HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-9-21, Page 8„R 8 TaUl1.DAT, Sept !l, 1*1. IIGNAL : GODERICH ONTA NEW FALL DRESS -GOODS AND SILKS. U itthis season will take the lead for S Dress Costumes in Broadcloths, 5 Cheviots, Hone.ipuns and Serges. In all these lines lie have a very large :Mock, complete range of shades' with the latest in Lining Silks to match the Cloths. Our Dress -Making Department guar- antees style, fit and finish. Every garment we tuns out will have best lining and fiuishings. Lovely Black Crepon 1)ress (;o(Ids for Skirts, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.($) a yarel. The latest Boucle Heavy Plaid Goods t'ur Skirts. Silks. A very large range of Stripes, Brocades and Plain Colors iu TaftQtas-lin •ted direct. A special lint -of new Heavy Mks, latest colors, at 50c. Jackets i8 a line we make a specialty of. You will find our range the latest style, the best workmanship, and at "very reasonable prices. This season we have most of our Jackets lined with Silk, which adds so much to the warmth and .,11 pearance that you i mtlAllttedly' decide on a Silk -Lined Coat. Come and inspect -our Stock. Clothing: Glen's and Boys. Boys' Clothing you will find with us in great variety. TWO-PIECE SUITS, THREE-PIECE SUITS, OVERCOATS, PANT, and those nice, warm, --Short Overcoats that .ketep. tldl 00..o lnit.XA.,.lsl�1? little legs, Weitave. them from $I.25 to $2.00. Ladies' Fall ats, bit) Rid) rs, Sailors, Walking Bats. 1 'Ladies' and Children's Underwear: 1441,3We are showing something very special in Children's - Fleece -Lined Underwear, all sizes, well made, from 15c, ea. up. Nothing in underwear more comfortable. Men's Underwear, special line, 50c. a suit. Every'Department a complete Stock of Latest Styles for Fall, with best values we have ever shown : Drees Goods, Staples, Mil nary, Small Wares, Jackets, Clothing, Gents' Furnishings, House Furnishings, Dress Making. CASH AND ONE PRICE I the predw ie of the the «Us .s name oowteek i. Me yard .t the O'. to the ehsir feemly • reed PMS Ms oral• N •• 1 H. ore, Iwadee.O.t., bat bees ee1h way •ad well .flee [• tett her DAM en •shark el murder. • A. molders. tortwtely wie.d.d by Inse el hie, Well the royal Maim .1 Prat. Ses.i.md. Tobias Ftls,eraa, .1 P.terb•ro'. wee f.1sU7 oboe while daub -beetles as Said* Cabo. M.W.T. There aro 4110 o...s of yellow lever 61 Key wort, amid new ewe are appearkg at Me me. .1iOdaily. Alditioa•1 reIlme.M err tieing seas t• Su•th Aeries, as/ •rreo reemate w beim m ,ds ter • wawa/ brigade. 1s ba. been 4.s14.d by the UoveremeaS to •ppolet a. Mattis Oem-Iml.-e le Mr. rlo in the Y.k... Yr.. }Vitiates. of 8t Cochriw, wee feaad peed te her ram ie The Je rW Mork. where sloe bred sirs. The tory than qtiored into the death o Mn J is a ifmolten dNWt's oats lewd that died through the .heck ei tiftedher teea extracted, so blame be mg M aortas. The St.pht..ed U.b.,.. Agrio.lt.rel Society's Felt Fair, bond et Huth: Tuesday. a•th altogether was • very geed Mew, bat the attendeeo, was nos nest Ito lame as last year. toe leg to the unfavorable we•tber .11 smarmiest. Smith Bro's & Co. SALTFORD. Tumors'. Sept 191,h. Liebe • sn.hr armed here threshed lass week. T. Pisa, we are Derry M say, is ea the .Ink art. Tho ..