The Signal, 1899-11-23, Page 4'.e, .+e..�.er,e.a••,.--- rye...+..-+•►.-
E. B.& M. H.
Where ?
de Tel keep year Biro ole to rte
Mame Seed Sterna -
triii keep it 1BSQUd
till don sad tillit
reedy for eraser tosses
-at a
.. See Us Today • e
sad bete your wbel properly
Bicycle & Music House
Bicycle Livery,
West `I treed toderich
the �xguaI,
OS rpsr.saa
Wile Moue -Bet
liiODIR1011. THUReDAT. SOV :>♦ Me.
THE trial of the West Huron case
in which the Hun. J. T. Gestates election
is petitions) against by Major Jwsyu Bete
came up at °ww•od. 11411,..1i.ronto, Satur.
day last, and was .d joura.d for dual hear.
tug u.ti! December 41st.
This case bar been dragging a weary way
through the court for mouths, and it is
with a feeling of rebel that everyone inter-
neesl'drill.leat,n.t, .,tbLinia,Iw&,ttn�wu1116..J1
made up t!»Ir miude to dIspO ie o1 11
Briefly stated, the ore is r follows :
10 December of last year, after Mr.
GAaaow was unseated, he was again
the nominee of the Liberals in Wert Huron
and Mr. Baca was to CoseervsNve usedi-
•Lle. At the previous a seaman Mr. 0-.0
nos had been elected by the returning
oaioer's vote and bad been unseated- ou
petition by Mr. Bice. After. Mr. GA&
wow's election in December Mr. Bata again
petitioned and the t,.ae came oo tor trial
Let Spring. A whore mallett by the Con-
ine -vagina, fused LINKwrtit, failed to rn-
pttar. As a result of LIMILLATsa'n non
appearance the alae had to be wlj.•urIN+.t
from time to time until ou 5atuiday last th.-
erre' for petitiooer asked that the ere be
closed in .o far u LISKLATuA's appeal -woo
in nourt wee ouuoerned, but .that the evi-
dence of the town clerk of Wingham l,e
taken in regent to the agency of a 10110.
tomtit waren named VANeTo'ca, who, it
wee claimed, had acted as an agent for Mr.
OAWtow and rented the town hall to hold i
Liberel meeting in.
The Court stated that the care ooukl not
he opened further, saying : " It will be
tried for judgment on the material before
us." He also said that the Court was not
deperdiug upon the eyidrnoe of LINKLATSIL
The enlargements had ween for the purpose
d .ecunng and punishing that witness fur
acting in contempt of court by his failure
to attend.
After argument had been heard on cer-
tain pointe that had been left open owing to
the &hsanoe of Ionones$, the Court an.
pounced that judgment would be rendered
aD Thursday, Deoember 21.
lis Now, Kauo.a, it's our turn.
its TOMMY AT•11$ has get his w.rp.anL
idle 11'o getting to be oar tines f t' .boob,
ar The loyalty shooters don't take
kindly to being laughed at.
a>s The Union Jack is not white, hal
Werner flag is the Union Jack.
Me We'll all feel gay when Jolter
Comm marching home from Hoath Africa.
Mr One would want a range -tinder to
get •t what the lip -loyalists are raging
ale Baer Bona won't stay dears, even
though the yellow journals have killed him
In battle several times.
Se The hellioome editors holier that
the pen is mightier than the sword, and
they won't let go the par.
lir Our super -loyal contemporary on still keeps its editorial staff on the
home guard. It it evidenUy endeavoring
to qualify for • phos In the thrashing sister-
hood, alongside of The Hamilton Spectator.
tar The Tory editors who are fighting
Britain's bottlea with pert and ink on this
side of the herring pond will not he eligible
for even leather medals. Ten therawnd
mils* &wsy from active hostilities is • gaol
pi.ce to be brave, but tar me ever gots V.
C at teat range.
Tvuonoae G. 1Baon9R Arroairno.-The
dimmers .f the Demisioe Birk Ire..p-
pointed 1 heedetre ° Hume meant inlame-
ca enees•d /e ate R. D. Gambia. Mr.
s h w the Terme massage dense
Mr. ble'e lira as ,$seek' ...agar.
Kr. abused wee here M Teems* forty.
See mare age, beet la dor •s leek wag.
by hall s ems ef yew mime Hr /other.
Ashes /sip Sirsweb, s5 cad ries, wok •
Mews el maty Uerbw, 119"..4, e•d sal*
he tile emery arty a the tesa met. The
slew gm51al ammeer morel the semis* of
the Doodahs Beek sweaty -gee mere age
ei • poke, ked theme' the seersselee stag.
M W atalaed be hie Preva/
s�/Wpaidelee ►y Ll Milnes/ rid parse/
Mme" sblrtaMs►uMs •ewe ysdt
nsieked by eseNsm*aa The met *forest -
Me Mimi, le W ewe •PM{e&, wee its mar.
