The Signal, 1899-11-30, Page 8goon WIIEEL ruvEn FR
The Wheel is locked with a chain end padlock, and
we have a box full of keys, amongst which is one key
that will unlock the Wheel.
On every Dollar purchase
In our Store you ,may
draw. erre' Key a q. (et'
and on Doo. BOth-the Wheel will be placed in the centre
of our store, and every person having one of the above
keys can try to unlock the padlock
The lucky one to open it may carry
away the Wheel.
See Wheel in our window.
Just now apo, fat
valoes in Ladies' Trimmed
Harte, Sailors kh.l Walling
lista Felt Stilton to ;ill
colors, 50e. Children'. 1.ou-
oetaaad Hata, nee, warm,
pretty and c t;
Boys Suits
a specialty
Irvin $1.51 sp.
ilgy.' Ovorruatm,
Pai 1Y&oketa-
Clearing a a
$3.75, worth
Otrreoat.., r�.atate
Mita and %este.
Yon will find our
make. the beat in
the market. Our
triter at the bottom.
Cold weather
will soon be here, and
160,601m, warns No k
Ruffs, Caperine. anal
Capes will be ju.t the
We have a very larg°
range of the latest
style. in Sable, Antra-
cheo, 'Ptewum, Seal.
Lace Certain,
Carpets aid
See sirINVof Jackets and Capes. HOSIERY and
You will find our
stock very cow-
' plebe in these de-
part/newt'' �I.•, salHomespun., Broad-
cloths and Serge..
Nice, Nea,y Basik Guts for
Giidrte's Jackets
in Greys, Brower and Fane.
New ihosigtts, just purchased last
Leteet Idem*. Prices Right.
Niue, heavy, ribbed Ho.e,
!Amino .*ce, epactal at 20c.
Boyo Fleeted Lime! Underwear,
keeps them just as warm an toast, the
chilitron say. All sires in stock.
Ladies' heavy Yon., 200•. and 25,-.
teething and everything in -Hand
kenhiefn, Nice, late -edge Haitdker-
.•hiefe at 5 for 25e. Silk Handker-
chiofs at be. each. All kinds of Hand-
Try a chance on the Wheel. It doesn't cost you any-
thing. We give you good value every time on what you
Smith Bro's & Co.
Asetber Iutere.ttoo Letter Irene • Ned.
rich Boy 1■ the Great Cite.
The elections were hold hen this month,
sed perhaps some of Burs's politic.s may
Sod none of the tollowlsg Ideas new. While
the tmap*ten was a 11 was • very common
e ight to w the oandldste holding teeth
Prem aha tell -sed of a cart Bally deoer.ted
with gap, C61sses Interne and Aare -ups.
The beauty of this scheme is that the plat-
form (like toe speech) may be shifted
Memel rapes in the seam .f an evening
M mob the different °leases and nationali-
ties. Again, • platform is •rooted on some
(oats or the feet of • let, and about 8
Vele& a display of fireworks, rlyelltu% thaws
of • Dentefes Trey blebr•Uw, L rive. A
srewd mon sateen, and when the .poker
watts he emphasise an important point •
rtamal te bee sae L .bergs of the fireworks
brings tam desired malt. Of mores, the
ceramists is intense more w in the .wish
vi ekyreek.ts sod the bang of torpedoes
teas It the bombast and .platter of the
speaker. Deed looks apparently mount very
sweeer. elm-
thousand" of cards and el -
Ire Newlin the pictures of the dilates
eh.did•tr.trew tb• street* sed adorn shop
weathers rs od signboard.. And, by the way
papers talk, t6• almighty .dollar today
bow ea meth lonesome as le former Nines.
To rayon. e000som.d to the oourteom
and serdlal manner of people ie tows or
Isesry ethos petiolate o the .treat, Now
Yerk style presents • etre., ewtrest.
Whes two reredos (Neagh parfait etraug-
M) meet es • oasslry read the day'. greet -
es at bob • read la erebnged : here ser
may No fee week. without .xeetasi•g
was • aIle with sty peeper hy. It Is tree
rase *lee ose meets the memo woes day
o hm dsy gem. form N melstatlsa may al-
5onmedy result. Resryeoe .pman to be
fb • peas harry. tb. malarial paying MIAs
sward to me rlgbla of Mees. AN. It tow
•l0w• • Miran fes eo to Gritty be Album
mod Vase required h per any gives often,
whether man, beast en ave* -ear. If it le
lapawlblw M pass wlf4em% b4Nlly, Neto
raja.. 9*oY p. sup sad leap w ase..
