HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-11-16, Page 8w 8 T„va.iAv, Nov. 16, 1449. The New Store ! We are now settled in our new store. Come and inspect our store and our stocks. Fleshy of Zi hit, 1't'; Cl'cod:51.3; and no trouble to show' them. We are better prepared to serve you now in every way than in the past, and hope to have your continued patronage. on THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY. Remnants of Dress Goods, Remnants of Prints, Remnants of Cottons, etc. There may be some end that will suit you, and the price will be very little. Special Sale at Jaclels. About 25 Jackets in Green, Brown and Black Shades, regular $6.00 and $5.00, clearing at $3.75 EXTRA .,VALUES • in t(ankets and Comforters, Millinery, Dress Mak- ing, Dress Goods, Gents' Furnishings, Clothing. House Furnishings, etc. CASH AND ONE PRICE I Smith Bro's & Co. DUNLOP. MoirDAr, Nov. 13th. Joh. and LeftsaOurmliti have returned Mem A•hseld awry • els menthe' redde.e, that quiet township. A .amber of young people from herby, with Mims Meth.e, of Detroit, who b sion- ista relatives sad friends in this township, enjoyed a plswnt metal evening at Loch• ether, the resident» o1 Mn. MoNeil and fam• IIT at Ostrbrald. Wednesday of last week LEEBURN. MO,DAT, Nov. 13th. �afted1 McKey I erNs ore - ' egialn resident' i• p. Thee. Riobardeoo, jr., was a traealwt eWbr from Port Albert, Thereday of last week. Mlle. Mabel (loldthorpe and Mise Sym e.d., of talUord, were the guests of Clean Telford this week. Om popular townsman. Wm. Folioed, who h as bees .t hems for several weeks, has sow gone b reside In the Circular Tows. - army Sbtslde, soe of the leading knight" •leld, gave our burg • transient visit • for days ago. Henry Stowe, one of (lode• rise's molar Multiage men, also gay our here a passing visit. Mr. end Mn. R. Bewobler, jr., who have boa. es Stiverwater, Mswltoalio, this euro Mier, were to ear midst for awe days 'ming relatives sod trlawds. They have gone to tlarlla, when Mr. B•eoblet will take •bust• e l a sawmill. CMvaoa Nara. - W • are pleased to say Ibet.Ib. spsoial oolleotiou last Sunday to Shpts the rennt expeaees eloeeded the 111maeat needed h] coke dollar... .10 the .be1MM of alder Hamilton McManus and Baer, A. Horton were the oboist of the membr.rby vote ....00 Wednesday alter• seen of too week the W.F. M.A.R. will mese se the oharoh. PORT ALBERT. Mom/at, Nov, 13. J. S. Hawkins was horns fora few days. vsest6on. John Soboawbale is the happy father of • rause me. George Rutledge visited Pott Albert Meade ea Sunday, Mrs. Soboawbele, of Milverton, is viNltor her moo, John Rokeenhaia, of thl. plum Robert Doak, of Uoderioh, and Manson Reed •.d Maes Reid, of Daegaonoa, Meant Sealey as William O•ry's. Walter Dioke..oa 1. spe.dl.g • few days with friends is this vicinity prior 1e heavier tet Ragland an • visit to r•Istivee then. Mrs. Robert Dimes .pent the put' week M her father's Ju. Crawford',-bom.. Mr. Crawford has bees *filleted with rhea a.tM5. ',mailer, ewe -Maw ral6gsfs. ilr IAe._Iles., kites sato himself • partner for 11►1 lh tTi. CCal.se Mee Orme*, of Comma, N waddled took plan. on Tnanday, Nev. Lwow SIleett Itemise reeleaei the prime, ydhip of the prblb sobool hero. the lewdest 116•• emeleged MM R,wktns be ptlowipsl fent t.sef veer. TMT have aleevseatid Ibe eat, OWN el Milo MeL.