HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-11-23, Page 8r- 8 • Teussoat, Nev. s1.; Alai ���awc.M�wt..a.w .+� `�.• Yxn. THit "iffnitAITlititakics ' QDi ultr6.- The Store! We are now settled in our new store. Come and inspect our store and our stocks. Plenty of 2right, Plenty of Room, -Plenty of Ci -cods, and no trouble to show them. We are better prepared to serve you now in every way than in the past, andhope to have your continued patronage.. Special Hcmuaut Sale 1 on THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Remnants of Dress Goods, Remnants of Prints, Remnants of Cottons, etc. There may be some end that will suit you, and the price will be very little. Special Sale aT Jace1s. About 25 Jackets in Green, Brown and Black Shades, regular $6.00 and $5.00, clearing at $3.75 EXTRA VALUES in Blankets -=and Comforters, Millinery, Dress Mak- ing, Dress Goods, Oents' Furnishings, Clothing, ii -.vase f ttil3fi1np et .._ • Few days al as kora ad Jambes Qs•tdI s Mille Mr. ad Mrs. Quaid an away ue visit to their dwabter, Mn- Yha l., e A trivelliog opliotao Iree the.,ib M b .round .bowing our utuzes" whet aegis of :hem didn'tan,peot bettors, viz, that they uan't see as well .s when they were younger .ad 000wyeoetly that they should haw 'epees , Ou Friday, 90M toot , will be held oars 01 the series of meet iovs whioh are bates givers by the Partnere' I.etttuto is different •ee- tloas u1 Lb. esunty. •.here will will Ire iry seemoas, ogle to the altersouo toed wee to the evseing. At etch of these. addresses will by gives b7 Miss Koss, of the Guelph AerI- ',slteral Lollege, A. WAS Allan. of Gods glob, toad Mr Bailie, of Nile. Is the sir •ddrews to be glran.fruit growing mad dairying will reotsies special allergia'. A short promisee of mudo, etc., ill be gives • 1. the •vsoiag seseiun. As lets is the first of the lutltute'e molten*e to be held hers • good turnout in decked M both seeel0aa to bear tboiecture& w the fall ea Friday. OULBORNE, MONDAY, Nev. 20. K INpl1NT.-Ta people of 8 S. No. 7, ()gibers, have decided to have • Christ- mas tree and sotertai':meot to their school, whore Was Fertilises M seething. om the ev..iog of Saturday. Dee. 24rd. ASHFIELD. MONDAY, Nov. 80th. The Suede) school oonviation of the Asb• field oiroutb was hold at HaukeIt's uharoh ors the 15th inst. '1 he .1(1.4 nee during the dteferwt .osdo.s was large. The .pmek- era who addressed the owugrogathone rad obtldre0 did their put. welt. The die curious were lively and interesting. A very protltable time was spent. BELFAST. MONDAY, Nov. 20.b. The many bleeds of Jacob Reid will be pleased to hear that he is tmprovi.g rapid ly. Jake bad a hard light wehb typhoid fear. J. M. Rabels hes been around ors a eel• lento/ tear for the W. Wawaoot} l.eel• •ogle Cu. .11. hu beau very eaeoeutul. The pretreat rate is equivalent to as ietreee• latent of /11.00 per thousand dollars per an - nein. BLULVALL. MONDAY, Nov 20th Wm. I'ettoo has Wahl, the Timmins farm. Fad Coolies, of Itfpl.y, v sited at his home on Saturday lot, • - , Mr. sod Mr,. Fred MoCraok.o ,riled .'.Jr. and Mrs. John Gardiner on Sunday. Rev. W. J. and Mr.. Nest attended the rises mitt atarare ooeraA terse Sunday and Monday. "Jam" Mayne, who bee boss obsess mak• hog bene for the past summer, has rotors'd to his home near Galt. Mr. Kendall, our popular station .coat, is laki•g his holidays. His plane is bolo/ tilled 5y Mr. Brent,,t Toronto Junction WtirBailey, who his new kb friends in Moeda and L• Revere, Miss , hr retuned home Chas. Caah" bee also returned. DUNGANNON. .,mica.