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1Tie Signal 'a loos a;DtNiMOw Tit#" M B a" who via tt011 t N 1 ���._ --- •• '� _- __„"�
The � mated `` '° `` ' THE PRIVILEGES OF WOMANKIND 1 °a judgmenther. ash fsq. w1U
• ••••� aaeetm!!y tlm.d grdrd a . us�l. ot« iae.rone , SAW
, ` """t Market Reports t4 �i» '"\" ie' t '
lrlpT 1>:II=iDAY Ir0>l111010 22-4 mUes per hour. alld'-� -fled 1t Hat 4 f�lmrWtLA w4= § a Uttle of It its• peva da �
am D. =080AM)WIMT. -J after Ili a'ming of feu 1lioatiaet w111011 m .T Chrtilfan ito.Aa\oi, Ilrtas Ie'• the Ldtb --�P- front. (s to �M h
Sud t1Dm cos0itt*a<•Y iR CYrbt'. �ottpsl with h Imposed wWlbel tr��' 1
e - _._, _ -- �� surtted over 4 tvktjth til 14 fem4 a o ttwli t� ---nobody Dan »tuts that. 'Thu The Week of WAM `u s
'I?HUI12d1)AY, lIhPT. 81. 1899. blaoketaed aatth, w tIIe 81pf11 of nude Arlt to GeOlbtt the Skit, t0 Cwts sr..t..c tl.rtretta0 ani not Preached on v 111 rsa•vd 1'leli kOw�tt WN
ruches. A railer followed the sang of wa{ahrated y1a norm.: flog are
FW tilt ftw wf� Preached wtth IW LLLdlfnce Of two or of wheat
ylougha w which it was aLtnotted �t 0 to tlawrtltl--Talmflto dmm
three, had V private home Ute, A. TOTo PSODUCE MA2UM. .aw wt! •Lrwa •swat til tifet
110 OO1t8031irTION lYR0111 0A•1TIAL The ploughed ground was thus made EItlWat= ta QWIm consttteat. oaaaserated Christian ser- Ibeuafo. tea in the NorTh.,af �� 1t
An &Mcle by F and Hoorn 1[. R. smooRh and al"m and a yerfea0 Lead t Uua ice lit ( p'a AIMW.et'able d•moustia- , Iasib4s glw.akan~pttt pefafta aataatrtields d 1p oalN good �t%rcts
C. V. Q, Albany. 0u "Bovine Tuber bed was orsstsd without •'ity /t� A satlttr Dante Nlypptag Qowu the r� to stmak with gaff t1SwiA the ti0rygad tedarti tit11r1awep
M10t1S ht 11s Rw4atlon to Han," M t\er aper;flog tot b•ok+StMa9. Tito TVui 1-66 ratlla w one gtgbt M though somethltg �6 /�r f� 1yq to 190 ; t6- gar aft Meda. But he e
$t6af•dtn the New York ldadeal Jour-a69trte fly -wheal wort ata vI �4 iT''Ia tits Door* out to had haPDsaed. film gallon cried, tM�R, 1130 b 1*0 fArttaMrT, 1'�'lo at Wit operon
2,st� Soitlf{nit aafu
eD 4uoourse the Opportunities of usrfui- tnlrhlY will 4VTO His dmsMYier pests "Wltat'e the L &44 t He said: '•M7 i ����rints. la + daalafld tore. tl
tsri! d 13ept20d had 8ep4 9th It 1108 favamCu.0 per tdtlate, and tlts ossa for women wra set torch by lir. a chwrga, : "Loolmetter Wt wo- 'nota�r s w I "Ulna m* like a lwith prlose had seppu" 4oDsbat•the gOtegra117 enooapNd t!>•ory tlrlvla19 wheel d the macblate 41,9 Talmage, and annoy sym mala: e+laoPf Mr wttb yeelr wt host,.. IsAesuces, consecrated !oS frGetl ill• Melldlas nlatwUls su Sorts
yathloa are req avid mins lnflueaes0. ail► the mightiest of � TtOR1Mr6 era
t aheiter Mr /room all harm;" and while
that tubervuloeb can be commaaloated revolutions. The driving whoW is 7 stirred and memuriaa rooalled. The you are seitttd to the house o[ dttatttu- all InDruwe .scoff LDe soul. Thera Garan quantitlteL
ACk a 'Ifo Osil U fano " jMaM for at•" guQ4a for
h kom cattle W Aano+u bplass by sat (am 91,8' bxltes Jn dlainrltee. had heft is 1161. gpag. TL. t: "!Iters an lion and suRerfaa, the little ones wY a yrho WNn mwlataluPd their fa- ( � �p� t>f ido to QOo; 008 Mt�I1Mli hs l aarasai tb,rro as
1 tits meat or drinking milk. The wtlMr tW uueroa,'• tKritY• uo{ ►seatw they were rat as u era
speed d mut• fort►ard a lhret-Score around the room will whisper, any 0f •tae, rids b 700. th0'1Ftie'W" alt
tau Solomon. b u eA*T" -Ain't ah* DeautltWl•' and If better nature" t\aq some other Deo Fel • mover p and i
points to tine curious [act that there llttM over 1 1-4 usiue per hoar. Y Dae Stroke, set
pia, but because She were hums In- �-Noses = !b tsarist to- � alyag0lm over prwv °s
ycu wUt luta■ right sharply You will ag lit dy, (long dtysid. i11aem war.: Kalil � yy
was no ment4atn of bpvl6• tubeepo- or 18 ;Dear of laud , the ImpetW- Character of a true Chris- hear dH 8ttesoGs Prayl for floor all
the time. Chlplmem. doe to We ; dn0i0, 4d0 by its varl
tkottslned to (+Moa down thhe rotten
flog leaky tlN bees in IC els
lards 1v America frost file /nnell»s of a day of 30 hotter In tbtsw oyeratote flan woman. ichor b not a clave, not • root. +aw rolling over the ro ,, stairs. Aja a good N+r< They were &�_hetor�sdt A too to ti� thin wYk, ettr•oted by the
bltel/ng, tort • subordlgtbte,but a gw•Sn
the ►apo chant that aha„+k B*tilwhem: on t w world wltD the be6o- w_,_y-� � (alt• 00 way ratty is Sow h
the I'tlgrfm Fathers Until 11388; that the fuel used was the heritage which Ie' a former bennue I Showed you that Glory to and In the hlghMt, and on dletfoat of n C4Hrpaa mother. They �esL • �t�t ooaAsal4xi with the
LTte nwd'cai emsioa dt raaY frisk 810Crfrw mtsws they may ts�0�.-M to fIQ �lihltlpt
prof aD to that flora had grown on fire natural Prair st out crown and courtly attendants attd Uu- earth psa0tt, will to en- plunge In Atri0a6 laNa se 1ti• wd house
+7 ezwltnised over the dna- down by a mower two or three days wM ttar7 IIM why a CbruUan oro- ryes to floe eY ataY wiraw-Na4S ar the market hole"".