•., of D}.k..sd., to N1 lie stents.a liWr el asdtla.t vacated by Mus LANES. MONDAY, Nov. 13. 1•be weather is sow bertneiag to •same • more wintry appears's:a. Mrs. F. Johnston left. week ago to visit fneude in P►Imerstno and Toroate.• Mr. Ktokhv, of Guelph, was the runt ul his brother, Wm. Kwitny, last week. Min Jean MoDoeald, of Ripley violoity, "mot last week visiting in this motion. Joe Soott has been laid up for the past few days with s seven attack of lumbago. w brio moss ono., abloh hie h..r.em. .eon br ok roddaaos, w ah lf• iitil eredwg this year. A Bamber of ohildreo around hen ere having an attack of whooping oourh and eoulstioa, Mrs. F Scott, sr., .peat last week risit- iog her daughter, Mrs. .1. R. McDonald, ier Ripley. J. Roberts was around this way en 3atar- dey to the interest of the Weet Wawsttooh FWDlesureaee Company, Robt. Howard la having his home vena Bred, which is going to add greatly to Its •ppearsooe and also to ht' comfort. R. F Ione hem disposed of his tum here to Kobt. Henry of the 8.h 0000.seioe. TM ;shoe paid was $3,1500. Mr. Hear, tote pow session immediately and will move oe this fall W..1. Agar has 'soured On seaway for ►o up-to-date sulky phew, maaefeatured by the Perdu Plow Co., of Smith's Falls, and yoke a number of farmers to thie vioiafty are invssbiog. In the absence of R... Mr. N halay o0 Sunday, he bowleg beam milled away to his home i6 Markham on a00000t of the •lok- oees and death of hl. ester, Mrrloe was an.. ducted here by Mr. Clark, of St. Helens. Sinai the advent of the daily mail to ibis office, we min the genial oo00tenaoee of "Asdv" MoAIlister around our berg. Wo trust his s000ss•or may be always ea duty as regularly sod p0ootuslty ea hotly wee. Hs never mewed a trip and was late. A Umiak offering meeting ueder the sus• pion of the tut Ash(eld aueiliuy of the W. F. Y.14 will take plass In the oharoh herr .o Thursday, 16th inst. st 7 r,le Rev. Mr. West, of Hloevale, 1. expeotsd to be present to give ea address ea maiden work. HALT FORD. TP5IDAY, Nov. 14. Mies Etta Roberts, of tetra, was la the village oo Seeder. Mro." Ahe Moor, of Parkhill, is •souses at the residence of her brother, William Fisher. Orrin Oriffle and tVillie MaDoueaU, two employees of the evaporator, are laid ep with severe ooids. Misses F.mily..4 Alms (loedthorpe and isms He.dermeitsalt a tris to Bo.stlliw on their wheels lduday. Now that lbs deg* to fells Mg Seals, mnatsd is would be a good Idea to meals a few of of onr meat vioioae sees.«, George Sydlp, of Dvsybroek, passed through rat Moadav, on hit way b Heated - ker. While hen he malted ma his blood Seek Webb. -. t).ok-.hootiog b all the rage bore. Route MILLJNERY! 'lust 811pos and Stylet for tbi Fall and Winter 8 ; :: on, THE LATRST AND BEMTT EFFECTS IN Foathers, Molls and other Thmfflu1Is, A.e.rdi.R to my w..ai ...boat, I .hall not hold a formai opel4Isg. but dal be plowed to have the T..ddes inupecs my stash at any *4... ' IS CAM RO1 , Hamilton -.t., Goderioh. - et ear sperm ere tbakteg geed sMM, an in partial toe lobe shot • wild guise ea sM ey. 1 dei ► thl.k a y s1 the hews spathe sae beat q.1. A tow "Weser 1V1141.s" base bees saw 4s sad erased 1k. rtw11 y et kb village �„e harem geese she•Id be gee r1d sl a9 saes, as they are . lows le ►4e ewsslu- ty John Hamilton, el Beltaet, .peal • Dew days with hie ashOtor, Mrs. U... Va.