HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-7, Page 3eta have, dlsplsJ ^"%,"Uvkbf t It to spsrea� • brmere an I r,.,,4,%1 aard to io son rUtt•r lien preview yeArs• '!►• w bucca are dal" a good met ins calr*•pert payola t" could be drttsd WLRa:pss whoissale trade Contin rtah•re *Coosa ran Prwpect, throuab tbs Provllaoa promse a largo trade for the balance of the ear; tke Late arrkval of wintar will, It is ex_ peotlod, cause a Tell Assure mova,neub Wit mosth. Thele Ve an active da - mad tai Womiy, and rates are firm• Dilawpas at the Cob" M much bettor _ $"a Wien �a1O w aaw. olubbeer in No"goad pf1Mr• ocooka it mawy Liaea are srMit, Rad It w111 MrMflohrit W rtpla:y It ItN use Iur the holiday trade. 4'be varlet to Ulim at Site Coast pltim sewllaww actively omployett toad labor he In food demand. Hamilton treods reporss ju11y ae(trd with liaise received from other lend. Ing Camtdlals eitlea, so far am they Is- dloate ap�sepeeoue, b bmail ley and ex. WTrade 13= oawdt W swine. at Tomato has bow of fete Tofu" " . Tb re In a better goods, whirl,, al• im ow goring un, mU pmW absorb the attentluu ,A the, wbd odb trade. Country remit- UMOM rwatinue good. The demand tur MAWY Is gaud and rates are firm THE 511 JOSE SCID, Mr. Dearness Tells How to Fight it Ill F WITHOUT DESTROYING TREES, 'a as From a letter to a frult-itlu», to, Mr. J. Dearness. ",Pres[deot ul the 26c Entomological doelety anti unto ,A the Ban Joan tlala Cosmlr*loaerm: "1 I,," to. 2 Im pretty good evidence that tins ars now knows at is"% two efficient west. remedies for the pwokicioas scale in t $14 the orchard, via., soft, wbalacll .up, u. b., and unr•wHand petrolaam. The fts:t. growers to Catawba, Oulu, had a I and with the anile. but uow tbs% Te lelsrued to use Lite soap Ussy wast, G tied oto fear the mooed. Mr. /bid that (afemsataou stth �r.ss4• not now dtpreoI"" tea vales of a tree In that JMtr,ct. Yr, Cahrlf Brows maid utas 41s crew that 1, for batt Less Infested are ow, am n rem of the map sreatm lw tibia dno•t clg.• 0. cross tress 1n his orchard. kir I.. g i.ataam, wbO had laW the e:.alc .n t4 IN�rw extonAve ilroiattl, Imift 110 draw notra. p W s tree to toss anvalmr tree by it f to 171 J. W. ustow lhs 1•reddent or the Iq 17c; Ilorticulttsral tloalsV. maid tint the ESrn Jots sea)* had tees a tol~ag M ry�'he. disguise to the Catawba fr•tttysroe- Ql to err, and that he bad read a paper Eggs. under tho -oft--al tbs- last annual . Tar• matting of the Pnde y. H• had sot ser Ib., bad the male to her awls orchard, bet o A0c the effects of the soap trestuient had proved so beneficial In rtlmuInung the trees and preventing hal-curl in his neighbors' orchards that he had tied doll; In acres of powh or nand treated *.11o.2 with whale.o(1 losp last %iutrr Tlnss 1 Nor., Cusp, consentllsg o+T Menhacscn rsdt-dl firm: 2O par coot,. mind caustler I.otu•b 7 or ow, cls 8 par cent., Is Made there ny hlr. W. 4 T -8d. H. Owen at a am a' 2 or 9 cents a PeY. pound. It M applied In the winter, nr ss, Pa- on peach" 1s early spring, In a soh, - 4 I" tion @J � 1, I to the Ration Or 1. dull. walur. Hard• whaleoll soup is cot III - MORN foruvs. York. ••RetspeetWe the rMOILS ,,f erste i7s 6d. petroleum treateatat, I qua,tc fro* nrm. pref. jr. B. Itdth's report In Ilulleur d nut. No. 138, of Was New Jerney AKrkmF , 18 to feral College, reoewtly publirhr I Ansa I. tight, mer treat ammis with thin rem«ly Y of • 35 to doubKd .also; the 400tation+ relay barb, k• winter treat po mt. Of the fir -t tau Met, 14 upon which ohs_ somI a t with ersde am12 I was made, Preb sesIth writes: 'in d. firm; 1897 every portio+ of the trot (a id ; L• r) wlsa denedy tee with orsks, L Tal- layer upon layer. the froll was ssml- Asns- able, the leaves were Infested and the L tbt- tree given op to a probably fntnl rt - 111's ad, pertment. in 18116, we had a fine, elena 7a fid. tree, with trunk and branches frit rokum, from male, frult well-devebpal, with ad. out biemink, f~ patient• Anti sue North- trace of Injury of min tllsd.- ]al., 6s "In Mr. Ilpptwetrtt'm orehard we 0 7*d ; grayed in March about I.Wo Irery. : pork• apple and peach tress with a secNn- I: Is rd, Iral mixture of or.d1 dl 90 per Cunt. can. re- and wader. At thtt date tbs trim are tan. 25t all uninjured, and this Seale ib,noefhl7 A. g4s; killed where the OU fain In rontact heat , with it, A tree SOM M In Yan•Is, un o a ; one aide,ea only, btadi b June swam We 6d; IoW with larvlse; IarTs nemeorrm Of Of Yoawg scale settled as the oily ride. uta sr• but they all died. The morn Of the Tsm, 2 ; experiments made corere all the .x- Ainary otcharv]� Rehm eiMps j'I�ry. on� , and tors teen haw laces enll0mly Off •tmfaefnry OW'Ssg�t. Illncw •snnr- ,ter aid Ary Is9s, nsariy 4AOO tr.w haul' been treated with send* hrwtnnNts. T9. either andlhiled a mixed with from 80 to TIS per east. of water. Not a Church single eco of lajaW to any tree fol owtreated In wlatet bas been otssfved; Jane. oa the contrary. to a gesber or Cass and : the oil game to have me"] nm a ails• market uhans, and the sprayed trend la•a aldrins, dawn greater, vigor and better fol'* L" 17s., ago than tbose ,)Wtrwat d• Oliver"'" 200• to thew, th-- Iastttg elew as tib Point, ifaciorn.