The Signal, 1899-11-2, Page 2- -.4
Tf�e Signal °ted 60 me'�""'a � ESTIMATE Of Nfle N�ROT JUST � CITIZEN f �I(E. �
raepeated b ms from LoM I,aasdowme
need K to W this effect :
m PV a "Lord Laaadowae tr at the opinion - --_
ln=T TNVUWAT MOlt10 M that bhs trams onndltiou- should be all-
�1nd is t11* cam of each °°'°°y." 8 a Gentleman Who Knows Hon, Mr. Tarte Denies Its Flag
isT A ,ra.D.1r]0..o:.. That is th. rMwon Lbentttre v►bY Y
&r.• °°` "a' `rOOPw'°"'" Him Intimately Yarn,
�y we are, Arum that W our vindles- s 1
. 4. 'irORMA CAT. OOT. N IS". tion, .
.. 1, w .
Dodd them ix• two better IIIusLra-
Mr Wilfrid Laarim,s apeeoh at bow- than are oon"Ined la tM tete Items Mr• J. & Willloow, "Wr of Usup It b a dull day when the dpeots-
' 0hasuvQlo lSsWe(1&y ,00atxnLhd • tale above' referred tot Blr Cltarien Tuusr• Ololpe. aper�lr� at the meeting of the Iota twls, the Ottuws Cithou. iota
rev how d the and prosper- ler and his followers would gho mo Lutlor Club 1u lbronto last night. Cwt a new 11a two almai at Het.
_. _ e_. ._ I,�q�c! jj� ly- ay
a....dkp aa,+`ya. v ao6{ A�e6'-tia�•' WTlrt•.. 'gflMslaBl�. :a ,.afJiFX" •-- �-- YhlOandh Lob�aR•� ial.�'artil.'.•Eneay ~uaJat i'
i ' joy' lug under the rule of a Liberal wltlaet first stliku(ating fur their pmal" oust(btkm, sad aM Govoru- �li g, " Did Mr. Tarte Helure T"
t' eoverumhmG 'floe Premier' shgwed pound d flesh. They would semi no moat L Tosooto was showing visor fix Ottawa Cltlsgth g
J` boom nostaken Slr Chas" Tupprr: troops to help Great Britain In the and ve&snI till °old tits{ of ILO lea rttulerts
all the Ieaderu d Ye Liberal party, this bit of partisan Ialsehuud to I
I'; Mr. N. Clarke Wallace And thoother Trtuuvaai. unless they were permitted with whom be ►sol bad wore ter loss duble lends:
r Tfory tn•ouhotr were, when they Pre- W cattrol the InWerial War Office. nawociatiese during the {mast 10 yMrrl• Ottawa CILtr(m: It 4 jaaeartd b7
dieted that a change of tiuverunwxtt aesd W elatatlse Itrh ptyllcy W suit Lhe1r these war rho one la whore Integrity' iM 'Cltimu Ube red sNbeset7
would ruin the trade and IUe of the whtata It would ire a crompllment W and ability, and in whams high view tbat ou I&^ when tea Ot-
<' Of public duties and public rommonsl•
country. They cannot talk th as ti owt of loyalty do describe it alt Oilitier be Ia►d mom ocadidenoe than Wawa ono t was bay for
w&Y ,mama. The cre4hg Ate goofs. umi 4e1 tie grt►Lkm►an orb p baa redently n- `►Amid AtMO&. 14 maw p lira{
ties timet of Premier u( Ou• t� British fig wbwW helglgd
'fbe tall chimneys oowtlnos W smo" ' si8wod Doak ora -the main tower of the Pariumoms
rim manufacture has been wiped Ott- THEY KEPT IT CORKED. tart• (Cheers-) Tim true reason of
that ggaapundsaa's reticomens wad the buikblugn, !p baler of the oeoasloL I
Many of ,man, that find been operas•- The late James Beaty. of Toronto oosh'llton of his health. s thltg whirr !n fact, ,dart from thap, PWW
LLee significance of the eveaR it a,aal
ing with little or no profit for years timed to say th at a Certain polltifitta must be deplored by Ll rats, ell W time the departure of
before the ehang6 of Govermm�tk alwa s became ttrbtle when he over tine Country. It he had cute ob- Tecate k°OM
y p'' servation to make toacIbl general in war by the display of katlilttt•
are now Idly. There to out of employment A bimllar remark utngg The own%roi of the Parilam„tiblld-
ddrtj wpiewd px,lltic& IC was W slc•lure uls o{lutou
general contept, Dad prosperity would fit aer"ttCTorMll with respect that the two main things to strive Uwe is vented lu the Department of
. UlrroamirboaL the country. Sir Wit- W their loyalty and devotion to the for M Canada were (1) rte oomsser- PaWie Works, of which San. J. Is•
feta war at his Ixwt lu his reW7 Lo emplro, which become e(wt/pskhiOUsenI cal unity of the country, and (2), reel Tarte Is the bead Before as•
wnity of tine people of the Country. a snmltg she responsibility of flying
� Lila Tory critctams which have Ire's" when their party is in OpPositlOt. w•ar wllling W emplsaelre W the full ,Ate flag. lbs Minister war eoululted
d`` levelled as his Gorermnment We start- Title fact is noted ,by the Amherst shut this le a British country, and by hlr subordinates and, it lr .tssert-
a' ed, ILO said. " In 18417 wjth a determin• News, pudrllsbed lu Bir CMarlea Top- that if we are to bund the traditions ei1 ,rat M directs i that the flag
ee ooak•y that ire should capture tie per's old county of Cumberland, which of Use British EmK,lrs and share In haOaW M A he pit up on the I'arlla-
Ute glories Of the British Empire, then mens belldlata
British market. We thoettrt U we remarks that "the display that fume mar muss take a full sitars of the Although, as we have said, the
4 five uo W mar OqV a great many of our Conservative friends are making rewQonsibllltse of the empire. (Cheers,) report eoswo to us on what
mat in Great arltalu will tory (roto o! their loyalty at the prevent time But whihrt that b true. he thought appears to be undenlab:s authority,
Ute first duty which reefed upon pat- we reserve comment on the oiroum-
. us to orefereuce, so the UijitOdstatPa. Is rather amusing than otherwise, It riotk• Canadian citizens was to tape stances p•ndlug an) esp.asatloathat
We sass tbam, a. prefere,ce. Thla is Is rather Wit" B shsi_.t9L folate ma ha gLr*n by-jjKf�Mr_3krte, sad
f6r-Vran6esi-MWk,yeler-oFod► etema'se )
our pollcy ; these ase the results or tflghteen yen& trait Chir part? te- of the people of this country• and• w which we Ilnoerelf hope M sal be
it; and I say nor►, lot the face of these malned In power they kept this tar as Ness who evmtxtre the aD.e to give to a manner to satiety
smjerkty are otraerned. to ray noth the a of Canada. That s l[lnlater
figures, our policy has been markedly szuberant ultra loyal spirit el thein Lug and b do nothing that will of the Clow■ should forbid the Ur1-
''' sacceasful. When we introduced this securely bottled map, and Is was mot *nuc wmwbemmry Irrdtatlua amouJ fish flap; to be holate.i oa the Par:la-
�'.�` meat build of Canada In honor
policy It wM received with favor by until the wicked Grits got inti, power ant- other. element or In any other of tlx ds lr » lit Canadian from
tic• Ccxuervativea, air Char" TuQ that the cork flow cont. We have a:n Province of the Confederation• '1Ile P• pa
ste which was now Wa taken lh war thew to fight thb brttttea of
per, Lr. Fester, and Yr. Clarke Wal- Idea that this war with Use Hoerr Id moans mtxe is tIIe blatory o[ Brut tie Empire le • chargee sot to be
lace, bat mw that is has been success- not the only war that Great Britain Britain than meat of them oou'd est[ 'ightly passed upon. TS Ydon. lir.