- .mom. Word hes Mem base rsoetved- that e st hotel was b.ratt to the gr..ad at three o'clock blonder ooniag. CARLOW 1MMDAY, November 13. Wm. (1,..a Suodayed as Tb• Literary Society is again orgaetsed for tbe eemi.g whites with the followior •t$.srs : R. M. Yoshi, maddest, ; Mao Delo vteopneideal; M Tv.pi osor.t►ry; O. Robertson, temearer, The satortau- w.et oosrmlteos totes all ~sees workers for lee good of the society an Inetruotiv• whone 1. *spotted. The imolai w M Nivea by the C. E w• Misty Friday Ores will bs o decided femme tt tbs weather is favorable, as the member' aro sported on pain. to make 11 the ev.t o1 tb. se/oo. R.lwbmsots will be served iv 'he hall from 6.30 to 7.313. A masked and literary program will commence in the ohurob at 8 o'oloak. Rev. R. Henderson will nooapy the coheir. A. i«rrootivs and soterteintee .estiog tinder l4,e ausploes of the Wast Heron F.rm•re' Institute will be hold in the torn n.11 on Wednesday, Novembsr 28.4. Mus ft,ne, • graduate ut the 0 A (. , will Ion 1u• both .ft.r000s and ortolan 00 vie jwu 111st will uo doubt bei of interest to .11 who may attsod The •vsniw program will b. interspersed with hunt taIsot. DUNGANNON. Nara-. - The looal agency In Uutsgaaoon fm Tes Henget. Is at Ike o nes of J. O. W alto, oosveyy'sannr, Ila. who will receive or- der for subsorlpuear. advents ag and Lott work, and Is authorised to "rive reoelpts for %mounts paid for the sante / 1 A. NEWTON. DENTIST, Oy LUCK• 4.J1. now will visit Dungannon ea is and 3rd Friday of each month. AU modern meth- ods of summing and a111ag, and mating aril - tidal teeth. Qaloa sort door to Medd'e tailor hop. !Loam. 9 a.m. toll am. TUESDAY, hay. 14 J,be !tont Is putting la his appearaeoe ie • somewhat rigid lora. ['reinvest war news is the metre of •t- ..r•ouon of all and 'notify. Professor Stout's seventh wonder enter. t•,nm•al held here Int rrtday u Day's hell was well perlarm•d.a.d gave good 4eoeral setuitaution. Then was • good representation of the fair ser and of vwtbe. Duleb*oteoe Boostnu - Horny Fowler ("truth), panhued • village lot from a eye Moate, oe w t*eh w. 'Mrd` itii6i<died" l'd 'tie (meads t• arsot a new and oomfortetle r.si- Ieaw•. Somme to you Harry. The lot is eitusted as lb* torch sod of the village and oo the seat side of Southampton street, oon- 11ana0e to D. Oleo's ptopsrty. Re Eno.u•u.-We, along with the mauy friends a aid Jeaais Kirk, daughter of Robert Bitir--.4-- West lVawaawb, ere pleased to know'ahat the young Jody, who has taught for needy three years in sohool +.onus Np. 8. toweabip o1 Hallett, has g iven suob astafaotlon that she is re-eagsged for the year 1900, with so edrasos of set• •ry. Comfit, ASD Jots,. -Mr. Strains, D.T. K. mat tow wester •t oodsrtoh, emompeelsd by (Urs. Straiton, Suodsysd with David Jardine, of Asbtleld Mr. Stratton is an to Knox church. Uoderioh, and has in that position for many yea, poet. .Ir. Jardine bee ales beep as alder la Ere