HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-7, Page 8V, Deo. 7, IAf9, ..,<aae4mw•... re. • THE MIGICtin GODERIOH ONTARIO:--- 41/11141144 Air" FREE, ( FREB. GOOD WHEEL GIVEN FREF! COME AND TRY A CHANCE The Wheel fit41i s chain and padlock, and we have a box full.ef keys, amongst which is one key that will unlock the Wheel. On every Dollar purchase In our Store you may draw one Key, and on Dec. 20th the Wheel will be placed in the centre of our store, and every person having one of the above keys can try to unlock the padlock. The lucky one to open it may carry away the Wheel. See Wheel in our window. MILLINERY and JACKETS. Just time special valor i. Ladies"' Triikated Hata, Sailors and Walking Hata Felt Sailors in all toilers, 50c. Ohildree's Bon- net, and Hata, nioe, warm, p etty'and cheap. • i AG'K1"41b. +ewer. Clearing a special hoe at 113.75, worth 85.00. • fit • 1lrQZ 1101 Odd wee** will arms be *ma. end t*oee nice, warn Neck Ruffs, Capsriaes and Capes will be Juet the things. We have avery large range of the latest styles in Sable, Astra- chan, 'Panum, Ileal. Ssurloigas. Jackets aM Cap. Dam 0000S! Yoe will Anti our and morns doe. stock very tom piste in these de p'a-r•t`ment& Specie! mans, Broad Oahe and Serge& albs, hey Ise 1e Qstbs for Qilikte's Jackets In Onys, Browne tied Fawn - GHATS' TIES and GLOVES. New Deeigbd;" just purrksecd Inst week. Latest Ideas. Prions Right. • rt CLOTHING. toys' Silts a specialty Ns R51 sp. Boy' 1 )rert'oate, , Pea .lacket& jlipf's Snits, • Orerouate, separate Pante and Vesta. You will find our make'. the beet in the market. Our ail:m at the bottom. BLANKETS and COMFORTERS. lace Certain, Carpets as1 Dins. HOSIERY and UNDERWEAR. - -" Nice, homy, rlbt.ed Hose, I.mhes ..err, special at 701•. Bo)i Fleorwl Lined b ielerwear, keeps them just as warm a.. bawl, the 1.hilelrou .y. AU SIMS w .tock. Ladies' Frear} Wants, 20e. 4 1 25, . DKEROHIEF$. Anything aid everything in Hand- kerchiefs. Nice, lace -edge Handker- Lhicb at 5 for 25c. Silk Haelker chiefs at fie each. *AR bade of Hand- kerchiefs. Try a chance on the Wheel. It doesn't cost yon any- thing. We give you good value every time on what you buy. CASH AND ONE .-PRICE I Smith Bro's & Co. FARMERS' INS rtTUTE. the *Team with your eager. Streaky bat - - ter would resale frominferior Bali ; . eaK tae 4L414L411,601" .4111•6"11y.4111•6"11$ boy the boat daisy salt, sod eep D to • dry lea U..skas seemsuv ('.Naim New d!es 1 The mescal m.ettees seoaNl► Mid masa tea movie= .1 the RM Hwa Femme' lestituls wenn all web ate...il mad asseuesfel m.eetap, sad below we rive • maim of tae 'Mkt se- ammoil Dr7WPOOLTIWII alt DAI•y1Ne. WOO Sem, dolly I..w°slrem •t eke On Melo Aarl.alsas°I 0.IMg., .,eke es , D&1- ls.11iss to W Wry, sad Hew a Over°... 4\gm." Om of the Newest* dlfaalYw sea. Me wsidew .t tai. hetes► .l fares* to pay eklady bseause fe was rewarded .e s seri et .Lata. sad Mak of IoW..►. T. make it pew, yea mut bv. good. *ism stable& with o MmpeseBpg Meters= b6' std 66'. Mould have reed week aid knew wtms wash sew eredems, Stook Weald be well led sed mitered, ens 90 per seas. d .Ilk M water Is Mediae pave ems variety. m they DM a sheep es wen se Immo o b.taga Aryl, silk y dons and keep odors es tar es Keep Mw .f lea when meth.,eat. Rem is.g wok. en .sty Me .ram 1 this .w. requires • higher tem- perature lima M1.k, ma remelt 0 D..r°r Meer If bettor *awes le emit lamps whom wkoraies. add • Hello worm