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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-21, Page 5mals 19. ,a 'OUR N at IN' S. )N ho sags our of Holiday dot it. tits at pop Imod good ad it would boost Goa meg. All Ark we do 1etemer a best all are Town Hall, Depositoey. 1 a a Is. a a a and lade ask •611, a • a a Jr. 1 in at's f) `40.00, .141loirt W. ACHESON & SON Aa Aa1ancoT HandeliTs • 0 -"200.dt ns ielr renisfit _-•- _red linen Handkerchiefs, just opened for the holiday season. They comprise magnificent affects with Honiton linen, insertions and laces, anC.hand embroidered designs, prices 25c, 40e, 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.25. Men's aq4 ladies' sllk lined Mocha Gloves, colors of greys and Towns. Scarfs, Boas, Ruffs, Umbrellas, Trefousse's Kid Gloves, Elder Down Quilts, Embroidered Table Cloths, Tea Cloths and Tray Cloths.. The largest choice of Christmas Gifts and Holi- day Specials we have ever shown. INSPECTION INVITED. W. ACHESON &SONI NEIN YORK LETTER. Mssstfy. Mn word-GeS dory lama --- As laureate" lisplIM. ('pe.1a1 esrrwq.-4sea .f Tim tltuaat..l *11 war sod gevarament dlpm are built by favor Orme, bet then pri efpal rigour . bice fes the Amman AM is at tb. Dies 1y. wiry yah/. Beseded on eea side by the Rea neer, s molar by the naval maim barracks, and e.mssded se the re- mising esm using two skim try high stem walls, Um wbb yard ls patrolled by .stets day .d sight Dorian the war with 8pmis, deur tim bv tits sem mamma amewel the thea- sao&.f misses ad labse.n, sad it swelled hot ths nlgbtsm$ ammo for a meas *rheas. 1l iwaws la ..lead by ,iso teem the saper- IrbeiM►, Moss tits Halter haws tamest dpkyad 1. tM abhps sc s ea of the bole. several .1 whir" are Dearly assays at O. . Oak roe .,Hasslut dap ars Ota, hwiltlar. sod 116w with the meet ap-ta- ilsr 1wDahbary. 1e tie yard Deasy emu tidos to equip tie Mos is maw 4atvai-•daatrlaal applmew, maMlsary, Oa. ed Mame, atmahwwa« have Brea .seed. Tbs .l.5ps .d urebeses cad the gimai hems sad sem are h1d est is tecalo1 stress mad blears, the gram/ - wend 'being sepal t. that .rumor by . .s s.... At ,watt there are three deplashs. all .isms mod may of mores. bet Des IYNe smooth to abeemmdate the Ishtar shifts. sed is the Iso el areopnmtfes mow below Negress le see kr 02.000,000 to see Orme m Ism des" sad m ear* depot. Oases lieua have to be de.k.d freq•satly owing o lm rapidity with wawa kara.etes sad maybe glover real tar bottoms, efts n d.1sg the spend bode el • year Irma two so Nets heals pm boor, espssmuy who 1b adr i to taeplad memo. Saar ow Iles *s• peambeets are drawn est sf to water s mon to weep Ih5 emissive seams .f the eat water. The resmv..o dip Ver set. i obMasad hese. 5d the trdsbg Wes sed tosspst. dire Its 1e this yeasty. la *to yord se nw Amsreaa soyl 551551 moserlo dm. M Iron the DntW Is to woe d Itfa1A, 5.d owe Oso meds 4 Moil roes sad ewerimow tabs from the waken 9pwId bolero .I Ilstltye. Ike Obl*545 is not *M lama nor the best ship ht this Amoebas wavy. bet u Ieaper Wm M bar sod bar 'guillemot is miry t5lw- w ary. Ls is the cam with mem Imes. tiobeis are plated to bee" her about fitt*oo hot frogs UN dock, the visitor peewee up a gthewsy at the heed id which ea editor ta always ea gthrd The Cloth.° is 325 feet Isar. steams Ed tom lathe am hear sad tar- ries 375 eau. Her largest "um loar 9-lach ease preps:aim from tee lodes fore wee, and oe the berriethe sleek are 1 weathers sad *ethane. the letter for the as attest. The allows WIZ the are ywy estesteths, *bowie, Wm bad lobbars the medirtsim ef tie gess. also* bowls, wed the thetwasel thd the details of 'purest to these Whole Mattes keep them ashore. Aft el the mast la the bride and the captain's aservattes tower The lamer a a heavily eitaterwl rear, emitairidary sorrow slats on all Nibs fesst "bob to acts the somonsd. gime end the roe at the 100*. Swam *Me dth of todartaissout sad the Wok ir Mae' jest arrived from • areas le Beath Alloirldsa waters. Jack 's mistily,' sad T▪ hem wbe bed so we to estertaim east assay warless glues' epos their wore for. Moen et Use gest three or mar weskit It is 1111m111118 1,4 tow how the Amerteth Ever, 1.11•1 fun of sew eh pe sa twerded at g reat meth aad feverishly the butt es fast. ett thee thythieg else Ana ie bee ease - that a if me ores to belle.. Vie rape pers. It le seldom OW the daily press Salt halm the remelt a my feriae besit's rum aad the averse* Aseerime os000t 1.