HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-11-30, Page 5I rgaln Ce tree :COVED: • WATERPROOF COATS AROA1N. UMBRELLAS •Hoed and ate higher today than thiy We hard` Laid in ample q d prices The 'great saving w ogee, toes will not be named again for years '-his Week: Men's Shirts and Drawers, Counter. +, Flannels, Velvets, Silks, Towels and Furs, Fur Ooats. vv. Nth and Dec, 1st. OBINSON. VEPIPE VARNISH lustre, quickest drying ,es. r two. Besides making the best-known , it has other uses. rat preservative coating for balcony nil. on work, coal scuttles, etc. Diluted with net stein for woods, makes en excellent tlMda:Orf es Ly tM gfe>toe. G000E, Chemist. mnr� That's What ! ! There's quality in our $3.00 Shoe ; that's what it is. akes them sell so well ; them wear so well and ttre-hest luotweer some other stores ask our shop will fit well, 3 ou well topurchase. 3 .slater" Shoe. „gat, 3 • a s• AR IAN,_ Jr. L PRICES 75c. set Handles 15c. each Handle ‘.'15e- each 25c. set - Polish • 15c. pkge ser $1.15 each 3c. foot EnaNnei'•••' • • IOc. each sh , 8c. each 20c. box ;E A88ORTMBNT OF y, Carvers, etc. its (ham with ally_/ ackest 1E11 1 UQVIL3, ErtIo t-iousewife 'Fly careful about the (k*esrlies she bsya less; she wants juat.w4tt she orders, and promptly. After quality, the price is a of trade we ars after. We can please I please them, and we will pleas you if )•' 8z 00_3 1 , f Oor. Square and.YoQtreal 01. )RUGGIST FOR ..17, -Y" 1 - At: x TEM ENOVATOII PURE dfor tuVEER TROUBLES. illseLMOD. } a • _..�'-�;e�LV.'ava�''^.4s4._ eR• L.s.ilt'Kt.dlrielm'1"'•.,kp� THE SIGNAL • GODERIOR ONTARIO. W. ACHESON & SON. (Delineator and free Fashion Sheets for December now in stock.) Unparalleled November $j1T! For November's last day and December 1st and 2nd, we advertise a notable bar - pin event, and positively for those days only. The sale is timely ; the opportunity for saving great. The goods are such as you have immediate use for, but we must realise on many thoupands of dollars' worth of new goods. Nearly every department tore ponds to-thig Bargain Bale. Here - few al„amatbree uaya' priced : 4,. OV.- 30th, DFC, t st and 2nd 860 yards English Wrapper- Astrakan %1b Capes, fWl Spiess' 27 -inch /Wish Tap ettes for Dresses, Wrappers, sweep, fine satin lined and estry .0arpet in good color Waists, etc. Regular 12i Ga quilted. Quality guaranteed in and designs, suitable for and 15c., at per yard - • •7 Good Value at $_)•)).E any room. Regular 50 Sale price $lie and Cit at per yard.. Ladies' /be learautoed all 20 only Ladies' heavy, all pure wool rests in all wool frieze, beaver cloth sizes. very asocial .. 10 pieces 38 inch heavy tweed effect stylish Wool *Dress Goods. Regullu' 2 ) and 25c. quality at per olc. yard Ladies' Astrakan Costs, well lined and quilted and all in thin season s style. Regu- lar value $28.00. t7A 51 Special at .... .. and curl cloth Coats, good i 30 dam ' Winch Rid styles and tailor made, rang -1 Gloves in'tans, beavers'and ing in price from $5.00 tot mole shades. New dome $MK.00. Our sale price $3 N) fastners. Regular $1 (,/ic. at each cc" and $1.'l5. Reduced to V99 BARGAINS IN ALMOST EVERY DEPARTMENT ! .ACHEs0N & SON. THE ABSENT MINDED BEGGAR. Whoa yea',• sheeted "Rule Brltana,i'- whoa you've saes •'U•d Rave the Queen Whoa yeti'.. finished itIh.g Kruger with year mooch - Will you ki.dly drop • Ghillies in my little tamrs bou.. Por o gentleman i• khaki ordered South tin ataw•I ed brew. 1.d fig weaknesseo a,. greet - But w• oar Peal mast take Nm as we find . H• is oat nactive service, wiping some- thing off a slate - And h.'