HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-11-30, Page 46 art elf r• : --- ..._Uzi" . - , TIDNISDAT, Nov. S0, 1669. K :-RONAL : (WOE RIC 11-01 ta'RTCY- Th. Star w.srs • Torre bullet- mod The Spile. 'a • rubber.neok. E. B. & M. H. Musical Goods far )(Inas Presents: There i. sothisiedoer than • good Nusioal Io- ,trnment position Si of the Digq, anytbin tits: rikotoaf A PIA .. `'1'O A MOUTH -ORGAN Call early, and if we have not what you went in stook we will order for EMERSON'S Bicycle & Music House 31 West street. - Ooderleb. Slit ext, EVERY THURSDAY MORNING tT . aaalciHT ooDIMMOIL TRV11I811AT. ROY. 8), boa THE WOLVES HOWL. WHILE The World and other Tory skeet. are loud in condemnation of the Grit machine in West Elgin we have hood none of organs hit vacs unit the sop/1[F ane d Boa B1xsuxwiAie, the chuet entn- eer of the lory machine, in that constitu- ency. The time was when Biartruwl. MON- WWII, ANDY ItlnaAX, RODDT P,JOOLE. t .. ''"""-""eirihisbtibw•Berfe, tat miler btedl-Oreear •age, swooped down upon • ooustituency with the machine, end the constituency was thein. Hero in West Florae we remember the bye-elect/nes Of 1822. Election After election wen stolen bodily frau the electors, `ihdth-T3zy Ilifflit raised He voice agstmrt the outrage. Now their tune is than and their singing is in a differejjawf, The Grits, they env. •b/r Zw is ooetrol of the machin•, w4,.P,ar/nectar is merely • epect•tag---iu the aoostitoency. To all of ....„,,Ftfax we say, " Watch Mr. BlfrrltUWY." He is u 'cute as of old ; its wings Mee been clipped, Inst himolawa are still worth watching. He is as active sad unscrupul- ous today as he was when ANDY feature's brother wrote " B.sim.ss will he better soon. We expect Boa std this queer." Meanwhile. the Tory organs are trying to __14fe44-still hilean barlbR'railladwe • " Stop, thief 1" at the alleged (int machine. IN SOUTH AFRICA. TE will soon have the true at )ry of the war in South Africa. Thus far it ham Dome to us, by tin and sWL. by bi's and scrape, as the mind or the oeosor saw fit to let se haus it. As mom a the lines of communication are solely in the bands of the British and communica- tion with Pretoria is out off, the outside world will vet mere of what se going on in the Transvaal. The Br(tirh military critics have taken the ground that has been taken ny Tag Seureb front the start that the victories that caused the victors to retreat after • fashion approaching to • rout, were hardly worth being called viotories, and that no victory is oomplete here the alhged victor'. aro forced to act upon the defensive. Such were the so-called victories previous to the arrival of General Bowie. It was time for a change. The change came with the arrival of the reinforcement., anal now with Lord MaTN- aaN'..uooeesful march to Kimberley the first real victories of the war have appeared. Belmont and Grampian were victories be- cause they allowed the victors to advance, and costly se they were in killed and wounded are worthy of note as being favor- able to the object in view -the relief of be- leaguered Kimberley. The opinion of the beet military experts is that the South Africa, war is no holiday pursuit, but that • stubborn and protracted campaign a in store for the British army of occupation in the Traoevaai. MAXIM SHOTS. III Kavoas hollered before he got -over the kopjw. or Thr ayooet i. mighty and nsaally prevails. or Keep your eye on the bulletin board. Bou.ot will do the rest. or The beg d(er.editore are still running the South African war by megaphone. Ir The Canadian contingent h*. leached the Cape. Rai/oink get your skate. on. .dr Wbst U is H1t4s1>Ot, t9 cin o:rn bent .na la:aloar i�wp i flc i w IV Sir Ousts* Typos is a doctor by profession. He believes in bleeding thin country in men and money. SW We haven't herd agything of late Wont. Tvrria's scrap -iron insurance policy cm the (:anadian °anti/agent. IS In South Africa,. diamonds were " led," clubs aro " trump." More ere " ksrolekdown," and spades are " next " Ir TIM war eagle of The Hamilton Spao- tator still keep eerie to the hennery, not• withstanding the neoeadty for he presence in Hoath Africa. Aovrwarbo Is reported to hive aerated hie shat of government again, and Oise& (Me has not been able to obtain lie psteies sial+.