The Signal, 1899-11-30, Page 2SO .44110.01.
raw' .
The Signal
Mg 7►. 1111te021.>JVODDIf. _�
THURSDAY. NOV. -80, 1890.
Mk. Liberal oonvetttiu *t Whit-
by. wblob yesterday aoaarnated Hohn.
Jobe Dryden as pie ewnldldate for
Ontario, was addressed by the
of, Agrlceture mei by Its'
df 'the retirees, Hum H. W
• course of his lRb¢laTbt.
Dryden( said:
• .
' Speaking (all• o>;yaeA, you a re
wee aware a met, upAnkn I -detest, I
abhor 11eVroper prec44oea la an e so -
tion, or W say neatest. ;Anybody who
known tree, I -Whit, will bear me out
Ln haying I believe In fair play. I wish
1 wascertara we ward get fair play W
the coming e:scRlot► la &nigh Ontario.
Give the fa-P:ay and we are not. afraid
01 the batre. Let um have fair pray.
1 repeat. that I abhor these Its groper
prat -floes which have cane lata vogue.
I prefer always W rest my o:alm for
support upon the merit" of my case,
Ly apse••: to the Lotelligenes and pit-
riottsdn of my coaat►tueuts rather
than to the ioweat considerations
which can possible actuate mankind."
S1r. Rein referred Ln terms of the
highest cotattijaoent to his preleces-
sur, Hoe. A. S. Harty, whom not one
Liberals, bat all Canadians, should
leis! 1a gratetu4 remembrance as •
large -hearted and progressive pub-
: servant. He next described the
changes that had been made In the
formation of tele nee Government,
and spoke o[ the regret weth which
he severed bis oonneot4xt with the
educattateal work, te which he had
given onoetant attention fryge, the
day he began to teach la a _eg school
bowie, tel the day be was called upon
.La 'form a Governing. He spoke of
the bye -e ectLors to be won, an of
the electoral corrugation to be pun-
taheI. "Not. that 1 tear a comparison
of the record of the Liberal ,party
with that of the Oonservative party.
ttusaxea:t LPAIIr.P. ti14netknal.Fared
with many of the LLinge WS might
speak at as the record lig our oppon;
ants. Atte fault on ear part due• not
justify a fault on their part, but
ave do not plead any on their
part as justification for us to do
:Ave. -Ise. I take the ground at we
ghat iris our butteresses the Llberet
'We wink of the great expanse of
the United estates, forgetting that
we have ell l greater expanse. We
talk of the crnatltutltnaal develop
went of Englund, furgeitkig that
we have mate evert greater develop
went touetltutimutlly than Eug-
Iantd. There Is no land wore free,
there ars no lnatttjNtlu.r metre (ft/1-
We, no pimple more Intelligent than
ours. No Premier of any toiletry cite
properly indulge In greater feelings of
pride than 1 can indulge In, labeler
the First litnlrter of thm great Pres
vine. 1f there 1. any tent feeling in
me heart rtruoger than neither It Ls
that (-4. arttraa•ii Mtlhu►, erlu.a
In her eehoo:a, trained .
Gone,. het (ng the 'ouJ Silence
constituency for 27 year*, and now
apparently having the oonfkienue of
the whole Province -shall tievute all
my euergler, not simply to thee de-
velopment of the c•unetry 'bIM(Cths
morel improvement of the proplece
• Rlghteowmers exalterth a nation.'
Tennyson rays that the Wait of a
mania gresttnees 1. thv limit of lair
moral perception. You cannot make
it people metier in character or par=
pone than they are in heart or cern
%Action. Let carr strengthen the neral
foundations of this toun►try, let um
purl'y elestkus, where they are fur
pure -not eiecttoas only butt let um
do what we can to purify the whole
atneamhere of the tenantry• The way
to do 1180 le nut by making fan•Ieal
pretension* as 'til our virtue•, but
by ltvlmg'°noble, 100117 lives. as Can•
weans, and showing to the world and
thous who conte Into oco4act with ue
that we have eoevlctimr founded on
the printlplee of morality. The result
will be Weimeae for Ontario Hu pro
eteinende am the home of an intp111-
geltt, well-edurated people. 'lite
Government will, without any pre-
tyeeder s, without any 'b*wiug of
trunerte or ant exhibition of vire
tuna, go to work as strafgt4.lklorward
hateatt men and develop the oalatey
on the *nes I have MWeated, and we
trued to show the younger mean that
we are not unworthy :.1 their corn
I ideate."
(arty, to see that ottr stats an
eerie se far as corrupt practices are
concerne 1, and al rater say to the Cion-
eervattves, 'Go ye and do iaewise,'
ant when both parties have des.`
with the corruptor within .their
ranks n far as it may exist, then let
ea nen to it that tib"'Sstereste of the
country are attended to." "Let tee
courts do what they wiik; let the
arm of the law pursue these men ;
let there be a propier trill ion every
case, •`il.'`we,-a.T17 P*lTinTt1eeriel
addteaa ourselves to matters that
POMP to tau land."
Mr. Roes defined the programme et
lab Goternmeut; the mnln item of
which Is the development of the 150.-
0(x),(xx) acres of land included In the
I'rotince of Ontario, of which only
"8,0:;0,000 acres are ae yet uccupl d.