Cul, stow Ulat It shows thls result, use enjaged In during Ute part twenty mate- The causes which led to the Tarte Is not able to satisfactorily ez-
Utey have another policy• T'heysty: vears There was the Abyebintan war Present war Chef were not utled upon Pspl tits tact that the flag was cot
to dlsoua- for the moment. The judg- displayed on that day, The Citizen
O►h, let you snouts lave clone bet In 188`,. Tine loyal Corwervntive party °t d Ahs great mase of (hare who &111 Ais prepared w characterize the
ser, you should have obt iutd liquid then W power were hos dumb as bad fo:lowrd the question closely was Minieter'a action in a manner oom-
proquo In your policy.' I say we have mensurat* with tbe-etreumetano0o of
it aleeady la oar enlarged trade. but mine about rtslsing W the akd of -.%bat the war was justdied, b(ti b4- the cases
I have unoter answer for them- .mar mother land_ Then there waoeibe cool this the Prime ce greratloa, to
�i, mind, was tIIat Cha gr•*atent ea!- Ot course there le no truth lu :be
Wheat Sir. Charles Tupper tells rue F4ryptlan war In 188_, which was amts that couA befall the elvlllsed
trait wirer, w* were olevlsing our tar. bl of uto+e nerlomr importances d THIO, enol of course the editor of the
ltf we hon w have 4 vena a rani bar- Prp►pa y wot:d woofs le the weaken or the
Ottawa Citizen we -1 knew there was
lot with Great Britain to obtain flora tate Prtvent crWam, and cue layel wrecking. d she 1lrltlsh Empin. none. It 1s just a pert of the mels e
�*h t ylt 1YKO geDG -Tval, n'aT'-W" Alma&-- 4,bm+erwhEl4e.dektaoiw /Mv eta, (C.1looraa Tkat ��plre, J,44 h s
ky, I. for ome, whit not drive a the, awful danger ,kat threaten0d the f3•°erX.I tie Neat Ione in tits o e" coterie of 'Tory a anderers led'
Poi world, and no greater honor could by ,be Montreal sitar to att.-mpt by
hard ber(rnhn with Great Britain. mighty Empire cot which we farm at come to any of Its citizens than to
Great Britain ban her own Inselk•y, pesolstewt venule lying to sir
W Our pout. In 1885 or '86, Lite Ki;tWrLIW avtnd In its defen_'e when Its Inter-
wltich L a free trade lo: Y. eats are Imperl;)ed or threatened In credit the Mialsler of Public Wofks.
policy W & customs tariff, and oro Ixattalbux from AueRralla ensiled he an corner Of tIIa world (Cheers.) There may be some who are not ready
jonx as there Is that difference It Is tate aN of our Motherlawl at the y
difficult, slnhoet impowible, to Colne time when Baker Pa:4ha suffered such to 'believe that these editors would
W any sa e._%oLnt, Mit tib goal to tt disastrous defeat rear Sankt= but MR. HARDY 8WED UP stoop to such dlagracefu. work, so k
Nnere to be pursued at tate proper e. may be as we.1 to give them the Mia-
time- But whesiever the time comes tine Conservative adminpstrati0utree By One Who ought to Know Him
we shat, pet pu ftw It mo ad to ask lit power did not send a man. Oreat We1L Ister'a /tatemenl received by wire to-
for the Inst pound of flesh from Great Britain hats hoof watt in .trhant,M day
Britain. We shall deal with her w:, r. I.n Bormah, ward In Zululand. Alun• J. M. Gibson was received with uttawa, Oct. 3U. -will )dot P.eam cap
ad she has wits us, relying that won+ In Af h anistan. all during the 'ouu cheers. He bad not corse there, w yotu roasters that there la nett one
whenever there V a preference to be B he said, for the purpose of making a word of truth In the rtatememt of the
given she will give It to Un-" year•~ that the Cswnervative Power speech, but to juin with his eoostlts- Ottawa Cittzetr that I gave' orders
Declining to sperak upon the mer- waa supreme ion Canada. and notonce ants In giving a hearty welcomehto Net the Brltsh flag was not to to
Ass of tAhe mane, *ani deeply regretting was aid offered W her by a Conner- Sir Wllfrld and hit cotleaguea raised over tm Parliamnent ImiWings
`,;, elected for that riding about u year at rte duf that the o)ttawa noldiorr
` that presiient Kruger had not seen vative adminlstrastow. to fact. It-lr_as ago he was Commissioner of Crown were tenting the vity for the Trans-
tis to preserve peace by R:vLnR sap not until our ultra loyal Torlea im- lands. To-do on hit return, he had
r Taal.
[, the U►tlanden the same rlghta and aKirhed thhey maid make s little po, given up t pontoon, ams mats The mus Inv en i n ire Clttnws lo n
rivil which thto oottntry glues I.Lkul capital met of the Transvaal charged with the tespowslble duties mnllcdcws Invtplttkm from IseKinnlsn; to
p eget of AttsungT-General. At an early e�
to all rsoea And creeds. 81r Wilfrid slue�tk`u that they betno making each date he wou:d return to Fer`us and I � away inpm Ottawa when the
prooseded to explain and to defend a pyrotechnic display of the little s and en hour or two In oddreseing vo'aitteen left the city.
the policy of his (lovernment with loyalty they pco�eae. tits edeetors. " We have lost our lead- .I. Israel Tarte.
regard art enllstlos, derptaLching } _ ere" cautimuted Mr; GLImm. "Through ---
A mEDDLESOME ULD BODY_ an Illness, ,whih, unfortunately, be Tlhere are Hamilton pCuple who will
and paying ties Canadian contingent. will never tote entirely tree from, the
S4r Charles 'Tupper forgets occa be anrry to learn duet an ex-Hamllwn-
in 'Answer to tie complaint chat the Bon.,M,r. Sandy has hem compe.led to
Government ,tad not done enough- alosnlly that he and bio party areno, retire. He is a man who fox the last us,, has gone Into this .vsntemniptibte
that' It should have Ineirted u the longer in office. Int FwnglAni a few tw•snt flue years has devoted his buadne g, Qolt it. Eddie, prewrve •your
Pon time, his means ane! his abl uy t.o the
weeks ago, acconiing w hV own sol(-re,pec•t,. and IMre that trust dl
Canadians being kept together Ina bead Interests of the Province. I say
separate corps, officered by Cana- mom' the took tyzut hitosel( W stoat It'advbedlJ there is no man living tieing to the Montreal 8tur, Mnll and
dines and paid out of the Cgnadian to tile, Coloulal Secretary on behalf to -day In the Province of Ontario who F:mptre. Toronto Never and Haluiluxi
trensur the i'remler sold he olid of, Canada' Lord Stratheena bOd1g has given va!uable service• to the Spectator.
y temporarily absent from London. ppublic more unse4flshly, or more conn
not know that any Canadian should Unuous:y than the lion. A. R Hardy The Coasting Trade.