- The 10°61 Wesel in Du.g•ao so for Tan StONai ts at the odtoe of J. 0. WW Aso, J.1'., oo•ve7•soar, to.. who will receive or- ders for •eb•orlptlone. advertWog and jos work. and 1• .utbozieed to give receipts for amounts paid for the memo A. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF LUCKY ( x . now.will vett Dungaanos ea Fat :X oda.u.1 ?rider f each month. All modern mott- oes of extreetlag and Mag. and mating •rd. ficial testi. Omen, next der to Medd'a talks hop. H , u - t. S a. m. to 6 p. m. TUa.DAT, how. 21. . James Holland's 'motion ■.1. os Tumidity realized good figures. A large crowd was preeeat. Ray. R Fairbairn attended the Presley - tante .ees1011 on the 21.1 at W ingbam, ac- oumpanted by Mrs. F•irbatro. The rew0t news from the war othog of the success of our British troops at Estoosrt. lwdysmitb .ad other points inspires oaf citizens with cheerfulness and joy. David Ball, of Port Albert, h.. purobwd • house and los from our veterinary sorrows, Harry Fowler. and hr oommoaoed opera- tions in oo..truoMng • dwelling house so his newly purchased premiere. Our genial and esteemed viotualler, J. (Y• Connor, is snoceedieg well in his line of breasts", in oonsegoeooe of his honorable dueling with his patrons. Mors oncosis to him is the desire of big numerous patrons toad friend.. November thus far, as to @salient and Bae weather, 1a unlike many of Ite predate. son. We presume that in 000eeywaos the wester season will be shorter thee it wally hu been. Farmer■ report an extra good Mine to finish (.11 work amid maks peepers - Goals for the ensuing winter. We along with the numerous triends tad esinaint0ooes of Richard Treleaven, or., who hea been for some time very 111 and feeble, aro pleased to see the yeaerable gentleman again able to go about. W. hope that he will to the near (stare be reetoted to Ma former state of activity and health. HIRE AND THIEL -Mime Nellie Stewart, of the wwas►lp of Wallas. aunty of Perth, •000mpanied by David Casamssy, of West 1Vawanoeb, on Thursday hut visited her esesie, our popular and esteanod oarless. ladder, J. W. Cumb.rlasd. Mime Stewart wait loud in her prelates o1 oar neat and tbriviog village. She sermon to enjoy her visit Mimes Mabel MoK.oxie and M. Northam, both of the beautiful olrenlar county own ob Hurons, are .sjovleg thsm- soiree immensely visiting mine best and hostess, Mr. and Mrs. McCormick (fo Monday I). ',ardio" and wife made • friendly cell on your humble eoribe. W. were pleased to we them. Mr Jardine. we are happy to eat*, 1s nicely oonvaleteing from his r.oest Miner. The annual hot supper under the sapless of the oongregstiou of Dungannon MsthoA- Ist ohurch was bold to the sericulture' hall on Monday. Toers was an abundance of gond **tables provided by the ladles of the congregation. North -.R Methodht choir was present, Ind by P. G. Simpson. God's rich was well represented by • large onmber of Gideon.. There were also • large nom ber from Lnrksow. Two solo. were roe. dared is toed .tyle by Mies Brown and Misr Ausebrwk, tab Uodsrlob. There were also two resitstfons by Mire Wilmot,, e1 (lode- riob, • Solo by Mr. Tyndall, of Ca low, anon two piano solos by Mr. blmpw.s. .hreti deserve special mete. A eels by .lama Thomas, Aeldler0 of the Gnaw," was lordly applaudd and brought an seoon. The speaker* were Rev. Mr. Oliphant, of A.hfiel e. Rev R. Fkirb.ln, R. A , and Rey. T I, Armstrong, of Mngane..'n, tied Mr. Kelll.gloc, of Nilo, who eotert.ied the •adt.nee with sp'eedid addresses. The pro0e.d. ,mounted to upward. el .1ve.17 dollars The nemmlth a et maay.soN sod the lade. wha 5111417 .gelated to ieat1wg up the hot supper and the I.tolleetsal solar. t.lem..) are to M congratulated ea lb . metto.e. Ask your doctor hoW map pre arations «cod- - ler