The Signal, 1899-11-9, Page 84 8 TrutnoAT, NOV. 9, 1999. THE HIG*At T OC)DER!CH ONTARIO. BARGAIN DAY bT • Smith Bro's 8c Co. STARTING TO -DAY For FOUR DAYS All lines reduced for these special days, as we will move next week to our new store. is... AM Portae ivied *lase against the ussi 1paliy will piens preset thss to the mesoil es sr beton Me above date. Tire oeuootut Wu eapeet* all loam dee te to pard es as Wien the 161* .1 Desenie as. at. PwNtla . -By els gradual parish rosy of the piene•n .1 this section of the easel* we an restudied that we, ton, shall ase own away. Hear Kerr, se of the eldest metiers a Wein Wawasosb, departed this lie et the %dressed yo of efekty-eigb{' Yeste- elate► • aeollossrk s. The de- mised wag widely knows sad htghly .steamed by all who knew him as • good .slabber and tied, w.rbby had bedsides tit sea. The bereaved tstlly have tl..ys gaily et the siesmol.y be their trial . Ute Weiandy lee. Na res.atne ,:of .N relict of the late James Jassy .f Mtaws- ship el Oaken" win did at the axe of slay -fear preset were Sten ' is Desna - ..s merle • The *resod ..s. end daughters sad Meer states leave the do dere sympathy etibe Sass She was as old nattier in the .ewosblp V Colbert• end wee highly wspaMd Bargains in Millinery,. Bargains in Dress Goods, Bargains -in --Jackets, , 12317 - AUCTION SALES► Ld paid nettltheir sale Mals prfa std •t tLla odw will have have • iree sties weaned to Snips uo te the time et reales TUMID*Y, Nev. -Asides sale el hese• hddfKnitere, property of MWM Banana*, al bar tombless- Sl brick's meet (,led- edi Too* o OOND.T. *..*.sw. FAID.Y, Nliv. 101b.-Uaaaereed anodes sale .f farm Mak sed bsptem.ste ea IW 3, eas.aeslaa 12, W. D. Colborne. Sale be eataysa .b 1 o'clock, r. r, Mas. D. 8. gees. THos. OOIDIT. ane- MCUDAT, N.y. 13t11. -Mole. sale el /aura taglt and toplesssr, th.Propene of Dear ea...rbml . ' Eveytbte* to be sell reserve. ea Ma MoWu>a,m w add W ler.. 1 HOYAS OoxDZT, awaM.sser. TDsilD.Y, Nov. 14th. -Amities' ane .f ters meek and tmplsmest, property of Mae. JAMES Hoan,Y, .t lot K., ern. 3, tow.ebip.1 Colborne, ort• mile true path lord. Eysrythtax to be disposed of. se Yu. Hoskin u giving up farming. THOMAS Uvap.T, .sobtosssr. THvisD.r, Nov. 16. -Aeolis sale of bee Mace, implements and b.usbM far span, property of Titoism McKsi. et let 19, ase. 4, Odetioh Winship. Ms- Mo- p has rented his hrna and will sell every- lhlag THor.s ONNDIY, a.eii.aear. jsnirnishiKs. Bargains in Clothing, Bargains in Staples", Bargains Everywhere. .11411,44•MAPA al • IT Witt TO KY ON -MESE LAST DAYS AT TOE OLD STORE CASH AND ONE PB/OE 1 Smith Bro's � PORT ALBERi . MOtXD.Y, Nev. 6. Mtn. Wells, of Lends, hi visiting ter sister. Mn. Jas Sone. Russel Irwin, of Ripley, apes Sunday .t the Mm• of .los Snort. William Carey cps work less week at James 4 oley'u, by whom he has been sa- ssed for • sits. s-sa.4tor•sits. Mn. Richardson lets Irl week for her hoes in Toronto atter a pleases% fortolght'i vide with friends end relatives to this neighherbood. Hallow ties with is tatty, it turkey and Ir prank. has Doom and rear. Oates from Me bottom d the dem. plows from ter of otweere of the tents sad *with after indul- ges* In betel daubs, have all beer re - severed. but the ekleks and the poem fr.. Boni a hsa roes. buye tett yet bees retuned. . Some cough mixtures anlalthe cough. But the next bit _era fans Lt into life again. Better put the cough out. That is, better go deeper and sinotber-the' irir!1t in- flammation. Troches can- not do this. Neither can plain cod-liver oil. But Scott's Emulsion can. The glycerine soothes and makes comfortable; the hy- pophosphites give power and stability to the nerves; and the oil feeds and strengthens the weakened, tissues. pa. tial $..