HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-12-7, Page 1rr.
5e *loots
net sure
it Shoes
rho shop
�1pnp}pply of
Wing for
t is good
a teal
reis to
re the
NM di
HSde . .
gen weed•
eft Wows
well. TM
r► 00..
Tu (IUUPJ rim saw
00D1111100, ONT.
gall puree, O�srY t ee wt.-. •... .-: II pus Vii1 ea . r !0
' e , Me geert
.........-Il611 i
SVtrer, beep •60tss
aab hit• par bush 0 N le 0 50
p.6� plsmh •-••••••••• . 016 M 011
Musa. WI. ......... _•.-. 0 61 le 1 63
0 S5 to a le
ee.rppar - 746t000
late.. ow Ili,,,. MOM. 10 a 11
Medi _ap••eed. 1 dna 1 11 M Y
M M p0p0
1.. _.0 I N I
wo.1. »..-..._,. 0 10 16
S ew . ..... Una 16
Ham. per 1� ............
Mowed repnsstt tore smarter 01 to 0010
06 to 00
I Ordiery ed 64
00 lei 100
n ..
0111d of Thanks.
egoseessweppess,, ny�hlalWr b ire (s lalsdeefee
my M dstd tohembusses end sousew oft Leet emy se promsesettimaset the
r*,.sb1 • repent /1g►, W. lL Rob
ortese.1 A. J. MOORS. it
lot Tim slew �w Neva 21 woe
antes may..'. it be eaffee fee U.
HEMI JORDAN. ���o���
leYl d �.S rLOOS Is�/Pt� Prue a ,d
sr Muses osansi=eeiM ter st
'The fl Pawnee•." 00.04.00006.. 9ed.iob,
er side M Oddrellewi bs110lee.
S. 7R-N-0416/CE Q. SHOWN, OR
.s.Yt r
heaths.. Meagan. dank late
d l' Osenw��
earl. Tort. will re-
ekelli � &dvased-ie
gni sae mos. i.tweay. &tadf0. u W-
ow deer weer el K.... < Mona 0d..
d' = A vt6e
p1mi-tyssw . pito. Aiso w
£.... ites Mise. tea mass C►UdS.*. IMa-
d=W win meow tis Termite Conservatory
Terme me .ppilstM0 at ahs ma-
dame, gib Ileita.M Yoe-. 1704 -at
aevJY Asem.. Brawava.d. Ist dew West el
Dr. Heierees ratdset.
Opes to PP.rw0Mvisitors peMttag. frolife or photos.
tn.rooem nem elven
teskm.stsry.M. free -had drawler.
Ch.tugN ad ink & wisss,1.foe I
g ,, frees sant sad
puipmeg•Painting k oa sad caste meW Were
ndni o..
tm.srMrt •d .beet tis let of ()ember.
s•hpeem Owner will egis•a o'•le
Lot Leis &beeex Rid. Colbert* MO
a Y u.
P. 0.1
$u*EIOYS Vaoant
e WS these . Den K. SeelAL. Apply .
Isimuiest.a. NO.
rW Wets mid W wet hes
some flew Wass mid leu for nate.
Pew fv
▪ I pee ea6. Pea* tends M awe. 11ee Wee es him progeny
mead lemeeses Age
w meted . gy gy(le
fi gw.lpm
�0 i0044.0 wad iwdte.
suite ligseise wL met 9wesit itistd.
Prong -
IitoeYeW of dedmsttb whe. are /tasty
rete. .r 0p er etym.
Hoa way plaids are there a 1; od erlob
.he hew retoured thew of 0eur000n town!
Our readers' replw to this question would
vary owidoe•bly, but we venture to say
Met all of them would be below the mark.
An (susiry 1040 the matter was sugesetod
Nus by . oftiam who, in argument with
auction man, wee met by the 'tetemnt
that there were sot . domes people a tows
who had reached that see. After Invest ira-
tln we dad flims there are .t least forty•
two residsute of Gderiob of *nifty yeast or
over. W• publish the names )taw. Al.
though our .galry was careful, we may
hey o.l.od .oma whose most should be is
the Mt, aid we should be glad to hew of
eay suob.
Tb. large majority of them mindsets are
all fairly vigorous sad healthy, are able to
walk about town, ad hid fair to add many
years yet to their Illi. rand. Some et
Mem .n we.derlolly bale. Yr. Colborne,
whew tame beide the list, loots at Issas
twisty years younger the he is
The list shows almost an equality 10 lam
'verity between the two sexes, contrary to
the verdict of the sw1.tbuao. Tweety•
two ere men ad twenty area wean.
Nineteen wen barn In Semi ad, Chinese a
Ireland, sine in garland, one (Yr. Herr) la
U.rmay, end Mn. Sharm.o has the dis-
tlaeties of )deg the .00y oto Cordis. born.
It le roan d&Moult to ota•eity them .000rd-
leg to oocapetioo, as some of them Juries
their Meg lives hen been 000tw4ed with
more thea ase ..Ilia.. With this sapless•
um. we may my that the number includes
tea farmers. me builder, as gardener, me
wato0maksr, two_ilobermee, ass weever,
me carpenter. ogee woe owns', este.Btai.l,
ase ..i ee. tse .ito were summers and farm-
ers, mob for • lag period, cue builder's
wale, ten Farmer's wives, ow policama's
.Ife, one deberm.i s wile, ase hsekkee•per's
wile, e0 tweh.st's if., use seder's suns.
ono emtr5Ker'1 .ife, on gunsmith's wife,
eek eleme.wy a trine* t'e ire's. Dud eras
woman who was • aterob.af herself
The number a slightly over ow per cwt.
61 the tet+* population of the hes. The
list been 015005 test.m007 to the sienna°.
of the olim.te ,t God.rwb, where the ma-
jority hove lived for may yeses, as well es
0e thret4Il06 el the e...h *tis► setae
e.r *leen brought out with them Irons the
OM Country.
Folle.i0, .re the saw, .reel addressee
ad ages
Alex. Colbtrtio, St. Patrick's street.... 92
MM. eta
. DUDLs1f HOLM2$.
C:::� publM. esseM. oYee tisi
sidslees gems[ v' W. MCMM .