. eft • ;let .✓ Halls Wasp behind him. • D.ke'e sen-emk'e mks -coli of n Mednd (st1,y Ikoewnd horsetail teat p'ehis to Table 14.y !) Bah of '..l this/ hi. one , ey'. work (sad ...who's to look aft. r tech range) Pam the bol for your credit's sale, and ►.Y f pay ! Pot Then are gide he married storms, •alta* no surmise' to, Far he know be wool?' Dot set It If be did. Than 4. gat sod owls aad wittier, sad lbs '►uses, root fillies* due, Ate IV' more than rather likely teen's e ked. Mow are title he walked pith canal, Tot a absast minded tartar they will sed him, Bat le abet the time for sermons with the whiter node' ou- We meat bwlp the girl that Pommye left babied der ! Codb'e sen-I)ak.'s son --ea of a belted Bari - 8.o of a Lambeth psbliean-it'.all the .oma today ! Bash of •m' dein( hie cot nalry'. work (sad who's to look attar t h. girl !) Pone the het for your credit's sake, and par! p.y! Wr' Thera are Iam11,.. by thousands, far tee proved M bog or spook - And they'll pat their *Bola and bedding up the spout, And they'll ave ere belt o' nothing paid '.m mammal met a week, 'Con.s the wan this teemed tea wage Is ordered at. He's an abs.as-minded hewer, but he bard his eenewy cal'. And him raR'mea: didn't need to Geed 1a fled him ; He okseked ►b job and joined )1--oo the job before no al 1. te help the bow /bat Tammy's left belled him 1 Dok•'s job-oe•k'* Job -grower, baron - se, groom -- Mews of palace or paper shop -there's 0.0.00. .enc .ray! B.eb of '.ie doi.g lila o e.9y's work (and who's to look after the ram!) Pam the hat for sons oredit's sake, and 11107 1 soy I P•1! Let es masse se as later we an trek him la the fax, And toil blre--whet he'd very numb pr.- ter - That while he saved the empire bb osploy- or awed bis place Aed bio mess (flat! e sea and a) holed eat for her. He's ea •b.eet.misd.d beggar. and hel may forget it •11, Bet we de sot west has kiddies to remind bleu That we eat '.m to she weeklies,' while their daddy hammered Pae), 8o we'll help the homes .or '1.mmy's loft behind ►dm ! Cook's home -Date, home -home of a .:1P asides. -(F,tty thousand bore. an.1 loot Bolo' to Tabs. Bay !) 0.oh of 'em dons ins 000stry'. work (end what have yon got to spare !) Per the bet for your credit's mho, sed pey ! pay' yet "ie.:Ct^^pave.,,.,,,," _ -Rosfasu arpugo. The IUsstrst.d Loodoe New* s000m pew . the poem with Mottoes of Tommy Ate oe r "The Ab.s.t-mi.d•d Beggar" ; Jack as "Ceok'• Son" ; Prima Cbrtettad of Soh lawig a* "Son ,f• Hssdred Ki.'e"; L.rd IC !ward I�"•llf.`•'3aa er iltmad Purl" ; Lend Ota 1.. Oseleadue•Biotech, • "halo's Soo," hod the writer of the poem, Mr. Rudy•rd Kip. hoe. W. C. T. U. COLUMN rROH InITIOn rotleTaa. Ceoadi.m ! rally ere ye die ! Ries out • nation'. battle-ory ! it is for home, ., d love, and 11. ; - It is for mother, sister, wife! 'Tis *bat your country's wound may heal; 'le for your inborn obildr.'u wool. (led Isade yen! Stand before His throes Aad ewror by Him that alts therein, Your oon•try's 1i1e no mon ,ball go 1 wed.JAMAskte. tai reywyt. „t„„ roy tater. Beery me.