HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-9-21, Page 61
A Novel of the Present Day.
'.r�!'r..ltlra��iifi�ct~d'.7'dlJ i;...:y i./!�/iJ.'J.IJ✓�{i/�!d�r.✓.�
CHAPTER XXIII. an 'elegance slime% tum wretched 'W
Ib The vibes be credited
TM assn who hail chaise of the leo
It was late the next day beeves How- Mtttutiioc wars kind and humus's. and
when he found that the new inmate
wail harmless. he allowed him amad-
erabk, liberty. and strove to interest
him In some light outdoor eret'clse. An
hie health improved his mind became
"Imago, and at timer he would teem
to have sudden glimmer. of the past,
ten they wooed s most ant quickly lade
away. and his memory become a blank
year paosd thus. un:d then the
keeper of the asylum suddenly sick-
ened and tied
It was a ad day for the inmates'
of that mg'serabee plane when the geed
mast was carried forth to his grave.
for all wider lila care had been as kind-
ly treated and cared for as clreap-
waste pier!•M._ .
A mummies was appointed almost
immrddat ly. and a new regime was
inetltute d. and e. hard one. Indeed, Tor
tits pour inmates of that place.
The first than that Howard met this
man after his Installment he gave a
elolent start. and a nervous tremor
dhook his whole frame.
He put hie hand to Isle head, ay if
sane painful memory Iliad suddenly re-
turned to him. and uttered an uuln-
tetllCible cry. half of recognition, half
of fear,
Thr man did not see Was until lee
heard the cry. Welch Brewed to anger
hint. for he was a coward and It
utartkd him.
"What le the matter w,th yyoauy, you
t" lie demanded. nimbly. while be
glared Into the white face and startled
eyes of his patient with a curious
axed Montgomery was brought forth
from his Dell for ha examination, and
as he entered the court -roam his per-
soual appearance was esan less pre-
ing tllau it had been the day
The I.laoe of his ooafeiement dur-
ing the neat wart filthy is the ez-
teteme-damµ needy, and long with
cobwebs and carpeted with duet.
The miaeeable pallet with which his
Dell was provided was so foul that be
could not make up kis mtod to lie
upon 1, even had he not been too
wreuvhed to sleep, and he had at
all the long eight through upon the
d brokea chair -the only other
of Wafture flat the plan.
He bel taken a sevees odd weld
bad inflamed hie eyes, his fees was
lag -aad ui ova i d, his hair on-
-for be bad been supplied
with no conveniences for arranging
his tolilet ; his clothing was rn
covered with duet, and altogether be
waa a 1oviorn.iookimg ubjeot.
True. bis apparel was of the finest
texture and most approved style; his
tosobor 'ad beating that of a gentle-
man, 14 taagaage well chosen and re-
fined, but his look* were not in his
favor. and there wale so much evidence
brought to bear agataet him that the
court did net appear to regard him
with much .hem nal Iran the first.
The wretch wbo bad robbed him tes-
tified to baying beers aaagtlted by him.
and slim statement* were corroborat-
ed by his partner ba .rime. while tbe
policeman appeared to believe he had
canhht • rogue almost in the act of
larceny Irom the
p•epresdmtitt y ,teott A Co. claimed that
b. had bought goods of them and had
then taken pa•'ssage on board a stea-
mer bound for America. with. intent
to defraud them of tbeir thea
Howard told hie story In a straight
forward. manly way, but he had only
Motown wbel to prove"hfa statements.
and thea Against so many opposing
wltnewei diet not amount to anything.
The proprietor of the hotel where
he had r4opped had 'been summoned
to appear In hl.s defence,els t eventh he
now seemed to regard
, •pclon. and his encloses was given In
ski a" tidge'telle-lilid`Olowesorlossitelat
manner that 1t did him felt ae much
harm as good. -
He Identified him as having been a
guest at his hotel, corroborated his
- -.statement regarding his wife and
child. and said he seemed to be a
man of menne and [had
promptly settle.] his bill there. list
that was all he knew about him or
could ay la bus favor, and there was
not another individual in all Liver,
pool to whom he could appeal in ala
trying rdtaatlon.
The villain who had cau,el him all
this misery had amounted the garb and
manner of a gentleman, and carried
off his part In the drams with such
a high head. dwelling with such ap-
Pparent gratitude upon tbe fact that
that other man. "who was a stranger
to him, should have come so oppor-
tunely to his eminence." that the evl.
dentis .teemed o uncludve against How.
ard, and tbe Judge oowld 110 so other
way, had he been Inclined -which he
we.. not, na. for some reason best
known to himself. he had a special
grudge agaitwt all Americans -than
to sentence him to a term of three
years in the county prison.
Howard. of Bonne, appealed from
title decision. but as he was power-
less W give bonito he was sentenced
to list plane of confinement to await
the lathe of the case at the next ter
of the tonrt.
It was a bitter experience for him
but he hoped to be able to communi-
cate in the meantime with some o
his friends In the United Stader.
Bettie the matter 'satisfactorily.
But first of all be enn ,tet _Cecile
know something of what ' be-
fallen him. for what most des think
what must eke be mitering eve
now on be amount?
