItED f DUO �Ill�4N� t f -- -- - -- _ _-_. the t- 1 moll to- through boas DfpldSa.JMt!4r to prrpmre ,tone !bat sealant 10 the right wins, the Bunn atulling I totrld enroll .`00,000 Sts* � gu$ caro allensoel. It the extreme right. Our two row It It waste! W ifs go. It ham ,sell` greatly Plca,wl to rete (:en". 1°e QQ��nr fere odlot uaa1 took gip turow retreated and returned tocaD►p• beets wisely decided W attach a largw . W the old fawn be[ All the wounded were rcmuved before force of irregular char booWra to Roberta and Kltelneuer g a Potation near the toot of l,odabard's Paine Made Two Millions by 6 o'clock by the COW.,., vcslen0esrs'' each dlvl.ltu now In the field, In order est (iPn. Balker." ambuloaco, Tete troops ore lu exon w dfrrt the !Ware' ouetqutlo. !foal18.-on no day t 'Cha truclse Now York'Change Flurry lent aplrlts. of these roots, will be plckod %(Aunteers the war be an has there been suchen ing t he advance 'began file morin, --ha from Britain uud the tulutsler. past the Boor ptoket in the 1vu Iles Ileller.tseaaed the ltiver'! dearth of [sewn teem the cert of torr got y several Lqs►- Oor Method to Adopt. as lo._day. The War office informed Mew, and were otsarsag LODdOII. Dec- 191 -The Dally Mall • suquivers of a late hour to -night that dred yards up the hUl when the p'-� hears from a hitherto reliable were- Lump,, Ikx. 18.-J: B. Rol,ertson, uu desyatebes had been received, and kat awoke 9114 I Aea�ces there l) NOTORIOUS BANK ROBBER FREED rl,uudont that Oagain! Buller, ufLer the titstsNs ¢ (rh-4 Dtll'lonalre, who to with the Wptlon of a brief pre" do- seal dear f" ( Ili - J. OverWu A atitt tight, crossed the Tugela now lu En innd, meld ht an Dstertlew *Patch fit Frere• them aro so de- Gott:ntt tic redy, he firs, Wultlml New Murk. Det ,titer. • that tlµt stnGw•ysti• that the �taerr tato Oi Gen. Butler's jisaatroas no- sod th(sn ern off rshtstslln I'atDo, w� wa lowdayssgollo said rwrrurppo11dent nlru ttataS flat aionsm, lea stun+m were cowing to an tia4 That despatch tpeat:o ,% QterJ ll -H!axe l martee�l (^1! 1 i rte- gttesl up fq _ t`,wtti ..]fetqustl'i �5taurraloaNarDIC: -81ht -° aH gcsrtww... He atlelsdi_. t1Rg tit'' '� `» u J dt ben go ygr J&W been such A aBf tbd M Gave uoolLnitsxt -tgifsplteer� em Boars rolteaa_-tlxag�a�a -- eut. to s 1n if l in accurate, 1t finally Qleprls volle at the advaoniag troops pesufful planter r (.India fcxs:t. it Ir also u mlrtnke Lo of the !nape based on the pueribt'litJ esti >• Deed '1'utml 90. !clave that they nn Ito, by ftyrelgtteta 1 bis wakJtts a flank movpneat, a hope and then fled ilLmow�+ed Sown the op• market stwl his winnings are said One They are following their own tend!- a of the bNi- be yt_,000,O I ht fhb loci flurry. that One Londun, Dec. lit. --s revised flet of tkxral tacticy. They will never be con- O4 wjaoh• however, wallointsmed +t� tilt, British lustiest at Magerdfunteln t uered by the proaent British tacpcs." perxono built little. Other points not Our iae� • iaed the gun ire, men of without o*- u( hl, elorert friends Via!« �e aeM1r 51 W the previvar list of 45 1 I meutitwed la Gen• Buller'n official I Pundit" 10 I Chau our onstage blew op tM llwt ttl ree y armada LS SIU killed Mr1..-itubertion tfe°Ic+rot lcr et,°clue!°n' den teh are that Gen. Hart crormed , No 10 )fcnrtttaut Battery, Of *hod by which they Ito b t had to return, heavy Una wllh gun-ootton and car- At the r'u"et n chno throug t1 the Is uq CCOUNT OF BATTLE OF COLENSO ♦ Eleven tainting seen have returned. su otlser miastlug are known Wax+ There b n me van be beaten. Tree English rum• i will otsnn discover It, and tits Tugela elver u olid that .Barton failed :n attacking rigid L the 1i,, buLtt a allyde i,ot L ulna rete ret had Daelt f else 41 abut New York (lerepre !sones Association of the enemy's position. The ent the 11, but for qb �y'a 1Pa representing ., nen. a 1 nnantL•rr when tlwy do the war will very mown anothdr part o latereat", accordingly, mainly sea- Placement un.the top of before ovr man Mite r lin. . la Inca than SIO Ams to • --_ -- -_., - r< fihelltsg hadysmlttr• a d. rehuaxl W any how the enemy I of enemy heIS old,proA fres its Great Britain's preparations ithey boAM gob three her pod tion. There Is lm- Aite, leavi,ag everything, even their old, sad three Aeon ago, Ito came A tills city from Atlanta, lla. He Ita4 a t S brigade Crossed the. Tugela London. Deo U• -That Dsll Chton l 7 Irks'm hadlomlth rurrrrpuntksst he W' tuned ,sentare on the Rise It would be cabled to South Africa I111- to retrieve portant a`nlficanoe In the eppolgl- private letters, bebitld them• menta d Lord Roberti and Lord Ono of thew epistler ra1.1 that they