HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-11-9, Page 2The Signal rvat4grh RST TRURSDAY MORMON, 1111 S. MeausaNIMIL 71aO11111DAY. NOT. !. IMO. WAR AND Hl'MANITY. General Joubert'. Ia(,ter to Geu- erwl White protesting against the use of IyddM,e shells, on the ground of inhumanity, briugruut (be statement 'that lyddlte shells were me ruled out by the Hague Peace Congress. Lyd- dke s such a powuritul explosive that the shells are blown into many places. the fragments being hurled In every dl eoton •rad k+i-Honest enndiog many men. A contemporary bMtorlan tells of the lodignettun the* woe felt Lu Britain during tae war ot 1812- 14, when It was reported that sums of the guns of the United Seabee navy were loaded with sorsp iron, out nails, etc., which mangled the mea who were unfortunate enough to be hit. The Anis/loans denied that they used the scrap Imo, but barrels of k wirers found In some of the &hips cop. Lured from them. While w many great intellects have Men employed in perfecting killing apparatus. It Ie almost a pity that some W the brain tower Inas not been directed toward Snaking the death of s soldier 'sudden and punter -a. The neo who fight for their country have received lees con skderatloo In this respect than the nen who; in time of peace are eon vleted of capital crime. -and hen Mooed to the gallows or the electric chair. The polmning of wells and the ave of poisoned arrows are yet re- garded with horror. and the arheme that was undertaken during the civil war In the Unite -1 States to Introduce yellow fever into the city of New York was universally conleloned. But: It reeaus that the lyd tIite shell 1s a legal weapon. and if the Boers do not like its effects they will have to move out of range and leave Oso. White un disturbed at Ladysmith Datil Buller's. reinforcements arrive; h•WMe VING THS RwyMr-MUAD• Never alum Kicg Oeorge 111. built for himself and lila children. the under ground mausoleum among the foun- dations d,t W itator Castle I.an there Men so much Ilfe. If rto4 bustle. amid the tombs of the kings and queens and royal personages as there Is now. The coffins. with the remains of George 111.. George Int. William iV the Duke of Kent. the Duke of York, l'rludes Octatfus a•.4 Alfred toklldreu of George 111.. removed from Wert- minater Abbey) ; the Ditcher of Brum- wick. the 1'rtnoeeses Charlotte aid Elisabeth fchlldreu of Wllllam I V.I ; Queen Charlotte. Princes Charlotte, PrInceasAwetIn• Queen Adelaide. Prin- ces's Augusta, King George IV.. of Hannover. and last of all the present Duchess of York's mother, the Duchess of Teck, are bclag looted from whero they lay to make room for those who must inevitably follow in the yearn that nee to come. The regal Sepulchre. which is situ- ated d1reletly beneath St Georges Cha$e4 Aid.il a riyoeapemortat chapel at Wirdbr Castle. Is one of the plaos to which no member of the public 1e ever admitted. Some one 01 the royal family may pay au otcasbnal visit ; ..oma few. very few, privileged prourom have at tinea 'tieen known to have their curio,ity Whistled. but tram the public eye the place Is kept 'secret. Even by those wait, have been permit- ted to doueub the stairs - and Isar through the gates Into the presence of the royal deadtke abut could not be culled 1ul1pdriug. First of all -,here *as the fleeting down -no easy matter. stet With the required perm ssiou ; and there is no wonder the visitor' were -few. except when the sepulchre had CO Ire opened t•,o-leetk4'vs n *. delft b. 'tseete • tom plates W11 1111 guarded the stone stair that lend down. Into the vaults had to be removed. The bottom gained, nothing more waa vslble for a time but the heavy gloom, all the more weird by the dim light given by one or two sickly can- dles and the lantern carried by the watchman. Gradaa.ly, as the eyes uc- cuatomei themselves to the light, ur, ratber, the dertnes, one began to distinguish massive colligate pillars., supporting what seemed a vaulted roof. Down the centre ran a .ong stone table, and round thaadessome abelves, upon" *.bleb laded strange dark thing% that d1d not, In the groom, look what they really were -the cof- fins containing tbe duet and ashes a of long since departed royalties. To diacover who lay there tbe pri- vileged visitor bad to explore with the old of the lantern and peer Tato the inscriptions on the tombs. Co'.d, silent, echoles, as weird a place as ever Goa found himself In, 1■ the royal sepulchre at Windsor. Hut all that dltbaing changed now. The shelves for the reception of the dead are being rearranged by ter Majesty's girder. In fact the coffins ere being shifted now. The atone tabes upon which the dead have lain ever since their entombment are be- ing lifted to the sides and a beautiful Warble altar s being erected at lbw met side of the vault. Tee tumbroas iron plates which have hitherto sealed the eetranoe are to he taken away and an arched door- way, with banderole gates, is to be erected la their place, making atoms Mach easier, whist It will be just a■ safe from intruders e■ before. Eiec- trke wires are being run through the whole sepulchre, so that when lea Visitor descends, some time In the near tutors, he wit anddenly find the place flooded with bright light. From a vault of depreastng gloom the royal mausoleum 1* being transformed Into a place of beauty. OUR PLATINUM fll'PPLY. ,1• For Marty years. between dines oche• and ntawt.