The Signal, 1899-11-2, Page 7T WATI•A AATta he awtam and Kae %&.thy. (a bath given to the hands only, or ), place a handful es ordinarily filled r ordinarily alt to dis• I action by atirrltst�g The water ZM l ve vitality to witk. I, *the the entire A ace and neck if the alit -star. . B. Warman in the -net. hook an rKlrl. Lays the eft In i to the skis a In that amply at- e and troub:e Is. Likewinter It Will Mitr`iativei of co&k ■hatitgte for tact 11I800TBSI. I to Microbic L4 - in 'Treatment of IakBsbwl fn,•t this on cause of thrust 1. and W cur" that is mie+olrs mastlia Itow the forvw of hentsel,es. . ha v- hewn trod, al o'auusnts , bat rad ineffectual le - reach the affected Investigation into ,conn to microbic life lsmlflr for all Mr awl rwep:ratury or arm i:fe, called Co. a Ibluhl quickly pleasant nod INW- a carrioi by stakes - %ho inhaler and re• sythltag eta the rick the pine woOdt s lr tnvalkW in til on Inhaler) thr ffa•et very n e affeetied inrtAde "hie life and Other Wasson of the nasal A& oa ly •s a stimulant n of the threat, ad brow-WAl tab@& m and'Lhe affected r: ,kly restored to a d slogwo aa1 per via as Irrltabbi a. Aahima. Catarrh &A. %02onn is .d 14 i be urarriet in Ymr his rend at any t'ee C•&mvbobxuo Is a mad it never falls to e the moil chroa'r loo at all drugirlsM to say addre w Hand N. C. F null A Co.. Sox 514. Klnflrton. outfit. set of (lead. that the av-W the deserts of AfrIM fort' float, IMt Is tvs p$*. s*ttfsl. lotting shirts, s rats eOmplo-kant Iter siris are pretty liaY LINDS -.1N-- uwty, Wisronmin. uses from orunrrM. "a Vs. would 111.. be am 1 Itis wA vraaer. h ra t6 - = •.41 dewy of 14101. to its s• µss so •:ria rear nf womb mm- unr , wit _ht sw.0 ml•e w iiIII 1• OY'E ' $1iC4p' 11 - Y WLR;,, 14 d ., b:, : A ,1. It .-, - 'BRITISH COYYOHs THE S.-�BMYEKTI�#l. -- had, bowever. Bmas pliantly aoIIisv• BOKKII AKB Dl6CUURAU6D. Ing W FoernVit. Scouts those report ail and our hnfa•iry began W (ell ,shat tIIr Bowe u• euawptr&tiag HAWN BATTLE hack 'rills movsmtat was savored by is Level Cematry Asdbllsiioa Only OW00sl us tae-RhodeBr "h�`eer IS PRflRO�UBD, D cavalry. NpOs 0l IM troop." had W Altersative to lietnaat. wish IZLMM - crwr open gt'iAtad Wwan1 tw eentre' 1'irtetrmAr1U;kkW1& Oat. b0. - After NO INT►LKYILREN(:K. Hon, S. H. Blake Addresses pnd while mD ware raked I fourwmn days' Lixadon of Natal, the _ I will, It dreavy i1r�. 1'hr retlremont Bter, oncupy virtually ww-luurih of pr, yds Tblsls the #locos Must Sunday School Teachers. AT LADYSMITHit war. LorLoer• .lf�et*d wlWtout dhmx ilw ouluory, lilolaldiag itro Imlro►L&nt Bt.�N sae. ear ur III' loft. Our batterisr wets tome anal am handled Milan of rail- he ' Radicals Iecuse Chamberlain l guL into �a�I141b to rewtlje the with- Parts, Uvt• 8U• -T lehu tor. 1rri+ Il - drawaI of etiss arms Irani 160'-sMt T7wy -Nttvs airs .,,,feed ,men published an ItLt*rvtew with Dr. of the, THE TORONTO EMONSTRATION. severew and Iasi two tlm0nraad then flus d she tion, but fila fortunate ere- the nya11a1 repr++er+tP d the structhexo of tis eenemy`r Long Tum In killed and wounded. South African blic lu Barupn Of 118r@pPeB@IltatlODt Galt, Oct. 16.-'ent last, day • . Iiele&aed dvlUan 11:rrs tow belief that the de- - J4Lh annual auelveatlun of the flab y h and Boers Meet 1n a Pitched twhhdurai rnah.tevlma uan eaar,. p+ I.rev ` whoa=pre.rd t, -n .f Ontario Ills musah 111nhan aaorlt the rryad The drive battle vI Lhe Mar would utcur bath t3cIIoo1 Aa�°fa ii QQ BOILKB' HILAVI, A'I"fAt•K. touvul t µ.roads Lb* at I aQysmltafh. He said that. allwough was opened rich rnotatug at file Osn- L7attle• etraupy'r •Ot ++"'t CAa do n4*UOI wlWt Wm Buera, Fun'p• HE DEFENDS HIS C008SK teal Prwb,taslaa f hotel. At t► rt w Olw butt and they are Doe ��raihlt%19 were thea o'clock the opening p.alar and hymn severeCaSsaltes Wbes the Advance lex=4 wouldrtatlul/erfeself they ilfs4 Kettlewell. lsattallors Noll Bock. much use these. defeated, -at lea"• not for the Pro- were led of -�-- _ __- _ __ They are b"laalag W "&LLM %"t I» air- Tho bu,slaess easa60ted of • coater- Ladysmlth, Oct. S0. -The Activa (At a level Donut.; Ilke the Free8ta&o "� Thi war Do 4ualloa' _orlon armed W le prcxue•1Lad µoust Mtid&c- the ctil0• altras:nfivar W re4r•eat are serted, of inepatLloa, b7 Uermauy In flare out !moduli, Note Juet ae enc � ar�dut� � x were E MILES L ES Wrh when T 15 Do&eludl 1nLery w, Ur. Lwrydt YO Iwwrenoe cad Kr. B. Lawrence �► eNE M Y DRIVEN BACK T H R E µ-i the enemy tu11, ase, th aFwrwk State e � t�. Tratrvsal had id corm utrs - du the p:e 00111irm lro , In Ings nthmlwrr, with field gutty. In case, the -Foes State tofu• vretb µes-dlo� with Fnttoe suit Uermauy fle bot it. ducted the oonterenoe. LILT• A. W. e Maxims and 87 mil lmetre guna. t.g+uo threatened from, tf» mouth or waA tut It�ylttg a cable W the oou4twu4 Wright, B. A., of Galt, ;gosh up�o�o� W develop u heavy attack on Col. the Boars crow to NakU d would require 'Or were about to Wrml+taW ruo- "What Our Youa Paop-e Do •"' -`- - Orlmwood's Infantry. The cavalry a week to re" BIoB¢tlo+,teln- Our calsfull when tlm war broke Out. a Know Abaft this �lblw" kir. (I. IL w y brigade had muve,l up uu their right. troops nein onnfhdsnt and elated. T $QiLBa FAIRE POWIM 10T105, Lee road fshro repent of aa•ua. es<aads- wo British BattoIlions and a Battery of A�illery i"ainl the parallel ridge over against The Klltles Hurt Tbelp Most. :14- &IIJI"�led eke susoessfal Cul. UrLmwoW's Ie.wltion, unit pructl Buhler &s Cape Town. crtlly noting u Infantry. In IVa mean- Landon onbio : The Dally News' studsats wit dlp.omaok• Fo'dento: , Missing.Loud..,, pct• 81.