HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Signal, 1899-9-21, Page 3W. 471111 t• YM; a^. 1 * • .. .1. . a u. dt -�.,GiwaaVY0i\Y�i/Dh �0REYFUS VERIBICL BIlthud�tic �OIlY8Iltl0Il Oi DENOUNCED BY ALL. __ _--__---- west II& Liberals. is The Whole Wo- rld Stands Aghast at THI RIGHT PBOT93T the Crime. Mr. rwnith B1pWn>� ills D11- ho olilmer of the Beat. FRANCE ITSELF NOW ON TRIAL. hA _ ► COSTLY TIAL ►r0t0io. &P ie came: 'Ito expected has dot: "The soldiers at lieames. without an Lear or reproach. have vitreet the world " hra,ri. D»lftrr hm ltb°aUt tepee a tide �eaiapis and thaw saved the Waliaoetowu rgxxt: At w » a Cyd. I,ut thougha�a%0e han,ar at the army The verdict wilt- preeetiwtive nnu enthusluLfo oou lta ls floe e•wrt roost lir afternoon folly equal M a second AusterVA ." vahtlon of she LlberaW of Wert ]Cl- w p,e,i the vrlfdiats leis eels �• H' Smart Ronhefo� In ibe Intran- t a� whir I1 Tru gloss. � we that Francs has st last gin. Yr. Ronald Yarnlsh Tru to- ly etApifld , fahen rewap on tPrelgnera day rhomtaatod as the Liberal oandl• h `� LW milellea which Prevailed bi tis' The I'eCt Journal warns the Drey- date ,or the Provincial bye -election• t r� w1u1 tie was am Oak pAk fonx4w to accept the rerdlet galstlya Town Hull was crowded with at sl! the tuit',n �desllLW the rthoun t mueit their � vn,UrW �T Governmerht. w'11 find meaus W delegates (row every polling tit ,.Ion m _�hiie tllat art? make them. in the rbliug, and the utmost eathu �WtA"t-Mili Tia L7ax. the Josa.L urgau. Bay&: afasm preNall,.l. Mr. Iiacubh made w Ikmano sank beak in bl�i stair "The vwdbt proven %be( in France a stat mc,lt uI ICL puwition In re- el -m Ith tip iV cb,sks, the army will not lwmooYoe an lana gars W tine protest &galas* ilii. ,all ltd• Lap #,.+rased -situs Y cents man. The Judi ed decided w ,ithou. which was entirely satisfactory W t while an around t1e court marl talar or faror, as tLelr owmo:enem the 200 delegates present. And -y bhokad at sorb otter is �a' . d -dated . throuBbout the meeting there was to cot a dlsinr•dant dote. The chair r DItE:YFVS Hi TOLD HIS FATS A COWARDLY VERDICT. Yr. James Beatty. yteeuwh:M a tragedy was be'" em- Berlin cable: •lite Dreyfus war- Trus Occupied by artad w flee Role room off SherwOrt dict causes a feeler atmurt ut stupe- Pre•tdwnt of the Reform Association, repel, where D»Yfus Illteted Lu the PICAVOBl to Berlin. It bad been hoped wbu O tied the °both: was c p&&dinir of LJM verdict. iiia bad been that the statement of the Ratabssme brief address. The uMI, AAm Wild tlw rssuh by b'a iN►yer•• and As:ger, u ,rasant-Ag direct from move,i by M' A. D. Mees bad wept LtttKly. but when In lbs Emperor W'Ultala. would leave Ieb• ppevxhgh, and seconded by Mr. Jess. nor of lbs dfelaJS d the oosrt- dared 1mpo,rible the rePotCon of what Calif. M. C. R. engineer. Ht. Tbomse. .,p al he tllslsMd Impassively b the V dsscrtted a• "Clue of the Brest of and was entavly unanimous, the en- opwkor• Ju"al and Political criume of any Lire cwhyouston rising and cheering D Bis wife. who was wishing in tor- ye." lustily. G {are and sdoDeuao at Iver Douse. bore The German purr Ow.a0,twously do- OVATION TO MR. MACNIiSH. a tine u sad u&P bravely, and. wbwn v1/ti ng acct wo the rertlet as cowardly and W ben Mr. Macnidh rose W socwpt W hu.bend thls afternoon. showed the tmfsolltic, not to nay criminal. the flomlaatWu he was received with calootere who were Is he streets d THE FELLING IN GREAT BRITAIN. a degree of enthusiasm that IS 001 - sign rd her suffering � �I,oa. I.al,lum cable: it would be dufl- dem m !tested at such • ether- t h," ti,e carriage ourl6 to describe aduluatteil the hdlg- 41g. and t showed clearly to re- FEELA FOR HIS WIFE. nation the verdet of the Dreyfus rpect and mlration entertained ,,At,, on Dreyfus was not present In oours martial has evoked everywhere for him by the people of Ecittn• He t-1 exact ti's sfternom- but vfslad his Iii England- At the music hallo. owpo- amid that oonld not but feel boti,er after the Terd'et had town dally the Palaoe Theatre, where clno- grateful for the unanimous manner po lercd• He found If in ppwsrrlatly mat.Wr°yh pctur•we of the bu;idents ht which he had been nominated. He ssim and wmilvat s" m- ussumon and le d'ng actoss of the Lheyfts at- accepted the nomlaatwc 4choerebet of murpr m as tie ttndiing of ahs eaurt. fair were exhibited. the. flews was with the full knowledge of .� prisoner simply�p��aud Ills dbwl- greeted with groans, and h:aeer. that acceptance Implied. If be did as raBpeeilTo "Halt 1" Miski days : "Reaches 4 not mletnke, from their ettltade to- &&&:I,&, as lw oto rsaod lits brother its Frances moral Sedan..' day, they would stand as firmly tine letter woo preparing W leave. The Daily Graphic Bays The and unitedly am In peat contents for --anto,le my trite-" Rendon verd'et will live forever nd tine the furtherance of the prin' WILL DJiMyfUS BE PRADONKD i supreme effort of buman-nmgbmiO- elPles they 'held me dear. s the The pasrai belief r fist preyfua adne .'