* JIWagrfis(oar M bwlr• A the tK Nov• all remains ouw kp;sg floe NewIt atalees noWip.ther It Is 86 bbl; pat on ewdtluted eT emitted with water. : staeon No Coale can settle cs.tb 01101 Par' tlw +rO° Ln d a tree WUNn a Isoalh after avDlbatUa of the oil. cal live. nrdin- tYRR. a y the oil does aft p,WArfotr threngh the Mrfttet bay_ Of hark, Lm and The ranehtatoa reaebW by Prof• 1le that crude prnteoleem le fitly Iles, al- �!th . market •r itfeetive Ad:AhrAt' olnele letsew nu rials els .Onn•d coal oll. while at the rent• At, tL time JJII barmirnt to the fentMp`� and geese, eta Iwnee e mlssT A clstphoyrwMt hollers twemrml�Ihli�fta a JOw Tar I et o dere 1061 Innis Off. as,a � tti+lrnaf of an tef•stad re mash ki" tea seal• ow It wHl gill his trop lie[er Tice scale betaIr a dlwpgrflela) and ale_ freight, '•lraary �6t• it le not Wailtetble to iro. or, wither heortteolle,rlTr ea epspeto'oRhsr dto remain masfrtbd ill" sp prierlllve vllter . sea •►ad vllsltef6l a tnalHsOA Of romhattlnht . I abauf•• It as her ase and flew 14e At DiRATiii MAA VIiIRT ftTDVMX' r e, c. mads Allee fbwttter etbtrim"ard,a Dor es• hoe Part Wt, lCirpir" Rather 9"dealY• arehave toe Tomto' '1100. 4. -All" flMMlle• a t Istasi ft7•jed:;In a ars old, r ddhli at Oil why northern AMU gitten- nhals 1110� page from btu 1� os.o64 yo, +� � "� It tea lllMrlleatM fit'war mil �a owd nd was !gl/g •care, for r la taligf► pab than on aerws.t of we %__ 9ti se new eved.f hues saaMt Md i h�k► rd spring trews west out for tem. Itttvulp L (boa- abnn In flee OWII- 24~" " • 4 w"6 defoet for vvu10flwfr i os tb dewy I z telsfhaulg b fled � IlaAy to hip. lire ugne tot .eM�M. �-�ttt. eco e, her l an t • o is girl for rfsM for phyNsYr( la1hMM1 IM ii for laetlp to ��a ft ar• e gram fir tills d1 trttule lit Imt11n illrssit aC "ib L.-- 0 afang- d�11� amt tt� th thea %;Fjtby �l'"t' L.-- , Tari- Alva veryysti�atdir• ret mart - .1! t 5v w r , 1"� j �: - , • rt., a " I��. .. a 11 ,•,...-.....,,_- ahs (ioternmms's polio _liouth poeica n at- .-O ttzs praoa The Sqnal Africa. and to a refutattou of the *scwtdiaf/ a council's resolu On a1LT nelRurn' a of the Earl o/ Kimberley, ooa0giatulatinff the Boers upon to s rusLa illy Henry GLmpboll-lkauuerman and victory tt Weacee. others. CdnoidenLally, Lord Emly has been SYMY TWUMDAit WORKING ENTIRE. BOER ARMY ROUTED •' Aceorditg W illy Henry Campbell- dismissed from a similar Jumtloesbip my D. msppJ.povioDT. _� I B1.onnermsn,'• qW Mr. (*Iatr►berlalu, in L meriek for tacking the laborers �� M�r�yr•••• Ij �__. _ ____ _ h.s dtuerbKil ed by BOersurbaw « , we ought to have rkg*wt back w to our hoes when r V"Wer n .- '- anrt"�.7."e inn ad W Ilesoa to rN rt B _- • pr. eta, V advaaew IM T'krae *cells, _ _.: rpsmang� ! owttr. » bared 0ls the ground flat the navy ue tioutb Afrbaweaksued our hold � I.Ondon. NOW. L��!'b° o�rsr�O� cannot a/lard too hoe mea whom it "seriul. The Boers are not shell- a ant of Lhe lkilly Telsgrapb oa6'►ag ��► Methuen's Victory taker sob to make nod re lace. Ing today, mad we have no fear that pun luAYa, and earned its the two- under date of Nov. 37th iruw Naauw Ad+mss casae) P tempt of mauklud." ,urt sate that a Dutchman living IwralamaotawosssaladW__ rgmr-loo There aro also loud cumplalmir that they will attack the town Our owl- !fu relLerateJ that she txmir cos br flea we have made ver strong wool sear the mceue of the Dklrwlrh ut pm lee ftmr les Ire•rtb �• cad a Cato s•r l re mon artillery and cavalry have uut y ng leer►table "altho,igh tktwh�lerr Mr• ftrtaebwhpes ,ma-tlaesrtlaa. red b been furulrlied to (leacrnl Methuen. ]t redoubts and breaetworke, and we Nue. 26ni declare* that a Party AtModder River.to ar usd that ut the start ut hb l furwanl oon[idently to the ulti- Kroger would 4rtre involy W wait Of lic,ers Jtheir In ' Posi on, er a laarasot t Mass cad order, M Ns g uus England wtu Iavolrord withmarch he did nut have sufncltint ear. mate result. orae,hies Llai* ow►r pueltlun, were yeah • «wlt�l roapyie� nlry fur pursuit nnJ W clinch the vac- The wounded fru,m the train affair some other power." tiro -i pt by their ooatrader. who lets YY ` Wrier r Colraao have been seat in by Gen. Referring to the cuudltlotN under t xA totem for Brltlrb @oldlera. PI've •lsam Nae res exae"Imic a galned, anti that branch must J� which the Gladstone Governaruut �rte�s - .r now bm to overworked as to be prao- Joubert, which prover that the enemy ea six a,f them were killed. watrgwr�llt N Mr�sr � ret ticall worn out. is now well overt a 'iLgela River. (frArtoed the ewureatlou of 1881, he du- - •ori a Per se T Bled that the grant was made be, • �u Is, The Daily \cues says: ( Balloon reports may bat convoys are _ .Pursued by Lruern. Boers 8,000 Sarong Disputed ■ g es ,.Why er canoe, wa must Dram dally visible trekking southward. All oBUa" Kr- ('IadrWae [esrud a general t,1 "i' River, Nov.L'7.-T1te ?heti epiVbe" ~ O, nesse* W caret It. Certainly, to- is well bare. The defences era dally Dutch rising. Oscars w hlrrMadewM Passage to Kimberley m am If coo had rtainl nr w improving. The garrison Is still on "The real reason," he asserted, ••war Lames**, whip went In lsufault of the • y 1'o�r because the Gladstone Government W *nasty after, the battli of , UrurpaB• �s eysa�m�as�wm very stern uw8 Caracas etrugglu bafure fall ntloaa IleveJ the anuexutWn of Lhe TYanrvws) tewobsd the Boers. but a revere fire ].real retleM lewsesrgrr wesee our way e14ni to ffttlhilfilt vttr --- In 1877 occurred under n miwPprehea. trga otte of the hills compelled them weed, remains Msstttrwfl° pw - Y .• , ., Mduutlug MMCe GurD. 1.oea1 soasomIn WdUMy reat� Na URS' ---� Latch°, Nov. Z0.