It drove him nearlyfrantic to thin
of it, and how cunnngly he had
robbed and outwitted by that vers
wbo had 040 boldly faced him In coif
with his plaudble and artfully
cocted story. and for hours he pe
his cell like some wild animal In h
e tried to bribe his keeper to tat
one of his sleeve -buttons. mil It. a
buy him pen and paper. Bo that
might write to his wife and also
a cablegram to ber, that upon
arrival ..be might know „that no seri-
oats accident had befallen him. an
that be would return at the earl
passible moment.
But the keeper was suspicious.
believed that valuable sleeve -but
was also stolen property and accord.
Ingly he refused to have anything
rio with It. Met be. too, got Into trou-
ble by means of It.
Howard next tried him with h
watch. alOberstr he did not like
part with It -bang a very valuable
ttat'piece---Mit the emergency de -
mantled almost anreacrtftre.
He, h,vrever. met with no bet
sucesse In thla proposition, an
harasses! and irritated almost
rood endurance, be was forced
realise tbat nothing but patients"'
would avail him anything until at
h is trial. •
Bot the cold which he had tat
proved to be a very severe one.
seemed to increase - as the day w
by ; be grew feverheh, his head n
]lobs ached so that 1t became
Moat imposeibis for him to sit up. n
at Ietigtk, all atmindful of ttre filthy
Mate of his taut. W threw h!m
wearily upon It, and there the Slier
found him. when he came toe bre
him his coarse fare at night, torsi
and raving with fever and
His was At ones removed to tbe M
ward. where be lay for week& writh-
*ng with brain fever In IW w
At one time he world e
alt!► wildlyLay �t child. g
frau hint, reiterating again and
hie lnnoaxmn of the coinse with w
be was cbajed ; then be would
'gin a himself contending with
wretch who lead robbed bim. and that
scene would be enacted over &w
rune. columned by Ire violent contor-
tions; he would 1Je1 weak and minting,
upon hie couch. tulle another parox-
ysm raised him.
11 wet a terrible I l beuR wet no r
thet4bt he wowed erer wears e f
N. tart iii �oti'wtttthe b pat
the mastery at h ; the to o
him. end he began ly to mend.
Natas he rerwirsd hit ph
resength, it Wanes Apparent that
breefleset was impaired
AP remeruhend emlrtigg of
events whkeh had d vividly Man
him doting he aMabom; he did
neem to realise where hen. was or t
skrrangrrs Suite wsAheg .pee bim.
did be ent1� he twee,
mak tie W he wits or ch
Aa meg M h rrsaditt vet wool*
silt d AO, 4 IMP erred At
. • :.- .+linea I11r-
for ~if flavine hs dr.gg.�
tris la the most wastes tb+beer.
Uoually Howard kept atter tw+ste•
bafere alar. dielatetag Adie Mgr illep1
altboughuman �y et thug ouitkl stutter dere.
Yet. It ill le et aU, he eOnttaa•A to
•mi'rore Men
all Ida
I•rWred his
ars, and
beat aeon
aril he wan sa Woody manned and
watched that tale aemrd at w an
iMplrrlbill r, Mel • minium -
tale rim" ttu *04* w
10 again `Meer• ie .
067. bootee& 141 toruiaawr
game to hie door, wide* Was cituvwsed
partti lly of a 1Y•v7 gT►tlag, a•d
tgan h areal abuse,
Willie there, onto of hie amd,taaa-ts
came to him, staking Item for a bill
which enmeasr wauted
Dr. Ort g talk hie wallet from hie
pocket, from which he extracted the
Oared paper. arta gave It to the mea.
who lmmcdlately pent away agalu.
The brrtant that Howard'. eyes
IeghGd on that wallet. it seemed at If
every nerve in lobs bogy had beooms p
thing of life.
He felt for a mmsaent like shouting
aloud,- but controlling himself, Its
turned quickly and looked out of his
Wt'dow to kerb the wild look of joy in
his eye" , + t
fie has Tested hie oval wallet -
the very one that Laid been stolen[
from him ort that fatal day.
It was an exlenrsive one, of Rtterda
leather, and fasiened with all ter
One of them shams was ppacullar--ui-
though 1t tookcd exactly ubs the other
-I,etug hollow, and opening with a
tiny secret owing, and upon_ the iudd r
of the faits of lit he had had bet nate
Nor was this all. e.
For greater ateetutty against losing,
OT, rather, for tdyatlfylrs le in case It
ahou.d bra knit, he Iursd, before leaving
Udine. ripped apart rem of tine pockets
a14 written les full ttauw with Ink
spat it, and thea had the Wicket
atftclird trsether again.
The wallet, Ire noticed today, had
been very well pres.rvtL although It
was somewhat Dolled by handling • but.
though he never would think of using
Lt swift should It ever come into his
prepreaion, he felt that In It, and In It
•slew's. -lay hie alvatloe--bis hope of
escape, and silo the retelbufion of the
7� 'wretch who had caused him all lila
How, he could not yet determine, but
t hope had gathered new strength W
ate heart front the triflinlg incid lit of
that day -
The Table, Turned
rem.., e. T� thogy tide
ssasded, his facia se pale as tiuward's
I oanno• 'bel 70• naw, bat I
ban mtffa01 eeoagh to galas Ns
Jaen cram."
