HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-21, Page 6w•
+NNM..t. ++++++•1•++•I•++++ 1••1`+++++++.
n The =Furnace
of Temptation.
sle (handsomely bought every kind really le too trying. Now, when I
of AruoeuLan tool and pawph- IV 60 talking with that nice soak of
let, and thus repaid In yours at the convent, there, 1
pnlV way possible tbe oouldn't help thinking low perfectly
delightful It would be 11 Hertel*
trouble their visit had given, he dm
uo. u.fer to take leave
Ferris them,
of wliu out
alter awaking with
he stemmed nu old frond, he led thole
through the garden mitt -ming the
toavent, to a little pavillon perched
ort rye wall that defends the Mane
from the tires of theYellow. A lay
a tra7 erltff`crNibe, too rtoei
naek, end a jar of that conserve of
roseleavus, which le the convent's
delicate hospitality to favored guests.
lira, Vervain cried out leer the ytr
ettke confection wlaelt Padre Oiro:amo
toll her ,what It was, and her death.
ter suffered hermit to express a
&uartlect pleasure. The as !able rest•
trod LLrru pied the mamba of the 1111.
he 11.
colo from her Ftp
WW1 ended, and. fitting on her clamor,
leaned forward for a bettor Ia1k
at the. monk's blackereared face.
"ens perfectly delighted." she said.
"You roast be very puppy lire. 1
suppose you a
Yds, answered the ml nk raptuhu
ousiy ; ""so happy t
cohttut never to leave San Laaaar°.
I came hero wb:vn I cess very young,
and the greater part of my Iife has
been passel on Wei tato, island. It
M toy bonne --my country."
''Pt. you never go ewe)'?"
Oh, yes; sometimes to Constaatl-
'm le, eomet►mes to London and
"And you've' never been to Amerlea
to go. m ( l tell
Yea would like It. 1
know, and our people would give you
A t ery cordial reception."
"Reception?' The monk appealed
once more to Ferris with a {tole
1•'erris broke Into n laugh.
c don't
o mein
behove Padre Gtrolamu would
quality of distinguished foreigner,
Yrs. Vervain. awl I don't think bed
know what to do with one of our
cordial receptions." to America,
ho ought to go
au7wa7. lie can't realty know any-
thing about us until he's been
the there.
Just think how lgn You will tome•
ani of uur Country
won't you' I should be delighted to
welcome you at my house in front'
dunce. Rhode Island 15 small
State,..•Lat there's a great of
wealth there, and very good socle
La Providence. la's gaits Newd,Yorky,
you know,.' aald Mrs. Vervain exprea.
tritely. She rose as she spoke. and n
leei the way batik to the gore
told Padre Glrolamo that they were
to be some w-eeke In Ventoo, and made
ytre teAst„to,lueakleet with them
at their boteL She smilkaa ncdnt8
to him after ^tie boat had pushed ref
anal kept. him bowing on the landing-
"What a lovely place, and what a
perfectly heavenly morn ng yUO Iiave
gen ue, Mr. Ferris! We never can
thank you enough. for It. And now. du
you know what 1'0) nk 4ofByrlon
!taps you eau help me• It
studying there put me :n mind cf It.
HOW ikon do the mowtaitove comer
"About the erd of June." respond-
ed Ferro, meehan'caIt7. staring with
helpless myet'f cation at Mrs. Vervain
"Very well: then there's n1 reas,m
why we shou'dt't stay to Vedce ti
that time. We are both very find of
oche plane, rind we'd quite concluded.
tit's morning, to skip here t11 the mos
quttoes came. You know. Mr. Ferree
hit, daughter had to leave ,! AMM
ripe was a girl dot about seventeen hardly ever been out of black ulnae
years. wowe looked older ; she was tall
rathe(' then blaort. and rather Nil -
though 1t multi not be soldTathat tle 6e
erred to iota% of solidity.
*etude* dd shy hauteur Into which she
eteii. nntiy fell, there was a touch
of dell/int awkwardness which had"
eertattn fntcination. She was blonde.
with a threat and haute of milky
whiteeee; there was a suggestion of
freckles on her regular face. where
a quick rotor came and wet.. though
her creeks were habitually 'solue What
pale; her eysse
their level brow& and the Iaebes were
even lighter In color thantthe e
of her falx gold
the ILls were touched with the faint-
est red. The late Colonel Vervain. of
the United States army, whose TOM
p:ex1011 lits daughter had inherited.
wan an otfic'er whom It would not
have been peaceable to cross In any
purpose or pleasure. and Mho Ver•
vain teemed sometimes
�ate nature which
dened by the pass` ober w.th the
he had left her. together
trop.cal name he had bestowed in
ho1sx of the state where lie had
fought the Sem'.noles in his youth,
where he chanced stUI to be stationed
when she was born. Abe had the air
of being eattwrrasse-1 in presence of
herself and of having an anxious
.watch upset her Impulees. I ado not
know how otherwise to describe the
effort of proud, helpless femininity.
which would have struck the close otr
server in Miss Vervain.
"Delicious." she stl.1, In a deep voilce,
which ooeveyed something of this
anxiety In guarded tome. and yet
wee not wanting in a'kind of frank
Ilene. "Did you mean them for me.
lir. Ferrier
I d.dni t. but I do." answered Mr.
Ferris. " I bought them it iguurano
tui 1 Mitrretand now erbat-then-srewc
nreatit for by nature' and hire factex-
tureshyaC utha, with their smooth
tures asst their pure colors, barmen:zed
well stet!' Mier 'Fervent. as -title beet
....ess&deemeolterotheIRADdetlikvide their
full, reit perfume.