Ryerson, swams be mouse the happy Noah,
of attseding te his fir her .we haloes sad
Meer people do libwl a. Two
t bee Ili. h ph. mese bass, fro
weeks wiles. e116r Woe awe el She
Nimis pi eine, Gad es 11s• mare street ter
erfassarrtsr bpi rely ter ebbs. W a 6uhdred
110 soraes ser Nbm.
aisa. N Ilio Hebrew anebss realm&
A abs dmr(ptlsu is Minks ef N. Ire
bit as Niel 1forrypsed. where mm -
era leadMs bei •11 park et Renee
ha WON w nebo.p ell bads el see-
- t alb se Imre114 tercels
or MM Atm sem iunakuses
pue6•oarts, and ore so densly packed with
profile that it esquires the momentum of a
living hwtb.11 wedge to fort. • panne.. 1.
the oar*. L about every imagioery kind 01
inerohandiste and product", sty rood., boots
and ;noes, fruits, vegetables, armories, foe!,
china and ghee wan, furniture, jewelry,
of*. While the majority of those who fee-
goeot this market aro of Jewish •xtraotfen,
many ;other n.Uo•lities are reorssetod,
sod this swine is very animated and noel
This is the poorer section of the oily,
sod here an to be found open air play
grounds and gymeaslom.. To those aeon" -
tamed to Beide of green grass and
trees, the plain sand sod earthen floors are
n ot very Inviting, but the little children of
the oity seem to amok It an Ideal spot for
r.ereatioe The equipment of the gymna-
siums is as oomidst. as that o! any modern
lod°or institution.
In the hu.inw portion of the city very
few btoyolee are seen, the streets here beim
paved 010.147 with oehble outset, °emporia%
e oMvoribiy with shoe• In Buffalo, whore
meetly eery other street L asphalt. Of
sores. then are many aloe tripe for Mei-
elute, but to get round smoothly one has to
be well acquainted with the oberao,er and
layout of the street,.
Although there are lonrer bridged, •rid
higher bridges and bridges that h... more
indite, Brooklyn Haldes L probably the
moot remarkable bridge in the world. The
bath" of the river w both Ndse are oily •
few isetotls,. the water level, to she sp.
proeoton and grade" dant book felly ball a
mile 00 either si4• from the shore. High
"hove the ma.cheedt of the largest meads
and for ahoy" the housetops extend" the
massive eiront'... Then are two meta
piers, and from these ere suspended the
massive Gable; whlob la t -rn support the
"wieder °"hiss bolding the !IOW ef the bridge
proper. The prmnmade is on the centre of
this floor and on either bend are gp•o.e for
he elevated oar", the street, oars end for
'skidoo. The Brooklyn street Gan rue o
the New Veldt aide of the bridge, switching
off one line to lone short homelier the width
GI the bridge on thla gide, and agate .e-
eeoteseler en cue lir whoa retereleg.
There sr. 3,500 oars tees daily some 1.
ureter the bridge. The dim light, the ever.
Lacing Matter and nesting of the belle and
the swarm* of people wish. a .ows of 004. and • doses polle•me 1 "ed as mese
tall.., In"peeters are kept basy trying to
terel•t. the 4N.rdr Between 8 sad 10
.'sleek Is the morales and from h to 5:30
te the otherness the rush is ereste"e, .ad
{h. willies. M people Mei daily Groes Ibe
bridge seem all to he m*kleg • fr"ntie effort
to gN over et the soma time.
The ".wing of the display s
brae, .4 Newey, the pretaoa.4e .pees we" •
gelid mem of str.ggltae, agelrmisr, tier r
flag Nmanity. Men &eight o protest task
lady aeunpraleae, owl IMMO less 18.mtelnl11
fres the awful a. est. It wen Imp.rUtts Ise
} 1t . ••- . "seer-••" , -. ....... -.
wait --/lister Wag N ogees V wbioh
(.se asu1d move, tf me .seabed eeM. Children should always
were plied ea top, psa6ed over bg lira .
welghs of those lighted. m. may war to increase in weight. Not to
net aeries was by ylotdty to he.l.pettts
mesre) N ponotsw,,Dug •e mow, n t0 Increase in flesh,
hoer w traitalred to make the passage, giv~' s ,true..
let( Photy of se to see the Anwuris, If belongs t d age.
Pr awl fit h I h
the pressman permitted.