You am mal], lltaaa." taterrupted
bis friend. atarebing his fact kwly;
yeu have soli been *tans'
1 am la eel' right mind se awob
as you •se -bat I had a terrible
slalm•ss. sad for a time led my rim -
sou : but senna of that ►tgastter.
How, do as I toll you, and pa [ills
an me." diowant exontaaed. nary
rapidly, and soareeiy a*uve a wilts'
per ; "4.10 so the city. gat one •
warrant fur Me arrest of Lite wreseh
who has ',barge of this pttce--hsL
• tksi.:wee1 emu wee lit 11 you'U
brim ashere. The proof of
what Iyea Is do bis parses at
IOW er t alto. tends. yl riga.
be ham kap sae et,uftned Mu% tap.
Suring ties bud badurauo. fee 1*0
mazer, wile at itself 1e euffloMst
cause for bee arrest..'
" Bat I do tot unclerwts 4 bow
yes ever latae to such a pw-you.
with an aallsJ5* fortune at year
twlsmsnd I" pagmed Dr. Aatbany.
wltk • gimes, gar bis Moulder to
nee U he was observed.
Hie Mead lied Ort had moved a
Hetfe i s a emds �a rut a ow-
�e felt to gttasttas How-
ard a little more fully.
H. -that villain who has Margo
bore -tried to nob tae oo the very
day that I was to have sailed for
home. la oar stragggle a poloemaa ap-
peared, aadahe ismagsd too[turn the
ti wabrms i)i. `[bid1 ad it
llma:I1 e 1
was arrested, oosyloted, and .enteee-
ed ; but, atter a long lunares, which
impaired my abed, being without
friends or temiltt I was ant kers. At
first 1 was treated kindly, but -the
former overeater soddenly died, sad
by a strange eotecidence this wretch
was appotated is itis pt.o ; sad. al-
tbough fa/two years I have boa as
sane as .noprit dy, he has kept me a
elope prisose a victim to ►L
Infamous 1" exclaimed George An-
thony, the hot, indignant blood surg-
ing over !la tae• 'Yaw shall not re-
main here aetther moment. My friend
will help met sad we will liberate you
this instame
"No," Howard said, hurriedly ; "it
will be better to bring as officer here,
arrest Grigg, sad then the cause of all
my trouble will be removed and be-
yond buenag or anomie ides; lr
u /Cementer who delights to torture
those aroesd him. Hak 1 they ars
coming; lib not breathe a word to
let him baow yes ever saw me be-
Howard turned away from his friend
and, feeling too weak to stead, est
to labored* him and he would bear
�gpQ more -be was a deeperaie man. A11
SIM aro whoa this acoatdrel 40
heaped a dm during the pale two
years arose before 11'utdemanding to
be avetpd.
Tb. pWaes*i •buss wig eb M bad
sutfer,d, ties ibusl Ian *vitt*
he bad vile food he
had been, eat la order -'to
the . of life Ln hint. 1111
rut y nO Ire had occupied tbe
raga he OO worn. alt arced aloud for
retrlbeuatpbnra7 _
!X wilawittand tots'. he cried la
Gni/ lst:hed Ineekhtgiy to ave hint
n► tl [taw o :' K promtaed htw n
pleauutrada .xo tesabt, aixi be Itwd r o
etup.olot mal the Mt*de•bo:ti about to
buret over ble h s4
With kite harry whip In bawl. the
door looked sad the key In bis pocket.
Ile felt pl!fsatiy safe to oarryhllf btu
barbarities agislM ,fi to any extent
that be Mime. 'WOO away from yea.
eh 1" be rprmaied. at be mapped the
lash titin, ih0.tlrs, in near to How-
ard'.M�lttd that 14 stirred the raveu
Kett 'wbfob My spot his forehead.
He moved book a step or two, his
facia shandy. the lines about his
snuff hasdeaing into an expremton
or4iittiroi that should have warned
ata ape'•
the to the Yankee doctor
pard yon today ! Well, It gives me •
Utile Moiety, but 1 paetoo 1 can take
them oat of yo. 1f I try."
He seemed to enjoy thin unusual
diepiay of defiance" on the part of
Howard, and cont'nued advauclug
unto him. laughing der1Mnly as he
swung his whip bight and lett, But
Ile was altogether too oontldeot of him
power. and too intent upon bib brutal
pressure, for, watching Ole opportun-
ity. Howard darted forward. taking
hem unawares, and before he bad a
cusp o:on of Iris Intention. dexterously
tr pp.d him. and he fell 'manly Oaths
It wan then but the work of an
turtant to get potatasioo of his heavy
wtr'p. and planting Dae foot upon the
fallen hero's heart, Ito stool looking
dowu upon him with a dangeroia
ileum In 111s eye.
With a volley of the most horrible
oaths Orlgg oommar i,d him w tat
Ir m rise. while he struggled with ale
bis strength to Ilft that foot. plant-
ed so termly upon his chest.
