HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-11-16, Page 20 k car. r ...;: , ' . �. '; .,tiro ,� .-.. '�'. y n , •. r r$ + ' r x »... .c: . .- -... --,....,.., ..,a^.., n. .. T__ _ ------ --- _. ' ��� CL � {should be. IDon't lot tiny{ maanathl�ashlt boo roll bassV Qaeiwty� a t/vu la Siy�� ++ LORD SALISBURY ' _ Market its It Mk in Riaz taablue %be . atnfllos Qo>rvs bat that was ezpw � I� .....�. l� RIOT C1SBS will h» enntiati.d. W. g1mt1 to I• aotery trod• ka.� Bt=T TtV�Ai ] fes 1 In{Nf6rtiOe� k anybody, OW i - y �Mneropy Ksakinguus R A lMe�.IOBJ J wUl pp plaint• IfAre bean made at ON BOER WAR = iC V, upon It (are w la The Week. bateiy d ,OWaytu agga arrivlag THUR80AY. NOV. 1•. lathe►. a tiro flalg iP1■a■. Deo&uss taro would a foodf deal of build ng There b growing Out of the hilway • tb* 800" plan httbecause sad o gnotl dNl of bulbor �t LtN a00pn/ plana, becaae vee a» l.ealiug Wheat H&rkets. (vfl.st olslea etid labor gDDeen 40 3triie of 1894, -- ---- - --- •a..f..a plat {bare la no {arab Idea Fo:lowirtg ate the s4odng prloss st well employed. lWre •easionabl. let the BLMda of soy Government io pro red trade at weather the world• w hhln my recotlectloa Ch i-- alp I-4 TI,e r.tartt sols jiam�bortiwtl;4 RItAL LIOri 1NBURANCE ROR La t wbMt oeefres sy : has THE HEN. tiers, have bean snake five or elx Nep_ • -- 971 7-a ! rias s Dave Aad The Powers WII1. Not and Must Not teat we=, Invest Ia their Clow _ �aPibotl m�ittketr f iioo, that the Tory paper g ►iK 1(L'waubaa ............... - 1-t - and their chance to glorify � e C art" �IYg rILLI0R8 IrY0LYBDe gl eat twrlt•rItMD modlr►o.tba.. bat. rias, Tupper for using LAe roan y ' ntertere. sr* ion....... ... ... O N s.4 00g" or n� tt0 t for b7 traAttte, To:edb ... ... • M 1..s 0 M i-8 elgtt tousle lin" pratwttxt yrla-tw uaaamed mL' dlonalre W purchase s0- W Deas d creatine. DwLroii r � w. ...... •M I -s 0 M n fur gen otd at ithsuranoe (which they called - -- 4 he Ito C[ �im, a» has a tAtrd Lott, :-4 ■fib °♦e. tag th al daata - - - - �-' J=- twaea ikt'Ia1 i+bt. ; 0 do$ -6 0 tet 71 At ilL le p talq ills lasurance) for 'the memberm of �+' (omruejr 1 >t I�'n"7iyt�.. . .3v , ttA�ege�=ad�ahtl►a alb. 'Nos' 1 ?lir{... 0 d0 �$ '----. • the Cenadlan contfngeot, they can-*_ WTw*A1 iLLs SCITt-� �f A RWLf� t�ti �ieoe oflsthe Ifilaneaiw:�f•a,. 0�� Obit -4 Icernd d +ttAb�liRa itrl oral, and tl►e tO� act be ezpeoted to leave any eatIIhts- a`�� u baa ({sego to la TAn , _ egos or ata tar*la dro►td be- ?llfrf Toraltta� Not. 11.-b'lour-Oatbttrb � >eaa team to state few 44 �pt> ti�al action -- n. r. }-. I . . . ? ..- _ - 5� ,,'' have .t claimed that right. he- pqt� lu baR $0.63 to g,�� 'ljrj Slawrol winter N a the Goverspaiht• Ia {Irofl� real �'�a:� csavae tbAl 04800L 14,, 1r trot ht u- stalg'ht rollerm, 5 to 08.45 . 1lillf- ty attire. to p lite lasuranoe ter the men. a G. H. BHOgjLit tAb t Olt HBLB OP The ®ovtx■ment•a Policy D.Nmia1lF�Rae1 �Ittsa of the °WM.--� Gordons wick latIrmathtnal law prise pateats !1: Manitoba blt�` whe °ever a thtsr fife{ they Should paesano It. Titers are'. 11e If O, 1 on track as Wdo tet t t4 pari 01 fns province {Ilse Allen, of Islagstoa, Inspector of Rights sod Liberty WIN be Extende�'to All Army Dliviiiioa of f� such dream rlhoultl be res 'Who"- )u"z'kl ted an4 wbita GOD, Kw°t' ageneses for the standard Life As- . AAWS. north and - ;�oaw. 6lb north and Btneliies■ mea at Winnipeg are eurance Company of Edinburgh, Aur By Roar Young Rubbers--('ar Ilea • to,000 Ordered /o f1olM{ia-Moe fqr Celosial VoluotthKs--Toe (EQUAL JUSTICE TO ALL. wast; Na 1 MkikiatiOtOa hard 70I-*. satisfied with the tall trade, and N tches Taken Pittsburg Train Samoan Settlement--frifele Seem" Ilmoortant Concessfoas, Isclud. Tturanto, aid No. 1 NorW3wn at every reason to look for A coutle been Ia Ottawa for the past few days, " Whenever we are victorious ws of ti,e favorable Condltiam4 of y Ing a Fine harborlllfked itat0s' Friendship, shall oonsuit the vast interests Com- 75 1$o for the erwhng w4bUer nontlu end hu comp_esed an arrangement N'rrcked - Yluct Ikpaty 1■ & aaittted to our oars. Vast detfes Ile pate W WLe [alts quoteld at 25 1 2q grnln movement to Lake 8nperbr with the Domision Government for Fight With Navajos Several Lut:djtb Nu,. :'.-,tt the Guild Hall I present moment, our relatiotts with upon us to to 26C w'eat. perform, Sad taktrnl( Won now heavy. anA the Mleo (1 grain p:mcing one mutton dollars' Ilse in- Times Shot, Hut Allre Yet. banquet U,'t*lkt toe Martina d flail► t�eGermsan p"ite are all we could sol of the uniform laserbts u[ car knrie7 at 4(b (or No. 2 the farmer• are lnclsoodug the west ; teem bariq. 85 to 8Ao. g Intal suraaoe un members o[ the Canadian bury, Lord Wol t'ky, Mr. ltltchlq Lord -` tiou iA equaljoen tend of modems R utterd at 590 north and west clrcmletiog Sad crele a to the New York. Nor, 18. -Four louttg mso tion Sad equal jattw0e hu all ranee mend for good• for the tell anti estate Conungent who are going held u a Breotl n trolls car Ltt true 'George Hamilton, Lord EL&I%O ry. slw DhALINIi N'1'1'H THF: WAIL. - -L7ty ndlM sell bran at Sia Transvaal. Thin will give one thousand P 7 y - of men, which Ass bees our uniform In Toronto tit& lower Le Lard l'hlef J untloeo pre DSM of Karl- practiun so observe. I du not doubt and Shoals at IRl6 1n call iota, t. o- bi nt the close of the week Imprv� l I, western style early yerfmdaY morn- His l.urdshlp Deprecates Criticisms Toronto• . 