water sod beer elem. el the ollk. If worse M toe Hob. dilate with water. The Mere &Meld mew be mare Mea w-Mxd or m. Wf hat The tmpr°tw ef the roam t wb .h r ee re a.relea eM.ld be the mem as tet ef Me arse.. TMosey role is Mabee. et • M.l,mstw the welshes heeler he • half. hew. Pearls/ hes veto Nrewly so the mesa mak* walls, WOW ; hatter duos of get. • pail s.4 pat is the het weir, sed lbw replies sod .hum The tdlvNa alter d As sew hes ww.Ndw+ht ear Se with the Woe et idea required I. d r°log irlseer take • Meg Imo .em1y ham Jer- sey masa Ones ODM 7uide5es beta sinker shay dry : WM t wily N take tow et be mho helmets whitetails la Burst, sad glee wby..*Mgm M geed ter sew 1 ah les seed meal aim Law Wiese thee 1st seed ani Fmk ewes' milk sham woke them .B Ns' Ws treed be *• sem one freeh- er, es le , 1 mod stod mem Mer s deal keep It 1t as Wahl% mews OW le wry kit Wro w .SOA d1Ntg pea 55.,wilkla- etsad el the wooer. dents ds all the mllk- Upt, iNia visa sheet few won are sellliek jlM et than *aft .ueaelid la red Leh elft o dem .bo. lite *s. Now yea nine INN sad Yew to bonen • ••11•• ••••• - treat dem nth b rook be No Woos, s1 eMgir OM awn you lase se firths* labor tries M arsle sall e sap.. ROMP niteer monOwe aatssnno Wan* ef thi SSW 1 mal. eth.rd egd,ot e« saes Won Amon AI. Men area fb.tam..wlr wad d Welk./ 0 plain. Never .ix sweet wed sour weans witbi° twelve hours of obordag. After yen have ehurwed do nos overwork the Ma- sse atten as reaseving the buttsrmlla ; oee the lover batter worker instead et the butter howl. sod use it jade:iewly. Do sot ew- alt ; f of an oases to the Ib. for home use, and ~ounces to tb. Ib. for mullet nee, 1e bayi•s dairy utensils g./ largo ones : Wein- en, dippers, .to., and soils/ o. thew tag genies* there will he no dlfrieulty Is always basis. the very beet buttes, and oeseeq.wt- ly seeerh•g the beet prier. NOW To (mow MOTTO TOR KARIM. A. Melt. AUen, .f Oodnrfob, said eke way N grow fruit fen market wee the mom at yee w..Id grow .aythlse .Me ier market. Formerly we .felled waw market there wee, sod Mee crew for the mark., ; Rew there's • market for almost ',smaller, sad Wes way to N predate tee hast, and the de. mead M sere. The mom=t the British eta. Maw mw teat Dor apples reached ham in peed sssttl5s. we deemed woe toes. The elm at the grewr Meald be a pred's* a mese psis* hide thea formerly, sad it the inhale wee properly tared for, se petek of nod wast mike • serer roe,.. The mwkard moot Moo &turndown 1i Toe waft peeper resalta He would amt allow the moo *he tethers settee seer kle plaw t wehas, equals hardwood ashes fey .retread falba.. la Florida they pay as mash as as seats pee bushel ten 0..dies brdwo.d soh* to ors for r.Mrd.. Trees .heard 1r kips elms. the .Id bark e.repee MIL L, pf memos oo er*ard. It be wet te traM )esor tram m pea wast them. Oleo .opt iter 40 Met .emit way t well a pleat plipt„ r,leash tress betty.. them "Milo yaws/. Don't have orchard tee lose t and ; kaga 5.°514 be a5awed a rise fm the meoMrb the .Id varieties M frit are geed yeti doe's pleas tee miry varieties t plait what eh. ..skit Isteede. Taw should 5o. be .l. lowed Is grew with fork le bead, ..� we apt Is *W. II Telma. stook. tn,,tv►e► es.Fy, r soy vert.