•ponder started Nasdaq with • fall snag of workers. Ml.. Ds. Istria, .t Trona. wen ,iaUs, M th. reddeam el Mr. Allan Baott•nso the pet week. Mr. 1Miles, the millwright who was sent here to pat op the meahisry ter the 'map easier, loft leer week for his home is Now Tek State. Os Wednesday, Sept. 151h. a moat was MOM ditslior through the sky at hall poet hear P.M. II ease from the West gong to • ichors diresliee. Farther reports my II Memak N. earth le the Seale .f OM.. Gla Mes4y Albert ()odtherp•'s list!. moo Meer mase with • petsfel •eMdwe. He wee �k4I� in the bogey wises to berm, bemire - log fgtghbested, belted, sad Now him ./dots the seam templates of the born. Me forehead meet red • /sfl'iMs gash ..d Dr. Whitely was •1 .nes sent tr. For tee hewn the little fell., woe emeenesiom bet with tie deem?' oar* hs is gesblss Mew DUNLOP. MONDAY. Sept. 18th. Atter • pli..ss .ids of etre mo•tbo Ali. C.mminp west byk to Chicago Ne Sam - day lass. Norm•. MoLeed west te the London lair as Thursday of Set week. Some pimple 5No5 shot the trip crus mors than ordtnar• Ey i0tr.tlms. W. Orae., r., of (iodrieb, with A. Almes Moseley lost •tlsdd the towel el Vie late bin. Garde. Yews. sear Car- , low. m Pmovl.w cemetery i. Colborne. Mem. W. Philips, et 8t. Augustine. �demssir y • reddens here, with hdaughter. )llhsd.. w. • treedest Tidier te farmer tteslghbrs Meadsy of last week. while e aw.ble the meaty tows. The Winship fasten should make seem dais. se the shirt set mud the hill by Wa MW on, In the way of rMkr•U4g the INA path i• planes and r•veiri.g the pllsok. whin they are laid. and the addible& of • 4*m seers wild sot be est of pis.. Tb. ea Ne Mot eheuid oat the .s- iaerNl.. M w sewn* oesuelnr 4 this tmsetie, ware sbeeld be attended to .t mese Yew Mar gl. Lewes, of Waverley Place Ahea•.. Soothed le .islwra ng bShe le the Towns of see late Weber Lamm. C. R. • Mower of this diarist e mit ate. Nee a well boom' resident es A•detli .d the t.w..bip .f °others*. qte realist le beesiered. where be owe yens et•. Mor Lamm Ms Mem t the •oreser moist points a/ k- ed ea e•a.d.y Iot awe from , N. It., where she Med rte.. the Irma of her deer. Ms. (Lk.) Mir, to visit her eeodm., D. iawmm, .1 this plow. mid °ye Alin. Lames. M 0edereh she is mew she goad et the farmer ae Ler.dde. LISBURN. Mo,n,AT, Sept 18th. Army these who mist es lbshis k Lemke maw Ilse M. (•rang iibd M. Fake. not *emmw-Mn semi. le 4ks .sur hero was well MMMw1. Two mew lades pgkesk eimp mm.a meet le tiese Iswae.`Par .1 W le Ilk Pillsmemire .f the tete floi Islam ether flowers, Lid Ing e.nee.med Ina bamboo of Me Mbd■ of the dilatant s1ltk., ..d ere* 4f Mikee& sed 5014 being ea d1pl.y r Mnmtaom► Paris et Hs eddies. Meek .alible f.r she ...weeks wee readers" be Me.5.Lr, aN .p" prvrtet• •ad Try e•o.