HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-11-23, Page 3INADA'S SONS -IN THE BRITISH ARMY, (FRak imam SATURDAY NIGHT.) mooing letter of a 'pedal nor- I !Sutherland HIpphlauders, 1111118. t of Turontu Baturdal Capt. pt. W. J. ilekawhluny, R. E., In- dia. a- otta i a sums of information e, apropos at this juncture o Times feels Impelled W re - it : one great fact too often ob- preceding but tau lees Impart• has been demonstrated With. Bt few amid te and entituelaamhwhich have acesempanled the departure of adieu eontingeut, men have all gotten that for many yuan Onion has been feeding the Im. trmy her best and brightest, through the medium of the Unitary College of Kingston. o hundred of whose graduates present commiesloned office ankle Contingent or no contes- t -nen could uut to -day be at any Quarter of the civilised edited world without its hoe.' teeeing hard on some Canadian Scattered over the globe. with „pe In Brltaln. In India. In Eu- garrlenens.. In outof-tbe•wa7. s, wherever the British flag 1a and. whteyt cocoanut us most w, in F3datb • Africa, towered. the whole world to -day is look - e some time R. M. C. cadets. of their mining, free. northern the military purposes of the Most distinguished amongst Glrouard Bambaahl. who has arlly left hie Important post. rrldenc7 of all the Egyptian re. and has beam attached to I B1111er'U foreesillevith. at thirty• re rank of Lieut. -General; the ho, )(teevets says. "wee loses Id, nor forgets hie welt mind"; a wbaltern had a record sots to make the reputation of any or In the world. as with Glroaard, so with the Canada's martial sons. perfect les alt, ard-greater marvel binklLe machines. Great Brlt- alislug the worth of them ham lean slow ids the peek of iter tied even with this fierce tom- o , Comelier' .frill and training.. mole acd brain. welded and sp- ry flomadian pf'eea. sltegfo/Milenwellyy ped our men now In South At-` n r keenest Interest centers, r thaws are Capt. Hensley. of Mite Fuedllea's; Lieut. Mcit.aes, Engineer.. who has Nen fortlfy- Mt:oriepi ; Lieutenants Scott. of staff Corps. Smith and Cory. In, Alain Sadness ard$l otUl0 Lancashire". Not til we know tenants at. or on their way to. ant. can we tell just how many are In the thick of it. We are n. however. that several of the ncrw In India will be ordered to Africa. and with them are num- 1 our men. 11 wotder that this. Great Brit. latest war, has stirred our rntlon as It has never 1Ithsrto stirred. Ours to -day 1e ni3t the set giow of enthusiasm. the nb- t thrill of epmpe.Uty. but the lie - o ur aid thrill of mother for ron. lister for brother. and the yell r. throb of a telatiore,'etlp dear= From every corner of the wide aloe a, prayer gas op for the re of our boys. who may be let any moment for their Ilves onto will thiole of the meaty of )unisons, one Jet tone as adjn- to the contingent: of Sweny. the Royal Fusiliers, Bombay ; he Bodging, one with the Brit - :Mumble contingent. a price In his day, the other In the I Artillery, who has already service with Sar William Lock - in India. Old Poet Hope Reboot up proudly her head. as she s to McInnes, and Morris. and Hugel, and many another "T. felon," bright ornaments to British armors. PetarbOro's heart o r in India with the Royal En- ese for there Harry Rogere.one he R• Mt Ce. brightest eons, le loured. The old garrtsnn town of oaten beats in mins the Striae les, Duff. with the Engineers In t , Lasalle also there; Sears and ;wrfgkt, and Skinner. at any tent liable to be ordered to the L And Quebec radio= that she givh a.nd de Lotblaiere Dobde to the Empire. In Mont - they speak of Swssny with the as Staff corps, and Lafferty the oontiogent. Halifax le thing India, where Twining and tlhaah are. Right loyally ami [nifty ima Lowert(aoada sent her 1 to the forefront. for Courtney with the Royal Artillery at Agra, Bury In Ceylon. Panet and Tilly h the Royal Engioeeri In fod[t . in whose veins flows the gai- t blood of tam old regime, side aide with men whose stork Is sly British, bell all true Vene- ta, one In their eagerness to re under the Union Jack. n epmr able= tiff to uphold the to of their 'college Truth. Duty, or," comes the c erlahtd memory those who bravely rust the glory .heath In which their woolen et - throne) blinding tears Mackay, n headed the list of, those who en- dsl ties collage at its opening M 'N, and who afterwards served h distinction in Africa. winnng D. IS. O.; Stalin, of the Welsh dnwnt, whose fame 1e impeder- s linked ltnn s with that of hStanley to '7; Robinson, of ry has eesRoyal En - "'re, elks was killed in action dlat, with con.plcuous bravery. ,wing up the ,gate of 'nimbi to rim. A tribe" to G rtheir memory 11 erected la sit,. a Catbe► el, Jointly by their otenredes of the 1f. (1 and tbe Royal Ea ne maki n 1gg 1t nota cdon1al, an sewedtrTbnite. A similar • tablet DA et the atone tlme played In Roch- ter ('stbertenl, pug. which already Mat= memorials to many of Kog- rml'e beet and bravest soldiery. The m under Capt. Stair/ command sotheh e March of Stanhope Line= kirrehot, An•I any day May being trr word of (hers of our kith and kiq kir whom tis haat " NOW oat" has roweled. of for dein will w• grieve, for trlslgll valor, In the fdiowing of heir Duty, they wUl have come tel ie foll knowledge of ties Troth. lJ. Cl. 11Q Wbtts. Felimelgg 1• the het of W. W. 0. ✓ edeetes atlaebwd to the WHIM srorw in Tattoos parts of this world. 