HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-7, Page 511,11811811 be - before tree. You aro por'tunities the TS is the greatest learwoe Bale a ys• faultless. n en apkins Dods Ips ape r call. iON. sry Disease. m. Usti/ sow the wealthy Varve Special. eat for Nerv- e allied evils. .riaen, Sleep. rata/ Depress - Vey Tablets r VOUS PROS. Pby,kal mail raises ler the Dr. Hope _Tseaat , Gla . •-.I. nmmr� a S Ilty in a that's I w►g11; all and a a a t well, u se. a a Jr. : 1 made 'es ask CES 75c. set Sc. each Sc. each 25c. set fc. pkge 15 each 3c. foot Dc. each Bc. each 2Oc. box 1 as, etc. so. 1E8 IE, TUE SIGNAL • copra101L.ONTABIOL TNvIU AT, Deo. 7, 1899. =van 111•NOM. W. ACHESON & SON .,t ate?► neer-, r.. ...,ti..teen The Next Three Weeks We place on sale our entire stock of Winter Garments at Exceptional Bargain Prices. Ladles' Astrachan Coats, quality guaranteed, at 522.50 and 524.50. Ladies' Heavy Wool Beaver and Frieze Coats, tailor made, 55 and 57 ; clearing at 53 and 54. Ladies' Astrachan Gauntlets, very special, 51. Men's Fur Coats, 516.50, 518 and 520. Small Furs, Blankets, Flannels, Underwear, Mantle Cloths, Dress Goods, French Flannels. INSPECTION INVITED. W. ACHESON & SON The New Toy. i -1144r Store. SMITH BE�S'41L0 STAND WILL BE OPENED SATURDAY, DEC. 9TH. -L1- .tet" Brimful of all the latest novelties in Toys and useful presents for Christmas. New Mechanical Toys, Gam.., Books, Ornaments, in fact an assort ment quits equal to the city diskia y, and everything bought -this season. Ca�me�ea�Ir y atm get your pick, as the novelties will be bought up long before Christmas Eve. BOOKS. A RRs ular 26 center, cloth by *soh ant are as HALL CAIN; CoNAN DOTLs, TIIrlroas Coors.., Tin Lomas. s. YAMS C0.. LL, Jos. Res..u, and others. Groat variety to oboe*. from Going at 15c. Regular 26o. paper back Book.. illustrated, best prints, and • god selection d all tit• Standard Work*, Going at 2 for 25c. Benty's oslebl tted Bodes for Boy. We boa tbe entire collection. This is the beet boys' book to the mar- ket. Regular 60 oyster, Going at 35c. Largs range oofOOhriatmaa Toy Books. From 5c. to 500. each OOYY AND SEE .. SANTA CLAUS The old fellow Ire come to our store to stay till Christmas Bring the children to see him. Santa approves of our GRIMM TITS. nags CHOICI Ir osaUrL PI0.INNTI Toilet Cases, Handkerchief Boxes, Gentlemen's Shaving Cues, Lovely Cracker Jars, Handsome Fruit Dishes. -ohne ten L001 MOM Ove.. Big Dolls, little Dolls, all kinds of Dolls. Come and see the Doll show. Yea will find ver Prices at the lowest mark. CASH AND ONE PRICE Smith Bro's & Co. W. O. T. 1.1. OOLUMN. The ram who Mee 010 .lase assally awls rows* ler *peer.' ero0Nltiss. 3. dem tot sitar tisane war Ye prolemea rdlgM. A ave male is very aeons be defiled Mt•ziesM.n wise he makes M..all 1011.•. *bat O ed e.wtesas*es it through His 011y word. 1 he etas who stye he saes as he par.. bed who voles fes drink, inns/ Wang In le ..dersksd that In posy* ter dash. Thi. naiads .l . Uel otery geld attest • prayer reqs'. A brother was Maim kis 1. - liaises *spatial'., •sd aeiee1 ether thing. boosted teal he bed leerwl to prey as be voted. ••These•• said • demur. 