•. MI Terre are only two Tory newspaper. ie (iamnda that .ow enatstd that the mew ps}wm white did ant go eraay nn the nm - MOWN gw.srsne are disloyal via, Th. has deal alk.. and The name elan I1p.reaatr. 1 .II When we hurrah for British moires let us out forget that Ra''asL is mcouru.ug fur ber uhildr•o gas will test be comforted, because they are net. Ito That Filipino war reminds us of • lite game the children used to ,,lay, called " peaey-ia-the-ouruee," with • streak of "duck -on -the rock " thrown in, r The British troops in South Moos are empire butkiiug. The materials are bleat, wo rod tu•ou. History -will give tW to -wee,' ,,tail, mire.Rr/a,i hear gU'the err the *ally Loup on the side o Y Isn't it about time stir CaalLts blew anotber blast upon he bugle -horn to let us know that the question of Canada's second outatigent to the kopjes of South Africa was o order. i M If every military Drunk and every tether -bed soldier in C*nada tudep were sent to the Transvaal the producers of the Dominion would not be loosened to any ap. preciable extent. MT TI a Chicago Tribune is shouting " Stop, thief !" after The Toronto Mail and Empire. The Cnicago paper claims that the Toronto sheet steals its war dispatches daily. Well, The Mail •^'t Empire never bunked on -the TecUommanidmenta, any- how. sr Our esteemed jingo contemporary, The Hamilton Spectator, has quit falsifying the war record iu South Africa and uow publishes words of soberness and truth. Ili its iwue of Monday, Nov. 27, It says : None tousoon for the British has come the news of the improved outlook for them on both the eastern and western sides of the South African repwbfic, as the constant smell reverses were arousing keen resenuwe2L $ainet the authorities here. Awl tbau it guns uu to say To General Methuen belongs the honor of the first net ilntish victory of the present war, se Belmont was the first battle after which the Britu-b advanced. D;gl!AL .e.xmttggayt..omilar. opinion weeks ago and The Spectator thought then that they were disloyal. We are pleased to welcome The Spectator to the reAlut-(,f those who have seer on the ,>A -question. If it keeps onyt,tpen lec'back the ctrcula- lttm tl . _._. • sews *aboard teem s la eeletag sews et the model problems of the day the Csmeerva.' tee press wee* le steargtb, le redline reinw and p.ptsg •tau•• at the Wreath. Caasdleo.. 1t is a terrible densest from the hlgb greeted the party hod when tt wits le the hey -dry .t 111 power cadet the lead• 'whip of Sir Jobe Needosald. essay • party trylsa le get tate power by sNoktag est its taigas se se little lrenoh Oaaadise win oily w0gbs about 150 posed•, sad sateawlat Oat against her loyalty because les Pida's happen to tie bora outside Quonset • • • ,fax SAIL C•LL*L bawl. LtagI,s Whig: Mr. MoOdliouddy, of Tie O.tlpieb Slgeal, .ad so wed mooch. of The Whist, au called The WYte aocewf tot lea penitent miareprN.wtat . It hes the* end acne attaiboted t., .lm doggers1 ie net Ino unbar. cad be m.d. oro oomplator. Bat Lately It stormed u.use Le Petrie oommsMd upon the Flanesr'e relerense to the Freaob. aad M sue& a way as 0b make it ►piers► It was very angry. " No euoa language," le INF sorted, " bas appeared in these oolmsuit Mr. Tarte, or somebody for stn, bar boa guilty of forging this bugs quoN4 ler lbs purpose of belpiatt en aao the rally�raow ory. ' Mr. Mcttlhoaddy Bret remark' that the •vtde0w is weenie/ time lar. Terse ttaaegnwed be The Mall alleges, cad, therefore, while uomplatutne of • wrong it ,,smite a grater, of the .