HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-11-30, Page 7BRITISH ADVANCE
II•M's visit tee Keglead Is furthering
pesee In Soerth Airiest. It has resulted,
tbe writer gays. In iie exchauge of
ideals for a prellmivary agreement tor
a temporary etispenama of bust:004es.
The Oseervatore goinan's status as
the allele) orgau of the Vatican, end
the prominence it givers to the letter,
akin. jn11141.1 aW/ belie" belied team
of the extremely improbable idol':
. • -
f Boers Have Fallett-Bac-k A11
Along the Line.
. , •• miseioner et
- Bon of "destrust and alarm" at Mr.
. quenstowe Sunday, passed a resolu-
stituency of Mr. J. W. *suer, *be Corn -
of Public Works, held
resolution, which has been sent to Sir
Allred Milner, adds: "The refugees
Sauer'. visit to the border, "which
break of treason azet rebellion:: The
has been followee by such an °Me
refugees. from Aliwal North, the con.
Cepe Town, Nov. r. -A meeting of
not grudge ally seorileoes provided
They DIsseruet Sauer.
- i
'z1j elritdah supremacy Is reout•blisbed."
,oer Report That the Ninth Lancers _
Indignation at the Came.
Have Been Ciptured.
h Anxiety Is London --Naval Brigade's Lou at Oraspans los -Buller
l.eadhng the flovement on Ladysmith -The Sardinia Should Arrive
today- -dee thatacre on the elove-No More Word From Methuen
-Wire* Blocked Agelte---A Suspected Commissioner ot Public
µ arks _Upton Gives $3o,000 to the Soldiers' Fund.
leandon, Nov. 28, 4 a. tn.-There is
distioctly more hopeful feeling he
regarding the operation.. in Nata
and there es every reason for liellertug
teat it is It/stilled. The repartee
withdrawal of Um Doerr northwa
is ounfirmed. and the Bedell advance
toward. Ladysmith haw begun In eel-
aeso There ema DOW hardly be an
aellety ln Southern Natal. The capl
tal has escaped attack. and Lifetime
ming in of the Oetaclied garreems 111
ft Gruipan. Telegram; from Berlin re-
port appropriate criticism by 'pintail
inen there on the detaching of email
' bodies of cavalry la this way alter
an enemy, who has a brilliant copa-
1 city for turning retreat to good ne-
rd count, and who ts generaile rattier
/skeptical of the 'strategical value of
Gen. liethuen's operationa.
The War Office knows nothiug about
Y the report that Gen Methuen had cap-
. lured Stony Nest Moot, 10 milei north
oI Grappan, with an immense amount
of Boer ammunition.
latoourt and e1sewbere hes been tem
perary. and not serloste. Now the ral
wa) is workln. to Frenewitere there
are ebout 10.000Britieb troops. en-
der Gen. Illidyard, whose rapid ad-
santer seems to aim at cutting ol( the
Women. These are =epic/wed to be
heaanimg to the Coteau) twitige.
*hitt is believed to be eatact. as even
the Boers would find difficulty tu
crossing the flooded Tugela. River.
*elate the bride* spans.
The moose' ol , teen. iiiklyard'
assientaitti is. In. use emured.tIXtri
ea Ms, Frere bridge hair"
ogusistely wrecked by the enemy by
ass etpioslon. which ipcidentally
mumbled the wiudows in ail the neigh-
boring house.. tad it la thee obvious
teat hie force will be unable to use
the ranee".
The enemy is respeeted to have en-
rardetted 1re10o4104 elietielatatessi
their skilfulness' in retreat is well
enyilow the relief of Ladysmith la
.1 yet very near acrompilahment.
•vrs of operations in Natal la likely
t come slowly, AA the cable hum
Idasibeir to Adso es in broken.
deapatch to the Dalty News from
1) abut, darted Sunday, save that the
reels thew the ease cease of Africa
Is igefe broken. and a reseed of the
de ey in the Ormond -Moo ot news may
b. expected.
'the despatch adds that Geo. Sir
heavers Buller will presumably take
command of the forces adoencing to
the relief a Coigne°.
Raring to Coleus*. .
There is no official new. of the Brit-
ish -movements in the northern part of
Cape Colony. The newepaper corre-
spondents at Queenatown report that
Gen. tiatacre hal been reinforced, and
that he ant'red northeritrit Sunday,
The 'Total Iltitlek Casualties *ere
• London, Nor. 27. -The Commander-
-, AneChled at. OA.hum, nt the Ad-
miralty an aMTFiolal Ilst MeefuninTatii
among the Dritieh Naval Brigade en -
at the battle of Graapail,
Huddart, of ,the cruiser
Lore', and ten minors and marines
killed, and la petty offiesers and sea-
men and 78 mu -commissioned officers
and mest 01 14,. marines womasisid.
Total casualties 103, ineindIng the
ilatoes of these already cabled.
The following manage has been tele-
graphed to the Commander -In -Chief
*1. the Cape:
"The Queen deslree you to convey 1.0
the Naval Brigade who were present
at the action at Gramma Her Ma•
May's congratuletions on their gal.
nant conduct, and at the Limo thine
expresso the Queen's regret at the
imam sustalped by the brigade."
A Berlin Report.
Inadoe, Nov. 28 -General Mid -
achievement at Beacon ,hill is
heginaing to be recogaiseit as am of
tbe but things the campaign has yet
shown. as it. relieved the tession 01
tee situation is Natal, sal has
brought the relief of Ladysmith with-
in measurabie dietance. General Bel -
ler appears to be confidant of Lord
Methuen's ablider, sad is deeding all
be energy to Ladysmith.