4....., "•thee pray. self • year, owe os th.t sees.. des prays early sod Mos, I .spp es." The shier name why Is vends work eel. dem rleermOee is sessemes with temper- as.. emper.e.. es OM1. m•j•r-ty el the ladles exhibit very little letterset in the wok. Veil mea 1. the Order masa the k..ek .f 5.1.mfel 4 ►..dUag jsvesir work, sod 1f .pain s M hard es imams wares. Prises Herbert Biese.rele hes gives orders that se were beet 0. .old es his estate. TwoWeeks' Sale TOCK 1 BEFORE CHRISTMAS: ar. Ir the C4rMm0 )0., MOBIrdia Bt. OR WATOR � 'IMPURE PURE loll TOM reed sea to *postdated • von •I. 1 A traordtwry eat, .0 take us Re.ieud or An, *flee, bat M liere ay 1.1.• prim+ b.. bees a. hied &ewe a• a tit roma .rase .at' ►yreea Yea ohs are d.tretood to d+ t.,1., tad eve relent .roe to oompromue WWI the dont. an severally berated ley the to sisersL '1,.:► 1a View. cart .% to be peeouee4 and murdered U.ristlaa sevlbs.uw bee set bees started moa • Mashes Owl to the loot 6.11 o•stary, but w0.► tee Waves had to blue* for its dreakwsw •d tamor•llty. The Mats of West Atrlaa neatly beefed the British wormer to flop ale sale el ea, as 11 was snarly dean ly , 10.1, people. What did be Brit*.► &seat reply? He talked about laneted .sepal. Om el the Mid objeol. .110. white &. M wryisa his burden tato fame. loads Is to dad fields for the u- veNmesk of British and Amoebas distillers and brewers. Is 18'17 It was fond that over tweet two peness la the willies died from typhoid fever is Liverpool. 'There was great excitor easel ever it, sad better s•slkttoa was or- dered, with the result that the peroest•ge was redeemed is 1696 to ewe In Ib. tinniest 1a 1877 the mete wyesdIatloa showed that ever 63 1a the owulMn were baled killed by • loo►dbm, and this does tot 1..104* 415..,U militias from drink, sage a. cirrhoses, .moualdng to 300 to the .1111. ; bat instead of elottomest and the •depose of Wean. to stop this, the number of salaam 0.s iseroal.4 yearly. TM Whits off of people's seer relatives by drink 4..e seeap- pear be stir diem to nolo. Aad if the tastily erlm•a, or.dN** and best-bsrdaye will tot ream W people, what wW' an' DOIII Warr DIOIIAIDw i►d. ..dost la may ways that sea••e•ef d large ....Feed Moneta tad o•plalista w to 1.g up the t.mperanes questa. pram 11oally is d..agdieg total ateliasee of .11 respesdble persona who Medi' property. Bu.la.r m..egon, re.p.ostbls Mose, part- isan sod perms oeoapvla4 please et trust aro regarded with beret.Isg eedesy, per. tloal•rly if they are al.bmes sed are taws le be s..r. o1 .pinta. Tb. Ent coeliac*. Uma for as aspirant tor • good potties m i Mbar w his habits ! Lee. • total •aka• W T Often Inferior mea .*outs potties' be- •ta•m they are ab.d.lsue, while men. brll- Teak capable, abated. who are mod.r•te delskers, fail WILT y 10TIOT ADOLTI&ATl005 Hamuli. Spectator : The gqeendos .t Ottawa 1, What le whisk ! The [.vers• meat analysts he.. resestl7 .>umtsed • lot . f samples et oilseed Meas.0 whisky, wad Ilan* Head shat . ``end gamy .l the *ample. w adulterated. Ortalo wets preyed this leo whhkle to q. Mea Yea bees wade todsly tree aslant Mill alesbol by &Otise. SH.rtar sod lever, sod were therefore not earthed te M called whisky. Oat of 'd8 0.a14. ii won aetd .oder • awe vtbs6 Way do tot devotee. It is suggested the' tie term “whisky" .Mould be anise,* by the O.vlemr.t, fist why not, In the mesa prle.Ihs moo of the .an.fact.rers of the deltrat.d staff sad the obeli 'leder w hioh It Is told! Why does the eleven- meet.mpluy aselysls te detect dolwtl.w and /item ptM..t N. neon • Mad by e.aoMll.g their ideedty 1 T! IN*DI..D D1l0ILCw Masud Verney owtrtbetes ea article to the Contemporary Review entitled " Old Grt.eas Day." He wee • mloohlpman dueled the war of 1864, sad tells mens rood . tortes thereof The