"No. tar; you Have had your day.
now my time hos Dome," Howard re-
turned, in toter so stern and refer;s
lea flan the man shivered with ;Oil%
a7aL tie redoubled his effort. er-
oape from his captor.
, Keep still. or I Mall knock you
san.Mese with the butt of this whip."
be oonttnued : " it -will do you no
good to strugg)e: you cannot rise
down with. lila lasetk ,A...the. agar -41M1 sorb LOT. reit leave. 1 nm not
a reared W be looking absently from 8• �• dei+, a61bettMt 1` t-avre'
P the strength of ten men ": and the
mea looking up into bis set, deter-
mined face, realised the truth d
what he std.
. You will not harm me." ha
pleaded. with a whimper. Howard's
tip curled.
If you will obey me. i will do
you no injury ; ohne to disobey ms
and I eV make your body are
masa of live welts with this whip
whbh yon brought here to amuse
yourself with at my expecte." he
aid. coldly.
"Let me up and I will do any-
thing you ay. but I cannot Ile here,
your foot 1. crumbing am" whined
the coward.
" Put your lased b your pocket
and give me the key to the (Moroi
Win room." [Toward commanded.
without heeding bit complaint.
Grigg's face grow white at this
he could endure anything better
theta the thought of liming his prey.
Thea a cunning look leaped into
bb rya.
"I haven't it : i did not look the
door where 1 cane in ; I forgot it:
It Is on the outside." he mid.
" Yon tie! you never teat, It on
the outside . you never forget it. i
saw you put It in your pocket. Give
Ins the bey," Howard retorted.
Merrily ; and Grigg new that It was
worse than folly for him to refuse
to obey. The look In his prisoner's
eye meant Moines's, and he reluc-
tantly drew the key forth. holding
it rut to boas
Just as Howard's fingers were
about closing over It. the wretch
gave it a ton, and It fell with a
ringing sound upon the floor three
feet beyond his reach
The trick took him by arprlea
and be rein x M the pressure of le
foot eonnewhat.
Quick ns thought Grigg took ad-
vantage of this. swag into a sit-
ting mature. and, grasping Howard
by the lag. tried to throw labs.
Bit the whip lank ssddrsfY de-
etaended with ttlogieg forst *cross
hit abouldsss, for tba yostg meks'e
patience was exhausted. tad 11 was
his oily geode el dd
Orin weir a Math more powerful
man Oben bei eve when a was
In full aareagih. add he knew be
meet foliaw up Ms Might advantage
4 had woo Weer bl! y. or
it would be Me wars.
Fad_ and heavy the hMews fell
upon 11. tormentor. who ',brook
from llama aa a dog would have
&brook before be angry master. for
a desperate man war wielding that
al;µ and lila plosion was at fierce
and telmitlene that the wretch.
fearing for hie 111e, begged and
pleaded for mercy to thea most
0111 Wel tsutanel.
In the mein of this well -merited
retribution. a clear. authoritative
volae cried :
' Held!"
(To be Continued.)
u >n B4T1n1>•O•
It 1s beta n Piysbsal Tants amt • Koval
f Lyt• ttr[gge�dloal Reread pebftbes 1M
Obaari[wes a as meelleat habit.
Di 1'a bot, bowunse, art aholete es-
aeatlal, nor u Meuthal at all to
pod beans and Neotal sentry•
Almost aU people Woo Ito to an
extreme old age are found to be
Mose wbo are not over -food of &b
lutlans. but wa0 °Morels• are oars'
gal Fa their anomer of livlug.-Tbos.
.1. hulls. ]IL D.
It is painful. oemmaatt tile New
York Ward, to find s pbyelolao
thus giving eneoaragemeat to tboeo
who stUl retain barbaric habits of
their anoeetoes. Undoubtedly most
of those who marries to males tie
grateful that we were not born s
century nearer tab Clark ages are
etr.nsovdy opposed to tbs. to
them, modern sad soul Innovation
of the bath. fiat their great age
and the fast flat a few of teem
are not wholl7 ea0Us Is not due to
Weir abstention from bathing: In
particular oases particularly .1Moig
ousenttatkas will mallet the moats
deadly colla
I)r. Mlle unlntsntiotull7.
but otlM et ea*tvsly, oonv,ys the
i pleassiss 'hat barbtag may flied
to aliform hue. The fact e. of
*puree, just this reverse. Aad while
the bath V s pkysioal tonic. 11 Is
also a scat a beater. It is tM de-
liberate oplukm of many of the most
sensible students of lbs problems of
human bettanaaoL tot the Blow
progr'e'ss d tin work of purifying the
slums e m a great senore due to
Me neglect 01 patea,al cleanliness
as a factor la awakening and stim-
elating amtdtiaa.