•s, ell ter own. SCOTT • *OWNI, ti..bu, Toren* awn leisurely. Mwwbie his Muse tap around the owner oogiMting where his oo.penion had uadds..:y damp peered to, ..d, keeM•g •p his nerves t:. stimulants, throwing chaff to the farmers and waling at the girls, he massed to prem the time, bat, . the shads of night were falling, down from the hills oars the man with tate poll (empty) looking .. if the clim- ate la the Mabel attitudes did not suit him, for be was slightly est ady es bin fees. His obam, overjoyed at his sate return, helped htm alone, and so theypaaew gain over the bridge and up the bank. The l .tt vestige even of them was their bete slowly disappearing over the brow of the bill -.s they msederd their way borne. SALT -FORD. Trr*5DAY, Nev. 7. Mr. Millipore who lot lot August with the Manitoba harvesters, bus arrived boss fres Dakota. M. Etta Jordu, ales of Mrs. D.O'Cw- se11, atter at enjoyable vistt bon loft Seb- erd•Y for be, hoes in Chalon. Work was stopped at the ev.00rator for half •day en .000ani et some slight dlm- asemest.mosget the employes. We will beer no mon the tooting of the botober's hero. as Saturday was the 1st Ma he will now thb way for the sees** Mr., Js. Stewart, oar late resident, now .f Ooderloh, hs bees .er'iosly 111, but is new, we Or. glad to my. es the rood te vs - seven. Lane Tuesday eon tows lad*, ending Ood arta rather dal, begs wandering a telem1y Used the suburbs until they struck the redread batik above the Maitland bronze As Me, rased on the fair mem below they bee•.• wales passive. 'Whet If this valley we me below ea were the Yukon t" uol•im• el sae after • memeat'e silence, " The gold wo ooald rather oat of that stream this at- tsr.000 would make us rloh." " Yea." an. sated the other, " and If that hank •oron were only t. be Rand. barns the *ere, we staid dig enough gold oat of It to satisfy IbbLM4uWW feeling I neve In my throat. Or.s let ea stress ear wsaderlagu." 8o es sissy pared, these fair youths, down ever Me bask leu the village wits Be pretty Utile utreeiS. At eat of the corners they _;ed fer • rest, b•iax extremely tired. ills pared Nem view foe • few musts 1.t sees their fair hose appeared on the sexy this Moe their o..atosa.tss won . father b,.araaa-esera.les,end they seem - el W have • i..daeoy tardeaola'.Thev tried t. pat 1t late uawtiaa, lief, *Inc .lightly o bal..eed. their alerts were meet ladle - meg and se the melds. stared g01W bewil- dered in sae* esW the ',oaths ihonrht 1► 1et*er to duvet, s eau seats May passed Prom Pew. A. the minutes were on the tarsi of the Ids stepped out ones more, ebb Mar heavily burdened with • large tin p.tl. Net knowing when to go and being rather niggardly with Its swim, he looked anxiously fres rtght to left for an soaps. Timm Mlle wee the e.Iy pl•oe that offered him • refuse. and towards these he made rapid str4des, •11 tin iso keeping him eyes mu he lis °ham, whom he did not wish M saw him. Reechlag • .