A Meter IVas Captured.
!tabu, Natal, Nov. 28. -The !st-
oat reports of Gen. Hildyard's losses
'at the Beacon hill engagement allow
fifteen men were killed and 72 wound-
ed. The West Yorkshire Regiment
asiterget heavily.
k.f1W Hobbs eras captor...I and mev-
oral men •re missing. Despatches from
President Kruger sal General Joubert
faint oe a Boer prisoner said the
liner loam" at Belmont were ten men
killed and forty woe -sided. it added
that in order to reasserts the burghers
11 hmd been deemed oeceszary to t II
lark no Warreaton.
Tied to r. Wagers Wheel.
Lendon, Nov. 27.-1. news ageney
illanotch from Cape Town goys that a
'Moe runner who wns trying to
'minket, with ifistelkIng was oat).
tared near VrYburg by Boers, who tied
lie, to a wheel of a wagon, w eh waa
then driven along the rowel,
Um tenting with the wheel.
Traitorous Colonists.
London, Nov. 28. -The Times to -day
publisher the following from its cor-
respondent :
orenge River Bridge, Nov. 26.--Qtp-
tad Franklin, Inapector of Claims at
lartley West, arrived here last night
alter four days' travelling under
latch passports from Morgendale. lie
reports that Bridals subjents were
tommendeered, also large quantities
af •tores. A number of rebel. joined
the ie,er commando.Itlipdam and vb.
Mete, le in Imre etre to for want
pros Worse, and anxiously awaiting vs*
March to Ladysmith iteglits•
London, Nor. 28. -The British red -
twee toward Ladysmith haa begun
Il enrneat. Major-General HIldrird
la* taken np a position at }rem, not
far from Coleus), with the bulk of his
brews% and Mar -Gen. flatten'',
Fuller Brigade has moved from Meol
Io Eatconrt, while the reipervea under
Major Gen. Lyttleton. are going fold
Wiol tvntli Bowick. near Pletermer-
'Mora, to Moot. Rahway comments-4'-
11nm han leen quickly restored as far
U Fiore, where the briar' wrui broken
tlibirtillirldle by the ;Iowa before their
retreat toward Oolentart The main body
of the raiders, Which Wes entrenehed
Lotween Eatcoget and Moot has
"Irt talon Colense through Weenen,
101 Meyer -Gen. PeolvothlY•
Ile not rosreeeded In Intercepting them.
Aitstrallans Arrive.
„Cant) Town, Noy. 27.-Tbe Aware-
eontingent fended befit to-dor•
The men end Hear 1100111,1 are 15
AA offieial her Ova"
10-Ilierrow to all 416,1106411111I glistin-
, lenta
Wl1AT OF TRIM E.611,111111llitil?
Ilswie Report That the efloith banter*
Were Cept tared
by the Revers.
1.0",inn, Noy. 28,-Th.gla 'nor of
04.1. rd Methane* idi,rh"ughS
•wee...,_ month a gitabon.7 001 -
he, to tt10 preaset, antlety for
weldor newn01 hie advance. holl
"frpii0 mantles% Crewing unease -
en seneent of %be lark of news
,taneerninit the 9t1I fAtilidere, P•r-
the weltay *Mr 161 Settee at
Berlin, Nov. 27. -The Deutsche
Warte, which regularly receive. cone
municattens from a Boer agency, an-
nouncer that tieneral Lord Methuen
has been repulsed with wrest *laughter
beyond Oraspan. The Coen:attacked
the British from the rear, shooting
down a hundred men belonging to
the Naval Brigade. They captured a
regtinent of Lancers.
Anxious About Lancers.
London. Nov. 28, 4.30 n. ne-A
fresh Interruption in the leant Atrt
city' cable seeable at thie interesting
moment Mut canoed a ceeeation of
war news. As yet. the War Otfice
liar not received Lord Methuen's de-
tailed Get of casualties:, nor a any
tarormation at hand regarding the
whereabouts' of the 910 Lancers.
who were sent in pursuit of the
Boers from Grampian.
Tbe Deily Medi my. that a pre
vete telegram' announces that the
Lancers are still iwoutirvg ahead of
llethuen's advancing co.umn . but.
tits the general announeet yesterday
'het he wan savlag hie mena day's
Pest. this la hardly posellee. In.
deed. the greatest anxiety is felt
and more emecialfy 111 VleW of the
fact that a Berlin journal. the
Deutsche Warte, wlttdi regularly
prints. Doer ourninunications, an-
ise/uncoil yesterday, before it could
Wive been ascertained front Bridal]
source.. drat the Naval Brigade Mat
100 men at ()reeman, and that the
910 Lancers were captured.
.....B/segerp Another Bridge,
Loodoh, Nor. 28.-A demistch to the
Daily Neap, dated De Aar, carte Col-
our, Nute'rettle,sasyir
'The Flteynsburg bridge, midway he-
tween General Gatacre a h^adquartsre
at tmeenntown. and General French's
headquarters at Naauwpoort, wart de-
etroyed yesterday by the enemy, who
appears to be receirlog Recessions of
etrength locally."
ISO Held DO6 at Hay.
Cape Town, Nov. 27. -The Govern..
meet has made public the following
additional detalle of the defence of
Kurunian, the capital of the Bechuan-
aland protectorate, which was former-
ly known air Moffat's Mission Station,
news of the attack on which place
wait renently received here by runner
and telegraph. The commithdant of the
Boer force notified the magistrate of
hie intention to occupy the town,
whereupon the latter Informed lilm
that he had orders to defend the Piece.
