HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-21, Page 4• 5011'. i.. Aenv.islC;+ Des.ref'-41 -_ _ _ .... - �..i . _ TUE . SIGGT,dI,1� B. B. & M. H. A New Departure: We hem fitted ups Midis la the rooms over our Music Ston, .sod a•di: - wlt&:shc following popular Teacher( to meet their pipits sod give in,truo• Om in oonnootion with our Music business F. G. SIMPSSON, Organist and Choirmaster, North- **. Methodist Church, Piano, Ape Organ and Harmony. Voice Culture. M1s LAURA ACHESON, Violin. MINS E. O. FIRMER, Guitar, Elocutioo and Physio.* Oulturs. For terms and further informs Con apply at EMERSON'S Bicycle & Music House Weal forest. - G.drrioh. aguin $VERY THURSDAY MORNING Si M...swit B T dIODS11I011. THURSDAY. DSO, 11, ase. THUTOWN COUNCIL, !he aealstery and malar .attn.'s Male Lam F,I s nveawe. , The etotetery eseeWg of the town oeuneil was held ea Friday evening. AU the Embers were present. The t••aoe oomm111M was authorized to have the Samuel, statement prepared sad Me required number of scpis* printed, missed sod distributed is provtdd by )aria with • mod deal of ebaMeg, •d newly the report was pawed. Mr. Martie neeouosed the ,laugh ler hums bylaw and acted thee tt be read, hub Mr. Helmer had a mown), whiob he read, w bolls..: That w the )vaned W allays bran wittier' 10 foretell Lae mhos magistrate wits\ statism- ▪ , fuel. light. Isr.tters sad • pollceoAe•, we p. . bylaw mama the alert's )felon • yams otos tied that we ((notch the polios magistrate with ,tatiosery, fuel, light and Nutt Messrs. Holmes o•d Hum! er, who had their are Input test end serious question. waited time. Mr Jeger Io reference to the matter, reported that he would aoospe $100 is settlement of his )talo for pass 'sere and MO • year to furnish 55 otBoe and the moss eery *applies himself in the faun, Mr. Humber was in favor of eettlleg the waMsr Liu this basis. Mr. Holutes' plan war to move the *rm• ory Lipstein, end have the mused MM dowealeln, end .0 olh e would thea he available for •'polios otos. The clerk's red assessor's °MMae would be dowoet•tn. Mr. Martin thought ',hot bei, -re the motion wee pissed the oossoil should consider the Dose ot the proposed ob tegeo .FitIiog up a police officio end obangtot the other cthoes would entail great ex pen'. Mr. Keel moved, e.00uded by Mr. Mar- tin, Quit the oouootl allow Mr. Seger $40 per year aid $100 for arrears. Mr. Geotsloo thought the polios court shout's be is the town buildings, and that it should be fitted op reepeotably. The marries of the town soliolter's opte- lea is to Mr. tMN•ger's claim o•ms up, sod Mr. Uerrow's opinion was read. This was to the effect that Mr. Seager could claim • reswueble amount for put years end to be supplied with wh.0 the *totem prescribes for the future, but Mss )Lim was Ilmieed by tits time •0 whiob hs had trade his first de- mand for •ooemmodables. Mr. Humber said Mr. Boomer proposed 1. furu4h •eotber room, ooze his own ofsoe, e a • police )three. Messrs. Humber, Marten and Knox voted for the amendment, and Messrs. Holmes. Nalal sad Costoloa soy. It was 10.1 o0 the mayor's vote. kir. Holmes' motion war carried. Meters. Holmes, Humber, Neftel and Camelot' voting yes, and Msesrs. Mar- tin and Knox nay. His Worship made • brief report of the railway meeting at Guelph. Mr. Hafted brought up the matter of keeping up the fire in the angios room. w hich Le understood the nigbtwatobmen o ithesinia 4atas•ded te. The mayor mid he would sea moot 10, The bylaw to penile the emotion of daughter bowies ,,.i bin the low. Itmib, soder oerrain