be ashamed to be enlisted In the After hie return to Canada, Sir has done. (Cheers) No man has been
Srltlgih army' awd be &� Cbnrh&e beton tiring telogratnr to Sir more scrutpu oesdy honest In the tile- The policy Of ssrywading the navy
Wllfrld Lnorh r, telling him what to charge of public d°f0y tban M.r. Hardy. gaNat lawn fox atm reef of the miss
We as a Government, and esPect- ole and Oft his t and ar- He retires atter twenty-five years d sou has hem detaied by the Board
ally I as the head of the Govprn erbg su poo mervloe a poor man Ilntnetnily, brok- d Trade. The shipping tnteros4 ari
ment, have M all theme matter W slstanCO ou a certain line of warpol- sn down physically, and without it naturally up In arm& against sn,
think and to go slowly and to act Icy. Tho trio grampe Lravellesd very being ppaseibi [or sAyowe to say ,kat psrtan, allashg Lha, the mens sM
formally and with due consideration- litlull he had ever been It
m slowly, tart rile ('Inarlew dldclueecl Do 1 ifid 1 dotrhg the bttslness withort such e
For my part, so Wttg am I have the of a crooked act, (Cheers.) We have a reoourse are sufficient The per,
resent port, ,trete Costtewnta ht lair rttrpoQ wprecher, new hanrl at the hob, but he Is an
_ horror to abvP7 °l: P mount fn0efee,L V ,bat the harvemd
you alsall newer see me' carried away and the old man really Teemed W en- o'A hand at the bunsiness, and I nm should be got to market : and an)
by poasio n or prejudice, or even try joy the delusion th&t be war runnludg In hopes that at an eerty opportunity muspeas!on, If any, would have tob
enthasktem. I have to think and to KOu wV1 have the privilege of hearing temporary. The history do( the ting
thlnsra TdnL I■ particularly amts- D
aahsWer. I have W look to the rlptht im also. 8e V a 9eots m*a� bat I Iib navigation Inmos rearms man)
and the wrong. I have to see wharf, Ing to the Nova Scotian, whho know am not aware that in Fergus there such suspenalotw, nimmo*ikated by the
`yam will be the effect d any action *lir Charles well, aM tthe Halifax is any crime In being a Scotchm. exige:tctes of the twos, even whet
y:r;, that we take. We were Wfornned,and Chronlule resuarks that the spectacle (Laughter.) Two new Hhotstera have the po;ley of the naitlon sastainwt
lssd every reason to believe, that the of the Irrespsoslb{e stateuman man- been sworn In. They wL:l be elected thr"o laws. American vessels hATo
British authoritles-the War Office by acc ematOn In s few days and !peens run by the Cnharta AUantlo
nathoritlem-were preparing a plan, dertakirg to crlticis0 tJhe arrange- the Government wl'i be eom etq
. ., not for Canadka alone, but a Pf If they carried only vl pl ai Pru
plan mento ma+bs far tM• edeuppatching of a and fret Is eli I wUl say as to Local dace this world low no v1olaLlon o
,r, tinder which all the oolonles ooeld Canadian 'c nting�ent, to SooUt Af- ppO0Ut•{cs Jus( now." (Cheers•) -Hon J. she navigation laws and would ser
come kn 0n a (ootins Of tfquallj7 V_ Gibson at rergan
rica, before he was seized Of the tegmlre any special leave : ,ley cool
and tate uheir share d tine flgbt : - ret carry Can adian produce froo
and the QOW day ere reeelved a de- (acts contained M 'the des- THE RETORT COURTROU5. one Onnaddan port to atrother with
spatch from the Ctolontal Secretary patcbex M which passed between out special leave. If our v wiseld wPr
p embodying the ezpecta.tknu of the When Tupper TAMA Honest 1Me■ 1 uate to tlhe work the rahlvva�
British authorities am to what we Use C'anacllan Arad InspOrinl Govern• tuadleq
should do In res t of the aid that nvnta during the past few weeks, Mot L&asb. cp,apany, tf IL mgatred such vtztgelr
pec could by changing their nationality
the colony should give. That de- nrhust 1 tnWI t with 8lr Wllfrld tad, ate Charley n ek-
wpsysa Mtn DroOie tma1>'107 Lhom without eplpPalhhg t
spatch 1 shall now read, and I want count tOr imotli t flat the Guvernd In -
the. PdvtvlcUOn thaU the oki nmhu 1d Inas tions mwtlltnt' for l7trhrula and In- �' (iovernmomt Gr dkp anythlrhg, ba
. to call the careful attention of k,efu bkm asOtttenCss otherT►hte h0 dulging In Llte hoennt Cwt wiherh tlh0 It cpaM slut so employ them if the;
every Mau lwre present to the toss- tor. rPt&Lnol their American character
manic .tlou, which V addreenwd by never would have fitted thhe mis- eleutlOm came the (t,rservatcos without ettl
Mr. Chamberlain to the Administra- m wnuld sweep the c entry. Sir CIaTt►v+ R aft such leave, mallei
tato of writArg SdCh s lestfar ae that raprke fYorn A, pimhcie up In tiro would Neve L p e n the (oci a n
for Of the I ,time a HM Ezaellency The (l ve ru the reenthat taws
ern, !y him to Sir Wllfrld F.enrtbr. rk,utde; He wNs a.bbv0 the Iheser of
beMt it tid time Awa xsr, Ovid mortal% and loss fn Ilia The Governrhtn I nate* that the pre
,fSdr Rllfrld then read �r. Cbadnlper- HW anxkrty to pnsw ae a patridrt In Pd njar7 resht Rhrpexnx"dwt la n .t to tOtm a peace
pain's despatch, outlining the welshes min esteem and splf-Isnttstl 0 Alr
clmurnstances which fid not impose± on dent. nn,1 W not rep los raDMate,i nez
of she Imperial a°tborlt,ex In, regard Wllfrkt enunerated what turf (:Oven{
to sending a contingent hoot Cana ta. hint any official reep0nsiblllty over- rmnt hpQ done sloes they had !peen yswar.-Mrnnetrry Tlmea
to South Africa, composed of units camp his dineret4m. Had he waited On- in Office, mentioning a+ the first ting HATTLi: WITH CANNIBALS.
cubo wbeld m arrival ,tern tw• In ell twf diad an appcprtandty of hoard- the mettlemerA d the cho l question. —
oorptxated with Her Majmwrty'01troopm If the merlgn font lewdest bintuibr- BvlKi�n F:xpedltloa Had to F1gh
and at the ex se of the impperinl irg Mr. Chamb4vlaln's dowpatch d Torr, hhs C•rlmq tnsslntst filo Ilberttew
PBR (:rest Odds.