•olsded whom ahem the brtek yard, he est the pail on the g reand sad mlmly nrveyd 1t. " We," b. mime. " b the gold of Ssitf.rd, the .egad red i leve asst save for, se here feta be the health of the Queen," sad a►tror dews this wear* led te tome gis DUNGANNON. Nonce- Te local agency 1a Dumpsase for Tan Bona. is at the stem of J. O. WARD. J,P., conveyancer. Le.. who will receive or- ders for •ubeorlptlons. advertising and job work, sad le authorised to give recaps for amounts paid far the same G. A. NEWTON, DENTIST. OF LUl7K• now. will visit Dungannon on 1st and cud hider of each month. Ail modern meth- ods d extracting and Shing. and makler arti- ficial teeth. Otto. next door to Medd's tailor hop. Bean. a a.m. t 6 o.m. TIIr.DAY, boy. 7. Os Friday sight we were .orprieed byA beery mow fall. However, 1t dtmppearid before noon ea Saturday. W• are informed that Mr. Molatyre, monster for John Hiles, le laving good eat- tafwttoa and saoosedlnr wait The farming oommuntty ie busily enraged in securing the whip Drop. Fell plowing 1. progressing. The weather is excellent for smile work. Morgan Joss, is of the recently de ceased Mn. Jones and the late Wm. Jones, of Colborne, lett here to enc the Gnedier matinee 11 to the T .al. May he return saety with military karate W• 'regret to have to stets this Rickard Treleaven ie 111. We, along with his au morons friend., hope that the,vestenbfe sad highly esteemed geetlem.• will soon be well agars He is .1 mite popular r • anises. Hallowe'en has tame lied gone. Once more It passed over vary ga.atly. The young people behaved well. Aa we have n ot heard of any hallow•'.n m.omaeres they Assn special montes for their god b• h.vlor. (norge Bewley, ooainotor, having per - Wised the old manse, Mee employed Stephen Desys, building moving ostraotor, to move It from Ite prevent site to Albori street, sit to br.ktae ohuroh. Mr. Barer is. Nods to maks oonsidenhle Improvement is lb. Prof. 8wrt's entertainment, the save* weeder, wsa held in Gay's sadlierns on Friday and Saturday last end was fairly well stte.ded. Tho program was later',*. Ing sad nava general rawfeotina. Friday .vdy halo' rainy sad dark, the attend. use wee not large. AT THE LAKE FRONT. The etc. Jed tae Mimed es Woodsy ter Waleoebarg le take es swabber load Woks for MP port The seer. Cosa A. I en Mo way to this port tram CJkline ie Aelib • bead of nage It* the Godes toll Eievae r Cob. The solar. Belle H.swset, after discharg- ing bar load et oral at the waterworks Ma tow. lett os Friday tor Cbeboyasa, Itaht. The end of the on►tlar maws for We barber sawmill le approaching, and the away lop welted tkie harbor aro bolos gathered ID. The eehr. Stanton, Capt. Jas Rather. land, arrived ea Teasley, ley, light, from Bar - els She will probably to Into winter quar- ters here. The work .t the soak water is progress is rapidly. The oontreots. could put twenty additional men to weak. tt they were obtai.able. The str. Katie* std ooa.ort Robert L F ver arrived Tue.dav at non. with 70,000 u -.:els of cora from Chimp for the lied. erre► Elevator Ce. The sir. Myer, with 40,000 ba.bols el wheat t •r R•obard.oa & Co., arrived on Friday from Fort William The Myles eat neat day for Owes &mid be lead steal rails for Vert The togs Bea O.U. Capt. Da.. McKay. Clams, Capt. Ales. Crag*, and hue (lees., Caps Norms MoDe.ald, returned from Me 6ebteg islands Friday eight and hev takes up thou winter berths In the barber. The sir. St. Asdnw arrived o. Saturday from Fort Wil".m with 37,000 hwhele el wheat for the Oodertob Slimmer Co., and leis the same .i ht for Fors Witham. Nb. le expected ie sato on Friday or Saturday. awls el' Loads lour Taunt, You're Another To w 1I Or nommen. Customer who Tltiiaa[TRIR'i BALI OF LAND• POP TAYad rt�ets�• Ytr F+9as .fewara'lwstaP- tows or ee:.B w tsoder the ` daY N eleatsatbor. 