-1'he Standard pub- Dip° Dy"1 orJ Beaconsfield that n ms- �Q retreat. ]fore cavalry W badly need- ssav sur ward. Ner�s�e far p�apwe Toes F.x huusted ter Pu ae. I P } etty of toe Boers derlrexl annexation. ru. It was (►robabl7 owhtj to the lack Natoes nor oho aM et►ar raQsuss aw% STUBBORN TEN U R S FIGHT. line. the following des�tch from It was afterward. proved that thin t� cavalry that thR-enemy were en- t awl Arlt nu The Times' mAitary.tivVert, com- Ladysmith, dated '",.,q?. Narember was not their desire, and the a.nnexn- &cud to save all gulls. Gen. CrOonjo menting un Gru• Methuen's desyatcb, 1�at : tbu was cancelled." accompanied the Boor•. The prison. eubeortbsn who Aa to results THE tyrewaa says : Lest Saturday I bad a what sack- Referring to the basis and conditions en. many of whom voluntarily sur- rerale.rly by scall cola coater r lL•erda{ep _. y, y y Gen. N,cthuen states only that the ful o[ pond of settlement otter the war, kir. rerhtereai, Include ('ummaadant R4rlt pafnums "O/the fan• `a es'aHa s me Gallant Conduct or the AttacklnT l'or.e--Iniaatr Cavalry and Artlllot tqy corres ecce returned to poniblw -probe for Ali. but Ea sclaU the Artillery raemy was made to quit Die position. me, showing the difficulty of nom- Chamberlain said: • . unil Alderman Jxp{w- The New lyl)<1LD lisle* s pr adi la a hash Engaged-- P y -Cross lag (>eIr troops must have been too ex- munication with the outside world. "I do not lite to divide the skin be- Walem Lanceris futerCePted the re- Wee7.washeoew addrewaho%M be %ITS& River Usdtr Fire ----Can. Huller's Des Tells the Story--Brltlsh, haunted to pursue, but it the Boers "The Boers cannonade us almost fore 1 have equght the hear. But I treat of a {arty of Buen aaJ killed -. were driven across the river aasumiag daily, but there have been few casual- must Insist that the Boers by their several of thein. leNlshers rnetl•e. Onward Mov tw est. it was fordable, their loss most have ties, Evidently the object of tits own action have created e• chain J. t. TA Tori•), or Ooderiok yes been ar. been severe." enemy - In to exhaust the s Iritr of Lhe THE BATTLE A' j.4iKASI-A-4. uteri Local Tout Aaewl �t�o� J P sheet, upon which we can write what Co1brM of Godsortob. i.,,etdon, Nov. 29. 11.55 a. m. -Gen- I saying he, w --^s assured they would The paper proceeds to argue that British troops by Incessant harassing. we please ; and I feel convinced that Row z h. ob their utmost to add to the glory tbs Jloeis' general position possibly The prospect of the British advance our Royal fellow-oubjec:ts In Cape ('o1- Correspondent's Ari cunt of the ppatmastenover the dlstriotare f.1 - of Methuen iia+ (kpfauteJ the whole of a regiment of which they were poistted suuthWeit, their retirement from the south has Impelled thew to ony dad Natal would regard no solu- Britlah Victory' an Saturday. empowered w eeestve srhmafotNoe a T® 1t,. r force at Molder River. so Justly proud, and wishing them being to the saetivard. redouble their efforts. They are tion as durable which did not Provide rwwaa _ God s good luck, and a safe Thio Times comments upon the tact mounting more and drawing beyond the shadow of a doubt fur the Orange River, Nov. L'7 -The British AUeommnrlaatloes mrDtM add geed, g g gums, y 6 D. MoOII.LiCUDp BULLER'h UF.811ATCH. return. that thus tar the Boors have been the Imes of Investment cluster." supremacy of the British nag, the only, urine' have achieved a rllllant vie - Struggling aas Stru Ung crowds lined the route to able to compel attacks b inadequate tory. The enemy, strongly entrenched, %" . _ gg pe Y guarantee of settled peace, neat the Tmimphow Call >q. ` t i, -tory Only Mon After Te° Hours' the+ station, lnoemmutly singing and fore" upon their well-chosen peal- An Alleged Disaster. only' security for the just treatment held s range a hllb cunt ndlOg Roo& `_ Hard lrlahtt4r cheering, until the cavalry were en- tions, while keeping the Initiative in London, Nov. 30.-A despatch from of all the races of South Africa." lath alder of the pan- a Roca" w �..�:� . trained for (Southampton, to embark their own hazels, It says: laagte, near Grnrpum. The Lance- 1t:AT71M.1.1d• •>fJ�=. The Hague, announcing In u the fall o[ shlres, under Lewis, reoonnoltred In an Tontine, Nov. 29. -The War Of[lex on tic$ d tilt steamer ]daplemore. "Ample numbers are our greatest Status or the Boars. There was an Interesting ceremony need, and the decia:on to send out the Ladysmith, etttssed papers ori excitement armored train on Friday. The BoeM has recdrsd the following dsspmttlh at Windsor today, when the Qdeen sixth division has certainly not been a Part,. The papers printed special London, Nov. 28. -The notion Ai Lord shelled the train, killing Lewieund a GRAND TRUNK StAUXAT• froom Otis, Krlisr: Cape 'Tti�sipj inspected the meq o[ the Grruadlrr taken too ecce. Now that disloyalty �tlurts, and the vendors yelled their Pauucetote and other HrYa:ah Ambos private. ____1_ Guards, who recently returned from is Cape Cobay has to be faced, even wart+ on the atreete for hours, t1kM0 sailors in notifying the powers that Pr It U Illegal to announce the cwuteots 'a state of war had existed since Oc- Gen. Sflethaem thea advanced.Ahs Almartt tiny, NOT. LB. -den. Methuen N Omdurman, and conversed with the ggreater efforts will have to be made. column made n detour,pnd biv-ouetck- �{I=� •.•--.