was tit no w Perla' wardrobe were ettOt to 'tin jltr4gtes, til have basal kir et
-- y Dash* a queen; but that "the mala, emu the haunts of S•rti's Rad--tbey cannot p had M1110 dSita6d have bora \epi rwoelr t bttf
Ser of the 0catmunacablllty at tuber- 1Detura atq gathered by a bvraraia heart had lite will rive wertenigoo to Inlwl , ' n Christla�n errand, neer tw for and eo fast�dat the prayers will topkrs and • gopd business tDe s
keep uP with them TORONTO FARI[CRS' HAtt11GiT. dates ?fee ret• bas h
bulaMt from the bovine to the Dornan at atwteuimnt dtmtaaoei 10 fes !prawn satr'•oeeSsn." t at M_ vas htdl nit T I stood (n I speak to worsen who have the eter- Toronto. lost. 19,-Oo aa0gwlltt of a al , ally spyk
ram"'nor. hrdted, did tllsy gay =etch length that oro '~ftp IfL•-2Rm real. -J -W-tight-'t+ Prawp- to
on the machine' As the 06900 moved higher Ila the world thaw a had daag\qg colebrat Chal� their rl bt hand. On the ra m rd �� ihaat 0q 41/ de will Is �ror
rrtrem on tine WeatDvalwan OI the dos forward ore sena war required b that although eIIe had ellef,begs d0- men, fR- Tenet abandoned Dart Of o � marriage e4Y maLMt lir �'� +uslpsM4 t. ��f "I a lttr
sang from to n Then aud- need the right of su the cit YOU t an *nth before men and an-
psnou person p!tuh thllt grams ori the >,lat(orm, std SrsfR blMs always 7 of abnrftlt, and I said to her pb that goass, tsUhu9 at Tla We QOOM laC ream, asd Purchases �. helm
' denly all Amehra was sL'rred by arm did vote And always would vote by as I looked around u You would De faithful and , Du haw41111
Oso surrouedl boa flow tearful you part, and I urdalj• pr.ro /a white, 700 alt far otos liberal soak toaaest t►e l j
bony was engaged do feed the tuts her influence; and that lose giblet 4e- cgs o[ that plane, ' DO kind unlll death A7d red, 69 1.2c to 700. nlnID,att Of flog mtiega.
tike from setartnartaas physicians aaee with It. The engine ■ire ought to lu that she should have come b*r0 You belt•ve You aro gulag to keep that req a�
rg started with nights to hold • w "beT•• oath; but atter that parting at the DArimy �- Confines aMady, three Lanow t» very satisbotor A"
std laymen ; cammJanGorta and inapeo- a pressure ol about Bo trace rightly to rule In the dominion "O. Yea," she said. "Can It be Possible grave, will it be afd eternal separation? loads selling at 41 1-20. `tad Malay pUgell,mat ars being )DOtinds on which she had already w9u. 1 brgaa that YOU never me!t with an Insult Is then any such titin as an Immortal Oate- -� wed a headway to weak- [or Qualm, Values to atspls tnofe
toes wero altpotnted; stock owosn flee mento gaiagq but wltun the ms- as enumeratlon of some of her rights, w'bfle doing this Christian errand Y' mare
UvmbieA and the public was In A cblue had sons once around the uar� and now I resume the subject. 'Never.•• she sold, "never." That You �, maktaF the fl rs that S6. the 8110 OOmislm eta lige mar\st very 111M Lad further adraasy t
q Ie' the dot young grow on the top of the sepulcher selling •4 trash 28 1.80 to 290. owileated lm some lima belt f
ltau� and saw more danger )a unlit ter owtLrn a04 mU"v:1 to LaAe 10 epecl•i and the •u woman bas the woman who has her father by her side, brighter than the garlands w•hl. ti at Poultry -Noon an flee mark" to- 7u home longs are bus
perlative right of `.talking down the street, artned Pollee the marriage hanquet Aelded the air il; fiat wla keep them fully eh it
titan 1e' rum. water, the seam showed a press blessing and comforting rhe sick. What at each corner, V nut sc well defends with aroma? Yes; I stand here sal an ) t0.0 -yam few nllOrad ; ala• for aotpa papatpa et�
After describing the tremendous of 140 Iba and blew off at the malls land' what street, what house, has not as that Christlan woman who goes ambassador of the most high clod, to
ti felt the smiting• of d{seare? Tens of forth on gas bap Sold at 760.
Cost of the mova=aat tet clamp Out, ralre. The winter was supplied by Dae thousands of sick -beds! Whit Shall we of Inc lilt work lnt� the haunts proctatm the banns of an Immortal iter had .]►�-Hong on the >e)ts OUWA1
q Y. OarrYing the Bible and union for all those who join aan4m in market.LOOIL DsaD.
taherculomb, Mr. Hoare says that man and a team. and tank- do with them? shall man, with big bread. Clod, with the red right arm or the grace of Christ. 0 woman, in your
. he would heartily favor such •laugh- The uruat cost for break rougb hand and clumsy -foot, go *tum- his wrath omnipotent, would tear to husband, your Lather, your mon, away Hay and Bfra r -Seven inside of- SmambujiA f['Ls IIUwd by India's
breaking Sod and bung around the sick -room, trying to plet:.es Ltty Onus who should ot[fr IndlF- from God! The Ivrd demands their feted this altoenist soil te414Uy at lie c4ptive.