" aeUhoritkpe. Oe•t 4th. the tevtn would have Of tine lw,ple-IIA�swms&dm&L be arcked
whAt would be tN condition of thl, Lund (1st. 80.-Advtre+ from th
CcwntArdalryf. Rif Wllfrld Said. -What written that leOter. Now, only ow xl•
Nd we def and what waif our actionT country. Would CarmA . be ae promo (wptiml) announce that Capt. Mohnn
of trio erparepach xMems to bo Open to perom ar It r ba, -4m► 7 No; bis hear- formo•rl ti'n'ted utates ('onnsnl a
Orr actlon mus !peen to sccepot the 1 y y
tier.+ lard down by the War Offlee ` him; etther to quietly subatde and ere knew betser•tltan tha4 (Cheori.) Ztuns,har. who ix r•Ommanding the Bel
and thn Cnmmsnder-lo-00M, without 11 thus toOtly udnilt tivnt lie Mur- Extravagance " eomtpLon had Rkhnt Tanganylka-Cirsin tw l■
Aa eta of dlfferotnre. But there are Oered or to demcsmestatate hfs patriot+ ipeen charged ify Alr (hark& Tnppme►l wzpsxi'tton, lar rTncfred the
certain partlev today In Torortw v ntrnlnvs the Gove7vnnnwrtt TMf tOrmen F'na RtntO. sad was tmngaguxl; n
Ighrdeting and, eli Atm () 1py dPsupastrlrg the arranger nhnetm was f snuislnddorvss mete enol Of Jaly, to a fdercr ddtttiP n
y lrht trwmaeaxn at /nor f mw
. �o� ume I have not Phomn to send mental me& and condition mtipulated hn roper, a man 11ke the Opprelton Tant011, when tJ►e forcO mnalrmtwl e
trioopr and too have them paid out of by the British "Llorithes ftp gpverrt Mnd,r, errs for Air Charkr to talk of ten Friroopwrtns, with ('apt. Mohni
Torr Lon wh% a dor to make cnmmandln
lbw Canattlan tteasnry and armed as the rt►olpllk+lt; and olermPaAeh Of tw ' Npel`ise iter Iplw 8hdxtl K
vw11, nein to keep th em there arr , A itrhtalo Sir W II(rld w -A a e y nftef Nue atttaek corn
1"rate ninth sant. Illnfu4nit oonNngent. We can nosier" of Alex^TOw MothewaK and believed tw:sccd, Baon Db&Ml% the MiCiai
bst.aass of what t tieraase I am not him that the gretat majority of the to honest &&Wtsbtrathm. 011--) crrmraander, dsepatdbed throe con,
store loyal than the Queen and die peopMp of Clwzpda are not partlenlar It elate► 40OWdfittt to ,lir (:ll"Inest pants. of naklisre be &MMs
�4 do better tors the War Offlrw that Gbaservative esootas was ante tine Phwm 4* *aeMbalr
" NWrd whteh r,txntse the taltamm1 -ILO It any 4•
tie (kao4rsl oommandLrtR fire Hr1t. Mnoe wte*I sad WM wine with h1m. who horribly t:otellmue tlbir w0unul
army I Sir. I nplalt i am not to wp^der thht the Willing and Intelll- "I ha re Taut ss&° evifmt0e so far," sold M. were finally luta/, fQept Mnitsn
be rarrdwd away by thoe4 threats. I Cmnt meat of the C'onnervttUve ;party the Premier. "that the tilts Is flowing! Adbrwat work wi tit Wlmithowi r, hos
have heard them before ; they never w•ytptt a leader who will riot pct his In the Q'rection d Air (larlev Torr• Iweater, it H enMmelod that tb
fMaintwrmd me. and they eb not Cc,t In hM month oltrvl tlm4 the olhsur p er. If he tmtM tmw Hutt taw+ w10d is enwrtty nnmixfred 1.600. and khat 8a
trigfitswh ens naw. i want to do my with him I ve say donblst bnt if be killed and OW woantl)sd The Bwlglwi
phos aw a British anbjsrt; i want to It. tellm me t the wird ldm I fume kvvt P men killed and 47 wound
do my toll duty. Pint when the British havwv11046Mbt d i% at Ali--Alr Wilfrid vd- The
autheaftim twill as tttwt this Is what Tho whits populati n of 9 mth Af ries fAvAsr at r lve. a erw'my fled to Tarnnamytlra
they expect oil nr and noth'at more Is o•sttlmaW at 9*000, divided as - That RtpWas It.
It would lir an art of trvv wm. It would fdpikpwu: heath tsttrtNs• Rerord.
be sotmtnlaN worse• -wnmwthing which Taw+ H 1111% t fftgkb; or ran tOthe
I would clot ghallty-U I wen to Ilosn Brltlsh. !t}Italti loam beet'biads"1 In war tge'a Loo [at b ft�lt; ,std the
Poll Mir arr line of the.. ,,,tl.m,n - Cape -Witily with wore. end not Lona azo do 800ttt an�oomntff for tar rroie hw bas Tae
and ptrrtead to instruct the British nnlend .....266,000 1p4,ht100 Africa. No `Um(�n casittl t makhrt to have, a camtlryemt amara
tear Omen as to what it mitmid do. ilssntoland .. ... ... 800 R50 went to her sssrlal0t than• sM yet the Transraal.--�11elin Tslograph•
'f11in rimular from hit. (%nmtper- Orange Fee Stat" 78,10(1 15,4000 we rwdvwr beard polio It was a how- -
Iabt wls" T bare road tap you Tran Nntal a.nd Xnlnlan,d 6 500 45,:00 Owetknn 00mt lgyalty. Air Our Doukhobor Irrf4
tWA s kett4r ",Minh was addressed to TPA -Tag ............. RO-(= I i,6.'s0 Marim Trss1(>W" htr. Font" am The fiamLIkw s
Wpm (Giem "nt 0f CAnaM 011004. It Rlhodeda ... ... ... ... 1.W R,8(10 abhors, who an = 1�1t the sand• • LwurW alwuadd be ache b,ld to pn
Is ilio Whieh baa!Mart sAnpW by ---- ---, Ing a Camadlws �Wi &pro In his COCA do Ostasln.••
tiNe uplMfp anthartaft in England. T•'baIn ......._ ......4R1.600 ;W".400 prwwr then, ai,A it ftory slated The Witter d the Nparvisa OrelAlm
„y UN Rif rNfdn6, bT Txwd Lana- it d (mrvlMMe that mere sh ul,1 1, to oeour Un tksm Al(MT a eortUntMnt. "t, he M of Drwtbolty perntaslnt
anwtllMiiO` 0 009 1 Mry for Wan do nr a grad AM,f of pro -Door feeling In srwnw -W�rr d ' artd tfb"Mtom clams wutemptto
4 alt the ashknb) troop° tort- - ------ from military isrvlss, Ws alway
by4t Is Ile (lord shoats be cu it forst- of fife 00loahhs los! Indlewtkxno am " Mwfl's IndWW Ws&- days are Wottgbt he Ao a rhlrkan farmer
41st o� uallty. T have join that CIM pupal" ant will As a rale r a grind dsa}'19w the ravlsgw d a �d fiat be bad a Welton Mart.•
. rSalhd orfs Wfllrtirer ~af whlah round 11"lly sappertsrg tr British. �p fly N1oClarx R ingsd
', r
apt r. t,
qk 1,-: ..
v s. J,
.- rt
IVPI-0= 9 — _._ _ of c.►b. {. a7as"aw
111 L Market Re its , . a Weeks. 80EflS'-flNf81TI0MS
BOERS, TACTICS, -°�_ aA�vi"A�t nrho ode. f the th
The Week. whhuMMb maa.aa; ;'�B They the Cause o W
rO&L Latus orders "a ss
�ritisg Pablio Wakes Up to rn� find. 'rder I Present War F,
LSADIIfA NHIiA1' ltA8JC1oR'e 61,11 ,iSed orlon fr s
Q + Following ase the olodat Priem at this n psevtat» ac4��
Occaalont8 �rarltJt Itnpto.r.&t arh,at a %ed. Ths Impus •m�rype►� STORY'S OTHER SIQE.