..sari sag semera ser. OMs ea
e. ep0•ele the tlei�orw ei•6
Prises fads te M I ea etti
.ss •t 6 pr ..M. .tenet Fsessm.
esehed. 04-41
John Crowley, Victoria street
William Sharron, Keays street 92
Mrs. ,lois McLeod, St. Agrlrew's street
-age uncertain, over 90
Mrs. Edward Roberts*, Lighthouse sL 90
Mn. L. Mclnto►h, Anglesey street 90
Melaka Mclean, Warren street 89
Nr.. George Hammett, Albert street 88
Mrs. Mesoly, St. Andrew's street 87
Dooeld 1sstasld. Waddler stern 86
Mrs. MtOddt►.Mclver, hwjor 86
Samuel MoMath, Fast street 86
Mr . Rambell, GLatbria road ..... 86
Mrs. Rieke, Britannia road 86
Mrs John Melntosh, t:ubourg street. 86
John Herr, Elgin avenue 84
Hugh Bain, Quebec street 84
Capt. Samuel Gibson, Hayfield road84
Mrs Parker, Newgate street . . 94
James. Aikenhead, Baytiehl road 84
Patrick Hogan, Wellesley street 84
Thomas graham, Park street... . 84
Mrs. Margaret Elliott, Horan rued 83
Mrs. Allen, Keays street • 82
Atex. Nasmyth, Elgin avenue 82
Adam MoVioar, Quebec street 82
Petrick Lynn, Wellingtsa .tree ... .. 81
M .lane Wilmott, Britannia road.... Sl
Jags Bettie, Anglesey street 81
H. D. 1booms. Elgin &venae .... 80
Mrs. Wm. Sharman, Keays street 80
John Washington, Fiat street...... dib
Alex. Wallace, West street BO
Jaws Carruthers, Huron road 80
lire. Jas. Carruthers, " " 80
Mrs. Donald McDonald, Quetee street 80
Jobst Walker, Nelsen street 80
Mva Richard Morrow, Newel** street80
jlirs Cerriek, Newgate street 80
William Dickson, Waterloo't.npt 80
Mn. John Maris, Wibion street. 80
Mr. Mak, Church street . . . . . 80
angssoillmalipt or otherwise trespess-
rtanallerla VAX
ilantSd. _
• WalreMat
emM • 441 .sad.
MILON .Ys� .w eesl... to.
Tsedmis Wanted.
TIMMS WANTS)) 11011 75C (OgRDS
ds. 1e.dm00
t1N o*t kp
List .t 1x01614.es et trot Irene Tam
Ca..Ie et the 111161tten w 1ems.
A. M.D. Alla. Canadian frail eommis.
near for the Pati* ethibltee of 1900, has
bated as the lollewleg list of exhibitors
tress Herm minty In fruits. Tow are all
the exhibitors in this meaty whose frail is
la good order .ad will be whipped to Peale.
The MW Seabee of Jars from MM Province
is ever see th0ONsd.
J. W. Vs.tter, Gd.rio1, peen, liar
S. Fens. "
Wm. Mo(Jlyment,.. 403
Thee. Herne, « " 1
Hanes Harem "
IL Oarwie, "
A. M.D. Alla,"
,1 1 .•
II. 1 n
se 3 ..
A. C. 100)oas/d,... Detlop. '• 3 "
Alex. Glens, Carlow, 1 "
J&a B. Bryd4.5 0ederiob, quietus, 1 "
Hoerr 04400, Clinton, plums, 9 '•
J.uq ,4 W beady, 2 ••
W.. Wrsoek..Gd.rld. ., 9 "
L. G. Paredes, " 1 "
Gee. M.Yoll.5, . . •' 1 e
el. ¢,Bela, .i 11111 i.
& ,. .. 1 „
A. .D. Al.l, " " 1 "
J•-*Llkto.os," grapes, 1 ••
Jek.17*., Nil., appal. 9 "
Wm. Carter, C..stm00 1 .,
A. C. McDms/dMaley. " 3 "
Wm. Vaetme 8.0.i11o1, " 4
Jas. er.okeerMl0,..0erderlsh, " 1 "
A. M.D. Alla.," 12 "
H. O.ratfti, ee ee 3 "
Ob.. Weir. •' 1 "
Wm. 111=110 « ., 1 ..
Ewan ,i .i 1 1t*
Om. Fowler. " .r 1 se
7 W. B&Ikea, a ;, ,t 2 111
G. W. Adria
TeimoDsr Waateit•"
WANTI1D-111A01111D TOD S. S. WO.
TV Vat Watemellk bat! 110!
Willbra Wale isfizt
le la ea7 lo WW1101.
Mies bet
firs esrntleaw et atowegVe.
whose r•mp•eiag en the tweets has already
wised more thee nae sooldest.
Tb. 0.0.004 bus,.. have really no de.
t.00s A el•aoe at the •..went', list will
...wer, 1&s "Poor loan" sty, sad the fear
that the streets will h. evergreens with
gram may be dispelled by iodine at other
towns At say rate the experlssive 1' worth
the try tag.
The oas.tl will move (lankly noorh If
the ratepayers say se. W • here hod • pop -
e lm vote cm ths now befor, sed the now
wen ; but then the people did .os ksow
any Meter mod there wee no "so called end-
wise' 0.mmlltee." lot the people roar again
at the next musielpal eleeNo.s ! The nows
will *toes from troa4ltn ad we shall mass
to be the lambing stook of our neighbors
and as Winn of donne& to oar ensurer
vi Wore CITIzws N' Corm''[[.
TTose £Mdaelmea and Mrty Caws.
To the Shctor of Tug bunco.
Sim, Why 10 the name of all that is ohms
10.1 sweet-sm•Ilon should we suffer any
longer those pleases of cows! Why should
Uodertob, that aspires to be • *.mew sum
mw resort, be Robed at 51 Cow4owo by other
plane. a►hall the •is• mer of one -teat) the
beauty ,
Tin oow-oween have now for some years
had their neap ; hes the prior of milk do
oltned ! Years ego we gen a open vote In
their fever Mame we were told of the peer
see with hie troop of children, skate& Jilt
• enbeutenee and m.t00tetog a bare tens•
w anton with the life that is *rough *egg.
onions of the lowly now.
