The Signal, 1899-11-2, Page 6_.
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et.4ajc:' .•- ,..a , «,-�`.,.. , t er -,,� �r a,'t"h';, r - . ",
. . , .
-alar-•.- `rasa. ,,.. W".
- - - ---�_
-� T W N BATT l E
bis'i.t nil. ►.aa• 1a seder" and tae-�Dgat-►oohlwg wefts& law \YMAT Tall sAats IIII<iLflliaa-, mug ft "
R �� DBA
z w1hi • aalemtt• arra o gjrta tful him hoML kw. b7 (hapset t bad ark oke �OlaTH BUG �O why It Ww Chosen rs the 1Lmble- - ---
wahicrD •atopigied aY who e&yesdsd ►iss p�m>� meq. wlw had nn rp __ -
A DA U(i ti T E R F CAIN i �Rrlad hi ihdtt distal Illssss. tTa; fat Lastt,I& ..stn $Rlatif pt rsrtoa,
JBe ta*A that M.w�Md G+ D. "6• et- rasa M tt T' T LA D'
tr, a taw o[ • rl." a Thel'o Won't M A 4 �� j,�jl Ln aDt�lwt m� NLolatJ ttr. e.gio wan' A
bad ad 1% vitiate be wt7 gt s �f believed to eatery the taints d thr �l�cate N
sad.�.� the atroagntst. Das- "Hour �1a Y' Usorele An"OuY 4'"w d mg to their •bods on Mount
—+�_ thea ell f�bl , and wbaae�� Mound, aJ.neL breatbhssly. for Dlat►efip LO Stand on. y
had bdgrll. laved sad lowed !la for BetwMa tA�Aae ani lona' I should (Sympus. and , wits e• gl - - --
whlrt M Dad erase lar tlhsq Natgbt jU+dae. Y[M t1�a�" tM dealt ,tab". bird of foto Toa eagle uses '���i ��� - -
A Novel Ot the Present Day. atrosUrnsri. peshtpw p•.. ay aM mark re�ardlyg A I¢4� AllUverthel%waatry DlabetarUlieltt; dint Lakwt Y • soba ut ?Wal.
big e•atlag phase, and t7rras lase DL NNoo,, DW- blew of thein'- he im- VaAquI=by Dodd'• Yldaey Pills wee D' iter aatdsatt ICtrusares,,.,�w�
�daY%�.�.Q.' �✓p .a'• 1 commory seven witlda their hearts. turned, wbl'w could with �iflloulty -This Ti •rood. of a Req 9ewrv��e. la �. • �ro� Is 'hey dO pot. •pd lain n d Boers Meet I n
!3o flail l•td hbs tas�eid and aiangMd conte of Dia at. This Ttae - $ls Cane IteQulrsa W xtsoded Poised ua LDe an thin to ieular of h a
t ;lajisd izo the resat u andllMd it I b� is a brr'el elerR 1N Che Maeusic 1f this shwAd indeed wove tom Tuyo 1Doser Baxa. of the r. w�!ii'!R a thunderbult t g They '�IS Q
A dagger sibah Of 'sad•es. o" am - in e • wwCd tall wn D•a- toy spear' eat enough, ul bee thin sad Batt I e -
sis rase at this, nsd he did not make 7 fjlatalgrtl, •rid Dteteree d Dis bis trienda trYfarH.'! afyN gU-Howrsysr IL Ir Dead h► Lts c1awL wtyl t►dapted to
av%w ba entered the rftm-.,sud there aleaira, la aWglt big too, tate stims"y standard b be bold at Y PPe Y
r j� ees t thi for a moment ur two it rtem+iaed, ydti: treat sdi!lertns fa. °ems liar soutb►iK uedoas vrbio► could sans trees ilea jegister tri see e. The a ar airl well, T
At 6e said: ttmflty bu the wt�gm sed alteation Drd Act married teat beta Yranuisoo d the solus of tbx 6sad d tMlr tat/oso bb the ut have no strength. You
W�t� rhes cense and carried It away, believe w11i Chia► be was sicirn-if the report that tbe ckl:d of j%dt
.. t,lak some chew. would be well the hhwR it was all that way, red d I marded bl them y uses, ag tw begwD to bilious, �� � �Btes, 1L Romans. AL tide U1 n • Cannot say they are reap
lar Dote Tar rad ""hay : health I his toe durum ripen eartty tit ear .irD,llt.ssresophasus d ad died wag pe a>rpe Dlabetar woken este r<...,k.tlt.t.. lot LM r Y DRIVEN BACK T H
tlllakc lbs stated your he+llh de � dd a talar o•o,--wlNt a life wRiun in How- til a wM aCk, slid s0 y0Y Cali them �'1 M
` g+ewalls, D..ri s his aaRss an age, vele elIa1si�l�MI thnwgleokss scat ecus A fMw•bsadrA Mal Iry,
i1, assess it. Yau, have been losing flesh \\Irvr (1•og'otY Muss mar came forth :tali the wants, "Be aL0 ready," ase" Moat s lite wuufd trwDs-
agwii hr assumed lila usual meaner, y�e Ilwvgae Mj. Rho wolitraeted adopted DJ lshs bysnatb» mpesors dellCtLe.
eeestantIy, and you will break down arxl weir nbput hip curtomnry duL►em tea tine sent wD•rw 4• slaps. Yire nposl l>s very. M �; Brlget'e •s a gmbol of t]lste control 01 What can be done for them?
entirety unless you bo,gin to mend The mit, atefativet) who followed bite liths several epmratr ha okkald Dot, Dieaagl weNef g{ Np+r hkpoll by bkUk the east sad rho eget
rl w th Itie habitual faithfulness and t"�: were ib eroiaW bin wife, oo;koct hie thoughts su[lfbiontly to list go �pa� �i� And some ut The doodle-bmdW eagle o[ treads Dur anlwer In flit scale that
♦ sacs. Brat ht will not do or you to go darns boiid�ent awe know what tt ors beet to to • pp
back to ghat clave oily at presser, Nluvi, Luso da r nftYtwnnf. he war m' tins "haeasYllttl lady 7 slags Mr m01K ps�s�grot� Popstlar aitd ln- `war adop"od ao the marftage divan the bestPhy01C anahavebecn
sad at tbla neaaoo d all times, and brougii to d he! leas. browsed and wits Mm attoW the al," an tee in the matter. thissuat arse f Brace "ve been oar- I. with A OteaMa petWNM of Me giving for a quarter of acen- '�YVO British Battalions and a Batte
and moat be no thought of 'Dnsiseas' Y rWpid servapit glad Howard Ximut- isboutd !s• seek ea interview with Tied off by Diatom% eastern empire; that of Austria ww h
for some time to come--" mortally Injured. he knew Urat he tpae-b"ng him W believe this *M Yoatgumery, and aster- " idcmq LDdaz4 a1 W data Ir a death nr* Used when the v��ror d Ger- tory. CrIVe t em i
"lt N absolutely impersliye that should Dever go out again until they I �s had ewe away with Dr. tain for himself it him mrpiclow were from Dlabbs la "ddrW*- Dold's ahoy dinner the tlLle of Roman em �Q M1881f1g.
id east t r •nate time yet:' Iro took h4a away to a long. IWA reit Molt-Umer•s brother. correct, before cum horttin with Tis natlookal standard of Rus• a
Tarn P after lilts labors, his torn heart AL for U , D are tap welred def ►telt poser.