usplLaC14��' I1LLF I8 DEAD. idol of Ilad ben' ardnd Ladysml:h ft,: s mum h la - grapheel W keLcuurt uu dlec• 18th us follows: "The lannuardrnenl con medlutely. Ritcheuer. The former W the y London, Dec. Iv. -The Earl of Tan - and the army. Ike, more than any man, and tone Aa s, but utat Lba "rooletrree' kerrllle (Chnrler Rennet), lo dead. IMe silent u River But Had to Retire. L1ntMm• al=-hsch Run and thirty smaller A14 Froin Australia. will be able to restore the sem gulag waso e taken tally, It tile th towas born Join. loth, 1810. The Earl thlnR al•w•, eaPeclwlly at the wlego a5( ants are now firing on the town. The I London, Due. 19. -Tate Times to -day a oche morale. Lord Kitchener, on thelose ofBrlHie. of Tunkerv111e had been honorary col- ow,ith roust dor At it i Boers are rritrencltlng theramselvew un has tlw following special: Sydney, hand, is personality unP°pu a concentrating uurth uud wuth." 11dc 1S -The Qovorgment of Ne flee troops, althou h highly respect- Our trdwpe brought atony tine Frr'ech ureal of the @'!rot Battalion of Lt►e Ladysmith and Pushing liar Hard -Report That Buller -_- titer ion t the . cis Nur shelling; Lady Warren Btrrt• for the Frost. i'outh 8 -T having consulted with ad, is h.'.a great a icy as an organ- luck of Lo ng Tu sl thou tmlr wi tubes Northumberland Funllhers "duce 1874. - Cape Town, Dec. ]8.--11)elront In the other Aurtralinn colonies, hag or- i"r and commander `•s unquestioned. ran cotterfi_ ti R Ile were captain of the corps of low - ►tar Atala Crossed the Tugela River --To be Reinforced From India ran ed to send a i'eelernl tx,ntingent To him, undoubtedly, will fall the ttYntl cotter fittings ut the weapons. tlemeoiat-.fetor 1888-8T, Lord S>rew- - ft fres chief avork of preps mrd of the Houwettold 1887-88, and WAD Ven. Warren Will Join Methwn's Force- - Tits Transvaal Une LrwoambdonJ-Gore• Warren un1 tour to outh Africa, cunrbN of 1,000 sratg add exeAll the guns at the a ly use gaftrs a member of Parllamect for North of his staff have started for De -lar. mounted men. ins a fresh camlp dgil- Lord Roberts'rta' destroyednaivenow, end utterly purposes. for Vast Fortrtgs--Methws's Gommu11lcation tut. --- headquarters will kle at, Cape 'town. olfwrtelvw or defurelve pnrporee• Northumberland lH8''�59. !(ctrl Nlrat l'oadderstlon• Ylrtorlr a share. The double appointment makes lite I Ti.o whole oporatlon, ccuntinj from A BOSTON FAILURE. Loodt,n, Dae. le. -The Associated by Dr. L. Berrjumin Andrews, former London. Ike. 1• -Gert. Warren's de- London, Deb. 19. -The Times has strongest personal combination the the moment ve wills the order to Boston, Mnw., Dec. 19.-Dtllawtay t President of Brown University, and special to -day: )fel Government could have arranged. charge ton• glv0n, was carrlel out In Atarr• bunker. end brokers, No. 40 pro" qts been oL[ic:aUJ inLormed pnrture for I� Aur. as anuwncal In the following {sec now Superintendent of the Chicago a Cape Town despatch, it gmerally bourne, leer. 18. -Tune news ut the The statement b confirmed that o1i our or of an hour, alt;hund a Wr µ.leer "treat, til f t -hg have ase greased to incfkute that he will Luke Runscuul recrrreer h+w Iwen received Lord Roberts will sail for Cape Town a[ our mlt2o of seven m n of work Tile firm Is arta of Lite auxrt yruwkaent 11 that the Queen to :n nzceUent health Pubait is schools, Africa,in like " a rase utile t3etl e1 tautmand cat the t[tth dile will part Tr the Auserelinu Pre" utµf Public Saturday. He Rotes by the stenmd•r Ttdr ma nlfl^ant piece of work has Of Ute kind In the city sad b com - 11. ,ad that there is no indication of tb African Methodist Lplecopal Church of which arrlvwl Lit Cape Town ()it with ralmnevr and determination to Dusottnr castle, which nlru took evl kmtly tilled the Been with c!lmhav ts( Charles F. W. lllUevvuy. Deas. strreader of Y.juLberley. I last evening. Bxturt:ty and Sunday. and will arrlrt fi. Flint and A. W'. LawtrFOR win. The netortan'Guvergmeut Iv Pre- Gen. Butter to the Cape. He will be tic- as their gone ort Haunt Bulwana have f1ONBci tie". Methuen. paring to good a second contingent, companled by Major -(Sen- Kelly -Kenny lxncticolly been silent all day. A report of eke death of Quew.I Churchill Recaptured- Tile ethueMoraing post's military critic probably .,U mounted infantry. and the staff of the sixth division, Tare n►ccom of tate attack cannot 1a 11 INHERITED A VAST FORTUNE. yiA re end a tumor that Kimberley Loregrot Mnrgsnes ora• 18.