HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-9-28, Page 51 1 1 YS 29 entree, s is ODS. DRESS ty. Ohms sod N-•oaejette., Yeas .L*wulpyyou Sr Qodericb. ers, 1 *0 70U edy ; rapidly etc., etc. In- 2bc.;bfor $1 should have proves diges- Iktten cattle, Medicines. Chemist duo lamer. wear and for appreciative enough enough to suit, e. . JR .� -- % soAAA cafe eai/ry n I I.,anterns. T it Aar% and all 10 .wy cash pnr VIE. 10ERY. neon quire forth foi. 100 dons always 10.., • THE SIGNAL • GODERICH ONTARIO. W. ACHESON & SON. Not Dress Ma1eriz for Fall 1 We invite you to visit this store for inspection of the new Dress Fabrics. A magnificent showing of the world's best makes. Our Dress Goods Departlnent is overflowing with new and beautiful materials : Homespun., Broadcloths, Covert Suitings, Poplins, Camels Hair Plaids, Ladies' Cloths and Serge.. • Stock complete in ISO pieces of latest Ameri- can Silks in dainty effects and neat patterns, and plain Mervs and Taffetas, at 50c., 75c. and 90c. a yard. SILKS CARPETS. OILCLOTHS. CURTAINS. 1 department complete with entire new Fall stock. IN$PLOTION INVITED. W. ACHESON & SON. A TRULY REYARKAsta MAK Tb.n w. oar • mortal of whom it is rid That bb was the s.piusl life eve* di4. And b. went &spate ls, be be is lose dead - This truly restarkabfe nes. For be ewer Nd wrong, Wt he sdwye did richt, 4.4 5. 5.1* si.i . ked he seer bad • Bebe, And h. ..'sr canon • dn. ler he neer keel • biro- Tbia eery r..ukable Ctrs. Pbu wesdrfsl ser sever captors/ • prim rot the tine of its tandem r pumpkins r bre Nor toado a layers weal' the .halo of hie tt.- Tste trely remarkable men. /loiterer ;pm Nerd, Ano he aim wort to j.11, A.d be weer wee wlrt d, Ase he ever west batt, And h. "e'er mws5t a cores by the nee el hie tsU- Tee jestJy res ertahM area. Nr, meets, rswkskis o'er did he d. ; No ..ides km 4.aem4, se tiger s. slow ; H. never felt beige sad sever felt Ohta- ni" MOP sy roass. w. B•..'r spelt* s.tw As s.a.hly, ".r led As ono te war. Nor What ./W the dead ; H. sever peg sappy see Mb est M bed- T5b simply ene.rtobio ata. why, se a"e.estfal this 'luxes'* life, He never was nettee4, .d eves his .tee Centel mmvr embroil W a tattle r strife -- TMs leafy temvkaW was. As he ilea se be died- fie Asd wooed, dried Ov sensed him • 44y. res seehs he'd left es while lawyer, maid mi- MemMly remarkable w. Bas when le at 1sse aur •d.as.si.s «embed At Paradise fess, Is wee muse Nes wide. Nr Niel aro an elapse mews he pr. - vide Fee eW roam. ar5sb 4 me Me wee she Mem Why �h Wt. y b. "•d - N (As rob me •se wsY) By sweeter •Mehr Har ern get se geed - Tele rely r..arkmhb w. -Bowes Glebe. w. C. T. U. OOLUNN. +t0.1YL ate III reale.s. The Makin T..p.hr.m Review el Lem dee rye them bee base . woeful 4•r s s of driaking en the pert of yeses 4 the Botta iia.4eeh4 teepee years. Welt 74,000 IekeMhMs. I..lmd her d M b. s144, set tiesere poilesesis.r Neer s iYel . wfer•. by the serest many the Lime .t brier s raid. *Tf• mils den el Hs pn plasma - Ywe■__ I,I, s serest sash dresken .lies or Molten se Wenn she pubes plisses. Grees, the wellborn Arninise travel. lar, rives the bibwhgi is oral st advise : "I Ly dome, tatk es a pont, eels .t health, Yet spina sedo.1 ted *Isere attend bs groes