1 Imre bomber of them Congested the the Indian regiments will ire "el South SouAfrica: (leilt• C. A. Heeriey. Royal Dublin i es111ehrs, Natal. Lieut, D. At Melones. Loyal Engl. Mira Caps Town. 8. A. TatraeArg. X. Scott, Royal Artlliere woof,• a. *. Frith. R. E., (beth Al• Loot. o. W. dory, Royal Dublin htflien, /fatal. U.at. O. 0. Weal, Werth Lancashire 'mefnt. c:I lu.d.) Pt'Y. 1 Osaia.oe- Argyle sad Capt. 0 Capt. H Capt. Capt. E India. Capt. Capt. C nab, Ind Capt. A Capt. Capt. Lleut. gal. Ind/ Lieut. dia. Lieut. W. J. Mitchell, Indian Staff Corp.. Lieut. J. J. B. Farley, North Staf- fordshire Regiment, indla. Lieut. W. F. Sweny. Royal Fusilier.. Bm obay, tadia. Lieut. G. F. 3'. Osborne. R. E., Bom- bay,' India. Lieut. 0. B. Wilkes, R. A., Roorkee, India. LAMA, L J. F. Hayter. Cheshire Re- giment, India. Lieut. C. M. Stephen, Cheshire Regi- ment. India. Lieut. U. E. Hardie, Indian Staff Corps - Lieut. H. Byer. Indian Staff Corps. Lieut. tit 11. Brown, Indiau Staff Corp.. Lieut. Fo F. Hunter. India Staff . M. Duff, R. E., India. . C. elution, 11. E , ludla. N. ll. Twluing, It. E., 1y din. A. C. July do Lotbinlerd,• R. W. F. T111ey, It. E., India. F3, Cowie, Royal Stets, Poo - la. W. B. Leanne. It. E.. India. 1?. Panet, R. E, India. A. G. Bumper, It. E., ludla. FI. 8. Itugorse R. E.. India. H. B. 1). Campbell, It. E.. Ilan• a. R. C. Morin, It. A., Delhi, Ia- Corps. n ut. Ga If. Roger*. Bedfordshire Regiment, ledia. Lieut. At IS„ Wilkie, Royal Sussex, India. Lieut. R. Te. Harvey. 4th Hussars. India. Lleat. ,t. Peter4 Indian Staff ('orpe. Lieut. 11,. L. Cl EN-eeuy, lydian Staff Corps. Major A. StraubenMe 11. E. !4. M. E.. Chatham. Eng. r , Major H. M. Campbell, Royal Horse Artillery. Londoo Eng. Major E. B. C. (firouard. IL re, Pres- ident all Egyptian rallwrJ1• Capt. E. V. Of. Hewitt, papal Wert Seas Sega®sa4 .. MairesaJ . ,,. Capt. C. B- Harwell. le 1., Bombs', India. t'apt. W. C. Henniker, Niger Coasts 1 I'rot.dt3,rate, Africa. • Capt. Ai Adamet It. Ea. Egypt, Af- rica. rapt. I1 E. Oras. 19(, A.. Kirke/. Capt. J. W. Sears. tl, Staffordshire B.gtuaut...Siurmiet I ola11d _.--- &alpt. (i, S. Duffna R. A. ttxpt. 1}. tit. IL Skinner. Royal Wi- ese Itepptment. Staff ]e,mpfcy. Capt. E. T. Taylor. Cite:tlre Regi- ment Staff. l rept. Ji 21 Lane. R. E.. Asst. In-. structor. 8. 113. El Chathatd St►t R Van eltraubeiulee South iWales Bords4ers Staff. Capt. II, C. Carey.War Office, Lou- den. (rapt. E, 0. Ren1tt, Northampton- shire Riglment. Adit.. Northampton, rapt. le H. Rtdont. It E., War Of- fice. Capt. J'. A. Mtren, R. A.. Adjt. Suf- folk Harwich Volunteer Arteller7. Capt. 1'. H. De R Ca..ratn. It. E. Southampton. Capt. N: O. Vonlugel, R. F,.. Lar. - guard Fort. Eng. leapt. T; C. Sklannr.lh E.. Dover, Eng. /'apt. H. Pkggett. Chatham, Eng. Capt. G. Cartwright. Plymouth. Eng. Capt. If. B. -Strange. Adele, forts. mouth, Eire. Capt. C. R. Hodgins R. A. 8taf1. Dover. Eng. Capt. K. J. Deifies, R. A., Wooly/kb, Eng. Capt. 11. C. Smtth. Royal Dublin Fenders. was with Egyptian Army. Capt. J. H. -Laura, Royal Lancas- ter Regiment, Singapore. Capt. H. P. Leader, 6th Dragoon Guards, Eng. Durham Capt. C. C. Leard, Adjt., Light Infantry, Burmah. leapt. G. B. Lauds, Adjt., Royal Irish Rife Volunteers. Csgt. G. D. Luard, the Cameronlana, AAP, Capt. J. N. C. Kennedy, Cite them, E Copt. R. J. MacDooa:d, R. A., Ordnance Oftb, Chatnam, Eng. Capt. B. G. Jory de Lobbinlere, War Office. Capt. F. E. L. Barker, R. A., Melte. Capt. A. M. Cay:ey, R. A., 9t. Hel- ena. Capt. 0. W. Johnston, R. A., Ad}D. Sussex Volunteer Artlilery. Capt. C. K. Debars Adjt. Royal Wash Fusiliers, Hoeg Kong. Capt. 0. W. Klekpatrlck, R. 1., Capt. C. M. Morrie, Devonsbeet Re- giment, A:dershot (on He way to the .root). I.ietst. W. A. Hkmt)ton, Conranght Rangers, Meerut India. Lieut. II. B. D. Campbe3, R. B„ Reseai% India. Lieut. W. 0: Dumb./ R. B., Ber- muda. Lieut. 11. V. Ds Bury, R. A., Cey- lon. Lieut. F. F. Defoe, Army Ser - vire Corps, Woo,wich. Lleut, H. W. Clinch, Army Ser- ve Corps, Wor:aleh. Lieut. B. H. 0. Armstrong, R. E., Sierra Leon/. Limen. H. W. B. Ho:dlnabeed, R. A., Mauritius. Lieut. V. L. Beer, R. A., Halifax. N. S. Lieut. J. D. Don't, Yorkshire Light Infftry, Mauritius. Lieut. J. W. Osborne, ron- tans, Gasgow. Lieut. v. C. Honker, Roya:t Can. Leinster Reg., Barbadoes. Crete. Lieut. A. S. Brans, R. E., Lieut. W. H. N. Cantle, R: A., Wooewich. Lieut. A. L.' Lv'. us Er t one0t, R. E., BervinaveU. Lunt. F. Ii. Onertney, R. A.. Agra. Limit. A. E. Smith. R. A., Malta. bleat. E. A. H. Dean, R. A.. Jer . Lieut. C. W. Weldon McLean, se Lieut. Cadet J. k. Magee, as Privet& Major J. C. Macbougall, eta Adju- tant. Major J. B. A. Denison, as Quar- termaster. Maher litiottrftsa sel.