HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-21, Page 3-?--
` , '
Karket Reports
The Week.
Grain amid Trodsss.
route. Deo. 1O.-Flour-Ontarfb
rtsr. to bugle. $.9.65 to $S.75.
Labs rollers. $4.81 W $8,45; Hun!
anpoteats. $4.90; MAdsobt balk.
-40,W. tit-.+11f1.,4h IW-.
boat --Ontario red and white. 4Jc
it snit apt ; goose 690 north
wort; No. 1 Manitoba hand. 67
• Toronto, unit No. 1 Northern ut
its -White uutio quoted at 85yk,
arley-quoted at 880 for No. :.-
:t ; feed basis . 85c W Boo.
r"agiled at 490 and 50o evert,
1,h and watt.
ran- Liiy mills mail bran at $14,
'short@ at $16 In car lots f.u.b.,
uckwhsat-Firm ; 4610 north and
irn-Canadbsa 82o to Bsc went;
inivan 400 on track hare.
itmeal-Quoted at 418.40 by the
am] $8.50 by the barrel, ort
ek At Toronto. In car Iota.
eas-At 571.20 north std west.
Immediate shipment.
N Laverewos Market. .
bronto, Dec. lf}.-Receipts of furm
tduce were fair -3.100 bushels of
tin, 110 foods of hay, 3 of sirs",
oral lots of dressed hogs, with the
u1 Saturday's deliveries of poul-
Dutter alai eggs.
Whoat easy ; SIN bushels gold an to] -
ra: 60 bushels tit Waite and sold
Silo to 68 1 -ac; 800 busheis at 69c
3arley firmer, 900 bushels selling
41c to 43%c.
)ata ste&dy; 1,990 bushels selling at
to l9c.
[tye-One bad sold at ulic les•,
Hay eamier, 30 bads selling at $ll
$I: for timothy sad $8 to $9 for
Straw, firmer, three beds seli:ng
$8 to $9 per ton.
Dressed Hogs -Prices noohanged it
.25 to $5 60 pot cwt.
Rearm Produce Wholesale.
rumm%o. Dec: -tit.-Hay. bind, car
W. $9.25 to $9.1y5. Straw,
did: oar tete, per tat. U.'1 , $4-110.
Ai toer. car lots, per balk AT% to
to. Butter, choice tubs. IT,A8 lfle;
Fuum tube. 14 to 15e; d llry; I0.
tllm• 111 to 1-100; cn = mT . Ib: roles
rge + per ib. l a ify"'YYe Q—
rkl• 17 to 18c; new b" 19 to Loc.
may. per Ib., 9 to 100 Turks^
x Ib.. 856 to 9ij0. 0000.r Ib., 6
r 6%c. Ducks. pat 40 to 60c.
ken , per pair, q hoc.
Yrt6aft Mmakwo
LlverTrool, Deo.-Ic IZ.ft=Kuri&;
xtbern sp"Ing. Ga. 1-2d.; Na I Cat,
P. "d. to 6s. S 1 -Yd.; rad winter. 5a
1-2d.; cora. Bga. Td.; pail. 50. fid.;
rrk, prime western Mea. 5Ts Oil -
,rd. prim- western. COs• ltd.; Asperities
,fled, goo., tat ow. Australian, 26s.:
nwrb•an, goof to fine. 25m. fid.; berm.
,nX (-fear, light. Sir. 6.1.: henvy, 4'149.;
ort clear, firstly, 880.: rheede. c•Ok-
n•d, bit@.; white. 57m.: wh,wt• firm;
3rn, quiet.
I iverrinal.-Clow-Bilot wtynt, finu:
orthern spring. 6s. 1 ^..1.; frturre.
filet: March. 5s 10 1.8.1.: May, res
01.; @Paw cora. quiet. As. 7d.: frtarw.
ulet : January. 8r• 6 1-2d, Febraary
nil Marrh. Ba g 8416t; MAY, 8•
T-S'l.; flour. ids. Oil.
London.-Clods.---Wbeat cargos
rafting a► outporK 8; wheat off w
nest, more Inquiry : on ivn mwgr, firm -
r ten,feney : corn df the eYrRlet. Lint,
ig doing : on paaage. rather eeslen
Jas+tes AAsm. Ona A o- of Liver
tool, cable:
"Market. standy : Baldwin@• 18 b
'f►a 6d.. gas-ningr. 7m- to "le.: g{tkr.,
ra 61. to ills.: russets, 12i. 61. to
16a ed.; Kings. 19s. 6d. to 26d."
Apples exported w v,k en,ling Deeom-
er 2nd. 1899, from Portland. N«w
i'ork• Boston. Halifax and Montrecl.
16 770 barrels • •am- wank. 1 A',it,
ro 810. a,alon to dAte. 9 W.1!61: lea:
Penson to nate. 7t1',2t6 barrels.
In Chicago today timothy -4
cb@ad steady at $2.40 per loo its.
for DRoember Aad $5.50 for March.
Clover closed ?Oe higher at $7.85 DIA
for Member and 5c higher at $R.tb
for March.
There b IRs demarid for Ontario
fleece wool for export thin week. TIM
reports of large gain thin week natty
rally exrA04 the mmarleee, and hOld-
en of Max tbnouglt the Province
pat pp their prices out of reach of
buyers in the expectation that there
weal i be a further adTAUOft,
There Is It good diannnd for pall-
eA wools for -Canadian Mills. Mail
tarkow are still tsYdlat apw•rda
8r&4s&-sae is e!2 Trate.
ifontreal whop als burtoess lifts
Iebowt mors AcUrily, Shia week. Pre-
vtoos to this week trade was drag'
lrins The business dale In spring linen
an far has been lan,lte and the Pn>ttDea'ts
Indicate a goo.] season at Profitable
Priem T7tere, have been farther i
vanomm b Canadian a"SOU
weep. The marketx for all 110" of
goods are very firm. Country remit'
Lanes are improving -
As the holiday annam approac
trade at London {mprovea 'rhsro;
mole Lnefuley for heavy Bards ar1
trftds is very ratlsfa°tory• Prloee of
grain And farts produce and all 00,
plo goocb are firm.