• MAcnisb they prooMded will a pardoned, Yet this will not wt- The Daily Chr'on:e:e Saye that War- ebrcumatanese which had led to tof he WJ IWC �_�� who vehemently do- oar la0ree from Nie veer urs d thm pr b�� obWthe est Riginoand ciaro t'ka� ttsty vil.ti tt1Cw* to%mcwyt Islacisel�e,we-atak�slo iw .4.letor7•..-,,.F, -t -'tri"76Si1r15tiM yore rte verdict. And wl.l continue the bat- The Dally Neer remarks: : It b d t"a until iia jndtlseot V reversed. katger Dreyfus. but France herself and o' a. It was No fault of theirs t was voided nice verdlst, ►eo Bay, is directed that is on trial. t 'the ist the byes:setloo more ag.ltrt the Jwws tion agalslat T11e Yorn'na' First drdiar'ew Qw through the aetioas of Irresponsible Ureylua end. if a:lowud t,r stand, will In Ligation of the all the worrlldneover/llabeefi- masa ag � 8��to accept the reopen - make thdr izlsieftm was too In Franca Im- 4,1w.• that tile }tdgew who, condemned shKb. d tbs gets to which they were patib ♦ A certain wi Of the Y Talbott and M. Dumanas took Dreyfus really believe Inim laaceent." not • patty. the mldataht tnln for Parts They The Da'.ly Telegraph days: ' Ti im Conservative party, led b7 r. T- W. �e France, Crothen, bad atace the day he accept- drure to t nation in a a:"sed oar_ infamOua judgment disgraced dru If% tBthatld bJ boor z,oaat•d gen- dialtouure Iwr nrmy, insults the Kaiser ed the nomination puretsd him with a darmes. The rowel was pfecliaa:ly do- aid offend the beet principles of rsdetenihe worthy of a better ul cha e. 1be byeoleotlom Of 1818 would have mrted, mad go dema"tratlon occur- haman.Sy. There ownw nothing left red en [.'eats as at this stAUon. for Fra,as but a revolutbm, and a rent:ted In a large Ialberal majority Y. Dema ge and M. LAbcwl wt :I to- war that will redame her W the level without any recourse to any improper morrow mP as aptldaatlot for a r - of @Pal- mei Attar the a:ed,on • nosy meet - where vision d the chasm, a.tbough there L The Standard at- •: "pe are welsh- ts was bead a: llAmina y Lat. so b.,pe tbat tbs verdict wYl be re- Ing kntlowerinMw newanddeadly tu�re�e" mad•s of a �rand attar this a pro- rannd. Both are much upm•t, though g it can hardly be said that they are form the malady may at- Ms.'• test was enjered and the mat olalm- sarprlaM. The Times obeervem: " We do riot •d for his �pomeat. He then entered hesitate to prornanew�lt the gro+m"L a protest, denying the rigbt of Itis BRINGING IN TEM VERDICT. and mows appalling preetituti,m of oppoesse to the seat. After s time ooateraces of w set wjtbeb wa...ipi.we of rho .Inline 14w. wage aoYog a thie aur tis at hk.d•, Ws Really qe- esbM, aliowrd else b be rind awal 11=1 ' triad to 1,dtat. lrsr opponsaio, bn1 T1 Dlussuy was 1t dies a sa �!r tht►1 they wan movloeo at 1W w'a+c• W Its t mabod L to trt-elr' oe P F ,- cludild by t apPetllmg toe frank ansod full dm- we Dsdom Of tit Qo•eUan st Julian tic& gyp, C as a d id � be acaiii lIc hear"y M he outiclo Y of MR. CA.S11Y. tit, Mr. Geo. Casey, Y. !'., said that be d OOahe from OttowA to Say, as he to haul amid in the House, that the poo- Iia e of West login were trot corrupt. Sl d had not been corrupted to any kL teat affecting the rosult of the late w, sotloa. Whatever cropkedneas might al we been praotlaed, he knew from a hat he had Seen in the riding dthring im >N oamps4u that lits. Mean" d of in be eleoted by gbaogt� omat votes. In he knew that al le mare presence of s tis rangers In the riding had dkwJuiabad !» vote for ills. 1(aonish quite as c uch u any notion of theirs The Il eonventlon ktmmw► that West Elgin m as not corrupt, but the poop:" of 1 Canada sust be made to know It. This eou:d duty be done by giving Mr. it It[aon" as good • majority to a put'o- tis conducted eteotlou as he had Oki- v lned in the late election, where Ir- b egularilles had taken place, He be- F Clewed they could and would do this- u atter a eampalgn conducted without a outside lulerfereace. which wou'd de- n fare West Elgin uncorrupt and In- a corruptible. He was Sptrroud of the man- it y scores taken by Mr. Yacsish In this d hde matter, and proud to support c him for the fourth time. Short speeches were also made b r. W 1 cart. ]bears. C. J. Hunt, J. 2 a loan. Dalt- Turner, Dr. T. Duncombm I, rid others. ( Moved by Mr. D. Turner. seconded c by Mr. J. W, McKay, •• That the I Reformers of -West Elgin In waren- L re los assembled 8aslre W Place oo s coni their ampaillied disapproval t Of Lit,- practione which the sectio° t court showed W have taken place urisg the recent bye-eleetton• The s P of the Liberal party of the 1 provinos Of Ontario and the record t o[ 14 leaders are Such as W Insure , tanesa, without the aid of question- 1 able means; and we deeply deplore 1 the apparent introduction IntO our t constituency of Actr which have I wresafore obtained am the exclu- sve right and franchise of the Con• i senative party. and we further pledge this convention In the ap• , ching bye -election that a Re- 7w= ffwe will W the utmost dII- ooura a and sappress all and every peweltfee bn Oonlabum with samvata trfttf election that is not In harman7 b strict bausaty and the printl- plea of she Liberal party.' The following resolution was adopted by the Executive Commit- tee: "'Me members Of the Execo- tive Committal of the West Elgin Reform AAWCI&tion unanimously agree In to easing bye-elaWou W publicly declare that we will not recognise any outsiders assuming tO tate Part to the management or conduct of solid election : and. fur- ther. that jay outsider who may come inW the riding, assuming W represent the 'Reform party. dose a against the wishes of the execu- tive, and we call upon all Reform- er to carry out the gArlt of this eeeolutlom." rte. , .