• of the temperance people toads to •tieaelbeat tbs church; but the west of oo operation ea the part of the auntie toods to reeks tsmpus.o. .Sorb 4.141.. For getting drunk and knooaiog els wife aratut • window, God muster severe eosin 'sande, s•owitating her raise to the hoe - .tel. Thema Hoge., Moatnal wee deed $10 or one month Oot. 10. Wbrn we bear • man saying that he w.sid vote for prohibition only he fears it won't work, It le ale to mark him de.o as see of the fellow. who would help it out to work. It would net be any obeers for snob area to Lake three liquor oa the sly under prohibition, for they take it by the side deur new, Wm. Josue. Hamlets., has boom married twenty-fourears. sod donee all that time ba boa workbag for the revenue. Ry way of varieties be has 000wiom.11y hammered his wife. On Ootober 21st he came home drunk and brought • slob and a knife with dim to kill her, A eon, wit* has grown to masthead to 'nob horrible sarroeudup, knocked hie father down and hooded him oo the poles. He wee bold os • obarge el plotting to murder his wife At Branohtot, Out., Oo1. 1, J. Irene mud Asset Allan happens, to meet on baleen. They had • few drie s and afterwards set out fir the form where Irwin lived. They quarreled se they went Meng. and oostinued /be •rgem.et Mier they retched their dna tteatioe. It culminated in Allis 'tabbies Irwin in the breast lath • p t,hlrk The doctor* bad a hard job savior his Lie. This shows what Dome of Canada licensing drink sellers at every place whore young men have inensi00 10 do business. • SALOONS 1Nn IQTinitiz., The ClHx..' L...as of Montresl has takes the int step le a campaign whoh hot for sorra time bees leder oontempl.tlon stalest Iotteriet and low Want. A .nm• mons wee Issued by Judge i)estoyrs ea Timidity, epos eppllestJen of Detective Joseph hells', the masted msesgr, and Jobe Delaney, 515.0 of the Sooiete deo Bowles Utata4N, who an ohrged with pub• woWeeks'Sale BEFORE CHRISTMAS:' lartitv 30 vol. set Dickens, subecription price $20, sale price $7.50 set 16 " ser Carlyle, a u 200 " cloth -bound Books, .effst" 175 't .r t. et 18, u a7.50u {..:)e- .. . .. 25c. vol. 15c.vol. telt anion$ which will be build saki writers as Scott, Dick- ens, t'ooper, Marrmklograhsa4i Kra -Prentiss, r- tiss, etc., atop- _ Whims sad selling Liable, sad oondootine • lottery. The accused speared to °oast yosteedsy, pleaded net malty, and were re. madded for • week of bail. W. L Bed, of Rlelle d: Boca, and C. A Wilton, of St. P.erre, Petri., d. Wilson, are 'tins tor the peo•eoutioo, and kir. Jodie will appear for the defense. It ,.'also announced that the Ciiizet•' Lague has decided to enter oomplarate seeteat convert eeto.as, Jn ke eare4.4 our , that these ere on tee iooreaae, and Detainee h,otlert says that as several more an about to be ep•ted, action sgaiust them will be taken at now. 18 IT YOU! wire a•lookia for • man Ieah4Qaed after ikon's owe plea, • An I .,,odor, goalie r.bdsi, is it you! Who will battle for the right with the power of hie might, wonder, gentle reader, is it you %Vito is made of boort staff, who will .ever take s bluff; Who to his .,wn onnvietiene will be t,*. Who.' • Trader among men, an' • loyal 11115 - see, Aa' I wonder, gentle reader, b it you! W. need • uervy ohm), who can read us In • w rap, Ani I woader,,eotle reader, is It you! Who can always sad right in se' be mighty • mte to win, 1 wonder, Bantle reader, is it you! 11(1•A.d11 Okla"..01l-.w.r the Fry ,.01 the Pis; - . _ Who esu gilds to when the stem Weill 1. brow; Thresh the taiokest of the fight. be It day •r darkest eight, ka' I wonder, pons reader, 1• it yon t We can't ase the lietlesl clod, who wlih orwelos.orwe will plod. I've met such, g•ote reader so have you; Without • plan in life to lead him through the emir). (1 .