oou..i• ion, roma up for the third reading, aced alter oonslderable du- ou•sion • yeti was taken and the bylaw was thrown oat os the following vote : Yea- M'i tre..IL.ea.. 1ts,.Hntittger..Rwmbgfe Nefeel. Centelor. Mr. Humber moved. mooadred by Mr. CoteLio, that • ballot be eabmltted to the ✓ etap•y-rs at the municipal elwtione t. re Bard to the toktsg ovoid the Meobsoioi InsUitato and making It • tree library. This wm tarried aod the mason adjourned. beek ev.ry ws•k wetly r • Fes' pr le •' M , Auutber point end I have data Sams mimeo' the an of the anaari.em • resdtstr roup, shlab would eats WU •year sad have the further advulets lief Indies ..d THINKING elderly folk* of beim ea the'Tafel Seer. If lb be roomy motet tad bem ss5ett it bibs the suggestion la a good sae. I may wk a hoe or two la another lame tad mee0wbile 1l.k the serene e►wttoe et every man and woman to the atter. Whga tJite. y► I . J.tat•te4, "_ ` +ad ma} sa.d.-=kent „err Altai seeaudemotioo, swal'ItZid• . tib• IT'S TIME TO BE Aa iedjmmIUErt was mads, and theley--- I kir aer%1.' wee then held. A meninx twtloi Iron Philip Holt, eek- isi sssteta•os In the parahaes of as sniff oisl limb f.e Thomas nee, war road. The meaty ooaaml had voted $26 on oo•ditlm *bet rine town ooaoall oostrtbuts the bal- sam. The oouootl agreed to otos $25 for Me purport, that sum being what It war u nderstood was asosssary to make up, with private selnempttau, the s.00seery amount. Os request of the ter oollstor tbn time ter tie oolimotim of taxes was exdendso to the 28th of February. A circular calling attenUon to a proposal ee have rhe mublp.l 8eanotel veer oom- me•m December 1st IMttsd of January 1st se that the 10s•olm1 statement, fully audited, myt be 1•td before the electors peter te •emisaMes day, mu res& The ooaacll was asked to state whether, it esu (a favor of tae proposed change or sot, sad to forward the reply we rine taw olrk of the L.gialetive Assembly. The matter was referred to rhe special oomtalttes with pewee to art. A ermms•W&Yoo from Frank Dodge, Maung that bags m:s.oder.ta odlog int had been unrested as • separate sdbool supporter and obsr*ed $1.23 sobool Mx, and asking le he relieved of the ter, was rest to the sonetel revision, with power to air. A oemms.loatloo from ti. )only olrk, .MLtylag the mum!' of the passing of a resolution by the )moiety ))troll to the effect lima the Latter body had bras put to ex press by the res. fieshi.* ot the lawnmower, ✓ ad that she town would be held responsible be teem) few amte mused to the oou.ty by negligee*. es the put of the town, wm re- ferred M the publlo works Gommtetil. A Ieee r from M. Nioholsoo stated that he would sooepb the mayor's offer of $50 in fall settlement of his claim for Injury mooed by hie tallier; over • lump of noel on the ✓ ld.wslk en Went street. A polities from P. Moartby sed others. esklsg that the hill read leading to the d ear from the sod of Nelson street be re - • wee esot te the public work, oom- A p.MM.s from L E. Dewey sad forty. Wee ethers asked that • vete be takes on the quesMso of eompslU.g owns of mille he keen them enclosed, "se Is doe. In Clim- b.., 8tafewtb sad all other progr.ewive bwes." O. motion 11 was Molded le grant the prayer el the pinking. The 's pay roll,.mousting to $330. • was prewated and was ordered to be paid. The sesosM et Thos. W eabhersld, $4, tor his serviese V emmoties with the water. mune dispute with Gedrieb township, was ordered to he paid. The following so,mste were referred to Ms Ammo memte105 : O. C. Whitely, s•+••r es, 12 86 ; Tint 81at0At., printing sad od,..Wrs*, $4 20 ; H. C b rl.ln'r. calve - mimed ises, eta., $8.06 ; Thompson & Bros , biokasriMteg. *4. 