•.spiorTOe.a tached. Capt. F. J. Meal goes out as his- toric recorder. Capt. J. Drums Carruthers, aa a Private. THE AN6El Of DEATH. War's Tragedy Brought to British Homes. . WHAT JOHN BRIGHT SAID. ILoadon Corre.poudetece of Montreal daze* RANI Just tefore the Homes of Commune rove, Mr. Wyminim. the very utile )ouug Under 8•cretary for War, Who ham playe 1 wo dlmtlugut.bed a part during the past week, had to autouuoe the death of the gallau't. Oen. Symenue Tree news caused u thrill W rue through the Hound much as had not Leen au keenly felt sauce this uulutppY coy began, It brought home to msd'iatjlcn,lnds the remorseless cruelty, the brLtal tragedy of war. The sen- sation It created mailed the Nicene ill a past generation, when the House was llstenlug to an rlo,u ns oou Asa nation of the Crimean war by John Bright, who pause.' lu his argument to refer to the death of a oistlugui,hed of(Irer, who was also a well-known memuer of I'arllament-aud when titin/ solemn and paluful silence, the great orator exclaimed "the angel of death is abroad in the land -we can aimost hear the beating of his wing.." We have our morning papers and our evening papers hour by hour full of war new•, and we sup full of horrors. And. while we are reading of the bravery and devotion of our gallant soldiers. we are eagerly queetiontng with one another : ' 1s this sacrtltee of gallant lives, this heaping of mut- tering and misery upon so many stricken fellow creatures not out of all proportion to the cause of quarrel with the Boers? Here tate sympathy and admiration for our army is un- ertlntel, and so to is the pride and satlsiactlon with which we see the loyal devotion of our brothers En Greater Britain -but very runny here are looking on with that sickening despair with which a cfow.1 watches a fire, as a cruel anti destructive Mktg -wb4ah .o.jia& ...3.a1. - avoided. The spirited action oar soldiers, and the defeat of the Been would seem .to point to a speedy end of this fearful buelness, and already the newspapers In London are discussing the prov- able settlement -after the war Is endedr And there Is the Irony of it - the -war Itself settles -nothing_ W111ch was not known before -and the vet- Von oetbion of the Outlanders and the posi- tion of the Transvaal Republic must be considered all over again, when "the angel of death" has done his worst. e'orne are expressing the opin- ion that as the Boers were hostile to at front the very beginning, there Is nothing for it but to cripple theta now. and deprive them of all power eer Independence. The Standard 1argded thus yectenlay. "Ue design ihrtch po:lticiafu," it say. "must be rendered forever incapable of reali- zation." To treat our enemies as traitora and conspirators, and deserv- ing of pwnlabment, would be a dan- gerous phicy surely -the thought of it le incompatible with tete reconcile• non and the fusion of the races. which alone can hake for tree peace and prosperity of South Africa. It 1. to be feared that an the war advances the spirit of jingoism is becoming more and more active, to pestes against it -to hint that ar'oltre.- Lon woold have been more beconn- litg to tbe civilization of Britain than an us*qual war b to risk be- ing accused of lack of patriotism. We are dankrroursly near the mune state of mind as poor France whom we despised In tun days of the Dreyfus agitation. This feeling was met by an eloquent protest from Lord Crewe in yesterdaYM Times Lord Crewe says boldly what most of se needed to hear -that it ought not to be tor- somas- ¢srenuas- that ail criticism of Um re. cent conduct of attain; in South Af- rica lmpiles a want of Imperial sit -any more titan a condemna- tion of ant*preyftsard methods im- plied an attack 00 the army, or on the eotrntry (feel/. While the war In Eouti Africa goes at, Engliahme t are demoting as to the rights cr wrongs of it -and It la to be regretted that many loyal Conservatives like Sir Ed- ward Clarke, M. P., are being del nooncetl as "pro Boers," because they think tato nogotiatloss for peace Mit twa have this juncture been was anoot justifiable, and can be no remedy In any cane. Tor mosquito bites Use DALLET'S ?AXIL! SALOD It removes the poison nntl elinys the Inflammation. SWINpIENS BUM OWNjO ' Obtained Thousands Under 8f MEN OPERATED IN TORONTO. New York report: There la at pullce headquarter/ here a quartette of prisoners lu whom the pollee of almget every large American city. many of the leading business hooses, bauka`, and trust cumpanlem have an unbounded Interest. They tiro round- ed up after beteg watched for (several months. The pollee of New York may that they have been convicted of ob- taining many thousaudm of dollars un- der false pretences. The primate= are Alone J. White- man. of Donovllle, N. Y. He Is a grad- uate of Columbia Law betµ//, former State Senator of Minnesota, a former candidate for C3xtgres& and (nos a pallllonnlre ; Frank Edmunds. Werk, of New York ; John Thompson, clerk. re- sidence unknown ; Robert J. Knock. lawyer, New York. There W under ar- rest at present at Pittsburg a fifth member of 0,e gang. Charles D. Stew• art. about 611 