•.................. as ports: e'lfOdder Rlrer. ,Nov. she* and farulllar of the pidfen win 'Phe cod wise course is to tura to aa- of newspapers. The papers were eager- tober 11 between Great Urita.A ed for the night at Swink's (con, ,& 11114 Iipresw..................«• fA Pre► have gone to South Africa from the Aottnt t o somewhat bitter lessons of Iy bought, the purrhnnere mount ea tical tho SouLD African Republica has three miles front the Boor posltlou. I)ktttan an•.•_.prse .• .... .. P.M. _8.-Reeneladiered at G a. m..aemy's Windsor district. The weather was the last Al weeks. arra to employ a the keenest delight over the alleged prompted enquiries by the Carious Mat and ix prem&.........,..,....••. Pm AL dawn the advance began. the beautiful. The was accompanied large factor for safety." British disaster. London Embassies regarding the Be- rprrAs.. 1Orltklp on IUotu Iipddar and found Qsrr° The same despatch, still further cure of the hostilities. It b officially Guards forming the reserve. The col by rrinoon Henry of Battewberg and --- oma debouothed on the plain eaatwani Kea cad express T.11d am them strongly entreohsd and con- Princess C"tlan. Battle Of M(tdder River. of the Boer kop)m. The Boer guru and taps... .................... is r•es. sealed. No memo of outflanking, river THE QUEF.N'8 SYMPATHY. By an English military expert: 7De BRITISH OFFIOERS P O R3 OF WAS AT PRETORIA. opened flee. Two batteries of Bek After an Inspection of the troops action fought by the Kimberley re- a shhitelled red ter7. posted on each aide D _ toeing full. Action commenced with Her Iln)esty briefly addressed C'ulc,rsel Ilef a,lumn, under General Methuen, shelled the Hours. the active heirs artillery, mounted infantry and cav• Hatton, congratulating him on the on Tuesday was preliminary to the gorl on both aider. NIOHOIJION. ome airy at 15.80. (ivtsrdr on the right, splesnild eonJttci of she'Grards tm pArtage.of the Madder River, wtJcb . _ The Boer stoat W their petltlom*. Mp orrrrxtI wesaotr The steadily. and accurately. The Reemr oeooda Wes 1'as_ Q�erw South Africa, and expressed deep re- he reports a. In full Rood. The Hoare duel. which ceptinraily became hot Oola llIIRng, ass wrron +•ark s Ninth Brigade on the left. Attacked were found entrenched ion the north ter, lasted three hours. The Boers' gC-02trs' axperieaoa gree at the looses surtalned. Queers position in widely extended forma- Victoria's words were till the more bank, having two heavy guns and _ time at 6.s0, and sgpported by the I earnest. Inusmach me just before her four Krupp field pieces In position, _ shells wounded several men on the artillery found itself lu front of the arrival at the darraclls she received their force being said to number •& a Naval Briendw. 7 M. MAHis D.D.B. LD.K-DIfIfTAL news of Gen. Slethaen'm grant vie- �, In which would be Included the Finding t Impossible to displace the • Anr=soo-Lcrst ap aaaet•ea nr't w Boer force, 8,000 at wish fs,r la varied asoshe;. Jkl*grAm . am . commandos that were driven from F Boer* by artillery (ien. Metahuou re- farall dentnth a wuooa. Peeswae: C 6d. _ � ao mon 1t�a rmtonl tenth • specialty. d: Gtr► Ctlo large Nnr. toys YltpDi cel red at the trrrncks termed the dfmnmt anti 'Ettslln. 'Tib acttoe be- � - ` F ►+ �A bt•IRnais lnfantr 1`hhlu u� the AW'wad/9asgl.NvA lrttrsaaegpR :',. . San on the part of the British by a Telephone No. ro. '•'lbe Naval brigade renderedgr+st "bloudlest battle or chs century." continuous cannonade from the held I Yorkelt res. Northamptoor. North. _ assirtelop from that railway. Col. Hatton thanked the Queen for t timberlands and Lancnshirw. with Lite M, TURNH D.DJL. LDA -DBW- y• ! i bstterles and rifle lire from the in- T nes kind words, and t ;he Gerard. � g el "Afttr desperate hard fighting, cheered repeatedly. The wives and fentry lining the south bank of Lite Neral stormed t e on the rigght. silent- • Lal , -- - r b which leased ten ltgars. our ]dodder River. Under cover of this j ly etof it the Boer positions carried the Dr•r„xoa.ofttoa�O"r�0 • rsmllfewn of oho suldfen were firer ���✓ r' =► 1 faced ^ w1L2Lpa lrrg fire and Cl. artificial troth mount o0 �t1 flee, that lasted throughout Lire Jay, ►esea attentlos rt•ar Oe 4ae without cocker or foal. and in !n fecal u( „� hill after hill, the IoriKa,le under OW. naLanl teeth Ogoe Ma brrwtt; esa made the enemy .ltiti Ff ;-= R TIL CARRIAGV,- ibe British uuecasdsd in getttBg -. a __ _ '_ _ t(eskpv cs{KurWg floe mall_ 1posltlon 1 ai rawtandoak. now small force across the stream through --- position. end $er Kmjaaty sympathetically std- the exertfone o[ the engineers, prob- w ugaIlLst n terrific fire, but suffering -•- Lr(iw *"General Piole-Carew was ruoeem- dressed them, saying how much she ably using pontoons or the collapsible ��� severely. tut !n getting s small Party across telt for them, and hoping they would bouts now to one in the Brtttsh army. �� ^g have good accounts of their husbands �� More Troops itercA the Cape. 1o1fnIT o Pet -on. CAMs tett river• gallantly Amenitet by 101 and fathers. The Boers were eventually driven from E titer. Nouunrsy the c.... w iAPPsrs• There ha•l been zoo news their position, and the British are no London, Nov. 39. -The transport fjpmmerp Ohamber, the flgWR >ow4r ad any kind' froth Natal up to this doubt by this time ertablbhed ext the Moot, with 83 ulfloen and 1,086 then, "1 speak La terms of high prairu of north bank of lire Modder, and push- y���e Bred the Bncwrtnn,w►th 83 officers and OAII[PTphi. QO: DARR3af� soli: forenoon, since Goa Buller's men. Ing on to Klmbe ley. From the elver _� V -' "� 11� / •' 810 men, arrived at Cape Town E. miter, NOW" Ao• Olson over m'mr�rA� the eosdsct of all who were engaged i IIY�� sage o[ yesterday. The independent , In este of tbs hardest and most trying communications stoppod abruptly with they have still some 2L miles to march Q Tuesday. --- $a1. ggtsar+ before they Dome In touch with the i tights In she annals of the British the announcement that Gen. Hild- Kimberley garrisow,and the Boers are _ Reserves Respond Well. O, JOEINSTON-BARRISTZ16 BOL ,tragi. If 1 can mention one arm par- yard had been ordered to advance oa said to have n sfittmg position at SfXlOti-S.