•m11 q.•lity. witheat any oompuuottos of oou.oi.tts• Our oo.temporety ie thea *.ked to relieve Mr. MoOillIouddy of the -responsibility of writing anythiag but what he really par formed. " 1 should very numb like." he observes, •'t bas the aide which you lay down to the wase el La Pattie be followed in my ase here- atter erratter in the Mail and Empire. 1. as a sews paper mea, sat willing to take ell the WOW mew koocks that o„ms my way, bat draw the lime at msdslons inaiotatloo." The Mail prine this letter, but odds • toot note wb:ab is m exotdlagly bad tats. Mr. MoGill,ouddy, it eye. whoa examined at O.taws. la the West aurae case, dectered teat be did not write the poetry. Teem wby we leds denial sot sowpted ! Wby e the sot repeated, sod, Iat1T, wlthio a few days! And remark Ibis result: "Mr MotiiUiouddy to quits right in repudiating the poem. 11 would be ooprolesstoed in a breakwater ooatraotor to lift up hie voice in weYitiremse amigo ..aseemas mase 4amei the program estimates." It is not yery ol.ar what the editor is drtvtsr at, but there ie en insinsatloo that the oomtraoior ha been genial( some favor from the one who pear hi. accounts. It t. • sole iso.. .110001 soy pnb or merit, and tacked on to a wins,}, Thick. dor not concern 4(:ntreols and •a oo,rnt. and Ie.g'¢ii nebti'e viite%lt: 'Mil pooroeliht Tie Mail refuses to be ,sided y the ruin cl jourraitsm .1 lays down far n'h.u. sod that when pinned for it. 10000. sisrenoy it go''s mad and marten amobait- sh'y And the same Moi', mind you, w•e estitdashed sear years •,o by getlem.n for COUNTY IJURRENOY. 1 j t urkersmlte : Mia Jew& M.Urgor, el Tim Itweerab, is the pawnor of a ohrysan• demure hearts, 140 he•att(sl dowers. Zurich . Si.. Usher, who les bee is North D•kete for dye years, made a- few oalle awoog former (reeds here • few dap age. Sealoetb Bus Etta Towl, tidy da.mh• We of Harry Town, ass marled to Buffalo on °tooter 31.t, to Jest« SSaruw, drua- M et, of thaw oily. Collorue : Wm. Hill, one of the progno- sis. farmers of the township, bas bought the 100 -•on form of Mr. 'hymens, lu the Malltaad Bloch, Helleln. W'iugb.w Go Tuesday of last week Joke NaLeao walked down to his mill for the first um. maw the eooident tint laid ham aside with a broken leg. >�• 9aaley : *Rides Keyes, • prominoN young f.rmes ref this 'noway, tool a plea- e..rare trip to the town of Oolboree, sop ought back a pa,kait toe life. EDITORIAL MELANGE• -A abort time ago Dewey war • hero ; then Zee was • she ro : now he's at taro. - -Tho KEELET meter, Iatr.Ttve Doxaxu.yi enptugraii aid Tt'rra a return to power are all past strands. -Our old and esteemed frier ': I i•r Hou. Ptrga Waives han't been Been this side of Salt Creek sone the Hon. nose w� w -The HOD. Uxowe;a lit/L411 Fo.rga, the chief of the " nest of traitors" accord- ing to Sir MAuaixzta Bfowtu, is now Preaching the gospel of loyalty to Tel • -If everything is ss it ought to by why doesn't the Hon. Gaosioatii.ilfteerran drop down to Hamilton and hold • joint meeting with his eloquent friend, Doctor WALTIM HtrrnNta MoxTaovgt -Howe GRAHAM i.donating.good deal of apace in hie Montreal Ste as pay- ment in advance for the prospective senator• ship which Torrga has promised him iu the event of Tory wooer at the poiltr. -It is funny to see The Mail and Empire endeavoring to lecture Hen. G. W. Roes on his rough-aod-tumbie handling of polittal opponent.. The Mail and Empire fei so very particular Resit in that. regard. Moo. "Maggots" ST. Jose, of Huhlker napery fame, is neither dead nor sleeping. Within the pat week ar two he gashed hie sidelights on • political plet- form and spell -bound a Tory audience with the overflow from his oratorical