Mgt, kir 8..s Mimed by Om Warm -
Sea arVetess. Tia .sw mraeger
M • higer sf wawrG del es-
• , .ed Mrs Q e/ Oiel-
Ie r 'sumer Ad..j..,..d ern nee ober ei
-T%. F• O,
Toronto Star, Nev. 18. Tee N eat
Hates provrMsl t11mMse sale wtsr"pru-'-
bider• Mr. Jerre Osler, sad Mr. ludas
Roto at O.good• Hall One moralag.
To• owl* still sours for jedrmea►,
Mr. W. It. Mol'horeoa rearm on •
tow potato that were reserved from the
Mr. Mul'herioa said that with their beet
eudeavore thg missing room, (Athlete",
could nee be lono4, sad resequeetly he
wee iartree/•d by the petits• one *bat be
did eat wish W go to tartrst expire la Moe
matt*, tad that. M far es tits braoob of
the are wee ooaoereed, a was willing to
have It aired
After . seers ooswlt.tiee, the Pear{ ea -
seamed that the Liekletwr toped{ of abs
Whir would be tined or.
Mr. M o 1'be race thee .eked the tadole eooe
of t►e oeurt 10 earn maw. DOM evid000e leu
CO the &racy el V&w•tuoe. H. wut.d to
produce the tows dirk of Wlogbam a wh-
ere, bet the oourt t red 16.t tray 000iJ
out visa the arias say farther, sod teat
only argstewt ea the reserved potets wee
permfsslble. The rare aro refused to here
'balr armoire refreshed by • resume of the
evidence se prepared by erase! for *6e
Mr. MoPb.r.un the& sore a oommary of
the oars oo which the p•lltio.Ar claimed
emery ea the pert of Vaporer, Liakl.Mr
and Saltier.
1. ♦emotese war a member W good stand-
ar of the Week iJrmo Liberal Aasootuto..
2 Vetere. mar • delegate ta res re-
velation at Weaaham which semlu.ted Mr.
3. Mr. (Jarrow asked the delegate. to
work lot him.
4. Vas 1w .ad the others mart:med
were members of the (real Ltb•r.l A.aoor-
lioe •t Wirral.
b Venation tad the others mestired
were me rhes of the Wlogh.m uommlttee,
termed by Jai. Veer, .s emiesery of Alex.
Satire's. the Liberal warmer.
to They waked for the respondent's
albeit... att.aded cemo.tttr mevueg$, wont
over the voter' lute, appointed mut-tame,
and got oat res vote oo slectdou day.
7 Sullivan on •
**emotion tour.
S. Verret, was au active aro* of Mr.
t;unwe at the provtous slaottoe.
Atter this Mr. M,Poersoe proceeded to
arses na the pert Net Cepl. Wm. Yeuag
had supplied liquor to orris electors. Hs
also cbar.oterix,d the payment of $10 by
Alex. Smith to Heath Gerrie for can.pei5&
ep.eob as as 111,5.1 n•aodoe
Mr. George Watson, Q.0 . arose) for Mt.
Oarrow, (*0.4Iaa-with Mr. Mol'bereoe
in the elleg.4 roar of Vetere., Linklaer
.rad Sull,v . He *worded that m.m6•0-
ebtti a' bYLibertit AeMolattbo seed tetrity'
e delegate. to 16e oomlo.tioo oo.ventus
dud not 000dllato agency.
Tee point !evolved • long teuhoioal erga-
m.nt and evidently girt ores U laid es ft
to view of the decree ob.eatteg Mr, Blow-
er to Katt Kier • few days 81(0. -1
etkatlit_fllA.4.1a 1 IN..2.12s.._
I. odor Advert te r n Toronto aodiere chow it. loyalty to a more cbtv.lrot'
form than resit, Mn. Kruger'. plotter
From all scooter., Mn. Kruger is a Rood
old body .000rdiog to her lights. (srtuoly
there is sothitit is her t•oe ae d•pte•cd in
the public piers, to pruvoki BeitMi. weaek
mach less eery. It is • geoid. L."..
looking Iso.. rooad e • Dutch rood sed
with jam •boat as moeb expiation is lt.
1hot ray Mrs Krug -r solve. the temente
'aelp problem by doter bee owe housework,
to which respect eloo oompure favorably
oath other 1•dt.e of ler weral.b and more
preteosiem. the is devoted to bar horned
sad 1n addition to dentine 6le anok•, Mit
hi. pipe, which most be an onerous
asOon Paul fila curlliosmoker. Auog.wtr
Mrs Kruger seems to have a good many
homely nitre which should command Brit -
.b .dmtr.tlos, not daisies.
to s •
THE rwct Of hINDxa TWIN&.
Smoot Reformer : The Galt Reporter
rill talks binder twice non.rer. T6. Re-
porter must here • poor opinion otIts
e r. autotimers Mee ft gravely blames the
1000/405 to the price •f hirer twine iron
tde fact that the Ottawa °ovsromset re-
moved the duty epos them article, sow se
important • part of the farmer's huveet*sg
repair. A. W. body, who is to tows
Item Mellon, km another •*plaaallou. H.