Ch .. _. ... i--- 00 To i-4 �= aa°d � mach that site war lou begun. the I
p p� f1 T New Tof1t..... ...... —0 OTS %ft& 1Mn hlat rear. Ooante 1 of lettere and uawapatwre from
lib ^ Y 1 - Jtli QIxD ipA MB wsakahs... ' ..,.,. OTO r 7�ttr _�k* zs. read. llul (>Nk i, M W °r-
' V l aA Q�� —
., r
tl 0 :areastll' i a �-:Z.-"" '" T"'N ,*4W w td11C'- 7 toe au �Oer dear of res:'Lfi 1f• d
1' TbWdo.................. 0 TO 1.2 0 72 us M"91 d raabne A trod
Detroit, orb M►... .. �1 070 ra$w aN thplu, a4d � at tic �� ting O�dard
Dulutb. No. 1 M'ru ... 068 0 68 'e hen hmdo w good tiomaaei from .4 re Newr of 8epteSaller l6tU
If the al1Ud Ons Qct of Pour wai Duluth. No. I bare.. 069 — IAW- #s IM Coast ir„m rar;ar � � I,„ oda is" art4le :
rM ed ria rime, and they hen nimig Libmmwl Fon
Minneapo lo...... ...... 0 M &4 6aip Osdst for the 41e assn, fAg 1u tlw
u Queer, Mab A" !roan*& trlk4R gWatiou, axis r garb u`sl �iaoi1 w tto the dvdraW'- M
p'�ipmtFnto. 00L ea.-1r"r--On4ario ApMvt� Lbw le a Pap! dwamw �° raring &Mir goom7at SCM• it 1,
�.ppUtS,., w bnH., � a �s.Ta: t� L well e,nPlu,ad W of d tittle.
IQIi11>f BItADi COs a QIt601� straigPub rollote, 88.8.5 to 41.40; 9610M wt Wiaalpt 1S there at'SIM old 1 �11- an ti *Von in
8wygarlen ppaat 711a k ; Maaltdllon Tip nwvM 0 in wbrlpyle litho thio sol ,►ort std nations.
babas', 18.70, All ou %rook at Tor- mmnW �s a Lr�e Increase user 1be oo,gpool M neon& b
• onto. ani pgKiaas ~- Tho grain deliver. Alms an'it a rem►mtdtr level Of e
gumbo" of Russia's latentlons--Brit- Whent--Oute.rb, rid mad white, Warr /arr,r sadigre Mulley Is 0► yry. It argues tlbwi ktlnad. (
iy, ,fMet wintimeut .M N* mais T _-
lab Prow on the War-Moblils- 6th 1-:i to OTC north and wewt : clreulw Z1ere lo ,sill a goys ss le Sg }htir ru ere C
70 to 71c north Arad west. I(o. 1 d �n8 forward. my and that the P -V myeloid t
&ties of Troop• Ha• Amazed the Mautitoba bard. 79c, Torontto. and an behflr gads to get bolWiuga pt far away from "nest' ill
Nb 1 Northern at 76a b-� d gt� • (sr twwya trttoh p: odont sal Star � h� I
lh arupesa Crltiow of Ghat that work an %hies may be contin std rwlp.ectofens &s lbw l 1
Britain. (jets -White o&As tpooAd at 26e We � winter. 1.Ilteva
y�.gd tbthm.lveem• 1�At w �
- tblr�sy-tluo6ed at 48o tux Na 2 As mt'li a the roes and hardware lgvrerdr ars s ,� mrd "r. 4
Loodom, Oat. 10. -Tb► iarp eat trade is very native, the demand at- W ►,rufficlsney 01 �"'= q
mases ; teed barley, 8S to 8110. y, pricer • tel between isrltea GOR'. ami of 1
bet of H hick harar* read tat the �. q�d At W W 880 aoeth and ohottd{ug tis auppl w►Ue r. I° flea of ,w . lo "Wy °fir, I
Plan* I watch lav* already taken w� firm an 4,41:1 advancing. K&Iiuf:tctur- ala )lir s �(V�e, K moll& I
a In N4W has ler t oat scree- *hos ooat,u* to be full am to fly, mY Awls
° Bran -1 riy mUl* *MI bran at ♦18 1 D rad. is In ultous ttsr a,d w1t►romt
U°wa protests from mawy quarter Zia whthi*seM gree*rf trade upon V art b
a in" the ancient custom d Brl- sad *hurt at •1a in oar Iota, f. o• an Increase of orders from the roue- mankn or jentlHmatima imra first ib
pp b., ToronW aux! it, I: ! Md hrou h -
CW aff4wre In refuse to take cover try ,rima week. the whdeealo eluth:a IMC,
when under fire. Pro= figure* at Bwkwb-%-bYrm; Abe north sad Leda to very •atlataoter7 and It d� more CIM shelan.•
G -moos it Ise rent that Oita out 500 east' mond for a better o:Cas Ot rube length and h*Mdih d the ions,
of every tour mann tilled was as of- Oovu n, 860 weals, and Md sooda V at Lhe first shut M fired. to rise
Clear, whereas the anization exists American, 40c' on track here. repot �° and may
Ba of"trade at London ars a�lilt ap atpNsmr.
upon Cha prinolp:e fiat to suety tip �tmeai Qtx,t*d at 18.40 bT Lire ss actory. The country trade ua rr•mt }ruff EarAP,aa11a1,r.,atl0a. Ws
abet there Is ase a"Ww. It le 6VMoot �•-and 18.50 by Un tsltas ttbaral-,aactuns raf°Soods.aad • trot think Oai ASA& ASSIEWate
that if the same ratio of mortiltt>y the track at Torculo, In car Iota job watlaa* to twelve liberal Matters. Nor Is this ydlst of view
is kept up the British taros, mal !los- feat --fit 5Tc north and west, for olsed orders Is various :Lae, d otapin W product m,esiy oI sentimentality.
came osrloua:y uudss omoorsd. Among t1°medlate *bipmemt. good- Ctsttatr remittances are mora 'Ile facts are Ia the mahtltosto fwd.