&i..ued whirs •U pasowgere es Meta
e&Mseblpe meet ossa a their way t. .ad
trim 16. Anna*&s is the Goddess el Liberty.
w.le.aine, as it were, Me people o1 mom
ar•hioal sma.rie..f deepens Karoo* to this
lead of freedom ..d esbs►tesmeat. Tee
Mean, pre• •ted by the Freaob satin. to
ttemeatum o. .t toe solo of the Aaeriesll
*ad 'mob people to evbte.tog the oedema•
d..•es et Nie eeuany. he of °Queer, -150 feet
high, and the dame la the tomb t. 305 bpi
Wow. lemonade track, j1,p.dei ii too
its tray tatalus $ pullse) eektotruitip as ht
die statue, It h .t IIsi ants , ranite, over
eocnt turn ca t
&Mantis t> t this increase
in weight should be steady
and never failing.
To delicate children,
Scott's Emulsion brings
150 test high, with several baleyjesruralise to the
aloa8 the outside. There ore two observa-
tion Innate upon the .t.1.e- from the fore.-
ore•he.d and from the toroli. Ames' is pained
by mesa. of • stairway, winding round the
ventral Oar of the supporta to the
bead. 'rhe •wont 1s vary tiresome and by
the time the top v re.oh.d diael.,es M
the result of the winding tooting. The
vcea• from the lop is very iatero.Uy, re.
n.liog ship" of many kloda at anchor in the
hay, steamers passing the Nerrowe,.Broek.
bridgs •penolue the wash, the shy
sermon la the city sad the blocks of bund.
judo tad rows of streets is New York and
Tb" aquarium .1 Buttery l'.rk is ►,other
plass et interest. Hen are to he saes in
tanks strewn with gravel and weeds repre-
sentatives from many riven, lakes and
memo- white, red, bus, yellow and golden
8th, rivalling is oolor the beautles of the
rainbow : long, Darrow, broad, Nat and tri-
angular Bah : speckl•d,etrtped spo'Ttted sod
plain 8.8. Among those whish recalled
days that are past were betook sad lake
.rout, white -fish, stone-suoker,, blast tad
rook bin, perch, herring, piuksrel, .uafish
and an eight -foot sturgeon weighing 200
posteds. Turtles and crabs ars also repre-
sented. Possibly the four ..1. soros the
gr•*tses.tteotton. It would be .Imost Im-
poalbie t• immuring seething more gr.reful
then the movmenta of thew sleek. Moue'
aoima6. They **let fluent' wall below as
*boys and are lint as swift when swimming
on their books se *bon they are right ride
up Oce of them bas a bad habit of *patio'
• mouthful of water over the edge of the
took, end it le amusing to watch the look of
atomise and dngusl whish come. to the
fee. of the w000,ot visitor when the stream
Newt the starch out of hi. shirt front and
hempen his good clothes. H. T.
Now York, Noy. 141h, 1860
A pot meeting of the special oommttbe
•ppoiutea by the Guelph Hoard of Trade
.ad the railway committee of the clay coue-
oel of Guelph wee held sae omens* Let
eye_ o id
es tjt. goeeuoo *f C.
tansies. There were preset: Ald. Ryes
(chairmen), Koea.dy, O'Connor and H•mtl•
on, reproaIetlsg the oity oouooil : mad Col.
lIirtabotbam, Ald. Thorp, prreldme. *inert
and secretary Bookiagb.m, representing the
Hoard of Trade.
A reeolat:oa was owed asking the Guelph
Junction Railway directors to produce, at •
meeting whloh the direowre were Invited to
attend in the city hall of 4 o'olook on tri•
dsy afternoon all oorrespodenoe sod
e . leading up to or Marine ea the City'.
°ri: at aeroemeet with the C P.R , as well
•• :. 1 subnegaent documents me to the ora -
demotion of 16s hoe from Ouelph to Lake
AIJ. Loop gave details se to the routes
projected t0 Goderioh.
Ald. Ry.% is to .end i•vitatioso to the
bends el the various municipalities sloe,
the route, sad to the presidents of the
ltoard. of Trade when slob seat, ooking
them to attend, with other d.1..4.s, a
misting to be held la Gaoler on 7th De-
cember, to discuss the proposed *innate..
The wumption L that d.larat le will ars
ries between 10 sad 11 oblook on the fore -
tom of the dote Bred. Th. proposal*. Is
to Inset at 11 o'clock, disown matters, .d-
Jrors for lusob, snit thea ruums red co•
elude the business. It is supposed the pre -
wading' will be fial.hed in time to enable
delegates to take the *rising train home.
