HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-7, Page 6•*.,, Y9 .�.. .. . mesas. +. Y
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,�� t«t d Feu flea Kolloroll 1Dt[i!cEhi MA1Dx$se. t!!8U E NO , M ' '�$gg
Iwish bar raised.. a .wvant. «.d ease an DaB1DBD DIPHlflBRi�t — __
"'Ido not mets tugs► I can very well proud wr01a�M why so Many Farm Loberere Lae
help It," Robard replied la a sul{so aha orttel al-
. Man. what are you thinking of Y
I would not have believed you rot
IVNLrLlss," eao:aimed my master, In-
r`'T tit herrtl &tilt Ma. titrl
had been free rand wh20 I woods
have maeriedi her outright.' was the
coufo mloa that lost ray bear% buauding
w:il doftbti
•. 1 diel b bar iter
M. n o~ -- wins ,
�b `ft. {tlwfw tIbvnoaa-
ad., rjilb a�•->mi.-'-enRiraIy
(rosy am. i wUi in your ewrant
-yoer ooasrMled me M any way
I 1 taithfuly obey your, figbt-
Miert, and never remind You
by awward. of avt of "--
r• Heim Isarrapted. with
w stat whUs die waved t)he parr
t he !tin a u
Wong luvai.
Mr. a. Mc1AWAsal Bolstered ter Years
mad RL Dootor'Pold Him Recovery
Bt old
Their Remarks•
eta• +reale a►'ii Oma en�,tldaktng
that •mart wb. Ida Uvellbood
by wortlag .an I► air of the
try. sa�to•absd by sights do-
ls bttal W the tt111 relr+arhl!l� to
the mind. would V baa Ua°w W
brain diseases %lams the tans sitting
cat a stool over a 1edser� In the stuff)
atmosphere of a etao"yed city.tBhat
wom,L humbly. "but I did It aur your
Then yore nal 7 ve a
mill" m7 mldtes ln%ertx,sed, gn:otl7•
crew amt r w gest -
of r fon. "tit, uqw ; bat. if you
Wua& Impgwblo--Asalu rang
If statistics prove anyth. e7
the worthlarole►ss of that tros-
Chl:dof a 1'tale.
sate. 1 Lever eouW t" kttowing that
• • Sj well that I shall never bre
cfxxuse. you can come again to -mor-
info ve
alblo suypoosltloat. latae e.for Wr
(alight battle of Madder River num-
It existed -1 way afraid that some-
any use else probably a4 brer•ars I
rrvi•, AW I will talk further with
Fa[met and � * of ah trades"b
go mad, pas went. for per
As Mrs. IanVIey fell W the floor'.
Selma, with jut tuoswerlug cry of tfier-
time U might be found. awl that you
, might tWax,ver t� truth ; end W
" • Theo why nut one% pr We to the
you about the future."
jams Ily and without uMrtlear
what Yr. Salter McDougall styled
oast. than hic oe ci workers. I; -
mouotoa which exalts disin%es9stsd-
tar her r4i� nutlq trulosd her
thunk that after all 1 ahwwld be taw
winds and do what I have proposed t
wet Ins st led W her feet
himself when Interviewed by the
acs, ws�in leads denim. on,
nor, aprons
ot,a two blight your life with the re-
Take ber abroad where nu ono will
maid rat %nom tt►e velem.
News teoeaty• Ila. k/olrottgull resters
develops Into melattcphxulla. whloh eacL
lu hes wtrorow area 1
had ex-
velatkm !" rhe cuncludeNl with u groan.
ever kuowishe b capable of occupy-
fie ��{� Y slrrang forward and
at AIWn, about 10 miles from 'Duro,
perhaps. In a cure. hu
141ts stere (vnnwol which elle
llefea made an Impatient
lug almost any poaltlun-and theii you
hou se door the huttant ft otos-
N, S„ +Uel according to, hid own state-
wa 7 �o
moi, P 7 i.. w
emu" throughout the Interview,, over
as 11 bw suffering galled
wall be able to rear and educate your
„d her, and thou, her wer
racy safds7 be sold that Suada7 iMv
may e s
trttm Lbw
herself aloened W give way rnLlRly,
l>f made her realise more Cully thrlr
Idl iio
o;ullt as 6eco•arrs one of your bloext."
of ne titrol all gnrtre, she Irfsljuae
treat fur been mads a new man
thousands upas tbousamis t
now that Helen liud beaurw uuoon-
m 4 o Cu %tach u
' • It Is ISI oMible. 8 nue one wouht
for "no like nue lamne,
the ams of Dr. WIIU&mv' Pink Pills.
madhouse. it 4 tka °oe break from
monk ' .
"fk►w d:d you know that there was
b, wre to ¢!,cover I%. I nut surprised
is jastem W try to deeerthe
WIteO inLorviewed by the News man,
week to west which thousands v
She clae!wd her clow to hor breast ;
'she butts ,13t,a and wLidly kilted the
man h a toper t" she askei.
•'1 (xrold not help knuwlaor-It was
that you. a Southern gentleman, u lull
propose gosh a measure. But lt, You
t of passion, and shame
Iatlim that swept over
Kr• MoDtugail tald: eI am only too
°aThr gr jm�ral laborer. tha aril•
still. white face again and again, call-
a ' dreadful time," Selma areawered,
will give them both to' mo, or sail
Woman'g Waal at this last
glad tt gave you any Information you
sen and other stroller cl&mmw of wort•
hag bar fond and tender na.tean, and
with a ahlver•
theta to me, I will tate them awe
t r revelation.
may want. Anything I can may will
err live on monotunY, broken here and
nxslting tmo anl4 fro. jts if she had sud-
" Liegin at the beginning and tell
anti they shall have everything In the
Matt It W say tl4•tt when an
tui be too good a r&armmend&tlon
there by a small InclAen% which In
d•Wy been tywweritd again Into tine
frd4nt svlulch dna used W crude u u
me everythIns," Mn+ LuU6�Y iVO1
itaadetL Iwt with u then I: )s.
(uLure whloh mans! can prevlhe.'