ak. diad, dr bar et neprtsee, am so leai M s s • eek Tede s be nomiled eine wieb Teo. n- 9prses rw4s wear. if sus 4.4 *. Scrim i. N s be year .any lrk." rem ..s And It le Jape, with pn.tl.aUy the a.sia pRIR laws, then are eul! 91.000 Mspr.. while Orel Balsas has 1,000,000. A Japans* wtes.en, es beim raid te .spies bow they in m r wtrg Fre n pte.oaien to their MMi•ies. nsptia/ net Ike Jensen drusk tela, sad the Minh peeps abdef. If the Malts is *sews .esstrtse were rey.ra4. Ms anther el .aapr. 4 mek week' be re- verted. Lgeos T*II OAPIN o1 AItO. Yr. d. 14..x4.,, the reeenr et Mee - MW. en fey Nairn yens dispersed les. ties ea the piss ...rt. on leis e.ire.mal free thee peados made Mia sienase,. te • I mstsed thee the shun et Neer is W ;sheet or (*dime user el nearly all the rt..e. Without that aalsrta.Ne peados for aleek.1. we would have a medal lestrels- ties.. Ilse el 6.000 purgers who appear be- fore the Mreeder every err, this. -gamines , of then ate keesget there by peva .bum. Ad hew .Gey pretend .ms/ im are ere reedy mdbed, sad Meetly as4er.ise the n4h{/ssta, families sad awloey. When .arear earantoaw resets Irem that Mee. .bleb rules the ooeol taties sad All. eh the )ails ted .yle.s. How .any eatstss.e are t• • large extent seethed by ear llae•ve. lest Iamit.uo.e, ad ssp.5sliy sy ger mls matinees, wane ere always willies to see- ooar all sefertesete be e4•, without calcul- ates sad without amputee as to tee reams why the teddies are weeping .ed the Weems aro wfrlag. "Thor jails, •s., ss.ertbele.,overcrowded to,..s;a • degree .s to bold bort the eras of the PM**. who, besides, .et elms toles;., *,nasus.. forgive, .ad •lwsye sm&••v., i. ~Met Msreovs, the esylmr are m rowded that they here to be oesti..aUy married, sod the mphaserma, hdsettlsl soowb red 'e.wd.. here . p.pel•atan .1 revers; - 6e 'Eke 'ether fraud, the .p.srer er4. b.e.ls r.se.nd with the .Mese .f ..pert time .s.4 herr.ble steres. wh1Wi may Mat tethered la...* seem to dreakeeams." A PODS t.001owr Pea Tris OIItl.Dttlg. "Thirty Jeers .R• cremes Ire very mei. dem Name to phial. bosom, .ad tyre wee rMssaease easy mesas ef ..tu.g Intentrats al .a ..•.1., by the pos. Bot sew ahoy leek let• the petite boos., .ees4.g, ease tad sight, they 4,54k end are net ashamed Eery 5.e Wer a est .obey pay see or mare visite bed hem the Umeeeed messy they tab• hems betties .f spirit& wit& eatof141. rsepterite. Thr drtoi s, by wm.en ie Meet .ertsu, for no fume sf the m•eatry. It was bed away b ler sae to drink. hst the Mak 41d we always .bot Lbws. sed ds .. always belle.*, their .i...4 1. 'the health sad purity M the ..t bon men" recited sash .0 tits. Bat U tie ambers deb*. tee, thy 11 mo 411..1. IVO ..aids.. ef sash .ethers will b.vi*Ny sear. There will be ea tears.*, et tsmder. r. iy depend .�y .