The rnagietrate collected 20 men be-
longing to the Bechuanaland pollee
and AO hallasetem, who entrenched
themeelven In the Mellon shape!. The
%ere, who numbered 500, attacked
them, hut the BrItialt form related
ana maintained their defenee for Nix
dela and nights. The enemy then
nhaedened the attack, alter ?laving
lost 80 of their number killed and
Kimberley Refugees.
London, Nov. 28. -The Standard's
Cape Town correspondent onye that
Governor Milner has warned the 11.
eel CommIttee to is prepared for the
•rrIval of ton thou/rand refugees' from
Klistmley as soon as the siege in
Lipton Robeeribes
London, Nov. 27.-La4y Rendntph
C.herehill luta received ef1,000 from en
Annerlean Wend for the fund for the
hospital ship Maine
Bir Thome* Lipton, fn view of the
fitet that hie steam ysteht Erin rennet
be utilised by the Government as a
hospital "him hen sent 210.000 to the
Planners of Walesa to he need sit her
diertretlon for the benefit of the
goldiele and tailors.
Tbe Malec? and rare*.
Rama, No. 1,.- The Geserystore Re-
run. mists "a 'rivets confidential
*letter front a high parsonage its Lest -
don." easerteag that elmaperor Wit -
Cape Town. Nov. 27, 10.20 a. .m.
-Tbere la great Indignation here
over the mild homilies. addremeed to
the revrtless Dutch colt/nate on tbe
border by ldr. .1. W. Mauer, Commie-
/ismer of Pubes. Works, who weut
north recently 011 a misekm tO urge
the Dutch to remain loyal to Great
Britain. The Times, commenting on
the subject, riye that _If serious
harm doer not remit from ha
etweebea the esoape will be better
than can be reasonabl7 expected.
Troop.' Leave Ireland.
Cork. Nov. 27. -The tredepohiP Sim-
la yesterday embarked 500 rater. -
late and 100 of the Liverpool and
80 of the Leicester Regiment.. with
300 men of the Firet Battation ol
the Royal Runner Feathers, Colonel
Meteors! eotumanding. she also step-
ped a tolenteer ambulance corms
and tea e inouttue prov igloos. with
an eaurtmes amount of ammunition.
Preening. Hay for ehe Cape.
Ottawa, Noy. 27. -Prof. Roberts/D.
Agricultural tononismoner, haw Just
returned from inatton. lie santes
that the work eg warring the cargo
.4 lety which the steamer Montauk
is to take to tiouth Africa for the
use of the Imperial troupe la mak-
ing vapid progress. Mr. Robertson
will go to Boston again thia week.
le Vieswerf-se..Doubt.
Waahlriectote Nov. 27e -The Britlidi
Ambamadur, Lord Pettneefote. hes, 111.
formed the Secretary of State- that:-
tn view of a doubt which appear.' to
e'en wbether Her ltaiettre Goleern•
went recognize thateene Mot ilel.-• now
Itt aourseded progress in eouth Af-
tesereenadateste...eittattse..ta WaSt be-
tween ()peat Britain and two South
African Repubbes. he heel been di-
rected by the Marquis! of Sallsbury to
inform the Secretary of State. us an
act of courtesy. that the South AL
rica.n Republic and the Orange Free
:.tate haring declared war against
tier Majesty the Queen. it fill liaviag
Inradett-the Biatilrerolonies,01
Cape awl Natal, a state of war loge
actuatly existed since the 121.11 of de-
tober between, England ant the &mitt
African Republic and Um Orange
Free State.
To Mobilize Forthwith.
London, Nov. 28. -The Daily News
slays. it learns that it was finally de-
cides, yesterday. Mopelay, to mobilise
fo-thwith the propomd sixth divigion,
etaudeting of 10,000 WO of all arms.
New York, Nov. 28. -The war re-
view of the artillery expert of the
Loudon Post. cab:el here, 'aye: "For
tbe first time since the war began
one le able to look at the map of
south Africa with it reenter of eat-
umfaction. It wait impossible to draw
any esimolation front a eoutempla-
tkin of the levered fregments along
the railway line In Natal. Now, how-
ever, the hariction of' these weveml
parte has brought rellef-if not to
Lodynueth, nt least to them watch
ing the situation with a full sense of
gravity. Now that we are beginning
to make headway against the Boers
It is poseib:e to take an easier In-
terest in the movementa of the
enemy. Gen. Joubert la likely to
make a
Gen. Buller'a first' buainese In Natal
naturalfy le the relief Of' Ladysmith.
After that when the invaders are
compelled to retreat on Pretoria the
Natal force will get its chance. It
emu unlikely that an attempt will
he made to force the puma of Drat-
enabung. The mimeo will open of
their own accexed when the sound
of the flanking army la behind them
anywhere from the WInherg road
to the Vaal. There is nothing
alarming in the cirmonstances that
wo have not heard from (len. Me-
theun eine* the fight at Gra*Pcill•
He douhtleam Is waiting for a cone
leete net of our low' and only pure
ignorance ne to the return of the
mounted contingent makes us anxt
0111 for news. Theri, la no movement
forward to chronicle toward the
Orange River. At preeent it is diffl
colt to nee whence the troops are
°ming to make a forward move
Total Casaalttes Foot l'p a Total
01. 108.
London, Nov. 28.-A deep/itch has
been received hare from General Bul-
ler. giving a list of the eagualtles
atrium the troops engaged In what
has been known here as the battle
ot Orae Pan, but which in now offic.
tally defigiutted the battle of Ensile.
