HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-7, Page 4{7
TRINIMAt, No. 7, 1899.
Minis nothing aim
thea . good Musical In-
OgsgaML W e are in
to suit the totes
a et*, most fastidious in
au early, and if we b•ve
not what you want in
stook we will order for
Bicycle & Music House
aT tr, NenandiVE ST
mmSR10H. THURSDAY. 1)10, 7. Ida
SONE time eines alt Clgaal as Tr/T-
yrrun and the Tarr pep ttmialiking mush
ado about s?sli y cal ieepamas that the gild
baronet wee of het to place
upon the aemMn d the anadian seating
pest. Of °oared', the old baronet and the
shad were playing to the tpitury sod
thoogbt they had • voa•c•toher of power
god meonitmle. gnu soma of the Liberal
politicians hostel.* take .took In the sneer-
boos fad, and asked that the 0orernsl.nt
should go into the iosar•D°e bantam in
000nectioo with the contingent -a wham
which. fortunately. wag not saddled npw
this oountry. To get • policy on the lite cid
• man who tan vary liable to ran up against
• Mauer ballot projected from • Boer's
gun would require • Wavy premium, and to
cover all contingencies would put any prop-
agation of vales beyond reach. A pension
gram world be fatly r economical, end
nobody but • fool want to have • pension
system saddled upon Canada.
But we has digressed, and we will return
to our mutton Toms's anwrom policy
brought mere Motto to the old fella
than seeking he ked done .ince he soder •
teak to carry the Manitoba School Biuordie
in the attempt. Been Tal Stenon., which
n ever took steels stook in Sir C*Ast.eu'
benevolence or public spirit., wig almost Id
to behove that the frayed -out politician had
been seised with a fit of repentance sod was
in this way willing to make restitatioa, to
• certain ezest, for all the injury he had
doss Oda& sines 000fedrstao0. A dour
•e•ly.is d the Tors. insarenoe Vaticy,
however. too om.vinoed us that it is a1 the
.ireaNve sigh, and that the man who
plied wooden nutmeg sad basswood hues
ea the market some years ago could get
p.iebma on worthless commodities from the
Terra insur•Doe syndicate. Whit • man
wed do to win the insurance is very pets:!•
ins to the members of the contingent, and
many d them aro afraid they may die with -
oat making goy provision for the old age of
tbMir nl•tiree. This is what ie worrying
Uwe :
If • man gets .bot in the face and lives
more than thirty oats he get trotting.
It he geta shot through the lungs and
hues thirty days he pie nothing.
Il he pts shot through the spine end
Byes thirty days he gets nothing.
If he has kis leg bone .hot through he
put. .o long as be does not loos
/i. foot r die.
U beim wounded in the stickmen he get.
If hs is injured on the march be gets
11 be u injured in garrison, saDe. by •
•bot from tis gooey, he gets asaldug.
If he is injured on .bipbo.rd b gets
IIhaa is drowned at sae then is ad**
des to his heirs.
Re may be laid tip as the result of so
accident or wound, but he get. nothing by
way of ooapsn••tioe,
He may bs prnts0Ny crippled and
get nothing.
And if he die groes d4assi-the •oldie,'•
wt eoamoa fed -his heirs get nothing
AL el whisk gone M show that Them's
wire.sieve iseesnu is • mockery, • ddasioo
and • sora, *doh will be duly appreciated
at ite 4.11 value by the boys who Dome book
mad by the relatives of 11.. lads who will
never mem.
S. The Tory mschlme is walking over-
awe in Elgin county. Smooth A. W.
Watery is oiling it.
MI The Tories are at their old utak d
loosr•ele•ling. They eve wont tbroegb
1tuR Tootsr'e desk with • a.wher.
t I1 Hees Jen Iw't ouesiu1 in the
Manitoba student, it won't be because the
t'ory cepa' haven't been code of the
Ir The people who went into the Frank-
lin syndicate where expecting to got 690
per seat. per annum never read "Pox Rtch-
ti d's" sayings.
Ii Notwithstanding the scarcity o hos-
hes h Manitoba Rir Casale Torres and
llama WAL,*Ca both stood on the seam
platform They want °See.
