HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-9-21, Page 4E.B.& M. 11. We • Beide Wheel over It low prtoss will will them. ONLY 17 LEFT. Cl9EVILANDS. • • 3, 12i fa ■dIVI 1EY t BUMS, W.4 Doo't mar thle chane.. Maa terW is pang op and Wheels are are to be higher Deal year. Weed! Payments Accepters. EM ERSON'S Bicycle & Music House Agit nude •^'w'J• West Street. - Gederlob. iltt �it�nnl, s Posum n EVERY TRURSDAY MORNING - MR O. ! OIMAJI ♦MII YOOBBtCL. rausse♦T. isms. am THE GLASSWORKS PROJECT. tau tweuty.ly ter oat. bre tb.er tM dutytmpppq�umdi upoS wisdow•glaas by the United Sliali, ur than s botany shell be aloud be to (bverumettt of (brads or tbe Goveraane.t of the Previa" " d Ou tetyo, oorrespoudiug with ..id duty. This appears at pre.ent to be the c -utr.1 idea upon w hich the promo- tion of the proposed enterprise rest.o sod we are of opinion that the pro- moter* should lose no time in present ing any authority on the question which they are possessed of to the public. If there is no authoritative statement on the subject from the Finanoe Minister every effort should be made to obtain it, if such be rat- able, before the expense ,1 submitting the bylaw is iuourred. rHE GLASS FACTORY SCHEME To the lfdltor of THU S1uNAL: 81s:-1• last week's SIGNAL there le • easuniunostim trout Mr. Heaton who* pur- ports to bs s reply to • previa. letter by tee, IR1► MW►doss.aet gN within • mils of my oe.lenUOU. Tit B SIGNAL : GODRRICR ONTARIO to ell, but every Mild p.meemm as IdH1d. ashy. .blah mas►bsssogauaed 11 lis tonal. ties are le be dialoged. 1. Ike Mme. is the wheal sad everywhere she sew' M me - men is brsewn•l I or la loadls/ le be &pp.al to the tadlyidality of Mose meets se be Whetted. Seeders methods reaogniso tbl. prin.:me ad are oossgsestly .oe'siul. Lssld io my previous letter that should tat gl•wem factory be established bore, there were three things that 1 oonoideeed would mutate •reiast the scheme being a ho.notel 9ee0ew, VIZ : 1 The workma would require to make any per coot more it••• than an salmi aunt bee of workmen in any other gime Istery la America. Mr. Heutor's reply to this in " that men who work for themselves, 1. uo-oper.tlen, will make more glees than men who work fee others." This is very nIw u Me ab - *tract, but wba• work hems& are ooseeraed ,,we seldom tied it in the ooaorete. It in • well known flet that worker*, as • rale, rarefy week as well for themselves as they do for others. and with 790 fat as the av- erage, le would be bard to imagine forty or fifty men imbued with • desire to do fifty Der 0mac more work than was ord.arily turned out. It would be maaatfi•set, but it would not be the the ordinary workiam- ma to do it, ad I for one doe's believe there aro fifty workmen on oath. math lees in Bigsnm, that Mr. Leeway oould get to- gether to saooe9ofally terry oat the Dad.- teking 2. I repeat my omtetion that they are to ret lees pay thea workmen s.wi *rly sm- ployed elwwbere, sad kir Heaton carol ouocee.fally 0004odiot It, no matter Mw ha may bat about the bush. The report of the oommiltee stated that 11 was the Una um to have a surplus of $43,000, or over $1,000 • week for forty weeks to repay the Owe lose, ad that this surplus was to be t•k.e oat of the siting, o1 the moo. It he ail very well for Mr. Hestou to ooatend that the men at the end of • certain term would own the plat and building., should the oosome prove to be • success, but there ere swo sides, it 001 more to eery question, ad the opposite to suooees is failure, in whisk event the ma who had bee. •Mowlam • rebate from his main every week would oertainlr go to the wall when the failure same. hes if the entorpri.e were undoubt- edly oaooeesful, the man who was only get- ueg half o1 bks wages per week could hardly be expected to helm that his lime were ease In • plemest place. 