• blamed 1•1 bete" cianfldeet 'het adactry hes the fasten aim, for his ideas ar• madded st- oma altogether by whet he reads is the sweersoopere. The emelt Assarioas cruiser left here tim days before Om Now Orleaes (be& be Ragland sad peretheed jolt before the war). sod al the solos Mat te tattoo of the rim le two oe three liar away la or avow area Meleager had •rrived at Cey- lon the day the fernier cleered, sad ie all P robability the Now Orleans will be et Ras. rarer. Note eel of taa Amritsar lam Mien woeld not believe • British torpedo - beat destroyer ban made 38 keels while tim hese the Amortise blots can do is 32 --of Mime, Seelleh are me slow, you know. Tee same is tree of the army. rb. Ns+ York Poironi 41. liglikisit foe of the foot that Timely Book Talk (II you am coo of those who ocesidar Books should be sold by tits YARD or by the POUND, do not read this.) To real Book Buyers : "tl••7Ctimth-lYfrC-tamest 'i'571pW.�a , rvv7R"w`+'itia'. ' Timm.di, Deo. 21, 1110 . ....-THE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO. egos 78.000 BrIk.k troops are 10 q atrod * ▪ * squth some 60,000 Boers well vet.. / to war , et the seam time igs,.111.4 Ibateearly 70.000 Americas era eso- resed in eabdutog wall weltered Saudi nil Pinnies laeurpeut., wise word ouly with molt primitive weapo.s as boos rad throes. Cosy Weed Le uu the AtIMtru jest 011• side the Narrows, about as bout'a rid. by troUey through Brooklyn from the br1dd.. Too IM Gay m November '• its 'line to vact t world -tuned summa. i'.11 • as all r tie p1.o.i, ..S then closed up uo.,I sent 12,0042 • bn rad yerdNli..11 .!"dt nestling toe b..ob, which, uoltke the .aod- r� dievel like Law's. t• u•mpueed .l aauoti good. lest/tad of .t ones, slam shells stover to 'resod, while a every few teat &Imus tat waNtkuut esu to be Mead to• mete. webs. Valine the 'beokelldere' which W hisk, the Leet of the timid bather is ►be If&Weod, to. body *..quare Instead of lora, ..d some of the omen epitome make a dainty dish when properly cooked. A aunties fish, t he skate. somewhat the shop. of •a egg squeezed flat, with • projeo1Iu0 .t either end for the snout ..d 1211, asd mouth 00 the usder side Its •'husk's, are ■leo that up ie large Hoosiers To. need atheists of thaws* belle, beer eardew, water shute., Fettle wheels, merry•go•round•, oh *emvsttot towers, bethrsg Mouth, stat Prob • bly the beet atirwtbw these the put ..s - son we. • trip to U•ate'. Inferno. Boarding • email cable ear, the victor is rushed op ad down solus, whi.kd ar:.oed sorters a •cad .her. 1810540 passage. at • speed tb.1 lakes the breath away and theaters an Its pals to ohne tight to the that. The pe. copal pert is paste wowed • large room is the centre of which are • somber of skele toe. lyeag ea • bed of wale whto0 an 'moat lent automatic representation of Old NIok stirs every few osouts watts a loo` poker, massa •tie fours to squirm and writhe w ith the meet gruesome getters•. The meth . a good preesot+tlo0 of the Ids• held by they of the obar.ot1r of the lower revues, and should prove • wholesome re minder to tease who vee It Is the summer. Moe bertedi Df tbouwds 0f visitors te Casey island hod the adjsoa.t betties, cad trots the Dumber sod character of the o bsess of amusement 000 sea lt.gt0e what • bil.rteea lime they 1110e. Whoa • vier or apnea.ohes the door of the C01nese Jose -bow (oo the fifth floor of a dilapidated look[sg bolldiest In Calt.towe), a oherob official with an .ye td Abe moor tary needs of the religion of Coafoles holds bomb several b..ehes of foes (peek fa what say foreigner would my alter mss smellier hue "meet Mother. ofierleg") t000mpeated,� by " fifteen sets," and *ben a no settler is *Rheas plying, 100048 it a sot oompu:. say afterwards to parehag55 bitok•theatolt Y 0( aa tyal konabb oris Reiss of beads. *bleb .re a1m ea oda Tbs leri.oipal room W Ave obaedelter., shrew and oorison ear,ls(s of sows' tied images. whale gorge- ous s.ea.m and Morey odor. tho wills and wattage. The Chines do tot belie.