-Iy U axstrrn+ta. however, that Gen. War which cannot be randy to act before to I,ave nn Immense effect upon the New York. Dec this IV. -Hugo Han. had surrendered were circulated on rumored that Nllusrton Churchill, the e,any dlvlm"l ought to be In Natal. Gatrre's 14trosg Measures. I the end of January, the,earlleet. mXV-d of tile a Aunrt aklrmlvh took thourityufor therstatenseut that E. P.. file l,uudcw Stoop K:ahunse to -day. ' newspaper asrrespon"tent who recent- wls.re Ute darner to mes•t Prowling, Fterketrom, ('ape ColonA, Dec. ll.- glace ls•twecrr the Sth dfuo"nr8 and As C. 8. Kandy, two electricians. of IJ escaped from Pretoria, hoe 1,een part f where a vla•GrY would have the tit 5th Lancers and the enemy to the C'Llcag'o. the surto of Dr. S Karoly, captured d Wat Pr ttoria, lingabOalt ,in I h result. lie dries Leos bvlleve Msjur-General Gattacre lime Issued a London, Det•. 19. -Only the most ► The Fealra Yell' I way between 1'retorla ares p,ottugueew ttwt Lieut,. Mettuuevrt I, in Immediate Proclamation forbidding ell [eerrotsr. optlmletle gave any credit to der to northwe3t ut Ladysmith, near 1'eP formerly a a Inherits an elcfat at � Ie. -A curios cda- living un farms to move 'shoot Lite dim- the rumorm that Geq. Buller had I worth Hill. Albany. hnaw Inherited 111 an o010. In I,eadoa• Dec. I territory. darrRer. or that a defeat of the Boors Our cavalry had been covering the Hungary vxltueed at 1(4of Coni 0- Dr• ansae• it, connection with Lord Rt, --- at MAgersfantrin would affect the filet or W visit Fterkatrom, except upeedi1d realizedthatitgwa Ineretil- I attack on the Runs during the nigh Karoly was q.relative of (Dant Alda dtustYst bo Natal. on Saturdays and then only with s u' appdatmeaI. at the pro"at Cable Interrupted. Passes, under Pain of summary arrest. bill that the H'nr Ortice would reirnln And the Boers thought that all our Karoly. ,,Ambamndor W the Court of jmeture u the o:rotmutatsoe filet bs New, York. Dec 18. -The Casmmer I --- n of troop@ were engaged At Iwsmbard'r A. James. anti lie ran away from L1t- van timllar�J appuialei commander- dal Cable Comparty toelay !.ruse! a Tranaa'aal a t'mat Fortryu. ii br nnderel,ed that the the Pre- news ofeaucl ii mlportancce. Thetroe was %op. They therefore tried to get near rasa with liurbku Frank. an h 'Letre". •- issh:o[ attar lila Britlnh defeat at entice welch twnLslneA the folluwn tion b Alf tlwl lea 7 ►� : llarsedlleg Ike ld.-The Jnivartrs0 ventton of tlw tr,acrynoct of rector A{ro Do oontirmntlon ut the statement the town, but thw movement %vas It was through thin incident that the ia-chlNisjua alter I ••Ne are which cod i nl the cable be- steamer lDarhnice Ilan -Sri Ott Ism regarding British movrttsente. tha&_q*a. Methuen's line of communl- l obslked ip capital style by the cavalry �tw:rq Plertriclanr tLLtetsveretl that The W are ridioaling the Do- l tweets Mouumbigoe anti Lorenzo Mar- fn,at East African Poet+• She brings cation had been cut, though there Litt-0'tirMa "Finset,' at DubAss, as qna V interrupted• A Lerrltic cY u►xll aAvtces ,ream Pratorla• glring an wan known to br a probability of such and our Infantry un a verong hull. Liar fortune war awaitingREL them - itrltlsh Artillery OutclrsaeA. The fighting was oyer about nix DANK ROBBER RELEABED. the attempt to hold a pro-Bber meet- clone at Motamblque ban caused in. account of an Interview with Gen- London, Dote. 19.-A despatch to an event occurring at any moment. , o'clo.•k. Our total loam for the morn Aut►arn. N. Y.. Iso. 19. -Dna I(asbie. - thate yootorday. They pout out I terruptlocl of the Ilelagea Bay cable- Lams Mayor• who commanded Use ins'a work waatour kllledand moven- Oto u( the mo+t do otiwts bank rob - I they, prtdentli kept within the houses have hem blown: down ane Boer totoar at the battle of Glenc° Nw Landon Dally'Mcalnted Dec. 18th dated ISun ay, Indicate the situation teen !rounded. ben the courtLry ham ever known. was valla where manner o` the atrdieace �� In the harbor bore heels wrack- tarn. Meyer claiml-Umt the engage- I'ourt. CnP4(olusy, acrd to bo n complete Impasse. erectly Ipeitsd the murder tat Mr. ed TIIs test station toes utnrtsofed, went cat In rt, way s British vte. anyr: "The, Boars brought_ u big apps Ilurr� Have f)O (ions. releaaett tromhAuburn Priem toId�t CaarneoY4`t>9'by aii to tats' bggt on the British near The Doers Llu'ring rolatorce• -speov e ry`y 'Mitt"SEt� mss r+sLftFloPt.rtlss =-V"" . Zia. 3a..muam.tkw a�il"* ntaaKtk...g1,1,P._. ,tl,att/s +1g. ta1�JF ��.