But as • atter of not. are the oow-keop-
e[e oar poorest people ! 1t is roundly as-
serted by may who have bikes tent and
omen& that they are sot, that oo the one•
trey they are mostly well Io do who go
Into now keeplow ea • oo.arolel
and oa well afford to rent posture
Thu lase is on main ream. for Mangug
odes on the question. Besides, It anvil be
remembered that regular pasturage 010.51
e tile•le•g of tr.apisg to both owner and
es., wawa better gross, • target flow of
loft. ad of Mons g1ltsy.
Wby me' 4 tie priese% ebeee t give ram
apport•auv this comms .11otioe to test
she ..tier by ballot! Barely nothing ose
• fairer than sacb • regseet, and, as with
el Bonn% the m.jsrty rale., if the vote
•►.old again be demos we meet jest return
to ealeti a wy lady Nes ad °lGaoing our
eats its SWUM -11111-- a
Sand • ma is me the Weer day . " The
mnatoes •14meld press& maims. them from
Um plpi's : they're responsible for a great
deal of profanity.' Certain It is. although
peau may miss, is immortal verse, of the
mese' ' c-.(hisg time in Me m.0dow, with
udders detest. at .rmittde 10.101 le re
. posse to the milkw.id'e meg, etc.,
yet thee -Meta of • red now loth toot beet
oabblpe ba her mouth, w.vt.g her tail in
*rinse se she charges throe,h the garden
.,.a•kns very unholy'. 'allege and any
e ry probably lead to und.rdo.t language.
. Let we heir Tea Sio,AL o° tn.eahj.o .
()rested "r CDDrrunwo HaLl. - The
dedio.uoo of the sew Gddlellowa. Hall w.11
.ko plate 'his ( resort.) ) 04105.e•n at 2
.. vlooi. The 'resod Minter and limed
Inds. dhow. roll he present. 1 be bell to.
eight promises to M • 51,101 5001617 event.
RsTl41Ni; SCHOOL Teoorirs -The public
•cbeel trustees whew are expires this year
•reRebt Melren,Sri. D.vld'swird: Wm.
Aohe.oe. 81 P.triek'e .aid ; N Nichol
• 00, Rt 0..r .'. ward, and H. W. Ball, St.
Andrew's ward. A summon to A. 8
Chi real, wbehm removed to Loodoo, •les
writ here to be *looted Yr. Ohrys's, set
for St. David's word.
HosTIOOLTOW. Sot -11M.- A meeting
was hell se the of6n of W. law, Is the
000rt house, on Saturday armies for the
propose .1 .rraging • settees! winter meet -
Ines for the dleoewtoo of abjera e'lateen
to hwtioulture A program for to meet.
Inge was mapped oar. The Bret meeting
will be held early is January, ad the list
01 sateen for dtsoussiun w111 be published
le dee time.
Annear( Tomes, Co. -This popular
•ttn.tloe will he .t the Victoria fes ma
.olid week, oommeeoine Wedgy, Des. 11,
in • repertoire .f bin weals prodnotiow.
The great play, "Th. World," will be the
ops•Iag .ttis tire. Up-te-date .peri•itlee
.111 urs aiv05 bet.ese sets Prices, 10, 20,
30 mate Indies will be entitled to the
best west in the holm ler 16 .sots it par -
*hard by 7 r r., Moed.y.
*odour • welcome a Yr. sad Mn. Orme,
who have Lately takes up their resldnes le
Cadmic/1. The Urn portion of the sweats/
wee spear in nodal °diverserm. *hat 10
o'olook ,0 (-eeb.•.trwere served, et whirl
all partook meat heartily. Alton this WWI
tomcatting part o1 the program, Ray. Mr.
Alla addressed the company •.d .sprse•ed,
a • few **gest and well donee reworks,
tee ladies' sumer* appreciation of Mn.
Green's me otiose as president of their St
sooty. ,J J1.IMlllla then addressed them
for • t.06-lteutee, alter whin) Mr. Groes
game ono o1 ►. always interesting epe*des.
00solodw` by erpr.ssteg the hops that they
midget all be spared to meet Mala al • sins -
tier g.th.r10. Mr. Allis the. sedated
Scripture rending and prayer, atter which
was sung ' G.d Be With You TIll We Most
Agile." The ooapay then disposed after
lavas sweet • ;west nl°yable .vna4.
AT Cann Gwent.- Governor Griffis
las had some ot the prisoners 10 the jell
engsgd io oo.tieuh4 tis work of levelling
the ground a*ids the walls. The cold
weather of the last few days has stepped
the work, but it will be ooeUoo.d u olr.
oametwoss permit. Anther lmprovemeet
which tt le to be hoped will be canted out
without delay is the building of • new resi-
dence for the jailer and hie family the
*aunty °ouselt will probably oeeslIter this
matter at the prwot .lesion, and *W, we
hope, provide eatable .000mmod&tion
A Romeo MAN -The o.udidato elegem
by the Liberals et See* Brat le mete*
tee riding formerly represented by •x•
ho Hardy T. H. Presto. see e1 Ret.
Jr. Preston, who easy yeors are was pas-
tor of North street Methodist chard Mr.
Preston is the proprietor of Tb* Brantford
Expositor, and a the management of that
newspaper he ha demonseratd the pees
session cf Orstrote business ability. He
is • mood speaker, and altogether • " solid "
ma, and ba election, which is elmost •
forerone 0000logies, will WO South Blast •
worthy sumeasor to the Hon. A S. Heady.
INTIieR[D 40 Til[ SOl'TIt A5041 *N
t,)NTIxr.-Alue.g those et oar townspeople
.r8....' J.iMs.d.g J.k..wemate d thus wear
ie Routh Africa with keep tot.test is Themes
Heed, el this Huron road. Yr. Heed was
Personally icquaieted with.D•vid Uwe. -
.ton.. the grew Alrtmo explorer, .'d at
me lime was ea the proof our going to Swath
Africa bfmsef. From lettere he rewind
tree Levies/stew. sad Iron itis reading is
regard to South Alrioa and its iuh•hi4ass•
he has a eery poor optota ot the Besse.