1 dowlare LIla0r&fe to the rotative or h. shed A -few nhnflr ofa mote we ■hall so Arrange that the Issue nem in many limes that had tarn In` and with the ooarelre lutlusum of _1topo"ts - _--. Aad stateoseals VatoaaAed. Birtskwltefat-Firm ;iBc'ltortJt at tl bels al Any ditw of man *bm heti ones prseamie, s mt% t'lia� � d this oontl&OC wtU genfer gooA - beck i.y the warlg day to t> t � tour platola not only got away -itis '- The groat sul,jr.•t that htterasttS till government upon the arm where It uGc cast an,l with a continuance of ,.nl die during tbelr &banes The laaar- &bwat. Lord dalldultl/ ami Lord Wol. of us,' mutlumed thte Premier. "uti- rags+■. and give the ae°ttrky morely ('Oe'n_C&B&,dlan, arc west' and Aar weather the serging trade b likely the olives wane lees d tie conductor minas. 40o m track one. once calci tate eilaat {tom the time were waist] 011fared sr tlw7 dk,ubtedl W Chia war, nok,nied artth {seeded agrlBrs aha raeurregce oN M attire for •Cabe time. 1'alurs eon the Contingent Stott from Quebec, aid nxinsey. u ath In cas14 !rot hlnse J tt. and-Qtwted t* arrati b7 tlrta tea. hxmer. but {leu t►.eaped oa thq lvattaed ft'gn the ree�lDa its Ilse Ila I dq many spleadhl ud to d1 brrvlaw uud arty such dAsgere, sad _the uecee {Ilius eery [Ism. Payments „n Ar and calci be meld ,° all mortise who rsfllBaMlep sdt n7 t>eL end g8.50 b7 the IlarrN. Ap tta0k other r Aur n fat ear, leavlttg Lhelr r►ctmr Neta up In a racy IIIW the ba hail. ►tttl. but saddened by ru unuy l,.srr, y of a tach 10-M eYertl,at. At T.go sto, ir4 Oar lob• _ tiVI& lJtd [s__a�pee ur db [ram any cause. The l;overnment korhely place of woods Tlieee were too The Lord )talar psepo+ad Tiro Mkt- 1 hurt grant difhcu ty In d.aflug with and for the ramisxallon of palace and 7amn-At 5(lo worth and Was{, for day were satrdit+sdFY. Tltrtn' Is will pay the premium& The Secretar on she car. i,terr' Ina h in whih he vlgur- tt,e our, and U I i.tjuA , u W 'hxsl worizatlam W {bas ptrrtoa d tate Imawdfats tmlptpat. wooed fi m. itis nsoney, nnA sateen' y p•ssethgers tepuerc world." still firm. THE STRIKE RIOT CASES, uusty denouooed "the lEaorant sero- will the future, I eLuu:n lxe untierttik- fs L&weem,n Ilaktet, d the Standard Life, Kc• J. Hotton sit0 d tlhe Inrad= dwelling ton the inft a tai fu ptupl,tcy Iroat wbt n Loeb tlallsbary ivleumd htr Beat Balfour, arrived last night to look • C t�h as%. 18. r oC {trim" f w IIs- L O' that he AI(red� Mlhner, in spits d the hsrdtnt wou:d shrink. it I speak amid a tremendous ova4toa. Tox+,ntu Nin♦• 11. - Beedpts u( 1 over the arrangement which I[r. Al- Lt uh, Is mu rat'.:: tti t� ,trsre:ati rr' C gealn anA bay aero sot large su 8Ufl61�11 S BU�IET NI gill before Jeafge Kohkmat. lu tea hCrculeart tit there% was nnebie to rr•t0ehm and stitLemests which 1 MUfl�EflE� �L.l1fl FUflEST day owing to Dad weather. bot :en has made and give his sancttxh J•'ederal (hurt, today Thtre are the ppretail with tie OrerbotheK. oorrmpL think unfuonthe I titan N, atte t to un L 1 trete weer heavy dellrerles d lwal- b it. The insurance which sAr Char:ea cams In which vuloua. railway Dom- olig ' lay, sherehxe other 61 our � . try, butter and W Tnpp•t a.gtrsf+tea was msre:y for ale- panlea ads lar jhktd�Iaats against the elnamptoae have the butdita a lu their � tuefu ture forwtty ful`deterC nb iirnius - WDest steady, 850 bushels selling Vareoe Tragedy Nearly R city for damages agg»g&Uug VJ- haadt' Hutt. u tolluwe: WAtte Tlc, re.t TOC, cldeab4 and It Is understood will only oouoGo W their Property. Suffered WOL.BELEY'd ANNOUNCEMENT• - Re.peeting the fCe lug express d Tram 's Throat Cut b One of goose ' bo 70c' take. sites{ from Casualties after durlt>f tits gxllroad {strike to 184 on ltetlying to the toast to "Th. twice ox %hrk•r that- the want of P J Barley easier ; TOO bushels sol -i at prated at ontreal. reaching South Africa. A• the Times account d slk0ed failure of tills pones Arps,• prrplled W warm terror bt troops is doe to a want of action of Three Companions, 42xc to 46c. rtomarked a tow Jaya &00. gar CIIar:es authaerltM+ to tnrnlsnt sdegoats pro Aid T»bar. Lord Wolseley said: the part d the Home Government. I Oat sealer; 1,000 bushels sold at in • m•dtCeeame old body. teptiom. "Every day aFp:leatlors are retell- would point out that there have Uren Lc w alt• HOT FIGHT IN A-WAREHOUS who can KILLED IN FREIGHT WRECK. td from volunteers In all tr of the Hay enchaagwd at Olt w il4 per suaded that public bual- Fu two tier tore. rolrws. Twu or three hardly be Der 1'Ittsbarg. PA.. Nov. 18,-A doubt+- Empire who wlzh to the ae+,t w the months ago we were told by the, mast PLACED BESIDE G. T, R. TRACK. 'W°' Montreal. Qac• Nov' ►-•- nee can be managed property un- beaded Pittsburg • Lake Erle freight front. I am proud of the +allose sol- I natdaxlt6efve volrr outehte the tiOv- straw unolnsth0'ed at •A W s'•e per o evtlars • d t, opera she Ise has a finger 1A the pie. But train of fifty -flee Waded cool care diem &Od TOlutit-W^ Who are Ail on enrmrnt that there was tto o cashes Forest, Oat, Now, 12.-Thi■muraing ten. d berglarr as ptteremt operatleg the wh�:ed the 9outII Alriean rontla- crashed Into the caCoose Of unuther gans'd• We bare hard wort before ue4 I for militar she lod7 d an acknowa man Wes I(oeltry-Ilotherleau( puuft:y ware all fhe {vital Cltlee d (scads, y preparnthna 4lnoe Lhen train at MCKee'r Rocks last ul6ht, and for oar foe Is bra's. nth It 1. co title we hour tweet blame i txr tidt.e there fotmd litMtde the G, T' R track halt latgm, the bolt d which ors d there ca� very near hell • gent business W(Hed have gone un .Dl. •,the wrtrtsge uq high. Three warfare In wl,Jcit We are er.g'aged• were no military preparatluaa But a m9a west of Forest. The left Bide good quality, but a large amourlA of petltlim of the Varom tr ed ha men were '1h th6 cataoo■e: [Yee dI wan e+sd+ rot tree rv++pk ieilltWs �?