�7ftlR ii8R.44m4tip. KrajRps_...n. ret as.oatttua having i iq�'el-,...,, to the Castle In the woo "there was whish. be guys, was s brave one. I as Ce. y�fle _. _- -- - - -- -- - - - - 1 rests More Boer Bouts. _ _ _.. -� -----:----- Of rho crime which one man shot there before." Ail, the - eatertiod a kart ar° eIIa:ged with - -- ! - - -- -- A Imprisonment tears pea .New York. Dec. 1S. -farts dmPstchns D D ` TO D:V)I NIAGARA. I t •: ng "played bide and seek with tell of the arrlval there of M. Us bong, 1e�" 4 D ,c, poltiee,' web the exoaptuioa d 1 manager of yM dyuamltt, iscWrY at ( Detroit. Mich.. Dee. 10. -The UuL u� (ioAaa, who bZavoLy I ifodlrrfaatetn. Trawcnal, who says ,4 ted titsatng !tenni of Eaghwerg. tleslg - _ aced the nest. but was. d **arm lM• British Got rrnment has no Ilea i ® v sated by the President to make style• ru; eetai her mai." of the cart extent of the preps ratlonto Le and ed routes thereof tut deep between _.�-_ 4 f ® „ terwsyx and routes thereof between thc. ltovroi math for the war that they - -• _ 1 s -utM _ - - 7.,._ .. _ _ -- _ _ _. - - .�--teat 1EYta- arlst ALYantlo tldw To tgne t Artillery. I kuaw would come. lie cltaructenrxs • I4t I t & � ted�sprelllminary . I eodos, Den 18. -lits Morning Post the forts at Pretoria and Juhanrnae- tt111a11 i �`, `tl'I Q t1 whish reoomm se rests- .f today print- the following [rum Iti• 1,urg nn•i Edelher as being as sterns ttlttllil l e>t the LakA Fele level by the ailntary expert: •'Buller'• battle can- Aa any In the world. and say" that tr l �Ie _ aV1 I II . thll'hl 1� if ` troI1LrLR rho discharge through the >• an be followed exbept In a tnquo nen- List, Ituers have plenty of Artillery. Ile ;yI I 1 1 t 11 >y '� ' Nii lel II Ut NiaRarn River by n system of fixed r ral way. His de"it.ch due" not lire- cayr uWt. that then are In the Boer I •: wenn. built neer the hued of Niagara tend 6t, W mora than a xtat•emeat of ataDuy 6000 well trained (i•rman vol- A •Ob: e- it 1 1 i Itiver, anti a spring of •1111000 W be re•ulta- Buller's purpose, at prevent M 1 tont rra. who haat rt, far been held In d _ �I' _' jV1 I � .a ' ts{eernted In mtnuuPct'on with the wean w reUeve Ladysmltb asd join hands rsservw O� Ill qIIlto. 1't, do that he newt D (Il� r N 5' r / ru as to conteul the discharge u( the with l.'tta p c I I /' I+ske. dad redum the Mrintlee of IWcarpeke TngNa Hb faUure on Fri- Mouthy Feairwa fur Boers. ; 11 •• / V . 111 least to a amall Amount. dray, wax complete, but Dot final. An S,- Louts. Dee. 18 - lit a meeting of ' r, t�I �'I aw 1 Pe u. ndtaDOg will probably to delayed 1111- Lite county t card of the Ancient Order y1 ' ,�i��I�U1s t I yl. d� 1 �I j v, - I e . tit a fresh arrival of artillery I of Hltirrnlans. the Bo,•r-BritbAh war Jt.h1l�!I{p„a yt Il; alt. Ill I ' I st>T' v�',, rr 801 SNOT _THE MITRE wa, dlu•umt+d at "Wth, and the mem- j tAlli r,IVlti ,""I ' �ty� I �% WIL1Rr CHA?IIlEal-A,IIf li(1't Per.+ drt-llad W "tart a movement to i j11 5 1 a Im(� I B J' °: , Cabinet Will be Re- rales 111,0'10,000 for the xsr to•tr of Ii� 1 `I I ,l !� !1!!111 ls' . Itwm4s_T-ba-& !-trweted. 0dlnlppttsg amt tragsPOrtlnsl troops to du! f .1. It Tj1 1 III III i 11 'a I Desperate Chase After an - -- , I South Africa, to aM t1w Boers in their '1 •- - lttfjljj I --- -•--- • J`` ___. New York. Dec. 18. -The altuatloD Is tight for fnrlepentlence. f {f;l;It4110Nuln I dr"''' 1I Alleged Criminal. r reCarded so gravely Is England that _ ,tl(;:i1 • • reooastructlon of the British Cab- ,t Liberal Minister speaks for Ilritain 1 l,ll� Inst in hotug discussed in polltloal air- (New York, Dec, le. -Dr. Pinot J. i II Iles, Acocsrdlns to the Lgotkan cores+ SavagQe, of the Church of the Mannish. lips 1 CAPTURED ei A YOUNG LAD at- op of the World. preaclIVI strongly yesterday in favor 11 Mono The retlranaeot of Joseeh H. Gnaws- of t" British ni4s of the Transvaal � TI Mono Road. Oat., Dec. 1T. -En el- herlain. Secretary of State for the eontrovergy. Among other thinje, he O0 11111111tj11 t1 IUI 111 iN' r IPge1 burse thief mud Uterglaa Wafter demanded. but 110 Maher was yesterday Captured alter Ccluntag, b not only rid : "I ,bskevs friends, that a die- Lhe sacrifice M fid• a hot and desperato chase. (astable !n "omit gaartes's as to Brits'' -n would be the great- nn then. Chaplin and Cron. considered eat ealam ty teat could be aogoelved. �II'I 81e Michael I� {Lin 11 Perdue had the men under surveillance Old and ageism to Dated• seat to til" dadrusction o[ oar own �/ Bicka.Baacdt, CLencellor of the Ex • I3epubl:c. I bel eve, it wont comes �(I'jl at the hotel, but he managed to get chequer. Is Criticised for lalling to to the wont, and there was a war be- JIVE away. The constable, with br" rtod to rlYil0lt. year-old son rent! three men ntarted to snVP1Y auffldant tandt) for the a►ar Mean Ruasis tat Brr}tuq in tit e° rut In the =' for the two word ideal!! whicJt 2 _ D D O J.T.2"6 � pnt•wlt. They oanght up W tM fug! - it Is axsrertud that should the war reprtwnt. I beYeve America ® I A 1 A til a about village. quarter of a mils timed onnitaaw mwh longer `►ithout a ds owe It ax the W.Chsst hasty to God o { the oust The chase confines! dive British onooes", the itrrrnatlas place every eb:p, every Rur4 every 1 I 1 IL u Of a national ooalitlan Mlntatry b dollar she pngses+eg at the beck and j 1' �I t _ 1-11 i'l'l �iYII�III IIi�iY 1 Ill a 11�' Ily l; U� iI - --- --- b+rY ne For- yl. dp III lj - _. t,•r•taln, with Lord Rote ber;de Brltatn" Bvery Per" In the _ _ . _ _ _ _ ._ _-- -- _.