Business at elm esmwt is fairly a•*
the for this season. Trwds wt Vir
torts and Vancouver Is good and the
demmnd Is expeactlag. Pnylu""to In
all illi ditfl41•BIW1e d tracts mntinne nil
to t tlbt ArwfR"Malou I era DsigC
madeb Jobbers; W wertire n larger
share l7the Kootenay trade•
A spoil of More OWSMAbl• w6at+D*r
At Winnipeg has Created an Imploved
demand far heavy eaderwear and
othtvr winter line of dry ROOK• The
amdttl°n of hostnees It good. Tho hot'
shy trade Lv showing moms Ufa, There
is a rro°r1 damsatd for labor and food
m A••* brthg field In oil 1i Ass•
l,entw i WORt,N A large satnma
of Immigration next year and the
tutor" few traeM In Winn 1pRg and
through thin ProvinOm is brlstileetnn.i
Thele hRa *om nn ItloroAMnR
for Any linen d Roods At HAmlltifwn
thin week with the app~,,, of mid
i winter wenthm. Aad the mndltnn n -
t wrlwmto anam
d re1RU huMnr U
l 000rmaing. Labor ois well wttapltvad
n aaA I&Xpliet applewr to have Plenty at
i money, W opxsnd.
P ! WRIDIamRle (tries at T}•ormtel r'RpOCS
r moew itettvlt7 1n torn dnmtsld for win-
tw Liss week. Adv&!'fWA InPriam
a smn{ln0s W ha A fowtwrs ell
I trade tTR11*. and tbwy are having the
, effect of makleR 1M market forall
I mto& visadwd for next atwine _
• t►ymi bamidut m►Imnaatnlf POT, Th*
dmiletad for sawaT is as adttle1•r
sal the makivket a fires at prevhled
I ra t&
t 1&. p, S. fleaeby, of the NOW Tort
I rMilampokimal 0 womty. says that if eve►•
I aotkm, tnmtwrd ."r1,.r ... eeorel
'n irwmeit l of
o tfMiorwl In sem. } !' ""I o U►sA
mister 1. y1^ the air.
'. weaM hr I. .
i t
4 .
j an ce . r.rr A sv:e'"..e.,-.. Ll— u"..l-a::.i_J
. x;1 7-"J!"ViI ,- T- . , ' `""WAN, .1111111111r
, , .
`'•a= ... tl •.?ra.{►1t11 !'. r t lQllt" '4•%W.-;"itYsllYt IMSMx}: f w.. _ '"n
k1Aa, fur liar t Td out truthfully Tho bour'r bead, I usWerstaud. The Sat " -- l[
. -tin Christirsao Aa/a . l:htlstrnrs •f'k 1e the chief ssrvys imi 6L1+►.luurf. s1a•TarwtsYd tv Itelg QL
e Aud day%!te Lelle emit north shall slug tulid %a:kus soil ale and aptlo ring Look wherever It be fund, Hearted Bull miser.
0 rip ERRY CHRISTMAS cbrrtaa. day in ala murrlmtg. Well tiptoed W the Lnbur cestui, t3enits Duro cuuttau. «1 cgu't go tato aha Chtlstm&s hwT[Rr TYUNfOAY 11[OR)f[!IB -t- .
M And many a burr Dclow molly business very herr Y. hat I will buy ass troaftLJCVV:-T- -J '
And all the sugels lu hearru rlisll And float as smbi0 uwlancholy- De 41rd1e lorder. both wore soil Itasca, I..,
slog something for mother," tai t young s 1,,l
8u, with a www, went ClurtuLmaslag. Fur this hath Orda tills our uLllAWO. • Itr' Bollincer. "She at least shall he
Twrmw at 0aesssre4erss
IN YE OLDEN TIMES. Uu day. uu" Cbrlstmat 1'11( da(urutlOo of the houses rad T° there )ou all fhb Chriseuuste, reraembered, heoatue •ince 1've l«ft ssenLh tsadvs•ee......•......... +
day, tlo churches were not tlt0 only riga elf The boar's bead wills wusturd. fat
M I And all the,angew ill heaven shall the approach of C11ristrutw, for on %Ila SECOND TU THIS W)M,tl )IEAD, home and Rocs u(o.lyufecstaudrhotw (tato' ~ •.
. mtitg rtUluen d the winter air thore CAUL° Another Ch:imttnas, dish that Mag Douses 1 bas y•ar, - / N
much mother used to do for me i -+
By F. B drRrainox. OIL Christmas day ill ilia morning. at midnight th" s%vreet stralus of utlu- to great favor and A)con4 b import- Ad••rtWas famieeat
M strelry. The waltr of the olden Limew altcu to tile buar's l Riad, was the While be was lookingtt awouldwde- esd otter os•a•1 advwttsssswUt IM•
And all tae souls wn tatrtit dull ring chanted anthotur uI l'futy from door {ww(xxk, which was prn{arect for the down m.. something 1 sfrsrdlas•rtlo..&at3y a s•@e•
- On l'Lrlat.mae city. on Christmas to door, rind tar on 1 in Ula tNal 1 ht • mother, the lhou4bt Dame pw1 tie*
99CSherr table ht a4 elaWrnte tWanrtsr• laical• to hi "What will father tiiak fere•o►su►•eovemtlaserges. Misearea br
_L1u1sS13c4• bur' tam rhl' the gt•¢eral ezhlbitiun of MIRY that I d'rY peacefully drnauiln4 u( +• 110^d ria sklu w ur carefully removeh wills omtith:ug and don't - - _ ..
7iRlt *11 A[iT!' BkIC A i lite KII[I¢ VY ,aMl 1iW11.1111NL -_ ._ ;. Ktai1 aK- Lsr-.plaoutga _ailhatblg ' g ! GDe ud
I-+l1II1 hlg } •w it I re m°1, i r r t id • w= cards Uses •
. -'Is tine seem a4ha-W9 ag ,n'>ylailY-I # on iiTlotmam dar in the morn • -W lf be carof:' . •filnl writ ttrM TM:ted"Itt"inlc"m 777
oats Pram• ha tvtrrl urea d- - -
sada. M v
I'll melodluw hurmgay, then son of mirth-fnaki !n tlxrae K•a+t old tlmerm, tb:at me t i
ascii tie all ! n wuuldu't think .,I 1,t altAwJws, vawac 6
stronger and stronger, tell the lluilng ala rt °f Qaees Elizabeth, I tock bve W (-I'll the gohlnu days, Awoke, awu}w, gaud Bsalror style of the uulktnry art. R'hen the tea smiot
n to ulu ht Awoke, and you shalLb hotly war partly "!ed the ebiu: with 'w sure tial nutting B,,,{Nss O►a•e•r } r•a -
full strata reverberate Trow nave, I when the 1'urltaw begs s extensive ptelrctratkims were inade flow C'hrbt, our Lord, died on 1,110 all the flue featbery and the beak, would please hiaL more than a Ill- MR. Ilo a t °.tm. oe !tale, ora► N
I. I' .Ir soil ratter, uud tie church 1. cower staW@wtat, ria sol lcking erre- for the ouvaing of Christmas. Most crews w4Y repbaeeJ. and firmly sewed oil' 110 g.[t from m1,. I'll send something exorew. i for gretssenLb. Me, Per sub
filial ,vlth the resduudant glory of the monlalewwm decried me the work u1 important of till was the Interior For tho►e he loved no dear• and the Idr•d made- to Wok Sas oat t° father sad mother. I own more t° rq nest mentIL 1.•raerad^a la aro a.
peal tit ktY°Uo Jubilee, while the r;lwlr lithe wicked; and In 1617 the reform- t}euuratkuu u/ the !owed The nuau ural ss life. On eom0 oco•elons the than to all the other I"Ple Any ape"Motle • 4rosvf w .