' Do you think I would consent W
otitMer" !dawned, tine onus haugkty
ant Helen Longley looked
for Dr. Wllllamd' Pink Pills. C'p W the
time becomes Iteelt monotorww
man, perhaps, drirus rivets ; he drives
Itgr bosom so tong ago•
But at henirth eine began to realize
Selma 1'fted a fade almo,A as col-
prim as her own at th!m
anything like that t' Master Charles
exclaimed trildiguitatly. , Da you think
1f i a Return of years had parsed
o lea, their rave �ng
year 1888," o_ontinoW Mr. McDougall,
"1 IIsd always wjaysd gaud oenith.
them every day of the week except
Bund° erdr7 m°%IOa of work
y ; toter
the neoeslty of oltllDg something fur
her relief, and laying her gently down
"It would be better for you never
to bear It ; I would rather have died
I w 11 allow any mors of each wrong
ae you have already d�tnmltW_d t How
rp�{•1t� ��•
tpas'i<raos sea wan and wrinkled,
At that time I boli a severe ut-
d er
tumeo mecwork l ; n has no
est to hb work beyond what It 11 one
upsorn the floor once more, Rhe wettt
than Ilya W tell ou the truth," she
solute you aeaututt W ysur child,
Mat, ekjw sunken, maxi surrounded Dy
toot of diphtheria, the atter etfen'te
fur him m t3stnrda). lie lam uoe
tato the chamber aAMning and
when she oouli bpciam9 a woman,
d4r,1 tmlglr, rings; her once
d which lett deplorable con-
thing do mad ibe nryt to nee
Zirotglit out a bowl of water, with
her t
"•1+e11 me," wile the brief but lmirors-
for Iyer parents anti our reiat:ous
� 7
IiwdateL ltlslr, so rteh and .lark,
d1Llono. I sur troubled with a a,n-
s o b
that Che less b dose evwything else.
the brain becom" weak
frog sprinkle Ane
whleii etre as fro
tive reply,
with her mother t No . If you will not
thickly sprLakled with threads
Stant pain In my left d4s. )tort
Use and
tl lth her elhowr rest ng upon hter
� am I WU% I have still another pro,
silver, and bm proud heart" tor.
tfu, heart, and at times, dlulnem
for want of mord general
t was some time before Heim begs°
knees an 1 her :nterl n•ked handy clasp
anger, her
position to otak , W you, We have lost
hop:.nd (hod
,� MJmde'
would cause the to throw lop mY hands
side, MY face,
wedtetur until It leaps.
A floe thing U a healtby jl�hh7• haat
to show signs of reviving. notes
stnrd ng that Ssitna d d eyerytlnittf
lag liar fombead, Selma
thrllllrvg tale
the, little one whom we
would glue os and It )ou will c )n-
$'tot passed between hew '. and
and fall on W back, or
hawb and feet would dwell and turn
; drier. especially for Indoor vtorkers.
paca9tWe for her.
•I um about the that lialoRer
taut to leave the nd y, (rr uwa y
�Ua the following afternoon was
rtlft' Ar known, save ic tJmmselved,
cold. In title cuaAlilxt I could nut
1. a sport. Healthy recreation keeps
the madhouse
Bun at fast• tier dtark eyes unclosed,
and with a deep*awn efgh rite looted
Charles wowld have beet had he ilved
and wax reared with him and his ells-
aaranewhere, and never seek W see or
nail • orkreeIt known to this child. we
,bpt after nomouter tl it o ,
eFal tuT»es b7 otter with Ho -
hove hands °r feet and had W be
tnovtd lite a child. M7 appetite all
more people oat of
than an�thing tba Beton could deed
wildly arouse the room• pets at the old plantation to Ken- w1i a pt Ida as our 00.1 is the olac3 w
Whet► her gtanoa tell opal tie tuck). I wu cailei ver urmart and of tie one we hwre foie No one et a"• "Mrs. Colonel Langley and her bat lett me and I g°: vary little Nature emaaAs a certain amount _
womno kneel her aid , mina real- 7 ) I was under the care of a doc- halatam and she will have it or bol
ltvg by bright, 6A well ay handsome. atrl was knows of e:thar bLrth. We sent 8,Ima sarya t." W the Papers had it, mai.- ateefr•
lzed with a rlobnta4att all that had od oa1F da fur Stuope, and %kat star tor, but got DotIIlng mors Lbaa uc roveaged.�hlcago Chronicle. The Joeraalbt.
muck petted b) the whole (ably North. hoping W dtlrid her as well ar Lever out of the social ca clonal temporary relief• Remit! 1 The useful goalitbatlow for succeaa
tntns;otrrd nn i, loeineg qulek W learn. th"y al• you from the results of You^ folly. w low that my friends wrotef°r ('area and Warta.
8ho eat uptl the wild look returolng lowed me W study with the children au,l If w3 take tine little one back ,par °! New York, where for many tart In luurt com n s m Rwdy otallyi�•,
yeera'it had ainuae wink tach ettu:- m -v tatter W oume and sus me for I'ntnam'■ Yalnlas (:ern and Wart a waver commuo sRaa, hard study „(
to tier eyert ard, pushing Selma from anti recite t, tbelr goveriws%. Thus I with ne as our own, no one will ever the Inst time. Thu was In January, Extractor is guarantee] by Lite metal and eeuaomie condittunx, a
her with what little strength site grew up ito be more• of a companion treed to know but that site really be- 1Sd5. That night the doctor told my makers W remove Cortes, Warta.
I,n4 elle began moaning and wringing than a servant. Old Mrs. ]tum ry to to us. But ou m•t ive me a Tli Ya> deat them appeared a of %bugw gritap d aha y in obal I.rw,a
her hnu,dre In the mash puiteuua manner. (6t>m Tt♦r� Y Y g i nd lie he awls do nutitiug fur ms. IlnufoDs ate., without pain lu twenty- of the time, parLlcnlarr In one's „wa
bad been marrled before, and had deur written promise never to ho!d Tdrt of ews. death [o one o! the \ems d
At flew% the octoeoon regards her Y Teri pa para and le diwtrtsd If I would Ilse through four howra Yntnrm's has tern the couletry, as s faasser7 of afu,ple,
firAt first ate seemed ata Iorolt W ier o'Ye son-Ric•Io•trd Snvxex-who was any common cation with tither 8+lam $�� h,d died Ln Parix end was bur- title night. That night 1 twit A severe standard for thirty years. anti ls the emay, tandILar Eng14k.-Mr. J. P TI il-
a xio for her seemelra agtl:,t:: o "eine' thrw3 or tour Years older than or the child, and I. In turn, will pledge Led tsar. int of vomiting. and rallied three only safe anti sure rem -AY of Its Uses
Ties her eye ces the i r Master Charley. They both resembied myself W make her an equal sharer of matter. tough slid leathery kldd ou the market. Insist on Ilavlu
�O° p' pe tiv-lr mother, were dart and (land- with mr own ehdldrrn, aleoald I have ,born ns, old heel treble, rwtirsd toe Idec'ea
which the had ivea Rafael arks, wiib lot alts 6ome:em' in ase In appearance. and eauh about-rJtasa ally-�a4Aamr4w-wad tet[ratle d 4'o.0olse a t�lA >; Oea Oat.
t stone_, ant laked very much alike, ed. them, In whatever I may leave at my ..baxlN Irnehes lung• The vomiting almost fleeh-enting oahRltutlons. Prl+e =5 Tate In•native Bromo Quinine 'ret,.