I al
Ler, If It were proved that the pso beck�,Ota6g M 44 per acre. With tics Soothe the distracted nerves and hike- ratty to Mr. Hs would •mite him with reJrmptioa at year hands. There aro M to ill ; t1D s0esw dhsad
pie OOnttsCLed LOS disease from the steam fate the Pring of lbs dlnrewed n htnln Tb dtat.h of Mrs. vfhereat Oq
plough, this Dort will be vary
tient? The Da_ s gs, an/ drown him with Hood• Players for You to offer there acv ez• Dragged Bop•-OOatkatS gfram at aaiuslm w� pra► to cher
cattle. He quotas many Opinions much reduced. %Aeoostof back Young man at college tear and swallow him with earthquakes, hortatlotte for you to give, there are 66 to $6.25; men I Into dteritwo had of IM ww • n w po
+rdtfittg 900!1 at the Idea of being under rna- and 4amn Lint with eternal lnAl eaamplq for you to mel, and I may fair demand M red had bey
tatgrable W the tran•mlssloe theory behis eat"d Altogether. Of ewurtes tmraal Influence•; but at tit* 0»t blast t1oD a
8omf Oso said: ' I QIMik• very naw, u Paul N!d to the Cortathhip Wheat, whlb. 700; wheat, ted, 69- who. th �on" for two 1 Ds log Big Baer y
and Says : +' Many tr( the state- there will be no y tibt� pboW [ever on IIln sheet, he says! muci to sac that Christian womao + imam "What kmoweat thou. but 1.2c to TOo ; wiwt, gorse. T1 1•ma ; w DrLaS1. was alta
mente are coached In language eat- prstrb ha on it tllitre L mother?" Walter Scott teaching those bad boys 1n the Atlantan thou Shsit save tiny husband?" A mala tirde ressesd Col. t3Cra
for rust when the land lou 'lees once MrSit /se<i7 to sail» and partly In school. I am afraid to have her la- was dying, and he said to his wife: OaL. 1 to
1pttMt gt. haD the
Nertllwett Yptigted Yulc�e y
tvlatetl to :sty further Lnvatltr muter c eontpoo et: struct tb*nL- "SO." said smother than, "f eb*ccu. You wouldn't let me hav �' 800 �' 4e. -2e'' �' cnrfsld at gyp, Oat„ yet ,
tion and to roll• and 1[r. Lows does notam t1rf.60L0S.1.1;
ll; atraw.e. U 1- c; tfrwmr •il*
discourage eves s O WONMM^ In our hours of ease, am afraid 'Day will Said vthe nst: - 111 tamuy FraYen; You laughed atwut all 0# �r � W "2d. �6P {� � Sar death, ysarrwd at the real
evert as h their av rec o nb holy he Piece
to it straw le (I ha used blanguage that, and You tot me away into world- Gf Oar fat3er, gsory Johamt
tic plane to keep up Lite Ura HOwevSe, Uncertain coy and hard to please; before they leave the peace." "t0.^ knrrs; and now I'm �: Ida to 111o; ohlobana• 400 oa 41
ever, we shall endeavor W Show, try When pato and anguish wring the said the other roan. "1 Am not afraid my fate la lie anddnrtwaaro the 'tom �a 600; chief• was LLe rstttR te< the safferioFw
wad and Doul aro ale cheap s, ,terse brow. to i30o ; o51c yogis, am eadttfrd while the I
the trone[tktm as they ezlgt los- o[ that. TL'iat I am afraid of b that cause at my ruin!" O woman, what SDs, Itva, lSOc to 60tt das\s. 600 to Drtscser
feed and, Y ]Ifs. Lows t"raitrks, when A ministering angel thou. If any Of thane boys should use a bad know.st thou but thou canst destroy bloc ; tnrirys, 100 to Del; /000 to half Be"' ff" bsubae4, Joh' A. G.
tween mm and animals, had hat- the work of tee Stages plough is donut word In Iter presence, the other boys thy husband? GOC; beet, hlttdgearMee, >-o 60 a --""k, oris tilled Ie' tba Frog
. male and man, that Do .tress ol I think the most lalhetir passage In would tear him to pieces and kill him Are there not some or you who have j9; beef, ftMusirtsra, $1,10 to $5; mbamaef% whloh CU:WS&ted in
flee horms are not 0804 that, sat all the Bible L the description of the spot." That woman Is the boat kindly lnllu-nees at home? Are that* motion, j6; veai 08 to 410; atrrtep robea1Os.pros° the bardshlpm or
woods, no amount of bigotry. ewer D &haltertim who M Sheltered b the Lord not some who have wanddred tar awn Period Mea GawanNak never luy
re,re:re lard and f� da fNf4 nal! t[ct lad wile went fust to floe etarvestt held y Y )the
Wtrsry procramatlotts unenppOrfed, std d'e. of 11hunem and tot tunstruck--prem- and Alm{gbty. and you need never fear to m God. who can rometalacr the lambs. 10.. c 90 to lf1o: S� big �a,� and atter that »be:lios11 I f
- -C 'mold the trutth la bondage * * TI1e - tog his hands on his tempter and cry- going anywhero worn God [ell• you ,•hristian Influences In , their warty R aroaaleaa jb•60 LO subdued, fe0menbntattm, wen
,w.,o. s+.a Ilfephetison patent 1Windoe a Ing out. "Oh, my bead. my head. And to So. hum.•:• Do tort dee ire t\ose in- �'� to tits tiovaratetrot from bucD
..vike C4MW, eW r*W,& ,gsQ�R,ad. ft='�v�t,.Staactt�he¢•o�eat BllRsttaq,Yr, they Said: "Carry him to his mother.- It Seems as !f the I.urd bad ordained tiuenrrir, m7 brotDer. $sties with s. view to
of 1 � YOU dl* with- NORTHWERT PRICES. of Ibis
by writers are not supported by ars It manor A il*%- flee tatSardt to: AIR-*, •ors int Aoerw * tlptRlO, .the so- out Cht•lek what will you do with your Wlanlpes. BSpR ld-DOIlverlOs Of rtsdra+s J}e Osr. iL0 f3overament
evidence of such tranglateelou, and +a«'sg them, their mak tg her knee C1U hooa, and then died." licitat t char) lea c up by "tiNK0tnR7rylra7iS� arLfXb Scan srdfat41 �. .yaR yQO dtsimpsrl.,at. p� n 1lvesaa wWeh *be had
the cost of thresliing ler than one- it Is an awful thing to Ds ell away barrels in "tell tit -re
is ac "our, and portunitles, with your sister's an. �MO
as we proceed It benotmes snore alp- half o[ the preserrt cost a Stacking from home In a strange hotel. once la Dy stove In which tree U no Ara araC treatfee? W1lat wtil you do wttb the mate' �hu to Sr�� a °n sal b ifglsdsryd Ube halo tA>�
parent that evidence bad to be man a while men coming In to look at you by wardrobau in which there aro no letters they use to write to you, with 4°d teams or threshing and ban)- pfowwo for It-• do
The eomatou ntude u! thra hig rs holding their hand over their mouth clothes, r woman In irroalatible. Pam- the memory of acm days when they ing• All avallaile teams and lab- Il fa
ulactou'•ext, floe natural Output being qulrea about 20 awn for an outfit, but, for fear they will catch the contagion. InR on her errand, G04 attended orerm ore
wholly Inadequate W the needs of says to her: You so kindly In flows of required for railway eDa•
figs Stephesron uwtit,A calls for only How roughly they turn you In bed. "1'ou p into that bank or t or sltknewe' Oh, I[ there be Just one structim non► In OISA>�D WIVE ABDUCTION pgoountr obs
the taifvacatem of filet theory." lir. How loudly they talk. Now you lopg shop amd get tilt money." Shti� In strand holding you from floating off Pr'ier's o[ wheat at Donnie! pointe
O;ht men, without teams. Nothing b for the ministries of home. I know and gets k. Tho man is hard-Ssted, from that dark et`', I would loft Ilk* to -da for los. L 2 and 8 hard re• Owes tlktelad )ear arewstad "a • 9*y
,;a )loose Wide that the tboumandr of had amts the effect of lesivin9 the one such who went away from one of but she gets IL She could not help but Io take hold of that strand now, and spect�iely wage 'as follows: When bamwinossplalnc
human consumptives Sire off enough sltTnw arattered about the flelds. the brightest of home, for Several tet It. It Is d reed from eternity she 1•ull You to tbte beach! For the maker Ell.)