Money will be appropriated to survey
the portion of the I'rotlnoe 000.060.-
100.060:000 Acres) north of the Caaadlan
racier! Itallway, and railway and,
colonisation muds will be built to •open
up the farm., the mines and the timber
tracte In thut region. While dolts(
this. old Ontario will not he neglected.
There are 3,000,000 acres of swamp
lands to be drained told storage sta-
tions to Le Pmtaidi*Icd, trnn'portatl m
facilities to be Improted-all for the
Pnrlchm nt of the people of Ontarli.
The next item of the Government's
programme we wile In Mr. Rowe own
The Province Wins on Every
Point Raised.
Lord flraebery'u manly taasals In
support of the Conservative nrtminir
twtin In Britain ought to be a lesson
t0 Tupper. Forte, and the other
political mrtrrontents In Canada.
ru high Court: Smylie vie Q•101 ,�
Judgment tie petition of right. '!M
rights claimed by the supielauts had
their origin la three Ilyene.. to cat
tinter upon certain pdbtle laude of
the pro%luoe, tbm first liveries date
on April 10th. 1878. and ,the
two o0 Oct. end. 1888. bated by the
tesloner of Crowe Laeds for the
,jtslLMior ill Qutarlo, aat4ng- ander the
n lty of .ertain statute.' and
orders in Council. These Lurie
been from time to time reassess by
the CummUsloner La the tutmus of the
persons who obtained them urigival'y
or their transferees. Alter Aprh eith,
18J8, the suppliants nppee+l to the
Commissioner for a renewal fur the
year 18,8-119 of their Recuses with-
out the lu.ertlon of the provision In
the regulations of Dec. 17th, leier.
cane.I "the munulacturlug mutation,'
but the Uummeeluuer refused to have
the licensee without this condition.
The petition of right prayed for it
declaration of the right of the sup-
pliant* to a renewal of ttwir il.emme
without the aanahacturlug conditlun.
and damages for the lore euitalned
by rearm of the refusal of this right.
Tbclr claim was pbieed upon the
ground that they or their prelecess-
ors, had purchase.' the right to ties
tinter upon the limits from the Crown
upon a contract fur perpetual renewal
of the yearly Meese. so lees- se ahoy -
should comply with the regulation lu
force at the time they iurchasel, and
that in the atisenoe of the clearest
provisions to ttiat effect In the write
Inge forming their contract It would
he unreasonable to hold their rights
to be subject to alteration from your
to year, to their- prejudice, by
order -In -Council Wade without their
eminent. Held, that not only
the terms of the original !teenier
ticrosettea, which, prima facie at
all events. must be takes- to allow the
.rights of the licensees. but etery'thing
surrouuiUng the transaction. before
and mince. Is opposed to the contention
of the suppliants. The statute under
which the tomm1eliner arta empow-
er.' ht1E'to Issue licenses. but ordy upon
the terms prescribed from time to
time in order -in -council. an 1 he ie (ua
:' lir. 8lfton dared not nubfelt to
Iii'Vet1g'It4'foice-n 'RI1I htltY"bwrayse
his Yukon administration id bred," rays
the Mall and Empire. Now an appeal
to hletory will show that It was not
Blfton Who. ram away, but Sir ('hares•
lllbt:ert Tupper. That worthy deliv-
ered Ills tirade of abuse. and sped
eeatward re`s faa7.1 steiin 'could deffe
him, not •ten waiting to hear the
. eply of the man he weight to defame.
tad time has justified lilt Yukon
The Orange Sentinel remark. teat.
"loynity grows fait when political
necessity requires It. The Sentinel
Wig an illustration of the truth of
Its laying In the frantic screaming of
the polltfelans. who. when It was
vented out that their N. I'. was bad
Idea of us considering the Motlien
Country, nrd raid, "So -much the
worse for Brttkati contlprt*on." Their
ayurbtns mouth loyalty now deceive.'
tr.n dy who knows them.
The Farmers' Binder Twine Com-
pany ham declared a dividend of 14)4)
icer rent. It Is a fine thing to stand
in on a Government monopoly.-Ot
taws Calms.
,11Is a pitiful thing to be forced to
sacrifice one's self respect aufflcirntiy
to get down to write surh rubble/b.
What Government "monolably' is there
In binder twine? And what has Gov-
ernment to do with the Farmers'
Blinder Twine Company 7 Has not Gov-
ernment removed the duty no that
every man In Canada in free to buy
and Import free of ell remtrlctlon bin-
der twine from the cheapest markets
ot'the world 7 Do you know the mean-
ing of the word "monopoly" or are
you put drivelling? -
..I will tell you another way. We
propose as far an we can to insist
that all the raw meter/II of Ontario
shall be manufactureel in Ontario. For
Meanies, after a great deal of tribu-
lation and trouble we succeeded In
getting through the Hoene an amend-
ment to the act respecting the sale
of umbels. which requires now that
all logs cat onGuternment lames to
manufactured Into lumber With.. Pro-
'tenor of Ontario. That is a fiery good
pro bion, and the effect of It ie appar-
ent even now. There have sprung up
on the Georgian Bay and In the wart
side of Ontario large lumbering Indus-
tries In the way of now -Wile. etc..
that had been extinguished owing to
clreumetanree that I need not watt to
antenna at thin moment. The bale of
this sotem.nt in this: that we want
t0 give employment u, the people of
Ontario In Ontario. The thouranrls
Who left Ontario left not because they
ttWlked the Government or tate
country. hat Because they . cuuhl
get better e•mpkryment or better
wager In.the Collettt B:ate+.