*,any .4d err.., ••ae«e., w - «+e. tsrt.sal, .tris loweeed self eevtrsl *amen mems powerful a seeteeal sad spewed fesiisets, Wasemits54R to their eYrdemh fa the slew samosas are eamMee.d, • iks unser fdteaeelb. molded prolamin 1 -lief) Ir taM sells ef .!Faire. It wholes W opiates of a dealer. who may. : tees, very lane, potties of lank 4tespr..,s has been, sed .cul te dee to the oriaatosily sar.hu pros rrptt.. ei a.dl- eef see. 1 have erten Need .y attempts is regain . whsle on the 5455 road to dipesesasta . ering bow erne( enema so sown very se: ptelat w a5ovie hie heel*g` any teemed,* ol bee habits." Led el&a I ' We w .o.Arm the.tue.ent is er44 em., and we are merry es say that the shorn he eve *ern, winy as we hive ken ...era whisk the dieter has ordered awe wig he wee telly .woo .1 the previous ..4 proems drunken habits of the sawn& " eiOOKB AND PERiODiOAL$. A Moment Oat«. TO Deer. -1'h. R. J. E. Ward, et Yentrsl, • Manz Qaedi.m, seed. te The Winne his any et the load - Wit Ido a p.pM Mae wow lee Mew- " I ere h.. tete .eek'. OnbWa W eeld that Hue s a paper serried se ea the vary nose Itsd se Hp 5r54mry esm dmeribwd b' le Ihretspa' Is is The Mastreal Daily 11,111.w, rid 4 said te ha the oily OW M lb, hand 4 w work. Xis. no halal be aid w be a vary -'- 4,M. •fir bt tits Obebei . 56.45. Ona nil alp Aso* that 1155 • paper Msec be 45,r -isee b..e es the old* of parity, ria5Ms oral. uvtry geed end feeble arsn t i ens. Warne 1.. groan bissalops Miss meeld seas to ny romanifaltem the caw Is ps salsa Jen I.y(. whet ii wend he M have le this nen (the Lk et .Mtn s.wepaper.MM.4Ny free Rem per- stories u+r,1rd sdvwtianos.r s 51 somod5544 stns at roes es to she sorer deerl.5.t 5f the peo- ple. I am aware ler seed a teak • dee el NEW LINES PORTER'S BOOK STORE. Brocaded Crepe True at 20c. per roll. Floral Pattern at, the same price. Ordinary Lines, flc. and lOc. per roll. Your friends will appreciate correspondence on our Wedgewood Note and Envelopes. It comes a little high but it's the very latest. London Grey is also used very much, and is less than half the price, 10e. qr., Envelopes, 10c. pkg. or 2 for 15c. A few new 1 of the cheaper Ws.1 Pare to hand. t)c.' II and 7c, per roll, with Ceilings and Borders to match. �,,! fi PORTER'S BOOKSTORE M. i1on. as p•cypp a. *.urt House eq;4"40J .4ederich. li.rme.es amino ed I.w ...M be ami141t`�.a.er did 5, 5-. .., midst 1t he tank • tall to du.y to .0 Ohrstss pe.ple as Sam hard;, now ono to es yes Its wend hove "Feat dressage w Seim Milk kat I weeder w►.L F.),1 on vel N wed ►aro Nall ourselves loliawsre .1 Jas." n w. 41d as. stead ►y h ,n can ego AM 1hr.gb. H.1 sly tab le no .o -re eureka drama Is amen to be p.rl.vil, tsos,b45. 11 our Chel.11es prelerlua i. • r•altty sad arta slam; If ell, r .vet • lord* port os. .t tee obeys► e.esbtrs, woo M Err powwow' by Owrob ' Whes wool/ Jostle dor they would mete ls gaits posetble for oath ale - per ea the .se dssortbed at existing i• Yo. trial W Iyro and Moorish .rno.5 w Cartes bwgss 64 wort with the tadieido.J, essklag a woo mar, and .a. 01 that ... oro.pou alt oak.* rood things aro to owe for others mut for sodoty •► logo. Retormoti.s meet begirt with .un.lvss" Her. U. l.glls, B. A., i. Use.'