" I w 11 pet them in water." sheseed.
, If on 11 exew3 ata a mouent. Moth •r
w:fl be down directly."
Before she cowed return. her mother
rustled into the parlor.
Mrs. Vervain, was grctlutly, fra
g:iely unlike her daughter. She entered
with a gentle had. gltd:ag. dem. peer-
'ng rear-itghtedly abient through hie.
glneere -and laughing trtgmphantly
when isle had determ nerd Mr._ Fe:Om
•• exact position. where he stool
em le shapers Motet) br'owu beard and
glandng from Iter haul eyes. Bene w '-
dreamed n perfect ta•tsori `Ir frrenee
to her matronly years
Ing et kiene s of lief w idowleoo.t, and
alba 'had an unaffeeted natt�raloeese of
Palmer, dh c.a, teen et net ''age of
forty-eight, ecoid not to railed ter
than charm ng. sine' ap:ere In a trawl-
ing. caroming tome, to which no utast
at leant et mkt rospoad auk:nilly.
"So very good of you. to take all
this trouble. Mr. Ferris," she said,
gifting him a friendly hand. "and I
sappers, you -arty letting us encroach
upon- very valuable t.me. I'm .unite
ai ham$ to take it. But isn't 1t a
♦ bid tight ever Tway ;call a none of
to eastanttlo have it reeable Ow hot. for In.
emes. et's
unp: for
stance. I'm the greatest .pew
,otderatlnne Mr. Ferris. and 1 !carry
the princes:A. into everything; but 1
.o think the breakfasts at these Ital-
ian hotels are to.i light altogether. -I
like our American breakfa.ts. don't
you T I've been telling Florida 1 can't
stand it; we really must make some
arrangement. To le sure, you ought
not to think of such a thing Ate eat
Ing, in a place like Venice, all poetry,
but a sound mint ht n sound over It
say. We're perfectly wild
Doii't you think It's a place that
grows upon you very much. Mr. Fer
rle f All thione assorinUons-It doer
neem too much. and the gondolas ev•
urywhre. But l'ei always afraid the
gondoliers cheat us; and in the steres
I never feel safe n moenent-not a Ino
moat. I do think the Venetian' are
lacking In trntllelneA. a little. t
don't believe they understand dor
American fair -dealing and Sincerity
I sboulin't waut to do them in,us-
tire. hit I really think they take ad-
vantages in bargaining. Now Ruch a
thing evea ea corals, Florida Is ex•
trewety fowl of them. and we bought
a set yesterday M the piazza, and 1
know we paid too much for them
Florttla," said Mrs. Vervain, for her
daughter had reenteretl the room and
stood with some Ahawle and wraps
upon her arm. patiently waiting fer
the conclusion of the elder
speer ti. "I wish you g
down thnt ret of ahrnls. 1'd like Mr.
Ferris to give an ante/tase.f teeniest'.
I'm owe we were cheated."
"I don't know anything about cor-
al%, Mrs. Vervain." tnterpaei Mr.
"Weil, but you ought to ree this set
for the beauty of the color ; they're -
really exquisite. I'm sure It will
gratify your artistic taste."
Mb. terrain hesltate1 with a look
of desire to obey, and of doubt wile
ther W force the pleaavre upon Mr.
Ferris. "Won't It d o another time,
mother?" she aske.l. faintly; "the
amebae le waiting for us."
Mn. Vervain gave a frnliish start
from the chair, into which elle had
sunk. •'Oh. do let lie he off at once.
then." ehe said ; and when they sto'xt
o, the Ianding•.Malre of the hotel
"What gloom tilers thea gmnieleo
are!" she added ; while the gondolier
with ohne foot on the gunwale of the
Teat received the ladtee' shawls, end
then crooked his arm for them o,
it hand on In etepptng atoned
"I wonder they don't {mint them
some cheerful ro1or."
"Blur. or pink. Mrs. Vervain?"
asked Mr. Ferris. "I knew you were
coming Go that fp:motion ; they' nil
do. But we needn't t,a,e the top en
ret eti. If It deprwaai your etre . We
shall tie atilt warm enough
"Well, have It off, then. It rends the
(sold chllisover me to look at It. What
did Ityrel call it r'
"Yes, It's time for Byron. now. It
was very gaol of Jon not to mention
him before. Mrs. Vervain. Rut 1 khew
he lied to erne.. Ile called It a coffin
choreal in a canoe.'
--ICZor•tty;" -rand Mee. toroth . _'1
always feel Aa it f were going to
own femoral when i get Into fut;aend
Ire certainly had enough
never to went to have anything, t o
do with another. 01 lout se i 1 vee"
ehe wetted hsrsslf luxurloeele *pot
the feather -stuffed leathern coah'ene
w hew the rutin was r,nuirm1 !Leath
lied tod.ed Men near her very often
father and Acether had been early lost.
ass bar, and the brother' and termer.
=aned with her had Petrel end per-
�rj one After mustiest. ne they rip -
deed to seen and women ; Nee lint ashen
1Pzhr 01 his now elelleirwe die; her her
Rased had !wen deed els years. Alt
the bereavement. had iefh that tealy
aeteher t
red, efpA IMI we said. she bad
td remember
"1 miner was iu (igloos when 1 wan
a g'-rL'" she went tau, Judie/ging many
ob.teary memories AI tliu g;*.dola
d1p'd Aleut darted down the eanal.
