HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-11-9, Page 63
Ibe Pelee Mlgbt.
Hammer ' and tongs! W bat have wt,
. brae ?
Int se app'oaele but not too user.
Two nese stafsdtltg. biome to breast.
• llieg l erica .4 arehlnt cleat hard
Shoulders square walnut
and both tbdr Roar a trifle blauebxl.
Tbelr Up* are est in • enele .one
And sturdily set Belt mesrcular lise
mb ;
'Round them circles a ring of /Ors
Over them hangs the heave/ s blue
Wes, doettbsy glare at each other so?
What! you real) then don't know?
Nil. 1. a prise fight. gertrt.le air -
Tide la what maks the papers stir.
Talk of your ocean telegraph.
Mint' so great an event. by half.
As when two young men lusty std
tall. •
.With y�melees between them of eget the world to whom
or w ae...
Crone taWeWieaw bailee eand maul. 'dam' dot rmt roarble.�b�e t
Come wht till ooe shill fall -
another woman Invites 'este
Hammer and tongs. utterly slate ler the World
am," she murmured. as she I
'Round about Iv a bestial orowtt
Heat Uy-Jawepl and Deet wed ;
Comate faces trammeled .1
Am 1f Iwlth the Iron hoot of IL.
Blasphemies dripping from off thee. ' man Who had tnqu
Upon day before, and wet had appeared so
11.tols bulging behind their haps: interested upoe dlreovertng that she
Hands aocuetoaned to deal the cards. war theca; but she had not Med much
Or strike with the cowardly knuckle- .pied to the clrcumetenee.
guarldt • Even If he had been I a Its of
these Who are ruffianly teibws. I 'Bowe 's it would only ga}I► Mer to
Id t biter to
That taint the breath of this am talk �t him with any one,:for- it
tunes day ? alway opened all )ter wound. afresh
Thew are "tie Fancy." gentle sir. w er she spo,* of him.
The Farcy ' What have we to do with it called agate she stgtbosexd It
Olt, 'tls their fancy to look at a tight
•wpild be unoourteoum not to ser
him; but the tthtiught gave her
To see open struggle, asst (foxilte, lied no cure. and the had not the
bite. sl at awptciogl the
Der res w
Bloody come and bunged -up eyes- same•iljperson alto had come to her
These are the things the Flury prise. arsuttance when she had fallen in.
And so they get men lusty and tall, the perk.
With nothing betareen them of hate His glntentioss had been to reek her
or wronals. re
Toocme tcge .tier to batter and matt. hheerlys win hat tor reunO with
To orate ud fight till one shall fall. lier Ltnt1; then meet I1omard at
Hammer and ergs + ( the attar when the train arrived,
and take bent at once to he but
Grandly the autumn faraisN aline, .. T1s best laid schemesm and
Red as the d in an Indian mine, d sen
A dreamy m -thba vaport rmoka Oat aft a glass
Hauge round the paee of ever ;o
'green oak, and be was destined to be dbap•
Over the lake shines the run. piloted In carrying out his plans just
The lake that Perry battled' port ; it. he wished.Striking the upland fleets melee Immediately after partaking of her
That glgw through the eft, pct tier late breakfast. Cecile clamed tier hat
haze.amt mentis, and tying a veil close
Nature W tracing with ' laneak Over ler rad, tear stained face. vee
told Martha that she sees whim hof
Lessons of penes over lake and land':' a -watt teethe park. wiot atlaA- s
Aye, bet yet la this tranquil 'pot She wanted to bet. alone; Inlf heart
T 1: -
Choose t bully, as men. moart Was so eoreerith ler burcdep'of grief
To pit two yoaing men. ItrRy and
tell. 4a■ life, as she now viewed it. looked
1 With nothing between d p long and .o destitute of every•
hate or wrongs, th aside frim her child. to make
Oto with the other to ter and It ettractive.
• matte • could not. endure Martha's rym.
To tAud and lit- neer _�. noes, noe..Dalay'R tweet
fall, thither and play. `tire wanted ted
get• away from every sound.
Hemmer and Lungs. She sought a lonely portent of the
park. away from the more frequent-
ed walks and avenues, and. finally
found the seclusion she deacon. and
sat flown upon a grassy bank be-
eheath the thick shadow of same t
and ■hrubs, where she mete 11dreel
up unrestrainedly te her sa
She had been there two Douro, bet
had been so absorbed In /sorrowful
memories of the past that. she was
wholly unconscious of then lapse Of
time. {
Weak and nervous from the trailingot
sleep, ehe could sot stay *w
tears ; she had no control over Ree -
self, and gibe wept aMLawt eoestautly.
eo oblivious wail she to ell things
that she del not see a darkly -robed
azure stealing softly toward ,her, Or
hear the catlike footsteps which
came hurrying to her side; but wheli
a hand was suddenly and heavily
Iall upon her shdulder, she leaked up
with a startled glance, and found
Helen Langley bending over her.
"low are here yet, are you' How
come you here? What are you do-
ing in Saratoga?" were the swift,
(lere•e sentences which fell from her
lips, while she regarded her awtth
evil, glittering ryes. .