Yoytsloerd. "You are worn asneat to m It!g sornvov► arsJ rufferlutg all But these were many dhar recess Dir friend t Or athou.d ha b egrafek for thea I)4lbebg ks weed before 16 eke bean a black east•, ilia& d Nos
• shadow sad my greatest Wunder is ter mmaruem for the mobs and skillful st wm to Howard to came uk sad aadvatsos to p 4bilgl rote, degree gun, and •whits cos Napoleon I. tout a of C�Lrtlfl Oi/ trtitt it1
over. circle d make bis own investigations? &rally, th Lieu butte beats carer ate+ eagle for Dlry standard. model• r LOSS i00—BOERS LO
that you have not shuns Yut before 7,Iren IL was that ne realised thatysician pcaseg•ed a laaye BRITISH
this You must t to some weirs- enrds, who felt, when he was taken tie shut the book and went out apoe where prej�osd ye 06 trying every- ed d Dare gold acct bearing a than• pllotf,ktfll. IL has moat M -
hag -place. I[ you could go to Sara- .. bed's way" wits "bleat." fhom tlbrke, as if Aokr chief dopes- the veranda, forgetting entirety the thlttg under the son before re"Ling eistbolt attar tjre pattens of Ube k g Po
" i could not see it then:' tie mur• mar able ttouothe Ater.
toga Springs for awhile and drink aha deuce had teen i winds d ru greatly Aid busiecss eagagom t that had hinkght to Dc dd r Kidney 1'fllk have been ltossecN. Tib sNi, bet was d'iorad ]t Ives color to the blood, It
water, a woaid be of the test Inured W kimrelf, n rtratlg cress threy prise the wisdom and knew- him thdtrn, and eat down to think. vuatt•lted from the edbo of the gears ander 00 Boarboaa bas was restored
benefit to boob Daisy +tad yoa.�a Ilght In his eyes, u smile ort hb Wilder �e which he always manifested in It was late [a the afternoon, and the by their spa by a decree o[ Lotus Napolsoa lu bungs ttren� t0 the mW- ado In AcUor—kioer Ar
U but tow I I[bow. 'It would have ladies aid tlemen o of W 1852. Thr aegis was firm& used on Clea. It ltd wer to the Ili Ueos ul the Naval Btrlg
(:sone looked gnus at this sAvies ees bis pro&rIos Tyre Daae d Mr. Thtsw BNaklu► of PO Wlth l
The expealas of bar jowney dither- been crus) W Dare won Der ami then Alter alt was over •his brotbo- faith- thr hotel Dad beaasn to gather to the North Bruce, bel American coins in om t e A=A and
lett trot b haL&le with Iffe u atm. Ah 1 ociff?s NNrardrw'hat w nerves. It means robust rhes Brills•—Tile �� �tsespaded'
hal bow oosaiderable• and sloe ex- s linty tbelped to owry out the wishtm cols:, pleasant places where lbs bund thlit tatter clam. Mr. brooks says . "I half cent^ lacus from the ted In btu laltaatrT—bars' Clever Strateg.
ed that. Mrs. Lawsua's hill would Ten. Cecile• yon onkt truly• Gu" will expressed nn Lis wiM, and t,hsn letft It woU:d soon disouursr to ?them "Night- was troubled with Diabetes. 1 coa- efts mW&- IL was adop&gd la oke health and vigor. Eves deli• der the MIuIK
�pPect nut art w gutter late -1 shall tDclned witdm fps taw whose ha had em- hen: music, and where prettily drwsWd D d a notlosal coinage sea de cafe infants rapidly gain in AsoliK Rettig Expected --Buller a
hs no ]tit txie, while a protraetsd Tw stilted a declot. but loo, 000W tx>t Drlp Pia ] to tamp--
v[it to- tlantop Lace mT 'rewazd' ver soots•" u all d ooltts nnA oD the
would surely sot J pSoyed to «immedcate with Cecile re- ahi:drea were also rsmnlDY sheer, fill- 1 !serve also orad other aae,dlclnrer sign eon gW flesh if given a sma I amount
\\'tic o. atter an rzaminatias W nr votcea ✓Iver dollar. half dollar and quarter Discourage/.
kdyy to Increase her store• gowdtng the fortune wbiCh,1►ad fallen lag tie air with their merry tet got no ralisl. I have Used two three or four times each da
"How- long would it ha neeeesar certain the extent of bis injuries. they to �. little da ghlter so unexpected- and happy !aaQDGMr. doyen d Dodd's al fills dollar. TM dVM&gn d the ea le was Y•
tjga bO;'ed � .rlc.e; d ,. txt. tNl.-rias War Oi[tts t]lonoerten. '1
to'A film that the end was ver ?rear, 1 George Aa y eagerly scensed at ons Limo, guggeated for he me- •sass �e street taw Idlow>[kg c1e- dstwJ, hitt Ir
(ar us to remain there r' she raked. ; J- and am completely oared, I otn Igh��n � ala bas was abandosed.- Ile stOTT t wweN4 tXaia,Taeala
fully• In• surprireJ them all bay cArn J ray- Woord was sear[ W bar immedlate',y every countenance, hoping to fled ore recoDtmend thin madloise above rUl g• leas) hag W the fru
•, ve w pix months at the least," 1K: regarding the deatrD d her friend, his wtiieh iedembled that beeutitW t+ce other's. Two years arts I could not took teolt Freo, Presse _ -- -- kh t,�.cu ('eu. N'fits date.l d.tiU � street which
Dr. Mortihier aa;.wered. "And," he f know It. and f nm ready" bequest, and &!no incicsin : ties letter on poroelals which Howard had once up W the top d a uilding, ay batt was evacuate!
added, speaking dethorU&tive:y, "you " I am rwesAy !" VI'hu eau ray it 7 wihieb he bed writAen to her. shown him. with those deep blas Byer, wag so bad. Nowt1 qan stoop sad bend Uea[feea C+aaot D! (erred VIRTU" OF RALT WA'1t R SATO p a ed all the LrooPA here. tx- r urtlllery
must send for l rtha to come and What glorious words they were, Mat he had eat known which botel and stow ed with lively gulden hair. wlth ease. The doe" wanted to by local a lbstions. as they can' l oNaVw3' volar d tbs
relieve yore d the °are of DAW ; it What calm assurance they heapoke- else lied intendded bo take rooms lin ; Rau sq it was nut theta ; it wou:d P4 tat oDtlgatury untain before
have satire deet trust -what a sense d work fibewefore he had ouGy addressed it to not have escaped him if it bad been. pesrform an apgratk,rs, Mi6 T Would nos iter reeeh Lae dissageb porton of >Aey Otve'lize loo the s7ibm sad ]Laq opt atotct deltven
i. thsregagary fiat year well dote. c>i a lite well rfoent n boort Sava a. slaw this Dodd'& YlAuey I'lIL are bet the ar. ?bars V mly ane way to she ftTYla healthy ts Irish . 1 ialko a tang Win ►story. was lbs Drlacl
Neon. and FUend to yourself Dow, or 1 tog Over i■ one corner, at the further yes than, doctors" oure da•lina , and Mat Is by em lois& kiuup a P sad L1W Ue>uces, I
and cociscience at rest, and b>tsm•alo•r inset Cecile, wdb had no end of the veranda, however ; there Pbr a hand bath to hath given b Woke ul s pII&nk. h the hills, uses k bukdt he
W ll not.a�t►er for WtA 000setttaersoeg in thr• s ht of him Maker ! O�� which attracted ---- Osgood rby n Infla . ooldtoer f the body by oar of the beads half. ul n ryes my hh flank. The tones attack I be
ZieotM looked up a1> lain irtth Learn IR t�D�oq�Dt d heeriag tram him until r[- ors a little group Pry Wtth Glass. oarsud by s&t Ystlamed e•armdltkxn of nvYn- and cels infan
In has eyM Tike supreme milawnt of Ilia lift' bud Jew �t had written to to:d him d her his atteatlon. t b apostin or gin a, otdis a hasdfrl opal d 11 o'cl NO 7e •t fight
come. and Ire war ready to "nt<wt" it. arrival, and wfsre she would stop, A plain, but honest -looking girl was A Disse p s Rept Yee Deed laid oe the mstWhe 14thin of the t•:ursac am- fo sstt lki a baro r hiK =Irby nIW and auntie soots night !lungR by a era y.
