The Signal, 1899-11-2, Page 8mz� Smith Bro's & Co. 7:STARTING TO -DAY SND For FOUR DAYS All lines reduced for these special days, as we will trove next week to our new store. • Bargains in Millinery, Bargains in Dress Goods, I Mr. Kwlaedy met with • painful *widest Bargains in Jackets, RA1RC..A.S1NTS his furniture to that ol•y. The rest el she tenuity w001 to ioeder e' Me sante Hoe. Mb . Ova►, M Woodstock. le visiting trteade Is ibis Tir.aity. Owes fieiledpe sad Willem Biwdes visited at Rath.'. (aaaaleebw. fiasdatr. Mr. Goethe. el Lowther.. has leveed the McMillan bsmr.tead aid this weak Moiled on $., it. Mine Verges* kat returned to V►beb•m after Iberian visited •t tis home of Thotaa@ Richardson eleLTRORD. Tumour, Out. 10. Fred Iteggise mad Mr. Iavide* paid the village • 0y lag visit &today. Haeallek'e apple barer, Joel' MoAvey, le coding bedews L Hite berg. Mr. sed Mrs Massing, of n mailler,were traosleet visite* here Smola) Eddy Sates and Hugh Nleb0.00 were oaavusing the vilify* this weak. MI.e Stas Ketmedy and her brother, Jack, left Moadsy for Dos Molnse Mho Jostle Header .. wed her brother, Ja►s, waisted t. Srdth'. Hill Wed.«day evening to •then/ a msetisv is tb. ball Dick Jewell Is devilries brick from O'Oos aril's brisk yard for Lis now hos .. Other tame are dnwtaa brtok as tar as Ashfield. Yr, Johnston, of AHissld, and Mr. Sauedersoe, of Y.Kiuop, nus of Mrs D. O'Ocassll, were Maltby at bar r.sidalea the pad wok. 1N �nt's�tiruisliiig s. Bargains in Clothing, Bargains in Staples, Bargains Everywhere. IT WILL PAY YOU TO BUY ON THESE LAST DAYS AT THE OLD STOREI CASH AND ONE PRICE I Smith Bro's & Co. DUNGANNON . lose** wines,. Mr. Toast says, they will Norton- Thslegal agency le Dunganasa tea Tin Sweet. is at the oil* or J. O. Waaq J,P )wave user. to.. who will reo.leser• dent kr .merlons advertising and yyee►� work, and le authorised to give reo.11gie fee entomb paid tea the tome • 1 A. NEWTON, DENTIST, OF LOCK- S -X. sow wMalt Dunngaaaea on tat and Sel ed elder el mostly. All modern nick. oda d exte'ao1Ia( and tilling. and masiot aril - &MI torte Odle., &est dew to Medd'. toiler hop. Hears. r nes. to 6 sea TDnaDAY, Ore. 51. Dr. Cam's little daughter. HI months old. did ea Saturday last and was buried totter day. Tee bereaved onee have oar sincere . Tap•sby. be ebbe to teaks their way easily be she *bare. In hot, a better cl.ss r1 set • le, Maid not be found. •rbey ere ,: ,1 • vegetarians. this beteg a part ut .beet Hili Bion. OH Mosd.y Sense' Sh.ppard,of Colborne ear Nile, met with r asssdeat at kis gate, He woo drivtag .tad .bopped to epos the raft, whoa tee bor.s started, to.stsg ...s of the wheels of the rig to strike bum. A .septit of ribs were broker, but we hope the • tnw00t m•y not prove a sortoon one Year oorreepnpdent made • Mott to Lis - tenni loot week, ..d while tbere eaild up* Freak Sallow*, a former pupil of his, who le 1a busts*. there. Mr. Sallow@ boo a first-ol.se undertaking and toafture *tab. lithesome sod is doing an .rwlloot business. Year oorrespeadeot wee muck pleased to... Ido •ad to *Poe the sigos of prosperity whke surround hum. Mr. Sallow. is a neo et Mrs. Sallow. Ooderloh. AllorHtn OLD ReaIDINT of WAa'ANOe.11 Oohs. -Mrs Joseph lindens•, lately of Wee* Waweaeab, wear St. Helens, passed away w Mdurday, the filet ult, at Brea - dee, Mae. She left here la August to visit her sus 1• Manitoba and Dakota On Fri- day 1••t the remalas were platted bride these of ba late baebud to Dungannon .