HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-9-21, Page 5• .e kb. THE SIGNAL • OODERICH ONTARIO. W. ACHESON & SON. New Brers Maicrials (u� Fall 1 We invite you to visit this store for inspection of the nes Dress Fabrics.Our Dress Goods Departmentficent isverflo overflowing of the world's 681(1 Imakes.eflB. prith new and beautiful materials : homespuns, Broadcloths, Covert Suitings, Poplins, Camels Hair Plaids, Ladies' Cloths and Serges. S iLKS Stock eolnplete in 50 pieces of latest Ameri- can Silks in dainty eftx is and neat patterns, and plain Mt rvs and Taffetas, at 50c., 75c. and 90c. a yard. CARPETS. O1J,CLOTIIS. CURTAINS. Department complete with entire new Halt stock. /NaPEOTION INVITED. W. ACHESON & SON. reek CREW OF THE LOCOMOTIVE. 1 .tag • swag el the &Waa1, the b.rdy zed strew sod bald mel • straight devntes to duty that eves.• to paid w11k meld I Not • tang et W sheens• valor displayed 0e the firing Ito s Bet oh those who, always la near, show owe* •mess dta... 01 the *My www of the man the .est et ay sass dial hs, WMh the wbMi'u sersas sod the Matsu . team ler • w1MJn g7s/beey- I nee & .l its a.aMas I of the wt.ttal sem at ss�e1 • e 01 the slorelem .res of the Wyss*, .he. • the osy0 mea slaw to alae. Net tee bwtM.l new et welcome that anis lens day te day ; Bob the bmrs'e eatery el Iw.bodi.i t hot m ewes too la &way Tot tie fav Wel crew of the serum time seal o1 my song shall n, Per, early or lets, tee bents Ina wait Unit duty ghat est them lr.s f.bsm•thetress.•( Abeareese•. ale WA: 01111 mall erph•s'e pays, Diet oaks M the greet hlpk rather .s the ar- •ge .ad seer mitis be tear Tho pttIf t mess, of the genets, win maser, heshward het To • hasty kite sad v sherry Sadie zed • wan ef the Iniad es be west. Rat the sturdy mow of the wine to sill of my wog shall be. And .f duty wit door. when the asses int. for ave Igh illi• G. roe.. IIU pu, 1 g oo B•..oasdd led yes as/ me. A mesa Its ter the false. whir freeing grim death ales_. Aad taping their tress .l • hundred Iles hove 11wW ae naught their awe Took Ord hie the bate earn that ries is W bines mt.1. Ufusg it be from the plea. of W. when the Wren sf death a.o.rel With th•ds..tl.m.rew M the man the .sal .1m sm.WW1 04 Aad thank tee, tits, Mat ws keVe gosh men To di. 1 11 ...d bo so. -Norbert A. Barker. W. O. T. U. COLUMN. lunar lad so diMoulty in •wiles men to deol•te os at►'tab they rot so liguw and were .o. drank. 1 km Byer Mod. sot may violates the Mw, bat pretests Wolf ir.m panl.hmest by wholesale perjury. Thr. M e st eeo liquor ear is .e wows the sant. Mates do sot have to decide b.tw..s the endows of two or mere reepeelable wtt- seems en ens aide sada horde of bum per. Jaen ea this .cher. II tap 0m .T*uar. As •rWMsNos war lately held at Dieter, Odorsoe, **rase the Asartesa tioultl.4 mid Redstart Cosp.ay sad in 0lrtkie4 em- ploys The isttr .esuadod that they did sot receive mouth pay te Ins on. O. the *Atm bond, the oomp.ay farmland •videoss to peen teat over fifty per east.