..ofd I was neat -teed :u my mourn K
for uty,lam, sifter. It d d seem a little
taro much when she weut. Mr. Ferrer
t was leo you's to feel '.t too ouch
about the others. but we were nearly
of the shine ago and that makes a
d iterate*. gait you know. First a
'brother aid then a setter : '1 t was
eery etraatgo how they kept break going
that way 1 warned d ; thou h, e
cliarm whoa keret mama g
be sure, there u-ua ata brother left
after Marian."
Mar tenon beard her mother'e
mortuary prattle wale a face from -
heel err .tupatierrce of it could be
inferred and 11r. Ferree made no com-
ment on what w'as (ddly'varnw In
obaraoter ural manner. for Mrs. Ver -
tale touched upon the glotan:est facie
Of her Illetury w lit a certain imper
lona/ atat'etoal Intermit. They were
meting mous the lagoon to the
lamed of San Lazzaro. where for rea-
sorts of leer own elle 'attended to ven-
erate the convent in witch Byron
stud ed the Arnhenen language pre-
paratory to w-r:t:rlg Iilt great poem
n t ; If her pilgrimage had no very
earnest me,;dte.:t was worthy of the
fact avh`ch it was designed to honor.
The lagoon was of n perfect, shirting
eisxfthoess, broken by the shallows
over wh cli the ebb:rig tole had lett
the sea -weed tra.hed Lke 1ong, Mellow -
elite! hair. The lettermen, as they
waded ntslut staking the r nets. or
stooped to gather the small ehelt-Mali
of the ehallowr, showed lege as brown
and tough as theme of the a'uatles in
T.t au's Asumptlon. Here and there
was a Coat. with a boy or an old man
adeeep in the_ bettunu of 't. The gull -
.called -Vet. White fiats -ag.rn4
the Ul1niltable blue of the bee;
t}p e; the air, though It was of
Arty /pre g, aid .n the 'hada
had a silty, pungency, was here
ersoge -... A. 1*
motloRsss splendors and rids coTors
01 the weer there was a meencbn:y
before whloh Mrs. Veevalo feet fit
eeold have btu► fur a teacher.
',Say cu ehet she? 1le told me that D.atlsties prune that vinely•sevein
to would boos W take breakfaetor per mut. of Caw/Alone suffer from
lunch with tree. but not dinner, toe Catarrh• awl tbut this dte••ase 11 leo t,
he alwwye had to be at the oto- daQ gerous owing to its teudettcy ta►
vent before nightfall. Well, 1e extend to the sou uucct tubas and
might Dome to give the lemons ones. emWlug an:
In the 1nWdle of the day.- fis Ma utile has the use of sprays.
Iva eoaaitet.- lileisaa� .' fres �h N entad it_ -4111•
Vervain, '" 1 know you temidl 't,'" an• treatmen .,.Ali'" CaYBFttt, "teat -Shane'
severed Ferrier, earnestly. " I'm sere meiltuds have not bevel .1u use by the
the Armeulans never sic! anything of regular physlclatte Molter the last de -
the kud. They're all very Miry men, • but It war not until rho sips-
engaged to ecclesiastical or liter Covert' of C t weeoanrte p tilessl &
ery wock, and they couldn't give the air treatment. time."
" Why not f There was B,yrah."
" But Byron welt to them, and he
1 with
i mot
liana's, t
Maned Armenian.
them. Padre l)lrolamo speaks perfect
Italian, for all that, I can see; tett
I doubt 1I he'd uudertake to impart
the wative accent, which le what
you want. In fact, the scheme 1*
altogether Impracticable."
" Will," onto Mrs. I` had in; set
exoeedhrgly sorry.
my heart en Lt. I never took much
a fancy to any one W such a short
tints before."
" It seemed to be a case of love
at first sight 0:1 both eider," said
Ferris. "Padre e;lrolamu downer
shower those lumped! rose -lessee kr
discriminately upon visitors."
" Thanks," returned Mrs. Vervain ;
'It's very good of you to say 1o,
Mr. Ferris, and It's very genttfylag,
all round; but don't you see. it
doesn't serve the present purpona.
What teacher's do you know of?
She bad been by marriage oolong
In the servk'e of the Uulted States
that she still ragarded Its agents
as part of her own domestic econ-
tio t
omy. Consuls she everywhere em-
ployedir functionaries
the Mistretta
of American ladies trave!ling with-
out protection. In the week which
haat passed sties tier arrival in Ven -
be, there had been no day on which
site did not appeal to dards for
help or sympathy ••r ativloe. She
took amiable p.itwesakl:t u(. klm at
dice, and she had established an
awaiting sort of intimacy with
him, , to which the haughty
trepidation. of her daughter
vet certabi Wands, but In
wh eh the dm:natal that he should tin.
.ser a rau.tabk.•' Italian teacher seemed
trivially matter of c.a:aree.
(To be Coatlnasde
duty silent. Now and then Ferris
briefly spoke, calling Miss Vervain's
notice to this or that, tine she hbrief y
respopded. As they pre
house of Ere Servo lea took
-litat7dfatg-et an opo.
Seek velvet skull cap from his white
hair, lowed :ow three times, and kiss-
ed las hind to the Ladies. The Lid le
front of them stretch*.1 a brown strip
of send with white villages shining out
of it ; on their left the Pub:lo Gar-
dena showed a Imes of hovering green;
far beyond end above, tie, ghost- ikr.
snows cf this A:pine heights haunted
the misty horizon.