It proved that the British success was
heavily bought. The loaves ennounced
to -day, added to the :target brigade
ortsualtlen previshaely Hotel, make a
grand total of 198 as the mat of
Oen. Methuon's second battle. The
Yorkshire. apparently bore with the
naval brigade the brunt of the lien-
ing, aa there Join la addition to the
3 offloem. $1w -rank and Me
killed. wounded and missing. The fact
that the Bit nonteins casualtles! of
the Ninth Lateens" *elm/ to diamou
id the fears that thd cavalry wes
eurroundes1 and captured, especially as
none of the Lannert ere reported
Apparently the Goternment is
monopolising the angle cable work-
ing tt) South Attlee, as up to two
ohelock this afternoon, no newe from
the seat of war Mu bun meee pub-
lic, with the exception nf General
Buller's despatches. This is
at the present uncial moment. Vehile
the latest news la of a fairly ress-
outing charanter from the Beitish
view point, much of it la assumed to
be true on insufficient evidence. For
,rintanre, tho reported capture a
Honey NNIA Kloop, of which there is
*10 nonfirmatirm, and the ao,bwi 01
the rapie retiretne.nt of the Boers, le
Natal must be receivel W1 caution.
The fent appears to he that the Uri -
tisk meet& hale lost toueh of the
burghers, portions of whose forrae, al-
ter withdrawing out cif reach of ob-
servers, may make a detour with the
object of interrimtias the British
lin* 01 rommunieation.
Sharp fighting may 10 imputed •t
pay time OM the methern frontier.
Powehly Gen. Gates -nes first battle
will he In the aongh proems of the
Storwiterg mosiota in.
Great Britain has ireitifie4
Femme that a 'tate a war has mt.
listed betweeet herself and the 'MEM
vital 11114.31 (Vt. Mb. .
The particular 'service siaadron 08
the BrItlett fleet luta be ordered to
proceed to Gibraltar. Dec. 510. It will
probably take the place 01 the Chan
riel squadron. whieh 1 conilag home
for Clint/tines lestve.
_ a pliOPKR CfVulh
it Tri salt that thel'retteh Cab
has hustructed the /diniaiter ol War
to refuse ull officers leave to go
abroad, and 1 that canoes" absenting
themselves. In order to go to the
Tranevatil will do au at the risk 01
A corrected Ilat of the Brit
casualtim at Gnus Pen
that Fla.g Captain Reginald C
Pruthero fuel Lieut. of Marines Weil
ter T. C. Jourboth of the Doris
previouly reported wounded, were
The additional , eaahaltiantele-
graphed by Gen. Buller appear te
be the fleet intimation of the action
Methuen's forcer, whieh hays
not yet been reported. As the Mute
Lancers aiarticipated in a reouniutis
mance oc Sun.tiy, they must havi
sately returned front the pursuit, 01
the Boers after the battle of Gra+
Only 10 Killed.
The War Office Juts reweived from
Oen. Buller a list of the carmaidesat
the 'battle of Enslin on Nov. 25th.
It shows that among the wounded
of the Secoed Yoriodare Light In.
fantry were Captain le A. Yates,
Lieut. 13. C. Fernyhough and Lieut.
Ackroyd. The casualties among tbe
non-commiserioned officers and men of
the various regtments engaged were
Killed, 10, wodnded, 71, naming, 9.
Ladysmith All Right.
London, Nov. 28. -The War Offloe
has received the toliowing despatch
from Gen. Buller. dated Pietermaritz-
burg, Natal. Nov. 28th: "Our last
news from Ladysmith. Nov. 241h,said
all Well. Att old -message dated Nov.
19th, Just arrived, begins: 'Joubert
has explained firing on one (Red
('ross) flag, previously reported. Have
accepted explanation es entiefaetory.
Lieut. Lethbridge, Rifle Brigade, died
of wound... Othere wounded goner
erally doiree well. Health of troops
good. six wounded Dublin Fusilier.
captured on armored 'train south of
Colima) sent here to -day.'"
imenaleess 4o4
of the armored train Friday, Nov.
2410. wane Killed, Lieut. P. Owen.
Lewis, Bombay infantry, and one
private; wounded, one. In the re-
oonnoisance of Sunday, Nov. Nth :
Ninth -Lancers-Wounded, Lieut. J.
0. Sterling And one trooper.
Theflmftl. ef Graspens.
By • n Kftglish Army Veteran:
The Kimberley relief column under
Gen. Methuen again came in contact
with the Boers on Satureay at a place
cadet Gramaxne, and carriesl their p0 1
Lions after a stubborn fight, in which
both .mdes lost lit, vite.The Boer
force, whia appears bait"
composed of Transvaal and Free State
cotnmandoea, is estimated to have
been about 2,600 strong weth artei-
lery, the whole under the command of
the Transvaal Genera( Delarraye
Tbe brunt. of the fight -ng on the Bre
Gets side was done by the Ninth Brd
gade, the Artillery, and the Natal
Brigade, the cavalry peiformait the
usual flanking attack on the retreat°
tog Boers who, however, seem to have
'vial carried their artAllery off the
field. e'ull detail* of the losses on
both sides have yet to De received.
but the severity of the aet:on is
sbown ie he feat that. the British
column haid to retard ite march for a
del In order to give the men
rest rind replenish the *implies
and aaimunition. One point of inter-
est in this occasion is that the Boers
during some plume of the action aa.
.umetl the offensive, attacking the
British 00 one of their flanks, itt de-
fending which the Naval Brigade lost
heavily. No lathe...Atkin le glean of the
exact looallty of the fight, but it dogs
not appear to have t a rery
great distance from the fleet -*He-
rbed of Wednesday, near Bete..et.