-A degr►Wh from Durrompoudm,t at Ladysmith says that itpeaker flakes Lloyd George 'fake • it" o! the auecesmfd stndenU: time our batteries kept down the etbtge Cape Tuwtt announces toe arrival Inhe visited Los Iiuer VrlrutmM stud Baek r tttatemeat- Tie Queen's FIRBT YNAIL gut, tiro upon Ladywulth with sbrup- Table Bay or We Duttottor Carte lata Chatted with Oen. Jan Kook. who ly New Tea Brown, S. L. Shut 0- . -_--_.-_-_ rml• last evening, with Oen. Bir Redvws bndly wounded lu the thigh and Speech A Good Word for filo His• L. E. M. Brawn, H1ms J. B. At 9 ti clock there wtemed to be a zt rlioo tier. Oen Kuok'a two brothers g g Brown, Him tile M. Edwards, Hew LOSS 100 -BOERS LOSE HEAVILY lull amour reser.tm muted up. Let mud- Buller and his staff, who nye expect Itoldferr %L'6o Are Ft btis for the IRITISH it Woe en n rmtrtlt reopened as the to Land this morning. Ttrey will meet and 111, naphow 1'ldllp are also wound- Empire fa South Africa. Emla. Les' Y K K whin a tremenduus ovation in Cape e4 and they, toy are prtouem The Train Miss E. G. Clark Mile- C. I. on our right brought further ,ham slay member a( the family plsreat at London, Oct Y7. -The third resdlug Row:oY. J. W. Crane, 1Llr Kather7n r ------ - artillery W bear. Cul. Grimwood. who. It is rel,urted from 1'retorls that LOO the (fight sod ar:pacounted for N n E. Burritt. with the three advance hattalluns, had the British wounds I from Dundee of the appropriation t sy M the oda In Actiong n fell Artillery Were Stronger held the ridge for fly hours, Budd my •%sit iwa . obs reported judge In the r the New TeeL>veKi and K. Thlbau Hiss Ura of the Nara) Eris luhve nrrl,ed there. and hove been fur Trttr.yvad. He y r�Iorted to his Int --House of Commons to> -day ge ! G. �(, Whits, Mla L. Y. 'Ib1llaudesa, It With toss of (leas -Hopes tell book acmes Woe open upon our ndrlheol accx,mm(x1&tlons In We etnte iu` crit is rupparect W ore dead ,'sand oppertunity for jturthek' attaeb on Mia F. N. Martin, Miss H. L. Tblbau- Ibas Brilrh-iia f#rite Btarepsded, gouts. Tine 53rd Buttery prucklly •m -tenni buildings aun,daat l ieannar, for -et Dartart, and Lhe Government's war 00110. I. Mir. des u, Mia Winifred Race, J. B Germ, for the Misslag hila•try--Bears' Clever Strategy - Brftlah Withdrew pushed forward W cover UtLt with --- Cornet Cover were killed Nearly lilt In G•vin Brown Clark, Radical, former- Miss A'Iw Hutlburh Ulm G L• drawal. Severe camalitles occurret at Rhudea W the Troops. . the lest stand made by the Boers Baker, Miss Ida Baynar, George W. to Camp--A•Otblr entlik expected ---Buller at Cape Town --Boers tills phase. .y Consul-Getmral of the Transvaal. Ferguson, Wan B. Davis, J• A. Jack - Cape 'Cows, Oct. 30.-A deslratch wee lilt before they rurven:Admct accused the Secretary of State for so- M]es M. E. Swan, Kis" Rhoda plscoutv.gsd. cross fire of rifles and quick -firing from Kimtwrley buys that Cecil Itbutlw 1'hlilp Kash told the uwrre_po 16- the Co.onbs, Mr. Jos. Chamberlain, of rin tend. (let gp,-�LYns War Office Gl000esten. Lbs sctmme was boll guns until tine Infantry were clear. compllmeat.od her tran(e after ere that they .offend most fn,m Lim "tsof Wishing an emasculated version of WWOND YEAAR- the Ilcrer Fra-chue BI.1, paned b, X. Addy, maOalreld the tdlow(ng de- d"v+r"f• but ,&tied hi execution out- Tlto teams of the two guns were ,lam .secant fight there. He old If Wuete Qiera In little skfrtu, Iaalf Motu ural Lith Pun p:d 'Ibsinment-MLs M. Idol bol W tilt that that the [Saer� po age"l and the hatter, eventually ro- wen tr►e men whom the Boers wuuW ethos," auesrdns the l:udfl 1 til the Vo-karsad. B H. Millard M� from Can. WWW dated -1.80 slLuar whish format our objective tared. made-up tp6rup hiring seat t, like to cnpi,ure it war himself, but he kut:dera Thear nIp suffered fnne the ]fr. Chamberlain tartly ropudl- 1(1ms Ls:lsabeth Young, was evowhich extricate the two guns. The cavalry, felt perfectly safe lit Kimberley. Cb` �rgewo` the Lan capturtIll any d vm'rltred the ated this. He said the bl:l was publish- Kyo H. Mc D. Young. '• t bars, VX- Opo urWl{ery quickly redwood the remaining unsupported, were forced to St exact: as received from Secretary Tr:eaing-Mys E. G. Roxana, Nork, Hr& "I OSP ii all the ,.cools All brims to be Conjecture. other dsJ Prove W be Lhow that w nolo SW to Ifskts. CIIar:es Roble,, Miss Roza -s No -Kia• 04 oro otrligatarry garrL.aru before vol rw of the e-omyr tow bot the to�ti el m a general roil taken from Jtamebnir r&Idarw t 1 L a raatntaln Latter,. statek delivered on our right fink London, Oct 80 -The de,gxitch W the Arthur Rail. the Dally roll I rva ve- ber f Bowies, Con- M. A 'penal ,tend Training oribor - 0woms' i.ss. was to principal cats, and the ootas,s an Lrutysmit°. The guns, which had Ag,celated Yeas from Ludyrmlth Lhir aorre�londtut at Lad7owt1l. anc�ritlee referred member for Lynn Regia• M. A. o, Deis. C- Iiurltm Mtw- r irteb 