hydrant. -The heather'* on tiro and the political brush heap's blazing in the Eastern township., if we are to put faith in the far- ing headlines of The Montreal Star. Hvum (;SA. UAr'esenatorship, promise( by Tvrree, is better than a microscope for seeing thing* that, don't exist. -The falling off in the subscription lint of The Hamilton Spectator, owing to its ravings on the rsoe and creed question has, we aro informed, affected it. advertising standing to such an extent that the man- agement has decided to cut its advertising rates in two so a to ennour•ge buelnm to return. This is to be regretted as. if prop. Orly ballasted, The Spectator has brain. WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYINti A RIVAL "MACNIPI' 1N 11010. ' Chatham Renner : Rohert Birmleghaa. obief orgaefaer for Ostart°, has been In St. TI oma monism " the machine " to working order for the comfy/ bye ,lectins le the two 'idioms of Elgin. Mr. Birmingham 1. an r epert potItleal meohledt ; Is eat„the father of the ss•eNae oneti mal. el reaNag elwstsatkrewahostOared&.- A SMITIfMIS 110* Means ( Mahe Net_Etftr-:b• Galeria-Om hie virtue 1. Ilietws, but preoio.. I i ata eem nen. R.s tn. the New Ere told the truth about • diegraeafel *episode le the oared of Hae. G. E. Fester it 1. celled • "jackal, je.reall•r.•' The titer's memory 1. very al, osd Its virtu eely a«nmet. We deal want to barrow its feelings, but does I1 remember bevies is apologize to the lite W. C Oam.r.e e • • TARTS roe .aaaarawT. Denelle see tlprfwa Dead.* Sui ler t • EMI 6SW alea67 fables ! W let a seme.4ewi It a ter the leaders of tar Me4 dese.netfvl pores, who dad s mesh Seward wrrylag est the great O.rdedar.tloa of tie Brle tab Americas previews a.4 rwevMet for the ee.etrnMlee of the (;an•.ta. Poodle Railway, M have te expe.d their ,erne sal Oodles: la hounding see sink Fre..h Jai• dfs& aa.werlsg to the ewe of Tarte. The .bele Oesserw.bv.piney of •'day Is Maytag dTarte. There le really asit aft. Yevelag, .ses and night le 1. Tuna Tarte did diesel Teres AM tt. 1, es, Tarte wslda't de tins owl we.lAn't de Mak Is. sl..d et trying re tree., Mel* eetalee es a les.atte• of Tamers. A correspondent addressee the editor of To Sion id. as follows "As we ort d oar .tot a is its olab room -'R 's' store -discussing tbis situation is South Atria', petals come up creating diee.sioo whiob we find difficult •t times te elucidate One of these is a to win •• ate proper those to have boon dose at nye u•. Nee, when we met with snob • ...verse to our arms, and es you are se authority we uk your oedema West would you b-' , duns under the mrorm.t.00rs- praclfwl j wrrousded! Wouldayou have tioniirtm b' 1D'10 `rvdi,t.10 -Lo the I.ft, ur termed • wedge in the front, or .sot F•tbar M•ttbows for a halloo& t "We have thought of beading s. el our members over to ere General White a low petsfrs. it is difficult to decide as to who snail gr, either 'N.' or 'Ile .' or 'B.' Tae trouble le they ae all se bony jest sow." l The problem our oertespoodent pro pounds is a difficult moo. Ws have ramie std over it fee sees time, bet baes sot awe to any defnite 000alsion as to "net we should hare done it srroaaded as the Bal11.h were at Nlebol.os's Nsk. This war to ,wog ooeduoted, though, on soieattfio Sale', and 1t might bere been in order for :he British offi,et 10 ocmwa,d t., wad • massage to old .loubert telling him that be had aeyrr bad an azamisetaon •t the milt• tart echoed epos the proper proon.lwre is such o oriels end requesting • truce while he wont book to camp and ooesolted 'he text- book. The Bat oomm&der might not went to play fair, sad if he refuted oar roseoaable request -welt, we thlhk we should bee• told him than we would straight- way mach apes Pretoria. We ore afraid, however, that, sot being well enough aogodnted with the ooeditiow under which the battle