*n-twenttrtts of thou work's. supply M platinum luta come from Rosin. The amount pro- duced has averaged (roes 6,000 to 8,000 paned., annually. Of let* there Mee bean signs that the yield aria Wing, although the demand has increased steadily. It s probable ' that from ane -half to five -sixths of the whole supply of platinum to*dal 1• dxrnelmwdl by the electric lamp maker... Amorist the other mem M the metal are the conatro'tlon of .tills for vltrinl, dental work. tb. pro- duction tsdluctioni of the photographic paper which given us the " pintkhott p.." imparting elver tint to porcelain. pointing etylograpbke pens, and making non-magnetic wnteh mpring•. and rertain parte of telegraphic ,apparattr,-.Most platinum la allayed with two .o.mllm and iridium. Thr Wiese tune .epareted from tate plathmna only with great difficulty. When they are separat- ed the Iridium and ommfnm (combined ea " Irkdramine ") have hem prated rally twelves erten' fee pointing g*M pens. . sum._ JAMES JEFFRIES IS STILL CHAMPION, Got the Decision Over Tom Sharkey in Last Night's Fight "There are no Outlanders among us n" -Sir WJ;.Li1d Laurier ALLerrels. Tlie cutting of the line between Ladysmith and Durban teems to have left us dependent on hostile souses for our Information its to the situation at the scene of conflict. 16 is not raft' jR accepttapt face value many' Uf tate stories told i±iluips to fact l,1in1C have no word of the (opium of Lady - 'unit!' is the best news of the morn - Ing. A British force is being organ- ised for offensive operation, and while there will be imo harry, there will he no tom of time In Tarrying the war into Africa." Meantime It Is not likely that the general public will be In- formed of the Brltlah plans; that work be to'wartt the enemy. . Gen.: White may More erred -'Be -Me plan, taut he makes no mistake In manfully assuming all reapmwdblh Ity for it. "There is a man !" writes N. Velfrey, in Paris Figaro; "In troth Gert. White Tpeaks and writes like n,hero of ancient Greece. In any case, he does cot in the least re- semh:e the gmterale Of other European ceentriew, who when fortune frowns' upon them, denounce their comrades SA traitors and bave only one pre- occupation -namely, to mirk the re- sponsibility they have Incurred." The world respects manliness. • THE'SAILOR WAS AT HIS OLD TRICKS New Tort, Nov. 4, -James J. Jet- 14fic drlie under the Warts Tau tries, tae California boilermaker, is hooked hie left to the jaw, and at atLI the heavy -weight ckvmplon of clods quarter's each sent right* to the world. Last night he successfully the wind. Jeff drove his rltbt to the defended the this which be won from body, and Sharkey climbed and hung Fltaalmmona a Dew 'moths ago, In on. Thou they got to clove. quartet*. one of the fiercest and most hotly con- lu wttlob tbey Loyd a wretttitt:g match. tasted natio battles a modern times, each trylnr to laud a telling blow ou defeating Tom Sharkey In 25 round& the wind. Jeff rotated Mhnrkey to the ropey, butt the latter carte back with a right prod da the wtud at the bell Round 10 -Torn btepp_vd In atter the break and Jeff net elm with a left of the hue. Sharkey hugged Jeff around the neck, and the latter shoved 'ibm to the ropes. Sharkey still Itold- Ing, era the referee. after morthg�g them. cautlottrd Sharkey,Markey iuooked his left to Jeff's head. Jeff iaeppd Iw-.dktlb a -Load lett sec flet. face. and Sharkey crrsed him with a reset ou the jaw. Jeff swung his dight'to tem telt eye, which bled pro- Round r o - Bund 11-8Iiarkey was 41.1 ag- tremor. but Asa met elm with a lett on the eat. Jeff tt*.t took a turn with oohing, aid taut las left 4t the body and 1e14 right over to the Injured eye. Tom then rushed, aerding his left to the face, but he was forced back with a hard tight ender the heart, Jeff shot Ida left at short range up to Tom's elfin. aid Tom rushed again. but Jeff met him and freed lagp'to,tbe corner, where Toni slipped on a wet strut and Jeff jolted Ills left to the abed, Tom eerier* te the floor dot one knee. Round 12 -They tome -to a clinch. with Jeff jolting 1'1s right to the body. Jeff swung I.s right ou the ribs and met Tomb next rush with a' --right An enormous crowd, made up of n.:1 aorta and 000dLtlona ot mm, tiled the big Caney Is:aad Athletic Club build- ing. There was plenty of Sharkey money In algbt, and mare big wag- ers were recorded, Jeffries being the favorite at odds *t 100 to 80. Martin Julian, on behalf of Bob Fitaalmmonia challenged the winner. 