rats L lb Sento 116, 68 OwOn
weeks* business absence at the west should �( o[ your wife's God for the sake of Humigd. 1T. -I• C.
infective material W account for all get it. o need of your turning t and 48 tx6tr; rets 16 had 17osatS, rim left tett ats.�,,t
- A telegram came at midnight that he Y-)ur tuck nal pretending you don't your htothees God. for the make of is for Uorr4
the humDut tuberculosis without fife 'IOSB OV GOLD was on his death -tied tar away from hear; Your dao t 66. SL and 4T atsgts; R>►S 113 and U�rA1W� back Jahn D. McNlb, '
aid of a Single bovine. You 40 bear. Then a no need h. ee en's nod. for the sake of lit c*ttta, 54. 51 rad 46 cents; raq virmisl Inlaid
When TOMS A. 1•:d,aron says "tills lr home. 8y express train the wife and sour saying yttu are bagged to death. Your Sutet's God, come this day aa4 earslyar. who 4
Mr. Moore prements practical evi- • daught*» went westward. Fut they There Is 00 read of your wasting your top eared• 20 and 21 cants, 58, 50 and " B1 with the abdim011ow d a
certa�lly tlN ifFf(e+wt LlDing 1 epee in- went too Tats. He roared tor, to die, th ne,'tad Yee might u well submit ant 0°tea werraan, tis wife of
demon Isom flu everyday Ileus a people rented " he rntttK re talking about but he was In he agony to live bribe a est YOU had hotter right away au Nntlltosi MOT DRAB. TORONTO PRODUCE MARbET. a carpenter. Of tbls t�C
wino a» ootlrtantly ezPared to Lhe ills tanntiY got there. He tried to bribe tate down year cha•ck Took, mark thf t60
aon-a, LrK veep Important. for lid{- the doctor to make him live a little number of the chs: t All up the blank. ANkmew' Rlot-The Mertro*e Attaeet the Tbrol't°• MOpL• 19. -Batter -A not surd woman Mit have about
infe0tkon from bovine tuberculosis, ay- mon-a, tartomt electrical Inventigps have while longer. He said: "I am wililnt sl n White& OvOr supply guests a lair demand with months ag% tad H is sipposy
Ing: t Your tame an,� head !t to Der.
rg : " I know the cattle, know the made a great cliatlee Int the world drat to die, rut not alone. ' But the pulmes There U no owed o! w utlhg time. Those Carterv'.Ile, 111., DY/t 17. -Carter luT to ulgud per- B" pcaagvs [snob o/h they be R_�{,'��0 rbrvening
"uttered, the Syne closed, and the Sc ; tnfefler• 12 b 14^, seam- r" l�sd. thopgt
percentage of diseased animals In the log the last quarter of a century. Thin heart ■toPDed The aspreeg trains mcg Poor children on the back street have edge was the movie of a blood riot *r7. 22c for solid and 880 for lata teens �� emfld ga found
: herds, and have been aware of the In the midnight; wife and daughters o,so hungry long enough. That sick y iw quite rbase
IatesL b!g tlDlag u • prootmm for ea- ream must have some farina That About noon coda _ wltah slz ��Y marist. wits unrary- H1• ARSE flog wM
j ezuteaos d disease In til* nerds tar going westward-ifefea remains of 7.