(em lle's tears were tlriesd ren an lin-
.taut now ; her thoughts were rude -
With feet firm planted upon Use ly drives into a different ehancel,aad
sand, she arose with an icy dienity whlci
Face w face at "the scratch" they exasperated her slider -in-law almost
stand, beyond the power of self-control•
Feinting fest-a blow -a guard ; ' I do not eonstder that I am cone
Then some hitting, heavy and hard. pried to nccount to Mrs. Langley for
The round flirt falls with a terrible my pretence in Saratoga,'' .he Maid.
'thud ; coldly.
Wherever It falls cosecs a spout of " Mail you. indeed ! It might he
blood well for yap to have some regent for
Blow after blow. fall after fall, parr telxhtntlen, however.' Mrs.For twenty minutesthey turtle nM Langley retorted. hotly.
maul; " My meltntkon !" Cecile repeated.
The ape of the ere are a gory gash. estornlellesl. " How can my tieing In
The other's are knocked to eternal P f rataga nftoot my repatnt`sn ?"
smash : " Tent Is n sensible question. truly.
The bold, brlglit eyes are bloody and when you are aware that i know you
dim, have no means to hes tkrirlihing In
And btaggertng, shivers each Beal- this expenalve pteer, and that It Is
wart Ibds. seely nm the [articular friend -the fee
Faces glowing with stupid wrath, or to of Dr. Mortimer, of MntFran-
Hard breaths breathed thro' a bloody c,xw, that yon are enabled to 'where.
froth ; at all."
Blind they rale oleic blows Helen Langley regarded her with a
On cheeks, like jelly anti shapeless keen, nusielaue look, an She mace this
nom; meitrageo ue statement.
Will. thecpnaave Tacen armee.- the A scarlet .Lain roe to the masses
rope of chewing hair which e.rowtnd Cecile'.
Darken with panic or light with forehead at the unparalleled Insult.
hoes, " Yon do not dare to charge me -
T111 one fierce brute, elth terrible. the wife of your brother -with any -
blow, thing like Chet !" broke indignantly
Lays the other poor animal ow, from her quivering Hps. her pure steel
Are these the forme so noble and ,troural t, (trees at being thus 'u-
proot!, walled, while she oonfronted her des-
Tbat towered above the crowd? tarty ac^neer wale a hanteett1Mlcb
Where are the fats so healthy and took her eon ewhat ahaek.
froth ? She began to think that .he had
There, those Illegible masses of flesh. nronmed a sleseptag lioness 11r1J time;
Thee we pee men, lusty, tall, but the War No enraged to find her
Who with nothing between them there -mo exav pernteel at the danger
of hate or wrongs, threatening her end all her 'schemes
Will Melee and hatter. and tussle and -that she was reckless of both Cec11e's
maul, feelings and her own language.
And flght till one or the other shall She would have been glad to lessee
fall, the Springe hermit, but the ooeld not
Hammer and tongs. make up her mind to go and leave
(Feorgr Anthony behind, with the rick
Trainers, hackers and bettors all. of his meeting her .leter•In-law again
Who teach young men to tussle` and and laving all her treachery dlaa,v-
Itllasl, mead.
And speed your muscle, and blood. Ss Mue had determined to have an
and life, Interview with Cecil. ani IMP All hoe
Given for good, In a loathe/Me strife. srte to drive her from the place.
I know what the devil will do for She bund Men lying In welt for her
you, for several days for testa very purpose,
Tom, pistoling, bullying. cowardly talt, as we know. led leen dlmap-
crew ; 'minted on account of her arehtent.
He'll light up his furnaces, rd and This morning, however, the had
blew, empire, her on (ser way to the park,
And treat you all to a roast rind anti had followed her thither.
stew ; She had sense dlffloulty in finding
Oh, he'll do you tri and Mall do yen leer, anal had been eines*, npoe the
brown, point of relingnbhing her .earth for
On pitchforks cleft into nighty that day, when she naught eight of
perxtQu, the sr hleek-robed figure through
(kinds bb
While chuckling fds your agonise the thlot 'shruery by which (Wile
crown wits cnrrounted, tad this stile 1poe
By et� �f Yee Imp acrd tetDing 7of� 1.... Tone is aireseettat"' le efgegtrieft ins
With hammer and lea. aig ethn b exemsengly raensifng."
she retorted *earnestly. "bSt When a
wtsman flies to a sten as you fled
flit" TOUR TRUST. to Dr. Mortimer -when she accepts her
vire and Roel-llvtng under the
"Be told ms onem sow a with him --occupying hes
Tile saddest thleg that can betel! a roomy. driving In ale oeremite-
soul " Haien Tangles. stop r
le wise 1t ire.• [atth In God and wo- The Interrnptku came Hire the re-
late ; port of a pistol. and startled the In -
Mor M lad Tart $bem Moil. -Lost 1 molest woman atmod as meth Aa I1 It
thnse gems- really Imd /when oriel, And for a moment
Theme the wotlda throe.. stood ibm was eflwheed by tis eq,ethcrltrtive
MOpty ie hay Pith, nommawd of the heentlTnl r t -atm .
I wool:d go w.ntleritrg luck Into my nentrent.ing her
ehltdhmd. Oriels was aa nrdem lwato as A eta at•
tlearcbng far thea) with fears." of alabaster. while the Mot nt leveret
A Novel of the Present Day.
