HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-11-2, Page 5r Bargain Days, ER 26 eland 2 N DAY'S malt BAIDAINS. LACK DRESS GOODS t t LOIt*D DRESS GOODS, inF DM' JAO UNDER. HILDREN'e JACKETS. Jackets for $1./10 site. 27th we will oder extra bargains le Melee W. ACIIESON & SON. Carpets, Oilcloths, Curtains. filx>cacial 77e.1uec . . TOR . • This 'Weep THE SIQLAT4 • GODERICH ONTARIO. • Wast lee W4mtiby WO it Gla ►separate "flow le leek sore the ,ass el the ..re, paemlMd Mt Mie ob�.M. (7emrespod with .1.MMe The �S� istr.dm ed the *tapas h Lome* mirk Am there Meals and how r to amide Ma.. Jdstap tape the .re..l.e(.e Of Wm prim we hate • very bright *whet, but there are ohmic Impute should ass tr, to bussu* tadepeedeat of the peter. Atteed the rsasfsr eh•roh cervices, work Wit b the pose ter ter the cherub, de sot allow the metal •ad Wormy depertwls to supplest the aiNhse &Weever .v .44 loan idly sad No .00h .e•hlser►. bare .(et- leee bright. cheery ►ad lull of soap. avuruw 1111116101.W. H. Kerr. d Breeds, gee0 a ser b- treastlee *ad pprodFahlarepart .1 the ladies- spells ro Bev. H. Or•M.i spoke .a the oda e1 Me forward ..ve.est ter e.tede•e, .l the work it Ltd already matesi tl.h.d tad el the bdll•tesas et the eatl.ok for the future. rweetI-.l: dietriots aro sow wheal or la part supperlhim seemly omen *Mst.si {es. the .eraleg cad sttwn... seseieee were ssu.ea.d by .w rages. .., stages hard by Rm. 1. T. Ostia Tb. Blyth oh.lr. m- imed be • wale quorums .applied the mace ler the .vedap 4t the .yeors ewe dee the wierlyeleet�d atom were Wire - dead sad are .a fellows :-Haa.rary preen. dear. Rev. Jasper Wilma. Uodaii; ped. deal. Rer. 9. J. AIM. 6od.rieh ; 114 s940 pr..id..r, G- H. Flame , Clot.. ; Sid view praiesat, mita' HMOs ise pr.dde.t, Mies Jamie Kirk, Lei/.es,usj .t 4th rim pr eld.Mee MAW* HIIMvj Ood.rl.h ; 614 vies prseldeet, Mrs M. B. 9.Ik.14, o.a.reh ; sesretery'W.C. MTN% Mates es ; tww e.r, hair. 11.A. Huls, As. Mrs. • STOVEPIPE . VARNIS blest lustre, quickest drying pe varnishes. bottle or two. Banda making the best; -k anate , it has other wem d elegant preservative esablegfor b.loo. oabede iron work, coal ete:eypp, No. Diluted lent walnut statin for weoj{‘ Mktg an ex.. 8 FOR IT ALL THE YEAR ROUND. 6 fbr SI.ee, Special pr$o. by to Daum. • O. GOODE, the11 desirable kind. Made for wear and divide a good thing with app ngh to insure comfort, graceful • t t for economy, elegant enough •,(� ARMAN, JR e to draw our ention * you are using emery day now. Baskets, we Drags, Garden Rakes, Wheelbarrows, Lanterns. and Theroid (fresh .leek). Rogers. I.&L, Letockett, Tresys A @tart rola Cash Register Reinke Meek .hl every wok Po" . ROUc1vJE. CORNER GROCERY. and Vegetables In Season sea. The best Tou will bestdollar's worth/ uireort 100 of Groceries and Provisions alga) l romptly delivered. ZTY..i. 8z 00 ire sad ilowtreal Street. IR DRUGGIST FOR YSTEM REUATUR IMPURE 3•ply38 La wide, makiegbet the All -Waal Revaidblearpets, purest wool used in theft eassuleetere. A sp1Mdid aseeeteeent cI skies &- dens and eciorisp to lee tewd, amt• able ha d .eeona,arps rMa. wear. ZstrR value at, per yd. 78.1 Finial Oil Cloths and Linoleum', tram 1 to 4 yds wide, in new pattern'. Soo ds•' Heavy English 1�ap..bry y Carpet", 27 in. wide. SandIowae designs in new coloring., viable for any room. Noma- r,rc. bSc price, Wil, per yard . h.... t1V 15o prs Lam L•Cer- ' lotus, 64 to 60 inches wide, iI yards long, extra fine pest. 