( Ih• pay ehesh0 glVa oat 101 Wanes by the neaps" bad bees .waned is mimes. Ra -Gov. J D. Gant, wb. append as 11•.5.1 tor tee .smpsay. **mot that over 82,600,000 of the mosey paid oat se employee bad bee . peat (r now. " 1 u an • Pr.btbtt- toaMt," and Yr. Grist, alter the evert.o was over, "bot I know why most .t the men de .M sate reedy. ' " Rom playa the devil with • god missy of tbo uses," d. eland President Ryon, a t►. bawd. ' • ,r.awt ru CT ONIZI . Oen. J.hls M.Ndta. rooms ter the do - fasts Asterism whimsy tom, lays : "The e mporia a the trust an sins initiated win the various spats of hastens said they foasd the Monty them ems* prsdam ah. swat 5.tWtrtory malls for tee snot SW It*meso ..ab:ss. The tram ....Md fid► pared ass M pr.paaste them volwbl. memo. aid bad reaa.nk ..soem Is nes sow* .sterpri.e. So pe.a.w were thea basil list other dim11w. psi/ as high as 11600 far • small jag a soot oestenlag them.' 11 say of ear r.• .ys have a fart►w «avis. for keowl.doe a of( bs.tor4, they will 1.4 M the 8taadwd diNsary piston. et Ike several kinds Yl bane,*• that mem th• mese fatal osMspea.. As is wby the w►sksy distillers waned tem at all. w. mar explain that materW ha to gis thi a in • p riser a d.saspetMO0 haw* it beeneme aieskolt.. All d.e.mpsdts se patr.fasti as is the week of hs..m(s. Tho., ter the par. pass .( etrpolMag the preens .l distilling. see dltiitlmw (atrwd.sa to mat (al l wary knows is m.akW. Ws •WMUL U 11e6111•. mud* wens M overarm* Ms WM of evil I wsii. •f pred..Mas has mem .e.t`.ss•. sad lilt ►•.rutty to • hlg►ir pleae. Aod , fee Ms tear PM, sad ib *wpm M tbe.anal obewv.' then met *mow to for 1 was larger by 16.000 Mos them la Ione boas • Mar of egsr.edn work darns 18142, r aa Weems. .4 snarly 37 per mot. the year jam timed : bar, • soldier, though t Ti....,... is maw *prod* lea Ins the ►ls breast may be brni,st with 'sorely I dn. year •4 IM period M the Out has bees .creed meda4.0.0.01 •twos• le ou the battlefield, foe then are other ,mo,.meu 14y01. Y •uemmr). sad lb Yfib sot •ltesded lett dram ad sword, thou •.uuutpli.►Yuat t. of vital importance. The total paid meuirenkre l* 40; boor. sty unbar, 8; uumt»r of sew member", 12. Avor.so•ttead.sw, 17 ; largest snood - 0004 at soy en. meows. 35 Nuwb.r ..l icyu;.r wit,.• age held, 21 ; 'post•! ms.tlag■. 2 ; poullo swtlells. 8. 1.t* amount of mosey raised. $113.60. Of this *mount $b4 47 vee oolleoted from the pews' yobbo to motet la p•yleg it repairs es the Tempera** Hall. 812, atsllatjw faro, were paid 1. Coast" sed Prsvlss sI Ualoa.. jb was delated to the wpprt of • mummery M Ike lumber Brass ; 81 to the Deep idea Mims sad 86 to moist u meaty work, Mavisg • baboon of 826 081r real and the aamereaanyeles- meab .l Ow work. Oar oflfoi•1 own ooasi.w of • president, Mr.. MoOnliosddy, of when WofNlaa.blo When all we aware, • ow soars - tau, Mn. Cella Damp ; arnaatdag esor.try, Mn. tris A5►ws i o Messier. Yee. W. Holies& mad three vies poAdose, Meda... Duff, 81m5.th .ad Uodwla. tfer iop•rtmwM el week sad esprla/es• dente aro as 1.0...; Darlow ben. Yee. Daft ; railroad work, Mr.. BMddart ; work *song talon. Mrs. Colts O.mpbsn; wash name Ivmbraoes. Mrs. MoKesrb ; modal wawa, Mn. Colbert* ; ittrataro, MIss Trailer ; pram, Mrs. Motiuueaddy ; nese* rots, Mrs. Doff ; finer stades. Mia P4.er( poses week. Mrs. Holland ; s.le.MYs isms pore** t..oboo*c Mrs. Aokosoo t m••••(dte, Mn. Warassk ; panty. Mn. M.OIUIeaM► and Mn. Robrtsoa. Daring this year tial West*. hes boo (AVIS to edaaalisasl wetk i■ the UoMa. At • m*lortty at Ike matins thirty moots, have bees detr1W to .am* me departmental Nkjsal, a e1 Y the setrase►M.ment a wawa. ani geles. work IMOD/ soldiers. tompwosM M mho*. An lsmraotty. talk es this wee ghen by Mies ts•boi 8bm.a.. la I n way wash department was dsly dlssummi r.DWmntoa rotrlew. A Is. W been