+.. Trews es Hekt .eta woos mato saIMvmelss ; sale is geed le .r e5 Mkt NiL Qaakty riles. Dow we My o men w have wey55.y bot the bees peaked ad shipped. Had knit hurls aka g eed same el the .s.M.y..s4 tkat hart W s. PMM Was Y the epees' seweelaw MO when the krone aro abed mNorelly so se May ase here, It le 4 w pleat M sot 555 hY. I hallow Weald have a re. llshln J5sI eft k Orwpasy to. tea Wyly' wed a pert d trat% wider rerthe ed 4as4l le "maid pest better, ad get hetes, prem, ad wow oriole slaw have heeler hide we mare MEL 0e8'a46'4 1ppie teds hen bases milli merry your. To mew aid Wm we !Ise Meir i that mire boot saw hewn to Nslve 1 brash the apesrd ap is t saw abloom n a1MR 1M Ned d ArIm+A mid Mt anvil .deal nes la the Mewl Is est up .vesythbeo Met fe1la tk• a �� !�•tii. ora/ powwow ABU TIM 1111 Thee. M.M►ll$, HetMtt -1- The .Id syateal el tellieg.11 erste off the rare was mire to tpov.nab to Uses Meld mot .sly be mows for wailer feed. bat oleo if amiss owl summer pmeter& Corp lead mast be 1h.reaskly draired t clover sod Wes 5Mderabl., as olovr mete warm L. t ett Phew atter M. awes amp; let .entad era, -paw ; draw to Meter, mad 1a the 'pito work the surface midi mellow, roll, N M se aeon Y vegeta1*.n slam, plant with eons platoon, roll .gala. .mid barrow ; after own tt up sulavat. *woo • week ental b.r reef; the seamen& wltivattsa loran a melt*, tree breaklag capillary atr«uoo Pleat arae 90N M 9944th et May tee yew, bet wryer plat ..N1 a 1e warm .wraith te vegetate, With me the b• • • variety Is Hailer ; Nat M Commie's e...,. le out- line i.e.illy sae • h«, aa yea oars out It aloes sad °beeper ; owe saws ono sus Iwo or three awes a day. Al... .atU.g baa: direotly tas the elle ; keep ewe man in the silo M sax sod trap ; wet No ale en top whoa /nal ; don't tramp star at is lull .sad the water L pat o•. 1Saperlmwta .bow that there le 37 per nest riote value's... *ora whoa ant for silo, thee when allowed to epos, as 51•,, lore. 'Bo o.rsf°1 ia mvhg your ow. owe Ise seed. The beat grime for w alk purposes was pa meal and bran; the best for b..l. wen ate, barley, brae ark! aborta L ouNIeg w. see a oyboder kale. and out thr.ayoart a &soh lung. 01111 1ND C'OLTty ATWN or t{I.ALI.J'$DtT.. If there is a bisto ser' -tun = - Teta =;uumm take Scott's Emulsion. It nourishes and invigor- ates. 4 It enables you to resist the disease. Even if your lungs are already affected, and if besides the cough you have fever and emaciation, there is still a strong probability of a curs. The oil in the Emulsion feeds; the hypophosphites give power to the nerves; and the glycerine soothes and heals. tr s w.a• di *Miss' a SOWN/. CJ,win, Tomato. A. Mal, Allan ;-The farm verde' la a neglected part of the farm, possibly hewers the firmer thought the etude° too ineigatfi- oast to leek alter, but the was • grave mis- take. utake. if boys would tar. • httie •a.ruW Is the [.ria° at Use oleo. of the day's work it would be of good value to ek. bouwbolll. A stud strawberry bed can be wily kept to eximeroe by proper o°lUva400, sad oo trait M more delicious or oetr5Noee. t'-ar- raate and barrios can ala easily h. grows. Don't grow small halts for salt ashes ample time and oar. aro be vireo ; crow only the best, $d the household will muah ,ppre•iat. them. Ie his opt°loo, the 'Iowa' garde° war .lee greatly. neglected, *Moots sad all similar iaarltatlese wield do much to educate the ride,. ge5.ntio° on haw that had been °saleot•d. DUNLOP. TOWBOAT, D... 5;h !1ise Aoai. Bowler. late of Rotted, I. a.. a resident of our bars. Wednesday of tut week our popular blacksmith, Hillary Honore, made an on - portent journey to Uooga°aon, w►ar• be eras married to Miss F Baueby, of that elem. A targe number of friends wad rel - k; ave* of bot , 15. 