. Herald, lel. .f Mao. • A STRUNG BACKING. elemestestearer M wse5ar, 1. s. Ctvu C...0 rakes w a.ipm•aaa. Olalaoaaat. Wiekhem. Qualm's e.., N. 8 8spt. 26 - Ur. U. L Werdee, om..t.Innr et the Civil Oeste bare, Is Nephritic io bb seders - ilea ef the greet, mediates, I)odd's 1(id.ey Pills. Dedd's Kidney Pills," M obeys "bays bees a weeder roes* *rupees to myself. After •rod kidnele ys I oe well. yw.tfink mew (el tot of cry trouble was the pale, fro gusset and poor sumer le orl..lkttt• Alter setas Deed's Kldaey Pills 1 enjoy the aa- tasal, ooa:leruble lode' 4. the prlembare abase referred te. i tee; Ulm • non sea., =115 revoaty six yamx. M tae. 1 russet. Dodd'. $lass) /Ills to sufferers se they de meow are .dveeised to de. UFASURN. Moaner, Sept, 261.1,- J. Whalley, of Stratford, le yW tiag i ens. Yrs. Jasm Chisholm. Joni Bemelr. teem sear errata, is ,s- ibs" if, brother J5eap5, el 154. plans. Yr. and Yea W a Gook wars w Hens Central lair la U'... lam week. Yr. sad Um A. H Clutter sad children are visiting relatives an4 friends la Tooke '.all 5.5ere Foley and Alex M.N•vin has Rosa with the apple pekoes. ser 1 C. le Tsss1's .mit «hie le Atex.' rest t.•aeo•, but Me ow, Rr6•rd, .111 Mew bite how to hammer tee moil la the right plew of aha beep as the barrel. Mir WWII. M.a.r.-tt'hos trying t• Wow the whistle as oummoe the 4.4. to work *hr thee_, ear popular tewntman, Jobe Ryan, mads • ..bst.p mid tett oo the Mea wheel while la ..tion, whtetrtowd him on t• the bolt, wino' gamed Jobe a Ilneo feriae, bot not e gently, to the rotted putttee An e6..lder somewhat out el *OK Jobs had to go is top fee medical .dm*,, arid tee I.44 d from wort for • time. J•a.ephll�ahpait8titww the •tela•or, sad' rit.a.l P.ttee takes Je5a's place as leder, pro tool. (.ytldren'aday at tk. Proebytri.a ohurok saw 1 goad steed..*,. of 15. **halms of Lb. Sunday wheel. 4!1 ;hr treaters and all ere of the mewl were weeset hat par. TD• wapiti was pr.tti:y sot with kowrs la voes. It was s .bildrea'. service. The Re.. Y.. Hamtltee gar. an impressive ad- dress, .psakieg el bow the Pr..bys.ri.a ehvo► had doubled to its membership st.m the ales el 1575 Hy.ee were swe.rty wog M He oceoeare and oesgrare- tb., Who 144th Horton preedtsg at the moa.. A s1bolees wee takes ap fee the easter feed. DUNLOP. Moarev, bps. 116th. Yrs JuksM.., et Anes. visited Mrs. Pumas arhraay N last wok. Yrs. iR A, Y.Anb.r, et Phooey, Wee6., an M. J. A. Y.O.rne. M (4aseites, Norsk Laken., wile their .bildre., arrived hese Oat week to me their perewr.. Yr. and Yrs. W. Jet., who on as proems; both Is peer health. Werisesday eight .l let week, Mr. sad Mn. Jetta Cho held a moral gathering el Ike neon people 1. our ..m.asity. Th. der was the analver.ury of ti. .dvW of .Ms, a isbey an • r«kl, the latt r of idealises. By Twas way gtosiit. tbat ut gem thermem le e he will kerne "kat be ie not ferestme oi eta Ill �y what be away by fres tsarists and Threekleg at Iia Rob Roy owner Um day ef Mast week, .t Wm. Jones', was Winked smash by the heavy showers of rata While wetW,. for the akar e.m. W. 7 Yew mad K 5srt Bmae Messed lee We be ...s deka;_ es ems methods of tars 54d. whi a ben se drainer§ mod r.5wes4, the view semeser to .,umtar H. ar..n built lite s raw mask, Matrviolies the yens fr.ern how to de la The Geld- MerM skarn did the work, Henry Hon - in. Ruben vmvimte.., W., Carr avid F. 1 i5.r itmlas the awing eta. On seller. lemmiami seder the . ..w prs..plem.. YI. °setts t heed •• visit trees learner T.. Priday .t l.at wet. Yr. Tw fused in menet is good .•rk4g order, sod ea the .lend of lel. 