1s very familiar with the State of
Marten, • province of M.xloo, wbiob
modems Impasses toast/ties of hemp, the
raw arterial of binder twine. le erdtawy
times hemp sells for $1.15 peg kilo. At tee
present time it commands her $S 76 10 =4
per kilo Down In Vetere they ley tib
Int roarer. is oboe to to war a the Phil-
ippine. whiob has &bsel.Nly stopped imp
1r0w1.5 L Ne treat bred of Luzon. If we
pould only 1st ibe benighted reindeer of
Vomiter) to subscribe for the Reporter they
would lean that the real .other of their
prosperity Is t6• (roadie Firer Miele -
rangier o term /1041.
Brustford Kxpoeltor, : A ellkw puree
oensnt be m.4. oat of • sow's ear," eye as
old adage. ler. Ir**ter sever epees hie
moots to ro.k. • *pooch without 'howls,
the ooreoee of his fibre. le a few min.
ate. of • published interview .t Winespeg
be resod Mr. Tarte of " treason " obar ed
Mr. Hardy with shamming 111aeaa, and d..
scribed the present opooriloe as the ssroer-
set sad most •oerretto of twenty years pees.
Mr. Tarte is octoroon) • traitor than Mr.
Faster himself le, hat he le 1m.earrorly
lees of • humbug. He hoe ble opinions sad
expresses them. The public always know
smelly whore be stands, and that his *pia
lees are his owe le this renter he is
el.5alwly 1.6. the Tate Sir Geerg. R Cao
tier, of whom be is the legitimate moaamor,
sad be 1e !est as loyal N she British empire
e a Sir G•er5e war N hie beat ; moreover,
them sever wee say glee set on hie bead
for solve p•rtlolp•tlon In • torturer*
msvemest. To beer Mr. Foster talk one
would thiol be bad been in the babit of
Aria. military 4mi•t•en• to (treat Britain.
As • matte of fart, he sever before mg -
rested rah amine. red i1 be had her le
office sow a would not bar. takes i►.
• • •
100 rase WITH HIS Perot.
Toronto Mat : Tbr• may arise 0005.
SUMO when • tees would he ratified fa
seta, a gee le wlf-defesoe, bait Nan ran 6e
se is•u8eeties for deliberately rooting .t
• lean for midis/ • ►e0.oeep. The Isrdest
•* Klegres, where M eemp&ratl,ely yore
ma, while engaged L • foolish, bet eel
d eka$., esespd., wow deliberately shot
dews by the swear of • few ehlekes., Is el.
tegoNsr r.gret6•Me from every ersdport.
Tei eeaWst.s/ N,.Id he meted out te
dishes 188.,se .r any ether elf05dsru
apisgh to Mew, le sleeper, end tie •ether-
It1.e ga.etlly ss• be depended are to
peek rose Me se offend. Rat that a
presto IsdlvMesi.8ewl/ be ufewed te nee
• ass on rarer mss, who hie ewe life le
nes In dare.., meet be Warred In ev
elvllir.d oemmealy. le the els referred
••, le appear. that the man who *weed to
ehlokes coop, altar 4letsrbfag the thieves,
Ima5lsed that he hat the Hehl 8. fellow p
"6e rummy, with • sea, sed emirate,
'dated ta brag Ins man dews, r.prdbee
Herber he killed et see, Shesld the •.1
lease prem. OM reredos te be urge, Ids esus
el taking life seder male trivet agm
the lees el e bar -Nikes 4e-
ere m peefehmese en ethereal w$,iiNe r
a wsraisg.
• • •
TH1 111011V1.111 Of Llptna1 11I1a,
vaiyha 7fta w
Mr, e Harm,..searWeerhemli4
Try •tre.R►ole, are that the prasp.rlty tilt,
the "math sed the ooafulablmwt of Tem
predtotlw je&*Ity a expression e1 o..84'
ISO. la the Liberal 0ov.rmme.8 Be said
the prcep•row madam r Os..da, dally
from the adv..* .1 the Ubsr•r le Pewee 1.
189tr, was • strot.g tl•m Ie favor of my ma-
dtaate @eppoe140 the °uv..nae.t. T8.
e.odlolees ware yam $infirm" from Mut
they were to ha ....rdbg t. the Leussrv-
a11ve potato& before the memeter. 43,4 et
Jou. 1896. 11 to Liberals were ntar..d
to power, they said, the mule would he
*lord up or rue oo iMMrvstiea wages. Weil,
1e Llbersle won sleeted, bt' 'imp the tee
olefin[ dews t1 mile .o,etas ,sties wave,
but, so the orrery, every mill sad ,.hp,
to fast, every industry mid wry onlerprtw
brieht.sed op and did • brise.. Iger as
it 8A4 ether erre bslore. Wa1,e 1,ore&s"d,
sad then wee Lad le employment to, every.
body able .ad wiU*.g to work. One mW
in pertloular, the Puree Na•ufscva5 Co.,
which had net bisa rusting tall time for
yew. 804 warn mW to be o0 Us 'role el
rear up roar. It bad or paid attire/mad
for ye.4, ►.d bee& repots{ fall time dar
the liberals west far power, mad rhe nom-
Deny had hese able 10 pay et loos, or ebb+
dead and mase le a prosperow oasdWss.