How well Ise knew ayd had assorted It will come to us all -shall we M the urs dee Ream laid, n ter. The Tube. Wino Ukb tube gets uOr Im- far WYbia s n the cti n b st �. tgtterl ut malei tRampowe wtttk The er>wT s
her feelings! How great, meg& be the did ,- nsos[ve d th, aea•rly thaw aiork in •hew ands, with some vely dor
able Lo retro tho+e rubl me wont•+ ?Das wraghtg ether ifs death, it bevies lain work in Dir 6ande, whh:e • busty slam payssysnL are tad la the form ed Tar ►ore a rUsabliug awed or Im solve, a hearse the action by stirrtr�1gN aaaN o[ tlr gusts which, ftuwever. I heavy coanLcr
care and watchfulness that could d&• Gregeiey Mort!mer uttered wlreu he is aa. past office esti! it was adver- child prayed •bout her. of bloeko eight Inches quare. each perfect hearing, and when It is en it with the hoed The water area. hi r w re•wver. laws two battalions were W great
?feet what she had trlitd go ban) Lo Grew tluat thew ertd wer at hand 1 blcock containing 14 parts la the form Urel ekasel, deafrsew b the result, be as cold as have vitalil to w
- lilt hem him : ti" in the daily papers. ,Mis little owe war peculiarly dainty of ebackeea The are so closet fit- T Ina 7 kD yes nut yet e•brtsed. bat aro ez' In of a rr to ix
How long will my streatgth )toll She Dad been obliged to remain is her appearance. dressed in white 7 T asci un:ew tats htflamostlon can be stay.. Urs so eW � a the satin "' 'reties
The day of her d_•parture arrived. tool WgeLher that water caano& para taken out seer til+ tate rvYtctrt�i W hedy. Do sot Mgleet tlkfaee sad tuck 1 "detailed two brigade dltlsluas of Thu mutwawnL
f!f outs" Ire asked of a trrother physl• uiAt in ber prom bur a low dt s at- %till broad blue ribbuw, tiny blew in the fres ass d the sa:t water. "I sad live battalions of ! t steadine
Wbeu site woes "!own to Isar break- c aD, wham hes hacf Ment for W attend 9 7 7 hstwesa Lhem, sad the enols pave- its Uurmnl ocwxlltloD, bearirsg will tory
fart she took her purse with bar. aid ter Der accident in the park, •,n ac- Moes, and with a wleith of waving sheat looks like oM otic draught• aidjd b cavalry• under I °outs ro t
him at fhb Lrying sloe. «unt d tM iD to her fcx,t, which go:den hair flartiag over Der about- ire bwLroyed foeeyee : nine saga out Thu bath, writes E. B. Warman lin the elsatry, 1
?rs�d May l,avvson for her bill. nt the Alas-dayY-Lhrce-perhaps four: ►k it wsa cot Datil s heed, hers hoard. As a D•vesaa ►t Is raid to d 6911 use caused by catarrh. which Ladiei Home Jotarwal. has to ex1sid ke, i'ron°b. b attack a purlLlco ap ezom n a enrol
name time mentioning, In the mosC D T Pre have gNeatet tesiataatx than stone : to truths but an taflamsd Oared'- &rating inf:utetos. tows the entlq r; wi&-b the enemy Yesterday masa•*-- Borne ahelb
grateful manner, her appreciation of war alt& reluctant reply eat yet somewhat swo:len and lame. She seemed to be very- land of bet ,t b a QOohaefor of cold and toe town from tk
Tite,galm I ht In thecae eyes did trot It was while thus laid u that whe nwns.e, for every few minutes ahs Pea Lion of smUt>otM suOred symleea and gives to lbs akin a as d
the great kindness rhe had shown wayee as Iteiherar<I lt. esus dor game inane the het d nd- won:" rvs to bar, throw Der small will tot form un It. We will give ps.e.HnnQrod Ibtlarg leelthfal eoasntio• that am�ly a touad LDo pysliba Yvschatod. •t •range
Iter doth Dalsd's tecta Illness and 1'n- Dee cess ca D+ the time ash trou :e it• sat our torus wake tttaohsd w: hearses
resz*R.�.. -,• Qrtyfy .ym �T. @luso, ((9�. Jtfr he, sumryoow) at T tit arms &boat_ ben seek, and put up her n.� for any carr d f 1 Uset1 ya [ot I k t ooa Do_ w
i€ But flue good women wiping lbs oat to saki, en,l i1tNn cl'Ictdf,Ca tNe E ��;t ilartLa at oboe to t YDs �ittiN"Yt•t9l �tfii 66' YStab6. " ' �aIn ALM' Dt rated. vo1T0,..1f �s!d in fJe w[nter ft will bW rlor vtttrti I Dellevs Ike
c tears d toaster Iron Iver oyer, feta Det !rase• sncf ga>e the• address to he� ■ltd ahw wsa shocked anTiev George Anthony got up frau his IN ?®i STATbB. - by Hell's Cala Care. tjsrsd for lee sa elle=lwf pre�enEivi o[ cdA4 69re Cori. e0an 'i "i\�>ps 'i'D6T 7
she had no bill Lo g! wU ch. it was W lie sant. nd be e a learn Mair and began to • pace ,bask nod cinenlan fres. bas.holes beteg' o wbatllslte for tea many guns sod iMrkwed to greet i ioo. Lis emit
ve her --thorn was 7aUd rpe•e�<o pen eg A Ib le ids, larg Tho H
r orbits Lk Dt7• " Now bring me pert. Ink and paper.' the sad ee*rs wh" it owntained, and forth Upon lbs yeranAa, Dir it F. J, Drug Y • W., Toledo, O. aasmetiea -- -- - -_ --- rr'usr
thbi to eonfouodd. IM briefly commanded, and It was also grehtly anrprisnd +drat Db should walk a little furiber at every turn A little kiss, Holo by ihUgglsh, TSe. •Urs troops mese all b scion. sad lsel[e17 •zok
"Hat, madaa. d cease& I caumaot ao• troygit. b.K nooks Ihisy lids heir. Finny he aper -ached the spci A little bliss, Halls FamLy Pills are the Mat. w Irudnd tbo Mes7 hist rverat I TDe at�sek
With a steady hand he penned a The law er wrote all the portion- where Martha -[or t was she -was A wedding -?Dat Is ap:eudld ; BCIB�TIFIC DI3CO�BBIr tet des ani .ndroe.d In ntaabiag i fa l yr t
o�pi:-aa obldgsum like this from you! brief but clear and le al will, and 7 Lia stron driven