- his ren le ac country and over enrexMaher d►gc nM•d two cattx and threatened bl Mr. Wr - - - - - -- - tile vengeance on his purreers, but the at anus Mladster and p'robs y Lord c•sagregalion nppkurded- --- -- ----- -- _` --- ---- ----- bun close In r tieeplte edth am (yololial Soueetery. right 7.6 Can oxime and Nos. R _ Use PrwmtetudolP• thogzh not n Britlrfo soldier resohad I three oft both bis dnein, but It was ttuus's threats. 14nllabaty re"joidn,g litorr Blraphrmy• tM mull to rea(th ebb tstma7• and Eight or Dino Maxims anA Morden- By is flank nova Cotwtable PerAw do of the port tion. At believed they would he ansa to at•11 Mnt glrictg a proporV Mlle The New York. Dec. 1R.-Rclntln; aD in• flee mrrmmit of the -$ser puri after An Intermittent artillery duel• tact the British position: a teltits. sucoeecMxi 1n getting Masher betwero kdlox to the Lll)erul Imperialists n torvlew with the Beer senior oom- 8 o'rkrek lo the nftewnoat (len. Meyer (ten. French withdraw under shell !• Twenty -tour a.T nuWmatic Maztms. himeelf and the boy, Refusing to gur- n•wearlx rived by these demanding amt a Itnaar+lRe to (lest. Symons. the thy,, but without Icnses, to Arundel. AV IMPAFzSF. Four 12.0 Krupp howitzers. render wttert otylere!d, perdue oom- rhan�a 1n eke Walstry are based oD marµtnnt after the battle of Storm- BriUwh commander, proPc`ilrR An ar- --� On the other hand It was regarded Four 12.0 ('reusut howitzers. tnnuded the bo to shoot him In the the fear of oonuntgtal Interfvenoe• t t tr� ta a Uou sti( ntacprea n*t*titrr kr the burial of Lite t4sad and The Navy, Ready. nm 1mp°wlMe for the Btitish W turn Four modern 8.T Krupp mountain tp� y mlusgn quotes the commandant am I the collection Of Lite wonuuied. (tenses! George J• Lhe Boers' tient, which was isatin( gun s• The boy fired two shots into the air, No Reflection on Buller. eaying quoe s til the Beer •actor} • , Symons replied that the. Boers must Landon, Dec. 18. -Isar• t on the river W ttm a tat and rapidly Four 1G.G C4eutots. and this fired no etto upon the London, Deo. 1S. -"Hobe," ag Lord How can we doubt that It is the not q+alt the pagltCrut held b.9 them Ckwealty. n. ori Lord of the Admit- n ronchfaq the ricer to the west. Making a Wta(; with odd pieces, of fugitive, the boy tired the third shot. i*Hrrl Ct r1g1. Taken completely b7 except tar th0 puypoye of retnrning I nity, wIIett Qlmtrlbuting Padres is The Ikser lines of entrenchwentr nee eighty or ninety. Maher• who was hit In the leg. turned Roberts of Kandahar Is familiarly I to the trootlro•. and adding that he volunteers and riflemen In I tandem T known. U A Dams to Cosja" with In Rn and no idea the British were Meyer I to -night. onsi.1 : " I little thought necttnuoat and capable o[ rapid con- I The Briers have Purchased In 0,00 around and fared LtM boy. but the Ind cnq� to attank m. Orsi fleet Intl- i waw arrM,awly wowstSet1. Gen• Me neetlon at mnsy Points. yenta 2b million eartrldgem, 40,000 had him covered with his revolver, (:rent Britatu. and that Lord Roberts Serepted tha British proposition. and , when 1 accepted thio Invitation that From elsewhere ret the front there Mnuxer rifles, and a large number of nod Leerd Kitchener are Considered the maltots of their approach was the or- ! Informed (irvt. Symons that his deeply , 1 should Addresses men to whom no I -- and demanded hands t t and tees right men to relieve the dissatrom rival of their maw within easy Mass appeal has been maM to otand "hotel- ti nal light nothing to throw add!