We wont to rerrc.y this. We
want to take this lumber. copper,
nickel, all our mineral wealth and all
oar raw mitt/wee and play. It at our
dmpa.Ml aa
rind wee If MP cannot In mime
way or another encourage the metnu-
fartnring Industries in the Produce.
of Ontario. Whet hew built up fiber -
11.1 1 Manchester. Lewis? Was 1t not
tint the merchant marine of England
trarerserl the whole globe and gath
oral re/canna Ems the Smith of Franee
and India. and wood.le and dyes from
venous countries and brought them
to England. where the mkill re the Eng -
Itch art%,an made them Into goods
whish commanded the approval eT the
world e 7 We have merely Intelligence.
enough to take one lumber and make
It into mnnuf•r•tnr.d gamine Instead of
wending it to the Old ('retntry and hav-
ing It manufactured there. We rnreely
have Intelligence enough to evert
flour our wheat Into and send the
wanefnetnrpd product nhro nd. and In
the Mme way why not takeemir nickel
or c ppxer or Iron ere and Pn0ourag e
the manufeetnee of these into the fin-
ished article?
Mss -'
r. Rom spoke d the ballot d
lsitt�sl Ontario sed taa��p��
met bard words for Mumma end for
Wafture Then he molt* of the
whorl pollcy and od the &wire to do
thing In the sea♦ 0f thnleal eon
ration. "We want vavarvarieties.tieof cern
potion. We eannot all be, prof.stlownl
aur. and It would be a pity If wPe
att.. p4Pd It. We want a variety of
Induetrlwl peraelts n as to retain
own Wn lab r In the lettereeletterer1PvMnp
sasstt or this country." The Premier
sprite of the etndy of ('mnadlan hetore
and reava ominod that Cmnadlans have
rens a0fd
s ingh torsee h themselves.
Little Tommy O ieenw&y-SeeelMM GOO tL. get s $tart i
NOUS AND COMMENTS. and 46 minuteo ant the expreet7eren
- Parte to Madrid runs the distance be -
end goblet 1 -ween Par* mad liorbeaux of 363
7� L1IY Al'r mlhw In ell hours and 42 minutes-
1a060rr; d . OglOeatown, her shut Th. It is rinime 1, are the ' thrte
ABF •11P12.r f a long a•' The Wait sold recently
14;411• 1:1171M14540. iyear.''rhe 101401"4"-lie-Wil'Tableware 'U1sHfI'
Truitt. It Is announced that the
plant will be down only ten =tiny'
for Invoicing. bat the employees fear
the Trost will keep It cleeed indefi-
nitely,. Three hundred hands ars lens
telnallied.-- That cancel71 wan,*.. e_s.
operative one, In wkleh all the eine
pbyeee were sto•khuldera
We &ten bear the term Afrkan4er
used. It mean a eoi plat bora In
Africa. and imp:ins that the colon
kit be of European descent. born
either of Eurgmau er pure Africaoder
parentage. There are fl,tch Af-
'leandres. English Afrleanders and
German. French and Por'tugtaeee and
Belgian Afrkanders.
Brntletwt*or says the demand for
money ix wt brisk that the hanks
hare had to raletheir ratio, call
ns Awing to 6 per rent.. and some
broken charging 7 per cent. "Every
department of mule," 1t mays, " b
alowintg unprecedented activity, and (Metre general atre to extend bn'Iness
ham resulted' In an abnormal demand
for rand.." Yet while thin •' unprece-
dented activity " in Mutineer le re-
marked on every band, Tepper, Fern-
ier, et al. go rand the country
welling and sleuthing their teeth and
trying to make the people think the
Liberals are ruining the country.
Why rken't they turn In and dlisorrne-
thing to coetribute to the geedtlmni T
Card -players are of two clams.
thowho can't.huffte and those who01(
Lan .1* ton well. and the lntti
are reputed to have a percentage of
eel/Intim/ea when playing aga'net the
former. A recent. bereett:on Ion deleIgned
to pot thews two CIAMPI' up in All
equality. It (s n meclianleal arrange -
ment for ahnfflingg the earcl1. and detect'. dries Its work so competely
that the r4 t..on of every cnrL with
relation to Its h'Ilown. 1e chang. d. The,
dknk ref *pieced in the circular
(rex by the dealer, and given two
three turn*, whichdstrlblpw tbwl
over the floor of the box by the para -
Ate of a d.tentf whbh moa.+ over the
kande; a reversal of thin operation rw
enthe manta to a pile ready for
dialing. Thee M the patent of FeedPr-
•ek C. Rollins. of Maintop.