86. The swum. oomaittee reoommsaded the payment of the toiletries amounts : MoColl Brea.96 ; 8t. Lwwreo.e Foundry. 195.91i be Star. $10.80 ; G.N. D•v0. $B 66; J• Ysb, $667; A. MoD. A11.., *40.73; W. bisaaghan, $10. The report was • The eprrW mmmtlom made the follow• tag resrmmso4Uen.: lm referee's ea the e mnyine out of the onrtow bylaw, MIM she bell be team at elm boars asotismad 1n the bylaw .t Grob three Mmes Ibrer and then m. lir ase misste;tilt Mt. Niohol- sset •.sent•ass d 1. f■n of ht. sista 0 d•m•mes he wombed, and that the teem abuser he empowered be Glom op the Meek* of the MaLwm Maim. The oommlt- tee reported that Mtey had examined Into the legality et lie slesghtsr-loom bylaw Nerd fowsd that40 was draws 0..noordoro. MIMI the Mitotic Masora Huber amid Naha made se el - le,* se hays fee report eemeldrsd by ekdmmo, heat M well adopted ae • whole. The water and light oommitice mom. mended Oat the water rale bylaw be m aaWN es to allsw • thoomeb et iso per est. en all water raw paid in *dro... 1e the martin el January and July 1. *soh Foe. They had willed F. Barlow Holmes be semmilets hle )sonars* fee the delivery of cel en r Indere We 13th of December. 1111$$, or the maim* wosld be )..)ailed and he we.M be held respen.ihls for hes sea Mimed 87 the tows. They bad salted for Modem fer • 0.e oennemieg the hollers *NI the mew .himsey sad reeommsodd W •.1 ..L..o of D. H. strm.iss'. tender $167. Ib !hers the lowish They shoe re- esmseended that ea sees ae pu m &M the lel- Swift .teem lights be plaited Oen Isms .wren* Miaw at seems, Qsebo .rd N ober- Ise e1.e.0, sae em Uela..!rest• ..e en lose b.. aur Vista* sae en 8e. deaf'e'n QesNenk, *me ea Vtetri• .Meet, at sir Me1ha11mt 161011. Isar en lbs tows sleek ▪ . lump M Wai .m.f Cambria read Zemi*pmo er..t, .r ea bee .serer el slid AIWA" mots, see ee the r. we e1 Osmbda reed.rd Mr. Trafalgar arose. MSM the meow .1 Leiser, .rd V Lams*• end one en Res* .eoeK Yes Hamner ..id th.ro wee .whine'* r the suge.t .h.s0 shag\ a the Umber es the yessie to lsoda.so1 lights, se as be mato y. rN tip1s sMY.kte ter eater plasm. Ma ave mmft tkuu/M MY ares wall seder• Who goolws ell w w llghes some Mb THE FREE LIBRARY SCHEME - Mr. Noire axpl5.s the Miert one finis fee carer.* t,essmeratN0 ei tie Matter. To the *Alter of Tis eltt:nat_ As secretary of the public hb:ary board I have been lnstruoied to give to the local papers some emote ding the free lib- rary scheme, whiob will he submitted to the ratepayers at the oom,og election. The board wishes our towosmen to give an le- telltgeet vote, pesos the following Ir lyra Lion may not be amiss to those who -_awe• from elle mw look into the meteor for b smell .s (1)-T s preeeat library and readout' room is massaged by • board of nine, elected by the 140 members of the As.ociat:on, the tee being $1 a year. The reading room was mode tree to tall many years ago, in response to the emeoU's Inors•se of their gnat from $60 to $100. The membership, however, then shrank to mach es )early to offset ttrot income*. Persistant efforts hey, been mane, Importsoete movasei0g even from bones to boom resorted to, but the list ot membra remains at best bat n•tMo.ry. However the event may be deplored or explained, the fact remain, the some. We haws op to dote beim able to make sods barely meet, ars looklly out of debt, bat this last hes been sebuyd by grime pinching eod many • sorry shift ; e.g., we sewed the (lotion books with 000per