TM Gaesuitov neatest sow soles ee he
considers is bound to rad is the triassph of
the British ere, end the noels will he es.
tamely maternal to Wm.
FOOND, •ND LOST AuAla.-Petty, wh.
stole a hors* sod berme ap le Brum 1..147
hose or lour week, ago, wen arrested at
Detroit. H• *old the home to • farmer
..oar Str.' lord for 540, of which he got 516
te ease. 'fes bola.*. was to be forwarded
to him. Demon.. H•Q.ross, eh° had ton
tollowiog Petty er, unwired with tnn
farad. to telephome to loom the monist he
sb..sld get the address. ad in Mutpayhe
.01 the et, ort d street somber t. D.1r,u
Ho then t.lerr•phed to the sepwt*tendmt
of polio. at U"troit, aed is • shoes time re-
oe.vied • menage •ratio/ that Petry was is
oustedy. Haff real went to Detroit to
'eke hie ma book to Walkerton. Petty
+aired erudition proo.edi.ls and w•• ss
tar a Pelmerstos no hie way to Jot when be
• ve Heffernan the slip. He jumped o1
he tram sad got away 10 the dark, and at
Ia'set reports was still attars*
A Wmrrras W[DotNd -We had the
pleasure IW week of rs.erdisg the e•55iW0
el Dr. A. R. MacKay, of Bottis.u. North
Dakota, and Miss Blesser Wends. formes
ly of Nile. The Coarct, of Sottisen., io
✓ eferring to the happy eye', Gaid :-•'di la
always agreeable to es to m.k• sots of mod
events its the one recorded save, amid
especially amenable whys it refers to oar
esteemed towesmao, Ili. MacKay. While
we are, of Deane, ue.cguelotee with the
bride, we will vouch for the dootot'■ good
taste in the 'dsstien of • his onspsalm,
an 1 we 0eloome her isto our midst. The
groom, who 14.s Mn • reeideat of Bettis...
and the vtoieity for the past year feed • bat,
has salol (n.r•1 favor both Is asocial way
and on account of h e ability as • physics.,
Wag 000ddered • master of his pnfemio•,
the nemeses practise wbloh he kr fully
proving that this eagles of the dooter's
ability is g0N01...r.l."
Tee Golare R R Det.raanos - A. •
meeting of the Board of Trade held Tuesday
evnlag W Campbell and C A. dumber
were tamed as delegates from the Board to
attend the railway meeting at (loelh t.-
de.y. The ether membsn w Mayor
Thompson, 1i MoG111imddy ued James
M1Mbdl, who were gippented by the town
*snail, and E Heaton, who 7040 as the
r.premeaUys of the oh isses' oommiHse.
D.aT* or A 70.Ha Rma1D1NT.--County
Crews.tert.7 Lewis oe Monday received
word of the dusts, st Cktesgo on the 26*
of November. of Demon Shade Gloodlnr,
formerly et Gpdeneb. The deseseed years
ago was meed for ► tees period is the d-
lloe of Me covey Crews .parley. He be-
longed to a family 0bo were ate( the
earliest rssld05* et Uoderioh, W. F. t J.
K. 015441, (father ad brother of deeesed )
*ion the first merden1 (e ()♦der1ch.
Maegee Oe' INRrrurrs Marreee. -
Mi. Ramillies bes resigned the u.siiten of
libraries of the Meohates' l.e0M8, and
istred& te go to New York to reside with
her sister, Mrs. 8te0.r1. There wen three
er four •pplicaeu For the pest, earl the
board appointed Mr. 1)41 tab fill set the
year, their power of •ppol.ts est net •z -
40t44154 sae further. There *ill be • letter
in our next issue from A. J. Moon regard.
It*/ the free library vete to be taken is Ja.
A CA61 or HaLLDotiaTioN.-A Male -
wet tram ill* Attereiy-Owers/'. depart -
mese eieereag the reverted mirage op -
em the frena d Mrs Carl**, of Ottercp, is
re the 'Hese that le is esu seppeeed dish se
meek Wag ever eomrred eel that the glary
.IIIb remelt .f meal deleeim w the ppar•re
.1 Yrs. Cwlies. The etiolate an sew gime
to ..deru1.d tee* the eemp0e•ot t0 tis
Gass is .51.1!.4 from ballsea0tion se4 din
the mirage doted with same papist' de-
tail. Bever W.8 neem.
Mlr. Cools is Commmm.-ThetolleMeg
Zz•s fres" Tee Benda Observer of Nov.
11.14. rebs to Mime °"b'. first
Te the Utter el Tee 0.00.7.
lira, -If •strias Nye "lows" 1° Ceded&
16 is/.m • smt1e, lied tees memo • been of
iedl/osUe0 with "WWI oast we de ! The
...ail wee'► nets" Se, we am I. •,seal.
gr e6 majority el the n*f.yer5 ars
deadly es•.aw el the ewe. The pim'mm-
hvew i. teen roomette that we Na0et pre.
Nod le add wham we wear the 5waddlf*4
adds d a boa (matey '(11.4.
1y.perty eweem swat? inti 1&e deptsda•
Mese le Maar (.'Mr, tied ethos
deed wise they walk Mr Odds as
Bat Rh set may sew. Time de bear
Oresds: "IS the meshy /b.
ere*/ 5000 we 1. Vow elmele
Oda gathered. I4 me simply • less.
.vatbbl. plea whore • .air meld
be planed was seed is .eat the weed .d
yet gamy were tared awe* The readily
et "T1.e fAve* S .Mies," y YM MytWl
Tell.... (Ceche, of (Mean., mus heysed .11
prat The reed.ti.s took .early *If s
beer, deem the whsle time she held her
sadism' 50.1 )Weed. She le 5rt•hl •
d s
west mitered (Ned .lsostWs.." 31.
Cestekajrill be. Nr8 ss. Mehdmisank
ea Thsy dead/. 14M (.56.
A iloos.Wallnt o. --las 10.4447 etre•
Moe • dry pleseed .vMb, N the forst of a
1e(.e..hrnlee. leek Nees N the resideam
el Om. tiresa. imada 4 M fee Mr pea M Vex
dt.Mle• Weans i. as ward schools remits
7)976 h was mored Is ameodaat the
MIT be paid il•bb. The .meadmeet serried.