� 1_1 r . MR. ISICE JAMES 6001.D�W�SN�UflN ON TflUSTS. A IFAAMMA-9 VIOPORT, A: b em:,eh this riagin,g d a bell annorunod tion a" d the jlhUsofm Lila lrel a, the world has writdBased W be modern tames• All the outrsgv~ the of wall notJfled that • legal men was to be held In To - to softie t)he matter. and he was day .lit the varlldt of °wrt-mantles-- An ottlow ordered "Garry arms f" *ne�y which. marked tato aneree tie trial pale Into Insigulflasnoe beakbe asked roato to attend. His solicitor Inform- Rhoamstum Sad N AteO•d tic leap and -Present arms i" The rattle of the orowning scandal of the verdict." ed him that the two proposals were one Upon elm for Toa" asid Oaoaed His rifles ttm Milowec ThAc Col. Jon- cam"" lot the death of ftp oskrr AYIRICAN COYYENTFL mad• by the posing counsel, stat- HmdlessMts•n-t•1LSnw8•POaad anal, the 1Twa1Me t ss»had In. ss.- ated, and lith: W �te/� on tie to a. New York Tribune--Tdhe Rennes that Court lad wrawgkt s work of hhlaoas he shoa.d A doeumeret lag that corruption •vd fraud of the description had preval:ed In aOura Tie other sdber• at the court-martial did 11t[awlN, iia SMduarmee ++boated e•• SaD�Rhe French(no ��asss�t West Elgfa, the ,mooed was that it he (From the A,•n4l.an WoUvllle, N. S.) "St:encs Y' aid fir sSoasw d death tall tic aw0 - - New York p»rut Republic will forfeit the respect of lou d glee a word of honor ug they Yue was wanted then. h they Arnnoxig LthP runny- hn this vicinity who firmly brlleve In the efflcnco of on TM TIRDWr- mankind It means (e not found W "rtuy Lir shameful declstocl. now) t ,semllomed 1JS oath now) that be questioned not again become a candidate Dr. Williams' Pink Pill, ssacore for President Jormt tine = ands T New fart World -France U now on d the Reform p"ty, and would use rb"matism is Mr. John Siewart,of wltbowt a Ulm" Is big to�0a an,a &pparmlay mlmmvetd. read up vetdlet trial. not at Ren-.. not anywhere within her own borders, bas at the We Inf:uenm to keep the party from a candidate In the field, they Hx�Tllle. To a representative of " follows' bar of civllizatknt. French officers putting pn ui withdraw the protest and file the Acadlan who recently Interviewed Today. tile 9W Of lik__ mr.1890. have. ut the name of Frame, spat In won t1O prrtkulars Tim, Mr. Stewart said he had been him, the court sarllai of ties 101h Army clodwd the face of jartirm. Franew b aL Lhe - DECLINED BOTH OFFERS. a victim W the pangs of rhedmaLlsm Cap,, d,IrinfaNaH b,bllhd dmntAsptu"nits iult1he following bar. Boston Post -The verdict will be -ally "garded throngboat We He refused to agree to P:th"r pelt- He had no personal tnowl- for opwnrds of twenty years. Two Mr. Stewart was thrown gosLlnt: L Alfred Dwilini brevet capitals gene, rivi lye I world an a monstrous wrung• ptyitlon. «tgv of any wrong-do:ng . ttse right W years ago from a load Of hay And injured do 14th Reigls alt d Artillery. Probe- Honer an tM gseeeal ,raft, put of dirt Warh!Dgton Evening :star -The ver- 1M/►tested the French army se thomLdte a candidate;;" that of the early alone, and IIs reply was that d severely dist he wad obilged to tato laving ID Yale s :Wi latD � flans or braid ruissisBs wish a tasolR- corrupt sae and incompetent and a man- to the 11"bulty of the Republic. Ire was lA the bands d the Liberals West Elgin. if the seat was voided the ws, to hip bed. While In thin coudito° Ills old enemy -rbe tmaWss-aptp power, or Ord 1tf a�1b 1D 1�jnn dere Is to oegMMM Ma %3: Of under- of (.hlcago Tribade By Ito exhibition tnjimUcs the French nation has snot If the was again wanted again ready to give tlhe party his ger fastened Itself upon rim, the paid, take war &semi, FlOMa. Or taro proclaimed Itself a race of degener- v Des Re also wanted W consult bb radlat4ng W almost every jplfat In his MITI It the unim Hlarrf P by daily• stee. •ring the soon am drRwan,1D I�gPoo -� Louisville Ooarler,ioarnal -France trMilido and ase Trow far the charges were true. He also wanted to c.xeult body, mating life almost a burden. tie queneff*mtly in the Acadian slid read frequently in floe Acadian Yard In stn, ta1W 60%W- derma, aceop 60 in of will expiate In blood. In tears, it hu- miliation the crime of yesterday. Il,c �I&&p, Mr. Aytaswarth. q'IUI ,,no accord they advised him not W act- hi the cares ll of Dr. Wl:Hams' Pink Phis and de . the Court Of Cageb111M d ,lime arra THE WHOLE WORLD JOINS. cmpt either of as two pprepo, ,in. Mr. wxp[slaed bIS surprise that tided to give them a trial. After