What the °oyesment had done for Cued•
to three yews was only en Irdniakle& of
what 16sy treaded to do as rapidly as tier
Slim Timms Ombeee t 1• term L. divides
A, Mise Oliry :ismer 1 Melaka B, Miss
4.111 theme. MIM gst.teaee all
was • pew te dlvletes I ler Anis with r
Vv..8. le alder prl.m beteg rives far the
a wrMIas Mier
'optima to feria. were presented
si 1.111. t Seeder divides, Survey Dist.
. 088 fee atdth.. 6, Mho 'Cate Webb sad
Mrs Nem 'earls ler elgsbr., Herbert
Beekman ler
y ; junior dleleks.
arfNmeM Mee 'd abet Menti ef..�
Mee It,. bwlsp .a4 Mlle -Masa C.aleles
Mi. Strong a prise.. aim 1. tares 1 , tweet
he Philip Kelly for British .d Ouachita
briery a Merles A. sad le Timm 1964'.-
9414 for porn literature as At 1L
J. K. Tum, gab* adored sad
8. 1'. Halla, p.'*.lpal e1 l►. ps .ahaer,
both ate egos addressee.Tb lettewlN
e mbers were Over ty pupae of ile..d.M:'het. Mum Sam aid Poem
Tya t O. C. 1,, oost1hh5
either weans. remlarow.m el the maiN
aerial tudypwu..M., by Mw (heaerr; a
*0.184110.101.11.. fa .mood..*at l•, Sy ere
M. Roth well. sod . gssetest., "Jam as the
Sae Wass Dom.* by J. aerie, 0. Alba, W .
Kryds.. a.4 H. Wlthlmas. Althongb the
diatom were Ioadly seamed. the &Messes el
the thesis( pnvonl.d • reposes
Mr. S1ran5 te hie oescl.dlog remark"
mide ref.reeee be am redeetfoo is UL. them
tag emit Ow855 te this they had bion ones•
pelted a drop nos subject. ,tmornpby.
He referred leeli.t;fy is the death of Harold
Mame, we ".mai$0.d the term with as
barn propene as may ono, nod p..ssd
out the leers hie early deeth *timid Nash.
11. proowdia[s war brourbt to a nese
by 18. ragtag .f the esti'$$' wheat.
• • •
Snit ROLauaa of u 44.
Mo.treu W1teom: The dotard m-
oulage of the Weer of referee whir
have just reared a are about .• horrid
Morro of war as raid well he written
There were the Boers overtire is their
rimers wider terra Iteas. Saddealy,whine t
• maoewt's w.nfor, the British aro .Hokin%
tree with ''tsar bayoas1, killing team redo
oat incept. There are tory few tar who
would not bad It r•roltaag to bare es outer
e many rata 1s lilt menoer. Yet wet o
told that the brio fere N whom is the for-
tune of war thin 41•tu.1.1ag .trvta (ell are
tho wary of all the forum to Maakine, and
they will m doebs be bores among heroes
when the war is over. Tb•v were sot bad
oleo either, those Boers whom they killed -
good, honer '$reser., a welt-at•aatog se
could be g.thered from say country fid• of
our owe, and with kindly bairn retina
Their oommradtr told the Mee who our.
oat for their dead that b1s torn had eafftred
greatly, and bio heart was very tore. No
blame o.o be atro8ed to them incept :n so
far .s they may hat• .hared the hatred rad
cart uteO nitre pronarat beak stereo
sad wbiob were the real rases of the war.
No blase either is to be attached to then,
betoier. or to the oommsoder who ordered
their selio.-that b, unless it rat all uw
caner 10 maid, as the firms a
ikought. to vow of the ciroam.t.ocm, it
was the wrest coarse mad the hes., rad tbe
is dm/Ziradii wsi'd .$null bould Olden M'
so other .otlo. tp.n to most aeries. Bat
let us mot glory 1. each Miaow dead..
1.1ere.tla5 51.11(00e at the CellegfW
1ea114M Lem erre, [reales.
The assembly rail of the Collegiate lo-
aHtate was rottener lett Friday everts,
11 'he roams of the •nenr eeemeao5-
o•o'. rercres. Addressee by the various
ateadsies pr.s.ot, the distribution of outlfl
Mies, m ••/.I mod peas add • short maeie.l
•od brow y program prooaged t6• pro•e.d-
nney till well on towards eleven o'olook.