oil t ere ale. He will answer, "Hun- dreds of them." Ask hint which is the best. He will reply, "Scott's Emulsion." Then see that this is the one you obtain. It contains the purest cod-liver oil, free from unpleasant odor and taste. You also get the hy- pophosphites and glycerine. All three are blended into one grand healing and nour- ishing remedy. pea ogle 7t.M ell otorr a WW$L' -' CASH AND ONE PRICE I Smith Bro's & Co. SALTFORD• TUESDAY, Nov. 21. Mr. Standish, of A.h8eld, was in the vil- lage 01 • busloreds trip last week. J. Saunders took • wboalnt trip through Ute surrounding oo0ntry Solidity Eli Symonds le laid up with a sore knee. We hope to hoar soon of his reoovery. Wort at the evaporator w111 stop the week 40f the eseac0 on aoasu.t of the .o.raity of apples. Mrs. 1). O'Connell and her eon, Chris. Samplers, drove to AsbBeld Sunday. What le the attraction out there, Chris? Meson. Cook, MoC.rtrsey, Fronk (Jarrell and Harry Wells, of Gdenob, took in the sights et the evaporator last week. Mr. Rielly, proprietor of the Q..1.'. betel, together with George Gook and Dick Frltzley, droye to Loodesboro to Wend u h all hi that etllege. The resident* here are making peepers - ties' for an erpeeted storm whioh was preguoetloated last Tuesday night by the uzoeseive rowing of rooters in and around the village. - Work has oommeaoed at the roof of the wit block. The old roof, whioh was • tem- porary one, 5.. been torn down and • new one is being erected over the pans When 15 le oompleted the salt block will be the best of Its kind to Ootarlo. CARLOW MONDAY, November 20. C. MoNell sod tater spent Sunday at James MoBrid: s. Miss Mills I. telt week the guest of her friend, Mir Cora Tyda1• 1). 8. MoKay and John Brown visited at .x -reeve Youssee os Sunday. MI. Chambers, of A•hfisld, attended the wedding of Mies B.11 last Thursday, and is still 1n our midst. A quiet but pleasant event was solemn• bid lest Thursday in the presenoe of • few gees., when Gordon Youog, jr.. win united with Mime Sarah Belt in the holy bonds of matrisiosyy. The offiel•ting minister was R.,. R. Henderson. of Auburn. Atter the Gordian knot was eeourely tied the *sesta eajoyed • sumptuous repast prepared for them, the rest of the evening Ming spent in /?..s.e«e and amusement.. Mr. and Mrs. Yoang have our beet washes for • long and happy life. A crowded hon.. was the reward the U. E. satiety got for their untiring labors Is Msseott00 with the 'noel lest Friday ev- shot. Friends from far and near were prosi- est to ample the oolm•ry production' and to esjoy the program, both of whioh were begwd doubt ezoellest. The ladies sue tabbed their reputatlo, is the art of 000k• lag, as wee to 0e expected, and se • natural eoosegoeses " Barkin is .11(10'," only he can't fi.d Pagrott, The program was Ful. 9ofe.t in itself to reoompense these pretreat. Among the notables present who took -Fart were Miss P.t•ereon, of Asters, and Miss T. Brown, of O..derlok, both abated slag en, and as soh they wen well received and beertfly applauded Wo Shat see forget Mlle P.nit&.d. of Da an able oeo- entioaet, or the WNsottve address gives by Mr. Kolllogto., of Nile. The talent al- ready.e.et...d, with the In H•1 t.1ent tae eluded, tendered • program that was • de. light a all wile herd ti. DUNLOP. TOMDAT, Nor. Viet. Jetts Gatlin, of Kiatiardine. was a Was east visitor here Tbarday M lest week. Miss i. Dean, of 4 iostwitl, *pest Rasday bears, ba genet of her .0.t, Mrs. D. (:erne sOur 50111er le Nosy with hammer and mew (1Nrtepttng the dwmbers el nor 'toile in. - bels resident. 