- I Martini rifles. a - Maher covered till him (other arrived rlisalloq in Routh Africa, N ampl7 of our brwt PpdLIcM. Yes. It was sure- regretted that h0 waw wonrsded. Or- • tlogtal Insist on the rltnatton. rt and meths the arrest. eMerY tons ly (chi's wtsrk." dorm were than lgivrers to the Boers td der to shoulder with the rex11lArs The newtpopers are full at tltnrlrm CANAOIANSs TO ARMS Shortly after the arrest the follow- • ovr by the more stop thing. And "ultrmtgnently they in South Africa. The pommeo"h)n of 0b owin6 the unistiftdl,..wlth which ILI• all war dbcnwrdoD this morning- -- withdrew. necomparilel by tall thele 250.000 roiunteers will be regarded I the volunteers end yeorwait mew te• Inn tckegrnm tone stoke eft from Tai - In tie of the attOmV4 of ftµ' as' Volunteers to Plenty• arNlloery• The Boers krat 81 killed• by tits country. I am worn, ru ra ,ng to the call to Ki•m0. Lord r Ion my : " tonfl from on' am I t W over_• the saperoea London. Dec. ]8. -There has been a Other mail adv:tes are to the effect great element of security. and I am s��C�►d tan my way to Mono Road ; don't Mt �' e MJe Don• allow' the fact remains Ibat the whole population of the confident that they are all prepar Ch rn commornding off cpm of the Maher change any rlothtnss On thw Ion sato AppnlntrmAnsr Cantor hs rush d volunteers all dal to offer Trenmvaal is working to transform ed to do their duty. Royal Buckinghamsb:re yeomanry• le way to Brampton Maher trdedto bribe u utharwfss then the pen• their sarvtowe for the war In 83ath The ootheir also are Prepared to command the force of 3,000 yea- Another Contingent to Go t� Africa. Several colonel+ have Placed vhe country into one vast tortre" for many, which he hat been itut.norixed Constable offering to allow him ha XVbon (aJlsro. fmvrtts at the dl,vpCoal csf the file reerptidt of the BAtloh, :lo their share. and (-nada end Aux- to or a [or service in !ioulh South Afrieat ewrcape, offoring him all the money In It Mmd o{pLlal commnnleatlon *Aye : t1►Plr tvg reel_ Lralls are to the fore. welcoming s �+�a illy pomans.Ion, which way Inetwteus 1180 t. � A N I-OfSetksI to regard the War Office. About 800 artillery - ♦trice. Btlrl Dudley, add other titled and ;100. - eehTisse,aate �is o reflection o11 tiers. Bailor ubttwM Offered their wervlcvee at Ellin- LMa of Volunteers. the opportunity to lin to the front" otfieerd wJl accompany him. It ham alnee been kearnol that J. D. aoq. v■ the torcesos• barlgh before noon• A brief lndepend- (Enthumtastic cheering.) OFFICIAL STATEMENT-, MADE. ' b entirely ?rub! d. tont aroonnt of the Co'kneo fight adder London, Dec. le thin the num- After pralwlnq the great mervIcee alt TROOPS FROM express Elliottr real knFridayee at Tottenham was aged In uooawrrar Africa lta•resse nothln t► the official Aceonnt. ex- emus instmaces of LM rgthnsve Y rk it naval Brygndea Assisting the Soule of the prepare a:pteae coruid- $Ijtoburgaka on cher i night and reheat ,iFjosef d higher rant tore naturally OP- s troops Iq Fkwth AtrlcA, anti tvgtlfylq Ottawa, Dec. lit: (>Sjs�elnl-)-Your,>F1A0 taken. Maher la nine wanLwd to to the supreme command'" CpPt that tate fighting lasted right vduDfser M cited the wsa of Lbs York g torabl0 n'L%giTirngs at tro�ur going dxnrreyePontient tr' offiolally Infurmeel Sarnln for horst stealing. �fttod ItouM r red that the British retlrmgent and Lanrweter meLtea battatlou, which to tint constant anxiety of entrei neo from IMis to Muth ♦truce. They _ _ W" completed In good order. A die lo now In barracks at York. At per- to be In the thick of the fighting, Mr. think the rink too great, and that Lids nftergoon by rile e1lDULer of Mltl- SUNDAX-e'UQBIe Kitchener is Ready, apatch from the Mpider River, 'Dated ads today the colonel addressed the GOMIea tald: "It is Impoeafble to It may lead to two codt�ento bung till that the dmpatch from British no- . . Marro, Dec.1&-(IS+D• LW t{LeMrMr. S osteo yi Dec.18th, r►ye the dinars ON man, awl asked d] who were will- grant their deadens, although these sol- ablaze instead of Lasa. thortttes accepting the offer of Canada Costs some Toronto Ines a Pollee who has c. j A tjon.Lecl chief Ki of tM hear blown c. the railroad en4yC .1 ins. to do anrvioe abroad to glopw arms. dlers and snlhrs would be glad is go ,CANADA'S PART. of a Pecond' contingent has been rw Roberts of Kan two mlltvy north of Gen- Metbuert a Svery man promptly otyfrciied bus wilt -cad. to Mouth Africa in thow►am1x, beCawo (tour! rime. staff of Lord antler-In-rhfef at comp, violulit"r" ngawn to serve ha nasatry abroad. when 120,0(YJ regolan have left our The mmt ample I'll itlon t. cefvtd. Toronto, Dee. 1S. -There was a big dwhar, the now OOmir will Ftve h• wired of the int ( la battaiba shorng the rerltCnMbillty for tlrt 0t11 ivert c"n the pre" fo the great twt- -It goes without saying," 6e adctod, tM British forces la iSinth Afrfca, f the Highland L'gbt Infantry have Cleary of our navy will be Immenoedy furat of loyalty In Canada, and the "that It will be rngPooAwA to by Can- I ntherh t l'ollce limen till" thorn- r )Mart (hndgrmAn an Tuesday and yNll Ttrr Battle of (%eMeso. The regular boltalbn of y y Inn, when the genton►ent toned sant- rarrive tsars on Frltlay• Hs will start London. Dec. ;9. -TM Times ham fButt ewftwred severely at Lbs lucrensed. I believe the Preparedness remartb d Alfa Wi;tri'I iourder, the ado• bllnq at Joke Saunders' bllllard Itrom fpr tf etpe Town M moon ami pt►srtble• tilt fotlowlrM. 