The Guelph Monitory in Its editorial ool
tonne on T4•red•y last referred at goons
length to the railway agitation. It said
Discussion was ►aepended 1 eat spring es
the sabjeotof (1.P.R swamies from this
oity to l:oderioh, as • result of a Mob l6et
the oomp•ny would not asdertake the work
during the prisons year et least. The ole
repeated reason was mentioned, that it had
Its bands too fall with the eeastruotloo of the winters ooastry. Inasmuch,
however, as the company was understood
to favor the deepening of Goderio6 harbor,
the lof.reoee was draws that It was .till
looking forward to o.rying met ita promise
to this oily to 6.114 the line from Guelph
to Huron.
Although the •gitaUoe was dropped, it
was only dropped temponrlly. With the
knowledge that th• charter for the poojwted
rood will expire to 1901, the municipalities
Interested is the enterprise bad r'0 (eteotios
of giving the matter a very lose rest, lie
sides, they 1.10, and .1111 feel, the oommoy
has temporized with the .object loos enough,
and that we should apd out at length del-
imitate what it woods to do Hama the
presses pr.paretloos for bringing the ques-
tion to a loon.,
Aotion 1s now taken as the n.olt of two
or three Haag.. The question formed •
prominent feature of the exoetlent address
*bleb the President of bee Board of Trade,
Air. E. R. tiollerr, promoted to that booty
at the annual meeting. Recently the eons -
oil et the Board met and prepared • report
on the Delete be mwtleaed, sad that report
was laid before the meeting of the Board
when It re•nmt i ire meeting• fdr the winter
on TsraJay night. The report reoommeod-
od tbeappoistment et • small .p.o4a1 crow
mates to or'-oper"te with the railway osis•
minim of the oily oeunoil, and the Board
complied with that rogommwdatio, rad
named se members of the committee tenth•
mare who hays take • Ivrea tatreet in the
projaot, and who may be depended upon to
,lo all th.b is passible to a000mnliah the oh
jean in view.
The shy meson also had the "object
brought b.lnro it very clearly by May r
Nekton eev.r,l months ego, sod it has now
bees moved to sotto by • oeamuaioaties
-from the mayor of Godeti,h, whose people,
bks those of various meelolp*litlrs along
the route, .n manes to see the railway
hells. The memos .tem ere belt•, .Mien
le Deformity with a report et the railway
eemmittee, to whom the (:.deaeh onmmnn•
teatime was referred.
TM j that esm.nfet•e of the oily semen
end the Reard of Trade, who have the mat-
ter in heed, invited the Oeelph lone -
bio Ratty/my directors to meet with them
and submit for oosald•r►Uo, such papers
aN• as may throw Tight on
Ike •(re•mwt between the oily cad the
C. P. R., rad spm the subjoin of soy saw
egeet propose!. far estasdiee the railway.
1. this way the ser from • Guelph *ted•
point should be thoroughly papered for
pr•.oetatlo at fbs meeting of delegates
from the various municipalities Interested,
whish L M be held her. en Demi/her 7t4
Meent'me, AId. Ryes, nhalrmra of the
/Met onmmietee, le seeding nue lettere to
the m.ynrs, reeves and preeid.nte of boards
of Ir.d• aloes the two prnjeoted emote,
Warts them to Dee thee delegates ars ono .o
the emtereemi, wblob will he • ray Inver
east sae, sed wblek, it 1a hoped will remit
fa pawls, the way re eonylse the proimn to
a seee eefol Ire..
The Lemony Wm glee" • r.pnrt of s inlet
n»atiag.l lbs tante r•mbelaise o r tMU...lei
May aouodL.po.ksl emtedmes et .N 6,1, i 04 11111r DM ht11`se1/6
bloodA and firmer
Better color mcg
cheeks and stronger
muscles -to the limbs. The
sin in weight is subran.tial;
it comes to stay.
I.'- cad h,.Do. .L ereggiets
SCOTT a aowMs, CL.abts, Teeswle,
trade of Guelph awl Geolph Jusotloo Kan -
..y directors held Friday afternoon. Then
*me present : Ald. Ryn, obslrm..;
Mayor Noise., Aid. Thorp, O'(' mer,
Howard, K.u•.dy sad Hamilton : (i JR
Hellen, Kendra* board of trade : W. a,
Hwokiagbam, esorsbary w; Col. MaodwgY•
Proudest Guelph Jutios RaUwsy, sa/
\V,. Bell, a director.