From the description giro) in Gee.
eral Methuen's despatch to the Brit-
ish War Office of the Boer resistaace,
it le evident that they mean to dise
pato ha advance step by step, while
the silence as to hie own lases while
speaking of tinsie of the Boers seems
to indicate considerable lower on
tIM British side. The delay caused
naturally gDite mach stlxistY In
London, especially as regards Male -
king, which there DOW appears little
hope ed saving. There is even a fear
that 'Wald General Methuen reach
Kimberley, jt might only be to fall
into the same trouble In which Gen-
eral White is in Ladysnaltb, the ris-
ing in Cape Colony being so timed
as to secure that remit.
Mammary ed Military Report.
The nit:itery expert a the Loadon
runes, In hia editor -tad summary of
the Tree:avant draws tbe followiag
" Good news haa been received to
the effect that the feed traneports
chartered by the Government for the
conveyancep of the army corps and
the cavaxy division to South Africa
had arrived at Cape Town.
"The Itos:ar, Nestle carries about(
80 officers and 1.000 non-eorntuhasioned
officers and men, and Is in Hui a
wecome additten to the force. now
at the Cape, but of course the male
significance a the arrival a the;
mare: lies La the feet that It. is but
one of the twentv-five-tranaporta dee-
ps Lebe4 f rem 1h Ls caun try between
October 2eth a.nd Oztobe.r 2414,, both
dates Inc'arsive. It goes wittioat say-
ing that the remaining twenty-four
transports wt:i not make union a rapid
passage as the Itoseyn Cutts., which
is a comparative:1y :Lew and fast ship.
Bat 1.21 any case we are no'w withlo a
mum/dab:a dletance of the int:ux of
reinforcements into South Af rim
which wlel me-terielly alter the situ-
" Apert from the now clearly estab-
lished fart thnt on last Friday a sharp
hut not important engagement took
pieree between Ladysmith and (Memo,
that the aavantage lay with sm, nnri
that the Boor adverme to Calmat)
received a etark, the mold significant
circumstance lately recorded Is the
crossing of the Tugela by a train on
Banday, This mean"' only the inter-
ruption of the line youth of Ladysmith,
and between Mott station end eolenso,
and tid-r Is p obal le rot WI lone
"The netement that preparation,
are in program for the inoteluition
of a free* infrentry divinion and it elege
trnln will he reeelved with general
"4. regrew% the letter. no timeline
nastily been Wet, as the ewes could not
hare heft Pent to the front totem,
and as la la they will protethly he
delayed by beelike In the rairway
eommuniettlim, wrath the Rtews hare
Mown such particular teal In effect-
Cherehlil to be Released.
Pretoria arable sayer It In believed
that the, Government will shortly
release Winston Chnrchill as now
The prisoners from IliteekIng genet
leehetel sere meetly relieved tneti.
After they hnd taken the oath not
to I Ight agairuyt the T re novae I
ow wore mat te Neogene Bay.
- Reimposes to lemalasol.
twi4nn. Nov. 27, 5 a.m.- No farther
MVO respeeting Lord idethuen's e4-
ease, bum bemi reoeiwat, an.1._the
absent% of official detail, regerding
las Warm creates tho ge,oate,t sue -
Mese. (wpwielly wince vo
a heavy sacrifices endured by the
Laval brigade.
No alarm however, is frill 51 to Ids
isueltiou, despite the 'of team that the
Niers intend to et/utast may foot of
it Wits known that, In the a oe of
tuffieietit cavsjg4 he, would 'be coin -
veiled to advent* slowly, mid he..iose
3 prefereami for night or early dawu
attacks. *filch events 'seem to have
,usti f the Boom being deritakily
t%eree to der/lame for their opera -
The fact that in the Growth action
J110 British battery nred 500 round.
twoves the desperate nature of the The brigade miler General Methuen
fight, anti there la little doubt that in the Belmont fight. tout/tined Gott
easuelties Were heavy. taboos of the famous' Coldest ruin
It is now known that no guns were (Warted, the Ormadier eluarde awl the
asptured in the Belmont engage:neut. Scots (Nardi. Thom three rogiments
are known as the Foot Cittardet. AIDA
THE al001 RIVER roam. to them belong the honor of protect
lag the Queen. They are to the In
Boers 10111 Piteh Shells Into Camp- fantry what the Household Oswalt)
ure to the mounted troops.The de -
swatches deseriblag the battle men
then the proem* in Methuen's' eom
mord of the Flint and Second York
Mires, The reort 01 the command is is
naval brigade from the cruiser Porte.
the Bride)) fleurelies usi the Cape esi
Good Hope station.
Methuen's. men were encamped up to
Monday last on the Orunge River, at
a point SO maw mouth a Kimberley.
Th. Le to Rio.' there wary at Hope
town, oe the southwestern border of
the Orange Free State. Between them
and Kimberley, which they were ex.
pected bo relieve. lay a rather °Pell
veldt country.
The expedition was stationary for
several days, awaiting supplies and
the order to mere from Gen. Buller.
werk was out looked upon by any
of those tekiug par: la it it. by any
means • mintary pr010ena4e. •
The forces were equipped for Debt-
ing. It is understood that they had
eith them no artellery except that
token by the naval brigade. Besides'
the supply of amm.unitarti, they car-
ried electric mairchlights fixed un
trucks. Thu& were intended to blaze
the way for forced night marches and
unuiask lurk:se Boers who migbt
mitIit*te attack 10 the dark.