The boL grade/thy being r
!loved of the ret onerous of hie
dater& The progress of the electria
trolley spites has almost put nn end
Mew to his w murder Y a• swain foe
street ears. The rte hum marl
o y affected flan livery Mein/tea.and now the automobile Ion further
Pressing the bores la1.o the harkironed.gnnd. After exbaawtive trim• n
50na convener in Pare, owning Y,-
0 televise end 12,7400 bonne. bas
dt0 grnitually abem ire) horse
teectktn nail to • elwatrl. wet(-
savbfls, emnplt♦IOg the erotism usednoi
In Loudon. on ant of. Itm offend('
Ity. flet brews steak and Massage'
aM *till 1n ,Mtd rn
1n sneer eintr*M
a the aatlitente
ooutended that the language of the
not 61 1'kt., ch U. applied only to li-
censee tented upon sales node after
It was ottm.ed. end not to renewals
r.f linen•.' issued upon sales made be-
fore It wan paused. The 4th section
of the act brings into force on .'.0th
A 18.8._ SAO- _aartbt In 01)11110
17th IIDepmber. 1897, *Jae first mer-
lon of which require' "the manufac-
turing cDIt ktOoi" to bus made coinbl-
Icn of ever" license or permit to cut
pine timber. which should be lamed
nfter 30th April. 1898. It was urged
that the tnjt:•ctlne of interfering with
the Invested rights of existing licences
obilges the court to place the strict-
est possible consttuctien against the
Crown upon the act and the order
in council as being ex -port facto levee
lotion. field. that in reigned to this
legtnlatiorr the ordinary rules of con-
struction shoul'1 be applied ; It is a
(Ample application to the undoubted
etotineeefeettke-eneppliem me o •b tt wehent A[ii In th4�trd:d11gellee .PC -
doubted rights of the Crown. The tabdahee at Devonport. England. The
rights of the nnpvpeliants are to have
their ilcenses renewed according to the
conditions which, at the time of re-
newal, have been generally fmpoie.l
upon Monne holders. and so long as re -
newel; are offered them. which the
Crown ham the power t0 Impose. no
twPnrh oft their Hoist', a committed.
The supe llants also contended that
the act 81, VIet , oh. 9. was ultra vine
of the l'rotlneinl Leglelutore. as be -
Ing nn encroachment upon the legim-
Iatlte notturlty reeerYP I t0 the Do•
minion by the Betlsh North America
net, that the net anal r'egu
lateens of which tee supplle
ants were nomplalnIng were in
contrnventlen of that part of the B.
N. A. art which removed to the Do-
minion Leglmlatnre the exclumive right
of making laws for the regulation of
trade and commerce. Held. that the
1'rovinrinl Legislature In palming the
act were dealing with property be-
kmging to the Province, over which
they have the relies* power of control.
they not entitled to sell It or to refuse
to sell 1t, and 11 they sell they hate
the right to impose upon the pur-
chaser much conditions as they deem
proper. with regard to the destina-
tion of the timber 'after It In pet. In-
cluding the state In which It shall be
exported, Mat ns they have the right-
er welling rattle from the farm at
their agrtcultnral college to etlpnlnte
that the purchaser shell not export
them Helve. The condition that the
timber shnll be sawn into lumber be-
fore exportation In the one ease re-
duce" the quantity of log. exported,
)reit ns the supposed mtlpmlatlon In
the other rase redness the quantity
of live cattle exported, but In each
came the mntter is one purely of In-
ternet revelation and management by
the Previnee of Ito own property for
the benefit of Ito own Inhnhltentm. it
toted not be tent the foo -
minion 1'.egblatare, nailer their plower
of panning acts for the regulation of
trade and c'ommen'ce, could enact that
every- !tromp to rut timber upon the
Innis owned by the Province of On-
tario about,' contain n cop(dltlots that
the timber phonld 1,P sown into
bwenit before being exerortell ; and the
power to so legislate meet therefore
be In the l'rovinee. ('ltlsmng' Insur-
ance Co, vin. Persona, 7 App. Cam. 94,
118 referred to. For throe reasons the
mrppllnntm are not entitled to have
their ileenan renewer* except upon the
coodltlone offered by the ('ommlmsloner
of Crown Lantkr, as set forth In the
ord.r-ln-('onnetl in force on the 30th
of April, 139)4. Petition dlmm8..ed with
rata. Retention, Q. 1'., and H..1 Scutt,
Q. t'.. for the suppliants. e. H. Blake,
Q. C, and Walter flow for the Crown.
•A Record tad sCeatnst.
Tine little iFs"b"1w16td .. dint LO the
y4.etese• ,owl. *r,..ii$ Lal t4p_,lforlat ... .
In China the old-fashioned system of
private letter carrying still prevails.
Letter shops are to be found In every
town. I( he has a letter, to Nene. the
Chinaman goer to a letter shop and
bargalns With thellielier_LldifiHe
pays two-thirds. of -the -coif, leaving
the reeelaer to play the root own deli?
err. _-
Isau people by . Rona are cer-
talnly Instructive. Nearly .even hun-
dre1 Liberal electlana la the Province
have been held elnee Confederation.
and it haw taken thirty years and
more for the Terri to find. In one or
two renege. proof of wrong doing,
whkh is to he probed to the bottom
by the legal authorities, by the nT
dere of the Government, and the of
fanciers bronght to Mstle. When the
Tar] record I. rem.mber,.l the U In.
dope an pertinent eth1Mt. and a re
markahle contrast -Ottawa Free
1'b. Silrf.w Hell Pelee.
The Hamilton City Connell are eon -
soldering the a.ltptltn of the curfew
hell h. -law. Ultima they are prepared
to Kee that the law 1m enloreed, tea),
might ne well neve t!urnerltem the
trouble of passing it. The eurfew hell,
ma known In Barrie rings at 8 to 9
ri rink se the rose may he, but bejewel
marking the time It Is of no apparent
twlue. am the rhildran on the street
pay ne eteentln to It whatever. -
Barre Examiner.