-SHUMP RY; M 1JOR JI. C. (:I RE Me eller, Oommb•done , dI MA* Caenso. Therefore there is consider- tfouteln, ejoo M 1•Ika beyond tits . - London, Nov. 29.-Licut.- General Sir bra. Oases: Cur. Hamilton col al ASea ticularly, it U two batteries of artil- able molicAude regarding the course Madder. - Woutosfere,btres.. Uloucestersb(re. Charles Mansfield Clarke, It U report- eire*M,Oederish.Out. lery." of events Dine 1Loaiar - j ed. will be the commander of the 61611 A revised List at the British casual. D C. HATE, BARRISTER. &L. no SdoorCITOAL engagement ties at Belmont shows: Officers kill The Troops Iw IJ'ricr. dlvlplola ills aPerl OmeIr North and art owe t min TDM le the t for v+hleh Y \ The latest phase of the mobilization rata Fonda to lend at wwest ret• the inoses have been pr'eparhg ever 'ed, four; wounded. if; cow -Commis- Ionaton, Nov. L'9.-Trs latest de _ \ Lalle•t Iles of the British Army 1^ + (• \ of the re•rerves has Proved an eatl,� of tru'asw- alp ,Laos the DrMli adtmacia began, aa•1 minced officers alai privates klljtd, South list o shows that ft fr tam =�� - factoryan Into former calls. Out of s6; wounded, fYS, of which au r 9,780 men summoned, 9,r,53 have re-- l+A1titOWRPROU1oF001,BARRiffLRa to of prlmo'1Op0Hasos W the future pose•) of 18 cavatr7 regiments. or - hued the colon. T� rr w. Q. m• Bw. Peen, tile. Oeaerbh. JJ the Guards had 116 killed and lbs joined T.,Oarrow, Q.C.• W. I'roodtoN. n J the war a the western border of wounded. (portions of regiments. tour batter- / � - - fes of horse artillery. d field I --•-� Mir M7dward Clarke Will Reals". AMKRON. HOLT t IiOLMM BAPdti& the bostlls repabetoa. h M whit the -- r I.caLalesn, Now. 30. -Taro Timer to- b�Lterles, two rount.•n.ln 1patterlea. j'rr� 1.r.,Solicit.orrinChauoarr,ke„Oasilse liritlsh people hints been waiting to two wmpan w of garrison artillery. �- �\ lou(ion, Nuv. L'8. -*Sir ISdward Cancers, Q C.• P. Holt, Dadlq Qotsaaa Jay pubtldsem the following special: d ` Clarke, Uonewrvative member of Far - hear of with stressed earn and not Nov. 36.-WIUr Gum.)Ie•tht0ea'r force 54 battaWms of Infantry, 30 cam• alas army service corps. 16 nom. I Ilanent for 11) -mouth since 1880, and i O. tTARn.CONV9YANC1R.at..AND a little amxisty. war torrespauients are limited to a Pa 1 ' from IS86 to 1893 So11cILor-General, U • comoL•sioner for taking and r00 iflwt The Crys has bass reached- certain number d words dally, Ito I panting army mecdical corps, and five I h. -N - e bars"»" of bell. amda•t•a or afarma- has addressed a letter to Ills consthi- oncos^ esm►t0os tel•greph tunny dolLalN of nor aimpanfes army ordnance corps. In 1 uenLc announcing In►r Intention to ro- U. d•to wiJenr or solemn daeJwrations In or Oen. Methuen had. all. told, about addition there are three companies Oo&oarnin any action suit er eerMedlae in 1; ,000 mea eventful maedi townnSe Kimberley. , tin at the next general election, In the Hish �uK of JwtJca Wr CerK of Appal x Gen. Methuen is uArK no tinned re- of iortremn roar compan.ea of v� _ Madder River M about 30 miles from linos. but dopands coon fresh food fle.M. two con(rsales and one div]• clew of the fact that he M not In for Ontario, or in any (o»eta a Di•rnoe agreement with the (iovernment'a �r4 All t.mmaaUDaaetaratull!.V,,, a r��Usin'� ki - , Y. eonsmandeerrl nal bought on the s mt te:agtaph engineers. Also one policy. executed. -Residence cad P. O. adetraes�.n- march. We begin our march goner. rection balloon engineers. one bridg- 1>0 - gaimm".Ort. A DESPEKA'i Y BATTLE. folly at 8 o'claek In the morning, af- Ingtrettalbn, an•1 one engineer Held "- ter breakfasting on ciocoe. Then we troop. Out of there hes to be de. \ Nicholson's Nek Disaster. LOAN* lrr AND wet"CIL Methuen Says h was --The Bloodless do our fighting or Pomading after- ducted one battery of mounted ar- London, Nov. 28.-G. W. Steeven i, - ottbeC'ewtwrp'• ward. and camp near the best water. tlllery. two battalions of Infantry, the war correspondent of the Dally T+ N. J,RWIB• BARRIBTLR, 9OLICiTOR. Atter dinner In the afternoon wC an,i part of a regiment of cavalry, `\ Stull, to w letter by post, describing titan•, Notary. Proctor marttim•eaurs. OdIIem. London. Nov. 29.-A special despatch march for the mingling and take a prorers at Pretoria. the battle of Nicholson's Nek, bears_.Utas street la from Windsor says that Gen. Meth- rest. Only the Wase necessitlea of life A firth division for Routh Africa Is eloquent testimony to the humanity uea's 6SK-etch to Uw t,lneen after the axe allowed, Iwo the troop; are In Ox- now being rade up In England, and of the Boers. He writes: J. T. NArTtnce A4ree, LIFt AND ♦G spirits. Tit, heat will number 11.018 officers and men• "The Flperm had their revs a for ,, eWane Insrnnoa t; u lawwt resew battle of Modder River says: "The celltnt health and °g Otmes: Car. North aL mal�n. Oeaer ch. 74 battle was tbs bloodiest of the ren- I is severe tram 9 o'clock in the morning with 1,263 horses, 18 field and nine Dundee and Eiandr Laagte. They .