1t was a few mloutes atter 10 o'clock *.ben Sharkey, who was the first to appear, entered the ring, but the champlou was nut very far behind hint. It was announced that the men ware to fight under Mar- quis of Queensbury ru es, and would l,s •Ilowed to hit with one band free, end that the mac having the better of the contest would receive the referee's declaim. They were both trained to the hour, Jeffries announced his weight as 210, wile Sharkeyclaimed 185 pounds as hla figure. Referee George Sher saptaIeed the rules to Nue pair, and at 10.20 they .book bands. ; THS BATTLE BY ROUNDO. Bound 1 -Sharkey rushing in, swung Isla lett ani landed on Jet - film' jaw. Tom rushed again with • :eft swing, but Jeffries seat him back with ■ lett }b. Sharkey after some .purring essayed a left swing and followed Lt up with • Tight and landed book of the head. Then in an- ssbar rook A. tarred Jeflresa. W aro .t jdtler 111. he.krt. SWI "wall VIM hyda the ropes without doing any damage, but itgyrer►ve, Dat at astgnnl from • moment later aeon his right i lel- O'Rourke, &marker rushed In nod land (rias' cheek and Jeffries o.laahed els lett and right on Jeff's Bend. Sharkey got atilt lett poke ;IMO Jett, R0weans lits Nit three 412010 on Jeff's whith landed on the face. lathiest seemed a trifle slow, while Sharkey_ was all action. - Ramat 2-ihsrkel rushed again at close quarters, and got his left to the face. Jeffries returned the blow, landing his left squarely on the clan, and Tum went down In a neutral cor- ner, where he stayed for nix seconds. Sharkey rushed again. Jeffries side ateyped arid. Saarkey slipped - to the. Error on hi hands. He was tap again with another rush, only to be driven back with a right jolt In the body. Jeffries got in another right jolt, and In the breakaway from a clinch which followed Tem booted his right over to the head. Sharkey rustled once more and landed right and left on the face It the breakaway. Jeffries then rushed Sharkey to the latter's cor- ner and Tom slipped to the floor Is dodging a swing. Round 3 -'ram sent a left awing, which went round the beck of Jef- fries' bead. Sharkey was .'autlorted for holding. Sharkey rubbed, but Jim met elm with a right jolt an the body, Tam landed a left on the ear. Jeff drove elm back with left and right to tbe ring lauded y. fa riter ght pit ton,- der 6der Tom's heart Tom then led a telt which tell short, and Ieffrtes rushed in with a right to the bear, busk he was turned back with a bard right on the body. Twice more was Inhale key repulsed with similar blows. roar. BAaskey twain sent one over atter the gas( sounded. Brad called St.er over and complained of Sharkey and when Sklar refused, looked d1a- g Rotted 18-J of f lauded right argil* er"Tom's' ear, but the .ally was r'illeit book with three left jabs to tie face. In a climb Markey bung enttog Jest's nook with his left arm. bycke clean, TOM wend bisleft with tearful force to the jaw, and Jettrkr .book from the top of his head to the seise of his test. He wail and re careful altar this and kept oa We dsfen.ive until the end of the Rtrund, whtob w decidedly 4t Sharkey's favor d,n'cants, barring the hair 1011111. Round 19-l3harkuy rubel, butt Jeffries was first to land, seeding his right hand under the heart. Sharkey broke away and hooked bis left over to Jeffries' ear. Sharkey brought his left Med aerates the stomach. Jeffries complained that Sharkey was holding him, but the re- feree thought differently and told the men to go uo ankh 44ba. Shark.y ruslwl again, sending his left to the head, and in a half clinch seat his free rlgbt arm over the kidneys three times. Jeff ciliated and after the break Sharkey swung hie lett to the cheek and creased his rlghM over on the opposite side. Both the blow. jarred Jeff, but he came back and jabbed Its left to the wind and shot the same hind to Sharkey's how, and the sailor staggered. Round 20 -Jeffries sent his lett straight to the mouth. Tbey ex- changed left swtuga oo the ear. 4hnrkey sent two straight lefts to Jeff's nos. brlagtng the blood to streams. But a few seconds later Jeffries -jolted els right under Tim's chin. Jim landed on the sailor's mouth and jarred the Irishman. Tin pace Increased towards tbe en4 of the round, without any further dam- age betdone. Ronna 21 -Jim atepped In with a hard right on tie body, Sharkey L'ouuter%ng lightly. Jeff landed an- other right on the body and jabbed his left 1n Tom's face. Both booked rights over the kidneys while they lartgbed at eacb other meat -good na- turedly. T® swung his left to the neck. Jen responded with a straight left on the mouth just before Umbel!. Rotund 22 -Jeff was ([ret to lead, sending hs right to the body. Titan he seat a straight left to t pace, and eharkey replied with a left awing ou the }w. Jeff sent his left to Sharkey'r tnjnred eye, and the ir'Imhman'a optic began to bleed freely. Tom kept bo Ing In with his VOIR, 'iNA Jim Met bins TS106 4,140 straight deft, on the face. Jlm stepped In with a fearful right upper- cut under tin chin, end- repeated 1t tater, The folios et theme two Mows was visible when the bell rang, and The Attacks .on Mr, Tarte, Whenever a more than neurally vir- uient *.4 truceulent assault lis made oh the t.ter of Public Works. it nasty re taken for granted that the al.sallant., have had a new spell of that form of rabies known nm tarto- pholra. its mart striking symptom 1s the atraance of all mouse or reason on the part of thdee afflicted with It. They do not hesitate to falsity facer. and pervert utterances In the mods dk'-Ilt-erate sad conactencelemm manner. They did this with reelect to the Drummond Rahway ; they are doing It now with respect to the Canadian contingent. 