Ir A Branston pspr says Bon Henan
be pit hi. *des ea end le .•klsg fest
Nes The may ba, het Boa t. ehatiag on
isle tea and shoed nmet.her that as got •
- aged dip h tee or three preview el.ettoe
• !1'e *arise it Mr Ooeuei Old the
Me* ef Idsits\. that b mese ewer. be
toba Mud BM et die ble
NOM s, Awl we dmpsw res be Mew what
sins biflii fie peM, 111 . chi klQ,f. Y. afite.ir
♦ Walt Jung illfAs-
mild Jobb id i.i•ll•)Weide aad sar
a, ware married re
Saw. t Wbo sold the Beare seamy.
sits"-. ii t�ir :r elicit -yi..l d:,: flaar ...111111 .,ILa., skink M.e, baa
hoes eleheamed •t.k Iarglpt gag la post, aye muthee l the 8aatb Affirm war with
Yen .t L.dy.mlth "8aa.e.lay." theBrfits&
0 e •
Door tan MIU(lL Ur riga SLOT.
Terento Telegram . Th. lts•e '(slavers•
mems is so true Cos.dt•a se it would sot be
pleasing ts sliel•armear the whale 13rbbo
soy, white Admlr•1 Das Mo011bleaddy's
agaadres le rues*&( up ambled • hard
melee whitest • "Mob ci Melting te IY
• • •
aeurs•LDO'e 1140 gig DAT.
Ottawa Cities& : la the Phtlipplass,
Altalsstdo's lows have •vtisstly pretty
iamb monad awn Tb.y (ought bravely
and MpsfaUY at Unit, but as tint* were ed
and Mir Bmatod mane sad mm fretted
uselessly agdmt a foe of everwbslatng
meas. and •i,.sgtb the ere died est sli their
hart& le will be the same with the time.
• e e ,.
Tal •Aro 1■ CANADA.
Pri.ter sed Publisher : Not •say is We
oaovy. bet .4..wbre, the peoatbie lane"
..oe to be exerted by • weekly salter whe
does tot, own tislekl.e is seder dteoia,en.
A writer is • Kamm male. devoted be
BsWi.Ne dew W had to • meat lasso
some misted remarks whisk dee Werth re-
producibly' e*.e0y se he makes them : " The
real power, p0Utterl and edssa.be•t. la the
Daises Bates (tee." M soya •• m else esus.
try pro -hes it 4. wit the •vestry Olga
who oasedm. It Yee may Utak teas
f my, Mt 1 have hese there end k.ow
whsrwot I .peak. I pulled the hirer of as
old Weablsgtos haed-prse.ler me, yew*,
was plater, devil, editor, mileteer-js.t
Whet Oe largo misfit y el tams Wr• today.
I .aid I edited the paper -I thosgbt I did,
hat the fellows .M ooatrelled the city
Miler really edited my paper. The pmt.
Mae they leek .a all public gesaueo t.sod
• plea u my paper, Tb.y did my tbark
Mg In tot way. I bad the readers In the
.eeatry, bet they really ooatrollsd ►k... by
oostrelli01 my .isd-or lack of mind
More potpie red the oos.4y pros. Miley
than read the metrop.Ivan press, but be
maw the 0oe0try beesphis never reads
books, wrier tovastigotn for blmmlf, has s
000vtotlooa that he is afraid s ill Bart the
tarty. he t. mere.y • tel to the band. e1
that moats' few who oeatroi the Mt, prem
The Novy editor bao to pewee sad is the
ideal field des the work tot makes the
PYe•ido.s, ess.Mrlat .outre ogee 1,,ulitF
ors sad county ofi.s., sad then is afraid e1
ibex rwtsrrs be hos ads ! H. works
harder tbas mast Yykedy for all he eve
gets on% of the - glib, wNI thee, he
combat loo power gobble, thessssds, •lad
eves °Whe.5. He *draw that 11 he takes
• pmidm sob la Issigosay with *bras 6.o
e n. ibay win MIN deep • little weekleas
him theeM ..rel- ii piddle .ethos 1
The ooautry easter MM. reads boeks. All
kis Ideas ammo freer the papers be roads,
. ed. as every .a..1 these, lik• bIm.11, gra
sa see to grind, they ars not..00•lly de-
seivisg tb•m.elv.s. Here a.d there yea
w ill dad one who M mon .1' • power tam
*Motion' '1'1Oy are the mese who de oat
.,mesh to the creatures they Moe mad..