'Arlt. .lar pnt:w wM $1e00 1.60 ; &platoon W. ACHESON & SON. W. O. T. U. COLUMN. S ussite BMW on LiN to the head et inner tat, tree besieged pu1preued. term eat NreN They talk UM t•ar••w, that .srd. knew ; Wee.. Weis, sees.s arse e,. Pw Gd they Lift their lam .t whits ; He .ams e me their "SSeuh t, as law elver'', dem s►.w, eat••.•...ue.I, ..1.... as en. re. hwMrs *w.. yaks Ng mote is Ws. With meebewlewe Mer haw Aloe; Their loyal hurts will haws 1$ es, Weems. selse.y mimes mesa y Wer manse UM wk drams they heal; *deb time they keeps with my1,MpR Stie Ansise, tee ekes they haw s.l...tt, -'seer ..ler comet s'r ova Thr bleeder mew. 0 &tease mask Hal se. la semen well w. 4..w. 8•Mee•..ee.•..nl•ea• numb am •-Tr+m.. S. Willett TM Iawbr, .1 tie, dye :-"We p ewiwar thee if Owed. w set wN! man eat w empess.4 wishes .t her abs. WA she nib draw be her 'cent. and flat tee. lkellMres W very ekes who s•essasse she.Mm.s of am is.•I p..epwity. feet Me wevid ..dm•s•e4 that hero se ore e"aetry .here • boll, may 14 nand 1..m Irma the Ne1>• of elm askee. tree hero the L pswier. �...t el elm vises, a.d hes froa the de. Swains peeper .t *ho trade lo its manna Mandl tied it well draw Ww.rd itself the Oe+h.ekig. lmdli-kwped, Liberty loots, ,upas.e of ail lads" OM a very blows fro. the dry et the *Mr tv.ae p••el• The/ pretend to Mak .Nr• petllb4es wes14 depopulate the seer tdery.- aaih•ssee• De net k. the ai.btst.r Mose el your flan end twdssmese waled up s.Ml "our AreabwMail. kWtWrhveewith seem a.. epsak appreelm.. .lswiea weede •cilli . Weir eau ere hear the., wed wawa diem happier =hem t the kW tkoa.,ew m.'. is sey cels. the, ere p.e. r, bare.e tier e. 11e leases yrs w ts seed ter de. calf... and te %rebus sad sweetie their be.s beim they Maim them. It ay brads 4.e'.iib••tw Doses Mid awy.l.11 et eaway and whish psalm* e05 k ewer m, belly, I In the rather they waddle** Mem ora In ow emir mad ireetdel beam •.d ogee aim tlmf 1 say be re/melted mid .hewed b elmee while I peed mem 1 weahl eider r have • pleb sells :Mein a flows, • temersl wishes* • "dray, rb•. • M. without the etof lore amid eye Nsbf. IM as NIA M .MIN ear insists k.bnh•ed he their heel. P....mertem kaodems dea met miter the 14d.md .pmt. L7.ww ea the retie rest s. he/rears •heel. esd ewer w weary may. .em fes. /fates sues roe $?Rose. lily I be Mewed le say theta I imposes !low �ver ,s w de Oahe. yea prawn to aka we mistaken. 1 de.eehepa that Jt e t year Imelda. 1 de NI bellows MN K de. se serol mem sm- y WIN fwd. 01 emus. t� m we* D.1 simmehdy esfa, •• Ob. well, N shim Orme* te . tsllew Demo let Time e me eeeasii a tp teed is weer. sive Nom It dem est The *treses. peso. is Moe e.44 dpi rlrlwr a t •.d ease wee - owes Woe are r this awe el ear wee hiTer Mee, • so B &Mt.s' et smog Saw h. sten eis.etse id ► bemired Mime - pewee se withal* M. I hsetta vw beard .411 be.,ply .sy Nod d • I en m 4 - ss AM Mss 1. west w.mra.,, ,WLN.ls.8.td.. res we cud W No Nile .rise* Nee ie sprees* be g1w pie r o Lid et hep NM Y deems e.1M wets sere et Wes Were ee be meetly fes haw *ilk . ..resit Ti. p► st- alled es yea *op e Abe * Mk wswh..• 'yea re** the ether .de Tee w New .14u4 b, ahs w..• "tea. It de. set Mbet tt ot yea M, nal we per. Sat.mp�peoe slew It did de y lie ye eeel �m ,., pd. Tf, opted'b 44oatt mime dose Lw Se ease% pee Ise eseemot t t b.M I MO,f_lat�yes wIn 4. m.oa byre A (ery s a / yam w4tWabebe '*g try is. SRL w eel die Reed wok who Ale tb.e.aL 'hiss so MMr dnp d hew. 