Oesq>o9 told teres► eaa4, had a Plant husband and father come westward. consumptive must have something to Int D>'0oa- Frte11 gathered are gootad cater' at Gortb, and 11feNab was
from Several to eighteen years. I have rig awoa his cough. t meet tib daleO°r wire Instantly tilled sad nue ►t 14 to 15th thet•d m a warrant sworn
ewrtltli 01.000.000 L about to its OA. It esu a sat Ditltu , Deet rt1term- pts of fatally Wounded, wb!le two others »- aSt
visited She people, dined with t►em Io • et-cecl•t a*c1,tY csnLLrtg out of the Ston Potatoes -The demand is but lair. tics hr\tlsd Of the gubs
Ing spectacle! When we are Sick. we seised slight Wounds. Trouble bass been
when reeve war t d hoeing eteested under Hr. EdJson'g snpsrrlsion .•^much a hard-nrted mala, and I say: bests said Offers incrs41sn9hL1 Can 11fc1iLb bad e61y completed '
want to be sick at home. When the
plenty alar Banta F4 New Heft cq where id you gel the money Y' ' (Jf cavae, eltec the mllltta was recalled ort the track ;re y
elms comes torus to die, we want to she says "[ of the g Lt 650 and Year'm' a Ug m at Kingston
bacilli on fife table to satisf a t rt�p ne7. that's Govsst rnor Tamer leaf Hcwday. Tito potatoes oust of stn» 850 tt=tluu7 for d•fFwaditg a young
7 ed there b a Cold d 100 square .000 die bl Dome The room may be very what i went In for TheT,prd told m• fused =atega of this y141ee hay rr Poultry -There V a goad tiameYud rano stet d rtthlr
ordinary Qrtrtng, had I Kaye shied humble, end lila tach that look Into get 1_ ani He never sendnftmllrers to
ODgf�tLfrts gold worth 4800.000,Otli1 to Lo In and • fused W allow rite
tine health of those faml Dun may be very plain; but who cares mo OR A f,»I's emend " Dome Into and otfeeliptt fair. Chlahe>y tevakenad hers Tile woanrt lwft
ties• alp:OaMy that wta)d itan remalaed there Orad [a that? Loving lands to Datba the town alwiTr m,ssheg diem s';htby, ss gra at 80 to family
that of •the 0hildrea, ,96any of ties this templew. Leving voices to ■peak good 'train: I have to tell you tb1T It la w And ordlertrig them back.77a= hurt- 4.', t0 ` 600• dot'tr 7 d genie �llQrao. NcNab
prUI n not been n oot anc That ever, tb!rteum 660• had tartays 10 to Ila • NaNmkalf hearing on
having all their lltaei oeud Clea prodresh geld will now be taken out aadl stidsd toner. rom tttr Ups to rend the coo- wamin's sewof right to comfort un- nn, o i e')1 armed. Baled Ha tie4lam
Of herds 1 lnfeeted, and I have forting promises of Jesus der the stress of din disaster. t3be - marelted role PO4. going to the ez-
Qrm*. $9 to 413,50, dswad Can on 7 m0reias,
largely t0 tlm'wor{d's soprly. Tlt•!re are I;fuse In tete ,Clem war men cast. the can called fife •veaker vessel; but tU pro- rn'a Control Aetftos, whets the ez- -
not yet discovered a case of human dSpag is elsewhere that Lite process gest men fashioned the musketry. men Aan 'u well as sacrad history attests 011aagee a few words with tete white 'TORONTO FRUIT MARKET, >rgt11 )/lake•
creed to the !their •'Forward, march e that when the chs comes.She 1• bet. =Were. 'Mien tete negroew Pulled their Toronto. mapR 19, -Th local trait K�pvuk-'fit. YBth anal _•.-A
lottsttmpL! r tin ttlivem. ' ni ghee a will tAo mate gvsilairle. Bladen In the 1I.a hurled their battalions on the Lee prepared than man to meet the revolver* and opened tare On the market lot ri ryrrobog ome nd s=oot' from wants IAD& of the South °re tons u Sharp edges of the enemy, crying, emergency. How otteA you Dare Been who wit: bri* �dy. The rl - P�kt-Kept- 1940, 20th and
velerlaary Sal eo�� and superintend- POn tes. who retarrte,t the fire. A run- re'pb wtrotipaaller thea thenal attd LM Owt. Caaada�ttawa : Sept. i lib
onto d Pinch farms. which will well to" of told, Up to the (Charge' charge!" but woman mcrayd a woman who seemed to be a disciple n!ng fight waa�h•p� 'ph
present tJatt/ the lint. woman administered the cor- Of frivolity and Indoltmce, who, under east i e netrooa demand was wea\ar.. No chases !a 23rd-
reading by tlross who a» Inter- this Sold leas Inad no slam t0 man dlAIR, woman watched by the dying one •[rote o[ calamity, changed to a b �• � Wag followed pr'aes esoS/t ; welith alve In availing, Horrlsburs-AUS. Seth to :DIM.
erred Ie' the Pah coucb, woman wrote the last m heroine, Oh, what a Y the whites ep the main street Lefidduwss--p.a 8rd an,] jcp.
1e0L• lfLfMg could not be worked 1n thsL a rah• gent mistake wlt'-le the rOmainder fled flown the NOTMS, 9outA Lasde-Delta. dept etA a
The nous may have to 1 wiJunlyhat to the home circle, woman wept •t the those business men mak* woo osier
aecumoAL It r1gi-on w71hao6 water. had the cast tri ralfrowl treat. Here the execution Wlwftt wed tower In CD 27th -
so It 1r gU/te time that Ssitary n with
attended by herself and tell their ere com games to their teas eiorrB All wino went throu h town ttrvls �'OnM�usy re' �t Yo art! -pat, 1�d and 3rd.
iter Irtn[wenoe of ceaOoamdWllty tot Inv 4100 worth of go{d from Lftle [our men with a Spade. We greeted wives! There comes Soma great loss t �, laptsmbet L dh
human Im should be *stab- lar the generals ham* with brass hands to their stop, or some of their com- er0tpad. After the fight wan over four 70 1-_O.. liftomber at 75 7-90., and &$Wb dt Galt, Sept. Mb
enttonly l by former me4hads would rave ""a bod!w want 16 So01h W
luted. ,act retch tar Pecuniary I Phys, rnfpep� the valet a the metal. Tiro and triumphal Story arches and wild Aft itta; trick,PISIOIOs In busithey
cu Ptah them • nand D!cktx{ op, and eftn-, wit At 7S Tge The market raked dam �h-
rsL b order that the fists sof phygl- but the Story v too good to be written -trick, and they carry the buMen all otic aorttim nvo0tHall. 'bey, were within a marrow ramp, Southern. Brafittaed, Sept. 16th
earns had philanthropists to combat machinery wlnfrh Edison has devised anywhere. save In the chronicles of alone. He Is asked 1n the household taken to the City hall, where the Reoe!pb of estreat ai But,
ounsumption should be property tit- line beets comp)et� and u ready for heaven. of Mrs. Brady, who coma down Lpin and again: "What Is the mat- Ao ndled Marr was attended bo, and an b un Car•da Geutrai. Oftatrn, hePr+ 11
among the eek in the swamps of the tett' But he believes It a sort of nguvwt was bald over rho dead,ono& OOM 9iy 18R a+r+. 11 m contlnaef; to . �
rented, and that meawarse Should be shlpmertt to Santa F*, whet" It will CIIItAsahoAtlny; of Annie Ross, to tltc Christian duty to keep ail that trouble Two mare dead cora. 91E cars ntr on oentrset ; nets
taken for flu protection of human ;re eremabed and started. It 1• boned oo*per-shop hospital, of Margaret within his own soul. O. eirl your first lair to -n ssegroes were found 488 bars. an cOstracst 89 cars, Worth OzfOed A'aadM 8 pt !