°odor, gentle reader, .f its you!) You have seen the shiftless bloke, who ball the time dead Drone ; Wbo o•Yer has a payee eobsa 1n'HOW ; Iyho will loaf around an' shirk every Med of bwest work, (Of aurae I'm not referrit' now to you. ) Tbo' the place is vacant still, yon out fit It 1f von will, (I'm rstarrtt', gentle realer, now to yes;) 11 you'll Dump yerself you may 811 the vaosocy to -day ; We're ameba' fes the feller ; is it you! Hold yes head up in the air; treat yes teller. creatures loaar,. An' en honest, upward Gonne through life pursue ; We're a Isekli for • man who oin lead the eorsvan, We're •.wsitia' ter the faller ; it b yds -B. A. Benetin'r'OOL W. HURON FARMERS' INSTITUTE. A mating of the West Huron Farmers' i•autete`iu held et Oledbnll'• ball, Bea• miller, cm Tsend•y, 21st las,. President Jones Snell 000apted the ebair. Ree, diary fnstruotrees at the Ostatio Ag - Haltered College, gave se address ea "Dtf- Scoltha In the I)airy,ead How toOveroome Them." She eoomeraled many of the de- tails of butter makes, .11.dl18 to the diM- oultles that pra•eat t hemnf es, and lingerer •d freely the gortioes asked her by the ledlse present. She strongly urged the ase of • separator, sad all other tpph•noe that would lean labor in this deportment of farm work, and those pre•st most profit by the pracl cel Id... that filled her admirable • 1dr see. A MoD. Allen, of fledsriob, wee down for an address, but est beige wand sir the time, R. Holmes. M.P., was oall.d se - m, .rad gave • sheet address on "Some Ahem 1 would not do, trate 1 • farmer, and soma th age I would do." Mr. Allan thee followed, with . good .d drum ou "How to Grew fruit for Mrke1," kis p• sets applyee chiefly to the entwine of apple. In this department he t. known ,' an !sport, and be inoident..lry dealt with seany )bases of the •pole bantam, iu 'blob be did net ap.r• o.d paokfot and nowise bevies. The hall was peeked to the deer for the e.endas gatherine. and oeusidering the warmth of the room very good order wee mainemed,. Jos. Bank, presidoat, was ha the obeli. The presr.m embraced mute by t►e Heemfller orohoofra, by the shed ese- Minion orobetre, by Ib. ukases Willea tad M..tma Fowler sad MoL•rty, en t►• wasth wpm ; lone by the Mess Huddle and Hy, Snyder. Mem Rees gave • thor- oughly prastio•l talk to the mashers sad dosbt n sem "Orme" ; A. M.D. ABaa gave en address ea "The Dare .ad Cultivation of Smell Fruits," tails Jaw= Mlteaell, of l'he Ocdarleh Sty, old L Heisiew, of The 011.4an New ha. ale wade allot addresses. 50 vols, cloth -bound Books, iliIhttr"lmperibet, 13e vol, or 2 vols. for 25c. Other lines will be shown at the store at redueed,Y'ices, ti� y,�¢,l;6'�eF.:lrt•.G'"p•Ige-z"-',atetigna tr 143' n.-r•.•wnTt • '. bur Telephone., PORTER'S BOOKSTORE Court House Square, Goderich. i;. Row M eggs. Pegg lays r--"'Ib..slgse boil, t$i loused roast ea est Eke M he had tined en* sow ho would teem More •re twenty ether won d spakhig eat Media Berhad tells thaw all le the voles. of "(Amides Riots," Ike fsvrtk volume of the "Site .f Comm•• loses Harks.." Yen ass.bsoM times books sad The Weakly 945., wash ham boon for ear lift rears. sad Meow, 0.u.da's I..dfeg badly newspaper, from amen le Jeremy 1, 1901, len ova dolly, ..d Marta Hashed'. Meat work, "Rite el (llsrws. 5.a..," hi reef welotroa. Soot trot ; pootage winos Tv. Mla .wat. to Jap76. N. 1 1901, W Weekly pini• tee 11.Tod Stasaf7 Moles edand "Els .1 Omen= Ileums, 'LK �f. J A Great Snap__,. in our lito..r s..ap, .l bo. • pound, of .hlob w• eel, a b.rr.l • o., k This tee's per ouly spay. so ns uerry •verytbtoq that tau b• (ootid in an so- se-d.s• &roomy otos, sud our prices are right. 