3. Mr. Heaton mays " the Oovereate. ban bee approached ad haver pr. mica' that a protective duty will t..- Wile all dos drforearm to Mf. Hates 1 beg lave to gwuo& that statement. I don't think my statement beeriest a taq.auen can be prod.eed from any C.ttoK Munster, ad oertainly Ha. W. 8 Fielalmg, We M inktrr of Fiance, has given •o matt !Om on she subject to Yr. Heaton or Mr. len- noy. If he has done so, 1 shall be pleased to see the quotation ,put in Nook and white at the earliest opportunity, for i know of capitalkts who would willtwgly go Bolo • bustler that prates profit' bettor than gold -mining Mould the Uoverom.ut act paternally in the matter. The feat is this R.lgian gime iaotory is • oast. in Span... 11 bus t a Ierltim•es lee to stead upon, and depends for any eopport it now has upon the undoubted litorory and platform ability of Mr. Heston mod the hlgbly strum longbow of Mr. Loamy. Pun GLAse. Thea n, the Tema is Ise.e•istest. To tt.e Editor of THa kt I0NAL t Dan. 81., -Tis is • queer Miro. It is making desperate efforts to bring manafao- turerm here, and at the same Mdse M Iseklug on at the removal of an old sNaMiubed ma - simians, insulation, namely, ibo steam boiler works. The proprietor, Mr. ('brys. who bas been oonduotng the works for n early twenty years and who is known to e very business man in town, some time ago made • proposition for the enlargement of his establishment with the .sten.. of the tows, but the awi.tace was net torthoom• ing. Now t8e town is proo•red-if the vote recently taken means anything -to led to unknown foreigners, only one of whom we bays ..os teen, • sum equal M al- most twin the amount of the taxer levied annually by the town. It reminds one strongly of the old story of the dog ad the mal ; It looks very much like • ease of dropplog the sabet•n0 for the shadow, be. reuse the shadow looks bigrer. Ciento. TSE fact that 224 of the ratepayers of Oodench voted in favor of submit- ting a bylaw in favor of establishing gla..works in town and that only 101 opposed it shows that there are many in town who are in favor of giving a fair opportunity to have the merits of the enterprise freely and fully dis- cussed. It does not imply that all of the 224 Weald vote in favor of the by- law ani le)bee'tisn that the entire 101 would vote to • man against it, but it forms, nevertheless, • pretty safe in- dication that the fulled measure of fair play will be given by the electors when the question comes before them. Mr. Huron in his letter last week invitee discussion, and it is well that discussion on the platform and in the press should be had upon all enter- prises upon which the ratepayers .re called to pronounce. On every occa- sion when • project is brought before • community there are some who in the hole-and-corner meeting and with * bated breath point out the flaws that are in the enterprise from their stand- point, and yet .t public meetings or in other open places remain mute. This is not right. It three are points that aro likely to work •gin,t the success of a project, and any resident of the town is in • position to give • warning cry, it is the duty of that resident to rose his voice. If, on the other hand, any resi- dent has the cause of the progress of his town .t heart to such .n extent that he can devote time or money to its advancement it should be' his pride .s well .s his priyilege to use his aioete in that direction. o- �1 the present an Interesting cor- respondence is going on in this oon- itatien in the columns of THs SIGNAL between • ratepayer who writes over the signature ' Plate Mem " and Mr. HILTON, who is unquestionably the local head and front of the proposed enterprise. They have .s yet touched upon but • few of the point& that may come up when the campaign for pass- ing the bylaw opens, but a perusal of the oommunications will not be out of phial to those of our