1•'armlwrs. and tihe Glu.i.:eae- w] w charge. The Bose been worm ig file Devonshire Redo- morning, ,cinch was sent tit express She great difficulty which the BrittiIt referred to ttfrr heavy mlLd s feat M. Lone, Red. Cr ]etas E• H• 0 , W tyke up & puAgion uu the hills, baa coatpel went, stoutly coverer] the ttml with- rates, carne through lu the remark- bmd lu dkouverins the Boer# among before the Government, and said be Maddock, M:ne E. L. Crowe. Mia S. 1 cies. my Wt flank. Tine t,w,e &&tack batt been silenced for a UAW, druwal. This enemy did not Press. utile time of two hours. It stows Air Preaat, Mine M. Hudson, loss M. .orad at 11 c:,:loeh k. Tile nvan- and our Infantry advanced, oovated tow rafts at Rietf,ntela W the Brlt- faaresd the toren µswans would take Penroid, Mbar M• I& and durlrhg taros night tlrinR by cavalry. but showed themselves k1 their post- grlsis which the present stage of the Ith ahs ieI, which IY:l" the veldt. advantage of rest Britain's dlffl- E. Mills. Mia Is biter, of iallo tAampeded with 'The enemy now began Wdeve]op a tion. in great numbers, only t) find war operat-loof has reachrd, and %hat vAncli:r eloddt of inx,ke. ou Ston& All the great s an attempt ere. •z- W. LAtle. uKlm M. L BrowncMine E. hes of We guns. wb:t& however. I 1 bee,y counter-attack, and an terry that Wm naval brigade from the Lhe expected attack ou Ladysmith by Gen. Jan Kock, who was bad:l possess It Powerful Lad arrived. Two quick. the jetnt Boer forcer her .,ms•ood. wounded in the thigh and ahou_der, sept Austria,' he asserted, hated Campbell, E. R. J. Forster• E• E• IIs W rexrver. 1%00 two battaL'oos + Ilse W groat numerical etsiperfer 7 s were lit once laced In aid that the advance of this Boers un- was opened live tot yet !s{ttm" bat are *z• General White �rvada&l slihdrawa flpradihr.1. undw cover of apredoubt. tl is M,wr,lti R,isurppiem hi thme.+�l der Comm•ndadt Pisano without guns Urli[r Britain. George. Radical. member L afternoon suasion rend th:r evto with object of out- for the Carm,arvua District, dso.sred with an asides by Rev. W. R. CrabE ord "1 detailed ter brigade dlride•r of Thu mu.omtxtL was carried wR with and In five rounds the, ■ilwar t the ated freer despatch with fife informal- was siftsµ 7 ' slit stain d e live a diva �on of I gtea►t steadiness and dettberationan- etmmY's 40-pocnder_ yjlmt the Boer .{.ells were chiefly Ling the ri L'way, and that this body lbs offers d the Tran had been clunk• M. A.. PHr• sPA" Of l of BThe Baa Idsd k/ earn!.,. it•dK I =cover d our guns. which made d recce t ut file station. a -A tat nw was subsequeatiy reinforced with- misraprsanted. whereupon 1Lr. Cham- Lad1e+' Cdl�e• dolitry' a tip• der excellentcove practice. our. LANCERS FF.HINF.D RETREAT. da -.ago was .iris uP W the time the out Gen. Joubert's orders. Goa. bet:ain, jumped up and protested, hath School Teacher to Relation to s& t'renok• ta•ttrek a Pol�� shells were ,crown WW the - message from L)drbnn was furwardod. Vt:joon accompanying them• and the Speaker, M.r. WUllam Court Cbar&eter Building." al tatesaey yesterday metedt- 1 ti 41} They Pluckily Rode Acrua the That the baq Ifuns o! the Boers Acro. to soother cor n- Guay, intervened. Mr. Lloyd then THE CLOSIIII AUDRI:Bf�F�. town from the enemy pce+r>ss+ d�n� rasps withdrew him expression regarding Tbo eveniag rbaA-o was opened by I Lipa evaeaat" at a range of over 6.000 ,arab. but Enemy's Front. from which em aapch was expected. dent. the Boars may that Geo Kock -Ne found Wm t1o'd dol u 1-- • tetrv4:e of snug, atter which Mr. u our foto• w attseWd with cos• fro damage was done Ladysmith, Oct. 30. -.in Ind,icislve should bo sileseed w ati from Lady- earls the battle read his Bible u.id The eorsiomt ane Chert surpentlad untl �riext Lnv►rooes bade an lmPreeMve Mar,hW v,l�Or y what, I bNUve .saes lasted trPd m ear dd@ several roaxtaaiaance oaurred ivda7• (:ea• elected to the despatch pn for inertvictory. int nth la a Matter of great surprise; J LuineoL Boers are not yR uc.ock In the afternoon. When Lite farewell W the delegates. are (lent lurk 'i"-,tVAvps .':w SA'r1iE4eQ7 h+tewewri Y1fhh6s-sAeauLwd a�rsttca :( I.i)e . , ..- "sum. All�fetl the Qu.emoir speech TIM !lost.. t was Row. Re>#ek w many gad Iced rtbvw•d lot greet casualties estimated at from W td before daybreak (Movulay) with all but ire 'YQmaiiii eat ateoatstad i �. correspondent was read. awl Par:latnent war prcr John•.oa. D. v. �l t AlldriewllClm�r- ' ,it.Dere. I lop- Its goer Iasis must have the available forces from Ladysmith. Burgher forty m .the British :eft One Elands Lague cd with the weal foxrmlltlea The ezooecisd this Lata►. (:AUDI shows tis attackers were in expresses the belief that the British rogt, Loatdo-, who delivered an ezoelleot our troop, mate all is &ctJnA. mud largely r-ovkrg toward Tents 1nyoaL Two ne wa dismayed there and were ,it Iswer Beers than might have Queen's speech follows: �ro,a upon ,'Tho Teacher's Person- a I" Aimk1 Lhe meal back neveral I The it was adntirsfrly deitv'ered brigade, wore under Cok,nele Ian f led M Lords wit lientemen,-I nm liu,.tllWn and Iiuwnrd. end another sill full of the same sett-confldenne boon expected. eooddertag file heavy 7 a}lty Belo» His PaPtis" ds:, ln.t did Do% saeaeed is reaching i b7 aur R