Before distributing the wrtilOtee prised.
pal Steer pre a low hung whlob may be
f totere.t. tart term the vital camber of
i.upds on *6. register was 161 at the oloee
of re term there were 151. Of tree 2s
torr In di'idoo B of form 1., for which 0o
examination le presided by the deputies'.
43 that only 123 were eligible to write at
examisetleu. Of these, 114 west ap for
exominaelm .ad 82 pared, or, L other
words, 72 per cwt. e1 thee* w►r wrote ob-
tais*d oertfloale..
flea. J. T. °arrow, bo(r5 called oa to
'4y • few words, responded with an address
whiok mast bete bete hatred to with rah
he everyone pretest. While highly mono
weeding oar tarot system, he thought that
pupils stay too short • time in the pablle
soboole The public sober-, be rid, should
protide all the eternal that was 5eewsery
to mat• good sod horrible attires. •
in the ore of them wishing M eater the
rarer preterites. The euorsble patio -
are west ea to say 16.t edentates was •
rood thing is keel* &pert from fy oommer•
alai value, though les young oaio0My wtlh•
oat • leisure oral the oommerd•1 Tele of
ade.Non played as Important part. Ho
pee emphasis to re fart ria* • truthful
and honest oharacter is better than odor -
ties seal is the wrest fosadattes le .11 etre
arm. Aootber thing rosemary to ironer
was bard work. ('•slue.., ►e esti, were
the rarest of birds Osadse was ant oo
mash • tiatura1 ol.vern,m M an "Infinite
capacity for taking puss"
Mr. Striae thin enamored tbe winners
of the Peter Adenoma Memorial Scholar-
ships. The m.tbemstioal aeho6nblp a
form III. wee won Ly Mae Cremate M. RI.
holt with • p.rosarge of 76, aid the sehel-
•rblp to dorm 11 , for grant proficiency,
by Minas Finreooe Torowire • ps.sotag.
of 73. Bots the paow8gss were higher
tea& those obtained let year.
The chairman of the bard, F. Jordon,
having (a the mean'er ones. in, wee forded
to • seat on the platform, and for are root
of the evening Maharged the datlr of
o halrmas, wh.oh op to tole time bad fallen
to the part of ilia primmest.
Mr. Jordea'e medal, whioh took ike
plats of the one for • amber of yew glee
by Dr. .1. R. 88....s, was offered for gem
.rel prelims, is the Prier /tubs el
'oro lord was won by Mir Kala,
with 7Q peg ark Mise Mabel Str4eg was
• oleos mooed with 77 pet rat.
The pr.e.Mtlea .f Rev. Japer W I'see'.
Prise of h»ke ow* sett. Te prim wee
effaced to form 11. for emend prefledesey.
Mr* Caren/xi Tamer asee e► first is the
rsemisatioo, bet am N. wse the wase of
use of the airl•relps the prime west to
Steer Down
Mr. Wtleoo himself prorated the prize
to a few well choir words, and thee went
oa to arab 6ighly.f the °ed..doh l;oIIsg
iota sad Its staff of teach.,,, making favor.
able oomparisow wet6 the Seratbroy sobeel,
though h. 0.0.ld.rs4 the high sobeel there
to be very good. Although, he said, it fell
to 6e lot, u to the' of all Methodist els
Isere, to rector eesly three or four er at the
nest five years la one piste, .till be always
wished te keep i0 to,N war the sobod1 life
of whatever ewe he lived le.
Rev. J. A *edema, *lee 1.vl/.d to
address the r.tberag, aril the proo..dle51
of the seeable carried kla bink • snore of
erre to his wheel boy days. He praised
ohs asked sepesWle for it. rood moor lose,
Mlstela.d by the fairer of the makers.
lf. rid great stress en t►* imparters of
Nokias • ohsle* d ore's .oats.e early is
tile, es • wee ahem pnvwted mesh bind.
seam aur as. Wi * Na* was mem .0411 4,
basest, bs8 week was weak mantes', it
"teeing emcees, er L th. ward. of the
earl metes, ',Palmain nos pie. palv.r.."
A a. -neer M pram had bar offered ►y
IM. members •f the gaff red were Pr.sested
he the wimp by Mr. !Strong. The
MI's pre* fee seem! erode/1ms the
Meek 44 8Map
.f tams I., s espyd Seeker
s we.* M Trek W. adw.,4,
mi. Marla? press M feta 111. fee
err obtained 70% eg sever is peer UM.
tlsro west tar Perak ihere, 711%t lea
01157 71x.404 MW Viola Weems,
702. Prises fee hosed, ghee h MM
oDI.Aw, men Mw es blliews t b feet IL,
Claim : W. Doberty bas lavmlad !a as
isesMMr, wti8 • oap.wey of 4110 Moe
Grey: Mies Isabella 8impew the bees
rut.&.ar•d w Widow el B.S. Na 8 to,
Braes.• : As ale&trie bander alarm W
boon atswbsd te the tet. of the Surdas./
Beak a this plass.