fulloelor, ie regard to the bombardment of O Icon, is . tragedy Io brut :-" Oar Snood L enr..ant, Mr. 8., was not • temperate man ; before the boo - O.rdmest hors be sun,0* for IMteh soar- ses le a 100515 food ow lie, .ad when the drum boot to quarter' hr w.s in hi. ..bin In • dru..k.n .leap .nom whioh he retold nos he awakened, and as 1 was midshipman el his Torten 1 had to OOP his Haar, la the ev.sty, when h•,o0mo to hlm••If, he was mut soder strait and we eildablpmo..p.on- I.tod whether be would be shot or burg at he yard -arm ; .i her would here hens • rbrilmg speedo, but I am not sure that 015 f.tet was no- oven mon Ingle. A. aeon as the swobor war dropped in the Golden Hon off 8..mboul the Comtism ordered " men the wooed rig ; " poor 8 same up at ono.. (re.tly seto.mhd at the summons, The second gig is man0d, Mr. 8.," said the Ilk IP - per rt.raly, and turned •way. 8. t .ok • 's- hut, stopped a1 0so• Into the boat, and wee landed at the nearest shore. From that nay .o soul ever beard what boosts* of ham : whether be committed suicide, whether he got otter employment, not • d�lioalt nat- ter la those busy 11.•. ; whether, under sm- other some, be wen for himself the rennet of kis follow -nen. h.s sever beam knees. He was mat ked "Rua" es the .hip's book., and hes effuses ware sold by sootiest." 30 vol. set Dickens, subscription price $20, sale price $7.50 set 18 r' 11 Carlyle, 200 " cloth -bound Books, 25c.vol. 175 -r ,t - 16c.vol among which will be found such writers as Scott, Dick- ens, Cooper, Marryat, Ingraham, Mrs. Prentiss, etc.,- etc. 50 vols. cloth -bound Books, slightly imperfect, 13c. vol. or 2 vols. for 25c. Other lives will be shown at the store at reduced prices. 41 tl 18, " " 7.5f) rt • • PORTER'S BOOKSTORE THE OULORS OF THE FLAG. Great Saap T. ie oar (defer •tw.p, •t be. • monad, e1 w11u0 w• .eu . to.,v.I ...,. k TIue 10.1 ear on_17 attagr, as w • aerythiee their MU faced le ea s• b -d... &rosary store, sod err prow. aro nett. The termers know that rho, rat alwy get from a • troop for the!, pledgee. W• draw the line at au legtumato trade - everytblus gem OLerwere or potatoes, wades stuff or oboto•e► table Oluta. We deal is all of them. G. TIPLIRG ds 00., Bedford Bleak, 0,&.rMh J. BIIOPIIEY & SON TH1 LaADIND - ge►utrw, Qetors T�.ro.00 mors. ant 5,4.re earefelly attended to at .11 boors. webs er Alai% lime e. mo.. *tree. R..lderer. Ilu.• bee Sireel. CANTELON'S Pastry, Oyster Pattie:, Tarts, Short Bread and Cream 8olls,Mince Pies aid Lady ?infers,Lag -Loons, laws, Brandy Snaps, Etc. are es good as the best made In way city in Caned.. Cantelon leads the trade in WEDDING CAKES in fancy daeirning and 0rapa o1- ing .n almond . iaing. Give him an order sod year fate• idaotion will be •mo e1L, D. CANTELON, WEST -8T. 111E- HAVE 11E tHAvE - FOR SALE CHEAP ISrW. 1 $ , WISE POMF1 HEM BONE What i. the 0101 en our fl.g, boy. Th. wore of the bos.dlo. ems, Whore oar remelt ride is their tasteless pride A.d the test of the w1.de are hems : From the eta and Mlles of th. ooral Lies To 1he les of the 80.th wad North. With dauntlees tread through tempera dr•.d The guardian ship* go -forth. What is the white on our¢sp, Impel The honor of our land, Which targe le our sight like halmIt1Y* A.d .made while the hill. elhall.elg.d i Yea, dearer than fame is ear lead a gams' name, And we fight, wherever we he, Ter the goobers and wives who pray 1er the lives Of the brave heads over the as. What I. the red es ~flag. bey* 1 The bleed