CHAPTER X et.%11 well which she rogurftal Lre Lang
Thee Mteetint ley was 'ndes:eMable.
But Mrs- Laugley quickly retwvere1
The next morning, atter receiving hermit
e miherl1 she wok' 1rom bar paticrmb her and
t she hound
the news of the death of her friend, to du It at any cost.
Cecile are much depressed. Bas had V , I will not stew. wee answered;
slept but little during the night, ow- •. I Italie a right to denounce you for
log to the excltemesit and nersous- what 1 maw with my own eyes. for
HOW Of to day before, watt. rhe what 1 knew from my owu observe
felt that there was now no ole la tion. DW the ..awliot a doctor okoru.
Id turlt In to Ssrutogn w tet jos l" the east
eluded. vetea sneer.
I la " Ur. r i6} dread," came in -
;111 10 vauntarsty f eq,..,l,�11s'e white Ills.
:gs i Met. Langley RSutlst. blank for u
•vim17 tmoment atter ober rtertlbng Uulorma-
hOW tem ; but elle tatlitxl almost Immeedl
lately, and reurk.d, mockingly :
Alt, indeed ! luthane issad for.'so .
no doutt, but I treat he left you lel-
coney protected tor.,'
A wore of httduee pain turd ran
the melted wotta'aa, nut, she ted
,lgulne% a tree fpr support. BI was
appw l lett--at most , tenumbeti.
No only on cu
ao nt of this fearful
immersion Welled against her own
titers/stet and Mint of the tit whom
el!, 'had esteem.m
{-altnoit reverenced
-+ter hes gutsiness and nubility. but
for is eaxiden fear which Wok estuure-
e:ar of her.
jt'ol3'd the warred. wisest it Caine to
knee, .of her kind friends legacy to
her nod her ched. petard her relation@
with him'iny atich light as' this?
Such a th it had never before ea -
Wad her h foo ousllekwre w she
oi: her owut city and lntegrf y -,u
cmhfldent of his honor -that al had
never dreano d that anyone w Id rho
upju*tly nslsootumtrue lila kir Q and
thouglittnl hequeet. 1
She was so startled to olrerwbelme'd
ter the moment, ap to lose sight of tee
We that :tome but the moist vladctire
and malicious/ person --one who de-
sired her ruin -would ever take melt
a view or 1t, .r that there was abun-
dant evidence to prove Helen Langle7's
%Ile Insinuations' false. , t
"it we .d be more to your credit, I
thlstk," are went. on. fullowlter ep the
advantage ej'h1t 11 she thought she was
gaining, 'to keg, away from a taah-
ioc:able plane like this. nod to hitt• you
heed after the tonins, tee Mee beer
lett suing" At all cassias, �tfi5 `fietltat
that It crtlunot oonttrtbate to my {glen
of mud w have you Isere. and Uve con
eta::tly In fear that the relaflonsld
which you titre bore w me may be d
lt,vered" t
teeth reoovertd complete
daring thiseheartlee, rpas.ch. while tit
revengeful woman. with her vend:
"tltp editnuation , appeared too
aid oontempttbie w be worthy' of he
notice. or of eaturing her a moment'
She would net hate believed, und••
any other .elrcu metanem. that tee Al
ter of her noble -mind v1 hubngd'eottl
he Entity of anything se enti}ely
neat,' a pare woman. or t at a1
would allow hereelf to be to gove
by antte ai4 pasiom.
Phe ILftM Ise? email head proudly
she met with a steady, unfiluclslr
gaze the %inactive gleam In Helen
eyes, while her lips curkd with an e
prelusion of ineffable scorn.
f shy husband had not told me tea
you were ala ester, I Hever wou
have ielieved It." she said. "I find
difficult to Imagine that one drop
kindred [load flews In your veins -1
s, noble -you so craven in your na
tore. But If yea, object t, reeding
the same place with me. 1f you a
fearful that our relationship Will
deoovered, there le one alternate
which can Ise adopted. Mrs. Langley
"And that ?" basun Helen. a peal
ate look leaping Into her dark eyre
• You can become a reldnit of so
other place at your eeriest cony
lento," was the calm repind1r.
"Do .you dare gland there anon
w (OP with ra'It Insolence as Its
you. limon& a beggar!" wm* the Ile
retort. although the arrogant wom
winced tie abs pronemoed that w
tum she realised how appropriately
might be applied to hereof jet n
l'eclleb proud fl Ire grew int
proudly erect. and there was
haughty grace In her whole attttr
that wised hate due honor te
A beggar!
flow little Mrs. Langley dreamed
the smog fortune, with Its handers
bxrmne, which she waxed tencefo
Haw complete'. *heir petitions w
reters+d. since their Interview on tl
cloy before (''eiie'A tnarrlag. !