1 mueld not be right," site began• R his m tie also of t whish eau caused sit s h. A ittle jjasw, Losg ttervtew to s ('hofs _
• IL In the presence r>f the other his afro d the Olmewal ahem- As ha Dame Herr hr stopped and put A I1Ltle itw, tntrbssw ate wHmated at hes- I gfgpnghuilm s
•'Oh. so►. nal" from rue, although I agnea
utas eknfem I never UAA more isle•- pl+yielan and lin. Lnwsr.n, who Alto quiam, and earned by saying that he out his brad Willa A f,!easant smile Black hosss to ma There aro probably snot maa7 rdM Relation Of Disease t0 MlCroblC Life aa, sl h ve b Ira? those d sYe esu snot puss
sure In entertalnlD6 nuuyorke But the affixed tlretr nam«+„ k, the dcecument wap +M ■wait ceders fTum her regard- to Da' who was now ntandcng by Aad le. the trarDte's Chess{. en in Berton d am Henn Chu nave y sect fur ins ssUaY greater. Lbs hthat D
ns w!tnRw"s at his desire. �cy1y Chicago News- such a rooked as Henry Cason g. Its Application in Treatment of tare of our gain aRwNag very I rata that P°i
bill line all been ntteutd9d tq Mrs Tlueeu hes asked W ire Irtt nt(>rw for whet e>bbduid is bone wild the Iii lbs rehire. ------ the bass acrobat ►s Kt Angustloe'■ uya af[r. O
Momntgomary. Dr. Mortimer said that tame which bad fallen to baa child. She gleaned at him shyly tet did enwtay�
awhile• and they. knowing that moth• It was nomins • in stooks nsd bonds, cot take the profter°d hand. a"dgM �t � � Catbolke Church, on IlorohMer �a •!(11p Drlttt in scales and t ey ve- era cover• O
yvw to be his gnewt while Ton. ill oouki harm ox lie l , him ecus, "tallier u name, dab f" De street, South Boston, for Mt. Can-
-, It i yew sy agsablb•hs+1 feet ?tut rlthdrew the Lscxi&s. ars" they re- the a a
I v= and he has mea• lL nil R i he waots, and oout:d easily her disposed lase y is riayutaetund In Canadha. and Can nisg oomplstsi oD tteiyday, Sept. mi tv,Wr lite V oke eased thnrt 1 UDmolasbd W their cantos- Our abolb
• , ht." Myst Lawgort expinlned rt all grat`l" every wish. of, cr trateerred fur where she cogeA asked. sdtas labor Astivoi the benefit it
__...r Then, wiM, a hand that was riot maoee vomvesiently oentrd it. "Noy" she returned. aWking her you rrss LL Tires !s no better made 17th. bis 25th year at the church and rtarsl Catarre. mare that tea to
Bkrre. ac. as
Awkwart�. named. alone: frig ectal number of dreaded dL i thus W mum be •71ie ..g on • g furth rtymMan wade it ext•
8sroospoeare well nigh forsook hor qu:b• to etsady as when he liii(ilpenned Over Ili•. Mottimer's owe letter Ce- g'ot.m bead with some show of spirit. or sold is the worts. as o soloist belUs 8A. fie Mss k'lled anJ su afiger Use dune d tlsdel! gad range Iritttber than trader t beau,
the well, be wrote a letter t) Cecile. uR meed man bitter teara It %an so as if she disdained the appellathpa, means nature W asanrt llsour lvea flee, the off"
when Dr. Mortimer -after haying at- y y, sy." A Few Fsssour BacYelon. with st Joseph's Church tri the Ili gone•
IL was like thin -Lanier till,] conrid• tewadea and so resigned to "Trot bah bot Dai west en,f /rom 1881 tar 1873, fliers •I ,opus Irate gang naval gray. apparent.
tended b everything for her con- haO Nan rearetdtet have been tried, I ikDoed. and General wh
fort at_ tie station nt Oakland, orate, and with nu evidlent effort out the iaevitab:n, yet hopeflat alar the fu- Hie `mart bnonded. but hit IV Charles Lemb 7
fort t ht had acoomat OIL her. to Pain fret bT matinee any nllarirsn tra# ; and she dksabttd tf she eluould trsssi ed u h• said, benignantly: Bsatlaal J. TlJdey. Mvbmg 'kine all d his church work inuftos, wanrbw ash ostmmuts : Yet It haw k IA dominate, ventre, swine
8s ld J Newton• wt these two churches, awl fie was have all IaetfM'tual I* keno will Perna which ha tight were C
came it .the had private comport• W what he had suffered on ler As• eve bind another Mend so fahthdal '•1Lat to a pretty name• little one• they
tarot whk•h It had taken for list count : and train. Jibe kntow• ahs should never but tell me 7owr other -Daisy whatia David bowmAt Hill. only 18 years d iye usep a. tkk - care ?key Ju rrui Neaek the af►selsd tossua h Dee: genus
g7: Joys altgtde.f Whittier. y thea work at tit J h s. lir bar ban 1�psa�tcdhtQ taw Wwu ata risers assbtaa
M• a palace car, •o Litt belay might "My f)enr --.-I have that tardell faire another as sle had prised Dim. "Daisy Moat obe'replled, D men Pam „f -Fel dz th'>usaixt yards.' umu with Rig
cwt wttbont being stbfurtied, to held 7iw z". kh I know will caul& you And how k!nd-how cduslderste It hesitating slightly over the long BM>7 JasrM1 she Dorelit. so- participating in hundreds d I^te sc nu tine investigation iso, nesse �� R•tir+ne
leer .,gnof �: • grief. let perliape It will *hock you war In him W provkte rrr gormorourly word, as she always did, "and that est C. Hwlnburn. oksoerb sad Use Ilia he lies, hew the tel -titres orf dlssaw b ok a1Me Ilfe —
pDtlllpr Btoolty tJta Prr>testant AI- e: LalreU part Iaawse ha. a for a!I dY. llr:T IiRITIMN `trtt.trr:GY. Tis bau.a
Ew tint Look the little one InLu les ta> 1*arn it from me titan from for her future -1n such A delicate is Martha," she added, pouting WitD Alff)frsm king perience. WKKN 901 apsellb hours, darldy