It was eel .i In. the sha,low of the
ennvent when they .ended at San
&sere., and It ohs coo. 1n the parlor
where they waited for the monk who
was to show them through the pace;
but it was dill and warm In the gar-
dened court, where the bees murmur-
ed among the crocuses and hyacinths
under the ao nday Vervain
stood 'coking oiit of the window awn
the lagoon, while her mother drift-
ed about the room, peering at tbe ob-
jects on the wan through loo eye-
acsea. She was praising a Chinese
painting ort fish on rice paper, when
w young monk entered with a cordia'.
greeting In English for Mir. Ferris.
She turned end sate them shaking
bands, but at the Sime moment her
eye -gasses abandoned heer nose amiable
& vigorous leap ; site q
laugh, and groping for them over
her dress, bowed et random, as lir.
Ferris pres,nted Padre Giro:amo.
"I base been admiring thla piloting
en moth. Padre Giro.amo," she said.
with instant good -wt 1, and taking the
monk into the easy familiarity of hzr
friendship by the tone with which
she spoke his name. ".some of the
brothers did It, I suppose."
"ir.s no," sld W e b ng It utptthere
Musa painting.
because It was given to us, and *as
"Wel, now, do you know," return-
ed Mrs., Vervain, "I thought It was
ebeneae 1 Their thing'. are so old. But,
real:7, In an Armenian convent, It's
vary misesadibg. I don't think you
onghe to ..ave It there; it certain -
does throw peop:e off the track,"
she added, subduing the express :onfb
something very ady-like, by
winning *ppm: with which Abe used
It. . u ' Armenian
"Ole but it they put P
paintings in Chinese convents?"
said Mr. noels.
" You're joking!" cried Mrs. Ver-
vain, ,'.king at him with a grad -
Melly amused air. " There are no
'Chinese eonvente. To be sure those
rebels are n kind of (.'hriatane,"
•abv added. thoughtfut'v, •' but there
can't be many of them left, poor
things, hundreds of tlwm execnte•l
at a time, that way. it's' perfect-
ly sickening to road of it: and you
can't help it, you know. But they
my they havttm't Really so much
feeling as we have-not so nervous."
ith a wankel by the side of the
young friar aa he fed the way to
wren parte of the convent ne are
Open to %letters, and Mr. Ferris
.,a.ms' after with her daughter, who,
the fancl•v1, met has attempts et
talk with sudden and more than
newel Hauteur. " Whet a fool!
could be pereuatied to ti•eat this die-
Catarrhowne treatment. founded
upon the knowledge teat air. awl dry
eir only. can cuter the bronchial tubes
end lungs, at once commended iteelf to.
ell scientific met woken' me.
They found in Catarrhotone new•
termicide of eufficloit power to kill
Asthma, anti volatile enough to Im-
pregnate every partide of nir ren th-
by the patient. yet leas ing It freo
from moisture, thus enabling the cure
to reach every part of the parsagee
in the head and throat. and to pees-
Lrate the minutest air mils In the
After the gertwa liave Leen killed.
Catarritowne at once &Mos upon the
int, restoring them to their natural
sod twelfth), condition.
The convenience and YAMS of the
'Catarrtiessone Inhaler 13 easily meter --
the& A sudden change in weather,
emir feet. or sitting a draught.
s often the beginning of Hertoue eom-
aleations. but having tle• inhaler in
..our pocket. at the first shiver or
peep you ion apply the remedy and
'void fatal oonsequenc.e.
For stile at ell drueggists or. direct
ry mail, price 01.00. Sand 10e.
.tampe for trial outfitlo N. tl. Poison
t Co., Mfg. Chemists, box 514, Mog-
Mow e Glare Blower Woe a Price
After Maley Hod Veiled.
In one of ole great squarer et ht.
Petereburg, mays the Youth's Cum
pan:on. 'Iambi a magutlloeut ooluwu
160 feet et height. erected to cum
saamorate the reign of the Char. Al-
exander: L. the ally and afterward
the, rival of Napoleon. Oa one oet•asloa
of a wale eelebratkan the present
Czar wished to have the great Matt
Ijlnmluult, And round lamps of au
yvef+-.iOared team. a_�
l nenefaotxfry, • ... r."
After two or tires experin._..
workmen dlaeovered to heir coaster
tuition that It monied InlpoIDlble to
blow the bulbs mu large by the form
of huruarl breath. The blowers blew
the • bulblwremalnedere rfar below the rely exhausted. `
qulroa dee. los was offered to the
A 4aucoemf
e men
D OA successful Wooer. aid th
Mewed tlwlr efforts. but to no {leas
po e. At last a beg fellow, attaped
a barrel. stepped forward sod yu et
1 remarks 1 that lie wan sun be could!
to the trick. The crowd laughed good-
humoredly. but the man merely saiidd:
I want to rluso my
They gave him a cup of water.
Ile reseed his mouth. taking plenty of
Waw, and thea appeal 1,1s mouth to
the tote. re w1Soaon itttureached the
of glass gee
mmrttuna of its uear•s.t rival. Then
its lemons' bigger,rid bigger. until it aThen lt
pros the 1 the reemerged
attatnei 1t. Then it passed It.
-stop, stop!'. triad the crowd. "It's
�i itg •tsvn �td you dole ?"
-Where Is my money " maid the mau
by way of *reply.
When he felt the rubles In lits palm
an expreeton of genital satafaction
°rem -preset Atm ruugh features.