1NM• oasa��ert. carr mor weather, then ser • need &W''. sad the yewg people et the society esterteised their Meade meet he.pi4Wy. Rev. Jas. A A.dcr.os prodded ever the a•tboelut. The w•. 5.mst•noed • til • plass sole Mies Fraser, alter which two tearer hitt Goner. Altos wed Hales Rothw.U, sang "Joel u the Bea Waal Down.` Mew Adams pv. • r.oltarsa sad Mies McYlbie reentered • .•ia. Thea trie eveN et the •vmelag, • pr...s abs ...sl. Weil Y aousod. Two ebbe were chemo. Wm W teeta..54 Mea Sheba. bees the seeps* the metals :.ad Yemen. Strata/ .ad Tam, erased with a Het et fermi/able words, act- ed .. judos The i•dgs.' •s.saltlas was seed very of eUvely, .ad the reeks of the oo.b.wte were qulokly d.ds•ted. Fes idly Miss Grade Dickson, es Mies Wiggins' side, .od Huh M•8wa, of Maw Skeltoa's os epa.y, were the only oar left oo the field, and than Miss Dloksen went d ,sea .ad 'eft Mr. M*ltwas the sole survivor. It was a very (ateresting and • very profitable omitted, .ed u the resorts of the English dtotloa•q were net by any meas exhausted w• hope it will be tried .gats. Refresh- ments were served been the gathering die parsed. t berths her said the arrears dap. due the, , lug thar with .ter. nail.. fe hero* elves that o la•m snub ream wowNme aqwptl 1 .1541, yyurenast to t tot. a. OMSasst. Wl b/ ea anotbs the said ere easoo7 �mesh .e resp be a.o.s.ar7 u 6' o16oe the es& said arrears oma'' dean Decorator .t two ' 1a the Soweto, Te N4e.4.OW.n pwated:' MARRIED. McW NII*Y--WA.TSON-At the resides* 5Pe Inas, Wlsgh.. on October il. See. i r. Pmerri•, Riob•rd MoWhteaey, A MAMI, to M.. Ens Wats." Wlsals.. To the Farmers CHURCH NOTES I. has hero decided to build • new Rome Cabello oburoh in the village of Lublin, te oast In the seiiht orhod of $10.000. The now Methodist oharols .t Ktppen is to be opened nut Su.d•y. Rev. Joseph Edge, president of the Loudon °misreoos, will d.dim,* the oharob at the morals swots Rev. 8 J. Al* w111 presh • spool es men to ohlldren and young people in the Vlotorta street Methodist church next Sao - day morning. The subset 1n the evades w111 he " The merare that nee over." Rev. 11. E. K•Illogtw, who bed Merge of Nile Methodist °lroait daring theatregoer, and oho left about the let of October to re same his Doane at V.oterle Usivenity, hoe returned to Nile to complete the awtereom Tear. The members .t Victoria street Ipwerth League have Melded to hold their service u,. Sunday evening efts ohuroh instead d on Freda events for the remainder of the year. bleat Suedes •vsnI.g the topic will he "A New N...." The eabjeot will be iatrodoeed by MW Minae Haler. , last !Sunday morels Rev. M. Turnbull preached an eloquent as4 patriotic s•r.ss en the trouble it Booth Africa from the ,eat " Wheom oome wa-s?" W6,l. d•plor- tei Oar as • memos o1 settling 4 ffarense bstweeo Dations, he said war was waretime• seetssery to the safety and dimity of a nation. He said all parties SOrsS Batas testified the Patine In her pretest war with the Boers, that Great Britain was virtually • repnbllo under • moaarehleal fetes .1 govern.ent, while the Boer essayist wee a tyruaa7, though hsvleg the aid et a rspubll. The speaker compared the Aegis Saxon coos to Israel of old in their .edea amen[ the other salla., and eulogized the volunteers for the Canadian owtisxant. The staging of the sa11rsl aathom vu is keeping with Mr. Tarabeli4 drs ares The Y. 1' 8. O. IL et Enos Sarah bed a very e.j y bis so.W el Se ehsreb ea Friday slrsi8. Leone et the apleas•a W • were thews receetly by • venerable lady la our village • •pod..