Tae secretes was •etheri••d to Advertise
for the weed mewed as camel. No mote.
wee taken is repand le • rtghest from Miss
Burrito fora Morose* a salary owing to
harassed work. 7 e lwo1ary was la-
* truoted to writ* M U. Carey that *Wen
complain that he has hese treep•eshg e.
.phool property .0d ureatia5 es aay.0w
to the ward *hook An &ppllesh* from
Miss M. E. login fes • smuts* ea west -
ant teener' is • ward school should • vs-
o.no7 arise was read ad the beard .d.
Antonioni i Tas al's Co -•1N above .t.
Iranian will bogie • week's ssa.vem.ot 51
the Viola le ea Mo.dey, rise. 11. A sem•
herd the latest suooemes .ill be pranced,
I.oledieg "The Wald," " Mystlo Mena•
min," " Th. Smoo11ws," •' Cass B.11
Easter" "The Little Detaoiiye," •101eale
Ligbtui.g," ado. Over 50,000 lees of spar
W scenery Is aurid tor the various prdao-
ts.s. On the opiates night she bis sorb
predate**, " The World," Intl be Use NIL
Among the may sonic oleete ora-" The
Haber at Naples." "The Ship Scree."
" The Shipwreck," " The Raft Souse,"
"The Lusatia Asylum," and " flee 8nmg.
at Md." Up -'o -date sp...Itiee will be 0.
traduced between ate. Pnees, 10, 20 ad
30 m.*. Ladles will bit mitt led to the best
must le the hese for 15 coed 0, if purchased
by 7 r r Mcedsy.
Teams= Mtsr.-Tho regular mete/
of the Geelong* divides of the West Hares
Teachers' Asseeattes was hold n the Ca.-
tral sohml on the deer.00s ef 8.terd•y
leer, the president, UM 8e.rms, ie the
°Mir. Ower, undoubtedly, to the lool.m•
may et the weather, the ataadame of
wieners was net as large as on former m-
emtoes. However, the program was ear-
ried ons to full Ater dorm ism! •x.ret.w,
*oedema by the vi..aldnt, J. H. Tigert
presented • paper on kerinllon. He
' bowed bow tbu °omparatively sew subject
on the public echos* earnests= may be
made very I.terestleg and t.1tra1l.e-
lahs I+. R Bsll goio a'tory able sod SOM.
ms address es the subject of Geography.
She &avoo•td bowmen. the tewbtag 0
geography to pupal w the lowest Glasses et
item lowest foram of oar schools ad melees.
fag *roads the ether .4..... W. Elliott
reed • paper m dobnl Maoag0m05t. He
saki he ometdered the shoat yard foe ..s4
important mew towards geed school ma-
545eo0t. Pupils should be led to do Webs
be0•w Itis right. Miss I. Sharma gave e
witty .sd.l .ad pn tical address on the
segue el l)r.whg, atter whiob there was •
meet dhowlers The lollowi.e program
eras err.ogd for ansa maths(: -Yds
Fastens o' British Cooetitutioe, Mr. Tom ;
ll.tbsm.t(pel Geography, Mr. Halls ; Lot•
•refer. (2d book). Miss D.te ; Iltarai.,.
(3rd book), Mess Siemer•. ; L"ur.ters (4th
book), Yr L.wreses * pewees &ewer,
)4r TTo. next 0101°• mil urs hele
os th. e.n,rst 8ot*rd.y a F.1;hrarl5 .
The we were looking for ert-tet
weather CA tit tall tome It this week. if ay
of than es -.t rood value for toe last moms
flier nu., I ea 1 upon 0'. J. Prldh.m. the
people's slut/der. fie will gine thea its.
Dr. J. R. 8lonooe's host et friends regret
pry mseb 14.5 root -Weed ill-b.ltb.
The Winnipeg Free Prem Immwe Bulletin of
Friday, November 24th, oo0tafes the follow
tog .000vot ot the merrlore of Robert Smith,
me of H H. Smith, former)) of Goderiob,
end • nephew et Abraham 8*lth, Mn. R
B 8ml'h ad W. K. Roberts*, of this
tew. : " A see pretty wedding took pleat
.: 8t Aloes. yesterday .e 12.30 P.m., when
Yr. Robert Smith, e1 the silty. seen**
5eont.ry of the WlnMpg peblb school
hoard, 0ms seized 1. mserlssay with Mies
MI.. Kobsrt., daughter of Mr. and Mn. L.
P. Roberta, 0156. Ames. The bride was
given away by her father end the Rev. Fr.
Giroux, parish priest performed the owe -
away. The bride Illekd ok.rakg in s
fawn *lend traveling costume, trimmed
with sable, large bleak bat trimmed with
tip, ad earned • Imogene of overs= reuse.
She was misted by bar .leter, Mls. Av.
olio. R"bert., who were him-gret .the
*loth, •rimmed with wrdd silk, sad l.ree
rd het. The great was assisted by his
brother, Mr. Harry Smith. U.ly a. Im•
mediate members of the family wer.pr..m.4.
The home of Yr. .ad Mn. Roberts was
tastefully decorated fee the *0051105 with
beautiful Bowan. Alter the eoMsssoy
breakfast was wryd sed the happy meg
oomple bearded the Southeasters train. for
Wisely*, when they w111 take y Ober
widow se the eerier ef Meade seed Basher.
nod streets. The popularity of the Hide
wee amply dea05strated by the lard a.m.
bee of peewits nseivd from friends, het)
is 8*. Aamemed Closeting. Yr. !41.68 is
eel of W aslps'. peril* yew* neon and
well ksow. ialaer.w*eirelee."
The'moral sessions of the mem 0111 be
held •t tl4 *pert boas* next 'Csed•y.
The weather bee hem quite we0tiy aims
*today, hat More is .et sleights( yes.
J. R. Resodma is agate able N be out,
.ad t, erduelly reoevertse 11:e.tr.gth.
Th. coaly 0000011 le ie session thee week.
Our report of the preoedleg• will appear
serf week
Division Court was held on Friday. The
sitter* was • brief ose and there was no -
'hens of weird taarem.