"HekP-t Langley." she began. wi
quiet worn. "1 dare rend hero to
fend my honor and purity before y
or even the whole world 1f nerd
I told you when we mel In Man F
cisco that I would not bear m
.mor. from you. aril I will not. If
persdet In euwa111rtg me thus. i is
not hesitate w take vigoroue
mires to aliera`e. yet. More than o
you hnte nerd the tcerm 'hewer' w
--it seem. ter be a fa,tor)te word
yours, Mrs. Langley, but It haw not a
element mound --et is not becoming to
one belonging to the 'noble house of
Montgomery' 10 use w vn ar a term;
heedes, it Ie nee true I have the
pl'en4,nre d announcing to you that I
hare the metro' of a very handsome
fortune; yew -end It was a bslsu'rt
from Dr. Mortimer. So you perceive.
madame and Ceelle's clear tons rose
to a mocking endenoe, "that he has
left nee ' hnrtdeomely provided for' ; but
year kwiW. as well as I. that your vile
Inr11nuetkus Are entirely without
Iou•daUon, and 1f I Mould call you
.to account for thotn-est I merely shall
U yes do not let me alone -they tool/
be deer -coed by abundant testimony."
Mex Langley opened her mouth to
sgwok ; Mut Oeelle. whom. courage was
reang with every peeling momwut.
and nee felt more and more eon.
tempt for her, Mikenowl her with an
Impeentve geetore.
"I have tart eery little more w
any." .he rail, "so pray listen with.
est interrupting me. iso you know
you Impress vii ase helm very sow•
artily in our netters, notwithstand-
ing your prune. No one who
hail true courage and nobility would
ever aaenil a 'sorrowing woman as
you hater tumefied me 10 many times'
and now 1t sl.smv to me to -clay no if
in arena way yon are *freed of me,
and have assn sed thin etonieve rite.
Wile In order-tredrtve me to dsgtera
tion and protect yourself from either
11100 real or imaginary evil." An experienced animal trainee e:
Helen Langlryy taco ammmet a „As a ruts monkeys are readily tra e"
startled bolt at Mese words; hhi d-
on' but occasionally there Is sear," aS
^IoM, a�tatltt. tact. to hood 't. we .. -1 lemma a •peel••, who Is a d.Sso
made her toilet, and wonde
gibe could endure long hoer@ of
that day.
Martha had fled Or the gentle -
for her the
posing the Ilttleueer of hie 'stresses
pharacter, and 1 never told him of 1t.
nor of your lerwardly mite and threat
at the day that we salied for Eu-
rope. When I returned. alone. ft -mud
leer, destitute. and la suck deep true
bee. 1 was obliged to endure your
heartless tauate and morn. and re-
fusat to ale me, for I had no meats,'
of defending mysell.
'.What do you 'suppose yuur 4ru
their would say w you. Helen Lang
ley, U be were living and ehouttl knew
that you refueled event a {Littanoe
from his targe fortune w support
hos wife and child? -that you strove
W make me believe that he had cruel-
ly deserted me, and tried to crush pus
by every means' in your {tower? But
y day Le over ;omits 1s )tat begun.
tint, when 1 leave terawgst,' 1 go
Immediately to New York w lay
veins to my husband'. fortune."
]dna Langley' uttered n obtrp cry
at tilde.
Bel (song Cecile w be poor. she had
never thought of finch a euutingetu•y
as this.
"You shall never do It." .the cried.
furiuu,ly. "You will tout dare."
1t w,uid be the ruin se all her
entente' anti would result In the 14�
mesitate reunion of Howard and hl.
"You have yet w feud how punch 1
can dare." Cecile calmly rejoined �"I
have nue fouget the battle of fife fur
the last three years tuccesrfully fur
ruothtng. I have received AIMS scars
in the contest It is true, but i have
gained a strentt,h and (storage which
has placed gee beyond all fear of you.
As for what you have sold regarding
my repute It cannot berm me ;
t shall not give it a second thought.
fir" -and b her beautiful face
besvttno almost glorified by th:• ten-
der light which swept over 1t-' I
have never for a moment Loved any
one /ave my busb:tn.1; I har'e been
true and ateadfad w ha memory
my heart is etaI with him, ani I shall
live rev life to the enl as I have here-
tofore Ilved-alone. ,ave fur the .eel
etv of my child—"
"What! your chlkl! Dais did rhe
not tide P' ejaculated Mra Langley. a
hook of at trtle l ►Per blanching her
"No. Daley did not die; I should Rare
been too wretched w live tepelt In
that ossa"
But they told me she was dying;
I surely thought she must be dead."
Helen marmnred, too astonished to re-
mits. fully the strength 01 the wel-
.•etrie tidings.
"No. Daisy iv well unss uuore: but.
Helen, i hope we shall never meet
again. for It arouse« all that Is In
-pee of evil. ({o • your way, and
let me alone henceforth. and
lessee:'- hills ..yore •w,eep ,ae.df. •they
are susplelasn, and not a malicious
,lesdre to injure. me. 1 shall never
marry any one ; I betang alone te
Howard for time ani for eternity ;
end when life is over, and 1 tweet
hint in the other world, he will
know that I am. and always have
been. true w him."
-- What - was It that made- Helve
Langley Mart forward at titin MO -
asset, with a half -suppressed shriek?
What was it that made her look
s. 11 @erne suckle() and fearful joie
ment had overtakes her: tib t made
ber quake and Meyer as if some try
blast had chilled her through. while
she sank tip tee ground and covered
her iLehen True with her trembuing
bands ?