cad the Hoses we" and daring obs, have elready exhlh- tore d %he British aril levy. happy W be able W rolessa you of the Hot. It H• BLaha. Q. O.. d Toro -W. Y l,agor. fairly vin out W lime of their with Gem. Archlbaki Hunter went toward Bulwrut, while two regiment+. lted un varlow oceaalons. The bu.let d the Boer Masser, It ezceptbeuti duties which have been delivered the ritual &ddree• his o ,,,: loaner ah animated at be- I stea0ghulds near Lombm,rd'r lop. It, wound imposed upon you by the ezlsetwls % being --The Teacher'. PsraotNl sae. till arml 100. ball ,bow of the was not pOndbtr, however, to push guided by Major Adday, marched on A BIG 8TR. GGLE COMING- appsaruamm,ttarsc.ean honitbl gees I our extreme kft b�yand the old L Before Ooo1." ler• Blake apsA•d rviue- taw, no,t have boos Mush v tare ccem point much broker Apparently. this Bavrs have con- alters It passes out. boon operations of iI b��atulete. your on the brU- w�tI a reference W Iiautk Afrb•r s ]-fe of our guns appearing I ridge affording ever, kind of oat• twzgP. cenurated for a supreme effort at for extractio- have been nooeasarl Ibhnt qualities which have been db• saying that he wished the amoDd&tlaa Ibrur& The Boers were found to be In Ldyamlth. They have withdrawn at the Ladysmith hOOLta.. played by the brave regiment" upon could carry peace Into that country. ,ft -. bolas V action gave hours oral cover. Of this the otreml' tet great rotes nt all Pvbhfa tbeer forces from other Points which M; ut a' Hospital 8hlp. whom the task of repelling the Inver- Though he' oouid not flad fault with wit ,baps, and they r'• the tallest adv►nLags AAhough we bad seven batteries of they eonalder, momeutarl:y. to be of q p aloft of my Bout, Atriono cdonlm has ova to their canton- Our shells fatted to dislodge the artillery, thelr fire tailed satkml to any rt% which et might give to the Boers. an,d as our tafantry moved for- 7 .ea import ace. The ease wltII wblob L.urofun cabb : Lsd, andolPb 1.M -n laid. In d4lnZ so I cannot but amVlre,, ,et ehoenetlmes It needed more oto• draw out the enemy, untL the Fifth they reorganized the German corps Ckurehi:l presided yesterday at a exprow 'm, pretound morrow that so courage W remain ba1,LDd to bear the "fbe Mss ate In great numbers, ward In extended orlry they nam" L-ews p-ucklly rode across Lhe which was &;most aunlhllated al gaasWng d American women In I.on- many �Ilant ottltxn and soldiers burden., or home lite than W go awa7 AdtiwUi range farther than under a heavy and well-dlreefa- rtfle enemy's front and feigned a retreat. ,Elands laegte, and Goa. Lucas Yey- doe, organtsed to raise funds to wgdD ehcwld have fallen In the,performance with the boys. Returning W his fire, the effects d whichwe" soon They then commenced a flank at- ki11 ar (ieW erns co.umn shattered at Taloa 1, a hospita: ship for `nuth African of their dot,. ,abject. he aid that what the world -t now have some naval Comb apparent. tack, and l: so developed that Col. show how great aro the recupenUve waters. An a Lar Lunda was is "Gentlemen of the Howe of (Jam• wanted wen a true PeIPSOrk lt,. arlrh have temporat'lly silencied.and Oeneml White, who was with the Hamilton had to relaforee our right powers , and thxir tertLdty sued, in whit 11 is stated that K is mss. -I acrknowledge witl, grntltudlr WEDNESDAY'S EVENINWS SESSION. I Sops twaty dominate, ventre, owing that %be tracgo m the wick three batteries and the Corston propoad despatch immediately e Z para• of resource. The perseverance W deep• the IlCeret rfaltx1s ,o» hares made No enemy's bast been µplits attb whish he right were somewhat pro+ d.xmt to Hlgh ander. and Devonshire Itegl- file Boers have shown W transporting .liable hai"Li ship fatly equipped to defray tile arta+ (A the military �h. Jams Totglg. of Galt. opera tdlthg the &own ata their assistance the whole osathod• sent and the Maacbeater Reglmeet Posting a •,leers in S�euth Africa. Inst erenhlgs setslon fe had beenln Ing of er Al thootand yard,&'* utmn witµ theezoept" of the iLevuM henvy g poolee and ting It ,u •_one- occo s*dles• stores and s for provisions to 7 Ps Toronto � the atLetnoOn std Wilkie -t at lntetva:s. Our artillery flea rnnnding, posltkmr has (orceJ a .mlr•n- aeooaaaodate 400 paffeofa tar three Ly Isis dud Gerntlemen,-I Lofts, of ypstroopa chaa i front, and a severe artMery tkui W their enemies Uaten toe pre months, with a staff of four do^tors, that the divine blesslntq limy rest upon witnessed %be dePartu.e MET Bi1TIMH STKATKOY. The batt.e had Chas lasted tour due on -ed, the guns generous:y sup- sent attack is m"r+iy a feint W rive nurses and forty non- hex the TrArwoode ul descrl in T - hours, during which tae Arti.lery fire stn the reluforeing tufantr as your effort, crit those of m1 gallant yneaW, the wexaderlat soente M To rash' Alertaees Probably SpeUeid on beta sldem had hies- Almost laces- Do g 7 ucctrPy the BrItW, wlnlh lbw iuv0oferr done, officers effA and arder:lea. 