Tbe &.read fellow does est how that the
goo geue hie power from book study, (tet
*eangslw the euprier i.n...... The alit
/grew. betimes men is the dalfrr..e met.
ly la what the load reads. The r"u..y
editor will humble Wiesen bobs the 000-
gressmen or odor "superior," boplag te
get • little &Sea Were be wise be *mid
mill. the •mew ►amble himself, for the edi-
tor redly has ID h4. Mad* the political
power. My editee with erdioiry Moral
ability, by rediae boa. ea peliueet .00s-
omy, beth side., Baa mak.-*wall 1.1e ail
ever his State, oyes with a min oou .try
Mllrbl.4 • et. rani Aa.i.bee wails ea
Address mesa •'.eetl•.4 m.4 the somas."
Yaiy,A our readers will be interested is
the ommeste of the 8t. Peel (Mica.) Dth
p.ah epos W hectare given r.oeetly le that
city by Rev. Dr. McAdoo', formerly of
"Dr. A. B. Meldraes neve ba lecture o.
Sootl•od end the :Sootob at the Yost
Pr rbyteeto 'Alma last • ealsg, .ad was
o rated by en setbudastte •adieao, wide
Med the bean, aides lsoluded. In woo
o wer. /he .abject 4. popular •t say Woo,
fee 8•otied big a warm .pet 1a the hare.
el *mutons, bus when bodied by • as.
et the Mdlvlde&hty, the Isom bon .ad
moths! teres .4 Dr. M54dne, Scotland has
Made a&4 fat sad volae giros to It sad be-
cacow 1a the minds of the •adlssee • helm
Mika. Ha daserlpuen of old Rdl.bsrgb
.sal Prisons .Wet, of the "nag tows o'
Kirkcaldy" sad Gl•egew groes, as well as
of the typial Bens who he le eoertla,,
merryisg, ledal.4.g la humor eiseosolosoly
wsegagt.g himeclf la his r.lietous 4.tlai,
were word Morse the psrspwtIre of wbtob
wig as dear and well dell asd as any weed
Odom Sir Wolter Beet aver drew.
'Trigg/ It Is thirty years slave Dr. 1154.
drum, ea a boy, left ha sa1vs had sod
mads hie gran yWt back Lase nmstw, Ike
Smt.b boos seems le pewee dm r
straggly, wan he is Isotaris, es BaeY.ted,
se if be had lowly Deme over for IM first
elm.. Ia the midst .t a pica .f ems dee-
Mpties r in the heart el a ssltio.J obese
el Sousa a barset*,, sometimes when he
seemt.gly did net ttesd It, os lscleice
&*slob word would posh Melt la se it for
Wee .O.1.4, the ssbiset wan the os.pl.a
matter el the situ ties. len Mol.ares pets
• feeds•ties tee his Soo*.b stories whoa
holds hr odious* is • w•sd.rf•l way, but
Dr. Meldr..'. Scotch fierier sat only Mid
the audios* la • weaderfsl way, bat firsl
megeatfm the wdles.. sad thee waft It
to lied relief Prem the orlon Is sere-
nraiwd laseh*w bad ehcerlse. O.t of the
sixty or antsy 8srtab eerie whish he
only two r three had eyeleg of the
mad **Ilgatsy eked the., .sal they were
4.44 Is sae • oh•ra15(1le way that hie
eessM1 as U the, were brand sow. Ho
peti•areta the taste/ weeds primly mod
his snot le m *Wilds* that the Scotch
ports of the lathers w se milt a•d*seod
as if he wre.psbw pore Begl4h dl the
Masa There were meso eel* Brost wM
herd him deliver the looters the fire time
Is the Corel share\ two weeks ore, and
l5. Mlamee,.'44 t was that It wig beater
Ib. cased time the the ern."
Atom the Sema.
Bi.miage o alai oke homed sleep."
Het greaser Medea fella her whe
.ekes . bad. A Akers thea lolls to
e�The t• aka deep • foretaste d
the bosoms *bat 4. wllkls es, • I,h.g sows
as ple•.•et ere•.; 4. fens steeled la
.so Teple., the sassed .f the fesrvat
meek "Bled Oseame. 8ee.. Rothe," M
e lated is the Wee .f The Weakly
whet hes hes 6r eym 1f17 tit.75055, •sf
te ei.w. (at.•d•'. Marg tmerly s.teepsp.r,
free sew b. Jb.e��11. HR. ass
eel Medea VI •eMn* Mee Intim Beet
fees t few. prepea Toe thaw* M Je-
mmy Ad, 1101 with well, Glebe eel
" SIM .
el 0..a. Been." 91 16. Toe Ban.
eat .wi W.Aly Mahe, 01.78.
He. R. J. bele•veh, who Is mew is ►I.