{ bA*,1^ly had batt oWL teen f= It. could bays. bora LIMP od to alp- Pr�saP . ' ee.t�' itl8 Bi' `br6r.' tl Rtsaw rre4tiher d aloes rrtttc9tm,, ' at •tt tae sad ba(! 'I� rte` {tits Charter had baso tTsNeatlag et them one taken nut denA, unotlser oar tocol forces lit Natal have dote relevant to the events ,wh eh IlAve mouth to the ear, 1M pe•rnnce U property AYeaded. ov barglArs got fate ilia had oar foot crwhe,i and both lege In the t)4%t few weeks. One must deem ITkrn taking p:.tce. appareIIty bled Lo de&Lt► In the Cbickeus-The bolt d til. chickew warehouse d the E. B. I'd B the Antipodea. them worthy of •tarp.{ ride by side •• it has teen often ■ald, awpeclally woods °ear by a party of tramps had gold aromad 50c to 60c freer pair, a broken, and a third w,ta ■o badly In- camped {est night, and tbere ware Ia• [ew brlagI 75 to 80c, while come the Lo Llin street em Br su■tre }i red that he may die, BY sorsa it wlth the best reeegulen. We &f! Promeorif abroad. shut we are a strong natioi, the storeman vi the premises' EST NOTES. J ti %list {bat unuther mea. an have only rulflsvd one Army Cor)ra altas►oa. that a strtlegle hud {ahem d mrerkrr goslltY add ,ta low ar otcaelan to •lett tine y 1rc ate prin g a wast .use ; but nO bag n• coT►itrtlr: Of :,S,OII(1 nen, of whom tate visci 1 place, two cprat tnl♦s acid s rowr� BLDG to 40e. abort half- 8. Be wit. IaM. unknown. probably a tramp who wee K P Pa pars o1 Car torose in wtr masa _. __�� �� I a ride, was also killed, and 44,(M ars AIreaQY On tine way to tit& grated Cees IIsfag toad the», and s tarp Ducts -Tate boli d ducks ■old at g l� v b7 y Interval t>f flw a sz 'lbs Dar Der. log to walk sertPst t h rt aloes As we aspected Erwta Tie-• that LTi Cosy wilt be'7ounA when the Ctnper Tt►dav orderse ba a been .e0t Weeks from the ("I of aetbn, It would clot d fesh blool In LAe gram• about 75c soma few chobe Wim. tu _tre. "po � 1 wrecks Ir cleared awe The uox f- to tnublllse ariot,er d1T1 ion. nand tr rather Con {nae b Say that we Sae w de+d Wan wu IIeA dlaared in m7 pAf» 1rTeeir>ft UOb to Sect. a°d thaM �e movintg Tigard th'o�gb taws kuasked Tory skeet• white pro p y' called upon by the MitdAerr W mobil- Wme coat ani vest, bloc duck panty, d lufrrkx gaallty sold ry hew . d• lase titions d the office. l dent in blamed by the tralumen on weak natlem fltththeg a strong nation. g Par fesaMsg W regret fist{ the po lttcinis then 1 tie of the fin man of tho Joe imuther sly Corp% we are 'I"Ihe ala! good andetclothst* Hn was 50c. must at the same instant he was m Element■ of distance are .Ital anA Game-Dellverles la at•�•b fo Kyism luso the �A g ared to (t3 to.' bled In the left eye from cataract• rge prinetf to ■ c lour strange mea prop• e•e ntlKl 1n thio matter. t here Mtr�odoaed pa train that was struck. � rl� t toeesrm taktmeol with claspl 7c per Ib, im-nding Of a CdAAdp&n contingent to A PLUCKY DEPUTY• LORD NALISBURY•t4 BPir XCH• THE CAUSE OF THE WAR. ad hands, over which were Nee Int- Turkey-Dellverlre were large at alk lbs ashk date d the u(fls» tle Transvaal, end-- to turn the Flagstaff, Art.. Nov. 18.-DWety "1& wowsf have bsvn tsdA' Main Mt ill. The fight hand was 9c to Ile per Ib., Nee bulk going at ateke n then tar the eu atecunt fur the � to Lhe badly /barred, evidenty ba Ansa 10r, at the otWr adds d t war matter W psrty 8 nevi{{ Hognu and three wWte tneA British Reirtloss wl�k Oermaiq Sad purpom to Jesse procatmations for re- As the last d the MG wu Torlea There ho"1 011Y - 1,10PPOILd"nt.. tried to arrest a Navajo Indian ac. the United Stases• - Serves some weeks enrAwr. Fur what boomp Od laoently n saw" Aad Buhler-PhasUal at 'Oc to .4c >a< past biro be grmlliplW Aim a poptr» •» not laud to catabghe cused of horse {stealing oh Saturday was the cause d the war, lead what IIlvwn lel!' (air campMxiaa. wY Der Ih the walst xnd %brew hlllmm o•er a near Wsinat Station. The Indian end Lord mlimbury, rising at a guar wu sIIe cause d the ' bumf It mD°� twlght, and about as yearn old. eggs-9triam ttaw-ldoz wero scarce mils d paper. A dtaperste I The Farmers' Bled- Twlue Clam five of his friends restrtlid. Five of Ler punt 9, was greete'1 with Intense moment the uAlmatum was Issued we at 25c to 90c {been, the balk oitismed, the two m!• wrsstling the Indlens were killed and flee szth enthusiasm. pro:oUge'd cheering. and Aad mad& It o hn that at the �e �° hAd eelPper leen last b� ■e'ling at L'7c. her nkat bate beat the fbor for several atlinUs. pany, d BrantfonL an tagtltution the Inds Hogan ons shot three {Imre waving handkerchiefs. The Premier had mo the so hap�ewu tasu t he ani tmld he wag On hie way to nd- kept, for a few weeks sold at &boat formed to ■ave the pax agricaltor- bot Ilvez. One of Lhe posse wee tilled Bald : stir, Sal bad a brotber there. The other men hall fled aa1 B kit from she group d the cordage " I have to namwer for many ,yea»' had wS&Adrawn car damsads, and body. was rno�bt to Forest, and 80c, had about got the ,cam of moaepolints K L {announced. bas and another wounded. there were no demands before the Drs U) hoes-Dpllverles Ilgbt at over hl■ attun wbea tits dr w ■impar kind efortaUnm In on Aall, Tranavaa: Government. It was be- Cortices BDnt4 ®panelled a g5.25 to 05.40. declared ° Alvidend d 100 per tied{. POERTO CABELLO f3URRENDERB. hos never beforO under coxhdttft,ns oeuse we had taken measures to let- woo, after •lewktg