They had another fumotien also.
Lieuo-Col. Erneat Rhodes, the brother
of Card Rhodes, who a imprisoned in
Kanberley, hoped to be able to sig-
nal thallwitewtrend gee news from 10.
beleaguered garrison before Methuen
relieved it.
Lord Meth uen-exiaitelei .116- mate a
quick daah to Kimberley. The orders
acre that everything in the line of
superfluous baggage should be lett
beforni. Only four war correspondents
owereasiess. -They teseeee
strict wa• the covamand aga:as
carriage of more fodder than ega ab-
solutely necessary, to proree4 on foot.
The position er Methuen's men when
they ahrountered the Doers shoes
tbit they had marched over twenty
miles from ths•ir Orange River 'camp
itOd secedithght
The Situation at Kimberley.
In the event of a siege, and the gums
of the forte are trained on It In came
the prisoners attempt to escape- A
Maillinja planed rit the gate of the
race course. From President Kruger
down, everyone is '
They betieve they will succeed In an-
niset441;141:,=.4=ieraoakLar.d axid sighirg
ready, bears the Orange croft. The •
Boer* expect the war to last from tiger
to six mouth., and that thed they
will possess Mouth A1r10a:7
Commiindelit Abrecht and Lieut
EMU have started with a ilium:4nd
followers to capture Bulawayo.
The Troops Engaged.
• A itainner's Story.
Moue Itiver. Natal cable says' : The
Boers have sent only an te•casional
shell into the Britieh camp since this
morning. The range of the Britiah
guns is not sufficient feer them to
be effective. An official native run-
ner corroborates the report that
beavy firing bar occurred northward.
has loaned the following deepateli from
(tenors! Lord Methuen, which wee re -
delved through Gen. Sir Frederick For-
th. rooster, who is front Eatcourt
says he was captured by the Boers,
who inlaid the heights northward. lie
adds that they searched him but fail-
ed to discover the despatches.
Tbe Boers are in strong force under
the cover al a hill on which are two
guns. When the British opened fire
the runner escaped in the subsequent
The same runner was at Ladysraith
last week. He reiterates that heavy
fighting occurred there. The Boers he
claims made several attempt* to
capture the British camp, but were
repgised with heavy loss. The na-
Lena explained the failure of the as-
sault by saying tbat evere time the
Boers approaefied, the British set the
whole country ablaze, killing every
one within reach.
London cable mays: The War Office
ostler Welker at Cape Town:
" Belneontrittwe'lltrit wttaekedethe
enesny at daybreak this morning in a
etrong position on three ridges, which
were carried In succession, the last at-
tack being prepared by /shrapnel.
''The infantry bell/lief/ sinendidir,
and received support from the naval
brignde and artillery.
"---,8990111F toltegtt -with emaraga
and a74
"Itad I attacked later I should have
had far heavier Mum.
"Our victory W81 oomplete. I have
40 prisoners.
"I am burying a good number of
Home, hut the greater part of the
killed arid wounded were. taken away
by their aernrasiee. ere
"I hare a large number of horses
and cower.
"1 destroyed a large amount or am-
"The British lose was 3 officers and
55 men killed, 22 offiaars awl 128
men wounded, end 18 men mingling."
leetheretmehnugh was
severely wounded in the shoulder, end
Crabbe, of the Grevadier
tinned., le reported wounded.
-our other caimaltien are:
"Grenadier Guards. Third Battalion
-Killed, Lieut. Fryer; wounded,
Lieut. Blundell. dangerously, hecond
aattallon-Wounded. Lieut. Leslie,
Lieut. Vaughan, I.lent. Gordon -Re -
bow, and Lieut. Rummell; reported
wounded, Lieut. Lyon and tient, Cam-
eron. Rank and file, killed 28, wounded
36. miming M.
"C,okistream Guarde-Firet Battal-
ion. 'rounded. Lieut. Grata. Second
Battalion. wounded, Lieut. the Hon.
C. WIlloughby and Lieut. Burton,
the latter severely. Rana and fee,
killed, 8; wounded, 23; missing, 5.
"ecote Omen's -First 13attallon,
wounded. Walser Hon. North Dal-
rymple Hamilton, severely; Lieut.
Bulkeler and Lieut. Alexander. Rank
and file, killed. 9 wounded, 84.
"Northumberland Fusiliers- Flort
Battalion, killed, Capt. Eager and
Lieut. Brine; 'rounded. Maps. Ruin
wood and Lieut. Fasting, dangerously;
Capt. Septa and Lieut. Fishbouroe,
severely. Rank and file, killed. 12;
wounded. 82.
"Northamptonshire Reriment-Swe-
ond Battalion, wounded, Capt. Free-
land and Lieut. Barton, severely.
"South Yorkshire Regiment--Elecond
Battalion, rank and file, wounded, 8."
Mien Log . 18
111 W'r1 Mg
Grenadier Guards 29 48 18
Coldstream Guards 8 20 5
ecote Guards ... ... 9 87 ...
Northumberland Fuel.
Northamptonshire' 2
South Yorkshire ... 8 ...
Table Showing Dead and Wounded
°in Each.
The following table showy' the 13r1-
tia,3 dead, wounded, and miming In
each of the fire battles since the war
Blames Laarte 51
Rietiontein ••• •-• 12
Farquhar's Farm 60
WOUNDED. t!'.219
Elands I...s;agte 2.13
RietJonte 104
Farquher's Farm238
Farquhar's farm .. 871
Tbe total Britiah comualties no far
se at present known amount to 2,-
588. Tbe killed number 320, the
woudded 999, sad the messing 1,209,
as tallowy':
°filters _
Rank anel file - 283
Rank and 84. -... 901
Officers aild
Wildft---r-tlevehtila.110110.0 noseittem. Vellt*".