was fought, we ore not is the best position to give advice upti flee m.tter. Oar cerro.pooden► would de well to well for the report of olio of the peatl.men whom It Is proposed 10 seed over to Ower.l White; be ono make an Invent oration on the spot. -Bal. SIGNAL j PETTY ESCAPED. Mares a.1 Sew Were Recovered, Res lee Tmlef Was pled se Ike stere.. The Kincardine R.yiow gives the follow- ing further amount of the doings of young Petty, the bioyel• and horse thief Detective Pat H.ffernao, who woe ea - posed by Mr. John Cawerot, el Greenock, M parse the thief who stole ids horse. lase eaaoedd fa gettingthe horse end hu.gy set cot tbo man, arty, Re thief, bad sold the outfit to • West Zirre maw end had skipped, going is the Untied hateo by way of Sarnia. The Web Zorr• man *111 be out whatever he paid Petty, and Camerae will be out whatever he paid to Heffsreen, and It is said that be paid the provincial de senate $6 a day while engaged at the work. The at,oum.sano« of the awe were re oorded last 'wok. Petty) bad sestaged s bone and buggy from .1 it Rnwell, livery• man Kioeardine, to ge to Glomi.. Newest to Paisley Irst, however, and arrived In Glamis on Sueday night, Donlon his horse V Kaox's hotel harms. He then went away, sating hi *wad be Melt fees. Ile task e horse from .iohs Cameron's Rar.11's horse mot beteg good h to .at bles--and steadfastly wore book for R..s.11'a baggy, hat endsw the doors looted he beat to Webb's sad got • bogey there. He home ell about three plao.., bemuse he had bees p•oktng epplet, there the felt. Re deet, to Winpham and from there to Rrneals la aha meantime, Russell bad beware ass. lens shoat he property end had oo.se'Md the Kinnardine pollee. They found oral lime • was wwetiag NOY. deserlptlee h.4 trid to mil a hers and baggy as Winn - hue, bet the des*elptlnn of the hers* gave Ong es reason to believe fit wen R..emN'a -They oommeniests4 ailthOtamte and learned 1Mt Ra.ssll'e property was then, bet that • horse and Mair nod hew owlet hem the tee Greaeook farmer. Oaweron. 1a the sessYwa, had eegags. deisoMve fleaworts to panne ale 1114 en4 le ase from the Klr meths p Ilea b. eatdaod WM eferma4on that Peony had passed thre.gh W Inga.m TI..hedIces of Stratford weed H.1 forsake foshat bitty hat 1passed thr..gh thee d .It y, sad es Tl.ray .t.rnen west Illws, 15l le ws then owl lees te raptors the thiel bedew M had wlettmhd the West Zona mem. Piney M • Fosse Reties "reed" hey sued Grey : Mir steals laiden fish minted Mem Lelowal, where she underwent so op Bret o& 'ibis beteg the ..wood, le M doped ,bar It *111 Who • permanent oar.. Weigher') ; Mr. Peddle, who ►u been In England for the pet two year., but b.a informed of Met. Polite's serous gloom, and 1e expected to arrive hums see. W iauhaa : Arob. Pringle, while running • sanding mantis. its Beuostt's plwtsg mill, caught e.• sleeve on • www and r• calved • v ry sore wean t on his son. Tuekenmttb : ber.. Ktioat, sr, o1 Tack• eremitb, 1e11 hes• lase week for lea lapels, Cal. S10 leu • eta rootlet m that $tat• cad lateens to spend the winter there. Chinos : I. addition to his work ca the staff of '1'e' (Nolte. R. H C tat., sea o1 Rohr. Costa of town, looks after nes of the spsoaal departntente weekly ler Tbs West - to t aster. Uoderloh towa.bip : Edward Tebbuu, formerly of Weis township, beam, meld e!s dveaae 'raisin trove. wkt tt le vial* Me miles of the coy of R,dI.sdeo al.. tar Me CBatua : Mn. hillier. wife el Adm. Miller. died ea W.d•ssda meld of IoM week from os.veleteme. lee leaves 1.sr +mall obitdrw. aed general symp.tby goes to oke busbaad. rlsferth : Jobl Hookahs', torm.rlr o1 S.alwtb, died at the house of rotors elisi- on'. on Woodsy, the 20 h lust, *god sixty. sae yeas.. Teedemeael main was *saw of the stomaob. Wiegbam : Mow Maud. Finny wen ee• fortunate eao•gh to be k,00ksd over by • oiryal. t Ay, ani its a fault had her Lied(a kTe ieju:ed *hob till lay bee off work for & • )iter : IM. smith* NSW -1144.1 Ae..fi4l'r, was .seem, lotelbeg "dontii�U+u00 Mr. Hill Mill r.Mm here for • 1.er weeks an' ii tee *tern 15 keeled rut sod 1u s0o.