-Whir. It's may." sald he, aud then
he explained how he brut retainet «gm
a the water In his mouth. bow he had
ba• ll. awl how the expauctLitg steam
bad instantly corns to hie amistance.
fells How She Defeated a Datageroe.
Easany A Pieter' Episode.
P.ctua, Ont., 7. -Every stuleat
hernante ane stchovemente of Colons.
t, who wail Me first wants matte'
lit -Yreka' Elwarri Coustge
whose honor old Fort Meneg at King*
aeon is tectnel. Citizen* Picton
Aware that 00e pf the moot respecteu
leselente 01 the tows, Miss Aisne
toting, is a greet -daughter of th.
by p• ointing out to them an unf 'Line
way -the roily untaL:ne way -of con
quering ooe tbe worst enemies of
Mins Young bas written, as follows'
eel, '43 Canadan Life Building, To-
ronto: "Dear Airs -About R 11100111
ago I ren4 in one of your circuities
how disease :a caused by germs anal
toxins la the Poet and how ,Dy.,„Atyz
noti's Fogtish Toxin Pills are a raw
remedy to hit these germs. I emptied -
ed to try these.
icar twenty years • m4 poor body was
twated out shape, Ito you ean
forst •n Liea of what I "offered. Th,
Pete cause' a decided change fer tbe
_Improving every dny. I am at the
third box now, and cait enjoy my
sleep every night, somethIng I have
been deprived of for many years.
"Of course, I cannot lo made
young again, for 1 wir let TO year*
a age December. yet I feel that
I can en -I my Moe in pewee thanks
to Dr. Arno4i's English Toxin Pills
terly destroy and mweep out of the
eratem the germs that elate* Rhea
ragtime That's hos they cure -al-
ways. berg...packet, 715c; small packet
.Zr ; at all drug stoma, or sent to
mail on receipt of price to tbe Dr
Clienecal Coe Limited. 43
King street. west, Toronto.
Pio 51 1899
Shoulder Roe of Blue Fox.
YOU. might mimeos Must the tem of
hiffon or feathers or fur is pro-
minently an article for neck dress-
Anoe the appearance -4d the "shoulder
:now's. It is "voyant" fashion anti
Amuse catty Is toed by -young women.
le it le too pronounce . to be worn
with taste by elderly women. There
sre no oi.1 wonien any mere. The
Moulder toa n Oates the entire
ox. One skin Is used for the lower
ort of the shoulders, beck and front ,
he other corers the the sat and upper
!meioses. The upper fuzee head and
all hook together beneath the chin.
apt the "under dog's" anatomy is
Istributed so that his le ad Retinue on
Ile left shoulder, while the tall 'Ian -
lea from the right, atioulder. Tbe
at Loa and shoulder elePo. _
much earlter than she might. greet Idltee Inect my husband'
arid I must have her wItli me. or
we're all that there 14 of us -we
tnted us anywhere. But wisesever
trive to get her some lend of Inatome.
Von. I feel the need of it to much
* my own ease; for to tell you the
teeth. Mr. Ferries. I marr'ed toe yourer
ellepone / should do the same tiling
°tier neve' if it Was to be dene over •
but don't' you_ me my mina mogul
eropoty formed ; and Uwe following
my husband about from pillar to post.
led my first baby born when I wee
alneteen-witil, it wasn't education, at
any rate, whatever rase It was; are
I've d-term!ned that Flor'da. though
OM are such it pain of wandnrere. elial
not have my rewrite I got tenchere
home as they are In travell'rg. and
we etayrd there' two years -and I did
n Franc" andl I Orlin Germany. Ana
now. Italtan. Dere we nro In Italy.
wall I Chink we ought to improve the
Vine. Florde knows a good deal of
Italian already, for her mus'e teacher
in France was an Ital nit. and lie
taught her tbe bingeing:, well
mare, What olio wants now. I nhon'irl
'n to perfect ber accent and get
,I1M1141011e e0Me every dey and mad and
owner*, an hour or two with her."
Mri. Vervain lenneel brick In her
neat ard looked at Ferr'a. wise
sa'd. feeling that the matter
wars referred to him : "I thial-e
without presuming to my what Klee
Vervain's need of instruction bt-tkat
your idea Is a very good one." He
musel In rd ence, hie wonder (bat so
mere addlepadednese es was at once
observable In Mrs. Verv•in should
exist Along with, it.77. much common
manse. "It's evert/tiny very good in the
abstraet," he added, with a refiner
at the daughter, as If the sense must
be tiers. She did not meet lila 'ranee
at once, but with an Imps:tient re-
oogeition of the beat that was now
great for this warmth wi h whir&
frown her write, showing It• delcious
wietemem, and letting her fingers
teal. through tbe 000l water ; she
dried theta ber handkerchief, and
then bent her eyes full upon 111111, 0/1
chn.lenging him to think this un -
"No • elm rly the mime does not come
front her,"stiel Ferris to himse:f; "it is
unposed) e think vre:1 of the Miottof
a girl who toots on* with tacit ma -
"Yee" regime"! Mr& Vervain, "It's
certata.y fery goal in the 'abstract.
But, ob dear t you've no Idea of
the diffico:ties in the waf. I navy
fo▪ r you are bere as the representative
of the country, and you natnraly
sympathise with the difflcu ties of
Americans abroad ; the teachers will
bel !eve wine Otter sterns."
"Mother I" began llan Vervain;
• nri then shit checked bergra.
Yen is gave a venire( le laugh,
Whine with you in my official cap-
acity, I bleat owe tittle a man Red
soft/ lot UMW, poor fo imve, too."