Mies MoCeagha, daughter .f William
MoCsu,lhae, of town, tis been re-engaged
as towhee in the Dashwood public reboot.
The ow of MoCarewy vs. Proctor, which
was sanding tea hewing in the Supreme
Court, has, we we televised, twee settled by
the pwiles 000eerod.
R0.ferth Expositor : James Me4.th,
mseblalet, who hes hese in the employ of
N. M. Destine for the pest three yews, lies
IMO 86 Joseph ad gone te Stratford, where
he bee weed • geed sheathes is the Greed
Creak shops.
Miss Rote Oeste, et Bt The..., former
ly ef Uderbh, was the omtral* Poloist ie
the proclivities of the cantata " The Holy
City" in Deeds. Centre Methsdist ehurob,
Lades, last week.
l l setd :smith, who M ohar(ed with stealing
two w.*tes ad other articles from James
Garda, Hay towns►t., has sleeted 10 he
tried by Hie Hosier Jade M•mee, .0d the
trial will Mire pees en Saturday.
Oomsteble Kee: went to Toronto en Tues-
day with Lees Jobe Leese., . bey of th1r-
tes years who was eomw(ttd by pollee
me(Mtrs1 Moser Ie the 88. John's Indus-
trial 8eheel. This setae was Mks .4 the
Nota* of R. Hints; president of the
Children. Aid 8edaty, mad epee the rooms.
me.d•ttee of Rev. F•Mer Wee&
P,iei.10 &.:enol. Terorei*.-The pebPe
aghast beard mot oe Meade". Preset*.
Yr. Adssn, ta the Maar, .d Meme.
Celberee,leeLe'e, felehel•.., Rake, (),01l.
•ed R•11. The pr1.Mpel s report fee Norm•
hes skewed 274 bays sod 907 &kis se the
rolls, the •vend. atteedism Yaks 949
bey' .0d 1175 eh*, er 914 per eget el the
eamb'r es the rolls. The regal este* 989
had ben paid the Meru Measurer se Model
et.dset fees, that • supply of anyone fes
the new year wee seeded fid that mosey of
tM saps were •Mak dilepldated as poll as
wrsoe te taolr ttgn'MbMeaa, Way years
Mein damsel .fade hey add were pre.
lard. Mr. 11116 w6/ gives dams a pre-
war' • supply of anyway. ad mi Mertes of
Messes. Sall ed slake tbe mater of
dries map' was referral tea .the 1'
e t•semge$ .e.mf1Ms with pewee be abet.
The 0.p' 1- 'l report, welsh drew dd..
..a M the .5dtl 01 .f same repairs at tb
subside, wee refeered M the datierat ass.
shies with power te ad. As deem* of
(11.ts sr...' ler 970 wM 5dered le be
I* wee dove/ by Mr. 1W1, asilludisd
Yr. C51beesI, that Me arrnyr.•*t
be telt k the herds of the •.peeler
Rae t16bt1101 sett the *4..• el tM.keet
ss.aa.5sseae es.ss0Nee. Ote3is0. iid.
read by Mr. BSB..4 Mr. Ot1(fe that all
the Mei.+ be M'+11hgd at tea n.s
miry se paid Mesabi. red the Maley
ehlldre.. The amount was realised. TM
ef8wn .0d *Idlers of tate Gsderid mem
wish. throu5h the preen, to Owls tee Wad
sad geaarow triads who same to their help.
The dredge Artseddl, tag Hereto .cd saw
are betted for the whiter.
The *hr. 3•tersot Rot sway Wedeseday
sight of last week with her lead of lumber
for bards,
'1'h. eadfoldtsg around the oew chimney
al the waterworks whoa was displeased ad
*early blows down b1 the gale mi Monday
'debt. It ►•d not bees properly brand.
The merino Waren* oompaales deka
).seem se the lake. are reported N have
made bis profits this year. The memo has
bees as exneptlos•lly good ow few them.
The W. Rosedale arrived Seedily sleet
from Fort Willem with 80,000 bushels of
wheat for the Gderloh Elevator Oe. and
diwew.d her edge se Midday. Th.
Rosedale will remain hoes for bite witer.l
1'e* str. Mary Reyes arrived from 011-
••ae 05 Saturday wife 48,000 bushels .f
°ore For the Loden* Elevator Ce. sad left
a Sudsy for (.leveled. Capt. Wm. Me.
thaw, eldest eon of Copt. A. Y. McGreg-
or, of Men, le is eemm.ad of the Mary
The harbor sswssin esand outing loge
tea the s*s.oS Me Thursday. The shingle
.111 will be worke.e tea to days yet TM
out this year was newly term million fees.
Sales have We p.rttoalwly need this sea-
m= At the ole of ming bat year the
01peny had two million feet ea had. Then
is all gore, bssidm all UM 110555'0 lot ex •
°opt about belt • .Ulna feet, sad this will
all be off by o4wiater.
Rev. Father Wase was et Climbs this
week moderniser the forty hears' devotees
et 8L Joseph's Marsh,
The Sees et 8'el.•d well sated dive
mervlm at Ken sero* mems Sunday men -
log ad will he addressed by Rev. Jas. A.
Adeps, B.A.
. D. our. was Is Landes 5t* dory.
W. A H.rtoo. 011111.4 Qt.tes IMO week.
Yin Louie Campbell bas returned Ilene
Magi J..S4Mrmas visited rotary.. at C1ia
Me last week. .
J. H W on.11 made . brill • sit N Clin-
t* last week.
Mks Horlaed has retested femme visit el
several weds of Glutton.
Dr. C. J. Hemlltm of Cornwall, NOW'
nlatimeilt Nowa on Teeedy.
Mn. Wes. AThews ri01td her daughter,
Mrs. Ire e, at feefortb lase week
Reber* Del left es Tuesday 60 vises his
father and mother ..Sr the otty of Q.ebeo.
MIS. H. C. Meer• has returned to TOT
oese after speeding severe! mo•the is God.