the eeanalna revolt'■ returned, Sad. drafe .m last year's business. It in not Washington. Nov. 18. -Both the that )astlfind me In appealing ao crease the amount d oar torose In Iau■ned 4111 ���' wben 'u to- Farm Prodece W beleeale. In aver, bold a Mare a few 1 known how far the farmer was State and Navy Department■ have confidently W your sympathy and bream Alma. Bat tt that had ossa q,� A 1 be bod 1 wUl les auk• p frost a fila st0eegab's face saved, but the m000Wlf■L hate rsCelved report■ conoerning the sur M •g M ym Drese°t grave Toro°W. Nov. 11. -Hay, lu'sd, ear pulled the tr�gar. been made envlomon mle&1 ve rends► of Parade at Ing a our- PPort done s few months sooner exactly the .ora, per ton, 00 to gOM ; Straw, balad, This diversion turned the tabled sLete of public Affairs. Before tarn- e01 W mgtracU the Comfy Crowe AY Venezuela. The State Department ole• Mame resin{ would have taken place. torne to take charge d the matter. r� ;don Par tea• j4 to; bu : , cholce the traptarB burglar's lotion, shafts. Ing to tits Nrkmts p-rlou my Auon The moment ou ha" shown ns of Y ear .tits per bag, Ybo ; IlutLer, choice tilrowlu0 BraaMr df, De snJ The Gazette may be helped to ape Patch Is from M1nl■ter I.00mig, aL be to inform you tfant Our spar* xi ag Ftur Lrlempr were seen hese stRetbee Caracas. and f■ as follows : raining your ores W an equ&:1ty with tabs, 18e is 10e ; boater, Moment, not otos trade ,d tislr the point "Atter eight hours f htin Cu In South Africa in the only part d fart n>ifrvti aw d wbam hu elate OA •e ossa It in informed that Ig g our refnt_ons with other nailoos to the force opposed to lit, that moment been caught, aid Is now In the lock- tubs 14e fa Ija ; oRl y, ID., rolls, loo f'he ballet ps0aad Lbreagb BruMr' the Brantford concern in operated tro's arm took Pmerto CnDello Ch1■ the u.timatum woall have been Ia- to 2ft; creetrary. ib. rolls, 8!c to no; has, and had tba rbot been fired morning. stied and wouCab o th which any term d nppreltersio° or up hem The other two are betas tint the ntfordative plan. It mppeArs doubt can be tapplled. Fur sevetnl sued' •nd war w0rad have began. porwoed• One d the men wanted was creamer toss, Ile to 22e; eg�ga, Ile Inch lower be wwkl ,ndoubtedl ate 800. tiargepus and hospital corps (Cheers.) to ISO ; Y, par ,:b., ib ton 10c ; tor- have been till*& to do ita wort pretty Weil. re our relations with and cors seen mar W�trtlog At boon today b>~ per Ib., go to Oe ; troops, per lb., mm foreign cruleen attending wound• lee EVIL DATES FURTHER BACK. Mad for rola. It In feared Unit TM Alarmbsg ilrapq ncy , Dar Aire feel toward oar lantic a ora 6e to go ; ,per pals. 400 to 600 ; glide■ 1n ria pr{ 1 c►tis _ -- -- elf. I.ocnl f&clUtles tnatiequnte. (es lt'y- Sgt, tharerore, right to Sty ondt! iso poTt e. d {Aon oriher aide of .tike Atlantic bstvied they huve cloned to Michigan Oma .01A� s+.. '•••, Jef+&Aled Is aDprR- Sal a ti0._-- mads also the iaN sbas LA. b.r - file N. P. tlhe people of Canada would sequence In Venftu - " elghq red Aalr. cbsa shaven. lr0tei � - '� though neither we interfere In the pe�ap•rstbm. The evL dates farther a3ts a11eRTl "Btltfr have had to pay ort Les year's JAPAN IS PLUCKY. affairs Of their Contl°ent'northey Aoek-It dates to shows unfortunate bine wlt, walks with limp perhaps •British r&rteu kill, are opening the goes of hrporta 02,605,000 more than was Load hn, Nov. 18.-A special tie- Interfere in the affair• of ore, we arrangements in 1681 and 1884, by assumed. The other man 4 aborter, l.lvpr•p(xd, Nov. It. 12.80. -Wheat, authorities to the SOOG=ity k p•fd order the Ltberal tariff. Nor Rauh from Shanghai say the differ- teal we can now Always looks which we de.tberately permitted • rk bair, And were dark clothes northern Spring, 5e 11 1 -Pd ; No , l dra"IC m mmmre& ' Montreal polls sate between Rossla end J•paa have .Ympmtiy and n fair tteArI I a oxhmmunity obvloua:.y hostibe W eejoy Maeof Liamhad Sera neck, and built ('a1.. 6a ' 1 to 6a 21.2d; rad winter, will now be thoroughly armed. dee& this to any extras& exptaln folly been accentnato by Japan'■ rerneal diose who share With as ao vast A the unbounded, un.imlted right Ot are bard -looking characters• fie 10d ; Corn. Ae 61-2d ; pas. 5e 5d ; the dUletenae in the acheduJe, for all to grant Roasts a foothold on the sea mission for Lhe• advnneement d accumu:&&:mg munitiols of war -` -- r park, prime western. mesa, 5s is ; tare. 1(INAN('IILR'1t ltl'1('Ilsl:. through it there los been a change front of Mamampo Harbor• Korea. mankildil, stabs& us. Year alter yens an ac ITIS C��I �QO IN ESS s �fmq western. all 6A; stralian. rs t J J ` ( fisted, L'f►, 6A ; talkrw, Anatrallan, 20s ArArew Wlbertoerft.f tie 1'rorlsrta in the direction Of revenusproducls0 RELATIONR WITH THE I'OWERB. come atbn d munitions was made, lid ; American, good W fine, 04a; be Trost ('o. Mheets Hlmsrff. NOflfl18lE IIIUflDER AT SEAL whch oozed only Ire directed agalnat Instead of protection -excluding tin• "But perlap■ Jen thlak I nm ran- roe, long, dear. light, Ria ;heavy, ails Ts Hampered by the d arrangements, J'Orout0. Nor. 1& -Andrew L'utlW4 tJnr, Yet in the face d with A ahow- gufthe to aaylttg that oxh the scoff short O.Ar, AMvy, 8Qs ; ereeae, col- y er , f tl k was impOssDe that we ebou.d turd until re°bentl Besas'c amt of Emrope car have no hoxrLllitY oreA, 51le; white. 