HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-9-28, Page 6e
A Novel of the Present Day.
1 .1%
eitel'Teat XXV.
"marvel *way air amok a you
Freedom. '-you will fled n
At that imperative oGsamand
ale aptpeaded her chaatieement. a
saddeal7 &round, uuJ mw three
peering la betoken the tame( the
upon the mow Jut decreed.
HO thin. pale face, lighted with
.for he itrtaatie re><ugened hie f
who had jowl retunead with Ma
pentonsaki auutlier man, whom
and munui *1 was an officer.
lie had tte�ruw u foe upxtmthe the tbor,'bou (1
Cite diner, unkx:ked 1t. and threw
The keeper. as sulue a. there in
)ray blows °anneal. stared to hie
air♦ now came forward, lownieg
irwe.•.artug. and towing vertgnaoou
bla VVMugator; but he dare not
LA ttQs upon aim aside. for le the
Ibbs* byey theft. aid aeollYe !elle
effaces of hie Indignation too tied
wish to tot It further at ptemat.
tot reo'Wniand the two Wareham
had tithed him to the moral
wondered, while at the moo timti•
del not feel very comfortable e
Leahy a e 4* 4 (tall from them.
He saw the third gentleman a
and thought pe 7
brought *bother do to go over
asteium ; but Ise did doe tar a mouheei
mnepeet their real object.
Upon theta arrive/. ppuot boding
topper W the room wblch bre used
his office. they Inquired of one o1
aetestaats wbere he wan. and w
told that be VILA' havens a twirl w
thawed ttfan,•' but be would call I
at oi'nt,,,ef they so desired
CO. Anthony. however. objected
tela, earring they had returned to
amine that very cane, and he laune-
dtatdy fed the way to the place tab
Howard wan confined. reaching
atodt se Ile was meeting out
lW4t.de/oaycd but
rt4se l ���ssyy
k7 demos upon the cower
to: 7lbtiraatoalilm h tHauWee7had
prllimment and suffering were o
£t !leak and as he swung wide t
he sad;
'lame•ta itUntenable 3 lieto 10u
Untenable of �clse t. and
haat. N was rattier beneath my
do- nitty to take matter• thus Into my
handl but human native cannot be
Ls. and the limited mysod
q►*'learned w't!!a''Aida .441
ea ea . here wit ,t this weapon in
ha 'it little Well* to *Ione. aril roues
*0'.jdrays • nee the'
Ute a dog.
wteoahed wale from him. and.
you see, have repaid a portion of t
I awe bins. •
' WM rtght, tool" Dr. A
Mega ethdIiered with a korai
gleam at the diaoomlited keeper, wL
as Ira ember b weak, stood t
the penaplration from- h la crimsonf
vrith hands so nervous and trembll
that they covet warmly !wet t
handkerchief with which he was per-
forming she opereitlon-
The ngry loot from the pteysicla
nerved to bring lilm tvcmewhat to hl
self. and he approached them hi p
teed -a alarm, untying:
'eland hack. If you please, or the
le no knowing that you may not
Nerved In the name way that I have
been, for my patient la unn.eafly dna
beroeas lint• now.l I !now not what for-
tunate circumstance hoe brought you
back here at this
bas I aft lematly Indio .d � yomou. fo
without doubt you have saved my lit
follow Ateyou left this mottling rhea Imo
broke forth into the wildest
rats You remember I told you that
the ht of strangers was liable to
Produce that effect." be amid. glancing
nervously at Dr. Anthony.
I came to hem several Unita" he
proceeded, "ane tried to soothe hem,
but without ava1l. and I wan at hart
obliged to resort, to force. much a. I
pts iter Ike to do eo. But 7 mlavalcalated
stn strength ; bre got the beet of nree
ane has nearly beaten the We oat d
toe, as you Perec(vy.' a he held out 'we
trembling (rands, which were cov-
ered with avid welts from the blown,
that he had tried to ward oft.
Willie Gregg wee mattei tele
meet* Dr. Asti/one hail exchanged
gtatroce with Howard. making thou
to tote hlrn that the stranger ac-
te mPan7ing them was an officer.
whie had come lee wionge . Prepared to avenue
With a deeply drawn breath. How-
ard Montgomery Mood tweet. teemed
back the king dark locks from hes
foseb.ad, and with a matte of morn•
earl hes handeorun lips. he said:
I than not preonme> to coated-
d�tae statements June made. but.
who cal hbmeel( Dr. Grigproclaim this g.
a perjurer. an abuserof ' thee!,
and aafferipl�. and a rUhaln of
Mesa dye ' --
Stand back!" Grigg interrupted.
with an angry glance at hem. "Look
oat, gentlemen. or be will spring
alba one of you before you know It.