wire and oov,rd them w1th oilcloth- cheep sod very luting, but eo n asty that ladies often torrid them home under their oloaks. (2) The Legislative grant is dollar for dollar spent in she purchase of books ; but of 1•te years there has been • lugs pro rata redaction owtog to the inoreoing num- ber of sharers competing for It. This year it was 15 per )est. (3) Although our free readiest room this robbed as of fifty members, the board bar .Irlyen to Eke It me of the best 1. the Province. Only twelve allies and four other towns exoel us le the oembr and quality of our magazines and papers, out of n early 400 reeding room,. We meed bet teem $70 end *80 and retentive but • grant of $50 ; hence in Laura we mutt drop $25 or we bust rodeo, its equipment still farther. Thee would indeed be a pity, err log that 20,000 video • year are made to It by oor mtigeas. (4) Moved by %hese flans*.* ,traits, the directors may well ask, why net a free lib retry and readies room supported and man- aged by the Sewn ! 103 towns .ed villages, and in oar own nelgbbrhood Seafortb, ho- oter, Mitchell, Gerrie and ro:err me al. ready on the list. Why not Ooderioh (5) Another oondder•tioi is this. Ab pr,eent. 140 members, represeotiog say 200 readers as meet, take out about 12,000 volumes • year. Them, no doubt, are our most diligent readers, hat if we want te a populattos of 4,000 800 families, 3 of whir& are able to use the library. omelet we not to expose six times ea many reader and thrice as many, volumes teemed ? Will anyone be hardy enough to deny that mob •oensumma- sloeisd Iytobe wished? (6) Under tine Aot the new board will be ilia -tore, oppolated by ooanoil, three by the public wheel board, two by the separate school board, and 0he m.yr-Duly the last can halos. to any one el the •ppointi.g bodies. The board hoe a quorum of four, appoint* Its own chairman, „oratory and librarian, has power to buy, build or resit premises emissary. limited by the proviee ,bat se more Seen $2,000 to say me year ma be spent In ropiest amount. The Belie of taxation for ()arrest library purposes Is me half mill. This on our assessment of $1,200,000 would be $600 as a peens& eutltmwee. However, 8300 or est quarter mill is ample. The following is an optimists : sxraussn. Te spend on bemire $160 To pend ea EReabee •sed pa- vers.. .1., 0 170 uttrarlasL.. • •, Sear,le,y 16 Rest . .. 60 Insurance 10 Oleaning. ,t 10 Fool. 30 Primus end hooldestals. 90 TOM - NOB Te • hoe library and roadie' ram there ass be eoaroely say objectors. Their u• ammo Y steadily fur good. Becks sod their blrros.diags 0..e usually the company of decorum and respect. Sorely In the ouucb met there should be • p'.aw of floor!, well bested, lighted and furnisher?. well Medea with Melte and joarosb, seal 1 mess., and eomforNW5, where )amens of any age ea Whoa may speed • ploassub and profitable half boor. tL J. Swat. THE TRANSPORTATION QUEIiTION •.eller Lesser Film enr. release en sw- Wary 1. aalrw.v Rales O. B. Watt, secretary of the Demotes Millen' Assooiawos, baring relied to the rooms leiter of Jas. Pringle, sr., of Staab. ford, upon the question of railway Wee, Mt. Prisgls writes mai., m follows : &tag -I souoe that C B Watt, asorelary el bins Dommwa Meller.' Amoolsues, W oe..bit.ted himself the apologist of Mr. Hays, the manager of the 0 T R., is sou - Meninx to violate the tato of the oftener of Ube oomoaoy, ia aegleotdatl to furnish empty oars promptly to carry tee the busi- n ess of the ooantry. le G tius teat the obartr wu'allowd to remain • dead teeter ever ewes the road was batt, but the time Ma tome when the Govsnmeot must take bold of this trassportttfos (vaeottno too ed of Iwviog It to two urespooslble railway mummers to do jut •s it suite thsmestvee. Mr. Watt States that the "Mlle's In tritest% pt,vt0ge of Manitoba wheat, welch was granted by the new management, prevented the markets of Quebec and the Lower Provlsioss from Mice moaopollxed by Mani- $obe millers, and is use cause of minims be - tog in saob • comparatively prosperous coo dation in Ontario today." 