- tory. The BrKyh shelled the chomy to 6 o'clock In the aft -moon. The saachtne gone. CA]'T. A. T.. H. •BUCHA1.iN. ('AI'T.1[N W. B. RIL�'ER. twit It, full rnenmure, In kindness. As R/ONEY TO LXND-A LA1N)11: AMOIVNT out of the trenches• and then charged. evenings tarty cool. We, are fighting Atkins had tended their wounded and 171 of private Fends for havestmat at low - The rasalt war serrible," an ornalpresent. but nimoort invisible More Troops for Methuen. Gor,kpn Highlanders. Royal Irish Familiars. succored th(Ir pr►ronen there, so they ret rates "^ 6reselaw maRsag•a Apple to fee. We are, however. programming tended mid succored him here. O♦BROW m 1'ROUDrOOT. jj(( London, a'hv. ;;D, 4.30 a. m -Twelve MODLRR RIVRoll BATTLE• slowly but certainly, toward lmber- hours' reflection upon Lord Methuen'D ---- "une commandant wished to mend RADcLi/Ti-1 zXX1tAL INNUR. ley. The searchlight is used nightly• brief despatch has only served to In -angled, wan sent from I`arb to stated that the notification has In the wounded so Pretoria, but the Re encs, Rrat paten and Money Iarlas Rrttalr Fmela tellevedby the New& The Landon. The evening yellow journals too wins changed the British views as colhers, more prudent as well am rinse Agent- Onlanntnlasscomw crease public anxiety and rustrens». Monel to lend on *might 1.4=11==" of tbs Victory. BOER TAG'TIC3 All kinds of speculation aro indulged took it up, cauhng a rush to the War to the Boers' meatus. humane, decided to send them back rate o[toten.1, trotr�r In anr sum t• r it the here are- woree than In Natal. Time Office. The Government maintains that U, Ladysmith. borrower. Oeos: 9issed dens �+om ease Louden, Nov. 29. -The ex tsJ' In. Im the absence of any Indication _- giving the Beers belligerent rights >• Pro misuw of the Gicaeva Crean and the as to whether tits Boers occupied the g g ge g "They gave whole *men the water Wrstrtreet.0odsekh. i great bslitls of Modder River has shouting of obrpteher-bearers carry, north or mouth bank of the Shudder A Kegeder Moss. does not consttettte as acknowledge- out of their own bottles; they Kuvo __ _ been fob. 'and Gen. Methuen bas IBB she wounded Are asnm,xt pear- River, the best opinion inclines to the Items. Nov. . 9.-A requiem mass mens of their claim to independence, the wounded the blankets off their AU(CTIOWU OMO. a•kded another views to Aim achieve- time, it M unsafe to help the wound. letter theory, and It Is pointed out was oehelsratell 1n the Engile..t Catho- evidencing as proof of this Conten- own paddles anti slept themselves on coats' d the week. That the P HOMAa OCYDRT, �♦�1�CTtON1Rit AND DAmt ex! In the fire smo. As the Boers watch that the British Mass leve been int- 'Ile Church herr today for the repose fiat that bosh foreign Governments the naked veldt. T1rey wore alert of T inwninee Agent. (lied Ung. ♦srwsaat lk.•rs defended their postthon with for wrote Chances. The brurer3' of Lha twrly ezhnunke(7 If they could not fol- d the soils of the lain in South AV and the Government of the United Iran 4port, but they were mostly London and imncwahim FM Ira Ce tea (Lure all their old-time faUantry Is being Naval Brigade yestcrdwy fat Fof ti roan. The church was filled with Eng- %totes treated the . Confederates as armed with Martinis, yet they grove Die. riot Mutual Inc Cue aaW rgteaDd to M Me n) low up the retiring Boers and crush sea part of the twunt�. tole prove) by Gen. thow's despatch war beyond words. All their OrUcere them an the enemy crowded over the Udo and Americans. Including the .1m. belligerents. the cnpturod modes for hospital pan - and it will ptobLbly be further tests- were killed. except two. The dlet'net• bridge, their compulsory line or re- hawaidors of Greet Britain and the GATACRE AND FRENCH. nlern and the captured Lew-Metfords TORN KNOTtQZN R Ue I to she_q•'tj'fe British casuAltler ire uniform n/ nmival officers Ir hence- tit, United States, The Pope sent his In Natal the situation remains cheer- for nptintei. d rad alaaw�r, v' *hall be .mads lmdwa. forth impwigibloe when they nre en- It Is believed that Lord Methuen tl ■ ing. It if ennoci e l that Hl; HOJ rut. The British toren at Frere, not " A man was rubbing w hot rare iAf he lab . aqw Thereappsase to be no &Mbtthat gage) In war. The battle of Enellh will be Instantly . reinforced from nor: to much dint. col by the k-mies for from Colenso. Is rwewslvl;sK strarg on hie head with half a ,•rown.Is (Gen. Methow ban gained a real ad- wan even a more Complete victor] ret bosh ddea in South Ats?ea. but robooly offered U, take It from s 04 vent Cape Town by two battalions of In- selnfora+w0entr, and a stiff lratile W vantage. taough tae desalts most than that of Boylasint. Gen. Merthuen fautty, a detar)Lrnent of cavalry, and' �,-- hoerly'mxpereteed. There Is news from him. O. Or lrymellte be awaited before sloe /all oKftet of ad(trese(d the sr+rnp. to -day. In the Fit- Eatcerrt Wires Again ('ut• t+ormrw of them aster] the soldl^n a battery of artillery. Lhe southern border of the Orangger Fres sty♦ No *tie engagement the natal detach- Colonel Albrecht, who In directing Load(=., Nov. 2A. -A dapptitc.I from sate that Gena Gatacre and I'sencb, for