a frightened look maddenly leaping to and w`hett at Length eke knew
th„tegle they were sly half-hroLheri death.' ch(rkedl me. and it enquired LwoV-'°1.1e centro per Lottie, at all deafen °r by �� Ali drngglmts relnnd she n>,KKf
her eyes, eke bent fonwrd-nud pill- klhur:t hsd a derdre fora mllltarY ""'Trlil, i will ooxume-nL W thMS"7t1('h t rt lee cad was also near, she beg- to hdA the In b. -di. lett 1 felt eerier of
ed it up. old tq be laid at the toot of the lot mall. N. C. ro,son k ('o., Boz 514. 1f 1% (alis to can. $Sc. I~ W. GrNe's
Takuy[ her glasses from the top 'life, and as ray -m its be was fitted fur and roplled, atter o long pause. "I ter it. I was hi,thls deplorable fade Kiagoton. Ont., proprietors. ature b a each box•
t Ila wag neat away W Wert Iraln%. del not-Mteitte 'theft they had Dories "her mfr ige1d ! Ig °
ad, she adjtrsted tlhsst to iter Ciba of -never return- nd mswen w e I was n b ane h
itteet" a the chid to whom robe concession o■ the Battledeld.
xamLea it. He was very _fOud of me as a ch id. Ing Lo mY ofd `home again, baL 1 Mad beets so fnithtal dtxing all the baa' m try Its. Wllllame' fatal Yllls.
appeared to ire saffi- and wax always ready W amdut me suppose It would trot be pleasant for add jean of her lite. It was n hopeless trace. bat I decided At Shiloh, daring a poMno In the fire
she almost tnmtaatly teat wl(h my loxyxea, ani 1 expoerleuced u you to mac m+ after my unfeetanate Ba to Saratoga we mu+t now go to sal Lhet°• wDea i told the dole- Hsaen'a brlgncle. the enemy. lreing /
it Der with a orY a. as Mar- °titwk and uffeet.iun for him that oceapade. But If you will do as you for brief review of the actors t,or I was Luting the pills, he amid .sharp and incessant, a young Ileoten-
rst9rd 91n <itR vtge'tl abLilsd k + u►Q!i.,w.. :• ave, p.�ppy� It wIII tie a heav bur' pe LheY' would nkr me no gtxtd: tDnt 1 gas ea witty end am grace ms the
itQ .I y ` & llrtt: -mad tits- erauoJ:s ttaAd4irjnd Wig'tdit' eontattMril: 'start WLMP WX'4F
e dHN nd.t'te3 enuc Tai eel- i 0 1' m roar d. for lE ilii tii5" n woalil' Jnr 'tib ttbte 'to werlr agate• (l�'a" E � -•
and dropped again upon her knees be- oxal pears. for h3 rpenL feast u[ his cnr•ar1 shame W bare the child t Har. and ae►d his fair wile remafaed But he was mistaken. for sae effect
side bee [u deepest ddstrasm• _ p* hared a %tee. A tat and faro) field ot-
vscatlues north. and after he gradu- brought up ams a-elave. was marvellous• Ay March I spa (Icer, atter psrotng b!, rated cwt:
"Ob, forrgive me-hone7 forgive msveettl weeks after the departure of
ane I" she cried, trembli stet be wax ordered away for a year "Tine pnp)er that You have there, ahlu W N oat Of doors. and could ..�otesvant. what are Yon ddn6 ht• • •
a- pa er kava Yrs• 'I eat ov although the mesa°° hind that trset-behlnA Lhat tree, Train Service
brotsht )ou tke wrong_ paper ! I or Lwo mn oDma duty. R'here Master lel ri Helen," Select wmt cot. " wnv walk 'quite s dlstenBe. I /xratlnil I
Charlet wnv marr:el I hrecnma half- wrltLen And signed thee, ss mss alae t'aliD°°t overt• nt flat time, and ming Ur R,illWms• Plnt 1'UI■ u°sll 1 �Y' The offender left k►r corer.
never meant that may one shoe d r ver the y.'y visitors »ear.) all gone.
know that I had it. Ohl why was I ��°low, kali-Iad)'r mold W him n promise from R'chard, which I 1 air and water n ared I, be had tater move°tee° bozos nndthey walked tool%) lop to hl•I IraaclMe su-
so loo.uh Y to keep it f-wh did I Wife, bat f wag never treated an a never saw ; an'd witen w3 went hack � had made a new mea cat ales MY p?eybr, and, r have lallY oinar tg. ra
sea ttf0e•,w&r to Doth Cecile and Delay HAAIi�tOdt •,• IOf Otto
leo-Fdoestroyit, end-ire`s-tie-m at t"eavws meds lie lost SJtat._l to tads_ Yentucky nay. cI►1id�ilbttL tvm tlaN, wase beamed iL.�oat for tJywt hAalth Is Dotter than It hoe been foe y� : "Spa. I hove the Donor err re It W
was a dove. It would have been far Miss liplen Montgomery, and no one to rsatain there until he wand _ twenty or's and TlntwttfiwtanAM port It gr T wsa "y ,lath d tri-wLhir.� -J
this moment t I wtyn d a hue ed ever knew of the mreret which wa Ne the doc4or'r p,retlletlun, 1 am able W g y � i Montreal 8fld East.
times rather have died alone in Dov- better for tae If I bad." Selina raid. te+ a new home for them in ties that tt sew In m athet's` ,nature."
with a h of pain. three held Iceted withlo our hi,artx. �otk stand aeY amount of hero work. I
arty mad distdde titan pet lave rpose tfd went book and forth ever If Y, ettrlbrkte my new manbvHia end n Meer our om them
brought Chu added merry upon foal "tto �;' MrtL F,anglrr Into 1. "One day my mlrtreat alma and
iloneY, forgive me-st7 that You !or- with a frodn. She eoulf hardly wait told me that my master w:Neel to see eolpee}ntea&og it, and under ate a _ Caluall health W Dr. tYtMlams' faint i irts+m LrvtagHnr�tta7r pol dallreee
g1 who is a tko for- tar %near the re's ;ever) word was Wr• me. I went with fent and trembling' t lue•aoe d iia recovered hs{rpigero 6e, P111s, oud Rrntetully rroommenA fettle Law uer ,rf Panes OWe ♦arUhela
ve old Rehm a, lure. tut ,he wnv determined W tncrw for I m'strusted tome trouble was them to others In Poor ttealtb. _ __ "L1LSPlNO C�It Eimm =e1•ntw t. Yea%
times mora stretched than ,yourm•f oom'n to nr. tai }as improving almost as rapidly Dglj j�� L1hT �u8 real.
at this moment I" and bending her the whole truth. g ae Y.