5.uk gime-pri-stat. Tis" bride tomes to our midst an setae .tr..ger. We extend to her • haply weluoios $d lope that .he wad her husband will mat with sway Nipponese is the ,,uraey of life before them. From last wok's SaoN*,. IVO ON that Mlea E. Wa1Ms, Due of our te.oh.rs ie Ibis Reboot .e.Mes daring the year 1891,- -1.111r• marra.d at Detentes, M.0 , te 1)r. A. R. MoKey, of IWti«au, North Dakota, on the 14th of teat month. Oat of the eight teach sea wbo have laughs hero eine, the epeotee of the niteel seven have been I.dies Three of them have marled, as has also Mr. Wil- liams, the that teacher. The other fear ladles will pwhape follow suit. A n.w.paper Oyler( on am. road near Belt - ford camped • rusawsy by trashiest', • hone drawtag • ouelly with two Isdin in I'`:e ladtee were upset is the reed and he ,1 'as thea ran off. Jut teed our burg 'l., .•: Harry Ttohboruo, who was retina - arta from school, with Frost ooarag. sad •kdl oau,1.' ' 1o. (rigbteoed steed and held .t until oar, well-known horseman, Frank di1e., name, up. The latter 4 ok the Imes end drove the steed beck for the ladies, wee were unhurt sod who drove the horse home themeless', after biddies Frank goodbye at the oily pattf13. I; a t r • number of oar farmer, hen, with ..there from this township sod aim Irom the oold water township of Huron, were hi (Jed rich Moody of last week with turkeys 1 ey had soli to Mr. Johns, who shipped hem by ln'n to Toronto. where they were re be killed end dressed fur .htpment to the aka oeuntry. The tellers all said they sot Ikelr pay for them, It wes the women's mosey, ud .soh dutiful bu.head pat it la • separate pert of his para 1011 wife Pc.• tidily the young baobelw pat s Sam aside for • litU. gift to y at she oomior Natives/moo with this pin money if some is D11. LELBURN. TP IDAY, U,c. 5•.b. Cauiu, Norm.. --At the weekly payer m«tug Thursday night of last week Rei, Mr. Oiloberlt, of Tomato, ears an Impar. sive addrete . The eiders .1eMed are to be ordained on Sunday. OoNI To WtnouAr. - Agate I.eeban fair ones are le deep Borrow, the softball)/ the departure of Ater. MoNevts for Wise ham. Ile .ad his violin will be moth alleged at our social bops. err; haat TO, lTaAT/ORD MIr B. Mallory, who of late yew ham been an an anal visitor impure% as. retuned to the Clemio City today. Her .51..aos from our Bial mrole will be much felt, as she has e large member of friends 1n ch.. motion. MARRI1n -Last week Hillary, Beoeed Boa of t5. late .bob° Herta, and now the blaokamltb .t Danisp, wee married at Dew gamma to Mar F. Busby. Quite a num• her of hie relatives from bare were pretest se the wedltag. A thew from outside oar soothe were la•o. B.poon and hie slater Ell's. Prem (Jeamtaaee LANEA. MONDAY, Deo. 4 Weddle( bells are dusts her.. Mere seri week. lee Stott has a gang at his pI•c. aim proodog bay. Witter bee apparently come e.1 east. A few men Isebr of thew Weald make good sleights, here. Will Boma, who west to lackuew two weeks apo te Lars the Wad. .1 bl•.ksm1M- tag, retuned holm lame week, as he hood he wee toe yeses m eadw.•k• the betls.m yet. A yep* poople'e literary moiety use r• VICTORIA OPERA HOUSB 1 ORR SOLiD WNLK WITH SATURDAY WATININ rotren MO Monday, Dec. llth,'yq ANDERSON THEATRE CO. oPIlflNQ Motri THs Bio 50Ntr10 l'RODt; uttos THEWORLD 90,000 lest of Spnial $oesery. cps B,�lmeOwLime adrift M •••••g Itr.,m.r Every Hoene Produced a, Advertised vPTpbATS 111,001 WINO SYTWILIIN ADM 10, 20, 30 Cats. spy/ILL;,',,, e�w"e'. • to ar.kswi r tea romsrvN aim .aM 1beMrr 1 rete Mmedsf, ar t ga.iaed is the wheel *oust ben .