I must boli* that you retire and
allow 100 to Come cut and lock the
floor, after wheels I shall be happy
to me' ter with you."
he *Poke bre trued to force them
w itk
17 :
7041 Line
How- great 1 unity lath perched
1�'" and h•
wunyp There 1,
turn Wto of teethe and n pe. a Oji-
�,� and—thewallet.
pointing The
level to R there.'. Howard
rlAY.. Grigg laughed commonly, but
owe- km, wbiloward misread eta never
1 wa
tow- a .r umber t4egly
It and dlapiayed Its oeetes
reg some silver. and nevem
atlod to wait you will find moth
It there, L•oteme n ; and Mea wall
have carried for years." he ea
etol- Yoe for two years and eight
last b,, menthe" Howard ra4i, stern
and then. earning tie %be others. he
upon tenure:
"Gentlemen. that wallet le no
ar years ago In Me
held Yorkofw it
one Phei
shei same. pea veal find !m, lti a
H1 upuu i and now. If yuu
w lea
aha nes to take It for one moment l
and caavinee you that I am the right(
look he owner."
re- and ed out that Grigg now begaa !t wane a aha
the 1110. the rt ave M eland ire and 1Lriee
the dman to tbe
bad Jury d r n et of a es respectable lee
t fact 4 Her Majesty the Queelt.
bet the officer Merely bade ltbe
ee!11, cad parted the wallet to Ho
the are. who deftly opened the clasp
for fore meetteo,ed, and then handed
We Must again.
Y1e ' My name," he said
1 M Montgomery. as Dr. Anthony the
m eau testify, for we were moon 1111.9
for three year.. You will f
to • H. Montgomery' engraved epee
ex- inside of that silver clasp, WAack
perceive is hollow."
ere The off ear and the two phyaeela
the a ramined it, and found the name
the lie 114141 deeesrlbe,i,
so ( flrlgp twit lit Li with tear and
lily I as he now comprehended that
( this trouble had
'min visit y les allowing come
b victim unattended, and
ter inwardly cursed hammer for hes at
be pldaty and neglect.
•' Now, els, couttheed Howard.
ad .cin further prove me pedaled, if 70
per- will take your kWh and rip tit
ra:te!t.eog of the reeopd pocket, you
own will fled my full name- writhe
r with mak upon the rough side of the
THea- Wei* rep' liagewrier.
hie the name was found, and theu How
t nr,) related In a 'words us poo -
1 rash the circumatancee of hie memo
as ter with *be villain, of ha arrest, a
he the events wh:oh had occurred mince
together watt the 'suffering and
n- abuse whish he had einda-ed at th
flS hands of the wretch before them.
0. " 1t Is all a lie," Grigg screamed
fl eceing that at last he 'wee cornered,
ase and with the most dreadful protan•
be Then, with an energy cad lenity
born of despair, he made a bound for
the door In a mad effort to eseaps,
n But the three strangers Itutantly
Win c'0'sed around Wee cutting off every
re- trope In that direction.
The °(Boer wised him by the arm,
re J aand by
a dextrous movement slipped
Pa haadauftu amen hla wrists.
and he was riow a prlaooer indeed.'
. Dr. Grimm my flue fellow. I knew
you were fp a hurry." he red, wit(
ironical p0litenew, as he tautened
them securely, "but we cannot he
or deprived of your agreeable society
e, Jam yet . there are several little
r (teemed./ to he settled taste'
"You shah pay dearly for this,.'
foamed the disappointed man : •' a
madman's word a41 never be taken
ht court."
"I ata afraid the court well find
altogether too much method in h4
madness' for your comfort,'• remark.
ed Dr. ward and thy, a he stepped for.
w mho haxdaspccl Howard warmly
s " Mt y f nd,'» maid, manly tears
to ble eyes, •'I can never
Itell you
was bow startled and horrified
find you an such a ptaoeea
the; and if be," pointing to the van.
abed keeper, "hod haPpemed to b•
with mss when I saw you, I abated
earthy have betrayed myself and yon,
and he would have escaped arrest
and the penalty bre s riche ode•
sen -es. What a Life you omit hare led;
dared t' suffering 70u most have .m.
Howard sank into the one chair In
the room ; he strength wars ail gone
anti it baa deliverance was ach4ned,
a meters! moment, before
hoe could command himself a11(flelently
steak ; white les friend, obaerv-
tug his emotion, wee aloe so overcome
that he was ob ed to go to the
window to bide his own agitation.
Penitently. however. he approached
lite gentleman who had' acnompanted
Howard," lie' weld. lead4tg him
forward to lila chum. " this b my
friend. Dr. Forsyth, of Ltridon, and
with whom 1 staled In Germany
awhile. We have been making an
extenalve tont them summer, visiting
Wimp, for the Insane n different
ormntrles, and looting into their
Ualdag bla a *tom` fiat 01 its
earl tt141. No
miters ea eadeereesged
out , w,l let0ltoe feri
"Cameo the officer *Wokt,sefrl7Maim
e pri-
most. tare' the thieve Gado departed.