proud heead to the f:or, she moaned "I waw twenty-two )e'trs ofd when " He told me that I wag W st'ty When they were at length wt- Plum Puddles• They- sorer hU.-Only 10 cents n bac. T�� mss twtlr ma be assured tree
as u she w,tot indeed r mortal ned Richard returriei t,) spend a furlough with Mas Hearn until site was a year tid ''n their beautiful residence, on One pound of baker'm bread cut to CHAS. L YOROAN, H Jasae aere•a earth,
trrese. with leis br(Ahew. Maxter Charles had old; that be would gave roar m) free- Otte the taskionsWA aveootes of the tulles and placed in a deep disk.- - -''--__-M_a•'a-aver Thu. Q,tallltoa,er,3tuartotee"NWAI m
Again Ile:en put out ser hand to rvnl♦ Tmen mnrrtet n Rhort time shorn. dem on eondit:on tint I, too, would t Cecile one sty asked Martha one -halt cup butter IsDread each shag I «.What'm that Ptono:llh ou your NOTi-Tots laavygKaatnW atte>spa
push bear away. aid tb- house wax very Ray with go away ands never seek to we liar �um she eoald do for icer for all her with the butter), ona cup reisfad east -tai: pocket f" asked Lha inc:ent �7' exOept Sunday W hilt' vareehe
"Go cue of my :gni-i bate you I oexnpany, aril no one ee@,med] to no- again. In vain I prom4ed ole my kneew It alnem to bar during the post. seeded ; miz with, the bread- Iate SgJpU a M a esana: way. sleeping car to H&mnbw Oa Seeds• Na
I hate YottI" ske ernes, with co:ores tela+ hvw much Richard talked and that I Would never breath, a word rd t me stay with ,yon mad talLe one quart d milk pot one-half cup The other ancleat SgylpYatn paled. OwwW Wave Montreal matlua
li and a •sadder d the h col . iilomsA with ane. He nought me ron- to betray mY secret, and told him a' Pt Mina Daisy just thle acme as I sugar, two-thirds cup of molasses, "That's a letter maty wile gave me M.QDIC"OX.DMMPWOONewAm-L
Witlhorut a word the wretchalt ere&- Unaalll ; h+ poerd me fl"ttAring rom- thaw I d!d not care for my freedom lav done," she answered with start- three egg• well lrentea small tea- to point 1" bs eu aimed. "Thank �ou,
tan got up from her humb!e posi- p:lment9, a9 if I hid hem him equal. w fist I coals stay with mY oh11A. ( rs site air bagged the child gpoexefnl van111a, pincb of carols, od man, for reostnding me of It,' •
tion and slept away into a corner, marl m.i4omehxndxnmepromentm,wh'le "'You love liar tyro well already," her heart. nutmeg and malt; tarn this mixture Wsence we see that w►Ls customs Highland Homes
wbeve she mt with her firma clamped i. In my vanit ani 1 hr maid : ' bes!dem, sea know that you ,o t cavae to America in search over the bread ; studios two Mwrs vas from time to Vane, maa In his e+a-
Y Rto'N are her mother. and w3 do not wish Y°1 y sengal nature dos not.-Detrolt Jour- cos• to oar Tenseare CrolleyI A art
around icer bead bowed upon icer. ncc�, reew!vwl it sit with AellRht. wad oto r fortune, ou know;' Oeei:e and o half. Banos--C1'esm. one•
t tared; while long -drawn sighs burst allowwrd my old Affection for him to to be constantly reaind0d of the fact i d, mailing, yet touched by this quarter orf a cup butter, with two nal, mantrywithgkwiouetlimots.
now and then from her overcharg- rerlvP, believing All that he Wld me by your prriwr.ee.' evdtnoe of the gir'.'a affection tar cups powdered ougrar; flavor with
ed heart, lobotpt my hownty and Intellixencr•. " Ant so It w»s settled, for there bur. "I thought it You liked, I would vanilla. Miller'm Worm Powders corrert all Healthful Homes
NeaT:y hall: an hoar elapsed, and anal] hoe had char ii me as tate Poor- wpm no appeal from him will. I re- settle my little business upon )ow, much troubles as lack of appetite, hil•
there was rho other sound in the room. pent eliarmfk the fluttrrinz, delighted mninell tlue year rout, growing to love 'telt; you about your pattern+, and CATARRH. Iauness, drowsiness, mallow complex -
Mrs. Lasl�le) rot in the middle e( halal tint it mnrt�ri for its prrY. When ),on more and more, find driven nearly yoG oou d make moac) .much more ion, esc.; nkx W Lake. S`k°°I,t`h°rAee• e°atety' NearNeP'arthe.
the floor Ute a stattw, apparently b^ want away the worii auddPtely Tr• wiid with ttse thought of ponrting. Rut raptd:ry in that WAY." Cottarrh has been found W be Un „r.ha Da rdboaL
stannen and regardless d ever thing. emm• a blank to ane; i lad all Inter- the day came at loop&, and my master You ars ver kind, marm, but I Vabuchos !telt. ��r 1 Homes
At last she dralpaed herself to a est In evervthlnaf, leeosm^ careless brought me mY tree patters, and a ahou:d he Icsel )and -I would -rather distinct a germ of ger. s whit by w
7• tuck t speclea of germ9 welch at Shaggy and soft are the new felts
� chair, picking up u eke weal ase pa- about m) flu{ata p,ecvbh and irritable hurdrwd dollars -'W give m9 a atnrt make 1� mosey and rota) with )oat, Rack the air pamreges• In ttwet
which Selma had dropped again- In dt sam3where; he said -anal I came Imme- if- want me," Martha answered, of dikes plush aspect, which go by Frattea" VWWCeaea WOMsed wratw.
pe< xpoaltlon. m er casein when these germs are once name of "cabochon" to dist) h It land• obese Rami torr robweaw Ail-
eller rwedlna. "When, some thus later. I wag d ate•ly to New York. raiser uisttu:ly. Inhaled they do not stop until Lhe! °g°e
Flor a long time ahs rat holding it obliged to contend to my mtgtres m7 Are I told You before however. the "of course I wast n, ou good from the plainer fella. tly tun M ere•'•
t To' 7 ranch the mfnete els cel►m at tis
la heir hand, wbi:e shudder a ter own folly and the treao4r,ry of her n!ght previous so mY departure I went rl ; ■nd I Mlieve Daisy would at- irdtng trlromed with tbstLl7 furs for THE HIGHLANDS COLONY COI
moat break bar he t without her teruhl t Is of tate trrfind l J Lmen ; )
abudder shook her graceful Corm; luosbnrvd's brotther. there was n Lem to Mostar Charlav' M -vete drawer- ar here IL ls tint LheY find laigmemt. heavy for wear t IC a rather too
then, as it she had been summoning peat In the family -such ax one world for I kniew where he kept like keys- kind Martha, only I '%►anted to do as weigh for wear at ead. b, am It osceweorwrttesarat utdtewG.. Tema.
all iter conn'alte for ase task, she be- not caro oftLo to wee. Ma -ter Charle9 ani ride %flat paper, hop'ng tftw to well as Possible by you." anis here is t the) must be fol- wa m down the head, but, bdeal
remove all ev!d3no • that ou were not 1, rowed std sea uffere or sere Y Do wean and soft, 'cabochon" V Ideal Ol }N� HCt�%a
g&a to read it mgain. sett% tqr him brother• and flero3. dl►arp Y Bo the tttb bost»eae b) wbick Ce- bps for the sa[ferer. wear for snowy weather.