$ khis normo.e wet• daveredliby else Nev. Mr. MJIe, of Blyth KINOM:RlDGE fussier. Sept 19. J. J. Hors•., of cases, ep.at Seadey 1. the vih.go. J 4e111sy..4 (1313e.41, is weeding • low dry, wit hr brother. wlots., P. J. Austin awl Jobs S. 51511....peat • hew day. lent week .t the W esters /Mr, i.eaao•. Pies Masterson lett leet r wk fur heir home is betides, atter • 'cleanest *int with treads sod relatives here. Mere !f J D.Ito., a*temp.nid by her brother le low, Mr. W.d.U, of i vlssh. visited le Seeforth Inst week. Two si.ton of the order of 8t Joseph es 1...dse, eso,•.•d the perish last week ler alio IE t.4 the Graham of the Monet Heyser e. While threshing at J. O'N.u'e i.ro. last Ytteredn7, a were (.seer tittr-ecriee ignited • steak .l pear, *ed. •lt►eegh the wars worked hard to tight the Orr, the Iwlldlu,(r dean with • ample of thea..ad bushel. of vale were completely deetruyd. lir lues .. v.y heavy. pester spoke • few words of aseen.l to thaw G od gave them • text of Sinister* to abide with them. The theme of the sermon was " W•ab and Pray," and the discourse was earnest and Impr�suive. The pater was assisted by slain 1). arms std K. h. Shaw is tin 'administering of tits more - .est Oe Wednesday, the 20. h, the W..as'. Fomes Marion Seamy will hold their monthly meek•, O. Holiday • abides's aryl** will be Iced, sled the sol Sofres will be is aid of the twestl.ab sent t ry hied. CHURCH NOTES. Tee devotio.e at S'. I'.�.,'. cluro', 6•1 we.k etre writ .tt.:.d.d. About 400 re- nieNvd baly 0omeaaaien. The tops/ •o x t Friday sissies le V ktet L.. t . 1per..rth leasee will be' u,..a 1.aor u. Outer ." Toe 'Debi .r1 *.l1 be streamed 1.1 !Ie. L se'rlebhuro.. Row. Ur, H•nder..u, el Termite, •riet•ee .ns.owty *wrets.y of to. 6Lethu41.1 ()harsh. w.11 preach Ia hwtb-.t. Wthodiet •horoh ou S.sd.y, Oct. 99 h. Rev. J. I) Aedsreus. B. A , of Benaheir obi, Qua, brother et Rey 4.m Asd.,..., B A., et Koos chetah, will appease. N. vmitseet: vial le Kees chetah sett 8..- day. 1 The Ilebb•th 8okool Amoci•ttes of 0e - tone will meet is O•lt ea Oetebsr 94, 95 osd 96. Iwo. Taylor. ot C5.so11,.od possibly toms of the ez•prssidesa et the County meeisuas w111 repr..eas Hares. Os Someday, 0. oler 8th, Rev. B Olen est. of Chess. will preach is Ninth street Me hedist o►erab to the moraine. sad • of•Nerm mtaUng will ee held is the ev.eis{. rhe twensteek oeslary teed will be the thea at both et the. erviese. Religiose metiers are beteg held k • teal ss Elgin street, on Me LM opposite the d+s $etisPe ...w'4 44~1. nit -go•tesw►.re- sddtaad by Pease "L worm.., of Petr. bete', who years ago was .►poets et the Sel- vettee Army carps t. Lod/Aoki. t.W Friday eyeshot woe " literary eves - in Vietereek ltpworth Limes. A t oed protomer wee provided red refresh meets were •nerved dorms the eves.•. There was • geed atts.d•sos, •.d those gement apses se esjgsh • *vistas. Rev. J. theme, of $Holm the eevill., will •o- ospy e palph o1t.rtb easel Methodist ehurol mat &today. Ker. Jasper Warm will Mks aerie of the ..eIve,a•ry careless of the Halmeenli. ehsrok. Tse Holmes wills people will bold a ter meetleg es Mos - day •venkg. Rev. halms Wdees, miser of Nerth•.1. dsthodiet thane, pr•a*ed last Medal eyeaieg se the.ebj)ect of °bristles gl He .