"To be sore, they are to be pitied,
of coarse -and fee.: for them ; I
when I was • girl ; for the pert thing
need to happen 1h...rt. I doo't know
why ii!ortd* shoeld he subjected to
suck entberransments, too. It AM*
MOM seenotimee as if It wore sewer -
thing In tbe leond. They all got the
Met that you have monay, you know,"
"Then I aboted thet it might be
menet bine In the prethee," secede 04
Ferris, with a look at Mrs Vervain,
In whose al Ant sueferlag, as be Ile-
na1n01 it, he fosind a roc Houk eon -
so ation For her worn.
"We I, whatever it is," replied Mrs
Vet vein, "It's inn vevationa roam*,
ening to new p: Sees. that way, ne
we're aWays doing, &ride dee going
te solo foe it !insiteol Mate, Derbies,
sen't leek end olionse.
And *CM whets yeti do gym en ereterly
he sold to hlmseef. "Is she edraid
herr' and he fellowed in rather a
milky Silent", the course of Mrs.
eervnin anti her guide. The 11.
'wary, the chapel, and the moment
rano! oat her friendliest praiser'.
and hi the last Me !trained tlin
mummy on Mow there et the re-
mote! of one elle had Seen III New
riolutett out the (leek in the retie&
tory from which One Of the bro.
there evoul while the root were eet-
Ing, she tools him to Musk. "Oh,
hut 1 esn't think thnte at all good
for pie eihreetIon, you know-nsing
the brain that way whilst yoiere
et table. I really hope yogi don't
listen trm attentieely ; It would toe
better for yen in the long run.
even bi religions point of view.
But now-Tlyron! Von meet show
tae coill The monk .1eprecatea
Ferris, *rho came to his relief. "Von
couldn't hoer] seen bit , If he'd
had one. Mee. vervain. They don't
admit ladies/ to tio Moister."
•• Whet teMnuneln I.' answered Mrs.
Very nln, n Pao ran y restarting the
as othother Mr.- Forrte' penitent-
lenfInrowl his statement.. and she
Meekly easalled the rile as a dere
meet t.b. sex, which refleet.el
oven norm the Vinci& the oblect, es
he was forced to allow, of their
tagh veneration. Ile nmilund patient -
:3r, and onnfeetert that lire. Vervain
had all the recoroiss an her skim At
Pesergiot printing where
Cermet University Reglater.
Cornell Register Mix veer ahows
ealn a 202. the total to date being
2,240, as agninet 2,03S at thee time
last year. The university now altOW
In its liktory. Four hundred anti nr
ern degree@ were confeirol In June
,8J0, making a total of 5,167 Marrero
•onferrevi by the university. Tie
'acuity also shoed a large increase
ft consiste of flit professor,. etc.
ogningt tail last yeer. The new pro
emirs nre Prate. hit:Unwary, Ewing
Singerland, Strunk. Gifford eip!
Kingsbury. The etimmary aledelmer
the different State nod foriern euun
tries. Now York Wade. with 1.394 eta
Pennsylvanit follows with 157
ilinssenceinretts, 45, etc. Forty -font
'Metes! are LH* year represented, ntn
Conwin, Rumex, Mexico, Cuba, Ger
Columbia, New Zealand. Nlearagna,
Norway. Sweden, awl Tutkey (Ada)
Cirrus mad Wives.
Putnain's rainless Corn and Wart
Extrac,ter ht guaranteed by the reek
errs to remove L'orne, Warta. Bunions
etc, without petite in twenty -fear
hours buttinan bar been the sitandare
for thirty yearn, and in the only were
lid aure remedy og ita bind on the
market. Owlet on baring only leit
na mei, and beware of Held, fleeh-eating
all defilers. or hy mall. N. Poison et
Co.. Box 614, Kingston, cult., pronri
LtenClind Iron' Pills ; only
25 cents fel' doom
neglect to take a bottle or
They do not complain of
-eat eiresugh,
pale. They appear rly
but have no strength. You
cannot say they WE really
sick, and 30 you call them
What can be done for them ?
Our answer is the same that
the best ph ysiciahs have been
giiiing for a quarter of a cen-
tury. Give them
of Cod -Liver 0:1 with 11),po-
l:1:D4k:try. It has most re-
markable nourishing power.
It gives color to the blood. It
brings strength to the mus-
cles. It adds power to the
nerves. It means robust
health and vigor. Even deli-
cate infants rapidly gain in
flesh if given a small amount
three or four times each day.
How's This?
We offer One Haudred Dollars Re-
ward for any cam of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
We. the undersigned. have knowu .
Treheney for the last 15 years. and
believe him perfectly honorable in
all business transactions. anti finan-
cially able to carry out any obligation
ramie by their fIrM.
West it Truax. wholesale druggists.
with eon, for it Will Ida
3 au from sickness.
Emperor William,* utters...
.1y charm. which, of course, tiwy
teeter to cell a tatiamen. It is a Meek
dote. whieh is sale to lw handed down
py earl' dying Emperor from his
-harms. AceOrding to" a legend. the
Mae ou the bed coverlet of a princess'
ef the family, who ' had lust given
irth to a son. The father of Fred -
•rick the Great had the stone mounte I
1,11 a ring. There are documents relat-
ing to It in the areillyeti, nnd the
tessent kaiser always wears it on all
great occasions.
Hales Catarrh Cure le taken
natty, acting directly upon the bkiod
and mneous surfaces of the eyelets'.
Price. 75e. per bottle. Sold by all drug-
gists. Tertimontals free.