readers who have not had time or inclination to look deeply into the question. To our mind, .t the present time, it 1. not material whether the workmen employed are content to do an ordin- ary day's work or to do fifty per oent. more work per day. Neither is it of omsegnenoe how the workmen are paid so long at the system adopted is satisfactory to the wage-earner' But when the question of a change in the fiscal policy of Canada enters into the controversy, and when that feature is the pivotal point in the progress of the promotion of the enterprise, we : believe it is right and proper that the .sliest "possible information on the subject should be given. if it is dem- "(. castrated that there are good and suf- ficient reasons for believing that .n iaere..e iu the .7110111g glen tariff or • bounty epos the output of the fac- tory will be made, these reasons and yr the promises upon whioh time reasons are founded cannot he made public too soon. If, on the other hand, there are no grounds for stating that such apec1 1 legketatioe WM be given to the doderioh enterprise, then it is not seoessary to proceed farther with the agitation, no the report of the oom t11iMN, whioh sea lead before the pub - re setnesng, m1ciently deals with that *wile MI follows : #Sw 14sd ad it 1s hereby und.rtood ens"MI that nothing berein contained s hJ1 MN Me town to admit. any money • mill a saaname *r given baths bre. theaa shall beta- " • mill • sameame hs reed eta- ped tem wind.►.dges With Dever•- IlMet e1 Glaad% whioh raked he net les • • • A RUT Tar■ 1T llULa. Utpw. (IMsa : That mix (Jeldwin 8mIth hos always som.N/mg uep1eaw.at to ..y. No sooner do the people el, the greet Amerlaa republic week se • tea bred of isdytatba over the Dayhs oda than he arises be ramted them 1. his most fetehlar and *mdemlo style that they have oolored folks to burn .t homy. *HEN Till UL1.TIUN Will Ba HELD. Slluoce Reformer . la ardor to relieve Oar Tory tiled. Iron painful wepws and mens•l aerate with reward to the time of she goer+! •'.etre'.. le* )anal may my. Oast 11 bas lately bad a sayereatioa with member of P•rliama• le the eatlduos of the Govermmai, sed it will therefor* no4 be n,Mlieg ay oafidentii oommuM.t on by tellieg than that tae elootlas will be aid -jolt when 58. (ioveram.ot le ready. Ttl5 URUWINU TINE. World 4(ivesere0 Sre) : 1•h. Lbw party, oe rather working -ma as • whole, have good reason to celebrate Leber Day of the ptaeent year. W• have almost reached • pet it Osarde where the lob seeks the tea, sot, as has been too otter Mom, the tau rake the job. There t• es.sgk em- ployment to go road. No ma who kat tatty desires work need be idle. The blithe k .Sr beet when« of tae prosperity .h1eh the workug&s ajeye at the pressen Ma. • it ger IXYEUDY 0.515.IITTRD. " Don," la S•tardy Night : I may be gale wrong, yet 1 am dapmed to think that tbe verdict of asdteneee as a rue w I U be that the (7evereoteat bre spat millfoa5 be make mimes*, and es the tndiyldeal M pseseeresa ad k obtoisine . section of nab money that is going, and sees • profit In W ewe prob- ably aowo•Uy forge investmgatl, M will be eoofidat that • taro over moat haat sear body, ..d if not everybody, probably him- self la particular. a WHAT OTHERS ARE SAYING. w HEN Tugs AER Gout, THE PUBLIC CAN ea GENarwtN. vessel !Melo whatever. s*sN be ashamed to .',l •awls. M tbelr ea mamas. -Sreek.11le awarder. Brussels Poet; One by owe the coasts. of this fair Province are falling into lino beat aoouon with the erection o1 -Hot*em of Refuge for the proper oareuktag 1 Iho poor. Lab' Mak Essex oo.MJ 'SOMI ..!noted a e(te d the Own of ram sed the Inspector of Asylums and 0her4Wahas been asked to exams. the wow webs= red re- port se to Re suitability. 