-.'1 that the Soriptares clearly ibo/ .....s shoed set aside sea aeon e1 memo as bela.gisg to the lard. Duties the sparse al he intermits* dimmers he rows the result M a eoisslstks wish be had made .f the .awl whisk word be rased among the seretbera of kin ebarok It they oil gave •aosrdlag to the 8ripearsl sWdard. Tay wield be she• to de whet they are dais, •ow, and in addition give $500 sneakily tt the poor and build • sew church and pry for it 10 tour moan ; or. k• staid of builds., • saw aherah, they *veld be able o give 53,000 .anally tee mh•iess. The lest was from Oimts 28. 22: "Of all cess tbou shall give ms I will earely give the testi este thee.,, The great *vast it the world's Presbyter. Maim this year le the .eetteg m1 the seventh reseal) of the oh.rob.s of the world Yielding the Presbyteries term of revere most. The.asoll will meet k W•.bisgtoo on September 27, and will repressor from all Isods seem thirty million' al Presbyter tabs. Previous oousoile bays bees held le B desbsrgh, Philadelphia, Mime. London, Termite sad Glasgow. The cossoil a de. llberstiys Daly, and is se tow le,tidabl,e bat serve te rive visibility M the ess.tW unity of the thunk in all briar,. well se 4: mark by the tis sod dimmol.se the proerms of N.*gbt and perms* a the thumb. Tersely papers .d addresses will be delivered by representatives from lot* Amrien. oeellsast, •sd ea weeny h three Irmo Sor*pe sad A.W6116. The Ceadias saws •pp.risr e& the grogram w these of Rm. Dr. 1► , st $s8fax, wbe will reed • paper o. " The Pr.ervstfeo .4 the Lord's Day in the Isthmoid* mf Leber." sod Rev. Dr. Joh.fas, el Lapdog, who wUl 'peak on "'1Le I.pressee sod Revels of Cad's Hose Miaelom." The °s.dies thereto e repNNtej by tweet, feet delegates. The President 4f the pelted States will hold • rrweeleegpaMete. Gr the members et Hi. •Ileaom maw the mean M Me 9Ftfa. sad the Hisser. t.4 Philadelphia Ms limited the .embsn te • natio. le tie Quakes. Otty SHEPPARDTON• Tumour, Sept. 19th, 1899. Mrs. Nelms Drahin 1s rheas' bee perms .5 Pico River. M let Belle Green and Mary Haw .pen. • day or ewe le the tkreelar City last week. Mrs. Wm. ti.rrowe and two ohlldren cue .1.111.. Mends and aogw.ts.om in Clin- ton. Alio. Dougherty and Dimmest Graham who •se attending the Godrioh Collegiate Institute, .pant Sunday at benne. Wm. Vrom•n, who setae time age fell le the barn sod injured his okk, is, we are pleased to stats, able to be armed Wein. PORT ALBERT. MONDAY, Sept. 18. Mies Tory Hawaiian is here for • menthe visit at her home. Willie H•ydeo, of Dedrloh, emus 8.e.. day rider the parental reef. Mn. Oliver, of 85...,.,, spent Haad*y et the borne ot Mr. Ouootegbem. /if re. Robert Gornto, of i eagoseoe, N speeding • few d.y. with kir p[teets. We are plead to note Hist Hary Cso- id: mk.m Is able to be mit titer kis bite til• e ms. Jae. Wilson and jam. (7rawfere, who are aosperiag at Dungannon, .peat treat Than' day 4 8ond.y at their hems. John Graham, who hoe Ibsen entities re. - Wives ihi this visteny, returned tibia hams is Segl.w. Wok., Wedeeed•y el last weak. least week sheets hundred Iodises passed through mit village ea their way to their Daaael .wap-.ee5eg as Kettle Point. They will Mere sseaetim this work te their heaths k8.,.... Is err IW of e.es.lti. we mud .ambles the report that cine ei our /seal 'parte owes .MMM.