5&■ 6A; whewt, odull, wlw ins m ape Tory journals M'et"O to avoDl the Iaterva: d trial and den- t�t larupd& Landed OompAnY, to far. There V undoubtedly n ter Provincial lnS CtOr VISItS ca"' "tcady' ugd reoentl to Labe Cls ma skew alto Fkddlrh0 tariff sal "the old - tato soerbkY of {time among the ger oeceasnri.y to Intervene betwe, y Liverpool-�bsp--'lpot wheat doll • 7 the moment when our fomes oou:d ac- meat of the l'rovlioW Trust lo.. rola, N P "' writers for the foreign Pre■n, but l ruxthern goring 5e 11 1-2d ; fotursa �y tie Cosiest and a ar u Lhe Severe uses. and killed IlMttasalf at kin I„mr " Ca t DaisfeV Uf an American th rr,t tion a oat the LrenA Or � DI?e Icon 'late{: ileo. !Sas 91124. Parch 5. 10- gvaaae this -Irm --- P' J fie d, Yrinee Arthnr Hoa. Dr. Borden• Mlolster of Militia. for Opinion affect■ the peoples d • shad. May 5s 111-4d: ■pot Corn. Schooner the Victim, foreign ruatirru. I am quite certele l'HtiCKa t:ARL2 LN THE MAB, erleady, 3. 5 1 :•rd ; ttsmren steady ; Alroct 9 o'clock. He oras found In b denies the report that Ise le About tee It duet{ not affect their Govern- "That Interval her yyeeasrly pommit PROMPT MEASURES TO ISOLATE. iter. 8r 6 1-M, Jan. 8s 6 1.4d, Feb. ar room tq the akembes of his family eedgts. The story was prin>Itcd In the meat■ ; and I *111 may that I hate Our troops are betlnnlbg to elitivel Od. March 8S 5 8 4d, May As 5 1.2d ; wh„ heard & revolver shot. and r Aoteol, a. one of the Cheering qmp F n rations h ve Irmerttsta s Ootber, Ont.. Nov. 10. -Dr. Aalg- floor Ills 6d. la, W filed ham with lite w MUltary GasetW6 and war the pro-• A BAD' AFFAIR NEAR ST, JOHN. toms of the present time, we happy u�the calmtses ..With which we etta of In the v gage nclal nesda I,ptr�� �_p fit, nomDer of gra_ged 1n hJa hand Sad a btlkt is dtrtion of snmeboMr Nu the Militia Io'- rehtbns existing between the Unit- have received the Intel icve of oeca- �' case in the village o& Wednesday cargoes wafting at outporte 8; trraln• v SL. John. Nova 12- '- be Amesimn 1 anA In company with Dr. Anderson. wheat off the roast. ba en and sell• Mr. Rutherford had been for partment. That tometlotlY's Ilse hard' ccl,00ner J. Bt t'aisAsen, rapt. Bala- B11 Staten and ourselves-Obeers)- klunnl cIleCb. Whatever wtrategy the Medical Health Officer, drove to y t 7 pas m1gYt Lisa home■ d C. Dt le and Fred Gan arm apart ; titas Ina stale of mud haw heen In w Bard ninny p0s lately, anA the ■ m by with which we there b� we are well nwntte 9n message easier. and ens derpeesssd ,, fey, ialkd from this port ou Naturdlsy watch their approach toward the that fur br uui of our confilr0 Du g gleno.; Orhrn dt LAw Coast, mothing Partly. ,t ' . two and In ell d them bas worked to die I[I nler. Tllbmry Wert, and R. Dmcharme 1 a.. r alterrhseoti nt ri oblock fur Moet Mori, Mathis grexit, problems tint we car with lite Boers inert ton marked by Anrt 1 Tnecaer, Tilbur North, tldng; oSt passage rather e&sbr. pan reg. incimit the t;s"Ja I Credit And. eenbarrams the MlnlatterrJ Number Inden. Seesaw. were mcarea and selves rave had to solve. That in a retirement d our troolw from pool- Both thea doctors decided that the BRITISH APPLE MARKET. Duminloh Loan Sad oNars. In if 1dr. Borden Intends ixe stay he shortly before site .ch000eir MIM a 1 ort W gay that i do not feel the ti,mv whheh they are not strong families d the alcove named were M. H. Peterson a Co., No. 2S Chmreb should See that fellow and mtarlds tun ta&ved Maxwell was Shlpp3d• He greatest sympath with Lhrlr late onougle W occupy. It Iv necemvary utas strlchan with ■mall z. The Board of strost, Tor mto. ole to fpr Can- West Lo the big 601epitdatfoxi of g0rtrr �! DO ages Western per ant ts, •mid land in M W gold w have been nodes the Irufla- nntweonlSt. Lhe ny('lom of In. t1ieY �Doo!d watt fOr mufficknl sells not owl the order of bilk going. Your once of liquor when Ise went &b oat&) ltPa Health d both bwnrhlSt will it ado Son 17 On.. Stater for Jame Ad- R ction xd went to 8001{&rnd In ccs tsilFJteersviee, Mr. Ba ! Wo txitenLakt the higntsL hope that fotCevtneptt*. I dO r;ot Attempt to (tree- everything to epept1117 ■tamp (rat am, B(xn k (b., 14♦erpool, reodctad abs oectlon wino {i0 Mstet and sr- idea After the Tetael had reached nearly' out of that war n blessing in (Ile carat the future. I only may that my the+ disease. following cable yetteeday is refaw0ea ran all tits ,oL but t - - - - twenty Mlle: d.,wn tine Any s tight fee will row -and be an almond- faith In the British ao!dier is n,� Dr. to also vfalted the casem to thea le trade: '•V A New Havers po:lceman raw n Yale toot a hlaxiiWl stabbed CA an g �� � ary *often she' pro (tell t °O°' M p' not growth-cJvlllzstkm and cWtore bOnndpcL and I am deeply gratifkd W in 1Zorherter and protsountrpA them dttion; nothing atwod: gnotatfons im• abadsnt ktw his mweetheart on the seln o.etiley ILI d Lite latter fell over- In that ancient and most interest- feel that tie i■ In the T The ntterr=' rtsti IW Word At the time the vessel was run- Igomum at d smallpox, and trot rhleveloped rev pnssble." man R henbe t wY t No, Htedl7 Ib• 1 monnevi47• ma0scbum hand{ or Gelersl RaIMr. oral view taSeg have dove and The total number d liarrelm mAl wtv 45 bped P sane when he btak bbF ■fes He street the Goiter evening. He immr- Idi before the wind. Nate ( Snapbell etR for the week tending Nov. 4 from dl&ttly arrested the couple. Thatto a.0 a rea.man launched a sosall bn,h THF. orning t AG&d InteNT. REGARDING THF: FTJTI'RI:. mattes are becoming ssrfoos. The pawl rypnto smrr . •ad� s w w Tt► schools In several sectluM have beers {teal, New Yoxt, Boston anA Hall• ��, wend ezerclaing n latitude In making ars aid picked up the captain and teen "Thi&s tnurn►ng oCx h&d ft'tetllgence "Regarding the future. I will only closed, and vaccination Ia becoming :az, 83.103; same west, 1898. 