1►ie week, we he le work's/ ▪ atair.lere at pressal. Jessp► Melasald, whe wee hero •boat hem.setlie Yl• os a visit to hie pareou and III fr1•ads, 5.s ►w apestated hash hook far ere of Woe Iwmberlwg amps ft) Ml too, rod las already eamtseweed be wile• to ere'e•IW emery the Begets, WI ins eshoriag es to Aapertro ,d V. 111ttm Ihuowey her their midst, ors. IMI ere IMOtl W t. w *Mr le Aerials. d. From there he goes to London to reside in the tattoo, with a view to becoming • rail- way englOesr. As • result el the Ootober examioaliow to S.S. No. 9, the following deserve.peotal meohtoo se b•viog dose well : To junior IV., J`t.veland Tiobboroe and Brune Yon./ ; to senior Ill , John Tobin ; to jnoior JII , Eddie Shaw, Minnie Barker, Joao Clutt n ; to junior II , James Harker sod Gaut Qo61J ; to part 11., Mabel Young and Lola Harker. Wednesday night of last week Mr. and Mn. Thr. T,ohborae entertained • large D umber of our young people, with their 4rieode from Ashfield, Lobate sad Gods. rich to • denote/ party. Oar local mualoi are were • listed by Miss C. M Donald, formerly of Bayfield, but vow of Goderiob, sod Jerry Connor, of Kingsbridge Geo. Burrows, sr., and Harry Shields, of Ash- field, directed the Boor for tie dancers tad the hat and mottos ably filled their duties to their nomeroos guests, every one having en enjeysl.le time. Though our sohool roll may not be se lure as that of other esotiooe, the .obnl•re aro determined to push shoed to the front in all the grades, as those In the put have done. For the outranoe next year there Is • class of six, and two for the public school laving, and we hope our new teacher will bean suooeuful as tie lets teacher was with her candidate' at the ex•meaatloas. Sines assuming her duties, Miss Cou'te has labored earnestly to advent* the sohool. She has visited nearly all the homes of the scholars, meeting • pleasant weluome from parents and guardians She now resides at A. A. Williams' during the weed, returoies to Goderioh for Saturday and Seedy. It is proposed to clots the preeeot term with • Christmas tree, and with it an sxamtnet►on In some of the grades LELBURN. TvtaDay, Nov. 21st. Daniel MoI,.od hu been a resident) of Koh Roy settlement for the put week or so. Henry A. and Horace Herten have rented the farm of J G. Cation For • term of Viers. Qolts • number of ear lads and lassies took in asocial denote' party in i)unlop, Wednesday night of last week. 1'h• gent'• faces of the fair ones wore • sad look of enquiry at not seeing • f•mIBSR tall friend in their midst, who went •way suddenly to • for off town In this minty, perhaps 00 0 important journey to beteg ark • partner, • biro/sin whioh will have to be made with* ring Instead of • pea. DEPARTED Faor UN. -Wednesday of last week, a number of the neighbor' of Mr. and Mrs .1. Dalton ternod car with their -teams to .uiat them movies to Muir ..w home in (loderioh township; Daring Meir resideoes here their kindness .rd 'collide to all tbeeo with ahem they mime to 000 - WWI woe the esteem and respect. of •11, and our loge will be • rain for their new neah• bore of Goder:oh township. PORT ALDER 1. MDKDAT, Nev. 20. Miss Malas spent lest wast •1 Jas Greer ford's. Wm. Baird. of Stesley, wee Is nor midst for • day last week. Peter Gresee,of D.trolt, hes bees *Wilier ale Mother. Thema. Dreams. Reeky Meldi111e Ms retuned Irem • fortnight's visit vela relatives around Kie- tall. Mn Jae ()liver, w111 Jehe Sad Blames, has hese vsitl0g Is Hlb►erb township, Perth oouaty. A ample of Toads of yonng people from this deetrine attended *ewe dancing parties game milt off last week. Mrs. Montt Iles hese rolled away to Onw- sumann0 e• secla.t of the 111...e of ea of Mr McNally'. eaildress Mime Sarah Gray, of Woodsaek, left Meta side" far her hem., after a titre* wows' stay N able eetg►beehe.d. Maeday eftarnnee Pasha McO..tby's hers wsa.barued dame. A gr.