I `l a a 'ssa=iage wa�,lttaiteli¢ rote"
*a1 p�L,t�,d W.'
hisalieattetlrjR17 emiits*
at oWa i tar Nakano 1a a :touting
''tt�t 1 tail yea ail. I stake
so doubt 1 could Muter yea wily
oson 1 ;lens, but rah cot toad of
o`siie em t tame( ; me It I blow
a Mer *4whise my all try up la'
ado "Mated. Bat,"
Ririe mer octitit ed, wft a meaning
la tttost vin w *eh looted
hale of Meptiva,
sot of pastslilalt��irt mads Jakhiker* we y Jack-
a(tf ores Into Dr. Grigg r'
The ex -keeper gave -thee the tr br-
e e them. Ihtt1 ge Mol. Uttered a g a
aaway without himself to be lad
eeedateaee. toolbar word or act
"Boman s," aootiaosd the officer, is
hie oft -band tva7, ea =cute* dawn
Maim, I've been looklaet for that
tierot-onmad individual liar the
(tire )'ease to mettle a little matter
add t hi London for heamehreekiag
robbery, and for a71' aawult upon
d lhee woman. 11J4 t did you aver
>t�l! wllllrt ease r
er. '(irtl, atte. Jamey
Jaohaoa. thee drives away to prom
to await bin batal, and realise moms -
titer of want him victim unlit suffered
before bine. Howard Knot r7 wan
cwo�asraeeed to a sueteami hotel,
two house later, Wad u
vase J ' mean* and Iwdtioe, be eat
der tot repeat tit tie a ting, w4ioh
Dia beetes bad ordered to be served
is a private roost immediately upoe
thee 14*lrn from 'their anthem.
The Return to New York.
(l.t*i,e .tutbuny woe truly when he
told Seward that he had been greatly
s ocked and excited upun diecoverirg
ter tithed to be an Waste of that
uwtitutiea for in oe paupers.
after Waving him be had hurried
r. Forsyth as qulcky as posattil
from the plana, and umoe la their
°serage be had sunk Into hie meat.
loutiog as Lf .1e had neem a ghat -
"What Alla you r Dr. klor.yth
mired haat, whibe regwr,led his
pate, shocked Woe with surpriee-
Forsyth, you oould knock
„alle,i with a feather ; that *,-
oedema' whom we have just
lett le one of my deemed friends."
"What do you mean ?" exclaimed 141
blood 1a astonishment.
Jest what I tell you ;
e rides all tots, be le no more
you or I."
n Tae great Evglu,h Optician set ed
scarcely credit what he beard.
• 1mpotaibte 1" he ejaculated. Ir
taafeaNM. (jer.44..AmarJOL-0 x" .
I Yea. a wealthy .+mer•tu`dn �eatle,
they for
7 t tale, in New $even,
methoxy of treatment. I'm sore I can-
oot Imagine what put the Idea Into
heads to oome to this kurtltntion
-day, but I mhnll never cease
Gad that we did tee"
Ataen 1" maid Dr. For ytle Ierg srttflly,
he exchanged cordial
It Howard; and after a little more
verset:on that ge tlesaan proposed
t they shook! all get out of that
oe as soon a pomNM.
Do you mean that 3 am to go
d pa" Howard mired, growing very
and lab own way aft of the i
Dr. Orient," 'U.44,4)7lnierP,*veol the ti
aqd With lrenicah emphade.
hand Theo ea going hiehade, he laid his eel.
continued : Aroslder, and
It become, my duty to s the
you n the name of Her Majesty. the pea
a" Weal
—what! —what!" ttasP•dso w
she,. tele tered this ninon W—1 man— will
'what n ?—what V
ta!e,�►M*'ft'! against me r' trio
" Not quite ao rant, I1 you plesme. *o
cad te-
em/ than
loan. We were at evdbege Loge
three rare -t t
nth. The taut I Otani of h
t be lied married and ata
a European War with her w
i tellebl
you, swing as In that
to -day gren .
fled it herd t a turn
o to
"I Would over."
imagine tm : are y
of, you emu r•
"Aa ware am 1 air u/ my u
tett'. and be noognlaed me i
"Where la hes wife?"
"I do not know—he dad not
her ; be hail only time for
weirdo, for be said that If
aimed anxpeet that be wa
his chance fair dellveranoe wo
Wet." Dr. Anthony returned. a
went on to relate what Howe
told him ametanees which hag d
to each a strait bfOQ[h
"1t la the strangest story
ever heard in my Ilfee' Dr. F
said. 'and that rascal shall an
the extent of the law for th
be has earth d1p1ayed in It. Hut w
and t you not dement* hem
bene! We could have sad
mated your friend on the spot.