the Iltr9 T" The vote, ween ilalfs� A/a=t The German press LL especially In- dlgaee0. Lire JRAidoual Zeltaeg remark- Aybeswvorth a legal firm Should formulate nice" It and 1fr. Aylsaworti had use of a few bore, Nee itahl• iII A to diminish, and hid general health t� �, ye�wmtt ing m tie um 1p Pea, Ing that *TOO the worst enemy orf have wL@W what dl,eament, actaed Y txeeaed for boll political file report of began to Ingrrove. Yr. Sfewarteou tinged taking the plir until he had ✓dent hartlK sheet less. � France amid not had be�°M purses, After receiving the sheriff. Mr. AykswOrth Mvlyell him L bozos when site Inn had amid sigh P'• 'disappeared The court dseb ref CC n - d T1aw >b tw4 by a sy Papers Of at1 naticnalltles fall In with UM Id,a d boyeotting the oz. to enter a d'iclaimer to the rent, the irtegularltls in the entirely ant) anc,64 vie tory over disease had lasso won by tine s i r �•' The majority sKmd lolly thereafa to ontlb �' DRISTFUS BIONS Hfi; APPEAL. ow. to appolntmms of deputy returning i,ttl- Dore. wlh:cb wag done. Then Yellers, this pool Mam medicine. TM+ Acadian can add tbat MT- Stow -rodents,asht trrtimusting clraomsAAu6eg, quenop of wbA@i6 aid on MM request Ronson cable: The application CrOtllers and Price wanted to firing batter up before the elec- art to worthy of every b a man of Intelligence and ~1114 Thr the Oomsisstto Of taavern• amt, the Pledrt poi SM to %he Court of Revision was taken to him at moon by Y. Laborl•s swkirt- Lire whole t'on marts• This waw the Friday bm- the trial• which opeated gasilUm, whurn word b unhmaltating ly Accepted by all who know him. gooRtun ACA tetsllvltld ffiMMM voteu As a rdetlt, the ODWS OCEds W bF ant and he signed It To -day be has spoken tittle. though Mn the day of Dun Jrhne 26th. Yr. jfaenlSth explained t1lat he and him friends held a anraltn- 711nn public it cautioned agninr naeseroos pint colored Imitations o • majority of five voce/ to tw►o, Alfred Dpyfus to the t t of 10 be baht seamed In better R#!Ite than might have been antletpaten• WIFE. toil Walt the eoaasel for hit opponents, wopowitions that had Milan: famous pills The genuine An cold only In totes, the era--- aroea "Dr. Wil $ran' dtmlhtntioD. •las- peetrup teeM>rr �l sM aotg. MS1e?INO L/ 1'fH iiI[i The meeting with bid wife wall ca- been made is Ztrante were again Mvaloed. Fir. Aybetworth pointed out which bears We words ams'�nr Pillsm forn� Palo I "Der were exptramad a awn jg "oh ' itlr turall ver aisatag, but troth b61d 7 7 to Illi than be had spleeny have -1 III when Oct. Jason* �l,"lmuy." ,W w,ted two oo eta rpossible. He old y her up as well as anomaly "1 am not aDeaq regardddg myself, bed son ll- the meal, and kls opponent hid stein- rla0i lite claim made by him for tho at 6o Dans, i w1:1 be ,at boxes pea, or siz bore, tot i$by ad mdse U&v1d"It the threat Of t ���e Ar I aball soon be free, but I think of you and my poor children. They sea%, and that is would be folly for hint to gb m acrd tDaor the IsrftP dreaelttg the Dr. Williams'' Iawdtcln Co„ Brockville. Ont. tar atto� A" Was thtttloirurt, but tis lacer d itis sa• 064bu iso f Us - wilbe branded am the children d a tralta." expense lavntvasd life Ayberwrorth ro- turned b 1brDmlo on June 26th, and NORTH QRTAJLIO OAADIOATIN. Jorhy of he timmud rfft*) id the fit, f ne kdo-d THINKS HE WiLL. BE I.�T OFF, wroW 111ULS letter that day. which he an Jam 27th. Mr. Aylen►- sir. AArms Mwlwod. at RvftmbrldV Lion hwa s 1rttA sial• IIA viae, wtf)Ir IL Dani~ tall Idto1 He ls convinced that the 10 year,' ispeisoesent b which be V tun,- tenelved worth was nos a psrtlasn. but a IBpfal t•onnected Nominated b7 the weds& III a chair r iliatsfs fiii ralYisbm 110W THY! 00iff" VOTED. tinned wol bw wiped out by the (thee Feats of list Inclusion be W on- not so o!osoly wttilaman• s am to be called n with elthdr party, and lois advice world Chert Beaverton report : Th- Oomswr v1 tkTe oonvension of North Ontario m Her, L the wa the emir* voted d oe and be I N lath, ran mores eMdUy , Trite la Alexandria Hall to-401yA6O& for the par to y O!, iJie gnassloe : 10 a t'tlsaa,d q October d by lib will be fire years tram this inetwas in St. afterday blur he waw In North acui Pum Of rwratrnaftsg a osadtdate the Htrosm Of cbmmota De. 011lwsf>t Is Alfred Dreyfus. travel sap• I'll, - the Btetfal staff. Aunty of dao d bis farms onedNamiva• Be Y so w tM1 he "tads i Perth test afta� TTbeP"!Yr. (A Cauningtoxh, Pretdeat of the Ann cion w was In d chair.. rloeh hviyc In 1894 abbe trsd Ind:. s,ashim- atluse .r Mid trslstlavhs with a for p Of his nib forYon f h ex noel to ro request w ex- IL novel to reed >n, ibe �ar►� CIVb, kvLr Yeerht the sty eMnr proof that he in not $I par lawn. A M was tendered b Mr. Angge M r Llea, of f and acoeP sed 'wN t powrirr, or eM lit lir apeMt. tbdncm It to Mmtdt b"W" or an, that: his nd 1� I� dNttton n� et+or#s *mit- ,thin. Mr. 1111aa1dA eostnaed• waI bra lie hist-. 