Osdarle6 eeramip : W S. L.wresaa,
tsae5.r a 8.8. Nu 11 l lbth oaeowte& 1, Imo
bee& r.-.oge5.d for sex" year.
tiny : The trusters of S.S. No. 2 have
r* gid N, serves. o1 Mir Mated ea 1.40851 fon 11400.1 a ad rear of
W LSbws :: Mr. Hower'. tastily e-
moted lost treat (tom Teamster ..4 will
*ropy Mt. PorWr's sew dw.lh&g .ow tit.
(;.T R.
%Viagbaa : The ►money of Mn. Peddle,
who Ire bee& laid up se loa5 with • leg,
is doobital, use Ma had • stroke of per -
ed yetis lately.
Kral r Julia 84,4114.1., ha• ervsd hark
)'ito ts ie pre y 48. let 0000es i.o, and
oder farm hale.. � >h a ":t~ "
Cresbreek : bus will be Mr. Cr
Jot 's,•0oseeor is the 2od•d• partneri of too
other altar New Years. roe Colder will
attest the Hormel wheel .t Toro/Ito.
Kral : Oa W•••••41•7 of 14411 crook
Reber 1---8hsrp; _fwrmerfy ettettreeet wit
married at (Orval Ct.y, Mao , to Mee Mie
ot. Roterteoe, futurity of Orea[.vtlls
Vogues : The emeses of the late Mn
M. A. Ti..,.., d.er6ter of the late Tama.
Qewteo, of Urbane, wee laid te r05t Is
to Kam, oea5ter, ea the 1016 feet.
Chutes : Mn, Bolt, of Nib, (wife el
Rev. Mr. Holt. d•.esssaf sail •►troy take
up ter reereses as Chore. She bis the
free re if the potebsege there for • 111th
while yet.
Breath : A ooaple of ladies restored
themselves is emir that Mn 11.11, Alex
eater street, maul ht oomforiebfy prtylded
for this water. Tb y Met with •••51•n4
Oudeg/N Nwibip : We 11 Bleat who
due Wu roarer; is 8 8. No. 10 tor the
P eet Ire, Ills sores wet ylrereal melee
tori that she bee I: pmt re-engaged fist sett
year as • wlety of 8.115, witch le sm to
mere of 830 rear I0.t yew.
Morris: The 100 sere 'arm of Je11•01
Petro 8. i lot 27, 0000.miea 6, has beim
teemed to Jolts Jecksou, sew ed M41E114p,
for • term of throe yeas He ge•i par
session se Mwob ln. Mr. Verb sed fees
Ile talk rat golig te
Grey : The 50•aere feria e1 Mee. lobs A.
Lsaw', ones. 6, bac bees sswh..vd by Jae.
Douglas, 16th ••&.same. el Ory. the price
bons W00. Mr. Douglas rete pewemwioo
sett Id .2,1. Mrs. Lamar will likely tel.
•.tdlioj bar with celert., ed meads.
8t•pleM.: Theism P•ttermte, ferm..Iy
et Stepleto., bet wise tae 1•141y beq,llyli.
rill lila is McKiltep, wont rot
wok to tea rowel haven't. Tenets, is
order Lo hese •e opor.tfoo performed on
or of hi. eyes, 6e bring been almost bird
fur rate isms.
Heron . 0.a Thursday eight, Nut. 9.6,
some mavw►earted led trides' 1bre 're •ober.
sewed the sew pl.ta glass wisdom pat a
.lee. Fox's true store lest seek. A bad
orae/ was the remelt which will necessitate
• sew wladew. It wag tamed the .48*.'.
...s survival,.
Craebrsek : Mf.. Jseal. M•Nair Is bay -
tag a rest esjoy►Ie time meow the bray.
Sae bee visited 1. Reeked, Irslsn4 sad
Scotian,' eat sae *.,n .oer of the toter.
eights el arses ees.tries Mee M.Nhh
may be rime by C►retm.s and will prob.
ably raters by New Yrk.
W4ghim : Mr. C1.k, from south of
Lo.doe, • former resident of WI. bum, was
la town remedy with bis ooaeM, 8.8. Cosi,
of Fed -etch It is thirty teen Sino. e•
left this violent, aid at 1858 time Meg -
ham was ordeed to the lower towre hamlet,
sad Wlnabam proper had sot an .11.E
Seategtk : MnMmD. D. Wiles 3 u.
showed a meleter le 1e seg If.e the
iter 4*,. It wits Led by an erdthar,
e rr, and weighed three garter of •
road. It was gathered by re of tbdt
am from Mr. Borrows .f Flammable',
•song • let o1 other vase. It wee11 meek.
• fair meal for • good shed family, sad U
(ewers could lade** tbair bees te lay epi
like No, they would eves em Hob.
Seeferth : On Thursday serel5R, Nev,
16th, whale Mr. Jobeate., Sudety mer -
sheet, was ra'k'es with e0e of the 00.