* la west's( time vaulting or earths, objects whish bee. N meule, of ere merely now tory, and it would se be vory later settee it the visitor solid oompreneed .11 the . Ips cad symbols. The Chinese of erv. no regular 15.beet2, most 0t their piston el haloes are closed oo Sunday, het they have regular church ser•tos to rituals oat• •odernt are admitted cad they oo deebt ars very ietwestup. 1he ('hisw observe few holiday.. that of blow leer (which toms ie oar F.bts.ry) being the meat Important ; et lh.t new Cbl. tet wu and .'aste e re gritty decked,&sterns and II age cad bee ewe .doreteg the betiding, .td the people ( otos eb,0t la owtly gob. sr.ez rerk, Bear the shy limits, coabl. of 966 three of meadows, rooks and woods. .sd hes a larger area thee any other .s.1ec• rd f.edete is the weaid, the famous l ee- doe Zs ooverieg sly thirty .ores. It hes the curlew of what promises to be soon oast of the best oi.11ectteoe to Amerloe. the ant - id. already there hews meg5ificent then. shoo•. The oily dose not a. yet 0o:.trol this property. but the 515054,(0 recently decided to allow free admleswu bye days to the week, .ed s floe Sunday .fteraoo.1 12..- 5.41. jearbey thither. Bang twelve miles from Bnoklya bridge, its wvlro0msu are o ees5..ri17 mss rural thee me•.repeIbas. the welter b.oi*, to tramp for • tsiki alms mead wed gravel eadw.ltsafter '5yteg the hello, w. The at*wattoe le as ideal •M for • park, the root., trees vowel el ley eat beim 1.5lat5ra made it, except for .M teethe which melees the animal ruses •d the botidup erased for the oomlont of the Inhabitants. • Every &steal to eeteblidNa sell u • wee, bet is quarters resembling ea *early as possible its aetorai home. Tiros On our Bookshelves will be found Special Edi- tions of Kipling's, Gilbert Parker's, Crocket's, and all the new fiction, handsomely bound, specially suitable for Christmas gifts. _ Wee sus le suse, OCK I ▪ Chrisitair atrial 114. 4. CroL j;',48 Henty's Books for Bays: linges Hooks (not eopyrighted), any 3 for 21.00 • "A Roving Commission" o "Won by the Sword" o • • • • • O "No Surrender Days' Om Annual, 1890 "' Clials' Own Annual, 1819 Chatterbox. 1809 Ctroms, 1809 Children's Frierni„ 1111* Child's Companion, 1889 Prise, 1889 ChildIeOwn Magentas, 1889 regular $1.60, X -seas pries $1.26 net 1.50, 2.00, 10 la 1.26 1 75 1.75 75 1.60 50 Tho above Nicks sty all English publications, sed set sold by ouroolves only. ?tidies Select Hetes es tin isteraatisital Lessons Isr regular price, $1.5, I -ass price, 'Sc. set. 60 40 60 As large a line of Bibles, Prayer Books (Church of England and Roman Catholic), Hymn Books. Special edi- tions of all the Poets. Birthday Books, Children's Toy Books, as would do credit to a town twenty times the size of Goderic.h. Ask to see our French and other fine Cilina, Art Calendars, Leather Wallets, Purses, Card Cases, Gold Fountain Pens. I would just remind you we ate headquarters for Alamos. We have them all prices from 5c. up to $4,00. We also show a line of good Toys, such as Dolls' Swings (the !try latest), Doib' Cradles. Dolls' Chairs tlarnmocks, Carpet Sweepers. Carriages and Go - Carts, etc. The shove aro grwis that will epiral poople of TASTE, sad politely Shed to vont our store awl loSh through, mid would just add that you will not be made theausinthable by thing urrA perehium unless' it's rat wish. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE TVS isn't our wily gasp. as e• •••17111104 mei ton be lowed 18 18 sie- to.dat• grocery store, end our prose are right. I& homer. kotifs tiost they choir:met table Chula. We deal in all ef them. J. BROPHY & SOH Sletheri coronet', autotaal Ile al Nen 111111 Weal *Wert. Itosideoest taw- CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Patties,Tarts, Short Bread and Cream Rolls,Mince Pies and Lady Fillers, Kisses, Macaroons, luaus, Brandy Snaps, Etc. aro as goof aa the beet made in any oity in Canada Oantelon loads the trade in WEDDING CAKES fanoy desivning and ornament- ing end almost icing. Clive him an order ME ,your sat ideation will be assured. weeps of large forest trees sad • pool of water 100 feet losig; Weida pew y of shrub. Watson, the herd of how beteg partioulitrly floe @postman's, while , be polar bears are two ef the beet la captivity Whoa either of the latter steads erect against the bars of th• tholosure he towers • mood three feet •b••• sits bead of the What men in the weird oat n ide Their teat la sir er Devoe feet deep sod hire, IMOSik acoommodato• both at thee, sod it tit wiry ennuang Fe watch the two molesters framholine about like hitless, pottthing epos one another aad beeline • flee time generally. The reptile hooso ma - tit tis kondrode of specimens from all parte O▪ ils search to dithers the seak• amen* the weeds er the Ihrseeith of tho trees, he miler le Many ewe below is harmers, with the s an Reel ladle prima, twesty•tere feet INS, with a body siz or sem feeble is diaaseter. • Whet the visitor stateliest tb• wlaksitortitor ia ths reptiles ems he in atinett y retreats • few feet sad ben.. to doubt the preteetieu afforded by the spur witty frail glass frost of the am. Ne doubt ff the mnester bad • tries or bough for sup- port he Gould easily brook ithee, fer it weetd require • miry thisk woo of glass to with- stand a blow froat that 170 Pounds of isesolitar strew h. The birds. while int so 'timorous at Coot& Park, are better 11710181MM and empty more magenta! stir• reondlors The Asdee reader, America's eagle, owl avid math waterfowl he•• goad T. reproves, &hype New York, lAte. 1899 A,k4 * e• to, Court House Square, GOderich. 1 HAVE SALE , CHEAP - I MINGLE ILL I 5 NOEL PIM 15 800D 011DMR. CALL AND Mel Toon. Tone Sae Beaosiss. The Henderson Bicycle Co. COAL 119. WOOD CHARCOAL and KINDLING. EvEINWIsET.CivoKtiows INDIAN WOMANSBALM for We raurairriell Jw. AFTER IRE NM BEFORE 'Take a Wider YOUR COMPLEX/011 BOLD'S BUILDERS ARE LIFE lA VERA nee. All Deuerba.. ittm STOVES You • 41114 p SaRANDtS Will soon tso looking for • NEW 0005 or PARLOR ST017111 in the morket. THE PEARL STEEL OVEN RANGE cennot be beat. A Guarantee with every Pearl Stove. THE NEW FLORIDA with Steal Oven. la the beet Wood Oook. THE ART AMHERST tge beet Coal Doutde-Reater. and THE HOWARD is gm. b....1 Qoadiftireoeo H. WORM.' The Ch=gatritasoo EPPS'S COCOA. Distinguished everywhere Dehoacy of Flavour, Supe- rior QualitY,and Highly Nutri- tive Properties. Specially gratefill and comforting to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only in 1 4 lb. tins, labelled Homoeopathic °herniate', Lon- don, England. Just -what you want hristm resen PEDDER'S A full stock of FANCY GOODS, HANDKERCHIEFS, DRAPES, LIN EN GOODS, 0 LOV ES, TIES and many other imitable lines. The time is short but • call will be sufficient to show you that your money will go further here then elsewhere. OUR NEXT BARGAIN, DAYS WILL BE HELD ON Thursday and Friday, Dec. 28th and 2%. WE WILL HAVE 011BrIISTJAL FIRST-CLASS BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS AND LADIES' JACKETS Hoaiery and all small wares, Heavy Factory Ootton 4c. Shirting, Linens And all staples Bargains in CLOTHING and MENS' FURNISHINGS. COLBORNE'S OW STAND, J...H. PEDD GODBILIOIL EPPS'S COCOA NEW STOVE We are MEI ist the same old stand, Nelson Street. whom We have been eupplying our customers for a number of years. We !mow the fuel that suits you. Orders left with our delivery rigs or at Worsen stove and tin shop and at our office will receive prompt attention. All ooal weighed on market wales, unless otherwise ordered. Ws ran sever.' Drays in connection. CARTAGE & FUEL CO., Phone 62. JOHN 8. PLATT, Manager 26117-11 KRUGER'S MALADY. Howdy Tlut Hes Fattened Itself Upaa