A14. Ryer' explained the °bigot .1 the
meals,. He stood ask .bae tatty olreu-
lun were home sent out to parsons striae
this Imes of the projected C. P.R. roots" from
Gselph to Oedertoh, settler forth the
objeso of the °outing massing of rspresents-
tt,.e from the differest aoaiolmhuss to 641
bold in Guelph, December 7th, *tad is.ittse
thea lo sod dd.r•te• He aLo stated
that the members of the cliff's -mit ooniml,
tees were unease to hear the view" of the
Guelph J epodes, J routers r'0 the esti et,
cod have the matter dor used goer•lly
Lieut -Cot. Msodo•eld said t6. G J. R
board wale ales), *Oho, sad sexless
to give whatever information it pos-
sessed to tos0.gtww wttb the as-
teo►ioo. Although notbi.g practical ae yet
had been aoo.mplu8ed to the way of carry•
tog out the proposal, he had o6t.i..d ons•
dd.r.61e oorteepon.l.uos, see road to the
msetiug what e e thought wthhl be interest -
11011 Te• c°rreepondeooe rotated to mel-
te, Iron W. lime tb* road sae maim.
plated from U.rnpbelletlle to Gs.Ipb; el the
ulvm.t. 'cameo of the C P R. iv 0.0.
wrest 44.4. r.*sl.JOnw 44fi4.b 4* ftlp41,,i.•8 We
.sou .*other d.thcalties in the way Were
..vercoute, . e. Amosg the ob.tacles n.eo-
50. too building of the Loaded sad
Intron Rodney, and the construction el s
tine from Hamill°. to Nagar* Falls. Them
two lines bad been built .ince and are now
to oloraton. Since thee, however, ether
enteraltnehael unmitigated *6onemil _- -74►.
('.P. R. found it s.00esery to °oast/sot ted
equip lines io British Columbia trona ',like
they had derived Tory Adtto reales, but
these bob bad to be built, wbioh wooded a
litre expeodit ur.. He 000.tdered the pro.
posed lee from Godorleb to Mostresl would
be probably ono of the best the o.apsey
wool 1 have. Now with the harbor input.
moots being completed at Gederle► he
believed the blase eoporteo* fee egiMb.
mg the scheme. H. had meet Bur
Wet. V.o Horse and b.d hie
eeserraee that the matter was not lost sight
of. The o.slr•nl between the C. P. K rad
the oily .toted t6•t in of a
read bang boat from C.mpbellvill* no
Guelph that lb. oomwoy, Is he eves of
butld4g • lis. t. Godertoh, would de ss
trees Guelph, beli.viog it to be the most
direct way. If the road was bolls the oily
would participate In the mucilage, lust the
gams a. now. He behoved the oity would
resp a great Iwo.dt from boob . transaction.
If the lise wee built by the people of Guelph
and ether mu°hofp.litme, be could sot lay
that the C P. R. Company would op.nt.
it. H. telt they would rather bond the
road themselves, the cost of whish would be
is the tugbborhood 01 ose million of dol
Ian. A rout• had te.n stvsyed by Mr,
lensing. whish he thought would be the
one adopted by the oomp ny fs ext adJ.g
the lies. The route su,ge.ted was whet tg
known as the southern lis., sad embraced
such town. *ed villages as Cos..toeo,
HIwkeeville, I.lowoo.l, Mnlbak, 1411.,..
toe, Moktoo, Welton, Hlyth, kl*ooheeter
and Goderiob.
L'.nt.•G.1. Higinbotham thought the
people of Guelph had delayed this matter
long summit. JI wee true teat decided
* otlon should be taken. To hie knowledge
premiers had Mea male three dbt(sol flout
by the oomp..y abet the rod would be
built, ..d still am eff.rt had been nada to
°nostrumr it. H. foil, the company had not
been Wooers in -the matter.
Mr. Bell thought if. Gown nutrient .ubody
sod bootless meld be got then Amid be
Ilttls ditboolty in going ahead, se thaws
would likely amount to ball se nisei as
would be required,
The meeting dwarfed to await a reply to
• oommunhc*tlon to be addressed o t8.
company at Motrmel, ashlar additiouel V•
formation as to the route, etc. Tbi. infor-
mation is 'emoted to be remand before the
mo°ysutloa of repryeat* en Deo, 7th.