passed is Norway forbid. Mug ligssr dealer se natter wens. te sea ,Irak, ewe Mos their wines. Is Dsewk Its the 1•w tbM.0 awoken anew shall be mise te their bermes Mme rinse provided all the expose el tba melba - NA wile ..Y these the last r(.ss. Is • semi treaties se * o0 411. by 1n11, it is stand that la lts.l..d 75 pr oat of *1 mom .! pauperism an den to drink, W is Grm•iy 90 per mak l• U.rra•ay, Malt lade te 1.9100 geese et sa- tin • yaw. ani sspplige the Inane mayhem • with 3,000 Maim_. City p.essestsr, Reward 8. T.ylr, is u -einem s1 wdsssa• to th. animal ..ave. Bee .t lbe eMaflo Tani Ab.Mmgoe. Usls, Bolg10. WOW tis.. 66,000 .rests an inn sante gammaiNY.�y b yMshik.wThe C. ioan T A. U. ism 80,000 wises-.. The Leisssete essay -emaa. Inglead, hes ageing .n te allow the .misty Irina ash te arae t • sato.. as Its grenade, it y.hg he.. domesticated tbea.4shsl zed sport de set week well te...h.,. It may be added that It aa beim twin at falls dinn- aw.td that •tenet kill* 4sdmsse. 7.r more impedes*. The Dake of Suthr5s4 has established • urge sad .smlsrtsbie free rat•en5 st H.Insdml*, :flm.ftnd. ter de00rmes. he Dienes..f 8mlaslsmd teak sharer M the .pang .esemengs, mad IN • few heed words solathe 40h...ea that they woad always G• wenn*, tad ok4.a fee their on pea not they sham pines whore drl.k le sold, s mesh alae bewgbt 0157 rata t. them. The fl*toem.a wan mesh impressed. At *M..1le, Drew Heath Woke, several seinen pg dear! at • hetet bad an el tb.ni tell from • Mage tad 4.18.4 himself es the troy bias. Yost' wbtsem a gsn t5Msoa1 r ata sats s1 the Meru, bet Ms hotel - sad .ueseotle.s for ark •treed Dat. The °pewtee dev.tim*l ureses sad brief bobs lasson wan iso da.lad is tars be Ibet members, and onesetess"y the manias wee manned N • tog. The spasW work this year was prsuoitr.l- ty aider tis bead a deprtttwt* work, mad h.s already bags reported. Added to the might he ..ali...d es effort to sear, postal esparseass e( trepan literature. A pinnies for the sobsaohuat+st of wotses was *resisted god freely Mused by hole men and women. A oreead. for woo w• ben nes mosso detlly made. zed a rempMss was wader* them is the form of • fin o'clock tee. Two "abbe mwMu•n wee hold sad addressed by Miss :Charlotte Wiggins. ProvtaoloI srpsimr. the abjeoM of bee addresses bass "Cita Culture •.d Teao lftlk.elm. tis "F're'es !"11111r - "Biases Rights" We were gaud by death to part with ass member. Mrs Gins beteg profaned to the aka ef tae redeand. As is Me pen prayer 404a .abig** the watch- word. mid es trust oar bigt aim has bees te nose fad apd wau be promote tis. lat aHis K OLD MAN'fS EVIDENCE- •. a ••eves. M Wilt thrgaag. Mata la me gasman Trey se .sites =Mar nlla Reel Pestap. wept 18. -No old gutl.mea t. Rot Portage is better bean it Mv.arbt of then H. ,8. Bads••. father of .g - mayor Bow et this plass. Some s.e►ths gee," writes Yr. Braes. rey wits asked me to get serer el udd's brassy Pins. She was .ua.rts4 from kid - Pry Nesbit sad I got • bo: bat she Doom lived M Maks them. 1 had lost boos r eer- 5at from symptoms similar to nese of my wile sad these sow b..falot es.are, and anal • be: at Dada'. Kolar/ Pills la tb. boss. I ...uh.d te try them. The ant bog eased them syapMmo, .ad oentna1g their gee I .w a mnistay gond. D.dd's Cann Pita possum sssalse malt. i 9116,186 or 71 per oast., sad an teen.se lithe •moos• of wave paid for lab te has hem 822 829, or 60 par. To. *umber