•M sse.gk to bees kis harm's .mk brace is 8smday. People ahead be veep .refel .brut !wt at a break meek gait. Ail ..mm.r pleM.. ease tram Tart110 parts to ..j.y ear pork Awl .d lake Herein, but we hardly eueaesed Ma they would meal.. M ewe NSW Mos .t year. Hem ever, friday Mee tis M.5dkt 8 e . from Mamabw.tee drive maw. •wad while we a», o ma target made of Mee M Ike taken. seated 1e entre them' us tdr.rmi•b. ly. Norm meter I. the seam. ..• time. Last Thursday trhlk Nrealett se Jam (Ylfett'., Sams es Mr. 8.IUvasy faro, • spark from the aegis set ere 4 she strew, and as Aorta hfag.envsikag N pet min see kis.e as kmw wee men ..eeM.d le games. rim bmiYyp nerd, with the sump - Yen M a emelt mast of of grata whet Ns mem trews We te emery mit, the whole er.m.'s step, d ever • thenseed brake., were destroyed. Mr. O'Neil bee se Isms, eros. G. Swam Mmes. hew ss,,Osiers (Sag �kw wire mesilooteidHN May with ANNOUNCEMENTS Next bargain damp Sept. Mb and 294. at 45.54....'. °.lo5 e& to the mewde that are gofer 5. me the"Corner Dreary,' Friday night. The Neatest show e& earth. arrived sad served to all styles, . 155. V,oteria Reete.,ast, West et Ise Cress. Trolls, silo. C. Brrcrurros., Prop. Wasted -Better ..d ow. Still the tame prise, 14.. The .k •t11 goo. Svr7thler tin.. D. N. Elco. Wiegh•m. 0.11 a Hull's mob Mae Mee, Borth side sf the Square, and em llie greet value he . .Rrt� Ove lee teremed dollen worth of Neek bought jest before the reo•.t ad. vases. Speolel bogg•I. mile es fair days. The R. 8 8.115 Dry (Deeds De. will hold • .pedal ase of drew geode, silk., mantles avid meek d•as darks fair week. Many 11eee k geerel dry geode will he ele•r•d at less thee ogee el pret.tlee. Visit tills live basks. bow and elesvtne. yourself that it is the pleos to do beeis•ss. Dee. W. Themes A Sae will weepy ahel, old stem et she Great N•ribw.ir. Sgkibtbl.m, end mvior yes to Gall end see awl end unmet tarn ere Mouthy .f plan.., 'roma, mwleg meeheee, bleyelee, ate They have the very beet is •11 the above llw, •d at prime that will he sere a sat- isfy you. The ,tere en the Square will .Ise be eves it bedoers se emit daring the deye of the ietir. OUTSIDE NEWS IN BRIER M. Guerin bas pro.le•d ta •t11 i►_hle how at Paris. A*.k'alde bee •1•k mooed ermmuelea. Hese with the Arerhe.. Limit Robert J. Rest, ems et the Orad Trak .leiter, died at Seihrrllle. Y. Sshserer.Keesser, Dreyfus' ,•rfted ehasep ie.. did yesterday •l lypbeld fever. Tho aseeeeor.e et et the peados ei 1ke71es by the ?remit D.rorsee., Ism hese .oda A5 the opening of the 8b.thra ter Toilet*, kis W ESN Hen.f WUhd Ismer eddrand 8.009 pawl. 00,00 s. tlil.r 'Ali Mao Sllbstanca3hadov DODD'S ;KIDNEY' P'la.4 � 1 `��„„. TIOTOtJA OPBUf-'OU8B Tritisy, Sept. 2224 The Famously Fanny Comedy, Corner firocery Brtitj' I U t, Sparkling, p •to-tl• lw, preeeetiug Daisy Chaplin The (lover 1.i/tle Arista, as rt THE BAD KID." SEE THE YUNNY DUTCHMAN. THE HAPPY TRAMP. THE SILENT POLICEMAN. NOTH/NQ BUT PUN. Prices, 25o., 35c. and 50o. STOTES 's19N4 .,te s e maws' Mead' ree'd =ate, ere 9w't AM Nasal dm Ll� 11L DOD�!S Salo o_ far Taxes 1 J. Hs WORSELL f _ The Cheap Stove and Furnace Man. Godertch. 