to 70 years old. He was arrested at Pittsburg yesterday• tieveral montes ago a man claiming to be W. L, Howe. cashier of the Na- tlonal Bank, of Lawrence. Kansas, or- dered rdered $10.000 drafts of a certalu de. sign from a tarn of IithogranlMrs In this city, and id for them\ a4 Cash. Soon reports of bogus drafts 'began to pour In from all over the country. They were all made on these forms and drawn on the National Bank of Lawrence. Investigation by the pollee traced them back to Whiteman. who lived with him mother In Datuvllle. N. Y. There, It Is alleged. he formulated the plans. and hie tools all over the country carried them out. One operation occurred on October 8 1 last. The First ;National Bank of Woonsocket, R. I., paid $3.000 on a 510,000 worthless draft drawn by the Lawrence National Bank, of Lawrence, Kansas. oa tato First Nee Ronal Bank, of New York city. This depl, the poles state, was operated by Stewart, aided I by Edmunds. Thompson, and Knocks. an11 directed from Danville by Whiteman. HOW THEY WERE CAUGHT. Alto this money was secured the men, except Whiteman. went to Pitts• burg. wirers the next victim. In the .;bap» of tate Tradesmen's National Bank, was to be worked. Taw scheme there, according to the police. was to At 000Lt aea.he t,eeopeo an fir,-. oount and give the men a standing. This wax done. A bog°ed draft for 04,- 000 was he fo:low, and then an effort made to draw $2,000. Stewart was to do the work. He is grey and vener- able. Tlie bank officials were notified by the police, and plans were made for the- arrest of the eneirrei. gang wben they came on Monday to draw the $2,000. The plans miscarried, and Stew- art alone was caught. The other three escaped to New York. Pltte- burg's po.loe wire! Captain McClure key, and they were caught soon af- ter landing here. Whiteman wooer - rested later he this city. WAS PATON ONE OF THEM! - Toronto, Ont., Nov:- 15. -'The above despatch mimess the mes- sing cue to the story reported on Friday, which toad of an attempt mtde here by a mac sty tug himself " G. H. Paton, of New York," to pass a draft tux $12,500 on the Imperial Copper Company, of th'm city. In the Toronto case, as in the other the draft was one from the Lawrence Natrona: Bank ce Kansas, on the First National Bank of New York, and the sharper played a clever gime, under the pretence of making • purchase of stock, to secure an ad - vane upon the bogus paper. H1) re- quest, however, was retuned by the gentlemen interested In the company, and he 'mit the any suddenly, throw- ing hia bolekey from the car window es his trees passed Port Credit. The named G. 11. Paton does not appear In the list of those given above, but the man who tried to operate here la wtthout doubt one of throe now under arrest. The second man, who was in Toron- to with Paton, also left here suddenly, and without aohtevtag success. His Van of operation was by negotlatng for the purchase of • we.1-known dpwn-towns hots: ,which he pretended, he was wtlirtg to bay. • S RUSSIA Rei The Liner Patria Take/ Fire 7----11-the Manuel, THE MENU Taken S OK Off in a Boat by the Russian Steamer Ceres. BUVE CONDUCT OF TOE CREW, Tke Cargo Touk Fire and was town Uncontrollable ('aptainenderew Stayed With the Vessel To Try to Beach Her - Passengers Nearly 1.Mevt. o. W. 1:m11w-in, R. E.. Chat- Lkot. !► 11. fI. Hamersley. R. A.. molts. - Lleemt a Payzant. Laacashlre Fusiliers, Lunt. E. D. Carr Harris, R. E.. (lhatham. Lieut. Ft L. Btnga7, R. E., ChM - hone LMent. J. L. 0. Matt, R. A.. OIh• ratter. (IIbMNnr. Lien. H. R. Poole. R. A.. rtl Wer - Lieut. H. A. Ilaslbetch, toy wk.ks/hire., (7Mehesterin' C'tl Ee The following Rola Military Cana- dian men he= goes with tiredian eterntlrig.wt ' Capt. A. H. i'anet. R. C. A.. Dent. (Stet. A. E. Bnrtnee, R. 0. A.. Ia Lieut. Capt. A. 0. Boi tna. tui Llsat. p. t O. J. Armst Iror*, blest. ie UAL Lieut. irs( LaA. Q Caldwe . sts u Di ialtteety, R C. A.. as AA Said to Have Taken Posgssion 'tcse Spa e lt•of Ter ort,. ' ,.-.... THAT WAS CEDED BACK TO CHINA All Americans. Loudon table says : The Hamburg - America's line steamship Petrht. Cap• Lain French. which sailed from New York at Nov. 4th with 44 heaasbmlp pus - mangers and 78 steerage pa.sW1$er•• caught fire In the Chunnht from some unexplained cause. and l the passengers and crew had a narrow ea cape. title was twelve miles north of the Hinder lightship when the Rus dap mteamahlp Ceres, which sailed Iron C'ronstAdt on Oct. 2nd, sighted her. At the time the,Patrla was en- veloped In smoke and was flying slg- nala of detrain. When ,the Ceres right- ed the 1'atrt . sit3 put on full steam. and as roan as she got near, the burning steamer lowered boat. and transferred the passengers and part of the crew. about 150 persons in all. There was great difficulty in rescu- ing the paaser4len, as urgeut /taste was iteeet awry. Metny of the pitmen germ were wrapped only In blankets. The Ceres reached Dover by mid dight. and her commander sent a mos" sage to the American Consul, Francls W. Prescott. The Consul immediately conferred with the harbormaster and (secured the serrles of the tug Lady Vita to land tbe rescued passengers and crew. Among the saved are many .ladles anti children, as well as six babies In arms. The hurry of the rescue was bids• sated by the tact that most of them w•er: enveloped In blankets only. They were rapidly distributed among the ►stele or sent to the Sailors' Home. 