98,801; three soma. rests Neat would re)o1cc, tier hearts rowed for the shore, but before ther of an &greeuwA' between ourselvere d1werate aner3 very strange ewer- general. e4nson to date. 586ASO; Ia" season - re°cAcd Dippm Hsybor the captain sal one of the great Continental tturly that, I ser oocmAot.ally In the --- ---- -- to same duhe. 50{,548, GASHED HIS TRROAT. of some of Il/aglstrate Jells' critic . dkoL The vesool, with Mazwsll and [paten with which fox ttany yells C,wrtirentAl press. Only LIIe other day WARNING TO RITITAL18Ts. Then tie kissing lovers veers• or- the steward or, board, kept urider way we' have entertained relation of I saw It asserted. trot by a chat" - 7sIBLB WHEAT. and It wa■ respond alto would ran sympathy And frietd sihip beyond Hlsho of London Threatens to Suit. Bradvtrest report■ a deerease tWa Herrlble Atteempt of a BlacksmithtO ratgrted, found guilty of flu+ rrlss. writer, Mit let a man who Aad beeer D Sal prrwrtitlY ■rtntenced to fifteen dshom, Later word .fasts. sis pat otlieis Nawxi in n(St In Itwlf s n rnemtier ul the Ihemlt Gorvprr•arneriQ peed Three Reealcdtrs■ts. week a 1,468,000 bnrhels in the iCud HL Llfe. {nto Beaver Harbor, thIrI74ive miles very important matter , bort It was that til+ war had for Its objects Lhe world's •Mole mr ase, d wdiast. In Ctarleton Plana. Nor. 10.-A ' I'(ck bay 1n )sill A tithd IswYer. try art• from Nt. Joh°, aid that the (tuber rtant bemanwe It constituted n D.rdrm. Noe, 12.-Althomgti {tie AnierS['& the Inerestse wga 2,6;7.000 Leo ratification of the lusts (A gre'rdY fag ahem t as youne was made ad teMrig amiss of esplwnl, hue omTeA mean are gwrdittg the ceael, with smtbjeCt of difterrnce teUvveeu dost M'. woo dented a munition &moltts� AmbbiAKya decMfon At the Lambeth luehela enA b Edrope nqd {{stoat f'lalefleld,pby a yarng mea who had thpo from jail for the present. 9mCh Maxwell ten board There Lv a heavy mMverr and a nasion whose gcod-will tluamvelves of the gohl avid d1Aa►onols o1mmr will ortable. the use of Its•- them wets a decreased 4,10 in. tiro. no appateoea resects M take his own M )thmttrn In the+ "land o,( the frd+... "ee rmwlnl& and no small boat can we prize very highly. i do not know of tit* TMD%v&AI. obilty and Lprrrrdon. If Tees le ite forty Corn deceased 6.00000(1 Mn. and Ilio. �et near ev:OcOh tri 11800 A guard On erntirely she reamon why the German GOOD GOVERNMENT. Wit off in Ioxao, tutee of file tarty- owls lnces+wsed fI6.000 h. 'Tyle victim wag James GillraPlr, aged -- her. ppnplp and Govern■inni, attach so sI odfenliavw alp srtlll r>ArnlclLralttar NOTIM tweet Sas The potlttrAl faultlhtderr. who say This mornh,g J. W) Driscoll. agent a meh importance to Upolu; but "Novq, f beg to swore those gentle The Bishop of I,ondon ham informed 7M l Iloe d the Iate d tine vaemel, rrsoetred the following! I they do, and we are very Rlad to find Wren tat Her Mayxty's Governoient them shat they mwR• forthwith &ban- LAe rWgeek we» �,7m°07tot1100 btuhs� s [se em lo�ed� btM �bt �� wbo waa that too (nnaellan corotngent aho ulA ha♦e not had A arthin t p y per bl&rkmnlsA have trews "kViram from Lhe mate: the mrans whprv,thy. wittaut tits g ivrm the pw their pforttwo a hon wield rtes- a Ins& 568,000 btsh&a last week. and oho them with hit broth's. ♦ n o hep Id t f o I. D ut Tranm awl ox fnxn w t hem of tIw Dant. TM ser �+i got rawly card rent tth Ro li 1 rag g 16.11100 bushes the eurregpond oak AU aboDt 2 m. he v/M1t to the hey- li(rw oro IxhArvd wch(rortttr t'ratt'tttsea , Ieavt Alminlehl Llhe ri hts anA ad- y fro Ptd 7 n Africa eater than It wast, should nota Inst night. Captain B&inleY otabbed v&ntagww d England, we am able fieldds. There Is the Yukon, allont which rltranto format gn r",val their Itltrtt- P with a Inwd faopilipwmwo, reply to a similar by honest Maxwell, afterw&rd4 fall- • to gnttIfY their ♦bows and mnbtl- then+ Im no Conterxt. if there had heen tiro% oris remarking that bishops do d teal yaer. Osrm ahlDmenu thtr week mow, where M crt b1e 1}ta►L Guide. rhaesae t1f our Iain mArmnt ry omL {lids threaten 4.10,000 rn■tole, sal s t t sleet{. Three Mare not d trltkten m Inst the Br1Wh Gorewn: Ing ove.fhostd. Mata and ons man solsets Say gal g tees rrot alws4Yw car eels■•� J, fttIPe• h "The agresmest Is somewhat cam- Nee Yukon d field■ saglid have Them arerVrr elgawissew that r• thehea lest week Sad 880,000 etghela Sear saver toot a beat to swathe the cap` I lelded cometh but I 1 t„ ro hon t T �y, the eorres loading weak d iM year. wb a Pince wall gift sad the vms, tent. He said: "'The QlplomatiC {nes Wn, wlro died Ia the boat les- pllcatxecf; but roughly, It may be y e{S+pPs y fs• her.wil heSelficieeiL rltosl went wire. time r*dnlrmt o- fore rvw ld DI fT Hlerfxx. Lett I Mkt that the Germans have gi t W- frlead, lord litansilton. so knnow If the tion to force Mr. Balfour to fol- asb� raDwrt damage by frest sed eorre were catered Witt{ blood t trent ttwgem b7 nt 1� " coaUntied weather. tug from hit�e�gI1� lie walked to the hnenty by phlp. Moreover, Ira odder N the Steward and azwnll on baa I teecrts In thin MIsM, lrcaur tare 4holm. (ever hod I .farthing from f I Itlw ph rho, rot the ree:t tdtetivel to edy When last open the schooner wa■ eal� have inverted lit" amounts In Itya them. el.amghter.l f Ro farther. F.ng deal with Lhe quevttrn le+glsatbill If The most urines abhk feats» aeons hhe d when Ills mlMsul suet him at keep aitreart tl,e &retry srrd navy away from w In the dark. direllt- I coltv&tlon