Mies Jessie Jessie Robertson, ot Exeter, spent •
few days at hes home bene drag the pest
Lowey clerk Lase attesded a meeu.s of
to home of ming', mous'. toe at Citroen 00
herr. MoM•.us r.'uroo1 i. Bothwell es
Me.d.v after • say of ..nr.i week ea
Gd.reb. '
Geo B. end Chas. Morrie, of Guelph, at-
tended the mddies of their Wier as G.r-
braid es T.esd.y
Rr Y. Cassels end little da&liter, el
Strstlwd, spent Mu.d.y is awe, the guest.
of Mr ad Mrs. C A. Hsmber.
Leat. W. H. 00.dr7 returned last Fri
day hem louden, where 11. was .cloudiest
the military settee'. H. qualified fee the
rank of caps;..
A. B. Fera was In town last week lar
former towesma0 is sow travelling f• r
Whaley, Reyes A 0e., the well -know.
ninnies/ goods firm of Tow*.
Rev. Joe. A. Adeno. was at Tiverton
last week oesdeeting the esrvlee as the
funeral of his brother le -law, Jobe Mo -
Donald,. preeminent resident of Tlvatsu.
Mies 6v. Aob.ee* a 'Mit.. bee sister,
Mrs. Greig, at 9e•tortb. 0e Sunday soles
Aobesoe seed it the Pre sbytd.ien ober&
tow., the 000 .ee befog the adversary
servi.es of the assigr5g0tlm.
Loot 8..d.y bele( the ere 8.0d0y Is
Advo*, the 5.5tem•r' Dre..tlens Led re.
adjustment of alarms were wade la 8t.
George's 8.010..01.01.
R• v. J. Greene of Holm40vllle, will w-
eepy ha pulpit of North stew Methodist
aura es 8esd.y mem la the armee* et me
primer. wbepprr.eaeeelhe•. the sealed .Wl..ary
oereime 0t H..w.LB..
Next Sudsy His Lordebip Ike Bishop of
Here will prom** St G.er1.h aere& 51
het) .swims M be bas elven • good deal
el study a the dead advent. the Boded
se wish& h. will epode,very lustreetive d
drams abaited forward be orward t .
1 he •..mal waist of the dashed ad
allows of Bt. G..rre'e 3end•y *Aral leek
p1•.e •t the restore last Tltrsidy ev..0g.
The 1 massa' reports were pressead aa4
ether maters he ooseetlos with the .seal
were dismissed. Tie mama MMMM.*
es04demeet will pr busy eke pees oe
?relay. D.e.mher 9 .
Rev. J. A. Haus4Nen, Y. A , of [odes.
bbpee' prodded .0 appropriate dram is
ilhee +Mame lest Friday means •e the
lorries preparstery t. eo..sde.. At the
elm el the sorties the poster, 1. she add
of the .wits, resolve/ tato fall damask.
twisty see mit ...bre-.urea at ptah.-
sMo of their faith, eel tea by eerttA.oe
tree ether Adobes.
The yearly tteN-dealel observed by the
(.vote. Army frees Me 1916 M the 96A
of Nevemhr was d.d4.dly • messed Their
Nm ma to rates 900 re belp es the week of
turn Army is 10r ., stash es reseed.( the
.14.% swede the dr ekard., .helnrf.& the
rNe.smm. •vesselitaq the 14..then read,
lisig the Meddled% Waddimmilim the
welshed .ad prareldhat Mar fee hoselr
Piano for Sale-P.O. Box 146
Sheep Astray -Jamb Yager, Ca1MNs.. 1
Yon Goode -J. H. Fodder si
Christmas -1A , O. Geode 4
Two -0..0810-W. A. M.I.I. ' $
Me•dga•rfssa for Christmas Byt g -
James Reblaeoe 4
Cordwood Wasted -F. Bedew Holmes1
Three Weeks' Bale -W. /whew t Bea6
No Fortelle Needed -P. T. Hallo. 8
0&ri.tss. Frula.-Mterdy t Ce 4
Useful Christmas Gine-Les t Shephard 8
The New Tey Sen-timllh Bran t 06
Tenders ter Wed -Wm. Mitchell 1
Tiny Tablets -A. McKim A Cs., Mg-
trial 4
Hair Gesde-Prd. I1ore.w..d 8
Aameeneessest -J. H. Were& - 1
Btewsre 1
Card of Tba.ks-A. J. M.es. 1
Aeaou.eo..SI--rias. Yet*. 1
A oesse.t--J. W. Bredssi.k 1
Aod.rse• Theatre Cor-OMkeri. Opera
Heim 8
T110 regular meeting o/ the town
council and • quantity of other inter-
esting matter is unavoidably crowded
out this week.
sr The miliary experts of Britain are
finding fault with the conduct of the war.
If they don't stop that The Halljlton *Doe
Sitar will yell "Treason 0" at than.
er The battle ot Mndtler Rivslr.lae* 1.4
enough, there being 73 killed Yrs 366
anometed, bat w- tree amt Ms "Y.aiis-t
battle of the century," and we are thankful
for that.
Moopa7, Deo. 4th.
Wm. Mc(-ooeell vletd bis eater ..Be.
A. R Sheppard, of Nile, tfesduotd mer•
.foes here on Sunday.
Adam Thompson, of Dungannon, visited
N Goo Borrows' n Sunday.
Asp+Gordo° basins. to work in Siu.rt'e
.111 ie W.w.soob for • short time.
Mir Lena Gerdon,of 84. A0(05tine,'peat
8ad.y at the Meme of bee pares* here.
Wes Alias Dougherty, of the Collor/t•
Institute, Goderiob, spent Sudsy at hems
Mrs. Wm. Barrow' ntertideed • large
na.ber of her triads as • quinine on Wed•
medley of last week.
/w Thirty-nine members of the Canadian
contingent wore rejected at Cape Town ew.
- eft plryaics4 disability, which goer to
show that Tower Aisne must be a high
notch specimen of the genus fighter.
MONDAY, Dm. 4th.
Mite Jia Orem, of rnr.ttord Rvsimes
Coliere, wrlyed bomo last Th.rd•y.
C. Les' lett Leo Monday for Shelban*
M setts shoat the Gale of hie lata, whtoh
he ontr*etd some weeks age.
Miss A. MoPhm, wee has ben yidtl.g
her relatives I Colborne fen the pest lona*,
returned to her .ewe in Detroit lest Serie
A debate will be the order .7'40. evening
at the tewt ship hell Friday first. 11 sill*
the Ent debated the ww and *be moiety
.i11 mamma oll we as a/4d. M they
*eh to woke le .0 oven better noes. Ilia
lust tenter I1 possible.