'Co carry army to restore peace and goal Nov- ronto's attest+. A granite, sight tbey advanced. Two batteries ro- aro outLlrtg Orr communictutiou -tit t►is into effect the sum of tM1,000 wrnment to that tion of my empire, re ire White's Plea. Mn'' me tried in action against the IZ- ward, the (rattle which opened this wlll his required which will Mow to and to vindicate the honor of this he in was probably v never wlLram- Tae nava: brigade which era load- pounders. and the quid -firers of the deelds the issue of the be rained within a fortnight. sed le Tbrode> His v of the son- Lotnion, Oct. al. -This news d &his ad at Durban had arrived ou the okceas oova: coutln t acme tato notion morning may in the ulu"t co"intry." test were decidedly patriotic, sad. gen aur, ae far as fighting n gemsnf. &t L&dyseltb that toward the sad of fila fight, and The eneml bad field pieces, machine is maIrerned. as, unless the LfL.000 or War Notes. ---- -' though Im was a man of pesos. Ise his bsltbap.btie last evs•ulg ht the brought their heavy guns into P:aJ• un and 100 -pounder. According W the latest scow-%oN Ilevexl that the Dssssn of an offist&l dspatoi from Tbelr practos was inagnifloent. At g ds. ::O,OtN) Boen wta,ut Lndysmlth are TO RELIEVE INDIA'M FAa11NK. tsar', • bu � a that the N'b►tw ty llrttiM aoemandsr the fourth shot the rnemJ'a loot,- (Len. Whlte In the afternoon wkh- 81,14. to desir,y the lL.000 British t e first bn.ttle at Ulen-oe Lite Boer drew his forces upo- Ladysmith. The there, the can hardly hoPr W cOPe army amounted W 7,000 mea. and Viceroy W Make an Important As• cause for which our sword" had Imes , was regetwed with eo"sidemble pounders bad been knocked out o[ use It ,' nouncement. 0nsbeattled was one ,,µ13n whish we vluga Tbste was so much action. The town Is now, tberefors asses o- the Boer ■lite were consider- with Oen. Boiler's army •+ores; About noon another many, almost ar The audf• t was obviously Sasaid. and what treed -from ap roIt nah,n Of bombard- ab:s may his expected Lhe Boers will re Inose. cors'•. Commandant tie -coal &irrrls, Oct Y7. -At the next meet- mist, ask Ood'r blensfttK. pp The troops were back In Ldysmtth won W %Ihe attack ort Ladysmith. Joubert. advanced within 8.000 Ing of the Vicerega. Council It is shoo. sar>< "God Have the Queen" with ruW ass AID ••aailseaet4sl thax• Mont Throughout the engagement b two Wetock In the afternoon. The are I-Atoff. so long '`" t enthtnmlMm at the clrte6r. C. dwrps%oh read .snob 11ka AD &1001' the Boers herd their ground with cour- J rafter have yards T Boor came and filen re• expected that Lord Curzon me make Mr. for fallwo in Wb" everyt4tuhg • end tonneLty, and considering the gesualtMa caused bJ the sham,s at- tdmey have a gun In position and men tired. The Hoer Iewes were very an Important announosmeat In C r• s, oaf remarks v. A. t y laVau of .tae tldhery were not avers. The mous- ort;lid to face tine British. for &hPY leavy-quite 800. connection with the famine. Crews, or Taranto. was the next r W su1 appne must have d out d sa ery [Ire, the, � iter. Ht, wore were bass- hrtannos was IappwsrSust& moat have anffered meveisl,. feta batter) w the :eft reported mutt he fully cognisant that Lheaev►m .Cps FrhglWt-born residents M `lpu- The GovornmeDt is prepared to spec iLe ta, tr th&t two {stns,=y hint- stages of the Lhat It had suffered through a stain- will bring thousands make loans W the native Statem&Pro- aeon the Leat. "Take Heed tato 7'hy• During the op,d of their suoces wl lane. Wash., at a ,seting decided self and Thy Dootr!"e." L. werb u0&000aured for at the n14 Peds Ot ma ea ter svmpatlhlsers and adventurers to to raise $1,000 for the benefit of bably fifty lakha will be required for Lth„pdaAgs, and fight Iattacbed mlne,t to the senLte Our artLlery, cavalry• mounted in- this purpose A% title ooectulalen of Mr. Crows' w drmpa co.umn. We marched out before dawn, their ,rtCndnnt. the oldown end orphans „i the Brit- OP"web the Premident read a telegram t tine wake bad st•�d°d, >iv tan%rl, and o difficult t circumstances- behaved CAVALRY EFFECTIVE- rrh soldiers killed In the Soubsuth Abedfri. In Ajmere Merwera an ezpendlturo y known wM/w will& .1n Indufl- and atter covering three t>rl:em, halted spl*ndid:, l& dl[Hcult circumrtaeoe& of one and a quarter :akha of rupees from l ft -mm old Otter In ,'hely &- under a kopje, w await developments. Dr. Jameson and Ar John Wlllough- Tjtp active operationssho of the last can war. Those present subscribed fps telegram sent t him a the m,a uluuuer of xomataln giros, were In the attack on the right Lhe [ttst by arrived to -dry, end were specie- few days have "flown caveolat ander 1400. has been sa.secs a, end over seventy sactation, wishing the Canadian can• IJ eumpsrssrsd Oeoetal shot was [ltel at 5.20 A.M. Lt came lin oondttiots armed wlW lotlg Irltbmsn. heeded b7 the Governor thottand peraowm ars s:road, emp.o,- ,�„�nt godspeed. The text of the . u n inguiss bailee %bat the ua from l ombard'a lop. • :oft, emin- fora to the cellon. mode in an e0tlrolf new si Natal, have decided W Present ed on the, relief works y wit : Ever aD many thanks th 8 blab wlaiuh Ise had lrelrn .ansae we&poe` the Royal Irish and Dublin Fu.alliers I- 'tbe Central Provinces wzpendi- un-u 1, would it" him ua ,been shoe rWng some five ml es W the east THE NAN(AL BRIGADE. ,,girt, proving totem able W wort as with m illuminated address In r000g- Lure to the extent of ten :akhs of for )°ut kind etches, which are law til: enemy* heavy ar e-lat- of Ladysmith' Infantry, both alone and In eo-)unc• nittort