their embroidered waist belts, ' 10 IIOURs' DESPERATE Fi0HTIN0 tne+tt alone had 100 camalti". The the work of the Bcen In opposing Ptettermaritsbnrg says'hat nommunt- vrhn are confronting Boor enmman.tos nA memenbu d the day. �Qeae• can be puled Presars0ably tea bar- Hoar low la ewUmmited at 60 killed and Lord Methuen, was original) an offi- oaWOn with Ewtcoer has been cut oft ret fStormbpr Colesbu I �' 'It's Irbil; m mono In It,' re g, rR and other � y gins army was em the sy W beat 60 Wrloo/U wounded. The Boit force ser in the APrthan army. He entered ^gala points, are marching foro►nrd. Mnfr- plied Tommy, and the captor enld 1J1� Lv mi the *her, Def whether when the totalled 8'000' the Free ftatn,__army. and soon CANADIANS AT THE CA`P king and the+ British ports In Rhodeda oto more." W• soon*. GefsrY, 8h �t Doerr retreated Lacy crossed the 1fAJOR GF.N. POLE CARF:W. brought 6tm nrtillety to n high state - have not boon heard from for several Rtoveirs writes nlrrtOst hysterically _ dyer orthvelatd or retired In an Major -Gan. t o:e-Carew, who was of efndlwncy. He to known as an able Sardinian Arrived wt its i vatlwatdor days of the Ixolmtlntr (of the white ting by often M. with Kafeteng, a district Merl reported by Gen. Methuen an having artlllerlst and strategist. Veatwrday• The Sardinian M not yet reoported the BOOM officers. Implying that of BeenGolsinj. y to ra is tato xp Orange wrfeotei the crex•dmK of the Madder it was done in fright. He says that lrree Mata reaaales mnexplaln d. London, Nov, 89 -Newt was rnoely- at the Cape Nt Karck die M a ♦Illa/pe i( tits The Brit':h w r W pros ear- Wier tinder exceptionally ullflrult cly- Sailors' Gailrrt Flght. ed this afternoon of the safe nrrivel LEADVIt OF THE ADVANCE. In One a+sw LILe British mMdlern rue- CraAock dletrteL 'd Cape Colony. I c II rowel to scow t and k t on f r ^g- w M era bu oleo In Ca eP tsll11 n e t nth• 1 S'e At De r Is nr olcl-time Oxford , 1 ala A an muton t o v. 39.-Mdditloma tial own tO-da - of the 11 ° eco* n, NO t Cn T d ) d Id o a n he %114ri a tae of otosdsg ;o^ a Pr Lard i un of wh 1 he lending t r le In the (irwa/-Relnet dla- river and M for them- Mie earl a formor member of YariS1- d fire highs nit F;silti Miraspau) von Liner Yard►nfan with the Canadian aAvnnoe on Cokaxo with the mcanted --- kpb°y, Nivea m po� dd• of the meet. He was one of Lord Roberts' gytundn,v were to -day received from contingent, under Lient.•Col. Otter, troops, M a grandson of td,e fomr.ns KrIlKie'ek(llft to At kiss' Children. tries, strew m. Tbls�s elf tis British mr•s lit milia, served In the Afghan tix! Orange River. Wheun the Natal on DoarA, All well. ldmirniCochrane, who destroyed tie 2 Lnthglaate, part and irabe d elvers menaces adtrft of the rued to o%o paisn, an4 has won medals for Brigade aLarthtl there was no sign of The eltliens of Cape Town had been French fleet at- Basque Roada and Yat . before Nov. 8.-t:mpmtot¢ founded with fs stmt to be her Lmberley the alefe of which Gen. bravery and briAlant exploits In met- the enemy. S:tetl fire had nppnrently waiting for several days forthecom- fonghtion the Chidlan war of indr•pend- William. before M embarked, lent fewnded with islanele Laagte, whew eel wars. His frfpitdm tlew.Abe him RA ven them back, but there was a Ing of the Cunadiarw, to wltow them, In e^r,p• Lord bandonald served with ICROO with (W. Naso dl for the the battle was fought, In Natal. Cronje meet have partially raised 10 benefit of the children of the not- Bwlra M a pea tlbwn to Porta- erder to one of the most intrepid seen In the sodden and rade towelse� Ing. When eor•morn with the Anstrallausand the dlettnesiem 1n the recent Nil^ expedl- port vs bastrM b ase. jYathuea arm lie has tuq•n private secretary tin AI men were within twit or detachment from New ZvrtlAnd, taw otters of the First Royal Dragoons, Sonne F.nat Africa. Berea is a die• tbs Rurg en Ars understand to have Y' p tion, bort le Yves known In London as a• string Imager at IibiWoatein, tour- to ford Lytton nnrl Sir Hercules Rub- thsee, hturdrM yonts or tho wtremy'e nevi tine British ]xiopie epi Routh AU the popular aoenel of the :;nib T,Itw nmv oampayrnitvt In SOnth Africa. trtrt of Bastito4anA, and Scree, st miles marsh al 40d i%dder RLCtr, Inwxt, ani] la one of the personal Sm they were met try ons blast of rhea rwengnised the Importance of this Gnarls, of which regiment His Af7tJrnty In again, b a subarb of Durban, Natal. b s Irk of the Duke of ('onnangllt. fire right rocnA a knpje. The fire was ontwarl sigh of Lhe unity o f the t sit 7H}± itIFT71 DIViPTO?i. hwrsrrrary rokxtgl. Durban and Darbanttlle are far Bother pemlbly an, feat•devium that he tr e•On'd live pine In the hour of stress. --- apart. The f(frtmer M the most im• =its the $d� that Dan Methuen% Virto � ail The fifth division la rapidly e y pr,rtant wemport town of Natal. the eamnmanon tbs last bugs of the ry' }n it, and the radon tell back for n few When the Sardinian was si relied p y fR t Our Igo s In the 1 rwnavewl, In Mevvn alien, tram London, Now. 20. -As regards the momenta ander -over. from Table mountain the popular rn• CfrOg off for this (M pe. One half M tter being a small •111 (Stn milia, fN TO RilL81l1tLST. actual *Miall of the battle, th3 Morn- The char r"ound"), and then the thual besaM Intense, and many the composite regiment M HonspWAd The following of the In the Canadian Reltinn M miles from Age elght^wn gw tri ('festal