"lfeceromebetter for nee t y thought
it Ace°
and swear out a warniet agal
keeper. It we bad attempted
without authority we might ha
ouradom Into trouble and also
the wretch an opportuabty to
That le true; your friend's
vice it good." returned hi. cony
"and now we will- put ties
for ugh and be shall be 11
before the aur goes down, while
gibed keeper shall sleep
mnenlat l Meg the city they
mule their statement.propeIId
Howard, testifyio thole
WctIae that he was a perfectly
man. and secured a warrant for
and G upon the chs
perjury, and also for
taus of hr* power in cruelly to
egg those ander his care.
Dr. Forsyth, being an hinges&
1 o toots -11.4411 of iMemem,
knowing an the Ins awl on
late orf hie nosotry made
k of the natter, and four h..
rom the .Lime of their first visit
asylum, the two phylciaru.
agav�need by an off4osv, weer+
iti Lento d reams Howard and a
While Dr. Grigg..italias Jake/ •t
was raving and swearing i
y prison over the Weep*
1bapp,y termination of hie car
aM cat with he friends in
lenient parlor of a newt -Maw ho
told We thrilling experience
last three year&
'It le the stnan est tale tae.
ver Ilat*sed to" Dr
when Ile We mead oattcwdsd;�"annd'
addedMon ; ' the iso uelttesg anweed I
which lave been perpetrated
t osylgm nae a blot, epee and
*grace to my chantry. I dein
r myself In the matter. im
nd he dill newt effectually.
year later he 44 the enter(.,
of knawtag that those unroll
to beings in that gasper Intl
were mode as oolnfortable an
possible for them to be in th
mentablThe Aandin were thoroughly
vated, l mirommente vent',
and dralnaptew ramie, the inmost
bey clothed and fed. an
lin treated by the large -hearth
surfed man whom the Willa
*"p�r doctor himself NO rerxr
for the postdate.
1 Warmish Ido not t �withoutou vbtmeeiu
in irk a lunette. Have you
bad the team opportunity'
per sari Dr. Anthony, re
Ins its Oland with *smoothing
Never. Por ten Tears. or ever
I recovered my resume
been woneltned
dime an
trine 1 nave a[itsa� bo 1
they woe alwya tM
(1rtis , thbo 1a d them that l if
a of mine to pretend I
XX right: creneequemlly they
no Geed to ale. , Thin or three
Ing the have ��acathe with
tionnot memo e&
eat he was too q for
ung mire pm,werful than I. I
aRnompla ik nntIiine to ,s 'tree
eh Alm,"
ry 16e a tine iiereehl i
,.. replied 1'►.
ve tb a hetgb.
(mea. --and a finer fellow never drew
ria hi wax
Mod oil
Ue. And
Hb dm
that 1
DU sure
ern iden-
UM be
ad thea
rd had
ge cir-
c him
that I
orsy th
flet 00
e part
by on
1y Ito
id be
net the
to act
ve got
en a
con -
,get or
tet of
medal/en, and you're the fellow that
I take you t.0 t1Q: but Mr. tJonarom from
erre charges ot theft send perkrY reaeo
trill lift for the preemie I rochow." sale.
reterned tbe officer. (molly.
The keeper flew into a tremendous are
reamion at thin. although hie while at ;
ore could see tent he grew white soot
about the month at the removrthof
the after.
"Do you dare to do worth a thing I beca
upon dm evidence of an Inerine min persist
"Illint win do ate" Interrupted "W
bin de
lase offieer. not et title Made Astarte With
ed by All Ulla Wm/kW. " WAAL end of
mew anreetrene Wore the Judge. bto we
Bert them two phyatelans have held
treatot imam+ Mr years, and 'woe
ARA prep41441 to Mew OTAUTIBIA. AM A
tioa of 1tr. Monligoratera oath bat Your
meanwhile yen are my prisimer." "Hu
The new swore a horrible oath. will
"1 wuril be Pat under iserent."th Pia or
*Twined. " What proof thee you ?" Cillinermiseth
'Thew wroth le epos your own per. era
Ian *Tell noir." Whammed Hamra "We
t. •that we intended leaj7nPser."yoil
ut are there no formalities td es
through with, no terns* to be
before I can be free r Howard
d, with trembling lipe.
; you are as free to ao as we
and we beet a doable earrings
he door, waiting. to take you with
ut you forget that I was, in tbe
of the law, a crielliaal Were
me an Omen* pauper," Howerd
ed web thane bitterness.
ope had lain dormant so long that
could net realise now the feet of
e have forgo/tea nothing," Hr.
ony said, "Thera will,
themeodavis to be another trial
nafg (free bovide for you, magi
ourselves reepoosibie tar your
awe before Otte next swath;
lake he added. more Healy, "for
rakish at last my appearame
tree vim ea a Imago. '
nal be very eredltable to either
inyeeif," Howard let
" Vory wen. ale ; we well wart* vile pl
mid the officer.