'fend' lireryttttag peseta= it esrteag 4kwe for their comfort PASBENOERS TOOK TO BOATS. Buslneaa (Crisis. A man ways he went around n few days ago nakt'g different Mitt bow b ena= was with tete as a ear th some of e answers Saroetran-Peeg IrtC along. Ragman -Pickles( opt B:sc kmmtth--R4'l 1103. Cripple --I can't kick. Tailor -Pew, sew. Butcher -All cot apt Bead man -Out of sight. Stove man -Warming up. Coal dealer Outlook black. Engineer --A blest fewest/. Hatter -Going ahead. ibctor-Oetting better. Undertaker -[lead. Phare /mist --Market drugged. Barber -I'm scraping along. Street laborer --Hard digging. Pawnbroker-Interear ang• Watchmaker -fico moth tick. - Facts Yokohama, via Victoria. B. 0., re. port : lames 1s saarwiug her hand without reserve on the ouutlueut. Lie- teazle l`tuaug Peninsula, which Japan was forced to cede back to China. Is now Rus►lee territory. Its Government 1m adminlateretl by the commandant of the ltueslan naval and military forces, under order of the Itiluleter of the Treasury at St. Petersburg. hurt Ar- thur lir the seat of Government. A ltuaalan diplomatic agent anti a fin- ancial conimleslooer are appointed, and judicial procedure of the Nigh of Alexander Ii. is enforced throughout the whole territory. An event, which speaks for itself of the lawless state of the country bor- dering on and beyond the new terri- tory, Kowloon, China, took place quite recently. A gang of desperadoes kid- anpped a lad of seven years, with a view of holding him for ransom. A message was sent to the father de- manding of hlm a ransom somewhat beyond bis means, and consequently the father could not pay it. The cap- tors, believing that he was able to raise the money tf he wished, again sent Lo hlm, threatening that 1f the motley was not sent within a specified time the boy would be returned to him In pickle, and, the money not being sent, actually put tbelr threat Into execution, the dead body of the lad beteg returned to the father In a Jar of brine. The perpetrators of the crime ere still at large, and appar- ently the Chinese authorities are mak- Ing no effort to arrest them. • The ALtuordhtg to interviews with some of the iretssertgers, which elicited tbe fact that moat of them are American citizens who have come for a vacation in Europe. all were ordered an deck at -6 cerlook-em_B tel newtay woinln6, when -Ellis Were informed that a dledastrons flre had broken out among the general cargo. and, am the crew were unable to muter it, the captain said he con- sidered It advisable for She Wiesen - germ to take to the boats. At this time 1t was evident that the fire had obtained a thorough hold upon the cargo. Smoke and. flames were aaceadlog with over - 'powering force, and causing the greato.t alarm. The crew. accord- ing to several passengers, worked like heroes in their endeavors W keep the flames under, but the great quantity .of linseed among' the cargo and old supplied by this made all their efforts Hopeless. There was very great excttedlhit among the women and children, but the example set by the coolness of Capt. Frollcb and the crew had a calming effect upon the passengers generally. The boats were promptly got over the side, the crew working as if tbey were at drill. The safety of the ladies and children was tbe first oonalderatlon. WAS NO PANIC. For Sore Throats Use DALLJT'S FAMILY SALVE It w111 remove soreness in the chest and lungs. Only 10 cents a box. Experimenting 'With a New Fuel A new compound fest 1a now being tested in Englmnd with claimed satis- factory results. It Is composed of 98 per cent. of coal dust awl 7 per tent. of n mixture of pine and caustic Ilse. These three subetatu'ew are mixed and t*n Into moulds, where they harden to such a degree that they do not =iterate when burning and are sold In the shape of perforated bricks weighing About ten pounds each, for big furnaces and for domestic nee In cakes or Inmpe of lenticular form, of which 140 weigh 100 pounds. The new feel le sold In London for $3.25 per ton retell. It gives out an Intense heat and only traces of smoke, while the residue of ashes doer rot exceed 8 per cent. it can be burned in an ordin- ary grate, and the fire resembles an exceedingly brilliant ooke (Ire. Can't est r -rale Effliar'I Cont pound Iron Pills for a few days and observe the remelts. BETTER BE CONTENT. - 10 ti always of lights That wedream ht tate night ; And we/ sigh for to min and the mor Mw , Let the night ixing repose, And the morrow -who known What It brings of misfortune or nor - mw? _ _ 11111er'. Grip Pardon Ofiw. 11abj.cL is The ahs www° of KNlisswortI, Conn•, here reeeive1 the 'Moeda( Se3dule of property handed in by a pent-- farmer >atfarmer of that town : One wife with red hair, two