•6 Seal et grate semi Ms. hese *.e *I1Ted, .e the " re o1 bursas. 'rain adds be riiteem4 MM Pansy r j ..td, of 1)setep, a epesdlag AUCTION SALES, Ailb .Mgg• ha1n tit tie Item .aim. SATr,DAY, Mer, leMA.--9.1. of • sari../ 0f shotes 7001? dairy Wive and n•Ives, the property of Reamed peen, el ltmehvIlle. Oxford oesaty, at the HaatUtne et amities mart, Gdwrtob. Sale will eo.moles at 1 e'elook r w. TIMMS"' O0NMt,, aoe►fewew. THua'nAi,Nev.ao--Aeetiw eats of ketew bets foraitere, d Mnw 1;Asnlloll. at her resblesee. M Patrek's street.ee4. slob. Twowas 0o*nav, •.1eslenwer. MoNner, Nev fifth -- .Yale of the farm Nab end irephs.eats e4 Patera Neu, 154 2, ewnrdw 7, Ce1hwue (ewe 111. *MI el Usrlew). gas wets. etre' M 1 e** p$, Ma. Baht, M. girled se ferslap Knox, ...soar. DIED. DUKST. - la Benoit), N. Y.. on Moeda. Neth amber Mb, las B. Dunt, frmerty et Oel borne to wale. The tutored will take piers from the O.T.R. .:•floe, Oo4er!ch, upon the arrival of the 111 r,w. trate, ea 1 heredity. Nov. filed, t0 Wawa as ownete5y. ?Heade and aetodrt- teas are mate rtru111 Invited to 'lead. -- Touches Wanted. - - Tenders for Supplies, 1*. w The aad•reased wall reoet,e leaden for sulphas 07 to neon po MOND A' . UKI; 4th. 1ter ihesapNy of butches* meat. babe.. Asir, and oresrnery. .hint the price of Web. fl•,ar. 0&I1$0al. potato s. seed wood. et tar the folowtag lad,tut nes dariam tee leer 1930. v 1.3 -- At the Ay lam for 11e louse la Tomato. I,or.dob, Kmee.lo., liasmiwr M1mko, Brruk vllle and Orillle; the tae-tral Prison sad Met oer Reformatory. Toronto ; the Heformates" to- Pore. Peoetaog on heue ; th i testi% 110.1 for Deat and llamb. Uel:evule, and the filled •t litanIfsed. Two e9,Oleat •ardt lee will be ran ulr4 f.. the du, fuUldme•t of etch ooutran•. Spesit- eatioosand foetus of Sonde • cut rule M bed by making ant Booties. to the bosom el the .t'�,{W0,.4ry�et inn 1luUa►». 417.V--Teodere are not rrgatrekteiMi 'ilii ply Or 'neat to theasylums in TsrOslo. lea deo. Kings'o.. Hamilton and Mlmleo . or to theematral Prison a: d Merin IteIotnovo) , Tornio. The lowed teen) tender not neoe.earllrtr- rated. Newspapers isrrttsg thh Wvert1emul without authority from the department w not he raid for It, .. .UMio7I11.-e.-�t. wubt J Ata. NUXON. 1w.0eo.on nt Prisons and Pub- Ito ubIto Cannel. Parliament Hulld top, T.ronte, Nov. SOLI 11113. 5311 AM* or Lauds fee rroWil • OP TIU&A*UR1ITi KAIAK 0/ LAND, 1iOR TAXI'. (:UUERICII. 'OOVI•VI or pprrTAato,lir virtue a• war. Town of belies -Pa : 4 rant under the ypl of the mayor amid eel of the aerpe •liosof 1ke tow■ et Gederiu5, dated the twe.tieth day et Deptesu 1Wi, oommditemalag e to levy item 'to lana hotels. floe described, rot the arreare of lasts den thereon, tegelhur with oasts n ettles la email/ given that 0111..4 euob t•:a. sad oasts are wear p.ld I *ball. pursuant to The as.1eem eat Ace, R.16 0 , It.rr. Wawa 1tu, proceed toesll� U wp Wb sesame the .aid leads ur se mesh tbNwof se my be nece.rr7 ter the eat meat able mid coeurs a •d ease at .7 efa.e wa friday. tn. *Remelt Aar of Ueoenb.r. at two set** la tit. tofu' 0000. The feaswtug Iota w pegested • WY',ry J. P. BROWN, F#NAING IMPLEMENTS 4.(4,,/ AND MttCHINERY, .. PIANOS, ORGANS, SEW- ING MACHINES, Sc. . Hull STOOL KEIT ON NAM. 1 hat. the beet that is ,nate in Grist. ors, Palpus, Qat'tlnt Sams, etc. I Mm the Da - Laval Ore= Snare - um nare- u me It is Site moat reliable ou the markt t. ;tl, it.y yen to wee one. 1)o you want a new Qpttir or $1.Sgh? I handle different makes, and can suit your requiremente and your pocket, too. Would not your wife appreciate a good Washer •ud W Tager ? I)o you watt a good Map, °yew sir /swing Machias 2 I .hail 10. plowed W have you call and inspect the stock at my wareru0me on Ham - iltottat. before jou purchase. 