1 have no doubt the millers will fervently wish this state Meat Wre true. It swine to me the, "trough pried''& must not •moist to muoh, judging from the fat that • mtlliorwlre Mambos miller hes kept an 180,000 mill noodle* 'idle is On- tario, mod one $250,000 la Quebec, tbewlag plaloly there is so mosey in milling is tran- sit, end the condition of the great molortty OF hristmas THE NAPPIES -TIME R :'TNie PROSPEROUS YEAR. YM well .aft yusr god fueling Mitt lib; tad we cam apply Bsse choice saes. Beautiful gut-glau Perfume Moet popular of all gift.. Tnrelltag Cass A nowt woeful gift. Every (tau should have nue. Dresalug gala Manicures, Punes, tate. Woken' goods Nies gift Apes in oases, from 11.00 up. tigarstte gases gad guar gases Smokers' Sits, itt, eta. You aro invited to call bet. fore deciding. BULK PERFUMES Roger ted Guile's l 1 -indisputably the best 75e. or. Seeley'. -best America 50e. cr.. 1;•utbier's Perfume . 26o. oz. Floral Coleps*, 7 odors, crab-apple, Lilac, ata., greatest val- ne is go Nett at only .... .... ........ ..........1bo. or. WI say* *.*VM$lr or Orlon HAIM Anal). W. C. GOODE, Chemist and Druggist. to say whether they did the se. -Army, for weeks past the O T.R. Imre bees Mkiag nearly 10,000 tone of freight oat of Chicago at • time Lobes thousands of barrels oe ap- ple" were rottiog along their tea Mr Watt admits that oomo rotes ad, rem pa Montreal 30. r Goebel, hie rxm as that the Uoveromeot ahertered so many large simmers for South Africa But Inst year le was jest se bed, the large Amerman oz jorurs Memo . gourd •11 the Meat smog, aid by the time oar crops began le move both tptilib rates aid S. S. space were just millhgh and as scarce se they *re today. It Is to M hoped Mr. Torte's pr.dlotlon of bringing 100 mil• lions of erste 0s Mmtreal test year will not prove trot For my part I t$..om sea whet •dvaotage tt is going to be to the oeuutry. If the Amerio•m are goieg to to allowed to moeopobxe the route, lb will Daly maks It all the harder fee as to .om pets with them in the world's markets et st%len 0e 10t;lmbkh'wer. “4"tW hr Watt !alis fo the millers a, bringing thdi weal before the rallrijr wreeren tore tee privilege war erected. Some people appear to think that wealthy firms doing • large business are soIlbled to special rotes and special privilege' that e moll dialers have no right to have- Thu le • Ask mistake. It dus seem se if there wee • rote. loom a mewbere, when • mailer esu afford to keep s moo\ .+labia milling property boodle. Idle year after year. whim to keeps his Winnipeg mill booming and fiode tem profitable, reports my, that 0s is building • 3,000 bbl. m111 at. Fort William, aid is buying stook in the t.ske of the Woods Million Co. besides. Them two tares and wogAhy firms ars now flooding troth °stmt. asd Quebec with their dour. As profitssr4fsewr so small it is time the Government 'Mould dud out If they r.001 dee' rg epeaid rates or spsoul privileges . net rebates before they bloomed in monops ng the whole trade of the Dominion. Mr. Watt would be muoh better