•s Moody nu ht last. The ful'owiug elbows were °Noted : President, F. Johastnn ; •.0e. president, P. Strati ; seorelary, len. Lege; treasurer, M. Ilowler. A tl«ow oomaslt- te. sea. .lao .ppoieted, A. org.0 has ba.e ..oared ler the use of the eee*ty, and mei ythaog gives promise of • plawe .ad profitable wiener PIANO FOR SALE! $500 elegant, h►rgeaise, Upright Grand Pinto, in beautiful figured walnut mise. The very best American (New York) make ; in nee only a few month* . party is moving away, end, ham no further use for a piano. Will sell at great sacrifice on monthly pay - 'acute and very cheap for cash down. For particulars In full paeans address before 16th lost. to P. U BOY 146, I t Opdericb. Dissolution of Partnership. Nonc a h teroby alv o that the planing m111 sad Deitch a balloon warted oe feu over dye rears an the town of floderlcb under the firm nines of 0wtei.maea, . Cheese Aci*n,s,4M-. %caved 'whet to the death .5 L. Willie= A. khroas•tied the boatmen will hereafter be tarried ea °oder the 'Lam name of Buotasa. & Boo. an soloists ow k% eke iota arm w11 be paid byDuchene"�.. pad an .west. due to the r te Sem mina 5.4 1. ak ..mea t eon .t oat:., PO .s to alms In the *mamma of the obi arm. -. BUCHANANSolt. dodwmin Nov. P. NIL A GoDd1 Wavm Welt -Made . OVERCOAT i• a desirab'e .apbittess to a m«', word• robe et this tante of year. A. DUNLOP. ib 4Ywt CI. tailor• he. a (.rye sleek •d his sag make which leek well sod weer well. Th. riot Is Det • renege as oder -rely Ivor, CALL AND SEE THEM H. DUNLOP. To the Farmers of l;.rlerich, Collie std neighboring Townships I beg to state that I have bought the Hawse business lately carried on by •Mr;.Dowding on Hamilton rt., and intend enlarging my stock of Har- ness, Robes, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Fur Coate and all kinds of horse - clothing for the fall trade. Repairing will be carried on u us- ual and good work guaranteed. Mr. Dowding will remain with me until the spring. G. HOUSE. Lee & Shephard have a large stock tothome Irom for useful Chrialmas Preseute, such aN - Heating and Cooking Stoves, Lamps of all kinds, Caning Sets, qii__ Gifts Table and Pocket Cutlery, Plated Knives, Yorks, S o outs, Hockey or Spring Skates, and many Other thing. t..o numerotim to mention. Lee & Shephard • BICKER & MYER8, O�rlat� aid B�ia>,ers Originate of M.st•ohemtt Oot- s lege nRI�EmhsTl.rtrts. '1o. DAY UMW ROME WOKN FOR FAMILIES a t W. et I :::.:=11 1• a br assmire Int AA�ws •1IIN MI Iter 1Me/rt ae. row tea pads a t WV: 410'+par4ve `aNM.g lMw . lestwM i sale of'#',da ror Taxes TOWN OF OODIIRICH. TR5ABUR1R'3 $4,4J Ql LANDS fl Olt T`XIS. 1:01LIomo q R/v sem AIS t ad1 . to levy .Bee (arta arra. . that LaloN M .LIM se=re .Mels' Mahar pale 1 dell, owl to LSND 1=Nr a Hua t�e10 msratai � atite mid- per N curer..., . •.tl anA Dwaa.bor. at two a ckeek ta� Me b 'fL smgtw." las•.,p Maard: Les err10•m&root w Pt etLptl 4 pr. ti d Rs!4.. 14,1., P 1Of BMDfBw1 X Ip _ .l 4.Of IIII wtM» .' 414 , ISIS 15 »w I6 N wig 10 tiiStel 5 len 800 " 3all OD 6D1 IT . ft las t mil a VI t Bag le691 19s Al OW 611 n " . 