oda arms, bolding leer In a close. cites• batters. I have only a few days W live. MADssr. Loo! Dae slander finger to the girl, ars It � Uma ♦,000 eDureh servitxs. s ee+ of thus basal and We. raWry ur n' Alerts*" Probably spoiled on both skier
ing clasp while he timed many Liman having been mortally -InjrYed by an what her pride would have prompt- she felt Pure, that he would tats Y Je,bn Burroogha, nnturallet sod gaao ,omm. b'1 aCtta Gfe, called (y seat
e1 her W re fur herself she could mnob interest as she did in that very Alt ws ase w e stye Carrbagoys. W Ylte'a Plaa. •he says;
Lis small, sweet face which was aockdeaL today. I will leer& the per- jet writer. C:aterrhosone 10 a lirtald qukgy
just tieginndng W look like WWII` once tculars for others to teJI ynu, nr I not rHase for Der child; snA yet Nhe kind and trgdul person_ Bnchaaan, tar only nncherkr Pra- 'jj(}],$ $'!0`i]I pQLl$$ Lou fun, pet al•-Tke stews of lbs ed a Dythe
mora fees my etrength may desert me knew he had done Mia, solely W ob- Martba was watching her little glut w auric wiry a pNamant nsd pass rrRai aL LsJyamlib that ward the
" ]'ou will write ass Immecilasely before I can say all that I wins At viate all beoeedty for future labor charge witb • smile of �gprr�ids or her Edwarst F itrg•rald. Omar Keay- a trial kind thm you will be one retinae actor vibes asrriCf by atmos b.Nl tlw gatblb fast evening hr Lire brought that
o" Y your nr wri : I spall ba very prt+erlt 1 sm •o bennmbexl by my oa 6ar part; the Income, entirely at lips, bat de coloreed all .Iy as at- 7 mores (tient wni will use nr other. phssic air Mrongb tM Inhaler ,cadre tea (Tom
her ox>nLrol, e►oald ace her In n po- testlou was thus drawn toward bar- em's Uranatatar. of su dtMW daps Tlrlr procto
call+ Isrorve than wn7Lhtag etre thr iieY wf a Ur Britbh Scb from the herrn o
'' anxious to hear from you," he said• bruiser serf Injuria &has 1 do not pl An F.lectrol tic Lam baluute swat d eke pine wo„Ar w
In unsteady loses• mutter much, and so I pill Ive these sltiu of ease sof ox>mfort aDA she Batt. Well p"rplo d> sot worry. Take y D• wY inaedyod wiUr ooruld°ratNYna ha
g vootd ive Dais ev advants A itbon bowed s:i ell and �er1T eosght bI 4va1kM 1° tr was a march
"Yee, I will write." elm returned. lroelouw moment" to ynu. 1'I were without the sl Oast care kis anxiety ?chem went diredl to bar side, deter- well. !, ( oRmfor o qu ter. anJ be ve noteb en idle In h flit country AdlevsAaeta wba lsMlerl theead vlugs there notice' 13e
talterktgly ; "but, uh! my friend, you A trttw prophet. my friend -I am W 7 T we11...0 dose• for A gyarter. hive not bees idb to the divot nt pi/y t was as solsi nallot ayd what treed Ecom r
as W where she sheath 'obtstn the mined to says Dhw adpictoy tt oyes. _ epos tlr ikheler It dltta+s very n
have been so good W me, and now, hAve my 'reward,' and stow L see teat meats It ens aD tnsenee relieL Tet ••Pardon me," he said, courteously, 1Mbtletee b fDlaappearIng. d eleotrdc krml>A on ilia general Imes wW was a snob 1 aloty Lbr't' meet Throu
at this last moment. I cannot, Iiid 'Glc) knows best' But do not allow and rrscM+ all ins I 111 el hsktrtR
ob4ttnext at whet n &acrtfloe I "bat wbass little girl i• tDb t" d tie Neryet lamp. A patent trooeUUy tch rad shah Itke ;u spot• ilia Boers be.
winds to shank lou , tet you know this W grieve you too much. dear--•kf .u-, ng Ur ssies wo o and oiler henna
TDs mtatetoe has become w f,opu- issued W W. E. Irish describe• a meal- fur (allure In whey everytbtrug cgs and tans
that I em rot uou , bu Y oourss It would to hard to feel that All day kung Abe secluded herself. "Mrs. Mostgonsery's, ir," she re- can r ezt•lWrg dlseaarg of the nasal tenons of •the
nml ve herwelf d sussed ragpsut[ultj, ar u s Chrlstmu decoratlar ID fkntlan d ilia ordinary sec lamp b7 iiraMt ravDtesLUty 1sa ry to W afppsuc lntssalty d
I oo not want your gratli•�." Tou would not regret that we shall gs rp W fire grief which t Eng:and that It seems likely to be magsts d which a rod or Labe of some tattoos was MVInfartt Mount have a
the Could not control. " Mrs. Howard Montgomery p'• IL acts ear I t1an 1y its s NLhn rust,
be anawereA, sndlY. " Ixrt 1 hope to unto[ meet ort earth again. I know eilermldted fs serrate p:aeea It esu matwtW which, warm heeta>4 eke- fa> the etooyv frllaagm d tike thnrl. IDs frctr t1aN t*ro infantry bat• During th
retain a lair Ili . " to rusmory al- yin• will sorrow on account of Is, pet It seemed te"JNe to her that a man " Yes? gar." formerly permitted to grow do many decbs the current a ul sm"a light at a were aMo MU"d tax at the
D try dip zrtanemb,er that I have oof Ilk" Gregory Mcwtlmer.-r)nr m uT,ful "Tike same who returned from natant pasiaggg sad broa'h'wl tans. " ,lent Iattac
ways. J good app.• orchards, somsUmes seriously a high dfbkws,y. in substituted for Ute r,ellavi arad'Me nffsted ui despatbYlyg t)sYpgaanp, co.umn. We
" Yoe meteor Auutr6 tint you will:' entered tato my rest' -larva gorse anA cspnlrN of ¢r>tnpt rush mach In F,oropw In each trarMw shout there part' use :kly reskvi-I sus ln�l, and afbr ca
th" coxalle,of ld due thus tragically pure asci' injuring the trees. bat with the ►n- sure betw"exn two carb,tnst thus me t tike axim nsd fUlim sded.