etedre- that'. a pear. One horse (she's n mare). that 1l' a11, t swear. Hinges Udmurt Ono Oalgrt b des Aeipstivn Ie pebliely mads that Jeffries. At the end of the 19th round .4 me nettle with Sharkey. was brightened by drag , 3*niants ab• ministered hyi odernt KIDNEY DISEkSBt Bengt is Often a Life of Pain and Iiftry. The Signals s reamers >h>SY TRVRSDAY MORNI IR IRT D. R.O1111VVDDY. ,, T.rma d Nb.wlinneas ODO otadvaaae«..t Baa menthe. ' •••• ""- Oise year. 3 Adveetfaleg Mat«' Legal tied other oases/ advertIam•abt. We. per tine for fire lue.rtlos. a°1 3 ovate per Use for each outsets:m atlseertioa. )(assured by a nonp.roll erala Buetuwa cards of ale Ihtes sad reader, M M year. Ad.ertWmeots oC Leet, Fouad. tied Bituatlons V ao ,at, Maas Aero Wanted Business Chance. Wooled not comedies n llasea nonpareil, $1 per moo th. 1douse. en 8.1e and Perms on Sale, set to sa,xed t lines. 51 for first month, Mo. per ens /squaw/ swath.. Langer admit. in pro Any special mottos. We ohleat of w to promote th• pecuniary benefit of any 1 v14- usI or oompeny, to be oosetdered ea advertise- ment dvertisement sod oh•rred aooardl woLoost re. no modes Mr /has ria typo one sed per Local °otiose In otdi.sey reading type two meta °m ho word. No °bo for ..+ thaw Mo, benevolent institutions. haend lf rata. 3Ir. David Crowell, of Ilorton, N. 19., Was an 'Menge Sufferer and Almost Despaired of Finding a Cure -Tells the /tory of 111s Release. (The Acadian, WolfevUle, N. S.) ,.en?t-,tt,yeportet+ .tu hf rthe Acadian was toad another of tirla'se trIUIDVlts til` Dr. Wl:llamee Pink P11s. which are hemming very common in this vlcln, Ity. Ttae fort•nato tinllvidual to lir. Davi' Crowell. a highly reelect -'d rod' dent of HortonvUle. - $yotft ler bis eirelteeeer la ultortafu e. as he gave it to up: "About two years ago. for the first tines In my leaf be - gait to realise fully what 111 health meant. Ther itrst symptom wast n feeling of eye res overut g dro.eslnesw which crept, over me at times- Often i would bo at work ht the field when the drowslnews would =Ise ruse and I would !ht4- it nizeilm1 del the exereIH of all my W11e•pewer- $o -keep awake. in n abort time I was attacked by sharp piercing {ulna, which sleet through the lower part of my back. At first this e1.1 not trouble me very much during the day, but at night the pain becaan almost unen- durable and often 1 would not c'oae my eyes throughout the whole night. Gradually en nntirnen, and loathing for foo develord. Sometimes I world sat down to a mesal with a Irmo nee p,titc, butt after a mouthful or so heti parsed my lips. Sickness andvomiting would follow. I became greatly re- duced In Ikeli and b' a *short tlnrrt was but a wreck of my former =if. The doctor said the trouble was diseease o' tato kidneys, but his treatment di I not help ars. My mother, who was some - thlug of a nurse, urged nut to try lir. WL'llatri' Pink Pills. and at last to satisfy her more than from hopes of being oust. I took up Nu lr use. After taking one rbox I seemed better and I reso:ved to try emotive De.'o,'e tits aecoad box wart owed my condt- teen wis improved beyond gainsay and I felt snw'o tht+ pills were rermovuribk' for in I VIM two mere boxer and beforr they were all used the pain In my back has wholly dis- appeared, m♦ appetite had returned an 1 I fett Ilke a new man. For the stmt of two dollars I curd myself of a painful disease. Tbvre cannot be the least doubt but that Dr. Williams' Pink Pails was the mole cans, of my rceovery, end I consider thus the beet nredlctno In existeruee. Sold by all (Sealers In medicine or sent post paid at 50- a bot or sic boxes for $..50. by addreestng the Dr. Willtanv. Medicine Co., Brockville, Orifi Refuse all sul.stttemtes. As the fire had by this time con - mimed the greater part of the pas- senters' belongings, they had to get into the boats aa they had come up from their bunks, nod some were in very light raiment. The scene was a striking one with same touching expecte, as husbands reel father. parted from wives and ahlidren. A:ethough everything .'a. carried out under the meet try;mg cond:tiona, thank■ to the great coons= of the captain and crew, there was no panic, all the passengers being gotten into the boats and Into two fishing boats, said to be ong to Yarmouth, which had come up in the meantime. Just as tics had been effected, a large steamer was seen to be making to- ward the burning liner. She proved to be the Ceres, which first sent a boat and then picked up • d the pas- sengen. CREW REMAINED ON BOARD. The Ceres otiered' aro to take off Captain Fro:lch and the crew, but they preferred to remain by the ves- sel so long as there was any. chance of saving her, although there was the greatest danger in doing sober hull being red hob at the gene, and there being every evidence that she would burn for a eoms:derab:e period. The passengers say they :earned from the officers that Captain Frolah hopes to put his steamer ashore at some point on the coast, where there MA be a possibility of salving her. The scheme la a bo:d one that does credit to a ga dant crew, and which It et hoped may be succesen . 