Grigg lofted reneved at tele; be "I halm
with a
Resrer Mae Wendt* of the WitHe$110 n°
had della three year* pen=ip tett we
I astuil get yea pet or this
ace." George hailemy
doubler. "Darthisb," he added.
• bed Meld overeat that
land du promieun
" Tee, tD4ward answered, fade *Ole
Oath*" withe earaiet" lhw,t at the re
*1/lig 1110.1
*11 Mid a
motattl'- ll ala
1� sad
IM reel
1� and
ware trippd *oat WM ea17 tine,
eeeneatethe "It.
theta Me
gives egieWisa.g-rte aunts ea
, �Ad thealtblg IN leg onese tem to 001140. '
740! wine•'' j4�ekedd to a ftp
1�qll We
beili� ?M bare
f tttlr0as7 th asked og of them eootetpa.-
sea �Yfdtura. Howard an•
mewei qty nm1 with a tremb-
do yea mimeo tbeey are?"
imbed lila (riead.
wee they err--Itting," he aih1.
are In Ns►(! York 1ve� my
meters' for gra M..,ttt�t, �'asere t gbe
direct to her inion bet rotary' rod.
of memo amble the elroemeaanuee.
the would do everything 4*0* she
couldkin ham M her trouble."
relent. and . that b Heb* would
and t all mer Maleraser
olNmafaaM W hes .
luras d learnwham die 1144Abt . andm Be eth
o exa
shell k~!/ wee ldi +1M 400
IL i f /1e k he weter.e he Metered
�m•at atter, lookiag
grave. "tam* they have all ghee t7
up as dead. They woad 5. Itko y
to feel that but death
mould beep r firma
NierMe1 40414 ny warted up at
7 ng with anlantkas
•• (live me Jost sister's address.
Momtgosawo. sad 1 will go inns.
dlatel7 cad sable that
700 ate sale. wed and will
swum. They shall remain loom-
aim -
pence no longer•..
that Howsaws arm in the
went to a desk
wrath the ttre raen• and himself
already emu the hand of aerie a have
turbedLaugm417 wfiatr so gntatl7 lila
That sans evening he wrote long
letters iq both hr wife and slater.
dt�Aetem eamithil,g of the Weiler,
w1boh b. bad been 'retry three Jeaa Attiring
them, and. a we, separated». 1e,from
have assn, bubo
bic he le r to hie wife to the nae
had sent to Mrs. Lang -
But, alas. for poor teecte, she
Dever received. that weaker Ms -
Ova and we know that Helen her-
mit dip sat get elite,'
notate until Wag aftecatharses
athepe yramhad
been Neat.
lour weeks atter Howard's gibers -
Moe the so•ealled Itr. G
nreilteverget ter lesii *o late tied
� :
take a very lengthy hear
vitt him of the charge agitt
against Was.
Pr. Aatbony, though elan what
anxeme to return to tote -pessary,
tema1ned to Identify hie frisad, and
to iestlfy to his Jrreproacpa*fechar-
re aa a damn or the United
Hie lanocame of the Lagged crthe
for whkh be kad mu unjustly
&esteemed these years before, was
proved beymed a doubt, for, besides
tbe doctor's teethnony, and the face
that ithwarde *aloes 'had been (amid
upon the perron of Grigg, aliaa
Jekey Jackman, tn the presence of
same witnesses, Wm lettere of credit
had also been discovered among We
private paper&
The wretch had not dared tomes.
use of In tine way. and for souse
reason had negtected to destroy
elms le pot only proved vary Import-
ant steldocumentary evidence, but
re86"t'd Deward los all napleaaant
sees regarding financial affairs.
?be ex keeper wee convated (ewer
enal crimes, and neontenced to trans-
portation for 111e, and Howard Mont-
gomery, hes !ancient vietini. went
oot a free man owe more.
Metalline he was extremely sax -
km, because he had not heard one
word in reedy to the lettere hehad
sent biome.
"Surely they moat have received
them" he sake while talking the
matter over wIth bes friend, and ha
Mee was alma convoked with pan,
" and there has been anode emote,
laieueley. Can anything thee boo-
t° teem Are they an sack.
or—deed?" and he sluidderef as thh
dreadful pthiltinite fleshed through
the mind.
"Don't think or moodier so Ms-
treedngg ea that ?" areart Anthony
ratbrbarl, while his great heart ach
oil for him.
"A terrible fear Monte awe' How-
ard answered, wearily 'amt. Barely
It seems as if I have mattered enough
without being still farther afflict-
ed;" and It seemed to hie tortured
heart aa if the yearn width! he had
'peat M hie vile prima had not
been go long am the days whka now
dragged so heavily by.