Lo -night near 1De o six. minor. "!iS HI8lrirr of 1 to 28rd,
from hamnaL by the establishment a Braekinridge, who came to men who duty wu to tell your orris all alwnt it. ease. L -flee fatal ktiU t0 us B i er- Setcveare Orr ln. World•. ll'alr, llasitan Oct. 1
retreats had hasp:tau for the Isgin- at the JRd!•On worts at Orange had gad been for weeks with their wounds She. perhaps, might not have dlsentan- tntm,de ft Donne) of fire BrttG6 miner,
U00 aid treatment of consumptives. SurrwaOSd by every Safeguard. Mr. undrrs•ed-some of them frozen to the god your Anancw, or extended Your y' strrMtsd iib Gserp Johnson, Do- and lith
F�•� y reported as raying: ground, and when she turned them eredlt, but she would have helped you irhhere the /loin- rid^• rebate that handbook
1�baok o � for Prepars� a industrial. Tb ouW Amp*t n„g(t
JI'I.OIIAi11fA ■T /Su>r •,(e over, those that had an arm left wav- to bear misfortune. you have no rightile °swn'r aro worked Into s fronsy, at 160 Parts Ez Iletr! per,
zpOoL so go to Now ]i(eft oro with ad ht and Allwd the air with their "bur- to carry On one shoulder that which to and that, while be is doing all In his Doetti a ah. 8490 19th to
lbs makobbery. and to mperlaten the rah" --of M». Hodge, who came from intended for two. Business men know Two W610 1,100 roles of white Fat Sjl* �OiY, Gatlptt Dec
The i[mltobw Few Press o0atnaloeof g arra!d to hold them in check, he u ehewrw e'6 s4s market at Perth Fra- 6111.
a report of the trial of a steam WOOL! dfoa All the Pit at- We s ) Chicago with blankets and with pit.vee what i mean. Then rums a crisis In afrn!a Ile cannot d0 mn much longer. 7th and WOOL wast at Degos. At the start wp lows, until the men shouted, -Three your attain. you struggled bravely C�Pa0.Y C. 4th Regiment, arrived day. All were wild at 10 8-4s. Fowler Morth $rant,Part^ sept, Zoe
plough In Morris, Manitoba, the im- Shall Produce $10.!x10 m)rbh of gold cheers for the Christian commission! #rad long; but after a while there came here to-nLght and will endeavor to pro. SOCUOM TOO Dozes, and Bimeell, We '-ffh,
por"aoe of which cannot be over- every day. Thele u 4800.000.000 God blew the women at home'•; than 1 day when you raid: "Here I shall "ave order. Forty minere from the � k Scutt the remstrd¢r. g+9sMng, Georgetown. Sept.
estimated. The death rato amort worth of bb tAhere. The seatetn eta- altttng down to take the last message: have to Stop," and you called In your Herrin mltt[w are
r 'Telt my wife not to fret about me, but partners, and you called In the most that rtpOrterl to ytwvn tett Money In New York u quoted wt 6 North \YrNrbq 10erlln, dept
the borw,ta is very high In the send will <rdre It directly from the to meet me In heaven; tell her to train Prominent men to Maw for this city, armed with to 8 par mitt. and 27th.
traced Ti's fter l h hip It sit on the up the boys whom we have loved so you Said: "We haveyo t employ. sod iGalf�crg,risen rifles, deteradned to !'lie g� � Plittaston, Elotta, Sept =8th
Northwest, ant It hes long Ives° a aDOt and uterrly Ship Ohs put" Roll well; tell her we Shall meet rot to atop." you RaWlst the white mbtere iters. > utlaad rate u ma_ L"Tt\
IKy Process has solved the again In lett the store suddenly. You could Olt at 8 t 2 per pent, Open �t
asb}tct of tvooder that attesiptt W miming lafobi'aa W the gond land; tell her to bear my lone hardly make up your mind to page tet l maL Bra=prios• Bymp{eo Sept. _8t1
.were not rnade to n g without water. It bas like the Christian wife of a Christian through the street and over on the t. 8 1 to 8 6.9
plough the rottg JUtt1►Sp 1/ROtr A Tll1(>FIDOW, mTtb.
!embed and found to fill all rs Soldier•• -and of Mn. Shelton, tnto ferry -boat. you telt RelOelpfi of train at Id♦ weljMtn, Oodsr:0i Beet
preltMt land w.IW Steam for the g0i»mes4a Tito gO{d ore In some whoa* face the eonvaioacant wldur be looking et everybody would Tt+gte us•th ora Ute Lite iawt Litres days: erPO°f �~ NOrth
UTO ivart looked. and said • You. said blaming you, Ragldsst of the Blomi Is: Wheat, 207. -
"Tour to 281Eh.
power. Hr. John Lowe. Mie Maces u udi mora t twee feet begrapes and and denouncing yon. You hastened toe faeunblew. 000 oantaL: neem, 1!39,400 eentalm C. tlYeflttlitou, Ftnsee Sept
low ate sorfaw and 1W ezten col*gree cured me." And so It wag home. You told r wife all about Toronto, p 1.ortdrin.-111"k Lass-Feretgn wilmost and 28th.
Deputy Minister of ! grlceltnts R• dl< fin- also throe D+ did #r t. 1B. -Wm. Wilsotr an easy and 1
waft k Sotos icettlhtlas for lf)n fast rte all o[ our war with Spain thus affair. What Id she may? Did she owl mac, who for the Dant eighteen � !s1 wheat tits' Atnerl' W I►elUaston, Bartlslos. Sept 1711
plalnud to tie Few Pew reporter Inefare bed rock Is m stehed " -women heroic on the field. heaven, Play the huttert T Did She talk about Gan, pied DanalNaa ttrm Aserleaa had orad 98th. _
fiat be and Hr. 8tepharaoU bald Mr. Ed-.eew� gism of death and wounds to reach the fallen, the slek , and tU ribbons and the 7barw lead hem'n :11=8 to of the Home ngllat
. sept 2fth and
p told ezttnwc- watching try their [ever cots in the fashions? No. She came rap to the fete ImUre kun. 1[111os
beet working Uprn the problem for !art by elertt►city is somewhat similar West Indian hospitals, or on the troo tall tunttalarta0d a( chine was (rmta� F t flour fir me wheat to Perth. Mtnttotd, t).t ref
p- emergency. She gaaned not under tie Ar tins mil 0laeth
years. They had ssttn Sege of tl» to that whth he ute4 at Wean. N. 7.. gelps, or 'n *lir smitten home -camps. stroke. she ef�*ted to go out of the Fr �°y morning In en nn0ofeclalrr con_ thB onhlad Klrgdoem 78.000 gaartary; mind 1611.