% d.esdlework whloh was wrought by her same sixty years ago h 4. • credit le bar, end she now Lriw. 1t ea • reunites/toe of her youthful y. May she be •pared for roes years be este. W• are pleased to know that eke satin •xo•lleat gad health In dvwefar years. MtntmtrAL 000NOIL. - Os Wed.esd•' Ira the unwell .1 West W •womb met, •14 the ...here present end Reeve (Mbars in Se rear Its boat testing will b. held air Ms ibtb day .1 December. that beim kid . 4etatary day ef meeting all met she prey. ,LINERY! Nat Shapes and 8tylm tat the Fall Mid Winter 8 Tf11i i.ATEST AND BRST EFFECTS IN 011 Feathers, Illljlious aid other Vis. Amoniing to my vasal custom, 1 shall not hold • formal opening, bat shall he Owed to have the Iwdies inspect my stock at any time. MISS C.AILERO1\T", Hamilton -et., Goderioh. Lumbago h Rhea ustlns atria ydkt 'rh. cause is ria Aad in the blood. 11 the kid- neys did their wort there would be no Uri• and no Lomt.ago. Make eke kidneys do their wont. The sttease rind' ray' milk Ibr- Umbers rs ie Dodd's Kidney Pills - d Oederich, Colborne and ept'' 1 beg to state that I have bought the Harness haziness lately carried on by Mr. Dowding on Hamilton -at., and intend enlarging my stock of Har- ness, Robes, Whips, Trunks, Valise, Fur Costa and all kinds of horse - clothing for the fall trade. Repairing will be carried on ss se - nal and good work guaranteed. Mr. Dowding will remain with me until the spring. Met G. HOUSE - s,111011 Dam $Z Free 11t3 POINTS 3111 Press (mono a*RIMl 16 coatis a l the 1atert hews by Dile sad Ober wire; complete 'artist re - pard from Liverpool, Load's, New 'Fork, Odes"r. Bahl*, Toronto sad elsewhere; fell setae 0f sporting svelte sad Waters Chassis Dirtrlot sews. News bees tine Trans- ' veal tali std beak, The ' lamest, best sad meat popu- lar daily newspaper is West- ' eta Oied. Oaly PM per year. flabaoejbe maw. m risen P spa, Lib. 4.059011, OST. IN 'AVOID or III DE -CARBON STEEL III HELLO ! THE OLD REUABtv.E. ALL KINDS OP COAL S1OTCSamRao: aTr1.Thr ter• tally Rr eaate•d sot r warp LasThai ...11 Meta 1lfott.. WS. Fifties ls e. '..tee then Ur Warier staves, sed an g.01 •..,. of N swim et• -third tad. bake better sad radials tees last era �` 31.8 Leo rsau"t �. R +•ar+ar �dv�. 8ce that stub Proof b eTAtuara) on. the bottom of I here a1. t"In" enemy ter 4'. Neese each shoe. The J. D. KING CO, Limited, Warm air ea w.er.which le fully guinea teal - Toronto. Montreal Winnipeg. t be w .ameet.t�stsat, .00.ositeaL r • tts►taeet art h•aitatsl teellen Antos Ismetlase It for ysa.dt balmdeed He•d4.nnelaee !ter t1'IwBtN. k y 1!a - wants Boots and Shoes, and wants them nest, as well as reasonable 4�q afr�e. Call and use us before yon buy roar neat pair, jot to Meths Meg, which we are selling our stook. - sea wiah to call apecisl attention to oar Shoes for Children Warning lv walk or having week ankles. They have da flue spring steel supports for tat ankles. They are the latest improYeutent and highly reoomnte°ded by . 11 pho have trod them. Price Duly 95o. per pair ; -used to be imported hotu the United States and sold from $1.90 to $3.00 per pair. We have 'peal values in Girl' and Boyo' School Shoes, guaranteed give good wear, pries ranging from 75o. to $1.751 per pair. We can sbow you .n elegant range of Ladies' and Gentlemen's rue Goody all the newest shape.. Priem front $1.75 to $4. Satre value at $1 y5 per pair. Worth fully boo more now. Repairing hotly done. P. T. S North side of the Noma Ostosis. TME CAeif DEALER MQ.NEYYS MONEY I Any man who