Mayor Thomp.on and the secretary of the
lloderioh Board of Trade bare melt removed
oe of the oiroul•n bet out by the oh*ir•
man of the r*llwsy committee o1 the Guelph
oity wauoil suggesting the sending of req..
.tentative., to the mesas, to b. held .t
Guelph bekt week, The invitation si11 bs
before the cannon at its regular onetime tea
morrow (Friday) sewing.
Tenders Wanted.
Tenders for Supplies, 1,11.
The undersign '4 w111 reecho, mutters for
supplies go lu4ws eta 111014144r, IMO Iib.
1'4..for tMhe terpay of b0/dh.n beat• better,
dairy and nr».mrrc, glvlog the prise of sob.
8 sur. °sonnet, *Mato•., eor*wood, et-.,
for the foI owlog Ia.11let oak dorlae the Igor
15*4, v'x. a --
At the any tom for (pe leans hi Toronto.
Luode. li l"..tow. J(.y te, Mimeo. wen*.
vine end OrtIlle , cer RMnrmatm.y. Toronto;PrI
the Hrfnrma cry
go. Nora. 1'ennbenttniehene; the leads. tions
tor Deaf and rtnmh, ge11ew01a tad the 101at
el Brant foot
Two anell.•test surMlse will be re4blre4 fov
the due f°11111ment of earth °Detract. Apaold-
Wtbn. and forme of teate• ran only be had
be making appllomllon to the Doreen of the
rMptr*4ve Ina Itntlone.
^0.44. Tenders are not requiter, Mr the sup.
ply of moat to the asylums to Toronto. Lea-
den. Kingaten. He niltee *.A Mellon ear t0
the Central Priem and Martel Retamasery,
The lowmt or any tinder net o.0aa..rpy se•
N•wImre indenter, this advertisement
without authority from the department will
sol be paid for It,
R. ORRIf4TIJt, T. r. C17AMR*fU.ATN,
�a*, h0EO!l, leeem.enef Prisons and 1.8.
kt tithe Parll•*tet R..n.n••.. rereroo,
Ifo.. sots me. fast
Wewattee r• a
of families ode loraner at
w6oie or .we sloe, 15 mu
umeb:as atm wane obs )w tee
oweek ar
M(ibthe r eweft_ ea at in. low
une * ~•e•owa•f lei UMW aeratedtoo abs warn
Mesita' abilt
Owe/e.'ae1A Sts a weae0ke.
Suppose we talk it over.
Tow. Oi gollaUict.
='OleaaUOtltj or L4141* vols
r Town w Yousoleh ; from
virtuosi a war
of them or and ria; aider . band
y mealetthetweerworoftee
Iowa o/ Uod.eluh, 4.4.4 the twoatlotb dal Of
nspt niber, Irak oomntaseltta me to levy upon
the Lada berme* tier desert bed, for thermoses
of tame due thereon. tametbor with seem.
nater is herebe Riven Wei maims snob taxes
owg moo sea sooner mw I alma, pursuant to
Phe Ar.osment ADI, R- a. 0 ,
1114, hroomel to sell 1y PQbtbatetlo. We said
loads or sonnet* hereof NW OW 'be e»,. ,r,
for 0641 Pa feat 0016'04'1d nn
ld acosod mese.
as m7 *Mee os rrldq, the ahoasth der of
libeeille her. at two ockOl L Use atlareeoa,
Tee fsYoKiyt teal are Mtsacd;
Pt of reeltj ellatreel tis
nil IMMI P •
w •▪ •
Its uttcwraliN• 7
n „
• M
s Reed'.8utvq
PAM if Cedar esteem
-_. 11 Piro !Vest
1* a
You have not been perfectly satisfied with the Boots
and Shoes you have been getting, but are not just erne
you ern do any bestsr. We aro not giving our Shoes
away, but CLAIM to be giving the best values to be had
In town.
at which everything Is marked makes thinking people, those who shop
around and want to make their dollars go the furthest, buy here,
A. we 'feel tial vs oak save you quite a little on you fall supply of
Shoes 1<y** will de your trading with us. Buying and selling for
SPOT OA*B is.what make. the dilfertertoe.
You...ARO keep your feet warm and dry.
OA Led see our splendid line of RUBBERS and RUBBER BOOTS.
The very best that can be bought, not very bigb bi prios either.
Loog Hoots from $1.40 to $3.20, guaranteed to Rive good wear.
Best sewn Carpet Slippers only 15e. per pair.