Meath year es maw et Odberneek Menh.-
die eimr10, Ille•m _i, M. noshed •
ammdese.t amttaMee iters the .Sall beard
ut • fifth year. Yz, TeN.•.ee
Y the mete. The reared
enllemat lig well Mem is *4...M..,
Brumes t Luther Ball, who kern bees
holdleg • goad sitmtien te Pereep h
Prairie, hes genet• ileseues.
Bosley : shies Woods sad Moes
Anal* J.bs.to., of Rtsaley, ware laked 1.
tM holy beads at matrimony meetly.
Roos& • Yrs Jet Demise moved
last week te the sew be.o es flees street,
partitioned from N B. Gerry, sew of N nze
aa.etettee : Be. Reid has sold bs term
et 100 • -gem to b4. setebbw, Owes lays*,
ler the see o1 04,900. Mr. R id proem
gets( West.
Hallett : Job. MaKstght, of the 3rd,
bas send his lean of 100 sores te kis sea-ia-
lew, R ?bier, el Umbers*, sad Is loofas
for £Sher ... N buy. S
Hallett : O.en Myna hes meld to Dem -
leak Rey.eide his larm el fifty sacra o. the
silt/ masesstes, fig something is the
Mgeherheed el 02.000.
lamer : John Streckms, who bad bees
ems4..4 to the hem for some wows. the
Smelt of • brekm home la .he sakle, is able
to be est vela with the aid of • oak.
Whtgkom : Mrs Beskwltle wee *gilled se
Hsimeevllle by the death of het sh.., YM
Addis* Mitchell, who dlod m YrM.y, the
24th mfr Appeodiali4 was the earn of her
Chafes : Thom Bmslleoemk., well mad
'overstay kernm for his Imo oee.eottoe
with the Stsad.rd elevator, bas accepted •
palsies i. • mull Is Hslollten, asd will
may* to that oily.
W Islhrm : Mode Messy, who was
strsok by • Myrtle reos.tty 1• still laid
aside. lanced of mere bodges, It hes baso
dimmed that • brakes hose will require
,eros* Yate to mover Prem the trustor*.
Stubby : Advice" from Northern D.ko.
1+ .tate that Archibald McCully died o
November 21st, The d.oessed was •
brother of Jr. YoC.11y, of tate towasbtp,
lad was farming sad I••oba•g 1. Dakota.
V17 !airbus : 1a lower Wo4b., os Sat•
orday, November 2h, Jolts Nettreeld,•tod
fifty eve years pseeed away. Omeased had
been • modest of this nci0.ty for maim
fears, •.4 for some time past bed hem In
ill health.
firer r The 200 sr. fret -lot. 32 sod
33, essesssien 14-peloagt.r to lea•o Mat-
atthe.•, •ow residing in L4.ewel, lot' Ma
sold to Timms 'War for the cam tt 37,
000 E. had the tib resod to W. C.
4. lite Wee. W.Hem who
leg et dew en tbe C C. 1.4, h..
rented the tem et Yrs. Waite. lt•.t Wawa
.ash, for • term of five VOWS. Is is • mil.
Wed • hell aorta d BIM, oedema me
baadr.d ati.m, eel he gee It for 0176 •
Exeter : P. Ci.ska,.ep.I assber's oldest
ped 1idb mimeo hadeemillalle, W the -
.s inMM Samuel Martin
will reties hem beebros. We .Moriesad
Mr. Clark will ell off lots stock ead take s
Genoa eta the rood as traveling sales.**.
Olsten : & Ven Kgm.ed west eat te
Myth hest week to amid the 8alotti o
Army in he self•doW work there fig a
rayls .4 days. Fee • m50 verging se
eiehty sight years of age, be 1. pretty
tr'1N. He says it te jest woo your years
tu:re helped to epos up the first road
through this meaty.
Waghw : W. ti. Ono, el the elects .
light w. k , dem that set for may yore
wee the ....r do le. •l this time of the
year. Instead of have" same to rue ea
tire►, by water, be has a ran by atmos is
monism. the water to spare jest daf1oter
for the .eralar week. He says the dry fall
1. wanes him 113 • day,
tie►forrh : Rey. Donald Guthrie, who
will he rs.ereber d es arrteat te Hee. Dr.
MoDo.ald here • hew years ate, mid who
noeseded to the palet of R... Dr. Hope,
. t Raobmmd, Virginia, has raesived • uses.
know ..1l to the Fire. Presbyteries cherish
of Baltimore. The salary 4. 06,000 • year,
with • Ire mates • it • •&macs of toy
maths la melt year.