of �r Ye nas employed is Me *dew.? 15.s y..r •r. 191, sad the average rau of wanes wart 8318. The ego•.. in Keen. *AMA" wood- ier*. eta. waned Met week. Qa01 may sat h. .1.1 .5544 .tt.r tis. 16'b .f o.Mobsr. Wild daub swan upes.d thg1.t of the stoat•► A slain, Marlen k. Rosen. Ihre de- mrlses whet be saw as he p...4 the.arb a .wiry tows a. ti.eday : Arad the gees sed white shim* htasdrwde of (1m met wins W asemb1d la their bright (Anse. the vodka shop• In the man Mena were dens • roan. Wade, old meejtkb% 1epsbly drank os the Bay sem. My shoat is all dlr.stteme. This Is • 8.kd.T la.MtatMs ehearyshM Ikreswa► :ow= .( Ranee n. -the weans es M W sago p$ drank. Vdk• s nits lsaietese d .very miss jtk sad Ou.ask. Thep will flak .s be tte pow*, lost a the oaosweill dein War. Its anis w *- mol Yst.Msssas. sad It M fr.vassMy the ease an s mgojtk win r.$ M.s.Mtly M• tenoned sand Mmes is .w day. The east.. M the " Waktir " proprietor er Wa- nner lo M Bary the Ia.0.1444e egojlk very bedsit' ea/ late the •ewes, and lay Ida is the middle e1 tas read, is erase M an hire breathing noes sad time be steep se the Alan et W pat M45a ." The vodka shops are • 5570.00005 s.aspe47. sad the reveals dtd.ed therefrom sat the .est of Ms degradation el Its gabj.eta W. C. T. U. ANNUAL MEETING E WISI19,0KIWWsLIS OF INDIANWOMANSBALM A NITURIENT 11131011 For leis la G•dsdM by Jas. W(k+sa. Ter saki la Oeisrlob by Jae. Moss, E 114 VE FOR SALE' CHEA P I MIMStar 1 $ WISE Mgrs =MG BIM IN stay ossa•. # INS rev CAL. •rD ala 7.15. Tina •Ma B*.co1sa. ?WM= Bicycle Co. (14.11.4 t. c3.01:RZ033. THE ,$ALT INDUSTRY. Weston enneee Was • sant' Thai will Yet ger ceeaq.s. The MaaMa1 n iteon p•bliahm acme laureling o4sMstles nlo145 M the produo- Men.l ash la 0••••. U appears that tae grater wertian se tee salt mad la Cased* is Imported, whisk game o Very strange state of affairs, oo..idwt•g the Imm.ses .apply Wile* is right s1 Mad. 'the Memos asp : •' Than to emeagh salt took aatderlyme ems agan silo of Weems Oaten* M sap- pdy Ms wheelie! Ca•odo at the press* tato of .a.soaptten for 2,400 years. This esti- mate s officialevsrth.l•.s, there was imparted for osago.ept/re m Canada dense the gegen yon sadism J... 30, 1898, 760,- 000 Mao, v*sed ea $2,622.973 (of wish about snsty five persan was odanttai fresh wblte eerie. the tame pained the total stab ty ed tat produced ha O•trl• was rely 336,948 ask valued ea 41,340.878. That is to my Ikea •••••47 evenly per ores. el .0 the rale fwd is teemed. is imps eted, while we hew u mese M It la ser errs twittery, sear obo•p wo s...rd.p, •.d it would be latoraMlat to Warm W raw a Mkt. The somber Jean works is operettas lest year wee eleven, the mon as is 1897 ; Mr of them were is Harts, .w la Brae.. aro Is 5t dieser, two Is Lamborn sad one la Boo:. statistic. of the Industry for the pert safes yews an give. is the folksy. n. table - . .o••DUL•. Dau. Tomo mod& Vane. Wages. 1808 43,387 4162,700 837,800 1893 48.460 149.860 44,440 1894 36.216 116.661 43.360 1806 61.009 188,101 56,496 1816 44,814 204,910 63,660 1697 64,686 949,880 68,630 1808 69.106 978,806 6009 (.luring this peeled * moss yen the la- .tee{w es erwe.rs-T1s lmroserI's sa- pere Per nam. -•e. 