1► is expected that banding oper•ttoo. will be started be- fore long cad plead d to oompleMue. The site chola r astral m for as the ceaoty 1• uoacarned, end is easy of •oco.e. A "GSNURAI." PRACTICI Leas Herald : Lying as •flee ars has gene eat in France. They new make It • regular basilee& • • • THU GR5AT YACHT RACE. New York Telegraph : There is no desire 1. this eoaotry to tee the Columbia bsatet, but than i. • well grounded Wei the Sb•mrook is the meet dsegeron. eowp.Wtor Reglad hos ever tent to lair side to rice for the Amorlu's Owes. • • • TOMOS RAVI A CAana OT 00NPI.AINT. Toronto Star : 000 of the meant tbnn the Nalto..l Polley aver did was to daisy its benefits so long that they .ltlately materialised to the audit of the Liberal party. It was most p.oell•r and meson• able of the N. P. to do the, ad the Cow• nerntive Press -ad partiefarly Th. Mall -make dally oomplante &beat 11.. 5 • e Ne HrT Tw19 RARD. Dad. Bawer c. - Mew slaw Bir Riohera. lbrtwrlgbt's gran spew* h Terate, the Tory papers awe kept up • 009.4aet howl- ing •d barking which'. ears avid.. that be tramped a tam rather hard, ad now they bra • withered Meir forte ad intend •le•wsrt.g :,t R'tbord. Is is mind that fin et to greatest gam is the pstsilien are In Iran. for the event. Well, they will auks* all the ammtmlMea they ea rake end SIN not be able tessera • p.trlbl.. CRARAOr1a suILDisa. Wedste.k flesh.! Review : The rat work of the ahead 19 ahead. 8.811'.. Ole el the herb el Me Wema.a, ■ asy ate any, is the Mdesey to Mot that no two maw an .tike. Ta wail stye of mathg a chalk sack for .n le toe, .4 i mi1W up • teede of rules that all were se to goversad y wee meet eiders" h I- MMabee des. Ws Ming rte hese to be seesseefel who llloem ant too the wisdom of neons M M sash Mkt a tre•Isent NaMler MMAL Than out asandinm..1 mime dila sill COUNTY )i3URRENOY• Blyth ; Lyell !related te .'eased oohs boa with • severe afar* of typhoid fever. Blyth : W m. ',oma Me rated hie fath- er's .18- ei s beautiful tare near Blyth for • term e1 yr*. Breeds ; 1'. Am4N has received a or- der tee 6000 apple arras from a Laok.ow buyer. W Me. y Peek, of tow., baa a opaline 1• lyase: Genus cad left for that plate last week. Zenith : Oa wedmwday almimeos of last, week lllermer Brae' evapor.t,og Lowey woe bassi be nMgowned. Sealer*: ahem Whtured Killer.., who spat ter holidays here, left Ire week te tea Meme her desist our akoi teacher to Duluth. Blyth : Mee, A. J. McGee and two eterr, MOM ea" Gladys, of Valpeateo, 1 are "Mise al the home i Deem Klug. Oedetich lowwentp: Joke W. Tar' rel (I.deaat h township, reeently ptwested his daughter with • basWml o.ei..f Broad ape rteht piano. Oaten : Oe tsusday, 4th inst . W. H. ]lewa.mh., enwea9R ./ ttlie5SO. ailed lo marriage se Mies Dell• H. Brea - combs, of Petrol*, • • * wHATTHI N. P. DID. Tomato Star : "No lass than 44,202 Canadians resided is Boston in 1896," says Vie 8t. Lars Globo-Dsmoer•t, " and the somber le grater now. Tab form of se - amities is ea et the largest facie oosneoted with the Demulen.' But our rulers at Olt. r. • are setls8ed to ha.. chair plates taken by Galicia., Doukbobore and other strange people, whom Liao. Sam will ale take at any prle.-Mill. Beery time they talk .boat " the growing Mme," the Libeled organs throw • h.sgs.t at the N. P. -Mail. Stn.. the N. P. did not atop tat emigra- tion of Caa•disae, ad is not to be oreditod with the immigration of the tiallaia.. sad Doukhobor', Ibi. "grow!, time in bn is one of the bouquets referred to. • • e " LOva too. 111511191" of NOT Hit CRAUD. London Advertiser : That Freakiest Rro.er's religion is of the stern Old Testa - mat brad is shown by his opplia.tioa of the 83-d Pal. to Itja British enemies. The lost six yenta to whioh the pions old Boer referred red as fellows: 13 0 my Clod make them like 5 wheal ; as the stubble before the wind. 14. As the Bre buraoth • wood, and as the Lae seitetb the moat5iru on fire 15. So permeate them with Thy temp- est, and make them afraid with Thy storm. 