«or, Mr. Arn;atreme. n instal ed. Molesworth : Cbs thank oder,og IssetlsN .( the id. b• 11 S_ •t Mole.woyth wait hold r ■ .be 15A al Nooses oohs. acme, Is Wm:ate- . .rv_ lie offer.ag aane.t.1 be e..r p1L llmron: Joke A Codw.re, d Park River U.tote, r visit's; his uncle. W. Cod max^, of town Hs has beep time yeti web Joseph Co (inure, • fernier readout of T.ek anmlih• who if now ou. of 'hi w.sltl.y landowners of tIAt exteosiv. •tact. -L;hatpq : The other 11.1 ilia. \:' 14 beet sy &Done/ their hill, dog pis}rne win eosnethwg'in the yard and ',Iwo she wen, Att. to we what the dog bad she was oar role.) to find it was a $5 b 1t, wh:ob Nr Wheatley th:tks hs dropped in p y.ng a.e money. Bromide : Oa Sued.v, N.vsmbx 19 .11, Flwsie, youngest d.aphter ul Arobis and u000e«ioo• died at ton lospual os teroeto, nth.,s s1e to dweets as opera&ioo • l.w dap ego ,he was seven yen amt three mouth. old Sealerth : Ed. Hallett hay fits • ou i- aslty 1• the shape of • rug which h *bottle Hugh brough' him from Al wile. It w•• made by the Chooses, of Ph.lippine .its r, and is me socettsoted that it Gan be taloa evert and marls is etas Isep cbslu, . ni.b gee yarn quite. knack to ,e: It back to it. proper shave Brwsi.: a clow omit to a when lir. Mak plow st druggist Fox's Seed.y sveniag of last week A lighted lamp wee moult by one o1 the ct. lJree tanning •gain • table. foe wipe-, I or curtsies soil • endow pane, 'strewth wb,ob flee lamp was 'bro. r. suffered I .fore the doeger we peat. t,lmtos : Jobs Bell west to Leaden I.st o. k. and Mrs. Bell Merced with els. lee had bees there for shoat five weskit. .od her may triaads will be pleased to Soon that ate con a link almost tally re stored to beal'.h. la • short Um* sbe ex owe to be es well sad se Woos es ewer. Blyth : A young man named N esley Ceittl.k, sop of John Cblttkk, blacksmith; of Blyth, was found dead la his bedroom s: the Manor hotel, Wireipeg„ let lrld•y mornu.k, honor been sapbyzial.d by ga Hu room mala, H. Yrs hoer, • fester brother, was rescued In time to •ribs lila- D•aoa.d was aged twenty olio years T.cksnmltb : Robert Cbartors, of the moil road. Tu•_keremith, has • wow with • rem•rk.ble reword. She le ten years o'd stet nu gives 1 irtb W tea Dive., all of "'Won are I.ving Of the camber there were le o parrs of twine, the let pair trrlvier two weeks ago. A d.Iighver of this tor, eight ys•re old, is also the mother et seven calve, The oow is . ihorcughhtad Durham Usborne: Two w.)lkaowh farmers of Denote were arrested lost week sod taken before M«ar., Sall and Oregory J P.'s, oo • obarge of ,teeing turkey. They wars oath flood 910 seed oasts. This nsfarioue prods hoe been carried on le Ibis se000n for *omit tame, and should be stopped. Anotbor 'timetable a few dory after raptured two farmers engaged an the awe busisre s. Clinton : Willlem,G bbisge bee returned from his alp tai the West. H. has three sopa there, near Vedas all o1 whom h.,, don. uo..dt.tly *el'. Two o1 them has. 480 wore', on which they this wawa re sed 230 cors of wheat, yielding 4,700 bushel., in addition to which t ey bad 2,000 bushels of OSIS 'T1. ether erre has a full 'motion, 640 sores• aid be also rented r knot amoaat e1 stale, hot b. is (ere stook-rafstag as well Zorioh : Os Mead•y syets, o1 last week • pleasant tank pleas at the noel - demos of C Weaver. The was the odeb•a time of the ninetieth birthday of Mr N any er's father In-l1w. The old nobleman wee pr*e.dtet live N Hey OMR tat m plpe,aad was dali,bt.4 to moat with his friends, who .