We new only ppp'eag Parrots ��If
dare not my what we think. -H.
flrat-class bnttleshtp Bulwark, one
of the new modified formidable class,
the most powerflnl In oho British
navy. Is ready for launching in ween
months after work was begun 1x1 her.
Tu that tk037 over 5,500 tone ofsteel
have been bni:t Into the ship When
otan jniet i) .bo will, like her aim/ T slap,.
di+p'ace 15.010 tom; dee Is 100 feet
between pR .'pen iculars and 75 feet
beam, and it Is,int sled that her en-
gines shall steam 18 knots an
Market Reports
The Week.
I►011owbg are the closing prices at
tgtpertant wheal centres to -dare
G1ash. let.
Chinese .„.... .....4-- 30 04 7-8
New York ... . , ».... -- 0 72 1-8
Midweekee ... 067
St. Louie ... ... i..__ 0 671 0 08 5-e
Toledo ... ... ••• •• 000 5-8
Detroit. red ...... »e- 0 $.4'
Detroit, whit, ......... .i 009 3-4
Duluth, No. 1 North. 0 Ob 14- 065 3-$
Duluth, No. 1 hard.. 0 87 6e6 --
Mianeapolr/ r..... 0 86 1-8 663 1-4
Grate sad Preemie.
Qdrunto. Nov. 25.-Fuur--'0at ri
patents, L• begs„ 33
straight rollers. 33.36 10 03.15; Hun-
garian tilt -tests. 04; Manitoba bakers'.
$3.70, all on track at Toronto.wilts,
Wheat -Ontario, r d o north
66c north and west ; Q
and west; Na 1 Manitoba hard, 76%c,
Toronto, and No. 1 Northern at 74%c.
Oats -White oats quoted at 26%c
to 26c ween.
Barley -Quoted at 30c fur No. 2
west; feed barley, 36c to 36o.
Bye -Quoted at 510 to 52.' north
and weak
Bran -City mills sell bran at 314
and shorts at 016, in oar Iola, f.o.b..
Buckwheat -Firm ; 48c nortb slid
60c •ask
Corn -Canadian, 32o to 33o west;
American, 40c on track here.
Oatmeal -Quoted at 63.40 by the
bag and 3310 by the barrel, on traok
at Toronto, In ear lots.
Peas -At 56c north and wisely for
immediate shipment.
et Lawrence* Market.
Toronto, Novi 25. -Receipts of farm
produce were fairly large, 5,450 bush-
els ill grain, 85 loads of bay. 5 of
straw, a few Iota of dreamed bogs,
wltb not quite as heavy cleliveriee as
013 Saturday of poultry, but-
tes.. eggs, fruit and vegetables.
Wheat. easy ; 1,250 bushels selling
a fellows: White, 150 bushels at 09
to Tee ; red, 200 bombe's at 6814.;
Loose. ler;bushels'� 6�hels sold at
to 67c.
41 to 42%e. ls selling
Oats, easier; 1,Y�-bush• g
st_29 to 80n. r -Hay, eael tee
loads Mang at 310
to 312 per tee e
Strew, eesdr; 5 bads selling at 37
Son after Gen. Robert F. Le went
to Lexington. Va.. the pawl leery of
an tusurance company was offered to
him. at a -clary 01 310.0)0 n year.
Ile was at that tine' r.•celting one
33.000 as Pre1klent of the Wwrhing-
ton and Ise University. " We rl, not
want you to dlsrharge any duties.
Itb1S7 O/ the Canadian Marlene
The utouey market la uucha.l
oall luaus being very firm at 6 ter
twat., awe eumaterolal dtecounte r+.
melning at 6 to 7 per mut.
For t Dumlo*ou of Cassia the
clearances were ea follows: lloutreal,
$16,968,105, Increase, 6.6 per cent.
Toronto. $9,800,188, increase, 88.3
par cent.; W lualp.g. $3.8e2,168, in.
armee, 46.8 per cent Halifax. 111,518,-
038, leerier,. 58.6 per teat.; Ham-
lltou, $857,800, biomaa., 87.7
cent.: 8t. Juba. N. B.. $677,579, per
creme, 18.7 per oeot.; Vancouver,
$816,896. Increase, 5.0 per eeut.; Vire
hire', $898,584, dserew, 7.2 per ceut
Bradstreet's ea Trade.
A good many urgent orders to be
filled for dowa,the river point's and
lake temps have been coming forward
et Wi ntreal the' pat week and they •
have kept wbol.Mteyy busy. while
the sorting trade trent other Puente
has kept up req weft.coneldering the °
'ottoman of the aealkal. The trade ars
beginning to push spring a lit
tie more freely now. and ew eu far
hare been very good. Reports coming
to the wholesale trade here Indicate
that the retail sales In title country
have been large mai that retailers
aro to good shape. Cold weather le
wanted ln a good many asotlons.
The beldame situation In Winnipeg
Is Improving sa the winter appronchb,
There are many signs ut busluees prom.
parity throughout Manitoba. Who1.
sale trade Is more salve In many
(toes and values are very firm. The
movement of wheat from first handl
Is now comslderable, and Peewee*
have Improved. -
Trade at the coast la id a antidote-
ntistantory condition. There a nothing being
done In the northern business but et.