'lets Alen& demo N awed at •1L It Is of abs fawns dap d emee.Ml5.a to nippss• Nat than w b by smr.rk.L a it. Tarr. le sees whatever. Net ay abmes. Mt estitmem'.a m w twe�er a rt •amid! spt. irits Thep � sheeted I. lee t U ewer 4 4.I.s Ila 8feed. 1t daoe b emu sagry essiseu. it pas te .,s... Uss.tj. ..., te awakes wrath. K definite r4•sheed, ie '*1. "eel le ml MM wade with hew war, al.. -lbs C. H. ep.epees. 00000014 4 0IST4101 The dMlr lh .AMT &1 6 " d era hkstd tat C(M.i.r 17th. mad* iapHipp W.a w able • Mete* t teeabt; MM (w see "erviaa flue ala.Me theft eaten* r.. a iebba4 Seibet Med 1tpw.rtb LAP* with. The Lame ttismlrtm it ur stat M• 4.4.r a.bj.o1 "rhe wperk"toa/eut and haw to spertaismd." Re dente wile Mr ehar►ot.r. imam "Mob &bald mark • peed seperiatead. eat. He dost he steee.m, winter to 00059* s.usU-_s ..d Lek d eseae.r.t.d Mar. • ..aa of a.N esamea inner. .Deed piety and sinal °Mistime ohmmeter. Tb. 4414 r ga•• may ps•eseel esepeet ions a& le hew a rep riewdes/.14.14 rendeet bie alma. Huwt be make Se.day !blest &Natoli the mase .M"Mv w W esbj.os .dotted be Rev. T, T. (less•. of Beim" a As deals is se MI te worship. mid L end to bright.. the messier ef the hoer wed sesta a 1.. ellr.sq.. In usseteral trios, the litres -elemed &bald he .My the lime of the lsedi.. N the ew.a He would advise here@ es arenas tied (Mair to over, early :wheel it at all practicable. Mea X. Webb'; it Ood.rseli. road as et ewllsN mom as, "Hew t• a.l.t the minders • N Mew et the selytesdtsld$p W broke of the i t icie-teeth arm, esaastapi tlnmled of by n6. 4iller,st Met, 14. wain sad esob(n of t e bake et the Babe &bald be le.r..d. AJrawsool /.mea. Aker deredes•1 eswet.es tb. lam matt . t the •'•raw e."d.s wee dimmed. Tb. seed . report save the tollowtam Leaeueo in deetri.t. 26 ; sei(ve member., 194 Jmetlslr site ate me.here, 449: total. 1233. the.. M i awv....hrr.. 990 ; "sena a aewbore, 60 ; tetet, 3y0 Two ether }mei .r sedetM.. dated.,. is Raeder subset.. 3604 ; aveeue• su.etdsace, 9316. R.v. J...r Wawa, d Ooderteb, ear darted a r ssd.1a.te ee.f.,,..r, lobes .easy gameness of pra.tioat Interest te Map• w were dt.esstad. R.v. P. Ciemoat Kayo ea able sddre. a. • Hew .a, ear ehiidree acrd yea",oeopM in trainee M Methodist p.et,4.." He erred tee ao5ray of 'nib Ike linea., 14. hesdey mama rad the gpwert`t Lea.aw lou-thr.n the study rel the esteeho., set eely 1I quinine.* sad wwe:e. bet ales tin 81.1e presto iu ceneeods therewith. Rev. A. 0, T.fi. read • paper prepared by Gee. horr.w., .f Welter, a• " Hew te mews • larger att.adasee of yew.Isfr." Partbalar ..pbseia was lard .e (1) per - easel levitation', by officers and .&abet* (2) isek4.a the visitors feel the, ere wet. setae ; (3) trload.ht, sad trieedhwere awe( she 5s.hs s; (4) faithfuls.. to the pi.dg.; (5)tnset*slit y sad nrularty et att.adesee ad elf ..wdm.Nag the servle.. enewl•lr the amine* Una eb'rbA.s i ba. e.e• t 1riN1.d toward. the .appose .f Rev. W. J Meek the .iodesary at CM oasis, Vas.o.