ktbs oharoh hen for • number of years. We were i d t.1 see Mr. Straiton look so well, u we have sol bid the pleasure of 'eoetlag him for about twehe year. Mr. S. attended divine eervios here o0 3abbatk, to oe.paay with D. Jardle•. • lits-8eaday olgbt, or early on Moe day morels' the betel at Rolfes' was de- stroyed by Ore. We bars nos at Mae of writing heard particulars further than that 1M stable, whioh wee looked, was forcibly entered. The look, whioh was broke., was found on the road at eosin distance from the stable. All the buildups in 000aotios with the hotel were redaoed to eases la a _abort time. This hotel wee for many year aging laa pimp too near ef the 5.4iese mortar into the then bask woSI111.14•wihdee- non. Another alio of the past hes amp sudde0ly disappeared. Oen sr owe -Ws ars agate sallied ea to ohrosiole the demises of sassier pis..., of the Messily of Ashfield, is the peters of the late Henry Peen, who bad bees. 1B for shout twelve months from a eoe.toma. lion of diseases. to the 'ideate id whnb bs e000umbed last S.'urday. Hk rem* were interred to Uaosrsosen mastery es Monday. toeing escorted from hie laew tees doom by motivate( Mauves and Meads. rhe dammed was Nlty•w1 years el •a1. Tb. abortions were osednoted by Rev. '1. L. Ar.utrosg. The bereaved widow and featly have the show sympathy of irleds and et:Abbots. Simon Bodoni, of the tow.sblp of Hay. wko was oommittod te 101 as • luxatio asv end weeks .go, was takes to the Leaden asylum yesterday. Woman's Weakness A wenn's reproductive organs are in the most in- tense and contintwns sym- pathy with her kidneys. The slightest disorder in the kidneys brings about a corresponding disease ha the toproductive organs. Dodd's Kidney Pills, by nit - storing the k i4 upe to their perfect couditiiirt, prevent and cuts those fearful da - order, peculiar to women. Pale young girls, worn-out mother,, suffering wives and women entering upon the Change of Lire, your beet frirnd le Dodd's Kidney Pills F. BARLOJ 11OLIES Ke ps cordially ea heed egg was do.,.r pre-Wy at the LOJBST PIICRS FOR 018H Hard and Soft Coal, Portland Gement, Hydraulic Lime, Sewer Psipe, Fire Erick, Fire Clay, etc. Mat► cf., .1 Walt .Inst, .war the ren .II&P..ww f. WOW HOLIES. Keep in mind that Scott's Emulsion contains the hypo - phos hites. These alone make it of great value for all affections of the nervous system. It also contains glycerine, a most valuable, soothing and healing agent. Then there is the cod-liver oil, ac- knowledged by all physicians as the bat remedy for poor blood and loss in weight. These three great remedial agents blended into a creamy Emulsion, make a remark- able tissue builder. boa sad M..e, J divas tate. scoTT a IoWtie, Clie.WI. T... Che E .. . Dail fp Free • Press ...YEAR. t.Ioolle tro171s1N I It asol/iatt all tie latest Ilr1 sews by oath and other - T wise; oosylete market re - 1'1 porta from Liverpool, London, T New York, Chicago, Buffalo, iT Toronto sad eiwwhere; full T notes of sporting events and Irl Weat.rn Ontario District Of news. News Prem the Trans- * veal full aid fresh. The T largest, best and most popu- lar daily newspaper in West- • .rr O1tirio. iybly $2.03 per T Mar. Sabionhe now. tie l0M11111 