1. 3NnbOlind &IVO° Why Pay Fancy Prices 2 fur yotttt:;lloota rod Shoes when you can buy as good Roods for lees IngMy 1 Drop in uld'see 'bat we are selling tssr Boots and Shot. a4 on the STRICTLY CASH PLAN. In order to make room for the iwmenue Fall Stook that has Ng bes, opened, we will clear • number of our olid hues .t GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. We have a great number of Wee of Women's and Girls' Button and 14,,x,Shoes, good Pebble and Dougola Lather. They were from $1.25tort pV per pair ; we will clear the lot at 930. Just the thins for giro going to school. 0 dee tete Boys' *shoot Shoes, tra50 m u. to $L50 per pair. Guaranteed to wear We are offering a special line of Ladies' Fine Kid Shore, button oe lace, for $1.49, well ,vont h =8.00. New Roods. • We will be pleased to *how you our new Uses of Ladder' Fine Viol Kid Goods, .11 price.. 0 ' ^ awe e44%Moe, l(fe, esti Ike-.:-. _- -• You will soon De tootih for • NEW 000K or PARLO15STOVI. Remember that WE SELL THH HIST in the market THE PEARL STEEL OMEN RANGE cannot be beat A Guarantee with every Pearl Stove. THE NEW FLORIDA with rit..l Oven. to the best Wood Cook. THE ART AMHERST 1n the beet Coal DDuuble-Beater, and THE HOWARD ie ohs belt (-hi Furnace. For este by •r11 O ►V N ori GODLRICH. T11HBA8UREK'i KALE OF LANL1 FOR TAW. ✓ mov1Nc■ cr curse O0, Iii ,irte.or• war Toer Uetmed1 er: (rant order the bud d e.1 M5. teorper•tb. et the Iowa of Mlel, IOW the twentieth day ed Sep eribr. diet eemm.-45r m to levy ems the Made heron Illiwrddew.errftk.4. ter she•ne.ra e thss e t game d.wea is et1with •ee& rhereby , chat r salmi � m eseh•p15t15 smwseam .../ .Monis ctrl te Ass ems Act S. O 2114.f.„ tea On:..p.ko may b. the 17 en. fMm.7 hes •the said arms.tM enld arrears tied eases at mg ofs rel the Stte..tb d.1 et De•emb.r. et taws 4. the .fleree*s, The LOewiwr Ins. are ,spaced: coseeml- r Street Bm�Mmg Ito. autebee• &'.trvy • r 1 I. ,. Rede SurveyCoder Pine Seem 17 U 5 • M 7S n 4 Ili 2M at1"� 1 16 01 I40 6M 1 eel 5 el 111 6 el SI ai 6 a 111 IS s e1 ail lir 5a1 Opt eel ler 41!40;701 04121 M emit LEE•8NEPHARD aro not making au exhibit at the Fair, BUT th«er rr5J.,r ..f Heating and Cooking stoves at their Show Rooms, Melee.'. Block, is well worth seeing. FARMERS, make our Ston your headquarters while .t Ow Fair. We shall be pithead to take ob•rge of .y oa1s or wrap. LEE & SBEPdARD COAL OIL Wholesale and Retail. par- OODt.RIOH STRAW BOILER WORKS. A. 8. OHRYSTAL, Sa.sa.Der1.Obrpslel a Bleak, reamtemem , et •11 heads of BOILICRS, `f)k. Stacks, 8a15 Ybns, 85.et Ivor Works, oto., dad D.a e - Pages . Maehleery d..Ynp, t.. All 85.0...1 Wa Pipes and 0j.i. ease (mat Vetoes, I t. j)e•tre.77d I.. ;.Mere C..s4nttyy Hami of Looe. A q14 1 Hee of Steel Wad. sod B.