1fMeClnt to•dsy : battle o[ lli mufferntrie M the navy haw contributed eawnttally Promr.er, and the Oabcmet, an repre- "The announcement as to t'he eom- early on Sunday morning wet• put on (!tip* Town. I . 18.- a corror' I It is understood that the Govern- is nSslst Bretons to remain calm add e,enUtive of both the English and mend and a made pD of the co row. trial Wm. hfecall admitted taking Dr. Parker's Views. pextiegt of the Calan Argas. with oonrid"t despite the black outlook. French sections are specially cel- Rent will be made nt them torts Any. part In a poker game, and was fined . meet does not at pprresent intend to We have not, only to look At tjouth pM►ed. "I tfars't ktrtsw that thereto Is Any 'O, the ralnlmum ally. ifondon, Dec. ]S. -Rev. Dr. Parker (tet,• a liar'0 forties, ddrrlbhtg the call for Indian atolunfePrs, the en- Afrlen, but At til Pwltantfnn rend wt tilt I can wok! to th10." sAld I)r. Bax 'F= tae° rolled etre tk d wLom M e0,T19, all liovern,nent Won't Tell• t "It In lett to lie Irow tnnfly And The hearing of the charges agstrnrlt dnr►nK Chip !;renin! serines to tin Un (lZtn,le ret Tagela River. (f•ienso, qg poamlhle emergenelev All Around; anA• Flaunters and the eight frequenters d etMt �hip Ssgatksq In the fysy Tem• ,„syr : AL 4 o Clod oat the morning "Jotem ThAy consist Oi traders, clerks. without being an alarmist. I would its- LOfI{ aq DrC. ]p.-Thw War Off lea de Lite kind of troops to asp ant, but ID was dogertl 4U11:406 26th - , .,-..- . Pia lataisl•1 that netwtging Shouts of tits 15th the whole forrw ndvane- artiastu, stay. wiat that we moat sacrifice much to rltno" either to conium of CtmtrIlLdIrtorrp- thN on villi trtrfhnhly iW grttttltrtt by nue rkute to stop fhb hl in I wc1 to the Tugela : Mnlor lfen0tal -_'-._ -1, . rile lraperative duty that every nhlp the report t0lrgrapbw.l by n rotor lute tate of the Wnr Offlneb n Wwnha�e (Sven C� for Lose. lent, the 1M11y M t11 that lien. naertt pwbllwlt«I this mornlrapt month Africa, And said the Queen Hart on the loft. Majtr'"Pritrnl bfrlit Aot'il X"ar. be folly end properly- manurtl." salon Af _ __... _. _..___-_ ..---_ was the only one able to do mn• IIIidyaM with the naval guns In the Calro>. Doak id.--hes• Wingate will Mr. (Imehen concluded with An Pltr AaI1Pr has eromeNl the TugeM River our tole Whelky well to hTLpp And Sdnit Rte. Ma1Ne, Igloells'Ae. 37.:- `a vbattnwing, Leto wild: " A ward from I dxetttre. An•1 Manor 0enwrol Barton tact M t1iiAAr M the F. yptlan arm! nearer trlbote tr the pnnnlmlty of the And that Opn. Methues's communeca nn threw will t►T ktvL. 1t it Appnmst R'IcakhR0t hab{ge Na 176, with a ares iter would bikes an kogoroDle pMCA AAvancwd on the right, on [nfetumt daring the Absentee ties. fttret ---- from what the N'nr OtttOe ant's that rend evert a rarest miserable Christ I cllluRe. The naval gena shellet] country and the misnlem In sanP{sorting tltrtw have Mho rat. of uhuP teen, mlgminq fleet, IasL Weed- Altchenwr. tftw Governmw►t In a grave cr101s. r mdwntQll trxt{xa are what they want ndwtny, has hemi given up for lost. t tin pl tm. the thoon►atlx of wid- Fort Wylie Above MIPnso. and the --_ fiprmnny W111 Nut Meddle. from Clarinda ; Abbey cavalry dr The only onrang knoWn of the knot arias trench- LORD Ri'R SFORfs'e ViEWS. 41 mounted infantry." are: Cwp%. Arthur A. Boyer. Mate a t.. ""*r ''aw`�w. wy • will treats title ! yrlltvlp !are ret the Bowe en •,a area Ca A any other r (lrobler's Kloot, wetam" (htlrtmam hidapan Myos menta. u/tits to dM forging the enemy Clot the Money Alan. T.ordeta, ,Deo, Ie. -Io regard tower wer Roar-AAmlral Lord Marine Peron- today New ti'ort, Dec. ]0.-V Iieyald d watch from iger•Iln "aye that the that A Recount Ordered. Mlrhnrl Stynoe Mates William Buck- nce ;- Ml�g the world berm ever sworn. Ood servo the rlve!• A heavy artll finances, Great Brltaln'ul poaltios is ftwd b• quoted In an interview plorlinor TaROblatt In InforawLi Inclined ThomaO, Ont., I>ec. te.-.� re ,tealnat Bvltlmh dtnrntnfttkxu, nq•t what) whlob t)ts Sand late) iter heart tale r1111, M heart tb• obart hie pnml>ltDnne Clean diel fe((llCwod. Major onerral mmaaingly Strong. A careful Axam'.n- tion was made at the bAglnainR ret the as anyln ••The lsuP d;t the war will R tlepend more upon artillery than any. the Austrian (lo vernmtnt la to offer Ito mettlesttn In the confllet taunt of bnllotm east in the Went El- Famona Engineer DwaB. hys-Pleetkon on Dec. 11th, will Montreal, Dori. 17• -Walter Shanty, "ita war d the nations c0111". •Ids will the nnitwA Stales take 7 We hely rp►M whish raate axptrawkilll. bare the ohartot Hart was tdsyee[1 M retire with eon- but tilt rPt1rs war, with the r'oWAK that It was eat!