PMEE PM CO., I gi LOIIits, OMT HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND THI BD111 ScI11tollt hard Coal iN TttMARKJT ari till-'triai lbs. for a ten.. WM.LEE. Odd. Mfr M .LU Sa EPIAILVE star• promptly attended to. HOME WORK FOR FAMILIES W. went the services or a realm of families to d a koittis! for met bo whole or spare ilnte. We famish OW re.ob:ne sod a"•.ply the yarn roo d My for the work assist In. Dien nce no hi.draaee, 37 to flit per MMw4 madk•eeasd. le tisse rimmed W me as mese. Ifews. $yarses.. fireporelevettenure; e••.. • rereete. A Good, Warm, Well -Made . OVERCOAT u n d.er•b'• sequl.it:on to a maw's ward. rot • .t Ibis tin • of year. H. DUN MMP, the N'ert•ei, falter, hlarge •took of bin s one mak• sh'•h k.4. es w.ial and lover well. The pries is not • mien. 01 ,1. ,.r -eery low. GALL AND BEE THZM. H. DUNLOP. STOT S OORES • ERIOR uNe You wttl soon ti too ss Rrr F NNW COOK or PARIS 11110171. Ramtwmb.r fast Wt situ. 1111 BMr,T in the market THE PEARL STEEL OVEN RANGE cannot be beat. A On.raoiee with every Peart Stove. THE NEWg tF�LORIDA with etc O 558 le tb. best wocrQ OOOk.' THE ART AMHERST 1. the beet Coal Dnotfte•Plesker. THE HOWARD w,d is th. beet Ural eurewee. Pot eats b, J. H. WORSELL We of Lands 1br Tames• To W N 0r UODBRICH. TNI*.8UKtit'i MALI of L4NLe iron 1.7'v inlobe•�w.opwfl esrparede.},li� sweat l lttrw or the MIMS with men. 0 5u04 DIEM pD(e=11,11115 N.f. 11be- _ Epen M telliMutlea the Bald df w,eiMtMsa's MIEN he aeeebeery at rif .Ste en Denetes OI6se�t6 day ot ben, at two oh la the atterrtwa- ?b. fwaswise tete are ateated : Kis eeatin . trees !r P•.116) Renege. Nf, ti A 41 1~ A 1 flea 1IN N f M OMh ff %re 414 11:91°404: 41 dg17 0113 .43694040 i>elf 7'i 691 416 a 04 la 3 10731 076 t1e 11 161, 56 Oa 61 3311ai 601 sill4 691 1 SIw 1t 1 410 Il4 e 1i BsINY•es'airy 1. a•ad'•4l.r.45 WI Owkw Piro eines6 691 6 91 691 5 ell r 01 1116 d45 Mir 3 POINTS 31i1 I.. ,A,uit un J DE -CARBON STEF L ill 0� andRangesuU .0-1. They are ftdly gaoren' ocd not to warp or watt. _ WA. They w d Deet a lila ',gum 131 nal soli 18 .heo for interim' Stoves. and are para,, • .'1 to ease eaerhiod .ffuueel, babebot�,�r sed radiate more hest 1h.. Ci)1 wdtdaa+tt!1!1 •-'�*•amav: 1 ►•v also the soh eggncl for t • ammo Warr etr e1ewerelev, which it caul .wart teed te be Um most erela.t, oe000mlerl der .e• OAK urreef oust hesitate! beating device Wit f.veatis.f• It fir roesself before roe deolae Headeeastese he rilwabl. 1. sea6aa., 1Y■ .etorb•g sed wave Mpg H. C. FILSINC CornerWent-.t.sad lluuere. To the Farmers of (Joderich, Colborne and neighboring Township. ' I beg to state that I have bought the Harness business lately carried on by Mr. Dowding on Hamilton st., and intend enlarging my stock of Har- ness, Robes, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Pur Coats' and all kinds a horse clo:hing for the fall trade. Repairing will be tarried on as us- ual and good work guaranteed. Mr. Dowding will remain with me until the spring. .- � ,.