*ambled to commemorate the nowsion He a still 1e the s.jaym.ss of geed health, ane 1t is the wish of his many blade that he .ls711 be spared mte d to beaten • o n- arfen. S11fitt ktA. 11,b.r% Ferris ha jai retiree° from a three maeatte' vett to trends In Memnon', sad Is delighted with hr trip Coseldenble of ber time wen .pens with tier brother -1n law, .lebn Ferris, who W bees amm.atly eeeeestal slew h. weal Was, thye year having a wonder fel romp et 12,000 bushels of when, besides larde quasi - Midis et eta end iarley. H. hs 1.600 awes .f lead, with 640 fa gals. and lr betMt•e • sew heeled oa • en.t of 94,000. H. bas tweaty-d.. Aerose, Ohl bas d alit. mid greed stabling for them a11. Madly disparities, • Reed wile lead mN►s, • Load freed sod • demo Christian. A Rrew•-ep tawny at ewe Bess cad tear dasebuer...ryly. ber. The tre ,rel was • very lmp«lsa sae. 1e preemies were the e000J board, ohtldres rod te•ebere of the psblso .ohool, beim upwards of a Misdeed, beside. .vmp•thielag frleude of he lawny 1. largs members. Ruder: Batsrdey eveulog, the 1811 mat , two boys, Flysa age l4lmtaefl, waw out shoetiot with a ride, end the IS.imtsell bey told Flys that be ooula eel bit the tem. Flys put the alto 1e his shoulder sad polled Ha. trimmer, end the ball hit yeses Briouell jail uadsr the of s.k boss„ plowed IM way through the face sad tante out on the other side of Om awe. The doc- tor eeter Wake brimmed will ,.cover. Yawners Flea was se remorselal thal;be wanted the Rimini!, bey to atoe% biro, oM en shag ewe he eked be soother to M ler hea4 sat declined le •eetua a him, en he put leu heed between the board. of . fence for tie rupees of bre ktog tae nook, Oat when the peel/meat baean bort be (twirled to pestpe is W s•114d • - VICTIMS OF rHE WEATHER: Geurpl•a Bay Dtstrt.l Tha.kl j).dd's Kideey P41. KmcerJi.e. Dao. 4 -This month hr been the worst i0 years la the tnket Hers •ad George& B.i districts. Vascor of 'then - mongol who probably Lea a ulo..r I.b on lbs climatic ransttooe thin other people are sit loud in the( easeta,.5 se to thu.w son beteg a reoord breaker lar dampness end raw biting .lads. if seem good people os .teed of keeping labs en the weather would ( .Ilow the exempts of Herbert Brews. of Mows sod Maloom's furniture factory, Kiawrdio•, they would bi ooaf•erwg • blw.ls,' ups themselves Mr Prawn .ay., -"I had boo fettle, very bed with beseech* freta any ladweyq (Iambsgo, a form of rhsmort•m ) I have taken three boxes of 0,44'• Kidney Pill. and Ike pato has left me " CARLOW. MONDAY, November 2Z Piownao Bu. -There was %phoebes, ben at Nee um Villa, the form oeospied by 4e1e ,wry, oo Thursday, Nor. 23rd, whim oasis twins look part. The veteran Sootohman, John Bacheas, who bas reached nearly 80 years, we among the another, Lod hustled them •'1 to keep anywhere sear him fe Mods' errowa. There are cot meoy mem of the um of ler Buchus& who kayo the vieeribll'1treagtb to do flMs 'wont. Ter mall tkreattears la s000se'oa b. has IoI- leered the-Wieri•d he e1.:re a wager of • bowie ea "ww.m1.os dew" t• may w of hu ase Is He.o•, Guy ...d Brow who ora pls. • fiftae i gird ri - • sgaloet Lim. Mr Lir was well pl..w , Will t he afternoon's 6. heeler : On Thursday, November leth, death re terad one e1 the driest ,tad aa, reopened r*etdst. of Rueter, la the rose et Paolo* Georg.. roles of the 1•e (7 Vesper, at the .ge of teveney-.ne ya•o na eine mes/ho. the dewed had h... Is a low Wide et health for sewed w.mbs. Nat Veneer was et Kellett birth• read w,wed koro teem Ceheerg %egotb.e Nth her 1.1. hobbled and leer fared, grey metre see is irem.rlgtbly ereokeA an.. ewes ....oral mei had reeled hose sea= ewer 111111114 ceased, ken ErseardW end Ripley. (Mom Wer d rwirba is Rbeum•tism ottbe face. eric Acid left in the blood by disordered kidney% lodges along the nerve which branches from the eye over the forehead, and across the cheek to the side of the nose. The cause