of tbelr gallant chs Bt rel, s�p reclated by all." Batary after battery went into sc- Timely Arrival of flack Tore at tion with foot soldiers• Those env- K age rupees has ilea a-cL10Ded, and Ur. Hatrtsort Lhe new Prwsldent ,kith ,L is hNesred err -siert ue l'nu• ,loo •ad adua.11 the enemy's Ilrs i.sA •w S nlrymprh have shown theins"Ivan able Glencoe. This is construed as ev1- •oaaa to the amount of three ands baa often introduced to the oonven- a gale whih_ah adn►ttgdty wPt' slackened. !tilt Deal, Lwo hoar net a s to IrONi Intnntr7 "14iMns against dance 0t Rood fait. In a garter here quarter laklu• while the local pro- h, rants 1V tW 1leitlaf-fess'afore arU10el.Led. gramme ovldes for relief works em-' I. iv lmtte'r tmatbtfuelstl i�rt is shot b! van was retained, are when I,nofyemtith, Natal, Oct.Oat. 30, 1L.50 mounted ktfantr,, which. u-d"r pre- 8 Dr Hha+ Margaret (Dote Brown. of arrived this mous,d Int nt At esmterdel s meeting or the coal- a M Bnf[ttlo, war the rezL speaker. Her •.meuted now by Lko wy 8" t6• Long Tom, the wake our soldiers had P m. --'thio naval brigade they would have mittei of t� massae Chamber of people g or three [our months. d taoaa- given to Boer 40 pounder, hurled mortttng at x.80, aDd has just core- while tine people for three mo -the. air, mul.0d now & uSUMIFk10'+iesa►tsR been forOwl to roltnqulelr : ThA on tm fore budget a subjet t was: : ,'Choices and Thl"lr Cas- a aheil, which we followed witb and minced firing with six quick -firing Sego• foreign K" n the onnjaub over sixty thou wtuw%ka from W. sialadaird"i w s. With great The Boer uaocWal ass"►elt on Eland, I.sagtR rtweNntdon was adopted arging the and persons ait&,,Pow employed on evening The B. Jacobs. of the Ons eyes, toward the town of Lady- gsa wee kxd by dismounted cavalry• Government to otter to fns -late be• file relief works, while [our rollwa, eveenhig was Mr. B. Jacobs. 0( Ch1• sPOud.mt. Thiesdo*-&•baabdw Smith. 40 pounders. tow had again' begun CIVILIAN SURGEONS. tween the Transvaal and Great cago. His sVth was. "The lM k the raspt}nuuimuuu,a ill have. rre,iently the entemy's horsemen to al I tit• town. were temporarily schemes love been anoLln-ed ason of the Ooh century to SOndn►y 1, it taoikjL ml,y "iti.rved •ts par- were ,sere dieemlrht oa s Idll to our disabled at the third and fifth re- Anottmr eminent dvlllan. Dr. I -reef Britain. tamftw ret:tet measures. wood. La ordinary W Iguatbu has been caused In North Bombay tort, thousand a"" I Work," welch, In aim w.s ALIS so tn1004 [u• :u It a r rouuat ports. Btialt fighting Ie In ptar�Yvss an crick Treves. nergeo" f trent ind he sal-, mlgII% be called "advance." hit have bassJf a at A'ia,;I, moo" left' tthaYe�reA riming cor left the Fight and left flanks. the Dake d York an d surgeon of the by the aanoano•ment that Dr. Haft• mesh are now snip sled on the•tellmt t um nus messy hod out dr/orate. they mcapird � LIm ,crab i.oncxln. Oct- al. -it Iv believed that Loodon Hospital. has been appolnted ten, a member of the Cape House works, and the eonstrtictim of two .tank, are v►ese hic�ah hry IN MKMORY OF DR. ROLPH. Me 6i:g:lrh gcnerrl's park. IL is also and trees They ,elite watch tIm Wrn the naval tlrtgwde wfdcb arrived yes- Dorr,tulLta� surgeon with the troop+ in of Atisgmubl,, with s party of as raAwa,s has been alaaetioned, while _ h.wu uuw Liha% file .ua of the Brit AI everom In Safety and •welt their today (Monday) t Ladyam'.th root youth AMca. He rLarts Immediately- atetants, L going W the Transvaal other projects are contemplated. Proposal to Erect • Monument Over Y a o*serZli ntf ever it a etI)gnow heir .kits of a handrvrl btern from the Brit The throe inwardness of thew appoint. to do ambulance work. It is suspect- The programme of the Bombay Gov- His Grove. It u unmgraed here that the naval t.snoeA Coward Kaffir real ander a Ido crulsor I'hihxnel. with some of mento seems to he the renog111tlon h ad that fee will give Information to erntnent provides employment for us referred to were six Inch gnlck IdHo-k, and tense they Kraal a tho Fhdiomei'm 4.7 -Inch quick-tlrinx the authotritlev that the senior mill- the stent,, pearl a tatalou People for three A boat of to late Hoa Dr. John from oxo of tie crnlokat(] oft orders sat to the s shot anti fish ggeuna, with 8 range of 10'000 yards, tor,' ,nedtcat office" are, behind the It is reported from both hamburg montlia. W AVIV has r"cmtly been placed In the tarbun, "nit that the ecru lse"soft (lilrhg 8 45 Poxtnd shell. The Mt- timet, and. as to letter would txn and idTeta that Brltlsh rocrtt}ti� d At the end of the µ.seat month Museum of the Fidvcatbrt Depart. Y were Halted upon. Wont was lost is probably ore odder It infirm, dig to a►li in consul- deers are busy engaging German nn- the Viceroy programs to make a series usent in thin city. Dr. Rotplh was one Awu.t,d 06 %ln•tr dock muuatng& Only when volleys were heard on the eco iistln of sax 'L 1-'J Inch muzzle- tation Junior officers. more eonvers der-otftoers for service in 80016 of rLvate tours In the affooted of the most eaetg'at•b Wild abhewb of iL,ae Kau, &oourdin_ to the news• �r orad flank dd they dhow the g Wce, the diffi- Il<, ..,rrespo•dasrt, were first with ., of resLlemstman. Tile sound ict'-e end brigade males. not with beenModern Pcsc Afrloa, arena, attended -ca by •see»tart' the Reformers during when shit "mean lextvt "fi• The naval brlNsohs manWrottod Is cam- catty Iraq been ovwroome by the wV- O,asrsl White, ctrmwanding the end Otho aside -ole -carry. 