"Montgomery, man. you well wore
roureptt Into a nervous timer if you
do not 'amebas more patience and
and again, as he welted the floorby
dee, and towed elemiesely upon bis
bed by night, and be wan "ally
=leg to feel alarmed at his roe
wan angle, " but this atameem Is
elinply unbearable; Jaw think -- I
have been separated from my watt
aad ohltd, and in ether Immeshed, or
all pertaining to hiss for three
key year% f clo not know whether
tag are living or dead; I have welt.
ten several throw no word tome to
ten me aught roneerning them. and
I am driven wild ith doubt and
,fell"le*.k.nove It is hard oft you. old fel-
low, and it is very 'Orange that you
have heard nottang; bolt fear you
are tormentbet yourself unneeemenr-
Ify—it preethie that your meter
hat slaters! liar Oat* reeldenoe,
and yeeir lettere isave not reached
her," ha freed said, trying to snag -
mot .stomethtrig to calm. hte ant/lour
"That may be true!" Howard card.
gramme eagerly at the Idea. " I
with Tot. had rhoggia of it before
rind I %could have writhe' to my
lawyer to atetertala bar frileireatouts
for me , hnt kt Ls too late now, Meth.
morrow WO mall." Eke however. had a
more comfortable voyage for this -
happy thought.
11'/IPIIR from tem day of lilt re-
lease teem w prison and
eirontoomery landed in New. York.
Ile wee worn end haggard, for the
voyage had, at hest. been *that
uneviduraNe, and a thousand Mare
biota Win till the way.
; He wee the first We seri* ashore
wham the ethernet *etched her pier,
and without weather to lake kneeler
the frthert or glebe/ a Monett to
any Habig aa re hie dear new th
AVM*. IMO the Drat carriage that
he could lead, and Wag &twee with
all passible speed to No. — Fifth
He ermined the mare% tome swo At
a erne, end rang dee hell; for one
giant" et the diem -plate linid him that
%tee mom of langtey wall OW there
"fa dm Laneley at hthe I" he queie
"4...1. lira, Leeway wee at Menet"
'and Wag
rvlatty► a(eise eolotaere to be time m-
ated mad overuutu e.
the nM *the was
eager tome. The Mraltaw
Hl 4adhad nsrer ewe hoard u1 Kra
the r7+o lead, "Ire did mit think
sank.db' watt item." Howard•) hear*
"Tell lira ludas that her brisk*"
ham � 'r* , and wiehom w we lot lta-
uharble, y sad with a face , like
drupemarb of dewP'►�retlon, like great
pushed b tt ,Vele le fJe
to bra __b! watt �wnev rtehot
th4 the nater ante
rated from tt14 twine like taw
of drab fid'' that home
' acme great* that that
woman own (Member. had die t14 of her
nigh% plotting fir tow the whole
wire, rt{bI 4n idol-
he eve anti for the btlghtltlg of
r7 earthly
G'H At'TIa�X t'j f,
The Husbander Demyeair.
It may be Pres nnedthat when How-
ard seat me weed to We Wer that
he wale wraiths to we her. It did tout
tend to quest Ter �altad tenets
My brother arnaal" ahs crud W1rtN7,
when the ailment delivered the rue -
kor a m t er .de.n j, edam.'
seised 1n ala laleath hetet
he lglo>rmatiea. -
Bat she reeled alma lmmedlately.
It was no time to re it ay to weak -
seas or fear. for chi had a dramais
urpose to carry out, and she would
at'ed all her Strength and all Leif will-
power to sataht ler throat t
"Go dswu," rh.» saki to the 1
"and sell ham that, I will be with meld.
Fut• a moment after the g1,-1 ebrs d
the door she was g4amt47. uad Ler
teeth chatter, d nertodse y� -
she sat up In bed a her
han4r h loot
thg wildly easiest
11 y. to
e40 4* the trying cels401 baler* bet.
ghat aba11 I dor .t. cried re-
tell row'..1 bate Ler—the child e• dead
ifu *4 only
keep him all to stead,
would titer 1hw4 hery / I will oao it. ha
And murmuring float disconnected
ar•n*enoe., w411:, her cunning brat* wan
teeming with schemes to accomplish
titer eat, purpose, ahs basely deemed
herself, and then dacended to meet
and webcomee the wand-`rer home.
As soon as she teemed the door of
ibe parlor, where he wan Impatiently
Ixic:ng beck and (omit, she apraag
forward, rah a glad ,cry, and threw
herself into his arms. Sita ease how
pale and worn he wan ; She saw thot
lits ono-, raven lacks were *batty
wrinkle, vette sever, and wondered
what heal camel the end change to
tem. S'w sew Hint his eyes were
glowln with ���� e��a���g�eer inquiry and re -
ale taM*ekt,"Yttlta *Mrd' teed `le
WWI not of her that be was thinking.
or of Idle Wag operation from her,
but o1 We wile arse little one, and rite
resolved to hotel those dreaded wee -
rota trembling upon ole lips at beY
as long a poemble.
ilhe wound her arms about hie ,tock .