Tsokeremh► : J.h. 8. Mat ea. has old
b4. fifty .re farm ca the Mtp read, Toot-
e remtlth, .Nab .e parwb.W from John
Walker •.►rt Mme age, to Willies) Broad
foot, of the Mill road, Token mit,, ter
01.900. It be • rhea* lot lad well situated.
It 1.. ea it a seat and menfortoble hour,
but so tats. Mr. Yot.aaa p.rohas.d tete
peeper•y • ample et years age for 12,700.
Beesssl.: Mica Addle, /Mega earn -
bee el the late W. Vendome, et Bromele,
fed eider to W. 1. Veadeed'ead Me. A.
Geed, was sorted 1..ser4.g•, es Wedasa-
d.y, November 2Sed, to St, 0.err.'. obarob,
New O4sgew, N. 8 , te Alpbo.tm. Simp-
son. TM o•r•m•sy w0. pr1.rmed by Rev.
James Woodn5. Yr. .ad Mrs. Simpsse
will make their beam la Aattgalsh, N.R.
11•yeeld : A eeamrolal ovale named
Matthews, trim we driers, from Hayfield
to Clinton sae sight reosaely, elan es that •
bear came of of • bash near Bayfield and
ore.., eke road ahead of him. H. said it
was light eno.gb to distioroab the salmi,
which Inghtea.d tot. born. Raving •
pleat of wood mouldier la him pocket he
threw It ea the bear, whish growled and
passed on.
Harprrb.y James Dys.e bas mid his
form le Rerourbey to Jaw Melhollend, .t
Kipp•,. The property easels% of • aom-
fer%ble detenteg, with nerdsa and ereherd
and tee &ores of land. It was purebred ter
11,300. Mr. Melbell&ed, having sold h4.
form Is Stanley, lrtesde mods/ hetet* live,
and he will have la b4. sew Dreads= • rim
home. Mr. Dynes hes nes yet deeded
where his tonere let .111 be ca.*.
Streaky : W. )ears with mint .f the
dmth el W m. YiC leobey, et the (4.* .
Ilea, Bosley, .bice erorrd Thursday .f
lot week. He sad • daughter roomed,
visited a married daughter is Ml.btg n, rod
wells *ere ya daughter died of typhoid
fever. He brought the residue hese, where
they were burled, tad he tot* the lever ..4
died therefrom. He wee sae ef the meet
highly reepeeted sad eldest re lde.M at
Oederleb tsw4*l Charl.he, am
elderly oddest .4 : es Oahe, 15th ..oeessles,
dropped goad en 811.457, November 26th,
while performing soma rdisary data*
area.d the plass. 11. geser•iiy enjoyed
Bowl health, eat he been pearly tale,
theses .Ne be gen staged. . wig
a kard•weeki,.. ledaserMue feller, sed
leave • wife, see ase mad •seg ler,
Ids wife being le d4Meats he& tl b. The
datailite la the wife of J. Appleby, et (Ma -
they : A. .Id sad bight, repeated red -
Mat of tM ern Ile• oneed away from earth
ea Teethe ..Mesa ef Is. creek is the per•
tem d Hero Kok►, is his sooty fifth
year. Doomed eras bore to Delated sad
we mend te Obrr.ig. Renter. who,
with Otto .hilum eur.Ivir helped and
fatter. Mr. Rata same to Morrie abet
fatty two year* aim tablet up the farm ee
wham be died, time • kaeb let. R. was
tedeshrlea, sante/ sed a gee amasser. sad
hi asaaieteMM I. terespered W sada hos
(limes t TM ewe el (Hates mj.yyss the
Modelle d bsytsg ea hospital .staMhk•d
sad M overdoes edible he bale.. 1'k.
(loess, the ember sad ewer. big denteM4
•seMganak ehhe il k ad ileo ,wick ►N
the feanen1me'tiie 410... Mums
r ed these .M have
e «i, realises Not taenteeltei of he Faded l is=
bees treated la the Maple • Tyle ktsi.
ebbs .te4redw, Ikea Me M Ire chin.
mere •oldest came •t Meese
std meeo(.e, eitOt booed with M.tty
afpreval d the eat merely el (S►
Yes it non year geed Mk with its
and Taw ripply else *else ,tees.
Ba tifil est -glass Perfe.N Smokers' Loves
Yost popular of all gift. Ni.. stf1 Alper in oases.