F. Jordan bas received a karge .este..
mat of Christmea geode 1s portend. *awl
goods, ate. Look lea We advertisement
Dein week.
A geed wend head creel formes /tad •
I.rg. number 01 reoegd-h.0d weed stores
f.1 mi.. *Map III J. H. Worm.1's, I8' Mess
wee .ad fur** rase.
0o to Victoria Reot.urat,' Ween esr
hese oyster es,
They reve ahem sga1fee
and sen be dopesded apes. 70.ea,
Monogamy. ee. C. Btroi.rop., pespsewsed
06.T(aletmoor Auediia-80 g6tt.00de
of books, met awry, miss. team Pt/e6
edle ad wall-pespsr. Bverythl.g W M
be sold, sod tomb will ~doe WS the
whole stook ie mid est. 3a1111. YISM
W•oted -O.s tea MOM ref* bream
weekly. Price 200. Alm ay gasWF
dried apples sad fow'L We My etch fes
batter. 11 you have suss plaid er Mem
. pee skirt you're w4 k Ir. Out roam e(
dress geode. jeekw *4 tar is .es ar-
pesesd. U. 8. KIN&, W4.rbe..
Coat► 0.der1&. he 32, C.O.F., wW kMd
grand .notal .Nr••is.ee4 mad •yeller
.upper to the _Tempm.se. Hailes Yrldy
e tge4, loth Dees.lter. Sapper swayed kola
7 to 8:15 o'oloek. Admission, 25e. 8esry.
o.s is Invited. Jas. Tart, Mkt Ranger t
Taos. BDaww., Reeerding 80,040E7,
We w111 be reedy M offer yea gess her-
esies is dry geode sed rreserl.u. loll bmag*1
.t • low rote a the dollar. se (yss.slisy
aerelsg. Dee 9111, se the Hamill.. steed
bares. sere, 0.1.1408, Tim bs.keips
o gee& M extra geed. 5H bevies hem b(pN
ass withts gee leen fear ./the. Tea may
.:pest special harrow. We sell cheap • 1
the tam. J. W. B*ODI1101.
The style .f heir worn is a i.perts t
Mow to modem • yammer ad Mined lees
and a well shaped head be ay idly et
gestlem•e. Prof. Deresweed, whit will he
at the Bedford Hotel, M.atMy, Dessemb.r
18th, cos demonstrate this te sense 'Whey
es him at els skew .mins. He W ladies'
and gest.' wire, Napes, Mee•. _ wvy eld
plain trouts, washes In every WMlt14 s.4
. td., list he will `Idly djs•s ea e y
lady's heed ires of •hurl• te preys MAL
D.'6 fali to me him. It is ole may tial
Gannett this mems.
MONDAY, Doo. 4.
Mr. ad Mn Smolt visited ibaer.sam
it sew .ppeeotbe 01 the mW we remind
lest week.
Mn. Sebee.bals, s1 ,'treed to M11yer.
tee Saturday.
Mr. Yak, d 00'lshllb., psesd Ibroetb
ger village Meade,.
Masa Awash.' Menne*, d KI.M11, visit•
d her oeeoh, Yee Annie Crawford.
Oar .000.1 ese.a.a.mmst- Weddle(
belle we riagiee. The time It draw.`
. Igh. T
deibe.. d
. R4erd.amiss BMMs'1'ker.
low left Saturday se a visit te li64.0de.
W Io4Mm.
Georg. Therkw haw Mira fame.e fide
embed to the house with itsmothro, sod.
he Nisi mate to get his fall week do..,Ihe
a0ehha e to the emitter el thirty or oyer
g athered Me a *day Sad prepared 81.
..er meek .1 weed.
AU Perthes glag ave tale tree
7tt1b p'i.te& Y
h this 11. ease to he t1.5 a ta/awM&
Ba,o*Dar, leo. 94b, 1890.-Aseigew ode
of me .wlo•d of seed Mehra. pis& steels,
mile& sews sad hdlest . salt, peeslat d
Riobwd &
Pews, Heewed, Oen WO be
mid at HatdltaM. /.....art. 'jj(laa
10 menthe' .r.d14 es fen/shift.g.....f►
N ees. Taos. UD*Da7, 00 Hester.
BBw .ala la 0.14.4..6 penal. 1*
Sewon'.,mrter 18045.40 seal Sem* *treed.
A wide . The ki ;meth . !idle., .sen
Benign • visit a New W.emealeer, B O..
mattes the fellow*N ISferaum t. • 0e.d.-
rle toy : "004 Msles.ss., el 0.d.r40
well Indira her., has &sup of um bask.
ter the great hardware Gm of OwedUg6 ed
gem. Se Is pk•esd with she .11yp„
people sad eoad, sed 11 they ed q a
hesebele rid I tees wmes.ra .*) he MIR ge
deuht res•te Mee . the Were." e.,o
A Lona army 00 • 1wtebet1,
Lon :meo1O' Ont., Nov. 12th, '90.
J. M. McLeod, (loderioh.
Deer Sir •-Lt any 000 team pro-
fit from this letter, print it I think ssy
rt.n should be made known. L.t fell I
was troubled with • weak back mod with
my kidneys, etc. My ease took • mime
tarn at last, it turned to dropsy. i had
three gond doctors attending me. Nese of
them oovkl help la. 1 was 4ppd serge
omni.. After this I was given tw.gtyder
hours to live. A good eighbor divined me
to get some of your remedies. My brother
went at once to 0odencli and got some d
your System Renovator and Sp•aso (here.
i wan sore I *ski know the °h•.ge after
the first dose. I began to kaprove at ewes
and was able to bete Goderioh four week.
after L began them. I ea sines quite wall.
I worked quite • lot this e...•r. I ibaab
you and wish you mach unman ad lea(
life. Yours truly
62-41 Jan1. Baser..
Ycttns�ili- fled
A '
111.- t Ili. e
ash.. 4. Jecs,
sate. N•'��
t7:B1.L-Istrit y*0* Nsiplb. W Atcram a-