.5811*. la hi. resaley, be fell ore, Is a Ma,
witheat • memoir's warship', end b flys
miners expired. Deemed wee me of to
old..* sad moot highly remelted *Mem
mea fo the tileor. Ile wee • t
Mstbediwt sad harm • wife mad taw
dy, eta of his dsa.htere beteg ergasle/ el
*be Rpieo•pal shared.
Sealorth : Th. ladies al fab.
Cbrtetisa 'Neoplasms. Cates will .Its •
dinner la the old Yoan5 Mw'/ (Asti$
Ansool•tloo rooms se Saturday, November
96th. rh. proceed. will be derma le eh.
Ualoe's work for to seedy file wither.
W. hipe this effort r the Liles be Weare
(ands with whiok to std the seedy of the
towel intim tbe welt) of 1e w4ter ses
sea, lull to *artily amid .e.ora*Yy teems
deed te by show sf ser ol1'.rss whom Pee.
Tidies, be sleets/ etch Messy.
beaf.rtb : Itea.etly Gsegt•1 (a
*bell of the Gaited W.rkmee, pa� to 1fe.
L Weedley, the sem of 81,000. Nr bates 06e
lamream es to 111• of her kb. bwrbee4,
Mr. Weedley had !save the Workmate M
1A01, ed bad jai pelt late the
817 40, aid sew 6r wine ..d Iltli.
remise 81,000. Slam the •rjenatj1
toonardy ben some imety yule Ape
then the bees pad, feet the *id of the Wile
ewe and graham of 111.11011, one tet" la sem
toes 890,000, slake there has hem poli IoM
the oee9Ay by wtha me.hw 51wmmealle
.so , tem theta 103,000.
(Mates : The Rare. Rao Amitatim
W .wand . saw mem me the H...M1rd
Protease. my legatee to Mme, Mask to aN
May Ns.btel) safe, Gal it Npallw N
Mbar M to Week 11 le • /hoose4 1•84
Naga ee4 Is, ars w Weenie ,Ile oily ea*
4 Mr limb is m1Wary IMAM Na. 1, The
$west ease te the mope a 1600 yrde
away. eel hes a abvakiae el 90 Mer, M
thin a mamas weld hove to Are ver
w1/ ./ bhp w ram the ruk
4. lades
easedeLAWcalmesr, .A.P rtimatr+ ..
pat r dra,pesra.. Wpp. led the
*died them i. !arta feet heals The Maid
tasks es ausesdi •Rh !load rte. reaps.
akel: Ira Seery bey., who tree
weal of B*►fi, ►aa said her 60 -ave. taro M
Maloola Lamont, album 100 -sen term the
woes Us side reed freer it, for 84400. Tile
will give Mr. Lester as ase • Isom as is to
be lewd L Way.,, Mrs. Rom 8.. regret
the term et Hoary Massey, 11 male .e► el
Bramele. batt 1tae, Marine "1wo.hip, sad
eqU p8 pes..saaw m to 1.1 of Mate&
meek 1'e press pall was $6000,
lruorlk : Oa tk. bib el, 1986,
weihkaowe readies of this taws r.odr.d
C peet.tbm order ter 84.60. 11e lea 11
away fee 05h keeping sad fume all about
it A tow e.ya ' p, .hon his wife was
1wefag beas•, eke /mail le fa • drawer
with • lot of old p.p.n mad lettere, wire
it had mom** tor therms yearn
He eek It N pwtm..Nr Duk.•., who wt
11 se thee Upsilons. 1. Ottawa. le au U 1/
8.d bre eased. Is three days wed isom
bask soyas that to ether bad sever bees
paid, sad that ter tear sesta t6• order
weld be re$ewed- eW paid m the 011855
le 84.66 bettor off ton. he /;hs.g6e be was.
W W hies : O. Temillay meed..' e/ last
w eek the sad ..d .tar ray awe spread
a&ree5b dew. test Mos Some lied
oommltted .etude. So tar N ere nes ascer-
tain, the !sots are •• teams : Bet.eee son
sad elves ..1**k es Mealy sips r8e
gni'. maim 0502. .001 u to station, 05
r say-
er/ that hdsmbte was lyre la • field
sear the *see, dyes. Help wee mos se
weed and 18. girl aarrlad We the 6..m,
Mete the sees eft/award. expired. Roy.
Wm. Low. sad 8. Or.ody lead ld.essattea
Mil Go. Teeter, tosser, we, .lir laves -
Melia( to .eller sassed tag t• sestets,
4soiled M wee a m• .a 4.885.1.
selene, aid that a bequest was a-
.•et..sry 1t meld seem tet th. as.
/of tenets sir! had ppnntildes hermit
w ith ~base and, preoe.d.d to the mese
IM Mar bar beesm sed drank to boas
draught, tremble the tar. saa11 bottles Mee
18. Mimi, wen they were afterwards
tossed. Drowsed ora* •boar uwesty mare
et 5g., sad wee esga,gd b tura 05 • de
mestl..etvesl. aid le .pekes sf w • Ind sf
freed 'barmier, faithful *5d industries..