1110 otlasf neaMhtatlmR tthaE her nomd other lir. Mol end was sloe tbe,ervaf: Ill awtAlr war agbl,,al brewer. or mat M son& to divest i 4tbo a�� /IIS him. arid deem �t d� � °ow lament ��Ibe at Lite irysldaaotou held /evrnrt- it ten Memo /Mlefor by d6- 6verinq the no1M b d danaments eall«i Clad to try to got all t8 s0j 1 Orr of the last tree WM$W r1A at hr D,rnet referred to he had set- in Iles hers 1es,tarfm d floe Llb• that rwTv In Febntary.'i867. A net bet d landlrug ANvvw of ti ih• b the r howdepan , setenrdiag of QL@Mtbn m June 8rd, mind. W thinks Nla1 laadlas a Dore) od Bwntal repnf, ed ed i and he QId not bell patty, In r'A''� found 8860 06 It platform. ------------ 11MA�rt will afford kit died pfd keep him from ilOaSas la nber0 vr" a LRrsenl ICls�t troy, Ontario, H is the astorliibate post -pis mtfltart t Ilewt.-lJol. Haut ears -YM Mot pgOCLA21Y1 H18 Nee stat hs wY In. who woDld noS When there 1m ouch a good rem, -ON. do a I-TIsmem 0mhmaadant Malle-Tem. 001. Jaaaust, Preat&at a do aw t. have acted In �. yTnD• of iidmarilgla Ire I1M Ow. Pamfaif-Tel. a/Md Dierfm 1t ba bM �7 P he M0 br'wr• it oat0a oNupett Apt. 1Smwdral/--Tar, roes add let hbpt. iatcorm k•lsnrs were like tris wept PmA/ae,d a>rrvwm• Cha °A tbotlaschye in one minule; biM ba at cog appdFnatloe : bsada/Y� 1u p�tas -al. ITALIANS r„d y thletg Mma7. ti amassed bat of that he was eerier y ttisb0t d wblel! atraett Of this Poibtieal oz °the ,Js af► few somwtu : and aril hair iimt tapldly. Give lot a trial. WITS IyHETJPtTit. A rpmet-I as".4 ft team Bomb."" ice eantgak d"I Ofttrm before my country and Miro• wall sot to law tihw po111HoI nosillhis but, fres' U04 as was t�rryu/b 'W& whirl a°mrn, of err► A Nomm WO"b Creamy. pp0ea$IrW* W61111 t hllwas has pcatrea! �fof� m• '+Naehent before the arm*, shat I am fent MyBola art has beta b Moe ostial, b VA an and b bill pa�b _ to � MJ Ir "a III 0/t tM eoMs ofteNtMMa, Oa tbts0, mid M<s hbrmnaaM of o'latt*ass �fa�t ilKve lbnla wt to ilrwyt�r dbkt Dgmant0 the icer N tq name 10 naso hurts bF rty cilldten, i bans Mt- Mwft eat exlslsee/. A miserable prahrn,e0 had bass MOM by 1t- cgpoMw-_ 1 the ret sack the abates, stere Itot {��Ytls� A f 6 I ed of ria,, fit r drslaf d !a Aa a}Mte/� .rid be ft to •aA to M. Lakhcrl. liar M UV fe thin same despatch. 16 peerd ictus years at 1M nor. . at put. I IMI aflralad 14 IslEtrat to attills "ll"I a. let700, pruuwd esu tft4t I1 urarld dsrl M� a day. It would foo tang Many j to �r for - N vett- d 1M b - --� _ l'nDw last rose ( a Iota* to Prehd v loyalty add i tic M tban la esrlMfrl, andt"le!tram Aka. was as now. b d► a- Mot o uOhNi t ad,WN ��► aaabgtna yteR� , tel {1M Olt ef'H!1 PAWWAX 1eSESS. W. 7c,,^aat-Iiave you finlslsA„ � �Il�ls most, 1►n had bCpWb�war Iron arum. WUlfsmlf 1 aiii1 oinw Nris sena ' ft^wats4wl`��� r .. wrR-•Ior, rites lellrFl+ 1, ooalram It .wnr am�d� """ t,Nr .f olrow _ � ... telltbAlmlf Qo�d= «. � '> . - . ( tlJ�1 ,• . 2. ';[:q.0 ',y. tee. W . M :T.;......: .... 1. .. Ia .. "' " f 4 4f+Lsil` i.. -I:^. ie Reform Candidate for Tim West Ontario. iOCEEDINGS AT CONVENTION BRY ltouffvule report: At tfia cut- No BUOU of West Outario Reformers. day Id len, to -day. Yr. lasso lam. with old. private banker and termer. WeAl was chureu 0s a Dan- ez Late W contest the bye tocibn Jd j r the Dominion House, rendered to t cam"" lot the death of ftp oskrr lloan r Jawer !Aylgper. Mr. elould Lo the r1d1o� try. sown tLnxtglnuut born blas lived U1 U;brit: d w Tyr and I Ills life, and bas taken s most in and sly J Mv0 Late set municipal llltlosl affairs. As a municipal for e an he has filled every office in sae 1e gift Of his Wwawwen. mud has Ever so senell u Wardsu oI the Doan oWl 1. From IWS to 1590 be r•epre nted North Ontario In the Provin- hrran -I House. Altbough past � mlddls T le, he Is a vigorous *Pool=" be Iabood• mad an earuedit. fluent the hanker. Lty The nasoclstiuu wet as a oonven- This off. with true hundred accredited ten alegater to at%endalicte from Stout(- aha Ale. WhiWiturch. Uxbridge. UX. Mr ridge Township, Newmarket and oras Icpring, comprising the divisions tru r the riding. President Richard- la o: n occupied the chair, and after The ll call balkrsing for a candidate or ,es immediately commenced. No Ln tl o cluratRms were received. ouch we "legate TcAl ng for whomarever he fiat - home. alb the first ballot eight ' entigmaw received votes ranging fn n number Irynn 1 W 83. On the woo ficomd snq up W the thirteenth bal- Ina >t tho running was between Mr. req bold. Mr. H. 8. Coos. woodenware a nan°facturer, of Newmarket. and ha fr. Oen. Parker. farmer, of Picker- yet itg Township. On Ube fourteenth tale .lid fifteenth baltoso the Issue was fro traight between Mr. Gould andMr. " !ane. with the result an stated. bra Following Site annouilli"I at of the ote Mr. late moved that the 011Oodw In w Malde mnaalmous, mud !n doing Po RD ,xpeessrd the opae'on that tine riding es Prosperous But a Crash I Bound to Come. ANIS HARE -BRAINED POLICY. w York report: Tba .wribuue W publishes the tolltyw:vg lutervlew tamer U. S. lies ,sor William 11. r hbasn. d Minnesota, llead Of thu d ticuhldve floor mtillng luter"tr In a -wain • rb, present situation 7 he EWA GLWMI, the good 4lepttb and the Winn w ho lover WS ooun- V really Alarming. and. It Is taore largely owtag W the rapid formatluu A has is called the trust Oil` W e other agency• ort at preereatt there is a deruaad very conceive. tblng• :,r tfuaes eigirtle *10 muttRy is pleaity• e ytlitog la floating along pronwr- {NV ken the collapse comes. as ohDahD it Willi% will sweep All uaturaliy -peytag concerns to financial ruin. lie natural rApid=tdunr to -day are ter than over ore. 1 Lth a large r latrsm, of grids is our favor, prof r- 1 should onervinue for s long 1 prctiprrity has resulted llOae f 1of 1 sod the Laing Of ter on wind.'