@me*rry. Mrs Redondo woo bora la Ed - taboret, 800tland, and woo severty four years M age- Over • Quarter of • oe&tary fee she ewe with her late husband to West Wsw•smih from tiro tewnblo .f Whitby, O&tark, scanty. She lanai • family .1 three sons sed five demob** John, of =114:11a is Olay Man., ; Thomas and Daniel, of D.k•1• ; Mrs R. Murray et Lewis. town ship ; Mrs 1) R. Marry and Mn. Wm. Cameras. of West Waw•eath ; Mrs D. N. MAeD.sald, d Relmorn, and Mrs. Ale. Stewart, of St Helios Two brother., %Vm. H.phee, ei Duette, and Geo. Hepburn, of the Delta States, •ad • d@trr, Yrs John Radcliff., of Whitby township, also arses• bor. A Stromlo Duce. -We regret M h* to nosed th@ *dries dews* of John MoCroe. Ire, the of the platoon of West W.waessh, waab book plass ow Friday. °steno 27th. Hs WWI er the way to the preparatory ..r ylee u St. H.lea's Prehyterlan church, s•aomp•stsd by its daughter, Mrs. Heth- etrtegbon a.d just Wore he resoled the theme be took • fainting spell. He woo Weis ham the buggy to 1041 vestry of the ohwh, where** afterward* be breathed kit I.ta- Ti. demised wee own of the beet kaisers maw L West W awanosb. He was . esti* of At0.Lbire, 8e.tland, and had bees • resident of tele o•.0try for fertile,* years. He kept the Belfast hold for • n umber of years and afterwards eog.gd Ip termieg. He had *oohed the ooe of ssvas ty-.isle years. The romain were Interred le St H.1..'e esss•t.ry w Y.ed•p, cod wars followed tblthor by • tarso measures .f bi•ed@sad .egi.toases@. Bre. H.u- miaet s and Mies Imbeds at home ; W. nse •. McC1., clerk of Weser Wawanes►; Jeb., druggist, and Ma (Ur.) Jame, Got dem, of Ripley. as /bo aileron of deoes.d to b. erne... Mra. MoOrenSWa partner to W s dal a few year, ago. CARLOW MoNnoT, Wtober 30. Mr. •ad lira ALi. Y. rimmed lam week from • two m..tM' Meat be North Dakota sad the Cassells Northwest They Ant west M Dakota, whom *.y.psnl three mobs .1 .rw.A. pmd•s over be leather. flitdbba Thor as. epee. throe it.... 1. aasi��y asst Yacht*. Yr. 'Foam say. MWtel. tt the Kepi be grew wham, but Ardrlbl to matelalty le teacblag. H. Mw Moro the best herds .f 'sale he hat over soma H. eat Mr. Oetoies. M. artist 0bek ablewith hi u Yerk M-- el hoed room wheat with hie ...m ties ad mho wish ho tots at ..• al Ms .trratew se Torbas els ales Misted tis Doukhobor mistime* sed soak. Moldy of tams p.ete, Mao are mta.lri.aa, had tad bow% ss .lose Mer . flee otos Of issues pm, Maga 55500 'Wawa wMeisel omits • eltel seats • Mee YIM..dorm._ tea BLUEVALE. Tec tAv, (Rot 31st. Mus Alio. Duff return ed to •e. Clint* Collegiate o. Saturday. Miss Clare Graham, who has .peat the summer with her ester, Yrs. (Dr.l 1' )10. returned to her home in Toronto 'rue.'ty morning. R•... W. J. N set and bride returned home 0o W.do«day .voiding. A reception was *adored them by the oe0grseatwn, an as 000.1 of which will be given nett week. while Hiroshima .t J. Salad's, Feld•y. He was froths so on the elate on • alder. Whits he was sear the top U supped •nd bo fell to tie grimed, striking hu eye os be beadle of • fork and remitter other tai.rw. Hie eye woe at es* attended to and he is n ew. we are sladito toy. progressing favor- ably. Now that the vtll.g. is Hirivlse w1th teeny rodsatrow sad .vsrytbisir le Mania/ . mootb,y, why don't car beaver m.c res that we have the eleotrio It/At her.! 1t would be a great oos.esteass for the