Cecile, astmbbed te see her so
terrified, turned to auaeetaln what
Wei caused It. and found herself
encircled by a pair of strong arms.
and drawn close w a wildly beating
hearse. while ber mead ens laid upon
a manly breast, and her cheek wet
with fast -falling tears.
He knowa It now, my darthg,"
a broken voice murmured is her ears;
" he knows it now ; and. oh! my be
loved. heaven Reel( could hold no
greater joy than that of this mo-
ment !"
(To 11e Obnlimmd.)
Tlelr feces are rich with a healthy
Their eyes are clear, land bright and
blue ;
Eery' muscle is clear and fine.
And their blood Is pure as the pur•
est wine,
It la a pleasure their Webs to scan.
Splendid type@ of the animal man ;
Seemed types of that human grace,
The noblest that God has willed w
Brought w the by science and art,
Testes' and nourished and kept
Cunningly fed on wholesome food,
Carefully watched la every mood,
Brotght to thla state @o noble end
To envagely tussle before a crowd -
To dim the light of the eyes so clear.
To mash Ute face w a bloody smear,
Tu maim, deface. and kill if they can.
The glory of all creatlost-Man.
The is the task of lusty and tall,
With {.,thing between them od
hate or wrongs,
To bruise and wrestle, and batter
Antfight till one or the other aline
Hummer and tensor
be -
on -
de -
Easily Cund by Catarrhozone-New
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Tow cause of catarrh beteg now well
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destroy microbes or germs will pure
ly uure. or at lease prevent the da-
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Late moment: research leas brought
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menta w frequently recommended for
C'atarrhostxt s the only germicide
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leas tett of catarrh. blwfchttla aM
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Impregnate every particle or air
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For public remake.% mtnlsterr. vino
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of Inertlmable value. The Inhaler ran
be carried in your pocket anti used nt
any time or In any place
Price E1 at rill druggists. or -Meier
by mall. Send 10c In stamps lex sam-
ple outfit to N. C. P'oirun & Co., Menu
lecturing Chemists. Box 514, le leg-
ann. Ontario.
sanraua wassail) sza lrit111L>r
8attbe MlestipY7 ?hose They Were
Geed in Mating Ptrewsokera
" fudepeudenoe Day rem;lulr um,"
say{ the unastortury from Chime 0d
11. most etteouraging and
noe in he
r�tlaw 1
had labored hard to the work of Mint
verting the Chiltern to Christlaea/
and there was unfelgued
Iamong all the wishes In China
y11e churches In Apwt'Lla steal eke.
tisane for Bibles on the part O{ ear
converts culm.natd In orders for Ste
000.Btblee In ogle eiiipruent.
" The remarkable number of new
Oliratlan. thus ttntlo.tted, whew 11 nc-
ess orad much tbaukfulams In Amer••
oa, caused the heath of the m'rslueary
amp o ate,tu to set un foot an ltlmquin
me to the methods emp:oy g
the souls of such an utmost/le uum:,er
sof Celert'.als acrd tee otos to wheel
they put the Bibles sunt them.
" You may know that re China lite
maw ty of the firecrackers with
wit till we celebrate our thy of w•
Coital Lndepittdenot are made by the
Chew.* n their homes. Contractors
ter 1 reworks give each m$u a eer-
t ale amount of powder, and that must
te made Into a given number of
crackers'. The paper wood iu the manu-
facture he buys himself -ant paper is
uut n cheap , ,•mmod ty W China. The
powder furn'sltsd seldom fills the re-
yu l•d uumt.•: of crackers. tut that
dos not dist trb the Celestial In the
lesut . Inc tars In his quota all the
manta, and tin' Amer can toy In ewn-
•equeroe Invariably (Inds In each
package of 1 ree•rackere a few that
• won't go off.'
" I discovered that Yankee thrift
had been absorbed by the heathen
Chines with much more readiness than
Yankee morals. In contributing Ili.
labor toward our feistiest ooze/Oens he
,Lit upt7R-an expedient whereby a non.
.'derabte prof(t accrued CS htme'bTT. Int
other words. our great shipment of
114,000 Bibles lied literally 'gams up
In smoke: They were to be had for
the asking, and the Celestial eon-
sc.ence seems never to have Buffered
a pang as ito their disposal for fire -
attacker wrappers" -Frank Leslie's
Can Do More Work on the Farm
Than His Twenty -Four
Year Old Son.
.lust the I seace of 1t.
Lett XIII. bow an automobile.
Korea's Cbanoellos` U a Callftrnlate
Berlin Is to have a Von Moltke
Alfred Bert, of South Africa. Iv a
A Stamford, Eng., mine -ter prae•'
Rees law.
W. W. Astor'r taxa. to New York-
orethis year : $108.9(16.
A 1O2 -soar -old ulster of Exploiter
Ltetng'stow It,.. in tioott:s ad
"Did Luther commit suicide?" la
again being d(bete•d in Germany.
• telotietielavot feeted. emesseesselt,-doe
the tallest man In next Cohgres-
T 1. Gore, one of the Texas Popu-
list nominee, for ('oangreme Is blind
The Bishop of Dover. England ad-
dressed a congregation of bicyclist'
Confederate veterans' q(fer to re-
build General Goe'do);t'e txtttae was tie -
The Westminster Cromwell stattK
gift of Rosebery. will be unveiled Oc-
tober 914.