7 fa 6 D, w •, i it Be, 6 W " 1104* 6YI 111 M 6 r Reed)" Purvey - " t 1 1 0l 31 X 1%3E31. at O.d•r 815.55 51 • 1 •ISH 60 - 11 Pfess pe.or. t 1113 POINTS 3 j1j • e 44 21 M ie BotNgSgur1e'vy ip rePolt Or t 0 I DE -CARBON STU t. I SliTcsind art. Megan !illy 1gar°ateed ami to warp or one!. /ff. They w111 east s life. m., IIF3. Art cat is ,1• re than for Werke tlrsves, sed w Kaaren to real aes45. rd fuel, bake bettor mad r.:.,..5. .aro beat teas /a the s.'41.11M o.eursie, i bare alto the sole aseecy for t' • Kelsey Marna ale Ye°e•.ter. obits► 1• fully wase$. teed to be the most eatelea,, e000n*Msl, dur- able. g.v proof sad healthful beating device made. loveetigate It for • ourself before you deride Hawlyearfere for nimbi .5..eael.. TI. - s Mlleog .ad N.ve Mg.5. N. C.fILSINCEA, J. P. n,1BROWN, 111o. .N Farniing Implements aid 1114ICEiERRY, Piga, Orin; laciiies, LT... LT. . e 105.1. STOCK KEPT iia NANO Ir,s the Inset that I. Hees I.• In 4 - ors, hatters, Dotting adzes, etD 1 have tete De Laval Orem Separa- tor. It &• the mewl roliahM• un Ow noorkri 1t will play y. Al b, nee one. . Ib you want a lea Ozt;ter ,w 8leyi 2 i handle different makes, an,l roti .1,11 y.nv requirements moi your pookel, to,. Wo•hkl not your wife appravte A gust Weaker and Wringer ? 11, you want a go'e$ Piano, Qgs art Sowing MaOkiae 1 often Ie• plessol 4, bays yap„ sea_ Ski inspnct the stook at my wmps8M ten Hgl.• thou -.t. before you purchase. I buy my goods on the Dash hosts ad Sal sell at a very clone margin of profit. J. P. BROWN, Agent for Massey -Harris lmpion5My Hamilton. -et., lioderich. 271515 esey MILL WOOD FOR SALE. The above is cat into stove wood length and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day as ordered. Orders received by telephone or left at rreidence, 128 Cambria street., will receive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. (;alerioh, November 21st, 1899. 55.3. VIESTERN ADVERTISER, LONDON. MIMI WEEKLY IN TIE WEST. Reliable Market Reports. All the Home News. Latest General 0.Ne News. Bright short and oontiaaed stories. A clean family Newspaper --twelve and sixteen pages, 75 Cents per Year. (atm ouraa,N° arm? . ) DAILY ADVKRTISKR OR1AT (LOmmt*O orris ' DAiLY ADVERTISER " AND ." THE SIGNAL " Otani ?Maden EILA•CrMt FOR $2.10 Rltkar ora et yel5r losal paper ars althea o - - MISS O.A..Mc1RON, 414e wer rf tEr. op,'. l Hamilton-st., C3'odwrio11. MOP n\t No Forinne Nold to have your Met covered with the BEST Shoeware made 16 1S have baso t.ost pario.Lr io b- lee�t�o.e stook or BOOTS sod SOB, so that you easy depend oa getting the very beet goods at reasonable prions. Men's good Leather Leggings for *op py, muddy days, only $1.35. Ladies' 6 -button Felt Spats, from 25o. per pair up --special value et 48c. per pair. See our Men's Box Calf Nimes Prow $2 up -nothing like them to wear. It you aro hard to tit let us try with our aew lasts -they fit any foot, We are offering special value in Girls' and Boys' "IRONCLAD Sh..,n for school wear. Ask to see our Girls' 8ho& for 97a, and Boys' at 890, and 95o. They are worth more money, but WE WANT YOUR TR4,D15, and believe that the best way W get it is to give you more for your money than you have been gsttiug. RUBBERS -Bast qualitioa, newest styles, at lowest prices, P. Tw HALDS, North tide of the Square, Goderiob. THE CASH SHOE DEALER PROF. DORENW END, of Toronto, the Famous H1zit®Dods Artist, IS OOi RINt0 r He will be at the Hotel Bedford, Goderich, on MONDAY, DEC. 18th Wick every ked mil style of LAI i111I4' sod - OENTLEMKN'B WIGS, TOUPEES, IIAH08, WAVY ,241► PLAIN 5RONT8, SWITCHES of all ktag bnir !