-kl0 IEE. Notice Warr -Takers. On and after Decetnber 5th all water rates for the year 1899 are due and payable at the collector's office. If not then paid sections 4 and 5 of th3 Water Rate Bylaw will be enforced. W. L. HORTON, 50-21 Collector. While buying a RANQE why not get the twat 1 A Ilappy Thought OR Souvenir. They ars handsome, economical and perfect bakers, 8e! our Radiut Home AND Soaveeir Heaers. A OU/ARANTEE with every Stove. LEE & SHEPIIARD HSOZU MUM Udertibri cud Maim ordes% (1t tfYsw hemot.ta Col iegg ed M.mtalming. Pgr EN Dat £XDNIGHT..ytp Mtmt.pr(.At711 ATttr)eTtON. q.eelm 51154111. •d►a.h,es. Par Bug Semen tat it is "fie I aN,n Suppose we talk it over. You lave not been perfectly satiiefld with the Boot. and Shoes you have been gettia& but are sot jest sem you can du any 'sour. Wo are not giviog Oar 8boas away, but CLAIM to be fivi.g the beet values to len had to town. THE SPOT CASH PRIOE at which everything u marked makes thinking people, those who gkop arvuud and want to stake their dollars go the fartbest, buy Isere, WE WANT YOU FOR A CUSTOMER r• As we feel that we cads save you quite a little on your fell supply of Shoes 11 you will do toar trading with Its Baying and g for SPOT CASH is what mattes the difference. You must keep your -feet warm and dry. Call and see our splendid line of RUBBERS and RUBBER BOOTS. Tho very beat that can he bought, not very high In pries either. Long Boots trtun $1.40 to $3.20, guaranteed to give good wear. Bc.t sewn Carpet Slippers only 150» per pair. Flee 'our large bottle !worsts 011 Sbto Dre.tiog, only 6c, per bottle, it is good too. REPAIRING NEATLY DONE. P. T. HATALS North side of the Square, Oodericb. -i HE CASH SHOE DEALER MONEY'S MONEY 1 Any man whet wears the J. D. King Co.'s Stub Prod? Rubbers makes money -money that will jingle in his pocket, Search the world over and you Owi1l find nothing better than Stub fs, goof Rubbers, because cagigy there 1s nothing better. Any progressive dealer can tell you all about Stub Proof, if not, write to the J. D. King Co., and they will tell yon. You can't afford to be without them, because they are the beat. See that Stub Proof is STAMPED on the bottom of each Shue. The j. 1i, KnktO CO, L& 4 cid, Toronto. Montreal Winnipeg. MILLINERY. AT ^e R. B. Smith Dry Goods Co. HEAD MILLINKR8 MIS8 DONAGH, Ooderier. 111188 H. HARRIBON, Dvoganaon. j !0188 a[. ROB1dtRTB, 8esfortb. LgDIE8' Ordec Vork and N1ty 11eady-1a Hais. You can safely determine "se correct styles 111 bultdwear if you viers our Millinery Departments, because they truly Med whatever the leading millinery centre. haws proeoapmed flnbloo- able and stylish. Our odlectioos in Z!. o4rree 'bey Sara of lar_ :sag eespowcli.paep el.r- low!: -_ , . - The - The goods aro bra for yo.r ple.ssrs, geee for your ;.spec tion, and to buy if you lido. Cosy sad see o. 8/aTURDAY, or at your earliest ooaviliissoe. THE . B. SMITH DRY 00008 CO. GODZEIOH. DUNNGANiNON. EIZLIIORTH. w?, YOUNG LADIES ONLY. Any young 11.•ddy, era ow* a Oo14 Waltham Watik,oraDkastesliee, Writing Desk, Imams es Oak, t -t, . For selling among her ftiss/.afew hose* of highly per}11d,e/ TOW $Oe1 Send Ile A post.eard troika V sad instructions. Young ia'(r�jd.^t-haviogofror form. can fill them out, and deed them its. ST. JOHN SOAP COI, 1O' S' p" 'T" TI r. 81s Fla Har Oal Hal Poet Dal (a1 Ws Hid Lee u, Ura Bao Hes Lir the all r 40 ter of mr •i; et, 11 ,545 1 11 M' s, at e. 1. le