4orunntely It is they. from Mr. Tarte. own re- cently published remarks. to put the mutter in lis correct light,. and we this out of justice to h1*, but not with any hops of mention to the epidemic of lunacy. It le per'tatently alleged that Mr. Tarte was opposed to sending Can- adian troops to Mouth Africa. Air a ratter of fact he never uttered a tingle protest agairlmt what has been done. He objected to the proposal to MINI a large force at great expense without 'Ornament being consulted. ami In the objection he ane quite right. The outlay, ail It 11. w111 110 In.rrggwt�--Mr. Tarte pita It at $100.- Of1f1-and at wan .only reasonable on iM, pert 04 the Minister ' of the Crown to say, "If you wish to do more than than. you must get parlha. metltar'y authority for the onto) Had the elov metnent donne as the Op- pndticxn lender and Ilaoilcans say It..houki, they world have leen found .dfhally 'Lenient In denouncing the nnwarrant.t extirpation of the rune breem and discretion of Parliament. and with hatter mama than they rate now urge in wlpport of their fault-ftndiog. The allegations about a split In th. Cabinet over the 'sonny to he adopted may be characterised as pare romanc- ing. There is not a tl$tle of evidlenea In ',rapport of team. On the eontrnry long before the intention to send traits was .pertly announced, the Gov- ernment lind began to melte ready for their equipment and transportation, and had virtually selected the officers ender tbltos.+ooau wand the corps would be sent out etc. Tarte does not appear to have ever offered the dlghalet op- position to all. this. and If he had felt 4e11nM to Comet mob ase sxpeditkwt the last time to do en was when It wee flout pojgated and 'thinned. .LIt the lndl'aLkwe go to Mow that what has been dente ha. met from the first with his nngnaNtleel .pproval, and ha we. quite justified In refusing to go any further without the sante kind of venetian es the British flpvernnhent 1■ reeking from the imperial I'arlalment In special seslon. There is one other obvious" runark to agate 1n U.l. connection , nn pre- vious Cen*dlan Ministry ham ever ven- tured 4o propose to Parliament. to my nothing of .siting without Par- Ileseenter7 aneis 4417. the aendtrtg *1 vnoh an expedition, largely at Cana- dian expense. Tl.la is an entire new deeerture, anti a very siresne one. 1t may be fraught with the Most Int pertnrat nnvsgnenree to both the fltominfon and t.. E:mptrc It Is easy for irresponsible time SST 1111111 and rabid partisans' to find fault, but Min liters responsible for the adihlnl.tre than of public affalre maariteep their Made level. act with onol }figment. land he mos of th.lr grmmi. This Io exactly what iter. Tart. hae baa �Qra,ttng, 'anti fort.sstely bb oolleage.s Tutee taken a eimpar view of Ms etteetIon. in ail this, paMle (minket will folly sustain him and them. - Brantford Szpcitor. The marine Insurance men lost heav- ily In the Root: m on wreak. The hull was Inmred for 5450,000, and the ca ego for 5230.000. Snob w IOU WIN swallow ep a gond lean '-pltls' lawn.. However. not 10 per sent of the marine lefties i ere nil realms fAliesI o fare. do not 'Mow the Memo railways any tenancy when filing deranges for Injnrlee ranged by their rets. A boy who est beth hem ham Men awarded 521,000. and a woman who was Mewed by the .tartiag of the ear ti shw WAS alights bug., h&. bass awarded $12,500. Minch .wdwdirM have • t ssdene.y to rewk. Mud. railway people lees ecmtramtenna 01 \green Ile and limb Rouen 4 -Jeff came out In a crouch- ing attitude, with tlearkey stand- ing erect.. 'Rim trlraI eft and right for the head, but each blow was brooked. Sharkey rushed. sending left for the chest, but Jim blocked elm neatly. Jeffrks stepped in with two rights on the body, and waa caution- ed for wring the sarin blow whits holding a moment later. Sharkey kept up ha rushing, but was met every tiros with Jeffries' right tote* ribs. Round aharkey was the qu!cker on its feet and sent hie left to face, idtlowtng with two rights - to the head at close quarters. Jeffries (-node ed, and as they broke sect his right hard to the wind. Sharkey rushed again, bat Jim met him with another hard right on the Mort rllw. Jeffries landed again In the same spot with a powerful right, and Sharkey clinch- ed. Atter they broke away Sharkey rushed In with a terrlf4c left on the body. but he maned on hla next try and got a left to the face. Roth men exchanged very hard left, on the face. and clomoountered each hard over the beart. Sharkey began rushing t111 he shot, his lett to the face. After the gong sounded Sharkey sent his right to the head and was cautioned. Brady claimed a tool, but atter Slier had talked to O'Rourke he decided not to allow It. Round 6- Sbar ke7 was like a flash with a hard left on the chert, hooked his left hard to Use neck end drove his right wttPtreettnl loree on the kidneys' forcing Jeffries i(, another clinch. Sharkey let his leftier gve for all It was worth on Jo/arbor' cheat, and the big fellow's frame wan jarred from the blew. Jeffries next shot his left to ,tier body and rushed for a clinch. Sharkey bringing his right with a hard pit over the heart. Both men fought fiercely without a let -bp. Sharpey havtAg 41* better of the In. (' ting. This we.. 