United States Senator Clarke. of
Montana. Ise betiding a $2.000,000 pal-
ace In New Tort.
The son of the Precedent of Swit-
zerland le Charge dA'ttalres of tete
Reiw. Leentlon at Washington.
Wesleyan Preacher Heeldawortl'.
after having preached for eighty
years. died recently in an F.meish
almshouse. t •
For Three or Four Years at OneTeme
He Was Too Weak to,Work at AH-
Dlnabled With KelseyDfsease-
dd's Kidney Pills
iMave His
1111 P ■t Strengtk.;
Ingersoll, Nov. 6. -We bare a .nen
ill this district whole a remarkable
examp'e of Use adage, " Health and
strength go as a pair." He 11 a
mkldle-nge.l man in perfect health,
stat gimlets in his strength. Yea some
years ago he need to be as weekend
helplss as a kitten.
Mr. W. H. Batley liver on let flee
on the tnwfi line between' Durham
and West Oxford. He is a farmer
by occupation, and well keown
tbroughout the district. For ymnre
Mr. Botley was n vatim of Keeney
Disease, which sapper{ his strength.
Ile was not is believer in patent
medicines, but he tried all the doc-
tor* In Ingersoll without avail. Then
he took three boxes of Dotd'■ Kid.
i.ey Pills, and became a whole, sound
MAO canoe more. To ss great an
extent dict he gain in strength that
Lit spite of his years the could over -
mete!" his growls up eon, is big
@trapping man of twentytour.
Mr. 'Salley goys : " For years 1
have hem) troubled with Kidney Dir
eu.@, being so bad at times that !
owls ado nothing. I had tried meths
doctors In this town, bet they would
have put me In my grana 1 took
three boxes of INxid's Kidney Pella
anti am now able to do sore work
than my twenty fortyearold son."
Dear Sera. -I was for ervell years a
anfferer from Bronchial trouble, and
would be so hoarse at times that i
coed scarcely speak above a whisper.
[ got no relief from anything till 1
tried your MINARD'S HONEY BAL-
SIM. Two bottles gave relief and Mx
bottles made a complete care. I would
heartily reewmmend It to any one mut-
tering fpm throat or kung trouble.
.1. F. Vanhsisklrk.
Sows Staggering (lospstatloas.
A well-known a.trxnhmor, calculates
that I1 an express train naming
sixty mils an hour day and nlg1R
without steeping kept 1t up for 850
years It would Mat shout complete
the diameter of the circle meds by
the earth In its yearly journey around
the sun. Now let this Immense cir-
cle be repdmented by a lady's finger
ring, and, taking that :tie the Mand-
rel of mneatreernent, the nearest fixed
Mar wool ba n mUe distant and the
farther% stall*, through tee tots
coop! at {wast twenty miles.
I'ut up In two tease. 10 etc. and 25
For general use, and fetid
by all feet -clam groc•er..
Dalley's Pure Fruit Estrada
Monkeys Hard to Teach.
t ry sayfrr. T`-- WHO
s. 1 W.
M to try tsae�itM d Mee*
et my defteell; T tie' it In ay
power to being ton tet Meths for the
nMnctlon of my child."
t wooed not like to have 1t said
that it Montgomery went to war
etgeinst a Msonteneverlr 4th/ has. a
nem. Helen, for 1 epi 1x, longer a
women to he trampled anon. and not
men the fent of year having horn*
the name which 1 neer tear will Mve
Unon from my Ilgnetlon Ii yeti cons
Untie to -permeate luso 1 bore your
*hum end lermka tolar0 one star
Hairs in eltiw-A 'timely hareem 1
weal learn **Ohio's; Is positlte
ly stnpld end refuses persistently to
Worms ednsted. Tis freebie b
Meshing monkeys le lerg.ly that
they arc mtseblevoue. They try to
overdo things, and de things wheat
are not wanted sof them • se that 1f
order to make them perform' e4 de..
Mired state; drilling Is neeesmr , al-
though they grasp an Idea gnek'y.
The rials two species of admals which
can be tangle by prompt and *sample
•re the chimpeem and the twang-
oatottg. 'Play are tlsltatora, ane to
in/erase {leas le dating • thing it is
owlnossos•ry far the trainer to do
wowild not terrible ;toward with than. 1t l'rat thyself end time either mac
1 coots not Mer to shame him Mex of these will Imitate lin."
Every dollar .pent for Canadian
Manufacturers' goods la a Lenient to
our country.
I. Use Lest Stem Polesh In the world.
18801 No 45 - t$
e You As
glut Policemen.
Four brothers named Kavanagh.
from the County of Wexford. who
re it beadmitted as recrutta
"tM set MAO -tit Lb. Debleit Waset,topott:
tail Pollee. have created a mild sen -
mem. as each of the brothers stands
exactly aux feet' .11 hob's 1n height.
and Li built 1n proportion. They are
tonna of a farmer and are men of
rplenditl physique. In addition to their
uawntal height. The other brothers
remade at home. who are presumably
the dirarfe athe famtty.- beteg eac
only cox feet three inches In height
-but perhaps they have not yet at-
tained their full elevation.