,clI of your n ere find proceeded so tar lu England, ppctxm auJ the wails were made bid isung y the ei W Lha w11A hal tht4u Doth•ree°• 1d,a Amit
lull Amairlet as to carie Parish uf(1r dud rung by the weird voices: entire Peacock wear 6lldcl, and u Wi earth, hill they're entitled to my y, so be
Oirlst, the Lord. -W risnu Walby, err to be rub ctod W reualto,s for say' 1a etergreeum and prett7 a of cotton saturated with rPir t
Al le hada ! 1 wrerWur aero butyl lit the windows. L raw three rbl[w uuwe rulhuy In, P•Mt Ut the beak . Anti tgniteir Chrbtaoar Presents as long as I hav m of b 'M" awa ym
oucoaraglog the trim.ul, Qt it -bur on Chrlasraas day. oil C'Urlatmas Its placed any to give.' eerrg - 1 !!
Woulfe of mart and angels may : Ili.: trtulttlu 1:16, WAt, ng u1, ,1'. Ilia Miele +vith bright bully all the tam Cbptously @tufted with tweet herbs ]lir mind, thus iavl$s settle) lu word, nosotior lertri rest -off
Al -Ie lu-ia ! ery •e um Llu isles. murntg. Jttcr, Pleb @trues do war at Pane,, ualil he Lanai oouor Is oorrvO t
Ikotas ?our joys and triumphs high, ,be restoration the ul•1 C'hrlrtuun tEs• With laurel gr(' uud wdiel mirtle- I euw thrcr shl{r carpe sullhig lu, and apices. biegtel vrlth the yo:k of a couc!usitw, eeela per word. Noeet e for Ia.w
Al-b-111-Ia! 1,w, On Christ day lu tike mdrraing. Ogg and serve•1 with a rlehgravy• happened t4o wonder what Dta slaters J. «,(or Okwro►esa a d ae
tivitlee carate Into favor unit were u during the the poaoMk 'made a dist fit for u would lbink whets they were shown bea•vw•nttnatltetieea•eal nte
Sing, )e hear and earth ropy, \Platter this la•uutlful ractloo was The custua, o[ a.ltg: [
M oohtlnued until they gradually died ars to be a very tins. the beautiful presents which he was
AI -1 u -in ! oat with the changing ouuditltni@ of derlve.l from the pagan custom of Christmas season appeals hl this list Of holiday edibles one to Chu to his parents. eubeorlbrre who tyD W r'eodve Time 6►e*ra
,tai thea the loin tell ower acid (14%aDrt i trimming tide temples with garlands, amoisut one. 9be name "wait" °i delicacy must not be oulitteA. uud They would think it rather regularly by man wN ooefr a favor so
t,mer, and Intermingle with lila dying LONOIXO FOR OLD DAYS or come as toe the of site prophets. tale es tit std to have been lie
ratlence of the select •Dien faintly or c spoke of the Messiah as the title bestowed on the member of some tows M t!a minae Vie -the alma old slrau e," he sail. "U1, c°uree. th'y aualauneusofthe Imes s1, v aeric • w
P commixture an the New F:u !uud wb.nseaaaa• N address V a both
Ltclu,g away, hike the unconscious pu*r Whilo the celebration of Lite Christ- "Branch of Hhthteucrssnegs," or Imnd Its band d mtustrelr who either w faced product m,r fsmillat yet 60 basely had Jremembered father know
d mother, eR old•mdth•new oAdrrsahould bsgivO-
nst til the drifting yanks use tnaY 1°M' mastl le of Lite pr°w,at generation bar Origin !n the prumira of Isaiah, who the Did ballad singer of tlry royal ImJtctteJ to the mncDlrte-wade 1m' but wouldn't they wonder why I had
na t l( In reverie rind, with the glitter eau soLenal clown W Nor require, (lath sefd. " Tle Lord shall comfort court or ora• uhdeNQ hisinstructions
Lksi of our own times. The bl@ neglected them f Ob, well, they T■►iirkr's issue*.