- '.r Lla.d. The twisty -ex le raee et the Megrim bare ooetrib.ted ever 4300 tor this Dwain•. use Ae las% esti onion ipso of the seeewtty of emit Maim i• the MI. trim worklei •y.te.aIeeUy le rues •.res weer sasses be sea year. Rev. Hs. Grahame spoke ...u. dossry week : Hew b.N to keep over, teseue etere.ted is the f.rwerd meve.ent le. .Myer. (ave every .ember mem. Meg te M ter 1►. Han the twee he roe. A Garet Sup._. J. H. W ers.a her the.ser.o► for pa r Howard bermes fa lite Imes duh kr Oi- ten batt ter J. 0. Wag at Set. rte. Mr. W creek hey takes o.mtreete this .saw ter so fewer than fourtees (arma..a. E W'uMo oKNo�ws Tet[ VALUt Or INDIANWOMANSBALM, A NATUPENT MEDT[ Per sale . Oder"► h Jae. Wilma. �FTE1 IHE Nkfii BEFORE.. Take a Builder N1M1 MINIM e IIIPLU N I. toe's MEM Alt 111 LIVEN. Eme rerW Tor sale le Wash* b7 Jas. Wool*. r ear (hese, limp. at bo. • ps.sd. of shish w. .da • barrel a week. TW bal ear only resp, as we surd •••714144 Mut w hated .d to is ea te-de.r. r1sh►Tk.'fNero. ress k o w they w always teeat d a snap for trek twettowe We .drew ilia bee at 'we =ate Made - everything vim Q�ware er pet•toos..•rdes .f.1 w *limes tabu Qum. W. 4..1 la an of Mem. T. O. TEPLEINCI do 00., Bedford sleek, eadereh J.BEOPu' & S09 - ,.m t.a.»WWU - 4111►uuru►‘ -Me veto ra mud. Emboktiftera. Onion eactillelly mem or e. a. MI s•eMere ei-norm Neese• elceM.a., CANTELON'S P OyaterPattie:,Tart:, Short Bread ad Cream Rellt,Liee Pies ad Lady Fitter:, Kiasea, �acaraota, iaraattea, B� Slept, Btc. w as good as the best made ih any city in Canada. Oanteloo leads M. trade in WEDDING CAKES fh fancy sed ereaa.ot lop eex3 sls�oaid�le Give him an order end year sat- isfaction will be amew.L b. tANTL LXN, WEST -13T. " "ALL THE STYLE 1. what we clans ler our r, NEW JACKETS. Not • last year's Jacket in stock, and all good quality. Popular prices - FROM $2.50 TO $14. ►i �"1ETRsS 14 Astrachan Jackets, Capes, Caperines, Ruffs, Col- lars, Muffs, Gauntlets, in all styles, at Pedder's. Black Crop= in Newest Designs. Ladies' Winter Blouses and Wrappers, $1.00 up. Our Men's Department is complete with the newest goods Over:odts, Suits, Eats, Caps, Collars, Ties. A nice line et Tweeds and Paintings which we will make to order at close prices. Fit and workmanship guar. ..teed. Carl sad see. STOTES MOORS 5 ERIO � uM!' S&RAN6w You will soon be tooki for • NSW 0007 or PARLOR MOVE. Reatinaber that WI LILL •.131 NWT to the market. THE PEARL STEEL OYER RANGE cannot be beat. A Guarantee with every Pearl Stove. THE NEW FLORIDA with Steel Oven. L the beet Wood Cook. THE ART AMHERST le the best Oo•! Double -Rester. and E e HAVE FOR SALE CHEAP I SENA Npl, 1 5 iIIISE POWE1 TIMM DIM 1e. 000b a.ba . 1S [PWES. EPPS'S COCOA GRATEFUL UL DIatinguished everywhere for Delicacy of Flavour, Supe - nor Quality, and Nutritive Properties. Spoally grate- ful and oomforting " to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold only in 1-4 lb. tine labelled JAMES EPPS & do , Ltd.. Homoeopathic Chemists, Lon- don, England. 1ESAL7Ae? 8UFPER EPPS'S COCOA A BEA COOK STOYE THE HOWARO le the beet Coal Turn.oe. Por sale by J. H. WORSELL The Cheap Stove 4 Plweatie Wan. M1LLINERY! brat impel and Ryles for the Fall and Winter 3eaeon, THE LATEST AND BEAT EFFECTS 1N Folliers, itilions aid other TPiiimius According to my usual custom, I shall not hold • terms.' opening, but shall be pleased to have the Lilies itupeot my stook at any time. �tS CAMERON, Hamilton -Bt., 4oderioh. Not Made to Order But Made to Fit. In seven shades. 52 incase long. Deep Storm Collar. 