employed la guardin r the interna of his smpioy.re than to w0., ..washing Mr. Haus kir. N Mt tells as oars are not meetly so scarce oil the Ur0g4„T$*ok_as the, are on the American roads, but this does not help our grievance any. We hem been tel4 for tine ladle rorty years that it the rood oosbod itself strictly to the °median trade It would not krep the oars employed for three months of the year ; each being the rim, no matter how scares oars are on American roads, if our trade had been properly attended to then would bays been eo scarcity. The trouble is Mr.. Hays "bites off more than he tan )hew," sad the whole 000nery bas to suffer. Mr. Wont, however, shows the "oloven foot" when he blames the Liberal Gave: amulet instead of the Interooloafal Railway for sot getting oars. 1t is true, the Government extended the lice to Mootrsel, and when the manager of the road found suoh a large leonine in trade, and snob groat prosperity all sleng the line, mliks Mr. Hays, he vet . wisely 0000iaded to em• ploy all his oars profitably on his own road for the benefit of his customer., instead of sending them as formerly s8 over the Dow,. biles, to bring ,true to the O. P. R. mill at • yearly low of $700,000. Mr. Watt agate shows his immersing) by eskteg Ibis slily gentloo : " If wo are disertmtested •Feint in freight rates how te It fink este are 3; bents lower V °biome than he Stratford, vlx 22jj emote and 26 pealY' The reasons are, the Amrtoan bushel is 32 la., .ad osn is 34 lb.., and the real value of oats is In their weight. Mr. Watt quotas the prim of No. 2 mixed, alio\ psse 'reds If they weigh 28 lbs. I1 be really wubd to be fair he ought to have quoted No. 3 white •0 261 oeo0, which also pass toepee- tlo. at 28 lbs., whereas our Stratford oats have bees weighing 37 to 40 IM. to the boehd. I .)Hoed when lbs export rote 00 groin from Chicago to the seaboard was quoted at 8 to 10 owls per 100 1t. , vessels were being chartered 2o. per bushel or 6o, per 100 lbs. to cerry oats bo (id.r ioh. Now 1 000tsod that the people have • right to know at whet rate the oats were carried to Montreal, Portland or the &stern Stater. Forlorn grits or seen Manitoba ought not Io be cerrled to tee seaboard by our rail. wily* e0 • lower rate than they aro prepared lo sorry the produce of the Provisos. Oa tier., beteg the book bone of the Dominion, has had be pay else lien's share of all pablio Improvements, and protest. against Ming robbed any loner to ball4 up tither Mani!' cobs sr the Walters Stollen. Mr. Watt biases a for iiec0sg the local rale of 10o. per 104 Ile. from Stratford to Raffto a die- taues of 117 miles, se Buffalo is not an ex- port port for Caoadteo wrote It appears Mr. Watt tsom es little &boat the geegr•- pby of the wustry se be does about the grate trade. biz mesths In the year But fele is as ,00h oe esporl port for the sur- plus prodss of the peninsula as Montreal The remotes why our exports do not go e11 by Buffalo and New York are bemuse the Amerlo.ns have to fsrsuh the empty oars, and to pay all trmto•i )barges, bodies having to carry the grain four times the distance; for uearrly one h.1! the role nor roads ahem le Haffale. Mr. Wan Insionatee there mem hove been a wloked oomM.e in /interbred to keep down the Price of wheat to 66e. Nothing of the kis& Stratford boyars have bete paying this Price be farmers and 1 have bees btiylig for the lase two meaiha at 66 be 660.f.o.b., and as for se I know item hoe net Mee a bale* of wheat atperW Nie tall, prime having kept 3e. sag 4e- ser IIs exon ',slim, whereas the