. . Wandlburn tit"I cond•mued the an'sattou o,f the ip-0talled fluur st. In conclusion. Ire ra'd: '•Ther•c I he thug that greatly disturb" we. I Rejruhlcau p'tr!i wbetber Ju+fly tr,justly. !A awsOoe►ted with trurtw , ne m:odw of the Wessell• As It l,arty I I reached a crill where vole w got W call a halt.' Tlie turning Of tilts country'" nf- Irw over to •Weh A marl. As Bryan ld be the worst th"19 that could peen. No one could measure the con- uarom if Bryan and Ills friwndlm toe RRut a chance to try out thetr re•• shed expel•' meats. if we dOn't our hiuwe la, order tine people wall e the control of the fastbn away m the Repub'•rAn ' The Ropubl'can party has tike the and course W tackle th'a trust ot►le n U the Rravtty of the alt Mire rolit home to tine party Sheth should be borne at On""." would again return a otalwart wulr A Sao Clianco, sorter of the Laurier ,bdm,xdatratiou. It yon � pare coffee of a 11`gh 3e pa'd a login cornplimettt W Mr. 4ouid's a ill:tler. And concurred with ale. but you will not run any chalice 11 you get ,he remarks of other apsaten regard- °t tine lona Iu.taihhed to the party. , D�W$ P112?ZCT COFFEE :he r.'Arhg and the country through lair ti is a Oaf** Of the hlgls,tit the death of tie late f3P"Jm Of the It me •umhmous Cont.auing, Mr. Cane des xr:etly wtt11 the history of the present Adatllilrctta'tlon. Saying It was a mat- ter for prde that ander able and w'.& 9u pavolfWamians the oaalticf h sled" such raps progrea Fn a part three Y y Mr. 1.arker, In 0800oll'Dg the reeolu- ant t'Dn, also expressed In terms of Probe ooraptIlmentary opnlous of the Iran ,it eelec" to carry the bar►ner Of Liber- al'rm In the riding. He spoke oj( the Oa general prosperity of all clause, srA a p"Voalarly of the (Arming commull- Tl Lty, and venLuse l to aftlrm that when off the next census was taken Lt would ter be found that Canada's populatlou wait t th,creamtag in proporNou to the rapid growth of her commercial and agr:- oultural Indastr'ew The resolution a was put and carried snanlmounly and be with most hearty e-nthairism THE CANDIDATE'S SPEECH. wt The candidate, .on being called to GO s,ldrem the meeting, was tendered n greet ovation. Mr. Gould lrpoke brief ly bet with capability and earnest- a yf+,s. He axpoeawed high appreciation tl Uhe,Jhyaor tronterred upon hlm. It was wa honor --oaWe might well be proud of, and he believed the Reform- ers who had chosen loin wou!d send him W Parliament as the supporter d' of Canada's greatest Premier, Sir w Wilfrid Laurier. He referred W the h defeat Of the redistribution bill, con- d demnbg the 'senate for Its action Ill e pr•croim ridiIng ng of W at st Ontario M do ntanoed us a disgraceful example at 1 the gerrymander measures adopted to grab Seats for the Conservatives, r' end, If relturned Vr Pik r: Lamont. would a do him utdost to have the ovll reme- r tiled. He reiterated his thanks tothe fl iiel gstog for their action in select- t Lag him as their standard-bearer and in so heartily Making the choles F urimalmoos. During; the counting Of bAllotim It was moved by Mr. o. G. Jackson and a seconded by Ur. W. C. Wlddlfleld, �'That the Reformers Of West Oa- tarlo, in convention anmemlbhwd. ereat- ed into a Grit hive by the grace Of a Conservative OOveMmsnt, desire to express unqualified disapprobation of i the actors of the senate In vok'al the pnrposltton of the Laurier A o ministration providing for a proper and reasonable reddstribatlon of seats In the Command. and more in harmony with tip public Neu timSatm t of the country.- • he mover and sec- onder spoke briefly In ,plurt of the "so:uVon, which carrtexl by a starW- big vote. The prooeedfngs idlowed after cheers had been given for the Queen, Fgr Wilfrid Laurier and the candidate. The Causip"atdve convention for the I weieepon of• a candidate W oppose Yr. Gamirl will be held lore on Sstarday next. It i, understood_ that the chow e Ides betwern Yr. J. Kellye of Uxbridge, : and Yr. J. A. Todd, of Stomffville. f i 1000 Rewad 5100. I Pie readers Of this pager will be N;e-sed to learn that there to at least i cue dreaded dMaasw that science 1104 F been ebb to cure M all its stages, and I that V Catarrh. H-II's Catarrh Cure . Is the onf� pasitive care now known b a the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a ocinstttalknal 4boaSe, racial t osxam Kocosal trestuomt- Hsll's tat- nrrb Care Is taken Internally. acting dit•so11y upon the blood and muctious s ourti ces d the system, thereby dw- alrvyiltg the forindatiou of the dis- ease, and giving the patient strength I- by balJding ftp the constitution and I, Oawhititrl1�g nature In doing Its wort. The r- peoprlmkor, have se much faith in Its 1r curative powers that they Offer one N hundred dollars for Arty caws that it falls tic caro. fiwvhd for list Of untl- t- mbnbabs y- Aid es, F. S. VHRNBT • CO., 4 Tmedo. O. e. Said by TED. p1 Hall's Fail Tails are the best. In Lt.