Om Hese Pre/Week Oise Tom, Dm. Rrisht's diesemi, the disease widish • troetworthy raper* states has &Make, Freeideet Kreger, of the oorable ham It It ati 'Mottles of the Lid - eels, mid &Oen state that it Is loyariablv fetal. Th• Mum ma flies diammod as • disdain amass W Dr. Delight, hem whom it mks' Ito muss. It hi emeliteotwed this* a reasdy has bow dieeiriared for Bright's DMus is Maersea of newt years Galled Dedd's Eirthey sod Immo eseth Abbas to ths abet that owes sre beige sea* hi Restated will biro swab. by the mute inepolait ggigkely Hos the NM of the TIM& isM Wises Sias are ash. Jealleissee Is te be ghee ie the WIN Rom elsolies ems Misty. At any season ot the year there is no greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen. It is witn coot stoves ilk* every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you will .ba pleasigti with our FAMOUS and ABBRLIZZEI StOVeSand Ranges CATTLE BROS. Plokrs, Stedtters and Tinsmith With aide of Square. next Study &re. 1WKIM'S RED'S OlkD STAND. CHRISTMAS BUYING. YON have some friends you mu get them something useful as something reliable to wear 1 DRESS GOODS -Year wife. sister or mother would set appreaste &myth/mg teeth than • aloe Dram. Ws Imes them Imre to suit Um most faatidious wad to ID the Deets* book !OR TES SABY-Ocald you delight • mother •• smolt as be bay low &by • nice Drees? We have the lied she thrild shoos* hethelf, floe pure wool waddles Serge, 42 Ia. wide, la the sloe shades of piat, bias, WO. All weal sad washers, alt pot yard, Mo. ISANDLERC111111118 ara very appropriate to efts serum Ws lows tlim at all pekoe hass la lie 51 soh, le tam sod 11.111118111 Mims, at 10o., 1bs., , and 40e , •11 lovely me mode firm Hale haadkarebob, pun lima with has los tied hiserilee. 50a lame tidied haindkor. e e▪ l, ; OR sod Moo mew Illarsibm at buy some gifts for. If you well on beautiful, wont they MILLINERY. R. B. Smith Dry Goods Co. HEAD MILLINERS : MISS H. HARRISON, Dungannon. MISS N. ROBESTBI Seeforth• Orired IVA ad NO Ready to-Wor You oan safely determine the oorreot styles in hembitser you visa our Millinery Departments, because they truly reflect whatever the leading millinery centres have pronounoed fashion- able and stylish. Our oollections in the three btuiy places of business surpass all previous effort'. The goods are here for your pleasure, free for your inspeo- tion, and to buy if you wish. Come and see on SATURDAY, or/at your earliett convenience. THE R. B. SMITH DRY COON CO. BRING us iron FEET We do the rest Our shoes fit hire the )wings on a duck, and • ladder is not nec- essary to reach our prices. iof Boota and Shoes covers anything post need -the neat and dainty footoovering for the house and the strong and ootrefort. ... able boot for severe weather. Great bar- gains in Long Boota and all kinds of aan Boots and Shoes. pleat Ws have them, newest shapes earl wilare,somial fer Christmas trade, le four to Wad, Hoke, bows *to., arreadal let at 9S• Ws hays onato at 600. and ethers at Ifro. or two for 25o. RUSTLERS Yoe the't go &stray if yea choose Muffler or Nook Setif. The tartan plaids at.. „ • 60e. AEA the nee eilk mixtures at...75e. ALSO many other lima for men. Umbrel- las, spacial at 1111.00 and $1 60 idea's kid and roam "levee In Weed and as• lined. at 50e. to 00. 11.00, for 76e. de Ilk. isr weed flamed slane sad drawers at 40s., er sew wit at Wia. NSW 1011a PATTIRNS ef New Verb are ow wily Hie beet het Yew 11111 ste . A. MIKIM. • ST. GEORGE PRICE. R. W. McKENZIE MOTES GREETINO. A gift ii trebled in appreciation when you get one that is suitable and useful. It, is an easy matter to have that appreciation if you select your present from our large and varied stock of useful Our Stook of Carvers, Knives, with and without Forks, 1847 Plated Ware, Spoons, Butter -Knives, Scissors and Razors was never more complete. What suits a boy or girl better than a pair of good. a Fancy Penknife R. W. McKENZIE'S UST IUDS SQUABS. The Plass to ilky All Hardin:, Gimp. "Tit Sigllar to Ist Jam, 1901, for SIM