'Markey'. round. 7--Sharkeywas tarot to land Ns with s right on te neck. Jeff throw- ing ihlm left Mrd to the ',host. A brief spell of sparring anaeed, until Jeffries =they with a right on the body, ar.i es they eeme to a cfteeh Jeffries uppercut hlrn with a tight on the cited.. Tarn sent back a left on the bread and then clinched. Jeff sent right and paf4 to body. and Sharkey rant hack 'ilia hook on the neck. Af- ter another hard right on the body Tom rwwtg bin lett to the hexad and jarred the hotlermaker to hie heels. Sharkey rashed1 and swung hie left to Jeff's head. Jeff clinched hard otnd lay over owl hie man with each fon, that the referee had to keep Shark*. from falling. in the breakaway 01ark.y got ?mewl for Rharkee Tide wax 'another ?mewl Rnuad a J.0f aaunse4 the def.oatve near the tepee in ifs corner. and Tan went to him with a left which wenn .truism the neck. but he shot his dgitt hard to Jaffe ribs. Jeff leetlarn d with a right on 411A OM, sod they ranee to a rough mix-ap, with honnre ween. Jeffries threw lila whole weight qui' fNlwrkey. and then they got Into a eine* wrangle. In which f.ff.4e, hooked his part to Tam's ear. eleedingf It They mined thing. up with fear- ful earf.l force. booth lending heavily o1 neck and hotly. Jeff +eased tired. but mete ft try . next tush with i*Id' asp left pea to the body - Rottnd 9 -Tom rushed ismaln. with Jeff on the 4.1.111'.. TTMn .salted again •tyle Jeff met hint with a ter- ear. Jeff tiles looked at his mooed@ tall wiakaddltwrincie. sad stepping In eitarkey wobbled perceptibly as lip 1800 -June 9 -Bob Flt dmmoua wan. 11 round.; ('0...y Leland Secret - log Club, New Tort. Markey has issit ftghting for aLuut aiz or seven yearn. His beet lights bate been. 18116-Jal 'L8 - " Australian" Col.' Smith, knockout. 7 roma*, ; Vol' Ma. Cal. 1800-.4og. 1M" Silo,' Brown. woe, 2 rounds, Vallejo. Cal. 1.11L4 -1M roe 12 -Alec. (lemmata& draw. 8 mouth; San b'ranolsoo. 1880 --April 16 -Joe ChoypakL won by .tayi60 8 rounds; axe ria to:boo: 1886--J tms 24-J la Corbett. draw, 4 rounds; San Francisco. 1894 -Dec, 2 -Bob )i itslmmoas. won on alleged foul, 8 rounds , Sen Fr eactoo., 18117 --Joos 9 -Peter MObar, draw. 7 rounds (police in erfered) : Stn Fraoclsoo. 1887--Xov. 18 --Jut Goddard, won. 6 rounds; Sen Francisco. 18.18 -March 11 -Joe ChoynakL stop- ped In 8th round and declared draw; San Franetsoo. 1898 -May O-Jfm Jeffries, tort. 20 rounds: San Franclstxr. 1898 -Jutta 29 -Gus RuhItn, won, 1 round; Coney Island. N. Y. 1898 -Nov. 22 -Jim Corbett, wont on foul, 0 rounds; New York: 1899 -Jan. 10 --"Kid" McCoy. knock- out. 10 rounds; New York. ripped left and rights to Tom's Lolly. Tom swung a left wheat lauded fall urn Jim'■ neck. Every blow In this round seemed enough to fell au 01. but Loth men went to their corners anti Idtg. Round 1:1 -Aa usual Sharkey was the quicker on Its feet Jeff then stepped In with it right ou the body, and Sharkey came back with a terrible swing on the neck, which staggered the L•lg fellow. S'utrkey never let up fix a moment In hs attack. and after landing a lett swing on the neck missed a right which was meant for the jaw. Jeffries ducked Tom's left swing for the neck, and the latter, turning com- pletely around, lauded a back -(handed blow cm Jeff.asar. 1t was a pivot blow. and Jeff's secondly -lolled foul. but the referee @soloed not to hear them, and did not even caution /bar: key for the phot. From this to the end of the round "gm was the ag- gressor, with Jeff "eking. Round 14-1linrkey opened with ,rt rush, and was cautioned for holding In a clinch. Slinrkey kept forcing mat ters, and Ina clinch he hooked his left heavy to the head, reeking Jeff. who was still on the defensive. Jeff got his left to the body twice, and Tom Iookrd h1a left to the neck. and }bawl ha left to the face. Jeffries 'shot his right t v the ribs. and Sharkey hooked Ills left to the neck. Tom forced Jeff to the ropes, and with a well -directed left }t, landed full oh Jeff's broth, making the Californian grunt audibly. Sharkey outfought 1111 man In this rand. Round 15 -Jett name up verr eau- toua:y, crouching *tong the ropes. Sharkey bored to end swung hs lett up to chin, and a moment later sect la 'home wttb great torte oil she. body. Jeff tried • rift for the Dee, but Tem got Maude 41. blow and swung :eft twice with fearful effect on Jeffs head and face. Tom kept p:uggeg away with right and .eft, Jeff still scums on the detersive. Jeff, with a ��d lett on the face, &most put Sharkey to the floor, but the latter came beck with lett tool right on face, sp. let Ing Jeff's nose, from which the blood tame M streams. The sada of blood ort Jeff's fame seemed to make a demon of Sharpey, who fought da'r'e:y and rushed continuously.. Round 16 -Jeff got M a tight drive under Tam's heart, and Tom wrtang two lefts to the head. Tont .set a strwlght left to tbe bead and follow- ed up, but the big t.IIuw clinched •nd flay broke away