arts hormone th ry have land, mr A whole, would IImTO had no the dbMplhiary etlorta or the Ma ,(Vs tba alrring basifess wl� be the gteae the floor. and DT• Fanitnpr. on Fox would have had W commolt most pro I hvr W tb t {Ilial the vessel trots{ , turutructed n 0rc&t cpmmwtne d adrantwge from the pimpervkm Of gold whw riot etfoaftivm• _ advance in va:ws d geed empared horo. can. setts tor. With wCnAsrfel mines, ez as her G(xernment rot{ --- with & yesr ago. courage th o vlctts laid himself 'in the aMativw orifi thrratsrlrig act+e T1Sn les eslsotw between flipper Hwttsox which trey are ptalu Tt Wands, forml the Mowin M n mnSrM Bok'r eltitriwtnm followed Brltsh mo- head NargeMh. I therefore, are d vette Ln tIN>a y Orx,A nnminls TIIe osotventlo0 of aha Lord'• ilay Bart 91 {&into somber Sal a. smile and ght not moor ermtlon n thove an A M In the Iry Alliance d Ontario opened Im Ta test Il last wreak &nd IOM tbb whlk Ab t htfnl wood■ were twltl[ r e T. Tt Cantif". I To no, on the oilier ha. li inwhen PCn g recto thin MOrale aglh him ree- blldzwtln, and It Great Britain had ClIder 1WIm Clark &nd nt ars �'aerally Only vallft when ecieuro All ed sit co Industry brvswdm I• vtvA o year alga enverd. The AOctor ettnddprs moleltlood earlier. the nitimatem would lt11ratriat left till* at+arra,On wltb a t1ley furnish good harbor . Upoln roaempros' AAA all orrmtueres ham pro TItC tV x Natinrs (onnril et theft A ■•ear d gteM sstls[aetlon to crfrery dnubttal. dIU(-d M to 4" adorn d iEA land; last inootf are kale been oArllw " For CaaaAa to {sero fro mak. nils arrisv� Y►zweli how ' fornfgbeA a very Irad harbor. Yon sage g ng pms■sA m rpSnlatbrn oNlwr- lA+ge J t ow was the __Tim» iobllf Ghia iitSi In ks W is Paekvtlis N. & Cftp&J halo' ' wµµ11 rauawebtas is - cruet hurricane an f sR fedmstfirr aOurMrCe fMar to to ria thnI 116X A vdmnts�n b w _ i eft +t Taut Ae dl M t Ma t>�i lAy vrnR>ibnat a6 Tabus ref age. Fie htad wIP ' A Ilhitl■h m ku-o(-war s.uapsd. iih bitEtitz tfa7lsr to tba Trarie.p+►1 TII� oleic pureed a Iii iliAill n o[ iawxslb tt fWath Africa, before is onus known tO than tinder Any M the t•eenlbtion W ton forwarded to their for ebpwe the retail i � Wiled {tat d shit P.,t for w neeabee ' awl wban German and American me'- �Id Bnt that Ir the J it of Oar brothrah on the Rt. ram vs, ask. tftdw let tla 'eemlatr Y etrw oa ■ f�B TAMd Aborlbol t, Sud M tie � a eertalnly that there was gaglOg to d yam wp sn Doth Aaserhan and Cann- d•war were driven ashore. Moll• iteg0s y ar►yf, of tap any war. would have been moat den vemai& ke wife Anel (res oh11d In them eiresonwtanoea we were glad rights t What cap f #Lite in egnnl Ith LAsrtn to Bvs ons pe&taaMy.ps mos sbuad bent Std Bart. a - speaklag la the 1f. Jag�ft a i01gMa retold* to Pit 1`00101. for All rope► lk ill re''att rand odbie- tl& httadg d shrewd, a to -dates barb y1 MBl. , to aeopgf, a neha/iclattost of Ups tr.aty eeraMf for oar tdbw rmbym•Lm wad � his the orielsatm&mlrip0 for the men woo wama y A O,m oxwst�tintl LI,w IOrsusLkr tsoagOtr A Mar wsOwnAortk eommetrew0 tt 1 olahem Sad rlcbfs d Germany ertew pan has bents fowmomf ntlfOet• aero �. a ibr tBa Litt'& d Ta fur o npire. The hoar for noting by CIM Ua sg d1D o•(dMt t tin(rratl Sad Still eeShtin-' nnAtber tthlanCd, Trhrhga. where tbweM regi, with r Willits van Hownm nal prtadtrNv w Trade. 6WDat iaaad {►at tats b rR• what lit "C {hear essalts scan di« o1r waa w repose{ tAono (•C Brllaln's IteLalf. Tho Mints- nen. an Aefmli'4ble, mn InlstMblo Ms► MheeT1 M swot yaf o'anr; Dot {bees ars �rw*lttent, <n ►mifkl sn plmtric rallwmy Hors Maty win/ar aremoTlag had Bar~r 0 tier- tWeled t Brltalt caro{ ton od 1111110&, and General Hotton ,� belly • �� �Irvd b he loot. We {tisk thre itlrbOr wM G•r- the ebrisctw, Sad the tial oA tai we ° �' Demmtarw, for whlth rot Iltyt{real tl&b Tile milia ere b moved ale soon is It wag Sate nr JeAI- Jaa wu tomo r l m"A ease many to* No 6M.4601 In whMb, 1► y jM m oobOesmk]4 wits obtained acme time al a&& aid• oeaafierw'1 f �Gwe, for many pmennis Mar "a'ls are sack. a tin rant &lbw any other rot 1in4 cerl•r� tlg►t v/Nl hmap them 17. IS.' a dthaa,t(o movq AM they had ecerl� t7ed lees Bote). Os AiAalde ofree�►tt,. IsAe/twMd silism en Lo moss o0t t+ath. ' soft WWI *low {b0 turf d am feat �' Leaden, abteat Ma oelowk last nitjbs, f ^i beilrra ons ve s Ived 4t 4 NO iNTIC IRREi1"... Iia modus vlraodt enOkb'lshed with ctrl silos aotaatif bernv0 amfg1100a em f d J. A r °" thLm>< In Nape to mO1sl Ute lapid]• M r Breese uptroe in Jen and a hand that will t4eli tUl roan 4 -- , r WMRhat 1e+re died u a rewct Ol ale- a ilful they Aac► ennoWn lehed vas {alBrrkable on-sg� " I taus Seam IL 4Rd 11 pM)� of the N MK °f pl eldeSt 6Y tdki p{ay Is fat {sewn. ee►tomM 'O01e/a• lis e� A sat aot0y 4atura of have ► pert et tdwtydartswi fn Br141n itvti wlYeh M ►less seam■ to rte w wIIA len. Lhwt � ant to quoted as N call MA tlr wbeNBale {r etOSsian At sbe wadlcatg f■r bey' hhlta N ttO S&tdotylnt ('wntt/1&n Tortew iOaraAf /lardrn, Iwltkdos, has been Sad advahategt+OMA .Obs etlhsr eon wflla'�ivw with M remea+d. addi.�g tIdU Ise• neomMt b Cls tmptt»iwg M IrtlR MO 6f #i�^ii'11� V patio =Wo et the SoAferd falls t11M le tarty till <K and W ab! a torn (x ptetal aesion shoal Imidta h the pn7t1MR011 There is a aa�1 d•ihnmd /kkft4 " tt w1e wfeel thq are nett d OMs► 111 al0N0 bltow" tt tadlsaeem 06K as tbi o ler to thm wbo as oafs wt tat" � Me mesal amid vagi arag all MN g r s c,,d'3rusi,.-e '_, ,-W°i4•.i"4v, .'.A`",' 4st. 1. "a �" .dy:.....w ..d°�ld.rw_R^q. r,�. -u,. - ' .. TME BACONIAN THEORY i1OW119"tilils ,.Donne0yJ6ets Nis F, Cipher. pWtU)'. lataes book. 