* 1tw.gtea Mem of tweets nag ahem Ib.eoblie pre.Wy.Handsel to A. $. 0113TikAt.. MO P. 0. Gem ell tledwidma Cooper &Wilson have leased the Warehouse lately occupied by MR. S. SLOANE and are prepired' to buy ALLKINDS OP GRAIN all the rear mind, COOPER & WILSON Hamilton Street, Ooderich, N. 11.- All kinds of grass seeds for .ale. The Best are the Cheapest. KEMP wtek5...red wIe* arse 71s.e OIL S.TOPE 55. 5.... • toll U. of them. Every stove I. sear.hl..4. W. osrry . loll Iles .4 tome - made Dairy Supplies and House Furnishings. Lei 05 Seers os your Haab. Jag, R..i45 and Saves-Tresgbtmr. H. C. FILSINCER. H ELLQ ! -THE OLD RELIABLE. ALL KINDS OF COAL ALVWAY8 ON HAND THE Hain' Scranton Had Co21tax *Liam • 11 Deal Imam. as tits •rise 5.slee, where 7mi gel sae as. Ir. tin. WM. LEEI o e.e left at La • gulzaffits Sam* mempety attended to. TO ADvaornumne. Note. et &sagnn meat b. lett M Ws O... mad Wow Mme g b , pax R. B. Smith Dry foods Co. deg tetillta. O.w.l V� Your 1'loney Back, if you want it. �'. T. HALLS, North aide of the Square, (lodericb. THE SHOE DEALER MILLINERY! Beit Tapas and 341fir the Fall and Winter 8 THE LATEST AND BEST EFFECTS IN 1 . 1 On, Foi1irs, llihholls and other TriiilloiIlgs. According to my usual custom, I shall not bold a formal opening, but shall be pleased to have the Ladies inspect my stook at any time. MISS C.g.MMRO.rT, Hamilton -at., C+oderioh. FBARLO1...HOLMES Keeps constantly on hand and will deliver promptly at the LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH : Hard and Soft Coal, Portland Cement, Hydraulic Lime, Sewer Pipe, Fire -Brick, Fire Clay, etc. Ofiee.-1100 Me el West.st., near the O e. 'Telephone No. 75. F. BARLOW HOLMESI NOME WORN FIR FAMILIES W. want the @erviess et • semtw Mfamilies tede Im~arret► whole or owe rime ire turgid. ;11 ms.btse eel wpW the w re. & £Mr W tis seems ereer=ei.. 1115t4to she were M Bled W55. «0.11. Same HMeree.es. Ceeeme..mw 50.lrblsg Pe.. • trereate. Alien 0r111/ sod °liaise baseball teams played at Ailsa ('.rale oa Friday. The herr• teem woe by 11 to 7, with •e ieeinv. .0 Nets. & NYIRS, altar: aid Bos Graduate of Ma..ebuMt. (1.1. leip of Embalming. WO1T 6 a 0518 DAT AND NIGHT. AT MODE 'r?fairiON. baa eau amen. s Sl*IA. MILLINERY. . Sept. 291 Fall 30 � Opening AT R. B. SMITH'S The extraordinary .features of this event are certain to gratify the highest expectations of the citizens and visitors to the 0. N. W. Exhibition. As an ex. position of a new season's newest fash- ions in Millinery, it will surpass all the memorable opening displays made by this house in the past. We hope our friends and patrons will take this announcement as a personal invitation to visit our handsome Show Rooms on the opening days: THUH8DAI, FRIDAI and SATURDAY 111T fin soh St vs a awn wealt.$i; d y i; nm Wel y54 aid 8a4 PW Pey 8770 h.• VIP ASO ♦•• Tit �[��������3�i �� MEM w prat Sets new at 71 A � ; 10' re• lye osier M 6060 sperm aver dao S. 50.4 P0 is el ('t ilte Pair Pb PI N Tree K Ptr V 1' Co roc 1