again. Sharkey whipping his loft over to tbe fase, twine drawing blood from Jeers nose and month. Jeff sounternd web a rlwht awing on the gyre, whirl' lett 8barkay's lett optb red with blood. Sharkey rushed again but Jeff side- stepped and alar 111s lett to the body. They were fighting fiercely at elms quarters .4 the M.1. Roend 17--OAinch folios ed ellaeb without monk damage being done, un- to Sharkey forced Jeff tato a neutral o�et where he twat three :arts in .11411! suoet•alon to th. led ..maker's head tied got. noshlehtgg In return JIM named from a chetah end trial to send right to bawd, but Tom waa task} the blow and drove two hard lefts on the Ow. Tem feinted *.1141 111. right, 4414 art,wtag 3.11 to iim mat it straight (rift eiam to tete mark. Jeff onun4red with right on the rank. T1eg fought at aims quart..• till Ms bet] went -Mak to ILL corner. Round 28 -They came tctgethe? with a rush In the centre anti Jeff shot kis rlgbt to the chin. Tom forced Jeff bead back with his left glove ander tie chin. Jim tabbed a straight left to Tam's In juredl eye and Tom clinch ed. After the break Jim jabbed Ma left to tbe sailor' stomach and forced him &cram the ring. Sharks force: Jima head back with his elbow under the jaw. Jim jabbed his left to the .Nora face and staggered him. Sharkey clinched and after to bell rang aeznt labs right over to the bead as the referee was forcing them apart Round 24. Jeff was tea quicker this time and met Sharkey's rush. but he clinched. and after he broke away Tom rent his right over to the neck. Sharkey received a right smash on the ear from Jim. Jeffrtna seemed to be improving (steadily. and as Tito came close to him. Jeff shot his right to Tom'a chin. Sharkey clinched again and after they broke Jim reached the 'valor with a right awing on the ear. Sharkey .1111 kept boring in. bat Jim met him every time with a left or right hook on the hood. and soon made Sharkey groggy. until Sharkeyclinch- ed (rogsently, but Jim kept pushing him off. Tom ru.hed back, but failed to land. and Jim caught him with a right on the }w. Jeff was decidedly the better man. Round 25 -They shook hands good- naturedly. Jim landed cc the }w. They clinched, and in the breakaway Jim hooked his left to Tama ear. the .atlor returning with his right. Tom kept coming to his man. but was met wltn an dill,ercut On the cheat. and a nitnrh followed. Jeff mot his right to the head and left to the body, with Tom iooking three rights back of the Mad. Tont swung Woo right velocity but fell cohort, and Jim hooked his left hard to tea }w, staggering the tailor. In a clinch 'Dorn soleri to the flax, galling Jeffries' left glove with him as he fell. The referee picked np the glove and tried to adjust It on Jeffries' hand. in the meanwhile Shar- key hanketriad to get et the Ck.1110 otan. Jeffriev broke away from the referee as Markey led for him with hie right, and J11111 seat hie rlsbt over Sharkey'a .dtouldld.r The reform" then got tween thein, sod as he did so the brill rang. ending Lha tight, and the re- feree declared Jeffries the winner. RE('ORi)S OF THE BOXERS. Jeffries' waa born In Ohio 24 years. ago,, and ham lived 1n Loa Angela, Cad., since 11e was five years of age IIla re- cosld is an follows .• 1886 --July 2 -Dar. Long knockout, 2 round.: Mai Franc:Woo. 1f19T-A 19-T. VatiBulno lrk, kck- 2 rounds; Ban Francisco. V-- 18 --Henry Raker.kndtekomt e• 9 ; San resection. 1897-Je)7 16 -flus R rah lin, 4eaw. 20 mends ; San Frarrnieen. 1897--Nev, 20. -Joe Choywakt, anew. 20 round. ; San Fraiirbee )8014-F.,, IS -Jo. Oeddlttd. won, 4 rounds- Lee Armoire, (`al. IMO-March-Marchi4--Peter litekvrm. won. 3 rounds ; tiara Frenelme, leen.-Ap,ll 11*--PMn Everett won. 3 round*: San Francesco. i89A May 6• --Toss Sharkey. woe, 20 rowels; Beat Freedom 1899- Aug. 5 -like Armstrong. wont 10 remits Lenox Athietie Club, NOM York. 151LER ON THE FIGHT. New York, Nov. 4. -In an interview to -day Referee George 841m maid: "Jeffries received the declaim ever Sharkey because I thought be had the better of the contest Marker put up • great fl ht, but he was outgenerailed by Jellrlee. The cham- pion fought • clean cut battle. Jet - fries outpoLoted throughcat the fish with the exception ot • few rounds Sharkey at times was aggressive and led often, but many of his blows went wild. Aggressiveness Is not the oat, thing that figures la a contest Sh.rk..r'a blows, which may have ap- peared to land on Jeffries, went w1 of the mark. The champion blocked Sharpey's .ads rep•atadly. Jeffries altogether fought a clever tight, and every blow leaded by Ma was clean cad enactive. Sharkey la his desire to win cosseted to questionable tac- Um It was lbs greatest heavyweight tight I have ever seen, cad I think it w111 be a tomlg time before such an- obhar battle takes piece. Both men showed pmeams and their endur- ance was &lmont marvellous-" fraeaa LEADING WHEAT MA1;E:E'111 Following ars the cluing t'tk.e at important wheat ma4troKto.day: Nhew eYo ork ,,...,.... ,,, $ -- W 744 t 074te MHwambse .. ... ..... 0 OY Elf Loth ..o .. .» - 0 001-2 Toledo . , ." ,,, ...... 0 70 Datrult, red ., -. 0 70 1-2 Detroit, white ,..... ,.. 060 8-4 Duluth, No. 1' North e. ... 