tie eall elod men at Glencoe, the M imweww m&etst 1proaK thea to former years a we on thin olds are already aware,
PROPORTION OF KILLED Toronto, Glob, 38. -Owing to wet Trade it" been interrupted aom,, tiny prove %bat the Tr&mvaal lad
w wonuded was go to 186, whit 10 we&tber, reoliipst* of farm produce what by the boliday la Toronto thio porided for fall political right* on a
officers wen killed and 'L2 officers were 1 6 on eaturds Only two week, hat orders eoatlone very eat. ysis wltbb. in respect Of the perkxf
wounded. This dlftwvuce In the per- bods of grain, a few �ots of dressed Won"Llry. Zia w♦,' ' pwpla are of Prt'da and standard el
oentase land* toting, ooneluskpw that bWN with fair deliveries o! butter, still Pastia, balers for tka fall. goallficatLim. 1, an ImixuvC•taent
smarty of the offlmaes were bit mors 699% arld l Valuer Wt al( litre Of staple goods are even upon thin� a■ they uh-
Paco ver Hem. Dottie,, are at lain in Ore&t BrlLin ! That, he
thrum ,nae, he rept oa Ass. E " barley -Two laadlr sold at 45c to l ro•S•
men after Lha first wounds. EmD4ror 46u per btpmhel. Hide- era silwrer til, week. lUerw is a fact. u slw reread eusmtarutltg fwa-
Wllliam'e reotat criticism of un Ureseecl Hogs.-Prloes easy at tib damond tar stag(* groceries. 0r. tare to the dtMOM-that PwWria,
Brit" officers' refusal to take oover to 15.60 Owat dere for boob and dote are large when it tabled its live fears' Pro
V. sow fregmenty quoted. The feel fir'-�iveriea fair, **Ming as �y r•mktaaoa, are good. pool, got Into lbw with Great Hr1-
Ing In Ne army ItaMf V that broth =� to mF ppee lh. the latter price eta when tie ltaechtr and ovted It -
the rsgulatbm* do not say Nm ef- only for cAdoe dairy lots to npertal GLANC•F. AT RUSSIA'1 RUTURIL, Isati,•o are coaoerwd and Prov
floerw met cot Ile down, k W sash cuatomeevs, the bulk going at 22c W sm:f progressive. Tet Its prooppoOssssIs
an old astab[lrbed principle Nat It 28c• Prediction w to a" Relict of the St. sad its right hand have boa, reta,sd-
would tabu a brave mea to E�-Parloen firm at :'Oc W '2U per beriaa ildlway. Wit, f Because It his Ideas d its
rate a change, sad ties ,dye of 1w, `own• ha° latter price being for g�ola� �heb1t rite a- to sk, w° n Cha b�rltf oI the Hs-
8tjilapwfshilp>.hss.Atwrtxs Jmass,,, strict;��yynew bid aease:sr, flat wrdll fig, Poblc1and tht Indepetkw- aerie, tM
low wherever as oftlow 1",A Aid 1pOYlw7-Priem woes steady 'bit tion d the R�aIL @Ten . Aad o war I' 1M e
i* held still to be Intensely tett & firm for all choice, welldesed post. w& we shall and consider wb► tree top to wart No n lir tae
while that of Interior uallt y vy IJbcral forwards an up in arms and
HEAVY L03hiS8 -► Wa' q y tber RtsrL'r nadtansssar tlsrtvid are amused at the immorality of the
war lex;Irpod to N at lower prion• from that swdwtak WUill be
T'.e proportion of the aaaraions Y � f Maly ILO tme Europe ut-
a whole has caused a%brtll of bore. WL to s, LLC to 80o per pair: dnolu o glpntfc and toll of danger b shl yl 6 late the taormttf oI
tptk u, 800 per pair. pees Te b Bc Yee and rival, w Rsmlaa
eat sympathy thtrugdbout Gmat BH: per Tb., turkeys 1_c b ,14c per Ib- and RU�asopV a Are anrlooa Lw lee t la nadltased hm galea%
tarn. for the p•u+lle now begin to Rams Product Wheleowe. tuab r betl*vpia�7►1th le� ' �dh'7
nous what A fight with,& civilized regard to same d reaea, Protreis� lad reform.
enemy means. U oldlen puhnt out Toronto, Clot. :8. -Hay, baled. car the fulmar eo:OaLatloe d this oft. Y reallt/ In the, Same a land bung&
that at the Alma, ouse of the bloud:W. Iota per ton, 18.50 to $9 : straw, lying � of ,hg, 4= 01 00 and In Me t*tWODW at-Pital-*nd
bottles in Great Britain's annals. the baled, car kR- (.sae, tbsrsb Y how ,maw that u a heli
ca.-nultlee toAailol OnI 8 er g. to N dl Ky
y per cent.. protatoes, car rota, per pas 4Ac :But- tmnmimtakabie tela s►UI kis derive/, 11/Isat lo 1t that! Pr°Po•• (O go to
whereax, In the recent a emend& ter. ChoMx tuba, lTc to f8c; butter. !or the gzwo, O( tba pspulatica Is war aboatt it Cannot be bee` a
ties! ceerxlderabiy ezoeeded that r1g- medium, tri* 18c to 14e; batter. `tea where an arse of 13,400X- � � nos been offered 'he Uln-
are. dairy. Ib, rdlo, lsc to 19e ; batter. 000 square wile° lis 1°hek/ted by coy laadw taloa reasonable and even gen-
REALY F'OR EMERGENCIES- m9assery. M rolls. 220 to 280: bot- 7.100.000 *ends and wbatls the ez• Kay Ugrssa ; th6 five fears' pcop MR[%
It adltn Eon i�er, creeamery, boxes, 200 b '12e , traordfnary wealth to miiewal& woods are tier to prove the eo°trary.
cgs g ppsan ►ntelrre04toa. said arable land still awaits exploit b boeause the mining In -
Great BeARId's plans to meet each mss• ebdae, ttew•la14 17c so 18C ; - erase
an emergericy ooilVimes. The Journal boney' t� Rho,. W to 100: torkeya atlon, will certainly proceed with bst.ry le oppressed: the Au`am re -
De Geneve publlehem a despatch from � f . 10L to lee; Same. Ater gTe"ater strides thea heeetofare. tarns eye &mp:a t_Ussoay the other
Constant noplo asyying that Rasta b•• 5c to 7c : duel[& per pair. 60C to Wltboe& givint exPhlelt faith W ny ab0a/. It otA)suaot be becsatse the
Intends handbag the Norte a note at 70c : chickens, per pair, 40c to 60c. Russian official statistical data, it fico Pitsea obstacles In the
a° early date demanding the open! Hides and Wool. may fairly ifs amassed that+ °ntwl way 1Wve-comer ; his personal
of .fps Banpborne and LMrdaaellaa Price revised dei: to theta partleslair Sara the (lovers- appwraw is itself proof of his proa-
Unbss Gnat Brltaln V a party to' W:lam Arsons, No, 111 ! est JFrom' avant has always taius tl to larliar tar;ty. It menmt ise erve " tTO TO&-
.ach a demand Russta's action wUl t,ral Rua. tM amisMtlf agnea{• orntosOt dOM nor ob•ry its vonvea-
undouutedly stir ° a been"'* nest• N ITorew.. toom No 1 gas■ ge; ,weal Ramada, LOW Probe ti arnU Its r4s"Am"'
p grsew,. steers, 0 l -!o : No. ! i>rrlf d tie aAsend facllltfs aa4 ,lama and obilp11 u ;
oomDsred with which tine I`eanavaa► grew, steer, 8 t 2c, Na " grow. Be ; that tkg, In the hlt hsry b do that at all those end in all
gntest:on will be quite insignificant. po. ! reen, 7e ; cured, Ito to tl 1-te- mkt s L se re,e,rd sad I i eat a RA&d
i cram ash LOW 00, erabl7 is ng ted In tM Rand
I'BEBA OPINIONS CI�Lsklas Pio 1, >k ; Glfsk Nor a°d hu Mea nLttra
ILO„ !, crease It �y 11,1 ,bat sad ►n d..p.tlob.. ,event! -time, seven
The temporary o etaatkon of %*Wb 7e. Laebskln& fresh, 70o b 75e. Pe:ta, Russia. the most 1 week. And we
from the neat. of war ten ties news- fresh, 76e b 75c. Woo!, fleece, lie to country In Stapp. will hardly at even with a the past
d lie. Wee:. unwashed. fleece, 6o to 1F • os b for Ate sswty Ian hard! bdlov* IL tae be bsel ey'
proper; thew the tualti u. f s retro- 1-fc. Wool, palled, SUP". lie b 16 1-20. opssomsrdyl terr•l!n, Mt it must be U baa eentlas*ats oa Cha ,Brit an
t etalve -ei of Ge allow firefly on •h�low, rough• I 1 -yr to ie ; rendered, bores - mind that tM Rumina tma► . MOUO taw bat. Brltth no
itis snooearp d Gen. WhIM'* strategf' tr b �. ►ort this ora or hat. What then 1
In the face of greatly superior force ant Is not" for rig migratory pre We are fold & lo mm& the growth
In punting tine Boer; venting the Chicago Cattle 1Market. ti mltlos. And, basidM& ant's tie d a,n 0 NaWon this aide
emaachpatiole of tie wets In 1861, saw to Brkish su
J<hrrtlon o! the Orange res Ate Le and Chloagq Got. !i.-Reoatpta o[ utt:e tion v'aai Is•, sMglaOg, __
T I'llag ti a and aqy In s wore and sheep traQay were ao •lm tient i�K�___� am�� rromacy; t� tap We side Lha
gaining time and delay! the Ines- business iw boob markets was at a �`^'w-4he the A!