Trunk Bases- -lather fro' m hisses up.
' A moat useful gift. M: very Stunts QNies ael Alger Ism
man should have um. lsfeken' Seta, eta, eta.
Df1es1og gasesyou aro invited to rail 1. -
Manicures, Purses, eta, fore deciding.
Roger and Coll•t's (French)-induputel ly the hest Tec. o..
blealerr s -best American boo. us
Gauthier's Perfumes 26o. as
/floral Colossi**, 7 odors, Crab-apple, Liles, ore., greatest val-
ue ID the market at only lbo at.
WE RAV* A NUrrns or mien Mazes Atac.
tee bat of the whet* assets of Bona. The
botldug, well god ple•s•otly situated, mar
Mise thirteen rooms, inelsdlsg • geed•ela.d
cad well appointed operattag room, &ad is
to ohorge el (Smut "arm A. it is Dr.
t4...'s mem* to ;brow •il h. privileges
sad wheats.« oda to othar praotit.o..n
mita the wee (come as *hoe to "hien he
honaslf u. ronjnt, the io.t;tuuo0 redly ,..y
fu looked ossa es • 'sorrel hospital
Brussels : The Airtleo. t Kos..) R.6.c-
for of Nov. 23rd give. the followeag toter.
eettag .eosest of ,ha m.rri.ge of • youo,
lady formally of Bru..e!.. To* ofba:arlog
aler'ymen was &lot • Brw,etn.: "Ai the
dekko: home of Yr. sod tire. tWrdirv*-
e oa. to WiUowdal•,sit birth noon yeetrd.y,
door oldest daughter, M:s. Maggie, esu
sand is marr*ge to Case Y Hobbs, Rev.
(lig. YoK&y, el Clyde, of eimang Moat
seem, goo t. yited grass. &r.mbt.d M
wltn.ss the eremoet. 1 M bride le oo. d
Wtllow4.J.'. rare rml.b1e and a ergetio
verse Maim 0114?,MM'Lext1sae load ars s
Mie, for the oo• *be has woe her. Mr.
Hol nes te nee of Wdl.wdd.', most sob
rt./vial young lel MOr., who eej..y• the can
adeno of •11 his Nlgbbord and kaOleia
RUM/neat ti* 'Regard •tan
Dodd'. Kidney Pule.
Br..tft.rd, Nov. 20. -Mr. R. S. Tattle,
proprietor of the Asa.risen Hotel bre, sod
teem. of the Str•tlerd Opera Now, is one
el the host knows sten iu the ooantry. Ha
opinion carries & ram .mo..t el weight and
oieeequestly tbe following letter written 47
Min wall have great Iolarea la charging
05,1... pnjedto.s still exiat.g to some
"1 stab te say that Dodd's hider" P.14
did no any amenut d good, aid t be mare to
Sy ease, Bright's disease, has been entirely
•Stiefettory. 1 am thornys wUtier to atte
tha let t el the Daae If is will be.e4i ethers "
8catsaais endure* * Norma -- Ti.
Christmas number of liribee,'e this yrs,
o st lm several .tdi de, eorellles ID ills.
Mersa Toe methods an not may Der.
bat the result areal. -every why *14.10.
Walter Appleton Clark's pictures, which o
emptily H•rrsoo !Norrie'. Billed of Three
&lege, are as rich lo Dolor •s se aid misted
plass /window. le the amorous roia N.
Olemitas has Illestr•ted • faroi.al eto*y by
Arthur Cohost. Them have also boo re.
Produced is ole. A potato .tor y by 0
D. Oab.oa, ealled " The Sova Agee of Am•
*Sean Woman." has been prt.ted on • dd.-
Gala tint Mk/round, after the manner 01
old emgravi.c.. Then le also the icartb et
Y.r6.yd Parrish's muv.e which has bees
such • fritter* of the Meg.0.• th1 year.
Other anima represented an the block sed•
white illsetratroos of the cumber aro 7. C.
Yoh*, Albert %rear, M. C. Pdzette *Dal
Howard Cheadle, Ohrt tiy. The eta Nem
stories are of groat variety in e.stlm.oe sed
'abject. There are love .tares, soo..tro
comedies sad shallots, studies. Maarten
Ms•rtor, the dutiredshd Datek .ether
(who writes la Ke(Il•b), tout Is "As Aota-
er'. Story," • leve epode la the 1W of e
sumedefal novelist. The other females ef
the somber aro of a psrl.el•rly lstwteM5
chars.t•r. o
4T H t CANADIAN Y*o.x,,.. - ID the
Christmas .ember of Th. (`...dies Mega.
eine there is • beautifully Illustrated *enol.
en The Candia* Costing*•+. There are
ptotares of the 'iodises of the 8ardisagr ol
rhe men's prarlr* end the dlers room.
of the emberkuloa aid of Dm *hip n she
MD/ away frees the wharf, of the review ea
the RepI.D•de before the aovreeroenr.