Cep. Town utile says: Unoonflune.1
report., ectitinue arriving here to the
effort that eignutrai Whits recently
enught the Boers in a trap at lady -
smith, indneing the bmiestara to vim -
tare into the open coentry anion(' tha
British eemp, where the British smr-
the captured the attach/ern. Three
8.mi/olefins of A frlean Light Horse have
gone northwerd. I.ste arrival. fronl
Pretoria estimate+ the Roar camel -
Mos nt 1.000 Men. %all of whom were
1111.0 They elan any the rens enuree
there is being prepays! foe r,'wager,
London, Nov. 25. -The Daily Tele-
graph put/Retie.' the following adslam
Kitaleriey, Nov. 17, by express rider
ta orange 111 :cr.-To-slay es toms ar o
"tient was reciter it feeble affair.
Altogether the Boer artillery have
Orel even hunereel rounds, but de-
spite this weight of foetal, only one
u1,1 woman has been killed by their
aud one chrian injured. The num-
ter of escapes have been wonderful,
considering that the shells frequentl7
strop in busy thorougbfarea. and that
our mean Jerry built brick rattle/ices
offer tut a slight resistant*. .
After it totneardment lasting for ten
daya and isolation from the outer
world for thIrty-three days the In
haeltante are erotism/sly awaiting the
early approach of the relief column.
Our latest newe le nearly it fort-
night old.
Onr mounted troupe with twoguns,
niatle a lunette early yesterday morn-
ing. A heavy mist delayed their tot
tame and hampered their movetheiits.
The enemy was discovergel in great
fora, enerenchel In a position guard -
lug tie rl sr from will their guns
have eeen abet:lug Kimberley fur borne
days' past.
They opened it heavy fire on our
men, anti a fight lastiug for more
than an hour ensued. An there wee
no possibility of /storming the posi-
tion with the small force •t hie
command. Col. Scott -Turner returned
to Kimberley.
Our casuelties In the engagement
were: Trsoper Good/ill, of the Kim-
berley Light Horse, killed, and Maio.
Peakman, of the same Corp., and
some others wounded.
This afternoon a 'strong mounted
force with artillery made a sortie
near Beaconefield, with the object of
temptlng the enemy to attack. The
Boers remnined, however, in their
kopiew and blazed away an Immense
amount of ammunition at an Wipes-
rible range. •
A brief artillery duel remitted In the
Boer guns being ellenced. Our only
ennunity weir aptaln Bodicy, of the
_Diamond Flehl Horne, wounded.
ft la skew clear that the enemy's. In-
fante" tactics are entlrely defensive,
and that they are relying on their ar-
tillery to compel the subminsion of the
Up to the present their artillery -fire
ha,, been melees arralnist our redoubt'',
and ham done only Might damage to
private property.
Our men are astonished at the
strength of the enemy. Our imam
were due to rlfle fire. The Boer sheers
hurt nobody. One pitched among- a
group of Mx man, who at once die -
mounted nnd engaged In it ' friendly
ncramble for ita_stees..
War Notre.'
At Wellington- barreCks the follow
Mg telegram, undated, wan posted
from Col. Crabbe, of the Grenadiet
(Nerds, respecting the fight at Bel-
mont on Thinne1/1y : " The Grenadiers
on the right and the Keats Ouards ott
the left auccesodully carried it height
east of Belmont. The battalion fully
maintelned the reputation of the re-
giment." The canualty list ehoWm that
in addition to Lieut. Fryer killed lind
Col. Crabber rind Mr other officers,
wounded, 21 men were klikel and 88
wounded, with five unhccounteel for.
Gen. Jonbert, c05mman4er-In-/1)1_4 Of
the Boer forces, writing to a. frlend in
Mngseburg. Germany. saes: "11. ls no
vanity on ray Part to aseert that we
will triumph. We prepared opperetly
for the war. WA ILDPW It, wan ineesit-
nble. The war will profs/Oily hurt a
year, Mit I am ronvinced that the
Mond milled will never hoe upon our
During the fight Fit WIliot, Grange,
hridge. IMpetial Light Horse
under a very heavy nnt rushee for-
ward, plekerruP a %rounded man 01 10.
West Vorkehlree, threw him on hie
ritionliler, and got hlin to A WAN. of
A pigeon ineeitsge from (Woos!' Ian
Ifamiiton ant Dutf, at Ladysmith,
undated, resporte all well
Another naval oontineent from the
lireteah firet elate enlarger Terrible,
with two 4.7 hush gunge started for
the front to-afght.
The new* of Oen. Ifethoe0.61 vietory
was enthindaatleally received b3 etre
firenfteder finned, airetkinad at Wind-
sor n. renntnnytritivir offirew eddremext
the men on prow* and round After
round or cheers Wits Mem.
...O. -Y.
Indiana Crops Attacked by Hessian
Fly Pest,
MOH MD Finn 1)1812TED.
franeport Driven, Back and Fifty-
flv e Horses mad Mules Bettered to
Death-Kalser Lestree England -
Sufferings or,, Shipwrecked Crew
-Dublitea Mayor Called Home.