et our hareem Otis. Oa 10.o Mtes made in 10. wild mete teals A.d the froth of the purple mal. : And N ernes be oed frost the erlmensed sod Aad 10. asst .f 10. wave. *swotted That He mad se nes t. 8o01 .gala Ake tor fathom feseba .1 old. Well stead by the dear ell 8.g, boy., Whatever le said or dose. Ta.yb the .bete *eine fart, es we fees the Mast, Aad t0. fen he tee le met - Though car only reword be the threes of t mord And • bullet na heart or bran. What mattes one geese, If M. flag fleet es • Ane BMWs be lerd of t0. male. -Trederkk ..erg* Bona. Out Tehgdhola is No.100 S. Court House Square, Qoderith. 1 . Ustile..4D.o. 1 Illy POWERS t1Ll. •NU 0I■ 1 NI.. Ter.( ARI R•10•INP. The Henderson Bicycle Co. 1 Llm ltd t, CLOD]DRIOH_ COAL in WOOD CHARCOAL and KINDLING. We aro still at the same old stand, Nelson Street, whale we have been supplying our customers for a number of years. We know the fuel that snits you. Orden left with our delivery rigs or at Woreell's stove and ton shop and et our Aloe will receiveprompt attention. All coal weighed on market scale., anises otl'ww*.. ordered. We ran sever 1 Dray► in connection. CARTAGE II FUEL CO., JOHN & PLATT, Manager Phone 62. 4697-tf M. Seen* a4. T0. all & MI d Pt J.sph, thou/ wbt.0 es .eek boo ben add sad w1l/tei4le taw ~Gable Moo .1 Ia&aeary, oar . big rang of sees are w.kt.g es dae bio bdMhg tibio\ W stead se .ed tlpaarllea. The tale d reg year enol Naves oink tis, bola work 1. way plasty dad MI list wee se. send boo bass 8-1 irrael and na.W .der ,. eI/ae tlrehlMM's sepsv*lee, w0. `I to Ws his net In before said ,..leaf If kiln sea 0. Wenn .ad .ns Had le Ns1 Nan A .t.iy stream of Warn /.as Tenn mem 4y, basal for lie bawl lead wbore N M yeomen& • 1111 will .pons p A•1 will look sae ewe one dew `rwapnwto boss Ms ..M tial .apwlna .f noses Se .1.bNtk s kwns henry l one lee Weld Nob), sed Idositteskai w 1. s.atrel /be Ind. MNN a be be seem 1n mew *soli n. T. _issiseret sow peen M wean talln le ln ban pen � n&M..i/u. 1 bent. n .4y • 101. M Immo 108.41ln preelool .g, las pp d s. Jose el seaman no IMd Widest 1M a neowd se ••e tn1•M w Mg sows el* 1 -- memos Mist dos es Ad.wlb.. EvFArWT,K Vl 9piE: KNOWS 46 NDIANWOMANSBALM For ul. m God.ri.b by J.a Wil10N. API 1Ne llesRT M UIIITT. Mill UP SOON t•enn wont man UJN, NON MIMI! BMW on amen MN MOT. 1...ab la bedside* by J... W Ileo.. STOTES R I0 � M E R UNEP • o w � BRAN6 You will soon pe looking for • NEW COOS or PARLOR STOVL alligillmber twat WE BULL THE BEST in the market. Tilt PEARL STEEL OVEN RANCE oannot be beat A Guarantee with every Pearl Stove. THE NEW FLORIDA with Steel Oven, la the beet Wood Oook. THE ART AMHERST ts the Dent Ooal Double-Hasf;or'• and THE HOWARD le the beat Coal Ihunaoe. Tor gale by 6 More Goods We are not all sold out .yeti and a visit to this -bast markets has enabled us to show you toll lines in all classes of Dry Goods at our usual LOW PRICES. The Prices of our New. 52.50 JACKETS for 51.75 4.00 JACKETS for 3.00 5.50 JACKETS for 4.00 6.50 JACKETS for 4.75 7.00 JACKETS for 5.25 8.50 JACKETS for 6.50 10.00 JACKETS for 7.50 12.00 JACKETS for 9.50 14.00 JACKETS for 11.00 Jackets are as Follows : These are the Newest Styles, flood litters, Nearly all Lined, and Well Made in Ivory Particular, Terme Strictly Caaht We have just received s FIFTY DOZEN lot of good linen TOWELS whioh we are selling at 5o. and 70. each. MEN'S GOODS. A fresh *tock of OVERCOATS has just arrived. In MEN'S AND BOYS' SUITS you will save money by buying here. HATS, CAPS, TIER, DOLLARS, in all style.. See our PURE/ be. fore purchasing. J. He WORSELL Tea 0b.