will mall to -day. The War the stat[ of the Canadian Heglmtat : C]Apr Town. Ing Pba military critic., who, it bas risen rumhpJ to this font of LhR kook hnndrvdti d pkorls **luetic their way to ry y J^cehsAAd le a small Ctltstge netts $asah Gen. Cr teeut g+�AIIy d Office M roakin amend for Lhe In ('onnmetnd-I,IouL. log. W. I). OL oyjs woald tbn�y .t9n wovai, has keen fore• Whwt this rnn was will Ile realized the wharf to Ms the flat to 11hepr the bi tar, R. R. ('. i• 7eerwal while Jsceeedal late the agreat rink erf sought batweew when It is etAteed that the shower of bearers of the visible belping band neglect to Bead a stoning cavalry Oreof^ Frve Stott• Ing °g ht, says: for" for a cAmPslgn a ninat S(nJ<pr let Itattsllen-LtwaL. Colonel 9sn th len a get. Kakewich, the in dons pet pwwm too mach to pre ' bgiMts mtritlnR the Ktnettd gave the from distant Canada. R Buchan, R. R C. 1. Cape Colony basals la two Iwdy British MMMA at KIO&•riey. rials this K was won by the British, appearance ( w raging sandstorm. DOMAIN have not yet trnmv t+phwnA mounted Infantry try orcl^rtng nln 1inJor 2nd Battalion ColOnwl Palls GTM��^e n setall vltlttte 10 silos A belnted d�fr0m Corange dot"Uta.eIt epi eri three *avoir 1 tler. ttRa :Ivmr sa s that flea Aerpetrh **[rains ecru Titers was an Instant'p 10°911 at the conmsrning the demonstration which y reel- from Robertmnn. the other a till hilt miry, It M o°tttvnded that the cav sf+anrio (lei ~ an loasly iron referring W a vbtorY. toot d ahs kap}+, and ttarrr with w wild will Rue tew0.lere1 to lbs oolmwlal re ewer Allwal North. Ay °n �sri ter] ftb-I- enemy was forced to withdraw from YOII sh Rett r^shad ap the hill. Tim prwwntativnn, but there, ie nodra0bt airy fegtvr to the BrItW► arm Ir Chief Staff c1(tic(r-]fwJnr Dram Mss, nrhtl q ffr-i pfttkpt but al- o0.ld not large h. Y �d RtwetasmOm In [Tape Oniony has (sass Invest his pealtlon, waL h coy mel^ a falling Bosrp not stand thin charge, ]bat it will prove an hlrtoricat event e n r°g and that there Adlntnnt- oraJeor (harlew MseDo°- tit) connection with the piece of the dein lack of the advance to the Interior ped tea few who WAd their ground In tea history of tea Empire And ought to he At least two nrw't VAOTRappn Volt 'CHH 1RONT', litres, or the abaudmiment d see were kiNe4. TAe majprtiy ile t, after the world. rwglntentw or I.aarets. gall, R. R. C. t mAaw name In this Trawvaal. R iYnthnntee116 soemM ttlnrkrsd ors de Dredge head detaada^ ties feria had hon° t'eete'red, at • o �_. 410ortermawter-Mwhx 14,rttsaq R. R. trick headmichvm are anted by fixe ussaf v rs tAwrer shot b Wayne*. e. t NHta►e today cA the fleet dstaah- The eritlr am*uWW that there wash rmA troy. 'Pis• OontlitKwnt lett Qmeetrsx ere* Y • AOymemAtwr--Mede* J. L. BIKKsr. ey'f !f�' Lim, /. Mie Of Lha et yhhtt dloa 0f bridge, and that the Boers at this Vopr officer bnt tom of the Naval llisraay. Ort. 80th. Aced have there- iterdon• Nev. 8O. --A despatch to the file lin»a„1 Defeat were def",ling las wmthern Hrlge,& - W i How Um Boat's left blow 29 Mye on the wa fram Dally 'h+iytraPh /tuna Enalin pays RosSeem a Mn Beall' L- Wlprur. Altles sold G►tairy grrlrtg tosoesh a rosci►pa b It, tor Itrlli �bowbow ebb fbb4Nh Qrr1Ml. 10 the (imps. The �rawb that On Monday a patrA of the Nrrand W& r A. 061he tow. ry They tv+n►ovw the pnaww 10 He. a bolt. IrP yj Prrvt Ninth iArAwtw rode t e to a farm. A Fbwt and KAjor A. R. OlshrerM. (kORi)R rhe former Is the snore pleusdw Mtle HDkriivd ea le msrveil mrd itm IneO of the moa• "umber of wvtmen onta/ds the bomp Chapinlm-Rev. T. P. Fmllertinn. (loll Was Fome,md T$SONGED WiNIMOR, .inns flwo. i'011e.Carew was oMpthrtg b< tea rM iswrw Though the till blit Toronto an Ww1vion q tit Cha of Maxim (inn kering and sletdng, avid similar cotta the bNp of , open whlesA wstM boar! tAirood. their retreat h. dirwilin A heavy fire against the rg• sgmad In lite as NoprrY of s^ w -pain ittl a �mrra warn cod I_ts file DHhRe wap 'Mea set' any mention a mut. --- trori pea killing ems of them, Captain Arthur (live 1Aw11. rpmwdy ee Nwrvlllnw--nwrre-pain Iw C11M witnessed In Lasidon in nage {1N kpro+e V constantly _ Vo remedy In the market affords Sae\ War Polats M Rwvweswbwr. *4e,i w IamrN 1n $ig•. tea British. The shy tisthellt Y has- CbwmAerlala aw TrrMvsat'e iRrtwre. M•A J. t.•m Removed. pevrrps relief ►eco 6exvthrrurlsw, rmAralgM tars co ds the p,,,,t 1 rs hxont(seing. asmrA by eharpedww;sewm. i owdnn. Nov. 29.-Addemmmlag s Titers M w 1m►esYerelslth In Natal and rMnm+tletn its aotMrtt In craMpa. eleayds (the farewell at ( 4 Ing to be heard •--- momptblg of 7.000 pep o in Lelsss• London. Joint. 4d. -The newspapers mad a SwAdsmith In this Cape W. rube. ^te., Is simply mmrvalk"a Ia0.1 Arl pe w agwNlst tits saDpleymeat 0f oo) tawny Mhlta's resttlor Vary Mroe,g ter this stealing, Mr. Jt Chain. reir►rl. that Kendal O'A Is r0eeoh rpm AeUng.gb torso od the Datkrtor for purely maleNwti wort so far t. lh. Nov, 0 melee t irrtaln devoted the grwa rt of man nil one of the �t chats- ony. dypml (by nga Ila Tipperary dlrarlcre 1is►fookhrrlf. Of fire R0•Arwnaland, lllllsr'r t7bwrpewrael Iron Piffle, SQ DAab military tlredti elf tea 111uet, from the ,40RA. 71A --plot"% is to Kos *her)•-•tAll are well and it Irma pow it M A joMtt%At$M of senneWS, bas been removal tram bis ahilmid woo be co4tnended, as It very downs 86 rents• f - 1 I ,.. , ��'• '` .r r iff9ff '£rue zYsrC ;. + 4 �. -11 Akzt '1Ae 'S t r ,��P c P ,