splendid Fowlor in•ehlow that was Men did their work with shot and shell comfortable house into It smaller one, dittw On flee gtotutd ltarteath Lite 6° the Dorttltlent, 82,000 ,u'r1Mra rlttftK 06raflmrO7, SW
gdlMritt tern ft'erm river ore I mag- aqd carbine and howttur; women Ald and wear the old cboah •nothef winter. WiAdow •K lite room, which was au Shipments of make to dw United •
brought fs0tn Fktgtaacl b Manitoba net'am Chntegert were heeded fn the tante wort with mocks aa4 slfDPers and Rho was the one who understood your tine Upper story 0( the tnliding He Kirrgdost, 8=•000 Qnat4oltl; to dptrai, pwt*rbetl,
with stationary engtnoa had n !row Iran extracting bandages had warm drinks and Scrip- aKaln without blaming you Yon Is aaDPeaOd tib have Jumped from the orttttlttent, ti4,000 geartlerw ,•tis' asd 80th.
of cat mechlnerT to make It tu» texts and Fantle stroking, of the Iook•e upon what you thought was a window. A o have
pki0#ir drawn by a cable. but Appl*nbl* to gold ore, end It was the not temples and stories of that land thin, weak woman's arm balding ff.,I, a ed him at- The rmlOoksd for cold Snap and the atsfi Us"M l��y' � .
they wanted to am a traotlOn stn- mak where they 'haver have an nr You mast s. serest M he toll, nM Dr. 'dgar, frost! of time 14104 few nights Inas do 26*
ai � nd QOotstT. 6s. t1e1t
hq1 of these changes which Y pain. Men rap; but while YOU looked •t that arm, of I[astlitaw, aur) Lite n+rtA*nt sstttYed tine /emit std
knelt d*wn over the wonndM and said, there tame into the f•eDie muaC!!e of of ppAh7a1- tSiairt 0 of
[Lon Tlhe twc0tlt wzpwrlttt*nt Is rsnnmtrd tine ltrrtg delay in cgfaMeLing "(1st which ride did you "gilt?'• Wo- tt the strength of til* eternsf God. Pio b hRt were nwir at hand, did aU ttt* st-1k1 pointe of L001t 101,0" and
Haub . 9% I that drivrter, a wheels h0 prtltaess mi�nn knelt down over the woundeel and chiding. No trotting. No telling you Dower to too "him to tine farawAr , will loss heavily in orches- Gr1W ~� D 28th Lid
Of 7 it. DIt In. r►Iwm*Ler. and 4-19. _ _ ss{A. "Wbe» an Yon hurt? What nice about the beautiful boos, of bar t 0,
-r I-mumm, but he died In half an querog- The fruit lett as the trees
thing ran i mate tar you to eat? What from which alber for fair 8th ter. Refpt 20
ling latent returns of Lie national makes You b ( The Terse of DM mtUU orae tame petilg >. 7
tlr", e'4 steel bolter plate, fitted Yttn cr7?" To -night wh0e we tweet or tblrt �� her en' t0 have r41ltareti total caro. reported fu los a
with rpitea, writ trot mate s deeper '101A Of the United Kingdom show man are found &@loop in our beds there , 7 Yvan aro. you smfd: 1� t tic
p will be a 1 life- ,tilts la l e happfewt day of my ur%dotlwoati ea l,tas� a>� (iodee101m, AeDe•
C ludo it au the titan. In round numbers. it u 646 mil- light In Tonder loft; there Ilia I am lad I
rrrruhA, even newly (yore efssi whir b* groaning down that dark alkY: der my burden. My have
dont care POR O'1D1g8A1IOM, There, iS inerwassd "tivltj in whole Ckatham. Rept
Piattglaea, than the wheels tri Y tmlonle0 a and that of the Brl1Wt there will be cries of diet der In that I don't care." At the momwni you sontA Angttaila . Send' floe FlrS4 MM atreliw at 2footmi. 170 si
*°°Pel Wagon; but yet the meshing tltrpeodene>len 474 mil- Cenar. Yen will steep, •nA wongen will were ftghousted God sent a Deborah lKitl*R t0 Drttafa s,an te film dsaeasd for vartoe0 re'. Cilntoo. `hCPt 1
+sten' Y to meet the hoot of Amalekltm, and Of et41pb guadg hitt
will *:*ts • dynamM force rn '4\L IwSt'm• ^total of 1,119 ts1111One trtatrling ; Again: Woman has a special right to London Sept.l►rtragb"f, s♦
but *vw-n that u 101% WJlkvw lass than take care at the acattsr them rite chaR over the plaln. pt. l0. -Tie first addrras try is keeping the f t:jlie Cottlegr► ui 1,
!fang of pkmghs Of 182 !tares poor, There ars ?tun• There are sorn*tlmss women who sit pro Ing for e-follevatlon. arrived this t r i areal labor
19� l�
the tuntkmnal debt of France. In thus drwds and thousands of !ham all Over from 9onth AUstraiia. ()thereof* Waves are alit' tet aria Sept. 2',tD aM
Power, and on move them Irresistibly iia land. !hers 14 It kind em allork that reading sontlm*tlm moors. and who
tterwelr4. is tai" the maalmlne 66 t- OnO Yews from IS77 to 1897 the men cannot do for the wish that they had some gond field expected gam. Tb• gbr r getyaer
Poor. Here comes In which to d !and kfal he Colonies, 1 of Stat• a hmabber of Wag ix�d N. Ik W" iJt~i. Rept.