- thlnR al•w•, eaPeclwlly at the wlego a5( In Wrath Atrien. It In cortatrtpret that gin s ecmmeneA on W,a,lnoodmf at •l p.m., ev�M. f ., And one of the best known . t�t•uat tAtwexeA dein 0r Lbw other. That the fire." _ Iidoty►hM CnmeAllrM. V good order, txsuld w red matA•d that the eagnstr7 pe I'reGxlw weA other 1APM wlvPre the P There- the diplomatists of Fnrope, who'In at the Const House, beton His Honor evtglneer" in America, died at nn early ..ill bat w SMA Any tar oar awtlrtn- YA SMA have Into a scrape - y �t ret was efteeted -0 "d Bim, Itlwj'Ar en C„Sp ppp�ppp jr Smeary, vAtkstM It- •--•f o bice"t hattlea tore expwetwt imp, f erns ti t aH the k nws A hw mnatM Aga wlgneS the Wotoeul t1ri• ,ft not Admit Judge Erinattnger, at tbo tt�Mt It tµser thty morning At the lilt. T,Rwtwwn . -- -s I ►toy tow Kot :i "t nkat tow ibel nye S" stat d• Addthe 'tt'R Andrews Prephoalra. Brltwln ultAtlPntlsl Y text advamwt� on Ocle>sso. Aerow the erartn(to f the yrtaee fntN bt est. 'r or " tvrl:lhe A from tile re SAhlrmllw ret prtteP d•nniwvstnPP, that thw preset ueeleM Ina of Ilfw, Mr. Yactti•h. TIMI, wM•zw its made his isorne for w 7 gfwAt number d 1Mr0. its tots ELI I rte a 1►ette AOseu'Ma. L LxN y, prtf�� ('hleago Dec, in -"it Great sa nitfinetwly euerwsSfnl In South +tf- i world will level gerun•l envered by artillery, All G e,t tits village ret the Point ret r kl fire. xiusklag tunA turnalsb ,bet Salk of the mbney. Thlo of Courts d°M'•nOt a'Arth oth t+a rtwndotAtl no mre i,411kery trarly and limbk•n for flpld tear wltlrh ran rxsly in the ped M In fnvdw pt black population, shottld continue. (rushed to mak. years of agw. _ _ CA Vincent. N. Y.. Dec. IS. CA t. Hoot eke powwrs of t Ito fig •,ntte to twist PrlcePsdully her mid- the bay,mot nodpr A • Wylie WAN allentrett, but dose that no (nersaewd tax will be T1ee tm tbore This neve c nirn•• fully GNP* a 1 eery, tow there tore Mire nnieight Tltw itwrflner Tagebtatt.w nlI I- r. Cott- sees that sorry, stun the prnmA- II'. It. SlMley, of this vlllage, tows n- 1 An1r ow K. V. Maw1►awsp. le 1.as t it it no. A malltlnn will he formed bort a R„llwnt pffeet to drive the leriAd. The puttl:e ad shat advance in ills ;nwnma tax. and i the twwlvw••poenttwrw of 1,1'00 weight In thw ant tem. Rrrmany. wt lerast for the mn t "coolly till«I yeile at i rte j Lica- ilav on the wtwnmer S Now York, n -At p.m-, money IowttO on 'Cbangm tots IN ,tealnat Bvltlmh dtnrntnfttkxu, nq•t what) whlob h Iters out of AA Irgprwg{ `itm D k is not tlkwly that Paella tont wYl army. rt t, ham nn fn of inking lswrt nndrifir .!refire 1'ar0enn. ,rhe earrl^k gave wny whiles par cont. lriftewo tn'aut" later soap "ita war d the nations c0111". •Ids will the nnitwA Stales take 7 We mntr•tmched pnwlthon en bMnuk of the Tugpla by the cavalry dm dyaPPrtlnt tbwm.d om to the 'ie+>-•'rs'a l•pnt t•ps{nbn Tluc tlnrwunmvui ahowl•1 Imnorttlnte Iv drsmmlaaomu every whip in -A Afvlslon st he so In any step of the wart. in -_ - n saw Many tram Mlnq fiolste•A, and tots at 116 per secret. . t�t•uat tAtwexeA dein 0r Lbw other. That thw H ht flank was egmut'AMaxrful. TIM 4s m+gel ttfflewl AnnonntwrMnt that vnlnnt•eeta maul n1 the navy as w fel PtecagtMw �_ S'.rPM tows ofMlerl hartMth Lhw maws. y --- Mr. John Wannmakew Rwvw wvklsneve r ..ill bat w SMA Any tar oar awtlrtn- YA SMA have Into a scrape wrtllltey fire ton" AArnrate, iliaAnd firenf a flew, wbtioih wnnld he acewlst.a•1 la the meat Inaplr nggnnlntvt Any nwtlon seekingto take throat RNenn's Ct►nµ11- Nott. the Ouaw Were Destroyed. J. Tw Bell, alt QnabsN t►e new Amixt- heifore the industrial Commkon" At . I ►toy tow Kot :i "t nkat tow ibel nye S" stat d• Addthe 'tt'R MArlm Man aided file p1Aln bofere (!ole.nto, plat. InR event alnrn teat war bwRan A11 hoisdo{sargSrn In the onwatry are taw• wdvAntagw of tuns- No friendly natlnn rdmld object. .Tke meant brilliant pier:e at work rent 1101A lbealnlrsloMr at t►e Tukoa, hAm Ih Ito ftMm ab• , War)hingbw In favor of dwKar►maot "On I . rte a 1►ette AOseu'Ma. L LxN y, prtf�� aided t)W 'Pita latter Pr►tt Zr}[ tratetd rely I eirnted illy appfkwts. TM flo.eratesnt [t would only be running water that Ilan Mia dune freers the stagy • . - n^t+r awl!' of the tight wY a oils u Mt , + 4 , ,. .'i "re, . The hie, as "iialstfaat war ntAda . -^ I c ljs�, a .. - . t . •r � 1A" "ia" �f "t-�•. R�. ,. + �.i• /P �� • w ,. ,. - 'tet' "-.w....- r . .� � , w-1 -, Lr ' .. ..� -. _.--... .tor.•.., r......, tom. • - e