stores, hotels, evaporator sed hrswsry, besides the light it would alma t. ped.sura&. )arm ere drtvins ata twit trot err. ape ►p reo doe • ohildreo• the .treats beteg so dark, * Al as there is so moue info through bort .soh • thing Is liable to happen any sight. Asd bake, for thetas*, • young mea ~log hie bate girl hots ; why he L alae in dao ger, oaed.rtag tbme are so many careen ..a pest is term, ..d aim se Many bealgbt- 04 *we sleepiest ea the w.yd* that it is rather Ineos.wleet to him un{.es he oar - ries • sbill.ly. One electric light placed .t su.4 the four Gerson L the metro .1 this village would be seteiert light for 0e. AT THE LAKE FRONT. LANES MONDAY, Out 23. nictitating for this year le sow drawin, to • close. Rev. Mr Miller. of Looholsh, *copied the pulpit here very soeeplt bly on Sunday loot, Mr. Whaley being •beert. Mrs. M. Fisher and goo. Edger. of Grime by, visited here Thanitegivior holidays, the MOSSO of Mrs. Fisher's mother, Mn. Frosts. There died os the 16th that. Patrick Bowler, on. of the oldest pioneers of this township. He was upward of suety year. sl.a ., sod bad always been a eery healthy mea until rbrrtly before bb demise. He leaves • wife rad Targe family,all of whom Fro mottled la the Stater. e funeral er Wednesday woo *roily attendtd. i.EEBURN. MONDAY, Ove. 80th. • Mau Mary %ells r has returned from visiting her eietr N Amberetherg. Mr. and Mn. O'Brien, of Load*. visited the tart.,'. parable, Mr. and Mrs. Foley, fast weak. Yr. sad Mrs 1). Fotheringham, of Took. eremitk were visiting their daughter, Mrs. Ater. H. Cluttos, fee several days Lot week. ()ROACH Norm. -The eoogrsgatioesl boo h eld last Wednesday week for b•skleg up the ohmoh for the winter and repairiug the fence and yard, nus a fair •tM„d.nc,, eerer.l mining *iib their tombs and drawine gravel to be pat is the pard. t;hm•eo le the stove for healing the builder will eras be made. A epeoW oolleotion to meet this expense wi4 be takes op on the ..seed Sunday In this month. Alen on that day the members of the church will mark • bal. Jet for the choice of two new elder to be added to Ib session here. KINGSBRIDGE MONDAY, Oct. 30 .1.Aa,tie, of Hamilton.* ybitingrelativ« •od Meads here. Mr. and Yrs. O'Brian, of Lo•doo, wen visitors is the village last week. Das and Frank McGinty left lust week for the latter's home is Alpe*. Jas. L Dalton and Rd. Well /eft last Thursday for the Sault, where they Inland spending She trimer. At S•. Jo«ph'e (thatch cm Wednesday, ° eber Stith, Hartle Radii, of Mise. «bo, ora united in marriage to Mtn Rasa Wall, daughter of the late Klohard Well The vroom was assisted by 1- Y O'RNlly, and the bride by MM R. (Ylioil. After the nuptial mew th• hrid.l party withdrew to the stmt.. of • wedding march well ree- dwd by the organist, Mies H. Nell., *ad with the many friends and relatives pro - seeded to the bene et the bride, when • aomp5eu wedding dimmer awaited their arrival. Th. day was thoroughly wjnyd by all present •' New hest the los has ban basher, we loses to beeo many mon se* hippy 'vanilla the near f.t ye." PONT ALBBRT , MoWOAT, Oot. 30. MM. Males left belay fora Molt le Sat. torte. isles Hooky M.Ittlll•. L Mottle. mistime . t Rat.11. lira Carts .l palms*, le .Itlwt. at Retry Hsydds Mrs. Ponies, 0 Dsaganser, 1 ao prem.) • gismo at tis Royal. Q4os.4 ogees. et Buser, le ,Mobs isle 10.S. , lbw these. Joke Mwa..w orb. w free 611111416 Ice* Woleslis , .der Thar.d•y