Hall's Faintly Pills are the best.
Trieeripb of Engineering.
One of the latest triumphs 1f1 hp!
engineering viortif combos in the con-
struction, shipment by ateauter aird
Make a good -Weed Domed poultice
very hot. with elghb or ten hops of
laudanum In the middle. This will
smelly cure the noel mestere ear -ache.
4 clutnge of drinking water MA
goo "oat summer complaint
will stop the trouble at ou,P
to the CI
Hart's Brigade
River But
bor Now Shelline Ladysmith am
Has Again Groesed the Tui
Oen. Warne Will Joh
Vast Fortress.---meshoosei
Loudon, Deo. 111. -The Assad
that the Queea In excellent he
tad that there is 110 imidication
erreader of Kimberley.
A report et the death of 44
Victoria and • rumor that Klein
lad au r readered were circulated
the !undo° Stock Exchange to
Tbe Fenian Yell.
London, Dec. 111.-A curious
Sluice to commotion with Lord
ts' •ppointment at the pr.
Osseo. ut the olreozestanoe Liu
was oudistrie appoiatel cocaina.
isob.ef after the Withal). debts
The papers are retionling do
vitt-O'brien "Fiasco" •t
Olt they prusientlo kept withe
mile wiser' • member a the am
ierectity limited the murder of
Ca.metelelff alluding to tits
tir the Caatie la the wont", 'titer
man shot there before." A'
via -tiered speakers are chasers<
arng 'played hide and seek
le pokes," ve.th the ezeeptai
Mande Goons, "who in
eed the inealc, but was, of o
?tested 1.1 ler seri."
Infibille, Dec. 18.-Tbe Morning
prints the following Ire
Pt be followed except In a %nem
oral way. illes despatch does no
tend to be more than a statessi
moults. Bailer's women at pre
to relieve Ladysmith nod loin
web tien. White. To do that 111
day was complete. but nos fin
odyssey' will probably be delay
111 a fresh errival of artillery.'
eevr York. Dec. 18. -The Litiu
nearded so gravely In Engle's'
a reconstruction of the Bettie
eat in being diectuteed In politk
cle, according to the London
epoodent of the World. •
The retirement of JoilePh
Geodes. la not oaly demand
In sodas quarters the sitorif toe
don. Chaplin and Crom.
old and uselesse is urged. Sir
iiirluellesele Chancellor of %I
hequer. Is mitioesed for fall
seep!) millet/int Om& fee 1
In the beginning.
It 1. saserted that should
,,,utinnet much longer withers
II national coalition env
eetain. with Lord Rombeere
Littl Minister and probably
dth am Colonial 13soretary
eillabury retaining the Peel
1.d, tiring a proportion of t
fetios to the Liberal Import/ill
nA/Mele sleet by those deem
t,a fear of continental Inter(
To Loire • Cold ra One Day.
Take Ltxative Draw Quinine Tab -
eta All druggists refund the money
f it fate to cure. 25c. E. W. Grove'.
Agnates* is co each boa.
subsequent transfer to ra le ay ra
Lavender l'illow•.
• Lavender pillows are taking the
'lace of the Moe needle multilane.
hey nre usually towered with white
imen, decorated with spikes of the
lavender flowers worked in natural
-More or heliotrope linen worked with
lex threruis of a paler tint. Lavender
iv *Igo largely need in place of the
nalodorons moth bale, and he said to
oe quite as effleacious.
One pound of the beat butter, one
pound of 'Re/Lent/del smear, ele'.41n
aux, the whiten and yollut !operated
:Ind the whites benten until rery
light ; *tided at the lase half a pint
Of wine anee tweedy Mialai, A wine. In olden times certain tovrng end
ch." raleinomyr, mitempi villages in England mei to possess a
gritted, et scent tarespoontni of cinna twiddles home, where poor Rotates.
mon, one saltcpuonfal of allapire, the alter they bad hem welded nt cheirch,
weseemed snare and an even pound. meld entertain their frhomils at a
light weight mailer than fief weight, email emit, the only outlay bring the
of sifted flour. Fink. In a large pall for purchase/ of Malt pro% talons for their
shout two end es half Mum lit a mod mowte ite they brought with there, tee
mete oven. This' mike win merely alter honey for the day being given free tR
tbfaction, for it la one of the reeemis
given by the femme Mee (100(11(11ov/
in the time of one greett-grendinoth- Don't Take Mance
ors. No well k"Pt ben"' WY" *"E„4"11** feel* soll know ellen you sway have
rake, which wits always offered she sew la tips-gbibt.
on. vit., Dawes rapidly reel, by
Never fatted In 25 yearn to cure
the meet etubhorn ease nf Cholera
Morten hy the tete of
portation of • steamer of 4,e00 tons Theme sail Meet useful lawintlisa
displacement, which was finally put eay of ate Whew Cease after Wag In ue
afloat in Lake Salkal, not, woe's so. ore, tee Tom. bee beneimo
lean than 6,000 utiles from lit. Peters- popular that Ihe sealesilawatese hate led 1.1
berg. amide their ealtgialla oallar to meet the al,
Milken Worm Powders are a won -
(ireful asthenia for aliments egooisso ' Hu" reasiAllee .11,610‘ a". Yee '
reit. Medical ENO sad ethers Ilea have seed
th peaseenee tiama se be alien ste-
le odevlese sad otaltary la livery rr
For ostalogre sad wire 111M, redeem,
HaraNtes. Oat
The Liverpool Port le responsible foe
the following unwiring anecdote:
'There is at st university not a hun-
dred mate from Dublin a well-known
mathematical professor, whose name
wodid only have to be mentioned to
be recognized, who has es brother
coretruetor a iron railway
bridges. This dIsaimarteity of oeentre
eon has been seized on by Sone local
wits' (for Iriehrnen can always make
end enjoy • joke) causing the one to
be nicknamed Abstract,' while the
other Is fittingly styled 'Concrete.'"