11y some&ot" dais. when this meant dont prsciefe•, and they gaicklY of tbim rlrlvlg, feeble though It pored of units from the "POw"rrul," lntr-ent of elvlllans at An enormous ____ tt47etTO the Beers' 4i0-poundtt, which assterd mritlsfled an that the ObW ern Arlt4sb trrxeppss M Hatay telegraphs s grant struggle for year op sttog- orert QroppMg ppjsoW,es 1n%i� scoters sena- Irtah Fes111sn wets at "Termible." "PhllOmel." snit other vas. ,deet.. the WaT 0[tise that the Boer :casco A Rt;0178MAN ROMANCE. 1<le ns often apparently hopeless as Iadiantn The s,aval brigade sola wart, and that them was - UnAh st of the navy at Durban. art. Dundee were 500 kL:led and wound- It was thankless. Balt atter many g Rumor of 9urrerder. wit Three at the enemy's guns' were Passenger Marries the 01.1 He Twice years It ineoaght About responsf aayy arrl.s.] in tib nick of time, a -d hon the atny of a chaster to the"" The Old Flag. ,holed whit chaAcbsfktio wmdr%nea ttwlkxw after this tvtampd" d th" Berlin. Oct. SQ -A .sport teoeltho diem ed Raves. bole government a Canada, to t fi :e erred from Durban Wr Redvws Buller. according to a harp from HO11and am" that the Sm , B n-MuWtillto has tslhe Royal she ours her presen0 proud ftrlon, I.atb's�tb raosnlala battery mDles. ith has oar- , owlhpleT, Ont., Oct. 2T. --Tie wreck- as at Once practically w self M H.:ko In the meaming, and nhout Mr (i*4 hHe. Sir Arsl:lba}- Hun- ePnctal oot•r,sspo md"nt tet the Fall Brttl4h army at I a�sm ro new to Col, Sure -Murdoch, of the Ro al H y gK bore boson Inter had their guns officers watched Mall Gaset%* Look out with him Woe Mrtdered, &nd that the troops • The wife of Genera.. Kock has ar- Ing of te� Scotmman On the coast of bog natkm, s.nd a Most; {oral Part of Lor, tadlmd t atafl 10110 of war: rived at Lmtl,famtth under a f ag of H!Ilo Gla an the tmwvttng of 8eptem• the great Atlttah Ens r*. - rosntcd and votiing. the ds t#M arWller7 at mane flaagg that his caroled to the µ.ler, `- truce to chars bar wounded haaband her 'LL'nal wam the means of creating Dr. Rolph was also Me founder of } p�Ise of Trnaav,ial Ill 1881 tux' the pat-poss of F1rInit on a Boer Lrager. A:d obs unwounded Boer prisoners a romans.. Among the passengers on medical eedwatbn in OMarla and STORY OR TIiK BATTLE, a res �t(on of Gersetsl W illik 's plaum. h o4trOn t over Pretoria. lint whir h for Soon atlas ¢ o'olook messengers be- various reasons was not utilboed. He ' i,onikm, Oct. 80.-A War Officeds- have been sent, to Durban to pow- the steamers wore Henry Swarts,a an &bier or vnrrw enslow teacher DrivA Three Miles irrois gas W arrtvo v10 new*'tbett the proposer What it "hall float Over Fre- ssppatch from Cape Town. dated Oct. von', cat attemyot at rescue. German, bound for the UnitedStat" coned not be. Hb rentatru fb in ltelsbheeflwg NRls. right exelusrn nend-'+d eupq)rt• Tim toric on this oaraskon. %Nth, aye : " An &rsersti tmbL un The nape has sent w message of nrrl Fillth Davis, a young EnglLfi Mount Pleasant c�the wt. It as lad flour, Itatts►l1eln of the Gordon II IgM o oleo Llewsil7n, sa within 1.900 s,mpaxh, to Lad Symons, whose hos- lad,, en irluste for Hesitater, Ont ,eL, p "tache to mark the spot. It has Jsmith. Oct. eq. 6 p.wm The ad -ante its " ynnis d tlr linea Iwager, three head dkd We�Aeods, et Dundee, llurlrtg tiro Lerrlbbe soeerue which beech "aggested that it would be • r been was made at eiawA ,shin Lbe tettdst,a then She Manchester Rev- The reliov►tng•- wf e»mmar, Milos son calved of ('r000xlile i?o0rt. The Nataa from the effect of woundw re followed the wtweking Of the boat grsoefat and well deserved Ltlbat6b jrct od shelling the Bosse from the mento � %ban the Rifle dirt calved as the batt:• of Glencoe. Rwarta saved Mine Davis' life twice F� rimnexy for hila friends sill 11v Ion wl,tero ,eatbrday, they bait who h" left the train for Lire battle► of the events d ImI1Ort&nco from the Hoare base driven In their borsch on Che a anatlon of the alts ed Borer at Woe risk of losing his own. Instead ing &monµ, the Ofd Reformers, and ted w somber est aa. (u eased ft" ,,rare abut to Ito amml"tann4 on- ,•tion d e ultittrwtuah to th' a.prPOWb of UW train. Threw ttV. g MI onil fila Qevotuhir• 1teslttleet. s I Maxim belle war" drObar"d into dsaMere at Dundee appears to M of going on to the t3tatws LIm gal. the Rtwst nmrber ex medical cites the p that • tion 0t tht toira ; Al- las oerman ac slxet. bam►OtAa, i, was Toned At •las Road infantry. 1%mmade17, pct. ]0%h.-Fresld"wt Kra. tee Hoes, whisk m eat h&vra.bad cool• to ooertpaitisd Moab Davy altered over Canada and the 1 that' had aA pes4tWs thou h warned b iia be- fn s -t1 to4okorrow, At t ter. whom he escheated. tO smd krlt{eh stn a -,.case, and i waM left with • mtdersbie loss TAq Oui. rued ton g htriJ 7 1 TV fkN rbbty►Nh here atYmetwm. [are hr reWiuseheat, ewttbwd to ono lock, tit" Ilfe which fm talo" is sash. r p lora for this ppnrpos0. so blovetne rt iib a es -ria• rmitr'e columna Thutwday. 