°hof tvompateo to be 8WAM Mew --It Y Al- �w a mill
.Lon of Natal until the ar Tal d Gee mOsadstl:4, with prlo*s sominal. lir weal V sNi
Buller and tlse army corps persalts of to Prime hop, 64M 1-! to 14.40 ; heav ,root certain that is wW easily drift she peace
real operatlons for the Invasion d this e y !n an eastern end eodgmMsers 0 Try States, t of Em
pa tor& -2M to 14,31: mtzed, 14-10 rection, "Wa wtfss tlltseriy time 1-141 pi lir land. the Arlt
two bravery. w comrurnoe ; tend user. to 14 iY l-! ; ttatcbers', 14.14 to 14.10 of the prrpnLAW . �o far we readb Inn . and mar ere %kat �rsD ILO
the bravery. beptn o! olfdoers -uhf mM4 light we ht& 14.05 to 14.35: pigs, p with t 1. IRAsdan statpsLkw of "bra 7° V spt4 pan
of Lite Br1UTIl army, which has Ar `#4 a1Tr•*
tocnshd not only their enemies but pR*r l s-GAtk, NO; b lie it Clu im An Mae ILO
but we cannot subscribe to tksir
the oontinesW neig hbors d Ores* , I. g'. 16,000; prmpindna as to the qukmm a ands=• amort power. eels �� Yb emir
Brltaln : thirdly. the rwAne• e d er /beep, '' u,nortlnary high nhwshmrs Of that merle. �� *� ��� weal
semen to fesponil b the call to arms asumb Marber' cmwtb.. 1%0 r .:Culatlon that V strike u
and Nae Imonthrem, s0ooetu swift pro LiTorpocl. Oct. 28, 12_'50-R'be t. tb,• lapva of tbn mot hundred feats Therefor* of )�
cla{on and cpmplete°esv of Lilo wotl� �or..inter. ler ld: N.p. 1 Cal•, t3 :7d . tlr, above w•nitil ' area of 1.167. 01& rear Sit - Of them
Izatlon, w;hloh has ref wtnter, los lU 1.2,1; Dorn. ole 7d .
egcally amazed the Ior,k. pa, l)00 spusre ttosaOM•r+ will baro a 11ir4. Whir ep tar a
European critlea who, Ir they did t.os Isomµ' rs 81.3d; me wantern papulation of 60.000.000 or e'o.�00,- mingsI is Is
anticipate a dh=astroms rep-titlon Of ,nese. 56s 8d ; lard. 90 : tallow. Auv Lei M certain,y W tied and at we are aware, for & natioe t
trallan. !Mo 6d ; American. gu'l to, all swouto hatv:tsist6a with the is- grow, or to have Ambitious. m
Crimean imprestr had tin Idea d the fine. 288 9d -, bacon, logs clear, tight.
Imnmense lmprowement in the Organ- ,2 Creta httbrrb ntitssd !n mon fa- "Oi , k hits it% a 1st border
laation d the oommisarlat ^0 fight- ' s; heavy. oo,l short cle7r, hear4s ratably dUMI Md it" team ac'cead- nmtta, old Ym gplf R and letter c
Int machinery. RO:; etheasS, colored. 66r; wb:te. ..4s We centre° of w liaamia. Even Ate acatiestsam; 'and tions lo tom
M : wheat. dull ; ca m. doll. d -a- thing si, TTeat►AAI ban &Away
BULLER MUAT HORST. IAv In the ts„t ftvetllo
erpoot-C:laa-9pos wheat Aa{I : w �a � q( pqs' dose. Aa amt %ha arms sad the mill
tion. Whlte'sstrategy and theezecu- red winter Cls 10 i -2d : northern sprier[ to gam` that of Try assess. they are the lnev►tabl
tier d hh movenbinam aro warmly M ld; rotates gn'et. Dec. L 11 l- d tar wh^nas answer to i o rid which Mn,
pnate4 and ft M Bald at the curbs MArvdh 6a O 1-'Ld. Imlay 6a 8•Ld; �po4 am ,years k;pae--- tionCd thmm w d made a mllltAy
that Oen. Air WTers Buller will have corn dull. lk 7d ; future* qu'et. Igo►. d Frasms f(mewanf OLi. Matas a thus of neommdty ; as
, to hurry mp or flesh. White will set a 3P T 1-4d . Due.. 8s 8d , Jan.. 1e 7 I-Ltk 122 and M - mere in 1M to he Mid an tt
lies,. (tees 1V idol* Polk am 6 A -4d : Mare'h. Be 6 1 -Rd ; b Ata -7 106 6. I d
peentge tepralbo7• In spas► mb}ct. 2leg tors r
Lhe Aeolian element in ape BriUsb flour. !%A. Dgi10m ::10
arm and them who have served In IA"kxt--4'brv,-Wbeat. number Of ern R -00a wa tffnl7 �'4'-� 'sad oa! bdrrfir ti tJr&t Lbs
t India have strays maintained the yrtoe, waiting at oatpow" affmod Mall Masa, _ _ , mbrsar vitt `•m as ae��b W
I -mmunder tiger* had a more Impere4r for lade 2 ; wheat toff coast, buyers Of General interest. the Door is ala s Laing anybody '
arra post than the eommaao sol,-ebWC and sellers appart ; on passage, rather � he attenton, d manufacturers r an th lo rt al
hLm elf. easter : corn. off she nosiest, nothins r fig• im, d
i As General Lord Roberts was con.. doing. an Paawage, easy. bPt;:g attracted to a Lrew kind d proal d 6MObiietae &nd add
t ddeovfd too old for antler cam��ssl flDre ,Crown In Nadal, which &p poor, sores have ts0 *Via for blu tI
Oenerah White. Ambos ao6 a Ign. CHEW MARKETA. to be .eperl0r to dui No equal to ants (wdy tiAt Is1Mll he reoogn
y CAnton N. T. -CMM a god for mwnila for Sits Pgaisllst� of b Y ruler iw hti bump; and I
&•ere seri u a sop to the Indian too- 11 8-40, 606r for 2So. twiasr.- 0Nr.1toatfl(rd acre• have & MAW be for that, Stan
tion. for Own. Buller dills always been Losadao �Ib* P nt AbM 4saA1 fair gt1►Ii�aAiL at for r b be shot a
i more Or ies antasonLtb to Gen. Rom lv cg,
ertd apd his rtlsaru eb-m market 8aterday were 5,228 Tin Capg, Colonf No -tM b t 1 AIM
TAE INTERVENTION TALK. boxes, bat the bidding was very td Mar * 4b' I U pt, IJ1fa1 b tlw I t ear' And eft d
slow. Ulm were �effeeied b bat tea ou b j f~%
Such report, an the probable In• oases, Tbs,e were melt at 11 1410. wasp�etiry to elle% 604111 hof• r' hop tf -more is AIM to we Boer or