„ f too tindeW ilirlstums treo still wgrto nail more advanced tastes of Zloo ; He will comfort all Iter waste and whose duty y1, V the ry of .the inluce qle began In shall have something. 1,t can't be any- y. C. T s Tourrl, of Oodrtch u hew rip
flneling la his eye@, span with Ilia Iu advanced civilisation, one cannot places; anti lie will make her wilier- chamber door to another tuthe nicht thin expensive, but it will ba encwgo ,q
tt the watches (11 [ 151!11 when it arae kturwn ur mut plated Local T^avelAT Ape{ 1,•eT°wa-
thimKlite tits agent d anelyuity. The ,tit look tart with a longing some- I mea+ like F'tlen, snit herr desert ilk@ tie ease mitt! papa tont pie, dile Mutton being finally w s ow tial I remember them au:t •algae of t)aderloh, ColDorae, Ashfield and
quo•-ieg of .l e Baron kings still :Imes (ur the old clays that W.-med ro garden of the Lord" -It matters not. I upon some muskAt i°strument• Men- the s+tme a• ever." w}aj 0 ussrteewo••r 4he district an also
n,alrw. TDdrkaror Ot the trograni 'all of the rrnl enJnym3ttis d t 1,e. Tie le is one of the few old customs that tion of such a minstrel is made as wwtituteI by neat's tongue• and it occurred Drortp000s to Tam
a•a,klielbowl M Igt&Idlousl wafted to later on by beef. At ore time It On the tdlowiagg day empowuedtortecalv0 .a
y bve of tilos• quaint customs still kill- tuts coma down to Ilr The churches early as the re gn tit F award 1IL, was calls! nhre.f antt'r^hrimtmsw Pte• to him that !t wourt be rather shabby BmoxAt-
mr ttortreL sad the Olt refrain: ;ars in oar hearts. There b just enough term snc•tl[hd a► Christmas morn and the practice of Christmas carol Just before ('hristma@ It are cw- °f h:m t° sen 1 g:ftr to Lir married All 000mrmta•uD 11.I 1CUt
Honor W you who d0 of the superstitious pAgun left In ux with the flowers, and theIomes are sing:ug which bad Its Oretdg.n In tsayhin uxur.ry to m1, a watch upon theme shaken and ignore the husbands tit Tr epxAg t
Ness to the well d alt w recoro tltade weird ceremunlsls of more sncrrd for the wtantl►a of ever- old court custom 1 owe ever, the ming ht those married sisters, TolephweCall 30. OeOselmROm
Amt] drink year (Ill d It ! the }rest. We cannot help lad half re t gree n. Trio holly, the ivy, the laurel, years. Ia time, street Thus the warning: not be stolen. At the end of a week, following tlw+ _
isteros sport the belief In the omens of C'hrlit- i the rov mnry, rind the mistletoe were I ars d' •wbo made ed !themselves such guard this ,light the Christ- *auto e,urre Of rearanting, bu ins
_,still rings IsLour earn. The bu i bawls come, tau 4T T111'RKDAY, DEC. 21• IEM'
laughter frobaronial }talo seems to _ nuisances that lovers of peace and email pie, himirtd that It would la uetYwa+try icrr
roma beck to tat. We see Lite vision M -- ,ro ' I quiet wiiliosly paid them to seek That the thief, thOuel ne'rr so Wy. hitti 1,u remember; _
tht•steaming boar's head, and we bear _ - = other looalittea With lite flesh books don't come nigh. r Ills ether. TBwviLLxNO OC1D]L
the goodlyeompanysinging: - ` ` i ONE POPULAR CEREMONY. To cutch It. 1[b father. 11 -
.ow thrice welcome Christie, - `> Utte of the most popular of the .His girten Clara. GRAND TRUI K RAILWAY.
Wbbh brlugs us good cover, * ceremoniom, the mere mention of From him aloate site there- Clara's husband.
1Urte'd pier and low porridge, - - I which vividly recalls those days }laving film eyes still In biv oar. Clara's ufdert boy. "C'harlr)." _J
Goad ale and string beer; t of boisterous merriment, wits And a deal of mighty fear. Clara's scan) tnuyY a wrbc r '." lxed ..,.,,,,,.JLe • m.
R'ItY It [twine end capon, the briagiva in and burning d To watch 1,t. Clrrn'r youttge@t , a •uv ................ L pari
1M lla@t that way be, -- (lbs yule -log, a oastom transmitted 711G..NIT1Fsi LAID A91DE. Clara's girl baby. ' Lt ulrr•" tied........... T.N 0.m
!ho well doth the meatier _ rrOm the early Soandiaavians, who, Him mister, Allo. Yell nail kzprsa@ ;;;;;;;;;;;;••»•^ p m
And our h the a agree. tr an their celebration Jule kindled huge 00 Christmas (lay In the old times Alice's husband. aeeat
It ls Cd our
ACh again.
What I rhos. all social distinctions and dignity were Alice's only I,cq•, 'itoland-!' Mail and Npr ..................... yf+ AM.
. bonfires in honor of their god, R Allce'a only girl, "tlelevieve•"
utI ttIs dL that name haUak» tea nen- ,'pnritt4 teudrl times to li:ngland the laid aside and rho hI hart ` d\ill the MwU and izpnea..................... I t R .
niches or mare lure fle•1 since our nm- _ was hauled Ivto the est were on an equni (Satin }Ilg mister, Gertrude• Igfzed.................................
immev' los m on mervantr and retainers of the baron Tile 3ouug man about to marry Gtr
w,tore celebrated the day with (cart baronial hall with great po P
11th, merrlmemit, nngs and qualat Par- / -'f Christmas eve and lighted with a were graclowlJ' recelceA n1, Lha fell. Crude. % D=NBexaY.
nnicw" Many of tie old customs have 1. LnnA saved from tie lo[ o[ the Pre- dal castle. All partook In Comrtton of }its tercrtlner, Alerstad@r.
ne, and ors bolt Hoot as opo¢ a ending Christmas. Bavia4 the ancon- 1,h@ wassail bowl. Mirth rami slut Alexauder'ti law pmirtaer. 1fi }tIOHOLeON, L.tr
unr mumlt, 410mHion. 111. DMITA @o tax, p i
m) ill to the time that ,', k - sumc.i part of the old log to rekindle sedate old pass nititmlrriment. {DQMO wm • od Brtutsa Mettt'e_ t
FnItiand was merry England, when the new insured the dwelling &gains[ The day Hamilton's fear Co{ +lry far
td CDristmar Droti4it blr rlooatg HamilWu'r-foal ch(Wrea-names( eklYat►esi l
0 fire aria kept away other bad luck, There were aIle mummerst from
{Dart• for, ai t _
again, apt doss not the old by lad maker tell pn 4ous players who weal flOm1 house gotten.
Taps lhrlstmas broached the gelghtl w: tu,Jlouge with their jumbled perform- }ole three irlenrla la kers (tat. .n
Got Ate; - µ • n of tit• George and the Dragon. M. MABg14 D. &A LDsr-DietfTAL
rg Hlr landlady: L• [urreoo Lon sea .ypr@ved
Twat A1164 nag told kiss trterrlgN i i"iiie Z'SHNYAmt,Ismud•wail thea T Wddtylllo L eat Mersin Witt, -I n4liiv1sw wslCrs1mM...„•••••••.w. " ••-, ihue to anlaieosystsasmi
Till snmaet het ft burn. lig pageant of gaudy followers and The- Janitor. natural teeth • apedsh7 or• est
tale ; t Wlilah gaesrh'd, then lay it up unlimited authority W set thitrum by The janitor's wit". St. and xgwsre Imp ua!*'1 t°tra°°• °e 1,l pl
1 Christmas gambol oft could chain • gain the ears Jur s twelfth night. en in
The poor map's Dram tirarpgi half ® l' Thu 1nnlWn'g tater. T«'ept.oar An. a+.
tic year. e' -Till Christmas tnext return. the evening came the gamer: "Map 'nie elevator mail.