12tit-Bond* Oaptare sflosm, wi'.h ra, attest. Ool. shimilewo carry aeha&, and thirty d thea• were saved will. by the holy bonds of weed• that n meAsst, ywb approprla,e mama t a cb&ag" in the OV train At Kracoan. outpaws bas bad srreral akftmMbee nee to fortis, may' woes Pst+oslvMgjas I amt arlaottsd etho4 before lite Bawre dreovored who. lock, be mhlted to his eaottl o1s&Lih want might mart the d nips* whsrelhr ann • rahµ. hYr haihtg • aeutlone was to program. nt n Many' 16th--§ooawmtn( sort on the conandib R1vW. Fres fat•' LM beth doth part. dost Ile& With the Manchealteta�ettlmw flow Msleltllag biter eadvloss It was /aarlesd that 7�re r nO Mesh sews from. the Dr. (I*Ikle, dons of Trinity Kwdleal 11 M Shout d .beam Arils utltisatrr ander the British ward %hi• Mgkt liestda7 16th -Suets ey.ter Y berg. I.Mv►erllyrh • traht returnedto western Irotlthur. Tito mases are anal A Whoolmes Killed. Cattails-, To r.,":o, acoul.l Ir: glad b tish forty was dispose- of was Wkg@ *0 in re- 20th -Howe (WeX near chuft one hundinrl collas north atwe h the to lowing older: e�somy's atsempt to turn '• Offlct&I "arse of hill" Nufekbag. LMWr:; n is all t•%. working at LilAdber, where thele that the 1"treba f th coot to ng 0,1 the right -Three retLmmA of wase sent y ,nips. ere prwrhnns •sea to Last nlOs ���to. Robinson.Oct. SO -While FA- that tix A•abt aR thaw 0 sending I 7DIs.Wikko --raba omen"& Coot Rhodes has aboustedsad ward son. of No. 40 Ann street, taiets� srMMWy canYd out -Marl our flank. "'&try. flair ballpim, of the Moyal t�ralr while 1 t " fatly equipped a town gasrd of 400 a fohng man employed at McL.augh• and re. altld Artillery, sand five Ii&tltallgikse>R� to w$polt 1, fsatlesday. 21st-H-een Anr"&trsl wi K.feklaN Safe. - the Dublin ii'slilisrs� two batt:alkmm {asdp I,aagts� - tombs, Obt. 80.-Tbe icon, trews son ant a east. of '!6.000. link a &*rated water factory. was try' ei Wo alxtMb RBka, "a Liverpool $'tlwdday, ibtb-Sorra d"fealel at from UM -sabre Ito • t- ape ,Corn adv from Ladysmith lvbeeling crown Jartris street at TSO THiO VITKON CLOoR1tD. tae eentve-Three baitteriis at t aya}�h* LeImsslerohirM were slq tr arur•d .�� M , this .nor. M collided with s wagoA •t ibyal F141 ArtlilMy. two raltb l� ip t rh* effects of the RMS 7 tress from wine. t ernl Tula m re- _ rooters. - O" of cavalry. am "I Mraatry, i�ssateMtlR ripe• fire. Tttatday, Pith- BtftW "oars&." Itia.M to Llw hit >�atstts[ trots tine pMma• the 11Nrs misllsd ==a togo 4fnas�s north. Robinson was Rleetfeg Ire Makes lbw River Navr- them- 1Mr"1ns ane Glencoe and HbwbatI" to hi♦ ♦&wwl , who* the Rd- Violently tgsttea Ussath. fhi�ib1e TIM as&ra7 es11vely, nnlpwerl Throsday. 24th- r#rco"saf01 I -ML bNfIM. Oat liwdee•Porwa�l a d"ap•rob thrown •: Lly to t6* gevrotW and Ot Ilse IMt-?U 1 Iritis Friel- talose alsltanfltI along tie r'it """ that from* �isberiw kllltmf." tvs s s heitiM, snstainM a severe wound On the head. t ittles Wash.. bot. DO. -One otos M&dkbm, " Dns g r e rad&V b reswmWe men. Brod and thrum passtbgeea �ttsM la tine ,map d nor 9"n1" Wednesday, 2nth-Boers wnlar Dart. y1SW towns" k� p t which pro -WI ooneaaitln oil the t from Daw- =AIM. Md fes 1 bsyeA"" gave n" nn a rlvl- n d bis bwppy, 1h6 Boers then n he water- p• � h I tltmq ,room %Ione to tees" as dee Simi smalm e. M mid. peoote, fe find their Wasbrnt,fait fol b" ( am �LensraW 1�� Ra ilio. am Lynn cam parts, oroet had been daraUtd to tea"it to )m1µ of their nam• til had lMwh oppc+r 1 1CItart��i� 26th�-(iso. Yash's oars.tat. obs lore riehrrk hit • )aOs boar isrevi. ranches hsaslryeedtb I�FRfh MENACE RIIGDFJIiA. esvtaf hears ptvvtmsaty. but died twenty musts alter, old- b 7nab►day oe file strlatagrij Alla bi, t d the sn "rh 28th--imwath M (kVMrAi A ti"epatab trOm Fort 7`014 for W111isw Va baa ptrebah [at- mis lim. An Inquest has bun ordered. s� ef.ye ,soles tif�F. h s AS tM) It"tgit Tharwlay, (kir I( �• hits'" plan of Apermum the 80606 was elnwvgt salol• warded during tit" eveanb►g d Oat •I1, btjanA as 1kratbeoA•, N. W. T., Ston Naves a WWO anti od child. �' r'�tvwd &t �agsy trove as slat, as Lhe m0rweat-a+mkrp- Above Lim twrtM of the modtot1'y �s"'d BittMslay, ERtla dt British 94th, sneooeaae filo,, BlaokMtr&s S h being %haws eat oL a fig. Daw"rrt and Latwesead60N rMIfIN ss .11 hoe form nr>rrrtWrMs� our 0s4tr*' eeaM fe" irawral the thud Of the Max. toer!n stoves Oct tt+am smith W taus", In Lb" mklrehlh at Rboxls' J The DNtsabemhr Ba•tL a social or- Dods" flat elver of tkb W40 dispttud ass t e0fer d 1mm Sad Wit hanging of tha ,Irick•fir• t L fs from Mos Dr11%, k111eA twelve lkfbrr A Kaffir 'l'h" •ateeeesasat r ids _fit pflb•dpt/ of O•asaAs at Ottrwt►. by TsOsna band 0aatbd, tk1► tki�ls Mei • ' b almnat rbram rlRlak tt�aat alNt I)Ut ilttnin 8mrtlatiamr stay rslrotbt %hat tiaKby rlttra tloelb Ihaee r ro b eals6&tslas *f �S Yire ,hw snit wLte&m. eMhtM Ik rarer *'f' whish mswlltbawbl, &dcMc esuµµ•. ~� b °f�alss a aorpaA�y tm liartY+aMNy 18 %ht ked worms+ >r d'r O. & = blfaat and be a�k hbed unifier b this gated Anne Massie tAtoar lf/yt aprw ,,kcal M til« tOtffi"oitiM our tt1"n had to 04111- > attach no v►elta Iy G ria ascan. Dnp {� j�N �/ eentrtla or tM o. d. r. o. for 06OLMOw . whits ,ilia M!► ► tw 1r- 4rodslaa►.. at the aoagnnanlsraaDa _ flat•, � d bb �h�ll�s w' 1M,sM1' bf iha ab fha Thr pin pass - - . . - >? • -.