'Tile leetwwr, M A ij �'` i„ %be Npaye uad'aa fife Ztiemre Its possllW� D Com, bearbg On the Maltespeh& cal la IA arm and will womkf glq to (il uatrort■y. ,�, (hep pt 1re•,�Is�1� � � � d tIIeas auB f Oa"e H tnsrwlya o1 {omhrt�_ se e :0, �1pW�we t t.vmrod ey I le r41psctad is Ills de ha d 8laakospea re. it ttnrd o• rdnsti tp Plaetw 1t m Rare bet frets to 1: Alum ,and the tomb of he Choles, at tsar 3601r u ' A T Rht(tael'r searched for pMof phst war act ephj1eI Sed hidden trot the word. IsaFs before be era ,.rtl Myo Donnelly. .bWly the revolatlou ut Ills groat peillllA own graoaasOt!oe. the torn Ptstponed the age atcres until wuli alma. y It fair treatment slid un isK Lar p( Verulnm. 1 wue,,i glv. 1klrirtlal hearing• LII i� nth gatniawl Wlll &u7 Shake'gtecre he secret W reveal' here tw,w t by deiuyhyt It n few years tx to ren wtvukl have l,edr atones-uu far n gory or two ►ongar f be Iallnch.ur , our reahsu,tblg may Bitot. war him own nal to ray-dld not ,,,I t',a•re WAY Ire iwth ng lu but dos%and "'ON, but SOI,ViNG fifes grave leas it will tart little of time ur • Now, It Fra at w make site InvestlgaLkm-" for Ida, destred rosette In >tls furthruwhug book Mr. DonuellY WW over the c goys alta% Willie In Ensland he made let. Michael's Church it must Rare tine man Bbals rrpoated delta to with him s pocket DesKans plays. and hen go took found &but witUs the mago#W would very n• and mettle In the Churchyard --but {some drtatros fro& the ehuruh-puinted cors Word Shake■pei tbe•former Rel to the north, last& the church F■scented the retly It was deflet•tei to the west, and On" directly W Lord Bacon's moms• the latter frog the body d . hin Titin enteric• of the needle led tributed to "But ,gent. Mr. Doinnelly to conclude that there he Irone&%II the church a large Where H and K. whic- sigma Amount ol metal-potnsibly an Iron aDD flu+ flnR r I Lbere V el,eta- He firmly belleves Bacon has left tw1jind flim an explanatlon widrh' c{ear And TOUR h rum, day Mitt be found. anA wltlrh clear sill, authordhlp d the a poAlAen sad A. We mt will snake piny• and of other writings shat are and uncertain In their "There Is tt t rnZa" now Obscure ■s" The • � ., he tmya The dpir b I and the k : 1 gen 1, tolbwa It ■rims b me. V • of comes■ that a deposit 0: 1b dM W 1liwlb•' matter In the world in wbteL ar'a i! v►e pia' e+ somd•where -��_-- . _"� _- - -- - - -- ��' - -M NZAT1011 DOl/l! UA4 d tis ter a B. a ..tdden tis original maaaaeriptr ning mt the talc ye Sad abs other aprha�NBvaoo•,(Ss w i t I, the latae• alilhgr ,�n,•I, f&Irly wrlttea ass land a II st oral tb.. U mess 0( other mutter• throwiiK R give. u t tit f� aper history of the re ins Tawe iluC A R Beery Vill.. King Edward. & WWAX queen Mary. Queen Eilzabsth And i first line. ' Kir JaaM 1•' ' •' A. A. t 13eoon wrote tare atvralled aiiake. ca, sk•hmpiwirlan plays, Donnelly says ! tan wb Baew did mot dare acknowledge I ® ted. I them " without Goohssing that be should cos had shared with Bbak=Peare the should bet rile profits d she playhouse. from the ad from rutflans and 'prentk-, and Bat sh sato m typkfID-ledgmsnt meant w away fro dal ostraeba •rod death• Be Gould two letter °ever each acknowledge the worts begUrning d his poluiri it pblae, because hie ob"In th 'bewaDW XW,t' to these partica- d to r Tare would do them ek&m* &red would w h Gar rob User d their boaor-" a w4Il most go M example d the janloms ey Wore natt which the Queen wattbod smolt line tint lint ant read betwsan the lines d the InteriMild play• kr evklee0ed In the name d R H A T" one a tine eharike• re, Iralalaff first F Appeared me Mir Jolt Ol&sstle. Tbs ldr. lin real Bir John wM LGcd CobpIIpaormr� ram lit vie d the seri -not- �umtx re, ere d she retortshsoon, ralev. T'h IUta Bis dlesesOdanta, the pobhasss. of C1Wbeth's tiAlk were enemlft ln� m ol FrA, IS BAona. &ad they Dom plained w - Ne Qmse a of the holt Posing. thrown upon {bels diattngmldt°d M What a orator b ra/seeeoehg him as a what wt y • liar. • coward Mai ern grass, a foBug n nc asst & �t Bo the Gkarsctsr O:d s va Castle %@saume Falstaff. et It Ix The oipber co the tombstelas V fromi tit wotrkmd oat by Mr. Dc�silpyrrn00 I Any tate basis of Framoim Bacerrl' sat. If era telpher Alphabets, nn ref forth la served i his book De AmgsentW " Mr. fit• ha,ve be nally tibeer0 the y of she Itpre fc Arrange f4 d lArO And sbn&II let- or4olmal term In the Imeeripl ion on the earllly Mr. I)' tmbstoos, and Lthbsstt OT CIM mid ezpl8iru nor"ae of a tole stooeen toot no not demo oto tic Oar" the J� 'Ltau a ..sake.. to Oaptals not tis fain von lu It In mmmll stir Imtmedtnts 96 ono !1r'a6ed 1 y,ttetm, take ttse d the 11 phepp fA dividing the Imea ngm Wr,rr1 nn I abs use d manrtml tis, w.•rd "Belie:' tnOutloe' Wass AGI mirk spilmont death THIP T011�p d{'1'O'lt`. Ikrd ao these per• after hl tvtm d d its volt islons Aa hY asers- 1 By a Ing popbiint In werlttW OM Wal t�' I l�Sggrnt . Is�eeiby glw� tb pt the i o(•'Ift cipher applied W the � �Besatl� I a� wrote4Geetibial Gre d �� awn i 118111 l R in�ra slue{ thin lir. Dem• i Doe W ywll sA first thing that I anpar ow'nrred b M based an my e4I phar. ewttyhe the plays, where IS a the worts �^�/ sIttenysN7 cap Carbo and tiDwll tkf rsmmu wM that it wMN wrs molt tbi4 {fee O the P- wooW ahe&A •Moog o ss:e Ike T bee -too staid ryes' At ogtm"`O"m -tba I f o4 LM" anti p° l'I it o n that of tF� It soemsd tow t 1< 8 w&S the D»ar� first know d the talism srntence A vinald be the VAW lethal` stand R the fifth letter. wbUt *%cele tkPW oogq I f