'clatpawsI meeting a the W. 0 T. U. wa Wf e. 11.md•y. September 111h. Al - toe M• •pulog d,v1lessl .:.roles were mod 4 by Yew M.OUIMaddy sad • few praims4rM Items of bmis.es won trio* *WM, aha ale M0. of .mews was held sad resalt.4 as follows: Preside*, Mrs Wm. eft i 1st .1m prs1deet, Yra MoO1111.sddy; Sad vies president. Mn. Duff ; rerreresse est 5.erot rt', Mn. Calls Colophon; record - n. secretary, Mea J. Roberts's; treasurer, Yee. W. Raised. The 4.11owbg W i5. o- riel meet of the society, pblisb.d by re - woes et W Urias. ANNUAL avers 1808.99. This third .•seal raven is .eared per - tops are se replete as wished Ir with ems NEW BOOKS SCHOOLOPENINC. A Great Saap� T111at>aT, Sept. 21, 1899. 6 ich Fabrics _ heold poem says " Rich and litre were the gems she wore." 'file line is modified to suit our line of Winter Suitings-tr " Rileh and warm were the go ns slw wore." i,liehness and Warmth are the keynotes to the winter styles, and the most beautiful are to be found on our counters. They are good investments from the standpoint of either utility or beauty, and will repay your inspection. Our Linings are the Best, and the Lowest Prices always at =PEDDER'S- Special Low Prices Drama FAIR WEEE COXAE A.1NTE 3EIZTY SOLE Flannelette, cheap at Sc., for 4c. a yard. Nice Dark Prints, worth 10c., for Sc. a yard. Flannelette Skirting, 36 inches wide, 6c. a yard. SPECIAL.- White PECIAL.White Apron Goods, with border, 7c. a yard. Ticking, worth IOc., for 8c. a yard. Cottonade, worth 124e., for 10c. a yard. Cottonade, worth 1Sc., for 12lic. a yard. • Shirting, worth 10c., for 8c. a yard. Our Guaranteed Kid Gloves at $ 1.00 are extra good value. In In In GOOD VALUE. Dress Goods. Dress Linings. Small Wares. SPECIAL VALUE. In Ladies' Underwear. In Men's Underwear. In Men's Gloves. In Men's and Boys' Cloth- ing. Good Goods at Cheap Goods Prices. ari. mt. 31P31101C1031C,31018L, Colborne's Old Stand, Goderich. W 0.1 Water Sump, at as • mead. of which wo mal • barrel • weak. This Malt ow rely 0asp. awe tarry .yerythisg tat .aa to 14111lsd la all SP- to-data o-to-date snowy mat., ..d oar prises are right. The turners know that tbgy owl *ways get from es • mispled Moir prod**. Wu draw to ld. M se 'emanate Made - sveryt1Iu Rom Glu.wrw r pbtee.. srdru ...1 r Molars Mhos Qhs•. We deb 11 *1 of them. T. G. TIMING & CO., Bedford Bleak, Osdorte► A toll bias of the NOW 'NUNS* Readers just authoria.tt. Part 1., 100.; Part 1I., lee. Second Reader, 20e.; Third Reader, 30s. 4 • . - Herr^ere owns pries for you to think over : 100.Page Scribbler, la each. 900.Page Ser1bbles, 2a *soh. 500 -Page Scribbler, ba each. - The Lisa fa /morels, Bdokm is the Historical Series, which you will And at filar Mere. Oat? Be. earn. 142 Peel, 9a per doge, &fag Rehoef Opsnin:. 704 twit of 14-..4.yrps.d Slate Pencils for le. Rr.hon1 *siege., le. each. H R. Pencils, lo. eras. 105 doses. RAttwr (trade, lo. *soh or 2 for (Se, .tea ,a.. Pole (ice 60. each er 6 fee 26o. Porter's Beet Value, round irosA, rabbsr tipped. :!°. each fir 2 for 5So. PORTER'S BOOKSTORE Our Telephone is No 100. Court Moue* Square, OodorIch. (Two D(wNnWeet of Old stand). NEW GOODS FOR SUITS and OVERCOATS READY-MADE CLOTHING CHEAP My ow. make. O•Il sad m. them. � id mby yard ar made ap n latest lst p T1aRMB 0.41.81a. H. DUNLOP, Wait Beak d MseU.* Odorloh. COAL AND WOOD CHARCOAL and KINDLING. We are still M the same aid stand, Nelson Stawet, whore we ave been supplying oar mutation for • number 01 seers. We know the fuel that .WM you. Orden left with our delivery rigs or M Worsell's stove sod tin shop sad at our °Moe will receive prospt attention.' All no* weighed on _market soaks, unless otherwise ordered. We ran ssversl Drays in aonnsotion. CARTAGE & FUEL CO., JOHN 8. PLATT, Mou.ger Pbone 62. 