'ler soother .tate that Same had or bees
Nae.i..e 8..d.y alter.ees, ..d that me
team to the der ea Manley tai.►* eke
6.404 • Moa, tad, xdog l see wee It wa.,
foetid ler d.aglem Iyl.5 a.wei.w, td
tmmedl*tely gar. the .Imam. '1e 1r.ther
aid sister. here lee steep ,thy .t the path
10 161 aid ever wh hoe besegbe sash
donee sinew a name ...alta le (.&oral
.eek pies e$ yvedueedam.
for which Dodd's Yids&&
Par an the oily .101..
eases. 1. Dropsy the Hid -
nem are ., ao/ the water, elseemai
eat , whki
be expelled la ths
form of urine, ilows bast
and lodges in the °MOb or
the flesh and path out the
akin. Remove the Illtb
which plugs lip the drain
Restore W.
health. There r
Kidawy Medicine
Stam Boiler Repairing.
The Goderiob steam boiler works
having been removed from Godench,
[ have made arrangements to cam
on boiler repairing and also the manu-
facturing of smokestack., etc.
Repairing of boilers, engines and
other machinery promptly attended
Machinist, Godericb.
Works on Victoria Street.
items oosMauly en hand sad w111 delle
Dramptly e W
Hard and Soft Coal,
Portland Gement,
Hydraulic Lime,
Sewer Pipe,
Fire Brick,
Fire Olay, etc.
semis ate• of West anis. use the
TRasr11M$a 1s. 11
!eR 1ta"Pm
Solite kit Coal
masse yes:: Mit Iti he MtyM l aeNert
�HTa L.
°padare M �/
aM Mt n
oderich Bargain Cern
All kinds of merchandise h•ye ad vanosd and are higbet holey than they
have beep in dean, with • rising market.
Hat we will not edvanoe the price. We have Lid in ample totalities,
and will be able to supply you at the old prices. The gnat caving we oiler
should prompt you to ooae, for snob prices will not be named again for year.
Bargains This Week :
Gloves, Hosiery, Ladies' Underwear, Men's Shires and Drswere, Counter
pp��ooee�� Blankets, Curtains, Drew Goods, Flame's, Velvets. Bilks, Towels and
Towelling, Table Linen, Ladies' Jackets, Pers, Pur Cosa,
Next Bargain Days, Nov. 3Ith and Dec. lst.
Least odor, brightest lustre, quickest *Aug
of all stovepipe varnishes.
It's time to call for • bottle or two Bider making the best-known
ooadag for stovepipe's, radiators, oto , it bar other ussa
It make■ an excellent and elegant praeervative coating for balcony rail
ings, iron /mom end other outside Imo work, owl eoattle , etc. Dilated with
turpentine, maker an excellent walnut stain for wood., makes eh eltoellent
blsck paint for beggada
96o • Bottle , 6 for aortal Drip. 67 tis. MUM.
tiedford Block,
.741.7,..7.:ealnr70 a •.son,. . ,. ,
A Shoe
Every Man wants Shoes
that will fit his feet.
• ,., •-.e„Arsra:.cKec.,..,v,...-,mumu..,
in I
These are the desirable kind. Made for wear and for
comfort. Sold to divide a good thing with appreciative
people. Broad enongh to insure comfort, graceful enough
for style. cheap enough for economy, elegant enough to suit
0DYka 01 tame "run 11e ra.Orkia1 etre! 1.1. AHD eau
x.11 .tiv4w6 MUM ism ems isasi Poor,
003131 BMIIOZ_
For Two Weeks Only.
Pin. Potts' Sad Irons 73c. set
4' " Iron Handles 1Sc. each
Cinder Sifters with Handle 13c. each
Oil Cloth Binding 23c. set
Electro Silicon. Silver Polish •'. 1Sc. page
Family Meat Choppers _. $1.18 each
Weather Strip 3c. fOOt
Odorless Stovepipe Enamel • • • • 10c. each
Sunlight Stove Polish 8c. each
Soft Oil Soap 20c. box
A1.80 A LARGE A!l4ORTIl.NT 09
Table Cutlery, Carvers, etc.
far Ask sr Cask !Baser Midi nils mry pfaine, -
cao DICTUM -1
The Careful Housewife
is particularly careful about the Ur'oosties she Ltayt.
81se wa$ta them fresh and Olean : site wants fust malls/ .he orders, and
.be wants them delivered promptly. After qu*I y, the pike is •
This is jut the kind of trade we aro after. We can phase
oar customers, we desire bo please them, and we will please roe V
you give us your orders.
STURDY' 8z 00.,
The Oa&h Groan/. Oolr• _BQuare and Montreal 8t,
A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for W "1MPUM'
Manufactured by J. M: MacLEOO