Milted 8k•Iw have exported is wheat earl Bear slow the atm e1.1e1) sear. ly 86 millions, std 4\e osh pries 1. Cbteye midi remedy w Mese 70e. to 79a Mr. Tarte most have mule a mistake In ■bite' that the Ged.neh Rleveer a. hd cel. Mooted to handle 6 000,000 bushels. If, es Mr. Watt states, they have only shipped 600,000 hmbale..hte makes It ell lbs etesse- r why oars have Men es soar • i twe'.ee i 4111 mei believe my 'Frets bleed" when he embed time 160 Sere were wasted ter •p. pies Is Oededeh atoms. as apple* here hoes oles remiss for the .eche*, el Dere orrery fall tor the lei* sweaty -live yes*. 1 knew, hew. ever, time Sero were hundreds and them - sands of hers& of applespiled up at avers •lades In the enmity se Hire., welting for Week. for oars Mr WN 1e11s no then 00. railroads steeped tattles pets te lake ports Jew Ms middle d September. Is is hard RRntIMt 0011,11 Viet es hooks ..... Get'1 great on reading reem.. (Asrge ler reeding cards Osumi, ocean I. Toad L.svlsg • balance of $976 le be relent by rata The $10 tor sards snide •xpla.•tlio. Is Teems and other nines a card and lbs dsptie•ee are 0olA by rater ..A Iiksrian *astable* epee" for register's" tweak? By. beaks. Tie nasal abugr is AM 0551E CwNm.y iD 000 volumes se is rem, *40 est k. Mani .d • reader Mee took • a2550 40 15 - 5436 sod t plot to get all their gtuso vose con alder before loog. My Iden ie that eh. railways bats been running the eou0trl long enough, and at is 1u11 time millers and g rain dealers gait hereof, from mw what have no right to give favors. Dalton M0 - earthy years ago advocetd the appoint meat of railway oommi.doners to guard the interests of tine public' by akl.g railway. live op to the term" 0t their charter, and succeeded in getting Sir John M.edooald te grant • " Royal Commission " to ex• amine the railway system of doi.p bushier. The commissioners did their duty faithfully era reported in favor of permaoent oeen- miriosers being appointed. The railway Itfeenoe at once used tine men ►hey bad berm greeting favors to to flood the coning with tree passes to men of the Watt stamp Lit go to Ottawa to oppose the )ham's bels&: made. The garotter' now is, whether it the Government or the tee 1 eekes railway manager" /eine to n le the country. It money and ieasie. hays anythl.' to do with it, I fear the Yankee will hove the rest of it, metes they get $40,000 and $60,- 000 for their serene. whin the Premier only este $8,000 1K resets, the whelo ceaslry. Your* truly, JAB. PRINGLE, Rr. News and Opinions OF National Importance The Sun ALOND Contains Both. Daily, by mail, - - - 10.00 a year Daily attd Sunday 1 : mail,$8.00 a year The Sunday Sna is the greatest Sunday News- paper in the world. Price 5c. a Icy. By Ed, $2 a year. Address MRS Pee, New 1egl. A Good, Warm, Well -Made .. VERCOAT 6odaech Christmas llllll lleadUurter8 =.�.NFyU16C11N DAYS =_- DeC. 28 and 29. • Remember the Dates. 'It Pays TS BUY oas er Yo�R ry l3o ROBINS MS. le a desirable saqutdwes M • man's ward- robe at this time of year. H. DUNLOP, the Wee -et. tailor, bar • tarps stook o1 Mama mks wheel) hash waned weer well The pies le not • argots matter -very leer. GALL AND 8KE THEM. H. DUNLOP., Closillg Ont our To! Store 1 EVERITHIBB /EST BE BOLD as we leave these premises after Christmas. PRESENTS AT LITTLE PRICES 1 SMITH 8805' OLD STAND Brinitftlil of all the latest novelties in Toys and useful presents for Christmas. New Mechanical Toys, Games, Books, Ornaments, in fact an assort- ment quite equal to the city displays, and everything bought for this season. Come