Weil people deo nut worry. Take
Miller's ('umpoanl Iron Pills and be
well. Fifty doses for a quarter.
Houses of Cintas.
Dr. Algte'a novel, " House. --of
Olaso," was noticed{ in the Times
when it was published by a New
York house. A less expensive edition
has now been put upon the market
by W. T. Gage • Co., Toronto, Dr.
Algde, whose pen name is Wallace
Lloyd, b n tanadlan, and from the
Mill with which he tuaa created Jane
Hattori and two or three other
keeling characters In " Houses
of Ohm," there is a future before
him In the literary field, unless he
proevelonel duties make him a home
untie ltbrL The setting or the story
is really ('anaellen, though nomin-
ally pertalning to the United States.
it be a story intended to llluetrntc a
theory, but nevertheless a most en-
tertaining story for old and young
Ther, are twelve vartetie. '-4
Dalley's Pore Pratt ?stracta
lbelr great purity, strength and fin
'or Are winning friends everywhere.
The Oldest Paper it the World.
King Pau must unquestionably be
regarded as the ohteat paper tn the
world. It I. an official paper. pub
Itched in, China. and war founded In
OIL Feign 1861 It appeared as a
weekly paper. but from 1800 It was
published daily. and now 1t le even•
Limed Horse tenet a day. Each WI.
tial eonetate of 8.000 roptes 'The
inorning editim 11; printed on yellow
paper, the second edition on wblte.
and the evening paper ou black paper.
The means paper oontatns only In-
formatam relating to trade, the sec.
orrl edition l• official. and the evening
paper contains leading articles. news
from the provinces. end extracts (roes
the two earlier editions:
M!Ilwra Worm Powders correct all
such troubles' as lack of appetite, bil-
iousness. drowsiness, sallow come
plextou, etc., nice to take.
(trsolaal has one paper.
London hat 25 daily papers. Parts
56, Berlin 26.
Paris Petit Journal circulate. 1.-
000,000 owlet dais.
The " femUletaos," or aerial stor-
tes, nee a feature eery seldom mim-
ing from otntinental dallier.
Masirld papers isms supplements
that, contain nothing hat prisewin
nine unmbere In some great 'tate
No Apology Ssnlelent.
.When Thome. T. Crittenden was
governor of Missouri be bad A color-
ed bnstesr, who was much In awe of
bis emp:oyer. The man was apologe-
tic Duet trifles, but when the gover-
nor's favorite horse died one night
the Daae seemed to be beeead the
man's power of palliation. Hee wand-
ered about the .tabicand for a long
time, last In tkooghtt. Then, going
Into Crittenden's presence, be meld:
"Onv'nor, that yore black horse,
Pluto, ain't a -tote' to live berry
long: "What maks you say that,
Dant' asked the sanedetld.la tar.
pelma " Vass he atm
/vat raessi lett rat all yens
etses$th must come Qom yyo
!fwd. Did you ever thiaiur
that /
p#slapr your muscles need
lie strength. err your nerves;
Sr haps your stomach is
and cannot digest what
r, : syo▪ uhe • need Mom strength
a dod•Ltver Olt with Hype.
easily changed of all foods into
Strength ; and the hypophae-
pletes are the beat
tonics for the nerves.
soovrB ENCL.
�iG • BION is the easiest
and quickest cure for
weak throats, for
I cough. of every kind.
1 and for all caws of de.
1ltlltty. weak nerves.
and lose of flash.
!tie sed tt.a, s'tt drvaahtt
f100TT a pewee, oe se Terme
A ('umfortable tlarseat for Coe
Weather Wear.
Flannel abort-wainits for the ap
prunclang cold weather will take tar
ensues to Dame Fadton's favor u( it
sister•, the wash one of the mummer.
and will be worn quite as enema'
ly. A white Ibex collar will he tie.
usual accoapentraent. w two of the
largest designs for tills purpose are
hero presented. The first, the on,
turned -over one. Is to be worn oro
a ribbon Mock. anti its round c ono.
aro entirely new, conforming to tfr
;aims; ale of round owners in ort
Ian* totorre the nearest online 'n
style his her always hast square
other one IA it new 4
Corns sad Warta.
I'utnam'e Painless Corn slid Wart
Extract -sr is guaranteed by the makers
to remove Corm. Warts, Bunions. Pte.,
without loin In twenty-four hours.
I ntoaas'a has been the rtandar.t for
thirty years, and is the only safe and
sure remedy of Its kind on 1)14. mar-
ket. Insist on having only Putnam's,
and beware of acid flesh -eating snlr
Mentions. Price. 25e. per botese at
all dealers or by mall. N. C. Poison
Co. Box 514. Kingston. tart.. pro-
A dotted K11Mr'e 9l'ees-Inetddga or
easloestly will keep the children
Very Rmawrlpeted Wnsner.
The Royal Mel/wxirne battles' (leaf
(lab h+u tnattntret an nnnaal din
nor. anti held the fleet It few cloys
84.1 the (ire.nd hotel One nl the
Weil* drunk wee "The Meant ilne
hands Who Are Not Mlws.t t" This
little jet shows that weneea are tie
seloplse the invelnahte quality of hu
ext Methonene t rgne
Itleard'.IMi ae.l Germ Dlpktherl..