- Owsisa at Atuorteat POP bsgsu. I'S In 1790 the ewrntre Of pnpulatlort was twwtly-t r m mike east of Rattt imam. eighteen Moes We* of Hattl soft in, 1900; forty a nort arse/ ly of W in 1810. 1111"m sin n. north of oedrtaek, Va.. M 1920; 0 ; shwu m saw soathw mgt of et V. ♦a„ he 1Mo . dttaut sues sowtth of { . W. ala_. in 1a60; kwe"r- a 11kirm mum enulbead d 1Poebo • bbaarsvr�,, W. Ta" a 1260: twomttpp� Innes Iovs d chwoolht. O., in law; s it gal�aa ease d Cincinnati 1114"M No elf oHiss the of cumoamfA m 1SS0t n,Qbtf ww b d Cntesbas, IRA. in sa• elsvtarl/Bt at s06 s11S/ b a wMoera Ise . -_ rt- Fifty dome for a qualbm t +be beet of all diluter. Mi%" Cloneound Iran Pills. ►b Aon. sdwalod Plano ft" ArAwed to umbmw M his way leo T+ edit0. , : itasiM.Yam'Aiv ,' Yom{ 'iwf��dV.A.I. -..bb, ft, I an xprow....... ...... F Mixed . ..,.............si. D)Of ..wglm. MNICHOLSON, L.D.S.. lvl DOrTya}, scaaalaar Rooms evaoelwf 940WO-O -Nock • Oold PdBlsg. (LL"rrreao and S Wtr. ii Yp•e1 —,,—Co. CHB tI71M AIR OLD STAMP. M• XABLIt, D.D.B. LMIL-.Di ICT Le Snrgocm-bsbmt Ana aDpr..ed rs� t Woman Assessed $10 for Breach .-.all�W� a of Postal 11146MISUOUI . ;l�,iTat *o:ck ,ca0 1 I - r. � At. mad IliquAre (UP etedrs). IL°Iraaea mor r. Maloney, d f oLdDrn. the tee aL- OUWL Ixn,t-oft oa Inspector, way inn Unit ,esteniay on rather peculiar and Js Mtal BiRSNaoHa: D-5��d D1Jf• L are sting business, Dr. Dlaon, of ltoni pdd "A Porcelain. Id nln*ars that woos time ago a artlBelal teeth mona� m cold or mdamlaes !t woman aftlxed W a IOUW a poet- be-all. special &ttoaboe rives to the ge gtamp tlat had bean, tined before. .scion Of the n.taral teeth- Odoaat im Tim letter was deUOted As the local Lean's new bloat_ oa, and wag gent to We Dead Int- OfUee, where It was *poem and LROA:. Ire mender's name seearLainod. The sequel war a visit from Hr. Rlflr )q�TpN_gAgi3lerBa n,Oti II[aJOney. win tntervlewed the lady. E dt. H"taAry Pablfo tw..�taa sash or t-1 fined Iter $10. BSs a'aimed to O,omer'eo Ch•mier, t Square. Oo �y we oomm:tted the often"- in tgmor- arnc. CAMPION. a0.-BARR1STIdn_SQIi' The should he a warming to any E. at Notary sa &. oyer "+•Mor 10 are teMptell 10 get ahead ,rt tie Man, Ilgsare, God= ierniment.-oat Reparler.-- VV O. JOHNSTON-SARIUBTBR. Blau - me eiter, C)Ommiodooe , twss,, ll[[ sest� When children fare pale,- peevish U&IL thorn: Car. Hamilton sad at. Aao0eew nd restieoe at night they require 0 &tgetyrlyderloh,OoL M • doss .Ar, two of Milled Worm Pow- - Aeru __ _ _ Zh C. HATS, BARRI T S& SOI ICITOR- Hard on the Ounce jio to Odoo: North &L.. oezL&o ream A& Dose. Pd Ifbnda to land At lowest tm The one Of mni4APkm Oowd'u has 'to of later" advantagea, owpedslly the inar•eased GAIROW&pROUDy'OOT,BA ear of the gun. It le rather A grate ttorf��fs. 8olblten a:a, OederMY- J. tconveuieuce, for In tine Of peace sol- IJp„'(larrow, 4t1. W. P»rate•t era Ila ve to proloCoo firing, std tbelr row are the worse for It. ProReseor AMLRON;NOLT t: HOLMZS- LAARllb W The Signal s wwasa NIMIT TfI1oRmDAt MO sme = 1% apAYII., mill +YDi. gems of rsbaewfsafoa, , m V "Too•"....... ...... tsremaow�e :::::.:::::::. . 1 Ie Inyear, :............ "rertla va; astaa, &a� othmraageai "vor%A".U"ts, lea [ ItI. 1 tamarkb.. aa1 3 cess per baa seek af,..rt,:I Mwearel by B=ew oArds at six Owes grid tutelar. of P" ts d Iw[t) F�aatad an4 =s paaaat, f111rC[sa ylaaa[ OaaocM YPMtM.taaot a=�dt°s d aM iioapa roll. QI par moa Tics Houaw oa Bale sad Palms mn to* w ts tread t=:I,,,$' fa_ r Mt mieatlir awww•es p[[ - Nasst 1+rlarnrra=F=_ a /[�� W ep sosal&ry ►mesal of say M be a[�, J,�&-tr�tR:t�-eda as the on .O bdh— ssee�� "s,�- `r •'- see masa per E-1I.00al =L. srdtaary "acting I= S eu Dsv word. No Mott•. fK U Ihaa """����- J.=r i .h.rtootisalen - h other Subscribers who faU M resolve TWO Berms mularly by mob will sontor a Ewer b W u of W fagot as as sorb a,, as h. chew* at addrem to 4CL baea`h he old and the now addram ascots Pebuahore N&des. eanM/ 1� 't'ra aallfaa Amba lase rat Se= hips of Oodarloh, Co rns, Aahlald a&d eawsmomh. Local postmutars over the district a" else mpowered Lo I ve ►abscripuans ke Tim 40Xat- AB communications met ba&g� D. McOII.LIC_ UD NI&Pb— Call ML Tr(ti�OA�watrRrrsrta.� Tff upimAY, SEPT. 2.1. 109- � TRAwleLLWQ Sl)I, ORAND TRUNK ILAMWAT- : Altasvt- Mixed ........................ Mall and ftpr m ..................: . Mixednd -pro .Dlfaaa...•.••••: Mall and Lxprasa..............Y.r.• Mall and I:prom................ —P Mat d Y ••r F: c, Robertn,Auatm. C. B., has rP ==Loch te,4edrfeY oentJy presented photographs W tb1•�•eo0• Q C., P. ,L'•' Dadles Yebsa ren and Steel Institute of Onut i O, WARP. CONOLYANCRR, ".AND Br:taln which dernru rats the ruin of tie leaannusa erforLakbW and rsmdvMf -fW ordnance by cord}se, mellulte rsoatalganwa of hall. aeda.tte 6r &dims• nd oilier am.,telese powders A quick- tura&*Podiumsorsotmandral&mU o L In R m Rufferod from cordite after ceaes a rt adlea, nett K precoopmts App al •a' -+,g g Hitt rt at Jaatloe, she Cent et 1►pe&1 ve shots, Although the steel was of Lada. K V any ('*only or Divnion he usual qualky ad the tube had ADOrmesaottenso,rofsuy0-dPoom@P r ic dl. M Merlel, m ozoosted. Residence and P. O. adlres- remit w 'can ouLrlr, tWnks that If the mod- c�D°' Oat ! den elevaton of teehtharttture followed b7 cooling nn firing a'shot could be LOANS A" nirsus NCR. To'dwd It would help the matter. N. LZWIS. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR. Notary, Proctor McAtlmeCoart Onom. tiinard's Ladnewt Oafaa DNWMl utoti street. Odd Notion of the Botta J. 7'. NAPTLL-FIRS LIFL AND �C- Tie Berlin correspondent Of the s cident Insurance Aimt: at Ist- ratA- ,ondon Standard telogre.ple that the Dalai: Cor- North ot. aAd square. Wodwwh. 74 Saltan has long had a passion for Lire ONLY TO L ,N'D-A LAROS AMOUNT nereatograplt, and has now doter- M d Private Iran" for investmaat at law- m'ned W put it to n practical test. mat rates on freF*laee tn,.yrsssea Aptly to Ha wishes to see with his own eyes, OARROW a PROUDFOOT. but wltlhoat the trouble cntailedl b� RADC•i,IFF"ZNKRAL INSUR- ravell!ng, cite working of the Anatol- Re &Re*, Real Totals and Moo" Lmnnlnr an Railway, and haw given orderse to �p1nL Ootr•*ni. 4 o•mpenimrelz,m ud n slnematogrAl"k h pecialist to prepare. bfirae! to lend on straight loans, at the 100 iogarvlleB, oh, a ap,tato o(Inlntr.t aetat, to.Aw&rtm mdt rim Nrcr 1.1lOmeLWantskr . Ofece: ed�oKhem Baca»Tiby witsbenhW"r't°t• ctderieh.freestal Theatre fls Kdtlmk. Nero V u -` Aiwtinet hint which might he umPfrf AUCTIOWdleltIU". f there are any Mom mamearew in HOMAB OUNDRT, AU AND Armenia. oe Agab Aa Agent Fast. Fancy and Pablo Jd1.Xd%F ru&1� 60Wat Have c0111TWO d people that Put. *my Oat$of so-tr nam's Pntnlesn Corn Extractor JOHN RNOZ OLRRAL AOOTiONE ob 141 be glym, the preference. Ottand Load Valas'NOnt H•v- LA rid of your mn,s : get rid of them Ing had considerable •a the wad without pntn : lisp, Putnam -s Ex. i feeds ►s b f, • ,oddem M dna tractor and mrd Other. ria mer �thlrtthmoarro�ugh � Otimssmmalll O � _ uxtnri • P. . or'ameot r �Istl, -Ytm A Tartar Oastotn. ode,"► Y. O ewetnur awmsmm M prevails ,tnaoug 01. County Asetlolow, A singular custom the Tartars or Kurds. If a man lases "-'%AMWAg)♦ Lla� him cattle or other property Ire pour, e, little brown ,gar into a piece of r LANE. TY dal r ed..ored cloth, fes It opt and carries • ammo m, OdKle4 rate such parcel to each of his friends and aDgdaintenees. In return, he 4 AROOSBS PIImL10 INTYRRBT. presenW, acorn -ding 'to etream gtancer,wish a cow, or sheep, or a Ons, of the most telling features of m mum of ol s - careful newnpaper advertisements 1e Iran Pills, Only26 Miller's Compound Ira'the Infinite variety at their oomposi- oents for 50 doses, tion and typographical appearance. Revtsuals of Mormon Oburah• J'eristy to, indeed, the very spice of Lat The Salt Lata City Hera d says the life, and the tradesman who met. use revenues d the Mormon Church from of a greet rhaw►spwpwr lite this ,hones tithe+ aline were $900.000 in theear in which to exploit bin wares, may be ending Dec. Iet last. oro -Laird of the sure to find himself reaping rich home - amount bstng'cash snd t*04hirdm pro tits tram the public Interest Aroused - __ deoa, wbieb was distributed to the diversity lit hie business an- #1{+ poor or paid es malariae to church am by the "f.,:', ployees. For the present year is wx noancamehrte. The right kind at Ad- �. psetm a large tnereage. Ike esti tete vertiwlnQ spwwtm In no uncertain man- - "v",r being 00.1& in emilh and $800,000 nor, and alwioa to the profit of tem In Produce. _ advertiser. And newsprtper advor If your system _ tweeds toning ftp, tisfauR u the, right find. safe MillWa Ca.nvCD.d Iron Pull. U'lir Try ,w making a mm� iard mal. DSLLEY'S PSSl = COPM 119foricirtm mtflled labor to tern ,mt hold wholes or ground. a billiard hall. 01104alf Of It iw first Far a mild, fragrant and dMt- turned, an 1194runan,t of the (loan coos coffee. It brie no equal steel being and tot the wort. Then the hAlf-turned ball In bnag tip In a 3b the Right of Her lean• sat and is allowed to remain In Jewish marriages the woman Is there for w year a dry. Then the alwrmys planod to the right of bar _Ofm d half U tArurA lead then commit Mate. With every other natkrn of the to Polishing. whitinngg and water And World Mr pleas h the Nreseho Is 8 aorto deal of rubbing a" regntnitw to the loft. for this. It Is saosmary to the end that ate ball rain, a rho erteat tWlsra Wase EowdsW � a1 fnctbn d a SrAlr lot of w certain much brombbe a/, d i" I wotpttlt. Ia+eesls '--79-7"'_---_ -79 r'MIJIIw r,eaogatm. c tlW11we Ari* Powdery Car+. krn, fico.. aim jb" M -„ - _J_ _ •41 .�__ -, -• . I . �� . � I I - .. _,-6 .. - _ v '..rim .e A I