See our large bottle favorite oil Shoe Dreaming, only 6c. per bottle, it is good
P. T_ $
Nouse aide of Ira square, Oodericb. THE OrAMHJMIflO DEALER
1K ',AVON' Or
SioTes a ld
Carr . They On fully mural sed not to odes.
or ono*
fere They w 11 tam • 111 a' low.
Are Ttn/ east to _O •re thea for interior
Mtn.e.,g ►mad •n Russe.• - - 1 to tow. ea.tkg
my °bikeme teamsn ..011 r,. i. -Isere
Cali sod marks,
1 have &lleoti estimates.
Warr air •asst for tl a arta.-
teed Co be the n es ei whleb les 0501► w 1. Ma-
shie heoto•t. r000e ng d dr•
rase Ras -grist and hesltatut beating diver
la vemagaft u yams* 7o�� before you d•Nda
Blesch~sgs fin riwJw.g, 0e*Uaa. eta•
While baying a
wby not get the be.t't A
Nappy Thought
They are handsome,
and perfect bakers.
See our
Radiant Home
1i N D
Souvenir Heaers.
with every Stove.
matin tx
I have the beet th*t is mane n, plague
ars, ?elms, Oaths/ Boxes, et'.
1 have the De Laval Omani Soya -g -
tor. Ie is the tarot reliable on the market.
It wall pal you to use term.
Do you want • new Ming? nes oda
I handle different makes, and can snit your
0rluiremmnte and your pocket, too.
Would not your wife appreciate a good
Waabar red Wringer p
IM yon want a gofd NOW, Organ or
Bovine itaohina 7
1 •eigi he Messed to have yen e*tI anal
inspect the stock at my ware -room on Hsm-
ilton-et. beige you ravines.
I boy my goods on the rash baste and nett
self at • very slows esergin of profit..
Agent for Massey Herrn Impbemeeth,
Aamflton-.t., itodorinh.
The above is out into stove wood
'math and will be delivered to any
part of the town the game day as
Orden received by telephone or
left at rrsidenerl, 128 Cambria 'treat,
will waive preempt attention
'idose 98.
aelooko, Novemb r 21n. 1*6D. a.S.s.
t Any man who wear[
the J. D. King Co.'s
mStuakb Pyae4mone-mosey Rubbers
that will jingle in his pocket,
Search. the world over and you
*will find nothing better than Shrb
do Pm./ Rubbers, because
there is nothing better.
Any progressive dealer can tell
tie J. D. Zing Co., i about Sloth
willProof, it not, write to
Ton can't afford to be without them, because they ars the
Sea that she ppm,>L ar'Qataia OR the touted :o(
IS Shoe. Th. J. D. ICING CO, Limited,
- .
Tamale. Montreal Winnipeg,
TO £Dviu rILISiRi.
rase o>t . ti<e•-mast be-iaft at t6L
Moe net tater than Saturday
sees. The Oopy for ohrp„
Nal be lett not later lbws Mee -
day noon. Oases] Advertisement,
sseepted ao to noon Wednesday ei
gosh week
T. the Farmers
of (Joderich, Colborne and
neighboring Townships :
to state that
I beg I have bought
the Harness business lately carried on
by Mr. Dowding oo Hamilton et., and
intend enlarging 'my stock of Har-
ness, Robes, Whips, Trunks, Valises,
Fur Coats and all kinds of horse -
clothing for the fall trade.
Repairing will be esrriexl on he u; -
ual and good work guaranteed.
Mr. Dowding will rei*in with me
until the spring. -
IIigcrtaten Babbitts
Graduate o! M.s.ahu..tta Col
seg. of Iliabel1Ung.
SOOT 0001* AT 140D1-
o0t1RT501J8 A xT1oN.
505550. 5*4(5. w.ialfL
A Good Warm, Well -Made ..
V • dwsllsilo emulates be • nab' med.robe u able ewe d igen L DUNLOP. its
Wtµ•wL sasses. bee a VIp Meeksl Wins
unci whisk Met mil wed nest wet Re
oiler t• um *swim shetgt---yam► ktw.
The R. B. Smith Dry Goods Co.
rMIB$ DONAOH, Ooderiob.
(MI88 M. ROBERTS, Ssalerth.
W rk ad Nally
to -War
You can safely determine the oorreot style. in headwear if
you visit our Millinery Depertmeots, breams they truly reflect
whatever the leading millinery centres have pr'onounoed fashion-
able and stylish. Our collections in the three bogy places d
business surpass all previous effor'ta.