16. Fill tear fame with shame, that they may ss.k Thy tame. 0 Lord. 17. les them be ooafoad•d ad troubled forever ; yea let ehom be pat be shams and perish. 18. that mon may kno. that Thou, wham name al... i. J•honb, art the meet high oyer all the earth. * o * OBITUARY. SH♦W --lladsy of tool week the sad •tellig.•1e woo reoeved that Este L. fourth d.tutbter of Joh. diet, Lonely of Brae. ..Is, ad died that m•rsbg et 515. 5'0450k. Ab wt three.w.etr-ee..the yak dl with se eb towel!. .f the . b.w.l.,to all that pbyiai.se and Meade d• ea er dsaliy mak astit death her el all pale sad Meath. Bks wee eseesisee moth hall .a hoer .f bar Messes. Yrs. Shaw wee born at WJw and wee well knows to thei Beamer, with whim she was •.es.tal .y.rt.ewt.t to her hied. e ply ..d Irieudiy deviants. lineman was made .t Brae. seatety. osdeeteket Sabbirk ossveyiy the telltales from Tee. water, after an appropriate faat al serves at the parietal rvrldeses by Bee. Mr. k(.1• wags. At the oemstery ben Kw 110. Rees, B A.. osedmotsd the serene. Tb. Mill bearer. were : Joo.lerras.. A Rosa. !i S. Rogers, W. Grower, A. fl.mpe .ad ind. % !lees. Amoug the relator. w►. Me wind t0e fusers' wee*: Jae. Shaw, Mw tosNlsg .s Celli.gwo*d p 1)r. Mayer of Ofieta i Colla Shaw, ef Detroit ; Dr. W !show, of Merron, MI*►.l Dr. Marg. of Pert Molts ; J. McKnight. fl Hallett ; Amin Shaw •.d Mrs. Jos. Haw, of Grey 1. Campbell ond wife, el T.ww.ter, wart .Lo hare. Tho ger.! Ornate. is the casket were beanie'. Damp eyeip•tty to ex e•••e•d by IM WNW, old aimed..! Me 4.m ilv with them 1. their bwavemeat.-- Brweaale Poet. ()luta : W.8►isr, of elanmetts, Miah., mat a•lliag *a Ills old Huron trieadn re- eatly. He leeks as yam as when be lett hos 5waty years ago. Se•fartb : This aniage of Yee Lies - bah les..., damgass of loom Looms, el Ss•fertk, to W. L Malas, of Detroit, took plias In Detroit as Aerate 17th W imgbam : 81 'l$ A. Horne, of (Jaddesla, • former amber of The Times eel!, bat per4*.ed TM 8.1Nmgton U.a•M., and took poa'esion of the ma tete week. W iseh.m : Oe the evenirp of Weds's- day, 13th hal, a little eon of Geo. Berke, Zet4od. well* riefyiesran his 1.ther's hate tell N the goer. leteakhir his Ken arm In two plea aod'dislocating the elbow. W Ingham : Joseph Clendbuine. of De. lath. is visit., with relatives and friends io town. It le atIWen years since Mr. Clint amain;first left Whgham, ad be bre rot eine,' the town diAag taaw years until the prates use. Seafortb : 11.8 Neal., youorest eon of r. G. Neel., mei with • p.:utul accident lost week. He was driving to tae.1..tio., ad had • Creek 1a the but/12y. The horse ebted, throwing the little fellow out o1 the rig, ksekl.g hM arm. Brawn: W.Jaeday of let weak while working at the edging as. .t P. hawser mill, C. Hatt!• bed the iWoi tat to to Ms lift band against the sew sod received es ugly out oo two of hie flexor., which w111 lay film off work ter,. while. - grey ' DiVrtighisisail of last w..b Mary' Bell, rebel ei falai John Done., died at the home of her see, W.J. Dlok.o•,•oeth of WItoe, atter a extended lhoees. She .s. nearly 75 year" of ses and won one o1 the .Id residents a Grey township. • Br.esek: A abort time see Clerk Scott took the sewer d•bteater. to Toronto to 8'emea & Co. .no received tho o.eb for them. amounting to 41,623.11. The same firm w111 get the Bele sidewalk debenture* alio a Mir offer was in amass of other brokers. Bgmmdvllle : The residence of Mr. ad Mrs. Tbomas Hills wee the cases of lam rt. the 'Tillers se Tsesd•y o1 last went, whim their •emend height', Mies Maria, was united to marriage to Frank A. Cela, • Kamera young merohae of Hampden, (Jet. Chelan : The Meads of Mr.. Helmet, wife ei Rev. J. W. Helene, of Ledo., for- merly pt Cnn:on, srU1 regret te hear that Ne Is .oe6sed to bar ram owing to the d10 - Wales of • "mall Woe le the Instep, •d it ✓