Lettere preparations are baing made
for the spring. Trade In Victoria anti
Vancouver Is quite redly& There is
a good demand for money and rates
are firm.
There Is as active bualnese toeing
done in moss departments of tr;t,le at
Hamilton. The laboring clamors are
better able to *apply their wants than
In former seasons. and there le more
money being expended. Values r•ua.
Untie firm and payments are mod.
The trade la the Immediate neigh
boyhood of London is gpod and tmse
nem quite active. Retail sales ret Lee.
dot lately have been large and the
prospects for business for the balance
of the year an enoouraging.,a_
There has been a moderate bodice
done la Toronto this week. The sort.
Ing trade In dry goods is keeping sp
well end -the eyrie, Melees' is daily
Increasing. Canadian staple dry hoods
are very firm. and the malls are busy
to. 04.50prssand have s0 job bW to sell. Imported
premed He[t-Prices uncbangetl, at semi• are sees eery fits. Rites eta
tine are hi g her this week. Leathers
are firmer. Wools are slightly higher.
Hog products are In active demaad
and steady. Groceries are selling
freely. Sugars an five cents dearer
Thio feature of the money market was
an advance of 1 per cent. In the call
loan -sats to 6.1.2 per rest- Tues 4
sa settle demand for laude -
35.26 to $5.40 per cwt.
Potatoes -Prices easy, at 40 to 50c
per bag, the butt going at 45c.
Poultry-r)ellverles were not as large
ne a week ago, but plenty for the de-
mand. Prices were a little better than
they were In oke forepart of the week.
Parra Predie-ee- Weaddil i
Toronto, Nov. 25. -Hey, baled. car
iota, per ton, 39.25 to 39.75; straw,
baled, car iota, per ton, $4 to $4.50;
potatoes, car iota, per bag 87 1.2.' to
40e; butter, choice tubs, 19. to 19c;
butter. medium tube, 14o to l fic ; but-
ter, dairy. Ib. rolls. 19c to 20c. but-
ter, creamery. Ib. rolls, 22e to 23c;
butter, creamery. boxes, 12c to ?Ye;
eggs, 170 to l$c ; honey, per lb„ to
to 100; turkeys, per lb., 6.. to to ;
geese, per Ib-, 5c to tc ; ducks, pet
pair, 40c to 60c ; chickens, per pair,
25c to 50e.
Did You Contribute to Miller's
Pickings Through it?
General," seed the agent; ' we tient.). Cheese Markets, New York, Nov. 27.-1t devalopi
-MMITerbeeteneekeyeeneviempeweameemeil 3tenower.emers-rkerealte-'Ate .i.-eindOsw y, =tiara vadothe fessie.
felingr of cheese on the board to-
The orgarllgrindl•rg viscount.clalm-
ant to tine estate of the late Yogi
Pouiett, H appearing on a provincial
nnatchail mange. 11e-'etati's "be le
.big- this to ntr+it the expect*. elf
claiming theratatea rend n frost In the
Howie of Lords.
Frederick ('. Penfield, for for
years Consul -General of the United
natal at Cairo. Egypt, say■ that
wlwn Greet Britain gains control of
the Trnnsvaal, the railway north-
ward from oho (hive will be extend-
ed to Cele.
Italy's army budget le 356.000,0X0
and ruppotts 14,000 officers, who
draw pay amounting to $9,600,000.
France spends 1129.000,070 on her
army and hew 29,000 officers draw-
ing salaries In the sum of 319,1300,-
000. Spain's' army now members less
than 100,000 all told; her military
budget Is 315.900,00'1, yet she
main talea 28,000 officer,, wh'ee
pay takes 318,200,000 out el' the
The 'start German centrum glues
the Empire a population of 51,770,-
00), and the yearly rete of *ereMe
la shown to be about 1,000,000.
The populatlu of France 1. 410* far
from 40,000,000 and It does not
gain. The balance of power in fevor
of Germany lire Increaser) immenme-
ly mince 1871. --- ,
Of late It, haw become common • In
some ports of Freeland to prosecute
small tendeensen ender an net pass-
ed In the reign of Cherie.' I , for
Rondny trailing. While the ase-
tenter 1i send very .mnjh fines.
s, Sbbq
have disallowed pollee Dolt. Y a
Mark d dkrtpprvnl of the action
taien. The Resit ()unty Council,
through the Stend*ng .iMnt (ken
mhttee have given Inetrnet(ona
that the pollee are not to bake any
nMrn' 1rl m,Th a /.
A factory It now In operation ret
(lr'entown. ind., which ii corn rota
excln.Irely as its raw tmeterlal. The
pith Is punched oat 0f the cobs Lind
shipped i else Ile --ilia
manefact efe 0f beer, and the remallnd-
ow a ow nib lm ground into it fine
mealits mss is a miwtery, 11tt It 1.
•hlppel .seat, where the pureha.ere
are believed to nee It as an Ingredient
In a iive rtor•k 10.1 preparatlon-ln
Other words a neck fonri adulterant.