Looking over ber, shou!der, we also words pssaed between them. I crept Ills child from all pomibillty cif (liwov- rile bad kept the molt Zoom the door Hundreds of different remadise - __ You kern all about Ylv&IA land,
will see what It contains: Intd a c4se% In the room adjoining cry by You or any one else. For many for three tong years was disposed of pave been trial. Inhalers .which oral, wueer, climate, rlow,oem, pro -
"I, Fitzroy Charles Montgomery, ars] listened, determ'ned to know what yearns 1 lived In and about New York toeome ass elms, sed Xarths retained How's Thle 7
in tie cz cit of s go a fsvcrite stuvant, anti: one day were Int eteced. vapor ad sprats ducts, tracts, irerrise, aftosa of ng te-
apos ver oivhng the written promime mos amid nMut mom. pa ) lad!' maid, and were lntrodnted, bat turned ottt user- R'e offer One Hrkjndredl Ikrllaro lie- tku, 1>y� ste. � roldlag atm
of Richard Sasses, my halt -brother, "' The girl la 1 r it, o taj and wolf earned a goal living ; but every fall I a handsome lad Aram "Bonnie Best- ward for any care of Catarrh that
lens, ju the •aper coniensexl cod �'IRGINiA FASMER s+nA foes, for
that he will leave the countay and edaef%W-no' one would ever believe stolo becli W mY oki Kentucky home, land" carne in search d her, and she cannot be rotYorl by Hall's latarrh
mover return to remind me of what Nn has a drop of black blood In bow W Ret:, one look at the child whom I "went swo' wi Maim," to a pretty :it- the medicaments were Ida (flung e- taro ee mootbs saDeer{pLlan ark
, In Llee InrEe broocIIlal %°tree fools is Cure.
baa this day transpired between as, veins ; tate Iter away where Milo will cr,ull raver forget nor pees , W Ce home o! her own, which Daisy F. J. CtePnrY k ('u, !tarps, Tolsdo, O. FARMER CO Empor a, VL
tots flee air reached the smaller cells t.
do beirsby pledge my word that I will not bre known, and do the right thing love. On my orrcond vlat there I and whey's mother made as attra� °, the lucap We. the underslaue.d, have known F.
adopt and rear as my own his child. .by tier,' I heart Master Char" may. foual that anorther child had tante Live as poseiWe for her. J. Cheney for the last 15 yo+nrm, and
Regular p1u�s4clanR declared un- b�
and flet d my ee•nant Selma. She " Whmt oM yam rorstn t' R c`oard de- W share to the bye which haul Goca;pe Anthony henceforth deyot- lncurlabie btc+ause the dtom- Ileve Irlm perfectry honoral)le In
shall be called Helen Montgomery, mand,w] In a sharp, angrY voce. hitherto been lavished wholly upon ed himsel to him peofe cion. He elm cI tnslble carry outgo end r)tion A WONDEeItFUI CURE FOR
loch mecilclttea, spfhYR and Aonchog
and it &hall never be known through "' Marry her. I will give iter tar mine. It won a beautiful boy. with covered, that, atter a11, he was "sot all proved o.elesm ciade able to carr) ant spy obllgnslorn SICK HEADAOHE
any act d mine that she is not m� lou ; felts is more ILke a sister to us dark eyes and hair, a clear, bright a marrYiutq man," ass alwnYa gave TLwy remained firm In their belief �� M flair flan°- •. •'
own offspring. She shelf share sgaa . both than a slave.' complexion, and strangely resemb a wide th to aJ bsntifu�Ivtdoww West k Truax, whole@*M druggists, Tbo amg weadgrlal debate prodecd by
until tier Introduction of L`ntarrho-
i) with my owe ohlldros-ahoald I '•' YarrY a d—d nlgR�r+r" Plioota+d llrtg yon. iq tDe tatutro, wartNd b) hats bzperl- ToLeAo, O.
none, the osonatei AM cure.
ever hays themrin wbst I po&ss, Rbliard; and h, asses that he would Timm Yon grew up togeLhPr,nts) ogee wits Helen LasglsY that lop- R'adru " To k Marvla, wholeMle KIDDtS LtTjLE LIYER PILL
(-ntarrttroacone ls tee cmlY Rerml t'o.ud
■sed become my beires in caste I r+ a aster Charles Inn ♦cry torui p!nm in arae Byer imams silt . ,. were nut peBut the are s &'. deeeit"w all*& Cstm, Toledo, O. errlsg ttek mpt
raSo ever fennel vohatUe enoungh W peartMn.
t� mboo:d die childless Rigged. first : and lie Instantly left the hose own trcottuer wad sbter. When m) But tluomre was a:wmy a "warm nor- Hell's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inger ata N
lmprtgtrate every parEicTe d air veraa/KNag► tbem.c
"ritrroy Chsr:" Bomeiset Mont- In a pe,sdon, without even (me klud easter died, land I tommti Lhat he nor" in Ceci� Mostgamer!'s hooey breathes wall), ncilrvR directly open the bbod to&d
grtmerY. yet lewvinq tt tree from
weal or loot for mo haft othoul altl kept his pt that lhome dela glen, as $e hsd arks him prI maraca s ottle.ar of the ll drop, . 7e lM. to. 16amat An Poserests.-
molstnro, tits errtb:lrvg %him power• r p1�p. Y roes �1i4
[Opp " A wert latae m) mistrevm, win )ou slxoald ,lure equally w th his there would be ; and he believed %set ful Price. 7.ro. pw Irottk. Bead by al drug- sawed y M, Ir, u 0m
i. 1� qo wonder that the proud wR9 not well, was ordered W go north own -when I saw how beantifal and there died not emW In aL tM world germ clreLroyer W reach every gastro TrsNmotnlate free
heart d the bril.hant yeoman of the for awhile, and It was deckled shat I brilliant and admtrol yea were, i so IfeRfeat • bottsalvod w that ie part t the jho m. wher In the head, Hfell'R FamBy Palls are the Deet,
waartd should be Brushed after read- ahomll accompany Mar. felt that my sarriflee loml been well which the "Time Aristocrat" rwig1peeeoi throat and Inrt/ps. wwcau It at once
bath as a food and tai(hful kills tam bceetlll that ranee cntu rrh, Revolving Dlasmeleda. WtnT[a Tt11M o>•tNg JAMUARv swell Neo
i this wonbxttd document, WP went to a quiet little village repalol. asthma, bronchitis, colts, etc. ca tfai
1L was not strange that- the sun among tine Ad tondaet Mem°talrea, and " Hot when I heard of your hos wile m ad a true and bvlsg meager. it co� Dlamcml a and other m6pd are mmde
h►7 IntbrtAtLbn tiecaurs It
doomed aaddes.y to have ieen blot- there mY chill waw tarn thr@,e months hartt'm death. and that you had toot [The Sad.l cannot fabl to reach the seat of tco gpartle with 1nerMetid brilliancy G
ted out of the heavers, and every Ist". all your stoney, when (on following Y'`ww the dMonas. 11 in gaaranteel, And' by mounting In a new setting, whicb
bright and beautifu'. thing in lite to " She was w lovely llttlw Rdrl, with lou to FSaratoRPt, hoplpttt W stn Qgt $ Of that zi1'ta ? b formed of a hollow button, cos•
have fxen withers6 and bel ted b) hlnck irAlr mrd otos end she with w""!K Ineanv not the &lig'htest danger or talnln n g p taRA?TOere Olfv
gh m) way wm n servant to your con b R mprin which ls wooed o .ave*tritr
this :ightning+Croke. mages pf R'eliAtd Btsirez. MY mfetrend 7 alas Inconc@,uleoce to %the patient. Wham canto[ Isasd.