New York, Nov. 28. -The corpora-
tion Council of Dubiln having in -
amulet iiim that the old British Par-
inmeutary act under wbieh be ho
sifloe dotterels the places vacant if the
tucumbent is absent frutn duty for
.wo calendar months. Lord Mayor
Fallon, who had expected to spend
Christmas in America, has now been
"impelled to cut hie tour short. and
in Saturday will salt for Ireland on
-110 CUllArd liner Campania, lie will
M. aih.e.eamanpudniteted wbeey liJothhneinE. tRhedmey owntdd
ake buck to the old country nearly
:130,000, rattled to save the Parnell
Mate In Ce'iunty Wicklow, and also
.o bullet it memorial monument to
&tittle. Want., Nov. :M. -With a
ergo of dying horses and mules and
•Ifty-five empty stalls. the United
States transport Victoria returned to
sort late last night, having been
Oroeti by an unprecedented stress of
weather off Cape Flattery to tarn
act front her voyage to the Phil-
ppinea 01 the four hundred and ten
ionise and mides carried by the Vic-
toria, flit -lire were literally pounded
in t t the shies of the swells
id the animals are so
adly at the officials of the
.iameetels that many cannot be
/TM -Ones iii:ilectuervr.14.1eflirefi.led. "45-1111'
Chicago, Nov. 28. -The Recorihs
pedal correapondent at Cap3 Nome
end/. the following letter. dated No
ember 1s1. : To morrow the last boat.
die Albion, will leave Cape Nome
.uel from then until neat Jeri& the
ahht Off from t&i
world. There lute been a great exodus
a people and moot of those who were
acre early have gone. Probabil 2.500
.geople 'will remain during the win.
tar.' Coal and lumber have been oor-
tiered and bothhave been seelliag at
exorbitant price..
°Crawfordsville. Ind.. Nov. 28. The
Hessian fly has made ita appearaace
in the wheat of Indiana, and a fail-
ure even more pronounced than that
of the seasion of 1899 seems imminent
for mut year.
00011 BYE. WILLIE!
London. Nov. 28. -The Emperor and
Empress of Germany left ea.ndrIng.
aani to -day and took it train at Wolf -
erton and Port Victoria at 10 o'clock.
The Prince and Princese of Wales.
L110 Duke fuel Duchees of York. the
Duke a Caznbridge and other mem.
bens 01 the Royal family preceded
Fheir Inajestiewto the railroad eta -
Clean. the apprelaches te" which were
lined_by erowde of people it.108111b101:1
1rui the wirroundlog country.
Ma ni la , hiov. 28. - The transport
hfanauenee, from San Franeisco, Oct.
28th, with Lieut, -Col Webb Hayes,
and three companies of the 31•1 In-
fantry, has arrived here. She narrow-
ly escaped disaster. The officers and
soldiers were for twelve days balding
with buckete. The steamer was un-
seaworthy, undermanned, and short of
provisions. Her engines broke down,
and she rolled tbree daps in a typhoon.
Greenock, Nov. 24. -The Donaldson
line steamer Hestia, from Baltimore,
Nov. llth, for Glaegow, has arrived
at Greenock with the crew of the
American schooner, H. & J. Blender-
rtisn. from Hillsboro,. N. 13., Noy. etb,
for New York. Tbe shipwrecked sea -
nen had been rescued •t 1.30 a.m.,
on Nor. 15th, in latitude 40, longi-
tude 86, much erhausted, having been
for thirty bound' in an open boat.
They had abandoned the schooner in
a sinkhg condition.
AGAINST bf. 01;E4lIN.
Paris, Nor. 28. -In the Senate. sit-
ting as high court to -day, M. Per -
Otte a member of the Anti -Smith"
League, testified that M. Guerin, on
the demonstration et Neuilly, stronstr
expressed regret at the failures of the
attempt to Indere the troops to mareh
on the Elysee Palace,
M. Guerin thereupon asserted that
M. l'erritti had received 60.000 franca
to testify &aren't hlm.
Two Fatal Ameideate,
Belleville. Nov. 25: -On Thuradah
night Alexander Anderson, a well-
known and highly mespected resident
of Tyenetinaga. wait driving home,
when a little met 01 ShannonvIlle the
horses ran away and struck a tele-
graph pole. Mr. Anderson was thrown
out arid imetained injuries to hia spine
and Intern/illy, which readied In his
death last night. lie wits 83 hearse
of age and leave. a widow and ',vivre -
up ramify.
John A. Linton, a Fdost Toronto. a
G. T. II. brakeman. died at Belleville
Hospital this morning as a result a
injuries recelved At Trenton early this
morning. Ife veits shunting at the sta-
tion. and pepped under a car, which
reit off both legs fuel aline. He lived
three hour. In terrible agony. He
leaves a wife and two childrew
Aecident at Klisgeton.
Kingston, Onst., Nov. 20. - At
the Hotel Dieu limpltal this morning
Ellen Murphy, an imbecile, aged
forty years, an inmate for fifteen
years, in some unknown manner fell
through the elevator passage, a dis-
tance of forty feet, awl received in-
juries *bleb mused her death in fit.
teen minutes. It Is a ride ot the lir.
stitulion that patleats or servants
ere not allowed te eft the elevator.
After looking into the accident Cor-
oner- Mundell considered an inquest
nnneeensa ry.
Navy yard flre reuses $100.000 tam
et flosem.
Toronto pollee think McInerney. the
augmented fire bug. le it pyronsitivioe.
Knot rhumb. Ottawa, will onntrile.
ate 043,000 to the Presbyterian
Twentieth essiturr Fend,
ft le a.nrionnead that Dr. Campbell
Morgan, of tawnIon, haa derided V) an -
°apt the pulpit ot the Fit Us Avenue
Presbyterian Chureh, left vacant by
the (teeth of Dr. John Hail.