•tae sald, with eager reproach I wore them will never tie any axxw creamed demand this has all been, re- spry1rig ass a mrsitum d heating fhb health ooad't Mit. kaowu whetA wpY •a under a kopj
cut down In the prVW of life. " Yee, air," she repeated. wondering iaJ 1 were
ml beet frbaol, I eaulA nater for pain. nut (nolle, altlloog6 I em dd moved. In some places steps are l>Nag meter n+tA tDeretry aterNng the For aysakesa aOt) s'sgen+ nn.! per nu+nuet d moeata%n in the attar
He had written his approaching at It le ewgernesm. anus that lies nfipewred ate It. nsd your ly epvPelrgatsd t� Cl Ue wt, shot was tlr
0 get yon." a dying. I cannot fcraert that yaw mal ,loath am It It were me.rety ng to to know so much about bier mistress. tihan Ro ptopag g ' - new tzosDled width aD InitabM
The bell now rang, and he fuse the fox pars -I pray Ood Lo grwt It �DI apple trees can now be purchased ou thnrat, BRrnelrltle. Ate. Catarrh r MRWA as bullet ?bat the een t[om IromDe
seat after a dal of hell an weaM- Ie Nhe-oath I seen Iter 7 I am an a }ter wWub IM hod becu
for little Daisy's ante -bat I cannot itch tha parraite baa become ea- If the cblidren regnlrm �ymk• aHnse aha ti ptf+►rrposorpt U .rf b' gr K 'a •,roe rWng s
that he must go -•the last moment new. and was grateful for the re old friend d her husband'a" l r�pa•
fro In Deuce, tnowing tltaL you mart +�t�b:lelmed. Jn[.'6a err eked ow M1 lsir'D oro t'uw_ c+n,sd1, wMW geese bin uo aiomt-
bad come, lease. lie was nearly wild, now that hs '7 T s'ctLmaIn ver c artl;kr el �d1�LL
"Ood boss you. Oeell", agcl U ?her& Lal m daring rite tatnre. e• you have 1lLLartf - hers r The land s ly 6s oar at in %;m tm th s b n hgavT J•
Yet those Isst wordb of his. which was oonvtnoeA of old shut he haA sus etT pMeurtnL oak tale. eT 8ettery al
ckno in ilio psiR-laboring with your v ljf�ltljgrpDfalgept paster wrrA nsa her wed at rn7 L'.ne •h It i bmltgtgd oonmtsse c>( l ecu- alar, ted i
b anything that will brighten oar bold bey that his "geeatsest joy on preled, to have everything explained. -_,__-__ ____ south American Saddle florae. or •n an i+e ey (s,tarrbownP Is A gurus, whisk -are admit,"LT muwr' Q
future, Ipray that Hfewill send tt to buoy deeds anA brain for year dally mrw had been W know and love Iter." " M" Montgom ry Is Ill today, dr. „ 7 p alaekened. P
lrneaA, I Wld you one that I had no What tie "Ferny Boge Beady Is. wnoatssd ears., and it saver talo 10 it rang jl► LM ]r►tisY flew shot b[ ours
you;' was his pnrtlrmg bern0tletioe, an,] Cho, dying• close duly W her of 81e M unable W see any one," Marth■ alas veddls hoeing in ta, Amer• pe t i
while bis a lingered on hoe face very ev acre n brother. He i a Thsut which b tarty known ns k a haus • whbh b psrasaaeoU ease oke n/ovL chew a Yru. ty hate's tw kq &ANA LW % I.oUg Tom,
lee very dear bsaiher, Mut wealthy nn1 ell that was earthly, betrayed d her 11" coueld with s much literfu that pkp� nsloalK Poke in•'
with a look Lhat she never forgot -It ctrtlAless: ran sy fr•feed, i wm gang rrO'ttJtl�g of what him heart haA rat- Ise coati ncvt Lh* mutter further. the ,• fenny Date." jvt at the point very dory b Lke rider. and ds Bald c'nrr l� 7{1.00 at all MugglsU cweutcd uuw iy gorse Pias+ given Lo IDS
was ss tall d a Aonthbsa love min. eir make or rather I hacw algoin fared, and the knovoedge nearly broke " i regret to II Ar It. Perhaps she d tM elbow, Is, 1n reality, not a to have been acquired In the ttas or direct by emit to any addre�+a AMd AW "IMP •'Ily a d rudkoA Uew++►L a shed. wbL
J at all. lust a verve that Item of thea eongnestedom D the 7tampoi to N. C. Polson A the- is., a'tuaLlat from the IfjCaneland'•
glad with despair- msA&-yotr little girl• year Dal+y, h&r ossa may he whl& to ate me tomorrow," U>�g c ,., U
Bbe could not know that It wee "How alaaa i am In thin great. busy lie m 1d, bowie Then, after softly the surface, and which. m {set early ds" in the oolmim the cabal- WC. sheratite, Hos 61s. KlnRssoa, N rt ret ussu J ",ollt I'& snow Smmith es.
my helr•ew. My will In written, ahgned R• Ont..: for naatpM outfit t the igcyuntluLise Ar lu tutee, I•re.ently
a final farewell which they buoy world." she so~. with that path Delay's ink cheek with a •bock or bbw, cense the iotas manytitr tbelr horses with a
scat sea ted u, and elves Sres,> the heads nR D 1, it techirlxulr aa:W.prsd .ti Ver
bad just taken of each letter folded tightly do her hands; hand Mat ret!ll trembled with excite• tkkgliog gepssthop In Lbs geeat OtD7 ttepplirpr arta die braid y wTro eeere et
ort n escort men, win will nee that my err yet eu ap:.lLak;i w e kit. Btna)"ar
afisr; Mat they mere des- "how almowt everything anA erery- omit, ho turnei awe anA went with tltwlg •sd tlsgeey. sttaep ntatls hcusginmg to Ur saddles Thirty !"set ot, saw"• het have Imosn ll' a N A':e:►� ours
rued never to meet again In this wishes are full carried cwt You are y ----_ - _- __- -___
ta, have onilreloontrol of the income one whose i nate loved flan beta taken q Fiv &ages esops ?wok foto thus hotel. amt lbs Defy with which L11e sntlntmb It Is su that the averaf' the cared
werld; hent Lbs psurtimg was every Cpl>� t u+, rue enemy h+J out J is Ads• 7
fmm me I Must 1 go on until the end. Fhe minors* latera m"ewn a wase t"�, - - wets ec>r*re[L 1b anild contact of AlAals tient, and c
bit &s painful ns If she had known t tans [orlare -until aisynL -flue R Q•fero of sand In Lfo deserts 6 now that% t e IL b Ubu wt:d tr'ewL I
thudnsanA Adlaye--until Dairy �i of that odepeadlK epWeV upoU myself, flash!nR rn-wr Ute wires tc, Howard wkh ttu"ra tIM Down ta>i mDorLstep• M from thirty to fa'DT fest, esu row that We •oss d Use Brlt-
. It with n o one W say a cheer or a Mon c f ' which finally de'v Into the am- -_— _ d events Ir
f The day rm which shi.had met with ^dMe or mnrrlag� I kmw [cannot leave leg LR sraat n New Ykrle elocod ,
It in better ha sla, and with the coanfr>rting word W mel Oh, Howard, I War that b row mo oommoo. wr• wrloaa Voisakosl
!1M accident d which we leave before wham are gra e I once,' It sell , )tnsinew
V uirsarged Bete that the nrtrnl
yew 7 Are you lin Heaven d ave Im nee nwnit* err.'• :� tattle! tIIQ BMt t: turned tow
kaxowle(1gw thus ynu will nor*r Decd gr DorLr 3' referred W wen eix-incle quick
spoken, acid whob Geotge Anthony k. Wil an mora. i can clow.. m eyes rvlth him• rw (to you atill exist In some Howard, . receiving it Inter, won - The New Women hUfodr. and
T y TIG $ 8T0�%s pOLIB�. tram este of alis re pr lk oft ar'Oelo riot
f herd come to her old. Mee• with Data u ,un the wor1A and ur content the but pto u the aerLh 7 It I ecoid clause. with n frown d nnnoynncP, Now venters o m nrsufta fie -marl n, Arid that the wore iWoliabtT
e and Martha• had boon spending Nov- f tet it + b peer grave ae I caw and what hi mew could want with him t Haddock: J . 11, 1897. D D
sept lt, ('sell. fur yrwr child, ass tM C. C. bbhardv t Co.: mowtopollased spy mea. Rut ilii fem� Fo: a Irrdght, baasrtUul, lasting shies y were sailed
oral hours In the Park wand-r!ng Itgsey d a aloes btvther, whose great- shall to hb some time. I scold be that tie should mudimou hits brick,tp I cud an tltelr A�ck tnouatinga Only whet
atsusR In law ndx>I, wliardy avaoups, or net }>y In Ilfe hes been W hour known more rveaigirA; but this mystery, this Saratoga Lana Im ativel Det►r Nsa-nNARD'N I,IN[MENT nice serve ere still Mtn, ars" sdkeryf• s lea+ nr>..-.-.� irons, n,x.wdln_ w the news -
iter J• b ten+ from tootinche. IN) her we re- r ,.,rr M were fires with eons arN3
rertbig beneath aonie •hacw trees. and ousel ou ; who, d I elle une*rtatnty that is yet almost cor- It could not po• that elon ens ill �� for NEIJAAU:IA', loss eg{pcxsdan {dLvta o
7 7 ng• its It retievea rut orme. commend Nervillno, -nerve-pain core'- Sour girls have raze confer hint , uh kt
"I tthlnk we will rerun to the only to res of all that i arrthl tslnty, u to(> hard to bear. of In any LrornuWe, else I+lc woulA not caro+ etre In a moment. Ner MD116 Lhosr d oilier cls are I•�'tq P>ec1.kD, anJ they T y of thM t
7 T• A. it. 'MoDortnki t`�o r !rl rise Bova' LO-poauda'a. witkrh
botiel," else saki, at last% W Martha, Farewell, my beloved, for n time; but And yet" dbe added remorseful- haves saki "Imlpdnegm" awaited him, vtlln•. the moort marvellous remedy troll dare. „,ti d In 1n LUes Intfu ��� wn!