WHIM 111111111 Al Mitt names IASI
Good going Dec. 113rd, Seth. and Oh, valid
to return until Deo. likh. and at
mat IIRSI•CLA.111
GOOd going Imo. Wad. 113rd. fah. and Valt. rand
tu ret Urn mall Ded
(load going Dem me and 3Iet. 1318. Jan. let In%
valid 1.3 return until Jan. 2i.d. I30n.
SOW fflUll-CLASS fent Oa entomee
flood going Deo. lab. Nth and llet.1/011. and
Jan. lat. 110n. valid to noire note Jan, Dra.
Between ell etallOn• la Omega es Orme
Trunk Railway Sysem.
From Orand Trunk Stations Is Caged& op
Detroit and Pt Huron.
From Orand Trunk station. in Caned* tAl.
PUT SOT riuul Hutrulo, Black heck. Niagara
Fans end eumenslon Wulf.. N.Y.
der of Cortidestel. from I/e. lith to Da,
Inclusive, valid to return until Jan. Mb, IR*
Dtirrater- Bet went atatione In Canaan Only,
Certificate. Deo Ilith to lab. Mt inelesive.
valid to return until Jan. 19OD.
Tickets and a/1 Information trees Agents
Grand Trent Hallway Hyrum.
M. C. IMICIL14111. Diet Pam Agent.
?I the chile le restlitee at night.
.cm. a dorm of Millers Worm POWdera
*My darling," eyries the'. here
throwing off he disguise, "I sim he I'
"And I," falters the heroine, lay-
ing aside her maidenly reserve, "am
Fehe I"
Meanwhile tbe oowers In
lithe corner.
"I sm it I" he gibbers; for he hris
gone mad under the Wolin.
Wee may come ene nom may 40,
eta! ail Lhe timer melodrama La Iti
asseatials is the sante old story.
Han hnt one arturee of relief. Nervelne
-nerves-vein enre-pernetrittro to thri
owe, and affords relief Mewed Inatent-
ly. The whole range of medicine nf-
fords no parallel to Nervliine ne a pain
Wedding Hermes In Oict itegland.
156 !RSA%
.4.0.4=.1 OINK on.411.“Nlat.well
= ward &Rd bowel
Virginia Homes.
Yee Acre an about t'Irginia land,. moll,
stator. climate. rot arca". prattler. trait...
beefier. molt of eigtivatlee. seem, etc , by
reading the VIRGIL IA FARMER. Senates,.
for three months' "%a...elation to
tasks tan to fifteen dollars pi,
day. Latest Improved Cooker
Glom Water Gauge. All eon,
litany advaetoges over any eine,
'seller menamtured. Auto
mat 'it Slam Cougar o .
(elem. erase Thereto-
When omit of tallies. board. Me eaperlorlt1
of training, mad er in stuttlea. end like
emoned. callem la the beet ohms la
Commie for ktra. hen
omega Fruit Dalt Geed luiprevematte, Mat
woof, and and entrusts. Chtavieskid to Wed
Dees, Tenn.
GM MtUIMITI411 81 Gil! D?
Yee owl tell whim& tribe
FARMER CO-, Emporia, Va.
Dr. ItluNtt BOuireatir Nerve
gam lirot tiara um lime al
Wane street. Phitadelieut
effective Jo
WAWA, PaleirVi Om*
t.• Throat, brio
•ebe. Brads" pay Igaildar
et. v. EDT, Cheinda, Pert Ogle. Ost
1113Worions trystosit *ALM OV
No Reflection on Buil
Lobelia of Kandahar te ft
know% la Min h0 00•111re
t;reat Britain. and that Lord
nd Lord Kitchener are conat
right men to relieve she d
eituation in South Attica '
evidepced by time more Mager
all tbe war digression tide
In te of the attempt. of
t tee to glow over. the
Ion Chen. Buller the fact
that new appnintments car
regarded as otherwise then
alty for his fellers.
" The disposition to reel
is entirely arroemes. As the
rind In Smith Africa. inet
of higher rank nre nato
eallested to the supreme cou
Kitchener 1. Reads
Cairo, Deo. lie -Oen. Lord 1
who has been appointed chi
Malt of Oan. Lord Roberti
tiehar. the new oomMandor-
Nave Omdurman on Tumid&
arrive here on Fritter. Ha
for Pope Town am soon es
Dr. Parker's View
London. Deo. 114.-Rov.
daring his Sunday sermon
menus nengremition in the
plie Uplifted that growth
he bone to 049 the bloc
?oath Africa. and weed
eras the only one able
ber would bring an honor
end avert is met miser*
maw Fur me the Omelet
owe end orphens n
the world ba• ever seen.
*he Queen. Seel into leer
holy spirit, which 9111. ay
gnat* bare the
the fire. -
Andrews Prophet
cldeago, Deo. 113. -"If
rine We powers a the
'mite tet ROW megaelfull;
vanes. A mention will
*hie Mar tud onoms•
•.14• will the flnited State
mist tokeorie side or that
be a sett day for oer
1.57 We never have got 11