The clan bad mss cr woman In
not so bad as be or ate that a not
clean. 1 ahtaa ars or wo-
man as Mere •rsepss1I*g cad
more truly pod Xaa he or she who
has not seaside raspiest for the
temple d the seal " to sp rte
outer walls In a de0Sbt of eAlgnq.
dote -
Then he, too, appeand greatly ca-
11" tumid tory pale. and stood re -
gaoling him with something et terror
In hie look for several mInAlat
Then recovering himself be tin
a dL with a wicked leer, Meant' e
lighting with triumph and cruelty :
"lin! d) I find you here? W ha
luck ! i ehou'Itn't wond-'•r if I ked you
a fine demos before i get through with
Howard Montgomery stood motion
kas as a statue-etocd as 11'•he had
been petrified by the words*,, sharing• About a week after the baaidauts ale
blankly at the man. while back Into tat, d Let the last chs rr ane ou the
tee cherptyer of ,Itis bnyln, the light of 4ay, that Dale,[ Din ry vvaa
other days wise prolong. iiiumf$. - Urine'*dare u( age -a ''i'ery hour
the darkness. and waking into acttmqni tid ieed Mheu elm was balm burse, as
the faculties which so long had Idlr1 rapidly ss steam aid wheels could
dnxlnTant and Guenter rt. carry her. away from her home aid
"Villain!" he muttered, under his the fond mother who ass NO wildly
breath. while for the float time -cisme eratchbp for her, a drauge event
hie fearful lllnartes him eyes flaeled transpired to Interrupt the mbrrabrt
with tion. memory resumed her monotony of Howard Montgom ryes
sway, ar he recalled all the past in life.
one instant or train. Two pllysioian a -ono Eneilnit. the
He maw before bim the very mea other Anterioa,t-wbo were urteresUd
who had been the caul• of all ata mire in anylunm for, and the treatment S/,
fortune. all his suffering, and the the Lawrie, started forth upon a tour
shock of meeting him thus had brorght of torts[ gatlou, and among other
him to himself. lMtttutlouu. vented the pauper alyi-
It wan tided the scoundrel who had lum where Howard had been a, long
attacked him in that deserted alley and so cruelly .engined.
in Ih-crpool, and it wee a strange Dr. Grigg always received all visitors
freak of fate which Ind decreed that lu a bend and "MVO manner. and tee
he should he appointed to rem •rintend day he was especially affable. for be
this as 'hum for Insane paupers, and Paw at a glance that his callers were
thus throw our unfortunate friend mere of no ordinary stealµ and that
in Into he cruel power. they wets thorotshly interested in
milled himself Dr. Mampbrey title branch of med.cai mise&
Grigg : but what wires be hard palled. He preformed to be y pleated
or through whose influenov he had that they Moak) manl7aMra taympathy
managed to get appointed to this for the and work in wheel be was ere
position. no one aye himself ever gaged, and conducted them over the
knew ; and It was a sad day for the rata.blediment, explaining in a voluble
Inmates of that plane when this mon- manner how it had hitherto been mare.
m Mer In human form came there to
rule over them.
1 As Howard uttered that one word,
and he saw that he also was recog-
m n!ard, he .cowled fiercely.
" Alia e' he said, •' I think you must
be one of the dangerous inmate.. How
came you loose t"
f Howard's eyes' blared angrily. but
and memoriam were crowding .o rapdily
upon hem. and he was becom.ng ro
exc'.tcd, that he turned away without
deigning any reply. anxious to get
away by himself and think out the
n 'strange problems of the pant in quiet.
" Yon hnsnlent do,! why don't you
k answer me?' cried the keeper, Infuri-
ated by Itis manner, and striding up to
sl 11:m he lald a heavy hand upon hes
rt altonlder.
Howard drew beck from him, lock
paced b him full In the eyes.
b He was terribly excited, and lie felt
that it would take very little more
it provooat onto make him strike Ills fore
and senseless at Ids feet.
he " It will he beet for you to let me
add alone, or I will notlruwer for the oon-
6er ir•quences." he aid, In few, hoarse
d ,toms. .
" I thought you were dangerous the
lest moment I looked at you : now I'm sure
he of it, and if you're beginning to rave
tan we shall have to pout you where you
can't do anybody harm," returned Dr.
tnot he o Grigg. and calling two mon who were
at work near by, he ordered them to
iOa' take Howard ism the strong room and
e look Irim up.
They looked anrpr:sed. and hedtated,
to for be was oonsldered the mot gentle
and inrmlem of all the patient&
• " What do you meant Do:i't you
toe Intend to do a i tell you r• pasdos-
A. ately demanded their master, empire -
be siting ala word* with a terrible oath,
to and without more ado they led their
unrelenting prisoner away and looked
ter him up In n room kept expressly for
dangerona cases. and from that hoar
en his Ills became 'tenon[ unbearable.
It Tine man wbo had en wronged him
out seemed to gloat over the fact that
cid he was In hie power, and toot delight
al- In torturing him to the very verge
and of desperation.
He made Inquiries, and learned how
It happened that he found atm In
er that wretched place, when he sup -
mg prised him In prison serving art his tsonseyn,no,. George sentence for iiia own crime.
delirium. He knew tint he had been very ill.