It was ase °ver 1 d bittereero war 4311 vacs with h@,r, argil marl• stunt presence, I fonod that even ge Impart motion W a inm Rtes oe on of tnlM pr jam and tame
gw: g} )(our sufroasert brothher has cost you DJ�1 t Flu �+b, CALarrhou)ne outfit. compete, E1, pfea n, revolving the sDlndie tm If et • mr•da.tuon
to this li�Y-hearted ,Qxymberner, mcc:l of iter, although she would loot off, All my old affection revived fo at all inroggYKs, or Airwet ►y7 annals eae �N ���Mt Wro• La
wMr kitbegto bad b -:level herae;f to rw sa(1 at L'tttes whrru she mat hold• Send 10c In stn for mem which thw mtotte Im set-_ Co ~ ves full
on. I t L rhaps yet might They nrgalats the Ilyer• nips pie bot Ganda ids d
itle:ong ts tine yews) creme de Is 'n li+v In her arms. Y hOuRK i1P t:e. Inhaler. and testimonials, W N. ho&tttealarm vI�rhr r���
R make a gilet haeme somewhere and Whwn c:didron an pair peevish, O/.T.>ariavr'r,pMmeblrl.
creme d s3thel , to discover that she ' A nnomth after she ave birth to Broeght who 1Karderer %Seek. (`. I'oGam k (i,.. Manufartorin6 and redtloss at o ht the -
R let mw M lowtt dervwnt. i knew is 7 regnlre a
had simply bran liftiod "cont d the a d,ad child, it boy. and her heart ('hie( Yours b ht Works, the Chemists, Ikrx 514, Kingston, (int. dose or swo d MiUer's Worm Powders.
vert oar woofs toe as faithful as 1, s. r°ag
depths" b)' a freak of fortune• -that waw a'moost broken. After a few days, anti no, W win my way to your Ningnrm wife murderer, from the U. P. M uttre Birds Now Worn. - __
+ wase wam iD resat) eDy ase cbild of whwP she bee\ini a little more calm, sympathies. 1 thought i would aide Inst night, at 10 o'clock. He mads A Family Falling.
a stave -that the taiatedbloodof the wife dirontwd me Ark write for my [tots• Wreir "I my frpwdorm papers. W no objections W ppalaij. A man who While sprays, tips, clusters of A Whnntraret, New Zealaal, youth
math, and not one drop of that of ter W come on Immediately, and a prove that I had once belornged to anw Werke! commit t e act 1w to cad- plumes nn soft applications of breast who advertised for a wife was amused �C�
the aob:e race of Montgomery, upon w_-ck later fie arrived In answer Lo toady. Coroner McGe try will holt] ae and tall leathers Are Been In alfund• W (Ind amour the m21— ,,%j rw►
your tam1JY. It wAa In rt box with g rorpllert letteswi� �~��em��
which she had ee prided herself fill tit• mummons. My m!atradm finds roe ge the, pledge, and 1 muppnard i land Inquest. nine, the custom of wearing an en- two of his sloterO, with photos ea- a pF'es"a
fur life, flowed in her veins. aft Oram aftAT he calm,% saying 1 �lght Um right one ; but my Pye- Miller's Grip Powders Gn, Vire hlrA b gaadaa117 obtatntng golte rlrstxi. in fhb oast aims tnenlw for tt161, � Tai °�e
Where now was her boasted sopor- mr. lit Mayor my child with her. i Ao sight tend faL of late. And mo I bare p w hold. The bird neer] for such a par. rdmontn! alliances Imperial to have Ihesb pwyeak-
lority over Ceri.e t not know winAt 6cmrred due ng that Ig hw fids >vlvnokir, whloch has told pose should be of,medlam site, as the gnttP a family disorder. -Sydney flul- netts sae
. There was indeed no kinship be- .ntrrview, but wlenn I waw cn led to ou a secret which I would rather Halt-Mlaate Romanew. Preortrnrws trawls ooxasl»ell) mlOnmwd IsVln. r ggea r+a*
tween bar and Howard, the noble and take my baby the) both looked very AAge died Llan reT"Al." The little bny ant on the park bench look rldletnloom nesting on top of n gall rheum ant all eas@,mataarrron- ewwa wehme
blRb-mietleol man, wbom ase a:ways grata nnA troebinL and Master " Where, to Richard !• 0MPX t'' Helen and swung him feet. woman's teras. 1f we wort lama aDont 4PAG w of thw akin are 0stunl by fife tit M
be.ievod to be Nor brother, moi who C,onrk,m went Immeiiatnly octet to post I.artgbl � ea Selma cos "I'll sell you m7 agree It you'll telt teles trophtse o! tivw chase, 1011 to time cit Miller's nd Iros 1'illa �qsy
.. _ vnW,Ibe os:y representative of bar a letter that he had !mots writing. cMdwi Mir wonderful story. me yonrL" he said. eno{Pavor W (ko so In rooderat4on. O"--- M rtes e� • V
race. T7w day Mat one following, Richard ,• [*Ad. LHe died in Beata Amer- " Well, whits b it t" Mid the little -- -- - - - - -- - --- -- IW pmpeR ALrw�
she who had gtrown amp fondly 8ssex cAMP In and lstily, ms i set rn The beat remedy for scrofula Is Mil- Mr. Jams (Cent, sapil at"ha ttt' of -" -
draming herself to be an "aristo_ our litte dttln -norm rocking m1 Ica fifteen ears ago. I never Imams girl. , the C. P, R. Te t ��.i�A
gg him After that day. whilst he came 1,emme Kld ww. What's you» Y' Mr's Oromponnd Iron f Il1r. 50 doohtr l!i degra. Mon treat, I J pA1LJf�lIDNTL1< t7ti1V11 g1
ant d uelmpsehab:e birth and baby to miowfo. He mtwrterl low lis saw arrvtIm. has then •pputnted I/anagef of 7'ti� 1>e [(made Ot9a► Npre lLlg►
famil one whom nothi of W uIm In the Addrondacke." " 011ie Wrighrt." j graphs. to succeed Mr. 14l .