*id air Wilfrid Laurier, of each of toese
tolb.tn addressing the troops, &a well es
'roup photograph• of tae *Moore sod d lb.
somas local coatiegeste. Alt otsthw tM
mule places on rimed the *Isle battery et
the proposal te egad a southwest, the et.
g**learnt.., the fi.•1 review **d the •.kerk•
Mica. (tet this is sea the esly feature M
the szeslleat amber, whish la leeper thee
model, .sal 4. embellished i. • ha.dm.e
lMkegripbed over, le whish a Northwest
mooted policeman' the .metes( enre.
Theo are etudes by Kethlees Blake Cele -
ma (M1), 0.(M, W. Mork Renal(, lee
Terme Tstrior. and Magary M•0YUrely.
J. ta. Garde. 0.8 A., smtribetes am artiste
sa tllmtreted by htmeelf. Arthur .1.
prem. " The 8ae. Bayed the
Bnte/er, le more virile than my °arrest
Ota•abo ewes, and M worthy of smut
.Mashie. Retort Harr .entrlbotes an.
ether Miele as (bads** Utr&tare. C.A.
Bretab a oseYsw to write of the Big Dame
of ( .ii, ed )r.dulo Villiers gives the
.sewed Ie.•tmesi of ble.zperle.eer ae a war
t..reepeedlea . Ia dillies to .11 targe
then are reeslaiseeneme et Peal Kruger, by
E. 8. mow, se entitle en the wheas.gnw.
t.s *eeolir of the Northwest. by C. W.
Pewee, .eels re •.1,0.5 lades seined **d
et hese, sod sense rather diner be*
n egeels end reviews The Issue embalm
over two k,ndred pages, and ie by all Ode
the hast l.oe d ear .atioe.l meadow.
Taranto. Ost.-26 eats
'gen■ Ftrnr,s YLa or " HAara.'t
M•OAZIMU.-With the Dre.mber sembee
Harper'. Menzies bele 14 he adrdth
v54aa end enters spm the (sat ifs tenth.
Refine* year. Half s eatery age Hes.
see'• Naiades, as the •eleaeetsmest of the
fever Harper Beebe*" wee
d a_.,.si et W behalf
and rowriest-
might be mettle Ib amen elf /Heat•. with.
In the reek of tet MO age .f the Amer.
Ise. ieed, ea "mm -sat emend of vestal
amd aimiag maid
ea awsae( of the meMeid ale wn
e/ the heel* mrd perlsehde M whisk le w•
• I •.5 n, tk y tern kll\wt. hie e1.
Were was is snt� M of t sye4Mto *noirpopiellesi
• *wary Need. mid ter tM
reprinted ham is page. Vers 54 , w4 mutersewreat Melte. 'irks memo W W '
es gerpened tie uneasier 't the peek&
see did it the keglr � mead vet
e1M lady bit Mamselew r• jnlMee le (s.
obtuse • sew haters. Dee. the sewed
year, la mob o*mbvr appeared at tam ane
original sedate Thuus innovation proved .o
•e..pt•be to the M*.aslne's raiders that it
was motioned and developed, nod 1. • few
pare tl • periodical oea.uted mainly of or
lied matter. Half • ose*.ry make* • vet
drIhrence troth in m•pzla,e •o4 tia alter
they supply -s dlImrm o, *blob ooeld eddy
b• udsr.toed by • oomporl000 of the first
member of Harper's with the elaborate
C4rt.tmr member w►toa Cm just home re
osiv.d, sad which. as em been said, spm*
the hundredth Tolman, This cm item/
somber, by the.wa,, night to b• rsa.-
herel for • loot time, if for dee one Web
that le bark Tw•la's alert story, " 1M
Yaw that Corropled Had4,0.r,." Tho
aj•vity .l feeders will probably omidee
Ude the best tale Mark Twain W wet
writtra ; to &r y ems, whole*, falls to reed
" The Hao that Co• reed H•dlq berg'
will have missed ate of the Wage yes
melee hie worth lives.
you ave Backache you have
Disease neglect
Backadto it will develop into
something worth -Bright s Dar
ease or Diabetes. Thera le no
use r.bbieg and doctoring your
back. C.r. the kidneys Ther.
is only we kidney medicine but
it curs Backache every time-_
Slea� BIer Rcpairiug.