Bob Cherry." " BI.ud T1s ufflec boy. T 11[ TURN9IILI yJis D
i8 7I3B SAME CHRISTMAS. Part must be kept wherewith to n[.mBuff," b,odlecum Blind;' and Tile enambier ut the dairy lunch. J• till 6ner e."oa (( pees{ -in.
leetvl Dr. DI Ina. of onus".
Sift It is stili lis same Chrlatmat• _ '1he(send <mas log next year, 1,R^ like. Tice er4vPtw1 newdWy at the sears. SritacW teeth neooetu am sow or ala stinum
1110 yule -log may not glow, but the I And where ,till safely kept the fiend Christie after Christiana.Ti were. Ah, let IL be. Pescc on earth and te.N s W statural givm
tem • es pro" --- -
glow in the heart is there. The goat- -good will ivward men: but how many vatlon of 1,a• natural tutL rIM
ler mature of man Domes torch at lbs ,.. , Can do no mirobiet there. theme merry y rcemem the hadffTbe burl• am there like Mr. Bollinger, who cun• mads sew bbct.
r A As the Yule log was drawn through to T tit the yule the the hen Ins °1 tie
C,hriatmsstiale, and the feeling til I i \ the woodo each Passerby raised hill mistletoe and other cid customs have not reach all of t►wise who deserve to
lowahip creeps into hie soul. bat to It, for he knew full well that long @Ince been abandoned, do that to- be temembered' LZGALsps hlr t»mndes b77 tis hands, 11, ntrz►nt ROcx1 chaos for Ilhn at thr day many of them live by tradition
be doaa't say k he keels like barawt'm rm the morrow'. The lads tai only -but w'e have the happy facorof t4TUKiK.B OFTHkDCKEUF'Yl/ILK RN6a1 HLTO m1 A131110{GNPsIM
E titter. N 1,•w eft
1,}r rvlre,r rang s they tugged away: the children sill -W them Christmas oottaarrty
with a trot+@• A firmer of Them Picked Up tw Lou- ColossroeU►sm>wr.tM °re'
eaym4, Just a they did in the olden _ __- - EluoW, bring was on that morn when the star clow 1,est,hummer.
days: is always Llts same Christmas that Is
Ottd rest you. marry 6rottlkmen, - My merry. in boys. CAM' Mole 40-B e e .
Let eothta you marry
dim _ The Christmas IqX to the firing. shone iso bright on Bethlehem. } heard some rather 1 wturter Y
s __ While my [oOei dame mite __rK qa' E• et ars.a mt eh
yor Jesus Christ. our Saviour, RAda ye all be tree i about the present 111nke of lort'vmal f B`If ge
s•a bor7E apoa this day _ ''- ` -_ YOULDIR S FORTUNK —
[ war In Iuudun thin rummCr.
And drink b 7 bear desiring. H. K. W moot Of I'ittgburs/ W a law 0. Jr. COM011e RRll a, =
!Wftboul 60'.04 Into the old dispute , -- Ota of abs ditties that were chanted York Tribune reporter. "At family M• @010 s ttxm ulna w et
as to the data of the natinkY, it Ig - & t d Henry VI. In hon +« mm •s r
enpu46 to note that the generally Be- \ %_11 + during the reign luncheon et "Windsor one day l'rlm(xe aUte tr• Ood7T 0wt M
e I or of the yule log ran lake tel.: Goo. Barkley, of Hamilton, Finds eeeorge of Wallas, then a small Day,
cepted birthday of Christ has been welcome be Lh(ru, tteacenlY Kia[' a Cure for Rheumatism. Inb'behaved' and film grandmother put C. HAYS. BARRIST19R. ggoat LLCITOR•
Celebrated as a family&, by a11+}Ivillred r Welcome born un thls morning. him under the table In punishment. \° R• p. Oleo•: iteto ea attowsA.xss
natlse@ that have adopted the 4,bris-- ._ -- - .-.- .-.. - - complains wax Matto by the, .youthful oRoaww private Fuadm a lead at moweet
Wetcmrme fx whom we me Y sires• rm IRON -
thaw rgl shoe since Ike prCest 1,s- - '+ t It - -- A P
Welcome Yule. offender, and atter n certain time Ned of
trodaotwn of Chrigtlaalty. From 1,M G \ - He Hakes pe NrrrH About dap,ied the Queen luted: 'W'll1 )'.. rise / aARROW ROUDFOOT.BARRUT[R8.
wilomsgemotee of the aao.emit tdozons, Welcome bs ye, t3tephen RIO John. brdly Can Have the Bement of His a g<xxl bo., now, GOorglel 1 -u . et, T crow, «e. sly. pro•@• 1,a, f3eder%ek. J.
held under the swemm ceremoe" of Welcome Twmiucentm. e06rJ:---are. . r.xpertence-Dodd•a Kidney Pills rundma,' carne the re ly. After, the 'T. (ysrrow.41( •. w. Ppwadtoet
the time, sled the h: h [esU•LtW es- I Welcome Thoruas. martyr rime, are Wfthlm kiss Keach of rll, [ p
tabliahed by the latter Angio -Saxe Welcome Yule. some
Of another period tit time the
kiass, which leeressed la splemdor - 1 Hamilton. Dec. Il.-(iruy, Dark- amu query and reply were again Aw'sooc isc sserrt 1,e• '1'1,
Welcome ba Yc that are here. ley, a m oukler, of thin city. b r(atM- maefe, bus tit the tidrd inquiry the c.r 4C.• P. qwt• vwey
)early under the gro.wimg luxury tit Welourne all. and make good cheer, fled lie her fulled a sure euro for rerponso term+ ' Yes, 1'11 be n g(wd
I he monisrohs d the Norman race, nit- y Welcome all another year. IUteumatlsm n% last• lie, an Ir well boy now, arnndrtu,' and, herrutrri•m tt i O. WARD. C r ver to ling re.• AND
cit they attained the apex d their \ Welcome Yule. known among his friends, has been come from under the tablq being A8- J • eumsWleeer er uklns •wads r+enlrwar
glory in the 91-sabothan age, the - +moss of bell. amdaelis or alerww
rpdrk of revelry oostinued, then grad- - U.aa• depod(lT ti •dean d•r V scow o o«
ACTIVITY iN THE KiTCffEN.t blew ing tearer a dmuntiil1erecemtly future KlmR but, madtorelnLenntlarmtca wy scone• sort or pnre•ediag In
sally dim!atshed sad reoabod the ra- -r'!n While all the preparations sial ,be g4cp Coen of Ju&ue• the Ceara of At+Osal
c isgael pretetu os o[ the present day. have baett mentioned were ¢Ding res quite valm(y. [1,e ltnsq @Ince been citteCf select ria the day he was burn, he hav-
It is baleen eaters to sajry a scow, the klerJmerm war the tscerxe d the of film Own care and 'o reasonably in- 1mg rtrippecl Ililnweif during hlr, rn- for easels er re any County or [nl•rt ray
Itis filo Sir Andrew A4ueoheek, lbs Rreatest activity. Here waw the dream term that the remedy that cutaf him furred spring on beneath the family oC mnae, alt" m^n;d°emrmiee + "0 + T for
will cure others. boo rd. smmnoo, brit
Disease "delight in masques and re- of ant eptoure'a heaven. Here were con- Rheumattgm M well knr,wu W b, n -At Another time, when they were
vola." The gorgeous p•geamta d the I ooCserl tltosse wonderful hungishomry
that 1,OLOANS
olden days were well fllteed to the THE BOARS Hs•o tb1A day ft metes w hurtgrY 1,O read Alaenm(• at in nn from dleonArcknow. grown older, Prince Whose and t e ANs I1HU=ANC1f
opledoepn, who a alk fl them. It a abort. Who has n rhymater writing neyx. That is Liowndnyr an acknuw- Ian• Mike Of Clarence, widx was fnmll-
doubthess true that the celebration mas eve and concur In the ruPP°&Itbn the favorites, it)' ooh there ores no N. /,[\v'IS• ftARRISTitR. SOLI('1TOR.