'rho pawsengen, who had nothing to eat •into half -pant =ten Wednesday morning, were treated with the greaes▪ t kindness on being landed at Dover. Among them were 24 ladles end about Lf) children, who 100tod very wretched Aa they landed at the Admiralty pier. The crow of the liner L said to eon - Mat chiefly of Americans. ('RF.W NOT HEARD OF. London, Nov. 16. -Up to 6 a. m. no- thing has been heard of the remainder of the Patrla's crew. CARGO WORTH $1,000,000. First Amerlean `Y'locka. The first attempt to manufacture watches or elects tet a large scale In America was made by a Yankee, who Invented wooden wheele for clocks In 1792. In 1887 machinery was applied to the making of metal - wheeled clocks, which drove the wooden wheeled claque ont elf the market. urlbil eon iieTar regularly ymwater a b ttea qulnl)ngus .f the hoe at an early • date ow possible. When • change of addrsse la desb.d, both Ohs old ad the new address should be rives Pebrlah•s'e 13.11.w►u J. .ted Lo14, o.l 'rowel. of Agegennt for tTown- ships Tewu !!baps of Goderloh. Colborne, Aebaeld and Wr,w.noeh. L shit postmnsten over the district aro also empowered to receive subscriptions to Tim Brox sr - AU oemmnaloattoee moot be .4 iessee11 D. MoOU.LiCUDDT. ?raie °°d r Oat. Telophoxhs CeU /l0. THURSDAY. NOV. 2A 1899. -fruaivassaiffa' aiaalr: 'RAND T1UEt 1AfL*AY MOMS Mixed meg a.m. Y.Y. and E:puee& L ow. Mined Mat Express......... Mail .. lesertfeLiahleat OWN Dili»Itrda , The Keay Descent of Militarism. When the natkxut of Fromm err larked on the po'try of mIlltarlem they did not Intend to place a ma flier on the beck of every label -trig man, beet cote started In that direc tion they tows/ 1t Impossible task" Slmllar caMltons will ptodnte elm4 lar rerulta. M AnrertoD as In Enrops. BAA e0:00bs /ably a standing army to maintain them.-Burllegtou Demo twat Journal. Mail and reim ali and 13xpl res Mix PAL DZltTlgT*Y. .. 1.f• NiCHODaxLSOTN, L•.D.B.. 1,1l AL (Manatr Rooms opposite the torsi OMs. Oold Filling, Crown end Dredge Walk re t Specialty. tip Years Experieace. "1 M. fGSOCt. 1Je Burgeon-laws..sd .paroved methods for all dental operations. Preservation of the natural teeth a specially. (Mies: Oer. Weal et. and !qu•rs (up etalrui' Intranee as Wait To'opl o .e No. 30." li[ a Mbit Burrsto UL D.D.tt D6 DIxon. of Mm treeil tOoid and perodate. sitfietd Beeth to tie goal -sur alsniaawa._ be.... Special etiolates' give, to the ration ofp the natural teeth. OfficeATV: IS lett Lean's new biota. Hickory Not ("eke. Beat half a eetp 01 better and arta AM a half cup' of sugar to a cream Add M the throe -quarters of a cup of water and an even p'nt of flour. Beat antti light tits whites of torr eggs and add nett of them to the bat- ter; than add half • p'nt of the hiek /try net ke'rneis and the real of the 1 of bub Igt pan wits. is the bat- earter$ of veal. whiles. then ons I1nga powder. Line a bsitstod paper and ter. Rabe for tb hoer In a Wit Open for 41* efol4 a Dur►1 , New York, Nov. 15. -Emil Boas, gen- ernl manager of the Hambur-Amerl- t;an line, when told of the 'atrla's misfortune, maid : "The Petrie car- ried only second cabin pnmwwengere and steerage. The cargo was worth the greater part of a mlllton dollars. and the Yemeni herself was worth about $700,000. We do not Insure our venue* In outside companlen. We tnenre them ourselves, having a fund set aside for the purpose. The Petrie had about 60 officers and crew, all of them living In Germany." Tho Petrie was a steel twin-r'rew fewer -masted steamxhlp, wlth three decks, shelter deck, end web tremens. She was built for the flsmbnrg-Amertean line by the Vtecan ahlpbnlhfng Company. we Rtetttn, In 11104. Her total toenail* was 4,464. OWNERSHIP OF KIMBERLEY Source of a Free et.te (Trudge Against the British. The capture of Kimberley would be of even more Importance to the Or- ange Free fitate than to the Routh African Republic.. The Free .+tate has always been exasperated by what they consider British Injustice in seiz- ing the diamond fields where Kimber- ley now stands. in tee years 1869 and 1870. diamonds woe) discovered In a corner of Orange River territory In a dleetrlct between the Vaal and Hod- der Riven. A rush of Europnnas was made from all parts of, South Africa to this region, and the question was raised: "To whom does it belong? The Orange Free Mete naturally claimed it, and It was also claimed by an African native chief, by the Transvaal Republic and by a half- breed, or "Gri',ua," ('*110,1 Waterbonr. The Governor of Natal was chosen as arbitrator by all three of the disput- ants, but not by Orange Free /tete. He decided that Watcrbovr was the rightful owner. and thtllp Waterltoer platted Mnmeett ander B*tlah sover- eignty. Client Britain immediately gave tbe name of Orlqueland West to the diamond region. erecting It Into n crown colony. The Fire° )(tate protest- ed and actually procured judgment from a British court. showing that Waterhneer was not the lawful /own •r. But by this time the English flag wax flying over Kimberley. Who would 'suggest