Kick matt supposed tint he shout! he sum
Ui- maned to nppear at lulu meoo:rd trial
. whenever It .houlA moue ; lint an he
had not been notified, he tlgorght
all likely 11'51 hie eeldcnic,' had not been
kms required..
vet He saw now. however, that what -
en ever Ills condition any have been here-
aptin tofore. he had by moue means end-
h1t h lenly recovered itis reason : and he
tm- knew that If the authorities should
deceiver It. he would probably be
Sgt removed, and the long postponed trial
a{n, would occur now.
But he AId Igoe intend that the au-
thorities should know 11 ; he meant to
kroe am �his
hitrselfhaat his expensepower, In hie and
: go 6e
even gave out tee lipremloa that bin Ala
Min ease had taken a am tore. that be
rad had *woe* dnrtgernus, and it was
left niees.nry to keep hire closely etal-
yaktwl He was kept looked day *a4 glglst
hi the Krung room t fore
and nowt
feed upon the coarsest and asst
the able fare. ohol In most repulsive
Mantissa menta. and hie dally life tenon* stere
not intolerable than the moat ablest
hat slnvery road have Bern.
nor Every day the keeper went to hem
o, and spent as Boar In torturing elm
!ri--reviewing that seem la . ..allaqyy ps
twI%Len1tgs him a • MII en to rasp a chair for 'import : Ari bah redol4ldd Alt be would tab
an at IhClerxl ! hint "Aught don't, for A.Me wbo, 11AW to Shim hind ail____ ams ND longer.
•beesa+hlr+4Mr mRftient 'motel' Tomah ilgsDM thus J 1p --tett that -It M lair.ha very
' farad tMSMIt memo ever sew �b5tes. le I Iliad Hot. • wbg 'Ware bb tribal' *OM wutata
.v r
age d and what improvements he had
already moth and still hoped to make.
"Things were not at all as he wished
to have them," 1,01814 se be saw the
looks of blank tistoulshtnent which the
two gentlemen exchanged upon lett-
holding the miserable condition of the
inmates. "but the appropriation was
so inadequate, he was so hampered and
restricted. that he could not do Mateo
to either them or himself. But Ian trust-
ed that nine verse iwgrse.rerarioe would,
In a examnre, remedy many evile a'1•
though be did wish that same phil-
anthropist would interest hlmaelf In
the matter, lay It before Parlia-
ment at the next eesslon, and try
to get a larger approrlation for all
such Institutions."
Dr. Grigg was oertalnly u good
talker, and he seemed peculiarly
gifted In [wing able to draw com-
fort from 11m nanit limited resources.
bim 'i$ltors thought.
Mart of my patients are quiet
and hermtds." he said, as they
were paining through one of the cor-
rickxs. " I have bit very few whom
It is necessary to restrict et all.
and only one whom i couidor ate
solately dangerous. He occupies
yonder 'strong ['porn.' pointing to one
at tbo end of the pB1eage. which
had n strong oaks. i door grated half
way ; " be 1s at times quite unman-
ageable and destructive. and I am
obliged to keep him closely confin-
ed all of the time. Perhaps it will
be just as well 11 we do not go
uenrer. as the sight of strangers
sonetlmes sets him to roving."
The wretch would hare gladly led
be visitors away without nllowing
them to the the pole and sad-lonk-
Ing prisoner who eccipled that mis-
erable morn, and In whose sorrow-.
fel eyes Ohm burned no fire of In-
Bnt one of the physicians had lateen
watching him narrowly throughout
the .chole Interview -he did not Ilk's
the nisi' at all -and he mistrusted
that things were not so smoothly
conductcst as be would have them
his window, as was his costae what-
ever any case visited the atylura. Dr.
Grigg sad the &ig1Lh MOM-.
Dian now tame up., and the.tcreter
acid, standing at Dr. Antboay some-
what curiously :
You .seam to be quite interested.
sir, in my tough otlsaomer. What do
you make out of htpt r
"I don't see but'' -that d• is quiet
enough jest mw ; I exported to flad
a perieot bear from your description,"
Dr. Anthony tried to say indiffer-
ently, but feeling as if be would like
to smite the man to rho groord.
For three peers be and Howard
Montgomery had shared the same
rooms at college, and their friend-
ahlp had bees ata of the few perfect
things of this *art'', and for a long
time after they had gone their dif-
ferent ways Es the world -one to the
south to'tiraatt.• medicine, the otic r
to the great metropolis -they bad
kept up a regular correspondence. But
this had dropped off greduallgz,, and
for the peat three or four ysaTi Dr.
Anthomo had board nothing cion n -
t g friend who had been so dna ito
Nothing oould have given him a
greater shook then this encounter to
day -the proud, the aristocratic, the
wealtby Howard Montgomery in arch
e vile den as this, clad *0. rags, with
anskorm board and unkempt- hair!
He could .car•oely credit the evidence
of his own eyesight eves now, and he
was so excited and weaagbt up by
the encounter that it rgafred all Me
force of his will to keep nim from de-
nouncing the keeper then and there,
sad resetting his friend at once from
his power.
"That's ase of his trick., you know,"
Grigg responded to i4. remark re-
gsrding the quietness of his prisoner,
while he Mot a suspicious glance at
,Howard. He had beeo on the "tenter
books" ever since Dr. Aatbony left
Oita, for be never. allowed my one to
to. tore close ; but his other visitor
find kept bim talking upon his fav-
orite topic, "ventilation," and be could
not follow hem before.