erltLh tL►tlrsfal debt ora• redlllQ + !Rona aS little barefoot chtldnm to jrgbf\yv !plat a tiler Chrlatlaa lift, Jaespi �q
btrt pians wr$ers It now b, It pnassett tea error et tit* Dorsa, rnMec gran tlorlo" trzpa"te4 to btitg to tis 1lCd, ilSet. ani modow Is stir l71*
with tors oust tires AltnMts. ortaof lRlS =1111nte in Ia16 Hie debt of the id Tilt» things they ooU1A do if they only had *tell enabling bill earl), Ihzt eeselwo a vSry a~ p for *y4 ��s per: �k 26th •
Hoed to t clothed and r, flee for. r OPPOrtunityt MY Sister, b�'' 'lice werabow
tinern a taUrvay ditch; and In she Ar14Wn natiotn ezeeeriaa 900 mlltirnle. Which of tDpSe dlroctort o[ All you need which b the only step now fy6ryjr�, sejr 870L
The amount to wh!a\ it has now, bt*en would know how many yards it w*u14 not waft for any such time. A crisis to fulfil fhb Aeelry of t►0 AnatY+S)g► ar a remit of e'6 1h
ttfwl the machine shock a wilts- faits to snake that little Miry a arias? will come In your affairs. There will latla. Tib t1f 1„rygir hstleisr fs Gmat soutiern, FAM". "A
n"thmaid "no rnl T" srtse lien Of ism Th In your own notew- ,Mint eealattk7 III gavot of t>ts the. fend lies jty�b� had 2Rth
teokxwA atone, about til* skew ,N a 1101 WAtrh of these maeeullne nSnda could 4� op)t (yi 1 �. Int
the wealth alert POrrMMm of thus ,•once- At a hat to that little ItolA wnerpflod will tall )ran t* stand. Dot Ot Iii H iU the ooloety L Is j� M_l t0lovy, 1'010 syyl
man's head. whtoh It pulv*r1MA and girl's AeaA? Thorn Ar h wilnbated at 1106,j06. Lend Jenny, r'eem7 be a ver fel
LnrueA under. and another large UY Dat d the eworsoes hrgrmwlryf W\Ich rat the WMe men would know sveeett -sed undrvA• of b rumored. will be Llys btt� 2110
how rn tee on that new , households to-UY where La much >ltist Gus the large whoiN&I'rw T�i►Ilps fOe Si=eos tJtetthsl, >itertls Oapt
pair ri shoes. Ory Lnd COongw are demanded 0vn61*4 and Sir GeDrit the vary (iriisi for s!e and 29fi-
slssA ettk«tg Corns. svrlei 11 NAsO OwPwaisy rireat Britain now prrawereea, Man ,nmettteoa giver Air charity in brae h lttY1T all )lttOs of'faki� �m Sept. f'Ftth aSf
out. TOM. Mr. I.ow' witnessed and *aid +ISD s1ows that wisdom of the grin- rough way, had It !alis tyke the [rue! of woman as wu e: Ibfted by Grace fleet PT•elitar, gtrrmtt Qfs1{ty ttestttta00s0 era ow 261L wool
of a foe In the Sas w Darlln►g, or llfarle Antoinette of Josh tK
noted. AO rays that they In the a Mss sirUrleg ttmdn R hlnh troll cameo Are h tditi and the !stat
'own so heavily that It Drett• Cis skull 'Pus* Boys trifle Yp� �-vg�r_L� ljlsr OrwigwUl* ,w,pt ' ►
first place maw MW Principle a( the *radstr"Ve says tint of the man who U trying to gather It Apim: i remark it U a womse-p Kt. Mar a wlwf•f TK s a!i #6d
ouougIhtt ° h Rut wottsn y right to '+rtntg to w (be kingdom of t Y* Hspt .-Two ankwN wn
aa•chlnw, which life. Rtti port eontlt(t{ed drought a wore kit int In 71 a at the oaMdaata. Oft. 120 had
Wrensce nese to ghees N refit luno the heavwh. It to w•slwr for a weasaa to 'toy r per* Dan mcwat >r V a titM
housw of dssof tho0. ane rand. out aU be • ChrHttan than far a mag, Mo
hercught from Hata{Ilan errertw n tot pM may
yea teaBy tza Ca and Sbsbol ft sent
du the 1? the
rr of the plant. t prats so y 11b1 l mar -end between two from Ike YYwkm of w^' t rinme. dim m Occ lTtt asd
you ss stew Is weaker. No. iltR howl r Teta tit psme
F ash was trcereof '1St it reyalveA tMt1a Calsis are tr*Irug sunt to gaktly fa ilynetlem an til* tatNe, that !s mote roaportsv. to the PMadh4m at sd to to IttalaAtoisi.aihe M lmeen fp1M Ana ri
reap albratlets' wht0\ were made tlfMrwiOrr M salt-fattlsetri aoodltlou, ceps the family
departs. MouKnn the front divine lova She w in vast Ipyotlt . pr% �S t/ nota 0 - . .. -._ -
' With 'Missionary colt M(freUlP me to that The tett that Ma ran mo» wemi y be wrnA~A�in�nw,s w1N alit gam* M the «I ter A*8a11 y � mismalmo �-
ty, and which wM kart and *heap are h6lrtg mac- trout find* bar Shawl a\a will thrmt 111111mis as Sept 17 ,I%e
16 toot e*ms a r'hrWlsn, f
7"m of Dot two win Drove Dy thS
ttlmq M tit aDMsOe W rSMsO at prftr*e whish w,wrld to sal, and go right up toward statement. th•t three-fourths of t tltsi iia pam8 nto�t► larF;er 'fib nsaa/ of R B• »M'
ltatl- oPpskepee at g petwf is t90ifq M Maven, from whwera sue seem, to ones on the
Ward 1!11 tytaen is k� ♦ Talbotoy-d it 9
Larrt\et mutttA ll pte0Mlip' roma down. marchers of cburehw In all r,Art
fees, '2t►e d F- is tlsgw 40entftal. IL•it tike O• Chrutlaa Turin woataal it door s» wAmwn. Bo and a A.nng flew pegr*ngwrm art the Ward
y� Yat them to be the oht*f (liver Tanallsn► as New � 14�M1M �d•Hetlar0y b1
tat/ fVe amasR tort 1t0g per stile/ tis the taar\st Dor w*e•l.l ,wake yy
teaaort 'tat the Wwastng *rot ` !1 haPM.- awl who listening thy world lti0it for ri"M Crus crus, wen Mrs. }?halt f,. ebal FFtt lone to the ANN
=W1 . its -Wv ratan, at trunci *a WW M tatatsge 0s rk011dlaa the destitute. A lead , p iitent WAY stamp and rrol !e Ivor. -Tit* hndy of las0 hsrhand u ~elicit to a
ave sow 6mv - cif bun ar a tato- ya,narW. ,ttai�
. ed gas barna •ylrt6fa i din or Sort■ may rma\s 4 lltrseiT 1*41d deny it i t. who wo burled at Prusrves0 Whom It to fit 018 t� ��rry�, .�--sus, /O�Marao uMr
,. . .e. , to eaer'y, out Aim, telesis lot t6m will are cut int � 111 �� far an. .swu l- cat- te•,•mS �fgC 610" rP.i0) Is,
Wt X44 , _ �.^ ....; .-«+r. *!
C��,�., w
�t,,� �.:
is .�B <ft�ft
.k , , ,: 3'Za Li._ 1111�i _ . .,_.aiifWliii W, it ' ' _. .. .
,_ , , _,