The Silent Dead.
"George," said the young bride. "I'm
gala' to make mom ro-k-sakes far tea
this evening. Butou must promise
me you won't say that they're not as
good as your mother used to make."
"It's • promise that I can't help
but keep" said George grave:y.
"Why," alta cried,"what do you
mean by thatr
"I mean; he answered, In a bo'low
voles, "that'dead men te:l no taloa."
hearses. tamest be Cared
by local applications, as they can•
not reach the diseased portion of
the Ler. There is only one way to
cure deafness, and that is by con-
stitutional remedies. Deafness is
caused by an Inflamed condition of
the mamma lining of the Eustachian
Tube. When thia tube gets Inflam.
ed you have a rambling sound or Int
perfect hearing. and when 1t is en
tirely closed, deafness le the result,
and nelson the Inflammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to
Ita normal oonlltlon, hearing will
Ise . destroyed forever ; nine eases oat
of ten are caused by catarrh, which
1s nothing but an Inflamed condi
ton of the memoir sarfaoss.
We will glue One Hundred Dollars
for any ems -.or Dsateyss (caused
by catarrh) that ons .pot he cured
by Hall's Catarrh Curs Seel for
circulars, free
h'. .1 011ENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Drvggl@b, Tse.
Hall's Family Pills are the beet.
Newest 1e
parterre also. with eke rounded potato
on the sale extensions ; the older
toned ones have always been starer
Tw his la be worn either
wi h�a'ribbon or •'necktie.
The Trude Winds
Bk,w strung winos lllervilln.• to In Use
market. Nerveless la the Brent stere
paln cure. Ita penetrating and psls-
witxlulr. lower 1s melt that reef Y
almost Instantaneous. Try It and la
convinced. For male at all druggists,
or by mall. prise 25e. N. ('. Polon 1
Co., Box 514. Kingston. Ont.. propel.
011 Made From (bra.
Corn oak extracted from the grain.
le In extensive demand. It eau he (WO
dared more cheaply than most veg-
etable o(la. 11 can be used se a low
grade table oil. and Ls a fair Iflbrtcat.
Ing 01. Paint mixeors employ 1t quite
gelwn►Ily, and alas manntacturersof
fibre and shade cloth. There are five
refineries el corn in the United States
which roe between 1(1,000.000 and
20.000,000 Mndhwle of corn and corn
waste. Beskirs the ootpdts d/ till, the
reflnerlAe have made near{ thirty
other different predates from the
tlamd'e Lietlopat Oaro Gargle b dews
Vanity keep. penance In favor with
themelvwa who, ane out of favor with
All otters.-dleakeemsatea.
1■ the Worlds' Ky..
Jusepli Chanberlaht nat.-her ever
the English Issues in the .tnglo, African
He is sixty-three years old, tut lout•
mach younger.
He began life as a merchant an
He has been Mayor of Blrminghau
three times.
He has been married three times. tn.
present Mra Chamberlain being M.
daughter of ex -Secretary Endicott.
He was. flea a Gladstone supporter
then an imperialist. and then it Osla'
He is fames for Isle coolness sal
tutting sreaam, and In debnee then
two attributes Leave made him, poral
My, the man most feared In the (icor
of Commons.
Tae Mee 1. the ekespe.t,
Dalley's Pore Fruit Zxtracts
Will go further and give roil
a nicer flavor thea any other.
Volpe (from the top fiat) -Can't yon,
see the ..ern In the hall there--- h•
peddlern nleared in the hnllding'?
Answering voice (at other end el
epeaking Labe, loud enough to le
heard through the buUding)-i eis't n
peddler, ma'am. I'm the boy from the
denttat'e, with your new teeth. -Ch'
rage Tribene.
Nam wwtss worm
(l ay' em OI
ent . sett
sirs. ea Aa
deer, s VWsa wudrr 11!
ss ling 9 bates et Dr. roes
erresrltle Blond
paid s ad
oar esteem,
Asa Wass eel reatft as tae memo sad es
will seed you the PIWIWIlm you selectS
�Pps1iil�lls erre Impan blood. risminnaatt�e�m.
Me retney urnable tidsetMsd Writs wet me
and emmstlee Ws saner. w Tweets, Oet
Chippewa County, Wisconsin
I sem. ee this OwashAr from Or/arfe• rM
saes Mee well Asses Woad Nb tr M
more at myease .015c bare' Leads
weep. rteb laetr Lon, etyeaboeftesie weed
timber, aeries/el a rate, score
lea▪ nsyeact.• 011 ,w
Nebnkeds creed Seal
ee.cy. Clever ever a /«l eke ere
• •• Bea wile a WWIIrsMn
Ms* 'made e
.M M" ee 1R sere Irsif
term.obey fares.
W rho ger amrrfirnfaMemtesrr -
M. )reW1gg11Yseuser.
oat//ews a .
Igen wlemiew•1 a•.s(Wrg �x-sat
t5is ltsot Menne de
yswela.earesetekok ty.
to tYs wksN ofets�._ � mad
� ve wads • Ppmi wAe
Ee se auo sees s OV
riOUSS I rocs