Sometimes," be continued. "be
puts on ('his quiet maser to cheat
visitors into the belief that he b all
right; but he carries on at a rate to
make Up tar it alt after ['hey are gone.
I suppose be's been telling you that he
is a mite as yon," be emcluded,
watoting the doctor closely.
"They all do that. I've seen Inane
people before," be returned, careless-
ly ; "but be doesn't seem to be in-
clined to say anything to -day, does
he I've asked him several gnestioaa;
I wanted to get 'inopportunity to rook
into bis eyes, but be sits 'with bis
back to the door."
I'll stir him up for you." Grigg
returned, entirely reassured and de-
ceived by Dr. Anthony's words. "Hera,
yon ramp: right about face. and les
thew getlemea have a look at you.
he 0000ludeel roughly.
Bnt Howard reentered as motion-
less as a bbek of Mona He would not
have turned at that moment and ex-
posed 1,1s whits, agitated tam tot
anything In the Worid. He knew It
would betray him, while he had been
W WI with mesh a violent Inward
tremor last he oonkl with dlfflcnite
keep lila teeth from alt ttering aud-
ibly. IbiyNever mind; don't disturb him, it's
of no " Anthony
a'd, while leaged to choke the
heartless, miserable villain for daring
to addrew kis Moldla snob a .foso.
But lie oeinediall iNSN•If. 'mentally
vowing that be *OW pan dearly for
1t a few Loan hs0s•. one then toile
`hag abruptly 10 awls. IN walked from
yMi e1s
fnrT1* iad and
the Wiper, whyangry glance
at hie *Wm vee M went for hist *111-
Four hoer. Later the monster mein
He had ltttendsd
�tl y after the de-
parture r.. to take he
rev's far M e b0Hano.t which be had
Oat eYtgglad Worst them, lot wv'eral
e!rfeaaillilaaeN had transpired to de
tab his Merit now.
Be carped a 1rWp in his hand, for
Howard of late bad refused to obq
111, brutal eosssu*ade and manlfrsted
soeh s apart of &Ilenm that. toward
ae he was. M IO.ght It ['rot to he
protected In case of any emergency.
He kicked the. doer, pet the key la
lila pocket. and then etepo«t lap to
Howard. spring the whip ,menet In
his *yea
"• i'll ere whether you'll fan. Mont
whim I tell 7g• roe dog.- he m14.
with a reeked leer.
AAad Howard did tees about now
whit Miming eyes,Mets, eompromed
11 and olhetleid
nopen r
Excnee me." he mid politely.
" but 1 nm especially interested 10
these difficult caeee, and If you will
allow me 1 w111 step forward sad
have loop at the poor fellow."
(lrtgg ooult not forbid him, bol be
looked somewhat unasy, and the
Krnngot went hie way,while hie
oompnnloii stopped in the passage
to remark upas the defective venti-
lation of the building, and to • er-
ge.t some Improvement in that line.
Dr. Anthony -be who was'Merest-
ed In dangerone 'oa,es-atoll softly
down the corridor to have a lance
vet the " madman " confined behind
that li.mvy amting. --
Hownrl was standing by the elm
dow, looking Amt upon to hills be-
yond, and hies profile only was Het
He nppeared not to be oOfselous
that tory one had appaaas►sd tM
door, but at the ONO SMI1011 waif&
George Anthony h stere *pia hist
be uttered 1n a aappe.ped. borrllbd
Mee tie startled vrsedr
My God r"
Howard turned .addeely to Pee who
bed spoken. and found hlmaelf con-
fronted by an dd college ebum.
Haay'e.I Anthony 1" he fraise, the
Odd prestletration starting tet all
onifs a Made ade ' how came
leo hewer"
Thee, as hos Mend continued
a rhiee from Ilurprtse, he went *b
to lbw, et5TMd tonna while he trem-
bled o violently that he was obilg-
There L nota headache
In a whole lrtr•rel d
For it asontainu nothing but the
highest grades of pare ooffese.
A Doable 1ev,aga
When Volttgeer, LIN French bore,
won the Derby, a French nobleman
Caine up to the Dake of Brstufort, who
had bet heavily on the reou, sod
grasping lila hand enthusiastloallj.
said: "Ah. my dhar,Ooke. Waterloo 1s
at Mat age "s Yemy dear
count." was tss reply, .."the Freneb
also ata twit at Waterloo!"
A does of 111111er's Worm Powders
ocosdommlly{ ar111 keep the children
iesit117. , f
You profit by experience.
You have toed many coffee.. but you
wtll get the O.m of l offend in
DALL ITS PsBMW r ooyysa.
11 to v(eh, delicious. and full flame
Dees lyra i rdersa
n lad goose time
diseba�reedd beaus
,0Ormatory re -
1104 showed that la
is Hurtlm* harbor.
wbo Were
of the stats rsfeg-
The Sleuth Arrtma tlenaaader.