thtn4r' awls have ground Ont be filtered oat cf the blood by the were In the navy, and nt n liraxlllMn r Notary. Proctor MAritlmeCoert. Glare&
Das hese on IDs decline for many that on that night the cork crows tl!I
limit to the mwteretls that mitld a lite direct Irnmlrlratbn crf the kldrwys[°mmalw in a s'tmtelu hen port. k There they mete 110mee F,nglisli n,lltonswet.
years, and the utt'bridlod. "mlrth wad the dawn that all evil things may he wet for dtxorotme from to I this: ttw,trc orRone are unhooltoy, timd PeuPle, and Prince GcorRe wan roma —
prtrosly chesre" wttD which King Ar- (rlRitrsieri away dnrinR such an hal- Christmas tree came from Uarmany thoskoliffer In tlwe },lair, causing rheums what pronounced In his attentions 1,'I J. T. NApT[i.-fiR[,LIF[ AND AC•
thur kept the day "in merry Cat ale" owel period. Thor Marrellus dnldl to And wt 84"ll a vrrl aLortrmactive part rrf tics to the children All Y re tnthat So1 teemting and mirth tlrm. The reasonable argumrnt re one d the young women. TLIs tifr, Fe tyd.mt lwsut&mw itC'na e, low0Od s1, nitro.
ban given plans to the more sober Horatio: m t holm ,, a very
Inured it peculiarly Come, here is guard crews for plgar- mains therefore W cure Rtteumatirut Duke d Clarence thought was not As OAIw:Cor.Norths1.andRaarn.Uoderloh T4
yralss meetings ie the oborch s and Some say that ever 'gaingt that sea- nPVIMab!e for thh Cirlrttttnrtbto n* ft ure Your mint; by cnriaR the kidneys. Thi* Iw szncLly it should be, and that, the difference
digaitied family gatbarktgs In the son comae ce, victory and Old Christmas is come fax to keep 1tU t[Y TO f.RAT>--A LARO[ AMOUNT
bassos. The pp;pt¢rssque Ch etms; has Is Lila rmblem of paw stat Mr. Berkley std. He oats- In position meds such attentlxw .ren 111 to PrJvate Fa s* 1n• gas. tat t
ceased to bs a rMyplmoemes. It ls Wlretefn unr 6tvlo6r'• birth is neve 3nY• One c,1, the prtpular cusLorma was trpumt hone' guilty d stash w [kdld s Kidney Pills -ala beat kid- the part Of I rinco GaxrrRe wrong. lie tat rater ,o a,v4oMsa xs r• n s+ser Afrpb to
brate.f, Joy.thrOne
f thea of iAvtpl un tltc He worns to be gu 7 inn may medicine In the world -and is to - accordingly remonstrated with his OARROW t PROUD/Ot71•
merely at himtorioal 1ncLlont that That Clrth of dawning slageth all ulght ChOwtmne lien and seeking for or, rn(xlw; clay -entirely free from Ills old (om Ively f r brother, who stoat t pass- RAIKLIFFt-ORNKRAL IQfeUR-
hstef7 minae@ beoem-n4 margo] into fit,; In tho crackling leave* and curllrtg Then acme. boys. and welcome for diet t.s•a
the myths o[ mythologieel lore. In may n^ x{rlrlt eqm walk the chief. pplai n t. fie writes mss (allow@: Ivelc for a time, but finally turned W Be •nee, It"d Violate and U..n*y t
this day d lbs tweaty-foslo hour And then thRy imtoke.papont, mluc'd tAlddln Medicine Co., him with : 'Oh, Von Ro whl;tle "Gal AgA11t Only amt cl•+como.nida Mics tel.
AbtaaA ; Tile holly, at one time-- Commonly Plum podding, x iI° Gentlemen, -I have been for three flava Your Grandmother;' and leave money to tend on airatsbt loan., at rhe low"&
instead d Lisa tertnight, The plahte are wholesome: tDon no Sabel 0hr6Amaa," vine venerated aL Pies nrirdl cig.1 tr i
wl►Na mac ls reaied through the fort
I.n1 by tenets strike. title season of the year ObnDl mora or what batter WII O1, fare could one years troubled elute Rheumunt►rnt, I me W attend to my O1,►¢ aftnln." p Kowor otleea'uit Ilia
Secvndr'dQor bomto Sgatif
elseis motors, a lieu of horse pour- P y have tried Kevernl remedies Met to m0 West"root,Uoderich f00b
or sea mink'@ mares, It may profit us ' No /airy teles, nor witch have power than any Other Plaut, and no rR- ask Chau this: wp, } touIll not Ret any relief. 1 Now-tarlft ('ompwnle• and the West _-
sogtew 1,1 patsss long enough fora to therm time, were ronslleml complete Witt'-
ithTMJ. serve.l alt melmcw, venMOn and hec►nl of }bald'• Kidney I'tlis mud tbR Tilt, ring of moa -tacit( tiro in;crunch AUCT1OWS MTlmG.