066 44 Duluth, No. 1 LOBO MINTO flET1JIINS IT. Won't Ser omvales. Irreg- 1u Ofbof Troops. M1an.&pails ,...., ,....» -- areas sae Protium. Toronto, Out. 4--Fkrur - Outera paten4s, In begs, $8.83 to 08.7s. s:ralghe rollers. 03.85 to soap, Hu.garlan patents,_ 54 ; Manitoba baker., 58 70. all 4 track at 'pt,r onto, Whaot-Onto rio, red and welt., 66o north and west ; goose, tlA Horth and wart; No. 1 Manitoba band, 78%. Toronto. and No. 1 North ern at 75i1c. Oats-WM*0 oats quoted at _si, to 26e wog. Barley -Quoted at 410 fur No. semi; feed barley, 65 to 86c. Rye --Quoted at 52c north and wart Bran -City mills sell bran at $ and shorts at $16, In car lots, 1 0 t, Toronto Buckwheat -Firm ; 48c north a.,,. 50c east. lkrn-Canadian, 86c west. •u.t American 40c ea track here. Oatmeal -Quoted at $8.40 by tile bag. and $8.50 by Use barrel, ,., track et Toronto, la car IOW. Peas -At 56c north and west. fo,r Immediate dMpmest. L.wrtm er Market. Toronto. Nov. 4.-Iteavyvtr of gra and hay were very, Ilgat. but there wav a large market of poultry, but ter and eggs Wheat eater ; 850 bushels add rat the following pricer White at 4144 L. 70e. rad 71e, gage. 150 tauten acid .t 70c. Barley eatjve;--460 beal.rl. s.ed at 481-2 to 45c. Oat, 'toady ; 100 burials add et 31 1-2c. Hay scarce and firm. 5 loads end as $18 to $15 per ton. straw ftrm. at 58.50 to $9 per to.. l)res.d Bor-A few iota sold at 5s.: b re. SA. .par c, . 0111-. 0 71 1-2 0 71 14 0801'4 0tS$4 GOVERNMENT WOULD SEND IT. cliawa. Noy. 4; -Up to this evening the Worriment bad receltel uo mews as to the attitude of the 1m1ierlal Administration in reaped of the offer of an additional ountingeut of Cana- dian troops for the Transvaal. Sir N'Utrld Laurier expected a reply to- day. The Governor-Oeneral has mimed a constitutional point In respect of Lieut. -Cul. James Domvllle'a offer of it Canadian volunteer cavalry reg. went. as w111 be sera by the following antiwar to Lleut.•Col. Doraville's letter to Lord Minto . Sir, -1 am desired by the Governor- General to acknowledge your letter of Nov. 2nd. enclosing n copy of cable- gram he had received trout you. offer- ing a volunteer regiment of cavalry for Imperial service In South Africa. *bleb offer Hid Excellency under Mends you now request elm 40 trans- mit to the Imperial Government 1 am dlr.cte1 to express Itis thanks to you for your patriotic offer. stat 1 also inform you that any such offer trans- mitted by him would useeso rllf amuse the form of an official docu- ment and se eoc11 Hs Excellency cannot we Iola way to forward 1t unless recommended by his Govern- ment I have the honor, to b 10oar lett servant. Harry Graham. cap- tain. A. D. C.. for military Secretary.' Concerning the foregoing letter 81r Wilfrid Rid to -night that the Govern- ment would transmit the offer of Col. Doraville to Lord Minta It M not believed by the Government UAL the mooed offer w111 be accepted by the home authorities. IRISH FARM BOARD. High Hopes of the fleeces. of Co- operative Methods. London, Nov. 5. -The Right lion. Horace Plunkett, 11. P., enters upon Ids new duties as First Vice -President of the new Irish agricultural board with high hopes of the success of the co-operative methods tooter State aus- pices. urpices. He says that be does not believe In the possibility of any enormous development but many subsidiary Industries might be made to prosper among a people with so much deft nese and artletic sense if the State now would step In where the re- sources of voluntary effort have fatted, it1a expected that bitter dlaappolnt- ment w111 arias from the Inability of the department to meat the 'emends made upon ' Ita (hatefully husbanded (maim This, say some Radical }ur- luhls, le only another atte111pt to kill Home Rule by Id/einem. 11AD SHOOTING FATALITY. Youag ('ka.vla, of Tilbury Kest, the V lettm. Comber. (int., Nov. 6.-F. Chauvin, of Tilbury East township, a young man of about 20 years of age. and a school teacher by pro/olden. met with a shocking iocodent Saturday afternoon, He, with two other young men, were to the woods for a day's sport One of tin yo.g men was In the act of loading ha gest *ben the hammer dipped and the gift discharged. The contents entered the leg of Chauvin above the knee. On Bandag ties leg wads amputated, bust the young man (lied while ander the operatlan. The bona of the leg was badly shattered ... -,. Better steady at ait �b% per in, tlm bulk going at shout 23c. Eggs-PFk•s firm. at 20 to 25c psi doaeo, the latter price for strictly naw laid only. Poultry -Deliveries large ; prices M follows: Turkeys 9c to 1le per Its for the bulk. toms 61.11. to Tc per la, ducts 50 110 90c per pair, electors 4() to 75c per pair. Vaal Produce Wholesale, Toronto. Nov. 4t -Halt haled car Iota. per ton. $8.50 to $9. straw, baled. ear iota per too Si to f4.7,o pdy tatInee ear 10tat 135.: bet- ter, chores. tube 17 to 16e; medlars, titbit 18 to lie; dairy, b. rollrt 18 tc1 19c : creamery. Ib. rolls. 