'lids retin.,s know tient they osn •Iwaye get lrum u. s .u.p tsar 10.1, produce. We d,._ .he hr• at as t•glt.mate trade - .v.,y h:u' ,IoM : Clonus• or potalt•., warden aluf or ohoiort tattle (Ana. W • deal la all of them. T. 0. TIPLING & 00., Bedford Blook, O aderlpk J. 111 III HY& 11 t - fills ygpttao ''►nerd►\ TSvrtetora avail► Embalmers: e•d•r. tar•hlly ••tew•N se es all *oars. sIgea .r don. M.rw w• ,•.t serves. ee Merest, tine bee•erwre, CANTELON'S Pastry, oyster Pattles,Tarts, Short Bread all Cream Rolls,Mince Pies and Lady NOS, Kisses, Macaroons, Mumps, . - Brandy Snap1,11c. - are as Ilu,.l as the best made% 0/ay .-ity In Canada. .••• cantelon lead. the trade in WEDDJNG CAKES in fancy designing and ornament. ing and almond king. Give him an order and your set- idaotion will be assured. D. tJA)V TELON WEST -8T. ■ 141E4 ■ HAVE FOR SALE CHEAP ransom DlilNE• 1, ones mum& 3 11011SE routs 1 1 CALL oro awl Treks, Tof ♦tie BaaOaro, 111 The Henderson Bole Co. IWmlttitll,' ‘1.0D711142CS. COAL LC WOOD CHARCOAL and KINDLING. We are still at the same old stand, Nelson Street, where we have been supplying our cnetomer* for a number of years. We know the fuel that ,site yon. Orders left with our delivery rigs or at Woreeti'e stove and tin shop and at our office Will receive prompt attention. All coal weighed nn market scales, unless otherwise ordered. We run several Dray, in connection. ElfiefWatiOTHER V'S TMS VALUC Of INDIANWOMANSBAL ) AS A PIRTFRIINT ME:1KEIE Fur,..I. in O•deriok by Jae. Abaft YOU 1.00h "WEARY T tl l •. '� OR 16 (1 -PK WT TONIC wot'sas.r I. 'e BIBBB 811,1 ssssnfd «...nmt we On.. Per tab 1. Ueilarlsl W Jae, *sisal. • P a 41r - RES IOR UNE. You will noon oe looklna• for • NSW - COOK or PABLOB 8T003. Remember that WO SRLL TOS HEST 1n the market. THE PEARL STEEL OVEN RANGE cannot be beat. A. Guarantee with every Pearl Stove. THE" NEW FLORIDA with Steel Oven. le the beat Wood Cook. THE ART AMHERST 1s the beet Coal Double -Heater, and £ IIOWARO le the beet Coal Furnace. For ewe by' - - J. H.' WORSELL TAO °beep Wove ono Perna** Um. EPPS's COCOA GRATEFUL COMFORTING Distinguished everywhere for Dehcacy of Flavour, Supe- rior Quality, and Nutritive Properties. Specially grate- ful and Comforting to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only in 1-4 Ib. tine labelled JAMES EPPS &00., Ltd., Homotopethio Chemists, Lon- don, England. BREAKFAST SUPPER EPPS,S COCOA ANEW COOK STOVE At any season of the year there is no greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove iu the kibchen It is witn coot stoves like every- thing else : there are god, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you will be pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges CALL �T CATTLE $ROS. CARTAGE i Fana Plf�rs Steamitters a>id Tiflxorilhs JOHN 8. I PLATT, Manager Phone 62. ' 2687.1f West side of Snare, nest 4tordy Firm. M°KIM'SKEUYS OLD STUD, --"°r' - SEASONABLE BARGAINS. Strictly Winter Goods at cut prices in November are Bargains, but in March they are Not Bargains. , � MOA'8 Alaska shirts lied Drawers, fano !tripe, hill eta, well Unified, wool Bawl, special at ... . ..... 