s at thea erode, yet ugh fora 8i hallowed and no precious Is the oat It. Rosemary WAS alio greatly I wild boon wonderfal cores they had mn.le and mm(aantes ball been very' much aHONAS CCNDITY. AUCTION[IR AND
gl les time. e@teem,,*1, not only for its subtle frog By bandretin and by dntiens and by decided W try thein. I gut one box lrtiengthw(tgt try the Advent in th( 1Asset.
cyr prn},e•• Them Old festival* of the Innand lit caskir tfodeIle& C ria. Amore
Christgtiastlde angneet'omabil IwaA I6 amu bpifeVgd t.lunt ttto*o who cense. brit I ecaumn It was snppa+e 1 so wptes. and atter I used half tit thin lox 1 field of thr \ lrtortn \fun4 Cal, n I,•r,don and Iwwcashfre rlro Tss (lore
thin assaid 1,t the rstogi celebrn- lit pcsess many ocealt virtues. line of H heads of honey, kihierklnn of wua- found T was ettin better. } have xtrong com any from MrnRtt•al, char- DU riot of the hu. y. Yate to In
or"t he sits which the were born on L,h mss or Good the rmomt valnable of which was an ! %,*(i adv boxes and getting
I can walk tared b) special ,act (of tide Dominion any part of the eea&tr. MIr
%loam d bme peg Friday had &ba pttwer ^f sew4tR aVll al;l to tta lNmnr . ' Ttnete'; tc)se- testi,
s► teachers of C1nt'stlanitl rNem- its. at•1 It Its been said that may. that's Icx ry. "The"'"incombrIl *ate j Muttons And fattdl basses and wltlomt my mile. I consider I Am Parliament. While the vompanles, out- OHN RNO ORJT10tA ryONSiR
Advisable to continue ander moll-Vt nBny nttrllwted the down• jive "Prey you. love, yemogritler " Ina°^^ rw1nR : red. I remain, yen u e atria the h add rrf rtniUptllI: w air 11 weal In had [ins V able ar. OmS. M•v.
[ped festal, Y they had brnocrate oast ntrl Ilyds Fid lookx c.1, Philip Ti. ()(eves }}rota and MtteTmr, peacocks, swan ticurRe Itnrkley. fres rind had to cnrtnll their Ilnew 1,O I ins had oonddenW. mprltese- Jt awe ►ss
rma, lit the in of the poo RIM01"ary alike ls OPPr•Oprlate for I nntl bastard, Hamilton, On xtndll holdlnan, tie their hominem war l0n•erint ale• ou U u • pasMD to Nr
deepty to the horrible demon/ that %him prl- br1Ae or coroar. rh•r [e wltR thorooab art4finetfem
snit a too sudden Alcertletds from ♦Lissa perms%tet him to mea In she heal, mallard, pigeons. wlrlgeotu nmol, ice In fang. Nprend Over n cnmpArntively yRmtrMt Ir•lone trooted ►eo him. Oedrn @t
cnrsOmu, it wag southwest part of Eriglwnd there I Grow for two ends, It mfttterx not at In fine, vel dp. h very thatlet
his wwJ powerful
r Im o erlol SM+L or wt bar mail m hL
gplght bevy n Alanstroos at' gxtrte.l nett n late (1sy a oepei*tl- all. I Pimm puddings, TtsSoaten. apple . M Cnntd l feP h• OnR tit Ltd+ nuvcltlro mnAe• int now that n pOwertml cOm- KNOX.i ge tit eseafally attended to
feet. Zo fhb way many heathen cam- sloe to she effect ltltrat at mlrintfht Ae'i yor my bttdal us m7 tmr1R1. AnA r•uter that are being Alown of the l'Ulinc)el- pnay, drrinR buxlntwle all Orer thR Am YNOIC.CsaegAaodeoeer• 161f -s1,
Smar wars atgrwtt;d into she Chrlr And themwithnl they drank Rood Phmu export ezporltiom• Icor household with em, tett, has cast its Mt
Sian ostesm n iW. rind celebrations eai C1talntmae eve the c9fLbrt might be Np it will do for hope. for sorrow (;Mxr- on wine, purposes this mnsfmts rr[ hermetlenlly with them, the strength of Lhe fkrant mAi>tlAott
found kneeling In their stalls in or tax eaoelory
that were Originally hiangnrated In %hash of the Nativity. Tn other TXFBiiI mo 06 THE 9iI8TLETOF:. With ir.ead wad ole• and older of our lecnlM nickel bs►Il; and hollow dUltecn. sO dlctntc ratan and conditions will are m TJPM U Lr
hgpor d Aaturm or Bacchus were of sof ,country deem were ruP- own t These ars filled with watrr bRfOrn lull) te+rittwt. -- _ 1. a esnsss Ued ►
cltythad with the garb of rftpoclabil• 'parts1 so wag to their hive at this I Brit taw =&Me spell of the happy For porter, Pooch and neigan were ndS they are sealed and frosea wt any -_ -
lty. and became an integral part d Puke+ known. artificial tee plen[r The advantages l're of IfetlMue.
the holiday fsstiv]t1Ad. Ne.%rly all na. emers1 hams, and in eOrwe placamm• It IlmLoemnTler e ern Im1emN of lPret 7 IIut chief ntmmR nR titre rllaher wag eiaimed for this method o[ re(ri- Tho wme d mletle f ra nt ('hrlotmas 111LOA BLAKY CASK.
%lolls mmelso s or, malidarn, have smog- was retaintwlned, 1f one wgl1A Iletem ►Ilah facer that come up at the mere ration in abeolutA freedom from
tion the psHoA °[ elates solstice ■s might hang the r*Wing of xmbter• R1 the tx►nr'e lewd, which wait brouRhD In to Cc n rnrkvnx reversion to Druidical and K60 q to Beerre wn inquiry Iwto
on a etiver or RTtidm platter, heralded MOisturs and extens.on of freezing FeanAi navlan mythulr gy. It was with
Ad a sstsawt of rthrlcc . The astorn- rnnenn trelM. I¢ the trdOtriR dletrlete Thetdri of It. notwissletoce trust the Blin+1 (find xhot Certain Allegations.