Lout. -Oen. az Frederick Wllllam
Edward Foreetter-Walker, who will
command tis Brltlah forme in any
military movement that may be made
against *e• Boers. Le a targe man and
a type& aoklier. Hs le a Bootcbman.
and hie forefather. wase conspicuous
members of the Clan (pant. A younger
brother a' the 14 i of one d
the Nee -whose ' thbb Ai'Att7al
Rifle Coops, .and err with hl. cone.
mend on board the .Namsbtp Warren
Hatrt'ngw wbea that Alp was wreaked
oft the coast of Madagascar throe
year. ago. The remarkable tartare
of the Incident was that the whole
command consisting of 1.200 seen.
waw &saved.
Lawn Wilma Om bike, eta
!tee tweetese gager Wlaa
Ceaaree, la the Mating senses,
seam to vie with act ember is the
predaetloe of brf'.11ast melody ; mid
t 1a admitted [bat the female ltds
Mtwara 'sleet the beat singers for tbetr
Plea. a'/aAwat M ale eeetrebrie
TVs twig! Prets.taata et Wlaalpag
HIM Ismed sit stlsQtik110►
Gentlemen, -While driving down a
very steep hill last Agrees sly bora'
stumbled and tell. nutting hlm,sif
fearfully about the head and body.
on him and In a few days he was en
well as ever.
Drubs the £Isaias Hsi
The Provental Health Department
received a letter yesterday morning
from Mr. it Wain Nelson. of Ux
bridge, stating that as yeaag lad lo
Escott towosbip had died an the re-
sult of a bite from a Mining
The- authorities at the Parl nbag.
r t
buildings. however, are not Inellsed
to believe the story as to the Wr-
ing bag. in this mantel Mere ars
h undred. of Insects Whose bite will
Irving or blood poOloaleg i1 the per-
son'il brood la ii 1** a poor 000dltloa.
A bite from a odder may have been
the chum of the death of the boy
in Boott *vowelize.
If you want lig delicious 0077111.
r, us,
ii.y1LM i i P2Y ZQT 007g 7 *1.
Foe it Is Met a 111th better than
the best coffee sold In Canada.
fawn No 88 1899
Are Yours
Modem lab oases&
at the ,brdla dee P:antes, to Paris,
the Inrsbftaata ware surprised re -
costly by the birth of • young easel
mil the new arrival naturally at-
tracted moob atteatioo from the vla-
Itora. A large elephant which used
to be the centre of attraction ez-
hibited dg's of dissatisfaction • at
the sumer of his yaay a•Ighbor, but
In spite d his trtrpetlat Will ua-
aeb:• to reconquer the ffleskkle crowd. At
hist the sl•pktnt tilled Ms trunk with
water and dt•oharg•d It over the per-
sona *Goading looking at the baby
A sun Our* for Dysentery or Dyarvhtaa
It has never failed to make a num of
the above complaints In the last
twenty-five yarn. Every bottle war-
ranted to rive entire •atrdaotioa or
motley r,fands&
Bold at e5 Bente by all dealers.
Thr F. P. DAL1.IY 00., Limited.
Namntes, remote send meMred.
Just remember that all roar
strength enlist /am groan 7our
t!o L., Did sort nova think ye
Perhaps your mtmrilae need
more Strength. er year nerves;
ar Tali stomach i.
and cannot digest what
IfIf you seed more strength
that take
of Cod-IATer Olt w.th Rypo.
welly atulased of all
hboode tato
atmeamiti“ sad the
falter stet f6i phos.
books for the nem
BooTr o
BION ia the *mina
anal Quickest cure for
w•ak throats, for
ooagha of every kind,
ar a for all omen of de-
btllt . , weak nerves,
and lams of Sesh
tea sM /Wen se enrok
SCOTT a ketene, Chr.W, Tier +.s►
*s a scan That - ___asses are Penh
The butchers td Berta Ore a red-
oes way et Inforadlog - -their custom. 1
era of the days est whirl fresh sat.
sese. are made by pricing a chair.
oo .red with a large, .lean apron, se
ter side of the shop door.
Orem. that r.ryrnr
tY Jane 1805.0 lir ee ee
ear W .lie ...•t V. 00
a'i*P%+np ROYAL
y tree es deW 0/ ire. ar.
[.'Mar e� -
W r..a nerYa.*. r ter.
Tilt abr �i r
d1 r
ewes dean
east M05155 MQU rhe
t aw w�iei.'.f r t/ w ra
Sail over
liinoises woo mew= ems Piaor.• '
1: Simla
arsn ta*sses assess
!tart V tee lit t
Canal health Wellaii. Pere. .hale
�meoa t itr. forte W
lliifestais lsarlii of
r • wed mai y
ail pensee. Or *5 seeopr : la
perkaas r R.beo g Cw. IN thews •tn.t
sag.1 'f'eerate, Aseafi wanted throughwt
REE1 dw
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10 U Tarerae.
11 T S Sem he
�aaU at moves
lit Arta
P&a�e per dare
Oat en re
trials ren pea nw
Motet • Tootles f4 Ike a
House, Horse, Scrub and Stow
'!key en ti1M%. by • Qalr p.7'ethesri vik91.1 A 'T Mlp M!w Ida
yeve el
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