The goods are here for your pleasure, free for your
lion, and to buy if you wish. Come sad see on SATURD Y,
or at your earliest convenience.
EirlirS., MITH DRYIC000S CO.
GODE RICH. _DUI•&H1011. ' t tiiLFOR 1 L
Desk, Lounge
etc. For mulling aonong her Meads alow
brasser of highly perfiwned roan SOAR
Send u. • pal! -card for premh host Nat ata
InsMwotiono. Young ktd{oa havistttrdr
fora* can Ail thew out, and send them b
ST. AM SOAP CO. r '°' elT1Orglitrev"
bust Shapes and 8glN fir tie Fall and Winter 8ewr.
Feath8rs, llililiolls and other
Aoeording to my uona) rwatrm/, I shall not hold a forme! spesi*ig, but
shall be pleased to have the Ladies teepees my Meek .tbay here
Haxniltot rt., G'or- _.
T H'E $ I G N:A .
TN[ W[[KLY MA*i* ,. t €11
ger as.sesrM
pe elle...-•.i «:
w mw M ..•.
•moo wy.•...•.,r.......
•nt beds401
on% S.hers.. ......•-• • I ,..•..
Oben= gisgsk. a di......
• •
4'0 w-.••
, pr •
111.• M w•M••..•.........
, per
Card of Thanks.
ear •
ismease• Gs. 1era their premptthemes to y
my tea by an and to guar tswlmeay
Mauer end neuron of
►.ad the Wei easel
1 A. J. MOOR&
Beak hill wee toaa4 is .
of vas esus8. Wedseedy. Nev. 7I
.war may breve It b minas ter 1t.
HMI a JOOsaRorrDAN. �n
aO`ae5eslamrfa- la Veeeel�srar'linwnM,em Preebyterise.
'TY 50etetsyalut• (..e, Appel Ir
era Lswreeee,- .wrens t
et lads. is Oddrealewe' beadles.
�aatst Nreems M .8'.
d >i'atrsasl Cws',swr7. NTeel w
Nwaa c.
wdeurwart et ICx ah�n a
Ww`Owner lo *r
111TBsYsa hr hiss. ••
QW. •LIAJta$DER, *momleibe sows. ••••••eeew, lei dee'
=Welter. Dr. Rafters radd.asa
P.ruaft W eosal
tamasromifr phMa
n1lrldrbegown arrow
belMnotary sad free -bled drawls".
Obewo nod ov7e• dramas. rem,
IMC Filltswillisk drawls( leo 18
nide. la es sed water *Nem
Asir ty.
• nw8fvis .N .best the tet of
ose.�_owes, will Moto
1.00 N, leeks *re ••••••..
Cdb 01 (I
fillennellese Vacant.
DOY lbAXTl4D =MR (Jen
weer be • ire ins de acre. A
e we b06wrlthiet Bei $L *tsaar..
merlins ase. ole.
eHAa R. sere w, UNRISAi. 1:
loin mai wta4 •ad Isaa aim
♦mute 0 sews mama sad ler r
►rw SM I . P y lawno
s* s
estt4tersaw. ridtemnrN
'� AR. N O 1 It li T8e0slAwnaa
Nggha 50 gaem.sae l
..,S1 nage 0Ball4
�!Vlsb btu aintsbes i macer DetaM
i�atlt111a M. Beit oaflew e
.8 HOLME, -
tem itstarise hl
a. "L'Dlo5 Ni DLIY�R
rit11LIP BOLT. IgA�ss
Me ipress._.. Oe
We west Newey 11
feedbag weler501* 7ep/�MN•_Ihyq r t
OeeltrIeh. PAveb tach le w"b eta
141 4 per east kas east
Vince I8 Eisis;MY 01V14N
were e iniac pt r etherwlss
tq npo�aal }hest �1]st "VC
Rldgwwssa __prmnssewh, IIM. A
M mewed Is an
masa AI eardreengir=4:
Tenders Wates
rrtRD1Re WART*D FOR 75
ki fd vasa Yrs peels pik�spwgesner
Firm 4. th,
tar$LrjSReneSeea1lieµ` A
Tenetter Wanes •
t M 1114meseeh. held I.
WWI dais 1045..ti.. 4*4 4,a fW o.'
ten. U1011. A n tied
w1l8 Fef l Ar'
IiiO DRsYYiikrearkitoriMe.,�tA Ui
%boar met at esests.
lis wtrata.tb.sw�ty •
IOW ne