Ad d the 17Omasiis. nhieh oecarr*d the wOrttnen declared that high The dermal donned her h h ll grree ; by n grand flourish ge esmlivery born contactunwith air. i This proventineItahhtr, the beantlful, M InR ineltsrl
ne this htwe a the year. was the pilian wam perfarme•1 in the cavern The hull veru dreamed with bully green; thereto by IA*I, a; Bolduc wax tin- The 1Hnlrter tit Jugtltro has recdae.l
of thism fame of thetivtty snit ml sh. containing the richest tole of orA Forth to the wood did marry teen R^ t dish, and nm lie proceeded At the+ evapxa4ioa, the nested utensils can irrdpn to arnoww of rill Other wcx,d. the report of Chief Justice Kglam, of
Frlsi112 we food forgiven, that tho ma,rvlce wail ehante'l M• Irl. To Rather in lite mistletoe. head Of the stately prooessloo crf be nlrosen Aped into a for
of emmm of mytnlxollom iliannotx►, who war Lle trial JudgO
,ruridd ware sxe}taa4aal bank nod vlslbl(e charletera anti time Whole Then uptepwl rlde the baron's 11011 ktlghts and Iadlrw xeanR in rtentprlaa ♦ ball ls keeps
it coot fop a da Henna In the }rsrtc when Hilda Blake, of Brandon, pleadIed
1 &sr and keep+ 1• c me klxalnR nnrler Lhe mlstlRtre,
MMil,and the mariner d sdt►[ins weep chamber brilliantly lighted with To vnsxel, tenant, serf and all; Woe: — willed 1m xupponed to snake the maid guilty and was reoLertw W death for
, anile 'n honor of Saturn inn cnndlew. The Old alma* saw thea I•ntvmr laid the rtxf of rule nleldo ('aftnt Aprl defem, '" a 81}}y Qle ino.en's heart scsoeptible to the tender she mnnMr of her mistrRm. Mn. I.rne,
canill "a DO W the chauting of pretty (Rrtrlaw Of (with. and the And ceremony doffed his prhM• , y r al head lin hnnd bles ring 1, IULIT'S BUMMIR 11MM Pt e"- alar was the wlf0 of a well-known
I. rrrose a Chrletssas serol. rhythm rr! the meklelirnv Utz that I The mlstlRtns wan Folipenderl over the •iiC71e rtwrchwmt °h 1* (ion
ONE tttTRTKLDiO pFgT MALANCIg tlmR ewe never hnwh dull cldarmnct Lhe dnr,rway, and Lha fair maldcn that x Ith garlands gn7 arAl mcirAulary ; \V 111 cure DynentPry, iHarrhoew, That tireA, ImiflgnlA fee:Miry and wt the trityl, altllonglt the Chief Jnml ' "
ear : I w•a.eap. an n he tbe_Apngh h ti pray' you all aynRe merrily, Cramps. It never faille. ln-tkc{trtmltkm to effort of an7 sect tiro amxlRn 'I counsel for the prfitoner.
no% one Of the moot strilimm rR Qui astir In ccrAvlvko. _ will he rapidly removed by the ,lore .he rte 11ned to dlacnwm her case with
ae trt IMOM d the eatnt n,tllan fes%Irl• And all the belts ?n oar shall t(ag noble Dante paid tis'to -- with 1,f glow Natal (lot Its Nast. d Miller's Compnuntl Iron Pills. thr• M wymr and Inwlate,l on pleading 4
therm and Vet CbrLttaaas was the sip a nllt HlnOo bar condemnation Shot
1,Oltitrneat d a soler. king or lord i 'rmtlt Aniericu was Aldnverert by R J'.
i 4ilsD tolled his, the Portuguese. whO were wewtching Pawelwg rnmbeMts.,_, „ murderess fine niterml hRr views re-
ef missals, as the a ay N►s a, for an Ocean road to TmliA. BartholO "Mdn't you @lent enytdllieR stall. RwrA1nR her guilt, sail now allosesm
who hod absolute '' 1 mew Pian was the commander d the John?" that ohs- wem Invited Ro ills d1O@d by a
hrtlldAy, @mason and mtssslt%etl clad on. ', eJOSa ' + titled party, who, of twurae cannot be
mur@gM Sb@ utmost Absurdities. W two 11ssFw ship* that trrrmecl tea ter "Yn ; I surf w viae baa a Ram►,
of tilts Year } psdltlOn b 1sR6. F:Iwven yea(w later trot it WAS stolen from me on the tmentktwed. TL in asserted by Mlm Rlntc
About this same pr'rw- lta ()assle tr►oit an^shRr Portsguede CAM." Lhwt tial, pRtwvt wromisRti her and
the nrrrthera nsLlnsne crf Europe i, ,i ik,et mouth. H; ,tlsxvo•rwerl Natal on "We11, never mind, .Toho ; you've promisraf It she k111er1 k rr. Lena to
brated w festhf►1 In "Or Of ' up Christmas day, wad thno named It In btm@g, Mom; it Drand-new story.,' mnrry her. The Minister of Jnntlm has
which. Ube oris Oat / ` +
the waternalls oft Stalemates, ' J i t * • Canssegn•stt».--- ___ - - `- Asked the Deputy tttci Officers tal
r "Oh, fia:or Plower! L It true 7^a of Mnaitoba to have his Officers IM
d k&@U#41• BMW ,/ 0) Miller'* Worm Powders euro ell ail- otge rah an Indian to death!" qulre Into She,. woman's Allegatlotr,
" p 40"4-- wag _ strew of oW►dren Ilk@ magic. !t it galla tragi imlw ^ -__ .._ and until blm report mhAil have besfi _ _
knosra as Yale. Jule, I"W' q.' j , "~ -- "And how far did the 1f fN te(*mtvorl no rrx,ommendatbn will are
tehWh the TakOde Otte Brisis // 1 I It111 \ of Horne of the Clrewt. Battles. "T cannot tell you. I wag
rived Its same ' },,c I mark to t t Cabinet. it ls not thin
straight ahead rill the thins ltevcsl that the mnrMrRm In telling %Irl
Mrn TMaI e'1,. R
The e►iebratUrk d tic; Cbrlsthn pets liattl•. ,. twc. ICn`agrr+. tAwnb,. Thar Rot lack to camp•" truth, And It her story U faded to hs
level d the Ilatirlty wast Irthag crated - %rc- aemwi/ ' tgw* O«l it, Iwa@. tIou JI. .. ft ---- twlxR IL Ix Prebaw that tine drath paw•
glmily steer- }etredtctlOn e,f Che a4neiAt lune lot IRIS la).aat It
rise Teiigkai's14 She tlr*s pcsl%ive may, . r. q P74
JMee 4. 1 im.um 1,l. N Tltc rrwp^nsefnl One- fol dear. T terve will ho eirnoted.
psvrots we h e it Are' ieatf la Use t Jnlr 11,. txtm evo C. t t w1Nc yon wewtld not be an ew?r>ltdtb.
ng this imine e , i y.p 1+, 1tM1 l*taa al oft 11 Will you never rivet t" At Montreal s man thea red to
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