y " flag me naklwd wad tutta0rl ewe), Mut not ,Plan therms in no one living who And she dug her fairy little tote In sold Har t Treasures. I�a(r�en }re sic ar r9sllerm a
evil could ever touch or hurl before I lied jeteen how plate his faca Mtows tits fearful tttio g save you tis mind and walled., At a convention of %he Oineprra. MI APM 6111%
from Iver d piodthon, to find. of batt wa ns flim eyes fell upon the Printsose Helena of Orlel►ns. wifeM tivs of South Wellington at Onelph
prow fro and myself.•' I' Pa. dor twat and b"
ter alb. that aha was but thaw o.ffnprIng akvp.ng child. - No. pill are dowd-and. altI that No Worm McMcins acts o° Direly as the Duke of Acsta ase] sister (K the Mr. C. Kloepter. M. was again wM C; A Yil...lits
of a hondwoman wh ) had been made ' Whom in yonr master t" hw Miller's Worm Powders; no phytin re- Duke d Orleans. teas sold a mould- soalsatod for the Comaumc Montreal. III"
i maks itsve die(1, tat. Mt(rre fhb _ - _
the try (m an Ignoble man -Lhw WA7 Amaro, wlthoat Iooklnd at mw. wretched hour l" moaned the art- qulred. wrwhle part of her ♦whin ar in he _ __._ _._ __ _. _
' tkt orf n traltdr In tier honxe u( him •' i errant •hwrn tlllett h:m fur appal- Tnr1n. Oanrret, Milan ass Pwjt4m houses
l ! Ing thou@, ferrel words, whleh remind#4 happy erMWrw.
Sbe know that such thi hat A savage gleam shot into the roan Routes 'at sea. and places who henorntty tsw omagmid �,
fgfr nor• Vhwt f waw a nave, anti rnA(de ion i'
traasplrad in the Ruth -Leet they apparent 1c me Lite difference In oar Younger wvwuwjv'O plea at fila: tt Tha lothgssi mtewmnr reefs RlvOnon he the dhrpsthe rl Rev tscaftear, to i
had added dishoruor W an alsoady ills was low O in bar heart shoo wimhod pi tamed to who Orl ry h eaha Tis /
p<yrI pet the mettog ra to otfleo map M fist cha sed and a earl o caro base par• _ '/ !� ��
Rrwomfab and anhdl Irurt►tatlotln ; MK " i pofntwA Ret ttoP lo@,rdroom withomt et1; tO°• mnnsrtlmr New Yntt aeA F.agoiroanit chasten h Vsw varlrme mnsenma [tart
that each a thing could tw meld orf an,werl la word, and filo went In Toon ptwlsh All evidenoe M ft 1s� way of Cape Horn, l0.Yp0 mltPs !
°g forever 1" sh• saki. boarmely. as she Tbb to Pzreoedwd b tho traek need W rA)Joets orf wart, wrlcan collreLtrrs -
1Mr--tiro{ robs mhmvld be the vlrtlm of na) Nint Lww eloor. y
such OW and shnme, had rwver occur- " MY m'fetrsog was able tar Olt rip took ifs paper anti Laws IL tate DILiv. by wllin` ,awls omnnpm lag New C Rub ApN ST o E
red to her. now, and threw throw bold a to ng cam- Than. rising. ohs went and %brow York and Tokohnma. vtw l;wpw Of ous( M0ASE,S
"Wbwrw Aid r m Ret thlx lwper r" wobftat'on, and i iMtwrd tR I taws by thwa Into the Rratw, where they (latus ilofsw. Thl. is Ib,9(N) mlMs In Purey Q"WA1w M y
L Selma mtayewA vI,*%ntly nm th, lief. Instinct that It ecxv rom land my were lnetanth! ovorvomehpxl to wgh0m. loregth. Dtu�'t ?'gml>,j L►ttlll M
tow leoro@, oanotn b•r on r. It war do un chlM. And i was olydwrmindd ♦t) know Throo mhP ternwd whits, And atom --- - -. _
natural, an hnpoMm• all that transpired. to Selzma. �''+ t r._,'+ AM Liver pt1lg Th@,y lwwgo pilloamf" #,all womstipot-
"I tt)ok 14 fate mwfetwr'm private "' i never ran consent to awn tan & " Yon one go norw," she a x"71 a'�l Nese. sad te�alahm Ym Llva'r. l � M A rOft
ties! tabs plot before I eaYhw aww nave OL ome In whoa+ veins a (Loop "Odll. Do nort pips. _ gpE OtST11/�iN IA `AsttN�r 4UAL1t►�y
Mo anoweruA without lifting %r of klodi"', Mo»d Im fbwlag; i hwarl Selma l»tM np At ter with pita They are rill( anti rateral As asA»no, Albwlta, 0°rpnwai O'• Y MC ., �t C�*Haile
_ �ptgA jm•d. MA~ Charted may. as, after )laving One 0104. wets P6 fats as noloriwrm ww to their afflUsrt.---- KAUl. mit the Mounted >rulles, fueled WWI a
6 rlgb% has you W twke is t m! baby down. I t`heles to tits dote parehamint. - aims Body of Jt(sssepph balls, wbnw u
you therm+ to teak* It t" to, It~. ' The ewtM hids fair to be ' (lani yrou nmver levels taw T' Nue 'rhe aeTTaat ghWtkm : "How darns Is nnrlasletwrSy d•s tto itis i
w IeaMt, while sbm too her long will mbs 4 Y T' i
. -,,4 1Yd Lao riaitt' atoms woman ase ytry foveal, nnA sasrrl! yw ,roads nM P stsr�Md pljsl. t 1
. r e
.,' r �� a * d ` .'ear
y } J , .�, a �i
., p�, ;seat > ,,.. �..
y'r�` j, y .. ;, adv.,,
_a.._ :4.•. .. �i ...Mf. ,. _ ,alas.. �a..rl¢i�1riY�raMf' — _ -.-talar n s,.r:....ate...,....r6''ra.��sY'�^v «sat:....