Ate called him by MI the (end cane0
wh'ol, she was accueteleed to we
during' the ,Lars of their childhsol,
no4 then apparently overcome by her
emot'ou at this nnexpeGted meeting,
else bast Into tears, and wept rn t10
}potty that the could not have nn-
mwrreel any queet'one If he had naked
t h esm.
(To -0e .0eeitesde
If yoa give It a trial you wet be
one raore customer, for It nn
Ideal coffee and alwaye the mune
There are Others.
We do not see why Krugare retor-
t:Lem to earletere and to tie rellgere
chat actor of lea roulette -quo to the Brit
loll domande ',bout' be regarded le
pima aviy hypocritical or blasphemous-.
'rho nacon protiebly doe* not era
that le In a peoaket to eatt the (Ira
mime at Gons Pant In that respect
They 'nvoke the Divine ale
wion they go to vrar. sad et.lange
persuade themoielvie that they ere fu'-
fll the ions mood oblig ohm ad th te
0Pisonente. It le certainly 4 wilt and
preeumptnous thing to invoke the
Deer leering upon the slauglaer of
human beings. but Ones Paul le by no
Miller's Worm Powdem are n won
gleeful weedietne for aliments ehli
Timm berm in Diaries Veer&
cam from the Prqtrile Medical the
cams of a Jersey woman who gave
teeth to it daughter at 10 o'clock
1887, and to soother on about e
o'clock I the morning of Jan. 1st
1/398. The one horn teat WWI bet-
tor devekme.1 than the find one.
MENT Ls our remedy for more threat
Telt and all ordtnary
It never thee tie relieve anA euns
Port Mielgrave.
Melling of tater, he Olathe
ter be does not droe it boa.
as we de here. but teen' A to & Utter
shop, *thee he makes a bargain
erith the keeper of the dem to Wire 'it
carried for ben. 11 mote a great deal
to have A letter leafed. and :int
men, people C-1111 efford to write them.
am in the blood le ntheesiery.
ler, Compound Imo Pills contain that
element Le the owe atednelable form.
teretheg Weir el thetion.
A Perla heIrdreaser undertakes to
a good trap of bear on the
Mead ley tuattimatani imam.
Mate of eonventeest shape 60 MUM
eole oi the head. TIM la emoted
down mil the air (Mil beneath ie
exhausted The clipping( proems
thus applied la supposed to mime
Two ounuitiane to *peak,
The 1110 thaltal ooncantion of the
Fathers' X Association will
meet Le hem Oct. grd to 10th,
and Illibberlisoll. Dominion
Dairy ememmalailler, ancl C. C. Immo
Pellet) anniotor_ Agrimiture, we)
both defiled sionlemma.
Monad's Ludabaut Owes Depend
atone will be mart ealtilett. Otte
Ontario firm thet seed IMO aged aroo
the *mode_ thet year is tritgaglog
lad herb asellosen work.
least **Vella MAI*
ruratensainases.AreViuma caw Vaasa .011
". 441441.44,84,41 01888611Paillea •
-Ail tit leaked IOW." wad the
"anis la dee newer* of
I le. a emu with a small
(MOM* jos to he Preettleet
Illatted Stab" aye sea nalky
man memo' to ohs*
beg bow a 00=lit Wei
who hare boon I at eitie Inee
etemestirm of the While, thlt Of
head, eked their rameelithie
'weights, whieb goal to Wow that thee
Moo bona 4304 and that time
hate hoed weds.
"Ph also state that be-
came a Mee beet lame boa it le uo
swam to bathes that be ham an un -
mem! &moue* ot Meta pewee nut
thee -lay that he has the best oppur-
*may fie development. and he
Imam more earning into hie bead than
the seam with tth ogianor bead. leo-
Pk with nasal are waraalb4 ruled
by she broad beads. The lpfetwberanoe
immediately above_ lea Wand the
ears denotes wee/ri /Mae and abil-
ity, and a man Vieth & narrow hate
haa /title of Oda power. The beat law -
pun and Motalleallei here wide broad
heatia. The aopabeiglateve Weal.
w tech la looted at heat oat amok efts
of the tug of the bead le wen (Meek
oped in thaue.parsoms. sn that It *i you
the cranium neltse.
nein fa welted in hie Weep by tlie
width or ha forehead above *het eye.-
browa If her haa a good development
what la gang on la the world about
and We sympathetic powers by the
the of he head at the forward polo
tem on top. YOU can *lea determine
soniethinor about lile own estimation
of hawed ane hie Willey to stand be
& polls% It he thlnke he he in the right
by knowing 1the *woe else of his head
/rem the While of each este to the
crown. Rh nghting ()Nantes and hi*
ability to ma Ns way In eh* workl
are denoted by Were eletealcom be-
hind and above the ears. The else of
eyebrows to the bee* of the
tatilreetty Journal.
over the onc'pital bone.