The erode between PAria and CrMlm
a'.omplishea the journey of lie; miles
In throe home and fifteen mlenteee
That between Paris and Rremeols does
143 mils between Perim and Veignli•s.
on the flehrien frontier, In two boon
abundantly (anor's,'te us.' 'Excuse
me, sir." was the prompt and de-
ride 1 rejoinder "I cannot consent to
receive oily for e)rvkbl I do not ren
r:er." Nearly every mail brought him
similar propo,Itlona, an 1 just n see t
while before his death a large and
wealthy corporation In New York ('Ity
offered ham $.50.000 per annum to be•
rome Its president. But hP refumel all
Burl. offers. and quietly pr sued his
rloaen path of duty.
A recent Lame of the Tranevnal
Critic, rontalnel this suggestive hit of
news: "The mnu ; ye, who, thrasher
two aatlte servant girls to death In
the .Wnkkerstroont dlitrl.'t come
months ago, ham teen 'entente) to
two years' hard labor. Mild as the
'entente wl;l app-nr to those who r ,r-
rectly estimate the value of human
:re, It has amuncle 1 the relativre and
frienr11 of the accuie.t. It may' a goes]
deal for the ury that they .111 not
deelde on an nequlttal, seeing that the
8 oto Attorney intend In the hand
not n long ng.t that to thrash
native servant to (teeth was got
dishonoring cringe.
11np.r .tamps Ikntgla. Grahnnt. nn
Englimh officer viwlting In Chicago,
any* of the British .runmemier In the
Trnumvaal: "eeneral Buller It, n mnn
of the mtnmp of your Grant -first of
all, an nggriwmlve fighter. Hr in dis-
liked heartily at hem.. Offlere rimier
IrIm have never lewd him; 1 don't my -
'elf. 'H. Is to have n free hand In
Afrlen, however. Ile to not so much a
ttrnteglst an n hammer and anvil. He
cares nothing (or men'■ live., n he
Keine hie point. God pity the Boers If.
defeated In battle, their limn become
broken ' Permu to lly, 1 would hike to
hate Keen a more magnanimous com-
mander In eolith Melee, but fill word
enemy anent deny that Buhler In a
trenrnrlo,er fighter."
The movement toward central raid
way stations In the larger Cities le
mpreading. Bunton has now.. the
largeirt wtatko In the world. 6413 x
730 feet, covering 81 aerie, en•
•bring 28 tracks and accommodatlug
8.'10 mashes, Tlie etatkm can
handle 730'traita„a day. and all
the passenger traffic of the elty
will he handles* there. At. Lcwtls *len
ham one l'nlon Station. It In 630 x 400
reek has 1*0 tenekn and encloses 27
mens. New York hal practically one
central pnonenger station, but Chi -
eagle has fivein most cities the mad
ern tendency a to content anion eta
tion.. They are cheaper for the rail
road.. more convenient for trnrelkera,
break np Moa property and tend to
avoid confusion. Perhaps some day
W, -Bill have a " o*p.4-.tttku In
Aanlltorl, at which all *teem and
electric line. will converge. But not,
this rear.
The Cnit.d Mane new hal'. an
even 75.000 pnmt-offhwm. r.nmt year
2.985 poet-offlrpa were est.ahll*hewl nnel
1,505 rlimrontlneed ; 14.804 poetmas
tors were appointed.
l'rwedrlent McKinletr hes n murerl..
In atrwe far Congrres He preemie to
take rep the Chinese (inteNen end
handle It In a radlrnl manner from
the viewpoint of trade elpsaek*
day comprised 6.000 boxes, balance
of season's make. Sales. 1.100 at
111-2e for large to home-made.
Loncloa, Ont., Nov. 25. -At to -day's
market, the last of the season, 540
boxes colored September end Octo-
ber cheese were boarded: m0 •ales;
bidding from Ile to 118-8c.
British Marlowe
Liverpool. Nov. 25. -12.30. -Wheat.
Northern iprtng. 5s 1150; No. 1
(lad.. 60 1%d to 6e 5d; red winter,
5m 94; ooro. 8m 5 1-44; poem, 5. 5d;
pork. prime western muss, 57s 6(1;
lard. prime western, 26s 641 ; Ameri-
can. refined, 28s 8d; tallow, Aum•
teatlan, 25e 3d; American, good to
flee, 24a; bacon, long clear, light,
32s 6 1. heavy. 321; short clear.
heavy, 31a 8d ; cheese• colored, 56e;
white, 54a 6d; wbeat, dull ; Dorn,
Ioudon-MeerWheat, number of
°arguer arrived, 1; waiting *t out -
porta, 4; off coast firm, but not ac-
tive: co plumage. more enquiry; corn
df the octsat. nothing doing ; an
pnasage, quiet, but Seedy.
Liverpool -Close --Spot wheat. dull ;
California, 6a 110 to 8e ltd ; futures,
emu, Dec., 5a 801 ; Marcia, 50 10d ;
May. fe 10%d ; spot corn, dull; As
5 1-4d ; futures, quiet ; Dec. 84 5 8.8d;
Jan.. fie 5 3-4d ; Feb., 3. 5 8-44.;
Ranh, Be 5 5-181; May, 8m 5 1-44;
(War, 18e 8d. Butter -Finest U. 8.
94e; good. 73.. fleece -Cumberland
rut. 28 to 80 pomade, steady, 82s ;
short rib, 18 to 22 pounds, firm, 35u
6t1; long clear middles, light, 30 to
35 pounds, firm, 324 04; long near
,uIddite. heavy, 85 to 40 poundal,
firm, 8'L ; short clear backs, 16 to
18 pounds', firm, 8*. 8d: clear Wi-
nes. 14 to 16 pomade, dull, 82. &I;
shcinidere. square, 13 to 14 pounds,
steady. 81* 641. (teem Steedy ;
American (Inmt white, 541 8d; MSS?.
loan flnert 'adored, 581.