The Oodetioh steam boiler works
having been removed from Oodench,
I have made arrangements to carry
on boiler repaering and mita the manu-
facturing of smokestacks, etc.
Repairing of boilers, engines and
other machinery promptly attended
Machinist, Oodericb.
Works on Victoria Street.
F. BARLO# ears
Hoot constantly sa heed and will deliver
promptly eA the
Hard and Soft Coal,
Portland Cement,
Hydraulic Lime,
Bawer F ne,
Fire Brick,
Fire Olay, etc.
#1,1# .1 W.et street mar rye
TUaP.eJR g•, Te
SCfB1011 llard coal
ne TEE isavat r
tem elan t1 11*.1. s ."""
aY1(ikie M UM
Eiodencb Christmas BllJ!llg_hiqoaj+ir "zrt►---1�t ^.r_ ,.. , �,..._
Our Stocks
are now oomplete and naturally mush better than they will be Inst before
Christmas, 000ug0e0Uy you are urged to snake tnte17 seIeoMwg. you ere
ited to acquaint yourself with the many eooiomiesl oplideloinitiesthe
Robirt.00 prices provide.
A 1WJNA 7101 CL.*AR1N0 BALE 01 •
Gutting prices down below the lowest bargain level to orbits the greatest
jacket excitement (loderich has over known. A Grand Clearance Sale •
month earlier than usual owing to the warm weather. The styles (anitime.
Ladies' Holiday Furs Holiday Table Linen
Ladies' Holiday Gloves Holiday Table Napkins
Ladies' Holiday Hosiery Holiday Dress Goods
Ladies' Holiday Handk'ch'fi Holiday Ribbons
Ladies' Holiday Umbrellas Boys'
Holiday paps
Mens' Holiday Umbrellas Men's Holiday Caps
Von are cordially invited to make an early call.
Extra bargains in Underwear.
The End of tits C.nlrry firstly fir ole Eat sf the century Mews.
DO M op all This Great Roam& has guts! now
been obtained ealy by thew wealthy
Ntlests of an o 411241 Nerve Sp.ctal.
1st, A scientific treatment for iVorv-
ma Exhaustion aatf its allied evils,
J1e�le ' i, Dissfaesas, Weeria gas, Slo pt
AB LETS lt.elraoa. ladigs.tiw, Mental Depress -
FOR .1' .oai Ubt NERVOUS Tablets
:RATION and Melt of Physical sal
MED -tea gal vigor, At Druggists for se
tf ug% or by Mali frees the Dr. Hope
N Eaves ~do* C.azpaa(y. LN., Twos le, gala
A TIM/ Dose-II'adiNw"e 5.•-u ,
What I 1 I
There's quality In
our Ther Shoe ; that'srig; what It Is
That's what makes them sell so
E that's what makes them wear so well and =
E please so well.
We are selling the best footwear made 4
E at lower prices than some other stores ask i
for Inferior goods.
Your shoes from our shop will fit well, 3
E wear well, and pay you well to purchase. 3
EE Sole agent for the "Slater" Shoe.
E Wrl. St1ARrIAN, Jr. I
�1ljj11 4,,,,
For Two Weeks Only.
Mrs. Potts' Sad irons
Cinder Sitters with Handle
Al 75c. set
OH Cloth Binding . set
Iron Handles lac. each
Electro Silicon, Silver Polish 1Sc1.Sc. pkge
Family Meat Choppers
Odorless Stovepipe Enamel. . $
Ie1OelS. each
Weather Strip 3c. foot
Sunlight Stove Polish 8c. eachn Soft OH Soap 20c. box
Table Cutlery, Carvers, etc.
Ur Al for Cor ledger Clad nil/ eery mew 'moi
Eakins, Currants, Figs, Data Ruts, Orup'
Lemons, Cranberries, Ito., Iter
0411 on of when making your Parcheesi to prop.r.eies, for the ObrMm•s
All 0ooisrPromptty Delivered.
Twee No. 81.
Ofle. Square end 1l[pais'eal 8t.
A Wondettiti Tonic and Remedy fora+d IMPURII
Manufactured by J. Ms MecLEOD, Oodwld I, Ont.