40e or by the Salt for 75s URN'S Manitoba heavy Mooed Shiro tad Drawers, .11 tape trammed, at, .soh.... tine MAN'S say heavy. wool lined, "led wigwag, Gant maks. sillb trisseed, speoid 7b. MBN'8 Bee Mesiad kali BNr4 sad Drawers, pure wool, all stsea,w.rth 11 00, for ...,.. The MOWS Reebok wool Shine aid Ihewers, gad aloe es Iiia, our .penial ... , ass's salami wool 4444*' bad Draw. erg, whiter weight, very flue, epee W •e, seek 11 SO NSW 1D1A PATTRRI,B we best Ned .b..wt t aU poems 19s .i a MON 9 Fri. es Overcoats, pore wool, wind, rain and holt proof, tweed Beteg, storm teller, In slant and blot, regular $10, Gleartag et ...$7 60 MRS'S very floe Hoover Ovreobs, Nolte Baro., v.lv.1 eddy, and mad. .p to den in every Grays sassily weld at 112 50, Mir Novomtew hor- 'she pries 1. .1 p 00 MAN'S Beaver Ov.rwe.re, velvet Dolly and well mode, bluer blab, ea - ally stud se $7 60, to elan se .... $6 00 Mare Roofers et Pea Jaek.ts, special at.... 13 00 ..110T8' Overeats, Reefers end Cope Over. seas se elle pHs. Its •ley) yen want. LADIF4' Jask•N, W. hay. •' is. •t N.v.mbr barrette mina. The, let. eat Melee •t . . S6 M. 18 SO God:? 60 Three. quarter ).egth at 11 00 and a9 00 A. M°KIM .. en. ' •, GODIRIOH. r; a Taoiwi7, Nov. S0, 1899, et ..,e_..H.1.1„11.M.-z.. Av. ....:..r. b.: ,.. e__ J a c k e t at Pedder's Sale . Having purchased some 4.7y • special lines in Jackets at a low figure, we have decided to close them and the balance of our new Jackets out before Christmas. THE FOLLOWING PRICES show the way we intend to do it. -Note them carefully : $2.80 JA KE 1.75 4.00 JACKETS for 3.00 8150 JACKE'T'S 'for 4.00 6.50 JACKETS for 4.75 7.00 JACKETS for 5.25 8.50 JACKETS for 6.50 110.00 JACKETS for 7.30 12.00 JACKETS for ' 9.50 Terms Strictly Came 54.00 JACKETS tor 11.00 WeSetTer Just received • FIFTY DOZEN lot of good linen TOWSIA, which we aro e•-iw and i io. each. • - These are the Newest Styles, Good Fitters, Nearly all Lined, and Well Made in leery Particular, Men's Goods. HIM A freshstockof OVBROQ.d78 has just srri,ed. In itBN'S AND BOYS' bt1ITS you will save money by buying here. - tore HATS, 0.41113, TIES' OOLLABS, in ell styles. See our FURS be- PR/CES ALWAYS RIGHT. J. H. PEDDER, .. MEDICAL HALL GODER/CH. i'f 1111.--• Mr fl' Ll ;1 Stock nearly complete again. New goods rewired daily. A lot of fine Bath and Carriage Sponges justto hand. The neweet and latest Perfumes! Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle .Spiess, and Condition Fow•len, Rubber Goods, Syringes, Atomisers, Rot Water,and Ice Bags, etc, etc F. JORDAN r Corner Colborne -et. and Square r, BRING US YOUR FEET tt Ws do the resat " Our .hors St wings on a duck, and a ladder is nothke neo - the ;story to reach our prices. . OUR RANGE . of Boots and Shoes covers anything you need -the neat and dainty foot -covering , for the house and the strong and comfort - .t/' able boot for severe weather. Great bar. quint in Long Boots and all kinds of Pall Boots and Shoes. h ST. GEORGE PRICE. IMPAIRING ,NRATLY DON1i. BOT. ON DHE $. A STOCK OF FIRST-CLAiIBJ CUTLERY ilx.r - INCLUDING POCKET AND PEN KNIVES, BUTTER KNIVES. SCISSORS, RAZORS, SPOONS, CARVERS and many Ater useful articleThe above line, with an addition from our regular stock, will be cleared out at bargain prices. The goods are on display and open for inspection. Come early and get the beat. A special is a 2 -blade Pocket Knife at 160. of extra valve, "''?"4417- r Our regular stook of Table Cutlery, Knives, Ra.en andSoissor abes veal completes, 1t The MI Est abfslat Ryden* R. W. M°KENZIE BAIfT MI :SQUAW The Play to Buy All Hardware map. "Tile Signal" to 1st of January, 1901, for $1.00 •