Late Markets.
Liverpool, Nov. 27. -wheat,
dnll ; futures steady, easy, Dec. 5e7Kd
March 5e 9 7-8d.
('hlaago, Nov. 27. -Opening : Wheat,
May 69 7-8 to 69 8-4, Deo. 65 1-4 to
85 1-8.
Buffalo, Nov. 27, -Spring wheat,
No1 Northern, 72e. Winter wheat.
No 1 white, 70c. Dorn, No, 3 yellow,
82 3.4c. Osie, Na 2 white, 290
Detroit, Nov 27. -Wheat, No. 1
white, and No. 2 red, Dash, 68C. Dec.,
680. May, 72 7-80.
Toledo, 0., Nov. 27, -Wheat, cash,
67 1.4c ; Dec.. 67 %o ; May, 72 8.4c.
Corn, May, 82 7.8c. Oats, May,' 25e.
Wllwnukee, Wis., Nov. 27. -Wheat,
oath, 66 8-4o.
The American rleible wheat •up -
ply is 61,000,000 bushels, as compared
with 52,562,000 bushels a week ago
and 21,102,000 bushels a year ase. The
corn in s:ttbt is 13,031,000• bushels,
against 13,111,000 bushels • week age
and 23,312,000 bushels • year ago. The
supply of oats in night Is 6,125,000
bushels, •`•Inst 6.706,000 bushels IMI
week and 6,766,000 bushels aear ago.
The price of December wheat is Obi-
e.go aear ago to-do was 67 2 -le,
and a lay wheat 86.. r eons
sold at 3f 1-4e and pork sold at 37.004
feed 04.00, and rib• 34.56.
The merkate'matinee Were RPM fen
all classes of staph• and isepertsd
goodly and the in/teatime poled to far-
ther advanne In many tlnea
A feature of wholesale trade, which
at px•aent 1e giving the Ilv.HnA sat.
lrfnetlta to wholesale firma, In the elt-
collent manner In which renettat'slep�
from all parte of Um errantry beet
been coming to band.
The total note clroalatlon hat
month Inermaes4 Nearly N4000,040.
and •t the mase of October was over
37,000.04)0 greater gum for Ibe amine
month Met year. TM acte elrettlet34f
for Oetobsr, whish mea 340,5814.4,
and wMeh flanee the entletb retter68wd
650,451,221, vett foe Wiwi is ib.
lyn Sy0dicate, whib promised to pay
its patrons 520 per net. a year, had
another pot scheme whch he was
',mime. known as th. ':'aria Keens -
sloe Club." Is 1. thought he got *n-
eral thousand dollars from this
source. Membership kn the club eat
0100. '
Its circulars ware sent broadcast
all over the eonntr , Miller toe/ the
machinery of the Franklyn :4yniicata
to do the, and the responses were
quit. it is said that more than one
hundred members were ',beano! on
Long toles& while many more sea(
in $100 from ,New England and the
Centrad Ste tea.
The circular stated that fur 3100
all members of the "Paris Ercurcon
Club" would be given first cabin
steamship sccommodat.on and could
spew' $0 days at the best hotel■ in
the exposition city. The con IIYOn
that the 0100 must be depoeted
months la advance was insisted upon.
and an extraordinary number of cred-
ulous people responded_
Arrest of Plotting Constanti-
nople Officials.
Constantinople, Nov. 27.-A number
of arrests of Muesulmann here hese
made, loetnding a general of diviske
and several Important offlelalo.
charged with being engaged In a plot
to aemaslnate the Sultan, with dyna-
mite bombs, on the occasion of the
t*4*mtlk, on Friday.
Four bombs hnve heed seised. The se-
emed have heed exiled to Yemen.
Turkish Arabia.
The Muaenitnane of Stambot I are
greatly excited. Vigorous meatier-.
bave been taken to preserve or tan
La Banque Nationale Lose
About $15,000.
pier, 1
Ion (a.
But, -N
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Montmagly,Que., Nov,, 27.- The
was robbed a hist tighof La t q df N all
lands, some 316,000.
Tramps were sego at St. Pierre
and around here yeterdaj•,
robbers broke Into the traekinen s
tool house and sound arorw ban,
etc. The safe wail inside a shriek
vault, which was blown open.
The robbery was dls.over d early
title morning by Kr. La.peraiW'•
watchman of tis ballade.
tint Under a Ortega When t Train
Was Papetph
Barris. Nov. 84:-CLarle T►IblII.' of
OMIRa, aged 12 yesre, d1oA yngesterday
as Site revolt of a dlrtreesl h 'wee
deaf. Leat Friday he was m 181 way
So slebon*. and for some
reason or other
Mt got lPelnee1 p hes head to e near Am r
I; Rin p' wee' steed
ties -twin waw- near The npgllm
81. howl, it -. en ngty wooed 1111
bat wee t • In the Sitter n•
along tM " - ee asart'h rmntlt«l
in flhdlne, tnf*b ram 1i
Meath th - - ostein roll*ItM•d
Ald. 1P.. a are to tM
Mid h 4apyorstltr