's- eptettes IM sehalan gene ea addrne mut the nnwoed la the yard. Thi. tweed .I We w dew mare 4amaie 1e the seemed Tem of • snarl le 4454. % MY a b spoke. .Wimlarn sad the tsseder red Wawa had turmoil out and M.ked the win est .f the yard. H. head err real wetted do the tIone neinM&Ma5hsWMins Meads plc.. leen t Lunn. .he M*, with as sadden" s Balt- fen Teensy lwhom ame with ..4i*,last td tbo day ether, an that Ms. Ants Lioness h.s, et He it et wring, ant* Foreland from tee •vers fats se... wet►. Hae sees. ravage .RSM" hes fabs serer badly, will be ...Aced to no been for several weeks. W. an desired by the ladies so terve thele dosses these. MMus, ooh helped them eit tie lime M tib aaaid.N reel co kr. mod Mn Peter Malebo, )r.. to ■h.. besets 10.y wore 'ekes to ober.% molest ter.. Zorn ; Jok. U.•.5., of toe 4M ..norm• moo of day, roar bocci, ....Nd One h•o,t woe Insane toter ts Pr,.,,or (Jre-a.a)] 1 bl4o ,,,.vee, ter ' he roe, os.. of 1340. Tb. y u.. b• drat 6.7, 1.11 m .1.5.4 .. 4 • .)rt, •sees! Viler of ►•.raw rya Prsw.,r w.il I+b.f y drew. Woos during hie rec• i,.., roe twigs. Mr. Dashes 6.4 thee. at Brom *bo., whore Yr. dreanway saw seem ear taking • heel to them, boogie lees.. The writ ei Or always at A PEACIME ACI For nal, n lisderi•5 by J... Winn. 131,00B REQUIRES JURISfif kr TiVllwar, 13ept, 28, 18109. The The old poem says " Rich and rare were the gems she wore." The line is Modified to suit our line of Winter Suiting.-- " Rich and warm were the gowns she wore." Richness and warmth are the keynotes to the winter styles, and the most beautiful are to be found on our pountprs. They are good investments from the standpoint of either utility or beauty, and will repay your inspection. Our Linings are the Best, and the Lowest Pries - P E D D E R' S --__a OI.T.si ser f 6UJLDCRS Alt! Tri KIT. For Flo (a (Jadeite by Jos. W ileo., e `(`hey are agreed that it is a useless waste of money to put ■ their cash in custom-made clothing when ours is just as good in material, better in make, cheaper in price, and guaran- teed an equal fit. No delay ; order today and wear the suit to- morrow, NEW TIES, GLOVES, HOSE, COLLARS, UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS, HATS AND CAPS. PRICES RIGHT I J. H. PEDDE3R, ' OOLBORNS 8 OLD STAND. Some Clothing is made to or- der, not made to fit. Shorey's ClQthing is made to fit, not made to -order. query garment guaranteed.._.:. Sold only by the best dealers. - EPPs's COCOA GR•AMM QUO Distinguished everywhere for Delicacy of Flavour, Supe- rior Quality, and Nutritive Properties. Specially grate- ful and oofaforting to the nervone and d&spp Sold only in 1-4 Ib. dine labelled JAMns BPPB de dO , Ltd., Homoeopathic Chemists, Lo -1 - don. Renard. MAwYABT MP= EPPS'S COCOA NEW GOODS 705 IIJITS OVEHCOATS READY-MADE CLOTHING CHEAP all owe maks. Cell and see these. Reeds sold W Ford or made ae le t. Woe TJD3431.f.8 CAMEL H. DUNLOP, Next flak or Umstreel Bearish. COAL In WOOD CHARCOAL and KINDLING. We are still at the se.. , old stand, Nelson 8kest, where we have been "applyiogooetdseers fora number of yuan, ' • kour now the heel that .wit. you. Onus left with oar d5U yr r rigs or .t Woewen'a sem and tin shop and .t oar altos will receive prompt attention. coal weighed aoil market scales, .newatM 4ordered. We ran severs' Drys in connection. CARTAGE (t FUEL CO., JOHN 8, PLATT. �-e4f-"r Moe 69. smut MEDICAL HALL. GODERIOH. nearly oompi.k "gala, plow geode rewire(' daily. f1 ion net Sae Bash sod Carriage Sponges jest to hand. The newest and latest Perfumer! Patent Yedidinss, Horse and OkM1e Spiess, and Condition Powders. Rabbet Goode, Syringes, Atoeaiaars, Rot Water rad les Bata, ;ria, etc reenalmeremerwcwadleelavairewomenle �. JORDAN, _ . earner Colborn.