22 to Zee ; creamery. hottest 20 to 22e ; egp ,Jteiee, neweield, 17 to 18c ; I.c,oey, psi )b. 9 to 10n; tarkgK per lb. 14 to 1118 ; /sem per lb., 5 to 7e ; dada per pale. 60 to 70c ; ohlckens. per pelt, 40 to 60e, mews Maritsa Liverpool, Nov. 4. -1E.80. -Wheat Nov., spring. Or , Na 1 Cal, (M _ 12.1 to 6a 3d ; reel wbuter, 5s 1(01 corn R 5d , peas, 58 7d; pork, prime wester', bars, 57s Od ; lard. priar western, 27e 6d ; Amesieaa, refuted. 29. Od , tallow, Arertrallea. 27. db . American. good to fine. 24e 6d; be ooe, low clear. light 81s; Wavy. We; abort clear, hoary. 80a cheat. col- ored, 56s; whale. 54a 0d ; wheat Mt; Dore, Elmet Liverpool -Clam -Spot wheat dell; Callfornle, 6. 2 1'-9d to 6s lid; red winter, 5s 10d ; northern wring M. futures quiet; `Doc., ds 10 1- d. March, 5s 11 Fed; May. 6. 11 bed. 't core firm, as 5 1-44. futons quiet Dee.,6 lead; Jany as 6 1-8d; Feb., 8. 5 Sod ; Marek. 8n. 5 1 Ad , May, 8s 5 Ltd. Float, 19s led. London-C1nw-W4.st. number •e( cargoes wafting at creeporea, 3, sr the coast, be'ywn and sellers apart. en paseeir, quieter and hardly any demand. Corn, off 81* coast nothing doing; on passage, easy. COMMERCIAL. Another World's gall 18 11900. The next great ce1ebralIen 1* New York le likely to be held In 1,epten- ber, 1909, end it will be the three hundredth anniversary a the dlexov- ery of the Island of Manhattan by Henry Hudson. The two hundredth anniversary In BA,temeer, 1809, was modestly celebrated by a dinner, hell ander the nni.p4.lM of the New York Hlmtorleal Pioriety. There is already talk that the anniversary bay be eadebratem by a world's fair. Olid Wer Vessels Sold; The old A jaz sod the Pasmte MOM types of the first troweled nail t*116 kt 11,62, have been sold by the ()e+M's- nrent Inc $29.566 and 519,785 rS Se ttvely, which la said to he Imo than the value of the 04c1 Iron. Hath were ppeorehasmd by Ph11atiMpbie 'e'.u* nn. 'rho Merin-, foreter►y the Pedro. rap tared from SU Spanish In 1898, he.xtgbt $65 150, Omagh appraised at emir 1150004 . in enmpllallos A1th a embed *411. Premier of New Yeedand, the ileptel- meet of Marine and Flah.rles *841 Mid to that i'ntorty a muslgnm.et of minion ova. Fallures for the week have been 190 m the Crated States, against 226 last year, end 28 In Canada. against 24 sat Tear. Some further remarkabt. advt�� M the prtoes of Caaedtan Nrpf'tar7 goods attracted mon attention wholesale trade circles this week than any otiose feature of the week's bbl dart These advances range from 1-8 of a cent to one cent per yard. and 1• one or two Iastaneee this week's rise M valu.a maks Nn iz{h advance by 41144 same mltl .Ince Aug. 16th. The September teak statement h In many .raped+ tlts mmt aattdactor! .ter presented for that mouth. The. rote circulation, aa expected. is a re oord one. showing an ezpansloo over August of 55,285.629 sad $6.600.000 over September last year. public 8► podia continue leo l.cr.ass, the II* temher total being $147,861.000. against 0268091.000 In August and 5288.572,000 Inc September IML Tear' Tl.c enhance in oar favor iron 4as banks In Great Britain N $7,294.000. agalrttt 07,581.000 In L.tgnrt sed 09.926,000 In September last 7sss• VISIBLE SUPPLY. Time visible *apply of wheat s tar United States and Canada, together with amount afloat to Europe. Is 75.561.000 Mallets, a decrease sof 401,000 boall.I. far tt40,h� woe k ngvr the total waa 41,080,000 51* or 30,481,00C bushels Ism than at ptiesent time. • of wMnc Tile European vs els *rappl_ Fngllah V 51,A20,f)00 40.1*1a The vslble h,cr44nsed 5)0,000 Irashe) fns t.. ask. The American visible whew sepal' If 61.001.000 ,bushels. age 000 bushels a week ago. and 17,000. 000 Mewls a year ago. The (worn In 64118,711 igl1t Ie 1 .320.000 4uela)a, agalnmt 1 716,00(1 Mshels a week ngn. *rad 23.701.000 bushels a year ago- Terse empty of oata in elilet I. 6,958.000 bm1ML Against st 6,912.000 bushels Wet week end 5.976,000 h1ulrele a year *4ga D�et•.20ber what M th' ChM/411.'1V market a year *50 todaT id rat 65 11-41"., wit), May wheat at M 6'b December corn sok, at 82e., Md May corn t 83 7.1,0, 1`ec*eslw it pork sold at 4)8.* 02, nrith May pork at $0.07• 100'iffi _+�+� hi* a@5� Visit bib tlOpra're>M°t ii ..ale kids title weak. '1+e t.W ww�.e��tlNhr did not appear 1n. Mve he terMesd wish lbs .orttst Wade. Canadian Nano tactors.e are wad- dIhp at maikfn,s erdtr biwealiase te'lt11Doaeaea7 lbs plane trade the Meet Mew a dapsamf. ed rt► "' -ext of p>aae 0n.. prartMmanti I+* abs trade 1." Mr wages the. " 1 year.,. . 8 notAil iy - r - nr�ri'rwl►' felt even lrlard �� c tfdak sn- Pr Ivor/ vi w' At 10" a° WI" r•t nv ▪ r ear• euee sod hemi t° to ▪ b cal aa a4am toole w oar la 'Warn at 4c every lleclmol i 111 drgff wars ell' ono( th Ian▪ 14 a< demi ar ORI( How d1 • t 11 ibe s4 rr duan rp tohcl hat dd �at11M Atkin. h a tenet de0d u' gfaotd ever poo the wee dneadea Man f0J p °Ad "attirlies en'bh sh aill tet the meed ar 4.aatt Lia UI1* ill meg 7. d by t imimmilmenrack 14.:1; srdL1 r M\Nk. hurl tmtnt� tl.11 at a� v t le to b a d1+ry -veva eisarc PO** IOW. Y radii*w !easel bks see am/ se war'4014' 1 ■in. ran se. 4LC0I That Indy 1 +about frame ak b the Nixes :tea: es.ce. It 1 fie h lIve r make Ikea base the Roo year, staleom hear' tweet lad neem the lour F.n tee ma. fait, to a lel A Al. Aur irat et t 1501 b7 acs lard ane be b r W -t I ly ie. M at th di of 41 4 • n 11 1