268741 MEDICAL HALL. GODERICH. 474. r 1 Stook nearly eostplete again. New goods received daily. A lot of floe Bath end Qlietiege Sponges just bo hand. The newest and latest Perfumes! mos 'Widnes, Horse and 011Mie Spiess, and Condition Powders. Rubber Goods, Syringes, Atomisers, Hot Wass and les Bags, eon., eta NEW COOK STOVE Froi T 'iL:11 A4 any season of the year there is no ^-cater comfort than a reliable Cook Stove in the ki en. It is with cools stoves like every- thing else : there are good, bad and indifferent varieties We know you will be pleased with our PARLOUS and ABIRDEEH StovesandRanges GALL AT CATTLE BROS. P1�tleRtSteailtters aid Thigh West ado M Boson, mut 9t.rdy lies EPPS'S COCOA mm- .eematon.w -F. JORDAN g Doe ee Colbonwh sand Sgoare ed everywhere for Dalfosoy of Flavour, Supe- rior Quality, and allNyutritive te- tat andmete oomforting to the nervous and dyspeptic. Sold onlyin 1.4 lb. tins labelled J)aa HPPB as fio., Ltd., Hovic.opethio Chemists. Lon- don, Hngland,. EBEAI;PAST SIIYr&H Hardware Specials EPPS'S COCOA J. BROPIIEY & SON - It/ I•t•D100 - vt.vwea\ "Mx LCto,s vtnd EvvmbaX.vo.tve . Prays eswMs137 550.0144 M at .It been% slab' r day gene set Wen •lenge. R.Ndeoe., Spas- bee ps ban .West. CANTELON'S PagUUI, Older Pattlei,'hht, art Bread ad Iia Bolan Ping Immo Ines Brad! bilk., SCOTCH FIRE BRICK PORTLAND CEI1ENT HAMILTON HYDRAULIC CEMENT ASBESTIC WALL PLASTER ASBESTINE WEATHERPROOF and .FIREPROOF PAINT GLASS PAINTS OILS AND A FULL LINE OF BUILDERS' SUPPLIES IN STOCK .1T TIEjLOWEST PRICE. R. W. M°KENZIE - 74487 BIDE 8Q 'ARM, The Place to Buy All Hardware Cheap. ASK YOUR DRUGGIST FOR MACLEODiS SYSTEM RENOVATOR gen ea pod as the Iasi mads le s.y any to amok, °imam bads the trod. In WEDDING CAKES A Wonderful Tonic and Remedy for WEAK and IMPURE BLOOD, KIDNEY and LIVER TROUBLES. Manufactured by J. M. MacLEOD, Goderich, Ont. "The Simi" to 1st of January, 1900, Por 25c Weep iissiweieg and re Vow Neg. ersesenat- •s ceder and year uta. ielkeMsr *SI 1. amnr.4. D. OANTELON, Wt1T-ST. MSK/M'S, - REID'S OLD STAND. SALE OF TROUSERS We have about 300 pain of Men's Trousers, new and up-to-date Goods, Fail and Winter weights, to clear at Class Prices. Mes'. 0..•di.a Tweed Puts, gimp/sod well mad.. dark my.std brown strip., top sod hip peon. Mea'. 0asadi•s Tweed Pante. heavy 1.11 ..4 white45.hiesehu dal and well e. t•p and hip jtsetata 41 00 BOW 14T .4 heavy Tweed Trousers, good trlmmles atm well sows, top .sd lop pg.b.l., resent fr 41 26 Bailin dark strip. T,5...., made �vts.d.to. tap sad hip peen* 36 ■.wwtooVtM,Msess's seep 1.11 hew. dark acne Tw.s4 Ti. -.n. w�s.tT.n.aa. wattle 00 top 96. all .t ems piens 4176 Bleak Wonted Teenage, w sew gad ink .Mips. hien MAIN 99,99 fA sed 83 1rill Cloth or Rtofl Pus a. M. prim you would pay for the cloth at 603. 76o per yard. Thew r. A 1 war .ad tsar raisins. wtad awl rata pent, • pmt* 41 96 or jab abet the sloth w.ald eget y. 1 96 hiss's arip. intends Overalls, Ibsen pook.ts, for 36e Mao D.dm Overall*, bib and Mass •••Said, w.41 Brei uiWor j(y made. 80. zed 76.. x.st•oley 1.s. Treen.... ten sed lop *eaten : ain't wase 'sea est Ilan Bane fritatiliaithesamin, poah.te. N kpoth.r to way 90. Keys' ants et ass time. ewes. mid heavy, good mks* sena. W_ A_ MaICTM, RAYS OLD BTAZD. •