. at time mound of robes wnrurd them In the eternity who I am gain bre• ly, i save Do tlglat'fo murmur whelk nMl hes' kneC rrf no are there with known ta> sclonre. Nervfline may De - e tUDD a D jNC
"hall p"I& wale begkunlaig to gather font you we aball inset agai by wnA my Pathway has been mn carefully whom lie find nny M1Nineorr relaUrms owed effkxtciwiy fox all nerve pain. ------` Qab axlrrri.ea� p tievnick'A limn, so mak, wA
fpr their afternoon Promwnads• smoothed for me, and my eblfd given _ 1 the reGR
by, the pain d wo s a dforgoilnt batt 4, mw almost from the jaws of w11aLe•vwr,--1---- tkrkef with charet'tertetk susrLrtnes
OIDAPTER XXXV. meet nil gall arrows nth light of strath. I will not complain; i will Hn'ci!d not want to hu he do not Wester Cheap 1■ Glugpw. CGRAP FARK LANDS :°nerved Ladysmith from Durban �nt,a�l
"Entmod lato Reef." mYsterles ell eN>IvoA, to the light rYf IikA fire guy p!nc h.e *banned mrxiety
rut unend da of ecce wed and bear t s r Inde s hatleIttIn inking of evor k,nl. In Olaeattsw a £26 6oyseDokier 00• tt 10 I In the morning, hei ntxn s qtr r,0
ng 1 tr& py 11 J profarrktg the rNltuAw --/M-- hrM liners Inter had tDstr guns
Thane days after (?toile's deparlttre tbr•m as reminderm that It la not a talus fix 71d Oar tnnnan a emticssous, tar, nsd
love. (lot blew you ever, Is the sly Ing of hl• df'ev, where taw ca.dd Indulge• Truths. never failing. tmrefftricted stream d Ch) Wa COYrst Wisconsi/. nested and working, the dsyslq
ascan Asn Prwrtchscc� t41"n nccurrod d Ilse kr live: and Lhat those who
• fearful tragrdy• w'bieb mated the Prayer d Ue+egoey Mortimer," anobswher", h lib own sad fealty s i�l„ _re --,
Hw ops very weary after writing 'axNirn' Pere will het ootefovMud anA wt1"r" Ur"re was ran nrcerMty of TD man whc> pnnkxu "eonlly ,xs►rtw alta otrevest wataer intbe world. de tack. wile
hobo d a grand and noble man- flits letter, bNrt het haA still wrsother there. awmumin an Indtffertnce rr cDeerinl• Infary.-pkrneille. livered right Into the kitchen, waA• rea.o,e ae qM Cwsq emarMrad STORY OF THIO BATTLi:, a re•ns4tk
Which proved to be the suramos a that o Wh4o Coo lko was confined W her Ctnod Ora" be the i NN4&tjou of all house and bathroosa IL b cokUlated lar►• amo wsa Yeew i� wars __
W write. new w)t ah hes did riot exp*rl*no'.e. beads tilers Drlrpa Three Mlles From soon after
Milted Oeve arvi Mrniimer to have' rvx>rn, qt levin over the low d grad ttleMy,-j)ntke, jih1 t 880 rralloru t>t ilhr& waist are Mreetr wsa n W Uri
Th's was tar 66 btcKhwr. ?&Ill him ggrr g Bnt hes Alf not feel nt IlFwrty Lp r11sh oa haAwM' {p►
eesila's taint and error, [h pain nod her tevt frlsnA, (hooses Anthony, In Nothing dine so hard or rallies no deMvered to the cltbges of GI Cfet1 alar Nei Doris BUIe.
of 61N oxmnditlue of whet hA hes dune Akprvgntd the summab. asgow " uses gh i ht solo
.isappoiratmeot, and "Dome sip high- with hie pevrperty and why hes had gate of Helen Langlwy's mwnoeuvres H!w frirnA m ht hate bsrcr•fte la- often as Intek-ranee.-Hwetry Ward for *very penal ppaaid. And 1t In was rii•(fyK��grMs-ow tad Itt/t path
�' d►spovei to( it In the way that he to keep him at her aide au►A out of hg Brecher. tar of woh,peoUtitr goftasas that Ur lasweg. ]fear MgrasrMos•a/�!d r Jsmltls mkt fs0, 8 ptm-TM ad la�ha Ll
tie was retnraing from his o(fioe, harm's wa made a startlt Ala- volved in wane trouble and neva lilm, warty Byers k .zea. -s.,' o_vya I was made at dawn with the
r had. y' K nnA hes would to un atefal. Indeed. Part to h e tar ult W reea d its. their Wkte r of w cos o eau pay ref rt "drsgwar"' MjrcI. of ah"Il rho Bourg from tM agi
akar s wearisome ialenitw with the •.t+b& tw the only woman whom 1 Fier ce ss is far IedtIron whore ?Yep had
y• tae; K b Yew AIf[iculi to 1pear ualra. their wwMt rater Doli of what L wove• lrrrr �
shwareUr patients who ef•Owded to II" had alYeaalon the g» W tbe (bre- toter all that ire h Aon* er uch fortunes than W i In Incur M►v" eat 1ht ase y k
him for advise dwingf tale hours. which Iyer IovM, Henry." be wn,te ; she c, rnfn*e to ion act hon unoi"t such taiRed eDeOt ' terra tare
bass Dees tolling nobl bravvel for Cell Oe er ver da thwt pleagote-fiNtus• aoetill@ w nombw d . its (Ja react- to 9 Wert
M devoted to such went. eshe4 jhet 1 t T tb� c rr unp&trtnrn*. [io to Hwratoptrt Ire -- - wren lee rya or. fdarmsaf I the Lp
tneraelf anA alit d ; bat i know thwt Cecile reoelved h*r nae. so Na worm rye�olriee acre so nicely cue 1s. tt• g169p• edict, novTergt, It vyng iamb 1N A�
M lsk wsa show to turn) a corner, Its ,,bus cannot endure It long; she will meat n /steed. who had Iwtel mrrheA mew& suture. OtehfJ $ � po�$ DI DDysb - -__ wsethsrar►r n'�w �t �t��� ts �� •Ptd �1
saw a iseavily team oamibg y Tdevr MIIMr's worm f'rnrders; no to AM
beak ,own under the constant strain nn buAnom HAA he lint ha<i Lh• rtmr>hwt NDN' q � a t
-sram its oppaito direction aDA Aar ehlld vrUl rhes lr left m(>ther- Hr, went sc- Maw office. where they Peine of the glad listiings abalttng hire ike • at om
Ilhe afsteeR,iraai very eteaD lust there, lass. I believe tier will otters• agree;l to msst• but the gentletnap Gewrtswr New Yrrk has eoe rr�•o Ms• - 7t'hg eM$y t