5 pockets --deep flaps. Made of Frieze -riot Etoffe. Guar- anteed to please or your money bank. CALL use s/. Tau. Tway sus B•scuse, ?ie H tpa kycle Can C1101011113111.1033 - COAL AIR W000 CHARCOAL and KINDLING. We are -still at the ..m old stand, Netsoo Street, when we 4.vat hem supplytiv oar customers for • tuber of years. We know the fuel that .wile yea. Order* left with oar delivery riga or at Walsall'. Nine and tin Any and at oar Aloe will receive Me peoetpt attention. All cool waiph.d an market scales, unless otherwtee ordered. We run several Dray, In connection. CARTAGE i FUEL CO., JOHN R. PLATT, Mawtpor Phone 64. P687.tt • At any oeaeon of the year there im no greater comfort than a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen. It is with coot stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties. We know you will bo pleased with our FAMOUS and AB,BSDIN StovesandRanges d.LLL .A.T CA�}TQ}Tp�LEppBROS. Plukrs,�ea��}ad ithm1 h M KI M'S, - REI D'8 OLD STAND. Some Things we Don't Want Yon may want them, and It will bake little money to proven them. A Lot of Last Year's Jackets. • ere $3 ce te i 00 w le 4 007 te All Meter thee :en 50 t ter thea. An a ire, W POCKET AND PEN KNI VIS$ BU7re'ER KNIVES, Taw ore Mrprhie, sad if yoe treat • leer 41400 ss es. seise, * r 1 e y �.r .ppesteaty. prised «» ..d aa.'1..r. chest w ..yi.. uta SCISSORS, RAZORS, .Albs CARVBIRS • 0 SHOES . 1 lona many other o.eful articles. '.• MEDICAL HALL GODERICH. i Stock nearly complete again. New goode received daily. A lot of fine Bath and Carriage Sponges just to hand. The newest and latest Perfumes! Patent Medicines, Horse and Cattle Spices, and Condition Powders, Rubber Goods, Syringes, Atomizers, Hot Water and Ioe Boge, etc., err F. JORDAN • Corner Colborne -at. and Square • BRING US TOUR FEET lit t We do the .net. Our shoes it eke the wings on • duck, and a ladder is not oeo- esuary to reach oar prices. OUR RANGE of Boots and Shoes covers anything you need -the neat and dainty foot-co,arbwg foe -the house and the strong and oomfor•t- able boot for severe weather. Greet bar- gains in Log Boots and all kinds at Fall Boots and Sloes. ST. GEORGE PRICE. REPAIRING bt**ATLT DONS, BOT. ON THE $. A RTOCW OF FIR'T-CLASH CUTLERY INCLUDING Vie Save wee d ram w1Mes'. ,N. The style le • 1 risks, me eeIe the quality,bet th • pries a'N1.d. these twee Brae, ell erste, ,eelMee whiter s 43.60, teele•ra914 The above lith M.e% Lag leas. feet wakes wase 076, te stem at 4p pp, 4...14. set ease. teN ha-• w an addition from oar regular stook, will be cleared all Peruse, lies will 14 s line .t bait pries. 01si ' Idea rhes. rc..sd Immesh 11 M 1, n ;mom w ars 41.00, N skew N 60.. Hew case taw. met e.s.k M 1..41444. at lamaleaf Pim e� goods an on display and tipsti for inspection. Oona early sad get NW JACKETS. epeeist NNEW4176. 46 00, 46 30, 47 60 NEW FURS. $i owlet.tte t........ ..... 410 00 Staidr*lo �Sell AAllte .Msser M . • • ••••; •p 40. 10 00 Eu IA 00 Illes1(1. fi"•1 ttlsy. spatial M 12 60 OD air Tame Yeasts old Pees w Tet.swam Ism see pe.lbey 4.4 as May free rhe its say site. • UNDERWEAR. Amoebae 'M qii�, id Obese ANION sod seed velem edowsblet• sad sfer`"' weak 110a. ler a....1 W. A. M°KIM. A special bre 2 -blade Pocket Knife at 150. of extra value. Our regular stook of Table Cutlery, Knives, Remora Mad Ileh.ers:le very TM $Id bstaWlied Nettiars Nese R. W. M°KENZIE *u'r BIDE 7QUARE, The Place to Bey All Hardware ()heap. „ la t pi' hnuar, ( 0 f, t �.d