_ _ �YITk
He Wift Have Anott
Before Getting
afar, _-
British Reconnalssani
and Vicin
I ransport Lemon Asbere --Tie Troops Saved
--a,000 flu Over to the Enemy
irk one
---•Qsta"to Keeping the Disaffected Di
--Kelly-Koany to Command
Around Gbn".
London, Deo. Y. -A■ surmised, the
British dead mad wounded at the hard
than I
(alight battle of Madder River num-
Us a
that t
bar huadrede. Up to 3 o'olock this af-
ternoon, only the tears total, 438, of
(apo I
which number, 73 were killed, .had
soma given out. Be it is Impossible to
and tr
deduse from the "butcher's ►Ul" such
informatloo regarding the nature of
the tight, as datai[a as to the losses
lave a
of the ditferent units generally in-
dica t e.
From Gam Forestier -Walker's des-
endor I
guue o
patch U is played that all reports of
tares F
Gen, Kethuon's advance after the
the to
battle of Madder River were prema-
ture, thoagk with the railroad work-
1t Is
ing he should not be to in con-
at �n
structiag • temporary sr{�ge. His
S}f> RCsb DBLAT' -
will doubdlw bed conmiderable aer-
vice in giving bit hard pushed column
to Ro
needful rent, and in alloveng the ar-
fee Pit
rival d reinforcements, of which he
must ate sarefy in need atter three such
are a
fights, vtac:ag hors de combat up-
welds of a thousand moo oat of les
ed at
than sovea thousand.
Ferwl and IItIIIINatad The BrltlshGov. ,
;.4AlA)!, ffi,Rlo',ARIA,S ,,,
liar lays to Keep Open Methaen's
Lisle of Communication.
Dec. E --Gee. F orootiar-
ataoancem t %bat the Cana-
tee cchl
aaelgaert and other reinforce-
Melte false pushed forwatd to
hal lit
of. the Araags Blow
��sa protect Oen- Methuen's Jim of com-
`nbR s"Pl1 has relieved much anxiety
d mor
kers, wi sre It was fully exile J tine
am" whets attempt W sit the
� a
s-simerabie palate of the Ilne of cum-
ummo atlon.
Madder River Losses.
- -_
L tedna. Linc. P. -The official Ibt of
tfoe BrIMO killed and wounded at the
battle of plodder IU%ter totals up 488.
that r
. Gotscre Reports.
i.ondsa. Leto. 1'. -Tac liar Offl(r tau■
the Bc
received the following from Oen. F'or-
bean h
PrtierlieMker !
be d►r1'
.. (ape Town, Der. I. -(len. OAtacre
trod t(
reports no change In the dtuatlon."
tier. L
• nonoral French ham evade a re-
conooleance from Naaaw Poort W
Rcsmskd. The trools returned to-
ad dee
Oea. Methuen's flesh wound is
slight. He b remaining at Ladder (
hie w(
Ver clot tabs reconstruction of the
bridge. Ase relaforcltts Wm with the
the (fit
Highlanders mad a cetvalr.* turps. I
Horan Amar n. CIN Canadian regt•
a bath
rent. A contingents and
batteilons of hdbo*y moted up to
tit,• be Aar and BWn mmt line."
By a
Rlgld laagwrtioa lRegdlred.
New York, Dec. 1:.-Tbe Britleh Gov
wnmest W bbaght W0.000 casasof
sanned swiiN of U. 8e packers Rina !
are a
the Both war Da��. or 7,00°,000
18th. +
tmtu, otaMYlQ of which has beets
4:1pped as Ona as it can be delly-
wen t
Ferwl and IItIIIINatad The BrltlshGov. ,
mase d
ornment daKiltlr rdaapeetlon before
ggooing on board ship at New York by
Anil B
tInters— parties.
Tie ReTtsed tot.
Thr revided lint of Hodder Itiver
taawltNs, non offh err
sad Ween, b divided
hal lit
\Inth I.aanoM 1 =ere,
w•dtaAed : arillbl>ry ZJ
reminded; Siad (lo=Grma 10 killed.
halt wounded ; 8rd Orem d1t� 9 kNled,
N wounded. 4 aimlas ; d0ets Guards.
the >!
l0 tIIled. 97 wounded. 1 miming-
Northumberland Feathers, 11 killed. 81
emuiile ll ; lot horthumberlasdm 8
ttountloA ; Ead Yoektbtn. Y kll ed. 44
[rounded ; int. North I,ancasklre. 8
111W. i 4 woaadod ; A ls and "it-
wlan'f 11 gblall/hg, 16 killed. YL
amw, -A, 8 s11� let Coldotriams.
!0 wounded; �0•itt� African Reserve
ire arm
I wounded ; rtadteal co.Ts 1 �Tootdel.
the rs
Londnn, Deo. 4. -'lice Da My KaWs
eorrmmil, dent,��p a despotok dated
Beloloct, tide. lith, Nys : " The Beare
4Mn t
at Madder River wort vegy strtfngly
sto y
atrenrhed on both banks, and also
is the broad bed of the stream.
"They mere aspeolall stn°o�legg oe the
rarthmrn bank. whirl bMTll7 Ifaed
VOn c
ohsn e
site thick aimoni hlMhes-an Neat
tion for the Hoes, who had been
porremdLoa « it for Neoral weeks
In doe
'Onrptroops,though infer'or in
here, nbowed magnifloent gab
'7hm► dark,}} the eatemy mut of his
War ,
tinrr eta It month aide of the
Inst 1
mow, hrrood lila seromtm the stream.
thorn Bleared him from the other
and I
sntY he was driven aiK In full
reps li
"Oen.ral Methaaa sew has a large
tint t
Ara f rmly estabiinkod soros the
Alpe batrbmeaJois Obs Ison .
be me
Irmudon, Dec. 4. -Tie ser is
UGpbTown sgd y-,1,1111, tea
fa so
ed to cab's is
terms with fie :tie
Astioa of thea There t►as
a Ione
the t
time been httia doubt d
hot floe. It is t►T eTi1lRRnt
i s large part at the, l y b ttn-
eed17 bootiM and %bat many of
bid 1I
ihtr•h have aetu&U joined the
nd- whisk ert»>� Les Orange
whi A lhw rest an SOY loyal
%lir tlMnblt to O'bare
Y wall lly teele-
of t.Ihlr t&thmtsW7W tile•
fieA. @ataaltt, with bait 16,w
crmMatt M1t(proW m1 -- are
into Tri Baty tt W llal eerie wort
are � na�d etme-
inn w
foite sblr tithe ba
Mar do 11LtN ts•tt' tM feel•
M 1,nASmtnith
fats ospofal
ti N't"M". t di,ai f ad
d f"
Balt v for • K
M auto". as a
the -wham for CMM of
ltandatd'r Caps T'tirtrb "Tre'
lona 1
aaMt�iO iNeopgt *
oat f he
(oesftbtfle the
•4 �
t ht z