WW1 NO 39 Mat
What Shall
Be Done
You have tried iron. and
other tanks. But chr kegs
pale and thin. Her sago.
acenplention worries you. per-
haps she has I link hacking
couch aka. Her head aches;
and thc cannot study. Give he,
SW'S 61111S100
The oil win foci ber Waiting
body; tbrof-fims win soothe
fir cough" aati th011ypophos-
wigs will give aew power and
vitor to her nerves and brain.
Newer Say rem " cannot
take oad-liver oil" until you
You will h ablated to Change
rah Oplalastst once. Child ten
cspeadany become vary fond
of' ft ; and faults do not kilo..
when ft is added to their food.
we sea fees. al dresthe
„Gorr actaralt, atiseas. Tereus,
Mane thetal. The
Tratier—Don't you want to oil that
earester—Nave I keep ham extra to
ne town.
haul broth* dowst automobile" bact to
handlsr pm itedha. vete
Me readers of this papaw will be
pleased to learn th•t there le so leas
one dreaded disease that seleace h
been *We to cure in ail lea Meath
e trial and pm will be delighted by
Its rich. nieliew. fragraet aroma
the onty picaltive ewe now known so
the; a Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh reels.
ad _brash' a walla
the nodose fraternity. Catarrh being
conatItutlime tivatasent. Halle Cat-
arrh (Noe le takes lateraelly. &Wag
dirertly ripen the blood pad mucous
aortae, of the system themby de-
stroying the tattletales of the der
ease. and citing the patient strength
naeletIng nature la &lug Its work The
omprielore have sie much teeth la Its
CUtAliTO powers that they offer one
bandred milers for any eme that It
tale Le cure Nand for la of teal-
ammAddrete.laki F. .t. CHENRY.r.jutulli Cab.
Haire Fame late are the beet
Mose then Os* War.
enfotlle thst Asa that th• hawk of the
lath oneoWere shad anal theilea re-
legating. Taleng hie leash and Wald-
o; it up he said: "three hare Is me
watch , eaptiose it don't keep good
me, 110•V going too feat and now tao
',emir. 'oak Wall I do welsh It r • sin
Cahn ars not all alike.
SOW Are poor a nd ode I faceted.
ScnD0 are ail coffee or • peer 'mai-
ty hut
DAUM 11133110? 007713
11 n Need et the hIgheirt Mamie
reeve le the world.
fleeting Alvan tenth asener•
A woman was staying at a Cana-
dian village one mummer and Mei an
Oil woman who had a Wood feud ou
with another woman. flow is ik
Mee fiellth Mee seen taking tee
with yth yesterday r the visitor
asked. " Oh. welt" die mad. tri-
umphantly, "abe asked me to tea
the day before, so I retaliated alio
rola day. I knew she'd make her-
self in with nay Johnnie cake"
Miller's Worm Powders cure alt m.I
tante th children Ilke magic.
Art. few.
"I am wedded to my art !" exclaimed
the Deaner.
The ongnary mortal thought he en-
deretoodt although, of course Da did
"1 0111 wedded to a chrome Mreelf
As for the painter. he thead love
been furithily angry. only A wax net
worth width
We know of a number of ranee of
been enrol by Miller's Compound iron
Oode nooks se Wertheim
An code books carried on worries*
here leaden balm to make them teak
tf Iva overboard. The letters In the
book, moreover, are printed with a
peculiar ink ',Welk Wee away when
t6 &Wee M eatrla. at with the water.
ewers ouseseped every 'Moth*
veraele offeel_a_i _code_ _le _e
Ifinard's Wolin Own Dores 46.
la a Nesmith.
foth the people your 'teatime what
yon will Sell &nate re/Wow: kap
Star. i
dlikire OOP Powdere Cure.
The mainee----rowil tamable win
find time Ise ha to poky a pretty miff
rete. at interim
met web ear
etreperethe mats
the um
ht woe
le Nay /Street, ?netsuke, emit.
wt -
,0 maw ta• memo
elm lima we Aare* . Pumas.
711111111Te________INKKOlt Ursula
Wein Otte V CO
'to 410
Progressive Bakers
Put me their lielegab Is-
m eaves she eve, a
which proseete it hum theersuee twein4 to
Mil, trees the freineem amuses of the woe
Write fer meow ef wramere owl Pe"' "'
nun, Canada.
Waugh, sled ammo la the Pro^,11.'
cities/ma three la Cowle.
Cam Celle, kohl( &Mk. Fere. whit
isearttlehat._ ter es sal
te to eta
asealiiiithaill et Tat
OA AY est sad wan
Ilia MOO •
es stet
to a Proves
Mem l