_IfsM sheds -- Ilk Art Il/pies are known and worn by Al team erarywlwo. Ho mire ani visit his Khoo Rouser at tie Hotel sad see kis sew{re ,�,,,,a1,,_�...ww� . ' , sly u wd011lOb /., strata 'e you what is Omit '" suitable mod *aiming to you. Tatra. assnadds HEAL T14, ()IMPORT and YOUNGER APPEARAN(') GENTLEMEN WHO ARK BALD should iovsstioat.sad see WsFKATH 1?R WElotrr Tt)t1Pfdl14 AND WIGS, worn ea over 55,000 kaad.. ARE !Please kei• -ber Day aid Date,. Io ay, Dec. 186. csi MONEY'S MONEY �ll 11- 41, Co.'. will tell you. You can't afford to be without thein, because they are tie• beat See that SSwb Proof m STAM?SD 011 the bottle. d .sol, shoe. Th. J. D. ICING CO.. Limited, 'comes. Mostreal. Wfssiff6. MILLINERY -I, az The R. B. Dry Goods Co. MI88 DONAGH, Godweioh. HEAD 11ILLINKRe ; M188 H. HARRISON, Duntananom. tMiRH M. ROBERTI3, 8sefeesh. LADIES' Oi'ddWork and Nat&yhead -Ieear liar: y Yon Dan safely determine the merest Myles_`� headings, it you visit our Millinery Department., bus..se they =sty reboot whatever the leading millinery centres have Issidso- able and stylish. Our collections in the tbgpreempted b yOmer of basins* surpass all previous efforts. Tire goods are hen for your plware, fees for yo or impac- tion, Mid to buy if you wish. Como and are es SATURDAY. Or at your earliest oo.venie.oe. THE A. B. SMITH DRY C0008 CO. QODERICH. DUNGANNON. ULVORTH. N YOUNG LADL?S ONLY. Any roam lady can earn a Dell WalthamWatehIlet, Writing Desk, or alibi, etc. For •Aline among her f feet home* of )aglity perhenald TOftET OAP Bend nee pl.r •r•uM kw wwweium Mt rod Jnstr.rtiams. frees hidlee haying order forms, ran fill trn not, and weed these fat. $T.JON supYeYft 1I 501 57. LAW5tNte 5t„ JON MONTRSAI. MILLINERY! Emit Haps and atm Dr the rpt „t THE LATttIiT AND REST 11111110114 114 Feathers, ll1holls aid other IIS 1' fi1I AooBBdly to ;lett ly weal w.tom, 1 shall tall• held s ti•r.61 i,...hs bat shall bs pklwed to iav5 tea Lhriiso iltspesi my hat a y slur I; t. 1', T81. 13i*T IS TB _.Gftt fAP2ST . are THE SIGN: 1e. ,Tau REST. batt DOLLAR ♦ 1'1 LW ADVANCII FIFTY-SECOND THE WEEKLY Mums eos..aa IoM roil F. Ir ewe �.r.:,��t�.gtp1 ,a& per •"t _tlr Mit IMAM Bar. a tars, ...a............... VZ kink* tit i+w'sll; 4 des.... i ..,....ens .00 tastier -*Unita. �] JORDAN. AOesset teas la ity weft la tt'1•.. Ma's "" den etalliAll wive uneasy, e7 is,1112eltier w tee las .i MLMiMYA A ADRiws, +u r1„mp.1y�•,r, a. I MOM ane MOW Okapaps WO go as Art W. 111.LXAlltuaa, hang. iitaM=• -�rarar 44 , ora �� a .ad w er.dgla Araby. Alla ON r tIRMl5*1e user =ram Ise et muou r • laminae. scat Cai&. a. MAW. 011111441. tano sou ewer w wimat 61frims weis R. 1101111115011. s roll saw a•o iesoearstoes *MensoWe wasee h m5m.ml.4 f e�laaa--MlYlsa at. Want Lal. [I/enee t 1101.61111- a pfAII.Ir Renee MASAISTIL lel..wono os.r� oosw ('lila&. 5,101* -SA R NIST V blear, Warr W me Natant= sweet epsomite the eodeeb& Friviste feels m lead �� t par sem 5.o. IVaienIngr. OTICI Is H111WTI r saw sees _ .sy „sr ellalied. lO1AU WOOD) WANT%, b preparedI1y,1• Miter et mob el . katov mime SLR t, Lent. (,os! A SWIM allyl► ser. ngli saes •a 91tt1atiet5a V Bev WAMnur mi■slsr Nbtt►wy. It t� M )taw of maw se tants tore TO W x of UOSIElliCH. 'sauualal', titles OF LA TAX11, f be a 5. w or rte .mike M thane M ill He T • 111,0 w h to�m1./ 516 t f76 N rt 0.4 Oa Rus,tMp Oa r }t