revel" When the children aro hungry, what do you give them? Food. Wben thirsty? Water. Now use the same good and what them when Hop #Rd 'mob ser. err•ktag goad Bek log these days. The .ebr. Rolle Hanscom, from Cleveland, with 660 tees of coal for the waterworks, arrived beturd•y evening. • The solo. J. O. Kellage oase is oo Sat urdsy mmoisg ca her way from Job.etan'r Harbor to Chatham. and resumed her trip On Monday merei&g. The.tr. St. Andre will discharge at the" sew elevator for the balanoe of the .caeca, sad the simmer Myles will make reveler tape to Hie Richards* .1-vtor with wheat hum Fort William. .tr. Se. Asdr.w arrived Saturday emralag them rent William with 37,000 b .b.M of wheat tied dtsobarete'1 bar cargo 0 the sew elevator. She Ian. Yard y ,i, rsice for Fe* William whit these awes. y-8ve to* of hay. ' The .tr. Kalkut• tad etlaeeest Prier from ('Moos., with 66,000 baifde el MO the at OKs A., with WON web i .f oorn from the same port. mad eb 'MVO. A•drew with 37,000 Isabela of wheat elm Fort William, are all .zpsoeed 0 IM sew .levator the west. common sora., would you give they are too thin? The best fat -forming food, of course. Somehow you think of Scott's Emulsion at once. For a quarter of a century it has been making thin children, plump; weak child- ren, strong; sick children, healthy. pa eV tie-+. dl draplie eQlTT 0 DO W NI, CMmW..?eremite._. TO ADP*HTf1SlsRS. Notice of changes mast be lett at this Office not later than Saturday noon The Copy for changes must be lett not later than Mon- day noon. O.oal Advertisements aooepted no to noon Wednesday of Imola week. AUCTION SALES. Atl parties their eW MIL prbtd u tbI..foe- will -leave a fres .Kbe tamirsod L the. lint .s to the time of sales FRIDAY, Nov. 10th.-Usreatrvd amities rale of farm .took ad ImpLme.be as toe 3. c0000«ioo 12, W. 1). (:olboree. Stile to oomm.0o. ab 1 d'oleok v.v. Ilan. U. h. WILLIS pr.prINr.ee. ITaue. UONDRT, •.oblen«r. SATCRDAY, Nov. 4th.-Posbpseed emotion, sale of oattle, *beep a•d horses at Ossdry's auction mart oommenoing at 1:30 r a. This eile was postponed from last Satordoy owls( to *favorable weather. Time.. Ilcmoat, asotlaseor. ANNOUNCEMENTS. a To the Farmers The Smith Bros. Co'.. stew store will be finished this week and they expect to eve the begin:tow of Sint week. Uo to Viotorla Restaurant, West mi., or troth eyeters They rsa.he Moe regularly sad ma be depended apes. Fruits, oets• f.eiler.ry, oto. C. Btrc nro,g. oroorietor. Lovers of good comedy will be pleased be hear that that mirth -provoking 5500.4, "Side Treokd," will be prsseatd •t Vic- toria Open House o. Friday, Nov. 3rd. "Side Tracked" is well k.owe see bright, breezy comedy, with esseatlos•1 offsets,.sr' tbiokly istorspersd with catchy saris. wogs, domte, trice and dances ; and is Refs/' Presented by ohs of the stro ens m..lent *mom*. now on the road. Don't miss it Eraeg.11ets Crwtay and Hatter ars bold- ies sueceminl revival meet** .t Stratford NEAR DISEASE is a symptom of Kidney Disuse. A weetkaop)a doctor has said, " I .Iter yet made a post -recuse . aminatbon in a case of death from Heart Diabase with- out finding' the kldo.ys were ntfank." Tb. Kidney medicine which eau brat on the market, most suooeae- fel for Heart D1....s and all Kidney Troubles, ad most widely Imitated L Dodd'. Kidney i illt3 No1i ith-TakeN. On find' after Member 5th all water taken for the ?year 1809 are rine and payable at the collector's