early and get your pick, as the novelties will be bought up long before Christmas Eve. BOOKS. A Regular 25 oJnter, cloth HALL CLIR1, I COWL. 1 OTL5, FplrieooRi Coors., Tees Drowse., MARI5 CosRi,u, Joest. Rpst.is, and athero Great variety to )hoose from. Going at 15c. bon , by such authors as Regular 25c. piper back Books, Illustrated, hest prints, and a good selection of ell the Standard stir.. , 'Going at $for Me. Beth'' celebrated Books for Hoye -We have the entire 0ollection. This ia the beat boys' book cm the mar- ket. Regular 50 renters, Going at 36c. Large raneeof Christmas Toy From 5c. to 50e. each OOMR AND SEE .. SANTA CLAUS The old fellow hes come to our stare bo stay till Chrietwa.- Hnng the children to ase hien. Noot* ominous of, our TOTS. i Leine 4Mo1a11 tp tA/arGL 17•111111 Toilet Oae ._--? " . Handkerchief Boxes, Gentlemen's Shaving Oases, Lovely Cracker Jars, Handsome Fruit Dishes. ••eoI 'ai It met saw ovs. Big Dolls, little Dolls, all kinds of Dolls., t 1 Come and see the Doll show. You will find our Prices at the lowest mark. CASH AND ONE PRICE I Smith Bro's & Co. JAS. ROBINSON Cliras is Cou and everybody who saes oar beautiful display of Holiday attractions is glad of it. Popular presents at pop- ular opular prices. Our Holitl'ay *tock is fall of quality, -variety, beauty and good toots. It a easy to select from, eappiis exactly what y0a want, and it would be a mistake to buy before you see it. Remember this elms allortment me - tains the right thing for every person -old, middle-aged or young. All prices marked in plain figures. Although not .itiatad on the &lam, we do • square business, and for the Holiday season will give every oostome, a special car\ discount of 10 per Dent. off all holiday goods, s0 that all are treated the same. Everyone welcome. WILMER SMI . E•.t.t, nest Nall Juan received a new stook of Bibles sod Testaments for toe Bible e,. w • • I 1 ,�. 1�:��'` I jl tr ll ( .✓,rpt! �1' � *;There's qua*1�r Tial /61'ii our $3.00 Shoe ; b`at's what it is. That's What 1 ! That's what makes them sell so well ; E that's what makes them wear so well and E please so well. We are selling the best footwear made E at lower prices than some other stores ask for inferior goods. Your shoes from our shop will fit wed, E wear well, and pay you well to purchase. E Sole agent for thz. "Slater" Shoe. E Wri, SHARJ'IAN, J � lU 1�ii� UJ 1♦1 Ili 1�11111U 111 � les a a a a a a a We would like to call your attention to some lines we carry suitable. for Christmas Presents 0 • 1517CalIC lel Stearns Bicycles, men's and Women's models, only `40.00, Shot duns and Rifles, from $3.00 upwards, -' Skates, Spring and Hockey, Hockey Sticks and Pucks, Pocket Knives to suit $11 tastes, Scissors in cases, extra fine values, Razors, two in a case, very fine, flanicure Cases, Carvers in Cases, Beef Carvers, Game Carvers, Marmalade Spoons in cases, Children's Sets, three pieces in case. We have also a large line of woeful promote, too saseries 00 awl tion. 0.11 end examine them. It ia no b oable to tibia goods. - ma' N. D. ROUGVIE CHRISTMAS FRUITS IN STOCK! Baiei11e, Currants, fin, Noel Nutt, Drum Lemons, Cranbertlae, Etc, Eta. 0a11 on us when making your purchases in preparation for the Oheisrif festivities. All Goods Promptly Delivered. SIT "U Rt►i" -48v, 00., Coe. Alkamrova d ficofe'ssl A Telephone No. 91. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR M"CLEOD'S : SYSTEM : RENOVL OL A Wonderful Tonic and Rsvn dy for WEAK and IMPURE ' BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOD, God/arid ,( 1