I tervsntfon by the pbweve in the ppayer4 were of Ifo. bat sales cater. d the,let Uwaf the manafse- PfMnrta. rt!!! r is la ,lbs sty
Treawvsal h&vs a depressfnt stews, ,sen held fleet at p- t•Anging from tore gl0int bo ti t Atrkw igr�•e
on;oreasole, and to spite d the boom 11 1-ev ,0'11 6.1 Trio lar�em tn&ilib hNgs�is• are IS mhcTer im b
h la Scluth African awaritim, thereto Woodstock report: M fktmrda s dation In C7t/s'j1 and Natal, Bartter r fi ht =et 1
considerable urmmstnem ort the stock Choose market f1 iaatodes boarty wars oovhoexdolhm YMt th7Yj btett Vented t° trglstyt to po� to s
s exobaate regard &be fmtore ac. d,M4 boost of oboes&. 1,474 white and two more In ties African R..pob• Lain control Ia psM, mart a
tion d Russia = Franca South 4e07i adored • ao mases dt board ; bi h. 1e. lib Oa OIMN Wei A Qnb his Im west to &1tsM the irlo&tdwr ,ter
n AfrIOM ml,e &bare, am no longer emu pries bid woo 11 east*, bat seer � 0n M , ,m- et Imp-xb-d inen tie o�twht 7 roput S. tuba and came
p referral bo &e " l¢affln," Thy are maw bold ter tie - batt; market bold
now called " Brfthi,.. while South MIS *very Isis cum-_ for tie Imiame hyohIkvrns�Alarr grow' obstj�a all bby- a close propwve for a salloss tan
I Africa lo optimistically doneribed as at Ube season. dee i Yager tat d p+4g. and a nns party. Ratiher is it M *in re
r a mkferalLowl RgyD& Plot- report: Tbw factories boar,,• of X4.88 N 1�oend for v d&Wn mf kms mwthodo d Albs mlllionalrss
n R°snkt lot repol%°d to be emdaav-. ad 010 bases, sr.1 e0lonud; highest bid thin r'�tt1"and for r1dist OF tr dmftx with SoMlfk Afrine and
orient to roIsm a loan of CM.000,000 11 f -16o; no lim`sn, erongl LOOM d HM ,crook ' Math African. b tbdr �1'mgafd
M Praris; but so far sum has teat - IvrterbOW report: At like eiMp P o1aJ WIt~mss rimed m0 8r'°tt' Arrblb
n unsmee,sefal. eaa bold here yesterday 7,M0 entered 0►��i) Cn Nr4tbL std if t *a co'Pk d 1►:
THREATS OF A STRIKE. obs me were offered, being CIM *I a lloemoam are *tmbjsmt to • Mrfalrts who SW&ern a! ASI
1 main d &ll Ovilohor. Suisse were dada tinted fon Limes that amoatit sed all Use Nes ars *0
The Internal oondttions of labor In 8"1600&ub esh(ttiato that Upe rallies IrOs �
se dr:ltrtf,: 8411 ten In rslrAd th
Brltaln toes res bnsn Ittpxpvd by 5.600. ar 11 i•dc to 11 1-0s 1 r►,It4oa. "d« d AMriam►tt lsaporM Into fIo• '1Aey Ib Ig p k&rho tl
this war. About 2,000 Welsh mlthetr Aft9,& for the 1108 wilt bow Illowitn ail di$Wdm a
s 1,6130, as it ti -8o to U r-Ide ; Re:lfY,
- are illiely •sir be tIItvwn ort of work I.g00 rt 11 f -do to 11 7dM ; Cook, an I lot fee pmt. en'er tUI rrmsr sad otusbd ties ,der
f on November Int by a tbrestmed of > �� that 11sh LAM. Acid K by b,Sh UM 1111
I strike oft flaw mases* entbtwwrw and �' eR 11 8 0o w 11 T -16o ; Bat ,gel for flab brdmgr year ane kph bvev
0trisr of the who are clafot 706 at 11 0-8, Tore& or tou�ro4frle�t,orlss
Ia Asl W Ori
bud aseo>sd s11: Cha Dios d do 'Ch d- feta t& tits lat0gr. ►irrssif to y of Mgl
. slim her hoer,. The tnW"tines ooh hay 1Mete pmt sot .pted V gas 'IRIS t&tte d dlatit6,fe ,aired to C1atM ant t., ,stand tat ora d 1
the subject have failed, and the our Colony In I�NS mall «7,7.11.04(1.81, 1►nr, ,n..n r
fan& mast Sat, "- that weir sstb beta, tie lad , to 'Wa Cha beard awd the fut proAt Itl111111 n was W I•- — nratnyt�'am .M
will ad�oar,*d astll ,mart wprlahs• fpyare
brill mn tin hM aasaalwamd. t: Whitteo�, �C�:aztOm, Spat Otlll8P.8T. ImItle" him for 1p m1fl
s It &111 ftitou be paoeblOaB 1tlr,sll. fly >'•1 how, . - - wsed him w•ign aYbfslly is tin 10
p tole for the gmtoo to soutinse soft, " W les. liolilns and Wm. 14bysea, e*pof*r1eh. We with Ag- _nt isthe 111
a groatsd. N Cee 0aelar16L ON, M, -A lttle alt•, ! ' �yit,
a �-� :MN1d nd -Zoltht -Nor a l°nk %W **elft,, William Rilwo "tt� M so,11 - cpm Q t
A Buy Drowsed. Msad,d NIS w 0'li eyo.esrd • ism the tire, of kiaiaaaa A ,thrid rat the shhh� so fenith t
NLACK-•o,-the-I.ais, 00A- 26. -tee- lie Wd li 1-106- so intra. dtt0to,g balkier•, on his way to InsP*ist n" p"o ;p wh Ha ve sattoeal
terday as tM asidstwnt of work at the harbor, ffsl Over assrtts and tiss amfyltionM
0ehes►nM: lfyrst;. Pa:t*vem Aima sed fiddle, of
Mr. Jaa b the - .- . no, Sredsoll. Th,m,l,,, sed deck and was drawtllmd. (Lome veaeee if eir „wa
farm bar" of big cl,fi hands bears 06 Aad Nle tug - Quer man•h 0a, they
t employer', to/bwing him. A1f1ERTCAlf VibT10T,iG 11(IA't'i.T alera, Aad h,Imisl t1 fie M (tattles in a Owes*,
Th k tM �osnR*pt tory. Clan• earSd sad firm+ �!�}`'Lfao 1. �� puree
e coup rwpt aiA M folkrw on. h*,e,A TIl* Amg,rlMmn +l4iUps w1Mwt 1At41, 11&it a1 . lite, Altbiss/' �islaat tilt 1 d sit. ills
him b the lost M Nd not Is t wk�lllse
I theta. tbt OI t . over she r� OOo�hbmrli*fm w well, � i47.1�4R,'- � al1 to _ ___ Iton�bdf www ,,,m,, lib l WNstA► t
e wwb •PAM large m•Msk r6s• 000 baslhob a yu p The AsNlOtte were dN1'as& y hate ! t
r at" a�row us farm, the lad In tlmfaw tarn 6aphply to t M 1 �rwnrbe pM
• waf hq tntn sM stt*aen and war kSgiNs ae in" f(i "W `�-og n°o°6 sNslagfttlm& Is
rlmwwnte, iQfnlb a wMi sill ad tM a