-st aiud oars ANEW 0006 STOYE At any !season ot year tbere is no greater comfort ethan a good reliable Cook Stove in the kitchen. It is with coot stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent variefiel We know yon will be pleased with our FAMOUS and ABERDEEN StovesandRanges OPLL . T CATTLE BROS. Pluliera, Steaalttets al ?Wiz A Great Snap._..• smemisemosommesseemmer ~ ear Obeyer efwith*wesell s 5.n at week. This loi's ear rely .mop, se we earn everything that oan be feead a as so - to -date a•wy mom sod our prb.s are riebt. The fenny "saw that they OW always W. fru. se • sem for their pu.., Wdee draw He Kos ►t es *Amato Made - ',Webbing gees alas.ww se souse., merles .tuff r ofHebonies table Pun. We demi in all T. G. TIPLINO di 00., Bedford 81...054., J. BEOP &soJ - 5W1 LaeDr10 - T! t►rntvul TIYVetttOYS aid. *non tom or day. w at .n lisen esGe Perna. tadsd.moo, gas - bee CANTELON's Puir1.nigbPd1014:'4art Bred al Cres loce 1 mi Lail Ikon,Ilan, lamImes. Bruit kW lit ,t in in Nona. and ea ths bort tendo ie any city '.salon loads the trade In WEDDING CAKES In fussy deetreieg •ort t- �.e ir4sAeadr lung. 'A--- f•a «r1 he order sad your nes D. OANTELON. .. wear-rr. Hardware Specials SCOTCH FIRE BRiCK PORTLAND CEPIENT HAMILTON HYDRAULIC CEMENT ASBESTiC WALL PLASTER ASBESTINE WEATHERPROOF and FIREPROOF PAINT GLASS PAINTS OILS AND A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES IN STOCK AT THE LOWEST PRICE. R. W. McKENZIE 1.58? BIDE 8Q 'ARK, The Place to Buy All Hardware Cheap, ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR M"LEOD'S SYSTEM RENOVATOR A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES.. Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. M°KIM'S, -- REI D'S OLD STAND. SALE OF TROUSBBS We bare about 300 pair. of Men's Treason, new and up -to -dote Goods, Fall and Winter weight., to dear at Clone Prion.. Yen's Q.ndkta Tweed Peals, strove earl well .s.4., Auk m1 and brows etdipm, top end 515 pockets Tao Yen'. ()mediae Tweed Passe, beery fall sad water geed*, f.5hi.asbls est meld well mesas. tete and hip maim. 81 00 Estes straw heavy Tweed Trousers. N -d trea.4s mad Wall pews, sop on hip peehet5, .pssklkir it 96 llegr el•eh stripe Trousers, wade wow -awiate, asp anis tiropoekety ill Edit At Mwaft k.T?T Mer, =- • a►k o'er'-mgi3119*, Mask Warned 11 76 swam amid 1166. Mels• Woos asks. 01,60 aid cab Il all Cloth or Et.ff Pante at the poses yea would pay for Ow stele at 60.. per yard. Th... are A 1 weer sad ser redMNat, wind s.4 res pre*, 96 Of Jinn whet the Awe woul&..et ywe 1 la Mre'a stripe esttem•de Overall, BIM* peakeea, few I./186 fila. nese. Overall. bib siasebed, wolf sad •Ir.mgly all.. 60e. *eel 76s. Koon•ky Jon Tresses., tap and hip sestets I isn't wear 'es. eat 86e Stripe Treremers. eat Obhp peekm ppaasbWM-Wmr temay 901 Bees' 8sil •t aK filemegr ..t p ad heavy, d easel -13-- Rime OLD BTA ID. a.