weals the J. D. King Co.'s Stub Proof Rubbers makes money -money that will jingle is his pocket, Search the world over and you • 11will find nothing better than Stub pn,of Rubbers, because r fteD t$f, there is nothing better. Any progressive dealer oan tete a all about Saha P.01f if not, write to the J. D. King Co, and they will tell you. You can't afford to be without them, because they are the YIN ICralltil Coal awl weighed ea w UMW Wake. when rem rot lift tat • tete. LSE Ordem kN M &Iiia IMMO W i1EHE1I"' as+-•v- • MILLINERYII NEW GOODS The R. B. Smith Dry Goods co UITSd0P8HWSTS READY -BADE CLOTHING CHEAP M7 Ora maks Ilea and sae tea *ode sold M yard or .ode ep ta tie latest /whirs. TJIRMB C1813_ - MISS DONIGH, Oodet foh. HEAD MILLINERS : MISS IL HARRISON, Dungannon. MISS M. ROBERTS, Be•fo th. LADIES' Next Bank . Illentreal OidI Wok anNalrH. DUNLOP, Qeu F. BARLO IIOLES Keep oeasesetly en head sad will deliver fremptly at the LOWEST PRICES FOR CISH Hard and Soft Coal, Portland Cement, Hydraulic Lime, Sewer Pi Fire Brick Fire 01st', etc. Otte: -South 5415 51 west street, sear the Suttee vessru..s tee. 71 fo Yfil�-TalOr� On and after December 5th all water rotten foe the year 1899 are due and payable at the collector's offitw. If not then paid sections 4 anri b of th a W ateT Rate Bylaw will be .nfov'eed. `A W. L HORTON, 80-`u Y Oolleotte F. BARLOW HOLIES. While buying a RANGE why teas RIS Ir le8 t A Happy Thought OR Souvenir. They are handsome, 000n0m1Cal and perfect bakers. See our Radiant Home AND Souvenir 8 eaers. A OUARANits with every Slim. LEE & SIIEPBARD c 1.11111111.111111111.11.11.1111111111111.1111 _ _MOM inier: RA Mae Oradnehipte ofMasinInsiellid ltmbaltabp, °i` Mgr Dir ANDNmurr. Tg &RIa 11 AAm eon 011 a vs wren. nasese tlttt0en, 001611D114! fY f Pease insa4144114i."• y-1oi'er thL. Yon can safely determine the correct styles in headwe•r if you visit our Millinery Department, because they truly reflect whatever the leading millinery centres have pronounced fashion- able and stylish. Our ooilsctioes in the three busy places of business serpent all previous efforts. The goods are here for your pl swum free for yyeeaar� iumpe> I ion, mod to buy if yoe wish. Glome and ass on SATURDAY, or at your rue: et .convenience. THE R. B. SMITH DRY COODS CO. OODKRIOH. DUNGANNON. BEAFORTH. • •• m�.. a YOUNG LADIES ONLY. Any yoemr Walt WatQM,ar a Dtnseraet. Writing Desk, Lourie or C rd& etc. For veiling among her frieada. few home of highly perfumed TOILET SOA►. Send us m poet -card for premium list and instructions. Young 45th.. having order forma can 611 them set, .ed mead them is oi. ,unu ousr on W., tea Dv off. Can be Procured from the most • Reliable Dealers Daly. TNI 'ROT V*WI IN THI TRAWL SI1OREY'S eavyjslackworstedcheviot ULSTERS PUCE $8.75 WELL 1.01110. WELL MADS mss sxosEBNot.V sTVuSN• This Garment " Made to order" by a Tallow tilortgb perhaps " not to fit " would be $17.1. SNOREr's CLOTHING 1 not�mod. to luster, bat made to fit, and every thread is guaranteed. 'lir 1,1� yFIMNe�FIIJUE$ ~ tli.si t ds k.lttle. ford a.4 w .w er tpgr� news • s Mi ao mrf sweets tloy.ra res pq w wart s seat .m. F�I1ss /p.ser •sane'H.s ~ti timeaft »dv@d write u~Da.rwsri e. fitgireogegeMtai r.-, • ter TO ' Nodes . ; • he left at thb iiahlday or teen Mow' rertioireeeio sderada r °f0f TH1 now Pow ihe• Wer Coro NW]. ala hart Pete knit rim linwW .ltd. 1.0 1J.s Haw (Ladd lose Dem psul M ger. y Prot e ver Mrs wt deer S Pa le el lire. Pali BI B▪ f rrl• Ci Frei At Cam rcl w fool ri V7 E-1