to haul it down T Great Bri- tain declares that a shifting anti tur- bulent mining centro revere -1 a strong eontroll(ng hand, and without ether admitting or denying the sover- eignty of the Orange State over the country, offered It a mini of (90,000 In settlement of whatever room It might the .uppoeed to 11011•e•s. The Or lar Free State took the money In 1876. it had not mach choice In the matter. hut many of the eltirena her, felt Aggrieved over the Affair, and n Bean= of beteg unjustly treated still rankles. LEGAL £4 ottor. Notary Public'. RoRlaSdt oSATPh-BA Ouamerw Chamber, the Some. ineels ECAMPION. We -BARRISTER _S0L1- O. dh- . taNetaet, 40. Osllos over nodical Hall. Square. Ooderlod O. JOHNSTON-BARRISTICSSOLI- M• Ola Me alter, Commiseone , 4q Mt loan. Omoes: Cor. HamUton awl 8t. Ar free etroeta, Oodertch, Ont 101 ii C. HAYS, BARRISTER. SOLICITOR A Ls tie. Moe: North et, next Soo/raps r (Aloe. Private Funds to lead at tows•.! IY of Interest. (1 ARROW a PRO UDFOOT. BARRISTERS. '1' Attorneys, Solicitors. fess Ooderloh. J. ?;Darrow. Q.C.. W. Yrocadtoet. m4AMERON. HOLT t HOI.M1@i. BARR1CS- ter+,Solbttorsln('hanoery ae.,0odert.h. . Caure°, C., P. Heat. Lindley Memos. i O. WARD. COW VEYANCLR t0., AND e1 • comm4eloner f or taking and raodving reo•gnimeacee of b01. affidavits •r a)(rm•- Mens. depositions or miens declarations la or concerning any action. suit Of proceeding In the High Court.f Justice, th. Court of Appeal for Ontario. or in any County or Divudes Coutes All t•ansnotIons manfully and promptly executed. Residence and P. 0. eddreseDell n- sennon, Ont. Matt John J.ntsen,, fumigating official ret Lha aunitary offiee at At:nnta, Is meld to have become sudden'y held tree the action of formaldehyde gee Oa hie skill. H. had been eallad to dWefeet • bones Is whlob there hid Mien • es., bf Seat At fever. ale net - jutted the into of theoneratnr to front doer teebo. 13nt felled to I ova the key. a thea tensed on as. when the mice pkv aft, irrky him with steam va Attar. ba rrmeh.d h1• of ea a me belt had pi(ien oat. LOANS AND IlMSURAECZ. N. LEWIS. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR Notary, Creator Mar1UmeCourt Offices. amiltot. street. FJ. T. NArTE1.-FIRE• LIFE AND AC- • cld•et InsuranceAgent; at lowest rata& Dela: Cor. North st and Bevan, Uoderick. 7t MONEY TO LEND -A LAROZ AMOUNT of Private Feeds for Investment at low. ret rates en first -claw mbrtgagx Apply to OARILOW a PIWUDFOOT. RADCLI/FE-GENERAL I NNW R- R• ance, 14.1 lame, and Money Loaning Agent. Only first-classeornpenlea represented. Money to lend on straight loans, at the lowest rate of lntenvt Rolm. 1n any way to Lathe borrower. Ocoee: 8eeosd door Atom BMe1Wer West street, Doderlrlt. AUCTIONEEft71e0. THOMAS OUNDRY, AUCTiON!!R AND Insurance Arent, (Indeed+, Ont. Agest i oddoe and Lencwhlre Ftrs les. Co., Mks Dar. District Mutual Ina Co. 1111.. attended to 1n any part of the county. MM. II and end Valuator, °edict. b, Ont. !tart TORN )(NOE. GENERAL AUCTION Ing had considerable emperteme 'w the sea lon•erin` trade, he Is la a pardMas ,fo-41a sharps with thorough sails 1M e nleslons entreated to him. Ords,s Buxton's Hotel. or sent by mall to hie Ooderloh P. 0., canhtU7 attended to. KNOX. County Auctioneer. MAIIIIIIAGZ Lrv1of5. W..".5..°.1lAxR1151" • t#OtILO *8014810 (dHAlllta, Physician Reeomenends a Return to Primitive Methods. An eminent Englati physlclan, Sir James Crichton Browne. antwnaoew that men and women would derive Went benefit from letting on the floor Intend of chairs. Women would tonere even mese than men by the prnct'xw. The position of pitting on ..... the floor or the ground is more natural than a'RUt:g ID a chair, he rays 13 was omen gh1 with the entire hu- man race. 1e le both l,.elthy and nat- ural. The exercise of getting up from and thorn to the floor le henef:dalJ Thrrnglh the general adoption of the •Itt:ng psctnre Among the civilised races many muscles have bermes* ftlf or oheol ets,. Versions who ■at on the floor have strong book aril 'thigh muscle& Turks. tailors and alioresalt- ern Aro example, of thew feet. 1f you sit om the floor you can ailing, your a'bt'tuda 81 olt0n as you pleas" and ran enjoy an endless varieLsy of post and. however ottsu yet atter It and however often your may piano your- self, .hers M neer any cltanoe of your falling off. It jos Mt on the floor you can achieve all Wtuds of comfort. able poctUonu, which It 1* impossble toobtatn even er'th tot ersleet of elan chairs The Whig of visitor. need newer canon anxiety to the well-eem- atltut.4 „ on the 'abbot of chain. A11 he ' + 1., 4 rev'd, la w quantity of (-nob , sateen. of snot. site and ,iia Tot ovate pelmet any th'e'y ,1 and It well ih0 their own hoe% ey are net cootrMrtabli er4 harpy. Ther") a man In Frenktord who never waahee h1a hernia fie says It won't] take too long, As he employs about 850 of them In hiss factory. Illujx John A. l.ognn, 23rd Vol- unteer infantry, has been kI led la a fight le. two. R. was reeding b(* hetes Inn In motion. $s le a anti eR the late Ona. Jdlla A, ingan, at i1- lfaola. )0•01.0ert----rv-