1 buy my gouda to the casae bane and eau sell ata very close margin of profit. J. P, BROWN, Agent Rx M..'ey Herrin J.plerrwuta Hamel Waif Plitt* tnfi w 11 Resd'gl Bose. PAM 17 Cedar atraa 11 Pane *troet til 1.4 F•�>l o P 17 M 1 7110 11 Aa10011M W bis 1 1111 13 00 11 402 Ore ti9 el 1i4011301 t7 "al 7354 13 14013(131001 I7 1711104 01610 107 ,. 171,00011 e 1 11 1 001 6 54 1 71 1 301 6 54 131160 654 311160 354 3 311 so 551 3 311 30 Sin i7 JM Sot 11 1 100.600 113L1 iF ITT 3 POINTS S 111 i+ rAVOA Or 11i DE -CARBON STEPL all STeaIIId an eS tenl.. neyerr rally saran, sed not W ware er I11r4. They w.11 Inst • 1.4Ml.te. tin Tire, toot lis • y!e than roe taferlor Stores. and nn go.rat. .ed to vase One tided rod, bake better god radiate awn boat tare be eac*syber. •� (`.alt ,rod get . wi eat.. 1 ays also the sole .Msec) for t e Kelso, Wars. air Yeweru.e, which Ir luny ani.•.• teed to beta most e0bte.','eeeaastaal, der able. gee-: roof wad 5raltatul heating device made. investigate k for ourself beton) au deolde. HeMAgwrtsrs for risottos...6 feeael.g. TI. srltblag and .leve rupia., Bs C. FIESIHCER, While baying a RANGE - why not get the best T A Sapp Thought OR Souvenir. They are handsome, economical and perfect bakers, See our Radiant dome AND Souvenir 8eaers. A GUARANTEE with every Stove. • �µ:,�°.: �� LE-& SIIEPIIAII.0 MILL WOOD FOR SALE. The above is cut into Stove wood !math and will be delivered to any part of the town the same day its ordered. Osiers received by telephone or left at n.idenoe, 128 Cambria street, will teoeive prompt attention. 'Phone 98. PETER McEWAN. 1orierich, Nd'vesil.er gls., 1899. 63-3m r4. ti:ve DAA $Z Free Press swam swum IN asados tis iMeet des 1p ee10 sad othe . who; ensiled led irehst rs- purls *as Liverged, Leader, New Ted, Margo, Basks, Swab ad eiaswbere; frill MIM of meet* .felts sad Ami Weds District saws. New Mee the Tress - aid fall oil flush The largest, beak sad seat peris- h? dslb newspaper 1* Vest- ed Weds Only $1.00 per J. . BMIMe®e Kis. W W I�AM� a, 11., 111. 1 STOTES M Rt0 � E t Ulf q 144 ( sRAN� You will soon oe hooklog fora NEW 000K or PARLOR STOVE. Remember tent WB BELL Tan BEST In the market. THE PEARL STEEL OVEN RANGE cannot be beat A Guarantee with every Pearl Stove. THE NEW FLORIDA with Kteel oven. Is the beet .,e,;, wood Cook. genes $ippose we talk it gyp, You have not been perfectly satisfied with the Bgola and Shoes you have been getting, but aro not jest sure you can do any bettor. a aro ou& g aShp,x away, bat CLAIM to (/e giving the best[lvaluesyinotorbe hal In town. THE SPOT CASH PRICE at whioh everything is merited snakes thinking people, those who ehol around and want to make their dollars go the furthest, hay sere. WE WANT YOU FOR A CUSTOMER As we feel that we oat save you yahoo little on your fell supply of Shoes d you will do your trading with w. Buying and SO/114 ft), SPOT CASH is what makes the difference. You must keep your feet warm and dry, (;all and see our splendid line of RUBBERS and RUBBER 1300'n, The very beet that can be bought, not very high in price either. Long Boots trotu $1.40 to $3.20, guaranteed to give good wear. 13est.own Carpet .Slippers only 15o. per. pair. See our large bottle tavoritea Oi1 Snow Dreadng, only (ic. per bottle, it is goo,. tee. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. THE ART AMHERST • Nibs. beat Coal Double-Hea.ter, and THE HOWARD is tb. beet Ooal 114sweaolh Por sale by JThe. x. WORSELLc•-•••=0,..rinm, NONE gag FOR FAMILIES - We watt fie *O'Y1{eae1 l • suester of famina t0 d e kabbala. e. at hems, whole r ewe tiles a tV&IM 7 motil!e* and seal, Oa fare rhe lay rev I M work as gnat la. Ill•1asr..0 hlndr&e*.. i M IDE per wool .sada oreardta/ to fly Mooted toes. work. Writs an meta RION S1181.554. uv OIaOMng h.. • hareem. Mar Bat Nada Pet 11 b''Tlte died," i). assaM, Gnrern.set isupil0..,SI welgkta awl as1a.oren, .died upas 111a m.rehanu sl les sows Is W said she sky Aortae Ihe p..% webk. P. T. HgDDS North side of the Square, Oodelrich THE CASH SHOE DEALER MONEY'S MONEY I Any man who wears the. D. King Co.'s Stub Proof Rubbers makes money -money that will jingle in his pocket, Search the world over and you will find nothing better than Stub ®t proof Rubbers, because 11) eisizip there is nothing better. Any progressive dealer can tell you all about Stub Proof, if not, write to the J. D. King Co., and they will tell you. You can't afford to be without them, because they are the best See that Stub Proof is STAMPED on the bottom. d 'esdi The J. D. IC]f O"W ' ted, '".. - Toronto. Mantras/ WinnipsF TO ADVIRTIBERB. Notice of changes mast be lett at this - - t1EAf nor -tete? -"then autarchic noon. The Copy for changes mast be left not later than Moro - day noon. Caval Advertiaetneo5u acoepted too to noon Wednesday of sash week. To the Farmers of Goderich, Colborne and neighboring. Towoahips : I beg to state that I leave bought the Harness business lately carried on by Mr. Dowding on Hamilton st., and intend enlarging my stock of Har- ness, Robes, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Fur Cosa Ind all kinds of horse - clothing for the fall trade. Repairing will be carried on as u - ual and good work guaranteed. Mr. Dowding will remain with me until the spring. 5.46 G. HOUSE. BEOKER di IdYER$, U➢dertaten ad Kilaluer8 Graduate of M .. ohreeNo Cul begs d K.bal.iog. D4Y AND MNIGHT. 31447 00011311 AT MODE, RATEPRl IIB, L74D OOURTEOU3 ATTENTION. e10e/0E1 BLOC'. ileum fa A Good, WarmjweH-Made . . OVERGOAT is • dedsble .equldbeso te • haw's ward- robe .6 ten Stam .r year. H. DUN 60P, ill. West41. akar, W . thea• meek of kis owe mats wbbe Ink wen wad wear well TM prise Y w • sesbw maker -very I.w. CALL AJID 8=Is ?HZ*. H. DUNLOP. MILLINERY. ALT The R. B. Smith Dry Goods Co. • AMISS DONAUH, Oodericb. HUD 1ttLLINKtt8 : MIS8 H. HARRISON, Dungannon. tM16M-4l. ROBERTS, Seaforth. LgD2E8' Nerd Work and Natty 1Leay--'Wea Hal& Yoe oars unfitly determine the correct styles in headwear if ' you vino our Millinery Department., because they truly reflect ;aj whatever the leading millinery centres have pronounced fashion- ah'n and stylish. Our collections in the three busy places of ri business •urpaet all previous efforts. The goods are here for your pleasure, free for your iopee- tion, and to buy if you wish. Come and see on SATURDAY, sir at your earliest convenienoe. THE A. B. SMITH DRY C000S CO, GODZBICH DUNGANNON. ESEA/Olarli: C �1 vv .•+•Je YOUNG LADIES ONLY. Any mew lady can sere t WalthwffiWatck, of a flnasr Writing Desk, Leers or oust., etc. For selling among her fs a few bottles of highly perfumed TIMET SQN Send us a poet -card for prwa+i u. list Ind in,trnctione. Young Iatlbla bavirKoorder for,ni can fill thea out, ..d sand theft is. ST. JOHN SOAP CO., los 1T, 5Aw11NO1 ea. MONTi3CAL MILLINERV.!1:w hied 3&iea and Styles for the Fall sad Vita Nit TRY LAT68T AND NM ma= I?others, Bihlious and air According to my usual cgetnm, 1 shall trot -- ghat be plaited to have the Indies impact ay'is. .Hamilton -.t.., l `r TI 11 9ViEVirigHetanni ZZIP1127 r dr n 1§„r Vm A •0 A e1 GE dr -.011 131(1 11 a a e i