head yyoanu lie+ wou, not have mov wbont ysflewr laanct to taros sa were
amid it mss amw snob way that ful ssist in as"gtlag my wtsbus, wax riot there. and while welting for P"thrat'one In snob w InngssM, rt- Isn4e Hotter. (lobos further. A latx,r poikewmnn. t W cu a rthas of bltU vhtg a with %be
ft wad" !toss very dKtlsalt to h him he began tiRienly turning mr*r acttnt manrme, Inwardly fuming and saver. lust what yon want. gy ttsasshaes� lige of about sixteen wAN
si it noadrr on dretanetaDOM knowing that it maker me supremely r'e�L" fWAI river the rnny hes was --- ---- -- Chhea haw A.7 ml{ss d rallev>ad It► �� ?he ispbsed wsttl tee
oD 7 content to (irr this for her• --My (Wile." the 1*avaa d thus r. da keto take. and tl� effort k cost Down ou DD•eerationa. gMratlark• h Brltleli fetHs wM d of a
A child, "nmin&%l d the detssea, tsrgh Is "Wo ire �ggder
All nL Daae lib * Meant tbe asme inn to taw
it was tw Iwst wort that hs ever iia. Nbsn I1vvr want kit In U►w nrwks ! b *nsee+ On t-1 r" rase, of I
attrrnptaid to sneers to the apposite wart" --It was thus Inst that hes ever of n Hw rtbvrl. anA "11n scrag gr> quit rapt dor r kpo tike the ryglf
kx,ksA d.�agsr. Tiiw wings M 1ha witA world 'sit yrsrytloitj " l/ant•a• 1rMured • l eihtry. four al
idewalh. erectus, balks. eg d rias boy
hay# boos swift to have tol"o '•What'g this matter now t" +�-= _=0— __. ---. — IIM,1 Attiller
Oki. lfaevlmar beaus It wsoand aoc do "Mia Hewayd Mem nosy. chilol, wrr>nRM
Two stairs Taber. call w IIttM whlMe Ills? •to fired", it he had krurws'n who 7. AnA Ave Dttlalbrlsd 61110
it, anrd c+lied to Piss to Dorms boot. after the arrlv'ai d his brother. who 01 nuns"." be read. add ?Now niece ear At •on a rale thwt in ho shill tlfaatry.
lie Md not best or bead, and the cxwld not reach him earlier. he turneA d trnsidgseo wsa gives ss N"w York. r►gw tiMro wear a tsesgseclse darittg Dalraass ' b Ina d
pbe-' las sprang flndrward just in ata- hie free beard the w"st*rn window. Him ttma paled. flat ell thiwgy bare their Spasm, ate" hcmufk" -_ - -- - _.. caNsield Three y. two d
A tar Prove" bis bring-sten down ttrreagh whish the mrtt►tkg min was 'Is is..a_ lar oplaoddecre-If It li was tent thm, *von yet. for that � ' .... � of cavalry, andffoor Infante• �s
am mufti" I latth t•he v ne powrtK a flood od golden. glnrkws tt a sot G." be mokursrl. hes, W leonine. abiew Awkiiab�
Jt fligR idrstant tLr wind cough ltg6t saA krt}w that nil lams wwN teomlog �ai� epfclLset. ('1\a Ds fldttbUeol) D �� � Lisa wt-"* �py•I hmh F �� �
bis bat hats kis Mad and buried ht tee. He Tstpbed again to saoar'Wn thus ('seat Cheese Mu Cater. -� �, the G I1I�g1aeab &etvaw ali
i0to the lass d one at the anleuk► Him *yes were stilt eloar and ateaA. Rats d sYelr arrival h uses Meow TiGn �' POLms WDaa s eYaaedeas V DliaAfandei,I{ li alrrindas
it " eg4asld tenth buries became fast, hb tae• calm and placid, and as W"*Dm age, knee an pose t of obulglitg Its color 5C-Ru8 AND StOVE �LDrf r- 11 � I Llwy stow
fe4 t tmomnsgwahw, turn- he W&VA d that t hall d fie" M *xpremkn .+t cWptkpintmant [m gaining fr•lmrla erery day for Itot earl Its eerie body remains of A HOUst i N�aaft i our Igo nest at • (W boar ci Mi
"d elrwi Ia their owo*r, and the teams sCg bin i rkxwt"A his fate. many excellent rinwlklee for radium Yat yrf„s
into a a le, a T" rink rein wA _ t �-
esu w"alb ewyasldns beak Cath esvd Perhaps, after ell, they wslgtnt not -� _ _. - .- � � A• the
Into t ware and mnsteeeA reef 7 ' af'l bite's Ian d toss the mom
acres agaleA a iw`hmtSVst wM bh" •'Ia lliosyen, Oa'llw." M tlrwte acrrr. ti �1 ro cows A 001.0 >x o1r. DAT � S � .. P aoaTt►
Thea 'w1M este king Arawn sigh his "1* these a Mrs. Montgomery stop For K Is dt testing polish. ire dirt. Takes i.•IaUv* Broasf-QaLDlaa Twb. oak u the twkrgnlMt rlovwllrr- I Abnvw th
wag sa ved; bat Dr. 1111 -II-- gMond anal went up b God. the hat p elhitk Draw Y' he asked, turning to Easy tar Use. No labor. -Always remedy. Iste, All dresser "(Md the D iCA t/a for'sn morstMat
s plea mrm b*W=f paced, and tie aver. tbw vbbty won. and his - - -` — - U IL faun en cant Saw R >r flkevpy NGV 1 S t
bat Ci M LASTING Q1J�l,lit s was dispossei rldur enivorir a I Imp snA I
"Tae, dr," he answered. and s #•brill The office of tin► bbioultYsnu- T i MIR CIOs iw attest thuya rause Ifin" the , 1 n"A
ars 41tnM borhword ansa almied be n wvt mrA atM►ttid slgststr&ii ui el gash tear. b1 dJ • tad K
t,Wgmo heavy wagoaifs the OHAFI'bit XXXFI. - want tingl, Ubas_, Hr. Antlnorap'r tteM =Vpltp, Ydpts+ul. wY-...-__ _ _ s wolleii sC4tU8 M►hile tlgow I446t liver 1M! in tMe Al!
rylil at Mogth M vitro.... ... -- - $Nbsewd O�iAII. who P�� UP LanMl scald "elft a ago while LM-11�.dWM 'a" hew- .L Tho d>Il
wY ts les, dwaA. tlhad iiMaga. "Hous old a �t w4n is died" tt�bt wa blew OW twmNlia Millions, bat the rev hat's wIR M L>dt )1�1ieMa arta L1N The 110
it iwadarly Ia bks Mad, IG�ry M rti er bad arranged all "Two or teeea•saA-tool) /. p,rh,.p. tad arc's wets at
a t .
. t
! L
'4 a.
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