of$ee. If not then paid seethes 4 and 5 of tilts Water Rate Bylaws willbe enforced. . W. L NORTON, 10 -fit Collector. of Aoderich, Colborne and neighboring Townships : 1 beg to stmt. that I have bought I I I DE -CARBON STEEL 1 I I Selo of Londe for 'MEW& (J1OWN OF ?u*AeU Nfelt'i UODBRICH. MALE OF LANL* volt TAX 119. I at mem dui liesik ssreassilos erne tweanstk day flee, for of sre q WTI/ ups. rasera of taw • sagas le ass ewes am .ewer 11144:21-11-1411" t1s a •tetr thetharsi eW seed 47sa I>so obs,.tttae. w. ihs w$ma Mere eaatMedt_. E 17 emu. Lst Pt el Let P, l[ I t .5 ,set. or 1 1113 .,POI NTS 3111 In FAVOR Or the Harness business lately carried on by Mr. Dowding on H•miibon at., ander intend enlarging my stock of liar Sill. - ness, Robes, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Fur Coats sad all kinds of bone - clothing for the fall trade. You're Another 1 Customer who wants Boots and Shorts, and W (t it t s them ^cod, as well as reasonable in price. 0.11 .ad see no before yen buy -your nett pair, just to see the prise s, which we are selling our stook. - We wish to call special attention to our Shoes ter Children learning to watt or haviti4 weak ankles. They have six floe spring steel supporta fore esklea They are the latest improvement and byhly resn.readpd by .11 who have tried thee. Price only 8bo. per pair ; turd 50 be Imported from Ow United Slates and sold frog) $1.50 to $2.00 per par. We have ipiolal values in Girls' and Boys' School, Shoes, give good wear, pnoea ranging from 75c. to $1.16 per pair. �ar.nttxnd to We clan show you an elegant range of Lodi..' and Gentlemen's Flee Goods, all the newest shapes. Prices from $4.25 to $4. Mrs vales at $1.85 per pair. Worth fully Mo. more now. Repairing neatly dose. P. T. F -i ___S, North side of the Square, Deierieh. THE CASH SHOE DEALER MONEY'S MONEY Repairing will be carried on as us- 00 ere 1414 gwsetsed mei le were ual and good work guaranteed. Irl. They w.I 1•st • lifetime. Art root sass 1e r n -„•,m than ter Ishrtor Mr. Dowdingwill remain with me 85..., ase are g0ra elle neve aa. third tor, tmbs beites amid radiate own hear flan until the spring. �J A•�p�,. tsa�la the market. 1 eaden'. H( (we•e- ham:) aloes c om& w pois.y ew ter4101Dar Wages Al. aiewetev. which I. fully guar*- ** tatr e - Mw the mesh .41.4..5, soomiwlo•1, itur- .•.pvoof sad iealtatut he•tiat devise 1t 1:e yourself hefty yes teethe For Pt. b ea, tsersese. Tea• wrepkeiis and neve guess. se•er- YIUTORIA OPERA ROM ! ONE NIGHT Tuesday,Nerr THIRD APPEARANCE LYOEUM COMPANY "HAMLET" PRINCE OF DENMARK. The Most Superb amid Cwtly Preduotioo be America. Siztees Po.pls is the Cast. Magsisas.l Centimes All the Lathe Mecha.tcal .sots and Seamy of the Period. Hear Edeaard D'O,. sod Mss Herts,. Sown. Van %.Ie, the two abbot Shakeep.rim Actors os the A m.etoso Oo&Ii•ert. amours Isar en.tap new. ea there are only • few bet glomi o.n to urdday att Porter's. la 8al o'clock Bal PRICES, 25, 35 A 50o. VIOTOBIA OPERA HOUSE, A... sCAUSI S CMPAHII in the Great Logh.Provokitag Su000ne "Side Tracled „y - FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3, Wow -sting the rvmic aide of lite on the rail. Lathint Boom Only ! A Comedo with Th>7111ij Sitaatiou ! Stattliat Sensational Edgsts ! Aed rprm.l reenter seossertle., 1 rlad- rr p • c, n.p.ny of Cm►ot. Ppsoi.l y Pm Iomit 5., ;neatening the {sleet catchy mm's, *mg., Jeete, trim. medley., donee' and ?tire features, ere0 5.5 foe Nat and furious. NEW' 0001)8 FOR UJTSau4 OYIRCOLTS REAOT-NADE CLOTHING CHEAP Yy oma make. call and see them. =sold M yard or made up In the West T>Dmutes Q.