•v Stove and P urnaos 1Yas, Ood.rlcb- fg..a, senate EPPS'S COCOA ORATSWUL 0O1rFORTINd Distinguished everywhere forDelioaay of Flavour, Supe- rior Quality, and Nutritive Properties Specially grate- ful and oomforting to the nervous and dyspeptic. Bold only in 14 lb. vias Labelled JAMES RPPB 4 CO., Ltd., Homahopathio Chemists, Lon- don, Hngland. ZZZAKFAST 8UPPZR r:PPS'S COCOA A NrCOOK STOVE PRICES -ALWAYS RICOH, J. HI'PEDDER gopERIOH. MEDICAL HALL GODERICH. Stock nearly complete again. New goods received daily. A lot of fine Bath and Carriage Sponges just to hand. The newest and latest Perfumes! Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Spiess, and Condition Powders. Rubber Goods, Syringes, Atomisers, Hot Water and Ice Bags, etc., etc At any season of the year there is no greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen, It is witn cook stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you will be pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN btovesandRanges OALL ♦T CATTLE BROS. Pinder:, Steadtters and Timithi west dd. of Swale, .•.1 Sturdy Bros. M°KIM'S ms's ori STAND, TWO REMNANTS which must be cleared out now, no matter what the price. Remnant No. 1. The 0.1..es a/ our B..., Mese and ov.res.aa. The Ines ea br*hes and *sly • few awes Safe. W. may 0.v. years. WNO 1i00T8--All t0. MI men 1 led yeses pies Ila 60, ter St 16. LAND BOOTS -177 lea log, abase sae, saddled erp'rot yr'rie .06. r p 00. LONG 1100111--A Wild les 1 1•ea you's prise 1100 tad ILIO. sew kr 111.60. 01,101111110110-• few peas of Yes'. owl UMW O.nshtw be 76e. They were 1151 a p owl $ 00. fAloe ria melee better. 00. Remnant No. 2. The haoa...! ear heavy Tweeds et very low erten Ai we have gess out .f the kileriog w. 0..e seas geed Tweed. •1 lees Nat tea pries of neap nos. J int the tbisg fee • pair et Whim Treenail er a bele th.1 w111 stood t0./ hey of years the rnekes. Try whet ere 'ea Wee yes M 500. Hems NM were 76.. sad *1.00, .11 M 60a NSW IDSA PATTSRNB an the Best ad t0. Obstpen. BOW WINTIttR CAPS-u*..i.1 M..y 16e. olff11' SCHOOL BROSS 1 were rte yl r 91.00 fes 60e. Reese elan gall Ina Leda& .al Ohl' .1 b.lf prin. Thew are only reanimate. They ere no ass to us ; is yogi they ars ; mid yOn.i11 nave gamey. IVs worth year walls to try. W. A. M°KIM. AODIHIOH. 0 F. JORDAN Corner Colborne-st. and Square BRING US YOUR FEET We do the rest- Our shoes fit like the wings on • duck, and a ladder is not neo- .aeary to reach our prices. . . OUR RANGE . • of Boots and Shoes oovere anything you need -the nsateend dainty foot covering for the house and the strong acid oomfort- able boot for severe weather. Groat bar- gains in Long Boots and all kinds of Fall Boots and Shoes. ST. GEORGE PRICE. liaPAIRIllO N3ATLT DONT. BOT. ON THE $e A STOCK OF FIRST-CLASS CU'T'LERY INCLUDING POCKET AND PEN KNIVES, BUTTER KNIVES, SCISSORS, RAZORS, SPOONS, CARVERS and many other useful articles. The above line, with an addition from oar regular stook, will be snared out at bargain priaaa The goods are en display and open for inspeo/ien. Dome early and }pis the base A special is • 2 -blade Pocket Knife at 160. of extra value. Our regular stook of Table Cutlery, Knives, Rasura and >loieswe a very oofapiets. Thew bhNiied Sarin. isms R. W. M°KENZIE SANT KIDS ;j)QUARS, ' ?hs Place to Bay 111 Hardware (*hp. "Tit Signal" to 1st of Jasa,, 1901, Nr $1.66 Ail