i• the same i3 in all Rheumatism- disordered 'v''��iaej'i: 'fYa cure fii 1�� wits the stmt-, Dodd's Kidney Pills Slim Boiler Rpmiing. The Uodericla steam boiler works having been removed from Godench, 1 have made arrangements to carry on boiler repairing and also the menu - factoring of aclokestack., etc. Repairing of boilers, engine and other machinery promptly attended t0. D. K. STRACHAN, • Machinist, Uoderich. Works on Victoria Street. F. BARLOW IIOLMES Keeps oonetantlr on hoed as will deliver promptly at lima • LOWEST P11IO13 FOR 01311 Hard and Soft Coal, Portland Cement, Hydraulic Lime, Sewer Pipe, Fire Brick, Fire Clay, etc. OffloOYnth .14. et Welt Meese sear the oderich Bargain Ce tre. JUST RECEIVED : LADIES' GNU TTS' WDNPNOON COATS PRICE OUR UMBRELLAS Ali kind* of merchandise have advanced and aii higher today than they have been iai year., with a riaiog market. But we will not advance the price. We bleil!.iyd is . maple yeantitie. and will be able to supply you at the old prism. The great caving we offer i should prompt you to come, for soot) prices will not be named again for years r.6argains This Week : Glover, Hosiery. tidies' Underwear, Men's Shirts and Drawers, Counter- panes, Blankets, t°urta se. Drees tlaode, Flannels, Velvets, Bilks, Towels and Towelling, Table Linen, Wise' Jackets, Furs, Fur Ooat. ..-7r Next Bargain Days, Nov. 38th and Dec. est. JAMES ROBINSON. BEATEMALL STOVEPIPE VARNISH Least odor, brightest lustre, quickest drying of all stovepipe varnishes. It's time to call for • bottle or two. Besides making the best-known coating for stovepipes, radiators, etc , it has other uses. It makes an excellent and elegant preservative coating for bal000y rail• inge, iron fences and other outside iron work, ooal scuttles, etc. Diluted with turdmentine, makes ^an excellent walnut stain for wood*, makes an aioellent black paint for buggies. Rao • Bottle: 5 for 01.66i epeeist yU*titMee gaBon. Bedford Block, W. Ce G000E, Chemist. M1/1 E i' E , That!s �,g>rf What ! I i������ l,�,t�i«�, There' • quality in a ii E k our $3.00 Shoe ; that's a _� 4. what it is. That's what makes them sell so well ; E that's what makes them wear so well and Eplease so well. e lire- sellif(futai 'best lu01<yvestr . Nisi► ' =at lower prices than some other stores ask for inferior goods. • Your shoes from' our shop will fit well, Ewear well, and pay you well to purchase. E Sole agent for the "Slater" Shoe. A A A SHARtIAN,..Jr. SPECIAL PRICES For Two Weeks Only. • Mrs. Potts' Sad Irons 73c. set 46 " Iron Handles 15c. each Cinder Sifters with Handle • ISc. each 011 Cloth Binding 25c. set Electro Silicon, Silver Polish ISc. pkge Family Meat Choppers $1.15 each Weather Strip 3c. foot Odorless Stovepipe Enamel • • • .. , . , . • 10c. each Sunlight Stove Polish 8c. each Soft 011 Soap 20c. box ALS,) A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF Table Cutlery, Carvers, etc. I:1- Alt fflr Cas` i la• Cited Illi, et^sq prammm. 1E1 N. D. ROUGVIE, CFO DI RIO H. Timeworn lie Ts 'L ..1 F. BIRLOW HOLIES. 'the Careful Housewife HELLO L THE OLD REPABLE. ALL KINDS OF OAL ALWAYS ON HAND MI RENT Scranton Rilarti Coal 111 TUMAift0l'r wbww ria gM taw alta M est ~1 WM. L. Ori., We es Las i>t cap's Stem pri mptty 04 le. is particelarly careful about the Urooeries she bay.. like wants them fresh and clean ; ,the wants just what she orders, and she want, them delivered promptly. Mew gnality, the price is • consideration. This i• just the kind of trade we are after. We syn Pira.•' our customers, we ,lesire to please them, and we will plata* Yoe if you give us your orders. STtTRD & 00 The 06ah Gr'ooary. .3 Cor. square and Montreal 8t. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR M$CLE 0, 8 SYSTEM E NOVATOR A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOO, Ooderich, ORb N.vaM.. - 1 85 10