&SH- H. DUNLOP, Nett Hut of Matreal ooderfek. L F. BARLO HOLIES keepseeratentty o,, hard era 11,1116enser promptly at the LOWEST PRICES FOR 01811 Hard and Soft Mal, Portland Gement, Hydraulic Lime, Sewer Pipe, Fire Brio Fire Olay, eta. • Noah die K erre stre.t, rne41F'.sts K r• UMW 11.0. FILSINCER,1Osr.erWo.t-st. •el Sgmsse HELLO ! THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALWAYS ON HAND ?HB Hlnfr Scraiitoll Bald Ccs Df TSB MAYCBT Ail coal soma 00 the luster vatic, where you gotwip su.tea a tee. WM. LEE. Orden taft •t LDS is IUPLia7 Stere promptly Weeded to. While baying • RANGE why not get the beet 1 A Happy Thought OR Souvenir. They are handsome, economical and perfect bakers. Fee our Radiant Home AZJD Souvenir Heaters. A GUARANTEE with every Hove. LEE& SREPHARD L BBOKZR & MYERS, UMW: ani Graduate of Msesashaestte Col- kino of ltabaltdsg. OPPif ilo11t iNIY0?. AT_ 11WDB- .10 ..Mese MOM. eie{ig/es,. F. BARLOW NOLNES. Ike Rist Essig fiat it la "The Slpal." NONE Ell FSR FAMILIESbss W w..t eta riiss��r�i . nes "i 1 Any man who wears the J. D. King Co.'s Stab Prof Rubbers makes money -money that will jingle in his pocket, Search the world over and you Owi11 find nothing better than Stub Q at pivot Rubbers, because C4;) C'e.9 there is nothing better. Any progressive dealer can tell you all about StithProof, it •not, write to the J. D. King Co., and they will tell you. You can't afford to be without them, became they are the best. See that Shfi "etch Proof' ia mace= on the bottom of Idiot . 'leas 1:'): NTNG' W., l imiteli, Toronto Montreal Winnipeg. MILLINERY. AT R. BSinith Dry Goods Co. (1188 DONAGH, Dederick -- HEAD 51ILL1NER8: MIES H. HARRISON, paagennou (MINS .0. ROBERTS, Oestio.th. r, n DIEB' Ordd ad Nally 6aady-b-W,. 9a1;. You can safely determine the oorrot styles is beedwes if you visit our Millineryrtmee � because reflect whatever the leading millinery ventres have pronossoed fashion able and stylish. Our oolleotioos in the three busy plains of business surpass all previous efforts. The goods are here for your pleasure, fres for year rogriC- I ion, and to buy if you wish. Come and sus on SATURDAY, or at your eer'i•.1 moronism*. THE R. B. SMITH DRY C000S CO. GODHSIGH, DUNOANNOIN. dUAPORTH. .1 no f a A'k )4 P iP �" lee' elf • a: .` YOUNG LADIES ONLY. waitftaalW.tcl,has Ina •IIP , a�,og a Diteter Mir Writing Cask r h. felembefew Foretc. hose. of highly t ietem 4 TOUT eerd fair premien SOA inssttrructiona, Yaw 1Rdiw� forms tae 811 them o ps/ ussd ss enter . ST. JOHN SOAP CO., 10. VT. 54048Mgt01 etre "The Sigoal" to tsl of Jaouar;, 1901, fa $1.1^ THREE BOOKS -- Of POETRY WORTII REAMING " Songs of the Settlement MrStN' ()tiler Poses," by I'Hotus 75c. "ThNAB O'HAa.N, ok4h.... e an with the Ire awl (Whig Pampa,' Ay Sewn, 0ARas►d. 11.11 " The Inhibin M"i Oths FI.eeh-ot.diaa Po..• I�ft M by Ws. HtarRT DRRflrplrp,.....P� THE ABOVE PRIDES ARE ATRIOTLY OAAH. We have bees appointed sole agiataI for the . L. E. Waterman Fe- untain Pen, wntbeat deebt the beet Fountain Pen in the world. Pride $1,60, We err also *Oeste for M Ths Wolin Posatnia Pea," n.queetienably the hese °beep ]vestals Pen Pried $1.26 ; the larger sem $1.60. PORTERS BOOKSTORE Our Telephone is No. 100 S. Court House .quilts, ()pewee,